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3, MARCH 2016

Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Electric Vehicles:

An Experimental Analysis of Performance
Improvements at Subzero Temperatures
Peter Keil, Matthias Englberger, and Andreas Jossen

Abstract—Electric vehicles based on high-energy lithium-ion (HESSs), combining different energy storage technologies, can
batteries often exhibit a substantial loss in performance at subzero be used to improve the low-temperature performance of electric
temperatures: Due to slower electrochemical kinetics, the internal vehicles [3].
resistances of the batteries rise and diminish available power and
capacity. Hybrid energy storage systems (HESSs) can be used to Although HESSs and their application in electric vehicles
overcome these weaknesses. In this paper, the performance of two have been frequently discussed in literature (e.g., [4]–[14]),
HESSs, combining a high-energy lithium-ion battery with either there is little information about the benefits in low-temperature
a high-power lithium-ion battery or a lithium-ion capacitor, has performance of these systems. Most HESS publications focus
been investigated experimentally for a driving scenario at vari- on improvements in power capability and efficiency and do not
ous temperatures. Both configurations enable driving at __ 20 ◦ C,
which was not possible without hybridization. The HESS using analyze the performance at different temperatures. In [3], we
the high-power lithium-ion battery provides a substantially higher examined three HESS configurations combining high-energy
driving range due to its higher energy density. An analysis of lithium-ion batteries with an electric double-layer capacitor,
different operating strategies has helped to maximize the driving a lithium-ion capacitor, or a high-power lithium-ion battery.
range: Discharging the high-energy battery with a constant cur- At −10 ◦ C and −20 ◦ C, the HESS containing the lithium-ion
rent and keeping the high-power cell at a higher state of charge
(SoC) extend the driving duration, as the requested driving power capacitor and the HESS containing the high-power lithium-ion
can still be provided at a lower SoC of the high-energy battery. battery were able to improve power capability and driving range
In addition to the HESSs, two energy storage systems without considerably.
hybridization, consisting of different generations of high-energy As lithium-ion battery technology advances, capacity and
lithium-ion cells, have been examined to disclose improvements performance of high-energy lithium-ion cells improve succes-
in battery technology. These improvements narrow the benefits
of HESSs, as the high-energy batteries have become less reliant sively. In this paper, we want to show the impact of these
on the support of an additional high-power device. Although developments on the advantages and disadvantages of HESSs
HESSs lose importance for current lithium-ion battery systems, for improved low-temperature performance of electric vehicles.
they can be a valuable option for next-generation lithium batteries, Therefore, we have continued and extended our experimental
which are expected to provide higher energy densities but exhibit investigations on HESSs. Compared with our previous work
reduced rate capability.
[3], cells with higher energy densities and lower internal resis-
Index Terms—Batteries, hybrid energy storage systems tances are used in this paper to compose and examine HESSs
(HESSs), lithium-ion batteries, lithium-ion capacitors. and energy storage systems without hybridization. The different
energy storage systems are again tested, with a focus on cold
I. I NTRODUCTION temperatures of 0 ◦ C and below. Furthermore, different operat-
ing modes were implemented on the HESS to identify effective

L ITHIUM-ION batteries are well suited for fully electric

vehicles, as they provide higher specific energies and
higher energy densities than other rechargeable cell chemistries
control strategies for maximizing the driving range at subzero
temperatures. The aim of this paper is to support the design
process of energy storage systems for future electric vehicles.
[1]. However, their poor low-temperature performance is still a
critical issue for electric vehicle applications, since the target
operating temperatures reach down to −30 ◦ C [2]. In our II. M ETHOD
previous work, we showed that hybrid energy storage systems
This section presents the experimental design of our inves-
tigations on performance improvements at low temperatures
Manuscript received March 15, 2015; revised August 24, 2015; accepted achievable by HESSs. It consists of a characterization of the
September 13, 2015. Date of publication October 2, 2015; date of current energy storage devices employed, an introduction of the self-
version March 10, 2016. The review of this paper was coordinated by developed dc–dc converter board, and an overview on the
A. Bouscayrol.
The authors are with the Institute for Electrical Energy Storage Technology, HESSs and the energy storage systems without hybridization
Technische Universität München, 80333 Munich, Germany (e-mail: peter. examined in this paper. Furthermore, the implemented operat-;; ing modes for the HESSs are explained, and the load profiles for
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at the different energy storage systems are presented. Finally, the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2015.2486040 test procedure and the measurement equipment are described.
