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Ex. 1 In some of the sentences, one word is used wrongly.

Find the word and replace

it with one of the following words.

// / / / worthless

1. I’m sorry, Sarah. It really wasn’t my intention to upset you.

2. Something must be done to prevent such an accident ever
happening again.
3. The painting was a fake and completely worthless.
4. Tina likes listening to classical music. Her favourite composer is Mozart.
5. This is the actual piano on which Andrew Lloyd Webber composed
most of the music for Evita.
6. This new stain remover is very effective. It easily got rid of the gravy stain
on my shirt.
7. She spoke English with a strong Scottish accent.
8. They ran up the steps stairs leading to the entrance of the theatre.
9. If you print that story about her, she’ll sue you for libel.
10. It is almost certain that the Conservative Party will win the election.
11. Do you think the new changes in income tax will affect you very
12. A child leaving home for good is a very emotional experience for most
13. Can you lend me your car this evening?
14. There was a large sign on the door which said ‘admission $10’.
15. We can go by train or, alternatively, we can go by bus.
16. Two masked gunmen robbed the bank yesterday.
17. Most tinned food is deficient in vitamins.
18. fewer people turned up for the rock concert than expected.
19. She dyed her hair a distinctive shade of blue.
20. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.

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