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1st Prof MBBS

Supplementary Questions

Compiled By
Natasha Ghosh(KpcMc&H)
Rounak Biswas(Esic joka)
Mehedi H Rahaman(NBMC&H)
A)12 marks questions:--
1. Superior Extremity---
a) Describe the shoulder joint under the following
headings: bony parts, contributing ligaments,
movements permissible and the respective muscles
involved. Briefly state the nerve supply of this joint.
(1+3+2+4+2) (2011)
b) A patient has reported fracture of the surgical neck of
i) Which nerve is most susceptible to injury?
ii) What is the origin and distribution of the
iii) Mention the effects of injury of the nerve.
(2+5+5) (2012)
c) Describe the radiocarpal joint under the following
i) Bones participating
ii) Movements
iii) Ligaments
iv) Colle’s fracture (1+4+3+4) (2015)
a) Describe collateral circulation in superior vena caval
obstruction. What is azygous vein? Describe its origin,
tributaries, and termination with applied anatomy.
(4+2+2+2+2) (2011)
b) Give an account of different subdivisions of parietal
pleura with nerve supply. Mention the relations of
mediastinal and cervical pleura. What are open
pneumothorax and tension pneumothorax? Why is
pain of pleural pathology mistaken as pain of acute
abdomen? (4+4+2+2) (2017)
c) Give an account of the diaphragm under the following
headings—origin, major openings, nerve supply,
clinical importance. (4+4+2+2) (2018)
2. Abdomen---
a) An elderly man suffering from carcinoma of stomach
presents enlarged Virchow’s lymph gland due to
metastasis. From your knowledge of anatomy, can
you explain it? Describe briefly the arterial supply,
lymphatic drainage and peritoneal folds of stomach.
(2+10) (2009)
b) Pectinate line is an important landmark of the anal
canal. From your knowledge of embryology, can you
explain this statement? Describe briefly the mucosal
surface, musculature and applied anatomy of anal
canal. (2+10) (2009)
c) Ultrasonographic study of patient with acute pain at
right renal angle showed a caliculus in a kidney of the
same side. Mention vascular segments of kidney.
(2+8+2) (2010)
d) A man suffering from cirrhosis of the liver gets
haematemesis due to portal venous obstruction.
State the reason of this complication from your
knowledge of anatomy. Discuss briefly the portal
venous system of liver with a note on clinical
e) A seventy year old male develops deep jaundice and
suffering from carcinoma in the head of the pancreas.
Explain why jaundice appeared in the above case.
Enumerate the components of extra hepatic biliary
apparatus. Describe the relations of bile duct with a
note on its development. (2+2+6+2) (2011)
f) A man of 65 years complains of difficulty in
micturition and occasional hematuria. On clinical
examination and on further investigation he was
diagnosed with malignancy of prostate. Give a brief
account of lobes, capsule and glandular architecture
of prostate and the role of its various drainage in
bony metastasis. (3+3+3+3) (2012)
g) Mention the parts, surfaces with relations, arterial
supply and musculature of the stomach. Why is
gastric triangle important clinically? (2+4+2+2+2)
h) Bouts of haematemesis in a patient suffering from
liver cirrhosis was diagnosed due to portal venous
system obstruction. Describe portal vein under the
following headings—formation, development
relations and sites of portacaval anastomosis.
(2+3+3+4) (2013)
i) Describe the second part of the duodenum under the
following headings---features of its luminal surface,
relations, blood supply, duodenal cap. (4+4+3+1)
j) Describe the internal features of lumen of rectum
with special reference on Houston’s valves. What is
the peritoneal relations of the organ? What is
anorectal sling? (6+2+2+2) (2016)
k) Describe pancreas under the following headings---
parts with blood supply, developmental anomalies
and histology. (4+4+4) (2017)
l) Mention the gross anatomy of portal vein. What are
the different sites of porta-caval anastomosis? What
is internal piles? (5+5+2) (2018)
3. Inferior extremity---
a) Describe hip joint under the following headings---
formation, movements with axis, muscles responsible
and applied importance (2+2+4+4) (2016)
b) Name the arches of the foot. How are the medial and
lateral longitudinal arches formed? Describe the
factors that maintain medial longitudinal arch of foot.
