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[AMD Official Use Only]


1. Kernel Build Flags to be enabled in the .config

Prior to building the kernel below options should be enabled in .config


2. To Verify whether TPM is enabled in Kernel?

After booting to the kernel, check for the following sysfs entry
ls sys/class/tpm
tpm0 will be created.

3. Steps to test tpm driver

3.1 To build and install the tpm2 user space software the following dependencies are

sudo apt-get install autoconf-archive libcmocka0 libcmocka-dev procps iproute2 build-

essential git automake uthash-dev doxygen libjson-c-dev libini-config-dev libgcrypt-
dev python libcurl4-openssl-dev autoconf automake libtool pkg-config gcc libssl-dev
libcurl4-gnutls-dev uuid-dev python-yaml lcov pandoc liburiparser-dev libdbus-1-dev
libglib2.0-dev dbus-x11 valgrind libtss2-*

3.2 Steps to install software simulator:

3.2.1 ibmswtpm
 mkdir ibmtpm && cd ibmtpm
 wget
 tar xvf ibmtpm1332.tar.gz
 make check or (make -j5)
 cd src
 sudo make install
 sudo cp tpm_server /usr/bin
[AMD Official Use Only]

The link is taken from . See
the last steps

3.3 Steps to install User space stack:

3.3.1 TSS 2.0 – (tpm2-tss) install tpm2-tss2.4.2 because its new version
 branch : master , tag : master
The source code for the TSS 2.0 stack is available at

 git clone

 cd tpm2-tss
 git checkout 29c46f0d27942146a909f7f12c0f8f65c45bec93
 sudo ./bootstrap
 ./configure --with-udevrulesdir=/etc/udev/rules.d --with-
devicetests="mandatory,optional" --with-device=/dev/tpm0 --enable-
integration --enable-unit
 make -j$(nproc) check

 ./configure --with-udevrulesdir=/etc/udev/rules.d --with-

devicetests="mandatory,optional" --enable-integration --enable-unit --
 make check-valgrind-memcheck /make check-valgrind-drd

Note: Above steps are taken from the Link mentioned below (
Note: If error : TPM device provided does not exist or is not writable
observed then run cmd : sudo chmod go+rw /dev/tpm0

For more detailed Build and installation ,please follow link

3.3.2 Tpm2-abrmd
 git clone
 cd tpm2-abrmd
 git checkout 01a3f6297261085b8ff5b6deb3fbacf14b5e50d6
 sudo ./bootstrap
 sudo ./configure --with-dbuspolicydir=/etc/dbus-1/system.d --with-
[AMD Official Use Only]

--with-systemdpresetdir=/lib/systemd/system-preset --enable-
integration --enable-unit
 sudo make -j$(nproc) check
 sudo make install
Note: Above steps are taken from the Link mentioned below (
For more detailed Build and installation ,please follow link

3.3.3 TPM2.0-Tools

 git clone

 cd tpm2-tools
 git checkout 8540e7f0edcfcccf6097f0e453fd6c08657a0577
 sudo apt-get install expect
 ./bootstrap
 ./configure --enable-unit
 sudo make check
Note: Above steps are taken from the Link mentioned below (
Note : sudo cp /home/amd/tpm2-tss/lib/tss2-*.pc /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig

For more detailed Build and installation ,please follow link

For configure, steps are taken from


Note : Make sure the TSS stack and the resource manager is installed before running the
tools test

3.4 Steps to execute tpm-tool tests

BIOS settings required before execution of tests

In the BIOS menu TPM Clear flag must be set which is present in menu at following
location System Utility-->Security-→TPM Clear.
[AMD Official Use Only]

[WHY TPM clear is needed in the BIOS]: This option simply resets the Trusted Platform
Module (TPM) to its default state.
Run Hello World program with below steps :
Run software TPM server

cd ibmtpm/src/
./tpm_server &

tpm2-abrmd  daemon must run as user  tss  or  root (with option –allow-root) as

sudo /usr/local/sbin/tpm2-abrmd --allow-root --tcti=mssim

The above command should be run in a separate terminal (or in the background)
Simple and basic test to make sure that the fTPM is alive and running:
$ cd tpm2-tools/tool/
$ ./tpm2_getrandom --hex 20
Note: This should give a 4-byte response. This response should be different every time
you run this command.
Running the hello world :
Navigate to : cd tpm2-tools/tool/
./tpm2_pcrread result should be as below with

sha1 :
0 : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000003
1 : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
2 : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
3 : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
4 : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
5 : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Running Unit tests :

Navigate to : cd /tpm2-tools/test/unit/
An run executables eg1 : ./test_pcr
[AMD Official Use Only]

Hello world program should result as below if tpm2-tools intialised properly. Link :
[AMD Official Use Only]

Tpm2-tools initialization is not correct, then Hello world result as below

Total tests need to run:

1) As a part of Sanity
Ex : 1). $ cd tpm2-tools/tool/ (Get random num generator)

$ ./tpm2_getrandom --hex 20

2). cd tpm2-tools/tool/ (Hello world test)

./tpm2_pcrread result should be as below with

2). tpm2-tss:
Got to tpm2-tss directory
sudo make check (make sure it is running unit & integration tests)
(While configuring tpm2-tss we have already enabled with unit& integration steps).
[AMD Official Use Only]

3). tpm2-abrmd:
sudo make check (make sure it is running unit & integration tests)
While configuring tpm2-tss we have already enabled with unit& integration steps

4). tpm2-tools:
sudo make check (make sure it is running unit & integration tests)
While configuring tpm2-tss we have already enabled with unit& integration steps

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