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Louis College of Bulanao

Purok 6, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga 3800


 Refers to an arts, literature, music, architecture, dance, and theatre.
 The records of man’s experiences, values, sentiments, ideals, and his goals.
 expression of man’s and thoughts.
 It develops complete social being, ready to take on the responsible and enjoy life.

• Arts
 It is a product of man’s need to express himself.
 The discovery of the realities of an artist.
 The word ``arts” an opposite to the world ``craft.”
 It is an expression of writing a poem or a story, painting a picture, carving a statue
and composing a piece of music.

Importance of Arts
• Appreciation
• Expression
• Judgement

Prepared By: Rheign Gumilab
St. Louis College of Bulanao
Purok 6, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga 3800

Kind of Arts
1. Painting
- It is an art of applying pigments and other material to the surface in order to produce
images with the decorative and representational values.
2. Sculpture
- It is an artistic expression of natural resources form in realistic, expressionistic or in an
abstract form.
3. Graphic
- A fine applied arts of representation, decoration and writing with the techniques and
4. Theatre
- Refers t any composition in prose or poetry which tells a story through dialogue or
5. Music
- It is an art of arranging sound in rhythmic succession and generally in combination.
6. Dance
- An art that involves movement of the body and feet in rhythm.
7. literature
-It refers to an art of combining spoken or written words and their meaning with
the aesthetic tradition and custom of a group of people.

Way of Presenting the Subject

 Realism depicts naturalistic rather than realistic.
 Abstraction can be rarely identified only the himself.
 Symbolism an emblem that assumes new meaning originating from a highly personal and
unique association in the mind of the creator.
 Fauvism use of extremely bright colors which symbolizes comfort, joy, and pleasure
characteristics this method.
 Dadaism the Dadaist reached to what they believed were outworn tradition in arts, and
the evils they saw in the society. They tried to shock and provoke the public with
outrageous pieces of writing, poetry recitals, and arts exhibition.
 Futurism developed in Italy, futurist painters wanted their work to capture the speed and
force of modern industrial society includes automobile and railroads train that expresses
the explosive vitality of modern city.
 Surrealism founded in Paris in 1924 by the French poet Andre Breton. The surrealist
claim to create form and images not primarily by reason but unthinking impulse and blind
feeling or even by accident.

Prepared By: Rheign Gumilab
St. Louis College of Bulanao
Purok 6, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga 3800

 Expressionism was introduced in Germany, the emotional in expressionistic painting

could be describe as involving of pathos, morbidity, violence and tragedy.
 Impressionism pictures were executed in bright colors in order to convey the impression
of light. Impressionist sought to capture the momentary appearance of the subject in full

Kinds of Subject
 landscape, seascape, and cityscape
 Still-life – group of inanimate objects arrange in an indoor setting
 Animals
 Portraits – realistic like ness of a person in sculpture, painting, drawing or print.
 Figures – emphasis on human body either nude or clothe.
 Everyday life
 History and legend- refers to story definite place, local custom and haunted places.
 Dream and fantasies
 Religious and myths – may refer to the story that deals with supernatural tradition, men,
culture, heroes, and belief.

Medium and Techniques of Arts

• Medium denotes the means by which an artist communicates his idea.
• Technique denotes the manner in which the artist controls his medium to achieve the
desired effect.

Medium of Visual Arts

 Water color
 Oil Pastel
 Canvas
 Crayons
 Engraving
 Woodcut
 Charcoal
 Mosaic

Elements of Visual Arts

a) Line it is the simplest, most ancient, and most universal means for creating visual arts. It
symbolizes emotional expression.
. Horizontal

Prepared By: Rheign Gumilab
St. Louis College of Bulanao
Purok 6, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga 3800

. Vertical
. Diagonal
. Curve
b) Value (light and dark) is the relative degree of lightness and darkness in a graphic
design. It indicates the degree of luminosity. In value scale white colors considered as the
highest value while black is the lowest value.
c) Light and shadow means modelling a figure in depth, a means of articulating the form.
d) Form refers to the visual shape of an object or thing found in the nature. Examples
square, circle, rectangle, oval, triangle, and lunette
e) Texture refers to the treatment of an artistic work in order to give variety and beauty to
any work of art.
f) Space is an element of art which concerned with making all parts functional that makes
the art complete as a whole.
g) Color it is the quality o of an object or substance with respect to light reflected by it and
usually by measurement of hue, saturation and brightness of the reflected light.

Properties of color
 Hue refers to identity colors like red, yellow, and blue
 Value denotes lightness and brightness like black and white.
 Intensity denotes brightness and dullness like powdered blue.

Classification of colors
 Primary colors
. Red, yellow and blue
 Secondary colors
. Green, violet and orange
 Intermediate colors
. Yellow-orange . Blue-violet
. Red-orange . Blue-green
. Red-violet . Yellow-green

Kinds of Color
• Black is the darkest and dullest of all colors. It symbolizes despair.
• Blue a color of the sky and deep. It symbolizes tranquility, calmness and peace.
• Gray a color combination of black and white. It symbolizes weight, solidarity, and

Prepared By: Rheign Gumilab
St. Louis College of Bulanao
Purok 6, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga 3800

• Green a color of still water and vegetation, symbolizes growth, freshness, and
• Orange a color combination of red and yellow that symbolizes deliciousness, and
• Pink a combination of red and white, symbolizes love.
• Red is a basic color that signifies fire, danger, blood, bravery, and war.
• Violet is a mixture of red and blue that symbolizes shadow, mourning, royalty and
• White is a dependent color which is not considered as color. It signifies simplicity, purity
and peace.
• Yellow a color of light that signifies life, joy, cheerful, and hospitality.
• Yellow-green a kind of color which is not hurting the eyes and appropriate for those
with fair complexion. It signifies jealousy and hatred.
• Brown a mixture of red and little green which called the safest color for all. It signifies
humility and confidence.

Prepared By: Rheign Gumilab
St. Louis College of Bulanao
Purok 6, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga 3800



Francisco M. Zulueta. The Humanities. Philippine Copyright, 1997.

M. Zulueta. The Humanities (Revised Edition). Philippine Copyright, 2003.
Custodia A. Sanches, et. Al.,Introduction to the Humanities. Rex Book Store. 1989.

Prepared By: Rheign Gumilab

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