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How to develop educational opportunities in LOW -Income countries.

As we all know there are many countries that fall in Low Income countries. The way we can help and
are in Low Income countries Is by helping them reform and adjust their government in good and
better ways so that they can manage their government and infrastructure better. We as the UNESCO
family and all other governments that are will should lend a hand to help those countries to empower
them for example Africa their continent is rich with ores and minerals, but they can’t expand and
make their country better because of the effect colonialisation has affected their country and
infrastructure so thus we as stable and willing countries can help reform and make these countries
contribute to the global GDP and economy and as well as helping them excel so that they can to help
the change other countries and live so that they can help the world grow and be a more better and
more economical place for all to dwell in.

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