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of Companion
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of Companion
Fourth Edition


Retired Professor, Veterinary Technology
Summers Mobile Veterinary Services
Waxahachie, Texas
FOURTH EDITION ISBN: 978-0-323-59657-2

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To my husband, Rich Summers, and my parents, Clark and
Margaret Toldan, who told me I could do anything I set my mind
to and stood behind me while I tried.

Veterinary technicians serve a wide variety of functions throughout the text to emphasize the role of the techni-
in the clinical setting. Although they are not diagnosti- cian in the total care of the patient. This book is written
cians, they do assist the veterinarian, through assess- as a text for veterinary technology students and as a ref-
ment and laboratory procedures, in arriving at a erence for daily clinical practice. It is not intended to be a
diagnosis. Perhaps their most important functions are comprehensive medical text; rather, the goal of this work
in treatment planning/implementation and client/ is to acquaint veterinary technicians with disease pro-
patient follow-up and compliance. To perform these cesses and their treatments so they may better educate
duties effectively, they need a strong understanding of their clients.
While teaching a course on small-animal diseases for Organization
veterinary technology students, I discovered there was The 72 chapters of this book are organized according to
no text written expressly for the veterinary technician organ system. In each chapter, specific diseases that
that covered this material. I realized that a handy refer- affect each system follow an introductory section.
ence was needed that offered a description of the most Included in each section are clinical signs, suggested
common diseases encountered in companion animals, diagnostic tests, treatments, and information for clients.
including clinical signs, diagnostic tests and laboratory The client information section is designed to help the
work, treatment, prevention, and client information. technician discuss the disease, including treatment and
Just as important, this book seeks to delineate the role prevention, with the client. The book is written in an
of the technician in all phases of diagnosis, treatment, informal style, with clinical signs, diagnostic tests, and
and client communication. treatments displayed in monograph form for easy refer-
This fourth edition of Common Diseases of Compan- ence. Because this book is a reference, students are often
ion Animals has been expanded. It now covers how basic asked to review anatomy, physiology, surgery, and clin-
anatomy and physiology affects the development of dis- ical pathology texts and other works for additional infor-
ease in many species of companion animals, including mation. It is hoped that the information presented in
horses, goats, reptiles, birds, pet pigs, chickens, and this book will partner with the education provided to
small mammals. The equine section has been expanded, the technician by the veterinarian to give the technician
and all chapters have extra questions and more color a fuller appreciation of the disease processes seen in
pictures. The book is a collection of both clinical and companion animals.
practical information concerning diseases seen fre-
quently in clinical practice. Tech Alerts are included Alleice Summers


I would like to thank my colleagues who so generously gave their time to make suggestions
for improvements to this book. I would like to remember all of my wonderful professors at
The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine who expanded my horizons by
encouraging me to become a veterinarian. Thanks also to all of my editors who kept asking
me to do this fourth edition. I thank my clients and their wonderful pets that, over the past
40 years, have provided me with many laughs, tears, and experiences that I will never forget.

Alleice Summers

Introduction: The Body Defense Systems—The Body’s 28 Diseases of the Endocrine System, 299
Response to Disease, x 29 Diseases of the Eye and Ear, 302
30 Hematological and Immunological Diseases, 306
31 Diseases of the Integumentary System, 309
SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats 32 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System, 315
33 Diseases of the Nervous System, 322
1 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System, 1 34 Pansystemic Diseases, 325
2 Diseases of the Digestive System, 21 35 Diseases of the Respiratory System, 332
3 Diseases of the Endocrine System, 58 36 Diseases of the Urogenital System, 335
4 Diseases of the Eye, 73
5 Hematologic and Immunological Diseases, 87
6 Diseases of the Integumentary System, 99
7 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System, 122 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles
8 Diseases of the Nervous System, 140
9 Pansystemic Diseases, 157 37 Overview of Reptiles as Pets, 340
10 Diseases of the Reproductive System, 172 38 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System, 350
11 Diseases of the Respiratory System, 182 39 Diseases of the Digestive System, 352
12 Diseases of the Urinary System, 202 40 Diseases of the Endocrine System, 364
41 Diseases of the Special Senses, 366
42 Diseases of the Integumentary System, 370
43 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System, 380
SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits 44 Diseases of the Nervous System, 385
45 Diseases of the Reproductive System, 389
13 Overview of Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits, 219 46 Diseases of the Respiratory System, 394
14 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System, 226 47 Diseases of the Urinary System, 400
15 Diseases of the Digestive System, 231
16 Diseases of the Endocrine System, 241
17 Diseases of the Eye, 244
18 Hematological and Immunological Diseases, 248 SECTION 5 Horses
19 Diseases of the Integumentary System, 251
20 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System, 259 48 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System, 405
21 Diseases of the Nervous System, 262 49 Diseases of the Digestive System, 413
22 Diseases of the Reproductive System, 265 50 Diseases of the Endocrine System, 424
23 Diseases of the Respiratory System, 270 51 Diseases of the Eye, 428
24 Diseases of the Urinary System, 276 52 Hematologic Diseases, 433
53 Diseases of the Integumentary System, 435
54 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System, 444
55 Diseases of the Nervous System, 456
SECTION 3 Birds 56 Diseases of the Reproductive System, 462
57 Diseases That Affect the Neonate, 469
25 Overview of the Bird as a Patient, 281 58 Diseases of the Respiratory System, 472
26 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System, 287 59 Diseases of the Urinary System, 479
27 Diseases of the Digestive System, 290


SECTION 6 Sheep and Goats SECTION 7 Farm Animals

60 Sheep and Goat Husbandry, 482 71 Chickens, 518

61 Diseases of the Digestive System, 484 72 Pot-Bellied Pigs and Other Pet Pigs, 528
62 Diseases of the Endocrine System, 491
63 Diseases of the Eye, 493
64 Hematologic and Lymphatic Diseases, 495 Answers to Review Questions, 544
65 Diseases of the Integumentary System, 498 Glossary, 552
66 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System, 501 Bibliography, 558
67 Diseases of the Nervous System, 505 Index, 561
68 Diseases of the Reproductive System, 509
69 Diseases of the Respiratory System, 512
70 Diseases of the Urinary System, 515
Animals, and their humans, live their lives in an group of diseases seen in that animal species and
unfriendly, hostile environment. They are continually not spend time ruling out those conditions that do
assaulted by hordes of microorganisms such as bacteria, not appear.
viruses, protozoans, fungi, and parasites. Internally,
Mechanical and Chemical Barriers
abnormal cells produced by cellular division must be
continually removed from the body. If allowed to sur- The animal’s internal body is protected by a mechanical
vive, they become tumors. Some of these tumors may barrier: the skin and the mucous membranes. If unbro-
become malignant and spread throughout the body. Tis- ken, this barrier prevents the entry of microorganisms,
sues within the body are continually being repaired or protecting the underlying tissues from injury. The skin
replaced as they wear out or become damaged. With also produces substances such as sebum, mucus, and
all this activity going on in the body, it is a wonder that enzymes that act to inhibit or destroy pathogens. Dam-
animals and humans survive in this environment. age to this barrier allows organisms to reach the internal
structures of the body and produce disease. Healthy skin
is the animal’s best defense against the world of micro-
IMMUNITY organisms. It is called the “first line of defense.”
The animal body has developed an efficient system of Inflammatory Response
defense against disease-producing agents: the immune
If bacteria or other invaders do gain access to the body,
system. Components of the immune system patrol the
a “second line of defense,” known as the inflammatory
body 24 hours a day looking for foreign and internal
response, exists. When a tissue is invaded by microor-
enemies. The activities of this system are called immu-
ganisms or injured in any way, the cells that make up
nity; without it, animals could not survive. Immunity
that tissue release enzymes called mediators; these
can be divided into two large categories: nonspecific
mediators attract white blood cells to the area (chemo-
immunity and specific immunity.
taxis), dilate blood vessels, and increase the permeabil-
ity of the vessels in the area. The characteristic signs of
Nonspecific Immunity inflammation—heat, redness, swelling, and pain—
Nonspecific immunity is composed of several elements: occur as a result of the release of these chemical sub-
species resistance, mechanical and chemical barriers, the stances. Specific types of white blood cells (usually neu-
inflammatory response, interferon, and complement. trophils) attracted to the area will begin to “gobble up”
The term nonspecific means that the system responds the invading foreign material in a process known as
to all antigenic insults in the same manner, not specifi- phagocytosis. The increased blood flow to the area will
cally to any one type of pathogenic organism. increase the temperature of the tissue, inhibiting the
growth of new organisms. It also brings in raw mate-
Species Resistance rials for repair of the damaged tissue and clotting fac-
Species resistance refers to the genetic ability of a par- tors to assist in hemorrhage control. With time, the
ticular species to provide defense against certain path- body is able to clean up the damage and return the tis-
ogens. For example, canines do not acquire feline sue to its normal state.
leukemia virus, and felines do not contract canine dis-
temper virus. Neither species can contract plant dis- Interferon and Complement
eases. Knowledge of species resistance can allow a Chemicals produced by cells invaded by viruses also
clinician or veterinary technician to focus on the make up part of nonspecific immunity. Interferon is a


substance that interferes with the ability of viruses to animal’s bone marrow or in the bursa of Fabricius in
cause disease by preventing their replication within some species. Young, inactive B cells produce anti-
the host cell. Complement, another group of enzymes, gen-combining receptor sites over the surface of their
is activated during infection. Complement binds to cell membranes. On contact with a specific antigen,
the invading cell wall, producing small holes in the the cell divides repeatedly, producing a clone of identi-
membrane. This results in rupture, or lysis, of the cal B cells. Some of these B cells become plasma cells
foreign cell. and are stimulated to produce large protein molecules
called antibodies; others remain as memory cells,
Specific Immunity which have the ability to recognize the antigen if it is
Specific immunity, the “third line of defense,” is con- ever again presented to them. Each clone of B cells,
ducted by two types of white blood cells called lympho- and hence each antibody, is specific for only one
cytes. There are two main categories of lymphocytes, antigen. The antibody produced is a large protein
B- and T-cell lymphocytes. B-cell lymphocytes produce molecule (immunoglobulin) whose chemical structure
antibodies in response to specific antigen stimulation. contains an area that is able to lock onto the antigen
This is known as the humoral response. T-cell lympho- (Fig. I.1). Combining with the antigen may result in
cytes interact more directly with the pathogens by com- rendering the antigen harmless to the body, may cause
bining directly with the foreign agent and destroying it antigens to clump together (agglutinate) and be
or rendering it incapable of causing disease. Because this removed from solution, or may result in the destruction
response is more direct than that of the B cell, it is known of the antigenic cell. This humoral response is not
as cell-mediated immunity. immediate. It takes time for the B cells to clone and
begin to produce antibodies. Within 7 to 10 days after
the initial infection, antibodies can be found in the
Cell-Mediated Immunity
body. However, if the animal has been exposed to
T cells originate in the bone marrow of the animal. After the antigen previously and memory cells are present,
leaving the bone marrow and entering the circulation, this period is shorter.
they arrive at the thymus, a glandular structure found B- and T-cell immunity can be further classified
in the mediastinum just cranial to the heart. The thymus according to the manner in which they develop. Inher-
is the primary central gland of the lymphoid system and ited immunity occurs as a result of genetic factors that
is quite large in young animals, but decreases in size as influence the developing animal before birth. Acquired
the animal matures. Here the T cells “go to college,” immunity is resistance that develops after the animal
where they are programmed to recognize the markers is born. Acquired immunity may be either natural or
that are unique on the cells of that specific animal artificial. Natural immunity occurs every time the ani-
(self-recognition). After “graduation,” the T cells move mal is exposed to a pathogen. It is a continual process
out to the spleen and lymph nodes and circulate through in the animal world. Artificial immunity is usually the
the body, constantly on the lookout for invading result of deliberate exposure to a pathogen such as with
substances. vaccinations. Both natural and artificial immunity can
Macrophages, a type of white blood cell, also travel be further divided into either passive or active immu-
through the tissues looking for foreign substances. nity. In passive immunity, antibodies formed in one
When they find one, they attach to it and take the infected animal are transferred to another animal that
invader to the T cell. The T cell then attaches to the is not infected. This transfer provides the uninfected ani-
receptor site on the invading cell and divides repeatedly. mal with protection against the pathogen. Active immu-
All the new T cells then migrate to the site of the infec- nity occurs when the animal’s own immune system
tion and begin to destroy the invading organisms. T-cell encounters a pathogen and responds by producing an
response is rapid and deadly to pathogens. immune response.
The ultimate result of both specific and nonspecific
Humoral Immunity immunity is that the body eliminates foreign substances,
B-cell response (humoral) is a slower type of immune whether they are bacteria, viruses, protozoa, parasites, or
response. Like T cells, B cells originate within the the body’s own cells that have become harmful. If this

VH Antigen
binding s

sites s


CH s V



s s s

s s


s s Light (L) chain

Hinge region s s
CH C Carbohydrate
s s H chain

s s
CH C Heavy (H) chain
s s H

Fig. I.1 Chemical structure of the immunoglobulin G class of antibody. Each molecule is composed of four
polypeptide chains (two heavy and two light) plus a short carbohydrate chain attached to each heavy chain.
The variable chain gives the immunoglobulin its specificity. C, Constant region; CH, constant region of heavy
chain; CL, constant region of light chain; s-s, sulfur-sulfur bonds; V, variable region; VH, variable region of
heavy chain; VL, variable region of light chain.

system fails or is overwhelmed, disease occurs. Many WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE SYSTEM
factors affect the proper functioning of the immune
system, such as nutrition, stress, sanitation, and age.
Concurrent disease can also weaken the immune system, This book discusses some of the most commonly seen
allowing other organisms to gain access to the body. diseases of domestic animals. The technician should
Veterinary technicians must be familiar with the effects keep the function of the immune system in mind as
these elements have on the health of the animals in their these diseases are discussed. Disruption of the normal
care and be able to educate pet owners in the areas essen- functioning of the immune system results in the clinical
tial for the healthy life of their pets. illnesses seen in our patients.
of Companion
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SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Diseases of the Cardiovascular System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Explain to clients how cardiovascular disease affects
able to: the patient.
• Demonstrate a working knowledge of the • Explain diagnostic and treatment plans to clients.
anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular • Answer clients’ questions concerning the
system. medications needed by the patient.

Anatomy and Physiology 2 Persistent Right Aortic Arch and Other
The Pump 2 Vascular Ring Anomalies 13
The Vessels 3 Surgical 13
Heart Failure 3 Maintenance 13
Cardiomyopathies 4 Acquired Valvular Heart Disease 13
Canine Dilated Cardiomyopathy 4 Chronic Mitral Valve Insufficiency 13
Canine Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 5 Laboratory Findings 14
Boxer Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy 5 Medical 14
Physical Examination 6 Dietary 14
Laboratory Findings 6 Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency 14
Imaging 6 Cardiac Arrhythmias 14
Feline Dilated Cardiomyopathy 6 Atrial Fibrillation (Supraventricular Arrhythmia) 15
Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 7 Ventricular Tachycardia (Ventricular
Thromboembolism 7 Arrhythmias) 15
Congenital Heart Disease 8 Ventricular Fibrillation 17
Patent Ductus Arteriosus 9 Sinus Arrhythmia 17
Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defects 10 Sinus Bradycardia 17
Stenotic Valves (Pulmonic and Aortic Stenosis) 10 Heartworm Disease 18
Subaortic Stenosis 11 Canine Heartworm Disease 18
Medical 11 Adulticide Treatment 18
Tetralogy of Fallot 11 Treatment of Toxicities 18
Surgical 12 Feline Heartworm Disease 19
Medical 12
2 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Bradycardia Endocarditis Hypovolemia
Cardiomyopathy Myocarditis Precordial thrill
Congenital Holosystolic Tachycardia
Echogenicity Hypertrophic Taurine
Embolism Hypervolemia Thrombus

The cardiovascular system plays an important role in (systole). Blood from the right atrium fills the right ven-
maintaining homeostasis throughout the body. It per- tricle by gravity (80%) and by contraction (20%). Blood
forms this function by regulating the flow of blood from the left atrium fills the left ventricle. The closing of
through miles of vessels and capillaries. It is in capillaries the AV valves produces the first heart sound. Contrac-
that vital nutrients are transported into the body cells tion of the ventricles pushes blood into the pulmonary
and removal of waste materials from the cells occurs. artery through the pulmonic valve on the right side of
To understand cardiovascular disease, one must first the heart and into the aorta through the aortic valve
study the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular on the left side and returns blood to the right heart from
system (refer to an anatomy and physiology text for a veins. Closing of the pulmonic and aortic valves creates
detailed description). Simply stated, the cardiovascular the second heart sound. This electrical activity can be
system is composed of a pump (the heart) and pipes measured as it moves across the surface of the body
(vessels). The pump circulates fluid (blood) through ves- by using an electrocardiograph (Fig. 1.1). The electrocar-
sels, where it delivers its content to the cells and removes diographic instrument measures the electrical activity
waste products. This system is a “closed” system—that generated by the heart by the placement of electrodes
is, change in one portion of the system affects other por- at specific points on the body surface. Each mechanical
tions of the system. contraction of the heart is preceded by an electrical wave
front that stimulates heart muscle contraction. This
The Pump
At the center of the cardiovascular system is the heart, a
four-chambered pump designed to contract, pumping
blood to all parts of the body. Two atria (right and left)
sit on top of two ventricles (also right and left). The right
atrium is separated from the right ventricle by the right
atrioventricular valve, also called the tricuspid valve
because it has three leaflets. The left atrium is separated
from the left ventricle by the left atrioventricular valve,
or the mitral valve. The atrioventricular (AV) septum
divides the entire right side of the heart from the left
side. Lining tissue of the heart, the endocardium, also
covers these valves. Specialized cardiac muscle cells,
located in the sinoatrial (SA) node just inside the right
atrium, generate an electrical impulse that spreads Fig. 1.1 Example of correct positioning and lead placement for
across both atria and then down the septum to the performing electrocardiography (ECG). Note that the dog is in
AV node, where it is slowed down. From there, the right lateral recumbency, the limbs are perpendicular to the body,
impulse travels into the Bundle of His (the AV bundle) and the white electrode is on the right forelimb, the black elec-
trode on the left forelimb, the green electrodes on the right hin-
and then out to the ventricles along the Purkinje fibers. dlimb, and the red electrode on the left hindlimb. (From Bassert
The arrival of this electrical impulse results in the con- J, Thomas J. McCurnin’s clinical textbook for veterinary techni-
traction of the atria and ventricles simultaneously cians. 8th ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2014.)
CHAPTER 1 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 3


Fig. 1.2 Six-lead electrocardiogram documenting normal sinus rhythm with a heart rate of approximately 150
beats/min. (Modified from August JR. Consultations in feline internal medicine. Vol 6. St. Louis, MO: Saunders;

electrical wave front begins at the SA node and travels to The Vessels
the muscle cells of the ventricle through the cardiac con- Connected to the pump are a series of vessels. Arteries
duction system. These wave fronts are recorded as the carry oxygenated blood at high pressure (the systolic
electrocardiogram (ECG). Fig. 1.2 shows a normal blood pressure) to arterioles and onto capillaries, where
ECG of a dog. Fig. 1.3 represents the normal pathway exchange of nutrients and gases occurs. Blood then
for electrical conduction through the heart. moves into venules, through veins, and is returned to
The electrical activity of this pump is automatic but the right side of the heart via the vena cava. Excessive
can be adjusted by input from the neuroendocrine system fluid remaining in the tissue surrounding capillaries is
to meet the demands of the animal’s body. Both the sym- returned to the vascular system via the lymph vessels.
pathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems aug- Arteries, whose walls contain a large amount of smooth
ment the rhythmic contraction of the heart. muscle, are capable of dilation and constriction, routing
Many cardiac diseases involve a failure of this pump blood to areas where it is needed and away from those
to function properly. Congestive heart failure (CHF), areas not in need. Constriction serves to increase blood
cardiomyopathy, valvular disease, and congenital malfor- pressure, and dilation serves to decrease it.
mations can all affect the pumping efficiency of the heart
and, ultimately, the function of the entire body. TECH ALERT
The pulmonary artery is the only artery in the body carry-
ing unoxygenated blood, and pulmonary veins are the
only veins carrying oxygenated blood!

Vascular diseases affect the flow of blood through the

body and, ultimately, its return to the heart. If the vol-
ume of blood returning to the heart is abnormal, the
SA node
heart will compensate by altering the rate of contraction,
the strength of contraction, or both to return homeosta-
sis to the circulatory system.
AV node

Left bundle Heart Failure

Bundle branch When the blood returning to the heart cannot be
of His
Purkinje pumped out at a rate matching the body’s need, heart
Right fibers failure occurs. Many causes for heart failure exist, and
bundle the disease is often difficult to explain. The clinical signs
branch of the disease and treatment regimens depend on the
Fig. 1.3 Normal pathway for electrical conduction through the
diagnosis and evaluation of the individual animal. The
heart. AV, Atrioventricular; SA, sinoatrial. (From McBride DF. veterinarian must determine whether the failure is the
Learning veterinary terminology. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; result of myocardial dysfunction (pump failure) or circu-
2002, by permission.) latory failure (lack of circulating fluid volume).
4 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Myocardial dysfunction is seen in diseases such as the

• Cardiomyopathy Canine Dilated Cardiomyopathy
• Myocarditis Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is one of the most com-
• Taurine deficiency in cats mon acquired cardiovascular diseases of dogs. It is pri-
Circulatory failure results from the following marily a disease of older, male, large- and giant-breed
conditions: dogs such as Scottish Deerhounds, Dobermans, Boxers,
• Hypovolemia (shock, hemorrhage, dehydration) Irish Wolfhounds, St. Bernards, Newfoundlands,
• Anemia Afghans, and Old English Sheepdogs. The disease has
• Valvular dysfunction also been seen in English and American Cocker Spaniels.
• Congenital shunts or defects It is rare in dogs weighing less than 12 kg.
The pathology of the disease involves dilation of all
TECH ALERT chambers of the heart. This dilation (caused by weak,
thin, and flabby cardiac muscle) results in a decrease in
Technicians should train themselves to always listen to
cardiac output and an increase in cardiac afterload (blood
the heart, not just for heart rate, but also for any arrhyth-
mias or abnormal sounds so they can alert the doctor.
left in the heart in diastole). The cause of this disease is
You should always listen for 1 full minute for rate and unknown, although its onset often follows myocardial
arrhythmias. insult from viral, bacterial, nutritional, or immune-
mediated diseases. DCM results in impaired systolic
function of the ventricles and, therefore, decreased stroke
Heart failure is termed CHF when the failing heart volume (the volume of blood ejected from the heart with
allows fluid congestion and edema to accumulate in each contraction). The effect on the animal is one of low-
the body. Most heart failure will become “congestive” output circulatory failure, exhibited by weakness, exercise
as the pump progressively fails. intolerance, syncope, or shock.
Today, it is possible for researchers to look into the Dogs with DCM frequently experience development
myocardial cells themselves, even to the level of the of atrial fibrillation (AF), which further contributes to a
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) within the nucleus to decrease in cardiac output. Signs of AF include rapid,
explain the physiological changes seen in patients with irregular heart rhythms or sudden death. Patients may
heart failure. To understand these diseases, the techni- remain normal until the atria dilate excessively. The
cian needs an understanding of the workings of the enlarged atria are unable to contract normally, and clin-
myocardial cell in general. ical signs of heart disease become evident. The cause of
The myocardial cell is striated and involuntary. Each this dilation appears to be breed related. In Dobermans,
cell contains parallel sarcomeres containing myosin the disease appears to be familial, related to an autoso-
and actin fibers just like skeletal muscle. Movement mal dominant gene. Great Danes and Irish Wolfhounds
of these fibers over one another results in a shortening also demonstrate a genetic predisposition for this dis-
of the cell and contributes to muscle shortening or con- ease. In Cocker Spaniels, a taurine deficiency results in
traction. Unlike skeletal muscle, myocardial cells have a DCM. The disease in Cocker Spaniels appears to be
very small sarcoplasmic reticulum for calcium storage related to diets high in lamb meat and rice and low in
and hence they are dependent on blood calcium for taurine. Although DCM is primarily a disease of older
contraction. The myocardial cells are linked to other dogs, Portuguese Water Dogs exhibit a juvenile onset
myocardial cells through strong electrical intercalated of the disease, which is also genetic. Puppies anywhere
discs. This network of myocardial cells is able to react from 2 to 32 weeks of age can be affected.
as one electrically coupled unit. Cardiac muscle cells
have a longer refractory period than skeletal muscle Clinical Signs
cells to allow for filling of the chambers of the heart • Giant- or large-breed male dogs; 4 to 10 years of age
during diastole. Researchers have found that disarray • Right-sided heart failure: ascites, hepatomegaly,
of these sarcomeres within the cardiac muscle is often weight loss, abdominal distension
responsible for problems seen in patients with heart • Left-sided heart failure: coughing, pulmonary edema,
failure. syncope
CHAPTER 1 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 5

• Exercise intolerance Information for Clients

• Murmur of mitral regurgitation heard best on • DCM is a progressive disease that is almost
left chest always fatal.
• +/– gallop rhythm • Most dogs will die within 6 months to 2 years.
• +/– tachyrhythm • Dogs may die suddenly of malignant cardiac arrhyth-
mias. Avoid excessive exercise in these animals.
Diagnosis • The disease does appear to be more prevalent in cer-
• Radiographs: may be normal early in the disease. May tain breeds of dogs and has been proven to run in
show enlarged heart later in the disease time line; left families of many dog breeds. Biomarkers may be of
ventricular enlargement, enlargement of both atria use to diagnose the disease early on.
may be visible
• Echocardiology: test of choice for examination of the Canine Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
heart; will demonstrate left and right atrial wall thin- In the rare canine disease hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
ning along with left ventricular dilation (HCM), the left ventricular muscle hypertrophies or
• ECG: may show widened QRS and P waves, rhythm thickens, decreasing the filling capacity of the ventricle
disturbances but is fairly insensitive to changes seen and often blocking the outflow of blood during systole.
in DCM The cause appears to be heritable.

Laboratory Tests Clinical Signs

• The use of cardiac biomarkers is gaining in popular- • Fatigue
ity for diagnosis of DCM. These tests look for myo- • Cough
cardial cell injury seen in DCM. • Tachypnea
• Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), brain natriuretic • Syncope
peptide (BNP), and pro-BNP blood tests are com- • Presence or absence of cardiac murmurs
mercially available. In DCM, these values will be sig- • Sudden death
nificantly increased. • Some animals may be asymptomatic
• Troponin 1 (cTn1) will also be increased. (Whole
blood is recommended over plasma for this test, Diagnosis
but technicians should check with local laboratory • Echocardiology: indicates concentric thickening and
before sample collection.) hypertrophy of the left ventricle

Treatment Treatment
• No cure exists for DCM; treatment is aimed at keep- • None routinely used
ing the dog comfortable
• Diuretics: furosemide to decrease fluid load and Information for Clients
reduce work of the heart • Sudden death and CHF may occur in dogs
• Enalapril: angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) with HCM.
inhibitor prevents the formation of angiotensin II, • The disease may run in families of certain breeds:
a potent vasoconstrictor; helps decrease vascular German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Dalmations, Cocker
resistance and improve cardiac output Spaniels, Boston Terriers, Shih Tzus.
• +/ beta-blockers (β-blockers): metoprolol, pro-
pranolol, esmolol are examples Boxer Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
• Pimobendan: a calcium sensitizer with inhibitory This cardiomyopathy occurs in adult Boxer dogs that
properties. It increases the calcium binding capability present with ventricular arrhythmias, syncope, and sud-
at cTn1 sites. The result is a more forceful contraction den death. This is a genetic disease seen within families
of the myocardial cell. The drug also has an antith- of Boxers and appears to be an autosomal dominant
rombotic effect and is a positive inotrope. Its use trait with variable penetration. Some dogs may show
has been shown to slow the progression of the disease no signs of the disease, whereas others may have
and to improve survival times varying signs.
6 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Clinical Signs association of the disease with taurine deficiency, addi-

• Syncope—may be associated with exercise tional taurine was added to commercial diets, and the
• Sudden death incidence of the disease significantly decreased. The
• Some dogs will present with left or biventricular heart pathological condition is similar to DCM in dogs. Evi-
failure dence has been found of a genetic predisposition to
DCM in cats fed taurine-deficient diets.
Physical Examination Clinical Signs
• Many dogs will have a normal physical examination • Older, mixed-breed cats
• Tachyarrhythmias, ascites, and murmurs may be • Dyspnea
present • Inactivity
Laboratory Findings • Anorexia
• Biomarkers may be of value in diagnosing this disease • Acute lameness or paralysis, usually in the rear limbs
• Cardiac cTn1 levels will be elevated • Pain and lack of circulation in the affected limbs
• Clinical serum chemistries may be within normal • Hypothermia
Imaging Diagnosis
• ECG: a short recording may be normal. However, • Clinical signs
these dogs will have ventricular premature contrac- • ECG: increased QRS voltages, wide P waves, ventric-
tions on an ECG if the recording is long enough to ular arrhythmia
see them • Echocardiology: dilated heart chambers
• Holter monitor: will allow the veterinarian to more
accurately diagnose this disease. Increased numbers Treatment
of ventricular premature complexes (VPCs) should • Oral taurine supplementation: 250 to 500 milligrams
indicate a problem twice per day (mg/day)
• Radiographs: usually normal but may show left ven- • Furosemide: to reduce fluid load on the heart
tricular enlargement • Oxygen: to increase oxygen levels to the cells
• Echocardiology: will show left ventricular dilation • Digoxin: to increase cardiac contractility and
and systolic dysfunction. Some dogs will have right improve cardiac output
ventricular enlargement • Enalapril: ACE inhibitor to prevent the formation of
angiotensin II and decrease vascular resistance;
Treatment improves cardiac output
• Mexiletine: to decrease the VPCs • Pimobendan
• Pimobendan, ACE inhibitors, if ventricular dilation • Hydralazine: relaxes vascular smooth muscle and de-
is present creases peripheral resistance; improves cardiac output
• Owners should be warned that sudden death of these • Anticoagulants can be used to dissolve or prevent fur-
dogs can occur usually with exercise or excitement ther blood clots


When monitoring anesthesia on Boxer dogs, be alert for Avoid intravenous (IV) fluid replacement in cats until pul-
the presence of VPCs on the ECG monitor. They should monary edema or pulmonary effusion is under control.
not occur in normal dogs. If they are present, this may
indicate the dog needs a further cardiac workup.
Information for Clients
• The most dangerous time during treatment of feline
Feline Dilated Cardiomyopathy DCM is the first 2 weeks.
Before the late 1980s, feline DCM was one of the most • Cats that survive the first 2 weeks and respond well to
frequent cardiac diseases reported in cats. After the taurine supplementation have a favorable prognosis.
CHAPTER 1 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 7

• Cats that do not respond to taurine supplementation • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): most accurate
have a poor long-term prognosis. method of diagnosis

TECH ALERT Treatment

• Be extremely careful when handling these cats. The • ACE inhibitors
cat may die suddenly while you are attempting to col- • +/– Propranolol, Atenolol: β-blocker; used to
lect laboratory samples or obtain radiographs. decrease myocardial oxygen demand, decrease sinus
heart rate
Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy • Diltiazem: calcium channel blocker; inhibits cardiac
HCM in cats is similar to the disease in dogs, with left and vascular smooth muscle contractility; reduces
ventricular hypertrophy being the predominant pathol- blood pressure and cardiac afterload
ogy. This disease is the most common cardiomyopathy • ACE inhibitors
seen in cats. Of the feline cardiac cases, up to 35% • Low-dose heparin or low-dose aspirin
involve HCM. Neutered male cats between 1 and • Diuretic: furosemide
16 years of age have been found to be most at risk. This
disease is more common in Main Coon and Ragdoll TECH ALERT
breeds. The cause of the disease may be related to abnor- Monitor ECG, heart rate, and blood pressure; may see
mal myocardial myosin or calcium transport within the bradycardia and hypotension at higher doses.
myocardial cells. The left ventricle becomes thickened
and stiff. Mitral regurgitation and aortic embolization
occur frequently. Information for Clients
As the atria dilate, the endothelium lining the cham- • Cats with HCM may experience heart failure, arterial
bers is damaged, resulting in the release of clotting embolism, and sudden death.
enzymes, which can result in clot formation. The cats • Cats with heart rates less than 200 beats/min have a
that form thrombi also show evidence of hypercoagul- more favorable prognosis compared with cats whose
ability of their platelets. Thromboembolism occurs in rates are greater than 200 beats/min.
about 16% to 18% of feline HCM cases. Although the • The median survival time is about 732 days.
thrombus can lodge in any artery, it appears that the tri-
furcation of the aorta is a frequent spot resulting in a Thromboembolism
decrease in circulation to both rear legs. Thrombus formation is a common and serious compli-
cation of myocardial disease in the cat. It is estimated
Clinical Signs that between 10% and 20% of cats with HCM will expe-
• A soft, systolic murmur (grade 2–3 or 6) rience development of thrombi on the left side of the
• Gallop rhythms or other arrhythmia heart, which may dislodge and become trapped else-
• Acute onset of heart failure or systemic where in the arterial system. Cats appear to have inher-
thromboembolism ently high platelet reactivity, making clot formation a
more likely sequel to endothelial damage and sluggish
Diagnosis blood flow occurring with myocardial disease. Approx-
• Radiographs: may show a normal-size heart or mild imately 90% of these emboli lodge as “saddle thrombi” in
left atrial enlargement. May see the “valentine” heart the distal aortic trifurcation, resulting in hindlimb pain
shape in the dorsoventral view and paresis. Rarely will a thrombus lodge at other arte-
• ECG: increased P-wave duration, increased QRS rial sites such as the renal artery, the coronary arteries,
width, sinus tachycardia the cerebral arteries, or the mesenteric artery.
• Echocardiology: increased left ventricular wall thick- The goal of treatment is to dissolve the thrombus and
ness and a dilated left atrium restore perfusion to the area. Several drugs have been
• Biomarkers: BNP, pro-BNP, and CTn1 will be tried with varying results. Tissue plasminogen activator
increased (tPA) has shown some success, but it is expensive.
8 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Heparin has also been used with some success. Low-dose Many malformations have a genetic basis. Breed pre-
aspirin therapy can be used prophylactically in cats with dilections for congenital heart disease are listed in
myocardial disease. Table 1.1. The diagnostic approach for congenital heart
disease should include a detailed history, with special
Clinical Signs
• Acute onset of rear leg pain and paresis accompanied
by vocalization TABLE 1.1 Canine Breed Predilections
• Cold, bluish foot pads (decreased circulation) for Congenital Heart Disease
• Lack of palpable pulses in rear limbs Breed Defect(s)
• History or clinical findings of myocardial disease Basset Hound P
Beagle PS
Diagnosis Bichon Frise PDA
• Clinical signs Boxer SAS, PS, ASD
• Nonselective angiography, if available Boykin Spaniel PS
Bull Terrier MVD, AS
Treatment Chihuahua PDA, PS
• TPA (Activase [Genentech]): serves as a fibrolysin Chow Chow PS, CTD
resulting in the breakdown of clots already formed Cocker Spaniel PDA, PS
in the vasculature Collie PDA
or Doberman Pinscher ASD
• Heparin: acts on coagulation factors in both the English Bulldog PS, VSD, TOF
English Springer Spaniel PDA, VSD
intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation pathways, inhibits German Shepherd SAS, PDA, TVD, MVD
the formation of a stable clot German Shorthaired Pointer SAS
• Prophylaxis: low-dose aspirin Golden Retriever SAS, TVD, MVD
Great Dane TVD, MVD, SAS
Aspirin use in cats can cause toxicities because of their Labrador Retriever TVD, PDA, PS
inability to rapidly metabolize and excrete salicylates. Maltese PDA
Cats must be dosed carefully and monitored carefully Mastiff PS, MVD
when receiving aspirin therapy. Newfoundland SAS, MVD, PS
Pomeranian PDA
Poodle PDA
Information for Clients Rottweiler SAS
• Cats experiencing painful, cold, or paralyzed rear legs Samoyed PS, SAS, ASD
should be seen at the hospital immediately. Schnauzer PS
• The prognosis for cats with thromboembolism is Shetland Sheepdog PDA
Terrier breeds PS
guarded to poor.
Weimaraner TVD, PPDH
• Surgical removal of the thrombus is difficult.
Welsh Corgi PDA
West Highland White Terrier PS, VSD
AS, Aortic stenosis; ASD, atrial septal defect; CTD, cor
Although malformations of the heart and great vessels triatriatum dexter; MVD, mitral valve dysplasia; PDA, patent
represent a small cause of clinical heart disease, it is ductus arteriosus; PPDH, peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic
important to identify them in newly acquired pets or hernia; PS, pulmonic stenosis; SAS, subaortic stenosis; TOF,
those to be used for breeding. Technicians should be tetralogy of Fallot; TVD, tricuspid valve dysplasia; VSD,
encouraged to use their stethoscopes to routinely listen ventricular septal defect.
From Oyama MA, Sisson DD, Thomas WP, Bonagura JD.
to the heart. With practice, subtle changes will become Congenital heart disease. In Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC, eds.
noticeable, allowing the technician to note abnormalities Textbook of veterinary internal medicine. 6th ed. Vol 2. St. Louis,
in the patient’s record. MO: Saunders; 2005.
CHAPTER 1 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 9

attention paid to the breed, sex, and age of the patient. polygenetic in nature and that they might be difficult
Clinical signs of CHF include failure to grow, dyspnea, to eliminate entirely from a specific breed.
weakness, syncope, cyanosis, seizures, and sudden This section discusses the most commonly seen con-
death; however, many animals with congenital malfor- genital defects. See additional cardiology texts for more
mations may be asymptomatic. detailed descriptions of each defect.
Most cases of congenital abnormalities are identi-
fied during the first visit to the veterinarian after the Patent Ductus Arteriosus
pet has been purchased. On examination, a loud mur- Failure of the ductus arteriosus to close after parturition
mur often accompanied by a precordial thrill (a vibra- results in blood shunting from the systemic circulation
tion of the chest wall) may be heard. With some to the pulmonary artery. Normally, the ductus carries
defects, the clinician may observe pulse abnormalities, blood from the pulmonary artery to the aorta during
cyanosis, jugular pulses, or abdominal distension. Lab- fetal development. The increase in oxygen tension in
oratory test results may all be normal. Radiography the blood at birth results in closure of the path in the
may suggest cardiac disease in some animals; however, first 12 to 14 hours of life. If the ductus remains
echocardiography can provide an accurate diagnosis of open, blood will hyperperfuse the lung, and the left
the defect. side of the heart will become volume overloaded
Causes of congenital heart disease include genetic, (Fig. 1.4). The resulting cardiac murmur is often
environmental, infectious, nutritional, and drug-related referred to as a “machinery murmur”; this type of mur-
factors. More is understood of the genetic factors mur is heard best over the main pulmonary artery high
than the other causes. Studies suggest the defects are on the left base.

Fig. 1.4 (A) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in the feline. (B) The apex of the heart is shifted to the right
with HCM. (From August J. Consultations in feline internal medicine. 5th ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2005,
by permission.)
10 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Clinical Signs
• Usually, female dogs are most commonly affected,
especially Chihuahuas, Collies, Maltese, Poodles,
Pomeranians, English Springers, Keeshonds, Bichons
Frises, and Shetland Sheepdogs Ao
• Presence of loud murmur heard best over left LA
• Some puppies may be asymptomatic

Diagnosis RA
• ECG: will reveal left ventricular dilation, aortic and LV
pulmonary artery dilation RV
• Radiographs: overcirculation of the pulmonary tree
with left atrial and ventricular enlargement
Fig. 1.5 Circulation in a dog with a large left-to-right shunting pat-
Treatment ent ductus arteriosus. The shunt results in pulmonary overcircu-
• Surgical duct ligation before 2 years of age lation and left ventricular volume overload. Ao, Aorta; LA, left
• Coil or Amplatz embolization atrium; LV, left ventricle; PA, pulmonary artery; RA, right atrium;
RV, right ventricle.

Information for Clients Diagnosis

• The prognosis is excellent with surgical correction. • Radiology: reveals right-sided heart enlargement
• It has been estimated that 64% of dogs with patent
with ASD, increased pulmonary vascularity, left
ductus arteriosus (PDA) will be dead within 1 year atrium normal to slightly enlarged; in VSD, pulmo-
of diagnosis without surgical correction. nary overcirculation, left atrium and ventricle
• These dogs should not be used for breeding.
enlarged, variable right ventricular enlargement
• Echocardiology: demonstrates the septal defect
Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defects
During fetal development, the atria and the ventricles Treatment
are joined as a common chamber. The atria are parti- • ASD: medical management of CHF
tioned by two septa and a slitlike opening (the foramen • VSD: medical management of CHF
ovale) that allows right-to-left shunting of blood in the
fetus. The ventricular septum is formed from several pri- Information for Clients
mordial areas. Eventually, the atrial septum and the ven- • Repair of these defects requires open-heart surgery or
tricular septum join in the area of the endocardial cardiopulmonary bypass. This is uncommon in dogs
cushions. Defects in the structure of these septae result or cats.
in patencies of the AV septum. This defect is fairly com- • Most of these animals will eventually experience
mon in the cat. With atrial septal defects (ASDs), blood development of CHF and require treatment.
will typically shunt from left to right, overloading the
right side of the heart. In ventricular septal defects Stenotic Valves (Pulmonic and Aortic
(VSDs), the left side of the heart is usually overloaded Stenosis)
and enlarged (Fig. 1.5). Pulmonic stenosis results when the pulmonic valves are
dysplastic or malformed. The lesion results in a narrow-
Clinical Signs ing of the outflow tract from the right ventricle. Obstruc-
• Typical breed tion to right ventricular outflow causes an increase in
• ASD: soft, systolic murmur, split-second heart sound ventricular systolic pressure resulting in right ventricu-
• VSD: harsh, holosystolic murmur, right lar hypertrophy. The right atrium also becomes
sternal border enlarged. Severe stenosis limits cardiac output during
• Signs of CHF before 8 weeks of age exercise.
CHAPTER 1 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 11

Clinical Signs artery circulation may also be affected. Severe SAS

• Specific breeds (Chihuahuas, Samoyeds, English may lead to left-sided CHF or sudden death.
Bulldogs, Miniature Schnauzers, Labrador Retrievers,
Mastiffs, Chow Chow, Newfoundlands, Basset Clinical Signs
Hounds, Terriers, and Spaniels) • Typical breed
• Age: older than 1 year • Soft to moderate ejection murmur in the fourth left
• Syncope (fainting) intercostal area
• Exercise intolerance • Exercise intolerance
• Right-sided congestive heart disease • Syncope
• Prominent jugular pulse • Left CHF
• Left basilar murmur • Sudden death
• Palpable right ventricular enlargement
Diagnosis • Radiology: normal or left ventricular hypertrophy,
• Radiographs: right ventricular enlargement, postste- widened mediastinum (from aortic dilation)
notic dilation of the pulmonary artery, pulmonary • ECG: left ventricular hypertrophy, subvalvular
underperfusion fibrous ring, poststenotic dilation of the aorta
• ECG: right ventricular hypertrophy and enlargement, • Echocardiography: in advanced stages may indicate
increased echogenicity of the pulmonary valves, dila- left ventricular hypertrophy
tion of the main pulmonary artery
Treatment • Restricting exercise
• Balloon valvuloplasty to relieve the obstruction • Balloon catheter dilation of the stenotic ring
• Valvulotomy or partial valvulectomy to open the Medical
outflow tract • Propranolol for dogs with syncope and increased
• Patch graph over the outflow tract to alleviate the pressure gradients
• Medical management of CHF Information for Clients
• These dogs should not be used for breeding.
Information for Clients • Most will experience development of left-sided CHF;
• These dogs should not be used for breeding. the onset may be sudden.
• Dogs with mild-to-moderate pulmonic stenosis can • Sudden death is not uncommon in these dogs.
live normal lives. • Endocarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart)
• Sudden death may occur in dogs with moderate-to- is a risk in all cases of SAS.
severe pulmonic stenosis.
Tetralogy of Fallot
Subaortic Stenosis Tetralogy of Fallot is a polygenic, genetically transmitted
Subaortic stenosis (SAS) occurs predominantly in large- malformation of the heart. Components include right
breed dogs. The Newfoundland, Boxer, German Shep- ventricular outflow obstruction (pulmonic stenosis),
herd, Golden Retriever, and Bull Terrier are the most secondary right ventricular hypertrophy, a subaortic
commonly affected. In the Newfoundland, support VSD, and overriding aorta (Fig. 1.6). This condition is
exists for a genetic basis most compatible with an auto- seen in the Keeshond and the English Bulldog and in
somal dominant mechanism. The lesion develops dur- cats. It occasionally occurs in other breeds. Symptoms
ing the first 4 to 8 weeks of life. The lesion consists of may vary with the severity of the defects.
thickening of the endocardial tissue just below the aortic The presence of these malformations results in
valve. The fibrous thickening results in obstruction to increased right-sided resistance and pressure and a
outflow producing left ventricular hypertrophy, left right-to-left shunt between the pulmonary and systemic
atrial hypertrophy, and dilation of the aorta. Coronary circulations. Because of this pressure gradient,
12 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Ao Ao



Fig. 1.6 (A) Circulation in a dog with a large left-to-right shunting atrial septal defect. The shunt results in right
ventricular volume overload (not shown) and pulmonary overcirculation. There is mild systolic pulmonary hyper-
tension. (B) Medium-sized ventricular septal defect. The diameter of the defect is less than the diameter of the
aorta (Ao), so it imposes resistance to blood flow. LA, Left atrium; LV, left ventricle; PA, pulmonary artery; RA,
right atrium; RV, right ventricle.

deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle shunts Treatment

through the VSD to mix with oxygenated blood in Surgical
the left ventricle. Blood flow to and from the pulmo- • Creation of a systemic to pulmonary systemic shunt
nary vasculature is minimal. This shunting results in has been successful in increasing pulmonary circula-
hypoxemia, cyanosis, and secondary polycythemia tion, venous return, left-side heart size, and oxygen
(increased numbers of red blood cells [RBCs]). Right saturation in the systemic circulation.
ventricular hypertrophy occurs. The murmur of pul- • Valvuloplasty to decrease pulmonic stenosis and
monic stenosis usually can be detected on the left hemi- increase oxygen delivery to circulation
thorax, and less often, the VSD murmur can be heard Medical
as well. • Phlebotomy to maintain the packed cell volume
between 62% and 68%. Blood volume removed
Clinical Signs should be replaced with crystalloid fluids to prevent
• Typical breed hypoperfusion. Hypoxia can be treated with cage rest
• Failure to grow and oxygen.
• Cyanosis; decreased SpO2 • Hydroxyurea to decrease polycythemia
• Exercise intolerance, shortness of breath
• Weakness
• Syncope, seizures TECH ALERT
• Sudden death Animals with tetralogy of Fallot may react adversely to
• PCV >50% sedatives and tranquilizers, acquiring a bradycardia that
• Arterial blood gases does not improve with supplemental oxygen therapy.

• Radiology: normal-size heart, decreased pulmonary Information for Clients
circulation • This is a genetically transmitted disorder. These ani-
• Echocardiography; color Doppler flow mals should not be used for breeding.
• ECG: right ventricular hypertrophy, small left cham- • Sudden death is common, but some animals can tol-
bers, large subaortic VSD, and right outflow obstruc- erate the defect for years.
tion; bubble or Doppler studies indicate right-to-left • CHF rarely develops from this disorder.
shunting • Limit stress and exercise for these animals.
CHAPTER 1 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 13

• Tranquilizers and sedatives may have an adverse commonly encountered cardiovascular disorder in the
effect on these animals. dog. The prevalence of this disease increases with age,
• Regular phlebotomy (blood drawing) will be required and it is estimated that as many as 75% of dogs older
to maintain a normal RBC level. than 16 years of age are affected. MMVD is rare in
the cat. This disease is a progressive disorder, resulting
Persistent Right Aortic Arch and Other in an estimated 95% of all cases of CHF in small-breed
Vascular Ring Anomalies dogs. The tricuspid and the pulmonic and aortic valves
Persistence of the right fourth aortic arch is a common may also be affected.
malformation. The defect results in regurgitation of The lesion consists of proliferation of fibroblastic tis-
solid food in weanlings because of obstruction of the sue within the structure of the valve leaflets. This results
esophagus by the retained vascular arch. It is a common in the nodular thickening of the valvular free edges,
defect in German Shepherds, Irish Setters, and Great which then contract and roll up. The stiff, malformed
Danes and is frequently seen in other large breeds. leaflets fail to close sufficiently during systole, resulting
in regurgitation of blood back into the left atrium. The
Clinical Signs
chordae tendinae are stretched and rupture. There is
• Regurgitation of solid food
endothelium loss on the valve surface. The left atrium
• Aspiration pneumonia, fever, dyspnea, cough
and infrequently the left ventricle dilate. The dilated
• Weight loss
atrium may result in pulmonary congestion and com-
Diagnosis pression of the left mainstem bronchus, producing
• Barium swallow indicates constriction of the esoph- coughing and dyspnea.
Chronic periodontal disease can increase the progres-
agus near the base of the heart on radiographs. Solid
sion of mitral valvular insufficiency in older animals.
food can be mixed with barium to also indicate con-
Bacteria (mostly gram-negative anaerobes) living in tar-
striction and retention of the food in the esophagus.
tar in periodontal pockets are showered into the blood-
Treatment stream, colonizing the valve leaflets, which become
Surgical thickened as a result. When the valve leaflets become
• Surgery should be done early for a more favorable inflamed and thickened, they fail to close properly,
prognosis. Similar to surgery for PDA because the which results in leakage of blood back into the left ven-
ductus arteriosus is part of the vascular ring anomaly. tricle. The overload can then result in heart failure
Maintenance over time.
• Feed less solid diet or pelleted diet (small amounts
Clinical Signs
• Feed from a height to avoid food buildup in the • Small-breed dog or toy breed; male; frequently seen
esophagus in Dachshunds and King Charles Spaniels
• Antibiotics for respiratory infections • Age older than 10 years
• Cough: deep, resonant, and usually worse at night or
Information for Clients with exercise
• Without early surgical correction, the prognosis • Dyspnea, tachypnea
is poor. • Decreased appetite
• Even with surgical correction, some amount of • Systolic murmur, left apex; “whooping” quality
esophageal dilation will persist. This may result in
vomiting if large boluses of food are consumed. Diagnosis
• These dogs should not be used for breeding. • Radiology: if pulmonary edema is present, venous
engorgement will be present (vein diameter will be
ACQUIRED VALVULAR DISEASES greater than that of the arteries). “Cottonlike” alveo-
lar densities or air bronchograms will be present.
Chronic Mitral Valve Insufficiency Without edema, left atrial and ventricular enlarge-
Chronic mitral valve insufficiency (CMVI), now called ment, elevation of the thoracic trachea, and loss of
myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD), is the most the “cardiac waist” can be seen on the lateral view.
14 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

In the dorsoventral view, the enlarged left auricle can Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency
be seen as a bulge in the cardiac silhouette at the 2- to This disease is exactly similar to mitral valve insuffi-
3-o’clock position ciency, but the signs are predominantly those of right-
• Echocardiology: shows increased diameter of the left sided heart failure: pleural effusion, abdominal disten-
atrium and left ventricle. There is marked reduction sion, hepatomegaly, or gastrointestinal signs such as
in left ventricular contractility. The mitral valve leaf- vomiting, diarrhea, or anorexia. Treatment is basically
lets may be thickened or prolapsing the same as for mitral valve insufficiency. Repeated
Laboratory Findings abdominocentesis often is required. As the right atrium
• May have mild increases in liver enzymes dilates, animals may develop tachyrhythmias such as
• May demonstrate prerenal azotemia AF. Hepatomegaly may be palpated. Cats are more
• Serum cTn1 levels increase with progression of the prone than dogs to pleural effusion. Tricuspid valve
disease insufficiency may be secondary to heartworm disease.
• BNP levels will also increase as disease progresses


• The main goal of treatment is to improve the length Arrhythmias may be defined as deviations from the nor-
and quality of life for the patient. No therapy will pro- mal heart rate rhythm or rhythms originating from
long survival or delay the onset of clinical signs. abnormal locations within the heart. Many times there
Treatments are adjusted as the disease progresses, is no observable anatomical pathology in the myocar-
thus varying combinations of medications may dium that correlates with the rhythm disturbance.
be used. Alterations in normal rhythm result from either
Medical abnormal impulse formation or abnormal impulse con-
• Diuretics (furosemide): to reduce the circulatory duction within cardiac muscle fibers. (Refer to a physi-
blood volume to the left side of the heart ology text to review nerve conduction and muscle
• Arterial dilators (hydralazine, enalapril): to decrease contraction.) Altered impulse formation may occur as
systemic resistance a result of ischemia (decreased supply of oxygenated
• +/– Digoxin: to decrease the heart rate to less than blood), hypocalcemia (low calcium levels), cardiomyop-
160 beats/min in small dogs athy, hypercalcemia (high calcium levels), excess cate-
• ACE inhibitors cholamines, or reperfusion injury. Conduction
• Cough suppressants such as butorphanol, disturbances result when alternate pathways develop
hydrocodone for depolarization of cardiac muscle.
• Pimobendan Arrhythmias affect the hemodynamics of the body.
Dietary Cerebral blood flow is reduced as much as 8% to
• A diet low in sodium will decrease the fluid load in 12% by premature beats, 14% by supraventricular
the patient. Overweight patients will experience more (originating above the ventricles) tachycardia (rapid
problems with respirations; therefore, weight should rates), 23% by AF, and 40% to 75% by ventricular
be maintained within a normal range. tachycardia (VT).
Many arrhythmias can be easily auscultated and
Information for Clients confirmed by ECG. Treatment involves correcting
• MMVD is a progressive disease. The animal will need the underlying cause when possible or controlling the
be reevaluated periodically and medications adjusted arrhythmia when it is not possible to correct the
to provide it with adequate relief of symptoms. underlying cause.
• No cure exists for this problem. Supraventricular arrhythmias may be atrial (P-wave
• A low-salt diet will aid in preventing fluid accumula- positive but abnormal) or junctional (P-wave negative
tion in the body. Treats and table foods containing in lead II). This class of arrhythmias includes:
salt should be avoided. • Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)
• Eventually, a point will be reached when medications • Atrial premature contractions
will not relieve the clinical symptoms. • AF
CHAPTER 1 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 15

Ventricular arrhythmias arise from the fibers of the

ventricle, and the QRS complexes are abnormally wide
and bizarre. They may or may not be related to the
preceding P wave.

LA Clinical Signs
• Large-breed dog, with or without concurrent heart
disease; may occur in the cat
• Weakness, syncope
RA • Dyspnea in the cat
LV • Collapse
RV • Rapid, irregular heart rate

Fig. 1.7 Circulation in a patient with tetralogy of Fallot with • Auscultation of a rapid, irregular heart rate
severe right ventricular outflow obstruction. Systolic pressures • ECG: no evidence of P waves, irregular baseline;
in the right ventricle (RV), left ventricle (LV), and aorta (Ao) are
rapid, irregular heart rate
identical. LA, Left atrium; PA, pulmonary artery; RA, right atrium.
In SVT (or sinus tachycardia), the heart rate typically • Treatment aims to slow heart rate; will not correct
exceeds 160 to 180 beats/min in the dog, whereas the P- the AF
QRS-T complexes remain normal. The heart rate may be • Digitalis glycosides (digoxin): to slow heart rate
slowed by vagal stimulation. Situations such as fear, • Calcium channel blockers (diltiazem hydrochloride,
excitement, exercise, anemia, or hyperthyroidism may verapamil [for dogs only]): to slow atrioventricular
cause this arrhythmia. The ECG would display normal node conduction and increase the refractory period
complexes with a higher-than-normal heart rate
(Fig. 1.7). Information for Clients
In atrial premature contractions, abnormal P waves • Treatment will not cure the AF.
occurring earlier than would normally be expected are • Concurrent heart disease will progress even with
seen on ECG. The P wave is usually followed by a normal treatment.
QRS complex. These premature contractions may be • CHF eventually will develop.
associated with left atrial enlargement or atrial disease • Periodic examinations and reevaluations of the
of any type (MMVD). Animals are usually asymptom- patient will be necessary.
atic, but the technician may palpate a pulse deficit and • Report any gastrointestinal upset, anorexia, diarrhea,
auscultate a variable heart sound (Fig. 1.8). This arrhyth- or worsening of cardiac function (coughing, weak-
mia may progress to AF. ness, collapse) to your veterinarian immediately.
• In an emergency situation, inform the person treating
Atrial Fibrillation (Supraventricular your pet about the drugs your pet has been taking.
AF occurs when there is no organized atrial contraction VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA
(no P waves seen on ECG). Cardiac output declines
because of the loss of atrial “kick” and the rapid ventric-
ular rate. A critical mass of myocardial tissue is required VT may be associated with many diseases such as car-
to sustain AF; thus, the larger the heart, the more likely it diomyopathy, CHF, endocarditis or myocarditis, or car-
is to occur. It is therefore more prevalent in large-breed diac neoplasia. Electrolyte and acid-base imbalances will
dogs and dogs with cardiac diseases that increase the size also produce VT. The rapid rate of contraction reduces
of the heart. Cats with AF always have underlying car- ventricular filling time and, therefore, decreases cardiac
diac disease. output. If allowed to progress, VT may lead to
16 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Fig. 1.8 (A) Atrial tachycardia. (B) Supraventricular tachycardia (dog—lead II; 25 mm/sec; 1 cm/mV). ((A) From
Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC. Textbook of veterinary internal medicine. 7th ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2010. (B)
From Thomas JA, Lerche P. Anesthesia and analgesia for veterinary technicians. 4th ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby;

ventricular fibrillation (VF), a life-threatening condi- Treatment

tion. VF is equivalent to cardiac arrest, as no blood is • Treat if the number of ventricular premature con-
moved into the systemic circulation because of inade- tractions is more than 25 per minute, if heart rate
quate myocardial contractions and poor filling of the is greater than 130 beats/min, if the breed is at risk
ventricles (Fig. 1.9). for sudden death, or if clinical symptoms exist
• Procainamide: decreases myocardial excitability,
Clinical Signs depresses conduction velocity
• Weakness, collapse, syncope with rapid heart rates • Tocainide: decreases myocardial excitability, auto-
• Sudden death is not uncommon maticity, and conduction velocities (dogs only)
• CHF with longstanding VTs • Lidocaine (without epinephrine): decreases automa-
ticity of the heart and decreases myocardial
Diagnosis excitability
• Auscultation • Mexiletine to slow heart rate.
• ECG: infrequent to frequent widened, bizarre QRS • If VF: cardiac defibrillation, IV fluids, sodium bicar-
complexes of ventricular origin. In VF, abnormal bonate; all based on standard cardiopulmonary
baseline with no QRS complexes. resuscitation techniques

Fig. 1.9 Electrocardiogram showing atrial premature complexes. (Modified from Tilley LP, Smith FWK, Oyama
MA, Sleeper MM. Manual of canine and feline cardiology. 4th ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2008).
CHAPTER 1 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 17

Information for Clients Diagnosis

• Prognosis is guarded unless the underlying cause of • Auscultation
the arrhythmia can be resolved. • ECG: slow heart rate with normal P and QRS
• German Shepherds and Boxers are breeds that expe- complexes
rience sudden death from VT (Fig. 1.10).
Ventricular Fibrillation • None, unless clinical signs are present
In VF, there is a complete lack of well-defined QRS com- • Atropine: increases heart rate
plexes—a lack of heart sounds, blood pressure, and • Propantheline bromide: oral anticholinergic agent
pulse. VF is a life-threatening condition that must be similar to atropine in effect
corrected immediately with intubation and respiratory • Placement of an artificial pacemaker
assist, IV fluid therapy, cardiac massage, epinephrine,
and possibly electric defibrillation. Information for Clients
• This may be a normal finding in athletic dogs.
Sinus Arrhythmia
• Correction of concurrent problems may eliminate
Sinus arrhythmia is a common, normal occurrence in
the bradycardia.
dogs. It is related to breathing and alterations in vagal tone • Most dogs can live a normal life with this disorder,
that occur during inspiration and expiration. Heart rate
but treatment may be necessary if clinical symptoms
increases during inspiration and decreases during expira-
of weakness or syncope develop.
tion. If one listens carefully, this arrhythmia can be heard
in almost every dog examined. It is not often seen in cats.
Sinus Bradycardia Brachiocephalic dogs and cats can develop severe brady-
Sinus bradycardia is also a commonly seen arrhythmia, cardias during intubation. It is important to carefully mon-
especially in large-breed dogs and athletic, highly condi- itor the patient and avoid traumatic techniques that
tioned animals. The ECG shows normal P and QRS overstretch the neck or traumatize the vagus nerve.
complexes, with a heart rate less than 70 beats/min. Path- Immediately report any abnormal ECG complexes or
ological conditions that may produce this arrhythmia abnormal rhythms observed when monitoring during
include increased intracranial pressure, hyperkalemia anesthesia.
(excess potassium), hypothyroidism, gastrointestinal dis-
turbances, drugs, or any condition that results in increased
vagal tone (e.g., neck trauma, tumors). TECH ALERT
Clinical Signs Postrenal urinary obstruction in cats can elevate potas-
• Usually none, unless the heart rate declines sium levels and cause severe bradycardia that may be
life threatening. Avoid using potassium-containing fluids
exceptionally low in these cats.
• Episodic weakness, syncope, collapse

Fig. 1.10 Electrocardiogram showing ventricular tachycardia. (Modified from Tilley LP, Smith FWK, Oyama MA,
Sleeper MM. Manual of canine and feline cardiology. 4th ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2008).
18 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Clinical Signs
HEARTWORM DISEASE • Most dogs are asymptomatic, and infections are dis-
Canine Heartworm Disease covered on routine screening during yearly
Heartworm disease is of worldwide significance. In the examinations
United States, the disease is no longer concentrated in • Cough, dyspnea
areas within 150 miles of the coastal regions from Texas • Exercise intolerance
to New Jersey and along the Mississippi River and its trib- • Hemoptysis (coughing up blood)
utaries, but can be seen anywhere because of the tremen- • Signs of right-sided heart failure
dous mobility of the canine population. The disease is
spread by many different species of mosquitoes. Male Diagnosis
dogs are more frequently infected compared with female • Positive antigen test
dogs (4:1), and outdoor dogs are more likely to become • Positive concentration test
infected than indoor dogs. The average age at which infec- • Radiography: evidence of pulmonary changes consis-
tions are detected is between 3 and 8 years. Large-breed tent with heartworm disease: right ventricular enlarge-
dogs appear to be more susceptible to infection than small ment, increased prominence of pulmonary artery,
breeds, and cats appear to be somewhat resistant to the enlarged lobar arteries, increased perivascular pattern
disease (mosquito bites are less frequent in cats). • Echocardiology: adult worms can be seen in the pul-
The female mosquito serves as the intermediate host monary artery and sometimes in the right heart
by obtaining a blood meal containing the microfilaria of
Dirofilaria immitis from an infected dog. These micro- Treatment
filaria develop in the mosquito within 2 to 2.5 weeks and • If treatment is elected, the animal should have a pre-
are then injected into the skin of another dog through a treatment laboratory workup, which includes a min-
bite. The infective larvae migrate within the skin of the imum of a complete blood cell count, serum
new host for about 100 days. Young adults (L5 stage) chemistries, and chest radiography.
enter the vasculature and migrate to the pulmonary Adulticide Treatment
artery, where they mature into adults. Approximately • Thiacetarsamide: no longer used; serious side effects
6 months after the initial bite, microfilaria can be seen with its use
detected in the blood of the host dog. • Melarsomine dihydrochloride: given at 24-hour
Disease severity is partially related to the number of intervals. Injections should be made deep into the
adult heartworms. The presence of adult worms in the lumbar muscles
pulmonary artery damages the endothelial lining of • Thiacetarsamide and melarsomine are toxic; signs of
the vessel and increases the permeability, allowing fluid toxicity may occur during or after treatment:
and proteins to leak into the perivascular tissue. The 1. Thiacetarsamide: toxicity occurs in approximately
physical presence of the parasites results in right-sided 10% to 15% of cases; signs include bilirubinuria,
heart enlargement (blockage of the right outflow tract) vomiting, anorexia, lethargy, and icterus
and pulmonary hypertension. 2. Melarsomine hydrochloride: signs of toxicity
Heartworm disease is easily detected using immuno- include respiratory distress, vomiting, panting,
diagnostic tests that utilize monoclonal antibodies to excessive salivation, and diarrhea
heartworm uterine antigen. Microfilaria can be detected Treatment of Toxicities
using filter techniques, the Knott test, or by simply • Thiacetarsamide: stop treatment; IV balanced elec-
observing a drop of whole blood under a microscope, trolyte solutions; feed high-carbohydrate, low-fat
although these methods may not detect the organisms diet; limit exercise
in as many as 25% of infected dogs. • Melarsomine dihydrochloride: dimercaprol (British
Treatment previously involved the removal of the anti-Lewisite [BAL]) in oil
adult worms by the use of thiacetarsamide (Caparsolate),
which is no longer available. Melarsamine dihydrochlor- TECH ALERT
ide (Immiticide, Merial or Diroban, Zoetis) is now the Use care in treating Collies because they have a genetic
drug of choice for treatment. Animals are prescribed susceptibility to ivermectin toxicity.
prophylaxis therapy given monthly.
CHAPTER 1 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 19

Prevention • Lethargy
• Selamectin (Revolution Spot On) • Right-sided CHF
• Ivermectin (Heartgard) • Sudden death or acute development of
• Milbemycin oxime (Interceptor) neurological signs
• Doxycycline
• Microfilaria have a symbiotic parasite, Wolbachia, Diagnosis
which may be killed by the use of doxycycline. In • Feline heartworm antibody immunodiagnostic test
turn, the death of the parasite adversely affects the
(can be done in-house); detection of antibody is
adult heartworm. Studies have not been done on
missed with this test in many cats
the efficacy of this type of therapy. • Feline heartworm antigen immunodiagnostic test:
results depend on the sex and number of adult heart-
worms present
Do not use diethylcarbamazine (DEC) in dogs that test • Radiology: signs are similar to those in the canine but
positive for heartworms. are more difficult to interpret
• Echocardiography: should be done in all cases; will
see adult worms in the pulmonary artery
Feline Heartworm Disease
In areas where heartworm disease is prevalent, cats are
also at risk for infection. Until recently, it has been dif- TECH ALERT
ficult to diagnose the disease in cats because they are Use caution when performing radiography on dyspneic
usually negative for microfilaria, and the canine heart- cats—undue restraint may kill the cat!
worm antigen tests are inadequate for detecting the dis-
ease in cats.
Cats are somewhat resistant to D. immitis infection,
having few adult worms, which are eliminated from the Adulticide treatment is usually not recommended in the
host within 2 years. Outdoor male cats are most at risk cat. However, if treatment is prescribed:
• Thiacetarsamide and immiticide both have toxic con-
for infection. The mean age of diagnosis is between 3
and 6 years. sequences in the cat and may be fatal
• Microfilariacide: not needed in cats because of lack of
Symptoms in cats differ from those in dogs. Sudden
death of an asymptomatic cat is fairly frequently seen. Most microfilaria
• Cage rest
symptoms relate to the respiratory system (cough, dys-
• Cortisone may be used to decrease the inflammatory
pnea) or the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, anorexia,
lethargy). Acute pulmonary embolism occurs with affected component of the disease
cats demonstrating severe dyspnea, weakness, and
anorexia. Ataxia, blindness, and seizures may also be seen. TECH ALERT
Prevention is advised and is now available for cats at Most (one-half to two-thirds) of all cats treated for
risk. Treatment regimens are controversial. In most adult heartworms will develop signs of toxicity—depres-
cases, treatment involves supportive care while the cat sion, anorexia, and vomiting. Pulmonary edema is com-
eliminates the parasite. mon after treatment. The use of immiticide has not met
with great success in naturally infected cats.
Clinical Signs
• Coughing, dyspnea
• Vomiting
• Milbemycin oxime or ivermectin given monthly
• Anorexia, weight loss
20 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

An adult Boxer was anesthetized for a routine castration. and was doing well in his new home. As the owner came
The physical examination and presurgery blood work home one evening, the dog became excited and experi-
was all within normal limits. During anesthesia induc- enced cardiac arrest and died. Can you answer the
tion, the technician noticed occasional ventricular con- owner’s questions?
tractions on the monitoring ECG. The surgeon 1. Why did this happen to my healthy dog?
terminated the procedure, and the dog recovered with- 2. If I get another Boxer, is this likely to happen again?
out incident. Repeat ECG studies on the awake dog 3. What could have been done to prevent this from
showed normal sinus rhythm. The dog was adopted happening?

1. A puppy is having a “machinery-like” murmur that is 4. What is the reference range for heart rate in the dog?
best heard on the left side of the chest. What cardio- a. 60 to 180 beats/min
vascular defect is most likely? b. 100 to 180 beats/min
a. Tetralogy of Fallot c. 100 to 250 beats/min
b. Patent ductus arteriosus d. 30 to 75 beats/min
c. Septal defect 5. What amino acid do cats require in their diet to avoid
d. Mitral stenosis cardiomyopathy?
2. While examining a Doberman, you hear a rapid, a. Cysteine
irregular heart rate with pulse deficits. This arrhyth- b. Taurine
mia is most likely: c. Guanine
a. Ventricular fibrillation d. Isoleucine
b. Ventricular tachycardia 6. While monitoring a dog under anesthesia, the tech-
c. Atrial fibrillation nician notes different-looking QRS complexes on the
d. Sinus tachycardia ECG. The technician should do which of the
3. An owner reports that her Weimaraner puppy is following:
regurgitating undigested food every time the puppy a. Note the occurrence of the arrhythmia on the
eats. The puppy is losing weight and is coughing. anesthesia record.
Which of the following abnormalities might this b. Inform the doctor of the change in the ECG.
puppy be exhibiting? c. Auscultate the heart directly and check femoral
a. Mitral stenosis pulses.
b. Patent ductus arteriosus d. All of the above.
c. Atrial septal defect
d. Persistent right aortic arch Answers found on page 544.
Diseases of the Digestive System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Relate changes in the digestive system to the
able to: development of disease symptoms.
• Explain the basic anatomical arrangement of the • Explain to owners why their pet is ill and how the
mammalian digestive system. problem is best treated.

Anatomy Overview of the Gastrointestinal Dietary Intolerance or Sensitivity Diarrhea 38
System 23 Chronic Enteropathies 40
The Tooth and Oral Diseases 23 Intestinal Lymphangiectasia 40
Gingivitis or Periodontal Disease 24 Intestinal Neoplasia 41
Periodontal Disease 24 Diseases of the Large Bowel 42
Gingivitis 24 Inflammatory Bowel Disease 42
Lip-Fold Dermatitis 25 Intussusception 43
Oral Trauma 25 Megacolon 43
Salivary Mucocele 26 Constipation (Canine) 44
Oral Neoplasms 27 Hepatic Disease 45
Esophageal Diseases 28 Drug- or Toxin-Induced Liver Disease (Acute) 45
Esophagitis or Gastroesophageal Reflux 28 Drug- or toxin-induced liver disease (chronic) 46
Esophageal Obstruction 29 Infectious Canine Hepatitis 46
Diseases of the Stomach 29 Leptospirosis 47
Acute Gastritis 30 Cholangiohepatitis 48
Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Bowel Disease Feline Hepatic Lipidosis (Idiopathic) 48
(Chronic Gastritis, Enteritis, Colitis) 31 Neoplasia 50
Gastric Ulceration 31 Portosystemic Shunts (Congenital) 51
Gastric Dilation with Volvulus 32 Pancreatic Dysfunction (Exocrine) 52
Gastric Neoplasia 34 Pancreatitis 53
Diseases of the Small Intestine 35 Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency 54
Acute Diarrhea 35 Rectoanal Disease 54
Parasitical Diarrhea 35 Perineal Hernias 54
Viral Diarrhea 37 Perianal Fistulas (Anal Furunculosis) 55
Bacterial Diarrhea 38 Perianal Gland Adenomas 55

22 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Borborygmus Hyperechoic Pica
Coprophagia Icterus Poikilocytosis
Dyschezia Metastatic Tenesmus
Hematochezia Obstipation

Food is vital for the life of the animal because it provides continuous tube beginning at the mouth and ending
the source of energy that drives all the chemical reac- at the anus, and (2) the accessory structures—the teeth,
tions in the body. Consumed food is not in a form read- tongue, salivary glands, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder
ily usable by the body. The digestive system breaks down (Fig. 2.1).
the consumed food to a point where it can be absorbed A discussion of diseases that affect the GI system can
and used by the animal. be best approached by dividing the system into regions:
The organs of digestion can be divided into two oral cavity and esophagus, stomach, small bowel, large
main groups: (1) the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, a bowel, liver, pancreas, and rectum and anus.




Transverse colon

Ascending colon

Descending colon



Fig. 2.1 Gastrointestinal system of dog (small intestine has been removed). (From Christenson DE. Veterinary
Medical Terminology. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2009, by permission.)
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 23

water reabsorption, and elimination through the rec-

ANATOMY OVERVIEW OF THE tum. The bacteria in the large bowel also produce valu-
GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM able vitamins such as vitamin B and vitamin K. Adjunct
The GI system begins with the teeth and the oral cavity. organs that assist the digestive process include the pan-
Puppies and kittens are born without teeth, but decidu- creas, liver, and gallbladder.
ous teeth begin to erupt from gums between 3 and The exocrine portion of the pancreas produces diges-
12 weeks of age. As the neonate ages, deciduous teeth tive enzymes, pancreatic juices, which break down pro-
are lost and replaced by adult teeth. Adult dogs have teins, carbohydrates, DNA and RNA (deoxyribonucleic
42 permanent teeth, and cats have 30. The last adult acid and ribonucleic acid), and lipids. Bile, produced in
teeth to erupt, canine teeth, can be used to age young the liver and stored in the gallbladder, makes its way
animals. These teeth are usually in place by 6 months down the common bile duct and joins the pancreatic
of age. After this time, it becomes more difficult to esti- enzymes in the duodenum. It is not uncommon to see
mate an animal’s age. Retained deciduous canine teeth pancreatic, hepatic, and small-intestinal signs of disease
are not uncommon in both dogs and cats, and their pres- when any of the three become inflamed. In the small
ence may affect the position of permanent teeth. These intestine, bile salts form micelles with the lipid mole-
“baby” teeth are usually removed at the time of neuter- cules, making fats soluble in the bloodstream. All of
ing or spaying. these digested and absorbed materials are transported
Food in the oral cavity is masticated (chewed) and to the liver via the hepatic portal system, where multiple
mixed with saliva to create a bolus, which passes down chemical processes further change them to usable
the esophagus into the stomach through the lower metabolites, which are “shipped” out to waiting cells
esophageal sphincter, also called the cardiac sphincter. and tissues in the body.
The last portion of the esophagus is different in dogs
and cats. The cat has smooth muscle in the distal esoph-
agus, whereas the dog has skeletal muscle. This differ-
ence predisposes the cat to esophageal injury from The tooth begins life as a tooth bud within the gum.
oral medications that may “stick” in the distal esophagus Ameloblasts begin to produce enamel, which will even-
and cause inflammation or ulceration. Digestive juices, tually cover the crown of the tooth; odontoblasts lay
secreted in the muscular stomach, are composed of down dentin, which will form the body of the tooth;
hydrochloric acid and enzymes, which further break and the pulp cavity begins to form. As the tooth grows
down the bolus and form a thick emulsion called chyme. within the gum, the crown is pushed upward, eventually
Controlled amounts of chyme exit the stomach through erupting to the surface of the gum. The protective layer
the pyloric sphincter and enter the portion of the small of enamel on the crown is hard but very thin and can be
intestine called the duodenum. In this short area of the damaged when chewing on hard materials. Dogs that
small intestine, pancreatic enzymes and bile mix with chew on rocks, fences, or other hard objects will typi-
the chyme, and further breakdown of food occurs. As cally have fractured enamel, which leads to further
the chyme passes through the small intestine, amino tooth decay. The roots of the tooth are attached to
acids, carbohydrates, and lipids are absorbed through the alveolar bone of the mandible or the maxilla via
the intestinal lining and enter the bloodstream, where the periodontal ligament. This ligament not only holds
they are carried to the liver for processing. The lining the tooth into the bony socket but also protects the
of the small intestine has a large absorptive surface area tooth from osteoclastic activity from surrounding bone.
because of the presence of multiple folds or villi and The gingiva wraps up onto the surface of the crown,
microvilli. Many diseases that affect the GI system creating a gingival sulcus and protecting the periodontal
involve damage to this absorptive surface. The small ligament. Blood vessels, nerves, and lymph channels
intestine also contains an important microbiologic flora enter the tooth through the root and pass up into the
which, when disrupted, can result in small bowel disease. pulp cavity.
From the small intestine, undigested materials are Diseases of the oral cavity most frequently seen in
passed into the large intestine for bacterial processing, small animals include gingivitis or periodontal disease,
24 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

lip-fold dermatitis, trauma, salivary mucocele, and oral This condition is a continuum of disease, beginning with
neoplasms. The clinical signs of these diseases are sim- gingivitis and progressing to periodontitis and tooth
ilar; affected animals are reluctant to eat and have oral loss. Gingivitis, a reversible process that involves inflam-
pain, halitosis, and excessive salivation. mation of the margins of the gums, is caused by accumu-
lation of tartar on teeth and acts as a nidus for bacterial
Gingivitis or Periodontal Disease multiplication. Enzymes produced by these bacteria
Periodontal disease results from infectious inflamma- damage the tooth attachments and result in inflamma-
tion of the gingiva, and it affects all the structures tion. Without intervention, gingivitis will progress to
involved in tooth attachment (Figs. 2.2 and 2.3). periodontitis, an irreversible condition that results in loss
of gingival epithelial root attachment and alveolar bone
resorption. Periodontal disease is estimated to occur in
60% to 80% of dogs and cats.

Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease is a collective term for plaque-
induced inflammation of gums. This inflammation is
progressive and includes gingivitis, gingival hyperplasia,
periodontitis with vertical bone destruction, and peri-
odontitis with horizontal bone destruction. The final
outcome of periodontal disease is loss of teeth. Peri-
odontal disease can be graded from 1 to 3, with 1 being
mild gingivitis and 3 being severe gingivitis with bone
Fig. 2.3 Periodontal disease stage 2 (PD 2) in a dog. (From Holm- loss and oral pain. Grade 2 includes mild gingivitis
strom, Steven E. Veterinary Dentistry: A Team Approach. 2nd ed. and tartar on all teeth.
St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2013.)
Crown Gingivitis (inflammation of the gingiva) is the earliest
sign of periodontal disease. It results from the buildup
of dental plaque (tartar) in the gingival sulcus. Bacteria
Enamel seldom invade gingival tissue directly; however, anaero-
bic bacteria that compose much of the subgingival pla-
Dentin que secrete enzymes that result in inflammation of the
surrounding gum. The inflammatory response of the
host animal results in gingival hyperplasia. (Gingival
hyperplasia may be breed related or drug induced.) As
plaque is mineralized, it becomes dental calculus, which
protects the bacterial environment.
Gingivitis is limited to the soft tissue of the gingiva,
with sulcal depths remaining within normal limits in
both dogs and cats. As the disease progresses to peri-
odontitis, pathological periodontal pockets are formed.
Root The coronal portion of the periodontal ligament is
destroyed by inflammation, and alveolar bone resorp-
tion begins. If treated early, gingivitis is reversible; how-
Apex ever, once periodontal disease progresses, the changes
Fig. 2.2 Cross-section of a typical tooth. (From Colville T, Bas- are irreversible. Prevention and treatment of periodontal
sert JM. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Techni- disease is of utmost importance in the health of compan-
cians. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2008, by permission.) ion animals.
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 25

Clinical Signs Lip-Fold Dermatitis

• Halitosis Lip-fold dermatitis is commonly seen in breeds with
• Reluctance to chew hard food, bones, toys pendulous upper lips and prominent lower lip folds.
• Pawing at the mouth Breeds such as Spaniels, Setters, Bulldogs, and Bassets
• Head shyness are most commonly affected. Constant moisture in these
• Oral pain folds from saliva results in increased bacterial growth.
• Personality changes Together with the collection of food and hair in the area,
• Sneezing, nasal discharge the saliva causes increased irritation, erythema, and a
• Increased salivation (may be bloody) fetid odor.
• Facial swelling
• Tooth loss Clinical Signs
• Halitosis
Diagnosis • Collection of debris in the lower lip folds
• Physical examination of the oral cavity (may require
general anesthesia or sedation)
• Increased depth of the gingival sulcus (dogs: >3 mm; • Clinical signs, especially in breeds predisposed to
cats: >1 mm) problems with lip folds
• Presence of tartar on teeth, inflammation • Complete blood work to rule out other causes of hal-
itosis and lip-fold disease such as periodontal disease,
Demodex infestation, pemphigus, and renal failure
• Dental scaling, extraction of all loose teeth Treatment
• Root planing • Complete dental cleaning
• Gingival curettage • Flushing and cleaning of lip folds with 2.5% benzoyl
• Sublingual lavage
peroxide shampoo
• Antibiotics (clindamycin, enrofloxacin, amoxicillin • Surgical resection of lip folds may be required in
trihydrate, or clavulanate potassium [Clavamox]) some cases
• Instruction to owners about developing a good oral
hygiene program for their pets Information for Clients
• Keep the lip folds clean and dry.
Information for Clients • Daily cleaning will be required for the life of the
• Good oral hygiene is a necessity for all pets. It should animal.
begin around 2 years of age or when needed. • Drying agents such as cornstarch may help some ani-
• Brush the pet’s teeth daily to remove tartar and pla- mals. Dust the agent into the folds several times daily
que. Use a toothpaste designed for dogs. Do not use after cleaning.
human products as they foam too much. • Good dental hygiene will benefit these animals.
• Have routine dental cleanings performed by your
veterinarian. Oral Trauma
• Have gingivitis treated early, before the development Oral trauma is common in small animals. Falls, fights,
of irreversible signs. burns, blunt trauma, penetration of foreign objects,
• Some animals may require extraction of all their teeth and automobile accidents account for many injuries to
to remove the source of infection. the oral cavity of pets. Head injuries from “high-rise syn-
• Hard, crunchy foods may promote better dental drome” (e.g., cats falling from windows of buildings) or
health by manually removing tartar before it from other types of accidents often result in fracture of
calcifies. Once calcified, tartar must be removed the mandibular symphysis, maxillary dysfunction, sepa-
professionally. ration of the hard palate of cats, or all of these injuries.
• Professional cleaning under anesthesia is required to The tongue is frequently injured by self-trauma (biting
completely remove tartar and calculus from teeth. its own tongue), dog fights, penetration of foreign bodies
26 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

(e.g., splinters, needles, bullets), or strangulation by elas- • Lavage with copious amount of water in the case of
tic or stringlike materials. Cats that play with needles chemical burns
and thread may injure the tongue or the frenulum or • Repair or extraction of damaged teeth
have a linear foreign body lodged somewhere in the oral • Surgical repair of fractures
cavity. Tongue lacerations have occurred as a result of
dogs and cats attempting to eat from discarded tin cans Information for Clients
to which the lids are still attached. • Young animals should never be left alone. Protect
Electrical and chemical burns are often seen in young, animals from accidental electrical burns and inges-
curious animals that have a tendency to bite electric tion of caustic chemicals by confining them when
cords or taste unusual plants or liquids. Electrical burns they cannot be watched.
not only involve the mucosal surface of the oral cavity, • Keep pets fenced or on a leash to prevent roaming
but progress deep into the tissue along vessels and wet and the possibility of gunshot wounds.
tissue planes. Contact with caustic chemicals and plants • Limit cats’ access to thread and needles.
can result in erosion of the oral mucosa, producing pain, • Avoid feeding bones to dogs and cats.
inflammation, secondary infection, and necrosis. • Seek veterinary assistance in case of head injury.
Gunshot wounds often result in dental or other oral • Advances in dental repair make it possible to cap and
injuries; shattered bones and teeth; and penetrating repair damaged teeth.
wounds of the tongue. Fishhooks of all types attract both • Animals can function well even with loss of large
dogs and cats. Hooks can become embedded in the lips amounts of tongue tissue.
or the tongue (sometimes both at the same time), result-
ing in a frantic animal that may require sedation or gen- Salivary Mucocele
eral anesthesia to properly remove the hook. Round The salivary mucocele is the most common clinically
steak bones present a special challenge. These bones typ- recognized disease of the salivary glands in dogs,
ically become lodged behind canine teeth, over the end although it may also occur secondary to trauma in cats.
of the mandible. As the tissue swells, it becomes painful. A mucocele is an accumulation of excessive amounts of
General anesthesia is required in most cases. The lodged saliva in the subcutaneous tissue and the consequent tis-
bones must be cut in sections for removal. Cats also have sue reaction that occurs. This disease occurs most often
problems with bones; flat chicken bones can become in dogs between 2 and 4 years of age; German Shepherds
lodged across the upper dental arcade, and sedation of and Miniature Poodles are most commonly affected.
the animal may be required for removal of the bone. The initial cause of the accumulation usually is
unknown. Owners report a history of a slowly enlarging,
Clinical Signs fluid-filled, painless swelling on the neck. The animal
• History or signs of head trauma may have respiratory distress or difficulty swallowing
• Increased salivation secondary to the partial obstruction of the pharynx. In
• Inability to close the mouth cats, a ranula (a large fluid-filled swelling under the ton-
• Reluctance or inability to eat gue) may be seen.
• Presence of a foreign object
Clinical Signs
Diagnosis • Slowly enlarging, painless, fluid-filled swelling on the
• Physical examination of the oral cavity (sedation or neck or under the tongue
anesthesia may be required) • Reluctance to eat
• Radiography to rule out the presence of an embedded • Difficulty swallowing
linear foreign body • Blood-tinged saliva
• Respiratory distress
• Treatment depends on the extent of the damage Diagnosis
• Control of bleeding • Clinical signs
• Supportive treatment: fluids, pain relief • Paracentesis shows a stringy, blood-tinged fluid with
• Maintenance of adequate airway a low cell count
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 27

• Sialography by retrograde infusion of a water-soluble

angiographic contrast material (Renografin: 0.055–
0.110 mL/kg body weight [BW]) into the duct of
the salivary gland

• Aspiration of fluid
• Surgical drainage
• Removal of the gland, followed by placement of a
Penrose drain for 5 to 7 days

Information for Clients

• The cause of the development of mucoceles in ani- Fig. 2.4 Oral canine papillomatosis. (Courtesy Patrick Hensel
mals is unknown, although trauma may be involved and Tracey Gieger, University of Georgia, Athens, CA. In: Greene
in some cases. C. Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO:
• Without removal of the gland, excessive amounts of Elsevier; 2006.)
fluid will continue to accumulate.
• Some cases may resolve spontaneously. • Abnormal food prehension
• Increased salivation
Oral Neoplasms • Halitosis
Oral neoplasms are relatively common in dogs and cats, • Tooth loss
with malignant melanomas and squamous cell carcino- • Oral pain
mas being the most common. In general, older animals
are more commonly affected, and male animals are at an Diagnosis
increased risk for malignant melanoma and fibrosar- • Diagnosis is by histology of the mass
coma. Dogs with heavily pigmented oral mucosa are also • Complete blood cell count (CBC) or serum
at greater risk for malignant melanoma compared with chemistries
dogs having pink oral mucosa. • Radiography to rule out visceral metastases and to
Benign neoplasms such as papillomas and epulides evaluate bone involvement
are seen in dogs (Fig. 2.4). Papillomas, which are pale- • Lymph node biopsy
colored, cauliflower-like growths, have a viral cause
and may be removed surgically or may regress sponta- Treatment
neously. Epulides occur in the gingiva near incisors. • Surgical excision with a 2-cm tumor-free margin
They are generally slow growing, but some may be • If bone is involved or metastasis is suspected, a hemi-
locally invasive and involve bone destruction. maxillectomy or a hemimandibulectomy should
Malignant melanomas are rapidly growing tumors be performed. Extensive removal of bone and
characterized by early bone involvement. They metasta- soft tissue can be performed without harm to the
size early to the lungs and regional lymph nodes. These animal
lesions are dome shaped or sessile and may be black, • Radiation therapy
brown, mottled, or unpigmented. Squamous cell carci- • Chemotherapy
nomas are ulcerative, erosive neoplasms. They invade • Cisplatin for dogs with squamous cell carcinomas
the mucosa and often bone and metastasize to regional • Doxorubicin or cyclophosphamide for cats with
lymph nodes. squamous cell carcinomas and fibrosarcomas
Treatment for oral neoplasia includes surgical removal,
chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or all. The prognosis for Information for Clients
malignant oral neoplasms is guarded to poor. • The prognosis for animals with malignant neoplasia
is guarded to poor even with aggressive treatment.
Clinical Signs • Benign lesions have a favorable prognosis after surgi-
• Signs depend on location and size of growth cal resection, radiation therapy, or both.
28 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Animals (especially cats) with maxillectomies or esophageal sphincter may be open abnormally in ani-
mandibulectomies may need nutritional support mals with GER. Fluoroscopy may be required to doc-
such as a feeding tube. ument actual reflux.


