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The Big Anti-bullying Assembly

I’m putting out my hand and pledging to put an end to bullying

Welcome to the big anti-bullying assembly brought to you by the Diana reward and Nationwide Building
society building mutual respect together with your hosts Lee Hinchcliffe and Rhys Stephenson also
featuring Jake wood anti-bullying Ambassador marcel, Laura Hopkinson, olive grey and Thailand Grant
jade, Allen Ollie and Jacob anti-bullying ambassadors Laura and Okulaja, Michelle Heaton, shona
Mcgarty, will poulter, Curtis Pritchard, Molly Rainford, steph Houghton plus a special guest appearance
from everyone’s favorite superhero Captain Positivity but first here are your hosts Leon Reese

Hello everyone and welcome to the big anti-bullying assembly 2022. For some of you this your first
school assembly and first term at school and I hope you’ve been enjoying it so far you’d be excited about
moving up to secondary school in the next year or two so you already know that school is an exciting and
fun place to be it is but it can also be scary sometimes especially if you feel like you’re all alone and even
more so if you’re being bullied thankfully bullying doesn’t happen very often but sadly it sill does happen
but what is bullion how we spot it and most important what can we do about it some of you might thing
that bullying means being unkind to someone about the way they look or how they speak or hurting
someone by hitting or kicking them or saying nasty things about someone spreading rumors and even if
it happens just once its’s not okay bullying can happen in a lot of ways it can there’s verbal bullying when
people use their words to hurt you like calling you names being racist that means being unkind about the
color of your skin or where you come from or shouting rude words at you there’s also physical bullying
when someone hits pushes chases or even scares you and there’s indirect bullying which can mean not
letting you join in with things spreading rumors stealing form you or even damaging your stuff in their
app bullying can also happen on the internet now this involves things like posting or sharing nasty
comments or photos about you and games or even social media this also known as online bullying.

Bullying to me is when somebody or some people make you feel inadequate that make you feel fearful
or that you can’t be yourself.

I thing bullying can make you feel really isolated and really alone

I have had experience of bullying from quite a young age um and it was horrible it was really hard

It could be online yeah it could be at school yeah it could be at work yeah it could be anywhere

So l’ve seen a few of my friends be involved in fights for, for no reason uh being teased by being called
names. I hid parts of myself away because I was worried about the comments they got about my short
hair and the shirts and the trousers that I use to wear

I think anything that marks you out is different when you’ve younger um yeah it become easy to pick up
on by the other kids.

Maybe I couldn’t truly be who I was I had to kind of dress up and put on a mask every day in order to just
be accepted and to just be um seen as anyone else. It feels a bit like wait oh the way I have to change to
fit in.

When I was at school I was someone who experienced bullying and also someone who witnessed The
bulling of other people and it was a worry to me that not everyone was conscious of how damaging that
bullying could be and how often people say and do things to one another without realizing the effects of
it and

Put my hand up I’m pledging to put an end to bullying

Those people are all very brave to speak out about what it felt like to be bullied and because they chose
to talk about it they were able to find the help they needed now it’s scary thing at first to talk about
what’s happening to you and doing something positive about it is the best way to make it stop good
words there. Rhys positive that’s a good one because when we talk about bullying, we’re talking about
repeated negative behavior that’s intended to make others feel upset uncomfortable or unsafe. Negative
is all the bad things like calling you names or pushing you around but if we can be positive and think
positive and act positive, we can cancel out the negative right let’s do a practice everyone.

Put your thumbs down that’s negative now everyone put your thumbs up and smile that’s positive, wow
you guys are some amazing smiles and you are right but this is assembly we want to find out how we you
and everyone can use a power positivity to hopefully put an end to bullying oh, oh I have to go post a
letter what’s the letter but wait you’re going to miss never mind and to help us we have a very special
guest that’s right it’s everyone’s favorite superhero captain positivity hello Captain Positivity

hi Lee can I just say how great you’ve looking today thank very much captain positivity

you’re not familiar have we met before

uh no I don’t think so I think I’d remember someone as cool as you

how kind captain positivity anyway can you tell me and everyone watching about your superpowers

sure can we hi everyone my powers are I always say nice things to people it makes them feel good and
makes me feel good now with my x-ray eyes I can see the good in everyone you for instance love puppies
and visiting your granddad on a Sunday

I do

I know

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone had superheroes like you Captain positivity

Oh but there are superheroes like me Lee all of you out there have the power to be positive and choose
to day positive things to each other to your friends, your family and everyone let me show you
Muhammad you’re a great listener and a great friend and you Olivia you always include people in the
games you play and you Amelia you are a fantastic Runner super speedy and you Jack you always share
patch lunch with your friends now all of you try it turn to the person next to you and say something nice
to them and then they can say something nice to you ------ you see how good do you all feel now that’s
the power of being positive.

Wow Captain Positivity that was amazing

I know!

And now let’s hear from some more superheroes the Diana award anti-bullying ambassadors Laura and
So you were an anti-bullying ambassador

Yesh I was actually

So talk to me about it what did you have to do did we do anything similar I want to know

We started off like we watched this video


Just like tell us what we needed to do


I was put in community action group

Um! What is community action group?

