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Dear Friend,

I really want to help you get into shape by giving away as much
of my knowledge and experience as possible.

You’re not genetically “cursed”, and you can totally get into
shape using the flexible plans I’ve given you and following this

What makes my flexible meal plans different is…

• No more starvation dieting

• You don’t need to buy supplements that everyone wants

you to buy (so they can make money out of you)

• You don’t need to “give up” your favourite foods or cheat

foods (you’ll see that I’ve included cheat foods to give you
an idea!)

These flexible meal plans are available for men and women
with two separate ambitions—drop body fat (“cutting”) or build
maximum muscle (“bulking”)

Please follow this little user guide 😊

Feel free to ask me any questions via my website.

Getting Started
Once you have downloaded your flexible meal plan, do the following.

1) Use my macronutrient calculator to determine your target calories and macronutrient

requirements. Take a moment to read the article because I explain everything 😊
2) Enter your target calories and macros from the calculator at the bottom of the flexible meal plan
you’ve just downloaded.
3) Install MyNetDiary or MyFitnessPal onto your smartphone from the app store (it’s free!) and use
the search function to look-up food items you enjoy eating.
4) Begin overriding my entries with food choices you’ve selected from the MyNetDiary or
MyFitnessPal app. Only pick food that you enjoy eating (include some “cheat” snacks too!) 😊
5) Now override the entries I’ve made in the meal plan with your own entries using your own food
choices! Only use the calories and macronutrient data (Protein, Carb, Fat) and progressively
override the meal plan template with the food you love. All numbers will add-up automatically as
6) Need an absolute beginner weight training program to go with the meal plan? I wrote this
and swear by it: The Ultimate Beginner Guide: “Push Pull Legs”. Follow this approach while
sticking to your meal plan and your results will be accelerated.

Step-by-Step Guide
Here is what I did step-by-step to get into the absolute best shape possible using those meal plans
you’ve just downloaded.

Step 1

I bought the following gear;

➢ A cheap digital scale so I could weigh my food.

➢ Plastic food containers to store my meal prep. You can use either glass or plastic but I
personally like saving money… it is up to you! 😊
➢ Body fat calipers, a measuring tape, and a set of bathroom scales (this is important! You need
several methods to track and measure progress)

That’s it 😊


I also bought Optimum Nutrition whey protein to help reach my protein goals every day! You don’t have
to use that brand, but it is my personal favourite.

Step 2

Before you start the meal plan, take the following body measurements first thing after waking up in the
morning, in just your underwear, and after you’ve been to the bathroom. Make sure you weigh yourself
before you consume anything.

➢ Body weight
➢ Waist measurement (at the naval)
➢ Skinfolds (I like the Accumeasure 3000)

If you need a video demonstration on how to take skinfolds using the Accumeasure 3000, check out
this older video I made.

I also suggest taking photos—front-on, side-on, and rear. When I first did this I was very uncomfortable
but you will thank yourself later!

Customising Your Flexible Meal Plan

Here are some basic guidelines to help you customise these meal plans around the food you love
eating—with your favourite cheat foods 😊

➢ Try and get your calories to match as closely as possible with your target calories (within 100
calories is perfectly fine)
➢ Try and include 1-2 cheat foods in your meal plan. This will reduce the risk of binge eating!
➢ There are no limits to the number of meals and snacks you can have! There are no portion size
limits—it is all about trying to meet your daily calorie and macro targets (meal frequency doesn’t
➢ The “pre-workout” and “post-workout” sections of the plan can be moved to before breakfast,
around lunch time, or after dinner (the choice is yours!)
➢ The meal plan assumes you’ll be doing training (preferable weight training) 3-5 times per week.
➢ Get used to reading protein, carbohydrate, and fat details from food portion sizes in MyNetDiary
or MyFitnessPal.


Helpful Strategies
In this section, I am going to share practical meal planning tips that, if you follow them, you will be well
on your way to getting into the best shape of your life! Some are surprising simple but will pay off in big
returns 😊

➢ Pick a day (or two) in the week to prepare all your meals from the meal plan. Personally, I like
Monday and Thursday.
➢ When you step into a supermarket, don’t buy anything that is not on the plan otherwise you’ll eat
it… this was one of the biggest mistakes I made when I started my journey…
➢ Don’t keep anything in the cupboard that is not on the meal plan! If it was late at night and I was
tired, I would hunt around inside the cupboard and eat things that were not on the plan.
➢ Organise all snack foods into smaller zip lock bags to prevent overeating!
➢ Cook everything and then store them into containers.
➢ Follow the plan! Don’t sneak unplanned food items—no matter how “small” (sauces, snacks,
little chocolates). This is the fastest way to derail your progress. Honestly, if you want little
chocolates in your meal plan, just add them into the plan upfront (i.e., “planned cheat food”)
➢ Don’t skip meals that are on the plan! This will create complications such as binge eating and
other disorders. This is so important. You need to eat everything on the plan.
➢ Keep a record of your progress every week. Take photos and measurements. Don’t be put off if
the numbers are not dropping fast or are not linear. Some weeks will be slower than others—
even if you are doing everything “right” on the meal plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I change food items in my meal plan?
A. Yes! Just make sure the numbers (calories, protein, carb, and fat) approximately match. I like using
MyNetDiary to obtain those numbers. You will need to play around with it and learn where to read the
four numbers—calories per serve, protein, carb, and fat.