• The goal of treatment is to decrease inflammation
Diseases of the esophagus include megaesophagus (see
and to protect the lining from further damage.
Chapter 8), esophagitis or gastroesophageal reflux
Ingestion of irritant substances
(GER), vascular ring anomalies (see Chapter 1), and for- • Do not induce vomiting. It may cause further damage
eign body obstruction.
to the esophagus.
• Administer neutralizing compounds (e.g., activated
Esophagitis or Gastroesophageal Reflux
charcoal, egg white, sodium bicarbonate, olive oil),
Esophagitis is an inflammation of the esophageal wall
or check the container for information on accidental
and is most often associated with contact of irritants
with the mucosa of the esophagus. Acids, alkalis, drugs, • Bathe or flush the skin with water to prevent further
and hot materials can produce lesions of varying sever-
ity in the esophagus. The extent of the lesion will • Use intestinal absorbants such as activated charcoal
depend on several factors: (1) the type of material, (2)
to decrease further toxic effects.
the length of contact with the mucosal surface, and • Rest the esophagus by withholding food and water for
(3) the integrity of the esophageal mucosal barrier.
several days.
Physical trauma by foreign bodies or chemical damage • You may need a gastrostomy tube in severe cases.
from chronic vomiting may predispose the esophagus to • Sucralfate: Dissolve a 1-g tablet in 10 mL of warm
further damage.
water; then give 5 to 10 mL of the solution orally
The esophagus has a great ability to withstand
three times daily.
injury. The mucosa-gel barrier, tight cell junctions, • Administer broad-spectrum antibiotics.
and a bicarbonate-rich layer all serve to protect the • Corticosteroids: Use at antiinflammatory doses.
mucosal lining from damage. One of the most com-
Gastroesophageal reflux
mon causes of esophagitis is GER. In healthy animals, • Dietary changes: recommend weight loss and use of a
the lower esophageal sphincter prevents reflux of gas-
high-protein, low-fat diet to normalize gastric
tric contents back into the esophagus. Gastric acid,
pepsin, and trypsin found in gastric fluid will damage • Sucralfate (see previous section for dose)
the mucosal lining if allowed to remain in contact with • Histamine 2 (H2) receptor blockers or proton pump
it for prolonged periods. Once inflammatory damage
to the esophagus has occurred, lower esophageal • Cimetidine (Tagamet): three times daily
sphincter function becomes abnormal, perpetuating • Ranitidine (Zantac): three times daily
the problem. • Omeprazole (Prilosec): daily
• Metoclopramide (Reglan): three to four times daily to
Clinical Signs
• Anorexia increase lower esophageal pressure and esophageal
• Dysphagia motility
• Excessive salivation
• Regurgitation Information for Clients
• Concurrent signs of respiratory disease (calicivirus • Prevent access to irritant materials such as cleaning
in cats) liquids, chemicals, paint thinners, and medications.
Avoid feeding foods heated in the microwave because
Diagnosis they may contain hot spots that can result in burns to
• Endoscopy will demonstrate mucosal inflammation the esophagus; always stir well to mix and cool
and the presence or absence of ulceration. The lower the food.
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 29

• Proper weight management will prevent pets from Radiology

becoming obese. A good exercise program will help • If the object is radiopaque, it may be seen on a radio-
most pets keep the weight in the proper range. graph. Contrast material can be used to outline radio-
• Antacids may be of some help if given orally just lucent objects. Iodated contrast agents should be
before bed. selected if a perforation is suspected.
• Healing of the esophagus is a slow process, and treat-
ment may be required for a long period. Treatment
• Prompt removal of the foreign object is imperative.
TECH ALERT • Fast the animal for 24 to 48 hours after removal to
When administering oral medications to cats, ensure allow the esophagus to rest and begin healing.
that the medication is washed down with water to pre- • After 48 hours, resume feeding with soft foods for
vent the tablet or capsule from sticking in the lower por- several days.
tion of the esophagus and causing irritation. • Treat the esophagitis that may be present (see previ-
ous section).
• If damage to the esophagus is extensive, placement of
Esophageal Obstruction a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube may be
Ingestion of nondigestible foreign objects is more com- required.
mon in dogs than in cats, with young animals more
likely to be affected. Bones and small toys commonly Information for Clients
lodge at the thoracic inlet, cardiac base, or distal esoph- • Limit access to bones and small toys that can be
agus. The degree of damage to the esophagus depends swallowed.
on the size of the object, the shape, and the time spent • String and needles present a special hazard for cats.
in contact with the esophageal mucosal lining. • The prognosis usually is good for affected animals if
Prompt removal is important to prevent serious serious damage to the esophagus can be prevented.
damage. Endoscopy will allow the clinician direct
visualization of the object, and most foreign bodies
can be removed by endoscopic retrieval. Those that
cannot be removed orally can often be pushed into The stomach is located in the left cranial abdomen and
the stomach and removed surgically. Surgical removal stores ingesta, mixing it with gastric juices and then pro-
of foreign objects directly from the esophagus has a less pelling it into the duodenum at a controlled rate. Ana-
favorable prognosis because of the poor healing quali- tomically, the stomach wall is composed of three layers
ties of the esophagus and the potential for stricture of tissue: (1) the mucosal (epithelial) lining, (2) the mus-
formation. cular (smooth muscle) layer, and (3) the serosa. The
mucosal lining contains glands that secrete mucus, pari-
Clinical Signs etal glands that secrete hydrochloric acid, chief cells that
• Exaggerated swallowing movements secrete pepsinogen, and argentaffin cells that secrete gas-
• Increased salivation trin. Gastric mucosal cells also secrete bicarbonate.
• Restlessness Gastric motility depends on two motor control cen-
• Retching ters in the stomach and also on external control from the
• Anorexia autonomic nervous system. Emptying of solids depends
• History of chewing on foreign objects on caloric density and pyloric resistance. The presence
of fats and proteins will delay gastric emptying.
Diagnosis The normal bacterial flora of the stomach consists of
Endoscopy spirilla (Helicobacter spp. and Gastrospirillum hominus).
• Use a flexible or rigid endoscope. A basket or retrieval In addition, cats may have a nonpathogenic Chlamydia
forceps may be used to grasp the object for removal. living in the mucosal lining of their stomachs.
Once the object is removed, the mucosal lining of the Disruption of the gastric mucosal barrier (the muco-
esophagus can then be examined for damage. sal lining, mucous coating, and bicarbonate layer) or
30 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

motility disorders can result in damage to the stomach. • Odansetron

The most commonly seen disorders include gastritis, • Dolastetron
both acute and chronic; ulceration; foreign body • Antibiotics are seldom necessary but are frequently
obstruction; gastric dilatation or volvulus; hypermoti- prescribed because vomiting can upset the normal
lity; and neoplasia. flora of the GI tract

Acute Gastritis Information for Clients

One common cause of vomiting in dogs and cats is acute • Avoid abrupt changes in diet for your pet. Mix the
gastritis. Causes of acute gastritis include diet (spoiled new diet with the old, and slowly increase the amount
food, change in diet, food allergy, or food intolerance), of the new food in the diet for the first week. After the
infection (bacterial, viral, or parasitical), and toxins first week, you may feed only the new food.
(chemicals, plants, drugs, or organ failure). Ingestion • If your pet vomits two to three times, do not provide
of foreign objects may also result in gastritis. Whatever food and water for 24 hours. If the vomiting con-
the cause, once the mucosa is damaged, inflammation tinues, call your veterinarian.
occurs, and clinical symptoms develop. • Dogs and cats do not need a varied diet. They can be
satisfied with the same food every day. Avoid feeding
Clinical Signs table scraps and human food because these can cause
• Anorexia gastritis.
• Acute onset of vomiting • Avoid giving pets objects that can be swallowed or
• Presence or absence of dehydration chewed into small, abrasive pieces.
• Presence or absence of painful abdomen GI hypomotility
• History of dietary change, toxin ingestion, or infection • This disorder is uncommon in the dog and cat, but
• History of internal parasites there may be a genetic predisposition in some breeds.
Causes of gastric and/or intestinal hypomotility
Diagnosis include obstruction to emptying, intussuseption,
• Based on history and the physical examination strictures, tumors, and metabolic/endocrine
• CBC may indicate a stress leukogram and imbalances.
• Serum chemistries to rule out metabolic imbalances Signs
or organ failure • Vomiting
• Radiography may reveal changes in the stomach wall • Decrease in food intake
• Bloating, abdominal discomfort
Treatment • Borborygimus
• Nothing by mouth for 24 to 36 hours • Weight loss
• Fluid therapy may be given subcutaneously (SQ) or
intravenously (IV), depending on the severity of Diagnosis
the dehydration (66 mL/kg/day plus additional fluids • Radiographic contrast studies indicate delayed emp-
to offset loss from vomiting) tying of the GI system
• After 36 hours, start feeding with a low-fat diet such • Foreign bodies, tumors, and other physical obstruc-
as Hill’s i/d canned food, low-fat cottage cheese tions also can be seen on radiographs
(1 part) and boiled rice (2 parts), or well-drained
boiled meat (1 part) and boiled rice (3 parts) Treatment
• Antiemetics • Treat underlying causes
• Cerenia injection initially for vomiting • Surgical correction of obstruction
• Chlorpromazine: dog, intramuscularly (IM) every • Dietary management: feed multiple small meals 2 to 4
8 hours; cat, IM every 8 hours times daily
• Metoclopramide: every 6 hours orally (PO), IM, • Metoclopramide 30 minutes before feeding and at
SQ (dogs only) bedtime
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 31

Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Bowel • Azathioprine: PO daily for 1 week, then every

Disease (Chronic Gastritis, Enteritis, Colitis) 48 hours (monitor liver values)
Immune-mediated inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) • Cyclophosphamide (reserved for severe cases)
is the result of the accumulation of inflammatory cells • Sulfasalazine: dog, PO every 8 to 12 hours; cats, every
within the lining of the small intestine, stomach, or the 8 to 12 hours; best for disease involving the colon
large bowel and is seen most commonly in cats, • Hypoallergenic diet: a diet free of preservatives or
although it occurs in dogs as well. The etiology of the additives, with a highly digestible protein source
disease is unknown, but it is thought that a disruption not commonly used for the species (e.g., rabbit, lamb,
of the immunological tolerance to the normal bacterial tofu, chicken); homemade diets that are rice based
flora of the small intestine or to dietary substances work well; commercial diets are now available
develops resulting in an inflammatory response with cel-
lular infiltration. The range of symptoms reported with Information for Clients
this disease is related to the location and type of infiltrate. • The diagnosis of IBD requires a complete laboratory
Diagnosis is made from intestinal and gastric biopsies. workup to rule out other causes of the clinical
Treatment begins with daily administration of dietary symptoms.
modification and antibacterial and immunosuppressive • A definitive diagnosis requires intestinal biopsy.
therapies. If the patient has a good response, as measured • Therapy will be required for the life of the animal.
by decreased clinical symptoms, then the amount admin- • The pet will require a special diet for life. The owner
istered may be slowly decreased over 1 to 2 weeks. More must eliminate all other food sources from the
severe cases may require azathioprine or cyclophospha- animal’s diet. This may mean eliminating flavored
mide. Hypoallergenic diets should be prescribed for these vitamins, treats, and table food.
animals. • The immunosuppressive drugs used to treat this dis-
ease have side effects in animals. Polyuria, polydipsia,
Clinical Signs polyphagia, weight gain, and skin and urinary infec-
• Chronic vomiting tions may occur. The animal must be closely moni-
• Weight loss tored by the veterinarian, and the lowest possible
• Diarrhea dose of antiinflammatory drug must be used.
• Straining to defecate, mucus in stool • Nursing care for these animals includes keeping the
perianal area clean and soothed (if diarrhea is
Diagnosis present).
• CBC: may show neutrophilia or eosinophilia
• Serum chemistries are usually normal Gastric Ulceration
• Urinalysis Gastric ulceration and erosion is commonly the result of
• Fecal sample for culture if bacterial problem sus- drug therapy in dogs and cats. Nonsteroidal antiinflam-
pected; fecal float matory drugs (NSAIDs) are the most commonly impli-
• Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) or feline immunodefi- cated drugs, which produce ulceration in humans and in
ciency virus testing dogs. These drugs, which include aspirin, ibuprofen,
• Cobalamin and serum folate levels flunixin meglumine, and phenylbutazone, disrupt the
• All of the above, to rule out other causes of chronic normal gastric mucosal barrier, resulting in ulceration.
vomiting and diarrhea Stress, as seen in severely traumatized animals or
• Endoscopic evaluation of the stomach, small intes- animals in strenuous training, can also result in
tine, and colon lining together with biopsies of each gastric erosion. Renal failure, hepatic failure, and hypoa-
area provide a definitive diagnosis and confirm the drenocorticism may also result in gastric erosion or
type of infiltrate present ulceration.

Treatment Clinical Signs

• Prednisone: every 12 hours for several months, then • Can vary from absence of symptoms to vomiting
in tapering doses for maintenance of blood
32 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Anemia • Misoprostol: PO two to three times daily; this drug

• Edema protects against gastric mucosal damage and
• Melena decreases acid secretion
• Anorexia
• Abdominal pain Information for Clients
• Septicemia, if perforation has occurred • Do not use NSAIDs in animals without veterinary
• Never administer ibuprofen, naproxen, or aspirin to a
dog or cat without a prescription.
• Contrast studies using multiple positions and barium
• If your veterinarian prescribes these medications for
sulfate (unless a perforation is suspected) may show
your pet, ask if you may give the medication with a
ulcerations in the mucosa of the stomach
meal or antacids to prevent gastric irritation.
• Allows direct observation of ulcerated areas; more
expedient for assessing the extent of the problem Gastric Dilation with Volvulus
(Fig. 2.5) Gastric dilation with volvulus (GDV) is primarily a dis-
ease of 2- to 10-year-old large- and giant-breed, deep-
Treatment chested dogs, but it can occasionally occur in small
• Fluid therapy, if animal is dehydrated breeds. The exact mechanism for the disease remains
• Restriction of oral intake of food and fluids unclear, but diet and exercise have been implicated in
• Oral antacids containing aluminum hydroxide or its development. Delayed gastric emptying, pyloric
magnesium hydroxide given four to six times daily obstruction, aerophagia, and engorgement may predis-
may help pose dogs to dilation and volvulus. Recent studies indi-
• H2 antagonists: cimetidine, PO two to three times cate that affected dogs may have gastric dysrhythmias
daily; ranitidine, twice daily that predispose them to GDV.
• Omeprazole: PO once daily The stomach is similar to a bag with openings at
• Sucralfate (Carafate): PO two to four times daily; each end. As the stomach fills with air, food, fluid, or
sucralfate binds to the ulcer site, protecting it from both, the outflow tracts can become occluded. Further
damage; it can also bind other drugs and should distension results in simple dilation (an air-filled stom-
not be given at the same time as other medications ach), or the air-filled stomach may twist along its longi-
tudinal axis (volvulus). The pylorus usually passes under
the stomach and comes to rest above the cardia on the
left side of the abdomen. The enlarged tympanic stom-
ach pushes against the diaphragm, making breathing dif-
ficult and blocking venous return of blood through the
hepatic portal vein and the posterior vena cava. The
increased luminal pressure within the gastric wall results
in ischemia and subsequent necrosis of the wall.
The spleen may also be involved and can become
congested. Endotoxins that accumulate in the GI tract
activate the inflammatory mediators. The end result is
the development of hypovolemic, endotoxic shock in
patients with GDV.

Clinical Signs
• Weakness, collapse
Fig. 2.5 Gastric ulcers in the cat. (From Tams TR, Rawlings, CA. • Depression
Small Animal Endoscopy. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2011.) • Nausea
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 33

• Nonproductive retching Treatment

• Hypersalivation • The goal of treatment is to decompress the stomach,
• Abdominal pain and distension (distension may not stabilize the patient, and prepare the patient for sur-
be evident in very large dogs) gical intervention.
• Increased heart rate and respiratory rates Aggressive treatment of shock
• 14- to 16-gauge jugular catheter or two cephalic cath-
Diagnosis eters should be placed
• History and physical examination demonstrate a • Crystalloid IV fluids at 45.5 mL/kg over a 15-minute
depressed, weak animal with prolonged capillary period
refill time (CRT) and abnormal mucous membranes. • Corticosteroids: IV (Solu-Delta, Cortef) or flunixin
• Radiographs of right lateral view best define torsion. meglumine (0.5–1 mg/kg IV)
The stomach will appear air filled (Fig. 2.6). The pylo- • Bicarbonate: total carbon dioxide (CO2) is less than
rus will be gas filled and seen dorsal and cranial to the 12 milliequivalents (mEq). The dose may be calcu-
gastric fundus. A compartmentalization is frequently lated if using the formula: body weight (kg)  (12
observed between the pylorus and the fundus.  patient’s HCO 3 )  0.3. Give this amount IV over
• Electrocardiographic monitoring may indicate a ven- 30 to 60 minutes.
tricular arrhythmia or sinus tachycardia. Alleviate distention
• CBC and serum chemistries are necessary for correc- • In an emergency situation, an 18-gauge needle may
tion of electrolyte and pH imbalances and for proper be used as a trocar to relieve pressure in the stomach.
fluid therapy. Clip and scrub a small area caudal to the costal arch.

Fig. 2.6 Lateral radiograph of a dog with gastric dilation with volvulus. The stomach is dilated (large arrows), and
there is a “shelf” of tissue (small arrows), demonstrating that the stomach is malpositioned. Radiographs
obtained from the right lateral position appear superior to those of other views in demonstrating this shelf. If
the stomach were similarly distended but not malpositioned, the diagnosis would be gastric dilation. (From Nel-
son RW, Couto CG. Small Animal Internal Medicine. 4th ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2009, by permission.)
34 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Insert the needle through the skin and into the stom- • Providing parenteral nutritional support if vomiting
ach to allow gas to escape. occurs; oral fluids started in small volumes at 12 hours
• Pass a stomach tube, and decompress the stomach. after surgery if no vomiting occurs; low-fat canned
Care must be taken not to perforate the already com- food the day after surgery unless resection of the
promised stomach or the distal esophagus. Place the stomach or bowel has been performed
animal in sternal or lateral recumbency, and use a
large-bore tube. Information for Clients
• If surgery must be delayed, placement of a temporary • Predisposition to GDV may be genetic or familial.
gastrostomy tube can be performed. • Avoid feeding large dogs one huge meal per day. Sev-
• Perform gastric lavage to remove all the remaining eral small meals will prevent gastric overload.
food and fluid. • Limit exercise immediately after eating.
Antibiotics • Feed a high-quality–protein, low-fat diet. Avoid eas-
• Antibiotics targeted against gram-negative and ily fermentable diets.
anaerobic microorganisms are given IV (cefoxitin • The average hospital stay for dogs with GDV is about
20 mg/kg IV every 6 hours; or ampicillin 20 mg/kg 3 to 7 days.
IV every 6 hours). • The mortality rate for this disease is between 15%
Continuous monitoring of the electrocardiogram and 18%.
• Treat ventricular arrhythmias with lidocaine (2 mg/ • Surgical correction and tack-down procedures (gas-
kg IV), if necessary. If the arrhythmia is lidocaine tropexy) are not a guarantee against future episodes
responsive, a constant infusion rate of 30 to 80 micro- of GDV.
grams per kilogram per minute (mcg/kg/min) can be
established. If the arrhythmia is not lidocaine respon-
sive, procainamide can be given IV at a dose of 6 to Gastric Neoplasia
10 mg/kg in 2-mg/kg boluses every 5 minutes. If Gastric neoplasia is fairly uncommon in dogs and cats.
effective, continue constant-rate infusion at 25 to Malignant tumors are more common than benign
40 mcg/kg/min. lesions, and malignant neoplasias are more frequent in
Potassium males than in females.
• Potassium supplementation may be required if potas- The most common malignant canine gastric tumor is
sium levels are less than 3 mEq/L. the adenocarcinoma. This type of tumor is most com-
Surgical correction monly found in older animals, and because the clinical
• Surgery should be considered as soon as the patient is signs are relatively nonspecific (vomiting and weight
stable. loss), the tumor may be well advanced before it is
Postoperative nursing care diagnosed.
• Continuous ECG monitoring for at least 24 hours. Gastric lymphoma is the most commonly diagnosed
• Serial observation of hemodynamic parameters; feline gastric tumor. Polyps and gastric leiomyomas,
mean arterial pressure >70 mm Hg, systolic pressure both benign tumors, may also be seen in dogs and cats.
>110 mm Hg
• Pain management Clinical Signs
• Monitoring of urine output and fluid input using a
• Weight loss
closed catheter system
• Vomiting, with or without blood
• Monitoring of serum electrolytes and acid-base status
• Obstruction
every 8 hours
• Usually seen in older animals
• Continuation of antibiotics
• Gastric atony and ileus may produce vomiting:
metoclopramide 0.2–0.5 mg/kg every 8 hours SQ to Diagnosis
control • Endoscopy is performed to locate the lesion. A biopsy
• Maintaining good body temperature and turning is required for diagnosis. In some cases, a full-
patient frequently to prevent skin and muscle thickness biopsy from a surgical approach may be
damage required for a definitive diagnosis.
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 35

Treatment • Other than preceding signs, a normal-appearing

• Surgical removal is the treatment of choice; however, animal
many tumors are too advanced at the time of diagno-
sis and are inoperable. Cats with a single lesion (e.g., Diagnosis
lymphosarcoma) usually respond well to removal of • Rule out other causes of diarrhea
the single mass • Fecal sample for direct and flotation examination
• Chemotherapy: long-term response is not good • Hematocrit (HCT) to monitor hydration
• Radiation: not successful for treatment of these
tumors Treatment
Information for Clients • Restore fluid and electrolyte balance (SQ, PO, or IV)
• The prognosis for malignant gastric tumors is • Nothing by mouth for 24 to 48 hours; water is
guarded to poor. Gastric neoplasia is a fatal disease. allowed if the animal is not vomiting
• Supportive care, control of vomiting, and mainte- • Intestinal absorbants: Pepto-Bismol 1 mL/5 kg every
nance of a good nutritional status is important for 8 hours
keeping these animals comfortable. • Loperamide: every 8–12 hours
• Diagel orally
DISEASES OF THE SMALL INTESTINE • +/– Antibiotics: choose a broad-spectrum drug
Disease of the small intestine involves impairment of the • Start on a bland, low-fat diet after 24 to 48 hours.
absorptive villous surface of the small intestine, which • Feed Hill’s i/d canned food.
causes diarrhea, malabsorption, and weight loss. Types • Chicken or beef and rice: Boil the meat, and drain
of intestinal damage may include villous atrophy, disrup- well. Mix 1 part meat with 3 parts boiled rice. Feed
tion of the microvilli, and disruption or defects in villous small amounts for 2 to 3 days until stool returns to
proteins and disruption of the microflora. Diarrhea, normal, then return to regular diet.
defined as an increase in frequency, fluidity, and volume
of defecation, may result any time the flux of fluid or Parasitical Diarrhea
nutrients across the absorptive membrane is altered. It
Intestinal parasites may be the primary cause of diarrhea
may be classified in several ways: acute or chronic; osmotic
in the small animal. The technician should review the
(resulting from decreased digestion or absorption that
life cycles and pathophysiology of the common intesti-
increases the osmotic solute load in the bowel), secretory
nal parasites. Common parasite eggs and protozoans are
(caused by hypersecretion of ions), exudative (resulting
shown in Fig. 2.7.
from an increased permeability with loss of plasma pro-
teins), or dysmotile (resulting from abnormal motility).
Diarrhea may also be classified with respect to the Clinical Signs
causative agent: parasitical, viral, bacterial, or dietary • Diarrhea
intolerance or sensitivity. • Presence or absence of blood
• Presence or absence of vomiting
Acute Diarrhea • Weight loss
Acute diarrhea is one of the most commonly seen types • Poor hair coat
of diarrhea in the small-animal clinic. Frequently, the • Listlessness
cause is a change of diet, drug therapy, or any stressful • Anorexia
situation that may result in disruption of the normal
bacterial flora within the bowel. Acute diarrhea is easily Diagnosis
managed with supportive and symptomatic treatment. • Fecal sample for direct and flotation examination
• ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay) test
Clinical Signs for Giardia
• Abrupt onset of diarrhea • If nonresponsive to common treatment rule out Tri-
• Presence or absence of vomiting comoniasis, Cryptosporidium, or Salmonella
36 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats



Fig. 2.7 Common parasite eggs and oocysts found in dog and cat feces. (A) Unsporulated oocysts of Isospora
species. Isospora canis (large oocysts) and Isospora bigemina (small oocysts) are present. (B) Egg of Toxocara
canis. (C) Characteristic egg of Toxocara cati is similar in structure to that of T. canis but smaller in diameter. (D)
Eggs of Toxascaris leonina. These eggs have a smooth outer shell and hyaline, or “ground glass,” central por-
tion. (E) These eggs of hookworm species may represent one of several genera that parasitize dogs and cats:
Ancylostoma caninum, Ancylostoma tubaeforme, Ancylostoma braziliense, and Uncinaria stenocephala. (F)
Characteristic egg of Trichuris vulpis.
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 37


Fig. 2.7—cont’d (G) Egg of Eucoleus aerophilus (Capillaria aerophila). (H) Cysts of Giardia species. (I) Motile
trophozoite of Giardia species. (From Hendrix CM, Robinson E. Diagnostic Parasitology for Veterinary Techni-
cians. 4th ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2012, by permission.)

Treatment Clinical Signs

Anthelmintics for a specific parasite • Diarrhea with or without blood
• Fenbendazole: orally for 3 consecutive days • Presence or absence of vomiting
• Pyrantel pamoate: orally, repeat in 10 to 14 days • Patient may or may not be febrile
Antiprotozoal medication • Anorexia
• Giardia: metronidazole, twice daily for 5 to 10 days • Depression
PO; albendazole, twice daily for 2 days
• Coccidia: sulfadimethoxine (Albon), oral loading Diagnosis
dose followed by maintenance dose for 9 days; Pro- • Parvovirus: ELISA (CITE or IDEXX)
nazuril orally for 3 days. • Canine distemper titer/conjunctival scrape
• Cryptosporidium- Azithromycin • Panleukopenia with a white blood cell (WBC) count
• Trichomoniasis: Metronadazole for 7 days
<500 WBC/μL

Viral Diarrhea Treatment

Viral diarrhea is seen in young animals and in animals Supportive
not vaccinated against the common offenders such • Intravenous fluids
as parvovirus, distemper, coronavirus, or feline • Antidiarrheal therapy
panleukopenia virus. • Antibiotics having gram-negative spectrum
38 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Prevention attaching to the mucosal surface, producing cytotoxins,

• Vaccination or both. Bacteria such as Salmonella, Shigella, Campylo-
bacter, and some strains of Escherichia coli invade the
TECH ALERT mucosa, whereas Clostridium produces cytotoxins.
These animals are immunosuppressed. Staphylococcus induces hypersecretion and also invades
• Avoid giving fluids subcutaneously because infections the mucosal lining.
and skin necrosis can develop.
• Keep the animal clean and dry. Avoid letting fecal mat- Clinical Signs
ter collect on the coat or the perianal skin. • Diarrhea with or without blood
• Keep the animal warm. If using a heating pad, take • Patient may or may not have fever
care to turn the animal frequently to prevent thermal • Anorexia
injury to the skin. Never leave an animal on a heating
pad without supervision.
• Wear protective clothing and shoe covers when han- Diagnosis
dling these animals. These animals and all materials • Rule out parasites with a fecal examination.
that they come in contact with may be infectious to • The presence of gram-negative, slender, curved rods
other patients in the clinic. in stained fecal smears or S-shaped motile organisms
• Have an isolation area in the clinic specifically for these with darting or spiral movement in fresh saline
patients. Keep all necessary materials for treatment smears can indicate Campylobacter.
and maintenance of these patients in the isolation • Perform fecal cytotoxin assay for Clostridium with a
area. Never bring the patient into the main clinic area.
titer >1:20.
All disposable materials from the contaminated area • E. coli: No reliable way to serotype this organism in
should be disposed of directly into the outdoor trash
animals is available.

Information for Clients • Oral antibiotics (if disease is severe)
• The sick animal may infect other dogs or cats in the • Enrofloxacin: once daily
household. • Trimethoprim or sulfa: twice a day
• Coronavirus diarrhea is usually not fatal. • Erythromycin: three times a day
• The prognosis with parvovirus depends on the sever- • Metronidazole: twice a day
ity of the disease (estimated by the decrease in • Restore fluid and electrolyte balance (IV or SQ)
WBC count).
• The mortality for canine distemper is about 50%, and TECH ALERT
the prognosis for feline panleukopenia (feline distem- • When handling animals, proper hygiene is required to
per) is guarded to poor. prevent transmission of disease from the animal to the
• These viruses can be spread by contact with feces. nursing staff and owners.
Avoid areas where high concentrations of unvacci- • Hospitalized and stressed animals are at risk for
nated animals may congregate (parks, boarding ken- acquiring Salmonella infections. Asymptomatic car-
nels, beaches, dog shows). Make sure that your pet is riers may break out with clinical disease when
properly vaccinated, and make sure that your ken- stressed.
nel, animal hospital, dog show, and other relevant • Animals kept in close confinement in shelters,
places require current vaccination records on all pounds, and kennels may acquire Campylobacter
infections, which can be transferred to humans.

Bacterial Diarrhea Dietary Intolerance or Sensitivity Diarrhea

Pathogenical bacteria produce intestinal disease by Dietary-induced intestinal disease is common in small
invading and damaging the intestinal epithelium by animals. The cause may be immune mediated (dietary
releasing enterotoxins that stimulate secretions, sensitivity) or nonimmunologic (dietary intolerance).
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 39

Identification of a specific cause is often difficult. Dietary Diagnosis

sensitivity can be diagnosed after a complete clinical and • History of sensitivity to specific foods
dietary history, and a thorough laboratory examination • History of a recent diet change
is performed to rule out other causes of vomiting, diar- • Physical examination and laboratory work to rule out
rhea, abdominal discomfort, and weight loss. Endo- all other causes of symptoms
scopic biopsies should be used to assess the damage to • CBC and serum chemistries
the intestinal mucosa. • Fecal examination
Dietary intolerance is seen in animals that are unable • Radiography to rule out partial bowel obstructions
to handle certain substances in their diet such as carbo- • Fecal culture and sensitivity
hydrates, fats, or milk products. This condition is most • Trypsin-like immunoreactivity test
often seen in animals that are fed large amounts of table
food or who raid the garbage for scraps. Some animals Treatment
are intolerant of processed animal foods that contain • Dietary trial: feeding of an exclusion diet for a min-
milk products or large amounts of fats. imum of 6 weeks; this diet should contain a protein
Symptoms of dietary indiscretion are also seen in pets source not usually eaten by the animal (e.g., chicken,
that ingest foreign materials such as paper, aluminum rabbit); the diet should contain no milk products and
foil, rubber bands, and other household substances. no preservatives (Table 2.1)
• Oral prednisone twice a day for 2 to 4 weeks, followed
by a dose reduction at 2-week intervals
Clinical Signs
• Diarrhea Information for Clients
• Vomiting • Prevent pets from gaining access to garbage and any
• Abdominal pain or discomfort foreign objects that can result in irritation to
• Weight loss the bowel.

TABLE 2.1 Home-Prepared Diets for Intestinal Disease (Approximately 10-kg Dog)
Highly Digestible Low-Fat Exclusion Diets (Single-Source Protein)
Supplies 675–700 kcal (20%–34% of calories from protein, 46%–48% from CHO, and 19%–22% from fat)

Lamb Venison Rabbit

6 oz lean lamb 6 oz venison 6 oz rabbit
No corn oil 2 teaspoons corn oil 1 teaspoon corn oil
10 oz boiled white rice 10 oz boiled white rice 10 oz boiled white rice
1 teaspoon dicalcium phosphate 1 teaspoon dicalcium phosphate 1 teaspoon dicalcium phosphate
1 teaspoon lite salt 1 teaspoon lite salt 1 teaspoon lite salt
½ capsule Centrum Adult ½ capsule Centrum Adult ½ capsule Centrum Adult
multivitamins multivitamins multivitamins

Highly Digestible Moderate- and High-Fat Diets

Supplies 680 kcal (chicken: 33% of calories from protein, 37% from CHO, and 30% from fat; beef: 33% of calories from
protein, 24% from CHO, and 43% from fat)

Chicken (Moderate-Fat) Beef (High-Fat)

6 oz chicken 6 oz hamburger (lean)
8 oz boiled white rice 6 oz boiled white rice
2 teaspoons corn oil No corn oil
1 teaspoon dicalcium phosphate 1 teaspoon dicalcium phosphate
1 teaspoon lite salt 1 teaspoon lite salt
½ capsule Centrum Adult Multivitamins ½ capsule Centrum Adult Multivitamins
CHO, carbohydrates.
Ingredients for each diet should be well mixed and cooked in a microwave oven or casserole before being served.
40 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Commercial diets that contain novel protein sources • Edema or ascites may be seen if serum protein levels
are readily available. These must be fed for adequate are low.
periods to see clinical response (2  3 months). Laboratory tests
• Treats and some medications contain additives to • CBC and serum profile: panhypoproteinemia, neu-
which the pet may be sensitive. Avoid using these trophilia, hypocalcemia (cats may have normal
items while your pet is on a restricted protein serum protein)
source diet. • Fecal examination to rule out intestinal parasites
• Long-haired pets should have the hair shaved around • Biopsy to identify lymphocytic-plasmacytic infil-
the rectum to prevent loose stool from accumulating trates within the lamina propria (customarily
on the hair. reported as mild, moderate, or severe)
• It may take significant trial and error attempts to
determine the cause of this problem. Be patient with Treatment
your veterinarian. Medical
• Oral prednisolone: every 12 hours for a month fol-
Chronic Enteropathies lowed by 50% reduction every 2 weeks
Chronic IBD in the dog and cat is commonly seen in • Azathioprine: every other day in dogs for 3 to 9 months
small-animal practice. Lymphocytic-plasmocytic enteri- avoid use in cats; monitor WBC counts every 2 to
tis, seen in both dogs and cats, represents the most com- 4 weeks while the animal is taking medication
mon form of this disease. Chronic antigenic stimulation • Metronidazole: twice a day for 2 to 4 weeks, then
within the intestinal lumen (from a variety of causes) once daily
results in excessive infiltration of the lamina propria with • Intestinal protectants: sucralfate three times a day;
lymphocytes and plasma cells. Infiltration results in dam- cimetidine three times a day to decrease erosive dis-
age to the mucosa and abnormal intestinal absorption. ease and protect against excessive protein loss in dogs
Management and treatment are aimed at eliminating • Vitamin therapy to replace fat-soluble vitamins A, D,
the antigen and decreasing the immune response. K, and B
Clinical Signs • Limit carbohydrates, and avoid lactose. (Rice is a
• Usually nonspecific good source of carbohydrates, especially for dogs.)
• Chronic, intermittent vomiting with or without • Restrict dietary fats.
diarrhea • Feed a good-quality protein (animal derived).
• Listlessness • Dietary therapy alone is seldom successful in the cat,
• Weight loss although commercial hypoallergenic diets may
• Older animals be tried.
• Polyuria (Pu) or polydipsia (Pd)
• Borborygmus
Information for Clients
• Halitosis
• Flatus • Treatment for this disease may be prolonged and
• Symptoms are progressive, becoming more frequent expensive.
• A cure is not usually obtained.
over time
• Pets receiving antiinflammatory therapy will need to
TECH ALERT be monitored on a routine basis (WBC counts) to
prevent the occurrence of bone marrow suppression.
Vomiting hairballs is an important clinical sign of disease
in cats.
Intestinal Lymphangiectasia
Intestinal lymphangiectasia is a chronic protein-losing
Diagnosis intestinal disease of dogs that is characterized by
Physical examination impaired intestinal lymphatic drainage resulting from
• Physical examination is usually unremarkable. obstruction of normal lymphatic flow. The backup of
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 41

lymph releases fluid into the intestinal lumen, causing a Lymphosarcomas, the next most common neoplasm,
loss of lipids, plasma protein, and lymphocytes. account for 10% of the GI neoplasms in dogs and 21%
in cats. Mast cell tumors occur in the cat as well. Clinical
Clinical Signs signs are usually progressive and are related to the loca-
• Edema and effusion tion and growth rate of the tumor. Widespread metasta-
• Ascites or hydrothorax sis may occur. Adenocarcinomas typically occur in the
• Presence or absence of light-colored diarrhea older animal, whereas lymphosarcomas may be found
• Weight loss, progressive emaciation in animals of any age, although middle-aged to older
• Progressive symptoms animals are most commonly affected.

Diagnosis Clinical Signs

• CBC and serum chemistry profile showing lympho- • Weight loss
penia, hypocholesterolemia, hypoglobulinemia, • Signs of partial GI obstruction
decreased serum albumin and globulin levels, and • Presence or absence of melena
hypocalcemia • Signs of malabsorption, maldigestion with or without
• Biopsy showing chyle-filled lacteals and intestinal
vomiting and diarrhea
lymphatics with ballooning distortion of villi and • Abdominal discomfort
mucosal edema • Anorexia

Treatment Diagnosis
• The aim of treatment is to decrease the loss of intes-
Physical examination
tinal protein. • Abdominal mass may be palpable in the intestines, or
Medical the intestinal wall may feel thickened. Mesenteric
• Prednisolone: twice a day; adjust after remission is
lymph nodes may be enlarged.
achieved Radiography
• Metronidazole: twice a day • Contrast studies may show mucosal irregularity,
Dietary thickened wall, or abnormal luminal diameter
• Choose a food with minimal fat and good-quality
(“apple core” sign).
protein source. Biopsy
• Divide food into two or three feedings. • Endoscopic biopsy is possible for lesions in the upper
• Supplement diet with fat-soluble vitamins.
GI region, but surgical biopsy is usually required for
Surgical most animals.
• Surgery may be necessary to relieve any obvious
Laboratory tests: complete blood cell count and
obstructions to lymph flow. serum profile
• Anemia
Information for Clients • Hypoproteinemia
• This disease is usually progressive, and although • Leukocytosis with a left shift
remissions can be achieved, most dogs will experi- • Serum tests may show the involvement of other
ence a relapse and finally succumb to protein deple- organ systems
tion, diarrhea, or severe effusions.
• Treatment may be prolonged and will require dietary Treatment
management to achieve remission. • Surgical removal of the tumor, if possible
• No cure currently exists for most animals. • Dogs respond poorly to chemotherapy; cats may do
well receiving the COP (cytoxan, oncovin, predniso-
Intestinal Neoplasia lone) protocol
Intestinal adenocarcinomas account for about 25% of • Supportive care should include effective nutritional
all intestinal neoplasms in dogs and 52% in cats. management and transfusions, if needed
42 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Antibiotics to control bacterial overgrowth during Clinical Signs

chemotherapy • Diarrhea, with little weight loss
• For mast cell tumors: prednisone, cimetidine, • Increased frequency of defecation and decreased fecal
antibiotics volume
• Tenesmus
Information for Clients • Hematochezia
• The prognosis for adenocarcinoma is poor, with • Increased mucus
mean survival times (with treatment) of 7 months • Mild fever
to 2 years.
• Cats with lymphosarcoma respond well to chemo- Diagnosis
therapy, with remissions lasting up to 2 years. Laboratory tests
• For animals with cancer, supportive care is impor- • CBC or serum chemistry profile, to rule out other
tant. Nutritional support is critical. High-quality, eas- causes of diarrhea; usually no consistent pattern of
ily digestible diets are required to maintain abnormalities are seen with IBD
cellular repair. • Complete fecal examination to rule out parasites
• May show gas-filled loops of intestine
The large bowel may be divided into the cecum, the • Increased numbers of lymphocytes and plasma cells
colon, and the rectum. The cecum is a small, sigmoid- in the lamina propria of the large bowel
shaped diverticulum located near the ileocolic junction.
The colon can be divided into the short, ascending por- Treatment
tion (the right side of the abdomen); the transverse Medical
portion (cranial abdomen); and the long, descending • Sulfasalazine:
portion (the left side of the abdomen). Histologically, • Dogs: 20 to 50 mg/kg to maximum of 1 g every
the wall is similar to that of the small intestine but 8 hours; decrease dose after fourth week of no
with no villi. Crypts of Lieberk€ uhn contain epithelial, diarrhea; decrease dose 50% after four additional
mucous, and endocrine cells. Large numbers of goblet weeks free of diarrhea; side effects include vomit-
cells in the colon produce mucus when stimulated. ing, so the drug must be given with food; kerato-
The main function of the colon in the dog and the cat conjunctivitis sicca (KCS) may develop over a
is water and electrolyte resorption. The colon also serves period of 6 to 8 months of treatment
to store feces while microorganisms ferment undigested • Cats: must be used with caution because of sensi-
material and produce vitamins K and B. tivity to salicylates: 10 to 20 mg/kg every 12 hours
The most common signs of large-bowel disease are • Prednisone: every 24 hours (dogs); lower dose every
diarrhea, straining to defecate, and blood in the stool. 24 hours (cats)
Diagnosis is by colonoscopy and histopathologic evalu- • Mesalamine: every 8 hours (dogs); similar dose in
ation of mucosal samples. cats (may also cause KCS)
• Metronidazole: every 8 hours
Inflammatory Bowel Disease • In cases refractory to treatment: azathioprine every
A diagnosis of IBD is often made when an excessive 24 hours for first 1–2 weeks, then every other day
number of inflammatory cells are found in mucosal (dogs); much lower dose every 48 hours (cats)
samples from the GI systems of dogs and cats. The cause Dietary
is unknown but is probably multifactorial. Colonic • Hypoallergenic diets low in fat are recommended.
inflammation disrupts mucosal integrity and results in • Hill’s Science Diet–Maximum Stress
decreased absorption of sodium and water. Inflamma- • Prescription diet (dermatology diet [d/d], canine diet
tion also increases motility, resulting in more frequent [c/d], reducing diet [r/d])
defecation. • Home diets low in fat and high in fiber
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 43

Information for Clients the many reasons suggested for feline obstipation,
• Treatment for this condition may be prolonged. approximately 62% are attributed to idiopathic megaco-
• The goal of treatment is control of symptoms. lon. The typical affected cat is middle-aged to older and
• Animals with IBD may have to be taken outside obese; the presenting symptom is straining to defecate.
many times daily to defecate. Some cats are able to pass a liquid stool that contains
blood, mucus, or both. These cats are usually dehydrated
Intussusception and may be vomiting. Palpation demonstrates a mark-
The cause of intussusception is usually idiopathic but edly distended colon packed with firm feces. Radiogra-
can be the result of parasitical infestation, foreign bodies, phy confirms the diagnosis. Medical and dietary
infections, and neoplasia. Intussusception occurs when management are usually unrewarding in the long term,
the smaller, proximal segment of the intestine at the ileo- and surgery should be considered in cases with repeat
colic junction invaginates into the larger, more distal episodes. The cause of this disorder has been thought
segment of the large bowel. This “telescoping” produces to involve a defect in the neurostimulation mechanism
a partial to complete blockage and compromises the that promotes colon evacuation. Other causes such as
blood supply to the segments, causing bowel necrosis. hypokalemia, hypothyroidism, pelvic deformities, or
prolonged, severe colonic distension for any reason
Clinical Signs can disrupt normal motility and result in megacolon
• Vomiting (Fig. 2.8).
• Anorexia
• Depression Clinical Signs
• Diarrhea with or without blood in dogs • Straining to defecate (must be distinguished from
straining to urinate in the male cat)
Diagnosis • Vomiting
• Palpation of a sausage-like mass in the cranial • Weakness
abdomen • Dehydration
• Ultrasonography shows multilayered concentric • Anorexia
rings representing bowel wall layers • Small, hard feces or liquid feces with or without blood
and mucus
• Surgical reduction or resection of necrotic bowel Diagnosis
• Restore fluid and electrolyte balance • Physical examination: distended colon is filled with
• Broad-spectrum antibiotics after surgery firm, packed feces
• Restrict solid food for 24 hours after surgery, then
resume a bland diet for 10 to 24 days to allow healing
of the intestinal wall

Information for Clients

• Recurrence of intussusception is infrequent.
• The prognosis depends on the amount of bowel
involved and the extent of damage to that bowel.
• Puppies should be treated for parasites on a proper
schedule to prevent bowel irritation and intussuscep-
tion. Ask your veterinarian for preventive treatment

Fig. 2.8 Megacolon in the cat. (From Little SE. The Cat: Clinical
Although the literature reports megacolon to be an Medicine and Management. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby;
uncommon condition, it is seen frequently in cats. Of 2012, by permission.)
44 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Radiography: shows colon width greater than the • Manual removal of the feces from the colon must be
length of the lumbar vertebra performed with care. Use a well-lubricated, gloved
• CBC or serum chemistries: show dehydration, finger, and take care not to scrape or use excessive
increased HCT; may also show dysfunction of other pressure against the already compromised colon wall.
organ systems. • Radiography should be performed after feces removal
to ensure the colon is empty.
Treatment • Postevacuation: Use a soothing ointment or cream
Medical around the rectum, and make sure the patient is
• Stool softeners may be effective only if constipation is wiped clean and dried. Keep the patient warm.
mild. • Animals will pass excess enema fluid after the proce-
• Dulcolax: one to two pediatric suppositories or dure. Make sure the perineal area is kept clean while
5 mg every 24 hours PO the animals are in the hospital.
• Docusate (Colace): one to two pediatric supposi-
tories or 50 mg every 24 hours PO Information for Clients
• Lactulose (Cephulac): every 8 to 12 hours • Without surgery, this problem will recur in most
• Enemas: 5 to 10 mL/kg warm water mixed with 5 to cats.
10 mL dioctyl sodium succinate (DSS) and gentle • Medical treatment of the cat will be lifelong.
digital removal of feces, if necessary • After surgical correction, cats respond well and often
• Cisapride (Propulsid): every 8 to 12 hours PO pass fairly normal feces within several months.
• Pain medication
Constipation (Canine)
TECH ALERT Many times owners will call the veterinarian asking what
they can give their constipated animals. Because true
Propulsid has been removed from the market because of
constipation is uncommon in dogs and cats, the techni-
serious medical complications in humans. Cats respond
well to the medication and experience few negative
cian (and the veterinarian) should be wary of prescribing
side effects. It can be obtained from compounding laxatives without examining the animal.
pharmacies. The presence of back pain, foreign objects, tumors,
• Correct dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. pelvic injury, anal sac abscesses, urinary obstruction,
• Provide antibiotics to protect against sepsis through dehydration, and a number of other factors can result
the damaged colonic wall. in the failure to pass feces. Giving laxatives in the pres-
• Treat any underlying disease. ence of mechanical obstruction or metabolic dysfunc-
tion may only complicate the situation. The owner
should be advised to have the animal examined before
• medicating.
Increase fiber in the diet.
• Add raw, canned pumpkin to diet.
• Use high-fiber diet (prescription r/d or w/d). Clinical Signs
• Provide soft food (canned). • Straining to defecate
• Increase water intake by salting food. • Anorexia
Surgical • Passing small amounts of hard, dry stool
• Subtotal colectomy, if disease is refractory to medical • Presence or absence of vomiting
Hospital care Diagnosis
• Anesthesia is required for severely constipated cats. • Palpation of a distended colon with an otherwise nor-
These cats should be rehydrated and have electrolyte mal physical examination
imbalances corrected before administering anesthe- • Radiography confirms that the colon is full of feces
sia to avoid problems. with no physical obstruction
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 45

• Serum chemistries and CBC should be done to rule 100% of the portal venous blood from the stomach and
out other organ disease and to monitor hydration the intestine. Toxins may be specific for hepatocytes or
• Rectal palpation confirms adequate pelvic canal may simply be toxic to all cells, but they reach the hepa-
opening tocytes first. Some are made more toxic after they are
metabolized inside the hepatocytes.
Treatment The species and sex of the animal, dose of toxin, route
• Enema with warm water and DSS of administration, and duration of exposure are all fac-
• Oral laxatives: Dulcolax, Colace tors that affect the extent of liver damage. Although tox-
• Restore fluid and electrolyte balance icosis is not a frequent occurrence in dogs and cats,
• Manual removal of feces under anesthesia, if drugs that are most commonly implicated are acetamin-
required ophen, phenobarbital, thiacetarsamide sodium (Capar-
• Pain medication solate), antifungals, anabolic steroids, lomustine, and
vincristine. Acute onset of hepatic disease usually
Information for Clients results from an overdose of these medications, whereas
• Prevent access to small foreign objects that may chronic damage may occur with long-term use at
obstruct the bowel if swallowed (e.g., bones, small clinical doses.
toys, rocks).
• Make sure pets always have access to water.
Clinical Signs
• Do not treat “constipated” animals without a com-
• Acute onset of symptoms
plete physical examination by a veterinarian. • Anorexia
• High-fiber diets may help pets prone to constipation.
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea or constipation
• Presence or absence of jaundice
The liver plays a major role in a number of biologic pro- • Melena, hematuria, or both
cesses within the animal body. It has been estimated that • Signs of central nervous system involvement:
the liver performs at least 1500 functions essential for
depression, ataxia, dementia, blindness, seizures,
survival. Because the liver has a large functional reserve
and coma
and significant regenerative capabilities, liver injury
must be severe before laboratory tests show the presence
of disease. Diagnosis
Signs of liver disease are usually vague in the early • History of recent drug administration
stages. These signs include anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea • Palpation of painful liver, which may be increased
or constipation, weight loss, Pu, Pd, and pyrexia. Cats in size
often display hypersalivation. Some animals may expe- • Serum chemistries
rience development of bleeding tendencies because of • Markedly increased alanine aminotransferase
vitamin K malabsorption. (Vitamin K requires bile acids (ALT)
for absorption.) Jaundice may develop as the disease • Increased alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
progresses. • Increased total bilirubin
Liver diseases can be categorized as follows: drug- or • Increased fasting and postprandial serum bile
toxin-induced liver disease, infectious liver disease, acids
feline hepatic lipidosis, neoplastic liver disease, and con- • Hypoglycemia
genital portosystemic shunts. • Hyperammonemia
• Coagulopathy
Drug- or Toxin-Induced Liver Disease (Acute) • Radiography
Acute liver failure occurs when at least 70% to 80% of • Ultrasonography shows decreased echogenicity of
functional liver mass is injured. The liver is most suscep- the liver that is usually diffuse
tible to damage from ingested toxins because it receives • Liver biopsy: unless coagulopathy is suspected
46 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Treatment Treatment
Antidotes • Stop the medication!
• Available only for acetaminophen • Begin a low-protein diet.
• Induce vomiting • Force-feeding or gastric feeding tube may be required
• Activated charcoal should be given if the animal is not eating.
• N-acetylcysteine 20% IV • Maintain adequate hydration.
Supportive therapy • If neurological signs are present, administer lactulose:
• Aggressive replacement of fluids and electrolytes (IV) dogs, 2.5 to 15 mL PO every 8 hours; cats, 2.5 to 5 mL
with B-complex vitamins added PO every 8 hours.
• Glucose may be added if needed (2.5%5%) • Administer antibiotics as in acute hepatotoxicity.
• Vitamin K therapy Nursing care
• Cimetidine SQ, IV; or ranitidine SQ, IV If using an indwelling feeding tube, make sure to flush
• Antibiotics: amikacin every 24 hours and ampicillin with clear water after each feeding. If the tube becomes
every 8 hours or enrofloxacin intramuscularly (IM) clogged, a small amount of carbonated beverage can be
every 24 hours and ampicillin placed into the tube for flushing out the obstruction.
Nutritional support Keep the tube and point of entry through the skin clean.
• Dogs: Hill’s Prescription Canine k/d, l/d, or u/d Dogs and cats require 50 to 100 mL of water daily. Ani-
• Cats: Hill’s Prescription Feline k/d mals must receive adequate calories known as the resting
energy requirement (RER). This may be calculated using
Drug- or Toxin-Induced Liver Disease (Chronic) the following formula:

RER ¼ 30  BW kg  70
Long-term use of drugs such as anticonvulsants (phe-
nytoin, phenobarbital, primidone), glucocorticoids, where BW is the animal’s body weight in kilograms.
diethylcarbamazine, methimazole, antifungals, and Animals that are ill or under stress will require more
NSAID-like drugs such as carprofen and phenylbuta- energy than do healthy animals. Therefore you must
zone can result in chronic liver damage. multiply the calculated RER by a factor of 1.2 to 1.5
(the value depends on the amount of stress to the ani-
mal) to compensate for this increased energy require-
Clinical Signs
ment. The equation then becomes:
• Weight loss
• Anorexia 1:5  RER
• Weakness
• Ascites or
• Jaundice   
1:5  30  BW kg + 70
• Pu or Pd
Hill’s Prescription Diet a/d or Eukanuba Veterinary
Diagnosis Diet Recovery Formula (canned) can be used to prepare
• History of long-term use of a hepatotoxic drug a gruel or for liquid feeding.
• Serum chemistries:
• Increased ALP (2–12 times normal) Infectious Canine Hepatitis
• Increased ALT (2–5 times normal) Infectious canine hepatitis (ICH) is caused by canine ade-
• ALT increase greater than ALP increase novirus 1 and has long been recognized as a cause of
• Increased serum bile acids hepatic necrosis in dogs. Owing to effective vaccination
• Hypoalbuminemia programs, the disease is uncommon today. However,
• Hypocholesterolemia unvaccinated dogs and feral animals are still susceptible
• Liver biopsy: hepatocellular hypertrophy, cirrhosis to the virus. Infection occurs via the oronasal route. Viral
(anticonvulsants), and vacuolated hepatocytes (ste- replication occurs in the tonsils and regional lymph
roids) may suggest hepatotoxic disease nodes. Viruses released into the body localize in the liver.
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 47

Clinical Signs Clinical symptoms of leptospirosis include acute

• Petechial hemorrhages renal failure with or without hepatic involvement
• Lethargy (Fig. 2.9). Leptospirosis should be considered in any
• Fever >103°F dog that exhibits these symptoms.
• Depression Animals with leptospirosis may pose a health hazard
• Pale mucous membranes for humans and other animals. Infected animals should
• Abdominal pain be isolated, and anyone handling them should wear
• Anorexia protective clothing and practice strict hygiene. Labora-
• Corneal opacities (“blue eye”) tory technicians should take care when handling body
• Bloody diarrhea fluids.
• Hepatomegaly
Clinical Signs
Diagnosis • Acute renal failure
• CBC: neutropenia, lymphopenia with WBC count • Dehydration
<2500 in severe cases; thrombocytopenia • Vomiting
• Serum chemistry: increased ALT • Fever
• Serum titers for ICH: elevated and increasing • Increased thirst
• Reluctance to move
• Jaundice
• Peracute shock and death
• Intravenous fluids
• Force feeding, if necessary
• Blood transfusion, if necessary
• Microscopical agglutination test: A fourfold increase
Information for Clients in titer over 4 weeks is a positive diagnosis.
• Vaccination is the best prevention for ICH. Make • Fluorescent antibody test will not identify serovar.
sure your pet is vaccinated properly. • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) allows identifica-
• ICH is a viral infection, and it will not respond to tion of serovar but is not readily available.
antibiotic therapy. Supportive therapy is the only Complete blood cell count
means of treatment that will help the animal. • Leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia

Leptospirosis is caused by infection with antigenically
distinct serovars of Leptospira interrogans. Domestic
and wild animals serve as reservoirs of infection for
humans and other animals. Recently the number of
cases of leptospirosis has increased. Serotypes previously
not associated with clinical disease are now being iso-
lated from infected dogs. Serovars canicola and icterohe-
morrhagica have classically been the cause of canine
renal and liver disease. Currently, serovars pomona,
grippotyphosa, and bratislavia are also being isolated
from dogs with symptoms of leptospirosis. Typically,
dogs are incidental hosts for these serovars, with skunks,
raccoons, opossums, and pigs being the natural hosts.
Dogs with access to the great outdoors are more likely
to be exposed, but all dogs are at risk. Yearly vaccination Fig. 2.9 Icteric mucous membranes of a puppy with leptospiro-
can prevent this disease. sis. (© University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc.)
48 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Serum chemistry Diagnosis

• Increased blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine Complete blood cell count
• Increased ALT • Neutrophilia with a left shift
• Bilirubinuria • Mild, regenerative anemia
Serum chemistry
Treatment • Mild-to-moderate increase in ALT
• Prevention is the best treatment! Vaccinate yearly • Normal to increased ALP (increased ALP is strongly
Supportive treatment related to cholestasis in cats)
• Intravenous fluids • Mild-to-moderate increase in gamma-glutamyl
• Furosemide, if oliguric transferase (GGT; also related to cholestasis)
Antibiotics • Normal to increased fasting serum bile acids
• Penicillin: every 6 hours IV or every 12 hours IM for • Hypoalbuminemia in later stages
14 days followed by doxycycline • Decreased BUN in later stages
• Doxycycline: PO twice a day for 14 days to eliminate Radiology
the carrier state • Hepatomegaly, choleliths may be observed.
Liver biopsy
Information for Clients • Cellular infiltrates in and around bile ducts with or
• Animals with leptospirosis are contagious to humans without portal fibrosis is the definitive diagnosis.
and other animals. Treatment
• Supportive care is important. • Antibiotics based on culture or sensitivity (bile
• Treatment and diagnosis are expensive. should always be cultured)
• Vaccinations can now protect your dog from four of • Ampicillin: PO, IV, SQ every 8 hours for as long as
the most common serovars. 3 months
• Amoxicillin: PO, SQ twice a day
Cholangiohepatitis • Metronidazole: PO every 12 hours
Cholangiohepatitis is a common hepatobiliary disorder • Ursodeoxycholic acid: PO every 24 hours
of cats, but it is less common in dogs. This condition is a • Prednisolone: PO every 24 hours for 1 to 2 weeks,
complex of disorders that involve cholangitis, cholan- then taper to every 48 hours
giohepatitis, and biliary cirrhosis. • Restore fluid and electrolyte balance
Bile duct inflammation leads to hepatocyte involve- • Nutritional support as for other liver disorders
ment, which progresses to cirrhosis. The exact cause is • Vitamin therapy
unknown, although ascending biliary infections from
the GI tract and immune-mediated mechanisms have Information for Clients
been suggested. Persian cats appear to have a predispo- • The prognosis for this disease is variable.
sition for this disorder. A chronic pancreatitis is com- • Treatment may be prolonged and expensive.
monly seen in cats with cholangiohepatitis. • Permanent damage to the liver may occur.

Clinical Signs Feline Hepatic Lipidosis (Idiopathic)

• Anorexia Idiopathic hepatic lipidosis (IHL) is the most common
• Depression hepatopathy seen in cats. IHL affects adult, obese cats
• Weight loss of any age, sex, or breed. The exact cause of the disease
• Vomiting is unknown, but stress seems to trigger the syndrome.
• Dehydration Any diet change, boarding, illness, or environmental
• Fever change resulting in anorexia can precipitate the event.
• Jaundice If the anorexia is prolonged for longer than 2 weeks,
• Ascites as the disease progresses an imbalance between the breakdown of peripheral lipids
• Hepatomegaly and lipid clearance within the liver can occur, resulting in
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 49

excess accumulation of fat within hepatocytes. Other

proposed mechanisms for this disease include hormonal
abnormalities (leptin, insulin), impaired formation and
release of very-low-density lipoprotein from the liver,
and decreased oxidation of fatty acids in the liver. The
resulting clinical signs are those of hepatic failure. Early
diagnosis and aggressive treatment is important for
recovery. Complete recovery has been achieved in about
60% to 65% of reported cases.

Clinical Signs
• Anorexia
• Obesity
• Weight loss (often >25% of body weight) Fig. 2.10 Feline fatty liver. Swollen hepatocytes contain small
clear vacuoles representing lipid accumulation and fine intracyto-
• Depression plasmic granular clumps of bile pigment. (From Willard MD,
• Sporadic vomiting Tvedten H. Small Animal Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory
• Icterus Methods. 5th ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2012.)
• Mild hepatomegaly
• Presence or absence of bleeding tendencies (i.e., ten-
dency to hemorrhage spontaneously from gums,
petechial hemorrhages on ears, abdomen)

Complete blood cell count
• Nonregenerative anemia
• Stress neutrophilia
• Lymphopenia
• Poikilocytes are frequently present
Serum chemistry
• Markedly increased ALP
• Increased ALT, aspartate aminotransferase
• Hyperbilirubinemia
• Hypoalbuminemia
• Increased serum bile acids
• Liver mildly enlarged
• Liver hyperechoic compared with falciform fat Fig. 2.11 Gastrostomy tube.
Liver biopsy
• Severely vacuolized hepatocytes; fat is confirmed
using Oil Red O stain on formalin-fixed liver tissue • Animals usually require a feeding tube (Fig. 2.11):
(Fig. 2.10) • Nasogastric tube for short-term, liquid diets
• Gastrostomy tubes are best if the cat can handle
Treatment anesthesia
Nutritive support • Gastroesophageal tube is not well tolerated by
• Provide high-protein, calorie-dense diet. Avoid feed- all cats
ing until vitamin and electrolyte balance has been • Tubes may need to remain in place for up to 3 to
normalized. 6 weeks (no less than 10 days).
50 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Diets for nutritional support include Hill’s Prescrip- Information for Clients
tion a/d, c/d, p/d, Purina CNM Feline CV Formula, • Avoid stress in obese cats.
and Iams Nutritional Recovery Formula. • Early intervention is essential.
• Mix 1 oz water with 1 oz food. • A cat that usually eats well then stops eating is at risk;
• Daily caloric needs may be calculated using the fol- therefore, owners should monitor the food intake
lowing formula: under stressful conditions and have the cat seen
   immediately by a veterinarian if problems arise.
RER ¼ 1:5  30  BW kg + 70 • Cats do not respond well to frequent diet changes.
Example: A 5-kg cat would require 330 Kcal/day or • Prevent obesity by feeding your cat properly.
about four-fifths of a 15.5-oz can of c/d. • Although the prognosis is guarded, with early inter-
• Divide the total amount into six feedings for the first vention and aggressive treatment, the cure rate for
several days to allow the stomach to adjust to the IHL is about 60% to 65%.
presence of food. Then slowly decrease the number
of feedings to three per day. TECH ALERT
• Flush tube with water before and after feeding (10– • Avoid using propofol in these cats. Both valium and
15 mL). propofol will increase hemolysis. Also avoid jugular
• If vomiting occurs, feed a smaller volume, warm the venipuncture because of increased bleeding
food, or provide medication. tendency.
Medications • When calculating fluid and drug doses, base them on
• Intravenous fluids to maintain hydration: avoid lac- the lean body weight of the cat, not the actual weight.
tated Ringer’s solution
• Potassium supplement (if necessary)
• Metoclopramide: PO, SC about 15 minutes before Neoplasia
feeding at a dose of 0.4 mg/kg Primary and metastatic tumors are a significant cause of
• Diazepam as an appetite stimulant: seldom successful liver disease in dogs and cats. Metastatic tumors arising
in the long term and may increase hemolysis from the pancreas, lymph nodes, spleen, mammary
• Vitamin B1, thiamine oral therapy glands, bone, lungs, thyroid gland, or the GI tract are more
• Vitamin B12 therapy, carnitine and taurine orally common than primary liver tumors. Primary tumors are
Monitoring usually epithelial in nature and are derived from hepato-
• Recheck weekly to assess progress. cytes or biliary epithelium. Hepatocellular adenomas and
• CBC, serum chemistries every 2 weeks. Expect to see adenocarcinomas are most common in dogs, whereas bile
decreases in ALP and ALT in 1 to 2 weeks. duct neoplasms are most common in cats.
• Owners may have to skip a tube feeding as laboratory Carcinomas may occur in three forms: (1) massive—
values become normal. Many cats enjoy the tube a single large mass in one liver lobe; (2) nodular—
feedings and will not eat on their own unless chal- discrete nodules in several liver lobes; and (3) dif-
lenged. Try special treats or favorite foods. When fuse—infiltration throughout a large mass of liver tissue.
the cat is eating well, the tube may be removed. Metastases are frequent.
• Withhold food for 8 hours before tube removal and Primary hepatic neoplasm is most common in animals
12 hours after removal. older than 10 years of age. Clinical signs are usually non-
Nursing care specific and vague and may not be noticed until the tumor
• Feeding tubes must be flushed before and after feeding. is advanced. Surgical removal of a single mass is the pre-
• Keep tube capped. ferred treatment. Nodular and diffuse neoplasms respond
• Keep site clean, and apply antiseptic ointment poorly to chemotherapy and carry a poor prognosis.
around the tube to protect the skin.
• After removing the tube, instruct the client on how to Clinical Signs
clean and care for the wound until healing is • Anorexia (especially in cats)
complete. • Lethargy (especially in cats)
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 51

• Weight loss Information for Clients

• Pu or Pd • These tumors carry a guarded to poor prognosis.
• Vomiting (especially in dogs) • Survival times of 195 to 1025 days have been reported
• Abdominal distension (dogs) for single masses removed by partial hepatectomy.
• Jaundice • Chemotherapy is unsuccessful in the treatment of
• Presence or absence of diarrhea these cancers.
• Presence or absence of bleeding • Early detection affords the best chance for survival.
• Pale mucous membranes Routine physical examinations of pets are important.
• Hepatomegaly
Portosystemic Shunts (Congenital)
Diagnosis Vascular communications between the portal and sys-
temic venous systems that allow blood to bypass the liver
Complete blood cell count
• Anemia, usually nonregenerative are known as portosystemic shunts (PSSs). Because blood
carrying toxins from the GI tract of animals with this
Serum chemistry
• Increased ALT, ALP (mild to marked; cats may have defect bypasses hepatic detoxification, systemic toxin
levels increase, causing hepatic encephalopathy. The
a normal ALP)
• Hyperbilirubinemia livers of affected animals appear small and atrophied.
• Hypoalbuminemia The PSSs may be intrahepatic or extrahepatic and singu-
• Hypoglycemia lar or multiple. The single intrahepatic PSS is most com-
• Increased serum bile acids mon in large-breed dogs, whereas the single extrahepatic
• Hyperglobulinemia PSS is most common in cats and small-breed dogs.
• Azotemia (especially in cats) Intrahepatic PSS is usually caused by failure of the duc-
tus venosus to close at birth. Congenital PSS occurs
• Symmetrical or asymmetrical hepatomegaly more commonly in purebred dogs, especially Miniature
• Presence or absence of ascites Schnauzers and Yorkshire Terriers, and in mixed-breed
• Rule out metastasis to thorax with chest radiography cats. Clinical signs usually develop by 6 months of age.
Diagnosis is by demonstration of a shunting of portal
• Focal, multifocal, or diffuse changes in echogenicity blood directly into the systemic circulation. Complete
or partial ligation of the shunt is the preferred treatment.
of the liver
Biopsy Clinical Signs
• Best done through laparotomy or fine-needle aspira-
Signs of central nervous system involvement
tion for diffuse lesions
• Anorexia
Abdominal tap
• Depression
• May show tumor cells
• Lethargy
• Episodic weakness
Treatment • Ataxia
Surgical • Head-pressing
• Remove affected lobe if a single lesion is present. • Circling, pacing, blindness
Chemotherapy • Seizures
• Primary liver tumors respond poorly to chemother- • Coma
apy. Better response may be obtained with metastatic • Hypersalivation (cats)
tumors. • Bizarre aggressive behavior (cats)
• Restore fluid and electrolyte balance. TECH ALERT
• Maintain a good nutritional level.
Signs may be worse after a high-protein meal.
• Treat symptoms of nausea and diarrhea.
52 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Gastrointestinal signs cases, the liver will return to normal size within 3 to
• Vomiting 4 months after surgical ligation.
• Diarrhea Animals should be closely monitored for 24 hours
• Stunted growth and failure to thrive after surgery. If signs of portal hypertension develop, a
• Pu or Pd (dogs) second surgery should be performed to remove the liga-
Urinary signs tion, and emergency treatment with shock doses of
• Urate urolithiasis in breeds other than Dalmatians fluids and glucocorticoids together with antibiotics
• Hematuria should be given.
• Ammonium biurate crystals in sediment Postsurgical
• Isosthenuria or hyposthenuria if Pu or Pd is present • Systemic antibiotics
• Fluid therapy
Diagnosis • Oral lactulose: PO every 6 hours (dogs); 0.25 to 1 mL
Complete blood cell count PO (cats)
• Microcytosis • Protein-restricted diet
• Target cells
• Poikilocytosis (especially in cats) Information for Clients
• Mild, nonregenerative anemia • The prognosis for resolution of symptoms after sur-
Serum chemistry gical ligation of the shunt is excellent.
• Hypoproteinemia • Surgery yields the most successful prognosis if per-
• Hypoalbuminemia formed before the dog is 1 year of age.
• Hypoglycemia • The shunt may recanalize after surgery, resulting in
• Decreased BUN relapses (more common in cats).
• Increased ALT, ALP (mild, two to three times • Animals with partial ligations of the shunt may
normal) require a low-protein diet to avoid clinical signs of
• Increased serum bile acids hepatic encephalopathy.
• Hyperammonemia • This surgical procedure may be expensive and
Radiographs requires a referral center with specialized techniques.
• Microhepatia: can use contrast portography to
detect the shunt. Rectal portal scintigraphy is also
The major function of the exocrine pancreas is the secre-
Treatment tion of digestive enzymes into the small intestine. It also
Medical secretes bicarbonate to neutralize stomach acid, assists
• Seldom successful in inhibiting bacterial overgrowth in the lumen of the
• Low-protein diet small intestine, and aids in the absorption of vitamin
• Lactulose B12 and other nutrients.
• Neomycin or metronidazole The pancreas is closely associated with the stomach,
• Fluid therapy liver, and duodenum. The right lobe lies along the des-
Surgical cending duodenum; the left lobe accompanies the pylo-
Surgical ligation is the preferred treatment. However, ric portion of the stomach. The left and right lobes join
total ligation of most shunts may result in serous portal the body at the cranial end of the duodenum near the
hypertension. Use of an ameroid constrictor, a band that liver. Pancreatic ducts open into the duodenum at the
absorbs abdominal fluid and slowly constricts the shunt, major duodenal papilla together with the bile duct and
is the surgical treatment of choice. Rapid closure of the at the minor duodenal papilla.
shunt forces blood back through the atrophic liver, Digestive enzymes, produced and stored within the
resulting in hypertension, abdominal pain, ascites, ileus, acinar cells of the pancreas, are released into the small
endotoxic shock, and cardiovascular collapse. In most intestine on a routine basis. When stimulated by the
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 53

presence of food, the volume of secretion increases. The • Fever

enzymes are secreted in an inactive form to protect the • Presence or absence of abdominal pain
pancreas from autodigestion. (The inactive forms of the • Shock and collapse may develop
enzymes usually have a prefix of pro- or an -ogen suffix.)
Once in the lumen of the small intestine, the enzymes are Diagnosis
activated chemically by enteropeptidase, which removes Complete blood cell count
the protective segment of their polypeptide chain. • Leukocytosis
The digestive enzymes produced in the pancreas • Increased packed cell volume (PCV)
include trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, proelastase, • Serum chemistries
procarboxypeptidase, prophospholipase, α-amylase, • Azotemia
lipase, procolipase, and pancreatic secretory trypsin • Increased ALT
inhibitor. Amylase and lipase leak from the gland into • Mild hypocalcemia
the blood of healthy animals and are cleared by the kid- • Hyperlipemia
neys. Clinically, these enzymes are used as a measure of • Normal to increased amylase, increased lipase
pancreatic health, although amylase is not definitive for • Increased serum trypsin-like immunoreactivity, a
pancreatic dysfunction. pancreas-specific test
• Serum canine pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity
Pancreatitis (cPLISnap, fPL and cPL test)
Inflammation of the pancreas is known as pancreatitis.
Pancreatitis may be acute or chronic, and it is believed to Treatment
develop when digestive enzymes are activated within the • Restore fluid and electrolyte balance.
gland, resulting in pancreatic autodigestion. Once auto- • Replace potassium, if necessary.
digestion develops, the gland becomes inflamed, result- • Suspend all oral intake for 3 to 4 days.
ing in tissue damage, multisystemic involvement, and • Antibiotic therapy
often death. • Trimethoprim-sulfadiazine: SQ once a day (dogs)
Pancreatitis is more prevalent in obese animals. Diets and SQ every 12 to 24 hours (cats)
high in fat may predispose animals to the disease. In cats, • Enrofloxacin: IM every 24 hours
pancreatitis has been associated with hepatic lipidosis. • Butorphanol tartrate for analgesia: SQ every 6 hours
Drugs such as furosemide, azathioprine, sulfonamides, • Plasma or albumin: 50 to 250 mL
and tetracycline have been suspected of causing pancre- • 1 to 2 days after vomiting stops, start back on a high-
atitis. In addition, edema of the duodenal wall, parasites, carbohydrate diet; as the animal improves, add a
tumors, and trauma may also result in pancreatitis. Dis- low-fat dietary food
ruption of the bacterial flora in the small intestine may
also be involved in the inflammation or infection of the TECH ALERT
Pancreatitis is commonly a postholiday disease. Feeding
The disease is unpredictable, with varying levels of
table scraps from turkey, ham, or roast drastically
severity. Some animals recover fully, whereas others
increases an animal’s dietary fat, resulting in acute signs
experience development of fulminating disease and die. of the disease. Warn your clients to avoid providing these
Clinical Signs
• An older, obese dog or cat with a history of a recent
fatty meal Information for Clients
• Depression • To prevent obesity, avoid overfeeding your pets.
• Anorexia • Feed only low-fat treats.
• Vomiting • Most animals will recover with prompt treatment;
• Presence or absence of diarrhea however, some dogs may die even after prompt
• Dehydration and proper treatment.
54 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency or chopped raw ox or pig pancreas (3–4 oz/20 kg

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) develops with a body weight)
progressive loss of acinar cells followed by inadequate • Low-fiber diet with high digestibility
production of digestive enzymes. Because the pancreas • Medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil: 0.5 to 4 tsp/
has considerable reserves, clinical signs may not develop day with food
until 85% to 90% of the secretory ability has been lost. • Vitamins
Pancreatic acinar atrophy (PAA) is the most common • Tocopherol: 400 to 500 international units (IU)
cause of the disease in dogs. PAA may occur spontane- given once daily with food for 30 days
ously in the dog, especially in young German Shepherds, • Cobalamin: 250 mcg IM or SQ every 7 days for
a breed with a genetic predisposition to PAA. In cats, several weeks
EPI is primarily the result of chronic pancreatitis. • Antibiotic therapy to decrease bacterial overgrowth
Lack of normal pancreatic secretions affects the in the small intestine
mucosal lining of the small intestine and decreases its • Oxytetracycline: every 12 hours for 7 to 28 days
absorptive power. Bacterial overgrowth that occurs also • Metronidazole: every 12 to 24 hours for 7 days
interferes with absorption. Disruption of the normal aci- or
nar architecture of the pancreas may affect insulin pro- • Tylosin: with each meal
duction, leading to glucose intolerance. • Prednisolone may be used if response to the above
Clinical signs of EPI include weight loss in spite of a treatments is poor
good appetite; diarrhea with a gray, fatty, foul-smelling
stool; flatulence; and poor hair coat. Treatment is aimed Information for Clients
at replacing digestive enzymes. • EPI is irreversible and will require lifelong treatment.
• Pancreatic enzyme replacements are expensive.
Clinical Signs • With enzyme replacement, most dogs will regain
• Mild to marked weight loss their weight, and the diarrhea will resolve.
• Polyphagia • Enzyme replacements must be given with every meal.
• Coprophagia, pica, or both
• Diarrhea, fatty stool (light in color)
Three conditions involving the rectoanal area are
Diagnosis commonly seen in small-animal medicine: (1) perineal
Complete blood cell count hernia, (2) perianal fistula, and (3) perianal
• Normal CBC gland adenoma. Anal sac problems are covered in
Serum chemistry Chapter 6.
• Increased ALT (mild to moderate)
• Decreased total lipid Perineal Hernias
• Serum trypsin-like immunoreactivity; detects both Perineal hernias, seen most commonly in intact male
trypsin and trypsinogen; levels are decreased to <2 dogs older than 8 years of age, are associated with neu-
microgram per liter (mcg/L) in EPI rogenic atrophy of the levator ani muscle and herniation
• Snap test, fPL and cPL test of the rectum and other pelvic organs into the
Fecal tests ischiorectal fossa.
• Fecal tests are unreliable for diagnosis.
Fecal proteolytic activity Clinical Signs
• Decreased in EPI • Reducible perineal swelling
• Tenesmus
Treatment • Dyschezia (painful or difficult defecation)
• Supplement pancreatic enzymes with each meal: • Constipation or obstipation
commercial product such as Pancrezyme or • Some dogs have signs of urethral obstruction if the
Viokase-V (2 tsp/20 kg body weight added to food) bladder is involved
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 55

• Topical tacrolimus: has shown promise in these cases

but is expensive and has the potential for severe
Brachiocephalic breeds show a predisposition to this immunosuppression.
problem. • Surgical: No one technique has been consistently suc-
cessful. Recently carbon dioxide laser surgery has
Diagnosis been reported to be very effective, with a 95% remis-
• Rectal palpation will reveal the hernia sac. sion rate but a 25% recurrence rate. En bloc removal
of the affected tissue has a higher remission rate.
Treatment Information for Clients
Medical • These animals will have pain around the anal area;
• Stool softeners such as Colace (DSS) (seldom effec-
be careful to avoid getting bitten when treating
tive for long-term maintenance)
• Enemas (seldom effective for long-term • Keep the involved area clean and dry. Spray antibi-
otics can be used to decrease the level of infection.
Surgical • Long-term oral antibiotics may be required for
• Herniorrhaphy to correct the weakness in the pelvic
• Castration usually recommended Perianal Gland Adenomas
Because growth and development of perianal gland ade-
Information for Clients nomas are related to plasma androgen levels, 85% are
• Ensuring that the stool is well formed but soft may seen in older, intact male dogs. Most lesions are firm,
help decrease straining. single, or multiple masses that may ulcerate. The lesions
• Castration is usually recommended because the role may result in intense pruritus and can interfere with def-
of the hormone testosterone in this disease is ecation. They are not invasive or metastatic.
Clinical Signs
Perianal Fistulas (Anal Furunculosis) • Pruritus in anal area
Perianal fistulas are characterized by single or multiple • Bleeding
ulcerated sinuses that may involve up to all of the peri- • Firm nodule in perianal integument, tail root, or the
anal tissue. Their presence can result in pain, bleeding, prepuce
self-mutilation, dyschezia, and anal stenosis.
Clinical Signs • Palpation and location of lesion
• Tenesmus • Biopsy
• Dyschezia, pain on examination
• Fecal incontinence Treatment
• Licking of perianal area • Surgical removal
• Bleeding • Radiation
• Foul odor to anal area • Cryosurgery
• Typically a large-breed dog • Castration results in regression of tumors and
decreases the risk for new tumor development
• Examination to rule out anal sac disease and perirec- Information for Clients
tal tumors • Pets with perianal fistulas or ulcerated adenomas
need to be kept clean. Gently cleanse the area daily
Treatment using a baby wipe or damp cloth.
• Medical: Medical management is usually not • Castration of male dogs at an early age can help pre-
successful. vent this disease.
56 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats


Fred, a 2-year-old gray tabby Domestic Short Hair cat chemistries, and a feline leukemia virus (FeLV) test.
was presented to the local veterinarian for castration. Can you list three possible causes of icterus in the cat
The technician who was taking a history noticed that and the tests that would be most valuable in making a
the cat’s ears were yellow and immediately called for diagnosis? See page 551 for laboratory results and
the doctor to examine the cat. Blood was drawn for a diagnosis.
complete blood count (CBC), hand differential, serum

1. Gingivitis is a reversible disease. a. Digitalis
a. True b. Propofol
b. False c. Lidocaine
2. A normal gingival sulcus in a cat should measure: d. Epinephrine
a. Greater than 4 mm 8. A laboratory examination of a patient with diarrhea
b. Less than 1 mm should always include:
c. Between 1 and 3 mm a. A stool culture and sensitivity
3. A cauliflower-like growth near the oral cavity of b. A serum chemistry profile
young dog might be: c. A thyroid function test
a. Epulide d. A fecal examination
b. Carcinoma 9. The majority of feline intestinal neoplasias in the cat
c. Papilloma are:
d. Sarcoma a. Adenocarcinomas
4. Signs of acute gastritis would most likely include b. Lymphosarcomas
(list all that apply): c. Melanomas
a. Vomiting d. Papillomas
b. Seizures 10. Unformed feces that contain excess mucus may be
c. Dehydration seen with:
d. Anorexia a. Small-bowel disease
e. Fever b. Large-bowel disease
f. Diarrhea c. Gastric disease
5. What is the most frequent side effect of NSAID 11. What percentage of cases of megacolon in the cat
administration in dogs and cats? are thought to be idiopathic?
a. Nausea a. 25%
b. Diarrhea b. 62%
c. Gastric ulceration c. 90%
d. Drowsiness d. 56%
6. After surgical correction for a gastric dilatation or 12. Idiopathic hepatic lipidosis in adult, obese cats may
volvulus, what is the most frequently seen cardiac be triggered by:
arrhythmia? a. Stress
a. Ventricular arrhythmia b. Diet change
b. Supraventricular arrhythmia c. Illness
c. Atrial fibrillation d. All of the above
d. Premature atrial contractions 13. What may develop as a sequel to pancreatitis?
7. Cardiac arrhythmias arising after surgery with GDV a. Diabetes insipidus
may be treated using: b. Diabetes mellitus
CHAPTER 2 Diseases of the Digestive System 57

c. Cushing’s disease 15. Exacerbation of neurological signs after a high-

d. Addison’s disease protein meal may indicate:
14. An increased trypsin-like immunoreactivity test a. Patent ductus arteriosus
result indicates dysfunction of the: b. Epilepsy
a. Adrenal gland c. Portosystemic shunt
b. Small intestine d. Polycystic renal disease
c. Liver
d. Pancreas Answers found on page 544.
Diseases of the Endocrine System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Describe how the absence of a specific hormone can
able to: have clinical effects on the animal.
• Explain the interrelationship between the nervous • Explain to owners the treatment regime necessary for
system and the endocrine system. their pets.
• Understand the clinical pathological changes that
occur with each endocrine disease.

