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July 24, 1956 H. G. JONES, JR.

, ETAL 2,755,738

Filed Oct. 9, 1951

vll/l l//l/l l l l /l/ /l//l / l l Il /

United StatesA Patent Otlice ì n
Pàtenfed July 24, 1956
1 Z
away adjacent finger 22 to form an arcuate section 24
2,7 55,738 I which in normal unarmed position extends between tiring.
pin 14 and bore 10. The pin 12 is further cut away
ROCKET FUSE beyond the arcuate section'24 to forml a ñat tip 26vandïî
Harry lG. Jones, Jr., Arlington County, Va., and Casper J. abuts sleeve 30 as shown in Figure 2. Plunger 35 com-
Koeper and Francis P. Gilhooly, Huntsville, Ala., as prising the frustum of a right cone is disposed within-1:
signors to tllepUnited States of America as represented ñring pin cavity 11 and has an integral turned out Harige
by the Secretary of the Army 39 in contact with turned out flange 38 of lïiner sleevef
¿ Application October 9, 1951, Serial No. 250,556 30. Helical spring 37 seats between sliding safety 'setN
back sleeve 36 and ñange 38 and resiliently'urges them.:
z claims. (ci. 1oz-7s) ' apart. Sliding safety sleeve 36 has a bore 40 there-‘
through to receive nose 42 of spring based detent buttoirl
I (Granted under Title `35„U. S. Code (1952), sec. 266) 43 and an elongated bore 44 in part aligned with elongated!
bore 51 to receive the nose 45 of locking stud 46, whicltr
'The invention described in the specification and claims is threadedly engaged _in a drilled passage in the casing
may be manufactured and used by or for the Govern and which prevents rotation of the sleeves about 'the
ment for governmental purposes without the payment `of axis of the casing but does not prevent their longitudinal
any royalty thereon. ‘ movement. A vent 48 leads through the casing and
This invention relates in general to actuatingdevices through aligned ports in sleeves 36 and 30 to prevent
and more particularly has reference to a fuse construc 20 any possible pressure build up in cavity 11. Aligned
tion for use with a projectile. ' passages 49 and 50 are provided to receive iingers 21 or
`In fuses of the type used with rockets it is customary to 22 depending upon the position of the bore riding pin.
provide a safety bolt which is ejected during flight to The “all ways” tiring pin is here used to insure positive
release an element of the tiring mechanism lfor movement operation of the fuse under all conditions of target con
to armed position. y , 25 tact. If the projectile strikes a target on'the ogivalv a
In the present invention the- bore riding pin accom y force is applied to plunger 35 _inclined to its axis> of sym
plishes the same purpose as in the fuses ofthe prior art metry. However since the plunger is the frustum of a
but the pin is“V additionally associated with a safety set cone the component of the force in the direction of free
back sleeve to hold it in locked position when a fuse motion of the plunger is effective toaccele'rate the same
clamp or band is in place, aswell as when the band 30 to` cause motion in the direction of the firing pin.: ' ' '
or clamp is removed to insure complete safety during ' The tiring pin assembly comprises a substantially tri
handling. , angular flat plate 52 having its ‘apex cut away and integral
It is -accordingly an object of our invention to produce feet 53 at the base thereof. Pin 14 is riveted or other
a simple and eiîecitve combination fuse which will allow wise secured to onel side of the plate and the rivet further
a projectile to be handled with safety. and yet insure 35 secures spring A54 thereto. >Spring`54 bends back upon-
certain arming of the fuse when the projectile is launched. itself and is additionally bent at a right angle to pierce
Another object is to provide a fuse which is unañected the plate 52 as is best shown in Figures 2 and 3. They
by shocks or movement and which is positively locked lower edge of plate feet 53 rest in annular groove 23 and
