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Have you ever pondered about the methods of communication in a state of society?

Every day,

we engage others in divergent ways, however, for something we consider elementary and in-

stinctual, it is actually quite an intricate and nuanced concept.

Let us suppose that when someone cracks a joke, how would you know when to laugh? As-

suredly, s/he would provide you some kind of cue, either verbally or non-verbally, indicating the

punch line or when you are supposed to laugh.

Verbal Cues are prompts which are delivered by the means of spoken language in a relation of

communication, emphasizing specific prospects and indicating that someone might be in antici-

pation of a response such as,

· A Repetition of words,

· Speaking slowly, or loudly,

· Utilizing varying tones,

· Stressing, or emphasizing certain words.

NON-VERBAL CUES seem to involve almost all of our senses. During an average communicative

encounter, it is to be discovered in diversified channels or forms, such as within the modes of

• Facial expressions ( the behavior of the eyes, movements and flicks ) ,

• Emotions and Emotive nuances,

• Tactile aspects and gestures,

· Utilization of artifacts and implements,

· Body language or physical appearance ( presentation ) .

Let us analyze and discuss verbal and non-verbal communications in T.V. shows such as,

‘ Charlie Chaplin ’ ( non-verbal context ), and Seinfeld ( the verbal context ) .

Charlie Chaplin was a wondrously recognized character in the vintage history of thee turn of the

century, who clearly depicted non-verbal communications by the means of his highly expressive

gestures and facial impressions. His form of comedy was both artful and physical, abstract and

symbolic, yet thoroughly lived out and employing a denotation of ruggedness.

While the Seinfeld Television series represented a perfect combination of both verbal and non-

verbal cues, with different speaking styles such as high talkers, varying tones, stressing and em-

phasizing certain words along with body gestures and facial expressions, many Charlie Chaplin

pieces were evocative, pronounced through expressions, and subject to the non-verbal genre of

period feature silent films, which compensated by accentuation of culturally distilled expressive

idiosyncrasies. Hence, both series might differ from each other, yet are definitely helpful in

learning and personally attaining an understanding of communication cues within positive terms

(Floyd, 2011) .

Work cited:

· Floyd, K. (2011). Interpersonal communication: McGraw-Hill New York, NY.

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