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20-03312 | Mercado, Reyniel Joshua A._ME-1104 | MMW- L.A 1.

What is the most important contribution of mathematics in humankind?

Mathematics evolved from time to time. It started because of man’s natural

curiosity about the physical world which eventually developed into a more intricate branch
of Mathematics. In general, the most important contribution of Mathematics to the world
is enabling the humankind to understand and learn the different aspects, phenomenon,
theorems, and questions that revolve in the physical world. This subject is of vital
importance to the learning of humans about the world. It has been known that
Mathematics is the language of the world.

Many subjects arise from the understanding of Mathematics such as Physics,

Chemistry, Engineering, and even Biology. Mathematics also led to the ideation of
different theories that result from the questions generated by men. These questions were
answered with the help of Mathematics. Also, this subject helped every generation to
come up with new knowledge, understanding, and proving different theories. I can see
that without Math there will be less innovation, technology, and evolution of the human

Understanding Engineering, which has rigorous Mathematics, enabled the

scientists and engineers to come up with different solutions that contribute to the welfare
of the society. Physics, which also deals with mathematics, helped the theorists and
scientists to provide answers to the vague questions and gaps of knowledge about the
physical world. Chemistry, a branch of Science that also contains Mathematics, allowed
many scientists to study the different phenomenon in molecular perspective wherein it is
also vital for the innovation of society. It is also surprising that Biology has Mathematics.
This life science can be integrated into Mathematics when studying genetics and the like.
These mentioned subjects are not limited when it comes to the study of Mathematics.
Additionally, there are many other fields that concern this subject. One is the simple
everyday routine that helps us to compute our daily allowances, changes, and other
related activity to counting. Second is we can see Mathematics in terms of the patterns in
our own surroundings. These include flower petals, kaleidoscopes, snails, and the like
that includes recurring patterns. With all these generalizations and contributions to
knowledge, it can be concluded that Mathematics is really crucial for the understanding
of the world.

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