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Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical College and Research Institute

Department of Anatomy
I MBBS Model Question paper -8
Date: 01.07.2023 Max Marks – 100 marks
Time : 3 hours
LONG ESSAYS 2 x 10 = 20 Marks

1. Describe the thoracoabdominal diaphragm under following headings

a. Attachments b. Openings and structures passing through c. Blood
supply & Nerve supply d. Applied anatomy e. congenital
anomalies (2+3+2+2+ 1)
2. Describe the prostate gland under the following
a. Coverings b. Parts c. Relations d. Blood supply e. Applied
anatomy (2+1+3+2+2)
SHORT ESSAYS 8 x 5 = 40 Marks

3. Describe the rectus abdomonis under the following headings a.origin

b. insertion c. nerve supply d. actions (1+2+1+1)
4. Describe Caeclic trunk - origin , branches and area of distribution .
5. Explain lumbar plexus under the following
a. Location b. Formation c. branches (1+2+2)
6. Describe the ischiorectal fossa under the following a. boundaries b.
contents c. Applied anatomy (2+1+2)
7. Explain Psoas major muscle under the following – origin, insertion
and nerve supply (2+2+1)
8. Draw a neat labelled diagram of microscopic structure of ureter
9. Explain the development of stomach
10. Explain the rotation of midgut

SHORT ANSWERS 10 x 3 = 30 Marks

11.Mention the typical features of lumbar vertebrae.

12. List the supports of urinary bladder
13. Name the contents in the gastro splenic ligament
14. Write the posterior relations of kidney
15. List the muscles forming the Pelvic diaphragm
16. Name the tributaries of inferior vena cava
17. Explain the arcuate line in deatil
18. Draw a neat labelled diagram of microscopic structure of Epididymis
19. Draw a neat labelled diagram of microscopic structure of Graffian
20. Name the derivatives of ventral mesogastrioum.

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