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Rudy’s essay: Martin Luther King stated,“I have decided to stick with love”.

He fought for
the civil rights movement. He never ever gave up, which is a huge act of kindness. He brought
awareness of racism to the world, which is why there are equal rights today. He fought to the
death! (Not really, he fought for equal rights until he was assassinated)
Martin Luther King was a huge part of the civil rights movement. His “I Have A Dream
speech” was one of the most famous speeches in history. He fought for nonviolent protests. He
didn't just fight for black people, but all genders and skin colors. He fought for equal rights for
MLK also brought awareness of racism to the globe. He explained that It wasn’t fair that
whites would have no restrictions, along with high quality schools, while blacks would have low
quality schools and would not have permission to go to most restaurants. He said “I have a
dream that one day, my four little children will live in a nation where they will not be judged by
the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”. He made many white people realize
how hard it was for the black people.
Last but not least, He never gave up. Never giving up is a great example of a leader. Many
people don’t know that horrible things happened to King. He was arrested multiple times, but
still kept fighting! He kept fighting until James Earl Ray came with a gun in his hand, and hatred
in his heart. That was the moment that he got assassinated by a sniper bullet.
Martin Luther King’s dream came true! Equal rights for blacks and whites exist, so no more
segregation! Without Martin Luther King, blacks would probably still be segregated from whites.
Martin Luther King Jr. will be remembered in all of our hearts.

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