0018-9545 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
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National Institute of Technology Jaipur. Downloaded on June 17,2023 at more information.
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Fig. 1. Temperature dependency of the internal cell resistance Rac, 1 kHz . For
a better comparability, the resistance values of the lithium-ion capacitor were
multiplied by 5, as it has about five times the volume of the lithium-ion batteries.

can already cause the cell voltage to drop to the minimum volt-
age level. To examine the increase of internal cell resistances
at low temperatures, Rac,1 kHz , i.e., the real part of the cell
impedance at 1 kHz, is evaluated. This resistance value is in
good agreement with the ohmic part of the cell resistances,
A. Characterization of the Different Energy Storage Devices which can be used to estimate the instant voltage drop at load
The aim of the HESS is to combine energy storage devices changes. As the ohmic part of the cell resistances is rather
with complementary energy and power characteristics. The independent from state of charge (SoC) (see [16] and [17]),
energy storage cells examined in this paper are listed in Table I. the Rac,1 kHz values depicted in Fig. 1 were extracted from
For the high-energy part of the HESS, high-energy lithium- impedance spectroscopy data at 50% SoC. Fig. 1 illustrates
ion cells (LiB-HE) with a nominal capacity of 3.3 Ah are how the internal resistances Rac,1 kHz increase for temperatures
used. These cells have many similarities to those used in the down to −20 ◦ C. To improve comparability, the resistance
Tesla Model S, which also feature an 18650 form factor, an values of the LiC were multiplied by 5, as its volume is about
NCA cell chemistry, and a capacity above 3 Ah. For the high- five times the volume of the other battery cells, which are all of
power part, either a high-power lithium-ion battery (LiB-HP) or type 18650 (see Table I).
a lithium-ion capacitor (LiC) is used. Lithium-ion capacitors, A lower internal resistance improves power capability, as
which are a special subset of supercapacitors, provide power higher discharging currents can be provided by the cell without
and energy characteristics that lie in between electric double- violating the minimum voltage limitation. As shown in Fig. 1,
layer capacitors and lithium-ion batteries. An electrical and LiC exhibits the lowest Rac,1 kHz , which indicates a superior
thermal characterization of a lithium-ion capacitor can be found power capability, even at −20 ◦ C. The resistance values of
in [15]. No conventional double-layer capacitor is taken into the lithium-ion batteries are about two to eight times higher,
consideration, as it cannot provide appropriate support for an which corresponds to a lower power capability. For a wide
electric vehicle due to its low energy content [3]. A second range of temperatures, the more recent high-energy battery
high-energy lithium-ion cell model, i.e., LiB-HEold , is also LiB-HE exhibits resistance values about 30% lower than the
examined to evaluate advancements in lithium-ion battery tech- older cell model LiB-HEold . This reveals advancements in
nology. This cell model was released about five years earlier power capability of high-energy lithium-ion batteries. Only at
than LiB-HE. −20 ◦ C, LiB-HE exhibits a disproportionately high resistance
Table I lists the characteristic properties of the different value, which lies even above LiB-HEold . The Rac,1 kHz values
cells used in this study. To determine the capacity and energy of LiB-HP lie in between the values of LiB-HE and LiC.
contents under identical conditions, all cells were discharged In addition to the increased internal resistance Rac,1 kHz ,
at 25 ◦ C with a constant current of 1 A. Prior to discharging, which can be attributed to low electrolyte conductivity, the
each cell had been charged with a constant current of 1 A until total cell resistance increases even more with lower temperature
its maximum voltage was reached. The subsequent constant- due to slow charge transfer kinetics and reduced solid-state
voltage period lasted until the charging current dropped below lithium diffusivity [18]. As a general trend, cells with a higher
0.1 A. Table I reveals the spread in specific energy and energy energy density exhibit higher internal resistances and a higher
density of the different cells: For the two high-power cells, sensitivity to low temperatures [3].