Describe “pes planus” deformity in short.
(4+2+2+2+2) (2017)
c) Describe hip joint under the following headings---
ligaments, muscles producing different movements,
blood supply. (3+6+3) (2018)
4.Head and neck---
a) Constantly secreted lacrimal fluid for irrigation of
conjunctiva is finally disposed in the nasal cavity.
From your knowledge of anatomy, explain this
statement. Discuss briefly the lacrimal apparatus.
(2+10) (2009)
b) A middle-aged man suffering from hypertension
reports to his physician bleeding from the “little’s
area” of the nose. Define little’s area. Give an account
on the nasal septum with a note on its clinical
anatomy. (2+10) (2009)
c) A man develops a black eye within 48 hours of a
lacerated injury to the scalp. From your knowledge of
anatomy, explain this complication. Discuss briefly the
layers of the scalp with a note on blood supply, nerve
supply and applied anatomy. (2+10) (2010)
d) A child suffering from repeated throat infection
presents discharge of pus through the ear. Explain the
consequences of this illness from your knowledge of
anatomy. Discuss briefly the middle ear cavity with a
note on its applied anatomy.
e) Following diptheria a child suffers from nasal
regurgitation of food. Give an explaination of the
above statement. Give a brief account of the muscles
of the soft palate with applied importance. (2+10)
f) A child suffering from acute tonsillitis complains of
pain in the ear. Explain it anatomically. Mention the
position, relations, development, blood and nerve
supply of palatine tonsil. (2+2+3+2+2+1) (2012)
g) A patient is brought to a surgeon with a parotid
tumor. Describe the gland under the following
headings---i)capsule ii) relations iii) structures within
iv) nerve supply v)applied anatomy. (1+5+1+3+2)
h) Mention the boundaries, contents and
communications of middle ear. What is hyperacuisis?
(4+4+3+1) (2013)
i) Mention attachment pharyngeal muscles and their
nerve supply. Explain their role in deglutition. (8+2+2)
j) What is Waldeyer’s ring? Describe palatine tonsils
with relations, blood and nerve supply? Why is pain in
the tonsils referred to the middle ear? (2+7+3) (2016)
k) Enumerate the muscles of the tongue. Describe the
nerve supply of the muscles of tongue based on
embryology. What are the features of hypoglossal
nerve palsy? Write the structure of taste buds. What
is ankyloglossia?(2+3+3+2+2) (2017)
l) Describe the location, covering relations, nerve supply
and microanatomy of the parotid gland. (2+2+3+2+3)
4. Neuroanatomy---
a) A man is suffering from bitemporal hemianopia due
to a pituitary tumor. Give an account of the visual
pathway. State the reason for the bitemporal
hemianopia. (10+2) (2012)
b) Name the functional components of facial nerve. Give
the effect of injury of facial nerve at external auditory
meatus. (3+9) (2014)
c) What are the white fibres of the brain? Describe
corpus callosum in short. (3+9) (2014)
d) Mention different types of fibres in brain with
examples. Write about location, parts with relations,
fibres passing through and blood supply of internal
capsule. (2+2+3+3+2) (2015)
e) Describe the extent and boundaries of different parts
of the lateral ventricle of brain. Where and how is its
third content formed? (10+20 (2016)
B)7 marks questions:--

1. Superior extremity---
a) Biceps brachii is an important supinator muscle. How
can you justify this using your knowledge of anatomy?
Give a brief account of supinator muscles of the upper
limb. (2+5) (2009)
b) An elderly lady suffering from CA breast presents
retraction of nipple and dimple on the skin of breast.
State its reason from your knowledge of anatomy.
Write a brief note on lymphatic drainage of breast.
(2+5) (2010)
c) Give an account of lymphatic drainage of breast.
