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JATIN KUMAR 8299647145

Academic Details
Year Degree Institute CGPA/Marks(%)
2023 B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering IIT Hyderabad 8
2019 XII (CBSE) Central Hindu Boys School, Varanasi 90.4%
2017 X (UP Board) J U M School, Jaunpur 86.34%

Work Experience
 Data Science Intern, Publicis Sapient (june 2022 - july 2022):
Trained vision transformer and EfficientNet model on DeepFashion Multimodel  for detecting attributes with 86.4%-93.28%
accuracy, used pre-trained Resnet18 model on Places365  and detected Background with 96.2% accuracy, applied Yolo
segmentation on Deep fashion2 dataset for clothings segmentation, used OpenCV-DCNN model  and detected age and
gender with accuracy 91% of given input image and used these results for recommendation. 
Took a subset of Polyvore dataset annotated it according to the requirements, applied embedding  learning on top of it and
used cosine similarity score of dataset and input image to recommended best clothings set for the given input image.
Used HTML, CSS, JavaScript for Front-end and Flask for backend and using after docker published it on publicis's portal.
 Semester-long Project - Dr Saketha N Jagarlapudi , IITH (Jan 2022- May 2022):
Contributed to the ongoing research on Computational optimal transport. 
Implemented Wasserstein distance, MMD and compared them on different dimensions of Multivariate Gaussian Samples.
Worked on image generation using Generative adversarial network and optimization problems on CVXPY library.

Questions-Answers Website:
Self Interest project                                                                                                                                                                              
Made a plateform where anyone can post their questions, anyone can answer for questions and can upvote for answers.
Made front-end using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Jquery and for backend used Django and SQLite.
 Multi Threaded Graph Coloring Algorithm: 
 Project done in Operating System under Dr. Sathya Peri 
 Implemented using Coarse-Grained and Fine-Grained lock algorithm in C++ .      
 Used  Mutex lock for process synchronization to run it on multiple threads.
16 ways to stack a cat:
 Project done in POPL under Dr. Ramakrishna Upadrasta.                                                                                                      
 16 ways of stack implementation, featuring OOP’s concept, according to the research paper 16-ways-to-stack-a-cat by
Bjarne Stroustrup. 
Covid19 Simulation:
Project done in Data Structures and Algorithms under Dr. M V Panduranga Rao                                                           
Covid19 simulation over a period of time and evaluating no. of infected, recovered and susceptible people using infected
rate, recovery rate using Graphs and Priority Queues.

Languages:  Proficient in C++, C, Python and  familiarity with JavaScript , MIPS.
Web Development: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Wordpress and Familiarity with Jquery, SQLite, Django.
Data Science:  Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Pytorch, Tensorflow,Flask.
Tools:  Git, Docker, LATEX, Gnuplot, Solid Edge, Linux Command Line.  

Relevant Courses
Computer Science: Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Principles of Programming Languages, Compilers,
Computer Networks,Probability in Computing, Discrete Structures, Introduction to Programming, Theory of Computation. 
AI & ML: Foundations of Machine Learning, Deep learning, Regression analysis, Convex optimization, Introduction to AI.

Positions of Responsibility
Web Co-ordinator , TEDx IITHyderabad
 Here I worked with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript for improving TEDx IITHyderabad website.
Core , Behind The Lens , IITHyderabad
Here I edited Fresher's video, Farewell video and  Short films made by Behind The Lens ,IITHyderabad.

Nation Service Scheme: Volunteered in Swachh Bharat Mission, Plantation Drive, Walkathon.
Hobbies: Cricket and swimming  ||  Interests: Programming , Cycling and Running.

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