energy densities differ by a factor of 15, and specific energies
B. DC–DC Converter for Hybrid Energy Storage Systems
differ by a factor of 10. For the three different lithium-ion
batteries, energy densities and specific energies vary up to a To combine different energy storage devices to an HESS,
factor of 2.4. which is capable of managing current flows, additional power
At low temperatures, the minimum voltage specification electronics are required [5]. Therefore, a universal dc–dc con-
is often the limiting parameter for the available discharging verter board was developed, which allows an investigation of
currents: As the voltage drops are higher at low temperatures HESSs on cell level. Fig. 2(a) presents the HESS topology used
due to increased internal resistances, lower discharging currents in this study. The dc–dc converter unit is located between the
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Fig. 2. (a) Topology of the hybrid energy storage system, combining a high-
energy (HE) and a high-power (HP) battery. (b) the dc-dc converter board used
for the experimental investigations. seems not to be feasible for electric vehicle application, where
the maximum space for the energy storage system is limited:
A reduced share of the high-energy part would lead to re-
ductions in available range, which would not be tolerated by
the customer. Hence, the following two HESS configurations
have been composed: The first HESS combines a high-energy
lithium-ion cell LiB-HE with a high-power lithium-ion cell
LiB-HP; it is called HESS-LiB. The second HESS combines
a lithium-ion capacitor LiC with high-energy lithium-ion cells
LiB-HE and is called HESS-LiC. To obtain the same volume for
the high-power and high-energy part, HESS-LiC contains five
LiB-HE cells.
Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the dc-dc converter board comprising For our evaluations, an application scenario is assumed,
a four-transistor noninverting buck-boost converter. A microcontroller (μC)
measures voltages and currents at both inputs, as well as at the output of the where the converter for the HESS is integrated into the power
dc-dc converter and controls the two pairs of switches. electronics of the electric motor. Thus, no additional space
for the converter has to be considered. This constitutes a best
high-energy battery and the output. As peak loads will be cov- case scenario, which allows an identification of the maximum
ered by the high-power storage device, which is connected di- potential of hybrid systems. Consequently, the space demand of
rectly to the output, the dc–dc converter for the high-energy part the dc–dc converter is neglected, when comparing HESSs and
can be dimensioned smaller in such a topology. Fig. 2(b) de- energy storage systems without hybridization. Thus, the energy
picts the corresponding converter board with two inputs for storage volume of the HESS amounts to twice the volume of the
different energy storage devices and one common output to high-energy battery part. This enlargement by a factor of 2 is
the load. also considered for the high-energy lithium-ion battery systems
Fig. 3 illustrates the design and Table II lists technical without hybridization by reducing the load profile for a single
parameters of the converter board. The dc–dc converter unit was LiB-HE or LiB-HEold cell to half power.
designed as a four-transistor noninverting buck–boost converter
[19]. The four-transistor design enables bidirectional current
D. Operating Strategies
flow, which is required for regenerative braking and recharging.
Fig. 3 also shows the microcontroller, which measures voltages In the HESS configurations, the high-power part is intended
and currents at both inputs and the output of the converter for supporting the high-energy lithium-ion battery. The load
unit. It also controls the power switches by 100-kHz pulsewidth distribution between both storage devices is determined by the
modulation (PWM) signals. In this paper, the converter unit operating strategy of the HESS. On our converter board, dif-
operates in buck mode, as long as the voltage of the high- ferent load management strategies were implemented. For this
energy source is above the high-power source, and switches to study, the following two operating modes are investigated: fixed
buck–boost mode when the voltage of the high-energy source duty cycle and constant load on LiB-HE. They represent the two
is below or equal to the high-power source. extreme cases of operating a HESS, as the high-energy battery
is exposed either to the maximum dynamic of the load changes
at the output or to no dynamic at all. In the first mode, no active
C. Composition of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems
regulation of the power flow takes place. The power distribution
The large variations in energy density and resistance charac- is only a result of the voltages and the internal resistances
teristics of the capacitor and batteries examined in Section II-A of both energy storage devices. In contrast, the second mode
allow the composition of diverse HESSs. For the two HESS keeps the discharging current for LiB-HE constant. This keeps
configurations examined in this paper, the volume of the addi- the load changes at the output away from the high-energy bat-
tional high-power part is chosen to be similar to the volume of tery. As a secondary effect, a constant discharging current for
the high-energy part. Although a larger high-power part would LiB-HE leads to phases of surplus power. These phases are
be necessary for a capacitor-based HESS to cover an entire used to recharge the high-power device. Only when the high-
acceleration period from 0 to 130 km/h, such a configuration power device reaches its maximum voltage, the discharging
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current for LiB-HE is reduced to prevent an overcharging of the

high-power device. To obtain maximum performance of the
HESSs operating with constant load on LiB-HE, several runs of
the test procedure have been performed to iteratively determine
an appropriate current value for discharging LiB-HE, which
provides a high capacity utilization.