Explain peau d’orange. Malignancy of which quadrant
is most dangerous and why? (4+1+1+1) (2012)
d) Mid palmar space and its importance. (7) (2013)
e) Radial nerve in radial groove. (7) (2016)
f) Describe the axillary group of lymph nodes with their
drainage area? What is axillary tail? (5+2) (2017)
g) Describe the formation of brachial plexus (from roots
to chords). Which nerve is known as musician’s
nerve? Describe the claw hand deformity and ulnar
paradox briefly. (3+1+3) (2017)
2. Thorax---
a) A patient suffering from breathlessness is found to
have fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity. From
your knowledge of anatomy, explain the case. State
briefly the parts of pleura with its recesses, nerve
supply and applied importance. (2+5) (2009)
b) A patient suffers from aspiration pneumonia. What
are the broncho pulmonary segments involved in
aspiration pneumonia? What do you mean by
broncho pulmonary segments? (2+5) (2013)
c) What is angina pectoris? How is it different from
myocardial infarction? Name the artery of sudden
death. (3+2+2) (2014)
d) What are the different parts of conducting system of
heart? What is the applied anatomy of it? (5+2)
3. Abdomen---
a) An old man suffering from carcinoma of prostate
gland is suffering from metastasis in vertebral bodies.
Using your anatomical knowledge, explain this
complication. Write a brief note on the canal inside
prostate. (2+5) (2009)
b) A child with inguinoscrotal swelling was diagnosed to
be a case of congenital hydrocele due to presence of
whole processus vaginalis. From your anatomical
knowledge, explain this. Add a note on processus
vaginalis. (3+4) (2010)
c) A patient develops diabetes mellitus after
splenectomy operation. Explain the cause of this.
Describe the ligaments of spleen. (2+5) (2011)
d) Supports that prevent uterine prolapse. (7) (2013)
e) Name the contents of the spermatic cord. Mention
the beginning, termination, histological structure and
source of development of vas deferens. (3+1+1+1)
f) Describe the ligaments of spleen. Draw a labelled
diagram to illustrate the microstructure of spleen.
(2+5) (2015)
g) Describe the ischiorectal fossa and its applied
importance. (5+2) (2015)
h) Blood supply of stomach with clinical importance.
(5+2) (2016)
i) Write the blood supply of suprarenal gland. Draw and
label histological supply of this gland. (3+4) (2018)
j) Define hernia with types of inguinal hernia. Name the
structures forming the boundary of the inguinal canal.
(2+5) (2018)
4. Inferior extremity---
a) Medial collateral ligament of knee joint is responsible
for less freeness of medial semilunar cartilage of the
joint. Explain from your knowledge of anatomy. Write
a brief note on extra articular cartilage of knee joint.
(2+5) (2009)
b) Footballers most commonly get injury to the
semilunar cartilages of the knee joint. Mention the
reason from your knowledge of anatomy. Write a
brief note on intra articular cartilage of the knee joint.
(2+5) (2010)
c) Describe joints involved in inversion and eversion of
foot. What is the axis of these movements? What do
you mean by tallipes? (5+1+1) (2011)
d) Give an account of semilunar cartilages of knee joint.
Which cartilage is more prone to injury? Why are the
other cartilages relatively immune to injury? (4+1+2)
e) What are the factors preventing dislocation of
patella? What do you mean by Q angle? What is the
unhappy triad of the knee? (3+2+2) (2015)
f) Describe the perforating veins of lower limb. Add a
note on varicose veins. (5+2) (2016)
5. Head and neck---
a) A man suffers from cavernous sinus thrombosis
following a neglected infection in the dangerous area
of face. Explain this complication using your
knowledge of anatomy. Write a brief note on
important relations and communications of the
cavernous sinus. (2+5) (2009)
b) A man suffers from cavernous sinus thrombosis due
to an uncared infection in the dangerous area of face.
Mention tributaries and communications of
cavernous sinus. From your knowledge of anatomy,
explain the case. (2+5) (2010)
c) Mention the coats of the eyeball. How is aqueous
humour formed, circulated and drained? Name the
refractive media in the eye. (3+2+2) (2011)
d) Enumerate muscles of the soft palate and their nerve
supply. What are the different forms of cleft palate
and how are they formed? (2+50 (2012)
e) Name the paranasal air sinuses? Where do they
drain? Describe maxillary sinus. (2+2+3) (2012)
f) Rima glottidis. (7) (2014)
g) Nerve supply of anterior two thirds of tongue. (7)
h) Mention the position, important relations and
communications of cavernous sinus. Mention its
applied importance. (5+2) (2015)
i) Mention the coats of the eyeball. Name the various
refractive media of eyeballs. What are the common
refractive errors? (3+2+2) (2015)
j) Name the paranasal air sinuses. Give their nerve
supply and site of opening. Why are they situated
around the nasal cavity? (2+3+2) (2016)
k) Mechanism of phonation. (7) (2017)
l) Give an account of medial wall of middle ear cavity.