Anatomy of the Endocrine System 59 Hypoadrenocorticism (Addison Disease) 67
Thyroid Gland 59 Serum Chemistry Panel 67
Hypothyroid Disease 59 Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Stimulation Test 67
Products 60 Acute Crisis Management 68
Hyperthyroid Disease 61 Chronic Management 68
Surgery 61 Hyperadrenocorticism (Canine Cushing
Radioactive Iodine-131 61 Syndrome) 68
Antithyroid Drug Therapy 61 Serum Chemistry Panel Abnormalities 69
Hyperthyroidism in Dogs 62 Urine Cortisol:Creatinine Ratios 69
Pancreas 62 ACTH Stimulation Test 69
Diabetes Mellitus 62 Dexamethasone Suppression Test 69
Nonketotic Diabetes 63 Surgical Removal 69
Ketotic Diabetes 63 Medical Management 69
Dietary Management 64 Parathyroid Disease 69
Insulin Therapy 64 Primary Hyperparathyroidism 70
Exercise Regulation 64 Postoperative Management 70
Insulin Shock (Insulin Overdose) 64 Hypocalcemia or Hypoparathyroidism 71
Insulinoma 65 Parathyroid-Related Disease 71
Surgical 65 Chronic and Acute Renal Failure 71
Medical 65 Acute Pancreatitis 71
Adrenal Glands 66 Puerperal Tetany (Eclampsia) 71

Alopecia Homeostasis Obtundation
Excoriation Idiopathic Polyphagia

CHAPTER 3 Diseases of the Endocrine System 59


The endocrine system can be divided into three main Adrenal
levels: (1) the central control, (2) the glands, and (3) gland Ovary
the target organs. The pituitary gland and the hypo- Parathyroid
thalamus make up the central control level of the gland Testis
system. The hypothalamus is responsible for two hor- Thyroid
mones, antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) and oxyto- gland
cin. These hormones are stored in the posterior
pituitary gland. A variety of releasing hormones
formed in the hypothalamus stimulate hormone pro-
duction in the anterior pituitary gland. The anterior
pituitary gland then manufactures and releases a vari-
ety of hormones classified as stimulating hormones.
These stimulating hormones travel through the blood- Fig. 3.1 Locations of major endocrine glands in the cat. (From
Colville T, Bassert JM. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for
stream to target glands, which are stimulated to pro-
Veterinary Technicians. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2008.)
duce their hormones. This is the second level of
endocrine control. Glandular hormones are then car- are discussed in this chapter only in the context of their
ried to target tissues, where they finally produce their relationship to other syndromes.
end effects.
The cells of the body must maintain homeostasis
(equilibrium) with their internal environment because
the chemical processes conducted at the cellular level The thyroid gland is located in the ventral cervical
can occur only under specific conditions. The endocrine region along the lateral margins of the trachea. The
system works together with the nervous system to gland is not usually palpable in a healthy animal. The
achieve a stable internal environment; each system gland is composed of follicles that produce the thyroid
may work independently, or the systems may act hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyro-
together to accomplish this task. The hypothalamus nine (T4). These hormones are produced by the follicu-
and the pituitary gland regulate the release of chemical lar cells and stored in the gland until they are needed by
messengers called hormones (chemicals secreted the body. A third hormone, calcitonin, is produced by
directly into the bloodstream) to signal target cells to the parafollicular cells in the thyroid gland. Calcitonin
perform certain functions in response to changes in acts to increase calcium deposition within bone to
homeostasis. As hormone concentrations in blood decrease blood calcium concentration, whereas T3 and
increase, the system is signaled to reduce hormone pro- T4 function to control all of the body’s metabolic
duction; this negative feedback system works much the processes.
same way as a thermostat controls the heating system in Two common diseases of small animals involve the
a house. thyroid gland (Fig. 3.2): (1) hypothyroidism (insufficient
Ideally, the glands that regulate the release and thyroid hormone) and (2) hyperthyroidism (excessive
balance of hormones work continuously to maintain thyroid hormone). Hypothyroidism is most commonly
homeostasis. When one or more of these glands seen in the canine (1 in 156–500 animals). Hyperthy-
work ineffectively, incorrectly, or not at all, the roidism is seen primarily in cats.
potential for problems develops. The endocrine
glands most commonly involved in diseases of small Hypothyroid Disease
animals are the thyroid gland, adrenal gland, pan- Primary acquired hypothyroidism is the most common
creas, parathyroid gland, and gonads (testes and type of hypothyroid disease seen in dogs and usually
ovaries) (Fig. 3.1). follows thyroid atrophy or lymphocytic thyroiditis.
Diseases that affect the pituitary gland or the hypo- Central acquired hypothyroidism is rare and develops
thalamus cause multiple irregularities in the body; they when the pituitary gland or hypothalamus is diseased.
60 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• 66% to 75% of animals will have an increased
cholesterol level.
• 25% to 40% of animals have a mild, nonregenerative
Larynx anemia.
• Thyroid hormones usually measured include total T4
(TT4), total T3 (TT3), and free T4 (fT4).
• Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) tests are expen-
sive and often unavailable. Recommended doses of
TSH for this test are 0.396 units/kg body weight
intravenously (IV), 0.099 units/kg intramuscularly
(IM), or 1 to 10 units IV, IM, or subcutaneously
Parathyroid (SQ). Take blood sample at 6 hours. The normal
Thyroid gland
glands response shows an increase of T4 concentration
greater than 2 micrograms per deciliter (mcg/dL)
above baseline concentration
• Measurement of thyroid hormone antibody
Trachea concentration
• Thyroid ultrasonography
Fig. 3.2 Canine thyroid and parathyroid glands. (From Christen- • Thyroid biopsy
son DE. Veterinary Medical Terminology. Philadelphia, PA:
Saunders; 2009 by permission.) TECH ALERT
Thyroid hormones are stable up to 5 days if stored in
Clinical Signs plastic containers and not in glass containers. Serum
should be transported to the laboratory in plastic vials.
• Breeds predisposed to this disease: Golden Retrievers,
Dobermans, Irish Setters, Schnauzers, Cocker
Spaniels, and Dachshunds Treatment
• Common in middle-aged dogs (4–10 years of age); • Lifelong supplementation with thyroid replacement
female-to-male ratio is 2.5:1 hormone
• Weight gain with no change in diet • Dogs: Initially use trade name products at a dose of
• Bilaterally symmetrical alopecia; “rat tail” (loss of 22 mcg/kg twice daily; reevaluate in 4 to 8 weeks
hair on the tail) for clinical response, and adjust the dose as needed;
• Cold intolerant some dogs may need only one dose daily
• Recurrent skin infections • Cats: 17 to 22 mcg/kg daily; reevaluate in 4 to 6 weeks,
• Reproduction problems and adjust the dose
TECH ALERT • Levothyroxine sodium tablets: 0.1-, 0.2-, 0.3-, 0.4-,
Hypothyroid disease and Cushing disease are the 0.5-, 0.6-, 0.7-, 0.8-mg sizes
only known diseases that produce this alopecia • Levothyroxine sodium products approved for use
pattern: in animals: Soloxine (Daniels), Thyro-Tabs (Vet-
• Dry hair or excessive shedding A-Mix), Thyro-Form (Vet-A-Mix) chewable tablets
• Lethargy • Levothyroxine sodium products approved for use in
• Anestrus (infertility, testicular atrophy)
humans: Synthroid (Knoll Pharmaceuticals), 0.025 to
• Hyperpigmentation of the skin
• Cold intolerance
0.3 mg; Levo-T (Lederle), Levothroid (Forest
• Anemia Laboratories)
• Hypercholesterolemia • Thyroxyl: oral solution of levothyroxine sodium;
allows for easy dosing at any level
CHAPTER 3 Diseases of the Endocrine System 61

Information for clients aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase

• Oral supplementation will be required for the life of (ALP), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels are
the animal. usually seen; increased blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
• Daily dosing is required to maintain normal concen- and creatinine level may be seen.
tration of thyroid hormone. • Packed cell volume is often in the high-to-normal
• Excess medication can produce signs of hyperthy- range on the stress leukogram.
roidism: increased thirst and urination, nervousness, • Check for abnormal thyroid radionuclide uptake
weight loss, excessive panting, weakness, and imaging using either iodine-131 (131I) or technetium
increased appetite. If any of these signs are noticed, (99mTc).
stop the medication, and call your veterinarian.
• Follow-up blood tests may be required to ensure ade- TECH ALERT
quate hormone concentration.
• Certain drugs may decrease thyroid hormone con- Make sure to palpate the ventral neck area of every older
cat to detect early enlargement of the thyroid gland.
centration. Inform your veterinarian if your animal
After controlling hyperthyroid condition, some cats will
is currently taking any of these medications: corti- exhibit hidden renal disease. Warn clients that more
sone, aspirin, flunixin (Banamine), ketoprofen, blood work may be needed.
meloxicam, furosemide (Lasix), or phenobarbital.

Hyperthyroid Disease Treatment

Hyperthyroidism is the most commonly seen endocrine • Control of excessive excretion of thyroid hormones
disorder in cats; however, it is rarely seen in dogs except can be accomplished by three methods. Choice of
as a result of neoplasia. The disease was first documen- treatment depends on the severity of the disease,
ted in the late 1970s to the early 1980s, with incidence the age and physical status of the cat, and facilities
increasing steadily. The excess of both T3 and T4 results available.
in a multisystemic disease seen primarily in older cats. Surgery
Bilateral thyroid gland enlargement occurs in approxi- • Removal of the thyroid gland provides a cure for the
mately 70% of cases and is the result of a functional disease, but it is important to preserve the parathy-
thyroid adenoma. Thyroid carcinoma is rarely seen in roid glands when removing thyroid tissue.
cats, composing only 1% to 2% of all cases of Radioactive iodine-131
hyperthyroidism. • Radioactive 131I is the treatment of choice. Diseased
tissue in the thyroid gland will take up larger amounts
Clinical Signs of radioactive 131I compared with normal tissue.
• Middle-aged to older cat This uptake results in destruction of the tissue,
• Weight loss reducing thyroid hormone concentration. Cats
• Polyphagia should remain hospitalized until their wastes (espe-
• Vomiting cially urine) are below hazardous radiation levels
• Increased appetite (1–3 weeks).
• Tachycardia with or without murmurs Antithyroid drug therapy
• Aggressive behavior, hyperactivity • Dietary treatment: Science Diet T/D is
• Palpable enlarged thyroid recommended
• Increased systolic blood pressure • Antithyroid drugs: inhibit the synthesis of thyroid
• Blindness with retinal detachment hormone by disrupting the incorporation of iodine
• Methimazole (Tapazole) or carbimazole: initially
Diagnosis administer daily, adjusting the dose every 2 to 3 weeks
• Check for palpable enlarged thyroid. (monitor T4 concentration). Gradually increase the
• Test for increased serum T4 concentration. dose until the desired effect is achieved
• Perform serum chemistries to rule out other organ • Propranolol: to control tachycardias
system failures that may be present. Increased alanine • Calcium ipodate: administer daily orally (PO)
62 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

TECH ALERT (α-cells) that secrete glucagon; and delta cells that pro-
duce somatostatin. F-cells secrete pancreatic polypep-
Side effects include anorexia, vomiting, lethargy, and tides. Disruption of any of these hormone-producing
facial excoriation. cells can affect hormone levels (Fig. 3.3).

Diabetes Mellitus
Hyperthyroidism in Dogs
Cells need glucose as a fuel. Through the processes of
Hyperthyroidism is uncommon in dogs and is usually
glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, electron transport, and
related to a functional tumor in the thyroid gland.
oxidative phosphorylation, glucose is chemically con-
The disease occurs in middle-aged to older dogs with
verted into energy in the form of adenosine triphos-
Beagles, Golden Retrievers, and Boxers overrepresented.
phate, carbon dioxide, and water. It is therefore
Diagnosis is by palpation and measurement of total T4
important for the body to regulate the concentration
concentration. Surgical removal of the thyroid gland
of glucose in circulation. Levels must be kept within cer-
may not correct the problem because these tumors are
tain limits to ensure that adequate fuel is always available
highly invasive to structures in the neck area. Radiother-
for energy production. The endocrine pancreas aids in
apy may be successful in some cases.
this regulation; β-cells in the pancreatic islets (islets of
Information for Clients Langerhans) produce the hormone insulin, which facil-
itates the entry of glucose into the cell for the process of
• Surgery or radioactive 131I is the only cure for
glycolysis. Diabetes mellitus results when these β-cells
stop producing insulin in adequate amounts or when
• The cause of this disease is unknown.
the cells in specific body tissues become resistant to
• Medical management produces side effects in many
the action of insulin. The incidence of diabetes mellitus
cats. Report negative effects to your veterinarian.
in dogs and cats is reported to be between 1 in 100 and 1
• Treatment to decrease thyroid hormone concentra-
in 500, respectively. The cause of the disease is unknown,
tion may unmask concurrent diseases such as renal
although chronic pancreatitis, immune-mediated dis-
failure. This renal disease may be life threatening if
ease, and hereditary predisposition have been suggested
not recognized.
as possible causes.
• Concurrent diseases may need to be corrected before
Almost 100% of dogs and about 50% of cats will have
insulin-dependent diabetes (type I) at examination. As
• Bilateral removal of the thyroid glands may result in
many as 50% of presenting cats will have non–insulin-
hypothyroidism, which will require daily treatment.
dependent diabetes (type II), which does not require
• All animals with hyperthyroidism should have their
insulin therapy.
blood pressure checked routinely. If the use of methi-
Therapy for diabetes mellitus in most animals
mazole (Tapazole) does not result in reduction of
includes dietary regulation (usually a high-protein,
blood pressure, then other antihypertensive agents
low-carbohydrate diet) and daily insulin replacement.
should be added.
In cats with non–insulin-dependent diabetes, drug
therapy and diet restriction are somewhat successful
in managing the disease.
PANCREAS The type of insulin chosen for therapy depends on
The pancreas is located adjacent to the greater curvature the severity of the disease and animal needs. Treatment
of the stomach, extending onto the duodenal small intes- should be tailored to the species of the animal involved.
tine. The gland has both endocrine and exocrine func- (Feline insulin most resembles beef insulin, and canine
tions. The exocrine function is discussed in Chapter 3. insulin resembles pork and human insulins.) Although it
The endocrine portion consists of pancreatic islet cells would be ideal to match the structure of each species’
(formerly called the islets of Langerhans). These islets insulin, it is not easy to do this. Beef and pork insulins
are dispersed throughout the gland and produce several and their combinations have virtually disappeared from
important hormones: beta cells (β-cells) that produce the market since the late 1990s; Vetsulin has taken their
insulin, the most well-known hormone; alpha cells place. Protamine zinc insulin is also approved for use in
CHAPTER 3 Diseases of the Endocrine System 63

Fig. 3.3 Location of the pancreas in a dog. (From Evans HE, De Lahunta A. Guide to the Dissection of the Dog.
7th ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2010.)

animals. Animals with diabetes whose sugar concentra- • Breeds predisposed to the disease: Poodles, Schnau-
tion remains uncontrolled may become ketotic. Cells zers, Keeshonds, Cairn Terriers, Dachshunds, Cocker
begin to use fat as fuel for energy production, yielding Spaniels, and Beagles
ketone bodies that accumulate in blood. Acidosis, • Polyuria (Pu) or polydipsia (Pd)
dehydration, and electrolyte imbalances can occur as a • Weight loss (especially in cats)
result of ketosis. • Polyphagia
• Sudden cataract formation
Clinical Signs • Dehydration
Nonketotic diabetes • Plantigrade posture in cats (walking on hocks)
• Dogs: 4 to 14 years of age, female dogs are twice as Ketotic diabetes. Clinical signs include all of the
likely to be affected preceding symptoms plus the following:
• Cats: all ages, with neutered male cats most • Depression
affected • Weakness
64 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Tachypnea • Serum A1c levels can be monitored and will provide an

• Vomiting evaluation of the average blood sugar concentration
• Odor of acetone on the breath over time. Samples should be frozen and shipped in
cold packs. This value can be used to separate “stress
Diagnosis hyperglycemia” from chronic hyperglycemia and is
• Evaluate clinical signs present in animal. perhaps more valuable in regulating the condition in
• Observe for documented fasting blood glucose animals compared with spot-checks on blood glucose.
concentration greater than 200 mg/dL. Exercise regulation. Exercise regulation will help
• Test urine for glycosuria. regulate insulin requirements. By normalizing the exer-
• Perform complete serum chemistry to rule out other cise routine for the animal, closer control of glucose
concurrent disease. levels can be achieved. If excessive exercise is expected,
• Perform A1c testing to monitor long-term as with hunting dogs and show dogs or for other reasons,
hyperglycemia. the insulin dose may need to be decreased to maintain
• Obtain serum blood glucose curve. adequate glucose levels.

Treatment Information for Clients

• This disease will require lifelong insulin replacement
Dietary management
• Restrict animal to a diet high in protein, fiber, and therapy.
• Insulin is administered by injection.
complex carbohydrates, such as Prescription Diet
• Because it is a protein molecule, insulin can be dam-
r/d or w/d (Hill’s), Fit and Trim (Purina), or Science
Diet Light (Hill’s). This type of diet helps avoid post- aged by heat, rough handling, or chemicals. Refriger-
prandial increases of glucose concentration and allows ate, mix gently, and avoid syringes that have been
for better regulation of blood glucose concentration. cleaned with soap or other cleaning agents.
• The formation of cataracts is the most common com-
TECH ALERT plication seen in animals with diabetes. The process is
irreversible once it occurs. However, 80% to 90% of
Animals that must be switched to another form of insulin
dogs can regain their sight after cataract surgery.
should be monitored carefully. It is recommended that
• Consistent feeding and exercise routines will make
doses be reduced when switching until the animal’s
glucose levels stabilize.
regulation easier.
• Animals will require periodic monitoring of blood
glucose concentration for life.
Insulin therapy • If untreated, the disease will progress and may lead
• Usually injected twice daily. The type of insulin to death.
chosen will depend on availability and veterinarian
preference. Insulin pens (VetPen) are available. Oral Insulin Shock (Insulin Overdose)
therapy: Glipizide can be used in cats that do not Animals with diabetes that receive insulin therapy will
require insulin to control their blood glucose concen- need to live a closely regulated lifestyle. Consistent feed-
tration (type II). The exact mechanism of action is ing (both type and amount of food), exercise, and mon-
unknown; however, it is believed that the sulfonyl- itoring will make insulin regulation easier for the owner
ureas may stimulate the existing β-cells to secrete and safer for the pet. Animals that experience fluctua-
more insulin. Animals may become resistant to this tions in diet (do not eat consistent amounts or change
therapy and need insulin. foods frequently with loss of appetite) or who are
• Insulin therapy should be monitored using improve- allowed to exercise to excess can experience insulin
ment in clinical signs as a guide. Blood glucose con- shock. Exercise increases the need for glucose by body
centration can be checked weekly to assist in cells. This increased need uses up the exogenous insulin
adjusting the insulin dose. Animals whose glucose quickly, forcing glucose into the cells rapidly and reduc-
levels do not regulate will require a glucose curve ing the blood concentration of glucose significantly. This
to adjust their insulin therapy. rapid decline in glucose concentration in the blood
CHAPTER 3 Diseases of the Endocrine System 65

results in lack of glucose for the brain. Symptoms of • Seizures

weakness, restlessness, incoordination, seizures, and • Weakness or collapse
coma may develop. (These same symptoms may be seen • Ataxia
in animals mistakenly given an excessive dose of insu- • Bizarre behavior
lin.) The following schedule is recommended for feeding • Depression or lethargy
animals receiving insulin therapy:
• Monitor urine or blood glucose concentration at the Diagnosis
same time each day. • Complete blood cell count (CBC), urinalysis, and the
• Base insulin dose on the current blood glucose majority of blood chemistries will all be normal;
measurements. blood glucose levels may be in the range of 15 to
• Feed the animal one-third of its total daily diet with 78 mg/dL
insulin administration. • Ultrasonography: detection of a mass lesion in the
• Feed the remainder of the diet about 8 hours later (or pancreas may help confirm suspicions of a
at the time of measured peak insulin activity). β-cell tumor
• Try to maintain a consistent daily exercise program, • Demonstration of Whipple’s triad:
but avoid excessive exercise. If the animal is expected • Symptoms occurring after fasting or exercise
to be more active than normal, administer less insulin • At the time of symptoms, blood glucose concen-
that day. trations less than 50 mg/dL
Owners should have a handy supply of sugar in the • Symptoms corrected by administration of glucose
event of insulin shock (Karo syrup, oral glucose solution • Plasma insulin concentration: greater than 20 micro-
or paste, treats). Owner should give these to the pet if units/mL in a dog with blood glucose levels less than
any signs of insulin shock are present. 60 mg/dL and clinical symptoms strongly supports
TECH ALERT • Amended insulin/glucose ratios:
Hyperglycemia is never acutely fatal, whereas hypogly-
• Plasma insulin (microunits/mL)  100
cemia can be life threatening! • Plasma glucose (mg/dL): 30
• Amended insulin-to-glucose ratios greater than 30
are considered diagnostic for insulin-secreting
Insulinoma tumors
Functional tumors of the β-cells of the pancreas secrete
insulin or proinsulin independent of the negative feed- Treatment
back effect. Hyperinsulinemia results in the development Surgical
of hypoglycemia. Prolonged or severe hypoglycemia can • Removal of a single mass or resection of multiple sites
result in irreversible brain damage, weakness, ataxia, sei- can result in a “cure” or improvement of this disease.
zures, or complete collapse. Insulin-secreting tumors typ- Surgery may not be recommended for aged animals
ically occur in middle-aged or older dogs; however, the or animals with many metastatic lesions.
disease has been reported in dogs as young as 3 years Medical
of age. There appears to be a greater incidence of occur- • Acute hypoglycemic crisis: if the animal is at home,
rence in certain breeds (Standard Poodle, German Shep- the owner should apply Karo syrup to the oral
herd, Irish Setter, Boxer, and Fox Terrier). Although rare mucous membranes, which will increase the blood
in cats, the disease has been described in a Siamese cat. glucose concentration quickly. If the animal responds
to oral glucose, it should be fed a small, high-protein
Clinical Signs meal and kept quiet until veterinary attention can be
Many of the clinical signs may occur intermittently or for obtained. If the animal is in the hospital when the cri-
short periods because of the body’s compensatory sis occurs, slow intravenous administration of 50%
mechanisms for increasing blood glucose concentrations. dextrose will alleviate the symptoms. The animal
Most signs will be exacerbated by exercise, fasting, or should then be maintained with diet and drug
excitement. therapy.
66 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Chronic hypoglycemia: to reduce the frequency and

severity of clinical signs and to avoid acute hypogly- Aorta
cemic crisis:
• Provide frequent feedings (3–6/day) of a high- Caudal vena
Right adrenal
protein, low-fat food. gland cava
• Limit exercise to leash walking. Right Left adrenal
• Glucocorticoid therapy: glucocorticoids antago- kidney gland
nize the effects of insulin at the cellular level. Pred-
nisone is most often used in daily divided doses.
If signs of hypercortisolism occur, alternative
therapy should be added.
• Diazoxide: inhibits the secretion of insulin and tis-
sue use of glucose to promote hyperglycemia.
Dosage is adjusted to maintain normal blood glu-
cose concentrations. Side effects may include Renal vein
anorexia and vomiting. Renal artery Left
• Octreotide (Sandostatin) injections: an analog kidney
Ureter Ureter
of somatostatin that inhibits the synthesis and
secretion of insulin by both normal and neoplastic Fig. 3.4 Adrenal glands of the dog: ventral view. (From Colville T,
Bassert JM. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary
β-cells. Technicians. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2008 by permission.)
• Streptozocin: a nitrosourea antibiotic that selec-
tively destroys β-cells in the pancreas. The adverse
effects of this drug, including acute renal failure They are composed of two distinct regions: (1) the med-
and vomiting, may outweigh its benefits in the ullary or central area and (2) the cortical or outer area,
treatment of insulinomas. each of which produces distinct hormones.
The cortex produces three families of hormones: (1)
Information for Clients the glucocorticoids, (2) the mineralocorticoids, and (3)
• By the time most dogs are diagnosed with insulinoma, the androgenic hormones (sex hormones). Glucocorti-
metastasis has occurred. The prognosis is poor. coids promote gluconeogenesis, suppress inflammation,
• With proper medical treatment, survival time may suppress the immune system, and inhibit cartilage
range from 12 to 24 months. growth and development. They are not essential for life
• Always limit exercise and excitement in animals with but are important for maintaining normal homeostasis.
insulinoma. Hyperadrenocorticism, also known as Cushing syn-
• Feed multiple, small meals throughout the day. Keep drome, occurs when excess glucocorticoids are pro-
sugar or food in your pockets when walking or duced by the adrenal gland.
exercising the dog. Aldosterone is the principal mineralocorticoid. This
• Keep Karo syrup on hand for emergencies. Rub the hormone regulates electrolytes and has a potent effect
syrup on the oral mucous membranes for a quick on water metabolism within the body. Lack of this hor-
glucose boost. mone is life threatening. Hypoadrenocorticism, or Addi-
• Even with surgery, most dogs survive for less than 1 year. son disease, is seen primarily in dogs and rarely in cats.
• Avoid placing a hand or object into an animal’s The androgenic hormones produced by the adrenal
mouth during a seizure because you are likely to be glands are identical to those produced by the testicle.
bitten. The small amount produced limits their effect on the
The medullary area produces two hormones: (1) epi-
ADRENAL GLANDS nephrine and (2) norepinephrine. Both hormones affect
The adrenal glands are located dorsally and cranially to the sympathetic nervous system and are involved in the
the kidneys, embedded in the perirenal fat (Fig. 3.4). “fight-or-flight” response.
CHAPTER 3 Diseases of the Endocrine System 67

The two most common diseases involving the adrenal of aldosterone by the adrenal gland. Mineralocorticoids
glands are Addison disease and Cushing syndrome. are responsible for sodium-potassium (Na-K) exchange
in the renal tubules and are important for the conservation
Hypoadrenocorticism (Addison Disease) of sodium within the body. Abnormal levels of
Primary hypoadrenocorticism, most often classified as aldosterone produce signs of disease that include hypona-
idiopathic, involves atrophy of the adrenal cortex, caus- tremia and hyperkalemia. An abnormal Na:K ratio of less
ing decreased production of both glucocorticoids and than 24 has been used as a benchmark for diagnosis of
mineralocorticoids (loss of aldosterone is responsible this disease; however, animals may present with normal
for most of the clinical signs). An immune mechanism Na:K ratios and still have atypical hypoadrenocorticism.
has been suggested for this disease. The disease is not
common in dogs and is even rarer in cats. Other causes Clinical Signs
of hypoadrenocorticism include trauma, fungal infec- • Middle-aged, female dogs (usually <7 years of age)
tion, neoplasm, and hereditary tendencies (Standard • Vague signs of depression, lethargy, weakness,
Poodles and Labrador Retrievers). Excess amounts of anorexia, and weight loss
the drug o,p-DDD (mitotane) can also produce this dis- • Vomiting and diarrhea
ease. Secondary hypoadrenocorticism, resulting from • Pu or Pd
lack of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), is a • Symptoms frequently wax and wane over time
much less frequent cause of clinical disease. Aldosterone • Bradycardia in about one-third of all animals
production in the adrenal cortex depends on the renin- • Dehydration
angiotensin axis (Fig. 3.5), the plasma potassium
concentration, and the plasma ACTH and sodium con- Diagnosis
centration. The entire system is stimulated by a decrease Serum chemistry panel
in blood pressure or vascular volume, resulting in an • Test for an Na:K ratio of less than 27:1 (normal is
increase in angiotensin II and an increase in production between 27:2 and 40:1).
• Nonregenerative anemia, lymphocytosis
• Verify increased BUN, creatinine, and calcium levels.
• Check for decreased blood glucose and albumin
Kidney • Evaluate for acidosis.
Angiotensinogen Adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test
• The ACTH stimulation test provides a definitive diag-
Lungs nosis of hypoadrenocorticism. ACTH gel (CortaGel
Angiotensinogen I 40, Savage Labs) or synthetic ACTH (Cortrosyn,
Organon) is given to the animal in the following doses:
converting enzyme • Gel: 2.2 units/kg IM with plasma cortisol samples
Angiotensinogen II
at 0 and 120 minutes in dogs and 0, 60, and
120 minutes in cats
Adrenal • Synthetic: 5 mcg/kg up to a max of 250 mcg
Aldosterone release (0.25mg) for dogs or 0.15 mg IM for cats with
samples at 0 and 60 minutes in dogs and 0, 30,
and 60 minutes in cats; animals with hypoadreno-
Na⫹ retention
corticism typically have low resting cortisol con-
centration, which remains essentially unchanged
Water retention
after ACTH stimulation
• Endogenous ACTH concentration testing must be
Fig. 3.5 Renin-angiotensin diagram. (From Bill RL. Clinical Phar- done carefully because ACTH is not stable over long
macology and Therapeutics for the Veterinary Technician. 3rd ed. periods. Concentrations will be increased in dogs
St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2006.) with primary (nonpituitary) hypoadrenocorticism.
68 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

When determining the diagnosis in a vomiting dog with a
high BUN and no kidney disease, think Addison disease.

Acute crisis management
• Normal saline is the preferred fluid for intravenous
administration; give 44 to 88 mL/kg initially.
• Administer dexamethasone sodium phosphate IV or
prednisolone sodium succinate (Solu-Delta-Cortef) IV.
• Desoxycorticosterone pivalate (Percorten-V) IM or
SQ or fludrocortisone acetate (Florinef) daily PO
can also be used.
Chronic management
• Give oral glucocorticoids for 3 to 4 weeks, tapering Fig. 3.6 A 14-year-old FS Standard Poodle diagnosed with Cush-
dose gradually. Prednisolone or prednisone should ing disease and demonstrating Cushing myopathy. Note the rigid
be given in daily doses, divided every 12 hours. extension in both thoracic and pelvic limbs. (From Lorenz MD,
• Mineralocorticoid replacement requires Florinef in Coates JR, Kent M. Handbook of Veterinary Neurology. 5th
ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011.)
divided daily doses every 12 hours.
• Monitor electrolytes, BUN or creatine concentration,
and clinical signs. and German Shepherds are affected. Boston Terriers and
Boxers have been reported to be at increased risk for devel-
Information for Clients opment of this disease. Abnormal cells within the pituitary
• Lack of mineralocorticoids is life threatening. gland secrete excessive amounts of ACTH; this results in
• Prognosis is excellent with medical treatment. hyperplasia of the adrenal glands, which is subsequently fol-
• Your pet will require periodic serum chemistry lowed by oversecretion of cortisol. Although increased cor-
reevaluation. tisol concentration usually serves to cause the pituitary
• Most animals will need glucocorticoid supplementa- gland to discontinue ACTH secretion, in these dogs, the
tion in times of stress. pituitary tissue does not respond normally.
• In case of trauma, surgery, or other stressful situa- Functioning adrenal tumors secrete excessive
tions, make sure that the treating veterinarian knows amounts of cortisol independent of pituitary control.
your pet has hypoadrenocorticism so that appropri- Dogs with this form of the disease are typically Toy Poo-
ate treatment can be provided. dles, German Shepherds, Dachshunds, Labrador
Retrievers, and some Terrier breeds, with 45% to 50%
Hyperadrenocorticism (Canine Cushing weighing more than 20 kg.
Syndrome) Clinical signs of either type of Cushing disease are the
Hyperadrenocorticism is rarely seen in cats, but it is result of excess cortisol. They are usually slow to develop
common in dogs (Fig. 3.6). The term canine Cushing and often go unnoticed by the owner.
syndrome is applied to any disease state that results in
hypersecretion of cortisol. Excessive secretion of cortisol Clinical Signs
may result from a pituitary lesion (excess ACTH) or an • Dog >6 years of age (60%–65% are female)
adrenal tumor (excess cortisol). Hyperadrenocorticism • Pu or Pd
frequently can be the result of overmedication with • Polyphagia
corticosteroids. • Excessive panting
Pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH) is • Abdominal enlargement (related to abdominal mus-
seen most commonly in dogs weighing less than 20 kg. cle weakness); obesity
Breeds such as Poodles, Dachshunds, Terriers, Beagles, • Muscle weakness, lethargy, lameness
CHAPTER 3 Diseases of the Endocrine System 69

• Bilateral, symmetrical alopecia; pruritus; pyoderma Treatment

• Calcinosis cutis (firm plaques of calcium under the Surgical removal
skin), but infrequent • One or both adrenal glands are removed.
• Abnormal gonadal function: lack of estrus; soft, small Medical management
testicles • One treatment choice is o,p-DDD therapy (Lysodren,
mitotane). The drug results in the necrosis of the
Diagnosis zona fasciculata and zona reticularis; excessive doses
Serum chemistry panel abnormalities will also affect the zona glomerulosa and reduce aldo-
• Increased ALP sterone concentration, producing Addison disease.
• Increased ALT • The initial therapy requires mitotane, 50 mg/kg/day
• Increased cholesterol level in divided doses, given after meals for 8 days. Mon-
• Increased blood glucose concentration itor clinical signs for decrease in polyphagia and Pu
• Decreased BUN concentration or Pd. Repeat ACTH stimulation test every 7 to
• Lipemia 10 days until cortisol concentrations are normal.
Urine cortisol:creatinine ratios • Prednisone may be given during the loading dose
• Increased urine cortisol:creatinine ratios regimen.
• Good for screening only • Maintenance therapy requires the administration of
ACTH stimulation test o,p-DDD at a dose of every 7 days.
• Procedure is described in earlier section on • Trilostane acts to inhibit adrenal synthesis of proges-
hypoadrenocorticism (Addison disease). terone, a precursor of cortisol; has fewer side effects
• PDH: 80% to 85% will be abnormal than mitotane; and must be given daily for the life
• Adrenal tumor: 20% to 40% may be normal of the patient. Trilostane has become the preferred
TECH ALERT • Other drugs used for treatment include the following:
Hyperadrenocorticism may not be distinguishable from
• Ketoconazole: twice daily for 7 days; if no side
PDH and adrenal tumor. effects appear, increase to twice daily for 14 days
• l-Deprenyl (Selegiline): orally each day for
pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism
Dexamethasone suppression test
• In healthy animals, dexamethasone will suppress the Information for Clients
pituitary secretion of ACTH, which, in turn, will • This is a serious disease.
decrease cortisol concentration within 2 to 3 hours • Animals will require lifelong treatment.
and keep them suppressed for 8 to 24 hours. • Periodic monitoring is required.
• Low Dose • Overdoses with o,p-DDD are common.
• PDH: no change in cortisol concentration at • Clinical signs are identical to those in Addison disease.
8 hours after injection Report any lethargy, weakness, vomiting, or diarrhea.
• Adrenal tumor: no change in cortisol concentration • Prognosis: Average life expectancy is about 20 to
30 months, with frequent recurrence of clinical
TECH ALERT symptoms.
Procedure: Administer 0.01 mg/kg dexamethasone IV
with samples at baseline (preinjection), 4 hours, and
8 hours after injection.
• High dose Parathyroid glands (two glands associated with each
• 0.1 mg/kg IV with samples at baseline and 8 hours
thyroid lobe) secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH),
after injection which controls serum calcium concentrations. PTH
• PDH: suppression seen at high doses; 75%–80% of
stimulates bone resorption (increases osteoclastic activ-
dogs with PDH will have 50% suppression of cortisol
ity) and renal calcium resorption, and mediates intesti-
• Adrenal tumor: no suppression seen nal calcium absorption. The action of PTH controls
serum calcium levels within narrow limits.
70 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Primary hyperparathyroidism is typically diagnosed in
older dogs (7–11 years of age) and is infrequently diagnosed If calcium levels are increased, PTH levels should be
decreased. Be suspicious if PTH levels are normal in
in cats. Keeshonden appear to be overrepresented in studies
the presence of increased calcium levels.
of the disease. (German Shepherds, Poodles, Retrievers, and
Dobermans have also been reported.) No sex predilection
appears to exist. Hypercalcemia results from excessive • Cervical ultrasonography: Results will depend on
secretion of PTH, which is usually caused by the presence operator skill and experience. Most masses will be
of parathyroid adenoma or carcinoma. The disease may large enough to be visualized with ultrasonography
also be evident if the parathyroid gland is hyperplastic. (4–6 mm).

Clinical Signs Treatment

Many animals will show no clinical signs of primary • Surgical removal of affected parathyroid gland(s)
hyperparathyroidism, and hypercalcemia will be diag- • Ultrasound-guided heat or chemical ablation of the
nosed on routine serum chemistry examination. Signs parathyroid mass
usually appear as organ dysfunction occurs. Postoperative management
• Anorexia • Postsurgical decreases in PTH levels may predispose
• Vomiting animals to hypocalcemia. Animals should be
• Constipation hospitalized for 5 to 7 days to monitor total serum
• Pu or Pd calcium concentrations daily. Postsurgical hypocal-
• Listlessness, obtundation, coma, or all cemia is more likely in dogs whose presurgical
• Urinary calculi, cystitis, or both calcium levels were greater than 14 mg/dL. These
• Incontinence animals should receive vitamin D with or without
• Weakness, exercise intolerance calcium therapy immediately after recovery from
Diagnosis • Clinical signs of hypocalcemia include the following:
Serum chemistries • Panting
• Low to low-normal phosphorus concentrations • Muscle tremors, leg cramping, pain
• BUN-creatinine concentration may be normal, • Ataxia, stiff gait
unless there is renal involvement • Facial rubbing, biting of the feet
• Serum alkaline phosphatase (SAP) level may be • Focal or generalized seizures
mildly increased • Calcium therapy
• Hypercalcemia is the hallmark of parathyroid disease • Calcium carbonate tablets
(serum total calcium levels >12 mg/dL). However, • Calcium gluconate tablets, syrup
other causes for hypercalcemia may need to be ruled • Calcium glubionate syrup
out before making a diagnosis. Other causes for • Vitamin D therapy
hypercalcemia include the following: • Vitamin D2 capsules
• Sample error • Calcitriol (vitamin D3) capsules
• Acidosis
• Neoplasia (especially lymphosarcoma) Information for Clients
• Addison’s disease • Most animals diagnosed with primary hyperparathy-
• Rodenticide toxicosis roidism show no clinical signs.
• Acute renal failure • Because hyperparathyroidism is often diagnosed on
• Septic bone disease routine serum chemistry evaluation, it is important
• PTH “two-site” assay to obtain laboratory profiles yearly for all older
• All dogs and cats with primary hyperparathyroid- animals.
ism have excessive concentrations of serum PTH. • The prognosis for primary hyperparathyroidism is
Results of this assay should be evaluated in con- dependent on the severity of any secondary changes
junction with serum calcium levels induced by increased calcium levels.
CHAPTER 3 Diseases of the Endocrine System 71

• Treatment with vitamin D and calcium will be life- deficiencies and to diminish lactational demands of the
long. It must not be discontinued. dam. Hand-feeding or early weaning of the puppies, or
both, is encouraged. Recurrence of eclampsia with
Hypocalcemia or Hypoparathyroidism subsequent pregnancies has been reported.
Numerous causes of hypocalcemia in dogs and cats have
been reported. Parathyroid-related disease, chronic Clinical Signs
renal failure, acute pancreatitis, and puerperal tetany • Irritability
(eclampsia) are among the most common causes. Ther- • Restlessness
apy for hypocalcemia resulting from parathyroid-related • Salivation
disease, chronic or acute renal failure, or acute pancre- • Facial pruritus
atitis includes correction of the underlying cause and • Stiffness, ataxia
vitamin D and calcium supplementation. • Hyperthermia
• Tachycardia
Parathyroid-Related Disease • Muscle tremors and tonic-clonic contractions
The most common cause of hypocalcemia related to the • Seizures
parathyroid gland involves inadvertent surgical removal
of the glands during a thyroidectomy or other neck Diagnosis
surgery. Primary hypoparathyroidism is an uncommon • Treatment should not wait for laboratory confirma-
disorder in both dogs and cats. tion of hypocalcemia
• Total serum calcium levels less than 6.5 mg/dL
Chronic and Acute Renal Failure
Chronic renal failure is an extremely common disorder Treatment
in dogs and cats and represents a common explanation • Slow, intravenous infusion of 10% calcium gluconate
for mild-to-moderate hypocalcemia. Hypocalcemia is solution (monitor heart rate and rhythm while
usually related to the metabolic acidosis that develops administering calcium solutions)
with renal failure. • Diazepam IV to control seizures
• Oral supplementation of calcium should be started
Acute Pancreatitis once the immediate symptoms are controlled
Precipitation of calcium soaps within the pancreatic • Calcium carbonate tablets or capsules
tissue may be related to the development of mild • Calcium glubionate (Neo-Calglucon) syrup
hypocalcemia. • Improve the nutritional plane of the dam by feeding a
balanced diet
Puerperal Tetany (Eclampsia)
Puerperal tetany secondary to hypocalcemia occurs Information for Clients
most commonly in the postpartum period but may be • Avoid excessive calcium supplementation during
seen in late gestation. It can be life threatening. Predis- pregnancy.
posing factors include improper perinatal nutrition, • Feed a well-balanced dog food; increase amounts fed
heavy lactation, and inappropriate calcium supplemen- as pregnancy progresses.
tation. The disease is seen most commonly in dogs and is • Development of signs in a pregnant animal is an emer-
uncommon in cats. Recognition of the clinical signs of gency situation. Call your veterinarian immediately.
eclampsia is important because therapy should begin • This disease may recur with subsequent pregnancies.
immediately. The goal of treatment is to increase blood Owners should reconsider using animals predisposed
calcium levels with administration of IV infusions to eclampsia for breeding.
containing calcium. • Hand-feeding of puppies with supplemental feeds
The prognosis for eclampsia is good if treatment is may be required until the dam’s calcium levels stabi-
prompt. An effort should be made to correct nutritional lize. Early weaning may also be desired.
72 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

1. Regulation of hormone levels within the body is 7. Only two endocrine diseases produce bilaterally
through a ________ feedback system. symmetrical alopecia. What are the two diseases?
a. Negative Hypothyroid and hyperadrenal cortical disease
b. Positive 8. The drug mitotane is primarily used to treat which
c. Neutral type of hyperadrenocorticism?
2. ________ is the most frequently seen disorder of a. Pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism
the thyroid in dogs, whereas ________ is more b. Non–pituitary-dependent
common in cats. hyperadrenocorticism
a. Hyperthyroidism; hypothyroidism c. Both types
b. Hypothyroidism; hyperthyroidism 9. What is generally the long-term prognosis for dogs
c. Hyperthyroidism; euthyroidism with an insulinoma?
d. Euthyroidism; hypothyroidism a. Excellent
3. The treatment of choice for thyroid disease in cats is b. Favorable
________. c. Poor
a. Radioactive iodine therapy d. Grave
b. Surgical removal of the entire thyroid gland 10. In which period of gestation does eclampsia occur
c. Tapazole given orally most commonly?
4. Which laboratory test provides an accurate evalua- a. Early
tion of the average blood glucose concentration over b. Middle
a specific period and may be used to monitor ani- c. Late
mals with diabetes? d. Postpartum
a. Urine dipsticks 11. Serum calcium levels >12 mg/dL indicate disease
b. Daily serum glucose concentration of the:
c. A1c levels a. Thyroid gland
5. An insulinoma is a functional tumor of the b. Parathyroid gland
________ cells of the pancreas. c. Adrenal gland
a. α Answers found on page 544.
b. β
c. γ
6. Na:K ratios of <27:1 are indicative of:
a. Cushing disease
b. Addison disease
c. Thyroid disease
d. Diabetes mellitus
Diseases of the Eye

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Describe how changes from normal result in clinical
able to: disease.
• Explain the structures of the eye and the purpose • Discuss and demonstrate the proper treatments for
of each. common eye problems in small animals.

Anatomy of the Eye 74 Glaucoma 80
Diseases of the Accessory Structures 75 Acute 80
Conjunctivitis 75 Chronic 80
Epiphora 76 Surgical 80
Eyelid Diseases 77 Ulcerative Keratitis (Corneal Ulcers) 81
Blepharitis 78 Chronic Superficial Keratitis (Pannus) 82
Entropion and Ectropion 78 Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca 82
Entropion 79 Cataracts 83
Ectropion 79 Anterior Uveitis 84
Hypertrophy of Nictitans Gland (Cherry Eye) 79 Progressive Retinal Atrophy 85
Diseases of the Eye 80

Atrophy Electroretinogram Keratitis
Blepharitis Entropion Lacrimal
Chemosis Epiphora Photophobia
Conjunctivitis Hyperemia Photopigments
Ectropion Hypertrophy Sclerosis

Special structures that exist in all animals help them sur- small-animal practice. The topic of deafness is discussed
vive in their environments. The special senses—sight, in Chapter 8.
hearing, smell, and taste—are extensions of the central The eye, made up of the globe and its accessory struc-
nervous system and are different from each other in tures (Fig. 4.1), is perhaps the most highly developed of
their forms and functions. Problems involving sight all the special senses. Its structure converts light into
and hearing are frequently seen in dogs and cats. This electrical impulses that travel to the brain and are inter-
chapter focuses on ocular problems commonly seen in preted as visual pictures.

74 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Tapetum lucidum Posterior

in choroid layer chamber

Vitreous Palpebral


body conjunctiva Sclera

r p


e bra
Bulbar Lateral
conjunctiva canthus
Optic Cornea
nerve Anterior

pal ra
Retina Cilia
Choroid Medial Pupil
canthus Lacrimal
Suspensory Ciliary punctum
A ligament
Fig. 4.1 (A) Cross-section of the eye. (B) External view of the dog’s eye. (From McBride DF. Learning Veterinary
Terminology. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2002, by permission.)

The function of the eye depends on all components The outer surface of the cornea is composed of cor-
of the visual system functioning properly. Disruption of neal epithelium. The inner surface of the cornea, the
any of these components can result in abnormal vision basement membrane, is known as Descemet membrane.
for the animal. Although most pets can live quality lives In between is the corneal stroma. Like epithelium
with a loss of vision, proper diagnosis and quick treat- elsewhere in the body, the cornea heals quickly when
ment of eye problems is essential if sight is to be damaged. The space between the underside of the cor-
preserved. nea and the iris (the colored portion of the eye) is called
Diseases of the eye may be divided into three main the anterior chamber. This space is filled with a water-
categories: like substance that is continually being produced by the
1. Diseases that involve the accessory structures choroid. This fluid is drained from the anterior cham-
2. Diseases that involve the structures within the globe ber through the canal of Schlemm, which is located at
3. Disease that involves the retina and the neural the junction of the cornea and the iris. This fluid is
pathways responsible for the intraocular pressure, and produc-
tion of too much fluid or too little drainage results in
The second layer of the globe is the vascular layer.
ANATOMY OF THE EYE This layer is composed of the choroid, the ciliary bod-
The structure of the animal eye is essentially the same as ies, and the iris. The choroid contains blood and
the human eye with some small differences. The globe of lymph vessels plus pigment. Like the inside of a cam-
the eye is a three layered sphere. The outer layer of the era, the choroid’s black color decreases stray light
globe is the fibrous layer, which is composed of the sclera reflection in the interior of the eye. At the anterior
(the white, caudal portion of the globe) and the cornea portion of the choroid is a thickening of the tissue
(the clear window that makes up the front of the sphere). to form the ciliary bodies. Within this tissue lies
The sclera is composed of tough fibrous tissue, which the small ciliary muscle composed of both radial
helps maintain the shape of the eye. The cornea is also and circular smooth muscle fibers that close and open
part of the fibrous layer but is entirely different in the pupil. Folds in the ciliary bodies form the ciliary
appearance from the sclera. The cornea is transparent, processes, to which are attached the suspensory liga-
lacking blood vessels but well supplied with nerve ments that blend with the capsule of the lens. By
endings. shortening, these ligaments cause the lens to change
CHAPTER 4 Diseases of the Eye 75

shape, allowing the eye to focus near and far with lit-
tle effort (known as accommodation). The fluid found
in the anterior chamber is produced by these ciliary STRUCTURES
bodies. The iris is the last component of the vascular Diseases that involve the eyelids, conjunctiva, tear ducts,
layer. The posterior surface of the iris is brown-black, third eyelid, and the lacrimal glands may be included in
like the choroid, but the anterior surface is what the group of diseases of the accessory structures. Trauma
makes the eye beautiful. Whether the animal has to or infection of these tissues is a common reason for
emerald green, sky blue, or deep-brown eyes, it is small animals to be presented to the veterinary hospital.
often the first thing we notice when looking at our Typical presenting signs include red eyes, blepharospasm
pets. In the middle of the iris is the pupil. Oblong, (squinting), and ocular discharge. Many eye problems
rectangular, or round, pupil shape varies by species present with similar signs; a thorough clinical examina-
and acts as the passageway for light from the anterior tion is needed before a treatment plan can be formulated.
portion of the eye to the retina. Just behind the pupil
sits the lens. By thickening or thinning, the lens lets Conjunctivitis
the eye adjust for varying distances. Compression of
Canine conjunctivitis, or inflammation of the conjunc-
lens fibers with age results in the gray cloudiness seen
tiva, is rarely a primary disease process; therefore, it is
in older animals’ eyes. This aging change, known as
important for the veterinarian to discover the underly-
lenticular or nuclear sclerosis, is different from the
ing cause to treat this condition effectively.
thickened lens that results from disease states such
The conjunctiva is a highly vascular tissue. When
as diabetes mellitus. A cataract is the result of
injured, it responds by developing hyperemia (redness),
changes that occur in the energy metabolism of the
chemosis (swelling), and ocular discharge. Dogs typi-
lens stroma. The change in the metabolism produces
cally develop noninfectious conjunctivitis. Causes of
a structural change in proteins within the lens that
noninfectious conjunctivitis in dogs include immune-
result in it becoming less transparent.
mediated follicular conjunctivitis, allergic conjunctivitis
The last layer of the globe is the nerve layer, the
(atopy), and anatomical conjunctivitis (ectropion or
retina. Light entering the eye must pass completely
entropion). Bacterial conjunctivitis can develop in the
through the retina to reach the photopigments
dog as a result of the disruption of normal tear produc-
responsible for generating electrical (nerve) impulses.
tion, injury, or foreign bodies.
These impulses must then pass back through the
Feline conjunctivitis is primarily infectious. Feline
entire retina to reach the optic nerve. From there,
herpes virus (FHV) is the most common cause of bilateral
impulses move toward the brain, decussating at the
conjunctivitis in young kittens and is typically seen in con-
optic chiasm before entering the brain. Although it
junction with upper respiratory tract symptoms. FHV-1
is unknown exactly what an animal sees, it is possible
replicates best in epithelial tissue that is slightly cooler than
to say that its vision is somewhat different from ours.
body temperature and therefore tends to infect the superfi-
Canine and feline retinas have few cones that are
cial epithelial tissues of the nasal, oral, and conjunctival
responsible for color vision but have many rods, giv-
ing them good vision even in dim light. Dogs have
Calicivirus may also cause a mild conjunctivitis in
two types of cones that allow them to see only in
cats. Chlamydia psittaci infection may present as a uni-
the blue and yellow-green range of the spectrum.
lateral problem with marked chemosis in some cats.
Cats, however, have three sets of cones, similar to
Mycoplasmas have also been isolated from cases of feline
those found in humans, but probably see less color
compared with their human counterparts. Experi-
ments have shown that both dogs and cats see objects
better if they are moving than if stationary. Clinical Signs
The back of the animal eye has a structure not found • Chemosis
in the human eye. The tapedum is a highly reflective area • Hyperemia
of the retina that reflects light within the eye allowing the • Ocular discharge (serous or purulent)
animal to have much improved vision even in dim light • Presence or absence of other signs of upper respira-
conditions. tory tract disease
76 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• A complete physical examination is necessary to
diagnose the primary disease
• A thorough visual examination of the conjunctiva
must be conducted to rule out foreign bodies or the
presence of follicles
• The Schirmer tear test is useful in recurrent cases
• Conjunctival scraping may need to be performed,
including cytology, culture, and sensitivity

• Treat to resolve the underlying systemic disease
• Topical antibiotic ointments can be used:
• Neomycin, bacitracin, and polymyxin B ointment:
two to four times daily (general cases)
• Gentamicin ophthalmic ointment: two to four
times daily for bacterial infections
• Antibiotic ointment with cortisone for cases that
involve follicular or atopic conjunctivitis Fig. 4.2 Placing eye medication on the lower palpebral border in
• Keep eyes clear of dried exudate by cleaning with a cat. (From McCurnin DM, Bassert JM. Clinical Textbook for
warm water and a cloth or a cotton ball Veterinary Technicians. 7th ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders;
• For viral conjunctivitis in cats, the following can 2010, by permission.)

be used:
• Idoxuridine (IDU, Stoxil) 0.5%, every 2–3 hours
for 48 hours, then 4–5 times per day Epiphora
• Viroptic Ophthalmic Solution 1% (Trifluridine) Epiphora, an overflow of tears, may be the result of
(B-W) 3%, 1 drop every 2 hours overproduction of tears or faulty drainage by the lac-
rimal system. Overproduction of tears is always the
Information for Clients result of ocular pain or irritation. Faulty functioning
• Prevent irritation of the conjunctiva in dogs by not of the lacrimal drainage system may occur for several
allowing them to ride in cars with their heads out reasons, including blockage of the lacrimal duct by
of the windows. swelling or inflammatory cells, imperforate puncta,
• Keep dried ocular discharge from accumulating or trauma.
in the medial canthus of the eye. Keep the area clean Brachycephalic dogs and cats have large globes in
and dry. Remove excess hair that may trap exudate. shallow orbits, leaving little room for the accumulation
• Vaccinate kittens against respiratory viral disease per of tears. Subsequently, tears spill out onto the face. Accu-
your veterinarian’s schedule. mulations of hair or face folds may wick the tears onto
• When using ophthalmic medications, make sure not the face in some animals. An entropion or ectropion
to touch the tip of the applicator to the eye; this will may also result in faulty drainage of tears.
contaminate the container. Surgical correction of lid position is the treatment of
• Ointments provide longer tissue contact compared choice in animals with entropion or ectropion. Keeping
with solutions. the facial hair cut shorter may also be beneficial.
• Ophthalmic preparations must be applied frequently Obstruction of the lacrimal puncta may occur in animals
to be effective. as a result of inflammation, the presence of foreign bod-
• Ask your technician to demonstrate the proper ies, or accumulation of debris. Cocker Spaniels and Poo-
method for administering eye medication (Fig. 4.2). dles typically have imperforate puncta (no opening to
• Discard any unused eye medications as soon as treat- provide drainage). Many times, the obstruction can be
ment is no longer needed. Do not save them for removed by flushing the nasolacrimal ducts or surgically
future use! removing the tissue covering the puncta.
CHAPTER 4 Diseases of the Eye 77

Facial hair or cilia originating from the meibomian • Keep facial hair trimmed to prevent contact with the
glands of the lid may rub against the cornea, creating cornea
irritation and often corneal ulceration. Epiphora then
results as a reflex against the pain created by the irrita- Information for Clients
tion. Treatment includes removal of the cilia or shorten- • Keep facial hair trimmed in the eye area to prevent
ing of the facial hair and topical therapy. wicking of tears and accumulation of debris in the
corner of the eye.
Clinical Signs • The red stain seen on the hair of white or light-
• “Watering” of the eye—may be acute or chronic colored dogs is not blood but a pigment contained
• Wet facial hair in the medial canthus in the tears. It will not hurt the dog.
• Secondary bacterial infection of the skin underlying • In some breeds, epiphora may be a lifelong problem
the hair at the medial canthus requiring continual maintenance.
• Discoloration of the facial hair at the medial canthus


• Perform a complete ophthalmological examination The eyelids are important for ocular health. They protect
to find the source of the pain the globe, help remove debris from the eye, shade the eye
• Apply fluorescein dye to the eye. Dye that exits the during sleep, and spread lubricating secretions over the
nares indicates a patent nasolacrimal system in most eye. Eyelashes project from the border of each lid. At the
patients base of each lash is a sebaceous gland, which produces a
• Dacryocystorhinography can be performed in lubricating fluid for the hair follicles (glands of Zeis, or
recurring cases meibomian glands).
An abscess of the sebaceous gland is called a hordeo-
Treatment lum, and it is usually the result of a staphylococcal infec-
• Treat the primary cause of ocular pain and irritation tion. When the inflammation involves the meibomian
• Flush the lacrimal ducts to remove any obstructions glands and granuloma formation occurs, it is called a
(Fig. 4.3) chalazion. Therapy for both of these swellings includes
• Surgically open imperforate puncta warm compresses, manual expression, topical antibiotic
• Apply a topical antibiotic ointment for 7 to 10 days ointment, and possibly surgical curettage.

Fig. 4.3 (A) Dilating puncta of nasolacrimal duct with blunt metal probe. (B) Flushing nasolacrimal duct.
78 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

When the eyelids themselves become inflamed, • Corticosteroid: prednisolone twice daily for 10 to
blepharitis results. Causative factors include bacterial 14 days, and then gradually reduce dose
infections (Staphylococcus), parasitical infections • Mycotic: topical antifungal solutions such as Cono-
(Demodex, Notoedres), and mycotic infections (derma- fite or Tresaderm (before you apply these around
tophytes). Atopy may frequently present with inflamed the eye, place protective ointment into the eye)
and pruritic eyelids.
Eyelid neoplasms are frequently seen in older ani- Information for Clients
mals. Most tumors of the eyelids are benign and can • Warm packs applied to the swollen, painful eyelids
be treated by surgical resection. Eyelid neoplasms in may provide relief for the animal. Use a cotton ball
the cat are usually malignant. Squamous cell carcinomas soaked in warm water, soak a cloth in warm water
are the most common type of tumor. and ring well to remove excess water, or use a hot
pack warmed in the microwave (take care not to
Blepharitis make it too hot).
Blepharitis is defined as a swelling of the eyelids. Causes • Remove exudate from the corners of the eye several
include exposure to allergens, nutritional deficiencies, times daily using a soft, wet cloth or cotton ball.
viral infections, or dermatitis from any cause. Symptoms
include edema of the lids with redness, discharge, and Entropion and Ectropion
spasms of the lids. Entropion and ectropion defects involve eyelids that
either roll in against the cornea (entropion) or roll out-
Clinical Signs ward, exposing the cornea (ectropion). In either case, the
• Swelling at the lid margin or generalized swelling of lids are incapable of performing their protective func-
the lid tions for the eye, and disease may result.
• Periocular pruritus Entropion is common in dogs but less common in
• Periocular alopecia cats. Entropion exists in three main forms: (1) congen-
• Rubbing of the eyes ital (inherited), (2) acquired nonspastic, and (3)
acquired spastic. The congenital form includes those
Diagnosis breeds predisposed to entropion because of large orbits
• Careful examination of the eyes and the lids must be with deep-set eyes, which provide inadequate lid sup-
made; this may require magnification port. The lid droops over the lower orbital rim and
• Skin scraping of periorbital area is often necessary inverts. Collies, Great Danes, Irish Setters, Doberman
• Fungal cultures should be obtained Pinschers, Golden Retrievers, Rottweilers, and Weima-
• Bacterial cultures should be obtained raners are breeds that exhibit congenital entropion.
Several breeds are predisposed to poor muscular
Treatment development that involves the ocular muscles. Chesa-
• Warm compresses should be applied to reduce peake Bay Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Chow
swelling Chows, and Samoyeds may exhibit this condition,
• Express hordeolum, or remove chalazion although it is not well documented. A large number of
• Topical antibiotic ointments or systemic antibiotics breeds are predisposed to entropion from primary lid
can be applied: deformities.
• Chloramphenicol (ophthalmic) The cause of acquired nonspastic entropion is usually
• Gentamicin (ophthalmic ointment or drops) surgical or traumatic, resulting in scarring of the lid with
• Tetracycline (ophthalmic) contraction. This causes the lid to turn inward toward
• Bacitracin, neomycin, or polymixin B (Schering- the globe. The third form of entropion, acquired spastic,
Plough) is the most commonly observed form in cats. This form
• Mycitracin of entropion usually occurs secondary to painful corneal
• Optiprime lesions, conjunctival inflammation, or both.
• Trioptics Ectropion is the reverse of entropion. In this condi-
• Neo-Predef tion, the lid is excessive and droops outward. Ectropion
CHAPTER 4 Diseases of the Eye 79

is a natural breed characteristic in Basset Hounds, • Lateral blepharoplasty

Bloodhounds, Cocker Spaniels, Clumber Spaniels, • V-Y plasty if scar tissue has contracted the lid in
English Bulldogs, and Saint Bernards. In these animals, an everted position
the condition is usually asymptomatic. In any breed,
however (even the ones listed earlier), ectropion can Information for Clients
develop clinical symptoms. Acquired ectropion can • You may want to avoid purchasing breeds predis-
form secondary to muscular disease in senile dogs that posed to entropion or ectropion.
lose muscle tone and in dogs that have had overcorrec- • Carefully examine puppies for these defects before
tion of an entropion. purchasing them. Dogs usually do not “outgrow”
these conditions.
Clinical Signs • Correction of these defects will provide normal lid
Entropion function and save the globe from damage by prevent-
• Rolling inward of the lid margin(s) ing overexposure to the environment and by reduc-
• Epiphora ing contact with the lid margins.
• Chemosis
• Conjunctival erythema, conjunctivitis Hypertrophy of Nictitans Gland (Cherry Eye)
• Blepharospasm The nictitating membrane (third eyelid) is important as
• Pain a protective structure. It assists in spreading the precor-
• Presence or absence of corneal ulceration neal tear film and covers the eye to protect it from injury.
• Photophobia It also produces about 50% of the lacrimal fluid.
Ectropion The membrane is composed of a T-shaped cartilagi-
• Lid eversion nous skeleton embedded in the superficial gland of the
• Conjunctivitis third eyelid. The tissue undergoes what has been
• Epiphora described as passive forward displacement when the
• Keratitis, usually from exposure eye is withdrawn into the orbit. This action results in
• Purulent exudate prolapse of the third eyelid.
Hypertrophy of the gland (cherry eye) occurs only in
Diagnosis dogs. The cause is unknown; however, there is a breed
• Observe the lids and their interaction with the globe predisposition (Basset Hound, Beagle, Boston Terrier,
• Complete an evaluation of other structures of the eye, Cocker Spaniel). When this condition is present, the
especially the cornea, conjunctiva, and lid margins medial canthus is filled with the red, swollen, nictitating
• The evaluation of lid inversion or eversion should be membrane, which resembles a small cherry. This is usu-
done while the patient is awake to prevent overcor- ally seen in young dogs (<2 years of age). When the con-
rection or undercorrection of the defect dition occurs in older animals and in cats, the cause is
usually related to neoplasia of the tissue composing
Treatment the third eyelid.
• Surgical correction is suggested: Clinical Signs
• Temporary vertical mattress suture placement to • Reddened enlargement of tissue in the medial can-
evert the eye (young animals) thus of the eye
• Lateral canthoplasty to shorten the lid • Mild irritation, usually no pain
• Hotz-Celsus procedure: an elliptical piece of tissue • Epiphora
is removed from under the eye to evert the lid into • Presence or absence of conjunctival irritation
a normal position
Ectropion Diagnosis
• Surgical correction is recommended if clinical signs • Clinical signs
are present: • Predisposed breed
• V plasty procedure to shorten the lid • Tumor has been ruled out in older dogs and cats
80 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Treatment Clinical Signs

• Surgical replacement of the gland using tack-down Acute
procedures • Ocular pain
• Avoid excision of the gland, as it will predispose the • Conjunctival and episcleral injection (vascular
animal to keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) later in congestion)
life. Excision should be performed only in cases of • Diffuse corneal edema
neoplasia of the gland • Dilated pupil, unresponsive or sluggish to light
• Animal may or may not be blind on presentation
Information for Clients Chronic
• Surgery is the only method of correction. • Buphthalmus (enlarged globe)
• Without surgery, the animal may suffer corneal dam- • Corneal striae
age, which may affect eyesight. • Optic disk cupping
• Pain
• Blindness
Glaucoma Diagnosis
The eyeball represents a relatively closed system • Measured IOP 30 mm Hg
housed in a bony orbit. An increase in the contents • Clinical signs
of the globe results in increased intraocular pressure • Rule out lens luxation as cause
(IOP) because expansion is limited. In the healthy
eye, the production of aqueous fluid is equal to the
amount leaving the eye, and the IOP remains fairly
constant. If more aqueous fluid is produced than leaves TECH ALERT
the eye, glaucoma results. This is a true emergency.
Normal canine and feline IOP ranges from 12 to
22 mm Hg. Values greater than 30 mm Hg are diagnos-
tic of glaucoma. Most canine glaucoma cases result from Treatment
decreased outflow of aqueous fluid as opposed to Acute
increased production. IOP may be measured by using • Latanoprost (Xalatan 0.005%): 1 drop every 24 hours
a Schiotz tonometer or a Tono-Pen (Tono-Pen Vet, to facilitate aqueous outflow
Medtronic, Jacksonville, Fla.). • Intravenous (IV) mannitol: slowly over 20 to
Glaucoma may be primary or secondary. Primary 30 minutes; Isorbide orally (PO)
glaucoma is an inherited defect that affects both eyes. • Dorzolamide 2% drops: instill into the eye every
Cocker Spaniels, Basset Hounds, and Chow Chows are 8 hours; decreases aqueous humor production
predisposed to primary glaucoma. Secondary glaucoma • Topical pilocarpine (pilocarpine 2%): instill into
results from obstruction of the drainage angles second- the eye every 8 hours; used to increase aqueous
ary to another disease process such as a neoplasm, uve- outflow
itis, lens luxation, or hemorrhage. • Timolol 0.5% (Timoptic; Merck, Whitehouse Station,
Glaucoma may also be acute or chronic. Acute devel- NJ): can be used in combination with carbonic anhy-
opment of severely elevated IOP (>60 mm Hg) can pro- drase inhibitors such as dorzolamide
duce blindness within hours because of disruption of • Treatment may include one or more of the preceding
retinal ganglion cells and retinal circulation. The goal drugs depending on the clinical presentation and
of treatment is to decrease IOP rapidly to prevent per- personal experience
manent injury. Surgical
Sustained IOP in chronic glaucoma produces a pain- • Procedures that decrease aqueous production by
ful, blind eye, which is unresponsive to medical therapy. destroying part of the ciliary body:
Salvage procedures to make the pet more comfortable • Transscleral cryosurgery
are the only recommended treatments. • Laser cyclophotocoagulation
CHAPTER 4 Diseases of the Eye 81

• Procedures that increase outflow of aqueous fluid: covering provides a barrier to microorganisms entering
These are usually expensive and require referral to the eye. A corneal ulcer is a full-thickness loss of corneal
a specialty practice. epithelium that exposes the underlying stroma. Causes
of ulceration include trauma, chemicals, foreign objects,
TECH ALERT diseases such as KCS, and conformational abnormali-
ties. In cats, herpes virus can directly invade the corneal
Transscleral cryosurgery and laser cyclophotocoagula-
tion may cause postoperative increases in IOP that
epithelium and produce ulceration.
may result in permanent blindness. The laser method Patients usually present with pain, epiphora, blepha-
seems to produce better results with fewer side effects. rospasm, and conjunctival hyperemia. Diagnosis
involves using fluorescein dye, which is absorbed well
by the corneal stroma but not by intact corneal epithe-
Chronic lium. The ulcerated area will fluoresce green when
• For a blind, painful eye, surgery is the treatment of exposed to light with a cobalt blue filter.
choice to relieve pain. Corneal epithelium will heal rapidly as cells divide
• Enucleation and migrate. Treatment of uncomplicated ulcers
• Intraocular evisceration with an implant includes application of topical atropine ointment to
• Ciliary ablation using gentamicin intravitreal decrease pain and a topical antibiotic ointment. In most
injection cases, ulcers will heal within several days. If the ulcers do
not heal, alternative methods of treatment should be
Information for Clients considered.
• Have your pet examined immediately when signs of a Distichiasis (hairs from the meibomian glands on the
red, swollen, painful eye occur. This may be a true inner lid surface), ectopic cilia, and trichiasis (normal
emergency, and vision can be quickly lost if treatment hairs that rub on the cornea) are frequent causes of
is postponed. ulcers in some breeds. A thorough examination of the
• This condition will require lifelong treatment. eyelids is required (under magnification) to find these
• The disease is progressive. culprits.
• Even with proper treatment, vision may be lost in the Infected ulcers may also heal slowly. A culture and
affected eye as the disease progresses. sensitivity should be obtained if infection is suspected.
• Blind animals can live happy, comfortable lives. Their Indolent ulcers (Boxer ulcers) fail to heal even after
extra senses allow them to adjust well to the loss weeks of therapy. The epithelium is usually undermined
of sight. at the edge of the ulcer, preventing migration of healing
• Avoid moving or changing a blind pet’s environment tissue across the lesion. Treatment may involve a grid
too rapidly. They need time to adjust. keratectomy or a superficial keratectomy.
• Breeds that are predisposed to glaucoma include
Cocker Spaniels, Basset Hounds, Miniature Poodles, Clinical Signs
Boston Terriers, Dalmatians, Arctic breeds, and • Epiphora
Beagles. • Blepharospasm
• Enucleation (removal of the affected eye) will relieve • Hyperemia of conjunctiva
the severe pain that results from glaucoma and will
greatly improve the animal’s quality of life. Diagnosis
• Glaucoma is a bilateral disease even if one eye shows • Fluorescein dye applied to the cornea will have a
no symptoms. The asymptomatic eye must be green fluorescence under cobalt blue light if epithe-
monitored. lium is not intact
• Complete a thorough eye examination—look for
Ulcerative Keratitis (Corneal Ulcers) aberrant cilia or hairs and foreign material. Be sure
The cornea is the “window” of the eye and is composed to look under the third eyelid
of four layers: (1) epithelium, (2) stroma, (3) Descemet • Perform a culture and sensitivity test if you suspect an
membrane, and (4) endothelium. The epithelial infectious agent
82 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Treatment typically involve infiltration of the cornea with lympho-

• Topical atropine 1% ointment can be used to cytes and plasma cells. Treatment is lifelong and is
decrease pain and blepharospasm aimed at lesion regression and control.
• Topical broad-spectrum antibiotic ophthalmic
ointment can be used four to six times daily Clinical Signs
• Surgery is another option: • Breed predisposed to disease with opaque lesion
• Grid keratotomy (does not appear to improve beginning at the limbus and extending into the cor-
healing time in cats) nea (may be pink or tan)
• Superficial keratotomy
• Eyelid flaps Diagnosis
• Conjunctival flaps • Perform a corneal scraping. Positive cytology will
• Contact lenses show lymphocytic-plasmocytic infiltrate
• Serum: Prepare patient serum from a blood sample. • Complete a thorough eye examination to rule out
Apply 1 drop into the eye every 2 to 4 hours daily. KCS, corneal ulcers, or other pathologies
Recheck in 24 to 48 hours for healing
Information for Clients • Antiinflammatory agents for the life of the patient
• Most ulcers will heal quickly with treatment. include the following:
• Avoid using old medications you may have in the • Topical cyclosporine A (Optimmune) two
refrigerator to treat a red, watering eye. times daily
• Medications that contain cortisone will retard heal- • 1% prednisolone acetate (AK-Tate)
ing and make the ulcer worse. • 1% prednisolone sodium phosphate (AK-Pred)
• Discard any ophthalmic medications after the pre- • 0.1% dexamethasone ophthalmic (AK-Dex)
scribed period of use. • Subconjunctival injection may be necessary: triamcino-
• Ulcers that involve dissolution of the corneal epithe- lone acetonide (Vetalog) 0.1 mL for 2 weeks or met-
lium, indolent ulcers, or ulcers that involve Desce- hylprednisolone acetate (Depo-Medrol): 40 mg/mL;
met’s membrane are serious and will require 0.2 mL for 3 weeks
aggressive treatment. • Cryosurgery with liquid nitrogen is also an option
• When using ophthalmic medications, take care not to • Superficial keratectomy will be required if all other
touch the eye or the tissue around the eye with the treatments fail and loss of vision occurs
end of the medicine container. This will result in con-
tamination of the medication. Information for Clients
• Frequent rechecks by your veterinarian are necessary • No cure exists for pannus. Treatment to maintain
to follow the healing of your pet’s ulcer. regression of the lesion is lifelong.
• If treatment is inconsistent or discontinued, the
Chronic Superficial Keratitis (Pannus) lesion will return and continue to expand.
The term pannus is used to describe superficial corneal • Dogs living at higher altitudes and exposed to ultra-
vascularization and infiltration of granulation tissue. violet radiation (sunlight) are at greater risk for
The disease is progressive, bilateral, and degenerative, acquiring this disease.
and potentially can result in blindness. Lesions typically
begin at the limbus and progressively enlarge to involve Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca
the entire cornea. The cause is thought to be immune Continuous production and distribution of tears are
mediated, and middle-aged animals living at elevations necessary for maintaining a healthy cornea. Tears clean,
greater than 5000 feet are most susceptible. Increased lubricate, nourish, reduce bacteria, and aid in healing.
levels of ultraviolet light also increase incidence. Breeds The tear film is composed of three layers. The lipid layer
commonly associated with the development of pannus is secreted by the meibomian glands and aids in tear dis-
include the German Shepherd, Belgian Tervuren, Border tribution. The aqueous layer, which is produced by the
Collie, Grayhound, and Siberian Husky. Lesions lacrimal glands and makes up the bulk of tear volume,
CHAPTER 4 Diseases of the Eye 83

contains immunoglobulins, enzymes, glucose, proteins, TECH ALERT

ions, and salts. The mucous, or innermost, layer is
secreted by the conjunctival goblet cells and aids in Ointments remain in contact with the cornea longer than
the adhesion of the tear layer to the corneal surface. solutions and require less frequent applications.
Dogs and cats have two lacrimal glands, one located
in the lateral superior orbit and one at the base of the • Topical antibiotic ointments (broad-spectrum):
third eyelid. Approximately 70% of the total tear volume neomycin-bacitracin-polymyxin
is produced by the orbital gland. The nictitans is respon- • Avoid atropine, contact lenses, topical anesthetics,
sible for the remaining 30% of production. Loss of both and corticosteroids if ulceration is present
glands (atrophy) produces KCS. • Surgery: if all other medical treatments are unsuc-
Causes of KCS include viral infections, drug-related cessful—parotid duct transposition
toxicities, immune-mediated disease, inflammation,
breed predisposition, and congenital anomalies. Most Information for Clients
cases are idiopathic, but the disease tends to occur • The prognosis for resolution is guarded.
in older animals (usually >7 years). The disease is • Treatment will need to continue for the life of the
more common in neutered animals because loss of animal.
sex hormones decreases tear production. Diagnosis • About 15% to 20% of patients may exhibit remission
requires a complete medical history and a comprehen- with return of tear production.
sive physical examination. Treatment is aimed at • Failure to treat these animals will result in blindness.
restoring tear production and controlling secondary
infections. Cataracts
The most common disease involving the lens is cata-
Clinical Signs ract formation. A cataract may be defined as an opac-
• Recurrent conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers, keratitis ity of the lens sufficient to cause a reduction in visual
• Cornea and conjunctiva appear dull, dry, and function. Cataracts are a frequent cause of blindness in
irregular dogs but also are seen occasionally in cats. Most cata-
• Tenacious mucoid ocular discharge on lid margins racts in dogs are inherited, but cataracts may also
and in the medial canthus occur secondary to diabetes mellitus, hypocalcemia,
• Blepharospasm trauma, nutritional deficiencies, electric shock, uveitis,
• Crusty nares or lens luxation.
• Diagnosis Cataracts must be differentiated from senile nuclear
• Schirmer tear test: values >15 mm/min on repeat (lenticular) sclerosis, a normal change in aging animals.
testing (reference values: dogs: 15–25 mm/min; cats: Aging cells within the lens become dehydrated and over-
11–23 mm/min) lap each other, producing a central change in the reflec-
• Corneal fluorescein staining to show ulcers tion of light. The lens may appear gray and opaque;
however, with lenticular sclerosis, vision is maintained,
Treatment and the ocular fundus is visible by ophthalmoscopy.
• Tear stimulation: cyclosporine (Optimmune), apply Surgical removal of a primary cataract is the only
to eye every 12 hours; oral pilocarpine 2%, 1 to 2 means of treatment and should be considered if the ani-
drops/9 kg body weight in food twice daily (side mal has bilateral cataracts with significantly impaired
effects include salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, and vision or if the animal is unable to maintain a normal
bradycardia) lifestyle. Before surgery, it is important to establish the
• Topical artificial tear ointments: integrity of the retina and visual pathways. Removal of
• Duolube (Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY) a cataract is unnecessary if vision has been lost to con-
• Hypo Tears (IOLab, Claremont, CA) current retinal or optic nerve disease. The electroretino-
• Lacri-Lube (Allergan, Buckinghamshire, United gram (ERG) provides the most reliable criteria for
Kingdom) retinal evaluation; however, it is limited to use in referral
84 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

centers. If visual pathways are intact, cataract surgery Anterior uveitis may have several causative factors:
can successfully restore the animal’s sight. trauma, extension of local infections, foreign bodies,
Cataracts that result secondary to other disease states neoplasm, or thermal trauma. Bacterial, viral, and
will require medical management of those diseases mycotic diseases may undergo hematogenous spread
before surgical removal. to the uvea. Parasites and protozoa also may affect the
tissue. Some cases may be immune mediated. Whatever
Clinical Signs the cause, the symptoms will be similar; prompt treat-
• Progressive loss of vision ment is necessary to prevent permanent damage to
• Opaque pupillary opening (usually noticed by owner) the eye.
• Signs related to systemic diseases such as diabetes
mellitus or hypocalcemia Clinical Signs
• Epiphora
Diagnosis • Blepharospasm
• Perform a complete ophthalmological examination. • Photophobia
• Assess vision based on completion of an obstacle • Presence or absence of vision defects
course, lack of menace response, and failure to track • Corneal edema (cornea will be gray or white)
visual responses (use cotton balls) • Chemosis of the conjunctiva
• Pupillary light response is usually normal • Scleral injection
• Test serum chemistries to rule out concurrent sys- • Prolapsed third eyelid
temic disease • Pain
• ERG should be used to rule out retinal degeneration • Change in color of the iris, if chronic
or optic nerve disease
Treatment • Clinical signs
• Surgical removal of the cataract is necessary • History
• Treatment of any other disease that may result in the • Complete blood cell count, serum chemistries to rule
formation of the cataract must be completed first out systemic disease
• Immunology screening panel to rule out brucellosis,
Information for Clients toxoplasmosis, blastomycosis, cryptococcosis, lepto-
• Most cataracts are inherited, so affected animals spirosis, infectious canine hepatitis (ICH), feline
should not be used for breeding. infectious peritonitis, and feline leukemia virus
• Certain breeds are prone to cataract, retinal degener- (FeLV) infection
ation, or both. • Radiography or ultrasound examination of the eye
• Many animals can have quality lives even with bilat- • Tonometry: IOP may be low (4–8 mm Hg) or
eral cataracts. increased (>27 mm Hg)
• To decrease the chance of postoperative complica-
tions, most surgeons will remove only one cataract. Treatment
• Surgery requires referral to a veterinary ophthalmol- • Identify and eliminate the immediate cause of the
ogist with special training; this is expensive. uveitis, if possible
• Function of the visual pathway must be ensured • Control inflammation
before surgery. • Topical steroids: dexamethasone ophthalmic oint-
ment every 4 to 6 hours
Anterior Uveitis • Flunixin meglumine (Banamine): IV in dogs only,
The uvea is the pigmented vascular tunic located once daily
between the fibrous and nervous tunics. It includes • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in dogs
the iris, the ciliary body, and the choroid. Inflammation • Atropine 1% ophthalmic ointment helps restore the
of this tissue is known as uveitis. integrity of vascular permeability and prevent
CHAPTER 4 Diseases of the Eye 85

adhesions of the lens to the iris by dilating the pupil. vision may be affected. Cataracts often develop in the
Use every 4 hours until dilated, and then decrease to affected eye. Diagnosis is through a complete ophthal-
maintain mydriasis (dilation). moscopic examination and an ERG. The end-stage
lesions are those of retinal thinning with retinal nerve
TECH ALERT atrophy and vascular attenuation. No cure or treatment
Do not use Banamine in dogs taking aspirin. exists.
Retinal atrophy does occur in cats but not as fre-
quently as in dogs. Central retinal degeneration in cats
Information for Clients is related to a taurine-deficient diet.
• The prognosis is excellent for uncomplicated cases.
• Most of the diseases that can result in secondary ante- Clinical Signs
rior uveitis are extremely serious and may not be • Defective night vision
curable. • Slowly progressive loss of day vision
• Diagnosis and treatment of the initial disease may be • Cataract formation
costly and prolonged.
• Without treatment, vision will eventually be lost. Diagnosis
• Perform complete blood cell count and serum chem-
Progressive Retinal Atrophy istries to rule out other causes of cataracts or loss of
The inner posterior portion of the eye is composed of the vision, or both
retina, the neural tunic of the eyeball where the visual path- • Ophthalmological examination of the retina early on
way begins. Located within the optic disc, the optic nerve will show a gray, granular appearance of the periph-
exits each eye and extends toward the brain. Arteries and eral tapetal retina. Under bright light, the area may
veins fan out from the nerve to nourish the anterior surface appear hyperreflective. As the disease progresses,
of the retina. Within the retina are the photoreceptor cells the retina will become thinner, resulting in increased
(rods and cones) that are responsible for light sensing. reflectivity. End-stage lesions will include severe vas-
Rods are functional for black-and-white vision and low- cular attenuation and optic nerve atrophy
light situations, whereas the cones are bright-light recep- • ERG is abnormal
tors and are responsible for color vision. The retina must
be functioning normally for vision to occur. Treatment
Progressive retinal atrophy is the term used to • No treatment currently exists
describe a group of hereditary retinal disorders seen in
many breeds of dogs. The disease is common in Toy Information for Clients
Poodles, Miniature Poodles, Golden Retrievers, Irish • Progressive retinal atrophy is an inherited disease.
Setters, Cocker Spaniels, Miniature Schnauzers, Collies, Avoid buying breeds affected by this defect unless
Samoyeds, Gordon Setters, and Norwegian Elkhounds. the animal has had a complete eye examination by
Inheritance has been shown to be by an autosomal reces- a board-certified veterinary ophthalmologist and
sive gene in several of these breeds. There is no sex pre- the animal is certified free of the disease.
dilection. Signs of the disease can be detected in some • Blind animals seem to adapt well to their familiar
breeds of dogs as young as 6 months of age (Irish Setters, environment and will have trouble only when placed
Collies) and in others by middle age (Poodles). Clinical in strange surroundings.
signs are usually slow to develop; a loss of night or low- • Cats must be fed a taurine-rich diet to avoid retinal
light vision occurs first. As the disease progresses, day degeneration.
86 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

1. Progressive retinal atrophy should be screened for 7. Which types of cells within the cornea accumulate
in puppies of (list all that apply): in chronic superficial keratitis (pannus)?
a. Collies a. Neutrophils and lymphocytes
b. Golden Retrievers b. Mast cells and monocytes
c. Basset Hounds c. Plasma cells and lymphocytes
d. Beagles d. Eosinophils and monocytes
2. With entropion, the eyelids would tend to: 8. Lenticular sclerosis must be differentiated from
a. Roll outward away from the cornea what other lens dysfunction?
b. Roll inward toward the cornea a. Luxation
c. Contain excess cilia b. Cataract
d. Lack meibomian glands 9. What medication is used to increase tear production
3. An abscess of the meibomian gland is called a: in the disease known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca
a. Hordeolum (KCS)?
b. Chalazion a. Triple antibiotic ophthalmic
c. Keratoma b. Cyclosporine ophthalmic
4. “Cherry eye” (benign hyperplasia) occurs only in c. Gentamicin ophthalmic
the dog. d. Dorzolamide ophthalmic
a. True 10. What is the most common cause of bilateral con-
b. False junctivitis in young kittens?
5. Normal intraocular pressure (IOP) in the dog and a. Feline leukemia virus
cat is: b. Calicivirus
a. Between 5 and 10 mm Hg c. Feline viral rhinotracheitis
b. Between 12 and 22 mm Hg d. Feline immunodeficiency virus
c. Between 22 and 30 mm Hg
d. Between 30 and 45 mm Hg Answers found on page 544.
6. Acute glaucoma with pressures greater than 60 mm
Hg can result in blindness:
a. Within less than 15 minutes
b. Within 1 hour
c. After 24 hours
d. Within several hours
Hematologic and Immunological

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss with clients treatment options for specific
able to: blood dyscrasias seen in dogs and cats.
• Describe the cellular components of blood.
• Relate changes in blood components to common
blood diseases seen in dogs and cats.

Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes) 88 von Willebrand Disease 93
Erythrocyte Disorders 88 Lymphoma 94
Anemia Caused by Hemorrhage 88 Feline Lymphoma 94
Iron-Deficiency Anemia 88 Mediastinal Lymphoma 94
Hemolysis 89 Alimentary Lymphoma 94
Blood-Borne Parasites 89 Multicentric Lymphoma 94
Toxin-Induced Anemias or Heinz Body Anemias 89 Induction of Remission 94
Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia 90 Intensification 94
Thrombocytes (Platelets) 91 Maintenance 94
Immune-Mediated Thrombocytopenia 91 Rescue 95
Leukocytes 91 Canine Lymphoma 95
Ehrlichiosis 92 Maintenance Therapy 96
Acute Phase 92 Rescue Therapy 96
Chronic Phase 92 Feline Immunovirus (Feline Acquired
Hematology 92 Immunodeficiency Syndrome) 96
Serology 92 Supportive Care 97

Anemia Dyscrasia Spherocytes
Antibody Endemic Thrombocytopenia
Antigen Methemoglobinemia

Immune-mediated and hematologic disorders are com- entities. Knowledge of hematology and the functions
monly seen in veterinary practice. Although these dis- of the immune system will assist the student in under-
eases may be interrelated in some cases, this chapter standing these diseases.
discusses the most important diseases as individual

88 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats


Blood is the only liquid connective tissue in the body. It Erythrocyte disorders are frequently diagnosed in dogs
is a multifunctional tissue, and without it, the animal and cats and may be associated with decreased produc-
cannot survive. The functions of blood include temper- tion, increased destruction, or inappropriate loss of
ature regulation, pH balance, nutritional transport and RBCs (hemorrhage). Included in this category of disor-
waste disposal, hormone transport, and immune ders are anemias, hemorrhage, and neoplasia.
response. Blood is composed of the cellular components: Anemia is one of the most common laboratory find-
erythrocytes (red blood cells [RBCs]), leukocytes (white ings encountered in veterinary medicine and is usually
blood cells [WBCs]) and thrombocytes (platelets), and secondary to a primary disorder elsewhere in the body.
the liquid component, plasma. In the majority of our The major causes of anemia are varied and include hem-
companion animals, the cellular components make up orrhage, hemolysis, blood parasites, iron deficiencies,
about 45% of the blood, whereas the plasma fraction immune-mediated disease, renal failure, and toxins.
is close to 55% of the total blood volume. The approxi- A systematic diagnostic approach to anemia is neces-
mate total blood volume of any animal can be calculated sary and should include a thorough history, physical
using the following formula: examination, and a complete blood cell count (CBC),
including blood films. Treatment should be aimed at
Body weightðlbÞ  0:08  500 mL=lb
correcting the primary disorder and supporting the
¼ approximate blood volume
patient. Therefore it is important to establish whether
or the anemia is regenerative or nonregenerative. This
can be done by evaluating the reticulocyte count. Regen-
Body weightðkgÞ  0:08  1000 mL=kg erative anemias are usually the result of hemorrhage or
¼ approximate blood volume hemolysis, whereas nonregenerative cases may involve
bone marrow.

