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1. Fill in the blanks in the following passage by using the correct tense form of the verbs given in
A diesel tanker (a) ……………… (Catch) fire last evening when it (b)… .... (Fill) up the
Underground tank of a petrol station situated on the G.T. Road. Soon the fire from the tanker(c)….
(Reach) the station’s administrative block. Suddenly the driver of the tanker (d)………………. (Get) into it
and (e)….......(Driver) it 25 yards ahead of the station. A big tragedy (f)… ......(avert) due to his brave

2. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the
incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank number.
Incorrect Correction

The evil of begging is very common into our society. E.g into in
There can be no place which you won’t find a beggar. (a) ____ _____
Some beggars are quite health. They are able – bodied (b)____ ____
and are strong much to earn their living. But they (c) _____ ____
are idlers and want to living without work. (d)_______ ______
3.Read the conversation below and complete the report that follows.
Lady : What a beautiful painting! Is it for sale?
Shopkeeper: No, ma’am. This painting is not for sale.

The lady exclaimed with appreciation (a)………………………… and inquired the shopkeeper (b)
………………………….. . The shopkeeper answered in the negative informing the lady that(c)

4.Read the dialogue given below and report it by filling in the blanks.
Traffic police : You are going too fast. You have exceeded the speed limit.
Reena: I am late for my work. Please let me go this time.
Traffic Police: Don’t worry. You have to report at the Police Station only

The Traffic Police stopped Reena and told her that she was going very fast and that she (a)
………………………………………………Reena pleaded to the policemen and said that (b)
………………………………………………….The traffic Police asked her not to worry and said that (c)
5.In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the word that has been
omitted along with the word that comes before it and the word that comes after it. Write your
answer in the answer sheet against the correct blank numbers.
Before Missing Word Word After
The study fossils is very important a …………… …………… ………….
and helps man learn about his b …………… …………… …….
own past and that of the animals lived c…………… ………… ……….
millions of years ago. It now developed d…………… ………… ……….
into separate science called e ………… ………… …….
Fossils are not, some people think, the f ………… ………… ……….
remains of bodies buried ages. g ………… ………… …………
Actually, there are three kinds fossils h ………… ………… ……….
It is chiefly the study of fossils i ………… ……… ……….
that we know about animal life.

6.Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each:

a. What is the theme of the poem — ‘Amanda’?
b. How are animals different from humans in their attitude towards life?
c.From whom have the inhabitants of Coorg descended, as per the legend?
d.’But he was no more dishonest than I’. Elaborate the statement with reference to the lesson ‘The
Hack Driver’.
e.Why was Ramlal worried about his daughter Bholi and not about his other children?

7.Answer the following questions in 100-120 words:

1. After reading the story ‘A Baker from Goa”, do you think our traditions, heritage, values and
practices are the roots that nourish us? Why/why not?
2.Life is full of trials and tribulations. Kisa Gotami also passes through a period of grief in her life. How
does she behave in those circumstances? What lesson does the story impart to the reader?
3. “Oh! My poor Matilda! Mine was false.” Confession saves you from a lot of trouble and the sense
of guilt. Justify the statement.


निम्ननिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर निखिए

1: लेखक को नवाब साहब के ककन हाव-भावों से महसूस हुआ कक वे उनसे बातचीत करने के ललए तननक
भी उत्सुक नह ीं हैं?

2.क्या सनक का कोई सकारात्मक रूप हो सकता है ? यदि हााँ तो ऐसी सनकों का उल्लेख कीजिए।

3.आपके ववचार से बल्

ु के ने भारत आने का मन क्यों बनाया होगा?

4.लेखक ने फािर का शब्ि चचत्र ककस तरह खीींचा है ?

5.निराला के काव्य-शिल्प की वििेषताएँ बताएँ।

6.कवव युवा कववयों से क्या आह्वान करता है

7.कवव ने फागन
ु का मानवीकरण कैसे ककया है ? ।

8.बच्चे माता-वपता के प्रनत अपने प्रेम को कैसे अलभव्यक करते हैं?

9.'माता का अाँचल' नामक कहानी के लेखक कौन हैं? लेखक के वपता ककतिी बार 'राम' िब्द शलखकर
'रामिामा बही' पोथी बंद करते थे?

10.माता का अाँचल शीर्षक की उपयुक्तता बताते हुए कोई अन्य शीर्षक सुझाइए।

11.िॉिष पींचम की नाक लगने वाल खबर के दिन अखबार चुप क्यों थे?

12.“नयी दिल्ल में सब था… लसफष नाक नह ीं थी।” इस कथन के माध्यम से ले खक क्या कहना
चाहता है ?
13.जितेन नागे ने लेखखका को लसजक्कम की प्रकृनत, वहााँ की भौगोललक जथथनत एवीं िनिीवन के बारे में
क्या महत्त्वपण
ू ष िानकाररयााँ ि ीं, ललखखए।

14.प्राकृनतक सौंियष के अलौककक आनींि में डूबी लेखखका को कौन-कौन से दृश्य झकझोर गए?

