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Studying environmental science lead to various changes that can be

observed in me. Here are some examples:

One of the great changes that I want to share is that, In my 1st

semester I used to waste my hostel mess food as I was not aware
that how many people across world is not having food to eat .So in
this semester I gradually improve my habit. Now ,I am not wasting a
single piece of food. Thanks to EST .

Conservation Efforts: Environmental science studies has inspire me to

engage in conservation efforts. I actively participate in environmental
organizations, volunteer for restoration projects, or advocate for
policies and practices that promote environmental protection.I am also
a NSS(National Social Services) Volunteer.

Awareness and Knowledge: Environmental science help me in deeper

understanding of the environment, including its ecosystems,
biodiversity, natural resources, and the interconnections between
human activities and the environment. This knowledge allows me to
become more aware of environmental issues and challenges.

Behavioural Changes: Environmental science has influence in my

personal behaviours and choices. By studying environmental science
I develop a greater sense of responsibility towards the environment
and adopt sustainable practices in my daily lives, such as reducing
energy and water consumption, practicing recycling, using public
transportation, or choosing eco-friendly products.

Health and Well-being: Environmental science highlights the intricate

relationship between the environment and human health. Me who
study environmental science adopt healthier lifestyle choices, such
as spending more time outdoors, eating organic foods, or reducing
exposure to pollutants. I become more aware of the impacts of
environmental factors on public health and work towards creating
healthier environments for themselves and others.

Policy and Advocacy: Understanding environmental science empowers

me to engage in policy-making processes and advocacy efforts. They
influence decision-making by supporting environmentally friendly
policies, participating in public consultations, or even running for
political positions to promote sustainable practices and protect the

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