RED BLOOD CELLS (ERYTHROCYTES) Anemia Caused by Hemorrhage

The most common cause of hemorrhage is trauma,
RBCs are produced in the red bone marrow found in although platelet abnormalities and abnormal clotting
the epiphyses of long bones and in flat bones such as chemistries must be considered when determining the
the ribs, sternum, and pelvis. Each RBC is packed with diagnosis. Acute hemorrhage that occurs as a result of
an oxygen-carrying pigment called hemoglobin but no trauma or laceration is usually an easily diagnosable
organelles. After leaving the bone marrow as reticulo- problem. With acute blood loss internally, the hemato-
cytes, they mature into adult RBCs, unable to repro- crit does not reflect the severity of the problem, and as
duce and destined for removal within 100 days or so. fluid shifts occur to compensate for blood loss, shock
Because the life of each RBC includes millions of trips may result. Treatment should consist of controlling
through small capillaries, the cell membrane of the the hemorrhage and volume replacement.
RBC is very flexible; however, as the cell ages, it tends Thrombocytopenia accounts for many cases of gen-
to lose its flexibility and eventually is removed from cir- eralized bleeding in pet animals. In these cases, it may
culation by the spleen or the liver to be replaced by new, be more difficult for the veterinarian to diagnose blood
fresh, flexible cells. Stem cells within bone marrow con- loss. Signs of platelet deficiency include petechial hem-
stantly replace lost or damaged RBCs. The main job of orrhages on earflaps, mucous membranes, and non-
the RBC is to carry oxygen from the lungs to cells and haired areas such as the abdomen. Treatment involves
to remove carbon dioxide and waste products from steroid therapy, platelet-rich or whole-blood transfu-
tissues. sions, and avoidance of trauma.
The number of RBCs remains fairly constant
throughout the life of the animal and can be estimated Iron-Deficiency Anemia
as the packed cell volume (PVC) or calculated as the Dogs experiencing chronic external blood loss can expe-
hematocrit (HCT). rience development of iron-deficiency anemia. Severe
CHAPTER 5 Hematologic and Immunological Diseases 89

flea infestation, gastrointestinal (GI) parasites, gastric

ulceration, and bleeding neoplasms can cause significant
blood loss over time. The iron and hemoglobin lost with
this external bleeding result in the formation of altered
RBCs with decreased life spans. Treatment consists of
correcting the cause of the blood loss and oral iron
supplementation for 30 to 60 days.

When immune components attach directly or indirectly
to the RBC membrane, they alter its structure. The body,
in an attempt to regain homeostasis, begins to remove
these altered cells. Macrophages interact with the altered Fig. 5.1 Trophozoites of Babesia canis within canine red
cells, resulting in extravascular hemolysis. This disease, blood cells. (From Cowell RL, Taylor RD, Meinkoth JH, DeNicola
when seen in dogs, appears to be related to the presence DB. Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the Dog and Cat.
of an underlying inflammatory process. Affected ani- 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2007.)
mals acutely develop exercise intolerance, pale mucous
membranes, tachycardia, and icterus if the condition Rhipicephalus sanguineus transmits these parasites. The
is severe. In cats, the most common cause of hemolytic presence of this intracellular parasite results in hemoly-
anemia is hemobartonellosis. Chronic infections with sis of the infected RBCs. Diagnosis is accomplished by
feline leukemia virus (FeLV) may also stimulate immu- finding the intracellular organism on blood films or
nohemolytic disease in the cat. by serology testing. Symptoms exhibited in dogs include
Treatment is aimed at suppressing the immune sys- hemoglobinuria, dehydration, fever, anorexia, and
tem (steroid therapy) and supportive therapy. Transfu- depression. Treatment involves tetracycline administra-
sion should be considered if the HCT of the cat declines tion (for M. hemofelis) and supportive care.
to life-threatening levels. Tetracycline or doxycycline Cytauxzoon felis, a protozoal organism from the
should be used to treat cats with hemobartonellosis. southern United States (Florida to Texas and Okla-
A special form of immune-mediated hemolytic dis- homa), is responsible for a fatal disease in cats. The
ease is seen in neonates. This occurs in horses and, intracellular form of the disease produces anemia,
rarely, in cats and dogs. The dam passes antibodies whereas the extracellular form proliferates within the
against fetal RBCs in her colostrum. The neonate’s RBCs macrophages lining the vascular system, resulting in
are attacked and lysed because they are coated with these blood stasis and vascular occlusion (Fig. 5.2). Cats die
antibodies. This problem can be avoided by blood- within days of the development of clinical signs.
typing breeding animals and by fostering the young
born to incompatible dams. Toxin-Induced Anemias or Heinz Body
Blood-Borne Parasites Drugs can be the source of anemias in small animals.
Several commonly seen blood parasitical diseases pro- Exposure of the erythrocyte to oxidants in plasma can
duce anemia through hemolysis. Mycoplasma hemofelis result in the formation of reversible and nonreversible
is a common cause of anemia in cats. The parasite hemichromes. When the nonreversible form is present,
attaches to the erythrocyte membrane, causing increased hemoglobin denaturation continues, forming aggregates
destruction of the cells. Animals that have nonspecific of the irreversible hemichromes called Heinz bodies.
signs of weight loss, anorexia, fever, hepatomegaly, These aggregates may be seen as large eccentric pale
and splenomegaly should have blood films examined structures within the feline RBC or as multiple small
for the presence of this microorganism. Some of these structures within the canine RBC. Cats are considered
animals may be icteric on examination. more susceptible to Heinz body formation because of
Babesia canis and Babesia gibsoni both produce the structure of their hemoglobin. One of the most com-
hemolytic disease in dogs (Fig. 5.1). The brown dog tick mon causes of Heinz body anemia in dogs is onion
90 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

English Sheepdogs, Irish Setters, and Cocker Spaniels.

The disease is four times more prevalent in female dogs
than in male dogs.
Clinical syndromes seen with IMHA include
immune-mediated extravascular hemolysis, intravascu-
lar hemolysis, and cryopathic IMHA.

Clinical Signs
• Anorexia
• Listlessness, weakness
• Depression
• Tachycardia, tachypnea
• Presence or absence of icterus (if intravascular)
• Presence or absence of hepatomegaly, splenomegaly
(if extravascular)
• Necrosis of distal extremities (cryopathic form)
• Pale mucous membranes

Fig. 5.2 Feline erythrocytes infected with Cytauxzoon piro- Diagnosis

plasms. (From Greene CE. Infectious Diseases of the Dog and
• CBC: leukocytosis; absolute neutrophilia with a left
Cat. 4th ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2012.)
shift; regenerative anemia
toxicity, primarily arising from owners treating dogs to
table scraps. Clinical signs may appear several days after TECH ALERT
ingestion and are usually those of a mild anemia. Acet- Spherocytes are commonly found on CBC.
aminophen toxicity also results in methemoglobinemia
and anemia in dogs and cats. Toxic doses are usually the
result of the owner medicating the animal. As little as • Serum chemistries are usually unremarkable
one-half a tablet can result in clinical signs. Methylene • Agglutination test: Mix 1 drop of anticoagulated blood
blue, which is a urinary antiseptic used in cats, has long and 1 drop of saline on a clean glass slide. If antibody
been known to produce Heinz body anemia when given molecules are present, agglutination will be observed
to healthy cats. Specific diseases of clinical significance • Direct Coombs test: Must be species-specific. False-
include immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA), positive and false-negative results are common. Take
immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (IMTP), ehrlichi- clinical signs into account when interpreting a
osis, and von Willebrand disease (vWD). positive result
• Direct immunofluorescence assay: Detects antibodies
Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia against immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgA, IgM, and
Although the specific cause of IMHA is unknown, the complement C3
accelerated RBC destruction occurs because of the pres-
ence of antibodies that attach to the RBC membrane. Treatment
These cells are then removed by the immune system, • Treatment should be aimed at improving tissue
resulting in anemia. The antibodies may bind directly oxygenation and managing immune response
to the cell membrane or may attach to a microorganism • Glucocorticoids: dexamethasone intravenously (IV)
or drug that has previously been bound to the mem- every 12 hours; prednisone or prednisolone given
brane receptor sites. Adherence of these antibodies acti- orally
vates the complement system, causing agglutination and • Azathioprine
destruction of the RBC. • Cyclosporine
IMHA is found most commonly in dogs 2 to 8 years • Omeprazole to prevent gastric ulceration from
of age. A breed predisposition exists in Poodles, Old cortisone:
CHAPTER 5 Hematologic and Immunological Diseases 91

• Cimetidine: PO every 6 to 12 hours As platelet numbers decline to less than 30,000

• Misoprostol: PO every 6 to 8 hours thrombocytes/mm3 of blood, bleeding problems
• Sucralfate to protect gastric ulcerations: 1 gram (g) develop. Animals are usually presented for bleeding,
PO every 8 hours most commonly epistaxis. Petechial hemorrhages may
• Danazol: A synthetic testosterone that works syner- appear on mucous membranes, earflaps, and other
gistically with cortisone: PO every 12 hours mucocutaneous surfaces. Bloody stool or blood in
• Heparin to prevent thromboembolism or dissemi- vomitus is seen occasionally.
nated intravascular coagulation (DIC): SQ three
times daily Clinical Signs
• Petechial and ecchymotic hemorrhages on skin and
Information for Clients mucosal surfaces
• The prognosis for animals with this disease is • Weakness, lethargy
• Approximately 30% to 40% of all dogs will die despite Diagnosis
aggressive treatment. • Rule out other causes of thrombocytopenia such as
• Relapses are common. DIC, lymphoma, and myeloproliferative disease
• Your veterinarian may suggest an ovariohysterect- • Bone marrow examination indicates actively budding
omy for your intact female dog. megakaryocytes and increased plasma cells
• Clinical signs and response to treatment confirm
Thrombocytes or platelets are not actually cells. They Treatment
are fragments of a larger cell found within bone mar- • Prednisone: divided twice daily
row. Thrombocytes are formed from stem cells that • Vincristine: IV repeated one to two times at weekly
develop into megakaryocytes. These large cells frag- intervals
ment as they pass out of bone marrow into smaller • Azathioprine
units called platelets. Platelets are necessary for blood • Cyclosporine
clotting. They may be small, but they are packed with • Mycophenolate mofetil
chemicals that are involved in both hemostasis and • Platelet-rich transfusion
blood clotting. Shortly after vascular injury, platelets • Danazol and cimetidine as for IMHA
become activated and begin to stick together, forming
a platelet plug that blocks the vessel and prevents hem- Information for Clients
orrhage. Chemicals contained within the thrombocyte • The prognosis for animals with IMTP is guarded to
are also necessary for the activation and maintenance favorable. About 20% of affected animals will die.
of the blood clotting cascades. When platelet levels • Relapses may occur.
decrease below normal, bleeding becomes a problem • Splenectomy may be required in refractory cases.
for the animal. • Owners of intact female animals should consider
having the pet spayed to decrease hormonal stress.
Immune-Mediated Thrombocytopenia
As in IMHA, IMTP occurs when platelets become
coated with antibodies or complement-antibody com-
plexes. Destruction may occur in the spleen, bone mar- There are five types of leukocytes or WBCs: the granu-
row, or liver. The inciting cause is usually unknown, but locytes—neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils—and
some drugs such as sulfonamide, chlorothiazide, arsen- the agranulocytes—lymphocytes and monocytes. Leu-
icals, digitoxin, and quinidine have been associated with kocytes are formed in the red bone marrow and in the
the development of IMTP. The disease typically appears thymus and lymph system. Each cell type has a special
in dogs 5 to 6 years of age; female dogs are twice as likely job within the blood and tissues. The neutrophils and
to be affected as male dogs. monocytes are predominately phagocytic cells, active
92 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

in inflammatory responses to disease. Basophils contain Suppression of bone marrow also occurs, resulting in
histamine and heparin, which are chemicals involved in aplastic anemia.
immune response and blood clotting, respectively, and Dogs unable to mount an adequate immune response
eosinophils are seen increased in allergic responses become chronically infected.
and in parasitical infections. Lymphocytes can be
divided into two types, T-lymphocytes and Clinical Signs
B-lymphocytes, each with a different job. After forma-
Acute Phase
tion in the bone marrow, the cells destined to become • Depression, anorexia
T-lymphocytes migrate through the thymus and are • Fever
trained to recognize “self.” The T-lymphocytes are active • Weight loss
in cell-mediated immune responses. They respond • Ocular and nasal discharge
directly to destroy invaders recognized as “nonself.” • Dyspnea
There are several different types of T-cells: helper • Edema of the limbs or scrotum
T-cells, cytotoxic T-cells, and natural killer T-cells. • Lymphadenopathy
Natural killer T-cells are active against tumor cells,
Chronic phase
as are the cytotoxic T-cells. Helper cells assist • Bleeding tendencies
B-lymphocytes in the inflammatory response to • Severe weight loss
microbes. B-lymphocytes make up the humoral • Debilitation
response system. After activation, they produce anti- • Abdominal tenderness
bodies specifically designed to destroy the invader. They • Anterior uveitis, retinal hemorrhages
are also responsible for activation of adjunct mecha-
nisms such as complement activation and opsonization
of microorganisms. Diagnosis
The leukocyte count makes up part of the CBC and Hematology
should be a part of every clinical diagnostic plan. • Pancytopenia
• Aplastic anemia
Ehrlichiosis • Thrombocytopenia (most common sign)
Ehrlichia canis was first recognized in the United • Anemia
States in 1963. The disease gained prominence • Positive Coombs test
because of the large losses among military working • Increased serum proteins
dogs stationed in Vietnam. The disease is seen pri- • Finding the organisms within peripheral blood
marily in tropical and subtropical environments smears (Fig. 5.3)
throughout the world. Serology
This rickettsial disease is spread by the tick vector • Immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) test
Rhipicephalus sanguineus, the brown dog tick, and is • Snap 4D test
most commonly diagnosed in dogs living in the south-
eastern and southwestern United States, which are areas Treatment
with large tick populations. Infection occurs when the • Doxycycline: twice daily for 14 days
organism is transmitted via the tick saliva during a blood
meal. It may also be transmitted by blood transfusion
from an infected animal to a noninfected animal. After Information for Clients
infection, the organism multiplies within mononuclear • The prognosis for this disease is generally good.
cells, both circulating and fixed (liver, spleen, and lymph • Because dogs do not mount a protective immune
nodes). The infected circulating cells can infect other response, reinfection may occur.
organs. Infection results in vascular endothelial damage, • Routine use of tick control products is important to
platelet consumption, and erythrocyte destruction. prevent disease.
CHAPTER 5 Hematologic and Immunological Diseases 93

von Willebrand Disease

Canine vWD is the most common inherited disorder of
hemostasis. In healthy dogs, the von Willebrand factor
(vWF) promotes platelet clumping, whereas decreased
amounts or lack of the factor results in a bleeding disorder.
vWD has been identified in 54 breeds in the United States
with Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, and Lab-
rador Retrievers being overrepresented. In most dogs,
the inheritance is autosomal dominant with incomplete
penetrance. Dogs that carry the gene will demonstrate var-
iable signs and severity with respect to bleeding tendencies.
Dogs with this disorder should not be used for breed-
ing. Special care must be taken at surgery to ensure ade-
A quate hemostasis; thus, it is recommended that breeds
that can carry the affected gene have a buccal mucosal
bleeding time evaluation performed before surgery.

Clinical Signs
• Easy bruising in breeds predisposed to the disease
• Prolonged bleeding during estrus
• Prolonged bleeding from venipuncture

• Buccal mucosal bleeding time prolonged >4 minutes
• Low levels of vWF in plasma
• Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) confirmation of the
gene defect
• Positive enzyme-linked immunosorbent
B assay (ELISA)

• Bleeding episodes can be managed with plasma or
cryoprecipitate infusion
• Desmopressin acetate can be used to control
bleeding during surgery (administer 20–30 minutes
before surgery). Effect lasts about 2 hours. Dose is
1 mcg/kg SQ

Information for Clients

• This disease is inherited. These dogs should not be
used for breeding.
• Any trauma or stress may precipitate a bleeding
C episode.
• Surgery will require special precautions to control
Fig. 5.3 White blood cells containing Ehrlichia canis. (Courtesy
Dr. Itamer Aroch, Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, The
• When purchasing one of the affected breeds, always
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. In: Greene CE.
Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat. 4th ed. St. Louis, MO: purchase dogs whose parents have been found to be
Saunders; 2012.) free from the disease.
94 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Dyspnea
Feline Lymphoma • Vomiting
Lymphoma accounts for approximately 90% of all feline • Diarrhea
hematopoietic tumors. Most feline lymphomas are induced • Lethargy
by FeLV, with 70% of lymphoma cases being FeLV-positive • Weight loss
cats. The average age for development of the disease in • Visibly enlarged peripheral lymph nodes
FeLV-positive cats is 3 years, whereas in FeLV-negative
cats, the disease develops later in life (7 years of age). Cats Diagnosis
with the multicentric form of the disease have the greatest • Cytology is the best method for diagnosis. Fine-
incidence of FeLV-positive status (80%). needle aspiration or surgical biopsy will provide a
Lymphomas may be classified in one of two ways: (1) diagnosis. Cytology will demonstrate a monomor-
by anatomical location or (2) according to the extent of phic population of immature lymphocytes
the disease. Both schemes complement each other. This
chapter concentrates on the classification system using Treatment
anatomical location. • Chemotherapy is the preferred method of treatment.
Drug protocols are divided into four phases: (1)
Mediastinal Lymphoma induction of remission, (2) intensification, (3) main-
The mediastinal, or thymic, form of lymphoma is seen in tenance, and (4) rescue
young cats (2–3 years of age). Most of these cats are Induction of remission
• COP (Cytoxan, Oncovin, prednisone) protocol:
FeLV positive (80%). Clinical signs associated with this
• Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan): given PO on days
form of the disease are those of a space-occupying mass
within the mediastinum and include dyspnea, tachyp- 1 and 22 of the month
• Vincristine (Oncovin): given IV on days 1, 8, 15,
nea, regurgitation, cough, anorexia, depression, weight
loss, and pleural effusion. and 22 of the month
• Prednisone: once daily
Alimentary Lymphoma
The alimentary form of lymphoma occurs in older cats,
and the majority of these cats are FeLV negative (70%). Remission rates of up to 80% have been reported with
Clinical signs are related to an intestinal mass and include this protocol; the duration of remission ranges from
42 days to 42 months.
vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and intestinal obstruction.

Multicentric Lymphoma • COAP (Cytoxan, Oncovin, cytosine arabinoside,

Multicentric disease is the most commonly observed prednisone) protocol:
form of lymphoma. Most cats with multicentric lym- • Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan): PO 4 days/week
phoma are FeLV positive, with the average age of pre- given every other day
sentation being 4 years. Clinical signs are variable and • Vincristine (Oncovin): IV once each week
depend on the location and the size of the tumors. Many • Cytosine arabinoside (Cytosar-U): given by IV
cats may be asymptomatic, whereas others may have drip or SQ for only 2 days
anorexia, weight loss, and lethargy. Peripheral lymph • Prednisone: PO daily for 7 days, then every
nodes may become visibly enlarged but are nonpainful other day
on palpation. Because a majority of these cats are also • Use protocol for 6 weeks, then switch to maintenance
FeLV positive, anemia is also prevalent. therapy
Clinical Signs • Add L-asparaginase (Elspar) SQ for one dose.
Clinical signs depend on the location and size of the Maintenance
tumors but can include the following: • LMP (Leukeran, methotrexate, prednisone) protocol:
CHAPTER 5 Hematologic and Immunological Diseases 95

• Chlorambucil (Leukeran): PO every other day or • Wear gloves when handling chemotherapeutic drugs
PO every other week to prevent absorption through skin.
• Methotrexate: PO two to three times weekly
• Prednisone: PO every other day TECH ALERT
Rescue Clinicians and technicians should consult with oncology
• Protocols are available that add drugs such as adria- specialists for optional protocols in the treatment of this
mycin and dacarbazine (consult oncology texts for disease.
further information)
• Additional drugs used in the treatment of lymphomas
in the cat include the following: Canine Lymphoma
• Idarubicin: for 2 consecutive days every 21 days Malignant lymphoma (lymphosarcoma) is the most
• Doxorubicin: IV every 3 weeks common hematopoietic tumor of the dog. More than
Radiation therapy 85% of cases treated by veterinarians involve regional
• Radiation therapy is useful in cases of localized or generalized lymphadenopathy. Survival times for
lymphomas untreated dogs are short, and most die within 4 to
6 weeks after diagnosis. With treatment, remission rates
TECH ALERT can approach 90%; the duration of remission normally
Note that radiation/chemotherapy doses are in milli- lasts longer than 6 months.
grams per square meter (mg/m2). Body surface area is Therapy involves two phases of treatment: (1) the
a more accurate method of dosing toxic materials. induction and maintenance phase and (2) the rescue
phase. Combined drug protocols provide the best
response rates and duration of remission. Dogs treated
• All of the chemotherapeutic agents induce side effects initially with only prednisolone have shorter remission
in animals undergoing treatment. Negative side periods and decreased survival times. (See the literature
effects include the following: for the various protocols that are available.) Eventually,
• Anorexia: use cyproheptadine two to three times most dogs will require rescue therapy. The duration of
daily to stimulate appetite the new remissions is generally poor because of the
• Vomiting emergence of drug-resistant tumor cells.
• Leukopenia: check blood cell count 1 week after Alternative therapies such as monoclonal antibody ther-
each dose of Cytoxan; reduce the dose by 25% if apy or bone marrow transplantation show some promise
segmented neutrophil count is <1000 cells per for future treatment of malignant lymphoma in the dog.
microliter (cells/μL).
• Renal toxicity: monitor renal function Clinical Signs
• Hemorrhagic cystitis: this is uncommon but can • Enlarged peripheral lymph nodes
occur with Cytoxan therapy • Lethargy
• Weight loss
Information for Clients • Vomiting, diarrhea, or both
• There is no cure for this disease. The goal of therapy
is to induce remission, make the cat more comfort- Diagnosis
able, and prolong life. • Cytology or biopsy (as for cats)
• Cats that achieve complete remission live a median of
5 months (with a range of 2–42 months); all animals Treatment
will have a relapse of the disease eventually. • Several combined drug therapy protocols are avail-
• Maintenance therapy and follow-up is important to able. The following protocol is from the University
the success of the treatment protocol. of Wisconsin at Madison:
• Nutritional support is important with the alimentary • Vincristine: IV at weeks 1, 3, 6, and 8
form of the disease; a feeding tube may be needed. • l-Asparaginase: IM at week 1
• All therapy protocols will produce some toxicity that • Prednisone: PO daily at weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4 in
may need to be treated. decreasing doses
96 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan): IV at weeks 2 and 7 interacts with lymphocytes (predominantly CD4 cells
• Doxorubicin: IV at weeks 4 and 9 and macrophages), changing their ability to function
• Other treatments that may result in less successful normally in the immune response process. The result-
remissions include the following: ing lymphopenia, loss of memory cell function, and
• Prednisone: PO; this treatment has been shown to decrease in antibody production from T-cell–stimu-
help for a short period (30 days), but use of it may lated lymphocytes leave the cat open for opportunistic
make it more difficult to reestablish remission a infections.
second time FIV is endemic in most of the United States. Outdoor,
• Cytoxan: PO for 4 consecutive days weekly; free-roaming cats are at greatest risk, with male cats
administer with prednisone being 1.5 to 3 times more likely to become infected com-
• Doxorubicin: IV every 3 weeks for a total of five pared with female cats. This is probably related to their
treatments fighting behavior and territorial aggressiveness. The
Maintenance therapy average age at the time of diagnosis is between 6 and
• Vincristine: IV 8 years. Incidental transmission through food bowls,
• Chlorambucil: PO mutual grooming, or other fomites is unlikely in
• Methotrexate IV or doxorubicin IV (alternate these multiple-cat households. Kittens can become infected
two drugs until a total doxorubicin dose of 180 with the virus while nursing queens that are experienc-
mg/m2 is attained, and then use methotrexate alone): ing the acute phase of the disease (FIV passed in milk).
• Begin on week 11, and alternate these three treat- With the availability of the FIV vaccine, it has become
ments every 2 weeks more difficult to diagnose a clinical infection versus a
• After week 25, alternate every 3 weeks vaccine antibody titer. Antibodies can be detected as
• After week 49, alternate every 4 weeks early as 2 weeks after vaccine administration, and ELISA
• Discontinue after 2 years if the dog is in complete is not able to distinguish between the two.
remission FIV can be divided into three stages: (1) acute infec-
Rescue therapy tion (3–6 months), (2) subclinical infection (months
• Actinomycin D: IV every 2 to 3 weeks to years), and (3) chronic clinical infection (months
• Mitoxantrone: every 3 weeks to years).
• Doxorubicin (IV at day 1) and dacarbazine (IV at • Acute stage: usually mild symptoms of recurrent
days 1–5); cycle every 21 days fever, lethargy, anorexia, and generalized
Information for Clients • Subclinical stage: usually no clinical signs shown in
• Most dogs eventually will experience relapse. infected cats; however, the disease is progressing
• Durability of new remissions is usually poor; life • Chronic clinical stage: A variety of signs involve the
expectancy ranges from 2 to 5 months. establishment of opportunistic infections throughout
• Medications used in chemotherapy will cause sup- the body and symptoms related to viral infection:
pression of the immune system, and blood cell counts • Chronic stomatitis and weight loss
need to be monitored frequently. • Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections
• Boxers, Bullmastiffs, Basset Hounds, Saint Bernards, • Chronic enteritis
and Scottish Terriers have a predisposition for this • Persistent dermatomycosis
disease. • Ocular disease: anterior uveitis, retinal degenera-
• Without treatment, most dogs die within 4 to 6 weeks tion or hemorrhage, transient conjunctivitis
after diagnosis. • Tumors
• With proper treatment, survival time may approach • Chronic wasting syndrome: cats lose up to 30% of
1 year. body weight in several weeks
• Neurological signs: altered behavior, paresis,
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (Feline weakness
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) Therapies focus on preventing exposure to pathogens
In 1987, Pederson and colleagues first isolated feline and supportive care. The average time from diagnosis to
immunodeficiency virus (FIV). The virus, a lentivirus, death is approximately 5 years.
CHAPTER 5 Hematologic and Immunological Diseases 97

Clinical Signs • Interferon-α: PO every 24 hours for 5 days on

• Febrile episodes alternate weeks
• Lymphadenopathy Supportive care
• Persistent infections unresponsive to treatment • Limit contact with other cats to decrease exposure to
• Weight loss secondary pathogens
• Gingivitis • Avoid routine vaccinations
• Ocular lesions • Limit vaccines to rabies as required by law
• Slow-healing traumatic wounds Preventive
• Behavior abnormalities • Keep cats inside; avoid contact with feral cats
• Chronic upper respiratory infections • Vaccination: may result in a cat that tests positive on
• Anemia future FIV tests

Diagnosis Information for Clients

• In-house serology: Membrane-bound ELISA test • This is a progressive disease.
is sensitive and specific for the presence of • The average life span from diagnosis to death is about
antibodies 5 years.
• To prevent this disease, keep cats indoors and limit
Treatment contact with feral or free-roaming cats.
• Reverse transcriptase inhibitors are expensive, but • Test all new additions to the cat’s household.
easily available: • Incidental infection among cats in a household is
• Zidovudine (AZT Retrovir, Burroughs unlikely.
Wellcome): three times daily • FIV has not been found to grow in human cells.

1. When determining whether an anemia is 3. A buccal mucosal bleeding time longer than
regenerative or nonregenerative, one must look 4 minutes in a healthy, young Doberman might
at the: indicate the presence of:
a. Complete blood count a. Heinz body anemia
b. Absolute reticulocyte count b. von Willebrand disease
c. Red blood cell count c. Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia
d. Red blood cell morphology d. Iron deficiency
2. What is the tick vector responsible for the spread of 4. Few cats with feline lymphoma will test positive for
canine ehrlichiosis? FeLV.
a. Dermacentor variabilis a. True
b. Amblyomma americanum b. False
c. Rhipicephalus sanguineus 5. List three drugs that are useful in the treatment of
d. Boophilus annulatus canine lymphosarcoma.
98 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

6. According to the new protocols for vaccination, all 9. Haemobartonella felis is now called ________.
cats should be vaccinated for FIV. a. Haemobartonella cati
a. True b. Mycoplasma hemofelis
b. False c. Haemobartonella macrofilia
7. What is the main disadvantage to vaccinating young d. Mycobacterium cati
cats for FIV? 10. Animals demonstrating intravascular hemolytic
8. When dosing toxic drugs, ________, instead of disease will have ________ plasma.
weight, should be used to determine the dose. a. Yellow
a. Body surface area b. Milky
b. Blood volume c. Red
c. Body height d. Brown
d. Liver function test value Answers found on page 544.
Diseases of the Integumentary System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • List common ectoparasites that produce skin disease
able to: in companion animals.
• Describe the arrangement and importance of the skin • Demonstrate the ability to explain parasite control
as an organ. for the most common ectoparasites.
• Explain allergic (atopic) dermatitis and the • Relate diagnosis and treatment of skin lumps and
treatments associated with it to clients. bumps, for example, tumors, abscesses, and cysts.

Anatomy of the Skin 100 Pyodermas 112
Atopic Dermatitis (Allergic Skin Disease) 102 Superficial Pyodermas 112
Ectoparasites 103 Acute Moist Dermatitis (“Hot Spots”) 112
Ear Mites (Otodectes cynotis) 103 Impetigo 113
Fleas (Ctenocephalides spp.) 103 Acne 114
Sprays and Powders 104 Skinfold Pyoderma 114
Shampoos 104 Deep Pyodermas 114
Dips 104 Anal Glands 115
Systemics 104 Tumors of the Skin 116
Ticks (Ixodes spp. and Argasid spp.) 105 Benign Skin Tumors 116
Mange Mites 106 Histiocytomas 116
Demodectic Mange 106 Lipoma 116
Localized 107 Papillomas (Warts) 117
Generalized or Severe Localized 107 Sebaceous Cysts 117
Sarcoptic Mange (Scabies) 108 Malignant Skin Tumors 117
Cuterebra “Warbles” 108 Basal Cell Carcinoma 117
Myiasis (Maggots) 109 Fibrosarcomas (not Vaccine-induced) 117
Lice 110 Feline Fibrosarcomas (Vaccine-Induced) 118
Superficial Dermatomycoses (Fungal Mast Cell Tumors 118
Infections) 111 Melanoma (Benign or Malignant) 119
Microsporum Canis Infections 111 Perianal Tumors (Adenomas and
Localized Lesions 112 Adenocarcinomas) 119
Generalized Lesions 112 Squamous Cell Carcinoma 120

100 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Alopecia Erythema Pyodermia
Amelanotic Flaccid paralysis Sarcoma
Benign Mitacide Stratum
Carcinoma Myiasis Squamous epithelium
Ectoparasites Pruritus Systemic

The skin makes up the largest organ system in the body. • Excretion: the animal’s skin has a limited excretory
It composes approximately 24% of the total body weight function
of a newborn puppy and about 12% of the body weight • Vitamin D production: the skin is essential for solar
of an adult animal. It consists of three distinct layers: (1) energy activation of vitamin D, which is necessary
the epidermis, (2) the dermis, and (3) the hypodermis, or for normal calcium absorption.
the subcuticular layer (Fig. 6.1). The skin serves as a bar-
rier between the animal’s body and the environment. TECH ALERT
It not only protects the animal from physical, chemical, • The skin is an important indicator of internal disease.
and microbiologic injury, but the sensory organs found • Any physical condition that disrupts the normal func-
in the skin allow the animal to feel pain, heat, cold, tions of this barrier can result in disease. Increased
touch, and pressure. The skin is also a storage depot moisture, chemical exposure, increased temperature,
for electrolytes, water, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, hormonal change, and physical damage can produce a
and it assists in the activation of vitamin D by solar breach in the barrier, allowing the invasion of disease-
energy. The hypodermis stores fat for insulation and producing microorganisms.
energy reserves. The animal’s skin has many functions: • Problems relating to the skin are the most frequent
• Enclosing barrier: protects the internal environment complaints presented in small-animal medicine. Tech-
of the body from water and electrolyte loss nicians deal with these complaints daily as clients ask
• Environmental protection: protects the internal envi- questions and seek help for the treatment and preven-
tion of skin diseases afflicting their pets. This chapter
ronment from the external environment
focuses on the most commonly seen skin problems of
• Temperature regulation: maintains the animal’s coat
companion animals.
and regulates the blood supply to the cutaneous tis-
sues, which regulate heat dissipation and retention
• Sensory perception: contains sense organs for touch,
temperature, and pain
• Motion and shape: allows for motion and provides a Undisturbed, the skin is a perfect barrier protecting the
definition to the body underlying tissues and organs from microbiologic and
• Antimicrobial: contains antimicrobial and antifungal environmental intrusions. In most humans and animals,
properties it is difficult to maintain the integrity of the skin and,
• Blood pressure control: the peripheral vascular beds hence, to remain immune to invasion. The top layer
within the skin help control blood pressure of the skin, the epidermis, is formed from multiple layers
• Secretion: contains both apocrine and sebaceous of squamous epithelium. As with all epithelial tissues, it
glands consists of a deep basement membrane and a superficial
• Adnexa: produces hair, nails, hooves, and horny edge open to the environment. Between the two are mul-
layers of the epidermis tiple layers of epithelial cells slowly moving from the
• Storage: stores electrolytes, water, vitamins, fat, deeper layers toward the surface and to death. Just above
proteins, carbohydrates, and other substances the basement membrane is the stratum basale, a single
• Pigmentation: processes within the skin (e.g., mela- layer of cuboidal cells that rapidly undergo mitosis
nin formation) help determine coat and skin color and form all cells found in the more superficial layers
and provide solar protection of the epidermis. Above the stratum basale are 8 to 10
CHAPTER 6 Diseases of the Integumentary System 101

Hair shafts
Free nerve
pili muscle
Sebaceous Dermis
Compound (oil) gland
Hair root


Adipose (fat) tissue

Pacinian corpuscle
Artery Sebaceous
A Vein (oil) gland



Fig. 6.1 (A) Canine skin and underlying subcutaneous tissue. Note that the epidermis of canine skin includes
folds from which compound hairs arise. (B) Normal canine skin. (C) Normal feline skin. Note the thin epidermis
and compound hair follicle arrangement of both species. ((A) From Colville T, Bassert JM. Clinical Anatomy and
Physiology for Veterinary Technicians. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2008, by permission; (B) From Scott DW, Miller
WH, Jr., Griffin CE. Muller and Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 2001.
(C) From Norris AJ, Griffey SM, Lucroy MD, Madewell BR. Cyclin D3 expression in normal fetal, normal adult
and neoplastic feline tissue. J Comp Pathol 2005;132(4): 329-339.)
102 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

layers of the stratum spinosum, and 2 to 5 layers of the

stratum granulosum, dying cells filling with keratohyalin
granules. Above these two layers are the stratum luci- DISEASE)
dium, clear cells that contain a precursor of keratin, elei- Atopy is the second most common cause of skin disease in
din, and the stratum corneum or the horny layer. The the dog and can be seen in cats. It is defined as a chronic,
stratum corneum comprises mostly dead cells filled with inflammatory disease associated with allergens such as
keratin fibers imbedded with glycophospholipids, form- grasses, pollens, food, house mites, dust, and other envi-
ing a tough, waterproof covering of the body. Cells ronmental pollutants. There seems to be a genetic predis-
continuously migrate from the deeper layers of the epi- position for atopy in some breeds, but any animal can
dermis toward the surface, where they slough off. In develop the disease with chronic exposure to an allergen.
humans, the regeneration time for this process is around Animals usually show signs of atopy early in life, and it
35 days. is common in indoor pets. Allergens may be seasonal
The dermis is located under the epidermis. The two (grasses, pollens) or nonseasonal (food). Animals with
are linked together through the basement membrane food sensitivities will usually present with intestinal prob-
and a polysaccharide gel-type glue. Located within the lems like vomiting, diarrhea, gas, and/or perianal pruritus.
dermis are hair follicles, sweat glands, blood and lymph Beef is the most common food allergen. Secondary
vessels, nerves, and other sensory receptors. The hypo- skin infections and ectoparasites can exacerbate the
dermis, or subcuticular layer, lies under the dermis. symptoms of atopy.
It is composed mostly of loose connective tissues and
adipose cells. In humans, the subcuticular space is very Clinical Signs
small, but in animal species, it is quite large, making sub- • Red, itchy skin, especially paws, face, groin
cutaneous (SQ) injections of medications and fluids • Chronic ear infections
safer and more efficient. • +/– seasonal disease
Paw pads, claws and hoofs, fur, and tactile hairs are • Gastrointestinal symptoms
structures found within the skin of companion animals
but not in humans. Thickened areas of the epidermis Diagnosis
occur on areas of the body exposed to continued use, • Rule out ectoparasites
for example, the pads of the paw. The thickened skin • Culture skin/ear lesions
in these areas provides protection from constant abra- • Intradermal skin testing
sion. Claws develop from keratinized epithelial cells that • Serum IgE testing
grow from the stratum spinosum and the stratum gran- • Food trials (if suspect dietary related)
ulosum in the nail bed. The claw has good vascular and • Response to treatment
nerve supply and may be pigmented or nonpigmented,
depending on the species. The claw is a constantly grow- Treatment
ing living tissue and is either worn down by the animal • Ear mediations
walking on it or must be trimmed by the owner or the • Antihistamines orally and/or topically
veterinary staff. • Glucocorticoids orally and/or topically
Hair begins its growth in the hair follicle found in the • Atopica (Novartis) orally
dermis. Epidermal cells migrate down into the hair fol- • Apoquel (Zoetis) orally
licles during gestation. Their continual mitotic activity • Shampoos
and keratinization forms the hair root pushing the cells • Immunotherapy
upward to form the hair shaft. Like claws, hairs are con- • Specifically designed based on skin testing;
tinually lost and replaced during the life of the animal. monthly injections
Pigments are incorporated into the hair shaft during for- • Cytopoint (Zoetis) monthly injections; neutralizes
mation, giving the hair coat the characteristic coat color Interleukin-31, which is involved in the itch
of the species. response
CHAPTER 6 Diseases of the Integumentary System 103

Information for Clients

• Treatment for atopy will be lifelong and can be costly.
• Certain breeds may be genetically predisposed to the
development of atopy.
• Symptoms may wax and wane depending on levels of
antigens in the environment.
• In the case of food allergies, feeding trials may take
8 to 12 weeks for symptoms to resolve.
• Ectoparasites must be controlled during the
entire year.

ECTOPARASITES Fig. 6.2 Adult male ear mite, Otodectes cynotis. (From Hendrix
CM, Robinson E. Diagnostic Parasitology for Veterinary Techni-
External parasites are responsible for many skin prob- cians. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2012.)
lems seen in small-animal medicine (refer to a parasitol-
ogy text for detailed information on the life cycles of the • Adult mites and eggs can be seen on microscopical
individual parasites discussed in this chapter). The most examination of smears of the exudate
commonly diagnosed ectoparasites are as follows:
• Ear mites (Otodectes cynotis) Treatment
• Fleas (Ctenocephalides spp.) Many otic products contain ingredients that will kill
• Ticks (Ixodes spp. and others) mites. The technician should first carefully clean the exu-
• Mange (Demodex canis, Sarcoptes scabiei, Notoedres date from the ear canal and then apply a miticide into the
cati) canal. Recommended miticides include the following:
• Warbles (Cutebrae spp.) • MilbeMite otic
• Myiasis (fly maggots) • Tresaderm
• Lice (Linognathus setosus) • Revolution
Some of these parasites live on the skin; some live • Ivermectin (off-label uses): 300 mcg/kg subcutane-
within or under the skin; and some pierce the skin, suck- ously (SQ) or orally (PO) (repeat in 14 days)
ing blood meals that produce severe cutaneous reac-
tions. These reactions include inflammation, edema, TECH ALERT
and itching. In many cases, the animal itself is responsi- Owners must be informed that ivermectin is not licensed
ble for increased damage to the skin through licking, for subcutaneous use in companion-animal species.
chewing, and scratching.

Ear Mites (Otodectes cynotis) Information for Clients

Ear mites live on the surface of the skin in the external • The life cycle of the parasite is 3 weeks. Eggs hatch
ear canal, feeding on epidermal debris (Fig. 6.2). every 10 days, so treatment must be continued for
no less than 30 days.
Clinical Signs • This parasite is highly contagious. All animals that have
• Ear canals may be filled with a brown-black, crusty had contact with the infested animal should be treated.
exudate • Humans do not become infested by this parasite in
• Mites are extremely irritating, so animals will scratch most cases.
their ears • The mites may spend time elsewhere on the animal’s
• Scrapes (wounds) may be visible on the side of the body, especially on a cat’s tail. If infestations recur,
face or head treat the entire animal with dip or shampoo.

Diagnosis Fleas (Ctenocephalides spp.)

• Under an otoscope, the large, white, adult mites can Fleas are blood-sucking ectoparasites that feed sporadi-
be seen crawling on the surface of the crusty exudate cally on mammals and birds (Fig. 6.3). Fleas produce
104 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

adult flea. Each product has specific species and age

specifications; therefore, you must read the label
carefully before use. Become familiar with the
products sold in your clinic
• Shampoos provide no residual effect. The product
will kill fleas that come into contact with the
shampoo, but it will not remain on the skin after rins-
ing. Read the label carefully for species specifications
Fig. 6.3 Adult male and female Ctenocephalides felis, cat fleas, • Dips provide residual effect on the animal. These
the most common flea found on dogs and cats. (From Hendrix products are more toxic than other topical prepara-
CM, Robinson E. Diagnostic Parasitology for Veterinary Techni- tions. Read the label carefully for species specifications
cians. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2012, by permission.)
and proper dilution techniques. Animals should not
severe skin irritation as a result of their frequent bites. Flea be rinsed off or towel-dried after being dipped
saliva is highly antigenic in some animals and will produce Systemics
an allergic dermatitis. Fleas can act as vectors for diseases • Oral systemics are one of the newest treatments for
and as intermediary hosts for the dog tapeworm (Dipyli- fleas. These products are absorbed and distributed
dium caninum). Pets, and their environments, can become within the skin to kill the flea when it feeds, or to ren-
infested with massive numbers of fleas. der reproduction impossible. The Seresto collar for
dogs and cats provides topical systemic flea protec-
Clinical Signs tion for up to 8 months (Box 6.1)
• Animals infested with fleas will continually scratch or
bite their skin BOX 6.1 Common Brands of Systemics
• Areas commonly affected include the tail-head area
Bravecto (fluralaner): oral flea and tick preventive given
and the inner thigh region of the animal. These areas
every three months. (Merial LTD).
may be red, inflamed, and scabbed. In cats, small scabs
Nexgard (afoxolaner): oral monthly treatment for ticks
may cover the entire dorsum (miliary dermatitis) and fleas (Merck).
• Small, pepperlike granules may be found on the skin and
Advantage: A once monthly spot-on helps kill adult
hair coat. When placed on white paper wet with alcohol fleas and prevent reproduction; it is dosed according to
or water, the granules give off a red color. These granules weight and species.
are dried flea excrement and contain blood products Program: Lufenuron, the active ingredient, is absorbed
by the fatty tissue and slowly distributed to the blood-
Diagnosis stream. This ingredient interferes with the synthesis of
• Finding fleas on the animal chitin, a necessary element in flea development. It is
• Finding flea dirt on the animal given by tablet once monthly or every 6 months by injec-
• Finding lesions consistent with flea infestation tion to cats. It takes 30–60 days to reach full effective-
ness. Adult fleas may continue to be seen on the animal.
Frontline: Apply monthly to skin.
Sentinel: Contains lufenuron; also contains milbemycin
• Several flea products currently are available on the mar-
for heartworm prevention. It is dosed by weight in dogs.
ket. They can be categorized into those that are applied Revolution (selamectin; Pfizer, Cambridge, MA): Kills
topically (sprays, dips, powders, and shampoos) and fleas for 1 month by preventing the eggs from hatching.
those that are applied systemically (spot-ons, oral, or It is also used to treat heartworms, ear mites, intestinal
injectable). All of these products act at some point in parasites, and sarcoptic mange in dogs and cats older
the flea’s life cycle to interrupt development of the adult than 6 weeks of age. It is dosed by body weight.
flea or to repel the adult flea from the animal Advantix (imidicloprid, permethrin, Bayer): Kills adult
Sprays and powders fleas and ticks.
• Many products that contain a combination of ingre- Comfortis (spinosad, Lilly, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46285,
USA): Kills adult fleas.
dients are on the market. Most act to repel or kill the
CHAPTER 6 Diseases of the Integumentary System 105

Information for Clients

• Control of ectoparasites such as fleas can be a frustrating
task. Environmental factors, geographical location, and
species sensitivity affect the development of disease.
• Treatment of the environment is essential in prevent-
ing flea infestation. Fleas spend most of their life cycle
off the host.
• If one animal in the house has fleas, all other animals
have fleas, too!
• Flea infestation results in damage to the skin, allow-
ing other skin problems to develop.
• Fleas will bite and feed on humans if animals are not
Fig. 6.4 Rhipicephalus sanguineus (brown dog tick) invades
available. both kennel and household environments. (From Bassert JM,
• Some fleas can remain dormant in the environment McCurnin DM. McCurnin’s Clinical Textbook for Veterinary Tech-
for months if conditions are suitable. You must clean nicians. 7th ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2010.)
the environment by vacuuming and treating with
sprays or foggers.

Ticks (Ixodes spp. and Argasid spp.) • Weakness or pale mucous membranes when infested
with large numbers of ticks
Ticks are seen commonly on outdoor dogs and cats,
• Ascending, flaccid paralysis
especially during the summer months. These blood-
• Arthritis-like symptoms of lameness, joint and
sucking, arthropod parasites are not host specific and
will infest all warm-blooded animals in the area (includ- muscle pain, fever (Lyme disease)
ing humans). Heavy infestation may produce anemia in
the host. Ticks also can transmit many bacterial, viral,
• Finding a tick on the animal is the definitive
rickettsial, and protozoan diseases. Lyme disease is
one high-profile example of tick-borne disease as is ehr- diagnosis
• A history of exposure to wooded, grassy areas known
lichiosis. Ticks are divided into two main families: (1)
Ixodidae (hard ticks) and (2) Argasidae (soft ticks). Most to have tick infestations suggests the diagnosis
of the commonly found ticks belong to the Ixodidae
family. Some of the best known members of this family
• Manual removal of all ticks. Soak the tick in alcohol;
include Rhipicephalus sanguineus (the brown dog tick;
Fig. 6.4), Dermacentor variabilis (the American dog firmly grasp the head parts using a curved mosquito
tick), and Amblyomma spp. All but Rhipicephalus spp. hemostat, and pull to remove the tick. Destroy the
gain access to the host outdoors. Rhipicephalus spp. typ- tick by crushing or soaking in alcohol
ically inhabit buildings and kennels. One soft tick, the
spinose ear tick (Otobius megnini), can be found in
the ear canals of dogs and cats in the southwestern One should never use bare hands to remove a tick or
United States. crush a tick because the blood contained within the tick
Ticks injure animals by several means: irritation of may contain infectious microorganisms. Never use a
lighted cigarette, gasoline, or kerosene to remove a tick
the actual bite, as vectors of disease, and through a neu-
because the use of such substances will result in serious
rotoxin found in the saliva of 12 different Ixodes species.
damage to the animal’s skin.
This neurotoxin causes tick paralysis, an ascending, flac-
cid paralysis of dogs.
• Topical treatments (dips, sprays, and powders): the
Clinical Signs following list is only a sample of some of the more
• Owners report a tick or “a lump” attached to the commonly used products:
animal • Paramite Dip (Vet-Kem)
106 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Pyrethrin Dip (VetMate) Mange Mites

• Durakyl Pet Dip (DVM Pharmaceuticals, Three primary diseases called “mange” are seen in the
Miami, FL) dog and cat: (1) demodectic mange, (2) sarcoptic mange,
• Adams Flea and Tick Dust and (3) notoedric mange. These diseases are the result of
• VIP Flea and Tick Powder (Veterinary Products tiny mites living on or in the skin, where they produce
Laboratories, Phoenix, AZ) irritation and inflammation. The symptoms for each
• Adams Flea and Tick 14-day Mist of the diseases are distinct, and diagnosis must include
• Topical systemic treatments: Frontline is a spot-on identification of the mite through skin scrapings or
product that is effective against fleas. biopsy.
• Advantix
• Revolution Demodectic Mange
• Frontline Topspot Demodex canis, a cigar-shaped mite, lives within the
• Frontline Plus hair follicles of most dogs and some cats (Fig. 6.5).
• Comfortis These mites spend their entire life cycle on the host.
• Bravecto In most dogs, the immune system holds the number
• Nexgard of mites in check; however, in dogs with compromised
• Seresto collar immune systems (such as puppies with poor nutrition
• Isoxazolines or other parasites, or dogs with chronic disease), the
• Environmental treatments include the following: number of mites becomes excessive, causing disease.
• Adams Home and Kennel Spray A hereditary predisposition to demodectic mange
• Vet-Fog Fogger seems to exist, and certain breeds seem to be at
• Siphotrol Plus Fogger greater risk.
• Permectrin Pet, Yard, and Kennel Spray Demodectic mange occurs in two forms: (1) localized,
(Bio-Ceutic, St. Joseph, MO) the more commonly seen form, and (2) generalized, the
• Some yard sprays and garden sprays will also more severe but less common form.
kill ticks
• The tick population in the environment can be Clinical Signs (Localized Demodex)
decreased by removing brush, limiting rodent • Animal is almost always a young dog (3 months to
populations, and keeping grassy areas cut 1 year). When found in the localized form in adults,
the animals have a history of the disease earlier
Information for Clients
in life
• Routinely check all animals for ticks, especially after
they spend time outside during the spring and sum-
mer. Check around the ears and between the toes, as
these are areas where ticks are commonly found.
• Do not use gasoline, kerosene, or lighted cigarettes to
remove ticks from the animal.
• Do not use your bare hands to remove or crush ticks.
• You will need to treat the environment to prevent
reinfestation of your pets.
• If infestation is severe, you may need to call a profes-
sional exterminator.
• Ticks are not species specific; they will feed on
humans whenever they get the chance. They can
carry disease.
Fig. 6.5 Adult Demodex canis. These mites resemble eight-
• Destroy outdoor habitat by cutting brush, trimming
legged alligators. (From Hendrix CM, Robinson E. Diagnostic
trees, and eliminating rodents. Repellant collars and Parasitology for Veterinary Technicians. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO:
sprays may help keep ticks off pets while outdoors. Mosby; 2012, by permission.)
CHAPTER 6 Diseases of the Integumentary System 107

• Alopecia (hair loss) appears, especially on the face, Treatment

around the eyes, mouth, and ears. The next most • Isoxazolines
frequently involved areas are the forelegs and, • Treatment of Demodex depends on the age of the
occasionally, the trunk patient, the extent of the lesions, and veterinarian
• Erythema (redness) is common; the patches are red preference
and sometimes crusty. This type of mange has been Localized
called red mange • Rotenone (Goodwinol ointment): Apply to lesions daily
• Rotenone (Canex): Apply to lesions daily
• Tresaderm
Generalized or severe localized
The animals are nonpruritic (not itching). This is an • Mitaban dips (Amitraz): Clip the dog closely to
important distinguishing characteristic to help differ- remove hair. Bathe the entire animal in a mild soap,
entiate demodectic mange from other types
and towel-dry. Treat the entire animal with the dip at
of mange.
the proper dilution (1 bottle/2 gallons water). Do not
rinse or towel-dry the animal. Three to six treatments
Clinical Signs (Generalized Demodex) may be required, each treatment given 14 days apart
• Animals usually are febrile and continued until skin scrapings are negative
• The entire body surface is involved • Lyme-sulfur dips
• Secondary bacterial skin infections with pustules • Isoxazolines like Bravecto and Nexgard oral
are seen treatments
• Ivermectin: Use of this drug in the dog is “off-label”;
therefore, client release forms should be signed. Give
Diagnosis 0.3 mg/kg SQ or PO. Repeat in 14 days
• Diagnosis is by mite identification, usually through • Interceptor: Administer monthly for a minimum of
skin scrapings or hair shaft follicle observation. For 90 days
skin scrape, place a drop of mineral oil on the lesion, • Oral antibiotics: Choice is based on culture and
and firmly scrape while squeezing the skin. Pull hairs sensitivity
with follicle from the infected area to examine them.
Transfer the material to a clean glass slide, and exam- Information for Clients
ine under a microscope. This mite is found easily • Many animals will outgrow mange as they age.
(Fig. 6.6) • Demodex is not contagious to humans and other
• Culture and sensitivity of the skin lesions may animals.
be necessary if a secondary bacterial infection is • Treatment will never completely remove the mites
present from the skin. The goal of treatment is to reduce

Fig. 6.6 (A) Generalized demodicosis in a dog. (B) Microscopical image of Demodex injai. (From Hnilica KA.
Small Animal Dermatology: A Color Atlas and Therapeutic Guide. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011.)
108 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

the number of mites on the animal and to improve Clinical Signs

the general health of the pet. • Typical red, crusty lesions appear on the ears, elbows,
• Breeders should not use previously infected animals and elsewhere on the trunk of the animal
in their breeding programs. • Scabies is intensely pruritic! This distinguishes it
• Treatment may be prolonged in some animals. from Demodex
• The generalized form may be fatal in some animals. • Secondary bacterial skin infections may be present as
a result of self-trauma
Sarcoptic Mange (Scabies) • The disease will progressively become more severe
Scabies is an intensely pruritic, contagious disease of
animals. The mite, Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis, has a
rounded body with four pairs of legs (Fig. 6.7). The • Identification of the mite through skin scrapings.
female mite burrows into the epidermis and lays eggs. These mites are difficult to find in many cases
This burrowing produces intense itching and inflamma- because they are located deep in the epidermis. Scrap-
tion within the skin. Scabies can occur in dogs of any ing should be deep to maximize the chance of finding
age, sex, or breed. Humans may experience development the mite. Multiple scrapings of the same animal may
of visible lesions after exposure to infected animals; be necessary to locate the mite. Mites can also be seen
however, the mites do not survive off the animal host on skin biopsies.
for longer than a few days. If the client experiences Treatment
development of small, red papules on his or her skin, • Remove the mites! Dips are frequently used for this
a physician should be consulted.
• Pyrethrin dips: Dip every 14 days until the clinical
signs resolve
• Ivermectin: SQ or PO; repeat in 14 days. This consti-
tutes “off-label” use of this drug
• Pyrethrin dust: Administer per package instructions
Rub through entire coat. Do not treat puppies youn-
ger than 12 weeks of age
• Revolution topical: Apply topically at 2- to 3-week
intervals until skin scrapings are negative
• Isoxazolines like Bravecto and Nexgard oral products.

Information for Clients

• Scabies is a highly contagious disease among dogs.
• Humans frequently experience development of visi-
ble lesions appearing as small, red papules. Clients
should contact their physicians if this occurs.
• Mites do not remain on humans for longer than a
few hours.
• A similar disease is seen in cats, but the mite is not the
same. N. cati produces lesions in cats similar to those
seen with sarcoptic mange in dogs. The dog mite will
rarely infect the cat.
• Species variants of the sarcoptic mite infest almost all
species of haired animals.
Fig. 6.7 Canine scabies. (A) Mite. (B) Disease in the canine. Cuterebra “Warbles”
(From Hnilica KA. Small Animal Dermatology: A Color Atlas The Cuterebra fly lays eggs in the soil. These eggs mature
and Therapeutic Guide. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011.) into a larval stage similar to a grub that directly
CHAPTER 6 Diseases of the Integumentary System 109

Fig. 6.10 Cuterebra that has been removed from its tract. (From
Hnilica KA. Small Animal Dermatology: A Color Atlas and Thera-
peutic Guide. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011.)

• The swelling has an opening (a fistula) through which

Fig. 6.8 Cuterebra species, “warbles” or “wolves,” found in the
skin of dogs or cats. (From Hendrix CM, Robinson E. Diagnostic the larva can be seen (Fig. 6.10)
Parasitology for Veterinary Technicians. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO:
Mosby; 2012, by permission.) Treatment
• The fistula opening should be incised to allow
removal of the larva. Using a curved mosquito hemo-
stat, carefully remove the intact larva. Avoid crushing
or tearing the larva because release of larval protein
can cause allergic reactions in the host
• The wound should be flushed; use diluted povidone-
iodine (Betadine; Purdue Frederick, Norwalk, CT) or
chlorhexidine diacetate (Nolvasan; Fort Dodge,
Madison, NJ) solution
• Oral or topical antibiotics should be given to combat
skin infection

Fig. 6.9 Typical lesion seen with “warbles” in the cat. (From Information for Clients
Hendrix CM, Robinson E. Diagnostic Parasitology for Veterinary • Keep young animals in clean, fly-free areas to avoid
Technicians. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2012.)
penetrates the host’s skin (Figs. 6.8 and 6.9). Here, in a • Fly-repellant gels may help prevent the disease.
subcutaneous pocket, the larva continues to mature, Apply to ears and around the neck area (read the
finally leaving the wound to become an adult fly. A fis- label for restrictions).
tula or opening in the swelling allows the larva to breathe • Even after removal of the larva, the wound may heal
while maturing; the larva can be seen moving up and slowly.
down in the opening to the fistula.
Myiasis (Maggots)
Diagnosis Many adult forms of dipterous flies often deposit eggs on
• This disease is usually seen in young puppies, kittens, the wet, warm, or damaged skin of animals. These eggs
and rabbits hatch into larvae known as maggots, which are highly
• Owners may notice a large swelling behind the ears, destructive, producing punched-out areas in the skin.
on the neck, or around the face. In rabbits, the lesion These lesions often coalesce to form even larger ulcer-
may be in the nasal cavity ated areas. Large numbers of maggots may be found
110 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

in wounds that have gone unnoticed by owners. Heavy

coats and neglect predispose animals to this problem.

• Owners often report matted hair, a bad odor, or a
painful reaction when the animal is petted in a
specific area
• Maggots may be found on physical examination

• Clip hair from all lesions
• Flush the areas with copious amounts of water to
Fig. 6.11 Sucking louse Linognathus setosus of dogs. (From
remove larvae Hendrix CM, Robinson E. Diagnostic Parasitology for Veterinary
• Manually remove larvae not washed off Technicians. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2012.)
• Daily wound cleaning and treatment must be done
• Administer oral antibiotics to combat the infection;
use one with a good spectrum for skin (Keflex,
cephalexin, triple sulfas)
• Keep the pet indoors to prevent reinfestation

Information for Clients

• Myiasis is a disease of neglect. Clients need to check
their outdoor pets frequently, especially during the
summer months.
• Heavy-coated animals should be clipped during the
hot, humid summer months to avoid damage to
the skin.
• Avoid using toxic dips or sprays on wounds to Fig. 6.12 Linognathus setosus: gravid female sucking louse and
associated nit on hair shaft collected from a dog. Nits are oval,
remove larvae. white, and usually found cemented to hair shaft. (From Hendrix
• Keep pets indoors during peak fly hours to prevent CM, Robinson E. Diagnostic Parasitology for Veterinary Techni-
infestation (usually early morning and late cians. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2012.)
• Keep pet’s outdoor environment clean to avoid Treatment
attracting flies. • Treat all the animals in the house using an insecticide
dip, shampoo, or dust. Clip all hair on the animal.
Lice Bathe with a good shampoo. Treat with an insecticide
Lice are host specific and spend all of their lives on that dip, dust, or spray
host (Fig. 6.11). They are found on debilitated, dirty, ill- • All bedding and grooming tools must be washed
kept animals and are also commonly seen on poultry thoroughly
and pigeons. Lice infestation is a disease of neglect. • Fipronil
• Isoxazolines
Diagnosis • Ivermectin can be used orally. However, this use is
• Pet may become ill-tempered and agitated because of “off-label”; therefore, a signed release should be
the presence of lice obtained from the owner
• Lice cause intense itching
• Anemia can develop from blood-sucking lice Information for Clients
• Presence of lice or nits on the hair coat is diagnostic • Humans cannot get lice from pets.
(Fig. 6.12) • The pet cannot get lice from humans.
CHAPTER 6 Diseases of the Integumentary System 111

• Clean the environment to prevent reinfestation.

• Improve the coat care of the pet by including routine
bathing and grooming.

Infections by fungal elements usually occur when the
dermatophyte penetrates the skin and begins to prolifer-
ate on the surface of the hair shaft. Three species of fungi
typically cause disease in the dog and cat: (1) Micro-
sporum gypseum, (2) Trichophyton mentagrophytes,
and (3) Microsporum canis. The latter organism is the Fig. 6.14 Dermatophytosis: Crusty lesions on the face and head
most commonly isolated dermatophyte of dogs and cats. of a cat. (From Scott D. Muller and Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatol-
This fungus may also produce lesions in humans. Infec- ogy. 6th ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2013.)
tions are usually the result of contact with the organism,
and young or debilitated animals appear to be most
susceptible. The fungus produces enzymes that result
in hypertrophy of the surrounding epidermis. Lesions
become scaly with excessive keratin.

Microsporum canis Infections

Clinical Signs
• The appearance of a rapidly growing circular patch of
alopecia indicates M. canis infestation; some areas
will be red, raised, and crusty (Figs. 6.13 to 6.15)
• Lesions are most frequently seen on the face and head
• Hairs in the lesion may appear broken
• Clients may describe similar lesions on themselves Fig. 6.15 Chronic Malassezia dermatitis in the dog. (From Gau-
diano F. Veterinary Dermatology. Oxford, UK: Elsevier; 2005.)

• A Wood’s light examination may show infected hair
shafts that fluoresce. Approximately 50% of M. canis
organisms will be fluorescent on examination. (Hair
shaft will glow yellow-green under ultraviolet light.
Ointments and creams applied topically may also
fluoresce, producing a false-positive result)
• Potassium hydroxide (KOH) slide preparation: Place
hairs and skin scraping on a clean microscope slide
and add a few drops of 10% KOH. Apply a coverslip,
and heat gently for a few seconds. Observe for fungal
Fig. 6.13 Dog with well-circumscribed areas of alopecia and
• Culture: Fungal cultures are the most accurate
grayish crusts caused by Microsporum canis. (From Scott DW,
Miller WH, Jr., Griffin CE. Muller and Kirk’s Small Animal Derma- method of diagnosis. Fungal growth is slow, and it
tology. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 2013.) may be 10 to 14 days before results are seen
112 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Products such as Fungassay and Sab-Duets (Bacti- • Griseofulvin suspension (pediatric) (Ortho-McNeil
Labs, Mountain View, CA) may be used in the clinic. Pharmaceuticals): two times a day for 4 to 6 weeks;
A color change from yellow to red occurs with the griseofulvin may cause vomiting and diarrhea and
growth of pathological organisms. Dermatophyte is contraindicated in pregnant animals
colonies will be white to cream colored. Cultures • Ketoconazole (Nizoral; Jansen; Janssen Pharma-
should be checked daily for results: ceuticals, Titusville, NJ): PO every 12 to 24 hours
• Place plucked hairs on the surface of the medium with food; side effects may include depression,
• Label with client or patient identification and the anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea, increased
inoculation date alanine aminotransferase, and jaundice
• Leave the cap loose to allow oxygen for dermato-
phyte growth Information for Clients
• Place in a warm, out-of-the-way area • M. canis infection disease is contagious through
contact with the organism.
Treatment • Fungal hairs remain infective on shed hairs of the
Localized lesions animal for as long as 18 months. Environmental
• Clip the affected areas to remove contaminated hair cleaning is a necessity to prevent reinfection. Carpets
shafts. (Clippers will be contaminated) and furniture should be vacuumed weekly with the
• Treat local areas twice daily with a topical antifungal bag being discarded each time. Hard surfaces should
medication. Continue treatment for 2 weeks after be cleaned using a 1:10 Clorox solution or Nolvasan
lesions clear. Recommended medications include solution. Repaint surfaces that cannot be easily
the following: cleaned. Throw away toys and equipment not easily
• Miconazole nitrate (Conofite; Pitman-Moore; cleaned.
Mallinckrodt Veterinary Inc., Mundelein, IL) • Handle infected animals as little as possible.
• Tresaderm (MSD Agvet; Merck, Whitehouse • Some cats may be carriers of fungal infection while
Station, NJ) not exhibiting any clinical signs.
• Miconazole (Micatin Cream Advanced Care) • See your doctor if lesions develop on family members.
• Miconazole (Monistat; Ortho-McNeil Pharma-
ceuticals, Raritan, NJ)
• Lotrimin (Schering-Plough, Kenilworth, NJ) PYODERMAS
• Clotrimazole (Mycelex; Miles Pharmaceuticals, Pyoderma is the term applied to bacterial infections that
West Haven, CT) involve the skin. Pyodermas may be primary or second-
• Dilute Clorox solution (Clorox Company, ary, superficial or deep. The disease is recognized as part
Oakland, CA) of several distinct clinical syndromes.
Generalized lesions
• Clip the entire coat. Bathe animal in a medicated Superficial Pyodermas
shampoo such as Nolvasan. Treat entire body Clinically seen diseases in the superficial pyoderma cat-
with antifungal preparations 1 to 2 times weekly until egory include acute moist dermatitis (“hot spots”),
cultures are negative. This may take 4 to 16 weeks or impetigo, acne, and skinfold pyodermas. The lesions
longer. Antifungal preparations include the typically involve only the superficial epidermis, with
following: healing occurring without scarring. The disease is usu-
• Lyme Dyp (DVM Pharmaceuticals) ally of short duration. The animal is rarely systemically
• Nolvasan ill. The skin around the lesion remains normal, whereas
• Betadine the affected portions may be ulcerated or traumatized by
• Clorox the animal.
• Oral therapy:
• Itrafungal oral for cats; allows pulse therapy Acute Moist Dermatitis (“Hot Spots”)
• Griseofulvin (microsize): PO every 24 hours Acute moist dermatitis occurs secondary to skin trauma
(Fulvicin U/F; Schering-Plough) (usually self-inflicted). Lesions appear rapidly as
CHAPTER 6 Diseases of the Integumentary System 113

well-demarcated, red, moist, hot, and painful areas. The • Prednisone: daily for 1 week
condition is common in heavy-coated, water-loving • Cephalexin: twice a day
breeds such as Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, • Enrofloxacin: once daily
Newfoundlands, German Shepherds, and St. Bernards. • Amoxicillin or clavulanic acid: twice a day
The incidence of the disease appears to be seasonal, • Apoquel (for dogs); cause may be atopic
being worse in the hot, moist summer months. dermatitis

Clinical Signs Information for Clients

• Rapid appearance of red, hot, moist, painful patches • Gentle cleansing of the area on a daily basis will speed
• Hair loss over the area recovery.
• Pruritus • Owners should wash their hands after treating an
infected animal to prevent contamination with
Diagnosis Staphylococcus. Although human infections are rare,
• Visual inspection of the affected area shows typical the microorganism could present a danger to owners
lesions (Fig. 6.16) who are immunosuppressed.
• Lesions may be slow to heal.
Treatment • Owners should use an Elizabethan collar to prevent
• Carefully clip the hair from the lesions. Clip area the animal from traumatizing the area.
large enough to expose the edges of the lesion.
If lesions are large, consider using sedation Impetigo
• Gently cleanse the skin using a medicated shampoo: Impetigo is seen most commonly in young dogs as a sec-
• Etiderm (Allerderm, Phoenix, AZ) ondary infection related to malnourishment, debilita-
• ChlorhexaDerm (DVM Pharmaceuticals) tion, and poor hygiene. Streptococcus is the usual
• Apply topical medications to lesions twice daily. organism involved, although staphylococci are occa-
Avoid medications that dry or attract attention to sionally cultured from lesions. This disease is not
the site because this will increase self-trauma from contagious.
licking or rubbing. Although topical medications
are not frequently recommended, gentamicin (Gen- Clinical Signs
tocin) spray has been of some use • Lesions are seen in young dogs
• Treat the original disease that induced the self- • Lesions are commonly seen on the abdomen
trauma to the skin (e.g., fleas, allergy). Cortisone • Lesions include pustules that rupture to form honey-
and systemic antibiotics may speed healing: colored crusts
• Lesions are nonpruritic and nonpainful

• Physical appearance in a young animal
• Culture and sensitivity

• Improve the animal’s general health
• Systemic antibiotics based on culture or sensitivity or
an antibiotic with good gram-positive spectrum:
• Cephalexin: twice a day
• Enrofloxacin: once daily (avoid use in young
• Amoxicillin or clavulanic acid: twice a day
Fig. 6.16 Superficial pyodermas. (From Hnilica KA. Small Animal
Dermatology: A Color Atlas and Therapeutic Guide. 3rd ed. • Gently cleanse the lesions using an antibacterial
St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011.) shampoo such as ChlorhexaDerm (DVM
114 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Pharmaceuticals) or Etiderm (Allerderm): Use at Skinfold Pyoderma

2- to 3-day intervals after initial cleaning Skinfold pyoderma can occur wherever skin is plentiful:
• Topical antibiotic creams may be applied to lesions lips, facial folds, vulvar folds, and tail folds. The redun-
dant tissue in these folds traps moisture and heat,
Information for Clients whereas constant rubbing results in trauma and second-
• Impetigo is not contagious. ary infection. Facial folds may also present a danger to
• Programs for the elimination of parasites, improve- the cornea of the eye as the hairs on the fold rub across
ment of the diet, and better sanitation should be imple- the surface of the cornea.
mented to improve the general health of the animal. Skinfold pyodermas are usually a chronic problem
• Continue treatment for at least 2 weeks after the that requires long-term medical treatment. Surgical
lesions disappear. removal of the excess skin is the only effective cure.

Acne Diagnosis
Although canine acne is fairly common in young • Presented with a commonly affected breed: Spaniels
(3–12 months of age), short-coated breeds, the disease and Setters (lip fold), Pekingese and Pugs (facial
presents few problems clinically. As dogs mature, lesions fold), Boston Terriers and Pugs (tail fold), and obese
spontaneously heal. However, feline acne is clinically dogs of any breed (tail and vulvar folds)
significant and often becomes a chronic problem. Acne • Report of a foul odor or discharge from the affected
can occur in cats of all ages. area can be diagnostic
• Affected area will be moist, red, and ulcerated
Clinical Signs
• The chin may be swollen and painful to the touch Treatment
• Owners may report seeing “dark spots” on the chin • Relief of symptoms is the goal of treatment:
and be concerned about neoplasia • Clip and clean the area
• Large comedones (blackheads) may be present on • Dry the lesions. Topical drying agents may be used
the chin (e.g., cornstarch)
• Cats severely affected may be febrile • Topical antibiotic ointments may be of some use
• Surgical removal of the excess skin is the only real
Diagnosis cure for the problem
• Characteristic appearance is diagnostic • Encourage weight reduction for obese animals
• Rule out other skin infections such as bite abscess through diet and exercise programs

Treatment Information for Clients

• Gently clip the hair on the chin • Skinfold pyodermas will require long-term medical
• Cleanse with an antibacterial soap treatment.
• Large comedones may require extraction under • The affected areas need to be kept dry and clean.
sedation • Weight reduction is mandatory for those animals
• Clean daily with a human acne product such as with tailfold and vulvarfold pyodermas.
Stridex pads (benzoyl peroxide) • On dogs with facial folds, keep hair away from the
• Provide systemic antibiotics for 14 to 21 days (see eyes, and monitor the appearance of the cornea for
previous section on impetigo for antibiotic choices signs of injury.
and doses). The product should have a good gram-
positive spectrum Deep Pyodermas
Deep pyodermas present a greater challenge clinically
Information for Clients compared with superficial infections. Deep pyodermas
• This problem may become chronic. tend to become chronic infections, often resistant to
• Daily cleaning of the chin may prevent further treatment. It has been speculated that these pyo-
damage. dermas may occur in animals with some degree of
CHAPTER 6 Diseases of the Integumentary System 115

immunosuppression or allergy. A great many of these

cases involve the microorganism Staphylococcus inter-
medius, previously known as S. aureus, which produces The anal sacs create a special set of problems in companion
toxins and enzymes that cause severe tissue damage. animals. Three commonly seen anal sac problems are
Diseases seen clinically include juvenile pyoderma impaction, chronic infection, and rupture or abscessation.
(puppy strangles), interdigital pyoderma (interdigital The anal sacs are located between muscle layers of the anus
cysts), and generalized pyoderma (German Shepherd at the 4 and 8 o’clock positions. Each sac connects to the
pyoderma). The clinical signs and treatments of all deep surface through a narrow duct. The sacs are lined with
pyodermas are similar. abundant sebaceous glands that produce an oily brown
fluid that has a characteristic odor (foul smelling). When
Clinical Signs feces pass over the sacs, the sacs are compressed, expelling
• Appearance of papules and pustules with crusting in some of the fluid onto the surface of the fecal material. The
characteristic locations is diagnostic odor of this fluid may have the function of social marking
• Dogs are often febrile among dogs and cats. If the fluid produced becomes too
• Draining fistula tracts with severe infection may exist thick or blockage of the duct occurs, the sacs will overfill.
As water is reabsorbed from the fluid, the material dries
Diagnosis out, causing impaction of the sac. Infections and impac-
• Clinical signs tions may result in anal sac rupture or abscessation. This
• Culture and sensitivity condition is usually seen in small-breed dogs.
• Biopsy
Clinical Signs
Treatment • History of scooting the rear end across the floor or
• Thorough and gentle daily cleaning of the infected licking excessively at the perianal area (Fig. 6.17)
areas • Foul odor
• Topical, water-based antibiotic creams, sprays, or
solutions applied two to four times daily Diagnosis
• Systemic antibiotics chosen from the culture and sen- • Digital palpation of distended anal sacs (may be
sitivity results or a good gram-positive spectrum performed rectally or externally)
drug. Therapy may be needed for 3 months or longer
in many cases (for dosing guidelines, see the Super- Treatment
ficial Pyodermas section earlier in this chapter): • Express contents of the distended sac (the dog may
• Clavamox need sedation)
• Enrofloxacin
• Cephalexin
• Staphylococcal bacterin is given weekly:
• Staphage Lysate (Delmont Laboratories, Swarth-
more, PA)

Information for Clients

• The organism that is responsible for deep pyodermas
is often drug resistant.
• Treatment may be prolonged and expensive in
large-breed dogs.
• Underlying conditions that predispose the animal to
these infections should be investigated. Diabetes mel-
litus and Cushing disease are two conditions that may Fig. 6.17 Anal sac disease. (From Hnilica KA. Small Animal
present as recurrent skin infections. Dermatology: A Color Atlas and Therapeutic Guide. 3rd ed. St.
• Some animals will never recover. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011.)
116 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Lavage the infected sac with lactated Ringer’s Benign Skin Tumors
• Instill antibiotic ointment into the sac Histiocytomas
• Treat abscessed sacs aggressively with lavage and
cleaning Clinical Signs
• Oral antibiotics may speed healing time • Found almost exclusively in young dogs
• Chronically infected sacs should be surgically • Small, buttonlike nodules, usually pink
removed • Usually hairless and may be ulcerated
• Remember: Empty the opposite sac also when you are • Found on the face, legs, lips, and abdomen
treating a unilateral infection • Rapidly growing lesion

Information for Clients Diagnosis

• Clients should be shown how to check their pet’s • General appearance
anal sacs. If they request, demonstrate how to • Biopsy
empty them.
• Scooting on the floor does not usually mean that the Treatment
• Local surgical excision
pet has worms.
• Blood under the tail may indicate a ruptured anal sac. • Many tumors regress spontaneously
• These impactions and infections tend to recur.
Information for Clients
• Cats can develop impactions, which may abscess.
• Histiocytomas are not malignant and do not
TUMORS OF THE SKIN • This tumor is not seen in cats.
• Lesions may regress spontaneously; however, surgical
The word tumor may be defined as a new growth of
excision is the treatment of choice.
tissue characterized by progressive, uncontrolled pro-
liferation of cells. Tumors can be benign (do no harm)
or malignant (may result in death) and localized or Lipoma
invasive. Malignant tumors usually consist of poorly
differentiated cells that metastasize to other parts of Clinical Signs
the body and are usually invasive to surrounding tis- • Obese, older dogs commonly affected
sues. Malignant tumors of the skin are usually carci- • Female dogs more commonly affected than
nomas (those of epithelial origin) or sarcomas (those male dogs
of connective tissue origin). An estimated 37% of • Round or oval subcuticular masses
canine tumors and 24% of feline tumors involve • Encapsulated and slow-growing masses
the skin. • Lesions are soft
Although no clear-cut cause of tumors has been • Many lesions are freely movable
found, certain trends are worth mentioning:
• Most skin tumors occur in older dogs (>6 years) and Diagnosis
cats (>4 years). • Biopsy
• Younger dogs are more likely to acquire viral- • Fine-needle aspiration will provide a presumptive
induced tumors. diagnosis. (A gray, greasy, mucoidlike substance is
• Certain breeds such as Boxers and Cocker Spaniels removed from the slide by the fixing step of
appear to be more susceptible to tumor development. staining.)
Although the role genetics plays in the development
of neoplastic disease (neoplasia) is still under investiga- Treatment
tion, neoplasia may be a result of a combination of • Surgical excision is the treatment of choice.
events that allow a mass of unregulated cells to prolifer- • Care should be taken to close the tissue space that
ate within the tissues of the body. results from removal of the mass.
CHAPTER 6 Diseases of the Integumentary System 117

Information for clients • Cysts may be found on the back, legs, chest, and neck
• These masses rarely become malignant. of the animal.
• They may recur after removal.
• A change in diet will probably not affect existing Diagnosis
• Characteristic contents of the cyst
• These are benign tumors, even though they may • Histology of cyst wall
grow large. Treatment
• Surgical removal of entire encapsulated cyst
Papillomas (Warts)
Information for Clients
Clinical Signs • These growths are formed by degenerative changes in
• Young dogs are commonly affected. the glandular area surrounding the hair follicle.
• Lesion begins as a smooth, white, elevated lesion in • Sebaceous cysts are benign growths.
the oral mucosa that develops into a cauliflower like • Surgical removal will cure the problem.
growth (may be few or multiple). • These lesions are usually slow growing.
• Regression of the lesion may occur spontaneously. • Dogs may have multiple lesions at varying times, espe-
cially in breeds that are predisposed to this problem.
• General appearance Malignant Skin Tumors
• Biopsy
Basal Cell Carcinoma
• Surgical excision of large masses may stimulate Clinical Signs
regression of others. • Basal cell carcinoma is a common tumor of adult
• Autogenous vaccines can be made by grinding tumor animals.
tissue (1:4 weight-to-volume) in 0.5% phenol. Inject 1 • A single, discrete lesion that is round, firm, and often
to 5 mL intradermally weekly for 3 weeks. ulcerated is found.
• Lesions usually will regress without treatment. • This lesion is most commonly found on the head
(around the eyes), ears, lips, neck, and legs.
Information for Clients • These lesions are slow growing.
• Papillomas are caused by a deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) virus. Diagnosis
• Disease may last as long as 21 weeks or more. • Biopsy
• Cats are not affected. Treatment
• Older dogs are resistant.
• Wide surgical excision
• This disease usually regresses spontaneously, and
adult animals become immune for life. Information for Clients
• These tumors rarely metastasize.
Sebaceous Cysts • Local recurrence after surgery is possible.
• A less favorable prognosis exists if there are multiple
Clinical Signs lesions.
• Sebaceous cysts may occur in dogs of any age or
sex. The cysts are more common in Cocker Fibrosarcomas (Not Vaccine-Induced)
• Cysts are encapsulated, round, and fluctuate on pal- Clinical Signs
pation. When compressed, they may exude a gray, • Older dogs are affected.
cheeselike material. • Face, legs, and mammary glands are the most
• Cysts slowly enlarge and may spontaneously rupture. common sites.
118 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Tumors range in size, feel firm but rubbery on Clinical Signs

palpation, are unencapsulated, and feel adhered to • Swelling over the site of a recent vaccination in a cat
underlying tissues. • Rapidly growing, firm, often elongated mass

Diagnosis Diagnosis
• Biopsy • Biopsy or needle aspiration may confirm suspicion

Treatment Treatment
• Wide surgical excision is necessary, and recurrence is • Radical surgical excision, which may involve limb
common amputation, is the treatment of choice
Information for Clients
• Generally the prognosis for fibrosarcomas is poor Information for Clients
• Feline fibrosarcoma has a poor prognosis if not
because the tumors are invasive and metastasize
readily. detected early and treated aggressively.
• Recurrence is common. • Some individual cats or breeds of cats may be
• Other therapies such as radiation and chemotherapy genetically at risk for this disease.
• Inflammatory lumps do develop over vaccine sites in
are not usually effective.
• Wide surgical excision may require amputation of many cats; however, they usually disappear within 1
the limb. to 2 weeks. If the lump does not resolve in 4 to
6 weeks, see your veterinarian.
Feline Fibrosarcomas (Vaccine-Induced)
Until the late 1980s, feline fibrosarcomas were unrecog- TECH ALERT
nized. During that time, a killed rabies vaccine and the The vaccine most often suspected of causing these
feline leukemia vaccine became available to practitioners. tumors has been the adjuvant rabies vaccine containing
The incidence of vaccination-related tumors began to aluminum. Newer nonadjuvant rabies vaccines are on
increase to between 1:1000 and 1:10,000 vaccinated cats. the market and should be used, when possible.
With an estimated 20 million vaccines administered to
pet cats throughout the world, this tumor development
has become a significant problem for feline practitioners
Mast Cell Tumors
and owners. These tumors are rapidly developing, highly
invasive, and malignant. They occur at the site of vacci-
Clinical Signs
nation, usually within 4 to 6 weeks after the vaccine has • Isolated, firm nodules form in the skin. About 50%
been given. After routine surgical removal, they often are found on the rear legs, perineum, or external
recur. By the time many owners act, it is too late to genitalia
provide successful treatment for the cats. In an effort to • Tumors may be ulcerated and edematous
prevent or reduce the incidence of this disease, the • These tumors are usually seen in dogs older
Vaccine-Associated Sarcoma Task Force has issued the than 6 years of age and cats older than 10 years
following guidelines for feline vaccination: of age
1. Use single-dose vaccines, whenever possible. Intrana- • Siamese and male cats are usually predisposed
sal vaccines should be chosen when available. Never • Lesions may appear crusty in cats
vaccinate between the shoulder blades. • When crusts are removed, ulcerated surfaces are
2. Rabies vaccine should be given as low on the right exposed
rear leg as possible, leukemia vaccine low on the left
rear leg, and the distemper combinations on the right Diagnosis
shoulder. • Biopsy
3. Any swelling not resolved within 6 weeks should be • Impression smears may demonstrate mast cell
removed by radical surgical excision. granules for presumptive diagnosis
CHAPTER 6 Diseases of the Integumentary System 119

Treatment Treatment
• Surgical excision with a lymph node examination to • Surgical resection
rule out metastasis
• Chemotherapy (using the following drugs): Information for Clients
• Vinblastine: once weekly • Tumors of the oral cavity and digits tend to be
• Cytoxan: once every 4 days malignant
• Prednisolone: daily for 1 week • These tumors metastasize readily
• Prednisolone: PO every 24 hours for 14 days, then • Because of early metastasis, the prognosis is
one-half that dose for 14 days, then one-half dose often poor
every 48 hours for 5 months • Recurrence after surgery is common
• Radiation and cryosurgery • In dogs with small lesions, median survival time is
• Cimetidine: 4 mg/kg every 6 hours in cases of lymph 12 months (54% die within 2 years). With large
node involvement or gastric ulceration or irritation lesions, survival time is 4 months (100% die within
• Premedication with diphenhydramine (Benadryl IM) 2 years)
has been recommended to block the histamine release
caused by manipulation of the tumor at surgery Perianal Tumors (Adenomas and
Clinical Signs
Animals requiring chemotherapy may best be handled by
• Adenomas are most commonly seen in male dogs
a referral to an oncology specialist.
older than 8 years of age
• Carcinomas occur with equal frequency in male and
Information for Clients female animals
• Mast cell tumors do not usually metastasize; however, • Lesions are small, slow-growing, single or multiple
up to 30% may metastasize. lumps close to the anus
• The prognosis depends on the amount of cell differ- • Lesions are frequently ulcerated, and owners may
entiation within the tumor. In dogs, the survival report seeing blood under the tail
times range from 18 to 51 weeks; in cats, the lesions • Cocker Spaniels, Beagles, Samoyeds, and German
are usually benign. Shepherds appear to be predisposed to perianal
• Recurrence at the surgical site is possible. tumors
• A virus may cause these tumors.
Melanoma (Benign or Malignant) • Clinical appearance and location
• Biopsy
Clinical Signs Treatment
• Benign lesions are usually small, slow-growing, • Complete surgical excision is recommended
hairless growths with dark pigmentation • Castration aids in preventing recurrence of
• Malignant growths are usually large, dome-shaped,
sessile growths of varying pigmentation • Radiation and cryosurgery are both effective in
• Tumors most commonly occur in the highly pigmen-
treating these tumors
ted tissues of the canine (oral, skin, and digits),
although amelanotic tumors do occur Information for Clients
• Castration of the intact male dog is highly recom-
Diagnosis mended to prevent recurrence of adenomas.
• Biopsy • Adenomas rarely become malignant.
120 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Adenocarcinomas are usually highly invasive to Treatment

surrounding tissue. • Surgical excision
• Without a biopsy, it may be difficult to distinguish an • Cryosurgery
adenoma from an adenocarcinoma. • Radiotherapy (photodynamic therapy)

Squamous Cell Carcinoma Information for Clients

• These tumors occur most frequently in sun-
Clinical Signs damaged skin.
• Older dogs and cats (>9 years of age) • Most tumors are locally invasive but slow to
• Lesions are seen on the head, ears, oral cavity, nose, metastasize.
and neck of cats; trunk, toes, and scrotum of dogs • Recurrence after surgery is common.
(nonpigmented areas) • Preventing chronic exposure to the sun will prevent
• Tumor appears as a raised, ulcerated, cauliflower like development of the tumors.
mass with a necrotic odor • The degree of malignancy determines the prognosis,
• Affected animals have a history of being “sunbathers” especially in cats whose poorly differentiated tumors
have a poor prognosis.
• Biopsy

1. Because of the development of vaccine- 5. Patients having mast cell tumors surgically removed
induced feline sarcomas in some cats, it is recom- are often premedicated with ________ to block
mended to administer the feline leukemia virus histamine released by tumor manipulation.
vaccine: a. Tripelennamine
a. Between the shoulders b. Diphenhydramine
b. Low on the right shoulder c. Chlorpheniramine
c. Low on the left rear leg d. Trimeprazine
d. Low on the right rear leg 6. The recurrence of perineal adenomas may be
2. What benign tumor is found exclusively in young prevented by castration.
dogs and is usually a rapidly growing, hairless mass a. True
found on the face or legs? b. False
a. Mast cell tumor 7. What growths are formed by degenerative changes
b. Histiocytoma in the glandular area surrounding the hair follicle?
c. Squamous cell carcinoma a. Basal cell carcinomas
d. Fibrosarcoma b. Squamous cell carcinomas
3. It is possible to fully eliminate the Demodex mite c. Sebaceous cysts
from the animal with treatment. d. Papillomas
a. True 8. Approximately ________ of M. canis organisms
b. False will be fluorescent when examined with Wood’s
4. What tick typically inhabits buildings and light.
kennels? a. 20%
a. Dermacentor variabilis b. 40%
b. Amblyomma spp. c. 100%
c. Rhipicephalus sanguineus d. 50%
CHAPTER 6 Diseases of the Integumentary System 121

9. Most dermatophyte media change color with the 10. Technicians should avoid tearing the Cuterebra
growth of pathogenical organisms. The color larva when removing it from the swelling on the
change is from ________ to ________. animal because this can result in an anaphylactic
a. Red; yellow reaction.
b. Yellow; red a. True
c. Brown; green b. False
d. Blue; green
Answers found on page 544.
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss various musculoskeletal problems,
able to: treatments, and therapy with clients.
• Describe how muscles and bones act together to • Know what diagnostic tests are needed for the
result in purposeful movement. diagnosis of musculoskeletal diseases.
• List various musculoskeletal problems with respect to
bone, muscle, joint, or combinations of each as the cause.