(7) (2017)
m) Boundaries of the orbit with clinical importance. (7)
a) Following vascular lesions a man suffers from ventral
medullary syndrome with contralateral hemiplegia
and ipsilateral paralysis of tongue muscles. Explain
the case from your knowledge of anatomy. Write a
brief note on functional components of the cranial
nerve nuclei situated in medulla oblongata. (2+5)
b) Central branches of arterial circle of Willis are
examples of end arteries. Explain this statement.
Write a brief note on formation, branches and applied
anatomy of circle of Willis. (1+6) (2010)
c) A patient presents with supra nuclear type of facial
palsy after CVA. What is supra nuclear type of facial
palsy? Mention the functional areas of brain supplied
by anterior cerebral artery. (2+5) (2011)
d) Describe with suitable diagram the features of a
transverse section of midbrain at the level of superior
colliculus. (7) (2013)
e) Enumerate the different peripheral parasympathetic
ganglion at the head neck region. Add a brief note on
ciliary ganglion. (2+5) (2016)
f) Describe the extra cranial course and distribution of
facial nerve. What are the features of Bell’s palsy?
(5+2) (2017)
g) Blood supply of superolateral surface of cerebral
hemisphere. (7) (2018)
7.General Embryology---
a) Describe formation of secondary mesoderm with
formation of extra embryonic coelom. (7) (2011)
b) Layers of placental barrier chronological order with
clinical importance. (5+2) (2017)
8. Systemic embryology----
a) A child suffering from atrial septal defect is found to
have patent oval foramen. From your knowledge of
embryology, explain this defect. Write a brief note on
development of inter atrial septum of heart. (1+6)
b) A baby is born with patent ductus arteriosus. What is
ductus arteriosus? State the branches of ascending
aorta with clinical importance. (2+2+3) (2011)
c) On inspection of scrotal sac of newborn baby, the
right scrotal sac was found empty and was diagnosed
as an anomaly of descent of testes. Write a brief note
on descent of testes. Explain is ectopic testes. (5+2)
d) Give a brief account of development of inter atrial
septum. What is probe patency of oval foramen?
(5+2) (2012)
e) A boy presents a cystic swelling on the anterior
border of sternocleidomastoid since birth. What are
the possible reasons? Mention the derivatives of the
first two branchial arches. (1+3+3) (2013)
f) Discuss development of tongue. What is
ankyloglossia? (5+2) (2015)
g) Name the pharyngeal arches with derivatives. (7)
9.General anatomy---
a) Enumerate the structural classification of joints. Write
the different types of fibrous joints with appropriate
example of each type. (2+5) (2018)
C)Short notes:--
1. Superior extremity---
a) Pulp space of finger. (5) (2009)
b) Flexor retinaculum of hand. (5) (2011)
c) Clavipectoral fascia. (5) (2013)
d) Mid palmar space. (5) (2016)
e) Erb’s palsy. (5) (2018)
f) Winging of scapula. (5) (2018)
2. Thorax---
a) Costodiaphragmatic recess of pleura. (5) (2010)
b) Intercostal nerve. (5) (2011)
c) Arch of aorta. (5) (2013)
d) Root of the lung. (5) (2016)
e) Azygous vein. (5) (2018)
3. Abdomen---
a) Ileo-caecal orifice (5) (2009)
b) True ligaments of uterus. (5) (2009)
d) First part of duodenum. (5) (2010)
e) Bile duct. (5) (2012)
f) Lesser omentum. (5) (2015)
g) Histology of esophagus. (5) (2015)
h) Ligamentous supports of uterus. (5) (2017)
i) Spermatic cord. (5) (2018)
4. Inferior extremity---
a) Inguinal lymph node. (5) (2009)
b) Iliofemoral ligaments. (5) (2010)
c) Adductor canal. (5) (2011)
d) Spring ligament. (5) (2012)
e) Deltoid ligament. (5) (2013)
f) Popliteus muscle. (5) (2017) (2018)
5. Head and neck---
a) Rima glottidis (5) (2009)
b) Iris (5) (2009)
c) Nasolacrimal duct. (5) (2010)
d) Nerve supply of tongue. (5) (2010)
