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Marcilla Stantibus

Gender/Pronouns: he/him
Age: 25
Height: 6”2
Weight: n/a
Ethnicity: Garundi
Nationality: GEB GEB GEB GEB
Deity: Urgathoa
Appearance: we’re going full draculaura- including
the completely impractical heels <3
draculaura for reference →
clothing wise we’re going for whenever they try to
make her slightly more goth and it just looks. insane.

goth draculauras for


Parents are high governor functionaries. He has a decent relationship with them, but
he’s not content to settle for low-level fame and influence; he wants to surpass them
and truly establish a legacy. Joined the celebrants due to a natural penchant for
opulence and excess- further learned about the impact that well-timed words can have
on the general populace. He wants not just to become a blood lord, but to put
Graydirge back on the map as a prosperous and glamorous city.

Birth Place: GEB GEB GEB GEB

Attitude: Opportunistic, determined, all around wonderful vibes.
Beliefs: ???
Likes: shiny objects, socializing, attention
Dislikes: garlic, the concept of self restraint, people who do not fit within his chosen
aesthetic (it’s just poor people honestly)
Catchphrases: n/a
One additional Language of choice (Not Common or Necril): Sylvan

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