15.प्रकृनत ने िल सींचय की व्यवथथा ककस प्रकार की है ?


1. Find the value of a25 − a15 for the AP: 6, 9, 12, 15, ………..

2. If 7 times the seventh term of the AP is equal to 5 times the fifth term, then find the
value of its 12th term.
3. Find the value of m so that the quadratic equation mx(5x −6)=0 has two equal roots.
4. From a point P, two tangents PA and PB are drawn to a circle C(O, r). If OP = 2r, then
find ∠APB. What type of triangle is APB?

5.The curved surface area of a right circular cone is 12320 cm². If the radius of its base
is 56cm, then find its height.
6. Mrs. Garg recorded the marks obtained by her students in the following table. She
calculated the modal marks of the students of the class as 45. While printing the data, a
blank was left. Find the missing frequency in the table given below

Marks Obtained 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100

Number of
5 10 ------ 6 3

7. If Ritu were younger by 5 years than what she really is, then the square of her age
would have been 11 more than five times her present age. What is her present age?
8. Solve for x: 9x² - 6px + (p² - q²) = 0
9. Find the roots of the quadratic equation 3x2−7x−6 = 0.
10. Find the values of k for which the quadratic equation 3x2 + kx + 3 = 0  has real and
equal roots.
11. Three cubes each of volume 64cm3 are joined end to end to form a cuboid. Find the
total surface area of the cuboid so formed?
12. An inter house cricket match was organized by a school. Distribution of runs made
by the students is given below. Find the median runs scored.

13.. Find the common difference of the AP 4, 9, 14,… If the first term changes to 6 and
the common difference remains the same then write the new AP.
14.The mode of the following frequency distribution is 38. Find the value of x.

15.In the given figure, a circle is inscribed in the quadrilateral ABCD. Given AB=6cm,
BC=7cm and CD=4cm. Find AD.

16. An AP 5, 8, 11…has 40 terms. Find the last term. Also find the sum of the last 10

17. A tree is broken due to the storm in such a way that the top of the tree touches the
ground and makes an angle of 300 with the ground. Length of the broken upper part of
the tree is 8 meters. Find the height of the tree before it was broken.

18. Two poles of equal height are standing opposite each other on either side of the road
80m wide. From a point between them on the road the angles of elevation of the top of
the two poles are respectively 600 and 300. Find the distance of the point from the two

19. PA and PB are the tangents drawn to a circle with centre O. If PA= 6cm and
∠APB=600, then find the length of the chord AB.

20. The sum of the squares of three positive numbers that are consecutive multiples of 5
is 725. Find the three numbers.


1. A simple motor is made in a school laboratory. A coil of wire is mounted on an axle

between the poles of a horseshoe magnet, as illustrated.

In the example above, coil ABCD is horizontal and the battery is connected as
a. For this position, state the direction of the force on the arm AB.
b. Why does the current in the arm BC not contribute to the turning force on the

2. A circuit contains a battery, a variable resistor and a solenoid. The figure below
shows the magnetic field pattern produced by the current in the solenoid.

a. State how the magnetic field pattern indicates regions where the magnetic field is
b. What happens to the magnetic field when the current in the circuit is reversed?

3.(i) Draw a closed circuit diagram consisting of a 0.5 m long nichrome wire XY, an
ammeter, a voltmeter, four cells of 1.5 V each and a plug key.
(ii)Following graph was plotted between V and I values :

What would be the values of V /I ratios when the potential difference is 0.8 V, 1.2 V
and 1.6 V respectively? What conclusion do you draw from these values?
4..Study the following electric circuit and find (i) the current flowing in the circuit and (ii)
the potential difference across 10 Ω resistor.

5. Find the current drawn from the battery by the network of four resistors Shown in the

6. (a) Write two points of difference between electric energy and electric power.
(b) Out of 60 W and 40 W lamps, which one has higher electrical resistance when in
(c) What is the commercial unit of electric energy? Convert it into joules.

7. (a) State Ohm’s law. Write the necessary conditions for its validity.
(b) What will be the nature of graph between potential difference and current for a
( c)Name the physical quantity that can be obtained from this graph.

8 (a) What is meant by electric current? Name and define its SI unit.
(b)In a conductor electrons are flowing from B to A. What is the direction of
conventional current? Give justification for your answer.
(c)A steady current of 1 ampere flows through a conductor. Calculate the number of
electrons that flows through any section of the conductor in 1 second. (Charge on
electron 1.6 X 10-19 coulomb).

9.What is meant by electrical resistivity of a material? Derive its S.I. unit. Describe an
experiment to study the factor on which the resistance of a conducting wire depends.

10 . Name a device that helps to maintain a potential difference across a conductor.