e) Styloid apparatus. (5) (2011)
f) Movements of temporomandibular joint. (5) (2011)
g) Anterior chamber of eye. (5) (2012)
h) Buccinator muscle. (5) (2012)
i) Auditory tube. (5) (2013)
j) Styloid apparatus. (5) (2013) (2016)
k) Circulation of aqueous humour. (5) (2013)
l) Canal of Schlemm. (5) (2014)
m) Little’s area of epistaxis which artery is known as
rhinologist’s artery. (5) (2014)
n) Chorda tympani nerve. (5) (2015)
o) Tensor veli palati muscle. (5) (2015)
p) Inlet of larynx. (5) (2015)
q) Cornea. (5) (2016)
r) Little’s area of epistaxis. (5) (2017)
6. Neuroanatomy---
a) Posterior limb of internal capsule. (5) (2009)
b) Motor neurons of spinal cord. (5) (2010)
c) Corpus callosum. (5) (2011)
d) Bell’s palsy. (5) (2012)
e) Horner’s syndrome. (5) (2013)
f) Circle of Willis. (5) (2014)
g) Otic ganglion. (5) (2014) (2017)
h) Fornix. (5) (2017)
i) Medial medullary syndrome. (5) (2017)
j) Third ventricle of brain. (5) (2018)
k) Pia matter of spinal cord. (5) (2018)
l) Speech center of brain. (5) (2018)
7. General embryology---
a) Placental barrier. (5) (2009) (2011)
b) Neural crest cells. (5) (2010) (2015)
c) Blastocyst. (5) (2012)
d) Lateral plate embryology. (5) (2013)
e) Umbilical cord. (5) (2015)
f) Somites. (5) (2016)
g) Derivatives of neural crest cell. (5) (2017)
h) 1
st pharyngeal arch. (5) (2017)
8. Special embryology---
a) Derivatives of second branchial arch. (5) (2009)
b) Meckel’s cartilage (5) (2010)
c) Lingual thyroid. (5) (2011)
d) Cervical sinus. (5) (2012)
e) Ligamentum arteriosum. (5) (2012) (2016)
f) Exomphalos. (5) (2015)
9. General anatomy---
a) Epiphysis. (5) (2010)
b) Supinator muscle. (5) (2010)
c) Metaphysis (5) (2011) (2016)
d) Transitional epithelium. (5) (2012) (2013)
e) Intravertebral disc. (5) (2014)
f) Plasma membrane. (5) (2015)
g) Histology of lymph node. (5) (2016)
h) Hyaline cartilage. (5) (2017)
10. Genetics---
a) Turner’s syndrome. (5) (2011)
b) Down’s syndrome. (5) (2012) (2013) (2018)
c) Klinefelter’s syndrome. (5) (2015)
d) Barr body (5) (2016)
e) Sex linked inheritance. (5) (2017)
f) Karyotyping. (5) (2018)
D)Explain why:--
1. Superior extremity---
a) Intracapsular fracture of the neck of humerus may
cause avascular necrosis of its head. (4) (2009)
b) Pectoralis major and Serratus anterior play common
c) A patient comes to doctor with complaint of pain and
swelling in the palm of hand following history of a pin
prick to the little finger. (4) (2010)
d) Infection of pulp space of little finger is more
dangerous than that of index finger. (4) (2011)
e) First metacarpal bone is modified phalanx. (4) (2011)
f) In shoulder joint dislocation, head is usually
dislocated inferiorly. (4) (2013)
g) Carpal tunnel syndrome. (4) (2015)
h) Winging of scapula. (4) (2015) (2016)
i) Anatomical basis of peau d’ orange and retraction of
nipple in case of carcinoma of breast. (4) (2016)
j) Clavicle is a modified long bone. (4) (2018)
k) Pulp space infection may lead to avascular necrosis of
terminal phalanx. (4) (2018)
2. Thorax---
a) Complete paralysis of diaphragm is not achieves when
phrenic nerve is intersected in the neck region. (4)
b) Second intercostal nerve is atypical. (4) (2013)
c) Pericardiocentesis. (4) (2014)
d) Phrenic avulsion at root of neck produces alarming
hemorrhage. (4) (2017)
3. Abdomen---
a) Ureteric/Renal coli causes radiating pain from loin to
groin. (4) (2012) (2017)
b) Pectinate line in anal canal is known as watershed
line. (4) (2012)
c) Why does the thyroid swelling move up and down
with deglutition? (4) (2014)
d) Extravasation of urine following rupture of urethra
extending upto axilla. (4) (2015)
e) Tumour of the head of pancreas causes obstructive
jaundice. (4) (2016)
f) Pain around umbilicus in case of acute appendicitis.
