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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education
Division of Maguindanao-1
Datu Paglas National High School
Poblacion, Datu Paglas, Maguindanao Del Sur

Fourth Quarterly Examination

Science 7

Multiple Choice: Select the best answer from the choices given. Write the letter only. (2 points each)

______ 1. At what degree of latitude is the equator located?

a. Oº b. 23.5º N c. 90º N d. 180º W
______ 2. The exact location of the Philippines is determined by the _____.
a. Coordinate System b. Time Zones c. Use of compass d. Graphs
______ 3. What do you call the measure of the distance north or south from the equator?
a. Equator b. Latitude c. Longitude d. Parallels
______ 4. Which bodies of water are found to the west of the Philippines?
a. Celebes Sea and Sulu Sea c. South China Sea and Pacific Ocean
b. Pacific Ocean and Philippine Sea d. South China Sea and Indian Ocean
______ 5. Which large landmass is found to the north of the Philippines?
a. Asian Continent b. Indonesian Archipelago c. Isthmus of Kra d. Australia
______ 6. It is possible for a fisherman to harvest sea shells, fish, and seaweeds to sell because…
a. Fishing is common in the Philippines
b. The Philippines is along the Ring of Fire
c. The Philippines is near the equator
D. The Philippines is surrounded by different bodies of water with rich aquatic life.
______ 7. Where does water from rivers, lakes, and springs originate?
a. Canalb. Drainage c. Temperature d. Watershed
______ 8. What do you call the natural resources that cannot be easily replaced as fast as they are consumed?
a. Conservation b. Non-renewable resources c. protection d. Renewable
______ 9. An energy source that comes from the heat of the ground.
a. Fossil Fuel b. Geothermal c. Hydrothermal d. Solar Energy
______ 10. An energy source that comes from water.
a. Fossil Fuel b. Geothermal c. Hydrothermal d. Solar Energy
______ 11. An energy source that comes from sunlight.
a. Fossil Fuel b. Geothermal c. Hydrothermal d. Solar Energy
______ 12. An energy source that comes from wind.
a. Geothermal b. Hydrothermal c. Solar Energy d. Wind Energy
______ 13. It forms from rock into a smooth texture that resembles the skin of the Earth.
a. Minerals b. Rocks c. Soil d. None of these
______ 14. It is the mechanical breaking of the rocks by the movement of other rocks.
a. Biological Weathering c. Physical Weathering
b. Chemical Weathering d. None of these
______ 15. It is the chemical decay of rocks that changes its composition.
a. Biological Weathering c. Physical Weathering
b. Chemical Weathering d. None of these
______ 16. What two factors have the greatest influence on soil formation?
a. Kind of soil particles and temperature c. Slope of the land and rainfall
b. Reforestation and use of compost as fertilizer d. Temperature and rainfall
______ 17. What do you call a resource that people can use again and again and its supply can easily be
a. Recyclable b. Reliable c. Renewable d. Unlimited
______ 18. It refers to the wise use of natural resources so that it will not be used up too soon or used in a way
that will damage the environment.
a. Conservation b. Nonrenewablec. Protection d. Renewable
______ 19. Which pair of resources is renewable?
a. Aluminum and iron b. Coal and Solar Energy c. Cotton and leather d. Soil and minerals
______ 20. What is the most abundant element in Earth’s atmosphere?
a. Argonb. Carbon Dioxide c. Nitrogen d. Oxygen
______ 21. In which layer do virtually all weather phenomena take place?
a. Exosphere b. Mesosphere c. Stratosphere d. Troposphere
_____ 22. Why is the presence of the ozone in the stratosphere important for the survival of living things on Earth?
a. It helps cloud formation c. It offers protection from Sun’s UV rays
b. It makes jet flying more comfortable d. It warms the Earth’s surface
_____ 23. The sources of greenhouse gasses are listed EXCEPT one.
a. Carbon dioxide b.Chlorofluorocarbon c. Methane d. Water vapor
_____ 24. Why are scientists concerned about the greenhouse effect?
a. Burning of fossil fuels and deforestation enhance the greenhouse effect.
b. Increase population rapidly; more carbon dioxide will be released to the atmosphere.
c. Planting trees in wider areas is not possible.
d. There is no technology that will keep the temperature of Earth constant.
_____ 25. What type of breeze is described when moving air or wind from land to sea?
a. Land Breeze b. Rising Air c. Sea Breeze d. Surrounding Air
_____ 26. What do you call the wind system that usually brings rainfall whether it comes from cold or warm areas?
a. ITCZ b. Land breeze c. Monsoons d. Sea breeze
_____27. What happens when air is heated?
a. It moves toward a lower elevation c. It spreads in all directions
b. It rises d. It stays in place
_____ 28. The following are true about ITCZ EXCEPT one.
a. It results in thunderstorms. c. It occurs in the Philippines all year round.
b. It occurs in countries near equator d. It forms clouds that tropics meet and rise.
_____ 29. How does the air move in a sea breeze?
a. Wind moves from north to south c. Wind moves from south to north
b. Wind moves from ocean to land d. Wind moves from land to ocean.
_____ 30. What is the effect of a thunderstorm?
a. It brings a bright day that helps children to play outside.
b. It brings fog in the morning to grow plants.
c. It brings heavy rains and lightning that brings danger to go outside from home.
d. It brings more fish to catch.
_____ 31. What is the angle of tilted Earth towards the sun?
a. Oº b. 23.5º c. 45º d. 90º
_____ 32. In which month to experience winter in the Northern Hemisphere?
a. December b. June c. September d. March
_____ 33. What season has the longest day and shortest night?
a. Fall/Autumn b. Spring c. Summer d. Winter
_____ 34. The word equinox means _____.
a. At December and June c. Equal parts of earth receives sun’s rays
b. Different angle of Sun’s rays d. Unequal parts of earth receives sun’s rays
_____ 35. What is/are the season/s that can be found in the Philippines?
a. Autumn b. Spring c. Wet and Dry d. Winter
_____ 36. It is the occurrence of alignment of the Sun, Earth and Moon at a time.
a. Eclipse b. Full Moon c. New Moon d. Sunlight
_____ 37. When does a solar eclipse occur?
a. First quarter moon b. Full moon c. Last quarter moon d. New moon
_____ 38. Which of the following is the arrangement of celestial bodies during lunar eclipses?
a. Earth-Sun-Moon b. Sun-Earth-Moon c. Sun-Earth-Moon d. Sun-Moon-Earth
_____ 39. Which is the safest way to view a solar eclipse?
a. With a buddy b. With a telescope c. With eye protection D. With your mom
_____ 40. What is the famous belief in the Philippines on eclipses?
a. Adarna b. Bakunawa c. Black butterfly d. Black cat

-— END—
“Education is like gold that you need to invest because someday your dreams to become what you are will come true.”

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