In the literature, many operating strategies for HESSs can
be found, such as filtering [20], [21], rule-based limitations of
the operating window of the high-energy battery [22], [23],
or optimized load splitting for predefined load profiles [24].
Fig. 4. Velocity profile of the American US06 highway driving cycle.
Concerning the load dynamics at the high-energy battery, they
all range between the two extreme strategies examined in
this paper.
By using the fixed duty cycle mode, it is also possible to
derive information about passive hybrid battery configurations,
in which high-energy and high-power modules are connected
directly in parallel. This cannot be examined on cell level,
when the voltage levels of the high-energy and high-power cells
differ. Here, the dc–dc converter operating at a fixed duty cycle
provides the necessary voltage transformation to couple the
dissimilar cells without having to connect different numbers
of cells in series to obtain the same voltage on module level.
The duty cycle used in our HESS configurations corresponds Fig. 5. Reference load profile on cell level derived from the US06 highway
to the voltage ratio of high-power part to high-energy part. driving cycle (positive values represent discharging).
It was set to 0.88 for HESS-LiC and 0.98 for HESS-LiB.
Although the two lithium-ion batteries of HESS-LiB could have resistance. Climbing resistances are neglected. For this study,
been connected directly in parallel, the setup with the dc–dc the vehicle parameters are based on a compact passenger car
converter, operating at a duty cycle close to 1, was chosen. with a mass of 1500 kg and a 60-kW engine. With an assumed
This provides a better comparability of the results between drivetrain efficiency of about 85%, this leads to a maximum
both HESS configurations and the two operating modes, as discharge power of 70 kW at the battery. For the reference
comparable contact and conduction losses occur in all cases. load profile, a battery pack consisting of 2000 cells of type
Moreover, the usage of the converter board enables the mea- 18650 is assumed. Fig. 5 shows the computed reference load
surement of the current distribution among the high-energy and profile for a single high-energy lithium-ion cell, where the total
high-power part. power demand has been divided by the number of cells of
the battery pack. As no considerable inhomogeneity in current
distribution has to be expected in a battery pack of an electric
E. Load Profile for the Experimental Investigations
vehicle, the results obtained on cell level with the presented
The experimental investigations on the low-temperature per- load profile are representative for the performance of the entire
formance of HESSs and energy storage systems without hy- battery system. With LiB-HE cells, such a battery system allows
bridization require a suitable reference load profile. The US06 more than 110 km of driving for the US06 highway profile at
highway driving cycle [25] is employed in this study, as it is 25 ◦ C. Such a configuration is in good agreement with the
derived from a real driving scenario and features frequent load results of sizing studies for HESSs, which reveal that perfor-
changes with considerable acceleration and deceleration rates. mance improvements can be obtained particularly for small
Such high-power driving situations are most demanding for battery systems providing driving ranges below 120 km [27] or
the energy storage system of an electric vehicle, particularly at 220 km [28].
low temperatures. This driving cycle represents a worst case Within this paper, discharging power and discharging cur-
scenario, as electric vehicles are often used in urban traffic rents are defined positive. As the operating voltage range of the
conditions, where, despite of more frequent stop-and-go driving HESS corresponds to the operating voltage range of its high-
conditions, the battery load is considerably lower [26]. Hence, power cell, the voltage ranges of HESS-LiB and HESS-LiC
if the energy storage system provides sufficient power for the differ considerably (see Table I). Thus, a power load profile
US06 driving conditions, it automatically covers other urban is used instead of a current load profile to obtain comparable
or rural driving conditions as well. Fig. 4 shows the velocity results. Moreover, the load for HESS-LiC is multiplied by five,
profile of this driving cycle. Within a duration of 10 min, a as it has five times the volume of HESS-LiB. To obtain a
distance of about 13 km is covered. fair comparison between HESSs and energy storage systems
The velocity profile of the driving cycle is converted to a without hybridization, the high-energy lithium-ion cells are
power profile by using a vehicle simulation model, as described also exposed to a half-power load profile. This corresponds
in [26]. The vehicle model consists of all relevant driving to a high-energy lithium-ion battery system of double volume,
resistances, such as drag, rolling resistance, and acceleration which is similar to the volume of HESS-LiB.