Anatomy of the Musculoskeletal System 123 Bone Reconstruction 129
Bone 123 Goal 129
Muscles 123 Hip Dysplasia 129
Joints 124 Acetabular Hip Dysplasia 129
Long Bone Fractures 124 Femoral Hip Dysplasia 130
Methods of Fixation 125 Conservative 131
Cruciate Ligament Injury 127 Surgical 132
Extraarticular Stabilization Techniques 128 Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease (Avascular Necrosis) 133
Intraarticular Stabilization Techniques 128 Osteochondrosis Dissecans 133
Patellar Luxations 128 Panosteitis (Endosteosis, Eosinophilic
Medial Luxation in Toy, Miniature, and Large Panosteitis) 133
Breeds 128 Luxations 135
Lateral Luxation in Toy and Miniature Breeds 128 Myopathies 137
Combined Medial and Lateral Luxations or Medial Inflammatory Myopathies 137
Luxations From Trauma 129 Immune-Mediated Myopathies 137
Lateral Luxation in Large and Giant Breeds 129 Acquired Myopathies 137
Soft Tissue Techniques 129 Tumors of Bone 137

Arthrodesis Cruciate ligaments Myositis
Arthroplasty Diaphysis Neuromuscular junction
Cancellous Endochondral Osteotomy
Cholinergic Epiphysis Panosteitis
Congenital Luxation Sarcomere
Crepitus Myopathy

CHAPTER 7 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 123

The musculoskeletal system is responsible for move-

ment and shape in all animals. Animals must be able
to move, find food, seek shelter, and escape predators
to survive. Without a rigid frame (the skeleton), flexible
articulations (joints), and a system of pulleys (muscles,
tendons, and ligaments), animals would be little more
than lumps of tissue. The integration of these systems
provides movement, one of the basic characteristics
of life.
Disruption of the musculoskeletal system can occur
as a result of the following:
• Trauma—fractures, ligament ruptures A B C
• Degenerative disease—osteochondritis dissecans Fig. 7.1 (A) Comminuted fractures fixed with biologic tech-
(OCD), degenerative joint disease (DJD), nonunited niques of indirect reduction, major segment alignment, and opti-
anconeal process mal stabilization appear to heal with a combination of direct
• Inflammation—myositis, panosteitis differentiation of mesenchymal cells to osteoblasts and endo-
• Poor conformation—luxating patella chondral ossification. (B) The fracture site fills with endosteal
and bridging callus. (C) Resorption of woven bone and formation
• Neoplasia of lamellar bone at the fracture sites result in remodeling of bony
callus to cortical bone. (From Fossum TW. Small Animal Surgery.
ANATOMY OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL 4th ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby; 2013, by permission).

SYSTEM bone from anatomy models, but they seldom think of

A complete review of the anatomy of the musculoskel- bone as living tissue! In the body, bone is constantly
etal system is beyond the scope of this text; however, a being broken down, remodeled, and produced, and as
brief overview of bone and muscle metabolism and joint the animal uses bone, it strengthens along the lines of
function is necessary to appreciate how disease of this stress, becoming stronger with use. Bone is also a large
system affects the health of the animal. Often, the mus- storehouse for calcium, phosphorus, and certain min-
cular and skeletal systems are combined because without erals. Epiphyseal bone is active in red blood cell
one the other cannot function. (RBC) production. Bones are important for movement,
protection of underlying tissues, and support. The hor-
Bone mones calcitonin and parathyroid hormone balance the
Long bone begins its formation in the fetus as a cartilage level of calcium in both blood and bone, constantly
model. As the fetus develops, this cartilage is converted adjusting levels to meet the needs of the animal.
to bone through a process called endochondral ossifica-
tion. The cartilage is replaced with osteoblasts, osteo- Muscles
clasts, and osteocytes, all of which are active in Skeletal muscle tissue combines with bones to form the
producing and shaping new bone. Long bones, such as musculoskeletal system. This muscle tissue is striated
the humerus and the femur, have shafts (diaphysis) and voluntary. The striations are formed from the over-
comprising compact bone, whereas the ends (epiphysis) lap of the actin and myosin fibers found in the sarco-
are filled with spongy bone. Spongy bone is also called mere, the contractile unit of the muscle. Contraction
cancellous bone. Flat bones, such as those found in the of these muscle fibers occurs in the presence of neuronal
skull, also begin as cartilage but are converted to bone stimulation at the neuromuscular junction (cholinergic)
in a manner different from long bones. These bones and with increased calcium released within the muscle
are formed through intramembranous ossification fiber in response to this stimulation (Fig. 7.2). Contrac-
(Fig. 7.1). Bone formation takes place here in a connec- tion of multiple muscle fibers simultaneously moves the
tive tissue membrane, which is then converted at multi- bones attached to those muscles.
ple sites into both cancellous bone (internal) and Injuries that involve the musculoskeletal system are
compact bone (superficial). Students are familiar with painful, and analgesics should be used to increase the
124 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Synaptic vesicles Presynaptic

Mitochondrion terminal



Axon of
Sarcoplasm Postsynaptic motor neuron
Muscle fiber


Muscle cell = muscle fiber


Fig. 7.2 The neuromuscular junction. (From Colville T, Bassert JM. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veter-
inary Technicians. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2008.)

patient comfort. A pain-free patient will not only be indirect violence, bone disease, or repeated stress. These
more comfortable while healing, but will be able to func- fractures may be classified as open (bone exposed
tion normally again more rapidly. Any disease or mal- through the skin) or closed (bone not exposed through
function of this system compromises the animal’s the skin), simple or comminuted (splintered or fragmen-
ability to maintain homeostasis with its environment. ted), and stable or unstable (Fig. 7.3). The type of frac-
ture and its location determine the best method
Joints of repair.
Muscles and bones form lever systems such as joints. The job of the veterinary technician is to quickly
Bone makes up the lever, and joints serve as the fulcrum assess the patient, especially in the case of motor vehicle
for the system. When contracting, the muscle moves the accidents. After treatment for shock, hemorrhage, and
lever (bone) around the joint’s fulcrum. The manner in soft tissue trauma, the possibility of fractures should
which different muscles are placed with respect to bone be addressed. Technicians should always be aware that
determines the motion of that joint. Along with muscles, fractures might exist. They should take care when mov-
bones are connected to tendons and ligaments, which ing the animal, protect any areas of suspected fractures
also support the movement of the joint. This lever sys- with support bandages (such as a Robert Jones), if pos-
tem provides a mechanical means of movement for sible, and be careful not to make the injury worse
the limbs. by restraint methods or handling when obtaining
At least three-fourths of long bone fractures occur as a • History of trauma
result of motor vehicle accidents. Other causes include • Pain or localized tenderness
CHAPTER 7 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 125

Fissured Greenstick
fracture fracture


Transverse Comminuted
fracture fracture
Fig. 7.3 Common traumatic fractures. (From Christenson DE. Veterinary Medical Terminology. Philadelphia, PA:
Saunders; 2009, by permission.)

• Lameness • Keep the splint dry, and restrict activity

• Deformity of the bone • Evidence of problems with the splint includes a
• Loss of function foul odor, swelling, pain, fever, chewing at the
• Crepitus splint, and generalized depression
• Localized swelling or bruising • Casts
• Casts are made of plaster of Paris or other rigid,
Diagnosis moldable material
• Radiographs, at least two views, are required to diag- • Their function is similar to splints
nose and characterize the fracture
• Radiographs of the opposite limb may be of use for TECH ALERT
Casts and splints may not prevent rotation or overriding
of fracture pieces and may result in delayed healing or
nonunion in some fractures.
• Reduction and fixation of the fracture should be
accomplished as soon as the patient is stable
Methods of fixation • Intramedullary pins
• Splints • Provide good rigidity to the fracture site (Fig. 7.4)
• A mold of material that surrounds the affected • May be used in combination with other methods
area is placed to hold the fracture segments in to prevent rotation
the reduced position while healing occurs • Usually require removal after the fracture
• Use is usually limited to limbs has healed
• Make sure to use adequate padding to prevent the • Must be inserted under sterile conditions
split from causing soft tissue injury • Promote healing (adult dogs) in 7 to 12 weeks
126 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Bending Rotation Axial

+++ ___ ___

Fig. 7.4 (A) The biomechanical advantage of intramedullary pins is that they are equally resistant to bending
loads applied from any direction because they are round. (B) and (C) Biomechanical disadvantages of intrame-
dullary pins include poor resistance to rotational or axial (compressive) loads and lack of fixation (interlocking)
with bone. (From Fossum TW. Small Animal Surgery. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2007, by permission.)

• Bone plates Information for Clients

• Work well on most long bone fractures, • Activity must be restricted while bone is healing.
particularly in large dogs or a semidomesticated Leash walking and cage rest may be required for 5
species to 8 weeks.
• Should always be removed after healing is com- • Report any evidence of drainage, swelling, or heat in
plete; however, most are left in place unless they the affected limb.
break, interfere with normal bone growth in • Bone plates and intramedullary pins are stronger
young animals, or become irritating or infected than surrounding bone, and refracture of bone may
• Can usually be removed after bone union in adult occur in some cases. Report any change in use of
dogs (5–12 months) the limb.
• Require specialized instrumentation and surgical • Follow-up radiographs are required to assess healing.
technique for correct application (Fig. 7.5) Surgery may be required to remove the pin or plate
• Provide an early return to function after healing has been completed.
CHAPTER 7 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 127

Fig. 7.6 Poodle with rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament. The
affected limb is held with the stifle in a flexed position and the
paw off the floor. This is typical of (acute) stifle injuries. (From
Millis D, Levine D. Canine Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy.
2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2014.)
Fig. 7.5 Functions of a bone plate. (A) Compression plate. (B) of the opposite cruciate ligament often occurs within
Neutralization plate. (C) Buttress plate. (From Fossum TW. Small
1 year after injury to the first ligament. Approximately
Animal Surgery. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2007, by
permission.) 50% of dogs with ligament rupture also demonstrate
meniscal injury.
• Some animals suffer cold sensitivity to plates and Treatment of this type of injury involves removal of
pins. If this occurs, the plates and pins may have to the damaged tissue and stabilization of the joint. Many
be removed. repair techniques have been reported; the choice of tech-
• Physical therapy will prevent muscle atrophy and nique is usually based on the size of the dog, the activity
keep the joints supple. level required by the animal, and the skill of the surgeon.

Clinical Signs
CRUCIATE LIGAMENT INJURY • Middle-aged, obese animals or highly active, athletic
The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments are intraarti- animals are commonly affected
cular structures that help stabilize the stifle joint. Rupture • Injury occurs infrequently in cats
of the cranial cruciate ligament is possibly the most com- • The animal demonstrates non weight bearing on the
mon injury to the stifle of the dog and is a major cause of rear leg or appears to be in pain when the affected leg
DJD in the stifle joint (Fig. 7.6). The ligament may rupture is used
completely, resulting in gross instability of the joint, or it • The tibia usually rotates internally when the animal
may tear, producing minor instability. Both injuries result tries to bear weight
in degenerative changes in the joint within a few weeks. • If the injury is recent, the joint may show effusion
Cruciate ligament injuries are usually seen in middle- (swelling)
aged, obese, inactive animals that suddenly hyperextend • Generally, the problem is acute in onset
their stifle joint while exercising. Rupture may also occur
in animals engaged in athletic endeavors (such as racing Diagnosis
or jumping), resulting in a traumatic injury to the liga- • Demonstration of a positive cranial drawer move-
ment. An occult degenerative process that may be pre- ment: The tibia abnormally slides forward with
sent in the former group of animals predisposes the respect to the femoral condyles. The animal may
ligament to atraumatic rupture. In both groups, rupture need to be sedated to demonstrate this instability
128 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Tibial compression test: The tibia moves forward • Even if surgical stabilization is performed, the animal
with respect to the femur when the hock is flexed will have some degenerative changes in the joint
in the proper manner (arthritis) as it ages. Your pet may require treatment
• Radiographs may show cranial displacement of the with antiinflammatory medication if lameness and
tibial plateau or a bony avulsion at the tibial attach- pain occur.
ment of the ligament


• Many methods of treatment can be found in the lit- Patellar luxations occur frequently in dogs and occasion-
erature. The most successful techniques involve sur- ally in cats. They may be divided into several classes:
gical stabilization of the stifle joint. In all cases, • Medial luxation: toy, miniature, large breeds
damaged tissue must be removed from the joint • Lateral luxation: toy, miniature breeds
before stabilization • Medial traumatic luxations: any breed
Extraarticular stabilization techniques • Lateral luxation: large, giant breeds
• These techniques are most successful in animals
weighing less than 15 kg Medial Luxation in Toy, Miniature,
• Suture material is placed around the caudal fabellae and Large Breeds
and through a tunnel in the tibial crest to stabilize Medial luxations of toy, miniature, and large breeds
the joint occur early in life and are not related to trauma. They
• Imbrication of the joint capsule and the lateral and are often called congenital because they are usually the
medial muscle fascia is performed to “tighten” result of anatomical deformities. Approximately 75%
the joint to 80% of patellar luxations are medial displacements.
Intraarticular stabilization techniques Anatomical derangements that predispose an animal
• “Over-the-top” patellar tendon graft uses a strip of to medial luxations include medial bowing of the distal
the patellar tendon to replace the cranial cruciate third of the femur, shallow trochlear sulcus and a poorly
ligament developed medial ridge, medial torsion of the tibial
• Tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) prevents tubercle, or medial bowing of the proximal tibia. Over
the tibia from moving forward against the pull of time, these derangements put added stress on the cranial
the hamstring muscles. This is usually the treatment cruciate ligaments, predisposing 15% to 20% of these lig-
of choice for larger dogs aments to rupture.
• The surgical techniques mentioned, among others, Surgery is required to correct these problems. The
can be found in most veterinary orthopedic surgical technique chosen will depend on the degree of displace-
texts. No matter which technique is chosen, the goal ment and the degree of rotation present.
is always the same—to stabilize the joint and prevent
the development of DJD Clinical Signs
• Neonates or young puppies with abnormal hind limb
Information for Clients function should be examined
• The pet requires restricted exercise for the first 3 to • Young to mature animals with abnormal or intermit-
4 weeks after surgery. Restricted exercise means cage tent gait problems are predisposed to this condition
rest with leash walking for elimination. • Older animals with sudden rear leg lameness are
• You may gradually increase exercise between 4 and predisposed to this condition
8 weeks after surgery.
• Your pet may return to full exercise between 8 and Lateral Luxation in Toy and Miniature Breeds
12 weeks after surgery. Lateral luxation is seen later in life as the soft tissues in
• The opposite cruciate frequently ruptures within the stifle begin to break down. The lateral deviations
1 year after the first rupture. produce more functional disruption than the medial
• Weight reduction will benefit the obese animal. luxations.
CHAPTER 7 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 129

Clinical Signs within the joint (and to keep it there). Combinations

• Acute development of lameness often associated with of several techniques may be required in some
trauma or strenuous exercise is commonly seen animals to achieve stability
• Knock-kneed stance is seen in some cases
• If lameness is bilateral, the animal may be unable Information for Clients
to stand • After surgery, limit exercise for 2 to 3 weeks; prevent
jumping in particular.
Combined Medial and Lateral Luxations • A support bandage may be placed on the knee for 10
or Medial Luxations from Trauma to 14 days to protect the surgical site. It should be
Combined medial and lateral luxations or medial luxa- kept dry.
tions from trauma occur infrequently in small animals. • Veterinary-approved NSAIDs antiinflammatory
drugs can be administered for pain.
Lateral Luxation in Large and Giant Breeds • Physiotherapy such as swimming or passive flexion-
Lateral luxation is seen in the same breeds that are extension of the joint (20–30 times four times daily)
affected by hip dysplasia. Abnormal conformation at can be of benefit in animals that are reluctant to bear
the hip results in a medial rotation of the femur and weight on the leg.
lateral displacement of the patella. • The animal will probably have some degenerative
changes in the joint later in life.
Clinical Signs
• Lateral luxation is usually bilateral
• Animals affected are frequently between 5 and HIP DYSPLASIA
6 months of age Dysplasia is one of the most prevalent disorders of the
• Cow-hocked (external tibial rotation) gait is a canine hip, although it is rarely seen in animals
clinical sign weighing less than 11 to 12 kg. However, it has been
• Foot twists laterally when weight bearing reported in the occasional toy or small-breed dog.
The disease is complex, and the following factors have
Diagnosis been identified as contributing to the development of
• Palpation is used to test the ability to luxate the hip dysplasia:
patella while the knee is flexed • Genetic predisposition (polygenic)
• Radiographs indicate anatomical deformity and • Environment and dietary factors
patellar displacement • A disparity between muscle mass and the developing
skeletal system
Treatment • Failure of the soft tissues of the hip to maintain joint
• Surgical correction is the treatment of choice. congruity between the surfaces of the hip joint,
Methods range from mild soft tissue techniques to resulting in bony changes within the joint
bone reconstruction. Usually, both knees are cor- Hip dysplasia is a dynamic process and is often defined
rected at the same time as a congenital, bilateral DJD, or as hip laxity. Any view
Soft tissue techniques of the disease is only a point along the progression of
• Overlap of lateral or medial retinaculum symptoms. The disease can be separated into
• Fascia lata overlap acetabular hip dysplasia and femoral hip dysplasia.
• Patellar and tibial antirotational sutures
• Quadriceps release Acetabular Hip Dysplasia
Bone reconstruction Most cases of dysplasia are of the acetabular form. This
• Trochleoplasty type is characterized by excessive slope of the dorsal rim
• Transposition of the tibial tubercle of the acetabulum and the changes that result. Failure of
• Osteotomy or arthrodesis (joint fusion) the femoral head to press correctly into the developing
Goal acetabular cup results in damage to the dorsal rim.
• The goal of all surgical correction is to stabilize the Osteophyte formation and damage to the joint capsule
stifle and return the patella to its functional position result in an unstable, painful joint.
130 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Femoral Hip Dysplasia • In older dogs, lameness, a waddling gait, and atrophy
In femoral hip dysplasia, the femoral neck is shortened, of the thigh muscles may be seen
decreasing the coverage by the acetabular rim and dis- • Young dogs that are severely affected may be reluc-
rupting the congruity of the joint surfaces. In some cases, tant to stand or move
the femur may be rotated. The joint lacks support from
the acetabulum, which leads to osteophyte formation Diagnosis
and joint capsule damage with joint instability. • Radiographic confirmation of the disease is essential
(Fig. 7.7). The technician is referred to current radi-
Clinical Signs ology texts for positioning techniques
• Clinical signs may vary with the age of the patient • The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) has
• Young dogs between 5 and 8 months of age and established seven grades of dysplasia:
mature animals with chronic disease are predisposed • Excellent—nearly perfect conformation
to femoral hip dysplasia • Good—normal for age and breed
• Difficulty in rising and stiffness that diminishes as the • Fair—less than ideal but within normal limits
animal warms up on exercise are commonly seen • Near normal—borderline conformation
• Pain is elicited on palpation of the dorsal pelvic area • Mild dysplasia—minimal deviation with slight
or over the hip joint flattened femoral head and subluxation

Fig. 7.7 Examples of hip dysplasia in the dog. Note the lack of congruity at the hip joint. A, normal hips; B–F, mild
to serious hip dysplasia. (From Kealy JK, McAllister H, Graham JP. Diagnostic Radiology and Ultrasonography
of the Dog and Cat. 5th ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011.)
CHAPTER 7 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 131



Fig. 7.7—cont’d

• Moderate dysplasia—shallow acetabulum, flat- Treatment

tened femoral head, poor joint congruency Conservative
• Severe dysplasia—complete dislocation of the hip • Moderate exercise
with flattening of the acetabulum and femoral head • Weight control
• For OFA certification, dogs should be radiographed • Antiinflammatory medications:
after 2 years of age. Any dog with clinical signs should • Rimadyl (Carprofen): twice a day
be radiographed under anesthesia or sedation • Galliprant (Grapiprant) daily
132 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Metacam (Meloxicam)
• Aspirin (buffered): twice a day
• Prednisone: daily, decreasing to level that keeps
animal comfortable
• Nutriceuticals:
• Polysulfated glycosaminoglycan (Adequan)
• Glucosamine chondroitin sulfate (Cosequin)
• Femoral head ostectomy (FHO) (Fig. 7.8): Removal of
the femoral head decreases pain that results from
physical contact between the bone surface of the femur
and the acetabulum. Removal allows formation of a
“false joint” from surrounding soft tissue. Vigorous
exercise is required after surgery to increase muscle
strength and limb function. Swimming, walking, or
running should be adequate to build muscle strength.
Short periods of exercise (5–10 minutes three times a
day) can gradually be lengthened (10 minutes four
times a day) as the animal gains strength. Nonsteroidal
antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be used during
rehabilitation. The limb that undergoes surgery may Fig. 7.9 Radiograph of a dog after total hip replacement. Note
be slightly shorter than the opposite leg, and occa- the radiopaque cement mantel surrounding the femoral and ace-
sional lameness may be seen, especially in larger dogs. tabular prostheses. (From Fossum TW. Small Animal Surgery.
3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2007, by permission.)
This is not the suggested treatment for athletic dogs
that require complete return to normal joint function.
It may take up to 1 year before optimal function the femoral shaft and placed into an artificial acetab-
returns to the limb ular cup. The advantages of this surgical procedure
• Total hip replacement (Fig. 7.9): This is the most are as follows:
effective way to give the patient a functional, non- • Dogs achieve near-normal hind limb function
painful joint. The procedure replaces the femoral approximately 95% of the time.
head and neck together with the acetabular cup. • Patients achieve full range of motion in the joint
A cobalt chrome shaft and head are implanted into and are free of pain.
• Patients have a quick return to function.
• Pelvic osteotomy: A triple osteotomy of the pelvis
allows rotation of the dorsal acetabular rim to provide
increased coverage to the femoral head. Although
technically difficult, the surgery provides for good
return of function with minimal osteoarthritis

Information for Clients

• Dogs intended for breeding should have their hips
radiographed after 2 years of age.
• Signs of dysplasia may develop early in the dog’s life.
• This is a progressive disease, and degeneration of the
joint continues throughout the life of the pet.
Fig. 7.8 Radiograph of a dog after femoral head ostectomy.
• Weight loss and moderate exercise can reduce pain.
Note complete removal of the femoral neck. (From Fossum
TW. Small Animal Surgery. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; • Puppies born to hip dysplasia–free parents may
2007, by permission.) experience development of dysplasia.
CHAPTER 7 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 133

• Surgery is the only cure for the disease. • If disease has developed in both hips, the surgeries on
• Hip dysplasia is usually not seen in cats or small- each side are usually performed 8 to 10 weeks apart,
breed dogs. depending on the surgeon’s preference.


(AVASCULAR NECROSIS) Osteochondrosis refers to the degeneration or aseptic
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease involves a noninflammatory necrosis of bone and cartilage followed by reossification.
aseptic necrosis of the femoral head and neck and is pri- If the condition results in a dissecting cartilage flap with
marily a disease of small-breed dogs. Although the exact inflammatory joint changes, it is termed osteochondrosis
cause is unknown, some vascular compression together dissecans (Fig. 7.11). The underlying defect in this dis-
with hormone activity has been suggested. ease is one of endochondral ossification. Failure of the
In affected dogs, the femoral head and neck undergo lower layers of physeal or articular cartilage to mature
necrosis and deformation. The articular cartilage cracks into bone results in thickened cartilage that is prone
and collapses because of the collapse of subchondral to injury. If lack of ossification occurs at the physis,
bone. The result of these changes is pain and loss of joint problems such as nonunited anconeal process or
congruity. Toy breeds and terriers are most commonly retained cartilage cores can occur. If it occurs at the
affected. articular surface, OCD may occur. The disease is seen
in several joints (shoulder, stifle, hock, and elbow).
Clinical Signs OCD of the scapulohumeral joint (shoulder) is most
• Young dogs between 5 and 8 months of age are pre- commonly seen. Failure of the articular cartilage to
disposed to Legg-Calve-Perthes disease become cemented to underlying bone, together with
• Irritability and chewing at the hip or flank area constant trauma during exercise, results in the forma-
are seen tion of a nonhealing cartilage flap. The presence of this
• Pain is a clinical sign flap produces lameness and osteoarthrosis.
• Atrophy of the muscles of the hip is noticeable
• A gradual onset of lameness occurs Clinical Signs
• Lameness in large-breed dogs (3–18 months of age)
• Radiographic signs include decreased bone Diagnosis
density in the femoral head and neck area, • Radiographs show the cartilage flap with or without
flattened femoral head, and osteophytes in the joint joint mice (loose cartilage pieces)
(Fig. 7.10)
Treatment • Rest and weight control in early stages
• Excision arthroplasty removes the femoral head and • If lame, surgical removal of the flap, mice, or both
neck. Postoperative treatment requires early, active
use of the limb. As early as 2 weeks after surgery, ani- Information for Clients
mals should be encouraged to swim or run. Return to • A return to normal function occurs almost immedi-
pain-free function may occur as early as 30 days after ately after surgery
surgery • This is normally a disease of large-breed dogs
• This disease may have a hereditary component
Information for Clients
• Animals may have both hips involved. PANOSTEITIS (ENDOSTEOSIS,
• A genetic predisposition for the disease may exist.
• Animals require frequent physical therapy during EOSINOPHILIC PANOSTEITIS)
recovery (exercise and passive range-of-motion Panosteitis is a common disease that causes intermittent
exercises). lameness in medium- and large-breed dogs. The average
134 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Fig. 7.10 Legg-Calve-Perthes disease: Note areas of decreased opacity in the femoral head and the loss of the
rounded contour of the femoral head. (From Kealy JK, McAllister H, Graham JP. Diagnostic Radiology and Ultra-
sonography of the Dog and Cat. 5th ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011.)

age of onset is 6 to 8 months. The lameness is usually disease affects medullary bone marrow and endosteal
acute, is not associated with trauma, and may appear bone, resulting in degeneration of medullary marrow
to the client to shift from leg to leg. Male dogs are more and thickening of endosteal bone. Long bones such as
commonly affected (66% of cases), with the German the ulna, humerus, radius, femur, and tibia are most
Shepherd breed being overrepresented. commonly involved.
The cause of panosteitis is unknown, but some causes Panosteitis is self-limiting, and virtually all affected
may include viral infection, genetic predisposition, met- dogs return to normal within 1 year. During bouts of
abolic disease, and allergic or hormonal excess. Viral pain and lameness, analgesics and NSAIDs can be
infection is thought to be the most likely cause. The administered to make the animal more comfortable.
CHAPTER 7 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 135

• Flare-up of the disease is common, so animals may

appear cured only to relapse. The disease is seldom
seen in animals older than 2 years of age.

Luxations of the hip are fairly common secondary to
trauma in small animals. All luxations involve tearing
of the joint capsule and round ligament. Specific signs
vary, depending on the location of the femoral head with
respect to the acetabulum.
• Craniodorsal—the most common type. The leg
appears shortened; the stifle rotates outward, and
the hock rotates inward.
• Craniocaudal—rare. The stifle rotates inward, and
Fig. 7.11 Failure of endochondral ossification leads to cartilage
thickening. Loss of chondrocytes deep in the cartilage layer pro- the hock rotates outward.
duces a cleft and causes development of vertical fissures in the • Ventral—rare. The affected limb appears longer.
cartilage. These fissures eventually communicate with the joint,
forming a cartilage flap. (From Fossum TW. Small Animal Sur- Clinical Signs
gery. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2007, by permission.) • History of trauma
• Acute lameness, non weight bearing
• Possible swelling over the hip joint or in area dorsal to
hip joint
Clinical Signs
• Intermittent lameness shifting from leg to leg Diagnosis
• Anorexia • Radiographs can rule out other diseases such as
• Fever femoral neck fractures, acetabular fractures, or
• Weight loss Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. The presence of fractures
• Reluctance to move or bone chips indicates a need for open surgical
reduction of the dislocation
• Pain elicited on deep palpation of long bone Treatment
• Radiology: gray, hazy, patchy areas of increased • Closed reduction (requires anesthesia): The femoral
radiodensity in the medullary cavity of long bone head is manually rotated and replaced back into
(Fig. 7.12) the acetabulum using traction
• Open reduction: The femoral head is surgically
Treatment replaced into the acetabulum, and the soft tissue
• Analgesics and antiinflammatory drugs for pain: structures are used to secure the reduction. The limb
• Veterinary approved NSAIDs should be supported in an Ehmer sling for a mini-
• Rimadyl (Carprofen): orally twice a day mum of 7 to 10 days; exercise should be limited for
3 weeks after removal of the sling
Information for Clients
• Panosteitis is self-limiting and usually leaves no per- Information for Clients
manent damage. • The prognosis will depend on the stability of the
• Antiinflammatory drugs can cause gastric upset and reduced joint and the amount of soft tissue injury.
ulceration in the dog. Report any vomiting of blood, • Varying degrees of osteoarthritis may develop after
blood in the stool, or lack of appetite. traumatic luxation.
136 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats


Fig. 7.12 Panosteitis. Note the areas of increased bone opacity in long bones. A, normal long bone; B–D,
examples of panosteitis. (From Kealy JK, McAllister H, Graham JP. Diagnostic Radiology and Ultrasonography
of the Dog and Cat. 5th ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011.)
CHAPTER 7 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 137

• FHO should be considered if the hip does not remain muscles atrophy and fibrose. Glucocorticoids are the
reduced. treatment of choice.

TECH ALERT Acquired Myopathies

Luxations of other joints occur as a result of trauma. The Feline polymyopathy occurs in cats of all ages and breeds
goal of treatment is to return the joint to normal position in both sexes. Hypokalemia results in cervical ventriflex-
and function. This is usually accomplished in a manner ion, periodic weakness, and muscle pain. These symp-
similar to that for the hip. toms may occur concurrently with renal disease.
Treatment involves supplementation of potassium and
adjustment of diet.
Clinical Signs
Myopathies are diseases that affect muscle. Although • Muscle weakness, pain, swelling, or atrophy
many types of myopathies exist, the most commonly
seen include inflammatory myopathy, immune- Diagnosis
mediated myopathy, and acquired myopathy. • Clinical signs
• Muscle biopsy
Inflammatory Myopathies • Serum chemistries (creatine kinase level may be
Bacterial myositis, a rarely occurring disease in dogs and increased)
cats, typically occurs after a bite wound, trauma, or with
contamination after surgical procedures. The most com- Treatment
monly involved microorganisms are Staphylococcus and • Appropriate antibiotics, if bacterial; antiprotozoal
Clostridia spp. Treatment should be based on culture drugs, if parasite related
and sensitivity results. • Glucocorticoids: daily (may be needed long term in
Protozoal myositis occurs when cysts are formed some cases)
within the muscles of Toxoplasmosis-positive cats. Rup-
ture of these cysts or immune response to their presence Information for Clients
results in clinical signs of muscle hyperesthesia. • Most animals show improvement with treatment.
• Treatment may be required for the life of the animal.
Immune-Mediated Myopathies • Early intervention improves prognosis.
Polymyositis is an immune-mediated disease of muscles
that affects dogs and cats. Middle-aged, large-breed dogs
are most commonly affected. Weakness that gets worse
with exercise, hyperesthesia on palpation, fever, and The diagnosis of bone cancer is devastating to the ani-
depression may all be signs of muscle involvement. mal, the client, and the veterinarian. A high incidence
Some dogs may have megaesophagus. Muscle atrophy rate of bone cancer exists in pet animals, especially dogs.
may be seen with chronic cases. Diagnosis is most read- The onset of the disease is often acute, and the progres-
ily obtained through muscle biopsy; treatment involves sion of signs rapid.
prednisone (2.2 mg/kg/day). Approximately 8000 cases of bone cancer are seen in
Masticatory muscle myositis, also known as atrophic dogs each year. Of these, 85% to 90% involve osteosar-
myositis or eosinophilic myositis, involves the muscles coma, a primary bone neoplasm. As with most cancers,
of mastication in the dog. These muscles contain a spe- the cause of osteosarcoma is unknown. Studies suggest
cial type of fiber (type 2M) that has antigenic properties that a derangement of growth or differentiation of
possibly shared with bacteria. Infections elsewhere in the new bone at the metaphyses of long bones. (do not delete
body may incite an immune response that affects these the above materials)
muscle fibers. The masticatory muscles initially become It has been shown that early castration in some
swollen and painful. With chronic involvement, the breeds (specifically Golden and Labrador Retrievers)
138 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

may predispose these animals to development of Treatment

osteosarcoma later in life. Primary bone cancer in cats • Amputation of the affected limb is required
is less common. As many as 90% of bone cancers • Follow-up treatment with cisplatin or carboplatin
seen in cats are osteosarcomas. Survival rates after may increase survival time
amputation appear to be somewhat better than those • Radiation therapy can be provided for pain control
for dogs. • No recommended drug therapies exist for cats

Clinical Signs Information for Clients

• Lameness • Bone cancer is a fatal disease.
• Weight loss • Survival times of up to 12 months may be achieved
• Pain, especially over the affected bone with aggressive treatment.
• Swelling in the affected limb • Biopsy of the tumor is necessary to confirm the
tumor type.
Diagnosis • Amputation is required to remove the primary
• Radiographs show mixed osteolysis, proliferation of tumor; however, it will not prevent metastatic tumor
bone, and periosteal reaction cells occurring elsewhere in the body.
• Biopsy is required for diagnosis • Drug therapy is expensive, and patients require lab-
• Thoracic radiographs should be taken to rule out oratory monitoring to avoid bone marrow or renal
metastatic tumors toxicities from the treatment.

1. What type of support bandage provides good pro- a. Coxofemoral joint
tection for a long bone fracture while radiographs b. Scapulohumeral joint
are being taken? c. Carpus
a. Robert Jones bandage d. Tarsus
b. Spica splint bandage 6. What is the most frequently seen primary bone
c. Velpeau bandage tumor in pet animals?
d. Ehmer sling a. Squamous cell carcinoma
2. Sudden hyperextension of the stifle joint in middle- b. Fibrosarcoma
aged, obese dogs can result in rupture of the: c. Osteosarcoma
a. Patellar tendon d. Chondrosarcoma
b. Medial collateral ligament 7. Which of the following is a true statement?
c. Anterior cruciate ligament a. Most patellar luxations seen early in life are
d. Lateral collateral ligament medial luxations.
3. For OFA certification, dogs should be radiographed b. Most patellar luxations seen late in older dogs
after reaching: are medial luxations.
a. 6 months of age c. Most patellar luxations seen in large-breed dogs
b. 1 year of age are medial luxations.
c. 2 years of age d. Most patellar luxations are traumatic in nature.
d. 3 years of age 8. Which of the following statements is false?
4. Hip dysplasia is not a progressive, degenerative joint a. There is a genetic predisposition to hip
disease (DJD). dysplasia.
a. True b. An environmental factor is related to the devel-
b. False opment of hip dysplasia.
5. OCD lesions are most commonly seen in large- c. No relationship exists between excessive growth
breed dogs in the: and the development of hip dysplasia.
CHAPTER 7 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 139

d. There is a dietary component to the develop- c. Orthopedic injuries usually require analgesia
ment of hip dysplasia. after surgery.
9. Casts or splints may not prevent rotation or over- d. Hip dysplasia cannot develop in puppies born to
riding of fractured long bones and may result in female dogs without hip dysplasia.
delayed healing. 11. Mary has a large-breed dog and has been told by the
a. True breeder to give him supplements of calcium-rich
b. False vitamins for fast growth. Is this a good idea?
10. Which of the following statements is false? 12. What advice would you give a client to avoid mus-
a. Some degree of arthritis may develop in any culoskeletal injuries in his or her pet?
traumatic joint injury.
Answers found on page 545.
b. Physical therapy is needed for injured joints to
return to function.
Diseases of the Nervous System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss symptoms and treatments of neuronal
able to: disease with clients.
• Describe the arrangement of the nervous system.
• Relate the dysfunctions of various portions of the
nervous system to diseases seen in companion animals.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System 141 Medical 148
The Neuron 141 Surgical 148
The Brain 141 Cervical Spondylomyelopathy (Wobbler
Brain Disorders 141 Syndrome) 149
Trauma 146 Medical 149
Idiopathic Vestibular Disease 142 Surgical 149
Neoplasia 143 Degenerative Myelopathy 149
Treatment of the Tumor 143 Neurologic Examination 150
Treatment of Clinical Signs 143 Radiographs 150
Idiopathic Epilepsy 143 Cerebrospinal Fluid 150
Status Epilepticus 144 Discospondylitis (Vertebral Osteomyelitis) 150
Immediate Treatment 144 Ischemic Myelopathy Caused by
Maintenance Therapy 144 Fibrocartilaginous Embolism 151
Anatomy of the Spinal Cord 144 The Peripheral Nervous System 151
Spinal Cord Dysfunction 144 Deafness 152
Intervertebral Disk Disease 145 Electrodiagnostic 152
Type 1 146 Metabolic Neuropathy 152
Type 2 146 Laryngeal Paralysis 153
Trauma 146 Surgical 153
Medical Treatment 147 Megaesophagus 153
Surgical Treatment 147 Tick Paralysis 154
Nursing Care 147 Coonhound Paralysis or Polyradiculoneuritis 154
Cervical Spinal Cord Diseases 147 Facial Nerve Paralysis 155
Atlantoaxial Subluxation (Atlantoaxial
Instability) 147

CHAPTER 8 Diseases of the Nervous System 141

Ataxia Discospondylitis Idiopathic
Chondrodystrophic Hemilaminectomy Neuronophagia
Decussate Herniations Nystagmus

The nervous system can be divided into two primary intelligence involve multiple centers of neurons and
divisions: (1) the central nervous system (CNS), com- nerve tracts throughout the many areas of the brain.
posed of the brain and the spinal cord, and (2) the
peripheral nervous system (PNS), composed of the cra- BRAIN DISORDERS
nial nerves and the peripheral nerves that connect the
outside sensory world to the brain. Trauma
The functional cell of both systems is the neuron, In small-animal medicine, traumatic brain injuries are
whose job is to transmit electrical impulses to and from encountered frequently. The injuries generally have an
the brain. Pathology anywhere within the transmission acute clinical onset resulting from a traumatic experience
system results in interruption of messages and clinical (e.g., being hit by an automobile, having the head caught in
neurological symptoms. The individual symptoms vary, a closing door, or falling). Injury to the brain from trauma
depending on the location of the lesion. For the purpose can result from direct injury to the nervous tissues (pri-
of this chapter, diseases are divided into those of the mary event) or from secondary events, which intensify
brain, the spinal cord, and the PNS. or worsen the neurological damage and produce systemic
derangements. Primary events may produce disruption of
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY fiber tracts, which cannot be repaired, or reparable cell
damage, which is reversible. Secondary events such as
OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM increased intracranial pressure (ICP), edema, hypoxia,
The Neuron and seizures occur as a result of the primary trauma.
The functional cell of the nervous system is the neuron, a Increased ICP is caused by both edema and hemorrhage
large, kite-shaped cell consisting of multiple input fibers in or around the brain. Because the brain is encased in a
(dendrites) and one output fiber (the axon). Neurons nonflexible shell of bone (the skull), herniation of nervous
never touch each other; impulses are transmitted from tissue (primarily the brainstem) through the foramen
one to another via chemical mediators such as acetyl- magnum results. Treatment of head trauma involves
choline or epinephrine. The axons of neurons may be preventing or decreasing the secondary effects of trauma.
covered by a lipid coating, called myelin, or they may
be uncoated and unmyelinated. Myelinated nerve fibers Clinical Signs
conduct impulses rapidly, and unmyelinated fibers are • History of trauma to the head
much slower. These fibers make up the white and gray • Seizures
matter of the nervous system. It is the network of these • Blood in ears, nose, and oral cavity
neurons that make up both the CNS and the PNS. • Ocular hemorrhage
• Loss of consciousness or a decrease in responses to
The Brain external stimuli
The brain is composed of gray and white matter tracts • Signs of shock, cardiac arrhythmias, altered respira-
that connect the higher centers of the cerebral cortex tory patterns, coma
to the spinal cord and the peripheral nerves. The tracts
decussate in the brainstem as they exit the foramen mag- Diagnosis
num, the right side of the brain controlling the left side • History and physical examination
of the body, and vice versa. The higher centers of the • Serum chemistries to rule out metabolic problems
brain involved in the more sophisticated levels of • Clinical rating scale for prognosis of trauma (Table 8.1)
142 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Mannitol (20%): intravenous slow bolus

TABLE 8.1 Clinical Rating Scale for
• Diuretics: furosemide intravenously (IV) every
Evaluation of Craniocerebral Trauma
4 hours
Criteria Scorea • Antiseizure medication, if needed:
Motor Activity • Diazepam: divided into three or four doses
Normal gait, normal reflexes 6 • Phenobarbital: IV or intramuscularly (IM) twice
Hemiparesis, tetraparesis, or decorticate 5 a day
activity • Corticosteroids: prednisolone sodium succinate IV
Recumbent with intermittent extensor rigidity 4
Recumbent with constant extensor rigidity 3 Information for Clients
Recumbent with intermittent extensor rigidity 2
• Some brain damage is irreversible. If the animal
or opisthotonos
Recumbent, hypotonic with depressed- 1 survives, it may never return to “normal.”
absent spinal reflexes • In general, animals in a coma for longer than 48 hours
do not survive.
Brainstem Reflexes • Deteriorating signs represent a worsening of the
Normal PLR and OVRs 6 animal’s condition.
Slow PLR and normal-to-reduced OVRs 5
Bilateral or unresponsive miosis and 4 Idiopathic Vestibular Disease
normal-to-reduced OVRs
Idiopathic vestibular disease is an acute disorder of both
Pinpoint pupils and reduced-to-absent OVRs 3
Unilateral or unresponsive mydriasis and 2
dogs (middle-aged) and cats. In cats, the disease is seen
reduced-to-absent OVRs most frequently during the late spring, summer, and
Bilateral or unresponsive mydriasis and 1 early fall.
reduced-to-absent OVRs Clinical signs involve loss of balance, nystagmus, dis-
orientation, and ataxia. Many animals experience nau-
Level of Consciousness sea early in the course of the disease. Animals stabilize
Occasionally alert and responsive 6 rapidly, and clinical signs usually resolve in 3 to 6 weeks.
Depressed or delirious, but capable of 5
response to stimulus Clinical Signs
Obtunded or stuporous, but responds to visual 4
• Incapacitating loss of balance
Obtunded or stuporous, but responds to 3
• Nystagmus
auditory stimuli • Disorientation
Obtunded or stuporous, but responds to 2 • Ataxia
noxious stimuli • Vomiting
Comatose and unresponsive to noxious 1 • Anorexia
Prognosis: grave for 3 to 8 total score; unfavorable to guarded Diagnosis
for 9 to 14 total score; and favorable for 15 to 18 total score. • Clinical signs
PLR, Pupillary light reflex; OVR, oculovestibular reflex. • Blood work to rule out other diseases involving the
From Fenner WR. Diseases of the brain. In: Ettinger SJ, Feldman
EC, eds: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine. ed 5.
nervous system
Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 2000, by permission. • Otic examination to rule out inner ear problem

Treatment • Treatment is usually not recommended and does not
• Correct any metabolic derangements alter the course of the disease
• Provide oxygen through a mask or nasal cannula • Supportive therapy and force-feeding should be
• Elevate the head implemented
• Administer osmotic agents to decrease cerebral edema: • Confine the animal to prevent injury from falling
CHAPTER 8 Diseases of the Nervous System 143

TECH ALERT Treatment of clinical signs

• Antiseizure medication: phenobarbital orally (PO)
Steroids and antibiotics are used routinely to cover pos- two to three times a day
sible causes not found by physical examination and lab- • Corticosteroids: prednisone twice a day or q12h
oratory work. Recurring cases or cases with worsening
of symptoms may require an MRI to rule out brain or
Information for Clients
inner ear lesions.
• Unless the tumor can be removed surgically, medica-
tion will not cure the condition.
Neoplasia • Symptoms will gradually become more severe as the
An enlarging tumor within the brain produces tissue tumor grows in size.
compression, replaces healthy neuronal tissue causing
clinical signs that are progressive, or both. Primary brain
Idiopathic Epilepsy
tumors are typically singular, but metastatic tumors or Idiopathic epilepsy is a syndrome characterized by
secondary brain tumors may be solitary or multiple in repeated episodes of seizures for which no demonstrated
occurrence. Most tumors are metastatic by the time cause exists. The diagnosis is one of exclusion.
the animal is examined. The disease is typically seen Idiopathic epilepsy is predominantly a disease in
in older animals. German Shepherds, Miniature and Toy Poodles, St. Ber-
nards, Cocker Spaniels, Beagles, Irish Setters, Golden
Clinical Signs Retrievers, and some mixed breeds. Seizures usually
begin between 1 and 3 years of age. Affected animals
• Signs reflect tumor location
may exhibit a short aura during which the animal
• Seizures (typically increasing in frequency and
may act abnormally. It may hide, seek companionship,
vocalize, or exhibit other abnormal behaviors. Seizures
• Endocrine derangements
are usually generalized in nature, lasting anywhere from
• Presence or absence of vestibular signs
1 to 2 minutes. After the seizure, the animal is usually
• Tremor, ataxia
disoriented and occasionally blind. Seizures may occur
singly or in clusters and may recur at fairly regular inter-
vals. In some animals, inciting events such as excitement
• Systematic screening for primary tumors in other
or estrus have been shown to precipitate seizure activity.
organs Although the cause of idiopathic epilepsy is unknown, a
• Blood work: complete blood cell count (CBC) and
hereditary basis has been suggested.
serum chemistries
• Radiography Clinical Signs
• Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tap results show increased • Seizures, often occurring at regular intervals
pressure, increased albumin, and usually normal • Young animals typically affected
white blood cell (WBC) count. • Normal behavior between seizures
• Ophthalmic examination indicates optic nerve edema.
• Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance Diagnosis
imaging (MRI) provides the best chance of locating • CBC and serum chemistries to rule out hypocalce-
the lesion. mia, hypoglycemia, infection, hepatic encephalopa-
thy, lead poisoning
Treatment • Radiography to rule out head trauma or
Treatment of the tumor hydrocephalus
• Surgical removal for superficial singular lesions • CT or MRI to rule out space-occupying lesions in
(newer techniques may make deeper removal a pos- the brain
sibility in the future)
• Radiation therapy Treatment
• Chemotherapy (lymphomas respond well; others are • Treatment should be directed at primary disease if
less responsive) one can be found
144 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Initiate treatment if seizure frequency is more than Maintenance therapy

once per month • Phenobarbital: IV or intramuscularly (IM) q12h
• Control seizure activity with phenobarbital (q12h) • Levetiracetam may be of use in animals in conjunc-
• If seizures occur and phenobarbital concentration is tion with other antiseizure medications
adequate, add potassium bromide (KBr) 22 mg/kg
once daily with food Information for Clients
• Epilepsy is an incurable disease.
TECH ALERT • Even with treatment, animals may have seizures. The
Phenobarbital takes 7 to 10 days to reach steady-state goal of treatment is to decrease the frequency and
serum concentration in the body. If the animal continues severity of the seizures.
to experience seizures after this period, measure serum • Spaying or neutering the animal will prevent any hor-
phenobarbital concentration 2 hours before dosing. If monal influence on seizure activity.
less than 20 micrograms per milliliter (mcg/mL), slowly • Medication will probably be required for the life of
increase the dose by 10%–20% until the concentration the pet. Missing doses or abruptly stopping medica-
reaches 20–30 mcg/mL. tion will precipitate a seizure.
• Most animals with seizures can live a fairly normal life.
• Periodic monitoring of serum anticonvulsant con-
Status Epilepticus centration is required.
Animals prone to seizures may exhibit status epilepticus, • Animals that remain seizure free for 6 to 9 months
which is a medical emergency. Continual seizures for a may have their medication dose slowly decreased
prolonged period (>5–10 minutes) can lead to irrevers- until it may eventually be discontinued (in consulta-
ible coma and death if not treated aggressively. Clients tion with the veterinarian).
should be advised to seek emergency assistance if this
situation develops.
Clinical Signs When looking at a cross-section of the spinal cord, one
• Prolonged, uninterrupted seizure activity might be reminded of a butterfly. The two dorsal horns
collect sensory information from the peripheral nerves,
Diagnosis and the two ventral horns transmit motor impulses to
• History and clinical signs the periphery. The nerve fibers that connect the dorsal
and ventral horns, called interneurons, complete what
Treatment is known as a reflex arc. The outermost layers of the spi-
Immediate treatment nal cord are composed of white matter tracts that carry
• Diazepam: 2 mg IV (5-kg dog or cat); 5 mg IV (10-kg information to the higher centers of the CNS. The inner-
dog); 10 mg IV (20-kg dog). Can repeat two to three most layers are gray matter tracts. Information travels in
times over several minutes both directions in the spinal cord, and disruption of this
• Propofol can be used to interrupt status “neural highway” can have grave significance for the
• Administer sodium pentobarbital IV to effect (not to patient (Fig. 8.1).
exceed 15 mg/kg)
• Establish an airway, and give oxygen
• Place an intravenous catheter, and start fluids to pro- SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION
vide vascular access (TKO [to keep open]) Just like the brain, the spinal cord is protected by a bony
• Check blood glucose and calcium concentrations; housing, the vertebral column. The spinal cord is located
correct, if necessary. Perform serum chemistries to within the spinal canal, dorsal to the vertebral bodies.
rule out metabolic causes of seizure Between each of the vertebral bodies is a cushion known
• Monitor body temperature. If greater than 105°F, as the intervertebral disk. These disks are composed of
give a cool bath an outer fibrous layer, the annulus fibrosus, and an inner
• If cerebral edema is suspected, give mannitol IV and gel-like nucleus, the nucleus pulposus. Their presence
prednisolone sodium succinate 10 to 30 mg/kg IV allows a larger range of motion in the vertebral column
CHAPTER 8 Diseases of the Nervous System 145

Dorsal Central canal Nucleus

Dorsal horn pulposus
Dorsal nerve root
White matter
Gray Dorsal root
matter ganglion

Ventral horn Ventral nerve root A
Ventral median sulcus Annulus
Ventral fibrosus
Fig. 8.1 Cross-section of the spinal cord. (From Colville T, Bas- Bone Spinal cord
sert JM. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Techni-
cians. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2008.)

Vertebral pulposus

B Bone
Fig. 8.3 Various stages of a ruptured annulus and
extruded nucleus, which may be degenerated, fibrotic, or even

fibrosus in younger dogs) involves acute rupture of the annulus
Fig. 8.2 The intervertebral disk is an elastic cushion between the fibrosus and extrusion of the nucleus pulposus up into
adjacent vertebrae. This view of an intervertebral disk space the spinal canal. In type 2 herniation (common in older
shows relations of the disk to the cartilaginous end plates and [>5 years] large-breed dogs), the extrusion occurs over a
epiphyses of the vertebrae. longer period, producing less acute and less severe clin-
ical signs. The severity of spinal cord injury depends on
and prevents the vertebral bodies from rubbing against the speed at which the disk material is deposited into the
each other (Fig. 8.2). spinal canal, the degree of compression, and the dura-
tion of compression. Clinical signs may be related to
Intervertebral Disk Disease the location of the lesion (Fig. 8.3).
By far, one of the most common disorders involving the
spinal cord of small animals is intervertebral disk dis- Clinical Signs
ease. Disk protrusions can occur in all breeds of dog • Apparent pain; presence or absence of motor or sen-
and occasionally in cats. It has been reported that 75% sory deficits
to 100% of all disks in chondrodystrophic breeds have • Acute onset (type 1 usually)
undergone degenerative changes by 1 year of age. Disk • Paresis or paralysis that may be unilateral or bilateral
protrusion or extrusion occurs most commonly in the • Decreased panniculus reflex one to two vertebral
cervical, caudal thoracic, and lumbar spine. Two types spaces caudal to the actual lesion
of herniations have been reported. Type 1 (common • Altered deep pain response
146 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Diagnosis • The prognosis for animals having or regaining deep

• Age, breed, clinical signs, and history pain after surgery is fair to favorable.
• Complete neurological examination • Approximately 40% of animals treated medically had
• Radiography requires anesthesia for proper position- recurrence of disease with more severe signs.
ing. Narrowed disk spaces at the location of the lesion • Animals with paresis or paralysis require intensive
may be seen (C7–T1, T9–10, and L7–S1 are normally nursing care. They may need extensive home care
narrow) while they are recovering.
• Myelogram is required for definitive location of the • Severe damage to the spinal cord currently is not
lesion reparable.
• MRI with contrast
Treatment Acute spinal cord injuries of the dog and cat usually
Type 1 result from motor vehicle accidents, gunshot
• Medical treatment is recommended for animals with wounds, or fights. The spinal cord trauma is sudden
pain, with or without mild neurological deficits: in onset and may be related to the velocity of cord
• Strict confinement for a minimum of 2 weeks compression, the degree of compression, and the
(cage rest) duration of the compressive force. Signs of injury
• Corticosteroids injected for 1 to 2 days to decrease are typically nonprogressive, although they may
edema and inflammation worsen over the first 48 hours before stabilization.
• Pain medication Injury may occur at a single or multiple levels within
• Intensive nursing care: These animals require soft the spinal cord.
padding in the cage. Some may require indwelling Blunt trauma to the spinal cord causes tissue injury
urinary catheters or expression of the bladder; some through both “direct” and “indirect” mechanisms.
may need to be turned frequently to prevent pressure Direct effects are caused by primary disruption of neural
sores; and all animals should receive proper nutrition pathways within the cord. Indirect effects are less well
to promote healing understood and include edema, hemorrhage, ischemia,
• Surgical treatment should be reserved for animals lactic acidosis, inflammation, and neuronophagia by
with multiple episodes, ataxia, paresis or paralysis, WBCs. It appears that mechanical deformation of any
and absence of deep pain: type can trigger these secondary events within the spinal
• Fenestration, hemilaminectomy cord. Autodissolution of the cord may be seen as early as
• Decompression should be performed as soon as pos- 24 hours after injury.
sible to prevent further damage to the spinal cord
Type 2 Clinical Signs
• Because of the slow progression of spinal compression • History of trauma (affected animals usually have seri-
accompanied by degeneration of spinal tissue, these ous injury to other organ systems)
dogs may improve initially with cortisone therapy; • Presence of the Schiff-Sherrington sign: rigid hyper-
however, surgery may fail to improve spinal function tonicity of front limbs, hypotonicity of rear limbs,
normal reflexes, and pain perception caused by the
Information for Clients release of inhibitory pathways along the spinal cord
• Prevent excess weight gain in breeds prone to disk from L1 to L7
disease. • Lack of panniculus reflex caudal to lesion
• Avoid having the animal stand on the hind limbs or • Paresis or paralysis
in any other position that strains the back.
• The prognosis for animals that lack deep pain for Diagnosis
greater than 24 hours is poor. • Complete neurological examination to localize the
• Animals that lack deep pain for less than 24 hours lesion
have a guarded to poor prognosis. • Radiography
CHAPTER 8 Diseases of the Nervous System 147

• The animal will require extensive nursing care.

• Even in the best of circumstances, some residual
To prevent additional damage, limit manipulation of the neurological deficit may remain.
spinal column while performing radiography. Remember • The prognosis for spinal cord trauma will depend on
that the vertebral column may return to a normal position
the neurological examination results. Absence of
after trauma, hiding the original compressive event.
A myelogram or MRI may be necessary to locate the
deep pain for more than 24 hours has a poor progno-
actual sites of cord injury. sis. Worsening of clinical signs is another indicator of
a poor outcome. Recovery time may extend to
months in some cases.
Treatment • Keep pets confined or on a leash to avoid the possi-
Medical treatment bility of traumatic injury to the spinal cord.
• Corticosteroids:
• Dexamethasone: IV Cervical Spinal Cord Diseases
• Prednisolone sodium succinate (SoluDelta
Cortef): divided every 8 hours
• Pain management Atlantoaxial Subluxation (Atlantoaxial
• Mannitol: IV Instability)
• Treat other life-threatening injuries with intravenous Atlantoaxial subluxation is seen most frequently in
fluids, oxygen; monitor heart rhythms and urine young (<1 year) toy and miniature breeds of dogs and
production occasionally in other breeds. Spinal cord trauma occurs
• Strict confinement for 6 to 8 weeks for mild fractures when the cranial portion of the axis is displaced into the
or dislocation (showing few clinical signs) spinal column. This displacement may occur as a result
Surgical treatment of congenital or developmental abnormalities, trauma,
• Treatment should be instituted within 2 hours of or a combination of both. Speculation continues that
trauma, if possible. Surgical treatment should be con- the mechanism is similar to that of femoral head necrosis
sidered in cases of severe paresis or paralysis, myelo- (Legg-Calve-Perthes disease) seen in these breeds.
graphic evidence of continuing cord compression, or
worsening clinical signs
• Laminectomy should be performed at all sites of cord Clinical Signs
• Reluctance to be patted on the head
• Stabilization of vertebral column fractures or sublux- • Neck pain
• Presence or absence of tetraparesis or tetraplegia
ations must be performed
• Removal of all bone fragments or disk material from • Sudden death caused by respiratory paralysis
the spinal canal must be accomplished
• A durotomy may be required to further relieve cord Diagnosis
pressure • Radiographs: Lateral projection with the neck in
• Complete confinement for a minimum of 2 weeks slight ventriflexion (Fig. 8.4). Care must be taken to
after surgery avoid further spinal cord damage when positioning
Nursing care the animal. Other congenital abnormalities of the
• Daily physical therapy: padded resting surface to cervical vertebrae may be present
decrease the formation of ulcers over pressure points
• Bladder expression or maintenance of an indwelling TECH ALERT
Avoid anesthesia if possible when obtaining radiographs
of these animals. The decrease in muscle tone during
Information for Clients
anesthesia may result in further subluxation and spinal
• Treatment of these cases can be costly and often cord damage.
requires referral to a specialist.
148 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats


Fig. 8.4 Atlantoaxial subluxation in the dog; the axis is displaced dorsally with mild flexion of the neck. A, normal
spine; B–D, show some level of subluxation. (From Kealy JK, McAllister H, Graham JP. Diagnostic Radiology and
Ultrasonography of the Dog and Cat. 5th ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011.)

Treatment • Dorsal—Stainless steel wire is used to attach

Medical the dorsal process of the axis to the arch of the
• Splint neck in extension with strict cage confinement atlas. Note: Surgery may further damage the cord
for 6 weeks during positioning and placement of the suture
• Treat as for other spinal cord traumas material
Surgical • Ventral—Bone grafts and cross-pinning tech-
• Stabilization, decompression, or both are necessary if nique are accomplished to fuse the axis to the
the animal has neurological deficits or neck pain atlas. A neck brace is placed for 2 to 4 weeks after
unresponsive to medical treatment surgery
CHAPTER 8 Diseases of the Nervous System 149

• Hemilaminectomy is performed to relieve spinal Medical. Estimated that 50% of dogs treated medi-
cord compression. cally will improve but some will worsen at a later time.
• Antiinflammatory doses of cortisone
Information for Clients • NSAIDs
• Prognosis is fair to favorable for animals with • Pain medication if needed
mild signs. • Neck brace
• Affected animals should not be used for breeding • Cage confinement
because this condition may be hereditary. Surgical. About 80% of dogs will improve with sur-
gery. There are many surgical methods of correction.
Cervical Spondylomyelopathy (Wobbler Choice of method is up to the neurosurgeon and the
Syndrome) client. Some include the following:
Cervical spinal cord compression as a result of caudal • Decompression of the spinal cord by laminectomy or
vertebral (C5–C7) malformation or misarticulation ventral slot procedures
occurs in large-breed dogs, predominantly Great Danes • Stabilization of vertebral column:
(males) and Doberman Pinschers. • Use wire and lag screws dorsally
The onset of clinical signs occurs before 1 year of age • Use ventral approach with spinal fusion and an
in the Great Dane and after 2 years of age in the Dober- orthopedic implant to maintain distraction during
man. Signs are normally progressive and involve hind healing
limb ataxia (a wobbly gait). Pelvic limbs may cross each
other, abduct widely, or tend to collapse. The animal TECH ALERT
may drag its toes, producing abrasions on the dorsal sur- Before undertaking surgery, consider the high potential
face or wearing of the nails dorsally. Proprioception will for morbidity and postsurgical complications.
be abnormal. Some animals will have similar lesions in
the thoracic limbs. Neurological examination will be
abnormal when testing postural reactions, hopping, Information for Clients
and proprioception. • Overall, the prognosis for these dogs is guarded.
• This is most likely a hereditary defect.
Clinical Signs • Dogs with multiple levels of compression have a less
• History of progressive pelvic limb ataxia favorable prognosis than those with a single level of
• Abnormal wearing of the dorsal surface of the rear compression.
paws, nails, or both • Surgery is risky and costly, and some animals may
• Swinging or wobbly gait in the rear limbs experience development of other areas of compres-
• Gait worse on rising sion after surgery.
• Similar signs in front limbs
• Presence or absence of atrophy of scapular muscles Degenerative Myelopathy
• Rigid flexion of the neck without neck pain Degenerative myelopathy is a disease seen primarily in
German Shepherd and German Shepherd mixed-breed
Diagnosis dogs. Other breeds may include Collies, Siberian
• CBC and serum chemistries should be performed to Huskies, Labrador Retrievers, and Kerry Blue Terriers.
rule out hypothyroidism or other metabolic defects. The disease may have a genetic basis; however, evidence
• Radiographs may indicate malalignment or “slipping” to support a hereditary susceptibility is lacking.
of the vertebrae or may indicate remodeling, new bone Although the exact cause is unknown, it has been sug-
formation, and narrowing of the spinal canal. Myelo- gested that the disease may result from an autoimmune
graphy is essential to locate the regions of compression. response to an antigen in the nervous system.
• CT and MRI are excellent diagnostic tools, if available The lesion consists of a diffuse degeneration of white
matter in both the ascending and descending tracts in all
Treatment segments of the spinal cord. The lesion is most extensive
• Without treatment, the prognosis is poor in the thoracic region. The affected dog is usually an
150 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

older animal (>5 years of age) with a 5- to 6-month his- surgery on the vertebral column, or migrating grass
tory of progressive ataxia and paresis in the rear limbs. awns. Grass awns are sharp pieces of plant material that
Loss of proprioception is often the first indication of a migrate through the skin into the spinal bone, causing
problem. Clients often report that the animal “falls infection. Discospondylitis is seen in both cats and dogs,
down” when attempting to defecate. Muscle wasting with large and giant breeds being more commonly
may occur from disuse in the caudal thoracic and lum- affected.
bosacral areas. Symptoms slowly progress until the ani- Hematogenous spread is probably the most common
mal is unable to support weight with the rear limbs. cause of discospondylitis. Urinary tract infections, bac-
terial endocarditis, and sites of dental extraction can all
Clinical Signs be routes for bacterial infection. Organisms typically
• Slowly progressive hind limb paresis and ataxia cultured from lesions include Brucella canis, Staphylo-
• Muscle atrophy coccus spp., Streptococcus canis, Escherichia coli,
Corynebacterium spp., Proteus spp., Pasteurella spp.,
Diagnosis Aspergillus, and Mycobacterium.
Neurologic examination Clinical signs of the disease are often nonspecific. If
• Lesion in the region of T3–L3 bony proliferation or granulation tissue impinges on
• Decreased or absent proprioception and placing the spinal cord, neurological signs may develop.
• Increased to normal patellar reflexes Clinical Signs
• Lack of pain • Weight loss
• Normal sphincter tone • Fever of unknown origin
• Normal panniculus reflex • Depression
Radiographs • Reluctance to exercise
• Radiographs may show dural ossification or nar- • Spinal pain
rowed disk spaces but will be normal in most cases. • Hyperesthesia over the lesion(s)
Cerebrospinal fluid • Presence or absence of neurological signs
• CSF may show increased protein concentrations
from the lumbar subarachnoid space. Diagnosis
• Radiographs may show destruction or lysis of bony
Treatment end plates adjacent to the lesions, osteophyte forma-
• No treatment exists for this disease. The symptoms tion, and collapse of the intervertebral disk space.
will slowly progress until the dog becomes nonambu- • CBC may show increased WBC count
latory. Corticosteroids will not improve the • CSF may be normal or have increased protein con-
symptoms centration and WBC count
• Myelography demonstrates areas of spinal
Information for Clients compression
• Degenerative myelopathy is a progressive, incurable • Aerobic, anaerobic, and fungal cultures of blood,
disease. CSF, and urine should be taken
• This disease is not hip dysplasia. It involves a degen- • Brucella canis slide agglutination test should be
eration of the spinal nerves that is irreversible. performed
• When the dog can no longer support weight, it is time • Surgical biopsy and tissue culture are diagnostic
to consider euthanasia.
Discospondylitis (Vertebral Osteomyelitis) • Long-term antibiotic therapy based on culture and
Discospondylitis results when bacteria or fungi become sensitivity results or the following:
implanted in the bones of the vertebral column. Implan- • Cephalosporins (Cephalothin and Cephalexin):
tation may occur through hematogenous routes, from PO every 12 hours
penetrating wounds, paravertebral abscess or infection, • Clindamycin: IV, IM, PO q12h
CHAPTER 8 Diseases of the Nervous System 151

• Enrofloxacin: PO every 24 hours usually produces lower motor neuron signs in the rear
• Chloramphenicol: PO, IV, IM, SQ every 8 hours limbs, the anal and urinary sphincters, and the tail.
(Can cause bone marrow toxicities in animals)
• Pain management is very important Clinical Signs
• Continue treatment for at least 6 weeks. It may be • Large-breed and giant-breed dogs are predisposed to
necessary to treat for up to 6 months this condition
• If positive for Brucella canis infection: • Acute onset of neurological signs
• Neuter or spay the animal • Lack of acute spinal pain associated with
• Treat with tetracycline and streptomycin neurological signs
• Paresis or spastic paralysis of limbs
TECH ALERT • Reluctance to move; inability to rise
Brucellosis can be infectious to humans. Use care when
handling body fluids or aborted tissue.
• Rule out other causes of myelopathy
• Radiographs are usually within normal limits
• Animals with discospondylitis are in pain • CBC is within normal limits
• Use care when handling and provide analgesics • CSF is usually within normal limits
for pain • Myelogram may show mild edema of the cord up to
24 hours after injury
Information for Clients • MRI
• Brucella canis infection is contagious to humans
through urine or in aborted fetal fluids and tissue. Treatment
• The prognosis for this disease is guarded. • Administer corticosteroids in the same dose as for
• Treatment for this disease is costly and long term. spinal shock
• Periodic reevaluation of radiographs (every 2–3 weeks) • Provide good nursing care to prevent injury to
may be needed to follow treatment response. affected structures, limit pressure sores, and so on
• Most animals recover within a few months
Ischemic Myelopathy Caused
by Fibrocartilaginous Embolism Information for Clients
Ischemic myelopathy caused by fibrocartilaginous • The prognosis for this disease is guarded to favorable.
embolism most commonly occurs in large-breed and • Most animals will recover, but it may take months to
giant-breed dogs between 1 and 9 years of age. It has regain normal function.
been reported in cats and smaller breeds of dogs, but less • Extensive nursing care may be required to keep the
frequently. Ischemic myelopathy results from necrosis patient comfortable and prevent further injury.
of the spinal cord gray and white fiber tracts when fibro-
cartilaginous emboli obstruct the veins and arteries in
both the leptomeninges and the cord parenchyma.
The pathogenesis of the emboli is unknown. Peripheral nerve disorders are represented clinically by a
Affected dogs may have a history of mild-to- group of signs known as a neuropathic syndrome. The
moderate exercise before the development of clinical syndrome is commonly associated with trauma to the
signs. The onset of symptoms is always acute, and neu- peripheral, or sometimes the cranial, nerves. Signs of
rological deficit may be severe, depending on the loca- this syndrome include reduced or absent muscle tone,
tion of the insult. Symptoms at first may appear weakness (paresis), or paralysis of the limb or facial
progressive but usually stabilize after the first 12 hours. muscles followed in 1 to 2 weeks by neurogenic muscu-
Deficits are usually bilateral and may be asymmetrical. lar atrophy.
Horner syndrome can be seen if the cervical spine is Peripheral neuropathies may involve a single nerve
involved. An embolism in the lumbosacral spinal cord (such as the peroneal, radial, or facial nerve) or multiple
152 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

nerves (as in polyradiculoneuritis), and the cause of the membrane compliance measurements allow the
neuropathy is often unknown. specialist to determine whether the ossicles, the
tympanic membrane, or both are abnormal
Deafness • Acoustic reflex testing: Delivery of increasing sound
Deafness in animals may be of central origin, resulting pressure levels to the ear evokes the acoustic reflex
from damage to the CNS and auditory pathways, or (muscles of the middle ear contract to dampen sound
peripheral, resulting from cochlear abnormalities. Con- response and prevent damage). If the reflex is present,
ductive deafness, usually a result of chronic otitis, the auditory system is probably intact
rupture of the tympanic membrane, or damage to the • Auditory-evoked responses: Cochlear function may
middle ear, is common in animals. be assessed by measuring brain electrical responses
Neural deafness can be hereditary or congenital, to air-conducted clicks either from a probe placed in
related to drug therapy, or a normal aging change. Deaf- the external ear canal or from a bone vibrator placed
ness appears to be hereditary in Bull Terriers, Dober- firmly against the mastoid process of the temporal
mans, Rottweilers, Pointers, blue-eyed white cats, bone. This is especially effective in detecting heredi-
Dalmatians, Australian Heelers, English Setters, Cata- tary and senile deafness. Puppies and kittens should
houla, and Australian Shepherds. Animals with congen- be at least 6 weeks of age for this test to be valid
ital deafness suffer from partial or total agenesis of the
hearing organ, the organ of Corti, the spiral ganglion, Treatment
and the cochlear nuclei. Drugs that commonly result • No treatment is available in most cases. Loss of
in ototoxicity include the aminoglycosides (e.g., genta- hearing is permanent
micin, streptomycin, kanamycin), topical polymyxin • Hearing aids are available for animals. Many animals
B, chloramphenicol, and chlorhexidine with cetrimide. will not tolerate a hearing aid in the ear canal.
Hearing impairment is normal in aging pets and is Because hearing aids are expensive, clients are
usually related to atrophy of nerve ganglia or cochlear advised to experiment with foam rubber earplugs
hair cells. in the animal’s ear canal before spending money on
an actual hearing aid. If the animal will not tolerate
Clinical Signs the earplugs, it will not tolerate the hearing aid
• Lack of response to auditory stimuli
• Excessive sleeping Information for Clients
• Breed that is prone to deafness • Hearing loss is permanent. These animals are at risk
for injury in their environment, especially in traffic.
Diagnosis They may bite when startled.
• Partial loss of hearing and even unilateral complete • If the deafness is hereditary, do not breed the animal.
loss of hearing is difficult to establish on clinical • Animals can be taught to respond to hand signals
examination of dogs and cats rather than voice commands.
• Inability to arouse a sleeping patient with a loud noise • These animals should never be off their leashes when
(e.g., banging a pot, using an air horn) is diagnostic outside.
• Behavior evaluation: Stimulate the animal with various • Keep animals’ ears clean and free from infection to
sounds from different directions; evaluate the response avoid damage to the middle and inner ear. It will help
• Physical examination of the external ear canals and maintain the hearing they have.
the tympanic membrane may assist in diagnosis • Hearing aids do exist for dogs; however, they are
Electrodiagnostic expensive, and many animals will not tolerate them
• Electrodiagnostic testing usually requires referral to a in the ear canal.
specialty clinic. Testing may be costly
• Tympanometry: A probe is inserted into the ear Metabolic Neuropathy
canal, and it seals the canal. Sound and pressure Cases of polyneuropathy have been reported in dogs
changes are delivered through the probe. Tympanic and cats with diabetes mellitus, in dogs with
CHAPTER 8 Diseases of the Nervous System 153

hyperadrenocorticism, and in dogs with hypothyroid- • Voice change

ism. Clinical signs are variable from progressive weak- • Dyspnea
ness to muscle atrophy and depressed spinal reflexes. • Cyanosis
Paresis, paralysis, or both may occur. Hypothyroid dogs • Complete respiratory collapse
show signs related to the cranial nerves, including head
tilt, facial paralysis, strabismus, nystagmus, and circling. Diagnosis
Good control of the underlying disease is required to • Laryngoscopy will show laryngeal abductor
limit neurological damage. dysfunction

Clinical Signs Treatment

• Varied Surgical
• Arytenoidectomy
Diagnosis • Arytenoid lateralization
• The underlying disease process can be diagnosed • Removal of the vocal folds
through biochemical testing
• Rule out other causes of neuropathy Information for Clients
• The prognosis is guarded to favorable.
Treatment • Do not breed animals that acquire hereditary
• Correct the underlying disease process laryngeal paralysis.

Information for Clients Megaesophagus

• The underlying disease process must be controlled The neurological disease megaesophagus involves a lack
with proper medication and frequent reevaluation. of effective esophageal peristalsis, resulting in dilation of
• Treatment for the underlying disease may be lifelong the esophagus and regurgitation of undigested food. The
in your pet. congenital form makes up about 25% of all cases and is
common in Great Danes, German Shepherds, Irish Set-
Laryngeal Paralysis ters, Newfoundlands, Shar-Peis, and Grayhounds. The
Hereditary, acquired, and idiopathic laryngeal paralysis inherited form is seen in wire-haired Fox Terriers and
occur in dogs and cats. The hereditary form is seen in the Miniature Schnauzers.
Bouvier des Flandres and in young Siberian Huskies. The congenital form of megaesophagus usually
Acquired laryngeal paralysis can occur from lead poi- becomes evident around weaning time when puppies
soning, rabies, trauma, and inflammatory infiltrates of begin eating solid foods. Chronic regurgitation of undi-
the vagus nerve. All persons should take care when gested food, weight loss, respiratory signs, and pneumo-
examining any animal with suspected laryngeal paralysis nias are seen clinically.
because rabies is increasing in incidence in many parts of Acquired megaesophagus may occur in animals of
the United States. any age. Approximately 50% of these cases are idio-
The idiopathic form of laryngeal paralysis has been pathic in nature, whereas 25% may actually be the result
reported in middle-aged to old large- and giant-breed of focal myasthenia gravis or Addison disease. The
dogs. Castrated male dogs and cats appear to be more appearance of symptoms may be linked to a variety of
frequently affected compared with female and nonneu- causes such as metabolic neuromuscular disease, dis-
tered animals. temper, tick paralysis, lead poisoning, laryngeal paraly-
sis–polyneuropathy complex, and polymyositis.
Clinical Signs The prognosis for megaesophagus is guarded to poor.
• Hereditary: 4 to 6 months of age Management techniques such as elevated feeding of
• Acquired: 1.5 to 13 years of age high-calorie diets appear to decrease clinical signs. Feeding
• Inspiratory stridor regimens vary. It has been suggested that liquid diets be
• Respiratory distress used exclusively (easier for food to enter the stomach by
• Loss of endurance gravity flow), whereas other studies recommend small
154 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

meatballs of canned food to stimulate what little peristalsis • Provide a liquid or soft diet high in caloric density
exists. The goal of management is to decrease the fre- • Give several small feedings daily
quency of regurgitation, prevent overdistension of the • Treat any underlying metabolic disorders
esophagus, and provide adequate nutrition for the patient.
Several small meals should be fed during the day. Information for Clients
Gastrostomy tubes can be placed long term if solid meals • The prognosis for this disease is guarded to poor.
are not well tolerated by the patient. • Treatment aims to decrease clinical signs and prevent
the development of aspiration pneumonia. No cure
Clinical Signs for this disease exists.
• Regurgitation of undigested food
• Respiratory signs: cough, dyspnea, drooling, pneumonia Tick Paralysis
• Lack of growth or weight loss In the United States, the common dog tick Dermacentor
variabilis and the Rocky Mountain wood tick Dermacen-
Diagnosis tor andersoni are most often involved in a flaccid, afe-
• Radiographic evidence of a dilated esophagus to the brile, ascending motor paralysis. Cats appear to be
level of the diaphragm (Fig. 8.5): resistant to tick paralysis.
• Barium meal: mix barium with canned food; feed The female tick produces a salivary neurotoxin that
mixture and radiograph interferes with acetylcholine concentrations at the neu-
• Fluoroscopy is performed with a barium swallow romuscular junction. The onset of clinical signs is grad-
ual, beginning as incoordination in the pelvic limbs.
TECH ALERT Altered voice and dysphasia may be seen. Within 24
Animals with a dilated esophagus full of barium are at risk to 72 hours, dogs become recumbent. Reflexes are lost
for aspiration pneumonia. Keep the animal in a vertical but sensation remains. Death may occur because of
position for 5–10 minutes after the procedure. respiratory paralysis.
Recovery usually occurs within 1 to 3 days after
removal of all ticks on the animal. Animals with respi-
• Rule out metabolic causes with serum chemistries,
ratory involvement may need to be ventilated until signs
complete physical examination, CBC, and so on subside.
Treatment Clinical Signs
• Provide elevated feeding platform. If the animal will • Gradual development of hind-limb incoordination
tolerate its use, a Bailey chair may increase the ease of that progresses to a flaccid ascending paralysis
feeding • The presence of ticks on the dog

• Rule out other causes of neuromuscular disease

• Remove all ticks from the animal (manually or with
a dip)
• Bravecto (fluralaner) can begin killing ticks within
hours of administration
• Revolution
• Supportive care is required

Coonhound Paralysis or Polyradiculoneuritis

Fig. 8.5 Persistent right aortic arch producing megaesophagus in
a 3-month-old kitten. (From Washabau RJ, Day MJ. Canine and Coonhound paralysis (CHP) has generated intense
Feline Gastroenterology. 1st ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2012.) interest because of its resemblance to Guillain-Barre
CHAPTER 8 Diseases of the Nervous System 155

syndrome in humans. Like the human syndrome, CHP • Affected animals may require long-term nursing care
may have an immunological pathogenesis. However, the • Some animals may regain total function, whereas
exact agent has not yet been isolated. Many, but not all, severely affected animals may not
cases of CHP involve a raccoon bite before the develop-
ment of clinical signs. Recent reports indicate that rac- Facial Nerve Paralysis
coon saliva contains the etiological factor for CHP Idiopathic, acute facial nerve paralysis has been reported
and that only certain susceptible dogs are at risk for in adult dogs and cats (>5 years of age). The cause of this
acquiring CHP. Pathological findings include segmental condition is unknown. Cocker Spaniels, Pembroke
demyelination together with degeneration of myelin and Welsh Corgis, Boxers, English Setters, and domestic
axons, especially in the ventral nerve roots. longhair cats appear to be predisposed to facial nerve
The disease can affect adult dogs of any breed and paralysis.
either sex. Clinical signs usually appear within 7 to Biopsies of affected facial nerves show degeneration
14 days after exposure to the raccoon, although some of myelinated fibers. The prognosis for complete recov-
dogs experience development of the disease without ery is guarded.
exposure to a raccoon bite. Weakness begins in the hind
limbs with paralysis progressing rapidly to a flaccid, sys- Clinical Signs
temic tetraplegia. Some dogs may be more severely • Ear droop
affected. In severely affected animals, spinal reflexes • Lip paralysis
may be absent, and loss of voice, labored breathing, • Sialosis
and an inability to lift the head may occur. These ani- • Deviation of the nose
mals may die of respiratory paralysis. Paralysis may last • Collection of food in the paralyzed side of the mouth
2 to 3 months, but the prognosis is generally favorable • Absence of menace and palpebral reflex
for most cases.
Clinical Signs • Electrodiagnostic testing of facial nerves
• Recent exposure to a raccoon or other nonspecific • Clinical signs of acute facial paralysis without signs of
antigen stimulation trauma
• Ascending, flaccid paralysis
• Alert, afebrile animal Treatment
• Corticosteroids can be provided; however, efficacy is
Diagnosis unknown
• Clinical signs (lower motor neuron) • Artificial tears to affected eye help prevent corneal
• History of some antigenic stimulation dryness
• All other metabolic or infectious causes ruled out • Keep the oral cavity clear of food

Treatment Information for Clients

• Treatment consists of supportive nursing care • The cause of facial nerve paralysis is unknown.
• Corticosteroids in antiinflammatory doses have been • Complete recovery does not usually occur.
used clinically • Animals may experience development of keratocon-
• Support respirations, if necessary junctivitis sicca because of damage to the nerves that
pass to the lacrimal gland.
Information for Clients • Affected animals may require lifelong maintenance
• Animals can develop this condition without exposure care.
to raccoons
156 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

1. Which of the following is a false statement concern- 6. Which of the following diseases does not include the
ing intervertebral disk disease? sign of ascending flaccid paralysis?
a. The severity of spinal cord injury depends on the a. Coonhound paralysis
speed at which disk material is deposited into the b. Tick paralysis
spinal canal. c. Embolic ischemic myelopathy
b. The severity of spinal cord injury depends on the 7. Which of the following is not included in the treat-
degree of spinal cord compression. ment for tick paralysis?
c. The severity of spinal cord injury is related to the a. Manual removal of all ticks on the animal
weight of the animal. b. Supportive care
d. The severity of spinal cord injury is related to the c. Chemical products for tick removal
duration of compression. d. Antibiotics
2. What percentage of intervertebral disks is estimated 8. Which of the following would not be a cause of
to be degenerative in a chondrodystrophic breed by megaesophagus in the dog?
1 year of age? a. Congenital disease
a. 30% b. Lead poisoning
b. 5% c. Metabolic dysfunction
c. 45% d. Atlantoaxial subluxation
d. 75% 9. Phenobarbital takes ________ days to reach an ade-
3. In the absence of deep pain after a spinal cord injury quate concentration in the blood. Until this time,
for greater than 48 hours, the prognosis is: animals may continue to exhibit seizure activity.
a. Poor a. 2 to 3
b. Guarded b. 7 to 10
c. Favorable c. 21 to 30
d. Excellent d. 18 to 24
4. Cervical spondylomyelopathy (Wobbler syndrome) 10. Which of the following diagnostic examinations
is seen primarily in: would be of least value in determining a cause for
a. Golden Retrievers seizures in an older animal?
b. Toy Poodles a. CBC, serum chemistries
c. Dobermans b. Ophthalmic examination
d. Cocker Spaniels c. CSF evaluation
5. Until proven otherwise, animals with alteration of d. MRI
voice or laryngeal paralysis should be suspected of: e. Radiography
a. Brucellosis
Answers found on page 545.
b. Leptospirosis
c. Rabies
d. Aspergillosis
Pansystemic Diseases

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss with clients the necessity of an effective
able to: vaccination program.
• Relate the specific cause of disease with the • Explain how environment and husbandry conditions
pansystemic clinical signs seen in dogs and cats. affect the health of the young or immunosuppressed
• Initiate the proper safety methods to prevent spread older pet.
of these transmissible or infectious diseases within
the clinic.