against inadvertent operation prior to use, and the func cut away portions of sleeve 30 rest against the upper`
tioning of which is insured on passing from the launch 40 edges of the feet whereby plate 52 forms a lever of the:
ing mechanism. third order with the fulcrum located at the lower edge;
In order to make our invention more clearly under of the feet, the force to be applied by sleeve 30 at the:
stood we have shown in the accompanying drawings upper edge of the feet and the load 14 arranged to follow'
means for carrying the same into practical effect in which: an arcuate path. Spring 54 bears against annulus 65
Figure 1 is a longitudinal section of the fuse forming 45 whereby the tiring pin assembly normally maintains a
the subject matter of this invention showing the relation position inclined to the axis of the fuse.
of the parts of the fuse prior to the launching of the
carrying rocket. Operation
Figure 2 is a cross section taken on lines 2_2 of Figure During storage and shipping a safety band (not shown)
1 looking in the direction of the arrows. 50 is clamped around the body of the fuse and forces bore
Figure 3 is a fragmentary view taken on lines 3--3 of riding pin 12 inwardly whereby ringer 21 pierces sleeve
Figure 2 looking in the direction of the arrows. bore 49 to hold the sleeve 36 in place. When the pro
Referring more particularly by numerals to the draw jectile is to be tired the band is removed and the spring
ings in which same and similar elements are designated 18 thereupon urges pin 12 outwardly until opposed finger
by like symbols of reference throughout and more espe 55 22 pierces sleeve bore 49 and thereby locks the pin in
cially to Figure 1 there is shown the structure forming place while the artilleryman is loading the tube. It can
the subject matter of this invention comprising a rocket be readily seen that when the projectile is within the tube
casing 1 including the usual explosive charge 2 and a the pin cap 15 bears thereagainst and holds the iingers
booster charge 3 contained Within cup 4 threadedly ñtted 21 and 22 spaced from sleeve 36. When the projectile is
into annulus 6 which embraces a primer 8 and is thread tired in the usual well known way the force of set back
edly fitted into casing 1 as shown. Annulus 6 has therein rams the sleeve 36 rearward against the urging of spring
a bore 10 of smaller diameter than the diameter of the 37 and bore 40 passes under detent 43 whereupon detent
primer receiving passage, opening into tiring pin cavity spring 47 forces nose 42 into bore 40 and locks the sleeve
11 and is aligned with and receives the sharp end of to clear the path of travel for bore riding pin 12 which
tiring pin 14 as will later appear. Slidably fitting into 65 is ejected from the fuse when the projectile passes beyond
the casing is bore riding pin 12 which has a cap 15 riveted the tube, thereby removing the arcuate portion 24 of
or otherwise secured thereto and a helical spring 18 sur pin 12 from its position between pin 14 and primer 8.
rounding and pressing it outwardly of the casing. Bore When the projectile strikes a target the plunger moves
riding pin 12 has a longitudinal recess cut therein and violently forward carrying with it Sleeve 30 against the
communicating with the surface thereof by a narrow urging of spring 37. It will be noted that the plunger
passage thereby forming iingers 21 and 22 for a purpose 0 does not engage the firing pin spring 54 and that its
to be presently explained. The bore riding pin 12 is cut motion is relatively short. When sleeve 30 moves it im~
parts a turningwcouple to plate 52 which Apivots as a cut away and defining` a _pair of integral feet at its base
lever about its fulcrum, the base of vfeet 53 and against area, said feet normally riding in said annular groove in
the resilience of spring 54; `and pin 14 moves through said body, a tiring pin, a ñat spring member connected
