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No lemons left

harry is not happy

There’s a bug in the apple
Demand a refund or an exchange
Some seeds by internet, but time passes until summer so he can’t use them because the
season has finished and he asks for his money back

Marketing strategy: Glenda had lemons, she ran out of them and tried to get people’s
attention in order to get into the store. Harry can’t denounce

Harry can ask for a refund for the apple, because it was not in a good state


Offer ------> acceptance

Whatever contract you sign, is open to negotiation.
El consentimiento ha sido viciado, the agreement has been influenced. For instance any
contract is invalid. If there is any difference in power status, it has to be proved that the
weaker party entered into the contract freely and with their full contract.


causa) Si decae uno de los elementos, la fórmula no sirve y no se crea un contrato válido
(spanish contract). Si en el examen encuentras que no hay consentimiento, no sigas porque
no hay contrato y no se analiza.

Consent: the agreement

It starts when both parties have signed the contract. The parties can express consent in any
way they wish.

Vicios del consentimiento:

- Error:
- Jueves 20 de octubre 2021 (esto no sería un substantial mistake en el
contrato, aunque hoy sea viernes 21 de octubre 2021).
- You are selling an apartment in Avda Universidades 23, 5B, and in the
contract is put: Avda Universidades 24, 5B, that is a substantial mistake.
- David Fernández ROMO, en vez de ROJO, eso es un substantial mistake,
pero si después pone DNI no lo sería, porque sería un mistake solved.
- The age is a substantial mistake in case you are a minor, if not is not.
- Never going to ask substantial errors in a final exam

- Dolo: an error with intentions

- In the case of erros and dolos the contract can still be changed or anulated, it does
not disappear, not as in the case of violence or intimidation
- Intimidation does not make the contract null and void since it started, violence (it has
to be always physical) does.
Object: must be legitimate, possible, determinate (Si es compra-venta de cocaína no sería
un valid spanish contract porque el objeto es ilegal)

- La causa subjetiva NO.
- Si hay ausencia de causa o causa falsa
- Dad + Mum: Rubén and David
They love Rubén more than David, so they give Rubén a house. If they pass
away, according to the Spanish law, ⅓ of the house goes to David. We do a
compra-venta with Rubén. The contract of the parents ‘selling’ the house to
Rubén is not valid because there is no causa, they are ‘donating’ the house
because Ruben is not really paying the price. (Alzamiento de bienes). The
real causa would be a donation, not a venta.

Contracts are open to the negotiation of the parties

- Condiciones suspensivas y resolutorias
- Suspensivas: you want to sell your house and to buy another one, so you
agree that until you sell your house you are not going to pay the other one.
- Resolutorias: Jon is living in your house as a tenant, so as soon as you sell
your house, Jon leaves. (The contract ceases)
Discharge of the contract:
- Performance (pago/cumplimiento)
- Caso Fortuito and Fuerza Mayor
- Remedies
- Daño Emergente: damage suffered by the creditor
- Lucro Cesante: loss of earnings or loss of profit (Te venden una moto pero
tarda 2 meses, pides el dinero que podrías haber ganado con esa moto en
esos 2 meses)

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