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(Cambridge 15 Academic – Test 1 – Task 2)

In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people.

Why might this be the case?

Do you think this a positive or negative situation?

It is said that in a number of countries, house ownership is more crucial than renting one for people. This
essay explains the reason behind it and also will outline why I strongly believe this is a beneficial

The reason that people prefer to buy houses in some countries is the inconvenience of being a tenant.
Rent increases every year due to inflation, and many people dislike moving houses because it requires a
lot of time, money, and energy. When they own a house, they do not have to worry about these
problems, as a result of which they feel safer.

Although renting a house is more beneficial for people who have jobs whose workplaces move a lot,
house ownership popularity leads governments to support people to buy houses facilitating the process
by some measures such as giving them loans. As a result, more people own houses, which leads to more
social prosperity. Also, this situation stimulates the construction industry as more people invest in it.
More houses will be built, which results in growth in the country’s economy. This makes people’s lives
better. Moreover, when people own a house, they can invest their money for their benefit instead of
paying it as a deposit, which improves their life financially.

In conclusion, the situation that people are willing to own a house rather than renting it is caused by the
inconvenience of renting a house. I strongly believe this situation is positive due to governments’
support, stimulation of the construction industry, and the investment of money by house owners instead
of paying it as a deposit.

Why might this be the case?

Due to inflation in many countries --- Rent increases every year + moving houses require a lot of
time, money and energy --- when they own a house → they do not have to worry about rents and
moving issues → they feel safer
Positive Negative
1- Governments will support people to 4- Demand for houses rises → houses
facilitate buying houses when they see become more expensive + many people
people are eager to buy them (e.g. cannot afford to buy them
providing loans) → more people will ➔ Social inequality
own houses → more social prosperity
2- It will stimulate the construction
industry - More people invest in it→
More houses will be built → A growth in
the economy which makes lives better
3- They can invest their money instead of
paying it as a deposit.

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