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‫ان الحمد هلل نحمده ونستعينه ونستهديه ونعوذ باهلل من شرور انفسنا وسيئات اعمالنا‬

‫من يهده هللا فال مضل له ومن يضلل فال هادي له‬
‫واشهد ان ال اله اال هللا واشهد ان محمد عبده ورسوله صلي‬
‫اللهم عليه وعلى ازواجه واصحابه وال بيته ومن تبعهم باحسان الى يوم الدين‬
‫اعوذ بلله من الشيطان الرجيم‬
‫يا ايه الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحد وخلق منها زوجها وبث منهما رجال كثيرا ونساء واتقوا‬
‫هللا الذي تسالون به واالرحام ان هللا كان عليكم رقيبا‬
‫يا ايه الذين امنو اتقوا هللا وقولوا قوال سديدا يصلح لكم اعمالكم ويغفر لكم ذنوبكم‬
‫ومن يطع هللا ورسوله فقد فاز فوزا عظيما‬
‫اما بعد‬

As relatives, friends or colleagues start heading to Mecca for the start

of the Hajj season, its apt of us to ponder about Hajj and lessons we
draw out of Hajj, and whether you have been to Hajj or not there are lots
of lessons to take away from this once in a life time opportunity (few are
lucky to repeat it). and if you have been to Hajj then a lot of what we will
mention today will resonate with you even more. And if you have not
been to Hajj and when the time comes you start anticipating the
possibility of you being there… who wouldn’t want to be on the mount
of Araffa, who wouldn’t want the reward of Jannah… as we highlighted
last week that the accepted Hajj is reward with nothing but Jannah!

One lesson we can draw out of Hajj is a type of Ebadda, and this unique
Ebadda though we learn from it throughout the year but Hajj is a
constant reminder of this Ebada … the Ebada that we are talking about
is ‫انتظار الفرج‬, anticipating the deliverance of relief ….

Allah SWT made it very clear to us that we will be tested..

َ‫ٱلص ٰـ ِب ِرين‬ ِّ ‫ت ۗ َو َب‬

َّ ‫ش ِر‬ ِ ُ‫ص ِّمنَ ٱَأْل ْم ٰ َو ِل َوٱَأْلنف‬
ِ ‫س َوٱل َّث َم ٰ َر‬ ۢ ٍ ‫وع َو َن ْق‬
ِ ‫ش ْى ۢ ٍء ِّمنَ ٱ ْل َخ ْوفِ َوٱ ْل ُج‬
َ ‫َولَ َن ْبلُ َو َّن ُكم ِب‬
We will certainly test you with a touch of fear and famine and loss of
property, life, and crops. Give good news to those who patiently endure

And so we patiently endure… but why would we do that… because we

know the deliverance of relief is coming and we anticipate … … Allah
SWT says
‫ش ُر َر ْح َم َت ُهۥ ۚ َوه َُو ٱ ْل َول ُِّى ٱ ْل َحمِي ُد‬ ۟ ‫َوه َُو ٱلَّذِى ُي َن ِّزل ُ ٱ ْل َغ ْي َث م ِۢن َب ْع ِد َما َق َن ُط‬
ُ ‫وا َو َين‬

He is the One Who sends down rain after people have given up hope,
spreading out His mercy. He is the Guardian, the Praiseworthy.

Implying that you endure for the anticipation of relief … before you give
up as most people do… hence the test from Allah …
Well in the context of Hajj… anyone who’s been to Hajj will tell you
there is a lot of anticipation of relief… firstly you sign up… but you
don’t know if you will be selected? Especially in Muslim countries its all
luck of the draw and so you sit in anticipation, now its all on-line but
you still anticipate… and even in that process something might happen
that you find out that your booking was changed or in some cases (like
mine when I first tried to go to Hajj) the agent overbooked the number of
visas so I had an email to say sorry we couldn’t get your visa…But then
relief comes… and you are selected, you get a call or an email Asalam
Alaykum we would like to gladly inform you your hajj application being
granted.… and so you prepare yourself and then you head out and find
out you have to que up in Jeddah’s Hajj terminal, in the heat along with
1000s other Hujjaj how am I going to get out of this alive! No way on
earth I’m going to make it to Hajj then relief is delivered and you make it
out of the airport, then you get to the hotel and you find that the hotel
reservation was messed up, and you get upset and angry and you start
to think no way I’m every coming back here again (you haven’t even
seen the Kabba yet) and you have to wait and the relief comesand
everything is resolved, then Hajj itself it’s a huge physical burden… by
the time you have done Tawafs, Sai’i, walked to Araafa, to Jammarat,
you will easily clock 10s of Miles all of it is tyring and call upon every
punce of PATIENCE you have inside you believe you me and you will
encounter people who will test that patience reserve …. The ignorant,
the rude, the pushy, shouting, the Selfi Haji (24/7 on their mobile
vlogging his way through Hajj) and you tell yourself