11. Define 1 volt. Express it in terms of SI unit of work and charge calculate the
amount of energy consumed in carrying a charge of 1 coulomb through a battery of 3

12. V-I graph for two wires A and B are shown in the figure. If both wires are of same
length and same thickness, which of the two is made of a material of high resistivity?
Give justification for your answer.
1. Write the molecular formula of first two members of homologous series having
functional group —Cl.

2. Write the molecular formula of first two members of homologous series having
functional group —Br.

3. Write the molecular formula of first two members of homologous series having
functional group —OH.
4. Write the molecular formula of 2nd and the 3rd member of homologous series
whose first member is methane.

5. Write the formula of first two members of homologous series whose functional
group is —CHO.

6. Write the formula of first two members of homologous series whose functional
group is OH.

7. Carbon has four electrons in its valence shell. How does carbon attain stable
electronic configuration?
8. Write the name and formula of 2nd member of homologous series having general
formula CnH2n
9. Draw electron dot structures of (i) C2H4 (ii) C2H5OH.
10. Why are most carbon compounds poor conductors of electricity?
11. Write the name and structure of a saturated compound in which carbon atoms are
arranged in a ring. Give the number of single bonds present in this compound.


1. If the charge on an electron be 1.160-19C, find the approximate number of electrons in 1 C

2. When is potential difference between two points said to be 1 volt?
3. How does the resistivity of alloys compare with those of pure metals from which they may
have been formed?.
4. Draw a schematic diagram of a circuit consisting of a cell of 1.5 V, 10 ohm resistor and 15
ohm resistor and a plug key all connected in series.
5. What is the lowest resistance that can be obtained by combining four coils of
resistances 4 W, 8 W, 12 W and 24 W?
6. Nichrome is used to make the element of electric heater. Why?
7. State which has a higher resistance a 50 W or a 25 W lamp bulb and how many times?
8. Name the device/instrument used to measure potential difference. How is it connected in
an electric circuit?

9. How much current will an electric bulb of resistance 1100 W draw from a 220 V source?
If a heater of resistance 100 W is connected to the same source instead of the bulb,
calculate the current drawn by the heater.
10. A large number of free electrons are present in metals yet no current flows in the absence
of electric potential across it. Explain the statement with reason.
11. In the circuit diagram shown, the two resistance wires A and B are of same area of cross-
section and same material, but A is longer than B. Which ammeter A 1 or A2 will indicate
higher reading for current? Give reason.

12. In the circuit diagram shown, the two resistance wires A and B are of same length and
same material, but A is thicker than B. Which ammeter A 1 or A2 will indicate higher
reading for current? Give reason.

Dp- Political Parties
Outcomes Of Democracy
Hist – Nationalism In India
Answer in short (two points)
1.Why were the tribals of Gudem Hills unhappy with the British?
2.What was the Inland Emigration Act?
3.What ultimatum was given by Mahatma Gandhi to Lord Irwin?
4.Write two features of the Civil Disobedience movement.
5.Why did Mahatma Gandhi relaunch the Civil Disobedience Movement .
6.Why did the rich peasant communities join the Civil Disobedience movement?
7.Are Non- democratic leaders quick and efficient in decision making?
8.How does democracy remove the gap between majority and minority in the country?
9.What is a one party system?
10.Why does India have multi-party system?

Read the extract and answer the questions:

It is often said that political parties are facing a crisis because they are very unpopular and the
citizens are indifferent to political parties. The available evidence shows that this belief is only
partly true for India. The evidence, based on a series of large sample surveys conducted over
several decades, shows that: Political parties do not enjoy much trust among the people in
South Asia. The proportion of those who say their trust in political parties is ‘not much’ or ‘not
at all’ is more than those who have ‘some’ or ‘great’ trust. The same is true of most other
democracies as well. Political parties are one of the least trusted institutions all over the
world. Yet the level of participation in the activities of political parties was fairly high. The
proportion of those who said they were members of some political party was higher in India
than many advanced countries like Canada, Japan, Spain and South Korea. Over the last three
decades the proportion of those who report to be members of political parties in India has
gone up steadily. The proportion of those who say they feel ‘close to a political party’ has also
gone up in India in this period.
11.1.Why are political parties facing crisis?
11.2.In which countries are people not active participants in Political activities?
11.3 Give examples to show that political parties are popular in India.
12. Read the source and answer the questions:
Take the case of dignity of women. Most societies across the world were historically male
dominated societies. Long struggles by women have created some sensitivity today that
respect to and
equal treatment of women are necessary ingredients of a democratic society. That does not
mean that women are actually always treated with respect. But once the principle is
recognised, it becomes easier for women to wage a struggle against what is now unacceptable
legally and morally. In a non-democratic set up, this unacceptability would not have legal basis
because the principle of individual freedom and dignity would not have the legal and moral
force there. The same is true of caste inequalities. Democracy in India has strengthened the
claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity

1.How have people become sensitive to the rights of the women?

2.Why has it become easier for the women to wage struggle against inequality and disrespect
in the society?
3.How has the caste inequality and discrimination weakened in India?


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