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F. Experimental Setup and Test Procedure

For conducting the experiments, a BaSyTec HPS battery test
system with multiple 18-V test channels is used, which features
16-bit resolution for all voltage and current measurements.
A 360-A test channel is used for the HESS-LiC, a 24-A test
channel is used for the HESS-LiB and LiB-HE, and a 7-A test
channel is used for the LiB-HE x2 measurements. Moreover,
a Vötsch VT4021 climate chamber is used to provide constant
environmental conditions.
To investigate the performance of the HESSs and lithium-ion
battery systems without hybridization at various temperatures,
all experiments are conducted at 20 ◦ C, 0 ◦ C, −10 ◦ C, and
−20 ◦ C. Moreover, the battery cells are enclosed by pipe
insulation to reproduce the heating of the cells in a large battery
system of an electric vehicle. The insulation consists of foamed
polyethylene with a thickness of about 1 cm. To guarantee
similar test conditions, the cells are always fully charged at
25 ◦ C before each test run. The charging procedure consists of
a 1-A constant current phase and a subsequent constant voltage Fig. 6. Voltage curves for discharging high-energy lithium-ion cells at 0 ◦ C
and -20 ◦ C with the reference driving load profile (top) and the driving load
phase, as already described in Section II-A. profile with half power (bottom), representing a high-energy lithium-ion battery
For each test temperature, the computed US06 driving load of double size (LiB-HE x2), which corresponds to the volume of the HESS-LiB
profile is executed on the battery test system, after the cells
have fully acclimatized to the environmental temperature. The
profile, which is presented in Fig. 5. The bottom plot shows the
load profile is repeated with rest periods of 30 s between each
discharge behavior, when the load is reduced by a factor of 2,
run as long as the energy storage system is able to provide
which represents the high-energy lithium-ion battery system of
sufficient driving power. To prevent overcharging and overdis-
double size (LiB-HE x2). This size is similar to the volume
charging, the battery test system automatically reduces the load
of HESS-LiB, which also doubles due to the additional high-
power, when the maximum or minimum voltage specification
power part.
is reached. As this keeps the voltage of the HESS or the battery
At 0 ◦ C, the lithium-ion cells can be discharged with both
always within the specified operating range, a separate end-
profiles. As the load of LiB-HE x2 is reduced by a factor of 2,
of-drive criterion has been defined: When the energy storage
voltage drops are substantially lower. The minimum voltage
system is no longer able to provide 70% of the maximum
and the end-of-drive criterion are reached after 159 min, which
discharge power of the respective load profile, the driving
is considerably later than twice the driving duration of LiB-HE
procedure is stopped. This criterion allows a minor reduction
(68 min). This demonstrates that a load reduction leads to a
in driving power at low SoC, but stops the test, when the power
better utilization of the energy stored in the battery, which is an
reduction exceeds a certain extent, which is assumed not to be
advantage of larger battery systems.
tolerated by the driver, as it prevents higher acceleration, which
At −20 ◦ C, the cells show massive performance limitations.
might be necessary, for example, for an overtaking maneuver.
Due to the high internal resistances, the cells cannot follow
During each test run, the battery test system measures volt-
the load profile in any of the two configurations: Even for
age, current, and temperature. Moreover, voltage and current
the reduced half-power load, only about 50% of the requested
data measured by the dc–dc converter board at its inputs and
power is available. This results in a driving duration of less
output are recorded separately.
than 1 min. Hence, no operation of an electric vehicle with the
considered load profile is possible at −20 ◦ C. This confirms that
III. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION high-power applications at low temperature are still challenging
To investigate the improvements in low-temperature per- for high-energy lithium-ion cells.