It was it’s a group that focuses on notifying the community around us


The cause of the dinosaur

I think so if you had to sum up what being an anti-bullying ambassador is, in one sentence what is it and I
want you to tell the camera itself

Being there for people and being stonger with everybody else

So have you being bullied before

No personally but I know who have and whether you’ve bullied or not you need to take action don’t you

Yeah 100percent

If you standup for someone that means they trust you and you trust them and you’ve always have you
and always have their back

See this is thing it’s like being an anti-bullying ambassador doesn’t mean that bullying is gonna stop in
the world instantly but it helps you becomes more prepared if it does happen so because I was anti-
bullying ambassador I understand like a lot more where the people were coming from I was like if they’re
hating on me or if they’re being mean to me they probably have something going on in their own lives
too that they’ll probably be insecure about so it made it a lot less personal if any of you right now are
thinking about being an anti-bullying ambassador all you have to do is put you hand up or go with your
teachers at the end of the assembly and be like yo I want to be an anti-bullying ambassador

You and me, we can make a difference


Thanks Laura and akulaja

Hi my name is Marcel! and I’m an anti-bullying ambassador and I want to put end into bullying, it’s a
good feeling to be an anti-bullying ambassador because it’s like um a part of stopping bully and I’ve
helped a lot of people you know make me new friends getting them accepted for who they are I don’t
like it when people come to school worried about getting bullied by their bully you might be able to do
something for you to help that feel better and just learn to ignore them if you want to be an anti-bully
ambassador I would say you if you’re a kind, friendly like love and people all around you know your
school and you’d like to help everyone it’s like all about like teamwork and like working together you get
to make people feel better you want to make new friends so I want to be the guy to stop bullying and
make people enjoy school

For thousands of us come to country working to try and make school safer and happier for young people
and you could be one too

As someone who’s been an anti-bullying ambassador for a while one of my main lessons is to not be a

I think it’s really important to call out bullying if you ever see someone being bullied if you’ve got
experience of bullying yourself you know how isolating it can be how upsetting

You just have to speak out and you have to call it out if you see anyone being bullied you must call it out

If you see somebody sad or see somebody who’s a loner why don’t you go over and meet their day and
ask them what’s up

Just letting someone know that you’re there can really help someone feel see in the moment that they
need it

We’ve got to remember that the bullies are the minority and the rest of you and your friends are the
majority and I think you’ve got to work together you’ve got to work together as a team.

People who have helped of like now happy of school and like they have friends to play with instead
they’re sitting alone you know in the lunchroom

I’m putting my hand up I’m pledging to put end to bullying

Time to dance! With Curtis Pritchard

Kids we have been sat down for too long now it’s time to get up have some fun and do some dancing
now I’m best known for my dancing I’m a boring Latin dancer and we’re gonna teach you something
called a jive it’s a high energy dance so on your feet guys come on everybody on your feet perfect right
here we go nice and simple wer’re going to start by tapping to the side we go step tap step tap step tap
right now we’re goonna do something a little bit different we’re going to add a flick into this so when
we’ve done four taps step taps we go step tap three step last one we’re gona add a flick we go step flick
step flick ---- four step four flick then we’re on to the next step right here we go kids from the beginning
then we’re gonna learn the next step ready and step tap --- four flick now this is where it gets a little bit
trickier what we’re goona do is we have our weight on our right leg we’re goona hop onto our other leg
when we hop we’re gonna do four flicks one two three four then we’re goona hop to the other leg and
one two three four then we do two one two one two single single single stop and then we start again are
we ready to go for the beginning I’m guessing you’ve all said yes here we go right and step tap step tap
step tap step tap flick flick flick flick and a one two three four one two three two one two ones and a one
two three stop and now you can relax take a breather and enjoy the rest of the assembly thanks you
guys see you later

that was fun thanks Curtis

I’m putting my hand up and pledging to put an end to bullying

Being an anti-bullying ambassador sounds like a really amazing thing to do you can find out more about
it with your teacher after this film of course you don’t have to be an anti-bullying ambassador to be able
to make a difference if you see something say something

Good point Lee you know if you’re even slightly worried that you might know of someone being bullied
speak out to your teacher or the staff in your school be there for the person being bullied stand by them
offer them your support and help spread kindness by being a kind and respectful person

Hang on a minute well you be

Oh you know here there and everywhere well you’ve literally just missed captain positivity it was right
here talking to me and it was amazing

I know! What nothing uh hi what’s this about the positive post boxes you’re talking about Lee

You’re goona love these

Positive boxes

Hi everyone we have something super exciting coming and we’d love your help we need you all to help
us spread some positivity by getting involved in our brand new positive post box campaign put down
your phones and computers grab a pencil and some paper and get creative by writing a letter filled with
kindness to a friend family member teacher or classmate before popping it into a positive post box
before you do that though there’s a few famous face to tell you just how amazing it is sending letters

I think it’s lovely to receive a handwritten letter because I think there’s so much more thought that goes
into it, it seems a bit more personal um now I’m talking about it I want to write some more letters.

