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“You are working in a company as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) that is owned by Mr. X
who is your “godfather”. Your family is so indebted to Mr. X., because first, he provided
employment to your father for 25 years, and he likewise provided you with a scholarship
until you graduated from college. Often, whenever your family needs help, be it
hospitalization, educational support, birthday celebration, or whatnot, Mr. X. provided
some help, assistance, or support. Indeed, your family has a close tie with that of Mr. X.
Unfortunately, because of stiff competition and other factors, the company of Mr. X
where you are working started to lose some profit and there is a possibility of going into
bankruptcy if no intervention will be undertaken. If this happens, certainly your boss will
lose the company and many will become jobless including yourself. To aggressively
deal with the situation you, together with the other senior officials, were strictly advised
by your boss, Mr. X., to make drastic and somewhat unorthodox actions. Among other
interventions, you were given a marching order to misrepresent the income of the
company such that you will reduce the tax being paid to the government to about 70%.
You were also required to implement unfair competition against rival companies as well
as unfair labor practices by removing some benefits and emolument that are legally
provided to your employees. This situation has certainly put you into in moral dilemma.”

Presented above is a hypothetical case but let us assume that you are truly in the
situation. The issue is that you are compelled to respond to the marching order of
your boss who you are so indebted and obviously, the situation imposes a moral
dilemma that requires you to resolve in a hard way. How are you going to decide?
You are called upon to make a wise or ethical decision by employing the 7-Steps
Moral Reasoning Model by Scott B. Rae (as presented in LM 12, 13, and 14). You
will be required to make use of the prepared table or template below.

7-Steps Discuss your answers in this column

(numbered or bullet points as required in each
1. Gather the facts - That the family of the CEO is indebted to
 List three (3) important facts Mr. X
about the issue that we - Mr. X provided employment to the father
know for 25 years
 List at least three (3) - Mr. X. provided
relevant facts that we need some help, assistance, or support.
to know - What kind of person really is Mr. X?
- Does the company will be saved if the
CEO will follow the order of his boss?
- Do the CEO really need to follow those
kinds of orders just to save the company?
2. Determine the ethical - were severely advised, along with the
issues. other senior officials to take drastic and
 These are moral values and somewhat unorthodox moves in his
virtues. company.
 These are the conflicting - The CEO was also compelled to engage
issues that create the moral in unfair competition with competitor
dilemma which mentally businesses.
disturbs you most as you try - The CEO was also ordered to minimize
to make a decision. the amount of tax they paid to the
 List at least four (4), these - To remove some benefits of their
will be two pairs that in employees
conflict with each other as
can be gleaned from the
case above

- In order to repay the kindness to Mr. X

3. Determine what virtues / - In order to gain the trust of Mr. X
principles have a bearing - To give justice to the employees to be fair
on the case on what they really deserved as an
 These are being dictated or employee
prescribed by our cultural - Being fair to other competitors
values, religious principles,
constitutions and laws and
 Identify at least 4 virtues
and principles that are
relevant to the issue above.
4. List the alternatives - Follow the orders of Mr. X
 These are the possible - Talk to Mr. X to consider his decisions
courses of action for your - Do not follow the orders of Mr. X
dilemma. - Resign to the company
 List at least 4 possible
courses actions that will
solve by your moral

5. Compare the alternatives - If I follow Mr. X orders, I can repay his

with kindness
the virtues / principles - If I try to Talk to Mr. X to consider his
 Assess or evaluate the 4 decisions and make another plan maybe
possible actions (in step 4) the company will be saved
in relation to the 4 virtues - If I do not follow the orders of Mr. X, he
and principles you identified will lose his trust in me
in step 3. - If I resign in his company and threaten
 Try to prioritize/rank them him that I will report to the police on what
(which is the lesser evil?) he is planning to do, the employees will
be saved.

6. Consider the - If I follow Mr. X orders, I can repay his

consequences kindness. In this alternative, this is one of
 Based on your evaluation of the best choice I have because Mr. X
the alternatives in step 5, really helps us to be successful but If I do
conduct elimination by this there’s a possibility that I will go to jail
choosing two alternatives because of his decisions
that you evaluated as - If I try to Talk to Mr. X to consider his
having lesser moral decisions and make another plan maybe
problems and present their the company will be saved. This
pros and cons alternative is the best but there is no
 Use bullet points guarantee that Mr. X will listen to me as
for the company is close to bankruptcy
7. Make a decision - Try to Talk to Mr. X to consider his
 From the 2 alternatives that decisions and make another plan to save his
you evaluated in step 6, company.
state the one that you will
 This has the least number
of problems / painful

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