formance of electric vehicles achievable by HESSs, different
HESS configurations and energy storage systems without hy- B. Hybrid Energy Storage System at Low Temperature
bridization have been discharged with a comparable highway
driving load profile at various temperatures. The results are In contrast to the energy storage systems without hybridiza-
presented and discussed in the following. tion, an HESS features an additional high-power part to provide
higher discharge power, even at low temperature. Fig. 7 shows
the discharge behavior of HESS-LiB: At −20 ◦ C, the two
A. Energy Storage Systems Without Hybridization
operating modes, i.e., fixed duty cycle and constant load on
For the two energy storage configurations without hybridiza- LiB-HE, are compared. Both enable driving at −20 ◦ C, which
tion, Fig. 6 shows the cell voltages during the driving load has not been possible with the energy storage systems without
scenario at 0 ◦ C and −20 ◦ C. In the top plot, the high-energy hybridization. The different operating modes provide sufficient
lithium-ion cell LiB-HE is discharged with the reference load driving power for 48 and 89 min, respectively.
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Fig. 7. Discharging the HESS-LiB, combining a high-energy lithium-ion battery LiB-HE and a high-power lithium-ion battery LiB-HP, with the highway load
profile: Current, voltage, and temperature curves are depicted for the two different operating modes. (a) Fixed duty cycle and (b) constant load on LiB-HE.

Fig. 7(a) illustrates the fixed duty cycle operating mode. The avoid an overcharging of the high-power device. Such current
voltage curves of LiB-HE and LiB-HP are almost similar. They reductions occur particularly in the early phase, when LiB-HP
are only scaled by a constant factor of 0.98, which corresponds is still at a high SoC. As Fig. 7(b) demonstrates, this operating
to the duty cycle setting of the buck converter. Consequently, mode enables a driving duration of 89 min.
both storage devices exhibit synchronous load changes accor- Comparing the two operating modes highlights that a sub-
dant to the changes in the total driving load. As the high- stantially longer driving duration can be achieved at −20 ◦ C by
power device has a substantially lower internal resistance, it establishing a constant load on LiB-HE. As this operating mode
covers higher current amplitudes during acceleration and during decouples LiB-HE mostly from the dynamics of the driving
regenerative braking. Thus, sufficient power for the driving load profile, high current pulses on LiB-HE are avoided. Thus,
load profile can be provided. Since LiB-HE is only discharged no elevated voltage drops occur, and no early power reductions
and recharged with low current rates, it does not warm up are necessary to remain within the specified operating voltage
notably. Thus, its internal resistances remain high, and LiB-HP window. Hence, the minimum voltage limit is reached at a later
continues to cover most of the power demand. Hence, the SoC stage of the discharge process. At −20 ◦ C, the driving duration
and the voltage level of LiB-HP gradually decrease. This results is almost doubled compared with the fixed duty cycle mode.
in a reduction of the output voltage of the HESS. Finally, Consequently, a constant load on the high-energy part of the
the output voltage under load drops to the minimum voltage HESS enables a higher driving distance.
limitation, and discharge power is automatically reduced by For both operating modes, the large voltage drops of LiB-HP
the battery test system. The end-of-drive criterion of more than at the beginning of the test procedure disclose that there is no
30% power reduction is fulfilled after 48 min. considerable power reserve left at −20 ◦ C. It can be concluded
The results for the second operating mode, i.e., constant load from this result that a smaller high-power part would not
on LiB-HE, are depicted in Fig. 7(b). This operating mode leads have been sufficient to provide the driving power requested
to a different discharge behavior: Here, the load on LiB-HE by the load profile. Hence, the HESS-LiB configuration with
is kept rather constant at about 1.7 A. Thus, LiB-HE only a high-power lithium-ion battery LiB-HP of identical volume
provides a constant base power, whereas LiB-HP covers the as the high-energy part is required to provide sufficient support
entire dynamic of the load profile. As LiB-HE is discharged for LiB-HE at the beginning of the discharging procedure
with an almost constant current rate from the very beginning, at −20 ◦ C.
it warms up faster than in the fixed duty cycle mode. During
periods of low load at the output, the surplus charge from
C. Comparison of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems
LiB-HE is transferred to LiB-HP to recharge the high-power
device for subsequent acceleration periods. Hence, LiB-HP In our study, two different energy storage technologies are
remains at a higher voltage level, which allows larger voltage considered for the high-power part of the HESS. The HESS-
drops and, thus, higher discharge power for a longer time. LiB uses a high-power lithium-ion battery LiB-HP, and the
When the voltage of LiB-HP approaches the maximum voltage HESS-LiC uses a lithium-ion capacitor LiC as support for the
specification during the charge transfer or during regenerative high-energy lithium-ion cells LiB-HE. Both HESS configura-
braking, the discharging current for LiB-HE is reduced to tions feature the same volume ratio between the high-energy
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Fig. 9. Comparison of driving ranges for the HESS and the lithium-ion battery
Fig. 8. Driving durations under different operating modes for the HESS-LiB, systems without hybridization, which have the same volume as HESS-LiB and
containing a high-power lithium-ion battery, and the HESS-LiC, containing a contain either LiB-HEold or LiB-HE cells.
lithium-ion capacitor.