‫وق َواَل ِجدَال َ فِى ٱ ْل َح ِّج‬

َ ‫س‬ُ ُ‫ۗ َفاَل َر َف َث َواَل ف‬
stay away from intimate relations, foul language, and arguments during

All of that is a test… and you endure, but why would you do that…

Because you belief that the relief will be delivered, the relief that Allah
SWT promised will be delivered;

٥ ‫َفِإنَّ َم َع ٱ ْل ُع ْس ِر ُي ْس ًرا‬
So surely with hardship comes ease.
َ٥ ‫ِإنَّ َم َع ٱ ْل ُع ْس ِر ُي ْس ًرا‬
surely with hardship comes ease.

You’ve seen this yourself… in sickness we anticipate the relief of good

health and we get it, after loss of a job we anticipate the relief of a job
and we get it, we go through hardship and we anticipate the relief and
we get it… because the only constant is change, nothing is fixed…
Our Ebada or act of worship during that time of difficulty is what is to
anticipate for the moment when that relief is going to be delivered

So its not a matter of If, it’s a matter of when

And when we go back to Hajj and the story of Hajj and the person who
established it Ibrahim AS, we see that anticipation of relief is written all
over his story…

Ibrahim AS was tested, as Allah says in the Quran

ُ‫ِإنَّ َه ٰـ َذا لَ ُه َو ٱ ْل َبلَ ٰـُٓؤ ۟ا ٱ ْل ُم ِبين‬

That was truly a revealing test.

We have tested Ibrahim to expose his reaction, no matter how devoted

he was no matter how abiding to Allah he was, Allah tested him with the
ultimate test… Ibrahim AS and his wife Hajr were anticipating a child
and after Ismael was born AS, Allah orders Ibrahim AS to leave them by
a valley with no vegetation, and Hajr AS runs between the Saffa and
Marwa in anticipation of relief … some drops of water to quench the
thirst of baby Ismael, something maybe on Safa maybe on Marwa 7
times… then the relief comes as Isamel kicks the ground and Zamzam
water gushes … then after Ibrahim AS anticipates the relief from Allah
and he gets it, he comes to his family and he is reunited with his wife
and son… finally, then Allah tests him… your son that you love so
dearly… you need to sacrifice your child (the ultimate test ‫ِإنَّ َه ٰـ َذا لَ ُه َو ٱ ْل َبلَ ٰـُٓؤ ۟ا‬
ُ‫)ٱ ْل ُم ِبين‬

And Isamel says AS; ‫افعل ما تؤمر‬

Just do it…do what Allah commands you, I will be patient… and when
they both submitted, and Ibraim AS about to sacrifice Ismael AS, Allah

‫ قد صدقت الرؤيا‬enough … You have already fulfilled the vision

ٍ ۢ ِ‫َو َفدَ ْي َن ٰـ ُه ِب ِذ ْب ٍح َعظ‬

Relief is coming… ‫يم‬
And We ransomed his son with a great sacrifice

Allah delivered to him a lamb in place of Ismael AS for him to sacrifice…

a sunnah that will be performed till the end of time…

And what is that sunnah that your doing Udhya or Qurbani, it is the
celebration of deliverance of relief that Allah promised to Ismael and
also you relief the poor and the needy with that sacrifice…
Millions will walk to, climb up, find a spot near By Arraffa spending the
whole day there… what for? anticipating the relief from Allah in the form
of the reward. … in the Dunya before the Akhira.. to feel that relief they
feel as they ask Allah at that holy spot for forgiveness for repentance,
shedding tears, men, women, of all backgrounds and cultures united,
unified not by a language, but by tears of sorrow over past deeds, tears
of joy of anticipating that they are on the path of the best deed that can
overlook all their shortcoming for Allah to accept their hajj from them
and grant them Jannah….

Anticipating the deliverance of relief … huge Ebada… as Rasool Allah

SAWS said in Sunnah Al Tarmidi… although it is a considered a weak
 ‫سول ُ هَّللا ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬ ُ ‫َقال َ َر‬
ُّ ‫ضلِ ِه َفِإنَّ هَّللا َ َع َّز َو َجل َّ ُيح‬
َ ‫ِب َأنْ ُي ْسَأل َ َوَأ ْف‬
 ‫ضل ُ ا ْل ِع َبادَ ِة ا ْنتِ َظا ُر ا ْل َف َر ِج‬ ْ ‫سلُوا هَّللا َ مِنْ َف‬
“Ask Allah of His Bounty Ask for it and anticipate the relief
For Allah the Mighty and Sublime, loves to be asked, and the best of
worship is awaiting relief.”

