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Postcolonial vs Decolonial Concepts

1 Can You Pick the Best Video Summary?

Video from 10:00 to 15:00
1 The speaker talks about the importance of including non-Western feminist texts in
gender studies and activism. She mentions that there has been a revival of interest in
these texts and ideas, and that students from all over the world are now critical of the
curriculum and pushing for more diverse readings. She believes that intersectionality
works better as an approach when it includes different perspectives and voices. She also
notes that there is still work to be done in bridging the gap between different fields of
study and ways of thinking.
2 The speaker argues that Western feminist texts are the only ones worth studying in
gender studies and activism. She believes that students should not question the
curriculum and should be happy with the token texts that are included. She thinks that
intersectionality is not a useful approach and that it is better to focus on one perspective.
She also believes that there is no need to bridge the gap between different fields of study
and ways of thinking, as they are all equally valid.
3 The video discusses the importance of including disability studies in gender studies and
activism. The speaker argues that disability is often overlooked in discussions of gender
and intersectionality, and that this exclusion harms disabled people. She suggests that
disability studies can provide new insights into issues such as reproductive rights,
violence against women, and employment discrimination. She also notes that disabled
people have their own forms of feminist thinking and activism that are often erased or
ignored. Finally, she calls for more collaboration between disability studies and gender
studies to create a more inclusive and intersectional approach to social justice.

2 Let's Discuss These Interesting Questions!

1 What is the definition of geopolitical order and how does it impact global politics?

2 How has the concept of geopolitical order evolved over time?

3 Can you name some examples of countries that have a significant influence on the
current geopolitical order?
4 In your opinion, what are some of the biggest challenges facing the current geopolitical
5 How do economic factors play a role in shaping the geopolitical order?

6 Do you think the rise of nationalism and populism around the world is affecting the
geopolitical order? Why or why not?
7 How do international organizations such as the United Nations contribute to maintaining
the geopolitical order?
8 What role do military alliances play in the current geopolitical order?

9 How do emerging powers like China and India affect the existing geopolitical order?

10 What steps can be taken to ensure a stable and peaceful geopolitical order for future

3 Make Sentences from These Words!

1 evolving / constantly / factors

2 shaping / geopolitical / country

3 balance / shift / quickly

4 formation / contribute / many

5 affects / people / world

6 fair / current / think

7 influence / determines / countries

8 technology / affecting / geopolitical

9 changed / dramatically / past

10 conflict / nations / source

4 Let's Learn Some Essential Vocabulary!
The ball is in your court.
A bird's eye view.
Cutting corners.
Playing by ear.
A penny for your thoughts.
Back to square one.
All ears.
Beat around the bush.
Break the ice.
Hit the nail on the head.

5 What's Good and What's Bad? Let's Discuss!

1 Provides a sense of stability and predictability in international relations.

2 Can help prevent conflicts between countries.

3 Allows for the creation and implementation of global policies to address issues such as
climate change or human rights abuses.
4 Encourages cooperation and trade between nations, leading to increased economic
growth and prosperity.
5 Fosters the development of multilateral institutions that promote democracy and good

1 The geopolitical order is often shaped by powerful countries at the expense of smaller,
less influential ones.
2 Can perpetuate inequalities and result in uneven distribution of resources.

3 Can lead to the formation of alliances that amplify conflict rather than reduce it.

4 Is susceptible to change due to shifts in power dynamics or major events like wars.

5 Lacks inclusivity and representation, especially regarding minority groups who are
marginalized within the system.

6 Watch the Video and Answer the Questions!

Entire Video
1 What is the topic of the video content?
a The importance of attention in neuroscience
b The impact of stress on memory
c The role of distractions in modern society
d The evolution of the human brain

2 What did a study with rats reveal about false memories?

a Rats can create false memories intentionally.
b Rats can be taught to do things they have never done before.
c Rats are immune to the effects of stress on memory.
d Rats have better memories than humans.

3 How does stress affect the creation of false memories in humans?

a It makes people more likely to lie.
b It causes people to generate false memories without realizing it.
c It improves people's ability to remember things accurately.
d It has no effect on memory.

4 What is the difference between intention and attention?

a Intention is what you want to do, while attention is what you actually do.
b Intention is a conscious decision, while attention is an automatic response.
c Intention is a biological function, while attention is a psychological process.
d Intention and attention are the same thing.

5 What is the function of the brain's constant "going back and forth" between intention
and attention?
a To help us predict what will happen next.
b To keep us focused on our goals.
c To prevent us from getting bored.
d To help us form accurate memories.

6 According to the video, why do people spend too much time in a state of "divagation"?
a Because it helps them remember things better.
b Because it is a natural part of the brain's evolution.
c Because they are too easily distracted by technology.
d Because they are used to the fast pace of modern life.
7 What is the impact of excessive distraction on the ability to control attention?
a It makes it easier to focus on important tasks.
b It has no effect on attention control.
c It makes it harder to sustain attention for long periods of time.
d It improves the ability to switch between tasks quickly.

8 What is the main reason why people today have trouble sustaining attention?
a They are too busy and stressed.
b They are too easily distracted by technology.
c They have poor memory skills.
d They lack motivation and interest in their tasks.

9 How is the ability to sustain attention affected by the speed of modern life?
a It is improved by the fast pace of modern life.
b It is unaffected by the speed of modern life.
c It is hindered by the fast pace of modern life.
d It depends on the individual's personality and habits.

10 What is the impact of the difficulty in controlling attention on younger generations?

a They are better at multitasking than older generations.
b They have better memory skills than older generations.
c They have more trouble sustaining attention than older generations.
d They are less affected by distractions than older generations.

7 Watch the Video and Answer the Questions!

Video from 10:00 to 15:00
1 The speaker believes that sometimes people have to become tricksters to do something
good for the community.
2 Gender studies and gender issues were brought from the West to Central Asia.

3 The speaker sees a revival of interest in Western feminism in many places.

4 The speaker is unhappy with the curriculum of the M.A. program they work for.

5 The speaker thinks that universities often just tick the boxes when it comes to
6 The younger generation of people who go abroad are changing things in Central Asia.
7 The speaker believes that there is still a gap between peace and conflict studies and
indigenous thinking.
8 Democracy, nation state, and borders are not questioned in peace and conflict studies.

9 Indigenous thinking questions the idea that people have to compete and hate their
10 The speaker thinks that the language spoken by feminists of color is the same as the
language spoken in peace and conflict studies.
Correct Answers
1 Correct Answers:

3 Possible answers:
1 The geopolitical order of the world is constantly evolving.
2 Can you name a country that has a significant role in shaping the geopolitical order?
3 The balance of power in the geopolitical order can shift quickly.
4 Many factors contribute to the formation of the geopolitical order.
5 The geopolitical order affects the lives of people all over the world.
6 Do you think the current geopolitical order is fair?
7 The geopolitical order determines which countries have the most influence on global
8 How do you think technology is affecting the geopolitical order?
9 The geopolitical order has changed dramatically over the past century.
10 The geopolitical order can be a source of conflict between nations.

6 Correct Answers:
1 a
2 b
3 b
4 a
5 a
6 d
7 c
8 b
9 c
10 c

7 Correct Answers:
1 True
2 True
3 False (The speaker sees a revival of interest in non-Western feminist thinking.)
4 False (The speaker is happy that students are critical of the curriculum and that they
are changing it.)
5 True
6 True
7 True
8 True
9 True
10 False (The speaker thinks that there is still a gap between the language spoken by
feminists of color and the language spoken in peace and conflict studies.)

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