Q. How much weight will I gain or lose every week?

A. If you are bulking, then you should aim to gain around 1 pound every week. If you are cutting, you’ll
lose weight at around 1-2 pounds per week (depending on how much body fat you need to lose). And
usually in the first 1-2 weeks of commencing a bulk or cut, these numbers will be slightly higher before
progress slows down. If you are losing or gaining more than planned—add or subtract 100-200 calories
worth of food from the meal plan. You need to slowly gain or lose weight… Slow is the key! 😊
Q. How do I prepare the food in my meal plan?
A. This is your choice. Be mindful of the “hidden calories” of olive oil, butter, and sauces which you
might be tempted to carelessly throw on the fryer! These can be an extra few hundred calories not
accounted for in the meal plan. If you did not add it in the meal plan upfront, then don’t add it in later

Q. How many cheat foods should I add into my plan?

A. No more than 1 cheat snack per day! Personally, I love Quest protein bars. One of my older meal
plans included a Quest protein bar after every work-out—and I still dropped body fat! If you want to add
a small serving of ice cream, chocolate, or cookies—add them in 😊

Q. Can I drink a glass of wine every night?

A. Technically, you could add this into your meal plan provided you’re hitting your calorie and macro
targets. If you need a glass of wine—I suggest including it once per week.

Q. Should I include supplements in my plan?

A. You don’t need to and anyone that claims you need supplements is probably trying to make money
out of you. The only supplement you might need is protein powder due to the requirement of meeting
your protein needs every day. It can be difficult to get all your protein needs with whole food—especially
given that most of us live busy lives and require convenience.

Q. How do I plan my meals around my workouts?

A. If you prefer to train early morning, you could shift your “pre-workout” and “post-workout” to the
morning—or perhaps lunch time. This is your choice. The most important thing to remember is to build
your meal plan around your workouts. Modify the meal plan so that it suits your lifestyle and your work
schedule—not the other way around!

Q. How do I measure the food in the meal plan?

A. I suggest measuring raw/uncooked with the digital kitchen scales or measuring spoons. In the
sample meal plans, I have written “cooked” where applicable.


Q. How long will it take to get shredded (or “bulk”)?
A. It depends on your body fat percentage and where you are in your fitness journey. For most people
just starting and want to start “cutting”—then you’ll start to see waist measurements drop in the first 2-3
weeks. If you are “bulking” then I suggest bulking for 4-6 weeks before starting a cut. Getting into shape
won’t take very long at all… I built most of my current physique in around 8 months of proper
implementation of cycling between bulks and cuts. And proper training such as my favourite—Push Pull
Legs! Check out this article: The Ultimate Beginner Guide: “Push Pull Legs”.

Q. What if I over-eat one day (or two) or have an outright binge session?
A. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Don’t starve yourself for the rest of the week by skipping meals to try
and “make-up” for binge eating. This will lead to further complications with cravings and future binge
eating sessions. Whenever I slipped up on my meal plan… I don’t judge myself. I just accept that I’m
human with flaws and I don’t have perfect willpower. I just move on and start again the next day. If you
over-eat for several days, then you might lose a few days progress… that’s it. This is a normal part of
the journey. Keep going 😊

Q. What weight training do you recommend?

A. I swear by the beginner strength training program—Push Pull Legs. I absolutely love it and have built
most of my physique using this style of weight training. I wrote a popular article on it: The Ultimate
Beginner Guide: “Push Pull Legs”. (check it out!)

Q. What cardio do you recommend (if any)?

A. For cutting, no more than 15 minutes of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), 1-3 times per week
after your weight training session! Cardio is not necessary to lose fat, but it will accelerate the fat loss
process (especially while training fasted) If you are going to do steady-state cardio, no more than 20-30
minutes per session, 1-3 times per week.

For bulking, keep cardio to a minimum as it will make it harder to gain weight and build muscle. I
recommend steady-state cardio of no more than 1-3 sessions per week at 20-30 minutes a session.

Q. How many meals should I have per day in my meal plan?

A. It doesn’t matter. You can have fewer or more meals per day—the choice is yours! Some people
prefer 3 big meals per day (with a snack), some people prefer to skip breakfast. If you are meeting your
daily calorie and macro targets, meal timing is irrelevant. Feel free to modify the flexible meal plan
you’ve downloaded from me to accommodate your preferred meal frequency.

Final Words…
Can you please do me a favour? Can you please keep me updated with your progress? It will mean the
world to me if you could let me know how your transformation journey goes as it drives me to continue
giving away as much free advice as possible.
Reach out to me via my website.
Good luck with your transformation! 😊
Best Regards,
Brad Newton



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