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how effectively is Dell Technologies enabling your IT and engineering organizations

to support your business outcomes and goals?

How effectively is it supporting it? Dell is a big partner of ours. And I would say
that they're adequate and how they're supporting today. But we've had some
challenges recently, with getting orders through and kind of quality control with a
lot of I would say batteries that went bad over the period of time. So I'd say
quality control, not only on the devices, but also on ordering, when they give us
dates in order seem to come back. And so I think there's an opportunity there,
definitely, for them to improve upon that.

On the ordering side, can you give me an example? I've got the quality and the
battery, help me understand, was this a specific project?

Yeah, we've selected Dallas, we merged as a company. And we had a choice between
Dell and HP. We did an RFP, and Dell won the RFP by a small margin, so we decided
to stay with Dell. Now, when we're going to order to stuff it's become problematic
with delays. They should be well aware of when we're doing a big deal that we are
top provider in this space. And we're going to be looking for quality and delivery
on time, our customers expect us to deliver on time. If we didn't, we wouldn't be
in business. So we work through our supply chain, and then there's probably
pandemic and all that. But we've been in the pandemic for a good nearly 18 months,
I would say, my expectation is that they should be working at that perspective.

How has this been SM presuming it's been escalated and all that. I'm curious on
follow up within Dallas trying to get this resolved.

So we're highlighting the challenges with this and stuff like that. We got to
convince another company to move away from HP. We reconvincing that Dell can
deliver. Someone coming back it's not great for us, because what's happening is we
end up trying to cover for misses on Dell sampling, because we leaned into Dell. So
it's not great from an optics perspective, to be honest.

Yeah, I got it. Next question I have then is around the role you view Dell has. Do
you think of Dell as a trusted adviser? Somebody you look to for thought leadership
or the other end of the spectrum? There is technology providers that just give the
tech and provide support, but nothing else. You think of that spectrum, where do
you position go?

Can you tell me where you're qualifying that question from? Because Dell does a lot
of products.

We're trying to get the other response for thinking of all of Dell Technologies as
it is today.

It's more transactional, I would say. It shouldn't be, because they've got all
sorts of opportunities, right? But it's transactional today.

And what do you think they should be doing to work with you? What would be the
advice there to tell them? Here's how you can work your way into a more trusted
position. What would you say they should be doing? Or what are the competitors
doing that they should be doing?

Competitors are putting resources free on site with us to learn our strategy or
projects. The competitors are doing that from that perspective. Dell does that
today, so.

That's I'm looking for.

No, it's not from my perspective, anyway. I've got the Mackenzies in here, I've got
the EY, the PwC's, I have small companies coming in doing the security aspects,
like Siteware doing those kinds of security briefings which Dell could all do, I
think it's missing some, probably, executive presence to support that customer
base. Michael probably wouldn't like it, but it'd be probably a zero performing
asset from that perspective. It'd be non revenue generating consulting group that
will come in and do that work across like The Fortune 500. Just my two cents.

Couple more sense to go through these questions. So from an account management

perspective, thinking about the structure they have in place, talk to me a little
bit about that experience, working with your account team, strengths, weaknesses,
areas for improvement.

They don't really engage with me at all, which is kind of a weakness, I would say.
And it seems to be engaged on the technical side, which is not bad, but I mean, if
you look at the way Microsoft engages or some of the other companies, they engage
on the technical side of the house

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