Feline Panleukopenia (Feline Distemper) 158 Rabies (Feline and Canine) 163
Feline Infectious Peritonitis 159 Canine Distemper 164
Wet Form 159 Canine Parvovirus 165
Dry Form 159 Prevention 166
Supportive 159 Rickettsioses 167
Immunotherapy 159 Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever 167
Prevention 159 Canine Monocytic Ehrlichiosis 168
Feline Leukemia Virus 160 Subclinical Phase 168
Husbandry 160 Chronic Phase 168
Medical 160 Canine Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis 169
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus 161 Ehrlichia Ewingii 169
Husbandry 161 Ehrlichia Equi 169
Medical 161 Ehrlichia Ewingii 169
Surgical 162 Ehrlichia Equi 169
Toxoplasmosis 162 Lyme Disease (Borreliosis) 169

Effusion Oocysts Perivasculitis
Hyperkeratosis Panleukopenia Pyogranulomatous
Hyphema Pansystemic Tachyzoites
Immunocompetence Polymerase chain reaction
Mucopurulent Peritonitis

158 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Fetal death, spontaneous abortion, or reabsorption in

BOX 9.1 Common Pansystemic Diseases
the pregnant queen
Feline • Cerebellar or retinal defects in neonates
• Feline leukemia
• Feline immunodeficiency virus Diagnosis
• Feline infectious peritonitis
• Complete blood cell count (CBC): moderate to severe
• Feline panleukopenia
• Toxoplasmosis panleukopenia
• Positive result using SNAPtest for CPV (IDEXX)
Canine • Serum antibody titers
• Canine distemper • Viral isolation is difficult
• Canine rabies • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of
• Canine parvovirus viral DNA in fecal samples
• Ehrlichiosis
• Lyme disease
Isolate the cats with CPV infection from other animals.
Pansystemic diseases include those that involve multiple All body secretions contain the virus.
body systems in addition to the primary target organ.
The causes of these diseases may be viral, bacterial, or
parasitical, and secondary infections are common. Treatment
Box 9.1 lists some of the most commonly seen pansys- Aggressive supportive therapy
temic diseases of dogs and cats. • Maintain hydration and electrolyte balance
• Force-feed after vomiting is controlled
• Broad-spectrum antibiotics are required
DISTEMPER) Information for Clients
Feline panleukopenia is caused by a deoxyribonucleic • Cats that survive the infection acquire a lifelong
acid (DNA) virus of the family Parvoviridae, which is immunity.
closely related antigenically to the canine parvovirus • To prevent disease, kittens should be vaccinated
(CPV), type 2. The disease is primarily one of young, between 8 and 10 weeks of age, and then again after
unvaccinated cats and feral animals. Transmission is 12 to 14 weeks. Yearly boosters have typically been
by direct contact or from a contaminated environment. recommended for all cats; however, new information
The virus shed into the environment may remain infec- indicates that current vaccine immunity may last up
tious for years. to 3 years.
Feline parvovirus multiplies within actively dividing • See Box 9.2
cells of the neonatal brain, bone marrow, and lymphoid
tissue, and in the intestinal lymphoid tissue, causing
destruction of the cells with release of a large number BOX 9.2 A Clinical History of Canine
of virions. The incubation period is usually 4 to 5 days. Parvovirus
Signs may be peracute, acute, subacute, or subclinical. In the early 1980s, canine parvovirus made its swift and
devastating appearance. Hundreds of pets, both pure-
Clinical Signs bred and mixed-breed dogs, were lost to the disease.
• Fever Some veterinarians begin to vaccinate dogs weekly with
• Depression the feline panleukopenia vaccine, hoping to avoid infec-
• Vomiting tion in their client’s pets and in their own pets. Guess
• Fetid diarrhea what happened! It worked in many cases, and until
• Dehydration; may appear to be thirsty but will the parvovirus vaccine became readily available, it was
the best and only way to protect dogs from a fatal parvo-
not drink
virus infection.
• Anorexia
CHAPTER 9 Pansystemic Diseases 159

• Dehydration
FELINE INFECTIOUS PERITONITIS • May or may not be febrile
Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is primarily a disease Dry form
of catteries and multicat households. FIP does not occur • Fever of unknown origin
without exposure to feline coronavirus. In catteries, 8% • Anorexia
to 90% of cats have antibodies to feline coronaviruses • Depression
(mostly feline enteric coronavirus [FECV]), and these • Weight loss
cats shed the virus intermittently. FECV is highly conta- • Enlarged kidneys (uncommon)
gious through feces, urine, and saliva. Current thinking • Ocular lesions
is that this virus may mutate to feline infectious perito- • Neurological signs
nitis (FIPV) within some infected cats. FIPV then enters
the macrophages, spreading throughout the body. Diagnosis
Affected cats develop clinical signs related to granuloma • Clinical signs
formation in the target organs (central nervous system • Other diseases ruled out
[CNS], eyes, vessels, and other organs). • Cytology and chemical analysis of abdominal and
FIPV and FECV are difficult to differentiate with cur- pleural fluid show the following:
rent testing procedures. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent • Viscous, clear to yellow fluid
assay (ELISA) and immunofluorescence assays are non- • Less than 20,000 nucleated cells/μL
specific for FIPV. Because the gene mutation that con- • Protein-rich (>3.5 grams per deciliter (g/dL)
verts FECV to FIP often involves a small number of • Albumin/globulin ratio >0.81
gene sites, even the PCR test cannot distinguish the two • High antibody titers may be suggestive of FIP
viruses. Immunofluorescence staining of tissue macro-
phages may be of use in confirming a diagnosis of FIP Treatment
in those cats without effusion. Supportive
FIP occurs in two forms: (1) the effusive or “wet” • Aspiration of pleural or abdominal fluids to make the
form (75%) and (2) the noneffusive or “dry” form. cat more comfortable
About 45% of cats that have the dry form will have ocu- • Steroids (daily), immunosuppressive drugs such as
lar or neurological lesions. In the effusive form, perivas- cyclophosphamide
culitis results in the accumulation of a protein-rich fluid • Broad-spectrum antibiotics
in the thoracic and/or abdominal cavity, the scrotum, Immunotherapy
the pericardial cavity, and the renal subcapsular space. • ImmunoRegulin
The inflammatory process may also involve the liver • Ribavirin and adenine arabinoside inhibit FIPV in
and the pancreas. The clinical progression is more rapid cell culture, but in a recent clinical trial, cats treated
than with the dry form. with ribavirin exhibited more severe symptoms and
Signs of noneffusive FIP are less clear. The pyogranu- had a shorter survival time compared with cats trea-
lomatous lesions may be found anywhere in the body, ted with traditional therapies
especially the eyes and the neurological system. Clinical Prevention
signs may include ataxia, seizures, behavioral changes, • Isolate pregnant queens 2 weeks before giving birth
paresis, hyperesthesia, or all of these. Ocular signs • Remove weaning kittens from queens by 5 weeks
include iritis, retinitis, uveitis, hyphema, corneal edema, of age
retinal hemorrhage, and retinal detachment. • Vaccinate seronegative cats with Primucell FIP (Pfi-
zer), an intranasal vaccine, at 16 weeks of age. This
Clinical Signs vaccine provides minimal effectiveness against FIP
Wet form and is ineffective in cats already exposed to FECV
• Ascites, pleural effusion
• Anorexia Information for Clients
• Depression • Virtually every cat with a confirmed diagnosis of FIP
• Weight loss will die of the disease.
160 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• The virus is inactivated in the environment by most Clinical signs

household disinfectants. • Fever
• Diagnosis of this disease can be difficult and may • Anorexia
require a series of expensive tests to rule out other • Weight loss
possibilities. • Anemia
• Cats with signs of the disease should be separated • Secondary infections
from other cats in the household. • Vomiting and diarrhea
• Spontaneous abortion
• Renal disease
FELINE LEUKEMIA VIRUS • Tumors of lymphoid origin
Feline leukemia is caused by a retrovirus that is associ- • Neurological signs
ated with both neoplastic and nonneoplastic (immuno-
suppressive) diseases. Both vertical and horizontal Diagnosis
transmissions occur. The virus is unstable in the envi- • FeLV positive on ELISA test
ronment; therefore, close contact between cats is • CBC: nonregenerative anemia
required for infection to occur. The virus can be isolated • IFA: positive
from saliva, urine, tears, and milk, and it can be spread • Clinical signs of recurring infections
through fighting, grooming, or exposure to contami-
nated food bowls, food, water, or litter pans. Transpla-
cental and transmammary transmission does occur. Treatment
The outcome of exposure to the virus is variable and Husbandry
depends on several host factors: age or sex, immuno- • FeLV-positive cats should be isolated from all
competence, concurrent disease, viral strain, dose, and other cats
the duration of exposure. • FeLV-positive cats should be kept indoors
Exposed cats may experience development of the fol- • FeLV-positive cats should be vaccinated for other
lowing conditions: (1) a regressive infection (cats feline diseases and rabies on a routine schedule
become aviremic after a transient infection), (2) a pro- • Eliminate stress in affected cats
gressive infection (cats maintain persistent viremia), Medical
or (3) an active infection with clinical signs. Clinical • No cure currently exists for FeLV; however, drug
signs associated with feline leukemia virus (FeLV) therapy may alleviate symptoms
include anemia, anorexia, depression, weight loss, ner- • Immunomodulator drugs
vous system disease, and secondary infections. Vomiting • Acemannan (Veterinary Product Labs, Phoenix,
and diarrhea may be seen if the gastrointestinal tract is AZ): orally (PO), subcutaneously (SQ) daily, or
involved. intraperitoneally (IP) once a week for 6 weeks
Lymphoma is the most common FeLV-associated • Propionibacterium acnes (ImmunoRegulin):
neoplastic disease. Tumors can occur in the thymus, intravenously (IV) 1 to 2 times weekly
the alimentary tract, or various lymph nodes throughout • Human recombinant interferon: every 24 hours
the body. PO for 7 days, repeated every other week
Treatment is primarily supportive, and prevention is • Antiviral drugs:
through vaccination and limited contact with infected • Azidothymidine (AZT; Zidovudine): PO every
cats. All cats should be tested for FeLV using the stan- 12 hours
dard peripheral-blood ELISA test before vaccination. • Adefovir
If positive, cats should undergo an immunofluorescent • Broad-spectrum antibiotics to control secondary
antibody (IFA) test or be retested by ELISA in 3 to infections
4 months. Cats with recurring positive results will usu- • Appetite stimulants
ally be positive for life and should be isolated from all • Oxazepam (Serax; Zoetis, Madison, NJ): PO
other nonvaccinated cats. Many may remain in good • Diazepam (Valium; Roche Pharmaceutical, San
health for prolonged periods if not stressed. Francisco, CA): IV
CHAPTER 9 Pansystemic Diseases 161

• Chemotherapy for solid tumors respiratory tract infections, or all of these), anemia, ocu-
lar and neurological signs, and weight loss. Chronic
TECH ALERT fever and cachexia are common findings. Cats may
AZT and PMEA are toxic to bone marrow. Cats should remain asymptomatic for long periods after infection
have hemograms reevaluated frequently during treat- or may suffer from recurring bouts of illness inter-
ment. Limit treatment to a 3-week course to avoid mar- spersed with periods of relatively good health. Cats
row toxicity. infected with FIV are at increased risk for development
of chronic renal insufficiency.
Prevention of infection is by limiting exposure to out-
Information for Clients door cats. Spaying and neutering outdoor cats can limit
• An FeLV-positive cat that is otherwise healthy need exposure by decreasing aggressive behaviors. A vaccine
not be euthanized. for FIV currently is available. Cats receiving this vaccine
• If your cat is positive for FeLV, you should do the may test positive for FIV at a later date.
• Keep the animal indoors.
• Isolate the cat from all other cats. Clinical Signs
• Keep up with vaccinations. • History of recurrent bouts of illnesses
• See your veterinarian if any signs of disease develop. • Cachexia, anorexia
• Gingivitis, stomatitis
TECH ALERT • Chronic, nonresponsive ear or skin infections
• Chronic upper respiratory infections
The public health significance of FeLV is controversial. • Diarrhea
The virus does grow in human cell cultures, although evi- • Vomiting
dence of human infection has not been reported.
• Neurological disorders
Humans who are immunosuppressed should avoid
contact with FeLV-positive cats.
• Ocular disease (anterior uveitis, glaucoma)
• Pale mucous membranes
• Chronic fever
Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), or feline acquired • Clinical history
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a lentivirus • Positive ELISA test (blood)
associated with an immunodeficiency disease in domes- • CBC: anemia, lymphopenia
tic cats, which is morphologically and biochemically
similar to HIV but is antigenically distinct. FIV is highly Treatment
species specific, growing only in feline-derived cells. Husbandry
Most infections are acquired by horizontal transmission • Keep infected cats indoors
among adult cats. Male, sexually intact cats living out- • Isolate affected cats if aggressive toward other cats in
doors are at greatest risk for acquiring FIV infection. the household
Fighting and bite wounds appear to be the major route • Transmission from fomites or casual contact is
of transmission. Little or no sexual transmission occurs unlikely
in cats. Neonatal kittens may become infected by contact Medical
with infected queens, although plasma antibodies • No cure currently exists for FIV; however, drug
against FIV may be passed to kittens in colostrum when therapy may alleviate symptoms
nursing. Because the ELISA test for FIV detects anti- • Immunomodulator drugs
bodies, kittens should not be diagnosed using these tests • Acemannan (VPL, Phonex, AZ): PO, SQ daily, or
until after 6 months of age. IP weekly for 6 weeks
Clinical signs of FIV involve chronic, unresponsive • ImmunoRegulin (Immunovet): intravenously
infections (gingivitis, stomatitis, and skin, ear, (IV) 1 to 2 times weekly
162 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Interferon-α (Intron-A; Schering-Plough, Kenil- Toxoplasma gondii Feline Seroprevalence

worth, NJ): 30 international units per cat (IU/cat)
PO every 24 hours for 5 days on alternate weeks
• Antiviral therapy: Zidovudine (Retrovir; Glaxo- 39.5%
26.0% 40.7% 42.2%
Wellcome, Research Triangle Park, NC): PO every 43.5%
12 hours; if anemia develops, stop medication until
CBC returns to normal, and then restart at previous 34.1
dose and increase to original dose over 1 to 2 weeks 16.1% 28.5
Surgical 36.4
• Whole-mouth extraction of teeth may be necessary in
cats with chronic stomatitis and gingivitis

Information for Clients Fig. 9.1 Map of the United States showing the distribution of
• FIV poses no health hazard for humans. Toxoplasma gondii antibody test results in cats. (From Ettinger
• Infected cats may survive for prolonged periods SJ, Feldman EC. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 7th
before experiencing advanced stages of the disease. ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2010.)
• For cats with severe gingivitis and stomatitis, tooth
extraction may be the best course of treatment. Cats the eyes, whereas in dogs, the gastrointestinal, neuro-
are able to eat well even after whole-mouth extractions. logical, and the respiratory systems are commonly
• Keeping your pet indoors will prevent infection.
infected. However, Toxoplasma infections are rare in
• Keeping an infected cat free from stress and concur-
the dog.
rent disease is extremely important. After infection, the cat sheds oocysts in its feces for 1
• A vaccine is available for this disease; however, cats
to 2 weeks. Because of this limited shedding of organ-
that receive the vaccine may test positive for FIV isms, exposure to these infective oocysts is probably not
on later examinations. Clients should be aware an important source of infection for humans and other
of this. cats. Ingestion of uncooked or undercooked meat is
most likely the main route of infection in both cats
and humans. Therefore prevention of infection
TOXOPLASMOSIS involves eliminating hunting and feeding of raw meat
Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii, an to the cat, cooking all meat properly before feeding,
intracellular coccidian parasite with worldwide distribu- and following good hygiene practices when handling
tion. The feline is the only definitive host, but other cat feces.
warm-blooded animals, including humans, can serve Humans who are immunosuppressed should avoid
as intermediate hosts. Exposure to Toxoplasma is com- contact with infected cats. Congenital infection in the
mon; an estimated 30% to 60% of adult humans are sero- first or second trimester can result in serious birth
positive for exposure (Fig. 9.1). defects. Although infected cats are unlikely to pose a
Transmission can occur by three routes: (1) eating major threat to most pregnant women, the following
contaminated meat from an intermediate host, (2) steps may be taken to prevent infection:
fecal-oral route, and (3) transplacental route. In carni- • Avoid feeding raw meat to cats.
vores, ingestion of infected intermediate hosts is respon- • Keep cats indoors.
sible for most infections. • Have someone else clean the litter box daily. Rinse
Once sporulated oocysts are ingested, tachyzoites the litter box weekly with hot water.
form and invade any tissue in the body. Clinical signs • Avoid the use of immunosuppressive drugs in the
of disease are related to the tissue involved. The disease seropositive cat.
may be especially severe in immunocompromised • Have yourself checked for antibody before becoming
animals or in very young animals. In cats, the two pregnant.
tissues most commonly involved are the lung and • Avoid acquiring a new cat during pregnancy.
CHAPTER 9 Pansystemic Diseases 163

• Wash hands thoroughly and wear gloves when Treatment

gardening. • Clindamycin is the drug of choice for treatment: PO,
• Cook all meat properly. IM divided into two doses daily for 2 to 3 weeks
• Do not panic. Speak with your doctor and veterinar- • Trimethoprim with sulfonamide combination and
ian when you determine you are pregnant. You azithromycin have also been useful
should not have to give away your pets.
Information for Clients
Clinical Signs • See earlier section outlining advice to pregnant
Signs will depend on the organs involved. women. Do not panic.
• Anorexia
• Lethargy
• Fever
• Weight loss Although rabies technically is not a pansystemic disease,
• Diarrhea it is included in this chapter because exposure of veter-
• Vomiting inary technicians and veterinarians often occurs during
• Icterus examination of animals with vague and seemingly unre-
• Respiratory disease lated symptoms. Examples include the cat or dog with
• Lameness hypersalivation (which could indicate dental disease,
• Pancreatic disease foreign body), the pet with rear-leg paralysis (possible
• Anterior uveitis trauma, tick paralysis, disk disease), and the wild or
• Glaucoma exotic pet that is listless or “just not doing right.” People
• CNS disease often have no idea that their pet or the animal they have
• Sudden death just rescued from the woods may be infected with the
rabies virus.
TECH ALERT Rabies is a viral-induced neurological disease of
warm-blooded animals. It has a worldwide distribution.
Antemortem diagnosis is difficult because of the pres-
ence of antibodies found in the general population and
In the United States, raccoons, bats, skunks, foxes, and
the lack of long-term shedding of oocysts in the coyotes serve as the major wild animal hosts for the dis-
infected cat. ease. The virus is spread through the saliva of the
infected animal and may enter the body through a bite,
open wound, or mucous membranes. Aerosol transmis-
Diagnosis sion has been documented. The incubation time from
• CBC: nonspecific, variable changes exposure to the onset of clinical disease is usually 3 to
• Serum chemistries: 8 weeks, but it may be longer in some cases. During this
• Increases in alanine aminotransferase (ALT), time, the virus enters the nerve endings around the bite
alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and total bilirubin or wound and ascends the nerve to the brain, where it
may occur multiplies in the neurons. It then travels along nerves
• Creatine kinase concentration is often increased to the salivary glands, where it appears in the saliva.
• Thoracic radiographs may show diffuse lesions with Rabies is characterized by three stages: (1) the pro-
or without pleural effusion dromal stage, (2) the excitative (furious) stage, and (3)
• ELISA test should be available to test for Toxoplasma the paralytic stage. The prodromal stage is characterized
species–specific immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgM, and by changes in behavior (wild animals become friendly,
antigen-containing immune complexes. The PCR nocturnal animals come out during the day, dogs and
test is available for diagnosis of ocular or CNS infec- cats become fearful or apprehensive); it is during this
tions (Colorado State University Diagnostic Labora- stage that people are at the greatest risk for exposure.
tory, Pueblo, CO) During the excitative phase, the animal may appear
• Paired titers with a fourfold increase are required hyperreactive. They may attack unprovoked or attack
for a presumptive diagnosis (IgM >1:256 and inanimate objects. Some may appear to be in a stupor
increased IgG) (“dumb” rabies). The first two stages are followed by
164 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

the paralytic stage in which the animal experiences an • Never handle wild animals that appear tame or
ascending paralysis of the hind limb eventually leading friendly.
to respiratory paralysis and death. These three stages • Avoid promoting visitations by raccoons and skunks
may be completed in less than 1 week. by covering garbage cans and not leaving food out
The technician should be alert to the early symptoms for them.
of rabies to prevent accidental exposure. Always get a • Diagnosis requires intact brain tissue. Avoid injuring
vaccination history and wear gloves when examining the brain when euthanizing the animal.
the oral cavity of an animal. Avoid handling wildlife • If your pet bites a person, it must be quarantined for
brought in by clients, and take precautions with domes- 10 days at your expense. This quarantine may be at a
tically raised skunks and raccoons. Rabies has no cure veterinary clinic or humane shelter. Animals that
and is almost always a fatal disease. Protect yourself show no signs of disease after 10 days are considered
from exposure by following these guidelines: to have been uninfected at the time of the bite. The
• Obtain preexposure prophylaxis (vaccines are quarantine is to protect humans, not your pet.
• Wear gloves when examining any animal’s oral cavity
and during necropsy procedures.
• Promote vaccination of all dogs, cats, and horses. Canine viral distemper (CVD) is a highly contagious
• Advise clients to leave wildlife in the wild. viral disease of dogs and other carnivores. The incidence
• Assume rabies is a possibility in all animals with neu- of disease is greatest in dogs 3 to 6 months of age. Canine
rological symptoms or voice changes. distemper virus is a paramyxovirus that is relatively
labile in the environment. Most routine cleaning agents,
Clinical Signs disinfectants, and heat will readily destroy the virus.
• Behavioral changes CVD is transmitted through aerosolization of body
• Difficulty swallowing secretions. Several strains of the virus exist, and they
• Hypersalivation vary in virulence from mild to fatal. The hallmark of
• Extruded penis infection is immunosuppression followed by the devel-
• Hind limb ataxia opment of secondary infections. Clinical signs usually
• Depression, stupor associated with distemper are related to the presence
of the secondary infections, although encephalitis and
Diagnosis other neurological signs may be caused by the direct
• Postmortem examination of brain tissue is definitive effect of the virus on neurons.
• Positive fluorescent antibody (FA) test for virus in the A diagnosis of distemper is usually based on clinical
signs in an unvaccinated animal, but FA testing is avail-
brain and brainstem. No antemortem test is available
able. The only treatment is supportive. The fatality rate
may be as high as 90%, depending on the strain involved.
Treatment A good vaccination program is the best prevention.
• No treatment currently exists. Technicians should
check with local ordinances when a rabies case is sus- Clinical Signs
pected. Exposed staff should receive postexposure • Fever
treatment. Vaccinated animals exposed to a rabid • Cough
animal should be revaccinated and observed for • Mucopurulent nasal and ocular discharge
90 days. Unvaccinated animals exposed to rabies • Pneumonia
should be euthanized or kept under strict isolation • Anorexia
for 6 months. Rules for quarantine may vary with • Vomiting
location • Diarrhea
• Dehydration
Information for Clients • Abdominal pustules
• Well-vaccinated patients create a buffer zone against • Hyperkeratosis of foot pads
human infection. • “Chewing gum” seizures (clonus)
CHAPTER 9 Pansystemic Diseases 165

• Muscle twitching single-stranded, nonenveloped DNA virus and is

• Ataxia, circling, blindness closely related to the virus that causes feline panleuko-
penia. The virus is one of the most resistant viruses
Diagnosis known, often surviving for years in contaminated envi-
• Physical examination and history ronments. The virus was first isolated in 1978 and was
• Serology: rising titers in paired serum samples associated with an outbreak of hemorrhagic gastroen-
• FA test to detect the virus in epithelial cells collected teritis with a high mortality. Parvovirus is primarily a
from the conjunctiva or other mucous membranes disease of young puppies that lack sufficient antibody
Treatment protection. The virus is spread via feces, and transmis-
• Antibiotics, fluids, nutrition, and vitamins are sion is by the fecal-oral route. The virus invades rap-
idly, dividing cells of the lymphoid system, the
supportive measures.
• No specific treatment for the virus is available. intestinal tract, bone marrow, and the myocardium
• No specific treatment for the clonus is available. (in utero or shortly after birth). Factors such as age,
stress, genetics, and concurrent intestinal parasitism
influence the severity of the disease. Dobermans and
Information for Clients Rottweilers have a greater likelihood of severe disease
• A good vaccination program for all dogs is the only than most other breeds.
prevention. Animals infected with parvovirus may become febrile
• The prognosis is guarded, especially if neurological and lethargic, followed several days later by anorexia,
signs are present. depression, vomiting, and bloody, foul-smelling diar-
• CDV is the most common cause of seizures in dogs rhea. These animals quickly become dehydrated. Viral
younger than 6 months of age. invasion of the bone marrow and lymph system pro-
• Neurological signs may appear weeks to years after duces a profound lymphopenia and neutropenia in
the actual infection with CDV. severely infected dogs (white blood cell [WBC] counts
may be <2000). Puppies can become hypoglycemic
CANINE PARVOVIRUS and hypokalemic from lack of nutritional intake. Sec-
CPV is a common cause of infectious enteritis in ondary sepsis may occur together with possible intesti-
the dog (Fig. 9.2). The disease is caused by a nal intussusception.
Diagnosis is by fecal ELISA test for the parvovirus
antigen (CITE, IDEXX). Treatment consists of aggres-
sive supportive therapy including intravenous fluids,
antibiotics, antiemetics, antiinflammatory agents,
and colony-stimulating factor (Nupogen, Amgen).
Vaccination is the best preventive measure. Clients
should avoid exposing their pets to other animals
until their pets have established firm immunity (usu-
ally between 18 and 22 weeks of age, before the last
parvovirus booster is given). Yearly boosters are
recommended for most animals. In high-risk breeds,
a booster every 6 months may be required. It appears
that several new strains of the virus have emerged and
that disease caused by these strains may be more
severe. They also may not be prevented by current

Fig. 9.2 Intestinal lesions in a parvovirus-infected dog. From

Noah’s Arkive, Clinical Signs
image_info_detail.cgi?image=F02543 • Young puppy or older, unvaccinated dog
166 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Antibiotics
• Ampicillin: IV, SQ every 6 to 8 hours
The disease has been seen in older vaccinated animals • Amikacin: SQ every 24 hours
and in animals whose owners purchased vaccines from • Gentamicin: SQ every 24 hours
livestock stores or through catalogs. • Antiemetics
• Reglan (Metoclopramide): IV, SQ every 6 to
• Depression 8 hours
• Lethargy • Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for
• Anorexia pain—use only in well-hydrated patients
• Vomiting • Colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) promote matura-
• Bloody diarrhea tion and release of specific cells from bone marrow
• Dehydration (may not be of value)
• Fever • RhG-CSF/filgastrim (Neupogen, Amgen): SQ
every 24 hours
Diagnosis • Nutrition: partial parenteral nutrition until the
• Positive fecal ELISA test; PCR is available
patient remains 24 hours without vomiting
commercially • Recent studies on nutrition indicate early feeding
• CBC: Marked lymphopenia and neutropenia—
(when possible) may aid in recovery
increased packed cell volume (PCV)—lymphopenia
is seen in less than 50% of the clinically ill dogs. TECH ALERT
• Serum chemistries (not specific for CPV)
• Hypoglycemia Avoid fluoroquinolones in young animals because these
• Hyponatremia agents damage cartilage.
• Metabolic acidosis
• Hypokalemia Prevention
• Fecal examination to rule out intestinal parasites • Vaccinate puppies beginning at 6 to 8 weeks of age with
• Serology: High titer (1:10,000) for CPV boosters every 3 to 4 weeks until 16 weeks of age. Revac-
cinate high-risk breeds at 22 weeks of age. Rebooster all
TECH ALERT dogs yearly. (Fecal parvovirus antigen tests may be
Animals with CPV are highly infectious and should be weakly positive for 5 to 15 days after vaccination.)
handled in isolation
Information for Clients
• Make sure you have your new puppy vaccinated on a
proper schedule. Consult your veterinarian.
Supportive • Many puppies can survive parvovirus infection with
• Intravenous fluids: crystalloids are the fluids of
proper treatment. Some clinics report 80% to 90%
choice success rates.
• Potassium chloride added: 8 milliequivalents per 500 • Treatment may be expensive and require hospital
milliliters (mEq/500 mL) fluid stay of several weeks.
• Dextrose added as needed • Other dogs in the house may become infected if not
adequately vaccinated.
TECH ALERT • The virus can survive long term in the environment.
Avoid subcutaneous fluids because animals with CPV • Keep puppies free from intestinal parasites. Intestinal
are prone to infections from repeated injections through parasites appear to predispose dogs to parvovirus
the skin. Also, maintain good asepsis of catheter sites, infection.
changing catheters every 48–72 hours, if possible. Keep • Do not allow these puppies to become overhydrated.
bandages dry and clean.
Carefully monitor fluid intake.
CHAPTER 9 Pansystemic Diseases 167

TECH ALERT diseases. Diagnosis requires a direct immunofluorescent

test for R. rickettsii in the skin or tissue biopsy.
Tips for technicians dealing with parvovirus: Tetracycline and doxycycline are the treatments of
• Isolate all animals suspected of parvovirus infection
choice; rapid improvement is seen after initiation of
until a diagnosis is confirmed. These animals should
therapy. Clients should be educated as to the risks asso-
not be seen in the examination area used for well-
patient examinations. Take animals suspected of
ciated with tick exposure and the possibility of human
infection directly to the isolation ward. infection through the environment.
• All waste and bedding of infected animals should be
Clinical Signs
disposed of directly from the isolation area.
• Wear protective clothing and shoe covers when • Fever
treating these animals in isolation. Do not wear • Anorexia
these clothes into the rest of the clinic. • Depression
• Affected animals require intensive care to keep • Mucopurulent ocular discharge
clean and dry. Frequent cleaning of vomit and • Tachypnea
bloody diarrhea is unpleasant for the staff, but these • Coughing
substances must not be allowed to accumulate in • Vomiting and diarrhea
an area. Secondary infections to wet skin and cath- • Muscle pain
eter sites can develop if patients are not cleaned • CNS signs
frequently. • Severe weight loss
• Retinal hemorrhages
• Scrotal edema


Rickettsiae are small, gram-negative, obligate, intracellu- Rocky Mountain spotted fever usually appears in the
lar bacterial organisms. Of the three known families, two spring and summer months.
(Rickettsiae and Ehrlichiae) are pathogens of dogs. Both
organisms are tick-borne pathogens, with infection
occurring through the saliva during feeding by the tick.
Distribution and seasonal occurrence of these diseases • Direct immunofluorescent test of tissue biopsy
are related to the life cycle of the corresponding tick. • Indirect immunofluorescent test showing a fourfold
Transmission of the organism requires attachment of increase in serum titers
the tick to the host for 5 to 20 hours. • History of tick exposure
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever • Anemia
• Leukopenia to leukocytosis
The causative agent of Rocky Mountain spotted fever
• Thrombocytopenia
disease, Rickettsia rickettsii, induces vascular endothelial
• Serum chemistry
injury. The disease is spread by the ticks Dermacentor
• Increased ALT
variabilis and Dermacentor andersoni. The transmitted
• Increased ALP
rickettsiae replicate in vascular endothelial cells, causing
• Hypoproteinemia
inflammation, necrosis, and increased vascular perme-
• Hypocalcemia
ability. Clinical signs are related to the areas of inflam-
• Hyponatremia
mation. The pulmonary, CNS, myocardial, ocular, renal,
and musculoskeletal systems may be involved. TECH ALERT
Clinical signs of edema, hypotension, shock, conduc-
Blood from patients with Rocky Mountain spotted fever
tion abnormalities, heart blocks or arrhythmia, seizures,
may be infectious to persons handling it. Avoid contact
coma, pulmonary edema, retinal hemorrhages, and acute
by wearing protective clothing. Avoid blood from the tick
renal failure may be seen in infected dogs. These signs are as well.
vague and may mimic other infectious and noninfectious
168 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Treatment Clinical Signs

• Doxycycline: for 2 weeks Acute phase
• Monitoring fluid intake carefully to avoid exacerba- • Lymphadenopathy
tion of the edema already present • Anemia
• Depression
Information for Clients • Anorexia
• If you develop signs of an upper respiratory tract • Fever
infection, fever, headache, myalgia, or abdominal • Weight loss
pain, see your physician. • Ocular and nasal discharge
• Supportive care is important for infected animals and • Dyspnea
should be performed under careful veterinary • Edema (extremities and scrotum)
supervision. Subclinical phase
• Antibiotics only reduce the number of organisms; the • Few clinical signs
animal must have a good immune response to • CNS symptoms
eliminate them. Chronic phase
• Control of tick infestation is the best way to prevent • Severe weight loss
the disease. Keep pets out of heavily infested areas, • Debilitation
and remove ticks quickly. • Anterior uveitis
• Retinal hemorrhage
Canine Monocytic Ehrlichiosis • CNS signs
The rickettsial disease canine monocytic ehrlichiosis is • Secondary bacterial infections
caused by Ehrlichia canis, whose vector tick is Rhipice- • Bleeding tendencies
phalus sanguineus, the brown dog tick. Although diag-
nosed primarily in the southeastern and southwestern Diagnosis
United States, the disease first gained attention as a dev- • Positive indirect immunofluorescent antibody test,
astating disease of military working dogs in Vietnam. ELISA test (IDEXX), PCR
After infection, E. canis causes acute, subclinical, and • CBC
chronic disease phases. The acute stage lasts between • Pancytopenia (25% of patients)
2 and 4 weeks, during which time the organism multi- • Nonregenerative anemia
plies within circulating mononuclear cells and cells of • Thrombocytopenia
the spleen and liver. Infected mononuclear cells are • Serum chemistry: hyperglobulinemia
transported to other organs such as lungs, kidneys,
and meninges. A resulting vasculitis and subendothelial Treatment
tissue infection develops. The subclinical phase appears • Doxycycline: daily for 28 days
6 to 9 weeks after infection. Dogs may not show • Supportive care will be required for some animals
clinical signs during this period before progressing to • Intravenous fluid therapy
the chronic phase. During the chronic phase, bone • Blood transfusions
marrow is suppressed, resulting in thrombocytopenia, • Anabolic steroids
nonregenerative anemia, and pancytopenia. Some dogs • For recurrent infections, tetracycline daily for
with chronic disease will experience development of long term
Diagnosis is by indirect immunofluorescent anti-
body technique, ELISA testing, or Western blot analy-
sis. Finding morula within monocytes cytologically Infection with E. canis produces no long-term immunity.
can also be diagnostic. Tetracycline or doxycycline is Antibodies to E. canis have been found in humans with
monocytic ehrlichiosis. Take care when handling ticks or
the treatment of choice, and the prognosis is
serum or tissue from infected dogs.
generally good.
CHAPTER 9 Pansystemic Diseases 169

Canine Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis Information for Clients

Two forms of canine granulocytic ehrlichiosis (GE) • Ticks present a disease threat for pets and humans.
exist: (1) canine GE caused by Ehrlichia ewingii and • The prognosis for these syndromes is favorable.
(2) canine GE caused by Ehrlichia equi. Dogs infected • Clinical signs should improve within 48 hours from
by E. ewingii present with acute polyarthritis and the start of treatment.
inflammatory joint disease. This syndrome is linked to • Check pets frequently for ticks, and remove the ticks
the tick Amblyomma americanum as its vector, and it when found.
is not seasonal. Dogs infected with E. equi present with • Avoid tick-infested areas. Do not expose yourself to
nonspecific signs of severe lethargy and anorexia. This the blood from the tick.
disease is seasonal and corresponds to the peak feeding
season of the vector Ixodes dammini, the deer tick.
Clinical Signs Lyme borreliosis is a complex, multiorgan disorder
Ehrlichia ewingii caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. The spi-
• Sudden onset of fever rochete is passed to the host animal or human through
• Lethargy the bite of a tick in the genus Ixodes. Ticks must remain
• Anorexia attached to the host for a minimum of 48 hours for
• Lameness infection to occur. Although the disease is worldwide
• Muscular stiffness in distribution, it is endemic in most of the northeast-
Ehrlichia equi ern states, with approximately 90% of all cases occur-
• Acute onset of fever ring in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and
• Severe, often debilitating lethargy Pennsylvania.
• Anorexia Symptoms include dermatological, arthritic, car-
diac, and neurological abnormalities. Some animals
Diagnosis may experience development of a severe nephritis (pos-
Ehrlichia ewingii sibly in Labrador Retrievers). Signs may appear months
• CBC after the tick bite and may be vague and nonspecific,
• Mild, nonregenerative anemia making diagnosis difficult. Animals that spend time
• Thrombocytopenia outdoors in tick-infested areas are at greatest risk for
• Monocytosis infection.
• Eosinophilia Diagnosis is based on clinical signs and a positive
• Morulae in neutrophils (1%–9%) ELISA or antibody titer. (It may be difficult to evaluate
• Serum chemistries: increased ALT titers when dogs have been vaccinated.) Investigation
• Positive E. canis test of the molecular structure of the Borrelia organism
Ehrlichia equi has shown that a region of the amino acid sequence,
• CBC labeled the IR6 region, is common in human and
• Thrombocytopenia canine infections with B. burgdorferi. Serology tests
• Lymphopenia looking for the region named C6 are available and spe-
• Serum chemistries cific for Lyme disease in the dog. These newer tests will
• Increased ALP (100%) distinguish vaccinated from infected animals. Doxycy-
• Increased amylase (50%) cline is the drug of choice for the treatment of borrelio-
• Hypoalbuminemia sis. Antibiotic therapy may not eliminate the organism
• Urine: proteinuria from the infected animal, and some animals may be
• Positive E. canis test permanently infected, which leads to chronic cases
with flare-ups.
Treatment Newer vaccines do induce a good antibody response
• Doxycycline: every 12 hours for 28 days but may leave a lump at the injection site. This vaccine is
• Supportive care, if required not part of the core vaccination program and is only
needed in areas where Lyme disease is prevalent.
170 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Clinical Signs Prevention

• Fever • Vaccination of seronegative dogs is recommended in
• Anorexia endemic areas. Three current vaccines stimulate pro-
• Lethargy duction of anti-OspA and OspC. These antibodies
• Lymphadenopathy attach to the spriallium to destroy the disease agent
• Episodic lameness (Lymevax; Zoetis, Duramune; Vetmedica, and Novi-
• Presence or absence of myocardial abnormalities bac; Merck)
• Rash around the tick bite • Vaccination of seropositive dogs or dogs not in
• Nephritis (especially in Labrador Retrievers) endemic areas is not recommended
• Tick control is the most important preventive
Diagnosis measure
• No specific hematologic or biochemical changes have
been noted except where specific organ systems are TECH ALERT
involved No antibiotic is 100% effective in eliminating the
• Synovial fluid: suppurative polyarthritis (increased organism.
numbers of nucleated cells)
• Antibody titers greater than 64 may indicate
infection Information for Clients
• Positive ELISA test: SNAP 3Dx or 4Dx anti C-6 • Animal infection should alert clients to the possibility
antibody test (IDEXX) of human infection from ticks in the environment.
• Urine protein (especially in Labrador Retrievers) • Infected animals may have relapses of symptoms
even after treatment.
Treatment • Vaccination of dogs already exposed to B. burgdor-
• Doxycycline: PO every 24 hours for 21 to 28 days feri is ineffective.
• Antiinflammatory drugs for pain: • Avoid exposure to environments where high concen-
• NSAIDs trations of ticks might be found.
• Prednisolone • Use a tick collar or other means of tick repellent for
animals traveling to infested areas.

1. Which of the following statements is correct? a. True
a. Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) virus and b. False
feline coronavirus are difficult to differentiate 4. Which of the following animals is the definitive host
with current testing. for T. gondii?
b. A limited number of cats will have antibodies a. Raccoon
against feline coronavirus. b. Opossum
c. The majority of cats with FIP will have the effu- c. Cat
sive, or “wet,” form. d. Deer tick
d. An effective FIP vaccine is available. 5. Canine parvovirus (CPV) is resistant and may
2. The feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is primar- remain viable in the environment for up to
ily spread between cats via ________ ________.
a. Fecal contamination a. 6 weeks
b. Fomite contamination b. 1 year
c. Fighting and bite wounds c. 3 weeks
d. Flea transmission d. Several years
3. Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is stable in the 6. Patients with parvovirus and white blood cell counts
environment, lasting up to 6 weeks. less than 2000 usually have a ________ prognosis.
CHAPTER 9 Pansystemic Diseases 171

a. Favorable a. Winter
b. Poor b. Fall
c. Excellent c. Summer
d. Fair 12. Rigid hypertonicity of the front legs and hypotonic-
7. Which of the following antibiotics should be ity of the rear limbs is known as:
avoided in young animals? a. Necrotizing neurological syndrome
a. Ampicillin b. Marphan syndrome
b. Enrofloxacin (Baytril) c. Schiff-Sherrington syndrome
c. Gentamicin 13. Myelinated nerve fibers carry impulses ________
d. Amoxicillin and clavulanate (Clavamox) compared with unmyelinated fibers.
8. E. canis infections can be diagnosed by finding the a. Faster
organisms in the ________. b. Slower
a. Red blood cells 14. Kittens should be at least ________ of age before
b. White blood cells testing for FIV.
c. Feces a. 12 months
d. Serum b. 4 months
9. To transmit B. burgdorferi, how long must a tick c. 2 months
remain attached to the host? d. 6 months
a. Longer than 48 hours 15. What is the most commonly seen form of FIP?
b. No longer than 12 hours a. Wet
c. Longer than 3 days b. Dry
d. No longer than 1 hour 16. Why do you think Lyme disease vaccine is not
10. Which of the following might not be a sign of rabies included in the core canine vaccines?
in an animal? 17. Current thinking is that once infected with FeLV a
a. Vomiting cat may remain infected with the virus.
b. Difficulty swallowing a. True
c. Changes in voice b. False
d. Ataxia 18. What advice would you give clients concerning a
e. Hyperreactivity young cat with a positive FeLV test?
11. Primarily in what season is idiopathic vestibular
Answers found on page 545.
disease seen?
Diseases of the Reproductive System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Recognize the problem areas in the reproductive
able to: system of the male and female, and relate them
• Explain to clients the health reasons for to the clinical symptoms.
ovariohysterectomy or castration of their pets. • Advise clients on pregnancy-related problems.

Diseases of the Female Reproductive System 173 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 177
Vaginitis 173 Acute Prostatitis 178
Pseudopregnancy 173 Chronic Prostatitis 178
Eclampsia 174 Prostatic Abscessation 178
Pyometra 174 Prostatic Neoplasia 178
Pregnancy Disorders 175 Priapism and Paraphimosis 178
Dystocia 175 Neoplasia of the Genital System and Mammary
Inappropriate Maternal Behavior 176 Glands 179
Lactation Disorders 176 Testicular Tumors 179
Diseases of the Male Reproductive System 177 Penile, Preputial, and Scrotal Tumors 179
Prostatic Diseases 177 Tumors of the Female Genital Tract 180
Prostatitis 177 Mammary Gland Tumors 180

Agalactia Endometritis Myelosuppression
Anasarca Galactostasis Ovarohysterectomy
Androgen Gynecomastia Pedunculated
Cryptorchid Hyperplasia

The female reproductive system consists of two ovaries Hormones such as estrogen and progesterone act on
and the female duct system, including the oviducts, the reproductive system to prepare it for pregnancy and
uterus, cervix, vagina, and vulva (Fig. 10.1). The pri- to maintain pregnancy. When the response to these hor-
mary functions of this system are to provide eggs for mones is abnormal, disease can result. Although not
fertilization and to protect the developing embryo technically a part of the female reproductive system,
during pregnancy. All of these structures are composed the mammary glands are also reactive to hormonal
of tissue that is sensitive to hormones produced by the abnormalities, and diseases involving them are
female. frequently seen in small-animal practice.

CHAPTER 10 Diseases of the Reproductive System 173

Right kidney Diseases that involve the reproductive system are fre-
Cervix quently seen in veterinary practice. These include vagi-
nal disorders, uterine disorders, pregnancy disorders,
lactation disorders, disease of the prostate, and neoplasia
of the genital system and mammary glands.
Ovary Vagina
Uterine horn
Vaginitis is a fairly common occurrence in prepuberal
bitches. The most common sign of juvenile (puppy) vag-
initis is vulvar discharge. This condition responds well to
systemic antibiotic therapy and usually resolves after the
Fig. 10.1 Female urinary and reproductive organs of the bitch first estrous cycle. Adult vaginitis can be the result of a
(lateral view). (From Colville T, Bassert JM. Clinical Anatomy
and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians. St Louis, MO: Mosby;
variety of factors. Anatomical abnormalities, bacterial
2008, by permission.) infection, traumatic injuries, or chemical irritation may
all result in vaginal inflammation. Viral vaginitis also
occurs in conjunction with canine herpesvirus infections.
The male reproductive system consists of two testicles
and the male duct system, including the urethra, prostate Pseudopregnancy
gland, and penis (Fig. 10.2). Other structures often Pseudopregnancy is an exaggeration of the normal hor-
involved in disease processes are the scrotum and prepuce. monal changes that occur during the estrous cycle in the
The main hormonal influence in the male reproductive nonpregnant bitch. Clinical signs can be related to
system is testosterone, although abnormal estrogen levels decreasing levels of progesterone and increasing levels
can also affect the male reproductive system. of prolactin. Dogs undergoing pseudopregnancy may


Ureter Vas deferens
Prostate gland
penis muscle
Bladder Corpus cavernosum
Bulb of glans Inguinal ring
Os penis Epididymis
Glans penis Scrotum
Corpus Spermatic cord
Prepuce cavernosum urethrae
Fig. 10.2 Male urinary and reproductive organs of the dog (lateral view). (From Colville T, Bassert JM. Clinical
Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians. St Louis, MO: Mosby; 2008, by permission.)
174 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

exhibit weight gain, mammary gland enlargement, lacta-

tion, and a mucoid vaginal discharge. These dogs may
carry around stuffed toys and demonstrate increased
mothering behavior.
Signs of pseudopregnancy usually develop 6 to
12 weeks after estrus and may last 1 to 3 weeks. Signs
are usually self-limiting. Therapy, when necessary, is
usually aimed at decreasing milk production. Therapeu-
tic methods include mild water restriction, diuretics, and
preventing oral stimulation by the bitch. Ovariohyster-
ectomy is the only permanent cure for dogs that exhibit
this problem. Fig. 10.3 The uterus, after ovariohysterectomy, from a 3-year-
old mongrel bitch with a closed cervix pyometra. Medroxypro-
gesterone acetate was administered for 2 consecutive years
TECH ALERT before the pyometra diagnosis. (From Ettinger SJ, Feldman
EC. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 7th ed. St Louis,
Avoid the use of phenothiazine tranquilizers in these ani- MO: Saunders; 2010.)
mals because they may increase prolactin secretion.

also produces a decrease in myometrial contractions and

predisposes the uterus to secondary bacterial infection
Eclampsia is a problem seen in heavily lactating females. (pyometra). The most common microorganism isolated
The disease is commonly seen within 2 to 3 weeks after in pyometra is Escherichia coli, although Staphylococ-
whelping. Heavy lactation demands on the mother often cus spp., Streptococcus spp., Klebsiella, Pasteurella, Pro-
accompanied by a diet deficient in calcium may result in teus, and Moraxella have also been implicated.
hypocalcemia. Clinical signs include nervousness, sali- The development of pyometra appears to be the final
vation, stiff gait, ataxia, and seizures. Treatment must stage of a continuum beginning with endometrial hyper-
be initiated soon after the first signs of problems occur. plasia and progressing through cystic endometrial
Slow intravenous (IV) administration of 10% or 20% hyperplasia and endometritis. Animals presented for
calcium gluconate should result in remission of clinical treatment tend to be middle-aged or older, within
signs. It is important to monitor the heart rate via 60 days of their last estrous cycle.
a stethoscope or an electrocardiogram (ECG) while
administering the IV calcium solution. If bradycardia Clinical Signs
or arrthymias occur, the infusion should be stopped. • Vulvar discharge
Oral calcium supplements may be started after clinical • Abdominal enlargement
signs regress while serum calcium levels are monitored • Vomiting
to assure they remain normal throughout lactation. This • Lethargy
problem tends to recur with subsequent pregnancies, so • Polyuria or polydipsia
it may not be a good idea to use affected dogs for breed- • Dehydration
ing. In some cases, eclampsia may be avoided with good • Azotemia
prenatal nutrition and calcium supplementation.
Pyometra • Radiology indicates an enlarged uterus (must rule out
Pyometra is also frequently seen in small-animal medi- pregnancy)
cine. Increasing levels of progesterone after ovulation • Ultrasound examination can distinguish between
result in hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the endome- fluid and pregnancy
trial glands of the uterus. Inappropriate response results • Complete blood cell count (CBC) shows leukocytosis,
in cystic endometrial hyperplasia with accumulation of neutrophilia with a left shift, and dehydration.
fluid within the uterine lumen (Fig. 10.3). Progesterone A nonregenerative anemia may be seen
CHAPTER 10 Diseases of the Reproductive System 175

• Serum chemistry may show the following: palpated about 25 to 36 days after breeding in dogs,
• Increased alkaline phosphatase levels and 21 to 28 days in cats. Fetal skeletal mineralization
• Increased serum protein level can be detected radiographically at 45 days’ gestation.
• Increased blood urea nitrogen Ultrasonography provides information on the status of
• Vaginal cytology shows degenerative neutrophils, the fetuses after about 20 days. It is difficult to determine
endometrial cells, and bacteria the number of fetuses, especially in large litters.
• Culture and sensitivity should be performed if med- Fetal deaths early in gestation result in reabsorption
ical treatment is to be attempted or if the animal is with no expulsion of uterine contents. Clients may
systemically ill report that the animal has “failed to conceive” after what
they consider a successful breeding. Organisms such as
Treatment Brucella canis, canine herpesvirus, feline infectious peri-
• Ovariohysterectomy is the preferred treatment for tonitis, feline leukemia virus (FeLV), and panleukopenia
pyometra may produce fetal death or abortion.
• Dehydration and azotemia must be corrected before Dystocia can be defined as difficulty in delivery of
surgery fetuses through the birth canal. The causes of dystocia
• If the animal is used for breeding, clients may elect are divided into fetal factors, maternal factors, and com-
medical treatment: binations of both. Fetal factors include large fetuses
• Prostaglandin F2α (Lutylase): 0.1 to 0.25 mg/kg sub- (large puppy or kitten, fetal anasarca, or hydrocephalus)
cutaneously (SQ) once daily for 3 to 5 days or until and abnormal positioning (transverse presentation).
the uterus is empty. Side effects seen with prosta- Breech presentation is not an abnormality in the bitch
glandin infection usually resolve within 60 minutes or queen. Maternal factors include a narrowed birth
of injection (e.g., sweating, panting, salivation, canal (developmental or trauma related) and uterine
vomiting or defecation, urination). inertia (lack of coordinated contractions or exhaustion
• Systemic broad-spectrum antibiotics should be of the uterine musculature from prolonged
given until culture results come back from the contractions).
Information for Clients Clinical Signs
• Ovariohysterectomy (spaying) of the female prevents • A bitch or queen has been in labor longer than 4 hours
this disease without producing a fetus
• Early and aggressive treatment is important • A green vaginal discharge develops during parturition
• The treatment of choice for pyometra is ovariohyster- • More than 1 hour has elapsed between births
ectomy (even in older dogs and cats)
• Approximately 26% to 40% of bitches have a recur- Diagnosis
rence of pyometra within 1 year of medical • Physical examination with digital palpation of the
treatment vagina
• Medical treatment is more successful when the cervix • Radiography to evaluate fetal position, size, and
is open and draining number
• In bitches with pyometra, a 5% to 8% mortality rate is • Ultrasonography to evaluate fetal viability and distress
associated with ovariohysterectomy
Pregnancy Disorders • Manual manipulation: a fetus lodged in the vaginal
Disorders of pregnancy include fetal death and abortion canal can be manually dislodged through careful
or reabsorption, dystocia, inappropriate maternal manipulation
behavior, mastitis, and puerperal tetany. Although other • Oxytocin 0.25 units, up to 4 units per dog (not
problems are associated with pregnancy and parturition, per kg), or 2–3 units per cat (not per kg) can be used
these are the most commonly seen problems in small- to correct secondary inertia
animal medicine. The normal gestation period for dogs • If medical treatment fails to correct the situation, a
and cats is between 62 and 65 days. Fetuses may be cesarean delivery is recommended
176 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Information for Clients Diagnosis

• Clients should prepare a whelping box for the animal, • Observation of mother
and make sure the animal is comfortable sleeping in
the box before whelping. Treatment
• Nutrition of the pregnant animal is important, with • Tranquilization of the mother
increased demands being placed on the mother as • Acepromazine: low doses orally (PO) or SQ to
the litter develops. calm the mother
• During the birthing process, clients should be advised • Diazepam: PO for dogs to calm them
to closely supervise the animal but not hover around,
Information for Clients
creating stress for the mother. Children and other
• Do not use affected bitches for breeding.
pets should be kept out of the area.
• If labor and delivery are not progressing steadily, vet- • Do not leave puppies or kittens unattended with an
erinary help should be obtained. affected bitch.
• Clients can predict parturition by monitoring the rec-
Lactation Disorders
tal temperature of the animal. Rectal temperature
The mammary gland achieves its maximum growth and
usually declines below 100°F 24 hours before the
development during pregnancy. The decline in progester-
beginning of labor.
• After a cesarean delivery, clients may have to support one levels before parturition results in the synthesis of
enzymes that permit lactogenesis. Oxytocin released in
the neonates until the mother is fully recovered.
• Ovariohysterectomy can be performed at the same response to suckling increases milk letdown within the
gland. Agalactia, lack of milk production, can result
time as the cesarean section in animals not used
from stress, malnutrition, premature parturition, or
for breeding.
Inappropriate Maternal Behavior Galactostasis, or milk stasis, may result in painful
engorgement of the mammary glands, and mastitis, a
Appropriate maternal behavior is important to the sur-
septic inflammation of the mammary gland, occurs in
vival and development of neonates. Nursing, retrieving,
pets. Mastitis is probably seen more commonly in the
grooming, and protecting are all considered normal
bitch and the queen compared with the other two prob-
behavior. The dam should demonstrate caution when
lems. Mastitis may be acute or chronic, and it may
moving about the whelping box; she should lie quietly
involve one or more of the mammary glands.
while the neonates nurse. Because puppies and kittens
do not have the ability to thermoregulate their body Clinical Signs
temperature during the first few weeks of life, the mother • Mammary discomfort
is responsible for keeping them warm. Grooming is • Discolored milk
important to stimulate cardiovascular and respiratory • Fever
function, to stimulate elimination, and to remove waste • Reluctance to allow nursing
material from the coat. Some dams, however, display • Abscessed glands
increased protective behavior or fear-induced behaviors.
Some cannibalize their litters. When these inappropriate Treatment
behaviors occur, it is the responsibility of the client to • Prescribe broad-spectrum systemic antibiotic:
intervene and protect the health and well-being of the • Cephalexin: PO every 8 hours
neonates. • Amoxicillin and clavulanate (Clavamox): PO
every 8 to 12 hours
Clinical Signs • Administer warm compresses; then milk the affected
• The mother is restless (will not stay in the box with glands.
the puppies or kittens) • Protect the affected gland(s) from trauma.
• Neonates are constantly crying
• The mother is actively attacking and killing her Information for Clients
young. Clients may not directly see such acts; how- • Mastitis may recur in subsequent lactations.
ever, the number of neonates will be seen to decrease • Prophylactic use of antibiotics is not advocated.
CHAPTER 10 Diseases of the Reproductive System 177

• Puppies and kittens should not be allowed to nurse Treatment

from affected glands but can continue to use the • Castration results in a 70% decrease in size of the
noninfected teats. gland within 7 to 14 days
• Low-dose estrogen therapy: diethylstilbestrol 0.2 to 1
mg/day for 5 days; potential side effects must be
considered when selecting estrogen therapy (bone
SYSTEM marrow suppression)
Prostatic Diseases • Finasteride
Although both dogs and cats have prostate glands, pros- • Flutamide (not approved for veterinary use and is
tatic disease is much more common in dogs. The canine expensive)
prostate gland is the only accessory sex gland in the dog. • Megestrol acetate: daily for 4 weeks (not approved for
The gland is located just caudal to the bladder, encircling use in male dogs)
the proximal urethra at the neck of the bladder. The size Information for Clients
and position of the gland changes with the age of the dog
• Early castration prevents benign prostatic hyperplasia.
so that the gland is mostly abdominal in the animal that
• Castration, even in the older animal, alleviates this
is older than 5 years of age. The purpose of the prostate
gland is to produce fluid as a transport and support
medium for sperm during ejaculation. Drug Therapy Results in Temporary Improvement, but
The prostate increases in size and weight as the dog the Condition Will Recur When Drug Therapy is
matures. Dogs castrated before maturity have normal Discontinued
prostatic growth totally inhibited. When adult dogs
are castrated, the prostate undergoes involution. Prostatitis
Clinical diseases associated with the prostate gland The prostate gland is predisposed to bacterial infection
include benign hyperplasia, cysts, prostatitis, abscessa- through the urinary system and direct infection of the
tion, and neoplasia. Clinical signs of prostatic disease gland itself (Fig. 10.4). E. coli is the most frequently iso-
are similar regardless of the cause. Accurate diagnosis lated bacterial organism involved in canine prostatitis.
depends on thorough physical examination, laboratory Other gram-negative microorganisms such as Proteus,
evaluation, and biopsy. Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus,
and B. canis, have also been found to cause this disease.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Bacterial prostatitis may be acute or chronic, and it
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is an aging change that affects sexually mature male dogs.
occurs in dogs as early as 2.5 years of age. The condition
is associated with an altered androgen–estrogen ratio
and requires the presence of the testes. Although the
size increases with hyperplasia, secretory function
decreases. Blood supply to the gland increases, and
the gland tends to bleed easily. Most dogs exhibit no
clinical signs.
Clinical Signs
• May be asymptomatic
• Tenesmus
• Prostate palpates symmetrically (enlarged and
Fig. 10.4 Purulent prostatitis in the dog. (From Greene C. Infec-
• A physical examination is recommended tious Diseases of the Dog And Cat. 3rd ed. St Louis, MO: Else-
• Biopsy provides the only accurate diagnosis vier; 2006.)
178 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Clinical Signs Clinical Signs

Acute prostatitis • Tenesmus
• Anorexia • Urethral discharge
• Fever • Lethargy
• Lethargy • Pain
• Stiff gait in the rear limbs • Vomiting
• Caudal abdominal pain • Hematuria
Chronic prostatitis • Fever
• May be asymptomatic • Depression
• History of chronic, periodic urinary tract infections
• History and physical examination
• CBC and serum chemistries
• Urinalysis: urine shows blood, increased white blood
• Leukocytosis or normal WBC count
cell (WBC) count, and the presence of bacteria • Liver enzymes may be elevated
• Physical examination
• Hypoglycemia
• Urine culture
• Hypokalemia
• Prostatic aspiration—hemorrhagic, purulent, septic
• Antibiotic therapy should be instituted for 28 days Treatment
(acute form). (For the chronic form, use same antibi- • Surgical drainage is the treatment of choice
otic therapy regimen for at least 6 weeks.) The choice • Castration
of antibiotic should be based on culture and sensitiv- • Antibiotic therapy
ity results and may be started intravenously if the • Intravenous fluid therapy (in cases of sepsis or
animal is in serious condition: peritonitis)
• Enrofloxacin: every 24 hours
• Trimethoprim/sulfonamide: every 12 hours Information for Clients
• Erythromycin: every 8 hours • Prostatic abscessation care is expensive, and the dis-
• Chloramphenicol: every 8 hours ease is difficult to treat.
• Ciprofloxacin: every 24 hours • Survival rate is approximately 50% after 1 year.
• Castration may be beneficial
• Prostatectomy, a difficult surgery with serious Prostatic Neoplasia
postsurgical side effects, may be considered Prostatic neoplasia is uncommon in dogs but has been
seen in cats. It can develop in both intact and neutered
Information for Clients males. All neoplasms that affect the prostate gland are
• Long-term antibiotic therapy is essential to control malignant. Clinical signs are similar to other prostatic
diseases. Treatment is unrewarding, and a cure is
• Prolonged use of antibiotics requires monitoring unlikely.
with prostatic fluid cultures and examinations to Priapism and Paraphimosis
ensure that toxic side effects do not develop.
• Castration may be beneficial. Priapism is occasionally seen in dogs. It is usually a
problem for the clients, who is embarrassed by the
inappropriate erection, but it can also be painful to
Prostatic Abscessation the dog. Excessive parasympathetic stimulation or pos-
Prostatic abscessation is a serious form of bacterial pros- sible impairment of venous drainage from the penis
tatitis in which pockets of purulent exudate develop may result in priapism. A delay in treatment may result
within the gland. The disease may present with in necrosis of the penis, requiring amputation of
systemic signs. the penis.
CHAPTER 10 Diseases of the Reproductive System 179

Paraphimosis is the inability of the dog to retract Treatment

the penis into the preputial sheath. Causes include • Castration is the treatment of choice for testicular
self-mutilation, constriction by a hair ring, fracture tumors
of the os penis, strangulation with a rubber band or • If adjunct treatment is required, chemotherapy and
string, and trauma. Drying of the tissue, necrosis, radiation therapy may be used
and tissue contamination occur the longer the penis • Whole-blood transfusion should be performed if the
remains extruded. Treatment of acute cases involves animal is myelosuppressed
sedation, removal of any causative agents, immersing
the tissue into a cold hypertonic glucose solution to Information for Clients
reduce swelling, and gentle cleaning of the penile tis- • Castration of male dogs at an early age prevents this
sue. Replacement of the penis within the scrotum is disease.
followed by placement of a purse-string suture. • Dogs with myelosuppression from excess estrogen
Chronic cases or those not responding to treatment levels may need whole-blood transfusion.
will require surgery.
Penile, Preputial, and Scrotal Tumors
Penile tumors are rare in cats and dogs. The most
NEOPLASIA OF THE GENITAL SYSTEM commonly seen neoplasia involving the penis and the
AND MAMMARY GLANDS prepuce is the transmissible venereal tumor (TVT). This
tumor occurs only in dogs. It is most commonly seen
Tumors of the male genital tract include those of the in temperate climates and in areas that have large
testicles, prostate, penis, prepuce, and scrotum. free-roaming dog populations. It is spread during sexual
contact and can be transmitted through licking and
Testicular Tumors sniffing.
Approximately 5% to 15% of all tumors seen in male Clinical Signs
dogs are testicular tumors. Cryptorchid dogs and those • Penile, preputial, and scrotal tumors are found on
with inguinal hernias are at greatest risk for testicular
sexually intact male dogs
tumors; tumor development is twice as common in tes- • Cauliflower-like masses appear at the base of the
ticles retained in the inguinal canal as those within the
penis or on the lining of the prepuce; they are seen
abdomen. These tumors are usually seen in older, intact
on the vulva in the female (tumors are friable and
male dogs (9–12 years of age). Testicular tumors are
bleed easily)
uncommon in cats. • Lesions may also be seen on the face and the rectum

Clinical Signs Diagnosis

• Older, intact male dogs (9–12 years of age) are • Cytology: Imprint smears show large, round-to-oval
predisposed to this condition cells with abundant pale cytoplasm containing many
• Nonpainful testicular enlargement may be seen vacuoles; the nuclei contain frequent mitotic figures
• Feminization (bilateral nonpruritic alopecia, hyper- and visible nucleoli
pigmentation in the inguinal region, gynecomastia,
nonregenerative anemia, and thrombocytopenia)
occurs in approximately 25% to 50% of dogs with • TVTs are immunogenic and may spontaneously
Sertoli cell tumors regress with adequate tumor stimulation
• Enlarged lymph nodes may be seen in some animals • Chemotherapy: Vincristine therapy (IV once a week)
(10%–20%) cures more than 90% of cases. Treatment should
continue for 2 weeks after resolution of the tumor
(generally four to six treatments)
Diagnosis • Surgical removal of small, localized lesions is
• Clinical signs recommended
180 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Tumors of the Female Genital Tract In dogs and cats, tumor size is probably the best prog-
Tumors of the female genital tract include ovarian nostic indicator, whereas factors such as age of the
tumors, uterine and cervical tumors, vaginal and vulval patient, tumor numbers, and tumor location have less
neoplasia, and tumors of the mammary glands. Tumors prognostic value.
of the ovaries and uterus are uncommon in both dogs
and cats. Surgical removal of these tumors is the treat- Clinical Signs
ment of choice. Vaginal and vulvar tumors are the most • A firm nodule is palpable in the mammary chain
common tumors of the female genital tract in dogs. They or gland
are uncommon in cats. • Surrounding tissue may be involved; lymph nodes in
the region may be enlarged
Clinical Signs
• A pedunculated mass protruding from the vulva may Diagnosis
be seen • Physical examination
• Perineal swelling, vaginal discharge, dysuria, or con- • CBC, serum chemistries, and thoracic radiographs,
stipation may be seen which should be evaluated before surgery

Diagnosis Treatment
• Clinical signs • Any accepted method of surgical removal may be
used. The surgeon should choose the simplest proce-
Treatment dure that removes the entire tumor
• Surgical removal with ovariohysterectomy prevents • Chemotherapy may have minimal antitumor activity
recurrence in both dogs and cats
• Adjunct chemotherapy may be used together with
Information for Clients surgery. Doxorubicin or dactinomycin may be used
• Most of these tumors are benign. in dogs; doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide may
• The prognosis is good for this tumor. be used in cats (doxorubicin 30 mg/m2 IV every
21 days; dactinomycin 0.7 mg/m2 every 21 days;
Mammary Gland Tumors cyclophosphamide 50 mg/m2 PO once daily on days
Tumors of the mammary gland are the most common 3, 4, 5, and 6 after doxorubicin)
tumor in female dogs, representing approximately 50%
of all tumors in female dogs. They are the third most Information for Clients
common tumors in female cats. These are usually tumors • Veterinarians cannot distinguish benign tumors
of older animals. The tumors are hormone dependent in from malignant ones without biopsies. Surgical
dogs but less so in cats. The risk for mammary tumor is removal is advised for all mammary tumors, followed
0.5% for bitches spayed before their first estrus, 8% for by histology.
those spayed after one estrous cycle, and 26% for bitches • In cats with tumors smaller than 2 cm, survival times
spayed after two or more cycles. The risk in cats is similar of up to 3 years have been reported; larger masses
for spayed and nonspayed female cats. usually result in shorter survival times.
Approximately 50% of canine mammary tumors are • About 80% to 90% of all feline mammary tumors are
benign. In cats, only 10% to 20% are benign. Tumors malignant, whereas only 50% of canine tumors are
may be singular or multiple, occurring in any of the malignant.
glands. • In animals, chemotherapy is not curative for this type
Malignant and benign tumors may occur simulta- of tumor.
neously. Both tumor types may occur as firm, well- • Although ovariohysterectomy has not been proved to
demarcated lesions, so it is impossible to distinguish increase survival, it is recommended because 50% to
malignant lesions from benign lesions on the basis of 60% of canine mammary tumors have estrogen
appearance. Rapid growth, local tissue invasion, and receptors on their cells that may increase the
ulceration are usually hallmarks of malignant tumors. recurrence of tumors.
CHAPTER 10 Diseases of the Reproductive System 181


When to Neuter/Spay? (<12 months of age) significantly increases the risk for
New information concerning breed differences has joint disease, lymphoma, hemangiosarcoma, and other
altered the view of when to neuter or spay Golden cancers in these and possibly other breeds. Clients
Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, and Rottweilers. Stud- should be made aware of these studies when making
ies have found that early castration or spay a decision on neutering of both male and female pets.


1. It is often difficult to determine by visual inspection a. 8
whether a mammary gland tumor is malignant. b. 2
a. True c. 6
b. False d. 4
2. Feline mammary gland tumors have a lower 7. The best way to prevent male reproductive system
incidence of malignancy compared with those problems such as prostatic abscesses or testicular
in dogs. tumors is to _______.
a. True a. Remove the prostate gland
b. False b. Castrate the animal at an early age
3. What is the treatment of choice for male dogs with c. Prevent mating
prostatic hypertrophy? d. Use hormone therapy
a. High-dose estrogen therapy 8. Female dogs receiving an ovariohysterectomy
b. Castration before their first heat cycle will develop fewer mam-
c. Antibiotic therapy mary tumors later in life than those that are spayed
d. Prostatic drainage later in life.
4. The normal gestation period for dogs and cats is a. True
between _______. b. False
a. 62 and 65 days 9. Breech births are not uncommon in dogs and cats.
b. 35 and 40 days a. True
c. 12 and 14 weeks b. False
d. 6 and 7 weeks 10. The choice of antibiotic for treatment of a prostatic
5. Older bitches with pyometra often present for abscess should be based on:
symptoms similar to those seen in kidney failure. a. Blood cultures
a. True b. Semen cultures
b. False c. Culture and sensitivity of prostatic fluid
6. A bitch or queen in active labor for longer than d. Urine culture and sensitivity
_______ hours without delivering a fetus should
Answers found on page 545.
be examined.
Diseases of the Respiratory System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss with clients the prescribed medications and
able to: treatments commonly used for respiratory diseases in
• Review the anatomy of the respiratory system. the small-animal clinic.
• Recognize the difference between the upper and • Recommend vaccination to clients as a way to
lower respiratory diseases. prevent some of the viral and bacterial respiratory

Anatomy of the Respiratory Tract 183 Laboratory 191
Vaccine Recommendations 184 Radiography 191
Diseases of the Upper Respiratory Tract 184 Echocardiography 191
Rhinitis 185 Supportive Care 191
Nasal Tumors 185 Feline Viral Respiratory Infections (Feline Viral
Epistaxis 185 Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus) 191
Sinusitis 185 Feline Herpesvirus (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis) 191
Tonsillitis 185 Antiviral 192
Laryngitis 186 Feline Calicivirus 192
Diseases of the Lower Respiratory Tract 186 Supportive Care 192
Infectious Canine Tracheobronchitis Virulent Systemic Calicivirus Infection 193
(Kennel Cough) 186 Pleural Effusion 193
Canine Influenza 187 Thoracic Radiographs (Signs of Pleural
Feline Bordetella Infection 188 Effusion) 193
Collapsing Trachea 188 Thoracocentesis Technique 193
Symptomatic 189 Congestive Heart Failure 195
Surgical 189 Neoplasia 195
Feline Asthma 189 Pyothorax 195
Acute Onset: Establish an IV Catheter Fungal Diseases 195
Using Minimal Restraint of the Cat 190 Blastomycosis 195
Chronic Disease 190 Coccidioidomycosis 196
Feline Heartworm Disease 190 Histoplasmosis 197
Acute or Peracute Presenting Signs 191 Feline: Pulmonary Signs 197

CHAPTER 11 Diseases of the Respiratory System 183

Canine: Gastrointestinal Signs 197 Canine Aspergillosis: Generalized Infection 199

Cryptococcosis 198 Pulmonary Neoplasms 199
Feline (The Most Common Systemic Mycosis Primary Neoplasia 199
in the Cat) 198 Metastatic Neoplasms 199
Canine (Less Common Than in Cats) 198 Thoracic Radiographs 200
Aspergillosis 198 Biopsy or Cytology 200
Feline Aspergillosis (Uncommon) 198 Metastatic Tumors 200
Canine Aspergillosis: Localized Infection 199

Antibody Hyaline Paroxysmal
Antigen Mesothelioma Stertorous
Antitussive Mucopurulent Thoracocentesis
Empyema Nasopharynx Thoracostomy
Fistula Olfactory
Hemoptysis Oropharynx

All cells within an animal’s body require oxygen for

Hard palate Nasal cavity
metabolism. When glucose is burned (in the cell) with
oxygen, the byproducts are energy, water, and carbon
dioxide. Carbon dioxide, a waste product, must be elim-
inated from the body, whereas water and energy are used
to maintain all of the life processes. The respiratory sys-
tem transports oxygen to the bloodstream and removes
carbon dioxide. Malfunction of this system affects all
functions in the living animal.
We can arbitrarily divide the respiratory system
into the upper respiratory tract (nasal cavity, sinuses, Tongue
Soft palate
nasopharynx, and larynx; Fig. 11.1) and the lower respira- Epiglottis
tory tract (trachea, bronchi, lungs, and pleural cavity;
Fig. 11.2).
Fig. 11.1 Cross-section of the upper respiratory tract of the dog.
(From McBride DF. Learning Veterinary Terminology. 2nd ed.
ANATOMY OF THE RESPIRATORY TRACT St Louis, MO: Mosby; 2002, by permission.)
The respiratory tract begins at the nostril, the pas-
sageway into the nose. The nose serves several pur-
poses: 1) It warms air entering the respiratory
system; (2) it moisturizes the entering air; 3) the hair is the location of the epiglottis, the fleshy flap that
and mucosa serve to protect the rest of the system covers the opening to the trachea known as the glot-
from airborne particulate matter such as pollen and tis. The vocal folds are located here as well. The tra-
dust; and 4) the mucosal surface of the nasal chea acts as the passageway through which air is
chonchae serve as home to the olfactory organs nec- moved from the outside of the animal to the inside
essary for the sense of smell. A cartilage septum sep- of the lungs. In dogs and cats, the trachea is made
arates the left side from the right side. The nasal up of incomplete hyaline cartilage rings separated
passage opens caudally into the nasopharynx. This by soft connective tissue. The ends of each hyaline
184 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Epiglottis vaccination based on environmental conditions in

Larynx which the animal lives. Vaccine councils have made rec-
Thyroid cartilage ommendations for “core vaccines” based on the possibil-
Cricoid cartilage ity of infection. For example, most house cats that do not
Trachea go outside have a low possibility of infection, whereas
outdoor cats have a high possibility and would require
additional vaccines. Box 11.1 lists the core vaccines for
Left bronchus cats and dogs.
Bronchial tree


Alveolar duct
Left lung
Diseases of the upper respiratory system include
Right lung
rhinitis, nasal tumors, epistaxis, sinusitis, tonsillitis,
covering Alveolar sac and laryngitis. Although upper airway disease is
Fig. 11.2 Lower respiratory tract, including an alveolus. (From not nearly as common in dogs and cats as it is in
McBride DF. Learning Veterinary Terminology. 2nd ed. St Louis, humans, it is still seen clinically and causes concern
MO: Mosby; 2002, by permission.) in clients.

ring are closed by a strap of muscle completing the

The trachea bifurcates just before the heart into the
BOX 11.1 Core Vaccines for Cats and Dogs
left and right mainstem bronchi. The bronchi continue
to split into smaller and smaller airways containing less Vaccines included in the feline core vaccines are as
and less cartilage. Finally, the bronchi end at the alveoli, follows:
the air sacs of the lung. It is here that gas exchange • Feline viral rhinotracheitisa
• Calicivirusa
occurs. The alveolus is lined with a single-cell layer of
• Panleukopeniaa
squamous epithelium with a basement membrane. It
• Rabiesa *
makes up one-half of the respiratory membrane. The For outdoor cats, feline leukemia, feline immunodefi-
capillary that serves that alveolus provides the next ciency virus, Chlamydophila felis, and Bordetella vac-
two layers of that membrane. In the alveolus, oxygen dif- cines may be given. Vaccines not usually
fuses across the respiratory membrane into the capillary, recommended for routine use in cats include vaccines
whereas carbon dioxide diffuses in the opposite direc- for feline infectious peritonitis and Giardia.
tion, from the blood to the alveolus. As the chest Canine vaccine councils have recommended the fol-
expands and contracts during breathing, air is drawn lowing “core” vaccines for most house dogs:
into the respiratory system and is pushed out into the • Distempera
surroundings. • Parvovirus
• Adenovirus-2
Anything that alters the ability of the animal to move
• Rabiesa
air into and out of the lungs or that interferes with gas
Noncore vaccines for dogs that may be needed include
diffusion at the alveolus will have serious effects on all the following:
the organ systems of the body. • Bordetella and parainfluenzaa
• Leptospirosis
• Lyme disease
It is no longer the belief that one vaccine protocol fits all a
These diseases have respiratory signs.
cats or dogs. The current vaccine protocols promote
CHAPTER 11 Diseases of the Respiratory System 185

Rhinitis • Usually associated with trauma, foreign objects, or

Clinical Signs tumors
• Serous, mucoid, or mucopurulent nasal discharge
• Sneezing, pawing at nose Diagnosis
• Coughing or gagging • Fresh blood from the nasal cavity
• Encrustation on nares
• Rarely presents as a single disease (usually appears as Treatment
sequela to other respiratory infections) • Locate the exact site of bleeding in the nasal cavity
• Stop the bleeding
Diagnosis • Vasoconstrictive drugs instilled into the nasal cavity
• Clinical signs • Apply pressure to the area if possible
• Culture and sensitivity results may show Staphylococ- • Vitamin K therapy (if coagulation is a problem)
cus strains
Treatment Sinusitis usually involves the frontal or maxillary sinus in
• Clean the nares gently, and apply a soothing ointment. dogs and manifests as a collection of pus in the area,
• Administer systemic antibiotics if necessary resulting in swelling over the sinus. The most common
• Administer vasoconstrictive drugs in combination cause of this problem in dogs is tooth root abscess.
with antihistamines to clear the nasal cavity.
• Phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine) drops: place Clinical Signs
drops in each nostril three to four times daily • Swelling under the eye on the side of the bad tooth
• Unilateral nasal discharge
Nasal Tumors
Clinical Signs Diagnosis
• Unilateral mucoid nasal discharge unresponsive to • Examination of the nasal and oral cavity
therapy • Radiographs to determine resorption of bone
• Nasal hemorrhage • Culture and sensitivity of all fistula tracts
• Sneezing (uncommon)
Diagnosis • Antibiotics (based on culture and sensitivity results)
• Radiographs to locate the mass, computed tomogra- • Removal of the infected tooth to promote drainage
• Flushing of fistula tracts with antiseptic solution
phy (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
can also be used
• Endoscopy Tonsillitis
• Biopsy Tonsils are the “sentinels” of the respiratory tract, pro-
viding lymphoid protection to the lower respiratory
Treatment system pathway. When invaded by infectious agents,
• Surgical removal (surgery is usually only palliative) the tonsils hypertrophy, resulting in difficulty swallow-
• Masses usually recur ing and a sore throat. Neoplasia involving the tonsils is
fairly common in domestic animals.
• Bleeding from the nose may be caused by systemic Clinical Signs
diseases and not primarily respiratory disease or • Anorexia
may be caused by trauma, fungal infection, bacterial • Increased salivation
infection, or tumors. • Pain on opening the mouth

Clinical Signs Diagnosis

• Bleeding from the nares (may be unilateral or bilateral) • Visual examination shows inflamed, swollen tonsils
186 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Tonsils may be coated with mucus or pus or have

abscesses on the surface
Treatment Diseases that involve the lower respiratory tract are of
• Systemic antibiotics more serious clinical significance than those of the upper
• Soft or liquid diet airways (Fig. 11.3). Examples of lower airway diseases
• Medication for pain relief: nonsteroidal antiinflam- include tracheobronchitis, tracheal collapse, feline
matory drugs (NSAIDS) PO (by mouth) every 12 to asthma, feline viral respiratory infections, pneumonia,
24 hours (dogs); every other day (cats) heartworm disease (feline), neoplasia, pulmonary
• Surgical removal in cases of chronic infection or edema, and hemothorax or pneumothorax.
Infectious Canine Tracheobronchitis
Laryngitis (Kennel Cough)
Although the most common cause of laryngitis is exces- Infectious canine tracheobronchitis syndrome involves a
sive barking, howling, or meowing, infection from high collection of agents including viruses, bacteria, myco-
in the respiratory tract can spread to the larynx, causing plasmas, fungi, and parasites. Some of the most com-
the loss of voice. monly incriminated agents are canine parainfluenza
virus, canine adenovirus, canine herpesvirus, reovirus,
Clinical Signs Bordetella bronchiseptica, mycoplasma, and occasionally
• Loss of voice or alteration in quality of voice the canine distemper virus. Tracheobronchitis is conta-
• Cough gious and is commonly seen where groups of dogs con-
• Increased concentration of mucus in the back of the gregate (kennels, shelters, and boarding facilities).
throat Clinical Signs
• A history of exposure to other animals at a kennel,
hospital, grooming facility, or dog show
Handle all animals with a history of voice change • A dry, hacking, paroxysmal cough (except for cough,
with care. Rabies can also cause a change in vocal a normal, healthy-looking animal)

• History
• Physical examination: red, inflamed throat

• Restrict barking or meowing
• Antibiotics (if infection is part of symptoms)
• Antiinflammatory medication: glucocorticoids daily;
taper dose after 7 days

Information for Clients

• Upper airway diseases are usually self-limiting.
• Tumors of the nasal cavity and tonsils are most com-
monly squamous cell carcinomas.
• In most cases, treatment is aimed at making the ani-
Fig. 11.3 Cytology of an endotracheal wash of a cat with Borde-
mal more comfortable. In cases of infection, antibi- tella bronchiseptica. (© University of Georgia Research Foundation,
otics may be required for several weeks. Inc.)
CHAPTER 11 Diseases of the Respiratory System 187

Diagnosis Flu virus can be transmitted via aerosolization,

• Clinical signs and history barking, sneezing, or coughing. The virus can remain via-
• Cough on tracheal palpation in an otherwise ble on surfaces for up to 48 hours, on clothing for
healthy dog 24 hours, and on hands for up to 12 hours, so environ-
mental contamination is important in the spread of the
Treatment disease. Signs of the disease are very similar to those of
• Administration of antibiotics if any deeper respira- kennel cough but are usually more severe. The viruses
tory involvement is found or if animal is febrile attack the lining cells of the entire respiratory tract, so
(choice based on culture and sensitivity results) symptoms can vary. Morbidity rates are estimated to be
• Glucocorticoids may be useful in decreasing the 80%, and mortality rates appear to be less than 10%
severity of the cough ( It may be difficult to initially differentiate
• Trimeprazine with prednisolone (Temaril-P): every between kennel cough and flu.
12 hours
• Prednisone, prednisolone: twice a day for 5 to 7 days, Clinical Signs
followed by tapered dose • Rhinitis
• Antitussives: • Coughing
• Hycodan (5 mg hydrocodone bitartrate): PO two • Sneezing
to four times a day • Lethargy
• Codeine: every 6 to 8 hours • Anorexia
• Butorphanol tartrate (Torbutrol): every 6 to • Tracheitis
12 hours • Bronchitis
• Bronchial dilators: • Pneumonia
• Aminophylline: PO every 8 hours • Fever (104°–105°F)
• Terbutaline (Brethine): PO every 8 to 12 hours
Information for Clients
• Clinical signs
• Infectious canine tracheobronchitis is a self-limiting
• Polymerase chain reaction (PCR); nasal and
disease. It can take 2 to 3 weeks to resolve.
• Treatment is aimed at making the animal (and often pharyngeal swabs
• Symptoms: +/– response to antibiotic therapy
the client) more comfortable.
• Vaccination with an injectable vaccine should be
obtained 2 to 3 weeks before boarding or possible Treatment
exposure to the disease. Intranasal vaccine can be • Supportive therapy
given closer to the time of exposure. Vaccination • Fluids to correct dehydration
significantly reduces the severity of the disease. • Cough suppressants
• Antibiotics for secondary infections
Canine Influenza • NSAIDs to reduce fever and inflammation
Canine influenza is a rapidly emerging viral disease. There
are two strains of the orthomyxovirus identified by outer Information for Clients
surface antigens: H3N2 and H3N8. These viruses can • Infected dogs should be isolated from other dogs for
mutate very rapidly just like influenza viruses in humans. at least 4 weeks.
This disease was first identified in racing Grayhounds in • Vaccination (although not part of the core vaccine
Florida in 2004. A large outbreak occurred in Chicago in recommendations) is recommended for dogs who
2015. The causative strain in that outbreak was identified attend any events where other dogs gather (e.g.,
as H3N2. In 2017, a large outbreak occurred in the dog parks, groomers, training, dog shows). Two vac-
southeast and south central United States after spread cines are available: a monovalent vaccine containing
of the disease at a Florida dog show. The H3N2 strain H3N2 and a bivalent vaccine containing H3N2
has been implicated in the majority of the outbreaks. and H3N8.
188 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Flu viruses do not respond to antibiotic therapy, and Prevention

recovery from an infection may be prolonged • Elimination of stress
depending on the severity of the disease. • Good hygiene
• Some dogs may experience permanent damage to the • Good nutrition
lower respiratory tract after infection. • Isolation from sick cats
• Vaccination of cats; the only vaccine licensed for use
TECH ALERT in cats is Novivac Feline-BB (Merck)
Hygiene is very important in limiting the spread of this dis-
ease within the clinic. Dogs suspected to be flu cases Information for Clients
should be scheduled at nonbusy times and placed in an • This respiratory disease looks similar to those caused
isolated examination room (if possible) until a diagnosis by feline herpes viruses and feline caliciviruses.
can be made. The virus is not stable in the environment, • The disease is usually self-limiting.
so most disinfectants are effective. Spray clothes or wear • Vaccination of cats in multicat households or catter-
gowns when handling patients, wash hands after each ies should be considered.
patient, and clean examination rooms thoroughly after • Cats with this disease are infective to other cats.
each patient.
Collapsing Trachea
Feline Bordetella Infection The cause of collapsing trachea is not entirely known;
B. bronchiseptica organisms colonize the ciliated respira- however, a reduction in the glycoprotein and glycos-
tory mucosa, a tissue normally designed to eliminate for- aminoglycan content of the hyaline cartilage of the
eign material from the respiratory tract. The resulting tracheal rings is a constant finding in dogs affected
damage and loss of tracheal lining cells is thought to by this syndrome. This syndrome is frequently seen
contribute to the clinical symptoms and spread of the in middle to old age, in obese toy and miniature
disease. After colonization of the tracheal cells, the breeds, but can also be seen in young animals (Yorkies
organism releases toxins that are responsible for local seem to be overrepresented). The defect involves tra-
and systemic inflammatory damage. The disease is usu- cheal rings that lose their ability to remain firm, sub-
ally self-limiting in cats; however, severe bronchopneu- sequently collapsing during respiration. Although it is
monias and fatalities have been seen in young kittens. a progressive disease, many animals can be managed
medically for years before surgical management is
Clinical Signs considered.
• Fever
• Sneezing Clinical Signs
• Nasal discharge • History of paroxysmal cough (harsh, dry, “goose
• Submandibular lymphadenopathy honk” cough)
• Coughing and rales • Cough often worse on exercise or excitement or when
pulling on the collar
TECH ALERT • Often concurrent signs of heart disease
Many of the signs of B. bronchiseptica infection look
exactly like those of respiratory viral infections.
• Tracheal palpation elicits a “goose honk” cough
• All other physical examination parameters may be
Diagnosis normal
• Culture from oropharyngeal swabs • Radiography on static views may or may not show an
alteration in the contour of the trachea. Dorsoventral
Treatment (DV) and lateral views (both inspiratory and expira-
• The disease is usually self-limiting tory) are necessary to see this condition
• Antibiotics may be of value: • Bronchoscopy demonstrates the actual ring collaps-
• Doxycycline PO ing when the animal breathes
CHAPTER 11 Diseases of the Respiratory System 189

• Ultrasonography provides real-time pictures of • Decreased exposure to inhaled irritants such as

collapse cigarette smoke
• Fluoroscopy shows collapse on respirations • Use of a harness instead of a collar for restraint
• Rule out all other causes of cough • Aggressive treatment of respiratory infections
• Monitoring and treatment of congestive heart fail-
Treatment ure if it develops.
• Treatment to slow breathing in acute cases Feline Asthma
• Acepromazine: intravenously (IV), intramuscu- Feline asthma, as in human asthma, is a disease charac-
larly (IM), subcutaneously (SQ) terized by spontaneous bronchoconstriction, airway
• Oxygen therapy (mask) or intubation inflammation, and airway hyperreactivity. Clinical signs
• Dexamethasone: IV of feline asthma include coughing, wheezing, and
• Butorphanol: IV, IM, SQ every 6 to 12 hours labored breathing, usually of acute onset.
• Treatment to slow breathing in chronic cases: In affected cats, airway epithelium may hypertrophy,
• Antitussives goblet cells and submucosal glands may produce exces-
Hycodan (5 mg hydrocodone bitartrate): PO two sive amounts of mucus, and the bronchial mucosa may
to three times a day become infiltrated with inflammatory cells. All of these
Butorphanol: PO every 12 hours changes result in decreased air flow. A 50% decrease in
• Glucocorticoids the lumen of the airway results in a 16-fold decrease in
Prednisolone: PO every 12 hours; taper dose after the amount of air moving through the system.
7 to 10 days It would seem that chronic airway inflammation
• Bronchial dilators (act to decrease intrathoracic plays an important role in feline asthma. Decreasing
pressures during expiration, thereby decreasing the inflammation in the airways and improving air flow
collapse of the tracheal membrane): are the primary goals of treatment.
Theophylline: PO every 12 hours
Terbutaline (Brethine, Ciba): PO every 8 to TECH ALERT
12 hours Dyspneic cats should be handled with care. Do not
Surgical stress them!
• Keep the trachea open with the insertion of exter-
nal prosthetic supports. For collapse involving
only the cervical trachea, external artificial rings Clinical Signs
can be placed to hold the trachea open. For intra- • Acute onset of labored breathing (condition may
thoracic collapse, a mesh stent is the most com- become chronic)
mon choice • Cough (may be chronic)
• Surgical correction involves a number of possible • Wheeze
complications, making the procedure somewhat • Lethargy
unrewarding. Placement of the stents does not affect
the progression of the disease Diagnosis
• No physical examination findings are diagnostic for
Information for Clients feline asthma. Time of year or exposure to certain
• Once this condition develops, it requires lifelong environments may provide a clue to the allergen
management. • Clinical signs and history help establish a diagnosis
• Treatment is aimed at reducing inflammation • Radiographs may show signs of diffuse prominent
in the airway and making the animal more bronchial markings consistent with airway inflam-
comfortable. mation (often described as “doughnuts”)
• Management techniques that help include the • Rule out other possibilities such as feline heartworm
following: disease, hair balls, pneumonia, cancer, or lung
• Aggressive weight reduction trauma
190 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

