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Particulars 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 11,384 10,930 11,092 10,394 9,027
Right-of-use assets 3,311 3,435 2,805 - -
Capital work-in-progress 411 906 945 1212 1442
Goodwill 211 - 29 29 29
Other intangible assets 32 67 48 74 101
Financial assets
Investments 22,869 22,118 13,916 12,062 11,993
Loans 34 30 298 16 19
Other financial assets 727 613 613 196 177
Deferred tax assets (net) 970 955 1429 1114 1128
Income tax assets (net) 5,585 5,287 4,773 5,870 5,710
Other non-current assets - - 1273 1740 2161
Total non-current assets 46,950 45,657 37,221 32,707 31,787
Current assets
Financial assets
Investments 5,467 2,037 4,006 6,077 5,906
Trade receivables 18,966 16,394 15,459 13,370 12,151
Cash and cash equivalents 12,270 17,612 13,562 15,551 16,770
Loans 219 229 307 1048 393
Other financial assets 6,580 5,226 4,398 4,834 5,906
Income tax assets (net) - - - 423 -
Other current assets 8,935 6,784 6,088 4,920 1,439
Assets held for Sale - - - - 1,525
Total current assets 52,437 48,282 43,820 46,223 44,090
Total assets 99,387 93,939 81,041 78,930 75,877


Equity share capital 2,103 2,130 2,129 2,178 1,092
Other equity 67,203 69,401 60,105 60,533 62,410
Total equity 69,306 71,531 62,234 62,711 63,502
Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities
Lease liabilities 3,228 3,367 2,775 - -
Other financial liabilities 676 259 49 79 55
Deferred tax liabilities (net) 841 511 556 541 505
Other non-current liabilities 360 649 207 169 153
Total non-current liabilities 5,105 4,786 3,587 789 713
Current liabilities
Financial liabilities
Lease liabilities 558 487 - - -
Trade payables - - - - -
Total outstanding dues of micro
enterprises and small enterprises
3 - - - -
Total outstanding dues of creditors
other than micro enterprises and small 2,666 1,562 1,529 1,604 738
Lease liabilities - - 390 - -
Other financial liabilities 11,269 8,359 7,936 8,528 5,540
Other current liabilities 7,381 4,816 3,557 3,335 2,972
Provisions 920 661 506 505 436
Income tax liabilities (net) 2,179 1,737 1,302 1,458 1,976
Total current liabilities 24,976 17,622 15,220 15,430 11,662
Total equity and liabilities 99,387 93,939 81,041 78,930 75,877

2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

11,384 10,930 11,092 10,394 9,027

3,311 3,435 2,805 - -
411 906 945 1212 1442
211 - 29 29 29
32 67 48 74 101

22,869 22,118 13,916 12,062 11,993

34 30 298 16 19
727 613 613 196 177
970 955 1429 1114 1128
5,585 5,287 4,773 5,870 5,710
- - 1273 1740 2161
46,950 45,657 37,221 32,707 31,787

5,467 2,037 4,006 6,077 5,906

18,966 16,394 15,459 13,370 12,151
12,270 17,612 13,562 15,551 16,770
219 229 307 1048 393
6,580 5,226 4,398 4,834 5,906
- - - 423 -
8,935 6,784 6,088 4,920 1,439
- - - - 1,525
52,437 48,282 43,820 46,223 44,090
99,387 93,939 81,041 78,930 75,877

2,103 2,130 2,129 2,178 1,092

67,203 69,401 60,105 60,533 62,410
69,306 71,531 62,234 62,711 63,502
3,228 3,367 2,775 - -
676 259 49 79 55
841 511 556 541 505
360 649 207 169 153
5,105 4,786 3,587 789 713

558 487 - - -
- - - - -
- - - -
2,666 1,562 1,529 1,604 738
- - 390 - -
11,269 8,359 7,936 8,528 5,540
7,381 4,816 3,557 3,335 2,972
920 661 506 505 436
2,179 1,737 1,302 1,458 1,976
24,976 17,622 15,220 15,430 11,662
99,387 93,939 81,041 78,930 75,877
Particulars 2022
Revenue from operation 103,940
Other income,net 3,224
Total income 107,164
Employee benefit expenses 51,664
Cost of technical sub-contractors 16,298
Travel expenses 731
Cost of software packages and other 2,985
Communication expenses 433
Consultancy and professional charges 1,511
Depreciation and amortization expenses 2,429
Financial cost 128
Reduction in the fair value of asset held for sales -
Adjustment in respect ofexcess of carrying amount over recoverable amount on
reclassification from 'held for sale' -
Other expenses 2,490
Total expenses 78,669
Profit before tax 28,495
Tax expenses
Current tax 6,960
Deferred tax 300
Profit for the year 21,235
Other comprehensive income
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
Remeasurable of the net defined benefit liability/asset,net -98
Equity instruments through other comprehensive income,net 97
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
Fair value changes on derivatives designated as cash flow hedge -8
Fair value changes on investment,net -39
Total other comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax -48
Total comprehensive income for the year 21,187
Tarnings per equity share
Equity shares of par value Rs 5 each
Basic(₹) 50.27
Diluted(₹) 50.21
Weighted average equity shares used in computing earnings per equity share
Basic(₹) 4,224,339,562
Diluted(₹) 4,229,546,328
2021 2020 2019 2018
85,912 79,047 73,107 61,941
2,467 2,700 2,852 4,019
88,379 81,747 75,959 65,960