(4) (2016)
g) Caput medusae. (4) (2017)
h) Inflammation of ovary may present with lower back
pain. (4) (2018)
4. Inferior extremity---
a) Following fracture to the neck of femur, an old man
develops avascular necrosis of head of the bone. (4)
b) All hamstring muscles are not true hamstrings. (4)
c) Injury at neck of fibula causes foot drop. (4) (2011)
d) Epiphyses around knee joint are relevant
medicolegally. (4) (2013)
e) Tear of medial meniscus of knee is more common
than lateral meniscus of knee. (4) (2017)
5. Head and neck---
a) A patient with scalp injury presents with black eye. (4)
(2009) (2017)
b) A patient with the fracture of base of skull presents
bleeding through the ear. (4) (2009)
c) Region of vallate papillae in tongue is supplied by
glossopharyngeal nerve. (4) (2011)
d) Syringing of external auditory meatus may produce
cough and cause fatal cardiac arrest. (4) (2011) (2013)
e) Cellulites of danger area of face may be followed by
cavernous sinus thrombosis. (4) (2012)
f) In chronic sinusitis accumulation of infective material
is more common in maxillary sinus. (4) (2013)
g) Surgical removal of palpebral part of lacrimal gland is
equal to removal of the whole gland. (4) (2014)
h) Inflammation of parotid gland is very painful. (4)
i) Cadaveric position of Rima glottidis. (4) (2016)
j) Patient after thyroidectomy complains of hoarseness
of voice. (4) (2017)
k) Optic disc of eye is called blind spot. (4) (2018)
l) Inflammation of tubal tonsil may give rise to difficulty
in hearing. (4) (2018)
6. Neuroanatomy---
a) Occlusion of posterior cerebral artery causes
homonymous hemianopia sparing macular vision. (4)
(2009) (2011) (2018)
b) In a patient with Argyll-Robertson pupil, light reflex is
absent but accommodation reflex is present. (4)
c) Hyperacuisis due to lesion of intrapetrous part of
facial nerve. (4) (2012) (2018)
d) Argyll-Robertson pupil. (4) (2012) (2015)
e) Frey’s syndrome. (4) (2015)
f) Lumbar puncture is done at the level of L3/L4
interspinous space. (4) (2016)
g) Macular sparing occurs after CVA involving vertebra-
basilar system. (4) (2016)
h) The earliest sign of raised intracranial tension can be
seen in the retina by opthalmoscopic examination. (4)
i) Optic nerve cannot regenerate after injury. (4) (2017)
7. General embryology---
a) Ectopic pregnancy. (4) (2015) (2017)
b) Capacitation is necessary for fertilization. (4) (2017)
8. Special embryology---
a) A child with atrial septal defect presents with patent
foramen ovale. (4) (2009)
b) Left recurrent laryngeal nerve is longer than the right.
(4) (2009) (2012)
c) Polycystic kidney results from an error in
development of kidney. (4) (2009) (2012) (2018)
d) Ectopic thyroid gland. (4) (2010)
e) All muscles of--- i) soft palate except tensor veli
palatini, ii) pharynx except stylopharengeus, iii)larynx
except cricothyroid are supplied by cranial part of
accessory nerve, pharyngeal plexus and recurrent
laryngeal nerve respectively. (4) (2010)
f) A male baby was diagnosed to be a case of ‘ectopic
testes’ when he was detected to have one side of
scrotum empty. (4) (2010)
g) On rare occasion, caecum and vermiform appendix
may not be located in the right iliac fossa. (4) (2010)
h) A tumour at the level foramen caecum of tongue
reveals thyroid follicles in isotope scan. (4) (2013)
i) Umbilical urinary fistula in newborn baby. (4) (2013)
j) Superior parathyroid gland is developmentally
inferior. (4) (2014) (2017)
k) Physiological hernia. (4) (2015)
l) Abnormal right subclavian artery. (4) (2015)
m) A child is present with peristaltic sound in chest. (4)
9. General anatomy---
a) Lysosomes are known as the ‘suicide bags’ of cell. (4)
Group B :-
a)Mention different types of transport across
cell membrane . What do you mean by
voltage gated and ligand gated channels ?
