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Abuse of Power

Thesis: The abuse of power

affects an individual’s basic
rights within society.

Zacharie Hili, 3E
Table of contents
1. Extract from Animal Farm (George Orwell,
2. Extract from Lord of the Flies (William
Golding, 1954)
3. Nazi propaganda poster (World War II)
4. Personal writing (draft)
5. Personal writing (final)
Document n°1
Extract from animal farm: Chapter 5
“In spite of the shock that Snowball’s expulsion had given
them, the animals were dismayed by this announcement.
Several of them would have protested if they could have found
the right arguments. Even Boxer was vaguely troubled. He set
his ears back, shook his forelock several times and tried hard
to marshal his thoughts; but in the end he could not think of
anything to say. Some of the pigs themselves, however, were
more articulate. Four young porkers in the front row uttered
shrill squeals of disapproval, and all four of them sprang to
their feet and began speaking at once. But suddenly the dogs
sitting round Napoleon let out deep, menacing growls, and the
pigs fell silent and sat down again.” (p. 55)
Document n°2
Extract from Lord of the Flies: Chapter 5
“’We’ve got to talk about this fear and decide there’s nothing
in it. I’m frightened myself, sometimes; only that’s nonsense!
Like bogies. Then, when we’ve decided, we can start again
and be careful about things like the fire.’ A picture of three
boys walking along the bright beach flitted through his mind.
‘And be happy.’ […]”So, this is a meeting to find out what’s
what. I’ll tell you what’s what. You littluns started all this,
with the fear talk. Beasts! Where from? Of course we’re
frightened sometimes but we put up with being frightened.
Only Ralph says you scream in the night. What does that mean
but nightmares? Anyway, you don’t hunt or build or help-
you’re a lot of cry-babies and sissies. That’s what. And as for
the fear-you’ll have to put up with that like the rest of us.”
Document n°3
Nazi propaganda poster from World War II:
Document n°4
Personal creative writing (draft):
The abuse of power told by a Jewish person.

In dark times of purge, A price too high to exhaust,

A power did emerge, Their dreams and hopes
A tragedy so cold, destroyed by the Holocaust.

Against the Jews it told.

Yet, the human spirit
A population once free,
As light amongst the
Now caught in misery, shadows matured,
Their fate sealed horribly, And love, a savior, assured,
By those with authority. That one day, all shall be
The abuse of power,
A deadly poisonous flower, So let us remember the past,
Crushing the weak as a And make sure it does not
crumbling tower, last,
The Jews had no power. Hope that abuse of power
Out of the world, to prevent
Their freedom lost,
more tears.
Their lives being the cost,

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