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Intro: paraphrase
Overview: 2-3 most significant changes
Body 1: west – center
Body 2: east – center

Necessary language

To be added: was constructed/built/erected

To be removed: demolished/was knocked down (to make way for…)
To be changed into sth: was converted into/ was turned into/ was transformed into/ replaced by …
Stayed the same: remained/ no changes were made to …
Rebuilt: to be moved to/ to be reconstructed on to the …of/ (cũ) redeveloped as a (new/bigger/more
modern …)/ to be modernized
Land: bare/vacant/ open space

…..underwent a number of dramatic changes, the most important of which …
…..and ….
The ….also saw a number of changes, with A being turned into B, and C being converted into D.
Sự biến đổi A, which was accompanied by B
….was constructed…, replacing ….
There used to be a …., but it then redeveloped into ….(was removed to make way for …) catering for

The diagrams below show how the town of Harborne changed from 1936 to 2007.

1 – The diagrams ~ The pictures/maps

2 – show~Illustrate/ describe
3 – how the town of Harborne changed from 1936 to 2007
The changes that took place between 1936 and 2007 in a town called Harborne.

Overall, the town underwent a number of dramatic changes, the most important of which is/are
the development of …./expansion of…./ disappearance of …./rearrangement of/

Overall, the town underwent a number of dramatic changes, the most important of which are the
development of a large residential area and larger shopping areas. (2 or 3 most noticeable changes)

Body 1:
West side à Center
(luôn nói vị trí)
In the north-west, most of the trees were cut down, and in the south-west the bicycle track was
converted into a roadway. In the center of the city, the post office, bank and library remained, while
in the northern section, the candy store and butchers shop were converted into a supermarket. A
shopping center was constructed in the center of the downtown, replacing most of the open space
there. There used to be a flower shop in the southern part, but it was then redeveloped into a travel

Body 2:
East side
In the north-east of the downtown area, the river was turned into a lake, which was accompanied
by a large residential area being built on its shore. Meanwhile, the south-east of the town also
witnessed significant changes, with the government offices being transformed into a museum and
the farmland becoming a golf course.

The two maps illustrate changes that have taken place in an area from 1995 to the present.

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