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Nervous System (Important topics)

 Properties of synaptic transmission.
 Sensory receptors(classification, properties, Adaptation)
 Pathways for transmission of somatic sensations
 Name the Ascending or sensory tracts
 Name the sensations carried by anterior or lateral spinothalamic tract.
 Name the sensations carried by dorsal column medial lemniscal system.
 Differentiate dorsal column medial leminiscal system from Anterolateral
spinothalamic tract
 Define reflex action. Classification, properties & functions of Reflexes.

 Muscle spindle and Golgi tendon organ. Explain their functions & nerve
 Explain mechanism and regulation of the muscle tone
 Pain sensations, types, Difference b/w fast & slow pain
 Pain pathway and analgesia system, Difference b/w Neospinothalamic tract
& paleo spinothalamic tract
 Referred pain
 Name sensory areas of the brain & their functions
 Name motor areas of brain & their functions.

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