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Don’t bully-be a friend 10/19/20

Today the world is a very dangerous place. People are full with negative energy and
overall that negative vibes. We’re living in the same room with the corona virus too. Probably a
big historical part of the history of the human. We’re full of nervousness and we can’t live a
second without showing it, but we have to, and maybe with my story and my way of thinking I
will at least help you reduce it.
As we probably all know till now bulling is using our force to aggressively hurt or abuse
somebody or something. A way to show off or a way to dominate or intimidate. While at school
we probably all experienced bulling or even worse we were the bully. When someone is getting
bullied he is hurt physically or even mentally or emotionally (I am saying “even” because to be
hurt mentally or emotionally is much worse than being hurt physically). Physical damage heals
fast by the time but the mental state don’t and it is the much more sensitive side of you. In life I
always had my self-confidence at another level keeping me aside and much higher from the
others. At school I was not getting bullied that easily, when someone was saying or doing
something to me I was always cold and I always knew my level at everything and how much I
can succeed in something so I didn’t get hurt or mad at anyone that was saying something bad
to me, instead I was helping them and teaching them a lesson because I knew something was
wrong with them and they had a big problem. The only thing that was hurting me in terms of
bulling was when some of my friends were saying something bad to me, but you know what,
90% of the time they were right and I was just sometimes taking it to seriously and personal
instead of taking it as a critic, so after that I was just fixing and correcting myself resulting to
become an awesome person that I am today. Sadly today probably the cyberbullying is taking
the bigger part, kids and adults all around the world are sending abusive and stupid messages
to other kids or adults bulling and hurting them and making them to stay shut inside
themselves. My own recommendation is to block those messages, not download new weird
and unknown apps and stay aside and walk away if you can.
For the end I just want to say that you are all beautiful and if nothing you are yours and
don’t let somebody ruin your career by just saying stupid things about you. Rise your self-
confidence and be yours! Remember that when somebody is bulling you he has a huge problem
and you’re the one that need to help him! You’re not alone, ask anyone for help, even if you’re
the bully. Help yourself, help your friends, and help others! We’re all living in the same small
world where peace and happiness should be the main two things coming up on your mind!

Simon Mihajlovic 9a (the essay was done in

one school class/40 minutes)

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