Name some Ca++ channel blocker drugs .
(4+2+1=7) (2015)
Group C :- ( Marks 4 each)
a) Phagocytosis (2018)
b) Dead space (2017)
c) Active Transport (2017)
d) GLUT (2016)
e) Na+K+ ATPase (2013)
f) Cell membrane channel ( 2013)
g) Receptor mediated endocytosis (2020)
Group A :
a)Describe the physiological basis of blood
grouping . Discuss the hazards of blood
transfusion. (6+6=12) (2015)
b) What is Hemophilia ? Enumerate the steps of
Hemostasis. Describe the pathway of
coagulation. (2+3+7=12) (2014)
c) What is erythropoiesis ? What are the sites of
erythropoiesis ? Describe the suitable diagram
of the steps of erythropoiesis. Write briefly the
role of different factors required in it .
(2+2+4+4=12) (2013)
d) Define hemostasis. Describe the sequence of
events leading to hemostasis. What is the role of
platelets in clotting ? Enumerate the common
laboratory tests for investigation of bleeding
disorders . (2+4+3+3=7) (2020)
Group B :-
a)How does RH incompatibility occur ? Describe
the haemolytic disease of the new born with
it’s prevention . (4+3=7) (2018) (2013)
b) Mention the hazards of matched and
mismatched blood transfusion ? (3+4=7)
Group C :
a)Tissue macrophage system (2017)
b) ESR (2016) (2013)
c) B and T lymphocyte (2016)
d)Humoral Immunity (2015)
e)Law of Landsteiner (2014)
f) IgG (2013)
g)Megaloblastic anaemia (2020)
Group D :-
a)Cyanosis does not occur in severe anaemia.
b) Haemophilia usually does not affect
females. (2017)
c) Size of RBC in venous blood is slightly larger
than that is systemic arterial blood. (2016)
d) RBC count in peripheral blood increases
during ascent to a high altitude. (2015)
e) Relative lymphocytosis occurs in bone
marrow depressions in adults . (2020)
Group B :-
a)Define resting membrane potential . Discuss
the ionic basis of generation of action
potential in skeletal muscles . What is
tetanus ? (2+4+1=7) (2018)
b) Describe with a suitable diagram the events
that occur at neuromuscular junction during
transmission of impulse . What is
Myasthenia gravis ? (5+2=7) (2017)
c) What do you mean by action potential in
nerve ? State the ionic basic of action
potential in a nerve , with diagram . (2+5=7)
d) Describe the role of ATP in the skeletal
muscle contraction and relaxation . (7)
e) How does neuro-muscular transmission
takes place ? How botulinum toxin blocks the
neuromuscular transmission ? (5+2=7)
f) Compare and contrast the transmission of
electrical activity at a NMJ with that at a
synapse . What is myasthenia gravis ?
(5+2=7) (2020)
Group C :- (Marks 4 each)
a)Difference between fast muscles and slow
muscles (2017)
b) Steps of extraction-contraction coupling in
skeletal muscles . (2015)
c) Rigor Mortis ( 2013)
d) Troponin (2013)
Group D :-
a)Conduction is faster in thicker nerve fibre.
b)Hypocalcaemia increases excitability of
nerves. (2016)
c) Relaxation of muscles require energy.