We await relief: with patience, without complaint or resentment, and

without doubt or despair. Our hearts see the relief as if it has already
come upon us when we are troubled. It is a true promise from Allah and
a truthful statement from the Most Merciful.
The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "How amazing is the affair of the
believer! All of his affairs are good. If something good happens to him,
he expresses gratitude then it will be good for him, and if something
harmful befalls him, he exercises patience, it will be good for him."

‫بارك هللا لي ولكم بالقرآن العظيم ونفعني وإياكم بما فيه من اآليات و الذكر الحكيم‬
‫اقول قولي هذا واستغفر هللا لي ولكم فاستغفروه انه هو الغفور الرحيم‬
‫بسم هللا والصالة والسالم على رسول هللا وعلى اله وصحبه ومن وااله‬

Allah SWT encourages us to have hope and anticipate his deliverance

of relief … ‫ واذا سالك عبادي عني‬and we said that Rasool Allah SAWS said
 “Any Muslim who makes a supplication containing nothing which is
sinful or which involves breaking ties of relationship will be given for it
by God one of three things:

He will give him as speedy answer, or store it up for him in the next
world, or turn away from him an equivalent amount of evil.”
Ibn AlJawzi says: that deliverance of relief of your duaa actually comes
on time, but that time only Allah SSAWT decides for you, your job is
anticipate it and wait for the relief of Allah. And that is a lot harder than
giving up… any one can give up, but the harder job is to see the light in
the darkness the hope in the despair… all because of Allah’s promise

If Allah trialled Ibrahim AS, and Younis AS, prophet Yusuf AS and Mosa
AS, our Prophet SAWS who are we to question it and not anticipate it…
Anticipation of the relief and its delivery we need it every moment in our
life, because we go through life and we are tested everyday and we are
desperate need for a tool a mechanism through which we can face
these hardships… and nothing can get you through it than knowing that
Allah SWT AJWJAL, will deliver to you the relief you have been long

And to help in being good anticipators of Allah’s relief we need 3 keys:

1. Having good assumption of Allah SWT, That allah means me no
harm, that Allah means me all good.
2. You have trust and reliance on Allah SWT, do what you can and let
go, don’t doubt, don’t hesitate, have more reliance on Allah than
your reliance on the doctors prescription when you get sick

3. Full acceptance of Allahs judgement in your heart…

Do we get sometimes a moment of weakness… of course we will we are

human, even the Sahaba when they are going through the hardship of
battle they said, ‫ متئ نصرهللا‬, when will the victory of Allah comes, they
were not doubting it but wanted it soon… so yeah we may get frustrated
we get shaken, but as long as we have good assumption of Allah,
having reliance on Allah, and full acceptance of Allahs judgment then
you will be always performing the ebada of anticipating the relief of
We ask Allah SWT to make us of those who endure patience in
anticipation of Allahs relief… we ask Allah to prescribe for us
performing Hajj, and seeing the sight of his house, and Araffa
‫ أعوذ بك من شر ما‬،‫ وأنا على عهدك ووعدك ما استطعت‬،‫ خلقتني وأنا عبدك‬،‫اللهم أنت ربي ال إله إال أنت‬
‫ وأبوء بذنبي فاغفر لي فإنه ال يغفر الذنوب إال أنت‬،‫ أبوء لك بنعمتك علي‬،‫صنعت‬،
 ‫وال‬ ،‫قضيته‬ ‫إال‬ ً ‫دينا‬ ‫وال‬ ،‫ن َّف ْسته‬ ‫إال‬ ً ‫والكربا‬ ،‫فرجته‬ ‫إال‬ ً ‫هما‬ ‫وال‬ ،‫غفرته‬ ‫إال‬ ً ‫ذنبا‬ ‫هذا‬ ‫مقامنا‬ ‫في‬ ‫لنا‬ ‫تدع‬ ‫ال‬ ‫اللهم‬
 ‫قضائها‬ ‫على‬ ‫أعنتنا‬ ‫إال‬ ‫صالح‬ ‫فيها‬ ‫ولنا‬ ً ‫رضا‬ ‫هي لك‬ ‫واآلخرة‬ ‫الدنيا‬ ‫حوائج‬ ‫من‬ ‫وال‬ ،‫يسرته‬ ‫إال‬ ً‫عسيرا‬
‫الراحمين‬ ‫أرحم‬ ‫برحمتك يا‬ ،! 
‫اللهم ارحم موتانا وموتى المسلمين وعافي وشافي مرضانا ومرضى المسلمين‬
‫ربنا ال تزغ قلوبنا بعد اذ هديتنا وهب لدنا من لدنك رحمة انك انت الوهاب‬
‫ربنا هب لنا من ازواجنا وذرياتنا قرة اعين واجعلنا للمتقين اماما‬
‫ربنا اتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي االخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار‬

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