45,179 42,434 38,296 32,472

9,528 8,447 7,646 5,494
484 2,241 1,906 1,479
2,058 1,656 1,646 1,270
464 381 339 330
999 1,066 1,096 826
2,321 2,144 1,599 1,408
126 144 - -
- - 265 589

- - 469 -
2,743 2,787 2770 2184
63,902 61,270 56,032 46,052
24,477 20,477 19,927 19,908

6,013 5,235 5,189 4,003

416 -301 36 -250
18,048 15,543 14,702 16,155

148 -184 -21 52

120 -31 78 7

25 -36 21 -39
-102 17 1 1
191 79 21
18,239 15,309 14,781 16,176

42.37 36.34 33.66 35.64

42.33 36.32 33.64 35.62

4,259,438,950 4,277,030,249 4,368,212,119 4,532,687,604

4,263,092,514 4,279,808,826 4,370,412,348 4,534,785,242
Cash flow from operating activities
Profit for the year
Adjustments to reconcile net profit to net cash provided by operating activities
Depreciation and amortization
Income tax expense
Impairment loss recognized / (reversed) under expected credit loss model
Finance cost
Interest and dividend income
Stock compensation expense
Other Adjustments
Adjustment in respect of excess of carrying amount over recoverable amount on reclassification from “Held for Sale”
Reduction in the fair value of assets held for sale
Exchange differences on translation of assets and liabilities, net
Changes in assets and liabilities
Trade receivables and unbilled revenue
Loans, Other financial assets and other assets
Other financial liabilities, other liabilities and provisions
Cash generated from operations
Income taxes paid
Net cash generated by operating activities
Cash Flow from investing activities
Expenditure on property, plant and equipment and intangible
Deposits placed with corporations
Redemption of deposits with corporations
Loans given to employees
Loan given to subsidiaries
Loan repaid by subsidiaries
Proceeds from redemption of debentures
Investment in subsidiaries
Proceeds from return of investment
Proceeds from liquidation od Nosh
Payment towards aquisition of business
Payment towards business transfer for entities under common control
Proceeds from liquidation of a subsidiary
Escrow and other deposits pertaining to buyback
Redemption of Escrow and other deposits pertaining to buyback
Payment of contingent consideration pertaining to acquisition of business
Other receipts
Payments to acquire investments
Preference and equity securities
Liquid mutual fund units and fixed maturity plan securities
Tax-free bonds and government bonds
Certificates of deposit
Commercial Paper
Non-convertible debentures
Government securities
Proceeds on sale of investments
Preference and equity securities
Liquid mutual fund units and fixed maturity plan securities
Tax-free bonds and government bonds
Non-convertible debentures
Certificates of deposit
Commercial Paper
Government securities
Interest received
Dividend received from subsidiary
Net cash (used in) / from investing activities
Cash flow from financing activities
Other receipts
Payment of lease liabilities
Buyback of equity shares including transaction cost and tax on buy back
Shares issued on exercise of employee stock options
Payment of dividends
Net cash used in financing activities
Effect of exchange differences on translation of foreign currency cash and cash equivalents
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year
Supplementary information
Restricted cash balance
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

21,235 18048 15543 14702 16155

2429 2604 2144 1599 1408

7260 6429 4934 5225 3753
117 152 127 176 18
128 126 114 - -
-2617 -1795 -1502 -1996 -3169
372 297 226
72 -47 -248 57 40
- - - 469 -
265 589
87 -32 17 80 3

-5725 -1414 -3621 -2268 -1579

-1125 -684 319 -581 -207
1112 -5 -75 866 466
5487 2284 1475 1666 1052
28832 25963 19453 20260 18529
-6736 -6061 -3881 -6271 -6054
22096 19902 15572 13989 12475

-1787 -1720 -3063 -2306 -1842

-745 -588 -112 -116 -106
607 405
- - -2 4 19
- -76 -1210 -678 -106
73 328 444 20
536 623 286 335 349
-127 -1530 -1338 -228 -212
- - - 33
- - - - 316
- - - -261 -295
-109 -237 - - -
173 - - -
-420 - - - -
420 - 257 -257 -
- -125 -6 -6 -33
47 49 46 - -

-5 -41 -18 -13

-48139 -31814 -30500 -72889 -57250
- -318 -11 -11 -1
-3897 -876 -2052 -6290
- - - -491 -291
-1456 -3398 -733 -100 -
-3450 -7346 -1561 -838 -
-5 -13 -2 - -

9 73 115 10
48219 32996 30332 71337 59364
20 - 12 1 -
1939 944 1788 602 100
787 900 2175 5150 9411
- - 500 300 -
1452 2704 1673 123 -
5 - 9 - -
1658 1340 1817 1644 1708
1218 321 846
-3150 -6309 -116 -587 5684

134 -420 - - -
-598 - -364 - -
-11125 - -7478 -813 -13046
11 9 2 3 5
-12697 -9155 -9551 -13761 -7495
-24275 -9566 -17391 -14571 -20536
-13 23 -54 -50 -6
-5329 4027 -1935 -1169 -2377
17612 13562 15551 16770 19153
12270 17612 13562 15551 16770

60 154 101 143 375

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