the power capability of LiB-HP is already sufficient for provid-

part and the high-power part of 1:1. As the absolute amount of ing the required driving power at −20 ◦ C. Consequently, HESS-
energy of the two HESS configurations is different due to the LiB outperforms HESS-LiC at all temperatures examined, as its
larger size of the LiC, evaluating driving durations instead of higher energy content results in higher driving ranges. Although
discharged energies provides better comparability. the lithium-ion capacitor provides a higher energy density than
Fig. 8 shows the discharge durations for both HESS con- a conventional double-layer capacitor, its energy density is still
figurations under the two operating modes at four different too low for the application in an HESS for a fully electric
temperatures. Both HESSs enable driving with the employed passenger car. Moreover, its power capability cannot be fully
load profile at −20 ◦ C. The HESS-LiB provides driving dura- used. Hence, an HESS-LiC seems to be better suited for other
tions between 48 and 131 min in fixed duty cycle mode and applications where a higher power-to-energy ratio is required.
driving durations between 89 and 138 min when operating with
constant load on LiB-HE. The HESS-LiC exhibits considerably
D. Improvements in Lithium-Ion Battery Technology
lower driving durations, which originates from the low energy
content of the capacitor: The driving durations range from 6 To evaluate the performance of the HESS in comparison with
to 79 min for fixed duty cycle and from 37 to 89 min for conventional battery systems without hybridization, discharge
constant load on LiB-HE. The results of the fixed duty cycle durations of two high-energy lithium-ion batteries are regarded.
mode for HESS-LiC at −20 ◦ C disclose the limitations of this In addition to LiB-HE, another high-energy cell model, i.e.,
operating mode: As the capacitor has a much lower internal LiB-HEold , is taken into consideration. As this cell model
resistance, it provides almost the entire discharge power. As its was released about five years earlier than LiB-HE, it helps
energy density only amounts to 3% of the energy density of to disclose performance improvements of high-energy lithium-
the LiB-HE cells, the SoC of the capacitor rapidly decreases, ion batteries over the last years. For both cells, the reduced
and the voltage level of the HESS output reaches the minimum load profile is used for driving range measurements, which
limitation already after a few minutes. Moreover, keeping the represents high-energy lithium-ion battery systems with double
discharging currents of the LiB-HE part low prevents it from volume, which is identical to the volume of HESS-LiB.
warming up. Thus, the energy content of the LiB-HE cells Fig. 9 illustrates the driving ranges of the two high-energy
remains inaccessible. batteries and the two HESS with the constant load on LiB-HE
All experimental results depicted in Fig. 8 confirm that operating mode. As previously described, the two HESS are
operating the HESS with a constant load on LiB-HE improves the only systems providing sufficient discharge power for the
the driving duration. This can be observed most pronouncedly regarded load scenario at −20 ◦ C. At −10 ◦ C, the older lithium-
at subzero temperatures, where the difference in internal re- ion battery LiB-HEold is not able to provide the requested
sistance between high-energy and high-power device increases driving power, as its higher internal resistances still limit the
substantially. At these temperatures, a high-power device peri- discharge power substantially. We also obtained this result in
odically recharged by the high-energy battery has turned out our previous study for another high-energy lithium-ion cell
to be most beneficial: It allows covering higher peak loads model [3]. The release date of that cell model lies in between
without being restricted by the minimum voltage limitations of LiB-HEold and LiB-HE: It was released about three years before
the HESS, even at a low SoC of the high-energy battery. LiB-HE.