an arc intovbore 10 `to _explode «the iprimer 3 which in at one end to said plate by said ñring pin, said spring
tugn 'ignitesythe booster 3-and>?i¿res .chargerl ` being bent backwards upon `itself and additionally bent
From ¿the iforegoing rtaken tin connection with the ac at a right angle to pierce said plate and bear at its other
`c'orrlp‘anying udrawings Ait willgbe seen that novel provision end against said annu’lus, a Íñrs‘t ‘sleeve slidable in said
h_as `been ‘made lfor effec-_ting the' desired improvements rand body having `a `cut away .portion .at its `forward end and
While .preferred detail‘s'havegfbeen»shown variations «may adapted lton?ece’íve and bear ¿against the =1`1pp`er edges vof
ofcourse be «made within -the »scope of the invention -as 10 said ffeet `on `said plate, azplunger imova'ble '-vvíth ~said lìirst
sleeve upon target impact ,to :rota-,te -fsaid ¿plate about aits
claimed. feet as a_pivot, a second sleeve slidable with respect to
werden: , _,
l `1.\_"`I_nl¿a Vfuse .having ta body »and :suitable jfor Vuse with said first sleeve, a ‘c‘o‘il ‘spring urging apart rthe respective
fin 4stabilized `projecti~1es adapted for launching from ¿a ends of said first 'and :second sleeves, =a »detent operable
tube,`.a «primer tìxed -in said -~body, 1a ltriangular :plate dis to engage said second sleeve and lock the same during
pgsedgat an angle `to said primer, spring means biasing set buck, 'a ¿bore tridi‘ng ~p"in 'slidabl'y Lmounted within a
saidfplate in ¿a I‘.vtìrs't direction -about 2the :base .thereof as transverse bore in said body of said fuze, said bore riding
a ¿fulcrurm a tiring-pin affixed at one end of said tplate, pin A‘defining a fña‘t .tip portion, said zt'ip having ¿a longi
ájtìrstv sleeve coaxial Ywith said ,-primer Vand »engaging fthe tudinal )groove »receiviiigfthe end of .said «tiring gpin, said
said rplate, a Íplunger within tand movable with said first 20 bore riding pin normally -‘separating ysaid ttìring pin from
sleeve, ,à second sleevejembracing the ,said first sleeve, said primer when fuze is in unarmed¿position,:said ,bore
a .safety member .adapted to-.engage said tube and -having riding )pin ‘further ptdeñning, along ,its intermediate «p0r
opposed vfingers arranged-in E-facing relation, said tingers tion, „a longitudinal recess .and »axçpa‘ir «of opposed *fingers
a-fdap'ted »to enter an opening »in said vsecond sleeve, and spaced on either side of said :recess <and ¿adapted .to «er»
a Vspring `urging the said-safetytrnemberoutwardly 'of the 25 gage »an `opening »in said «,seeondrslee've ,intermittently upon
said b'ody .to Vejectthe samel‘in-'ñighß 'whereby‘upon en reciprocal movementgof said :bore riding ,pin Vand prevent
gageme‘nt‘of theA said body -with -a-target the said plunger axialanovementsofsaidtseeondsleeve.
travels cforward forcing the -said ñrst »sleeve tofrnove ~the References Cited in the tile of 4this patent
saidtp'late in asecond direction about .the base thereofto
deliver the said 1tiring tpin into engagement with the said 30 »UNHTEE `sìrAîrEs .PATENTS
primer. " Y _ A ` :5233110 iDungan __.____________ „ -‘July i17, '-1894 '
2. In «a fuze yhaving a body, and suitable «for use with esmas fnynehœmi. ___t ______ __sept. :'17, i901
rockets adaptedforf-launching from a tube, Aan annulus t -ßlgoztggeso îartikelen/ski ________ __v___10et.129, 19112
axially secured therein, -an instantaneous tireprimer dis ’1,375,465 =Ragsèîále _\_\___\__l_-__-__ «'Apr. t19,]1921
posed within an axial bore iin said rannulus said Ibody 35 1,393,585 Sutton _______________ __ Oct. -1`1, `~1ï9`2f`l
beingtprovided with an annular ggroove‘adjacent‘one end flß448-,2l3‘6 ¿Day ________________ _.. Mar. '-13, l19,23
of *said J»antiulus >means for "tiring Vsaid 4,printer ‘comprise 212806Í8'77 -fI’fIale __.._'..».._«_________ __ f’May 26, »i931
_ing a substantially triangular plate thaving its apex aarea ¿$692,557 “Wales __a ____________ __ TQCt. >’.2'6, `-1l954

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