TABLE 11.1 Feline Heartworm Disease
Acute onset: establish an IV catheter using minimal versus Canine Heartworm Disease
restraint of the cat
• Terbutaline IV DOG CAT
• A short-acting steroid: prednisolone sodium succi- Biology of Dilofilaria Immitis
nate or dexamethasone. Microfilaremia 30%–80% of Rare, transient
• Nasal oxygen; oxygen-rich cage environment, if infected dogs
available Number of >50 common 1–3 common
• Nebulization with albuterol adult worms
Chronic disease Ectopic Rare More common
• Manage airway inflammation with high-dose, long- migration
Adult lifespan Approximately Approximately
term corticosteroid therapy:
5 years 2 years
• Prednisone: PO every 12 hours for 10 to 14 days,
then slowly taper over 2 to 3 months Clinical Signs of Heartworm Disease
• DepoMedrol: IM every 2 to 4 weeks (if unable to No signs Most common Most common
dose orally) Respiratory signs Common Common
• Bronchodilators: Vomiting Unusual Fairly common
• Terbutaline (Brethine): SQ, IM every 12 hours; or Exercise Common Rare
PO every 12 hours intolerance
• Cyproheptadine: PO every 12 hours (used in Ascites Common Rare
Sudden death Rare More common
cats not responding to the maximum doses of
terbutaline and corticosteroids) Radiographic Findings
• Oxygen therapy Enlarged pulmonary Characteristic Characteristic
Information for Clients Blunting or tortuosity Common Occasional
• The prognosis for cats with asthma is variable. Infiltrates in lung Possible Possible
• If allergens can be determined and exposure Right-sided heart Occasional Rare
decreased before permanent damage occurs, most enlargement
Pulmonary artery Characteristic Not seen
cats do well.
• Most cats with asthma require periodic medication.
Cats with chronic asthma may require continuous
• Aggressive treatment at the veterinary hospital is about 6 months migrating within the body, finally
needed for acute bouts of respiratory distress. reaching the bloodstream and the pulmonary artery
• A cure is usually not possible. where the adult worms live. It is the presence of the adult
worms in the pulmonary artery that results in many of
Feline Heartworm Disease the clinical symptoms.
Heartworm infection in cats is less common than in Clinical signs in cats are often different from those
dogs (about 5%–20% of canine prevalence). Clinical seen in dogs. Cough and dyspnea are hallmark signs.
symptoms of the disease in cats, however, are often more In many cats, adult worms never develop and yet greater
severe than in dogs, although the worm burden is usu- than 50% of infected cats will exhibit clinical signs of
ally small (Table 11.1). This disease is seen in 38 of the 50 pulmonary disease. Antigen-positive cats will almost
states, mostly along coastal areas and the Mississippi always have adult worms in the pulmonary artery.
River Valley. The disease is spread via mosquitos. After The standard enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
taking a blood meal from an infected dog, the microfi- antigen tests are of little value, missing as many as
laria (immature larva) develop further in the salivary 50% of natural infections. Antibody immunosorbent
glands of the mosquito and are then transferred to the tests are much better at detecting the disease in cats.
next animal when the mosquito feeds. The larvae spend Male cats (4–6 years of age) were once thought to be
CHAPTER 11 Diseases of the Respiratory System 191

predisposed to this condition, but there actually appears • Milbemycin: 2000 micrograms per kilogram
to be no sex predilection. (mcg/kg)
• Revolution: a monthly spot-on preparation
Clinical Signs
• Cough Information for Clients
• Dyspnea • Feline heartworm disease is a self-limiting disease in
• Weight loss, anorexia cats (elimination of most adult worms occurs within
• Vomiting 2–4 years).
• Lethargy • Both outdoor and indoor cats are at risk for infection,
Acute or peracute presenting signs but cats are less likely to be bitten by mosquitos than
• Salivation are dogs.
• Tachycardia • Cats living in areas where heartworm disease is
• Dyspnea prevalent should be on monthly prevention.
• Hemoptysis, cough
• Central nervous system (CNS) signs Feline Viral Respiratory Infections (Feline
• Sudden death (uncommon) Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus)
Even though vaccines are readily available, feline respi-
Diagnosis ratory diseases caused by viral agents continue to be a
Laboratory problem in house cats, in multicat facilities, and in feral
• Microfilarial tests: Cats are usually microfilaria neg- cats. The two viral agents responsible for most respira-
ative or have too small a number of organisms to tory problems are feline herpesvirus (FHV) and feline
be detected calicivirus (FCV).
• Antigen tests: Cats typically have low worm burdens
(one to two worms) that are missed by these tests Feline Herpesvirus (Feline Viral
• Antibody tests: A negative test is 100% specific; a Rhinotracheitis)
positive test indicates the following: Feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR) is a highly contagious
• Infection upper respiratory disease of cats, with a high morbidity
• Past exposure and moderate mortality rate, and it may be extremely
• Ectopic infection severe in young kittens. Infections occur year-round
Radiography in both vaccinated and unvaccinated cats, with clinical
• Radiographs may show enlarged caudal pulmonary symptoms being more severe in the unvaccinated pop-
arteries (1.6 times the width of the ninth rib at the ulation. Transmission of the virus is via aerosolization
ninth intercostal space) (sneezing) and by direct cat-to-cat contact. Queens
Echocardiography may transmit the disease to their kittens during groom-
• An experienced echocardiography technician can ing. The virus is not hardy and is usually inactivated in
detect linear foreign bodies in the pulmonary artery the environment within 18 to 24 hours. Cats usually
or right ventricle shed the virus for up to 3 weeks after infection; food
dishes, clothing, bedding, and toys can act as fomites
Treatment for spread of the disease.
• The use of adulticide in cats is not recommended
because most infections are self-limiting Clinical Signs
Supportive care • Acute onset of sneezing
• Cage rest and confinement • Conjunctivitis (usually severe), purulent rhinitis
• Cortisone PO to reduce inflammation • Fever
• Depression
Prevention • Anorexia
• Ivermectin (Heartgard, Merial, Duluth, GA.): PO • Ulcerated nasal planum
every 30 days • Excessive salivation
192 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Abortion in pregnant queens

• Corneal ulcers

• Clinical signs
• Direct immunofluorescence testing of nasal smears

• Give fluids (IV, SQ) to correct dehydration
• Administer broad-spectrum antibiotics
• Decongestants, vaporization, or antihistamines can
be administered Fig. 11.4 Lingual ulcers in a cat with feline calicivirus infection.
• Nursing care: Clean eyes and nose several times daily (From Gaskell RM, Radford AD, Dawson S. Feline infectious
• Increase the environmental temperature respiratory disease. In: Chandler EA, Gaskell CJ, Gaskell RM,
• Force-feed or provide a food with a noticeable odor eds. Feline Medicine and Therapeutics. 3rd ed. Oxford, Black-
(cats that cannot smell their food tend not to eat). well Publishing; 2004:588.)
In addition, warming the food may improve the taste
to the cat
• In general, avoid cortisone as an antiinflammatory environment for several days. The morbidity of the dis-
• Decrease stress on the animal ease is high, but mortality is low. Clinical signs can
Antiviral appear year-round and are most severe in kittens 2 to
• Use the following topically for ocular infections: 6 months of age. Transmission occurs through direct
• Idoxuridine (Stoxil) contact with infected cats.
• Vidarabine (Vira-A)
• Trifluridine (Viroptic) 1% Clinical Signs
• Fever
Prevention • Serous ocular or nasal discharge
• A good vaccination program prevents FVR • Mild conjunctivitis
• Oral ulcers with increased salivation
Information for Clients • Pneumonia
• FVR is a highly contagious disease. • Acute arthritis in kittens (limping kitten syndrome)
• Vaccinated cats may show mild clinical signs of • Diarrhea
• You can transmit this disease to other cats by contact Diagnosis
with your hands and clothes. • Clinical signs
• Warming food or using an odoriferous type of cat • Viral isolation
food may improve appetite in sick cats.
• Disinfectants kill feline herpesvirus type 1 viruses. Treatment
• This disease is infectious only to cats. Supportive care
• Good nursing care
Feline Calicivirus • Broad-spectrum antibiotics
Like FVR, FCV infection produces an acute, highly con- • Force-feeding, if ulcers prevent cat from eating
tagious upper respiratory tract disease in cats (Fig. 11.4). • Oxygen therapy (if dyspneic)
Ulcerative stomatitis is seen frequently with FCV in • Disinfect environment using bleach
upper respiratory tract disorders but is not routinely
seen with FVR infections. The calicivirus is resistant Prevention
to disinfectants and can remain active in the • A good vaccination program is important
CHAPTER 11 Diseases of the Respiratory System 193

Information for Clients Any disease that increases systemic venous pressure
• FCV is highly contagious. may result in chylothorax (malignancy, pancreatitis,
• Clinical signs usually last 5 to 7 days. trauma, infection, parasites, and idiopathic disorders).
• Oral ulcers can last 7 to 10 days and require no special Breed or age predisposition for the formation of chy-
treatment. lothorax has not been documented; however, Afghans
• Cats that salivate profusely can become dehydrated and oriental breeds of cats appear to have a predisposi-
and may require fluid therapy. tion to this condition. Older cats are more likely to expe-
• Force-feeding may be necessary. rience development of chylothorax than younger cats.
• Vaccination is effective in preventing the disease. All pleural effusions produce similar clinical symp-
toms of respiratory distress, dyspnea, cough, and circu-
Virulent Systemic Calicivirus Infection latory compromise. Diagnosis is made from physical
This acute, severe systemic disease of cats, also known as examination findings, thoracocentesis, cytology, culture
hemorrhagic calicivirus, has emerged within the past and sensitivity, and radiographic findings. See
decade. Signs include acute respiratory disease, vasculi- Table 11.2 for a classification of pleural effusions.
tis, facial and limb edema, cutaneous ulceration, multi-
system organ failure, and disseminated intravascular Clinical Signs
coagulation (DIC). This form of calicivirus infection is • Dyspnea
not prevented by the usually used feline herpes-1 vac- • May have cough, fever, pleural pain
cine. Newer vaccines are available that protect against
the hemorrhagic strain of the virus. Although the few Diagnosis
outbreaks of this form of the disease have been in Thoracic radiographs (signs of pleural effusion)
shelter-housed cats, the vaccine is not currently recom- • Unilateral or bilateral fluid accumulation (usually
mended for routine use in house cats. bilateral) is seen (fluid is visible if there is >50 mL
in small animals and >100 mL in large dogs)
Pleural Effusion • Increased radiopacity is seen on lateral projection in
Pleural effusion, the buildup of fluid within the pleural the ventral portion of the thorax with a scalloped
space, results in respiratory distress for the patient. appearance caused by the presence of fluid between
Several diseases are associated with pleural effusion. lobes of the lung (Fig. 11.5)
Congestive heart failure, especially right-sided fail- • DV or ventrodorsal projection shows the following:
ure, represents a principal cause of pleural effusion in • Retraction of lung borders from the thoracic wall
both canine and feline patients. As systemic venous • Blunting of costophrenic angles
hypertension increases, significant amounts of the • Partial to total obliteration of the cardiac borders
straw-colored transudate accumulate within the pleural • Widened mediastinum
space, causing respiratory difficulty.
Any intrathoracic neoplasia can result in pleural effu- TECH ALERT
sion through obstruction of lymphatics, inflammation,
Use extreme care when restraining any animal with pleu-
hemorrhage, or obstruction of venous drainage. It is ral effusion.
common to find effusion associated with mediastinal
masses (lymphoma), mesotheliomas of the pleura, or
metastatic carcinomas. (Primary pulmonary tumors Thoracocentesis technique
are uncommon in pets.) • Prepare and block the skin and the subcutaneous tis-
Empyema, or purulent exudative pleural effusion, sues over the seventh or eighth intercostal space, just
may occur secondary to trauma, foreign body, or pulmo- above the costochondral junction. Use a small needle
nary infection. It may be idiopathic in dogs. and 2% lidocaine (Fig. 11.6)
Chylothorax is the condition defined by the accumu- • Insert the chosen device with syringe through the
lation of chylous fluid in the pleural space. Chyle is a prepared space (a butterfly catheter works well).
term used to describe lymphatic fluid arising from the Avoid the intercostal artery along the caudal portion
intestine and containing a high concentration of fat. of the rib
194 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

TABLE 11.2 Guidelines for Characterizing Effusions Other than Hemorrhagic Effusions
Finding Transudate Modified Transudate Exudate
Total protein (g/dL) <2.5 >2.5 >2.5
Nucleated cell count <1000 >1000 >5000
(cells/μL) <5000 (horse) >5000 (horse) >10,000
Predominant nucleated Mesothelial or macrophage Mesothelial or macrophage Neutrophil
cell type Horse: up to 60% may be Horse: up to 60% may be
nondegenerate neutrophils nondegenerate neutrophils


Portal hypertension secondary to Right-sided heart failure Inflammation: septic

hepatic insufficiency or portal Impaired venous flow between Inflammation: nonseptic—feline
vein hypoplasia origin of hepatic vein and right infectious peritonitis irritant: urine, bile,
atrium of the heart chyle, foreign body
Space-occupying mass Space-occupying mass Space-occupying mass
Severe hypoalbuminemia (serum Horse: intestinal disorder Horse: intestinal disorder
albumin approximately
<1.5 g/dL)
From Meyer DJ, Harvey JW. Veterinary Laboratory Medicine: Interpretation and Diagnosis. 3rd ed. St Louis: MO: Saunders; 2004, by

Fig. 11.6 A small-gauge butterfly needle (bottom) or an over-the-

needle catheter attached to extension tubing (top) and a three-
way stopcock and syringe are used for needle thoracocentesis.
Fig. 11.5 Left lateral radiograph of a dog with a large volume of (From Fossum TW. Small Animal Surgery. 3rd ed. St Louis, MO:
fluid in the pleural space. The cardiac silhouette is partially Mosby; 2007, by permission.)
obscured by surrounding fluid, there are interlobar fissures,
and the overall radiopacity of the thorax is increased. In addition, • Using gentle suction, remove the fluid
there is an area of radiopacity just dorsal to the sternum, the • Send samples to the laboratory for cytology,
margins of which are scalloped because of fluid accumulation
in the ventral thorax. (From Thrall DE. Textbook of Veterinary specific gravity, pH, protein concentration, packed
Diagnostic Radiology. 5th ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2007, cell volume, and total and differential white blood
by permission.) cell count
CHAPTER 11 Diseases of the Respiratory System 195

• Treatment depends on the pathology responsible for
the effusion
Congestive heart failure
• Treat the underlying disease, and use therapeutic
thoracocentesis (if needed) to relieve dyspnea
• Therapeutic thoracocentesis
• Chemotherapy
• Pleurodesis
Pyothorax Blastomycosis
• Tube thoracostomy with continual drainage. Chest Coccidioidomycosis
tubes can be placed on both sides of the chest if Fig. 11.7 Areas in the United States endemic for blastomycosis,
necessary coccidioidomycosis, and histoplasmosis. (From Ettinger SJ,
• Antibiotic therapy based on culture and sensitivity Feldman EC. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 6th ed.
results St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2005, by permission.)
• Long-term treatment (at least 3 months)
• Good choices for initial treatment include the include blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, histoplas-
following: mosis, and aspergillosis.
• Ampicillin: IV, IM, SQ every 6 to 8 hours
• Clindamycin: IM, SQ, PO every 12 hours Blastomycosis
Blastomyces dermatitidis is the dimorphic fungus
Information for Clients responsible for blastomycosis in dogs and cats. The
• Whether pleural drainage is required depends on the mycelial phase of the organism is found in soil and lab-
animal and type of effusion. oratory cultures, but the yeast form is the phase found in
• Unless the primary disease is treated, the effusion will the tissues. States having the highest incidence of canine
return. blastomycosis are Kentucky, Illinois, Tennessee, Missis-
• Treatment can be long term and expensive. sippi, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Arkansas, and North Caro-
• Periodic reevaluation of the patient is required. lina, with some cases occurring in north and south
central Texas.
Fungal Diseases Three clinical forms of the disease exist: primary pul-
Most fungal disease results from the inhalation of fungal monary infection, disseminated disease, and local cuta-
spores or from wound contamination. The fungi, found neous infections. Inhalation is the primary route of
as inhabitants of the animal’s environment, damage the infection, although wound contamination also occurs.
host cells by releasing enzymes. They kill, digest, and The incubation period is 5 to 12 weeks. The disease is
invade surrounding cells. Some fungi produce toxins. more prevalent in dogs than in cats.
Mycotic diseases are found worldwide, but in North
America they are endemic along the eastern seaboard, Clinical Signs
the Great Lakes regions, and the river valleys of the • Anorexia
Mississippi, Ohio, and the St. Lawrence waterways • Depression
(Fig. 11.7). • Weight loss
Inhalation is the common route of infection, and pul- • Fever (>103°F)
monary symptoms occur with most fungal infections. • Cough, dyspnea
Treatment is often prolonged, and relapses are frequent. • Ocular, nasal discharge
Fungal infections may disseminate to other organ sys- • Wound exudates (serosanguinous to purulent)
tems; in these cases, the prognosis is usually guarded • Lymphadenopathy
to grave. Commonly seen fungal diseases of animals • CNS signs
196 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Diagnosis • Slow-drip therapy: amphotericin B added to 500 to

1000 mL 5% dextrose and given over a 3- to
TECH ALERT 6-hour period one to three times weekly
Lack of appropriate response to antibiotic and corticoste-
• Bolus therapy: amphotericin B added to 20 to
roid therapy should alert the clinician to the possibility of 50 mL 5% dextrose and administered as IV bolus
fungal infection. one to three times weekly
• Ketoconazole: daily PO for 60 days (33%
cure rate)
• Complete blood cell count (CBC) and blood chemis- • Itraconazole: PO every 24 hours (long term)
try results yield nonspecific signs of chronic disease
• Hypercalcemia is seen in some dogs Information for Clients
• Cytology: Aspirates or impression smears yield a • In most cases, blastomycosis is not transmitted
definitive diagnosis in most cases. The presence of from animals to humans; however, clients should
thick-walled budding yeast is typical for Blastomyces use caution when handling animals with draining
(Fig. 11.8) lesions.
• Radiology shows generalized diffuse, nodular intersti- • Clients share the same environment as the pet and
tial pattern. Osseous lesions are seen in the epiphyseal are likely to be exposed to the same type of fungal
area of long bones spores.
• Serology testing is available • The prognosis for the pet depends on the stage of the
disease and the sex of the pet. Female animals have a
Treatment higher survival rate.
• Amphotericin B is the most effective medication for • Relapses are common, and treatment may require
blastomycosis; it can be administered intravenously, long-term management.
subconjunctivally, topically, or intraperitoneally; • The drugs required to treat blastomycosis are
side effects include anorexia, nausea, vomiting, expensive.
chills, seizures, fever, anemia, cardiac arrest, and
renal impairment Coccidioidomycosis
• Fluconazole PO
Coccidioides immitis is a dimorphic soil fungus found
in semiarid areas with sandy soils and mild winters
(California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico,
and Texas).
Clinical signs of infection may not appear for weeks
to years after exposure to the fungal spores. Young, male
dogs are most likely to be infected.

Clinical Signs
• Mild, nonproductive cough
• Low-grade fever
• Anorexia
• Weight loss
• Weakness and depression if systemic
Fig. 11.8. Pyogranulomatous inflammation in a dog with blas- • Lameness, soft-tissue swelling, and pain if bone
tomycosis. A Blastomyces dermatitidis organism (arrow) is in involvement
the center of the field. Neutrophils, macrophages, and an • Lymphadenopathy may or may not be present
inflammatory giant cell are present. (From Cowell RL, Tyler
• Myocarditis may or may not be present
RD, Meinkoth JH, DeNicola DB. Diagnostic Cytology and
Hematology of the Dog and Cat. 3rd ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby; • Skin lesions
2008, by permission.) • Signs of CNS involvement
CHAPTER 11 Diseases of the Respiratory System 197

common in Ohio, Missouri, and the Mississippi River

Valley). The fungus has also been associated with bird
and bat droppings. Clinical histoplasmosis is as com-
mon in cats as in dogs. Inhalation is the prime source
of infection with a 12- to 16-day incubation period.
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract may also be susceptible
to Histoplasma infection.

Clinical Signs
Feline: pulmonary signs
• Weight loss
• Fever
• Anorexia
• Pale mucous membranes
Fig. 11.9 Coccidioidomycosis. Large, poorly staining round bod-
• May or may not show dyspnea
ies are the spherules of coccidioidomycosis. (From Cowell RL, • Hepatomegaly
Tyler RD, Meinkoth JH, DeNicola DB. Diagnostic Cytology and • Peripheral lymphadenopathy
Hematology of the Dog and Cat. 3rd ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby; • May or may not show ocular lesions
2008, by permission.)
Canine: gastrointestinal signs
• Weight loss
Diagnosis • Diarrhea (large bowel)
• CBC or blood chemistry results show nonspecific • Dyspnea
signs of chronic disease • Cough
• Cytology/biopsy may show thick, double-walled • Pale mucous membranes
spherical bodies (Fig. 11.9) • Low-grade fever
• Radiology shows a wide range of parenchymal
changes in the lung Diagnosis
• Serology testing is available • CBC: Results demonstrate normocytic, normochro-
• Titers greater than 1:16 to 1:32 indicate active disease mic, nonregenerative anemia. Occasionally organ-
isms are seen in neutrophils or monocytes
Treatment • Blood chemistry results are usually normal
• Ketoconazole: PO twice a day (dogs) • Cytology or histopathology: Small, round intracellular
• Itraconazole: PO one to two times a day (dogs and cats) bodies surrounded by a light halo are seen (Fig. 11.10)
• Treatment may be required for 6 to 12 months • Radiology: Diffuse or linear pulmonary interstitial
patterns (thorax) are seen
Information for Clients • GI tract radiography may indicate ascites
• No known risk for animal-to-human transmission • Serology is also available (results are often false
exists; however, use caution when treating animals negative)
with draining lesions.
• Response to treatment usually is good, but relapses Treatment
are common. • Ketoconazole: PO one to two times a day for
• Lifelong treatment may be necessary to keep the pet 3 months
in remission. • Itraconazole: PO one to two times a day (dogs and
• Medications are expensive. cats)

Histoplasmosis Information for Clients

Histoplasma capsulatum, a dimorphic soil fungus, is • Prognosis is fair to favorable for the pulmonary form,
endemic in 31 of the 48 continental states (most but guarded to grave for the systemic form.
198 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Fig. 11.11 Cryptococcus neoformans is a spherical, yeastlike

organism that frequently has a thick, clear-staining mucoid cap-
sule. (From Cowell RL, Tyler RD, Meinkoth JH, DeNicola DB.
Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the Dog and Cat. 3rd
Fig. 11.10 Histoplasmosis. Mixed inflammatory response sur- ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2008, by permission.)
rounding large central macrophage, which contains Histoplasma
organisms. (From Raskin RE, Meyer DJ. Canine and Feline Cytol-
ogy. 2nd ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2010.) Treatment
• Amphotericin B: IV three times weekly with
Cryptococcosis 5-flucytosine
• 5-Flucytosine: PO every 12 to 24 hours
Cryptococcus neoformans is a budding yeast sur- • Ketoconazole: PO every 12 to 24 hours
rounded by a mucoid capsule. Inhalation is the primary • Itraconazole: PO every 24 hours
means of entry into the body, and immunosuppressed • Minimum treatment time is 2 months
animals are more likely to become infected than healthy
animals. Organisms commonly grow in avian excreta, Information for Clients
especially pigeon droppings. • The prognosis is fair to good unless there is CNS
Clinical Signs involvement, which worsens the prognosis.
• No known health hazard to humans exists.
Feline (the most common systemic mycosis in
the cat)
• Nasal cavity and sinus lesions Aspergillosis
• Chronic nasal discharge Aspergillus fumigatus can be found throughout the
• Nasal granulomas world in decaying vegetation, sewage sludge, compost
• Lymphadenopathy piles, and moldy seeds and grains. Inhalation is the most
• May or may not show CNS involvement (seen in 25% common route of infection, and the nasal cavity is the
of cases) predominant location of lesions in the dog. Cases of sys-
• Eye lesions (may or may not be seen) temic infections have been reported, although they are
• Low-grade fever, malaise uncommon.
• Weight loss, anorexia
Canine (less common than in cats) Clinical Signs
• Mostly CNS lesions (vestibular dysfunction) Feline aspergillosis (uncommon)
• Skin lesions in about 25% of cases • May be immunocompromised with feline
leukemia virus
Diagnosis • Abnormal lung, GI, liver, spleen, and renal (some-
• Cytology of aspirates, impression smears, or cerebro- times) functions
spinal fluid (Fig. 11.11) • Lethargy, fever
• Antigen test available commercially • Weight loss, anorexia
CHAPTER 11 Diseases of the Respiratory System 199

Canine aspergillosis: localized infection Information for clients

• Young to middle-aged dogs • Localized disease has a fair prognosis, but dissemi-
• Chronic nasal discharge, usually unilateral nated disease carries a grave prognosis
• Sneezing • There is no known health risk to humans handling
• Stertorous breathing Aspergillus-infected animals
• Facial pain • Aspergillus tends to be an opportunistic fungus;
Canine aspergillosis: generalized infection infected animals may have a concurrent immunode-
• Predominantly seen in German Shepherds 1 to ficiency problem
7 years of age
• Weight loss, anorexia Pulmonary Neoplasms
• Fever Although primary lung tumors are relatively uncom-
• Lameness, back pain, paresis, paralysis mon in dogs and cats, the lungs can be affected by pri-
• Ocular signs mary neoplasms, metastatic neoplasms, lymphoma, and
neoplasms from surrounding tissues.
Diagnosis The incidence of primary neoplasms in dogs and
• Radiology shows loss of nasal turbinates, increased cats appears to be increasing, although they are still
lucency, punctate erosions of the frontal bones. Starts uncommon. Most of the primary tumors seen are
unilaterally adenocarcinomas (70%–80%), although squamous
• Biopsy or endoscopy shows yellow-green to gray- cell carcinomas, anaplastic carcinomas, fibrosar-
black fungal plaques on nasal mucosa. Hyphae are comas, osteosarcomas, chondrosarcomas, and benign
seen on biopsy with hematoxylin and eosin stain adenomas are seen occasionally. Pulmonary neo-
(Fig. 11.12) plasms are seen most often in dogs 9 to 12 years of
age. Primary tumors may metastasize to regional
Treatment lymph nodes, long bones, heart, brain, eye, and medi-
• Topical clotrimazole: 1 g clotrimazole in 100 mL astinal lymph nodes.
polyethylene glycol, instilled twice daily through Metastatic disease is common in pet animals. Pri-
indwelling nasal catheters (surgically placed) or in mary tumors involving the thyroid gland and the mam-
continuous contact therapy for 1 hour mary gland typically metastasize to the lungs, although
any tumor has the potential to result in metastatic
disease. Although primary lymphoma of the lung has
not been reported in pet animals, dogs with multicentric
lymphoma frequently have lung involvement.
The prognosis for pulmonary neoplasia depends on
the degree of tissue involvement, metastasis of lesions,
and lymph node involvement. Surgery is the treatment
of choice for tumors that are resectable.

Clinical Signs
Primary neoplasia
• Cough (usually nonproductive)
• Exercise intolerance
• Weight loss, poor condition
• Dysphagia, vomiting
• Anorexia
Fig. 11.12 Aspergillosis. The long, narrow, angular, negative- Metastatic neoplasms
stained organism with narrow stained central region is compat-
• Evidence of a primary tumor at site other than
ible with a fungal cause, probably Aspergillus spp. (From Raskin
RE, Meyer DJ. Canine and Feline Cytology. 2nd ed. St Louis, the lung
MO: Saunders; 2010.) • All clinical signs as for primary tumor
200 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Any signs associated with the organ system involved Treatment

in the primary tumor • Surgical excision is the treatment of choice
• Lobectomy is usually required for solitary tumors
Diagnosis • Chemotherapy may reduce the size and effect of the
Thoracic radiographs lesion but may not result in increased survival time
• Thoracic radiographs do not provide a definitive Metastatic tumors
diagnosis—lesions of abscesses, parasitical disease, • Surgical removal of the primary tumor is required
fungal infections, and bacterial infections may look • Chemotherapy should be based on the sensitivity of
similar radiographically the primary tumor (although metastatic tumors may
• Radiographs may miss lesions smaller than 5 mm have sensitivities different from those of the
• Two lateral views should be taken (left and right); to primary tumor)
confirm diagnosis, more than one radiologist should • Many tumors are untreatable by the time they are
read the films diagnosed
Biopsy or cytology
• Biopsy and cytology can be performed transthoraci- Information for Clients
cally, transbronchially, or surgically • The prognosis for these animals is guarded to grave.
• Histology provides the definitive diagnosis • By the time these tumors are diagnosed, they are usu-
• Ultrasound or fluoroscopic-guided biopsy can be ally in advanced stages.
performed; however, the chances for complications • Chemotherapy may help to reduce clinical symptoms
increase (nonrepresentative sample, hemothorax or produced by the tumor.

1. Which of the following diagnostic procedures might b. Vomiting
be of use in diagnosing nasal tumors or masses? c. No sign of disease
(There may be more than one answer.) 5. The feline herpesvirus responsible for feline viral
a. Serum chemistry rhinotracheitis (FVR) is hardy and will remain in
b. Radiograph the environment for years.
c. Endoscopy a. True
d. Computed tomography or magnetic resonance b. False
imaging 6. Technicians can transmit respiratory viruses to
2. Which of the following bacteria plays a part in uninfected cats by contact with hands and clothes.
infectious canine tracheobronchitis? a. True
a. Brucella b. False
b. Bordetella 7. Which of the following are characteristics of a tran-
c. Borrelia sudate? (There may be more than one answer.)
3. The life span of the adult Dilofilaria immitis in the a. High total protein
cat is approximately: b. Low nucleated cell count
a. 5 years c. Low total protein
b. 10 years d. High nucleated cell count
c. 2 years 8. The preferred spot for thoracocentesis is the
d. 3 years _______ space.
4. Which of the following signs of heartworm infec- a. Fifth intercostal
tion in the cat is not commonly seen in the b. Third intercostal
heartworm-infected dog? c. Seventh intercostal
a. Coughing d. Tenth intercostal
CHAPTER 11 Diseases of the Respiratory System 201

9. The most common systemic mycotic disease in cats 11. The systemic signs of feline Bordetella infection are
is caused by: caused by:
a. Aspergillus a. Toxins released by Bordetella bronchiseptica
b. Cryptococcus bacteria
c. Coccidioides b. The presence of virus particles carried in
d. Blastomyces macrophages
10. A 5-year-old dog has an exudative, serosanguinous c. Pulmonary edema caused by the presence of lung
wound that is nonresponsive to antibiotics and cor- abscesses
ticosteroid therapy. This should alert the clinician to d. Pericarditis related to the presence of viral
the possibility of which type of problem? particles
a. Fungal
Answers found on page 545.
b. Neoplastic
c. Viral
d. Bacterial
Diseases of the Urinary System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be specialized diets in slowing the progress of renal
able to: failure.
• Explain the anatomy of the urinary system and the • Identify the most commonly seen canine bladder
functions it performs. stones.
• Describe how bacterial and viral infections can occur • Explain the benefits of castration as it relates to
and how these may lead to the formation of stones. prostate disease in the male dog.
• Discuss with clients the value of early testing for the • Discuss the cause of urinary incontinence in spayed
presence of renal disease and the benefits of female dogs.

Anatomy of the Urinary System 203 Struvite (Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate) 210
Cystitis 203 Calcium Oxalate 210
Feline Cystitis (Idiopathic [Interstitial] Cystitis) 203 Urates (Ammonium Urates and Others) 210
Canine Cystitis (Bacterial Cystitis) 205 Medical 211
Preventive 205 Surgical 211
Antibiotics 205 Nonsurgical 211
Feline Uroliths and Urethral Plugs 206 Renal Failure 211
Feline Uroliths 206 Acute Renal Failure 211
Medical 208 Chronic Renal Failure 214
Surgical 208 Urinary Incontinence 215
Medical (for obstructive uroliths) 208 Urethral Sphincter Hypotonus 216
Surgical (for obstructive uroliths) 209 Hypercontractile Bladder 216
Feline Urethral Plugs 209 Disease of the Prostate 217
Canine Urolithiasis 210 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 217
Common Types of Canine Uroliths 210

Azotemic Gastroenteritis Retroperitoneal
Cystocentesis Hematuria Stomatitis
Cystotomy Idiopathic Urethrostomy
Dysuria Incontinence

CHAPTER 12 Diseases of the Urinary System 203


Anatomically, the urinary system is composed of the Renal
kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra (Fig. 12.1). The Hilus Renal medulla
artery Renal
main job of the urinary system is waste removal, and vein pelvis
although it is also instrumental in red blood cell Ureter
(RBC) production, the regulation of water and electro- Ureter
lyte balances, and control of blood pressure. The system Fig. 12.2 Frontal section of the right kidney. (From Colville T,
is a blood plasma balancer. It processes blood plasma by Bassert JM. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary
adjusting the water and electrolyte content, removes Technicians. St Louis, MO: Mosby; 2008, by permission.)
waste materials not needed by the body, and returns
those necessary substances to the systemic circulation. the medulla (Fig. 12.3). Blood enters the kidney and is
It also regulates the pH of the plasma. The final product filtered through the capillaries of the glomerulus. Glo-
is urine, which is stored for elimination. merular capillaries are unique in that they contain pores
The kidneys are located in the retroperitoneal space that selectively allow certain substances to pass through
along the vertebral column from T13 to L3. Internally, them. Blood filtration depends on blood pressure and
the kidney is divided structurally into the cortex (the the dilation or constriction of the glomerular vessels.
outer region) and the medulla (the inner region) When vascular fluid volume decreases or blood pressure
(Fig. 12.2). The “filtration units,” or glomeruli, are con- drops, the filtration in the glomerulus decreases and
centrated in the cortical region, whereas the “concentra- urine production stops. The nephron loop concentrates
tion or exchange tubules,” or nephron loops, are found in the filtrate and reabsorbs vital nutrients. Needed sub-
stances such as glucose, amino acids, and bicarbonate
are 100% reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubules
Right kidney of the nephron loop. As the filtrate passes through the
Left kidney loop, it is diluted, concentrated, and has its pH altered;
exchanges sodium, hydrogen, and potassium; and is
subject to the action of the hormones antidiuretic hor-
mone (ADH) and aldosterone. Finally, urine passes into
the ureters and then on to the bladder for storage before
Clinical disease may result when any portion of this
system fails to function properly. Failure of the renal sys-
tem can be divided into three types: (1) prerenal, (2)
renal, and (3) postrenal. The most commonly seen clin-
Right ureter ical problems involving the urinary system include cys-
Left ureter titis, cystic calculi, urinary obstruction, acute and
chronic renal failure (CRF), and incontinence.

Urinary bladder Feline Cystitis (Idiopathic [Interstitial] Cystitis)
Feline cystitis (idiopathic cystitis) is a nonmalignant
inflammatory condition, previously known as feline uro-
Urethra logical syndrome or feline lower urinary tract disease,
which occurs frequently in cats. At Ohio State Univer-
Fig. 12.1 The urinary system is made up of two kidneys, two
ureters, one urinary bladder, and one urethra. (From Colville T, sity, in a study of 132 cats examined for symptoms of
Bassert JM. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary irritative voiding (dysuria, hematuria, and pollakiuria),
Technicians. St Louis, MO: Mosby; 2008, by permission.) 61% were found to have idiopathic cystitis. The cause
204 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

Capsular Peritubular
space capillaries
Renal Bowman's Proximal
corpuscle capsule convoluted
Glomerulus tubule

Afferent Renal
arteriole cortex

Branch of the
renal artery Descending
loop of
Branch of the Henle Renal
renal vein Ascending medulla
loop of Henle

Fig. 12.3 Fluid flow through the nephron. (From Colville T, Bassert JM. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for
Veterinary Technicians. St Louis, MO: Mosby; 2008, by permission.)

for this disease is unknown, although a virus may be the Use of analgesics such as buprenorphine, butorpha-
causative agent. The disease can be divided into two nol, or fentanyl patches is advocated to reduce pain
forms: (1) ulcerative and (2) nonulcerative, or (1) and decrease clinical symptoms. A dose just sufficient
obstructive and (2) nonobstructive. Most cats will have to calm the cat is given orally once daily at bedtime.
the nonulcerative form. The disease appears to be self- Antiinflammatories such as meloxicam or robenacoxib
limiting in most cats, with clinical signs subsiding within may also be useful. Liver enzymes should be monitored
1 week to 10 days. Any treatment appears to help while the cat is receiving these medications.
because of the self-limiting nature of the cystitis.
Cats with undocumented bacteriuria should not be
treated with antibiotics. Needless antibiotic treatment
only results in an increased number of antibiotic- Avoid the use of indwelling urinary catheters in these
resistant organisms. cats. If using a catheter to obtain a urine sample, make
sure it is done as aseptically as possible.
Change of diet may be the most beneficial treatment,
especially if it results in dilute urine without an increase
in urine pH. If possible, cats should be fed canned food
or have water added to dry food. Clinical Signs
Cats should be given places to hide; toys and scratch- • Hematuria (frank blood or a pink urine)
ing poles allow cats to exercise normal play behavior and • Dysuria (pain on urination)
reduce stress, which has been shown to help in the treat- • Inappropriate urination (e.g., floors, sinks, bathtub)
ment of this disorder. • More frequent urination (small volumes)
CHAPTER 12 Diseases of the Urinary System 205

Diagnosis such as Escherichia coli and Proteus spp. may assist in

• Cysticentensis is the preferred method of urine col- this migration. Once in the bladder, the microorganisms
lection in the cat or dog. Allows collection of uncon- must adhere and colonize the mucosal lining. Bacteria
taminated sample that may be nonpathogenic in the healthy animal may
• Urinalysis: Both dipstick and sediment examination be virulent in hosts with altered immunity.
should be performed to rule out bacterial cause or
systemic disease Clinical Signs
• Urine culture is negative • Increased frequency of urination
• Radiographic contrast studies may indicate irregular • Hematuria
mucosal lining and thickened bladder wall, or radio- • Dysuria
graphs may be normal • Cloudy urine, abnormal odor
• Ultrasound examination of the bladder • Frequent licking of the urethral area

Treatment Diagnosis
• Avoid unnecessary use of antibiotics unless urinalysis • Urinalysis: Dipstick and sediment examination show
indicates a bacterial cause increased white blood cell (WBC) counts and
• Change diet to produce dilute urine bacteria
• Provide analgesics to relieve clinical signs and ease • Urine culture and sensitivity: Collect by cystocentesis
discomfort and culture within 30 minutes for best results. This
• Antiinflammatory medications should be used with should always be done
caution. (There have been no positive clinical effects
seen in controlled studies) Treatment
• Administer propantheline orally (PO) Preventive
• Avoid unnecessary use of indwelling urinary catheters
Information for Clients • Use a closed system when using indwelling urinary
• This disease is self-limiting. catheters (Fig. 12.4)
• This may be a recurring problem. • Avoid trauma to the urinary tract during surgical
• There is no definitive cure. procedures
• Reduction of stress in the cat’s environment helps • Select the least expensive, least toxic, most effective
prevent recurrence. antibiotic to start treatment. Because of frequency
• It may be difficult to change the diet. Be creative and of urination, it is recommended to dose the drug
patient. every 8 hours when possible. Treatment should be
of sufficient duration to eliminate the bacteria
Canine Cystitis (Bacterial Cystitis) • Treatment for acute infections should be for 10 to
Although bacterial urinary tract infection accounts for 14 days. Chronic or relapsing infections require 4
only 1% to 3% of all feline cystitis, it is the most com- to 6 weeks of treatment
mon cause of cystitis in the dog. The urinary tract is Antibiotics
normally sterile (free from bacteria) and resistant to • Choice should be based on culture and sensitivity
infection. Natural defense mechanisms such as fre- results
quent voiding of urine, urethral and ureteral peristal- • Empiric choice of antibiotics: Drug should attain
sis, glycosaminoglycans in the surface mucosal layer, effective concentrations in the urine and tissue. Some
pH, and constituents of the urine assist in preventing good choices include the following:
the invasion of bacteria into lower urinary tract • Ampicillin: PO every 8 hours
structures. • Amoxicillin trihydrate (clavulanate potassium):
Urinary tract infections are most commonly the PO every 8 hours
result of ascending migration of bacteria up the urethra. • Trimethoprim-sulfonamide: PO every 12 hours
The blood-borne route does not seem of much impor- • Cephalexin: PO every 8 to 12 hours
tance in animal infections. The motility of some bacteria • Enrofloxacin: PO every 24 hours
206 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

“Plugged” cats are a frequent occurrence in the small-

animal hospital. The inability to pass urine may have
serious and even fatal consequences. Two common
causes of urethral obstruction in cats are uroliths and
urethral plugs. These terms should not be used synony-
mously because they are physically distinct from one
another. Uroliths are polycrystalline concretions com-
posed of minerals with a small amount of matrix. Ure-
thral plugs consist of small amounts of minerals in a
large amount of matrix. This section discusses each of
these as they affect urinary tract disease in cats.

Feline Uroliths
A number of different minerals can be found in feline
uroliths (Fig. 12.5). These include the following:
• Struvite (approximately 60%)
• Calcium oxalate (27%)
• Ammonium urate (5.5%)
• Cystine
• Mixed mineral
Uroliths, also called bladder stones, may be located
anywhere in the urinary tract. Some are radiopaque
and are easily diagnosed by radiographs (e.g., calcium
oxalate, urates, and struvites), whereas others are radio-
lucent and require double-contrast cystography or ultra-
sonography to be seen.
Fig. 12.4 Collection apparatus in place for continuous urine In most cases, the cause of urolith formation cannot
drainage. Note that the collection container is below the level
be determined, although studies show that diets high in
of the animal’s urinary bladder.
magnesium produce struvite uroliths experimentally in
cats. Obese, older cats (>2 years) appear to be predis-
posed to urolith formation. There appears to be no breed
Information for Clients predisposition for struvite uroliths; however, Burmese,
• Most uncomplicated urinary tract infections resolve Himalayan, and Persian breeds have a greater preva-
without treatment. lence of calcium oxalate uroliths. Cats that form uroliths
• If antibiotics are needed, make sure to give them as typically have concentrated urine with altered pH (either
directed and for the prescribed period to avoid creat- too alkaline or too acidic). Cats with uroliths may be
ing resistance to the drug. asymptomatic or may present with signs of lower uri-
• Relapses are common (many relapses are caused by nary tract disease or urethral obstruction. Spontaneous
inadequate treatment). reabsorption of uroliths has been documented.
• The prostate may be the source of recurring infec- Uroliths that remain in the bladder can damage the
tions in male dogs. bladder lining, resulting in secondary bacterial infec-
• Repeat cultures during treatment to follow progress. tions and hematuria. Small uroliths that become lodged
in the outflow tract present a special problem. As urine
flow out of the bladder stops, the bladder distends with
FELINE UROLITHS AND URETHRAL PLUGS urine. This results in a backup of urine through the ure-
A detailed description of feline uroliths is beyond the ter and into the kidney, virtually halting renal filtration
scope of this text. Students are referred to veterinary and urine production. The cat becomes azotemic within
medical texts for more information. 24 hours, and clinical signs relating to this begin to be
CHAPTER 12 Diseases of the Urinary System 207

Leucine Tyrosine Cystine

Amorphous urates Uric acid

Sodium urate Fat globules Calcium oxalate dihydrate

Triple phosphate Calcium carbonate

Amorphous phosphate Ammonium biurate

Fig. 12.5 Various types of crystals that may be found in urine. (From Hendrix CM, Sirois M. Laboratory Proce-
dures for Veterinary Technicians. 5th ed. St Louis: MO: Mosby; 2007, by permission.)
208 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

evident at this time. If the obstruction to urine flow is not • Postsurgical radiographs should be taken to ensure
relieved within 3 to 6 days, the cat will die. that all uroliths have been removed
This section focuses on struvite uroliths because they
are the most commonly seen type. Refer to medical texts Treatment
for treatment of other types of uroliths. Medical (for obstructive uroliths)
• Uroliths must be retrograded back into the bladder or
Clinical Signs removed from the urethra. Using a well-lubricated,
• Signs depend on the degree of trauma and whether open-end feline catheter, which has been atraumati-
urinary obstruction is present cally inserted in the urethra (under sterile technique),
• Some cats with bladder or renal uroliths may be and a saline or lactated Ringer’s solution, gently pro-
asymptomatic. However, clinical signs include the pel the urolith back toward the bladder. This reestab-
following: lishes urine flow and allows time for further medical
• Hematuria management (Fig. 12.6)
• Dysuria • Dietary dissolution: Diets low in magnesium, which
• Urinating in strange places promote a urine pH of 6 to 6.3, are recommended
• Straining to pass urine (clients may report the cat for dissolution of struvite uroliths (Prescription Diet
is constipated) Feline s/d). Dissolution may take 4 to 8 weeks. Follow
• Vomiting progress with radiographs taken every 2 to 4 weeks.
• Collapse, death Continue diet for 1 month after uroliths disappear
from the radiographs
Diagnosis • Antibiotics should be used to prevent secondary bac-
• Radiographs may show uroliths on routine films terial infections in the already traumatized urinary
• If there is a strong suspicion, a double-contrast study tract. Choice may be empirical or based on culture
should be done and sensitivity results
• Ultrasonography locates the position of uroliths in • Monitor the animal’s urine flow daily, because reob-
the urinary tract struction may occur
• An analysis of the uroliths is critical for proper • Monitor the ECG and potassium levels in cats that
treatment have been obstructed for several days
• Small uroliths may be collected by catheter while • Postobstruction diuresis can occur in some cats; care-
obtaining a urine sample fully monitor fluid input and urine output in these
cats to prevent dehydration
• Struvite uroliths can be treated by inducing their dis-
solution. By feeding a diet that reduces urine pH to 6
to 6.3 and that is low in magnesium (Prescription
Diet Feline s/d), uroliths will dissolve. This type of
diet may also prevent recurrence of these uroliths
• Dissolution is usually completed in 4 to 8 weeks.
Animals should be examined radiographically every
2 to 4 weeks to monitor the dissolution process. Con-
tinue the diet for 1 month after all uroliths have
• Antibiotic treatment helps prevent secondary bacte-
rial infections that may occur in traumatized tissues
• Consider surgery for uroliths that do not resolve
with diet Fig. 12.6 Introducing a urethral catheter into a female cat.
CHAPTER 12 Diseases of the Urinary System 209

Surgical (for obstructive uroliths) • Serum chemistries demonstrate increases in blood

• Surgery (perineal urethrostomy with or without urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, potassium, phos-
cystotomy) should be performed if uroliths cannot phate, and calcium. (Levels measured depend on
be removed from the urethra or dissolution does length of time urine flow has been obstructed)
not occur. Clients should be advised of the risks asso- • Manual restraint alone or in combination with anes-
ciated with perineal urethrostomies (increased blad- thetics may be used. Propofol, isoflurane, or short-
der infections, strictures). A cystotomy may be acting barbiturates may be used
needed to remove the uroliths in the bladder
Information for Clients • Stepwise attempt to relieve the obstruction is
• If the uroliths do not dissolve, surgery is required. recommended:
• Feed the cat the prescription diet exclusively. Avoid • Gently massage the urethra, using the thumb and
giving treats or table food! forefinger, to break up the plug. (This technique is
• Medical treatment requires periodic monitoring by rarely successful)
radiography and urinalysis. • Gently attempt to compress the bladder to force
• Canned food provides more dietary water, and hence the plug out of the urethra. (This technique almost
more dilute urine. never works when used alone)
• Antibiotics may be needed for the long term in • Back-flush the urethra with sterile saline or lac-
certain cats. tated Ringer’s solution
• Long-term effects from a perineal urethrostomy may • Periodically reevaluate the patency of the urethra
include a greater susceptibility to bacterial cystitis because reobstruction may occur
and strictures. • Avoid the use of indwelling urinary catheters because
• A veterinarian should examine the cat that seems they further traumatize the bladder and urethra and
“constipated” as soon as possible. provide an introductory route for ascending bacterial
infections. If these must be used, make sure that you
Feline Urethral Plugs use a soft, nontraumatic catheter that is connected to
The same factors associated with the formation of uro- a closed, sterile drainage system (see Fig. 12.4)
liths are risk factors identified in urethral plug formation • Surgery: Perineal urethrostomy may be attempted if
in the cat. Plugs contain varying quantities of minerals in the obstruction cannot be removed
proportion to large amounts of matrix. The matrix is a
mucoprotein associated with a local host defense mech- TECH ALERT
anism in the urinary tract. Plugs may also contain RBCs, Reestablish urethral patency!
WBCs, epithelial cells, bacteria, and spermatozoa.

Clinical Signs
• Straining to urinate; cat may be crying or just spend-
If anesthetic drugs are used, remember that doses less
ing excessive time in the litter box (seen more fre-
than those recommended are required in azotemic cats.
quently in male cats)
• Vomiting
• Dehydration
• Collapse (subsequent death within 3–6 days) TECH ALERT
Exercise caution with these techniques. You can easily
Diagnosis rupture a distended bladder.
• Diagnosis is the same as for other causes of urethral Cystocentesis, when properly performed, reduces the
obstruction back pressure on the plug in the urethra, allowing it to be
• Bladder is enlarged and firm on palpation hydropulsed into the bladder. Cystocentesis also pro-
vides the technician with a sample suitable for urinalysis
• There is a history of straining or no urine production
and culture and sensitivity testing.
• Radiographs show enlarged bladder
210 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

3 months. Dietary modification and long-term use of

CANINE UROLITHIASIS prophylactic antibiotics may prevent recurrence.
A small incidence of urolithiasis occurs in the dog. Sev-
eral studies indicate a prevalence of less than 1%. In the Calcium Oxalate
dog, the most common type of urolith is composed of
Calcium oxalate uroliths occur primarily in male dogs
magnesium ammonium phosphate, whereas calcium
between 5 and 12 years of age. Veterinarians are seeing
oxalate, urate, cystine, and calcium phosphate uroliths
an increase in the number of cases involving this type of
occur less frequently (see Fig. 12.5).
urolith because of the frequent use of medical protocols
Uroliths form in urine supersaturated with specific
to dissolve struvite, urate, and cystine uroliths. The
substances (minerals). Many researchers think that min-
increased rate of oxalate uroliths may also be related
erals precipitate from the urine after formation of a crys-
to diets high in animal protein.
tal nidus or center. Once the nidus has formed, mineral
Hypercalcemia is a significant finding in dogs with
continues to be deposited around it forming a “stone” or
calcium oxalate uroliths. Studies of dogs that experience
urolith. This process may be complete in as little as a few
development of calcium oxalate crystals also show the
days to as long as several weeks.
presence of a structural abnormality in the urine protein,
After formation, uroliths may pass out of the urinary
nephrocalcin, which is necessary for inhibition of cal-
tract, continue to grow in the tract, dissolve, or become
cium oxalate crystal growth.
inactive. The sequelae of those that remain within the
These stones are radiopaque, have sharp projections,
urinary tract can include dysuria, infection, partial or
and may be mulberry shaped. Commonly there are mul-
complete obstruction, and polyp formation.
tiple small stones in the bladder.
Urinary tract infection is common in dogs with uro-
Currently, surgical removal is the only means of
lithiasis. Uroliths mechanically disrupt the mucosal lin-
removing calcium oxalate uroliths. Prevention should
ing of the tract, opening it to bacterial colonization and
be aimed at reducing serum calcium levels, reducing die-
partially disrupting bladder emptying. Small uroliths
tary calcium and oxalate (milk products), and restricting
can become lodged in the penile urethra of the male
dietary sodium. Diets such as Hill’s Prescription u/d,
dog, and slightly larger ones can block the female ure-
which are moderately protein restricted (and low in cal-
thra. Complete obstruction to urine outflow can
cium, sodium, and oxalate), are available. Other choices
quickly result in destruction of renal parenchyma and
include Hill’s Prescription Canine w/d and k/d diets.

Urates (Ammonium Urates and Others)

Common Types of Canine Uroliths Uric acid is one of several biologic products of purine
Struvite (Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate) nucleotide metabolism. Ammonium urate is a salt of this
No specific breed predilection for struvite uroliths has acid and accounts for most of the purine uroliths in
been demonstrated; however, approximately 80% of the dog.
dogs with struvite uroliths are female between 3 and Dalmatian dogs are predisposed to urate uroliths.
8 years of age. Alkaline urine, urease-producing The hepatic and renal metabolic pathways in this breed
bacteria, and dietary minerals facilitate the formation result in a secretion of excess uric acid from the kidneys
of this type of urolith. These stones are radiopaque, (two to four times that found in non-Dalmatian breeds).
smooth, or speculated and are often pyramidal in This excess predisposes the breed to urate uroliths.
shape. Stones larger than 10 cm are almost always Other breeds with an increased incidence include
struvite. English Bulldogs, Miniature Schnauzers, Shih Tzus,
Treatment includes long-term antibiotics (until radi- and Yorkshire Terriers. Most of the dogs affected are
ography demonstrates absence of uroliths); urine acidi- male between 3 and 6 years of age. Research suggests
fication using dietary management; and dietary that prolonged use of severely restricted protein diets
restriction of urea, phosphorus, and magnesium (s/d in non-Dalmatian dogs may be responsible for urate
diet). Use of the prescription s/d diet results in dis- urolith formation. These are radiolucent stones that
solution of struvite uroliths within approximately 1 to are smooth and often yellow-green in color.
CHAPTER 12 Diseases of the Urinary System 211

• Uroliths may recur at any time.

DIETARY MANAGEMENT • Follow-up laboratory tests and radiography are
Clinical Signs (struvite uroliths) required to monitor medical dissolution of uroliths.
• Dysuria
• Hematuria
Renal failure is one of the most commonly seen diseases
Diagnosis in veterinary medicine. The unique structure of the kid-
• Urinalysis will show crystalluria, hematuria, ney and its job of filtration and waste management
increased protein, and increased numbers of bacteria within the body predispose the kidney to numerous
• Radiography can be used to verify the number, loca- insults throughout the life of the animal. Approximately
tion, and size of uroliths. Double-contrast studies can 20% of the total cardiac output passes through the kid-
be used to visualize some uroliths (urates). Radiogra- ney at any time. The content of this blood is filtered
phy may miss uroliths smaller than 3 mm through the glomerular capillary membrane, removing
• Serum chemistry may indicate metabolic abnormal- small molecules, electrolytes, drugs, and other materials.
ities underlying urolith formation These substances become the glomerular filtrate, which
• Stone analysis is important for formulating treatment enters the proximal convoluted tubule, the nephron
plans; commercial laboratories are available for stone loop, and the distal convoluted tubule before leaving
analysis, or one can “guesstimate” the stone type the kidney by way of the collecting duct, the renal pelvis,
based on several criteria (Table 12.1) and the ureter. The tubules reabsorb water and other
substances necessary to maintain bodily functions.
Treatment Waste materials are excreted. The resulting product,
Medical urine, leaves the kidney to be stored in the bladder for
• Treatment must be aimed at decreasing urine satura- elimination from the body. A reduction in blood flow
tion, increasing the solubility of crystalline material to the nephron (hypoperfusion) or damage to the neph-
in the urine, and increasing urine volume. ron unit itself may result in renal failure. Renal failure
• Change diet to decrease solids in the urine may be acute or chronic. In both types of failure, the
• Promote acid urine nephron unit is damaged and glomerular filtration
• Induce diuresis declines, resulting in azotemia, a buildup of toxins
• Provide antibiotics for infection within the body. The azotemia produces the clinical
Surgical symptoms of renal failure.
• Remove uroliths not manageable with medical treat-
Acute Renal Failure
ment or in patients with severe infections
• The cause of urolith formation must be addressed Acute renal failure refers to an abrupt decrease in glo-
medically merular filtration, causing azotemia. This is usually
Nonsurgical the result of hypoperfusion or nephrotoxic injury to
• A catheter can be used to remove small uroliths the kidney, which causes damage to the proximal convo-
• Urohydropulsion, or digital pressure on the bladder luted tubular cells or those of the ascending nephron
of an anesthetized dog, may propulse small stones loop. Nephrotoxic drugs such as the aminoglycosides
through the urethra (gentamicin, streptomycin, amikacin), cephalosporins
(cephalexin, cephalothin), the sulfonamides (Albon,
Di-Trim, Primor), chemotherapeutic agents, antifungal
Information for Clients medications, some analgesics (acetaminophen), and
• A special diet may be needed throughout the anesthetics (methoxyflurane [Metofane]) may produce
dog’s life. acute renal failure if used for prolonged periods or at
• Table scraps and treats should be limited. high doses. The most common nontherapeutic agents
• Long-term antibiotics may be necessary to control that produce renal damage include ethylene glycol (anti-
the urinary tract infection. freeze), heavy metals, and hemoglobin. Infections,
TABLE 12.1 Predicting Mineral Composition of Uroliths
Crystal Radiographic Radiographic Serum Breed Sex Common
Mineral Type Urine Ph Appearance Urine Culture Density Contour Abnormalities Predisposition Predisposition Ages

Magnesium Neutral to 4- to 6- sided Urease-producing + to ++++ Smooth, round, or None Miniature Females 2–8 years
ammonium- alkaline colorless prisms bacteria faceted; may Schnauzer, (>80%) of age or
phosphate (Staphylococcus, assume shape of Bichon Frise, younger
Proteus, bladder or Cocker
Enterococcus, urethra Spaniel

Dogs and Cats

Calcium Acid to Dihydrate salt, Negative ++ to ++++ Rough or Occasional Miniature Males (>70%) 5–12 years
oxalate neutral colorless speculated hypercalcemia Schnauzer, of age
envelope or (dehydrate salt); Lhasa Apso,
octahedral small, smooth, Yorkshire
shape; round Terrier,
monohydrate (monohydrate Miniature
salt-spindles or salt); sometimes Poodle, Shih
dumbbell shape jackstone Tzu, Bichon
Urate Acid to Yellow-brown Negative + to ++ Smooth, round, or Low urea Dalmatian, Males (>85%) 1–4 years
neutral amorphous oval nitrogen and English of age
shapes or serum albumin Bulldog,
sphericals in dogs with Miniature
(ammonium hepatic portal Schnauzer,
urate) systemic Yorkshire
shunts Terrier
Calcium Alkaline to Amorphous, or Negative ++ to ++++ Smooth, round, or Occasional Yorkshire Males (>60%) 7–11 years
phosphate neutral long, thin prisms faceted hypercalcemia Terrier, of age
(brushite Miniature
forms in Schnauzer,
acidic Cocker
urine) Spaniel
Cystine Acid to Flat, colorless, Negative + to ++ Smooth to slightly None English Males (>90%) 1–8 years
neutral hexagonal plates irregular, round Bulldog, of age
to oval Dachshund,
Basset Hound
Silica Acid to None observed Negative ++ to ++++ Round center with None German Males (>90%) 9 years of
neutral radial spokelike Shepherd, age
projections Golden
(jackstone) Retriever,

+, Low radiographic density; ++, moderate radiographic density; ++++, high radiographic density (opaque); , radiolucent (not visible).
From Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 2000, by permission.
CHAPTER 12 Diseases of the Urinary System 213

immune-mediated diseases, and hypercalcemia have therapy for acute renal failure. Correction of acid–base
also been implicated as causes of acute renal failure in imbalances and control of hyperphosphatemia, hyper-
both humans and animals. kalemia, and gastroenteritis is also necessary. Although
Nephrotoxic injury may affect any portion of the treatment may not restore renal function to previous
nephron; when one section is damaged, the entire unit levels, it will improve the clinical picture, make the ani-
is lost. Destroyed nephrons cannot be replaced by the mal feel better, and give the kidney time to heal.
body, but other nephron units have the ability to hyper- The prognosis for acute renal failure in veterinary
trophy (enlarge) in an attempt to maintain normal renal patients is guarded and is related to the severity of the
function. Acute renal failure occurs in three distinct azotemia. Animals with nephrotoxic injuries have a
phases: (1) induction—the time from the initial insult slightly more favorable prognosis than those with hypo-
until decreased renal function is apparent; (2) mainte- perfusion injury. Older animals have a less favorable
nance—the period during which renal tubular damage prognosis compared with younger animals.
occurs; and (3) recovery—the time during which renal Great care should be taken to protect animals at risk
function improves, existing nephrons hypertrophy and for development of acute renal failure. With careful mon-
compensate for those damaged, and tubular repair itoring, early recognition, and aggressive therapy, renal
occurs (when possible). damage can be kept to a minimum in many animals.
Risk factors for acute renal failure include disorders
that affect renal perfusion (shock, hypovolemia, hypoten- Clinical Signs
sion, dehydration), electrolyte (potassium, calcium, • Oliguria, polyuria
sodium) disturbances, administration of nephrotoxic • Fever (if infectious)
drugs, systemic diseases, and increased age. Technicians • Kidneys painful on palpation
should be alert to these risk factors when monitoring ani- • Vomiting and diarrhea
mals under anesthesia, animals with trauma, and older • Anorexia
animals with systemic diseases. Every effort should be • Dehydration
made to normalize blood flow through the kidney and
avoid prolonged periods of hypotension, hypovolemia, Diagnosis
or both. Careful monitoring of pulse quality, hydration • Physical examination
status, packed cell volume, total solids, and body weight • History of ischemic episode or toxin exposure
make it possible to observe early changes that may suggest • Urinalysis—active sediment, casts
the development of acute renal failure. Early intervention • Blood chemistries—increased packed cell volume;
may prevent permanent damage to the kidneys. increased BUN and creatinine levels; increased potas-
Signs of acute renal failure are often nonspecific. sium, phosphorus, acidosis
Patients may present with a variety of symptoms, but
a thorough history would pinpoint a recent ischemic Treatment
episode or toxin exposure. The kidneys are enlarged • Dietary modifications: diets especially designed for
and painful on palpation, and the patient may be exhi- renal disease
biting signs of azotemia such as anorexia, vomiting, • Intravenous fluid therapy—initial choice is isotonic
diarrhea, and weakness. Laboratory tests indicate active saline
urine sediment, normal to increased hematocrit, acido- • Discontinue potentially nephrotoxic drugs
sis, and normal to increased potassium levels. BUN and • Intestinal protectants:
creatinine levels may be increased. Patients may be oli- • Metoclopramide: intravenously (IV), intramuscu-
guric (passing decreased amounts of urine) or polyuric larly (IM), PO every 6 to 8 hours
(passing increased amounts of urine). • Cimetidine: IV every 8 to 12 hours
Treatment is aimed at restoring renal hemodynam- • Sucralfate: PO every 6 to 8 hours
ics, relieving any tubular obstruction, discontinuing • Phosphate binders, if necessary: Maalox, Amphojel
any potentially nephrotoxic drugs, and promoting cellu- • Sodium bicarbonate—body weight (in kg)  0.3 
lar repair. Intravenous fluid therapy (with isotonic saline base deficit (mEq/L) ¼ mEq of bicarbonate; give half
being the initial fluid of choice) is the hallmark of IV slowly over 15 to 30 minutes
214 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

• Diuretics: blindness. An increased tendency for bruising may also

• Dopamine: IV be seen. Most animals with moderate to advanced CRF
• Furosemide: IV every 8 hours are anemic because of a decreased level of the hormone
• Mannitol (20%): IV slowly over 5–10 minutes erythropoietin, which is produced by the kidney. The
severity and progression of the anemia correlate well
Information for Clients with the degree of renal failure. Metabolic imbalances
• Although renal function may be improved with treat- also produce hyperphosphatemia (decreased excretion),
ment, it may never return to completely normal hypokalemia (increased secretion, especially in cats),
levels. proteinuria, and metabolic acidosis.
• The prognosis for this disease is guarded. Therapy should be individualized on the basis of the
• The underlying condition responsible for the acute animal’s needs. Clients should be informed that the loss
renal failure may require long-term management. of renal function is permanent and progressive. The
• Care must be taken to avoid events that would pre- prognosis for CRF is poor. Treatment is aimed at cor-
cipitate further damage to the kidneys. Appropriate recting metabolic imbalances and minimizing clinical
diet and water access must be assured for these pets. symptoms. General goals of treatment are to decrease
dietary protein intake while maintaining adequate calo-
Chronic Renal Failure ric intake; provide relief of nausea and vomiting with the
CRF is a common disease of older pets. It represents an use of H2-receptor antagonists such as cimetidine or
irreversible and progressive decline in renal function ranitidine; correct the hypokalemia with oral potassium
caused by destruction of the nephron units. The course therapy; and avoid dehydration by giving subcutaneous
of the disease may be months to years, with clinical signs or intravenous fluids. Phosphorous-binding agents
appearing when nephron loss reaches levels that result in such as aluminum hydroxide (Amphojel) may be used
the development of azotemia. The incidence of disease is to control hyperphosphatemia.
higher in older animals (dogs >8 years of age, cats In cases in which systemic hypertension is compromis-
>10 years of age), but it can be seen in animals of any ing kidney function, therapy with angiotensen-converting
age. CRF may be congenital, familial, or acquired in enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (enalapril), β-adrenergic antag-
origin. Cats appear to be more affected than dogs, with onists (propranolol), or calcium channel blockers (diltia-
an increased frequency of disease seen in Maine Coon, zem) may improve renal function. Loop diuretics
Abyssinian, Siamese, Russian Blue, and Burmese breeds. (furosemide) may be used to reduce blood pressure by
Whatever the cause, the irreversible destruction of the reducing body fluid loads.
nephron results in uremia and its related clinical Epoetin (Epogen), a replacement erythropoietin, may
symptoms. be given to correct the anemia. Some clinicians have sug-
One of the most frequently seen signs of uremia is gested using calcitriol to decrease parathyroid hormone
gastrointestinal upset—anorexia, weight loss, vomiting, levels and thereby normalize calcium and phosphorus
diarrhea, constipation, and stomatitis (oral ulceration). balance, but studies indicate that the risks associated
Unfortunately, clients do not often associate these signs with using calcitriol outweigh the benefits, and its use
with renal disease, and pets go undiagnosed until symp- is no longer suggested in CRF.
toms become severe. It should be stressed to clients that all of these treat-
As the kidneys lose their ability to concentrate urine, ments only limit or slow the progression of this disease.
signs of polydipsia, polyuria, and nocturia may develop. The condition is fatal.
This loss of concentrating ability is the result of impair-
ment of (ADH) response, disruption of the countercur- Clinical Signs
rent mechanism and renal tubular epithelium, together • Dullness, lethargy
with the increased solute load passing through the • Weakness
remaining nephrons. • Weight loss
Other signs of CRF include arterial hypertension, • Anorexia
nervous system dysfunction (dullness, lethargy, tremors, • Vomiting, diarrhea (constipation in cats), or both
seizures), scleral injection, retinal lesions, and acute • Polyuria or polydipsia
CHAPTER 12 Diseases of the Urinary System 215

• Gait disturbances: cervical ventriflexion in cats • Calcium channel blockers

• Sudden blindness • Diltiazem: PO every 8 to 12 hours (dogs); PO every 8
to 12 hours (cats)
Diagnosis • β-Adrenergic antagonist
Symmetrical dimethylarginine (SDMA) levels >14 mcg/ • Propranolol: PO two to three times a day (dogs);
dL: suspect early renal disease even if creatinine and PO two to three times a day (cats)
BUN are normal. • Diuretics
• Acidosis • Furosemide: PO every 8 to 12 hours
• Anemia • Hormones
• Increases in BUN, creatinine • Epoetin: SQ three times weekly
• Hyperphosphatemia • Vitamin B supplements
• Hypercalcemia or hypocalcemia Diets lower in protein and sodium have been sug-
• Hypokalemia gested to slow the progression of CRF; however, studies
• Proteinuria have shown that patients may benefit from diets low in
protein and phosphate, with the addition of omega-3
TECH ALERT fatty acids, potassium, and antioxidants. If BUN values
are greater than 75 mg/dL, then protein restriction is
SDMA (symmetrical dimethylarginine; IDEXX) is a bio-
suggested to reduce nonrenal toxicities.
marker specific to the kidney. Elevations of SDMA occur
earlier in renal disease than elevations of creatinine and
allow for earlier intervention with diet, treatment, and Information for Clients
monitoring. • CRF is a progressive, irreversible disease.
• Treatment is aimed at slowing the progression and
Treatment relieving clinical symptoms.
• Treatment with subcutaneous fluids at home is
• Treatment should be aimed at supportive care and
required to maintain the pet’s hydration. The client
correction of imbalances (dehydration, electrolytes,
will be instructed in how to give the fluids.
metabolic acidosis, gastrointestinal symptoms) • The client can improve the palatability of renal diets
• Provide fluids IV or SQ for dehydration: suggested
by warming foods and adding tasty liquids such as
fluids include a mixture of two parts D5W (5% dex-
tuna oil, clam juice, or broth. The client should limit
trose in water) and one part lactated Ringer’s solution
foods that contain high levels of salt.
(by volume) supplemented with potassium, as • Eventually, your pet will experience a decrease in its
needed; clients can be instructed in how to give sub-
quality of life. The client may have to consider
cutaneous fluids at home (two to three times weekly
or as needed to maintain hydration)
• Potassium gluconate (Tumil-K or Kaon Elixir): daily
• Phosphorous binders: aluminum hydroxide PO one URINARY INCONTINENCE
to three times a day with meals
• Calcium carbonate (for hypocalcemia): PO daily Urinary incontinence is frequently reported by clients,
• Sodium bicarbonate: every 8 to 12 hours (A solution can especially when older pets are involved. Urinary incon-
tinence can be defined as the loss of voluntary control of
be prepared that contains 80 mg/mL by adding one-
micturition. It occurs for a variety of reasons, and treat-
third of an 8-ounce box of sodium bicarbonate to 1
ment should be based on an accurate diagnosis. In dogs
quart of water.); store in the refrigerator and give PO
• Cimetidine: PO, IM, IV three to four times a day and cats, urethral closure is not accomplished by a single
• Ranitidine: PO twice a day anatomical sphincter, but is primarily the result of
• Sucralfate: 0.5 to 1 tablet (dogs); 0.25 to 0.5 tablet smooth muscle tone along the entire urethra in female
dogs and along the proximal fourth of the urethra in
(cats) PO every 8 hours
• ACE inhibitors male dogs. When the urethral closure pressure is greater
• Enalapril: PO every 12 to 24 hours than the bladder pressure, urine remains stored in the
216 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

bladder until voluntary urination occurs. When bladder • Signs of concurrent urinary tract disease are present
pressure increases above urethral closure pressure, • Older spayed female dogs and noncastrated male
incontinence occurs. Other types of incontinence dogs are predisposed to this condition
include neurogenic incontinence, nonneurogenic incon-
tinence, paradoxical incontinence, and miscellaneous Diagnosis
incontinence. • Urinalysis
Neurogenic incontinence may be seen in animals • Radiology or cystography
with spinal cord disease or trauma. Intervertebral disk • Serum chemistries to rule out polyuria from endo-
disease, vertebral fractures, inflammation, or neoplasia crine disease
of the spinal cord may disrupt normal neural function
to this region of the urinary system, resulting in a par- Treatment
alytic bladder. In these animals, the bladder overdistends • Treatment should be based on determination of a
with urine, increasing intravesical urine pressure and specific cause.
resulting in dribbling of urine. • Endocrine imbalance in spayed female dogs: estradiol
Nonneurogenic causes of incontinence include con- • Diethylstilbestrol
genital abnormalities such as ectopic ureters, patent Urethral sphincter hypotonus
urachus (seen in younger animals), endocrine imbal- • Phenylpropanolamine (Proin): PO every 8 hours
ances after ovariohysterectomy (estrogen deficiency), • Propagest may be used with testosterone in male dogs
urethral sphincter mechanism (degenerative changes, with incontinence
urinary surgery), and hypercontractile bladder.
Paradoxical incontinence occurs in patients with TECH ALERT
partial obstruction of the urethra. This situation is Avoid use of phenylpropanolamine in animals with glau-
encountered most frequently in male dogs. The bladder coma, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and prostatic
becomes overdistended with urine, which cannot pass hypertrophy.
because of some type of obstruction, increasing the
intravesical pressure above that of the urethra and caus- Hypercontractile bladder
ing incontinence. • Propantheline (Pro-Banthine, Roberts): PO every 8
Miscellaneous causes can include primary diseases of to 12 hours (dogs); PO every 24 to 72 hours (cats)
the bladder, which result in replacement of normal blad- • Oxybutynin (Ditropan): PO every 8 to 12 hours
der wall smooth muscle tissue with fibrous or neoplastic (small dogs, cats); PO every 12 hours (large dogs)
tissue. Classification of urinary incontinence is shown in
Table 12.2. TECH ALERT
Clinical Signs Side effects from anticholinergic medications include
• The client reports urine leakage when the pet is sleep- sedation, ileus, vomiting, constipation, dry mouth, dry
eyes, and tachycardia. Their use is contraindicated in
ing or exercising patients with glaucoma.
• Perineal area of pet is always wet

TABLE 12.2 Classification of Urinary Incontinence

Normal Involuntary Overdistended Contracted Ability to
Type Micturition Dribbling of Urine Bladder Bladder Catheterize Bladder
Neurogenic Absent Present Present Absent Easy
Nonneurogenic Present Present Absent Absent Easy
Paradoxical Absent Present Present Absent Difficult
Miscellaneous Absent Present Absent Present Variable
From Osborne CA, Low DG, Finco DR. Canine and Feline Urology. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 1972, by permission.
CHAPTER 12 Diseases of the Urinary System 217

Information for clients result in a rapid decrease in the size of the prostate
• A complete physical and laboratory workup is needed (75% decrease in 3 months).
to diagnose the specific cause of the pet’s incontinence.
• Medication doses may need to be adjusted to achieve Clinical Signs
success in stopping the incontinence. • Difficult defecation
• Drugs used to treat incontinence cannot be used in pets • Difficulty in urinating—multiple attempts with small
that have other health problems such as glaucoma, dia- volumes
betes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, or cardiac disease. • Hematuria, dysuria
• If the incontinence is caused by trauma or inflamma- • Serosanguinous discharge from the penis not related
tion, it may correct itself with time. to urination
• If the incontinence is caused by paralytic bladder, the
client may need to catheterize the pet several times daily Diagnosis
or manually express the bladder to prevent overfilling. • Rectal palpation
• Radiography shows enlarged prostate; ultrasonogra-
phy may demonstrate cysts or abscesses
DISEASE OF THE PROSTATE • Prostatic biopsy
The prostate is the only accessory sex gland in the male
dog. It is an oval, bilobed gland that surrounds the ure- Treatment
thra on the pelvic floor. The gland constantly produces • Castration is the ideal treatment for this condition
prostatic secretions that flow into the urethra and repre- • In dogs used for breeding, the condition may be trea-
sent a major contribution to the male’s ejaculate. The ted with medications that “chemically castrate” the
gland enlarges throughout the life of the dog in response dog. This castration is reversible.
to the presence of androgens. Therefore prostatic disease • Finasteride (Proscar; Merck)
is a problem found only in noncastrated male dogs. • Osaterone acetate (Ypozane; Virbac: Carros,
France, FT. Worth, TX (product is only available
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Europe))
This problem occurs in noncastrated male dogs. The dis- • Gestagens (synthetic progesterones)
ease is common in male dogs older than 5 years of age. • Estrogens
As the prostate gland hypertrophies, it puts pressure on • GnRH (gonadrophin-releasing hormone)
the prostatic urethra, which results in obstruction to • Antibiotics use is based on culture and sensitivity
urine flow and, in advanced stages, compresses the colon testing of the prostatic fluid
making defecation more difficult. Palpation of the pros-
tate gland reveals bilateral, symmetrical enlargement Information for Clients
that is nonpainful. The enlarged prostate is at an • Castration of the male dog will prevent or treat BPH
increased risk for infection or cyst formation. entirely, no matter the age of the animal.
Therapy is aimed at reducing the size of the prostate • Prostatic neoplasia can occur in the noncastrated
to alleviate clinical signs of the disease. Castration will male dog.

1. Urine removed from the bladder by cystocentesis 2. Long-term antibiotic therapy for cystitis should be
should contain ________ microorganisms. based on:
a. 0–100/hpf a. Culture and sensitivity results
b. 200–500/hpf b. Finding bacteria on sediment examination
c. No c. Resolution of clinical signs
d. 500–1000/hpf
218 SECTION 1 Dogs and Cats

d. Absence of bacteria in posttreatment urine c. Electrolyte disturbances

sediments d. All of the above
e. All of the above 9. Which of the following laboratory values can be
3. Urethral plugs are made largely of ________. increased because of diet?
a. Small concretions of minerals and large amounts a. Blood urea nitrogen
of matrix b. Creatinine
b. Large concretions of minerals and small c. Alanine aminotransferase
amounts of matrix d. Alkaline phosphatase
c. White cells with a large amount of matrix 10. Urethral closure in the female dog is primarily
4. The two most common types of uroliths seen in the related to:
dog are: a. The external urethral sphincter
a. Urates b. The internal urethral sphincter
b. Calcium oxalate c. The smooth muscle surrounding the entire
c. Magnesium ammonium phosphate urethra
d. Cystine d. The smooth muscle surrounding the proximal
5. Which of the following uroliths is not radiopaque? half of the urethra
a. Cystine 11. A bladder stone is 15 cm in diameter. It is most
b. Calcium oxalate likely a ________ stone.
c. Magnesium ammonium phosphate a. Urate
d. Urate b. Oxalate
6. Which of the following drugs is nephrotoxic? c. Purine
a. Amikacin d. Struvite
b. Aspirin 12. Diets high in animal protein may predispose the
c. Amoxicillin dog to what type of bladder stone?
d. Enrofloxacin (Baytril) a. Urate
7. In cats that present with the gait disturbance of cer- b. Oxalate
vical ventriflexion, which electrolyte needs to be c. Struvite
checked? d. Purine
a. Sodium 13. The fluid of choice for acute renal failure patients is
b. Potassium ________.
c. Calcium a. Lactated Ringer’s solution
d. Magnesium b. Half-strength saline
8. Older surgical veterinary patients should be pro- c. Normal saline
vided intravenous fluids during surgery to prevent d. Ringer’s
________, which can cause acute renal failure.
Answers found on pages 545–546.
a. Dehydration
b. Hypotension
SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

Overview of Ferrets, Rodents,
and Rabbits

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss husbandry of these pets with new clients.
able to: • Handle these pets in the examination room with
• Recognize commonly kept pocket pets and breeds of more confidence.

The Ferret 219 General Husbandry Information 222
Anatomy 220 Nutrition 222
Behavior 220 General Anatomy and Physiology of Rodents 222
Housing 220 Handling 223
Nutrition 220 The Rabbit 223
The Ferret as a Patient 220 Rabbit Breeds 223
Rodents 221 Housing 223
“Rodent Etiquette” or “How to Make Your Rodent Nutrition 224
Pets Feel at Home in Your Clinic” 221 Restraint 224
Rodents Commonly Kept as Pets 221 Coprophagia 224
Rats and Mice 221 Sex and the Average Rabbit 224
Hamsters 222 Medicating the Average Rabbit 224
Gerbils 222

Cecotrophs Herbivorous Sebaceous
Coprophagia Omnivorous

and, surely, these small bundles of energy and play are

THE FERRET smelly. Yet they make good pets for adults and families
The name ferret can be loosely translated to mean without small children. Ferrets are generally clean, quiet,
“mouse-killing, smelly, thief” (Mustelaputorius furo), and playful, and they love interacting with humans.

220 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

They have been used for many purposes other than as items such as electric cords, toys, appliances, and rubber
pets. They hunt rabbits and rodents; they run cable bands, causing intestinal upsets or obstructions. It is not
through pipes; they have been used in biomedical uncommon for them to escape through small holes in
research; and, more frequently, they have become house the environment.
pets. The popularity of ferrets has increased in the past
few decades, and although it is illegal in many states to Housing
keep them as pets, they make a good alternative pet for A ferret’s environment must be “ferret proofed” before
those unable to have a dog, cat, or other mammal. the addition of a pet. Because most ferrets do not adapt
well to continuous caging, the entire play area must be
Anatomy made safe. This usually means closing any small holes
Ferrets have long bodies with short legs, allowing them that might provide escape, removing all rubber objects,
to get into and out of tight tubular spaces. Their spine is covering the bottom of all furniture pieces to prevent
very flexible. Male ferrets are usually about twice the size burrowing, and providing a secluded area for sleeping.
of female ferrets. Ferrets are monogastric animals whose Ferrets can be housed in wire or wooden cages if these
organ arrangement is similar to that of the cat. The coat provide adequate ventilation. If kept outdoors, they
of the ferret is soft and exists in many color variations (at must be protected from the sun and extreme tempera-
least 30 colors are recognized). They molt in the spring tures, because they have little ability to regulate their
and fall as their weight changes (increase in the fall and body temperatures and can become heat stressed. Toys
decrease in the summer). Molting can be related to sea- for ferrets include boxes, bags, plastic pipes, sleeping
son and to ovulation. The skin should have a smooth bags, dryer vent tubing, and burrowing pits. Clients
appearance. Ferrets have no sweat glands, but they do should avoid providing any toys that contain latex rub-
have active sebaceous glands that produce the character- ber. Ferrets will use a litter box, but the walls of the box
istic body odor. Ferrets have well-developed anal glands should be high enough to catch the urine deposited
that produce a serous yellow liquid with a powerful odor. when the ferret backs up to the corner. Pelleted litter
As with skunks, ferrets that are threatened or frightened usually works better than clay or clumping litter. It is
may expel the contents of these glands over a long dis- suggested that clients provide several boxes placed
tance (and usually the technician or veterinarian treating around the house instead of one centrally located box.
them). Removal of these glands (descenting) will help
alleviate much, but not all, of the odor of the ferret. Nutrition
Ferrets have good special senses and can see well in Ferrets are strict carnivores designed to eat whole prey.
low light. They have nonretractable claws that need to Their digestive tracts cannot handle carbohydrates and
be trimmed periodically. All the other organ systems fiber well. The most common diet for pet ferrets is dry
are similar to those of the cat. kibble. The diet should contain 30% to 35% protein
(high-quality meat source) and about 15% to 20% fat.
Behavior Many prepared dog and cat chows contain too much
Ferrets are predators, and even today their behaviors carbohydrate and plant protein, which can lead to health
mimic those of their ancestors. They are able to live in problems. A limited amount of soft, fresh meat or eggs
communal groups and to interact well with humans. can be added to the dry diet if desired. Because ferrets
They engage in play, territory marking, and hunting love sweets and will develop dietary preferences early
behaviors throughout life. Play can become aggressive in life, clients should be discouraged from feeding fruits,
if not curtailed. Ferrets may scream, a noise that is quite raisins, or other sweet foods to their ferrets. All ferrets
loud and disturbing, when playing. They also love to should have access to clean, fresh water at all times.
burrow in soft materials, including carpet, furniture,
and litter boxes. This can be quite destructive. They love The Ferret as a Patient
to explore tunnel-like areas and prefer having an Most pet ferrets are accustomed to being handled and
enclosed sleeping place. Ferrets can be taught to use a will not present a problem to the veterinarian or clinic
litter box, and they will never soil their sleeping quarters. staff; however, one should always inquire about the ani-
They can also get into trouble by chewing on rubber mal’s temperament before the examination. Ferrets will
CHAPTER 13 Overview of Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits 221

examples in the literature refer to veterinary staff learn-

ing the “rodent etiquette” required to be successful with
this population of pet clients.

