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Lesson 1

Section A: General Information

Date: Monday 21st October,2019

Class: Form 2J

Number of Students: 40 Boys - 40 Girls - 0

Age Range: 13-15 Average Age: 14

Number of Students Present: _____

Duration of Lesson: 40 Minutes

Section B: Lesson Information

Subject: Mathematics

Topic: Linear Inequalities

Previous Knowledge and Experience:

Students are familiar with:

 Using a number line

 Successfully subtracting and adding directed numbers

 Computing linear equations effectively


Students will be able to:

 Define an inequality

 How to read the notation of an inequality


 Oxford STP Caribbean Mathematics (Fourth Edition)

 Charts

 Markers

 Whiteboard

Description of classroom environment:

The delivery of this lesson will be to a Form 2 class at A.S.J.A. Boys’ College, San Fernando.

The classrooms are air conditioned but are a bit cramped due to having so many students. All

students can be able to see the teacher as the whiteboard is located at the front of the classroom.

For this session the necessary resources are printed worksheets for each student and the

remaining resources would be utilized by the teacher during explanations and assessment. Space

is an issue as the desks are not very spaced out, so unfortunately the classroom setting cannot be

adjusted to facilitate the lesson if needed.

Set Induction (Duration 3 minutes)

As this would be the first lesson with these students, I would first begin by introducing myself

and getting to know the students a little bit so they would be comfortable enough to ask

questions and answer material during the proceeding session.

The teacher would ask a couple students how much doubles they can eat. The teacher would then

pick a couple students and ask to compare the amount two students can eat. An example would

be two doubles is less than three doubles.

Section C: Content and Body of Lesson


Teaching Point 1 Earlier, we studied linear Students should be familiar

equations and applied the rules of with the concept of index

Review of Linear Equations
algebra to solve them. notation.

Example Students will be questioned as

the teacher recalls their

3x + 1 = 13
previous knowledge on linear
3x = 13 – 1
equations. Students will

3x = 12 ÷ 3 contribute to teacher’s


This equation has one solution or


We recall that when an equation

is solved, there is usually a finite

(countable) number of solutions. Students are engaged in the

discussion and responds to

The teacher would then give the
teacher’s questions using their
students a few examples to work.
previous knowledge as well as
1) 2x + 1 = 6
their preconceived knowledge

2) -5y + 1 = 4 – 2y about the topic.

3)5b + 1 = 2b -8 Students will be called onto

the whiteboard to write the

4) 5y – 14 = -2y
answer to the question.

Teaching Point 2
If the equal sign of an equation is

Inequality Notation replaced by the sign of an

inequality, then we have an

inequation or an inequality. The

signs associated with inequalities


¿ LessThan

¿ Greater Than

≤ Less than∨equal ¿
Students respond to teacher’s

≥ Greater than∨equal ¿ questions and discusses their

The laws of arithmetic and
algebra that are used for solving

equations are very much the

same laws which are used for

solving inequations. However,

for inequalities, we usually have

an infinite number of solutions,

that may be in each range.

The teacher would now give the

Students are stimulated to
class a series of inequality
think about what is being done
questions taken from Exercise 4a
on the whiteboard and are
of the text which involves
asked to help the teacher to get
choosing a letter to represent the
to each next step.
variable and stating what each

letter stands for.

Section D: Summary/ Closure/ Assessment

Closure: The teacher would ask students to list the four different inequalities learnt today and

the signs associated with the inequalities.

Assessment: The teacher would employ a formative assessment in form of a few short questions.

Follow on: Next class we will be moving on to representations of inequalities on a number line.

Today’s lesson went well as the students were excited about the poster that began

forming at the back of the classroom. It’s a progressive poster so as the lessons progress, after
each lesson, the material is added to the poster along the wall. Students had a few problems

solving the equations as their pre-requisite knowledge was not as strong as expected.

What would I change about the lesson?

I would do different examples of linear equations so students would fully understand the

concept and I would also review the components of a number line and directed numbers so that

in future lessons students would have adequate background knowledge on the topic.

Classroom management rules should have also been established at the beginning of the

lesson instead of during the lesson, as students were very loud and shouting answers from every


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