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Préparation de pool de Sang

Abase blood poolwith lowmetals content, needed as amatrixmatch for calibration blanks, calibration,
and quality control standards, was purchased fromTennessee Blood Services, Memphis TN, USA. The
blood was specified to have been preserved with EDTA (not oxalate) and obtained from nonsmokers.
Each blood specimen was analyzed for metals content before use in the pool, and only specimens
with low metals concentrationswere included. Base bloodwas aliquoted (4.0 mL) by use of an
automated pipettor froma container,with constant stirring for homogeneity, into 4.5-mL Cryoware
storage vials used as specimen storage containers (Nalgene Nunc International, Rochester, NY, USA,
Cat No. 5000-0050). These vials were screened for cadmium, mercury, and lead before use. Samples
were stored at 4 °C prior to analysis, or they were frozen for long-term storage. All operations were
performed in a biological safety cabinet.

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