They put more effort into it yeah, yeah that’ll make me feel nice do they yeah so instead of me saying uh
online when are we filming on text message write a letter to your house like three days in advance make
sure something in your house like that day before you receive it and it might actually film it yeah

Definitely because if someone’s had to sit down take their time out to write with a text you can just
quickly go with your thumbs like that and then send it off whereas if someone’s giving you a letter that
means it’ll put a lot of thought into it they’ve taken the tie to get the letter get the stamp and send it

Writing unless it doesn’t cost anything that other than like the stamps but um yeah

We need to go a little bit more old school like we need to write letters to each other because let us yeah
you can keep forever of course you can keep texting forever but it’s a lot more personal than you actually
write yourself and I think it shows a lot more thought than a little 10 second text message
But I feel like to get uh an actual written no off someone these days would be quite special because you
don’t’ actually get like anymore it’s all like just online stuff

yeah it would be nice to get a handwritten letter it’s very rare now that you see them

l’ve posted my letter in the positive post box now it’s your turn now

it’s your turn we’ve written our letters now it’s your turn.

Wow that’s so cool and positive here’s

Another fantastically positive thing we call all do to help ourselves and help put an end to bullying

Five people support network

Anyone had five people support network it’s a simple idea to help us if we ever need to talk about things
that are worrying us. If you were being bullied and let’s hope that never happens who could you talk to
who would be the people you could ask for help your parents and guardians of course and your teacher
but who else who can you turn to that’s where the five people support network comes in this network is
the five people you trust the most to be able to help you with any problems you have they could be the
people we’ve already talked about your parents and guardians or teacher but they could also be a best
friend or a big brother or sister

If I was being bullied when I was younger my support network would be my friends my family my
teachers who else would I have your mom my mom yeah that’s family but everyone I can trust l’d go and
speak to them your friends you miss your friends no its not l’ve said them first

I always had a big support network around me that I always spoke to and that helped me out a lot

My dad is someone who I talk to everyday about things going on in my life he’s a great person to go to
for support and advice

I think back when I was a kid, I would probably have talked to my mum my dad probably a couple of
close friends or maybe my drama teacher.

All you have to do is just say I’m getting bullied and I can’t carry on with it and then it makes you it makes
you feel better and like stronger

So I think that its so important to have even just one person or two people who were able to be like this
is wrong and I need to say something and you know put myself in vulnerable position to stick up for this
person because it can change everything

Hopefully there is someone there that you feel comfortable talking to but please, please don’t suffer in
silence that’s the most important thing

So can all of you now put your hands up and can pause the assembly while you talk about who your
support network could be thanks molly


I’m putting my hand up and pledging to put an end to bullying

I hope everyone now created your own network of people who can help and support you and remember
if you’re ever being bullied you don’t have to suffer in silence and don’t try to fight back either speak out
to someone you trust it takes a lot of strength to speak out but it’s a positive thing to do and you’re
helping to keep your school safe for others as well

Now did you know that we are launching a positive post box and we’re inviting children across the
country to pick up a pen and paper and spread positivity

And there’s only 300 positive post boxes available so make sure if you want to be involved and we know
you do they sign up early and don’t miss out

It’s super easy to get involved all you need to do is head to the Diana award website and register your
interest the first 300 schools to sign up will be send their very own super special positive post box to fill
with letter and deliver lots of envelops filled with joy around the UK

Many children up and down the country have experienced bullying at some point in their lives a lot of
bullying takes the form of nasty words and actions whether that’s in the playground their classroom
room or online

That is why we’re launching the positive post box we want to encourage people to use their words to
help spread positivity and Kindness

Together we can deliver thousands of letters and pictures of respect support and encouragement around
the UK and help stamp out bullying for good

So grab a pen and paper

And help us stamp out bullying by sending a letter of positivity

The impact from bullying and mean comments on me growing up has really been having to refine my
confidence sometimes and find that security in myself

At the time when I was younger the comments from the bullies and the trolls stuck with me but I
actually think they taught me a valuable lesson as I got older

I realized it’s important to embrace and be confident in the person that you know who you are

You mustn’t let anybody stop you from doing what you want to do and what makes you happy if you
want to wear something different wear what you want don’t let anyone dampen your spirit

Because like you just have to be yourself and like you don’t have to change for other people because
sometimes people like people are people you know what I mean not eveyone’s

The same because what you bring to the table and your individual mind is so valuable and you should
never ever want that down or change because of anyone else

The things that are different about you now are the things that are going to make you so unique and
special when you get older so hang on to them be proud of them and they just be who you are

And that’s about it for this year’s big anti-bullying assembly there’s just enough time for us all to stand
together and say something really positive.
Now it’s time to say the pledge too


“I’m putting my hand up and pledging to put an end to bullying”

That was brilliant well done everyone don’t forget to create your own positive letters and share them
with friends and family

And find out about becoming an anti-bullying ambassador for your school

Goodbye see you

A great big thank you to everyone who took part in the big anti-bullying assembly

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