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Chapter 9.

What are anthropogenic greenhouse gases?
Greenhouse gases caused by human activities.

Explain and list what human activities have increased CO2 emissions:
Burning of fossil fuels (coal, gasoline, and natural gas) Used for energy in transportation, heating,
electricity generation, and industry.

Why is photosynthesis important?

- It is used to be turned into glucose, which is then turned into other compounds, such as
roots, leaves etc.

- 10% of CO2 emissions come from what source and which countries?

- 10% comes from deforestation, and is mostly around tropical countries.

What are sources of methane gas?

Agricultural activities such as rice farming and cattle ranching.

What is the anthropogenic greenhouse effect?

Anthropogenic greenhouse effect is the increase in the amount of lower-energy infrared radiation
trapped by the atmosphere as a result of higher levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due
to human activities, which is leading to an increase in Earth’s average global temperature.

Chapter 9.5
Which provinces are the largest emitters in Canada?
Alberta and Ontario

What are the 3 largest sources of greenhouse gases?

Producing and using energy, Transportation and Fugitive emissions.

Explain what a “Mt CO2 - eq” is and how it is used to describe the relative ability of gases to absorb infrared
radiation (provide example too).
It is a means of comparing thermal energy output from lower-energy infrared radiation to carbon
dioxide gas. 1 Mt of gas that is 10 times more efficient at trapping thermal energy than carbon
dioxide is the same as 10 Mt CO2-eq.

How important are Canada’s forests?

When our trees are healthy, they can become carbon sinks, meaning they absorb a lot of carbon

Chapter 9.6
Briefly describe the 2 computer scenarios:
- Scenario 1 - Scenario shows the Earth’s climate without humans, considering things like
changes in energy from the Sun, volcanic eruptions, and natural processes. Earth’s global
average would stay about the same, or even go down at times.

- Scenario 2 - Scenario shows the Earth’s climate with human and natural activity, showing
that the Earth’s global temperature is increasing, particularly over the last 50 years.

What is the conclusion reached at the end of the section? What is the evidence given to support the conclusion?
Greenhouse gases levels can be higher in the year 2100 than the last 800 000 years.

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