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Denis: I’m Sky

Kylee: I’m Caitlyn

Ty: I'm Ace

Caitlyn: Hi, what’s your name or backstory?(In hyper voice)

Sky: My name’s Sky and, I don’t think you wanna know my backstory story shorty.

Caitlyn: I’m not short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sky:Yes you are

Caitlyn: Any ways.

Caitlyn: pleeeeeasse.

Sky: NO!(she says angrily)

Caitlyn: Why not?!

Sky: You can’t take the heat as I say if you can’t take the eat don't play with fire.

Caitlyn: Wroooooooong!!!!!!!!!

Sky: Fine(she says in an annoyed voice)

Caitlyn: yaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!(she says happily)

Act one Scene two

Sky: It started one day my parents wanted to visit the king and queen of the Vampire kingdom.
So the maids made are bags and I said ” Can I help making the bags” and they laughed and
they said “ Princess thats are jod now run along to the plan. Ones we got there I was kidnaped

Caitlyn: AAAAAAAAAAAH! (sobs)*Gasp stop*.

???: it’s okaaaay shhhhhhhhh

Caitlyn: You can shut up now, i’m good.

Sky: I told you Caitlyn. Wait who are you?

Caitlin: Well whoever you are you suck at being comforting

???: Hey! Ugh well anyways my name’s Ace

Sky: It’s getting dark I should set up the camp, you boy get me some wood and the white fluffy

Ace: Ok bosy…(says with attitude)

Sky: Do you want to sleep in a bed or not and the answer is most likely yes so get me the
supplies so I can cast a spell and make camp.(says with fascination and anger)

In the forest

Ace: Stupid girls.

With the girls

Caitlyn: Sky I think you pusht it, it been like 19 mins.

Sky: No Caitlyn, hey can you give me that piece of his hair. So I can crack him.

All: That means figure out which breed

Caitlyn: Ok Sky?

Sky: I see him, he's a wolf!?

Sky: Caitlyn stay here all find him with my crystal ball.

Caitlyn: Ok I’ll patrol the sky...Sky.(that was weird)

Sky in the forest*Looking in crystal ball*I'll go North. Ace are there are you are

Ace: You know what you suck at chrakeing people.

Sky: But you aren't “people” me and Caitlyn already know you are a wolf.

Ace: How do you know?

Sky: 1 my crystal ball and 2 it's in your sent I new it but it us hard to recognize.

Ace: Ok? But I don’t follow, how did you know.

Sky: I am also part wolf. Alpha actually.

Ace: But there hasn't been a girl for an alpha in years.

Sky: It’s getting dark we should head back to camp Ace.

At camp

Sky: Caitlyn were back.

Caitlyn: Huray.

Sky: Ace you can leave the supplies here. (pots at a spot on the ground)

Ace: Ok. (lays down the supplies)

Sky: Akt fkt e te.(cast spell and magic comes out of her hands)

Ace: What the heck did you say.(confused)

Caitlyn: Was that gibberish how your people talk Sky?

Sky: Ace madey you could learn a thing or to from Caitlyn.

Sky and Caitlyn:(start to laugh unconsciously chrolidly)

Sky: we should go to sleep.

Caitlyn: Race you on 3. 1... 2... 3.

Sky: I win shorty.

Caitlyn: First fare game and two how you were faster than a vampire.

Sky: Ween you have the speed of a vampire and a wolf you can go to speeds unemanigibl.

Cailyn: Your a half breed.

Sky: Not exactly.

Caitlyn: Can you please explain.

Sky: Fine. So I’m part vampire part wolf alpha to be more specific part devil part angel part
faerie more specific fire fairy part mermaid and part witch and all monster.

Caitlyn: First cool and second no one is a monster there gost misgaged o and who told you that.

Sky: Who told me what...

Caitlyn: (interapes) That you're a monster.

Sky: My father was the first. I overheard him talking to my mom and he said it “Skylar is a
monster haven’t you seen her eye she’s hideous no one will want to ever marry her.’’

Caitlyn: Want?

Sky: Want do you mean by “what” Caitlyn.

Caitlyn: What I mean by what is it’s confusing why does your dad care so much about your eye
and why is he talking about marriage.

Sky: He “cares” because I was born half blined in my right eye.

Sky: It’s why I wore an eyepatch or covered it when I was a kid and I still do but for a different

Caitlyn: Can I ask you something Sky.

Sky: Sure I gies.

Caitlyn: what's the different reason.

Sky: It’s getting late we should go to sleep.i have said too much
Act one Scene four

In the morning

Sky: Caitlyn wake up. (groals with frustration) Wake up now Caitlyn.
Caitlyn: (gasps) I’m up.

OPSky: Good. Wares Ace?


Sky: Why are you schreming.

Caitlyn: Snake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sky: Thates gost Koda

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