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The Versailles treaty was a peace treagty that ended with great war by finishing Germany.

American people were not very happy with this and and negative rractions to it, this was
because many of them though it was aunfair for Germany, and, more importantly, they felt
that g.britain and France were getting reach at germans expensesand that the usa should not
be helping them do this.

This was because usa was deeply devided between the party o Wilson who had the idea of
supporting the European powers and there for he created the 14 point of Wilson in that

The 14 Points were based on the ideas of international justice and rights, and were proposed
as a basis for lasting peace at the end of the war. Points included:

1. No more diplomatic secrets or secret treaties.

2. Freedom of navigation in all seas.

3. Abandonment of the use of force to resolve international disputes.

4. Arms reduction for all countries.

5. Self-determination for oppressed peoples.

6. Restoration of Russia's territorial integrity.

7. Evacuation of all territories occupied by foreign military forces.

8. Evacuation and restoration of Belgrade.

9. Self-determination for the peoples of the Austro-Hungarians.

10. Self-determination for the peoples of the Ottoman Empire.

11. Establishment of an independent Poland with access to the sea.

12. Evacuation of France and restoration of territorial integrity.

13. Creation of a League of Nations to promote international cooperation and resolve

disputes peacefully.

14. Work towards a "general and equitable reduction" of armies and navy.

The 14 Points were very influential in the formulation of peace treaties at the end of World
War I and in the creation of the League of Nations (proposed by Wilson) , predecessor of the
current United Nations Organization.

As Wilson did not take in to account the republicans point of view this isw what caused the

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