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PHIS101 – Understanding the Self

Lecture and Discussion, 24-25 August 2022


1. What is Anthropology?
Philosophy - IDEAS
Sociology - Society and culture

Sociology v. Anthropology
Sociology – study of groups – Amazon tribes, New York (US)


Anthropology - origin of humans, physical, social and cultural development -

across space and time - humans in general

**Humans first originated in Africa – some evidence, but still being debated on
Africa theory: Starting point – Africa, across the continents – to Asia, to
Europe, etc.
New theories: “STREAMS” – no specific starting point

Studying human ancestors

a. thru archaeological excavation – Fossils and Artifacts
b. observing living cultures throughout the world – ethnography
groups who still practice hunting and gathering, old ways of living

2. BRANCHES: primatology, physical anthro, archaeology, cultural anthro,

Culture- shared beliefs, values and practices

*Yanamamo people and Napoleon Chagnon –

males are very violent/aggressive (biologically and culturally)
Raises questions – other cultures

Current events:
National Geographic article published in 2019 – Philippines, Callao Cave
(Cagayan, in Luzon)
Teeth and bones excavated – homo luzonensis – huge discovery and
important for future research
“Luzon seemed especially difficult for ancient hominins to reach, as it
had never been connected to the mainland by land bridges”

Cultural anthropology – we see what characteristics are universally human, how

cultures adapt to new challenges in innovative ways, and how culture is passed
on to new generations

PHIS101 – Understanding the Self
Lecture and Discussion, 24-25 August 2022

Clifford Geertz: CULTURE is what makes us human

Culture – shared beliefs, values and practices

3. Human Evolution and Defining Humans

Charles Darwin – species were forced to evolve or they will become extinct..
“survival of the fittest”
Those that were able to adapt lived on and pass down their characteristics
Humans are the most adaptable species – create tools to help us adapt
Clothes -
Hunting to get food - we use tools (spear, knife, arrows with poison)

*Pandemic – we are being forced to adapt?

Changes we need to make: facemasks, social distancing, distance/online
learning, staying at home, hand sanitizers, vaccination, crowded events not
***Learning to live with viruses – part of the ecosystem

Some people are refusing to adapt? -

Some people are willing to adapt? – vaccinated

Virus – organisms existing before human beings

Mutation – part of evolution

4. Humans and Primates

Similarities – mother and infant bonding, facial expression used in
Differences – Humans have: complex language, beliefs, intelligence: tools,

HUMAN LANGUAGE: Syntax and semantics: Grammar / Meaning of words

*Homo Sapiens – all people living today belong to this category

We are a product of evolution (keyword: change),

We are supposed to be “better” than the previous human ancestors

- The movie IDIOCRACY (2006)

5. Contemporary Issues

**Perception of ourselves, our history and identity as human beings – studying

the past

PHIS101 – Understanding the Self
Lecture and Discussion, 24-25 August 2022

**Modern life v. simple life of the past = what can we learn from our ancestors?
- Caring for the environment e.g. plastics – microplastics being eaten
marine animals
- Sustainable development

Technology and humans -
The movie DON’T LOOK UP (2021) – correlation with pandemic

Respect for indigenous tribes/groups –

Whang Od v. Nap Daily

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