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on cloud 9

up in arms
stick to your guns
no strings attached
let your hair down
on thin ice
to toe the line
pay through the nose
to give someone a run foor their money
to spill the beans
that ship has sailed
hold your horses
beggers can't be choosers
to bite the bullet
in full swing
to miss the boat
close but no cigar ---> almost correct
till the cows come home ---> a long time
hit the sack ---> go to bed
in for a penny, in for a pound ---> totaly dedicated to something
down for the count ---> be very tired
take a rain check ---> to postpone
penny wise, pound foolish ---> someone that is not good with money
call it a day ---> recognize something is over
beat around the bush ---> not getting to the point
bury the hatchet ---> let's make peace
forty winks ---> good sleep
off their rucker ---> be crazy
go cold turkey ---> to stop something brutaly
to face the music ---> face a situation you have to face
to poney up ---> to pay a dept
go dutch ---> share the bill
live hand to mouth ---> living on surviving money
to be lowded ---> being rich/drunk

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