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Hannah Samantha R.

Orallo January 19, 2023

Medical Laboratory Science-1B T/Th 10:30AM-12:00PM
The Beauty and Relevance of the word “Art.”
(Art Appreciation)

Art in simple words is the expression or use of human creativity, usually in the Form of
anything visual, like a painting or a sculpture, that results in art that is valued primarily for its
aesthetic appeal or emotional impact. But Art conveys a deep meaning, it is not just about being
aesthetically pleasing, for just pleasing our eyes? no. It expresses every bit of emotion of the
artist, it also shows us a meaning in every detail that is in that form of art. It helps us to
understand a thing, situation, or emotional impact. That is why art is still relevant and will
always be relevant.
Let me share to you my reasons why I think art is still relevant, First, and foremost Art
can communicate information, it helps us understand our surroundings, country's culture, or
society, a person, a thing, and many more. Art can help one understands culture that would be
otherwise be difficult to relate to, it can be a medium that bridges the gap between cultures.
During ancient times art was produced to tell stories and even now art is still used to produced
stories. Forms of Art like paintings, drawings, narrative art are usually used tell a story.
There are numerous logistical and subjective reasons to bring this up. Logistically, art has
been used to tell history, about war, about revolution, about religion, and propaganda, among
other things. That's significant because it helps us comprehend history, society, and how people
deal with problems. And there are so many subjective value reasons it brings in society that you
really can't quantify. For example, impressionism was about artists painting designs based on
how they felt rather than what they saw, and it was like a whole shift in society, not just in art.
And then there was Dadaism, which was a movement with obviously political implications that
brought people together.
We can see ourselves through art. A view of our inner selves, which includes our ideas
and convictions, sentiments, and emotions, loves, and dislikes. Making art can teach us about our
inner selves. Artists create works of art to convey their feelings and opinions on a variety of
subjects. Different lines, forms, and colors are used by artists to express themselves. Each artist
chooses hues, lines, and shapes that have personal significance to them. People may express
more than simply their emotions and sentiments through the expressive language of art. Art is
more effective when it incorporates the expression of many different things, such as ideas,
thoughts, imagination, observations, beliefs, emotions, and sentiments.
Art is one of the most important ways to interact with others and a powerful tool of self-
expression. Art can help you understand your surroundings and process your emotions. It makes
you feel alive and allows you to see life from a different perspective. Art has always played an
important part in human culture from the start of civilization. Art has been used for expression,
instruction, and cultural exchange. Art has been so useful up till now; it can be used in a variety
of ways and is vital in a variety of ways. We learn something new, gain information and
knowledge, and improve how we see things differently and understand the meaning or feelings
behind each work of art through art. People appeared to understand one other via art because
every artist shares their sentiments through their work. Art is relevant in many ways; I may not
be able to cover them all here, but I have discussed some of them. This is the relevance and
beauty of art.

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