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Food and Beverage

Basic Phraseology for – (Restaurant/Bars)

Greeting the guest

 “Good Morning/Evening (Time of day) Mr. Kapoor! Welcome to the (Name of outlet)!”
 “Table for how many sir/madam/(or name of the Guest)?”
 “We have a table for you (Name of guest)! This way please!”

Seating the guest

 “(Name of Guest)! Will this table be fine?”
 “Please take a seat!” or “please”

If guest is happy with the seat, assist him in seating by pulling the chair, proceed to present menu.
If guest is unhappy with the table…
 “Please take a seat at this table. I will try to organize another table for you.”
If you have an alternative…
 “Sorry to have kept you waiting. We have another table for you! This way please!”

Presenting Menu
 Present beverage and main menu to guest and say, “Excuse me Sir/Madam!”, “this is our menu”
 “(Name of colleague) will be taking care of your table today!”

Greeting the guest at the table and taking the beverage order
 “Good (Time of day) (Name of guest)! Welcome to the (Name of outlet)!”
 “May I recommend a glass of (Specific Drink) to start?”
 “Thank you! I will be right back with your drinks!”

Taking an order
 “Excuse Sir/Madam! Are you ready to place your order for ( Specific Meal Period)?”

If guest is ready just proceed to take the order.

If the guest is not ready…
 “Please take your time! I will return shortly!”

Serving an order
 “Excuse me Sir/Madam! Your (Specific name of item ordered)!”
 “Enjoy your (Appropriate meal period)!” wherever possible take the name of the Dish while
Clearing the table
 “Excuse me, Sir/Madam. May I clear your plate? ”

Presenting the bill/check

 “Yes (Name of guest)! I will be right back with your bill!”
 Present bill to guest and say, “Excuse me (Name of guest)!”

Settling the charges with the Smart card…

 “Thank you very much! I will be right back Sir/Madam!”
 After the payment, present a copy of the bill & say, “Thank you very much!”

Bidding Farewell
 “Thank you for coming!”
Food and Beverage
Basic Phraseology for – (Kitchen Counters)

Greeting the guest

 “Good Morning/Evening (Time of day) Sir/Madam! “What can I get for you”?”

Taking the order

After the guest has placed the order repeat & confirm the order while feeding in the POS by
 Sir/Madam, “you’ve ordered for …..(name of the dishes) & this will be….(total amount in
 After the order has been placed say “Thank you Sir/Madam or (name of the guest) your order
will take ……minutes” (Your order No. will be displayed on the Electronic Board), while
handing over the counter foil/slip to the guests

Serving the Order on the Counter

 When the order is ready announce to the guests by saying, “Here is your Order”, “Thank you
very much”

In case the Guest needs Assistance

 “Please take a seat Sir/ Madam or (Name of Guest) in the Courtyard; I will have your order
served to you”

Recommended phrases for up selling

 “May I recommend the (Specific dish/item)!”
 “The Chef prepares an excellent (Specific item)! Would you like to try?”
 “The (Name of item) is very popular! Would you like to try one?”

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