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Intermittent fasting is a procedure that involves food restriction when a meal can be eaten and
also what type of food is eaten. Fasting involves 3 states: eating, Fasting, bottom line.

The first stage starts in the first hours of being full when the body has already absorbed the
nutrients from food, throughout this time the blood sugar levels had increased including
higher amount of insulin. After that the glucose is stored in the liver and it convert in glycogen
which can be transform into sugar before is used as energy for our body. Secondly, The fasting
begins which means that the body has a restriction of food. During the first hours after eating
the body stars to be in a stage of early fasting. Once it enters in this phase the blood sugar and
insulin start to drop, next the glycogen convert into glucose as energy, after that your body will
find another way to consume energy.

The main fasting state begins when the glycogen stores in the liver have been depleted, and
the body begins to break down protein and fat stores for energy instead. As result we have a
state which is name ketosis which is a metabolic state of your body is using primary source as

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