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General Problem
On Personality
Specific Problem
To assess the personality of the subject using Eysenck Personality questionnaire –
revised [EPQ-R].
Basic Concept
The term personality is devised from the Latin word persona which was given to the masks
the actors and the characters they provide.
There is very limited view pf psychological concept of personality , however eminent authors
on personality have tried to give . Some of the well-known definitions are as follows:
Gordon Alport- Personality is the dynamic organisation within the individual of those
psychological systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment
H.J Eysenck - personality is the more or less stable and enduring organization of a person's
character temperament intellect and physic which determine his unique adjustment to the

The results of various experimental studies and observations have led to the identification of
various characteristics of personality, they are the following:
1) personality is something unique and specific
2) Personality exhibits self-consciousness as one of its main characteristics
3) Personality is not only the assumed the external and the non-essential but also the
vital, the internal and external – Alport (1945)
4) Personality is not just a collection of so many traits or characteristics
5) The personality of an individual can be described as well as measured
Description of the Test
It was developed in 1975 by Eysenck and Eysenck with only 2 dimensions. Later during a
dimension was added with further research and EPQ R was devised in 1985. In 2000, the
Hindi adaptation of EPQ R was developed by Thakur and Thakur.

The EPQ-R is meant to live the three factors posited by Eysenck: Extraversion (E),
Neuroticism (N), and Psychoticism (P). It also measures dissimulation tendencies or lying

Useful for Adults (18 and older). Norms are available for U.S. Adults. Takes
approximately 20-35 minutes to complete.

The full version of the test contains 90 items with yes/no responses which measure 4 scales:
Neuroticism, Extraversion, Psychoticism, and Lie. A shorter version with 48 items is
additionally available. this could be administered in an exceedingly small group or

Instructions printed on the highest page of the questionnaire are quite clear. The test administrator
needn't change or modify the instructions in any case.

Extraversion vs Introversion
Eysenck's theory of personality focused on two dimensions of higher order traits,
extraversion vs introversion and emotional stability vs neuroticism.
Extraverts are commonly known as being loud and outgoing while introverts are often
thought of as quiet and reserved. Eysenck described extraversion and introversion
differently, looking at their natural states of arousal. In psychology, the term arousal
refers to any excitation.

Neuroticism vs Stability
A person's level of neuroticism is determined by the reactivity of their sympathetic nervous
system. A stable person's nervous system will generally be less reactive to stressful situations,
remaining calm and level headed. Someone high in neuroticism on the other hand will be
unstable and prone to overreacting to stimuli and maybe quick to worry, fear or get angry.

Psychoticism is a personality pattern typified by aggressiveness and interpersonal hostility.
High levels of this trait were believed by Eysenck to be linked to increased vulnerability to
psychosis such as schizophrenia. It was also found that the psychoticism scale correlates
significantly with other hostility and tough-mindedness scales and traits such as non-
acceptance of cultural norms, immaturity and anti-authoritative. Higher psychoticism scores
were also reported amongst psychopaths and criminals.

Eysenck's Personality Questionnaire Revised

The final version of EPQ is described in considerable detail in the book titled ‘Psychoticism’.
A dimension of Personality founded by Eysenck in 1975. The test was designed to give rough
and ready measure of 3 important dimensions of personality - Psychoticism Extraversion and
Neuroticism. The statements based on the 3 dimensions have a "Yes" or " No" response and
the respondent has to select the answer applicable to him/her. Each of these traits are
measured by means of 90 items (including Lie Scale)

Nature of the Lie Score:

Personality Questionnaires are subject to faking. The subject may lie or give fake answers
and it is relatively easy to do so in personality tests. Lie scale is a set of items included in
psychological evaluation to indicate whether or not the respondent has been truthful in
other parts of the test. If the Lie score is 7 or above (raw score) for males and 8 (raw score)
and above for females, the result is invalid.
Psychometric properties
Groups were tested and retested with an interval of 1 month, a time interval long enough for
subjects to have forgotten their original replies but not long enough for any serious
personality changes to have occurred. The results 'were quite favourable, with reliabilities
mostly lying in the 80 to .90 range.

Psychotics and prisoners have the highest P scores. Those of drug addicts, personality
disorders, individuals with sex problems and alcoholics are elevated. Endogenous depressives
have P scores which, while higher than normal, are well below the other groups mentioned.
Psychiatric groups are markedly introverted.
Psychiatric groups and criminals have elevated N scores, in particular the neurotics and
personality disorders.

scores were first converted to sten scores then cents. Sten score between 7-10 express gradual
greater strength of the factor. Score of 5-6 denotes average strength. Scores of 1-4 indicate
gradual decrease of strength.

Scoring and Interpretation

 Scoring of EPQ-R may be done manually or with the assistance of stencils.

 1 mark for every response correct response in keeping with scoring key of EPQ-R.
 After the calculation of raw several PENL, there's a conversion table to convert raw
scores into Sten Scores.
 The score of 5-6 denotes average strength of the factor (PENL), score above 6 i.e.,
from 7-10, express gradually the greater strength of the factor and score below 5.
i.e., from 1-4, indicates a gradual decrease in strength.
 The ‘lie score’ is out of 9. It measures how socially desirable one is trying to be. One
who score 5 or more on this scale are probably trying to create themselves look good
and don't seem to be being totally honest in their responses.
 The ‘E score’ is out of 24 and measures what proportion of an extrovert you are.
 The ‘N score’ is out of 24 and measures how neurotic you are.



TABLE 1 Scoring Key (to be stuck on blank side)

TABLE 2: Norm tables (to be stuck on blank side)


Table 2: Sten score conversion

Scale P E N L
1 - 1-4 - -
2 - 5-6 1-2 -
3 - 7-8 3-4 1-2
4 1-2 9-11 5-7 3-4
5 3 12-13 8-9 5-6
6 4-5 14-16 10-12 7-8
7 6-7 17-18 13-14 9-10
8 8 19-20 15-17 11-13
9 9-10 21 18-19 14-15
10 11-25 - 20-23 16-21

Name: AM
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Educational Background: PG Diploma
Occupation: Student
Materials Required

1. Stationary
2. EPQ-R Booklet
3. EPQ-R Manual
4. Answer sheet
5. Scoring key

Rapport must be established. The testmust not be exposed to the subject before giving
instructions. The instructions for the same will be given
carefully and ensured that the participant has understood everything properly. External
variables should be controlled, and All items should be answered. The participant will be
given enough time and will not be rushed to complete the test.
Please answer every question by putting (x) mark in the box “Yes” or “No”. There are
no right or wrong answers or trick questions. Please remember to answer each question.
Work quickly and do not think too long about the exact meaning of the question.

Domains Raw Score Interpretation
Lie scale

Discussion (EXAMPLE)
The above table must be interpreted carefully, since the lie score is 9 which is high. High
scores on lie scale can be perceived as high social conformity.
The participant scored a raw score of 5 in Psychoticism which denotes
that the dimension of psychoticism in the participant is Average. It was also found that the
psychoticism scale correlates significantly with traits such as non-acceptance of cultural
norms, and anti-authoritative.

The testee scored a raw score of 11 in Neuroticism with a this indicates

an Average category. Someone high in neuroticism are more unstable, and vulnerable to
overreacting to stimuli, and can be quick to stress, anger or fear.
The participant scored a raw score of 20 on extraversion and a stem score of 8, this means
that the participant has a gradual increase in strength of the domain ‘Extraversion

The participant has a high score on Extraversion and in the lie scale and has average scores
on Psychoticism and neuroticism

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