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Upper Limb
1. A 30 year old male developed infection and a hypertrophy of pronator teres muscle that
lead to the compression of important neurovascular structure present in the anterior
forearm in direct relation to this muscle.
a. Which structure Is compressed?
b. Give its course and branches in forearm.

2. Give the action and innervation of the muscle in the upper limb with dual supply.(4)
Name the Anterior axioappendicular muscles. (1)

3. Draw the Cutaneous innervation of upper limb with root values?

Lower Limb
1. A 23 year old male is presented to emergency with fracture of neck of fibula. On
examination he was unable dorsiflex and evert the foot and sensory loss was present on
the dorsum of the foot.
a. Name the structure involved and reason behind these symptoms.
b. Give its course and branches.

2. Give superficial venous drainage of lower limb with origin and tributaries. (5)

3. Name the intracapsular ligaments of knee joints with their functions.(2.5)

Name the superficial and deep structure passes posterior to medial malleolus. (2.5)

General Anatomy (GA)

1. Describe the blood supply of a mature and immature long bone?(5)

2. Name the stability factors of a synovial joint. (2)

Write down the physiological classification of blood vessels? (3)

1. Define Triad and Diad?(2)
2. Classify simple glands with example. (3)

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