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WRITING 1 EV 1 Ingrid Cazacu B1B

Hi Marie

I heard you just moved on and we´re neighbors so I’m just writing this
to you to say: Welcome to Madrid!, and for guiding you a little bit
cause I know you´re disoriented actually.
First of all I wanted to you to know that I’m really glad we're close
to each other so we can hang out more often. Also I know moving to
another place is scary and difficult but remember you’re not alone. I
mean, I will be with you even in school so think about it.

Well, maybe knowing how our school works will help you to understand
everything better so I’m going to explain it for you.
The mainly thing you should know is that this school for itself is not
demanding with the type of clothes or accessories that you wear but in
the studies. That’s the best thing of it and the one that, in fact, I
like the most.
Another important point is that there are some guys which are just
really disrespectful with the people around. Also, another group that
seem friendly but they are nothing more than fake friends so just keep
far from them. I know it will be kinda hard for you but believe me,
controls your social self cause is better this way.
Hope this mail helps you even a little.
See ya!

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