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Face Masks

Before applying face masks, please make sure that you wash your face with lukewarm water to open
your pores, remove make up and dirt.

1) Papaya & Honey face mask for Dry skin:

Honey has hydrating properties (apart from its antimicrobial and therapeutic benefits). It can help
keep your skin soft, supple, and smooth. Milk contains lactic acid that may help exfoliate your skin,
though more research is warranted in this regard.

You Will Need:

 1/2 cup of ripe papaya

 2 teaspoons of whole milk
 1 tablespoon of honey
What You Have to Do:

 Chop the papaya into small pieces and mash them.

 Add milk and honey to the mashed papaya. Mix well to obtain a fine paste.
 Apply this pack all over your face and neck.

How Often You Should Do This:

 Apply this 1-2 times a week.

2) Papaya, Honey, And Lemon for Acne

While honey nourishes the skin, the enzymes in papaya and the vitamin C in lemon juice cleanse the
skin and unclog the pores. Vitamin C also helps prevent sun damage and photoaging. As per
anecdotal evidence, lemon juice is said to have an astringent effect on the skin that might also help
to kill harmful bacteria.

You Will Need:

 1/2 cup of ripe papaya

 1 teaspoon of honey
 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
 1 teaspoon of sandalwood powder or Fuller’s earth (optional)

What You Have to Do:

 Cut the papaya into small pieces and mash them.

 Add the other ingredients and mix well.
 Apply this face pack evenly to your face and neck.
 Let it dry for about 10-15 minutes.
 Rinse it off with cold water.

How Often You Should Do This:

 Apply this 1-2 times a week.

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