Group B :-
a) What is gastric mucosal barrier ? what is it’s
role in peptic ulceration ? (2+5=7) (2018)
b) Define jaundice Describe the differences
between haemolytic and obstructive jaundice
. (2+5=7) (2017)
c) Discuss the factors preventing auto digestion
of stomach . (7) (2017) (2015)
d) State briefly the functions of liver . List any six
liver functional tests. (2+5=7) (2016)
e) Outline the mechanism of HCL synthesis and
secretion in the stomach . What are the
paracrine & endocrine regulators of HCL
secretion ? (4+3=7) (2020)
Group C :- ( Marks 4 each)
a) Dietary fibres (2018) (2013)
b) Vitamin D (2017)
c) Postprandial alkaline tide (2016)
d) Functions of saliva (2016)
e) Adynamic ileus (2015)
f) Functions of Gall Bladder (2015)
g) Taste buds (2014)
h) Enterohepatic cycle (2014)
i) CCK-PZ (2020)
Group D :-
a)Persistent hypocalcaemia may lead to
hyperglycaemia. (2018)
b) Why pancreas is not autodigested?
c) Oedema is seen in chronic liver disease.
d) Total gastrectomy causes anaemia.
e) Hypoproteinaemia causes oedema. (2016)
f) Steatorrhoea may develop in obstructive
jaundice. (absence of bile salts in small
intestine) (2015) (2020)
g) Removal of terminal ileum lead to
steatorrhoea. (2014)
h) Vitamin K injection should be given in
patients of obstructive jaundice. (2013)
Group A :-
a) Define Electrocardiogram . How augmentation
occurs in augmented leads? What is PR interval
? How you can diagnose various types of AV
block from ECG ? ( 1+4+2+5 =12) (2018)
b)What are baroreceptors ? Describe the role of
baroreceptors in maintaining the blood
pressure. What is hypertension ? ( 2+7+3 = 12)
c) Define cardiac output. Describe the regulation
cardiac output. What is ejection fraction?
(2+8+2=12) (2017)
d)Describe in brief the regulation of blood
What is Vasomotor reversal of Dale ?
(8+2+2=12) (2016)
e)What do you understand by arterial blood
pressure ? Describe the regulation of arterial
blood pressure . What is essential hypertension
? (2+8+2=12) (2015)
f) What do you mean by normal blood pressure ?
Discuss the regulation of blood pressure in a
normal individual . What happens in systolic and
diastolic blood pressure in Aortic incompetence
? ( 4+5+3=12) (2014)
g)Draw and label the various stages of the action
potential of the working myocardial cells. What
is iconic bases of the different stages ? What is
pre potential ? (5+4+3=12) (2013)
h) Identify the receptors , afferent pathways ,
integrating centre, efferent pathways &
effectors in the arterial baroreceptor reflex.
When the arterial baroreceptors decrease or
increase the rate of firing ? What changes in the
autonomic outflow and cardiovascular function
occur ? Explain how tachycardia occurs in
Cardiovascular shock? (5+1+2+2+2=12) (2020)
a) What is sinus arrythmia ? What is the cause ?
(2+5=7) (2014)
Group C :- (Marks 4 each)
a) Water Hammer Pulse (2018)
b) Sinoaortic reflex (2018)
c) Normal ECG waves (2017)
d) Venous return ( 2014)
e) P-R interval ( 2020)
Group D :-
a)Resting tachycardia is seen in
hyperthyroidism. (2017)
b) SA node is the normal cardiac pacemaker.
c) Tachycardia usually occurs in haemorrhage.
d) Capillaries are also called “exchange vessels
“ (2020)
a)Describe the oxygen-haemoglobin dissociation
curve with a diagram. Discuss the factors shifting
the curve. (8+4=12) (2017)
b)Give a brief account of the neural and chemical
regulation of respiration. Explain the changes in
the respiratory system during exercise and
during acclimatization to high altitude.
(3+3+3+3=12) (2016)
Group B :-
a)What is hypoxia ? Write about the role of O2
therapy in various types of hypoxia ? ( 2+5=7)
b) What is hypoxic hypoxia ? What are the
adaptation that occurs when a person ascends
of 12000 feet ? (2+5=7) (2013) (2020)
Group C :- ( Marks 4 each)
a) Surfactant (2018) (2013) (2020)
b) Hypoxic hypoxia (2018)
c) Alveolocapillary membrane (2014)
d) Caisson’s Disease (2013)
Group D :-
a)In anaemic hypoxia oxygen therapy does not
produce much help. (2014)
b) Optic tract lesion leads to homonymous
hemianopia. (2013)

Best of luck for your exams 💕

Stay Motivated

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