Comparing both HESS configurations operating with a con- Comparing HESS-LiB and LiB-HEold x2 illustrates that this
stant load on LiB-HE reveals that HESS-LiB provides between HESS configuration provides a better performance than battery
50% and 140% higher driving ranges. In our test scenario, systems based on older high-energy lithium-ion cell models: At
HESS-LiC cannot benefit from its higher power capability, as 20 ◦ C and 0 ◦ C, driving ranges are rather similar, and at subzero
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temperatures, the energy content of the high-energy battery All these effects lead to an improved driving range compared
is only accessible with the HESS configuration, which covers with operating the HESS at a fixed duty cycle, which also
peak loads by its additional high-power lithium-ion battery. corresponds to a hard parallel connection of the different energy
The results of LiB-HE x2 demonstrate the performance storage devices. Consequently, the performance improvements
of a recent high-energy lithium-ion cell model. It exhibits a of an HESS at subzero temperatures come largely from its
better low-temperature performance, as it is able to provide ability to control current flows.
the requested driving power at −10 ◦ C as well. Moreover, the In contrast to the advantages of HESSs, there are also cer-
increased capacity leads to the highest driving ranges for a wide tain disadvantages: The hybridization leads to a higher system
temperature range. Only at −20 ◦ C, an HESS configuration complexity. Furthermore, the energy density of an HESS is
has remained necessary to provide the desired discharge power. always lower than the energy density of a battery system that
Hence, the improvements of high-energy lithium-ion cells nar- consists solely of high-energy lithium-ion cells. This means that
row the benefits of HESS. the driving range at regular operating temperatures is generally
Fig. 9 also demonstrates the limitations of HESS-LiC due to lower. Consequently, a compromise between driving range,
the low energy density of the lithium-ion capacitor. At temper- low-temperature performance, and cost has to be found.
atures of −10 ◦ C and above, HESS-LiC can only provide about As the lithium-ion battery technology has advanced over the
50% of the driving range of LiB-HE x2. Thus, a capacitor-based last years, the performance of high-energy cells at low tem-
HESS is more suitable for applications with a lower energy perature has increased, and further improvements are expected.
demand and a stronger focus on power capability. This will narrow the benefits of HESS, as future high-energy
lithium-ion batteries will be less reliant on the support of an
additional high-power device. Moreover, a simple preheating of
the battery system before driving can become sufficient: In our
To achieve acceptable driving ranges, electric vehicles re- study, the battery only had to be warmed up to about −10 ◦ C to
quire high-energy battery systems. The discharge power of such provide the requested driving power without hybridization.
a battery system is limited by the internal cell resistances and For operating conditions where an insulating and preheating
the minimum voltage specifications. With lower temperatures, of the high-energy lithium-ion battery system is not sufficient
the cell resistances rise and reduce the battery’s power capabil- to obtain the required driving power, HESSs remain an effective
ity. Our study has confirmed that limitations in low-temperature solution and provide a good compromise between driving range
performance of high-energy lithium-ion batteries are still a and low-temperature performance.
critical issue for the development of energy storage systems for HESS have to be considered as a valuable option for next-
fully electric vehicles. generation lithium batteries. As improvements in energy den-
To overcome power limitations at subzero temperatures, sity are expected to be rather limited for lithium-ion batteries,
HESSs have been investigated. They enable driving without next-generation lithium batteries, such as lithium-sulfur [29] or
power reduction, even at −20 ◦ C. The experimental investi- lithium-air batteries [30], are in the focus of research. Since
gations have revealed that the available driving range depends these battery technologies exhibit severe limitations in rate
substantially on the configuration and the operational strategy capability [31], HESSs that combine these new high-energy
of the HESS. In our study, a high-power lithium-ion battery storage technologies and lithium-ion batteries are promising en-
and a lithium-ion capacitor have been used as the high-power ergy storage systems for future electric vehicles. Using lithium-
sources for two different HESS configurations. As both config- ion batteries for the high-power part helps to maintain the
urations were able to provide sufficient power for the selected system’s energy density at a high level. This enables higher
driving load profile, the HESS containing a high-power lithium- driving ranges, which is a prerequisite for the long-term success
ion battery has outperformed the capacitor-based HESS: As the of electric vehicles.
high-power lithium-ion battery features a higher energy density
than the lithium-ion capacitor, higher driving ranges have been R EFERENCES
achieved at all temperatures examined. Capacitor-based HESSs
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May 2015, pp. 1–11. systems.

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