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ChatGPT is a large language model
developed by OpenAI based on the
GPT-3 architecture.
ChatGPT can be used for a variety of
tasks, including language
translation, question answering, and
generating natural language text.

Conch AI
Conch AI is a startup that develops
conversational AI solutions for
Its flagship product is a chatbot
platform that can be customized to
meet the needs of different
industries and use cases.

TensorFlow: Developed by
Google, TensorFlow is an open-
source software library that
allows developers to build and
deploy machine learning

Tome AI
Tome AI is an AI-powered platform
that helps companies automate
their workflows and improve
operational efficiency.
It uses natural language processing
and machine learning algorithms to
understand business processes and
automate repetitive tasks.

Text generator
With the increasing sophistication of AI
language models like GPT-3, it is
becoming more difficult to differentiate
between text generated by AI and text
written by humans. As an example, all
this text was writen by AI and you
probably didnt notice

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