“Rodent Etiquette” or “How to Make Your

Rodent Pets Feel at Home in Your Clinic”
Just like humans who do not get enough sleep, rodents
can become irritable if they are disturbed during their
normal hours of rest. Hamsters and rats are nocturnal
and sleep during the day when most veterinary clinics
see patients. Gerbils and mice can be active during both
the day and night. By trying to schedule the patient’s
appointment at a time they would normally be awake,
the veterinary staff may find a happier patient, one that
is less likely to bite or become aggressive.
Clients should be instructed to bring the animal to
the clinic in its cage and not to clean the cage before
the appointment. In this way the veterinarian can
assess the care being provided to the pet and the envi-
ronment in which the pet lives. Many times, these clues
can help determine the problem.
Fig. 13.1 Restraint of a ferret by scruffing the loose skin on the
back of the neck. (From Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW. Ferrets, It might be best to avoid making rodent appoint-
Rabbits, and Rodents. 3rd ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2012, by ments when the waiting room is filled with cats or other
permission.) natural predators. Try to schedule them when the room
will be quiet and calm. A checklist would be helpful to
bite without warning, unlike most dogs and cats. They enable the technician or receptionist to get a complete
may be scruffed by the loose skin on the neck and sus- medical history from the client before being seen by
pended with all four legs off the ground (Fig. 13.1), or the veterinarian. It is important to also obtain an accu-
they may be restrained much like a cat on the table rate weight for all small patients because it will be essen-
for routine procedures. If the procedure is likely to be tial in determining the dose of medication needed for
painful (e.g., drawing blood), the ferret should be treatment.
scruffed and held at the hips. All ferrets should be vac-
cinated against rabies and canine distemper (IMRAB 3 Rodents Commonly Kept as Pets
[Merial] and Fervac-D [United Vaccines] or PureVax Rats and Mice
[Merial] Lyon, France). Anaphylactic vaccine reactions Mice, and especially domesticated rats, make good pets;
are not uncommon in ferrets, especially from the dis- however, they may produce severe allergic reactions in
temper vaccine, and diphenhydramine, epinephrine, some people. Because of their resemblance to the wild
or corticosteroids should be used if a reaction occurs. pest species, many people shy away from handling rats
and mice. These pets have a limited life span, which may
present a problem for the clients. Rats may live 2 to
RODENTS 3 years and mice an even shorter time. The best diet
Many homes have rodents, however they are not pests, for pet rats is a laboratory chow designed specifically
but are pets. Pocket pets (mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters) for rats, together with limited amounts of grains, vege-
are fairly inexpensive, easy to care for, and easy to handle tables, and fruits. Clients typically overfeed rats on junk
for both children and adults. Veterinary care for these food, resulting in obese, obnoxious pets that beg for
pets has lagged behind their popularity because many food. Rats can be housed in a variety of cages, some with
veterinarians are not familiar with their diseases and condos and luxury furniture for the comfort of the occu-
have not gained the confidence to handle them. Several pant. Whatever type of cage is used, it must have good
222 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

ventilation because rats urinate frequently and the important for these pets. Exercise wheels, tunnels,
ammonia buildup in poorly ventilated cages can affect mazes, and hamster balls can provide the opportunity
the health of the animal. Rats respond well at normal for both play and exercise.
room temperatures but should not be left to roam the Many commercially available units are designed as
house unattended. playgrounds for rodent pets. Pine-shaving bedding is
frequently used for small rodents, but cedar shavings
Hamsters should be avoided; the volatile oils can be toxic to the
The Syrian or golden hamster is a desert-dwelling ani- rodent. Recycled paper products, compressed straw, cit-
mal from Syria. These hamsters are commonly kept in rus litter, or hardwood shavings may also be used. Sand-
plastic hamster-habit-trail cages equipped with little boxes should be provided for gerbils for their bathing
wheels, water bottles, and cedar shavings that are totally pleasure.
foreign to the animal. It is little wonder that they often
become ill. Habitat-related diseases are a problem for Nutrition
hamsters; poor air circulation, the presence of volatile Because obesity is a problem common to all rodent spe-
oils in bedding, and clients that keep cages too clean cies, a proper diet is essential for maintaining these ani-
can all present a problem to the pet hamster. Hamsters mals. Seed diets commonly fed to these pets are high in
need to stash food around their cage to feel secure. Dur- fat and low in calcium and should not be fed as the main
ing the night, they retrieve the food and eat. Clients who diet. Pelleted diets containing vitamins and minerals are
constantly clean cages and remove the stored food upset available commercially for all species. Any diet should
the hamster and force the pet to store his food in his consist of a minimum of 16% protein and 4% to 5%
cheek pouches, which often become impacted. Hamsters fat. Sunflower seeds and other grains can be offered as
are also susceptible to stress of poor nutrition and over- treats.
handling. Their diet should consist of a good rodent
chow supplemented with grains and some plant mate- General Anatomy and Physiology
rial. They should have access to fresh water at all times, of Rodents
although they may drink little. In the wild, hamsters bur- The word rodent is derived from the Latin word rodere,
row to regulate body temperature and for protection; which means “to gnaw.” Rodents have the dental formula
something they cannot do in plastic houses. It is not 2: incisor (I) 1/1, canine (C) 0/0, and molar (M) 3/3. The
uncommon for hamster mothers to cannibalize their four incisors are open-rooted and grow continuously.
young when stressed. Behind the eye is the Harderian gland, which pro-
duces a secretion rich in lipid and porphyrin used
Gerbils to lubricate the eye and also to moderate behavior.
Gerbils are tunnel-dwelling rodents from Mongolia. The porphyrins produce a reddish coloration to the tears
They are usually housed in a manner similar to ham- and can stain the face and feet when spread by
sters, unfortunately. When stressed, as with handling, grooming.
gerbils may experience a seizure without provocation. Most rodents are prone to heat stress because they
Gerbils do not make good pets for young children but have no sweat glands and must depend on their ears
are suitable for older children. Gerbils are active and and tails for dissipation of heat.
agile, climbing and burrowing in their cages. Because All rodents are monogastric and herbivorous or
gerbils are usually territorial, they should be kept singu- omnivorous. They are also coprophagic; their stools
larly in their habitat. If picked up incorrectly by the tail, contain nutrients such as B vitamins and fats. Most
gerbils may slough their tail skin. are unable to vomit or regurgitate.
Most rodents are spontaneous ovulators and are
General Husbandry Information polyestrous. Gerbils require little water and produce a
Housing for rodents must be easy to clean, and provide small volume of concentrated urine. Both sexes have a
good ventilation and easy access to the pet. Access to distinct, orangish oval area of alopecia on the mid-
fresh water must be available at all times; water bottles ventral abdomen called a ventral marking gland, which
can be mounted to the side of the cage. Exercise is is composed of sebaceous glands that are controlled by
CHAPTER 13 Overview of Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits 223

hormones. The musky secretions are often used for ter- and not the tail itself. They may then be scruffed. Unruly
ritorial scent marking. animals may be placed into a stockinette or wrapped
Hamsters have large cheek pouches used for storing using a small towel.
food, bedding, and often their young. The dark brown
patches on the flanks are glands that play a role in scent TECH ALERT
marking and breeding. Hamsters can hibernate when
Rodents bite! Avoid startling them, and protect your fin-
temperatures drop to less than 40°F. Female hamsters gers when handling them.
are typically bigger than male hamsters.
Male mice are much larger than female mice. Male
mice exhibit intermale aggression and should be housed
separately unless raised together.
Since the Middle Ages, rabbits have been kept for food
Handling and fur. Today, they are often kept as pets, living as
Proper handling is important to avoid injury to the members of the family. That they are quiet, clean, and
rodent and to reduce stress. They may be scruffed by easy to handle makes rabbits the ideal pet for those
the skin on the back of the neck while resting the body unable to own a dog or cat. However, rabbits are not
against the palm of your hand (Fig. 13.2). Hamsters and dogs and cats, and they require special husbandry to sur-
gerbils have a reputation as biters, and they do not tol- vive and flourish.
erate excessive restraint. When unthreatened, they can
easily be picked up or scruffed. One should avoid using Rabbit Breeds
the tail for restraint because serious injury to the tail may Rabbits are usually grouped by size (dwarf, standards,
occur. The tail of the mouse or rat may be used to ini- and giants) or by ear orientation (lop-ear or erect).
tially grab the animal if one grabs the base of the tail Box 13.1 provides information on the different breeds
of rabbits that make good pets.

Most pet rabbits will be housed in a cage of some kind.
Adult rabbits should be housed individually in sturdy
wire cages that are easy to clean and are protected from
predators and weather. The size of the cage depends on
the size of the rabbit; large rabbits require a minimum of
5 square feet of cage floor space, whereas small rabbits
need only 3 square feet. Cages should be at least 14
inches high.
Rabbits may be housed either inside or outside. They
are sensitive to high temperatures and should be housed

BOX 13.1 Breeds of Rabbits Commonly

Kept as Pets

Fancy Breeds Fur Breeds Rex

Belgian Hare Chinchilla Rex
Himalayan Californian Mini rex
Dutch New Zealand White
Fig. 13.2 Scruff-of-the-neck handling technique in a hamster. Dwarf Lop Siamese Sable
(Courtesy Angela Lennox, DVM. In: Quesenberry KE, Carpenter Flemish Giant British Giant
JW. Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents. 3rd ed. St Louis, MO: Saun- White Netherland dwarf
ders; 2012, by permission.)
224 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

indoors if the temperature is higher than 85°F. Outdoor stroking the abdomen will relax and calm the animal.
housing requires a shaded area and perhaps a fan if the Failure to support the rear quarters of a struggling ani-
ambient outdoor temperatures are to be increased. mal can cause severe damage to the spine and large
If the cage has wire floors, a solid platform should be scratches on the technician’s abdomen or chest.
provided for resting and to prevent injury to the hocks of
the rabbit. Hay can be added for warmth as the weather Coprophagia
becomes cooler. Rabbits are monogastric herbivores. They are also
Rabbits kept indoors can be litter trained. Com- coprophagic—that is, they eat their own feces. Two types
pressed paper products make the best litter for indoor of feces are passed in rabbits: the round, firm type and
litter boxes. Bedding in the indoor cage should be chan- the soft, wet cecotrophs passed at night. “Night feces,”
ged frequently to prevent ammonia buildup. Metal dog as cecotrophs are called, are a source of vitamin B and
crates, rabbit cages with plastic bottoms and wire tops, protein for the rabbit and, as such, should be consumed
or plywood cages can be used indoors where weather by all normal rabbits. These soft feces are incorrectly
is not a factor. thought to be diarrhea by some new clients.
Rabbits require a diet high in fiber for normal digestion.
Sex and the Average Rabbit
Pellets that contain 20% to 30% fiber together with high- Rabbits mature from 4 to 5 months of age in small
fiber hay (Timothy or grass hay) are convenient for most breeds and 9 to 12 months of age in larger breeds.
rabbits. Fresh fruits and vegetables in small amounts can Female rabbits (does) can induce their ovulation, with
also be fed to rabbits. Fresh water should be available at ovulation occurring 10 to 13 hours after breeding. Male
all times. rabbits (bucks) have two external testes in a hairless
scrotum. Does have a V-shaped vagina that is easily vis-
Restraint ible. The gestation period is 30 to 33 days, and typical
Rabbits are delicate animals. Only 8% of their body litter sizes are from 4 to 10 kits. Mothers will nurse
weight is from bone. Their powerful hindquarters are the baby rabbits once or twice daily until weaning at
adapted for jumping, and improper restraint can result about 6 to 8 weeks of age. The sex of young rabbits
in fractures of the spine and injury to the person per- can usually be determined after they reach 14 weeks
forming the restraint. Gloves should not be used when of age.
restraining rabbits because they do not allow for ade-
quate control of a frightened animal. Never grab a rabbit Medicating the Average Rabbit
by the ears for restraint. A towel or nonslip mat should The microflora of the rabbit’s digestive tract are neces-
be placed on the table, and the rabbit should be wrapped sary for normal digestion. Many oral antibiotics reduce
in a towel, like a burrito. Rabbits can be scruffed by the the number of helpful bacteria in the gut and can result
back of the neck and carried for short distances as long in serious problems in the rabbit. For this reason, care
as the rear quarters are supported with the other hand. should be used in the selection of oral antibiotics for
Rabbits may be placed on their back for examination; treatment of disease in the pet rabbit.

1. Ferrets have a poor ability to utilize what two groups b. Compressed paper litter
of food sources? c. Dry kibble
2. Domestic ferrets should be vaccinated against what d. Hair
two diseases? 4. For dietary requirements, domestic ferrets are
3. Which of the following substances represents a sig- __________.
nificant danger to the ferret if swallowed? a. Strict carnivores
a. Rubber products b. Strict vegetarians
CHAPTER 13 Overview of Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits 225

c. Obligate carnivores a. 15%

d. Obligate omnivores b. 24%
5. When examining any small mammal, bird, or rep- c. 8%
tile, it is important to record an accurate d. 3%
__________. 11. Cecotrophs ingested by the rabbit contain large
a. Weight amounts of:
b. Rectal temperature a. Glycogen
c. Heart rate b. Volatile fatty acids
d. Birth date c. Starch
6. Which of the following could be useful in prolong- d. Vitamins
ing the life of the pet rodent? (Select all that apply.) 12. Young rabbits are usually weaned at __________
a. Proper nutrition weeks of age.
b. Breeding yearly a. 14–16
c. Clean, fresh water b. 3–5
d. Adequate ventilation in housing c. 18–20
e. Yearly dental checkups d. 6–8
f. Spaying or neutering 13. Why are many oral antibiotics not recommended
g. Exercise for use in the rabbit?
7. When being handled, what behavior is not uncom- a. The bacteria of the rabbit are not susceptible to
monly exhibited by some gerbils? most oral antibiotics.
a. Vomiting b. Most rabbit diseases are caused by viruses and
b. Urinating not bacteria.
c. Going limp c. Rabbits break down oral antibiotics before they
d. Onset of seizure can enter the circulation.
8. The pigment produced by the Harderian glands of d. The microflora in the rabbit gastrointestinal
the rat, located behind the eyes, is: tract is sensitive to oral antibiotics.
a. Rhodopsin 14. Rabbits are __________ovulators.
b. Porphyrin a. Induced
c. Melanin b. Seasonal
d. Bilirubin 15. Rodent and rabbit teeth should be ______ twice
9. In general, gerbils produce a __________ amount yearly.
of urine daily. a. Brushed by the client
a. Large b. Trimmed
b. Small c. Professionally cleaned
10. The skeleton composes __________ of a rabbit’s
Answers found on page 546.
total body weight.
Diseases of the Cardiovascular System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss the prevention of heartworm disease with
able to: clients of ferrets.
• Realize the need to examine the cardiovascular • Monitor treatment with cardiac drugs in the exotic
system even in the smallest of patients. patient.

The Ferret 226 Valvular Heart Disease 227
Cardiomyopathy 226 Heartworm Disease 228
Dilated Form 227 Rodents 228
Long-Term Therapy 227 The Rabbit 229
Hypertrophic Form 227

Arteriosclerosis Cardiomyopathy Systolic
Baroreceptors Diastolic Thrombosis

Clinical Signs
THE FERRET • Lethargy
Acquired heart disease is relatively common in middle- • Dyspnea
aged to older ferrets (>3 years of age), whereas there are • Anorexia
few reports of congenital disease. Diagnosis is based on • Weight loss
clinical signs, physical examination, radiography, ultra- • Pale mucous membranes
sonic examination, and electrocardiography (Fig. 14.1). • Tachycardia
• Hypothermia
Cardiomyopathy • Weakness
Cardiomyopathy, both dilated and hypertrophic, is • Presence or absence of pulmonary edema, pleural
reported in pet ferrets. The dilated form results in an effusion, pericardial effusion
enlarged left ventricle with systolic dysfunction, whereas
the hypertrophic form produces a hypertrophy of Diagnosis
the left ventricular wall resulting in decreased filling, a • Physical examination and history
diastolic function. • Radiography; enlarged cardiac silhouette

CHAPTER 14 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 227

Information for Clients

• Many ferrets with cardiomyopathy respond well to
• Lifelong treatment and frequent monitoring will be
• These diseases may progress and worsen with time.

Valvular Heart Disease

Valvular heart disease is common in middle-aged to older
ferrets, with mitral and tricuspid regurgitation being the
most common cause. The systolic murmur of mitral
Fig. 14.1 Technique for recording the electrocardiogram of the
regurgitation can be best heard over the left apical thorax,
ferret. (From Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW. Ferrets, Rabbits, whereas tricuspid regurgitation can be best heard over the
and Rodents. 3rd ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2012, by right sternal region of the thorax. Aortic regurgitation or
permission.) aortic insufficiency may also occur.
Clinical Signs
• Ultrasound; left ventricular dilation, presence or absence
• If present, clinical signs will be related to congestive
of mitral and tricuspid regurgitation (dilated form)
• Left ventricular diastolic and systolic dimensions are heart failure
• Lethargy
decreased, and left atrium may be enlarged
• Weakness
(hypertrophic form)
• Dyspnea
• Electrocardiography: presence or absence ventricular
• Weight loss
premature contractions, atrial premature contrac-
• Pale mucous membranes
tions, atrial or ventricular tachycardias, and atrial
fibrillation Diagnosis
• Physical examination and history
Treatment • Presence of an audible murmur
Dilated form • Radiography: presence or absence of pulmonary
• Oxygen
edema; presence or absence of enlargement of
• Diuretics (furosemide)
the heart
• Nitroglycerin • ECG: presence or absence of atrial arrhythmias
• Pleurocentesis • Echocardiography: thickening of valves with ventric-
Long-term therapy ular and atrial enlargement; regurgitation can be
• Diuretics (used at low doses)
• Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors to • Complete blood cell count (CBC) and serum chem-
reduce afterload istries to identify secondary disease processes such
• Digoxin
as renal failure
• Low-salt diet
• Animals should be monitored frequently using radio- Treatment
graphs and serum chemistries with digoxin levels • Recommended if congestive heart failure exists
Hypertrophic form • Digoxin
• Oxygen • ACE inhibitors
• β-Blockers (atenolol) or calcium channel blockers • Diuretics
(diltiazem) • Oxygen, if needed
• Diuretics, if needed
• Animals should be monitored frequently using Information for Clients
electrocardiogram (ECG), serum chemistries, and • The prognosis for ferrets with valvular disease is
echocardiography uncertain.
228 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

• The presence of other underlying diseases will com- • Presence or absence of pleural effusion, ascites,
plicate the situation. or both
• Lifelong treatment and monitoring will be necessary. • Echocardiography: will show linear parasites in the
pulmonary artery, right ventricle, right atrium,
Heartworm Disease or all
Ferrets living in areas of the country endemic to heart- • Heartworm antigen testing
worms (Dirofilaria immitis) may be infected. The pres-
ence of as few as a single heartworm may produce Treatment
clinical signs. Microfilaria may be found in as many as • Depends on animal
50% to 60% of infected ferrets (Fig. 14.2). Clinical signs • Symptomatic animal with microfilaria:
are usually related to right heart disease and are similar • Ivermectin subcutaneously until clinical signs dis-
to those seen in cats. appear and no microfilaria are present
• Adulticide therapy: melarsomine (Immiticide) in
Clinical Signs
two-stage protocol
• Coughing • Diuretic, if needed
• Lethargy • Strict cage rest for 4 to 6 weeks after therapy
• Weakness
• Dyspnea
• Presence or absence of pleural effusion and ascites TECH ALERT
• Hypothermia
Heartworm prevention can be accomplished using one-
• Sudden death fourth of the smallest dose ivermectin tablet (Heart-
gard—either canine or feline). Heartworm prevention is
Diagnosis not licensed for use in ferrets. Oral dosing with ivermectin
• Physical examination and history diluted in propylene glycol has been recommended in the
• Radiographs: cardiac enlargement literature. Iverheart for cats has also been used.

Information for Clients

• Ferrets are susceptible to heartworm disease. Preven-
tions should be used in all ferrets living in parts of the
country that have a high incidence of heartworm
• After treatment for heartworm disease, it is impor-
tant that the ferret be cage-rested for 4 to 6 weeks
to allow the dying and dead worms to be safely reab-
sorbed by the body. This will help avoid pulmonary
emboli and further problems.

Cardiovascular disease is seen in rodents, especially the
hamster. Cardiomyopathy and atrial thrombosis occur
in older hamsters (>1.5 years of age).

Fig. 14.2 Heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) disease in the ferret. Clinical Signs
(From Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW. Ferrets, Rabbits, and • Hyperpnea
Rodents. 3rd ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2012, by permission.) • Tachycardia
CHAPTER 14 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 229

• Cyanosis muscle. Drugs such as the ketamine-xylazine combina-

• Lethargy tion and doxorubicin have been shown also to cause
• Anorexia myocardial disease in rabbits. Congenital heart disease,
although not frequently seen, has also been reported in
Diagnosis rabbits (ventricular septal defects). Mitral and tricuspid
• Physical examination and history insufficiencies have been reported in pet rabbits as well.
• Radiography Arteriosclerosis of the aorta and other arteries is seen in
• Ultrasonography of the heart almost all breeds of rabbits.

Treatment Clinical Signs

• Digoxin • Similar to those in other animals with myocardial
• Diuretics disease
• ACE inhibitors • Weight loss
• Anticoagulants • Exercise intolerance
• Dyspnea; pulmonary edema, pleural effusion
Information for Clients • Hepatomegaly
• Most thromboses occur secondary to heart disease. • Weakness
They may occur in hamsters as young as 1 year of
age, and the hamster may die within 1 week of Diagnosis
diagnosis. • Physical examination and history
• Castration of male hamsters seems to increase the • Radiography
incidence of thrombosis. • Echocardiography
• Dosages for cardiac drugs may be extrapolated from • ECG
other species for hamsters, but you must closely • Culture and sensitivity if bacterial infection is
observe the pet for response. suspected

THE RABBIT • Diuretic; furosemide intravenously or
The cardiovascular system of the rabbit is different from intramuscularly
the feline and canine cardiovascular systems in several • Oxygen cage
ways. First, the tricuspid valve has only two cusps. Sec- • ACE inhibitors: enalapril maleate or digoxin
ond, and maybe most important, there is little collateral • Nitroglycerin 2% ointment every 6 to 12 hours
circulation for the coronary vessels, making the myocar-
dium susceptible to ischemia. And third, the aortic nerve Information for Clients
is regulated by baroreceptors, not chemoreceptors. • Handle any rabbit with breathing difficulty with care.
Cardiomyopathy is seen in pet rabbits, with the • The goal of therapy is to improve cardiac perfor-
giant breeds being the most susceptible. The cause is mance, not necessarily to cure the disease.
unknown. Vitamin E deficiency, corona virus infection, • Continued monitoring of the rabbit undergoing ther-
and some bacterial infections can affect the heart apy will be necessary.

1. Ferrets are not susceptible to heartworm disease, and 2. What defect in the ferret’s cardiac function is
therefore do not need to take preventive medication involved in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?
monthly. a. Enlargement of the ventricles
a. True b. Enlargement of the atria
b. False c. Thickening of the walls of the heart
d. Thinning of the walls of the aorta
230 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

3. Most cases of thrombosis in the hamster occur a. True

secondary to ________ disease. b. False
a. Heart 7. Drug doses for cardiac disease in rodents may be
b. Lung extrapolated from other species.
c. Bone a. True
d. Renal b. False
4. The main goal of treating heart disease in rabbits 8. The rabbit tricuspid valve has ________ leaflets.
is to: a. 4
a. Correct the defect b. 3
b. Improve cardiac performance c. 2
c. Decrease blood pressure 9. The rabbit myocardium is susceptible to myocardial
5. Mitral regurgitation is best heard over the: ischemia because of ________.
a. Left apex a. Lack of adequate collateral circulation
b. Right apex b. Hypertension within the cardiac muscle
c. Left base c. Inadequate calcium levels within the cardiac
d. Right base muscle
6. Microfilaria can always be found on ferret blood
Answers found on page 546.
Diseases of the Digestive System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss the unique husbandry practices needed for
able to: ferret clients.
• Discuss the pros and cons of owning a ferret as a pet. • Explain the common diseases seen in pet ferrets and
their treatment.

The Ferret 231 The Rabbit 235
Dental Disease 231 Intestinal Stasis (Hairballs, Trichobezoars, “Wool
Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies 232 Block”) 235
Enteritis and Diarrhea 233 Obesity 236
Wasting Disease in Ferrets 233 Dental Disease 237
Supportive Care 234 Soft Stools (Intermittent Diarrhea) 238
Rodents 234 Internal Parasites 238
Overgrowth of Incisors 234 Cecal Impaction 238
Sialodacryoadenitis in Rats 234 Mucoid Enteropathy 239
Enteropathy (Wet Tail, Proliferative Ileitis) 235 Hepatic Lipidosis 239

Dysphagia Ileus Pododermatitis
Gingivitis Lipolysis
Halitosis Periodontal

or those high in sweets are most commonly affected. As

THE FERRET in dogs and cats, as tartar accumulates on teeth, inflam-
Digestive system disease in the ferret parallels those of mation of periodontal tissues occurs, causing dysphagia
dogs and cats. Dental diseases, diarrhea (infectious), gas- and drooling.
trointestinal (GI) foreign bodies, neoplasia, inflamma-
tory bowel disease, and rectal disease are common Clinical Signs
occurrences in pet ferrets. • Discolored teeth with tartar accumulation
• Halitosis
Dental Disease • Presence or absence of loose or lost teeth
Gingivitis and periodontal disease are common in older • Presence or absence of pain on chewing
ferrets (Fig. 15.1). Animals fed moist or semimoist diets • Presence or absence of drooling

232 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

I1 I2
I3 I1 I2 I3


Fig. 15.1 Dental formula for the ferret. (A) Upper dental arcade. Fig. 15.2 Tricobezoars surgically removed from the stomach of a
(B) Lower dental arcade. (Courtesy Vittorio Capello, DVM. ferret. (From Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW. Ferrets, Rabbits,
In: Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW. Ferrets, Rabbits, and and Rodents. 3rd ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2012, by
Rodents. 3rd ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2012, by permission.) permission.)

Diagnosis • Vomiting (usually not reported by client)

• Physical examination and history • Weakness: may be profound
• Complete dental examination • Slobbering, face rubbing

Treatment Diagnosis
• Dental cleaning and extractions if necessary • Physical examination and history
• Prevention same as for cats and dogs • Radiography:  ileus, gas distention, visible
• Analgesia for oral pain
foreign body
• Complete blood cell count (CBC) and serum
Information for Clients
• Ferrets’ teeth can be cleaned and brushed using prod-
ucts formulated for cats.
• Loose teeth should be extracted to prevent pain and Treatment
further irritation to the surrounding tissue. • Surgical removal
• Intravenous (IV) fluids
TECH ALERT • Antibiotics
• Use of laxatives formulated for cats can prevent the
Ferrets have small oral cavities, and you will need to use
a mouth speculum to properly examine the rear teeth. accumulation of hair in older ferrets

Information for Clients

Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies • Avoid allowing ferrets unsupervised, free roam of
GI foreign bodies are common in ferrets. These animals the house.
are curious and love to chew, which puts them at risk for • Do not give your pet ferrets soft, squeaky rubber toys.
swallowing almost anything they can chew on, particu- • Routinely use a laxative formulated for cats to pre-
larly items of latex rubber or sponge materials. Hairballs vent hairball obstruction in older ferrets.
can also cause obstruction in older ferrets (Fig. 15.2).
Clinical Signs
• Lethargy Do not allow ferrets access to any rubber products; this
may mean you need to watch them around tissue drains,
• Anorexia
catheter administration sets, and clinic toys.
• Diarrhea
CHAPTER 15 Diseases of the Digestive System 233

Enteritis and Diarrhea • Kaolin or pectin may be given orally to protect the
Most cases of enteritis and diarrhea may be related to intestines
bacterial or viral infections in the ferret. Salmonella, •  Cortisone for inflammatory bowel disease and epi-
Mycobacteria, Campylobacter, rotavirus, canine distem- zootic catarrhal enteritis (ECE)
per virus, and human flu virus may all be causes of diar- • Change diet to easily absorbable food: i/d, z/d
rhea in the ferret. Epizootic catarrhal enteritis, a highly
transmissible disease, is more common in older ferrets Information for Clients
exposed to new or young ferrets that may be asymptom- • Diagnosis of the exact cause of ferret diarrhea may be
atic carriers. Inflammatory bowel disease does occur time-consuming and require numerous tests.
with some frequency in pet ferrets. Although the exact • To avoid most cases of diarrhea, maintain routine diet,
cause is unknown, it may be related to a hyperimmune avoid foreign body ingestion, and do not allow the ferret
response to dietary components. access to garbage or other uncooked food sources.
• Avoid exposing your ferret to unvaccinated, young
Clinical Signs
• Diarrhea
•  Dehydration
Wasting Disease in Ferrets
•  Weight loss
•  Upper respiratory disease (human flu virus) Helicobacter mustelae, proliferative bowel disease
(PBD), and eosinophilic gastroenteritis can all cause
Diagnosis diarrhea and wasting in ferrets. Most ferrets are exposed
• Physical examination and history to H. mustelae as kits, becoming persistently infected but
• Fecal to rule out parasites (fairly uncommon in pet asymptomatic until later. Infection may result in
ferrets) mucous gland depletion in the stomach, followed by gas-
• Stool culture and sensitivity tric ulceration or chronic gastritis. Stress is usually the
•  Radiography to rule out foreign body underlying cause for development of clinical symptoms.
• CBC, serum chemistries PBD is caused by the bacterium Lawsonia intracellularis.
• Biopsy of affected bowel (inflammatory bowel disease) Infection usually results in segments of the intestine
becoming thickened by cellular infiltration of the intes-
Treatment tinal wall (Fig. 15.3). This disease, primarily transmitted
• Maintain hydration (subcutaneous [SQ], oral fluids) by the fecal-oral route, is most common in young, fast-
• Antibiotics (per culture results, or metronidazole and growing juveniles; stress also plays a role in development
amoxicillin are good choices) of clinical symptoms.

Fig. 15.3 Thickened, hemorrhagic mucosa in the bowel of a ferret with proliferative enteritis. (From Quesen-
berry KE, Carpenter JW. Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents. 3rd ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2012, by permission.)
234 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

Clinical Signs
• Diarrhea with or without blood and mucous
• Wasting, rapid and severe
• Vomiting or nausea, pawing at mouth
• Dehydration
• Lethargy
• Anorexia
• Presence or absence of anemia

• Physical examination and history
• CBC, serum chemistries; hypoalbuminemia, anemia,
with or without eosinophilia (10%–35%) Fig. 15.4 Overgrown incisors in a rat. Overgrown teeth can be
• Radiography cut with a high-speed drill. (Courtesy Thomas M. Donnelly,
• Stool culture and sensitivity DVM, BVSc, DAVLAM.)
• Biopsy of affected tissue
Overgrowth of Incisors
Treatment Incisors of rats grow constantly. If these teeth are not
worn down by chewing, they can overgrow and cause
• Analgesia
digestive problems (Fig. 15.4).
• Antibiotics:
• Chloramphenicol for PBD (bacteria only sensitive Clinical Signs
to chloramphenicol) • Anorexia
• Metronidazole and ampicillin for Helicobacter
•  Nasal discharge
infection • Overgrown incisors may prevent normal closure of
• Cimetidine or other histamine (H2) blockers
the mouth
• Corticosteroid therapy for eosinophilic
gastroenteritis Diagnosis
• Bismuth subsalicylate
• Physical examination and history
• Hypoallergenic diet
• Azathioprine Treatment
Supportive care • May require sedation for proper trimming
• IV or SQ fluids
• Use a high-speed dental drill for shortening teeth;
avoid using nail trimmers because they will result
Information for Clients in enamel damage to teeth
• Avoid exposure of your pet ferret to young ferrets • Extraction may be needed if teeth are nonfunctional
whose Helicobacter status is unknown. or seriously damaged
• Sick ferrets may need to be tube-fed and have SQ •  Antibiotics if soft tissues are involved
fluids administered frequently. • Analgesia if needed
• It may take a long time for the ferret to recover, even
with aggressive and persistent treatment. TECH ALERT
The oral cavity of rodents is difficult to examine without
RODENTS sedation and a good oral speculum.

Digestive disturbances are frequent occurrences in

rodents. Overgrowth of incisors is a common problem Sialodacryoadenitis in Rats
in rats, whereas enteritis or diarrhea is seen more com- Inflammation of the cervical salivary glands occurs in
monly in gerbils and hamsters. rats, giving them the appearance of having the mumps.
CHAPTER 15 Diseases of the Digestive System 235

This highly contagious disease is the result of coronavi- Information for Clients
rus infection. • Reducing stress resulting from poor husbandry can
prevent the development of Tyzzer disease in
Clinical Signs hamsters.
• Rhinitis (initial symptom) • The term wet tail is commonly used to refer to any
• Enlarged cervical lymph nodes diarrhea in hamsters, regardless of the cause.
• Enlarged salivary glands and lacrimal glands
•  Ocular lesions of conjunctivitis, keratitis, corneal
Rabbits are monogastric herbivores. They are also hind-
Diagnosis gut fermenters; that is, they can digest fiber in the cecum
• Physical examination and history and produce energy. They require a diet high in fiber;
• Other causes of infection ruled out many of the digestive problems seen in rabbits can be
• Serology related directly to improper diets. The anatomy of the
digestive tract is similar to that of the horse in that rab-
Treatment bits have a large cecum and a sacculated colon. Large
• No treatment is currently available. Clinical signs indigestible fiber particles stimulate the intestinal tract
usually decrease within 30 days motility, whereas the digestible nutrients are broken
down and absorbed by specific areas of the GI tract. A
Information for Clients population of microorganisms that lives in the cecum
• This condition is highly contagious. are able to break down the digestible portion of the diet,
• Chronic eye lesions may result from the primary and some absorption of nutrients occurs directly from
infection. the cecum. Cecotrophs are formed from the remainder
of the digestible material. These are full of nutrients and
Enteropathy (Wet Tail, Proliferative Ileitis) are passed to the outside to be reeaten by the rabbit. Any
Diarrhea seen in young and mature hamsters is usually disruption of dietary content, stress, dehydration, or dis-
associated with bacterial infection. In young hamsters, ease can result in intestinal stasis and digestive upset.
the bacterium Lawsonia intracellularis is often the cause,
whereas in mature hamsters and gerbils, Clostridium Intestinal Stasis (Hairballs, Trichobezoars,
piliforme is the cause (Tyzzer disease). “Wool Block”)
The diagnosis of hairball obstruction in the rabbit is a
Clinical Signs common one. However, hair is not the problem; the
• Severe diarrhea main problem is the lack of intestinal motility that
• Dehydration allows the hair to accumulate. Intestinal stasis may result
• Anorexia from a number of causes: inappropriate diet (one high in
carbohydrates and low in fiber), dehydration, stress, or
Diagnosis painful conditions such as dental disease or the presence
• Physical examination and history of high mortality in of foreign objects in the GI tract. It is normal to find hair
the colony or recent antibiotic therapy with lincomy- in the stomach of the rabbit, mixed with stomach con-
cin, penicillin, or bacitracin tents in a soft mass. As intestinal motility slows, this soft
• Culture of the organism in feces mass begins to dehydrate and become drier and firmer.
The result is an impaction, which results in signs of clin-
Treatment ical disease.
• Replace fluid and electrolyte loss; IV, SQ, oral fluids
• Force-feed: Critical Care (Oxbow Pet Products, Mur- Clinical Signs
dock, NE) or slurry of rodent pellets combined with • Anorexia
pureed vegetables and fruits • Dehydration
• Antibiotics: tetracycline, oxytetracycline, enrofloxa- • Decrease or lack of feces
cin, or trimethoprim with sulfa • Rabbits may chew on fiber in the environment in an
• Intestinal protectants such as bismuth subsalicylate attempt to replace necessary dietary fiber not provided
236 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

• Lethargy • Signs of gastric stasis may appear gradually. You will

• Death need to monitor your animal’s dietary consumption
and fecal output carefully to catch the problem early.
• Physical signs and dietary history
• Radiography to confirm the presence of dehydrated
material in the intestinal tract (Fig. 15.5) Obesity is a common problem in pet rabbits. Lack of
exercise and excessive food together produce a fat rabbit.
Treatment Fat rabbits, similar to overweight humans, dogs, cats,
• Rehydrate the patient—with both oral and IV fluids and horses, have more health problems compared with
• If the animal is eating, give fresh, leafy greens rabbits that maintain a normal weight.
• Administer drugs that stimulate gastric motility: cisa-
pride, metoclopramide Clinical Signs
• Analgesia: Gas buildup in the intestines can be painful • Abnormally large amounts of internal and external
• Change the diet to include more fiber and moisture body fat
• Note: Enzymatic digestion of hairballs is of little use; • Lethargy
the problem is GI stasis, not the hair in the intestines • Inability to groom properly; matted and dirty hair,
Information for Clients • Pododermatitis, lameness from orthopedic problems,
• Rabbits require a diet high in fiber and low in carbo- or both
hydrates. Grass hay is a good source of fiber.
• Rabbits need exercise to stimulate normal bowel Diagnosis
function. They also must have access to their “night • Physical examination and history of improper diet
feces” for proper nutrition. and exercise

Fig. 15.5 A trichobezoar in the stomach of a rabbit. (From Harcourt-Brown F. Textbook of Rabbit Medicine.
Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2002, by permission.)
CHAPTER 15 Diseases of the Digestive System 237

• Radiographs show excessive internal and external • Increased drooling (usually related to oral pain)
body fat or joint abnormalities • Visible overgrown teeth
• Serum chemistries may show elevation of liver func- • Excessive tearing (overgrown teeth may block
tion if fatty liver is present tear ducts)
• Progressive weight loss
• Correct the diet: decrease the level of carbohydrates Diagnosis
and increase the level of fiber in the diet • Complete oral examination (may require anesthesia)
• Increase exercise • Dental radiography

Information for Clients Treatment

• It is easier to prevent obesity than to treat it. • Grind and polish overgrown teeth
• Make sure your rabbit is given a proper diet—high in • Correct the diet: add more abrasive materials for the
fiber, low in carbohydrates—and make sure the rab- rabbit to gnaw on
bit has adequate room to exercise. • Treat any oral lesions that arise from the
• Obesity will predispose your rabbit to other problems malocclusion
that can affect the quality of life for your pet. • Remove any malaligned teeth

Dental Disease
Pet rabbits are frequently seen in veterinary practice for
dental problems. Many of these problems arise from
poor husbandry practices, but others may be related
to trauma, cancer, or genetic malformations of the
jaw. The structure of the jaws in rabbits is similar to that
in horses, with the lower dental arcade being narrower
than the upper arcade. This predisposes the back teeth
to uneven wear and overgrowth (Figs. 15.6 and 15.7).
Incisors also become overgrown, which could result in
mouth sores and decreased ability to eat.

Clinical Signs
• Inability to eat or dropping food from the mouth Fig. 15.7 Cheek teeth examined using an otoscope. (From
when chewing Harcourt-Brown F. Textbook of Rabbit Medicine. Oxford, UK:
• Reluctance to eat favorite “hard” foods Butterworth-Heinemann; 2002, by permission.)

Fig. 15.6 Rabbit dental arcade. Overgrown incisors are a common problem in domestic rabbits. (A) Overgrown
incisors. (B) Normal incisors. (From Harcourt-Brown F. Textbook of Rabbit Medicine. Oxford, UK: Butterworth-
Heinemann; 2002, by permission.)
238 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

Information for Clients Clinical Signs

• Rabbits need to chew. Give them hay cubes, soft • Diarrhea
wood, or other safe abrasive items that will help wear • Dehydration
the teeth in a normal manner. • Weight loss
• Have your rabbit’s teeth examined for abnormal • Distended abdomen
wear two times yearly. Correct any problems at • Death (Eimeria stiedae)
that time. • No clinical symptoms (especially with pinworms)

Soft Stools (Intermittent Diarrhea) Diagnosis

Rabbits not fed adequate amounts of fiber will often • Physical examination
have intermittent soft stools. This is the result of diets • Visible worms—especially pinworms found around
high in carbohydrates, which alter the bacterial flora the anus
in the cecum and result in the production of soft, mushy • Fecal flotation
feces. Inflammation of the cecum and parasites may also • Serum chemistries; liver dysfunction (if E. stiedae
cause soft stools and should be investigated if the diet involved)
is proper.
Clinical Signs • Anthelmintics
• Both soft and normal stools present in the cage • Cage cleaning and disinfection
• Fur around the rectum may be stained from soft • Coccidiostats (sulfadimethoxine)
feces • Supportive care in severe cases (adequate hydration,
•  Other signs of systemic disease
warmth, caloric support)
• Physical examination and dietary history
Information for Clients
• Fecal sample to rule out parasites • Rabbits should be examined for parasites soon after
• CBC to rule out inflammatory disease purchasing. Routine fecal examinations should allow
your rabbit to remain parasite-free.
• E. stiedae can infect the liver and may cause death of
the animal. E. stiedae is difficult to distinguish from
• Correct the diet: place the rabbit on a grass hay–only
other more common Eimeria species.
diet until stools become normal • Keep the rabbit’s environment clean, and keep expo-
• Remove any high-carbohydrate prepared foods from
sure to feces of other animals to a minimum to pre-
the diet permanently vent infection.
• Treat intestinal parasites, if found, with ivermectin
• Correct underlying cause of cecal inflammation
Information for Clients Clients may be upset and nervous after finding pin-
• Always make sure you are feeding your rabbit a prop- worms on their pet rabbit. This parasite is species-
specific and not transmissible to humans.
erly balanced diet high in fiber.
• Periodic fecal examinations are necessary to keep
your pet parasite-free (especially if your rabbit is fre- Cecal Impaction
quently outside on grass). The cause of cecal impaction in the rabbit is unknown,
but stress, dehydration, and the ingestion of small fiber
Internal Parasites particles that absorb water have all been implicated.
Internal parasites found in rabbits include pinworms Cecal impaction is difficult to treat and can best be
(Passalurus ambiguous) and coccidia (Eimeria spp.); avoided by proper feeding of grass hay and providing
cestodes (Hymenolepis); and trematodes (uncommon a low-stress environment with a constant supply of fresh
in house rabbits). drinking water.
CHAPTER 15 Diseases of the Digestive System 239

Clinical Signs • Change in water consumption (may be increased or

• Sluggishness decreased)
• Gradual loss of appetite • Presence or absence of cecal impaction
• Weight loss
• Decreased fecal material Diagnosis
• Increased mucus in stool • Other causes such as parasitism, and bacterial or
viral agents ruled out
Diagnosis • Radiography: cecal impaction, gas in cecum and
• Physical examination and history small intestine, gastric distension
• The impacted cecum can often be palpated as a
sausage-shaped mass in the ventral abdomen Treatment
• Radiography • Similar to that for cecal impaction
• Fluids
Treatment • Increased fiber diet (grass hay)
• Rehydration of the patient (oral, IV, and SQ fluids) • Fresh leafy greens
• Softening of GI tract contents (can use leafy green • Probiotic to reestablish intestinal bacteria
vegetables, fruits) • Presence or absence of antibiotics
• Cisapride or metoclopramide to stimulate motility
• Analgesics (carprofen is the suggested nonsteroidal Information for Clients
antiinflammatory drug but may result in gastric • The prognosis for mucoid enteropathy, even with
ulceration) treatment, is guarded to poor.
• Dinoprost (as a last resort; experimentally this has • This disease is usually progressive and fatal.
been shown to result in rapid evacuation of the GI
tract after administration) Hepatic Lipidosis
As in cats, anorexia in rabbits may result in hepatic lipi-
Information for Clients dosis and liver failure. Rabbits produce glucose and
• Cecal impaction can be avoided by feeding free- lactates in cecotrophs from fermentation in the stomach.
choice grass hay and providing constant access to The cecotrophs also contain amylase and volatile fatty
clean water. acids, which are reabsorbed in the intestinal tract from
• Avoid using clay cat litter or other short-fiber partic- consumed cecotrophs. During periods of anorexia, glu-
ulate matter for bedding. cose levels decline, and the cecal microflora decrease
production of fatty acids. This stimulates lipolysis and
Mucoid Enteropathy the mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue. These
Although not commonly seen in pet rabbits, mucoid must pass through the liver to be metabolized. The liver,
enteropathy is occasionally seen in young rabbits unable to handle the excess of fatty acids, begins to accu-
obtained from a pet store or breeder and in breeding does. mulate fat in the hepatocytes, blocking or impairing
metabolic pathways. The result, hepatic lipidosis, may
Clinical Signs lead to liver failure and death. Obese rabbits and rabbits
• Anorexia on high-fat diets are at greatest risk for development of
• Abdominal distension this disease.
• Subnormal body temperatures
• Depression Clinical Signs
• Crouched body stance • Prolonged anorexia
• “Sloshy gut sounds” • Depression
• Presence or absence of diarrhea or constipation • Dehydration
• Increased passage of mucus • As disease progresses, animal may become disorien-
• Teeth grinding (related to abdominal pain) tated and ataxic
240 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

Diagnosis • Presence or absence analgesics

• Physical examination and history of prolonged • Questran; treat developing enterotoxemias
• Radiography: gastric hypomotility may be present Information for Clients
• CBC and serum chemistries: increases in liver • Prevent the formation of hepatic lipidosis by making
enzymes sure your rabbit is eating well.
• If the rabbit must be stressed by boarding, travel, or
Treatment breeding, ensure adequate caloric intake to prevent a
• Nutritional support (tube-feed if necessary) shift in metabolic pathways.
• Correct dehydration • Avoid obesity in your pet rabbit with proper nutri-
• Treat intestinal hypomotility if present tion and exercise.

1. Infection with ________ bacteria can result in gas- c. Starch
tric ulceration and chronic gastritis in ferrets. d. Vitamins
a. Helicobacter spp. 7. The proper diet for a pet rabbit should include
b. Staphylococcus spp. ________. (Select all that apply.)
c. Proteus spp. a. Grass hay
d. Streptococcus spp. b. Meat protein
2. Humans who have the flu should avoid handling c. Animal fats
ferrets. d. Clean water
a. True e. Fresh vegetables
b. False f. Peanuts
3. What is another term for proliferative ileitis in the g. Alfalfa hay
hamster? h. Commercial pellets
a. Tyzzer disease 8. The formation of “trichobezoars” in rabbits is not a
b. Wet tail problem of ingested hair as much as a problem of
c. Sialodacryoadenitis ________.
d. Chromodacryorrhea a. Anorexia
4. Overgrowth of ________ presents the most prob- b. Dietary intolerance
lems to rats. c. Intestinal motility
a. Molars d. Increased exercise
b. Canine 9. Teeth grinding in rabbits is usually related to
c. Incisors ________.
d. Premolars a. Pain
5. Hepatic lipidosis in the rabbit can be precipitated b. Dental tartar
by ________. c. Diarrhea
a. Prolonged anorexia d. Hairballs
b. Exposure to pesticides 10. Rabbit pinworms can be a zoonotic problem.
c. Drug therapy a. True
d. Eating a diet high in fiber b. False
6. Cecotrophs ingested by the rabbit contain large
Answers found on page 546.
amounts of:
a. Glycogen
b. Volatile fatty acids
Diseases of the Endocrine System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be able to: • Discuss treatment options available to clients.
• Explain the genesis of endocrine problems in ferrets,
rodents, and rabbits.

The Ferret 241 Surgical 242
Adrenal Disease 241 The Rodent 243
Pancreatic Islet Cell Tumors (Insulinomas) 242 Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing Disease) 243
Medical 242 Diabetes Mellitus in Degus (Trumpet Tail Rats) 243

Cataract Gluconeogenesis Nodulectomy
Fasciculation Gonadotropin

Clinical Signs
THE FERRET • Progressive alopecia
Endocrine disease is common in older ferrets. The • Presence or absence of pruritus
organs affected include the pancreas and the adrenal • Presence or absence of enlarged vulva (female) or uri-
glands. Estrogen excess is covered in Chapter 22. nary dysuria or obstruction (male)

Adrenal Disease Diagnosis

Adrenal gland disease (hyperplasia, adenoma, or adeno- • Clinical signs and physical examination, history
carcinoma) is the most common endocrine problem in • Complete blood cell count (CBC) and serum
older ferrets. Clinical signs include a progressive, sym- chemistries: may be normal or may show anemia
metrical, pruritic alopecia that begins in the rump area or a pancytopenia in severe cases; chemistries usually
and spreads cranially and ventrally (Fig. 16.1). The dis- normal
ease affects both male and female ferrets, with female • Radiography: usually not helpful
ferrets being overrepresented. It is estimated that about • Ultrasonography: should detect enlarged adrenal
70% of female ferrets with adrenal disease will also gland(s)
exhibit vulvar enlargement, and that male ferrets may • Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance
experience urinary blockage from cystic tissue in the imaging (MRI)
region of the prostate. Surgical treatment is preferred, • Serum concentrations of steroid hormones will show
but medical treatment is available, although the progno- increased levels of estradiol, androstenedione, and
sis with medical treatment is unpredictable. 17-hydroxyprogesterone
242 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

β-islet cells, which produce insulin. These functional

tumors trigger hormone release from the brain, and
the normal feedback system that either increases insulin
release or decreases it in relation to blood glucose levels
becomes ineffective. Excessive levels of insulin produce
decreasing levels of blood glucose concentrations over
time (weeks to months).

Clinical Signs
• Hypoglycemia
• Weakness
• Lethargy
• Ataxia
Fig. 16.1 Hair loss seen in a ferret with adrenocortical tumor. • Seizures
(From Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW. Ferrets, Rabbits, and • Coma
Rodents. 2nd ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2004, by permission.) • Hypothermia
• Tachycardia
• Clinical Endocrinology Laboratory, University of • Muscle fasciculations
Tennessee: best for diagnosis • Irritability

• Surgical removal of the diseased gland Diagnosis
• Medical treatment for nonsurgical candidatesa: • Physical examination and history of episodes of col-
• Deslorelin implant lapse or weakness
• Treatments commonly used in dogs may be ineffec- • CBC and serum chemistries
tive in ferrets. None of the medications listed in Box • Hypoglycemia: blood glucose level less than 60 milli-
16.1 are licensed for use in ferrets. grams per deciliter (mg/dL)
• Serum insulin levels: elevated
Information for Clients • Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) serum may be
• Adrenal disease is a disease of older neutered ferrets. increased
• Light cycle therapy: limiting daylight hours to no • Radiography or ultrasonography: may locate a mass
more than 10 hours per day. in the liver if metastasis has occurred.
• Surgical treatment will give the best chance for a
favorable prognosis. This surgery is not routine and Treatment
will require a surgical specialist.
• With medical treatment, results will be less satisfac- Medical
• Will not slow tumor growth
tory, and relapses may occur if medication is
• Prednisone: used to increase blood glucose levels
• Adrenal tumors may metastasize and cause other by inhibiting glucose uptake and increasing
medical problems.
• Diazoxide: inhibits insulin release and inhibits
Pancreatic Islet Cell Tumors (Insulinomas) gluconeogenesis
• Dietary management: feed frequent small meals, and
Islet cell tumors in the pancreas are common in middle-
avoid fasting; use high-protein food; and avoid sugars
aged to older ferrets. Most tumors in ferrets involve the
and carbohydrates
Medical treatment may be helpful in some ferrets, but not all • Not curative but may slow progression
will respond favorably. • Nodulectomy or partial pancreatectomy
CHAPTER 16 Diseases of the Endocrine System 243

• Polyphagia
BOX 16.1 Medications Used in Dogs That
• Alopecia
Are Ineffective in Ferrets
• Hyperpigmentation
• Mitotane (Lysodren): rarely successful with adrenal
• Flutamide (Eulexin): androgen receptor blocker
• Anastrozole (Arimidex): aromatase inhibitor blocks • Physical examination and history
conversion of testosterone to estrogen • Increased plasma cortisol and alkaline phosphatase
• Bicalutamide (Casodex): inhibits production of levels
• Leuprolide (Lupron): gonadotropin-releasing hormone Treatment
analogs; decreases levels of both testosterone and • o,p-DDD (mitotane) orally every 24 hours
• Metyrapone orally every 8 to 12 hours

Information for Clients Information for Clients

• Insulinomas in ferrets are usually malignant and can • Treatment may not benefit all hamsters with Cushing
spread to the liver and other organs. disease.
• Surgery should be performed by a surgical specialist. • More information on endocrine disease is needed for
• Many ferrets will still require medical management of the rodent species.
hypoglycemia after surgery, and blood glucose levels
must be checked every 2 to 3 months. Diabetes Mellitus in Degus (Trumpet Tail Rats)
• Aggressive surgical treatment may result in hypergly-
Clinical Signs
cemia (diabetes mellitus) in the ferret. This may be a • Development of cataracts
transient effect in some animals. • Polyuria or polydipsia
• Weight loss
Endocrine disease in rodents is not a common finding; Diagnosis
however, several cases of hyperadrenocorticism (Cush- • Physical examination and history
ing disease) have been reported in pet hamsters. • Increased blood glucose level
Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing Disease)
Clinical Signs
• Polydipsia or polyuria • None found in the literature for diabetic degus rats

1. Which disease represents the most commonly seen 3. Rats fed diets high in ________ can result in the for-
endocrine disorder in domestic ferrets? mation of cataracts.
a. Estrogen toxicity a. Starch
b. Insulinoma b. Sucrose
c. Adrenal disease c. Protein
d. Pituitary adenoma d. Lipids
2. Alopecia, hyperpigmentation, polyuria, polydip- 4. Overgrowth of the rabbit’s upper incisors may result
sia, and polyphagia in the hamster are typical in ________. (Select all that apply.)
signs of: a. Blocked lacrimal ducts
a. Hypoadrenocorticism b. Epiphora
b. Hyperadrenocorticism c. Blepharitis
c. Diabetes mellitus d. Conjunctivitis
d. Insulinoma Answers found on page 546.
Diseases of the Eye

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss treatments for a variety of eye problems
able to: when asked by clients.
• Explain the causes of many of the common eye • Recognize normal clinical signs of eye disease in
problems seen in ferrets, rodents, and rabbits. ferrets, rodents, and rabbits.

The Ferret 244 Periocular Dermatitis in Gerbils 245
Common Disorders of the Eye 244 Keratoconjunctivitis in Hamsters 246
The Rodent 245 The Rabbit 246
Cataracts 245 Epiphora (Runny Eyes) 246
Epiphora, Conjunctivitis, and Chromodacryorrhea Conjunctivitis and Blepharitis 246
(Pigmented Tears) 245 Glaucoma 246

Blepharospasm Enucleation Glaucoma
Chromodacryorrhea Epiphora Keratoconjunctivitis
Cyclophotocoagulation Erythema Uveitis

Common Disorders of the Eye

THE FERRET Conjunctivits Clinical Signs
Diseases of the eye in ferrets are similar to those in other • Ocular discharge
species. The three most frequently seen disorders are (1) • Red, swollen conjunctiva
conjunctivitis, (2) cataract or lens luxations, and (3) ret- •  Blepharospasms
inal atrophy.
Cataract/Lens Luxations Clinical Signs
Conjunctivitis may have many causes—bacterial,
• Opacity of the pupil
viral (canine distemper virus or human influenza virus),
or environmental (dust, debris, vapors). Cataract and Retinal Atrophy Clinical Signs
lens luxations are believed to be inherited traits, and ani- • Progressive loss of vision
mals with these traits should not be used for breeding.
Likewise, retinal atrophy may also be related to genetic Diagnosis
causes or nutritional deficiencies (taurine). Typically, • Physical examination and history
no treatment is suggested for these genetically based • Complete ocular examination
diseases. • Culture and sensitivity of ocular discharge

CHAPTER 17 Diseases of the Eye 245

Treatment •  Signs of systemic disease

• Ophthalmic antibiotic ointment based on culture or •  Signs of incisor overgrowth
• Canine distemper is usually fatal in ferrets; no treat- Diagnosis
ment is available • Physical examination and history; stress in a new
• No treatment for genetic dysfunction home may increase incidence
• Exfoliative cytology of conjunctiva
• Flushing of lacrimal ducts
THE RODENT • Distinguish porphyrin from blood (porphyrin will
fluoresce under ultraviolet light; blood will not)
Cataracts • Culture and sensitivity of conjunctiva
Cataracts occur in rats and mice as both inherited and
congenital lesions and secondary to other diseases and Treatment
trauma. Nutritionally induced cataracts are also seen • Systemic antibiotics based on culture and sensitivity
in laboratory rats fed increased levels of sucrose, xylose, results
or galactose. • Topical ophthalmic antibiotic ointments
• Improved hygiene and nutrition
Clinical Signs • Correction of any underlying dental problems
• Opacity of the lens in one or both eyes • Decreasing stress in the environment
• Usually will not impair vision
Information for Clients
Diagnosis • Treatment for conjunctivitis may need to be based on
• Complete ophthalmological examination laboratory findings, which may be expensive. Often
therapy is started on the basis of previous experience
Treatment with your pet or other similar cases.
• Correct diet if nutritional cause is suspected • It is natural for many rodents to shed red tears.
• No treatment is available for most pet rats
Information for Clients Clients will report bleeding from the eyes when they see
• The occurrence of cataracts resulting in loss of vision red tears. Even though the color may be normal, do not
in pet rats is unusual. rule out disease as a cause of epiphora.

Epiphora, Conjunctivitis, and Periocular Dermatitis in Gerbils

Chromodacryorrhea (Pigmented Tears) Clinical Signs
Many rodents produce tears that contain the pigment • Erythema
porphyrin. These red-brown secretions are often mis- • Crusting around eyes
taken for blood in the medial canthus and on the front • Alopecia around nares, forepaws, and facial areas
paws of the animal. Both bacterial and viral diseases
may be associated with conjunctivitis in rodents. Nonin- Diagnosis
fectious causes include irritation from soiled bedding, • Physical examination and history
malocclusion of overgrown incisors, and poor nutrition
and hygiene. Stress can also result in an increase in Treatment
pigmented tears. • Decrease ambient temperatures (will decrease exces-
sive grooming)
Clinical Signs • Gently cleanse secretions from affected areas
• Overproduction of tears or lack of tear duct drainage • Apply protective ophthalmic ointment to area
• Red, swollen conjunctival tissues • Change bedding materials if they are irritants
246 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

Keratoconjunctivitis in Hamsters • Apply topical ophthalmic antibiotic ointment based

Keratoconjunctivitis in hamsters is usually the result of on culture results
environmental trauma and unsanitary bedding. • Correct abnormalities of eyelids or cilia
•  Systemic antibiotics
Clinical Signs
• Inflammation of cornea and conjunctiva Conjunctivitis and Blepharitis
Conjunctivitis and blepharitis, together with epiphora,
are commonly seen in pet rabbits. Infectious causes that
• Physical examination and history
have been isolated include Pasteurella multocida, Staphy-
• Complete ophthalmological examination
lococcus aureus, Pseudomonas spp., Treponema cuniculi
Treatment (rabbit syphilis), and Chlamydia organisms. Noninfec-
• Difficult because systemic antibiotic therapy may tious causes such as trauma, dust, and eyelid disorders
may also be causes of conjunctivitis and blepharitis.
produce fatal enteritis in hamsters
• Topical ophthalmic ointments Clinical Signs
• Excessive watering of the eyes
THE RABBIT • Redness, swelling
• Squinting; sensitivity to light
The eye of the rabbit is structurally similar to that of the •  Uveitis (Pasteurella)
dog and the cat but with a few exceptions. Important eye •  Dry, crusty lesions on eyelids (Treponema)
disorders of the rabbit include epiphora, conjunctivitis,
uveitis, blepharospasms, and glaucoma. Diagnosis
• Physical examination and history
Epiphora (Runny Eyes) • Culture and sensitivity
Runny eyes in the rabbit may be related to the overgrowth • Cytology
of the upper incisors, which results in blockage of the • Viral isolation if a viral causative agent is suggested
lacrimal (tear) duct. Other causes may be related to envi-
from intracytoplasmic inclusions
ronmental conditions (dust, pollen, household fumes), • Dark-field microscopy of perilesional scrapings if
disease of the cornea, entropion or ectropion, districhiasis
rabbit syphilis is suspected (will see ulcerations of
(abnormal eyelash placement), third eyelid disease, or for-
mucous membranes, eyelids with dry, crusty lesions
eign body obstruction of the tear duct. A thorough oph-
over ulcerated skin)
thalmic examination should provide a definite diagnosis.

Clinical Signs Treatment

• Excessive watering of the eyes • Antibiotic ophthalmic ointment based on culture
• Wet facial hair with staining results
•  Squinting, rubbing the eyes, mucous discharge, • Systemic antibiotics
• Cleanup of the environment
swelling, or redness

Diagnosis Information for Clients

• Physical examination and history • It is important to accurately diagnose the cause of eye
• Complete ophthalmic examination infections in rabbits before treatment.
• Dental examination • Eye problems should be seen by your veterinarian as
• Culture and sensitivity soon as noticed to prevent permanent damage to
• Radiographs (facial) the eye.

Treatment Glaucoma
• Grind or cut overgrown incisor teeth if present Glaucoma (i.e., increased intraocular pressures) is a
• Flush the lacrimal canal recessive trait in New Zealand White rabbits. Rabbits
CHAPTER 17 Diseases of the Eye 247

affected by this disease have increased intraocular pres- Treatment

sures by about 3 to 6 months of age. • Enucleation of the affected eye
• Laser cyclophotocoagulation
Clinical Signs • Cyclocryotherapy
• Corneal edema
• Exposure keratitis Information for Clients
• Blindness • Affected rabbits should not be used for breeding.
• Medical therapy of this disease is usually
Diagnosis ineffective.
• Physical examination and history • Glaucoma can occur in other breeds as a result of
• Age-related symptoms trauma or infection. Enucleation is the treatment of
• Measurement of increased intraocular pressures choice for rabbits with glaucoma.

1. Retinal atrophy is the result of nutritional or genetic 3. Rabbit syphilis may cause crusty eyelid lesions and is
defects. What is the most common clinical sign of caused by:
retinal atrophy? a. Pasteurella spp.
a. Acute loss of vision b. Pseudomonas spp.
b. Red, swollen eye c. Treponema spp.
c. Progressive loss of vision d. Chlamydia spp.
d. Opacity of the pupil 4. Hamster polyoma virus produces _______ in young
2. What pigment does the Harderian gland of the rat, hamsters.
located behind the eyes, produce? a. Bone tumors
a. Rhodopsin b. Skin tumors
b. Porphyrin c. Gastrointestinal tumors
c. Melanin d. Oral tumors
d. Bilirubin
Answers found on page 546.
Hematological and Immunological

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Explain why treatment may not be a good option for
able to: the pet.
• Recognize the usual causes of tumors in ferrets and

Ferrets 248 Rodents 249
Lymphoma 248 Lymphoma (Hamsters) 249

Hemopoietic Oncology Visceral
Malignancy Remission

• Anorexia
FERRETS • Weight loss
Estrogen toxicosis and bone marrow suppression
resulting in a life-threatening anemia are covered in Diagnosis
Chapter 22. • Clinical signs and history
• Needle aspirate of lymph node may suggest diagnosis
Lymphoma • Mature, well-differentiated lymphocytes present
Lymphoma is the most common malignancy in the fer- with adult form
ret (Fig. 18.1). Several forms of lymphoma exist; the • Excisional biopsy of lymph nodes or organ biopsy
most frequent is the lymphocytic form, which involves • Complete blood cell count (CBC) may show
the lymph nodes and spreads to visceral organs later lymphocytosis
in the disease. The lymphoblastic form, seen mostly in • Radiography or ultrasonography
young ferrets, produces visceral neoplasms early in the • Cytology of any fluid (pleural or abdominal)
disease. Another form is a combination type, which is
rarely seen. Treatment
• Available chemotherapy or multidrug protocols
Clinical Signs include the following:
• Enlarged peripheral lymph nodes • Prednisone
• Chronic lethargy • Vincristine
• Cycles of illness and recovery • Cyclophosphamide or l-asparaginase

CHAPTER 18 Hematological and Immunological Diseases 249

Lymphoma (Hamsters)
Neoplasia (lymphoma) is a common finding in ham-
sters. In older hamsters, the lymphoma typically
involves the hemopoietic system, thymus, spleen, liver,
lymph nodes, and other sites. In younger hamsters,
the disease involves skin tumors caused by the hamster
polyomavirus. Adult hamsters can also exhibit a third
form of the disease, which involves cutaneous issues.

Clinical Signs
• Swollen lymph nodes
• Dyspnea
Fig. 18.1 Lymphosarcoma: fine-needle aspirate from a ferret. • Weight loss
(From Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW. Ferrets, Rabbits, and
• Alopecia (with cutaneous lesions)
Rodents. 3rd ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2012, by permission.)
• Anorexia
• Lethargy
• Distended abdomen

• Doxorubicin Diagnosis
• Methotrexate • Physical examination and history
• Vincristine and cyclophosphamide and • Radiography
prednisone • Fine-needle aspiration or biopsy of the masses
• Dietary supplementation (high calorie)
• Fluids to maintain hydration Treatment
• Chemotherapy (extrapolate dosages from drugs used
in other species)
Information for Clients
• The prognosis for this disease is poor. Many ferrets Information for Clients
do not respond well to chemotherapy, with about • Treatment may be expensive, and these drugs may be
10% achieving complete remission. toxic to the patient.
• Treatment is expensive, time-consuming, and usually • Euthanasia may be the best option.
involves referral to a veterinary oncology specialist.

1. What is the most common malignancy in ferrets? 3. Technicians handling any chemotherapy medication
a. Adenocarcinoma should:
b. Lymphoma a. Wear a protective gown and gloves
c. Squamous cell carcinoma b. Wear eye protection
d. Fibrosarcoma c. Avoid skin exposure to the drug
2. What is a common neoplasm in hamsters? d. All of the above
a. Fibrosarcoma 4. The most common tumor in rats is _______.
b. Chondrosarcoma a. Fibroadenoma of the mammary gland
c. Lymphoma b. Fibrosarcoma of the mammary gland
d. Squamous cell carcinoma c. Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin
250 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

5. You are asked to evaluate a slide from a needle biopsy c. Small lymphocytes
from a swollen lymph node. Which of the following d. Neutrophils
cells would be considered abnormal?
a. Erythrocytes Answers found on page 546.
b. Lymphoblasts
Diseases of the Integumentary System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Explain how to prevent initial infestation or
able to: reinfestation of skin parasites in these species.
• Recognize common parasites of skin in these species.
• Be able to discuss treatments for these diseases with

The Ferret 251 External Abscesses 254
Parasites 252 Internal Abscesses 254
Fleas 252 Treponema Cuniculi Infection 255
Ear Mites 252 Myxomatosis 255
Bacterial Skin Disease 252 Shope Fibroma Virus 255
Skin Neoplasia 252 Dermatophytosis (Fungal Infections) 256
The Rodent 252 Parasites 256
Fur Mites 253 Ear Mites (Psoroptes cuniculi) 256
Tumors 253 Cheyletiella Parasitovorax 257
Impacted Cheek Pouches in Hamsters 253 Cuterebra (Warbles) 257
The Rabbit 253 Fleas and Ticks 257
Ulcerative Pododermatitis (Sore Hocks) 254 Fur Plucking 257
Abscesses 254

Anaphylaxis Exudate Macules
Curettage Fistulated Mesenchymal
Dermatophyte Kindling Zoonotic

relation to photoperiods—increasing when daylight

THE FERRET hours and temperature increase. Hair removed during
The normal hair coat of the ferret contains a thick, the seasonal thinning periods may not regrow for
cream-colored undercoat with coarse guard hairs that several months.
determine the coat color. Numerous sebaceous glands The most common diseases affecting skin include
give the coat a greasy feeling and produce a musky adrenal disease, parasites, and occasionally neoplasia.
odor. Thinning of the coat occurs twice yearly in Endocrine alopecia is covered in Chapter 16.

252 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

Parasites Diagnosis
Fleas (Ctenocephalides spp. and Pulex irritans) and ear • Gram stain of aspirated mass; most common organ-
mites (Otodectes cynotis) are the most commonly seen isms found include:
parasites of pet ferrets, although if housed outdoors, • Staphylococcus spp.
ticks and Cuterebra may also be seen. Benign neoplasms • Streptococcus spp.
also occur. Sarcoptic mange is uncommon in pet ferrets • Corynebacterium spp.
but has been seen. • Pasteurella spp.
• Anaerobic and aerobic culture and sensitivity
Clinical Signs
• Pruritus with or without alopecia dorsally Treatment
• Dark brown, waxy discharge in the ears (ear mites) • Draining and flushing of abscess
• Head tilt (with severe infestations) • Systemic antibiotic based on culture and sensitivity
Information for Clients
• Finding parasites on examination
• Keep the abscess site open to allow drainage and to
Treatment allow healing to proceed from the deeper levels to
Fleas the surface.
• No flea treatments have been approved for ferrets.
Skin Neoplasia
Care should be used if topical products manufactured
for dogs and cats are used. Sprays should be applied Benign neoplasms of the skin are a common problem in
to a cloth and rubbed onto the ferret. Avoid all prod- ferrets. The most frequently involved neoplasms are
ucts that contain organophosphates. mast cell tumors, basal cell tumors, and sebaceous cell
• New flea control products have been reported to be tumors.
• Lufenuron Clinical Signs
• Fipronil • Mass located in skin
• Revolution
• Use of these products may constitute off- Diagnosis
• Biopsy of the mass
label usage
Ear Mites
• Cleaning ears to remove exudates Treatment
• Ivermectin given subcutaneously (SQ) every 2 weeks • Surgical removal
until mite free
• Topical preparations: Information for Clients
• Thiabendazole/neomycin/dexamethasone • Most of these growths are benign (nonmalignant);
(Tresaderm) however, some may recur after removal.
• 1% Ivermectin diluted 1:10 in propylene glycol • Occasionally a skin mass will be malignant. Have all
(off-label use) masses examined by biopsy!
• Selamectin at cat dosage (off-label use)
• Treatment of the environment is required to prevent THE RODENT
It has been estimated that about 25% of all problems
Bacterial Skin Disease seen in mice involve the integumentary system. These
Bite wounds and punctures may result in the formation problems result from behavioral problems, poor hus-
of abscesses in ferrets. Anal gland abscesses may also be bandry, bacterial infections, and parasitical infestations.
seen in these animals. Mice live a highly structured social life. The dominant
mouse “barbers” others in the group, chewing off whis-
Clinical Signs kers and facial hair. Fighting wounds are also common
• Swollen, fluctuant mass located at the site of trauma when male mice are kept together. Mice may get
CHAPTER 19 Diseases of the Integumentary System 253

abrasions from rubbing against the cage and objects in Diagnosis

the cage. Fur mites are seen in mice and result in overall • Physical examination and history
thinning of the hair and pruritus. Lesions can become • Cytology from fine-needle biopsy
infected and ulcerated. Mice are prone to skin tumors • Biopsy after surgical removal
(especially mammary gland adenocarcinomas and fibro-
sarcomas) or abscesses caused by Staphylococcus, Pas-
teurella, and Streptococcus bacteria. • Surgical excision

Information for Clients

Fur Mites
• Even with surgical excision, the prognosis for the
Three mite species commonly infect mice: Myobia
mouse is poor.
musculi, Myocoptes musculinus, and Radfordia affinis. • Recurrence of these tumors is common.
Mites are spread by direct contact between mice or • Mammary tumors in rats are typically nonmalignant
from infected bedding. Mite infestation is less common
but tend to recur.
in rats than in mice, and treatment is the same for both
animals. Impacted Cheek Pouches in Hamsters
Hamsters have large cheek pouches used to carry food,
Clinical Signs bedding, and their young. Food or other materials left in
• Generalized thinning of the hair the pouches for long periods may become impacted.
• Greasy coat
•  Pruritus Clinical Signs
•  Secondary infections and ulcerations • Large swellings on either side of the face
•  Rubbing with front paws
• Identification of mites, nymphs, or eggs on hair Diagnosis
shafts • Physical examination and history
• Radiography
• Ivermectin SQ or orally (PO) twice at 10-day Treatment
intervals • Gentle removal of the material with fine-tipped for-
• Remove all bedding, and clean cage thoroughly ceps (animal may require sedation)
• Correct predisposing conditions such as malocclu-
Information for Clients sion and stress
• Have all new pets examined for mites before placing
Information for Clients
them in cages with other pets.
• It is common for hamsters to place material into their
• Purchase new pets from reputable dealers.
cheek pouches. It usually does not cause a problem.
Tumors • When stressed, female hamsters may place their
young into their cheek pouches for safety.
Mice are prone to mammary adenocarcinomas and
fibrosarcomas. Most are malignant, and the prognosis TECH ALERT
is poor even with surgery. The most common tumor
in rats is the fibroadenoma of the mammary gland. Small, curved hemostats can be used to gently remove
impacted contents from the cheek pouches. This should
Tumors become large and may occur in both male
be followed by flushing with warm saline to ensure
and female rats. These tumors are not malignant but removal of any sharp pieces of food.
tend to recur.

Clinical Signs
• A firm swelling involving the mammary gland or THE RABBIT
subcutaneous tissue anywhere on the body Diseases of the integumentary system are common in
• Tumor usually is ulcerated by the time it is examined rabbits.
254 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

Ulcerative Pododermatitis (Sore Hocks) • Administer systemic antibiotics (depending on cul-

Ulcerative pododermatitis is frequently seen in heavy- ture results)
bodied rabbits kept in wire mesh cages or on dirty • Provide antiinflammatory medication (steroids).
floors. The condition involves the ventral metatarsal • Administer pain medication
region of the leg and is usually secondary to constant • Apply artificial skin preparations or bandage to pre-
trauma to the area. The round, ulcerated areas are vent further damage
well-circumscribed and often covered with a scab
(Fig. 19.1). If the infection goes untreated, abscesses Information for Clients
may develop and subsequent joint infections may occur, • Provide your rabbit with a cage surface that allows for
with arthritis being the final outcome. compliance when the foot hits the ground. Avoid
hard, unforgiving surfaces such as vinyl, plastic, con-
Clinical Signs crete, carpet, or wood.
• Obese rabbit • Ensure that your rabbit does not become obese.
• Well-circumscribed, ulcerated lesions on the ventral • Keep the rabbit’s nails trimmed properly to allow the
surface of the metatarsals foot to rest flat on the surface.
•  Lameness • Preventing sore hocks is easier than curing it.

Diagnosis Abscesses
• Physical examination and history Abscesses in rabbits are similar to those in reptiles; they
• Culture and sensitivity of ulcerated sores are caseous in nature and do not drain well. Treatment
•  Radiography to rule out arthritis of the joints includes surgical excision or opening of the abscess with
curettage; surgical drains are usually ineffective in
Treatment removing pus. These abscesses are usually well walled
• Reduce the weight of the rabbit off by a thick capsule, and infections do not become sys-
• Improve the cage surfaces: temic. The most common cause of abscesses in rabbits is
• Compliant surfaces (surfaces that give as the rab- bite wounds and infections of tooth roots and tear ducts.
bit walks on them)—for example, deep straw bed-
ding, fake fur fabric, rubber pressure mats—may Clinical Signs
help distribute pressure External abscesses
• Remove abrasive surface products such as carpet, • Firm, palpable mass anywhere on the body (facial
vinyl, or plastic more common site)
•  Pain on palpation
Internal abscesses
• May be difficult to find

• Physical examination and history
• Complete blood cell count (CBC) and serum
• Cytology or fine-needle biopsy
• Culture and sensitivity of contents and abscess wall
(both aerobic and anaerobic)
• Radiography (for internal abscesses)

• Surgical removal or curettage of the abscess
Fig. 19.1 Advanced pododermatitis (“sore hocks”) in the rabbit.
(From Harcourt-Brown F. Textbook of Rabbit Medicine. Oxford, • Leaving the site open for several weeks for flushing to
UK: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2002, by permission.) promote healing from the inside out
CHAPTER 19 Diseases of the Integumentary System 255

• Systemic antibiotics (oral or injectable) rabbits in the western United States. The virus has sev-
• Pain medication if needed eral strains, and symptoms of the disease range from
• Ensuring that the environment of the rabbit is clean mild to fatal.
and that nutrition is adequate
Clinical Signs
Information for Clients • Palpebral edema, conjunctivitis
• Rabbit abscesses have a high probability of • Gelatinous subcutaneous swellings of the face, ears,
recurrence. and external genitalia
• Have all lumps investigated as soon as possible by
your veterinarian.
• Keep your rabbit’s environment safe, and make sure • Physical examination, history, clinical signs
• History of vector exposure
you feed your pet a well-balanced diet to support the
• Virus isolation (fluorescent antibody technique)
immune system.
• Histopathology (swellings that contain undifferen-
Treponema cuniculi Infection tiated mesenchymal cells)
The spirochete Treponema cuniculi is transmitted by Treatment
direct contact, usually during breeding or to offspring • No treatment for myxomatosis exists
at birth. Lesions involve the vagina or the prepuce.
The rabbit is the only natural host of this disease, which Information for Clients
is commonly known as “rabbit syphilis.” • Prevent myxomatosis by keeping rabbits in insect-
proof enclosures and eliminating exposure to wild
Clinical Signs
• Edema with or without redness of the vaginal or
preputial area Shope Fibroma Virus
• Presence of macules, papules, pustules, scabs on the The Shope fibroma virus, a pox virus related to the virus
genitalia, eyelids, nose, and lips that causes myxomatosis, can cause papillomas on the
• No other signs of systemic disease neck, shoulders, and abdomen of rabbits (seen in the
midwestern United States).
• Physical examination and history Clinical Signs
• Dark-field microscopy: presence of spiral-shaped • Begin as warts that develop as red, raised areas at the
bacteria on skin scrapings site of infection
• Serology positive for the organism • Warts become papillomas with rough, rounded
Treatment • Some may become malignant squamous cell
• Systemic antibiotics (suggested treatment consists of carcinomas
three penicillin G benzathine–penicillin G procaine
injections at 7-day intervals) Diagnosis
• Physical examination, history, and clinical signs
Information for Clients • Histopathology
• Avoid purchasing young rabbits with this type of
lesion. Treatment
• Avoid using infected rabbits for breeding. • No treatment for Shope fibroma virus exists
• Most lesions will regress after several weeks.
Information for Clients
Myxomatosis • Prevent this disease by raising rabbits in insect-proof
Myxomatosis is an arthropod-transmitted viral disease enclosures.
that is primarily a problem for wild rabbits and domestic • Prevent exposure to wild cotton-tailed rabbits.
256 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

Dermatophytosis (Fungal Infections) Parasites

Fungal infections are common in pet rabbits. Micro- Ear mites (Psoroptes cuniculi)
sporum canis, Microsporum gypseum, and Trichophyton Ear mites frequently cause problems in pet rabbits. The
schoenleinii are common agents, but the most common lesions are found in the ear canal first but gradually
ringworm of rabbits is caused by Trichophyton menta- extend upward as honey-colored crusty exudates cover-
grophytes. Lesions most often appear on the head, face, ing a red, irritated, raw skin surface (Fig. 19.2). If allowed
or forelimbs and are irregular, coin-shaped, alopecic to continue unchecked, the infection may spread to the
areas surrounded by a ring of inflammation with crust- head and surrounding tissues.
ing. The lesions are usually pruritic, and often pet
owners will have similar lesions on their faces, arms, Clinical Signs
and hands from handling infected rabbits. • Dry, honey-colored crusts in ear canals
• Intensely pruritic
Clinical Signs • Head-shaking, pain
• Round, alopecic lesions on the face, forelimbs, head,
and back Diagnosis
• Pruritus • Physical examination and history
• Crusty lesions with a ring of inflammation • Otoscopic examination and microscopical examina-
surrounding them tion of exudates
Diagnosis Treatment
• Physical examination and history
• Flushing the ear under anesthesia to remove debris
• Fungal elements identified from skin scrapings
• Topical treatment with Tresaderm
(potassium hydroxide [KOH] slide) • Oral ivermectin repeated every 10 days until all mites
• Positive dermatophyte culture
are gone
• Evidence of human exposure and infection

• Clip all affected hair
• Bathe the animal with an iodine-based shampoo
• Topical fungal preparations may be useful
• Administer oral griseofulvin
• Sanitize the environment by vacuuming and by dis-
infection using a dilute bleach solution

Dermatophytosis is a zoonotic disease. Use care when
handling and treating these patients. Be sure to alert cli-
ents to the zoonotic potential for infection, and advise
them to check with their physician if lesions develop.

Information for Clients

• Fungal spores may live on and in furniture, bedding,
and clothing for long periods. It is important to clean
the environment to prevent further infection.
• Use care when handling infected rabbits. The disease
can be transmitted to humans and other pets. Fig. 19.2 Ear mites in a domestic rabbit. (From Harcourt-Brown
• Consult your physician if you suspect you have con- F. Textbook of Rabbit Medicine. Oxford, UK: Butterworth-
tracted this disease. Heinemann; 2002, by permission.)
CHAPTER 19 Diseases of the Integumentary System 257

• Treatment of the environment with an insecticide for soil, and become flies the next warm season. Lesions
4 weeks to prevent spread or reinfection develop during larval development and consist of swell-
ings containing larva.
Information for Clients
• Check inside the ear canal of your pet rabbit fre- Clinical Signs
quently. If you find any exudates, have the rabbit • Fistulated 2- to 3-cm swelling in the head area
examined by your veterinarian. • Larva often seen within the swelling or at the opening
• The skin under the exudate may be raw and painful. • Lesions often moist around the opening and painful
Some rabbits will require oral antibiotics if a second-
ary bacterial infection is present. Diagnosis
• This infection is highly contagious to other rabbits. • Physical examination, history, season
• Visualization of the larva in the fistulous opening
Cheyletiella Parasitovorax
The fur mite Cheyletiella parasitovorax is commonly Treatment
found on pet rabbits in certain geographical regions. It • Open the mass to facilitate removal of the intact larva
is called “walking dandruff,” because the mites are large
(may require anesthesia)
and visible to the naked eye. • Flush the wound well, and treat with an appropriate
Clinical Signs topical antibiotic
• Thinning of the hair over the shoulders and back
• Red, oily, hairless patches over the back and head if
untreated When removing the larva, take care not to rupture the
• Mild-to-moderate pruritus cystic cavity or tear the larva, because an anaphylactic
reaction may occur. Take care to remove the entire larva
Diagnosis intact.
• Physical examination and history
• Finding the mite on the fur (cellophane tape method) Information for Clients
• Keeping rabbits in insect-proof housing will prevent
Treatment infection with Cuterebra.
• Bathing with an insecticide shampoo • Do not try to remove the larva using tweezers at
• Oral ivermectin home. A fatal anaphylactic reaction may result from
• Treatment of the environment (female mite may live rupture of the larva.
off the rabbit for several weeks)
Fleas and Ticks
Information for Clients
Fleas and ticks are found on domestic rabbits housed
• These mites are visible as small white flakes moving
outdoors. Treatment is similar to that for dogs and cats:
on the surface of the rabbit’s hair.
bathing with an approved insecticidal shampoo and
• They are mildly contagious to humans and may pro-
treating the environment with any preparation suitable
duce a transient dermatitis.
for cats.
• You must eliminate the mite from the rabbit and the
environment to effect a cure.
Fur Plucking
Cuterebra (Warbles) Preparturient does will commonly pluck fur from the
Cuterebra are frequently seen during the summer belly, dewlap, and sides of the body. They use this fur
months in rabbits housed outdoors. Flies lay eggs to line the nest before kindling. Diagnosis is made by
around the rabbit hutch, and the larvae enter the host eliminating other causes of fur plucking and by deter-
through the nasal or oral openings. The larvae develop, mining that the doe is pregnant. No treatment is
mature, and then drop out of the rabbit, pupate in the necessary.
258 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

1. Which of the following products is approved for use 4. What is the most common cause of ulcerative podo-
in flea control for the domestic ferret? dermatitis in heavy-bodied rabbits?
a. Ivermectin a. Constant trauma to the area
b. Selamectin b. Parasitical infection of the skin
c. Pyrethrins c. Neurological disease with abnormal gait
d. All of the above d. Systemic bacterial infections
e. None of the above 5. Spondylosis in the older rabbit may result in
2. Which of the following species is the commonly seen paralysis.
fur mite of mice and rats? a. True
a. Mallophaga spp. b. False
b. Cnemidocoptes spp. 6. Which of the following surfaces would be best for the
c. Radfordia spp. examination of the rabbit?
d. Lynxacarus spp. a. Rubber mat on the examination table
3. To treat impacted cheek pouches in the hamster: b. Bath towel on the examination table
a. Gently remove impacted materials c. Stainless steel examination table
b. Lance and drain both pouches
Answers found on page 546.
c. Do nothing; this is normal
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss aging changes that occur in rabbits with
able to: respect to the vertebral column.
• Understand the need for proper restraint and
handling of the rabbit during examination and

The Ferret 259 Trauma 259
Rodents 259 Spondylosis of the Lumbar Spine 260
The Rabbit 259

Myelogram Spondylosis

their body weight is made up by the skeleton (much less

THE FERRET than in dogs and cats).
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are not common
in ferrets. They may suffer traumatic long-bone frac- Trauma
tures or spinal injury from rough play or falls. Treatment Improper handling is a frequent cause of paralysis in the
is similar to those of dogs and cats. domestic rabbit. Damage may also occur as a result of
falling or being jumped on by other rabbits while play-
ing. Typically, the rabbit will kick or twist suddenly,
RODENTS causing fracture of the vertebral column with damage
As with all small animals, fractures and dislocations to the spinal cord (Fig. 20.1).
from falls and rough handling do occur. Fractures can
Clinical Signs
be treated as for avian and reptilian patients, using
• Complete or partial paralysis immediately after injury
splints, casts, or lightweight internal fixation.
•  Loss of bladder or bowel control, or both
THE RABBIT • Physical examination and history
Rabbits have a weak skeletal system that can be easily • Complete neurological examination
damaged with improper handling. Only about 8% of • Radiography;  myelogram

260 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

Fig. 20.1 Radiograph of a spinal fracture in a rabbit. (From Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW. Ferrets, Rabbits, and
Rodents. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011 by permission.)

Treatment disease is made worse by excess body weight and inad-

• None, if spinal cord is severely damaged equate exercise.
• If mild to moderate contusion of the cord is present:
• Antiinflammatory drugs Clinical Signs
• Cage confinement for 6 to 8 weeks • Decreased ability to run and jump (decreased
TECH ALERT •  Pain on movement
• Difficulty grooming, using litter box
Always support the rear quarters of the rabbit when han-
• Reluctance to move
dling. Prevent sudden kicking or twisting by firmly hold-
ing the rabbit against your body or using the “bunny
burrito” method of restraint by wrapping the animal in
a blanket.
• Physical examination and history
• Radiography shows bony fusion of the spine (Fig. 20.2).

Information for Clients Treatment

• Pain medications
• Allowing your rabbit to exercise frequently will result
• Antiinflammatory drugs
in a stronger skeletal system and decrease the chance
• Gentle back massage over affected area
of a fractured spine or other bony injuries.
• Avoid overfeeding your rabbit. Obese rabbits are • Weight reduction
• Keeping animal groomed and clean
more prone to musculoskeletal diseases.
Information for Clients
Spondylosis of the Lumbar Spine • Prevent or decrease the development of this condi-
Spondylosis of the lumbar spine is a fairly common dis- tion by providing sufficient exercise and a well-
ease of rabbits older than 4 years, especially in large and balanced diet. Prevention of obesity is easier than
medium breeds. The bones of the lower vertebra develop weight reduction.
spurs that eventually bridge to the adjacent vertebra, • This aging change occurs more frequently in female
reducing the flexibility of the vertebral column. This rabbits.
CHAPTER 20 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 261

Fig. 20.2 A 6-year-old rabbit with a history of progressive rear limb weakness. (From Quesenberry KE, Carpenter
JW. Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2012 by permission.)

1. What percentage of a rabbit’s body weight does the FUN FACT: How does skeletal weight relate in other
skeleton comprise? species?
a. 15% Elephants………16.5% of body weight
b. 24% Cattle………….. 10% of body weight
c. 8% Horses…………13% of body weight
d. 3%
Answers found on page 546.
Diseases of the Nervous System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss medications used for treatment of CNS
able to: disease with clients.
• Recognize signs of central nervous system (CNS) • Exhibit awareness of the genetic seizure disorder in
disease in these species. gerbils.

The Ferret 262 Lameness 263
Intervertebral Disk Disease 262 Encephalitozoonosis 263
Seizures 263 Neurological Signs in the Central Nervous
The Rodent 263 System 263
Seizures 263 Spinal Disease 264
The Rabbit 263

Cecotroph Osteopathy Vestibular
Electromyogram Perineal
Granuloma Torticolis

THE FERRET • Physical and neurological examination
Primary neurological disease is not common in the fer- • Laboratory tests to rule in or rule out systemic
ret. Most symptoms of central nervous system (CNS) diseases
disease are the result of concurrent systemic disease • Complete blood cell count (CBC) or serum
processes such as hypoglycemia, cardiac disease, estro- chemistries
gen toxicosis, adrenal disease, or toxin ingestion. Inter- • Radiography: whole-body  myelogram, if disk
vertebral disk disease may be seen in the ferret. problem
• Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), if suspect central lesion in CNS
Intervertebral Disk Disease • Spinal tap, if infection is ruled out
Clinical Signs • Electromyogram for peripheral nerve problems
• Ataxia
• Posterior paresis Treatment
• Seizures • Treat primary disease

CHAPTER 21 Diseases of the Nervous System 263

Seizures Lameness
• Glucose for hypoglycemia Abnormalities of gait can be seen by observing the rabbit
• Intravenous diazepam move on a nonslip surface. The causes of lameness may
• Prednisolone if cerebral edema suspected include pododermatitis, fractures, dislocations, spinal
• Oral phenobarbital for long-term management disease, arthritis, neoplasia, bone abscesses, or hypertro-
phic osteopathy.
Information for Clients
• Nervous system signs are almost always a sign of Clinical Signs
some systemic disease. That disease must be first • Abnormal gait
diagnosed to treat properly. •  Pain on palpation
• Any CNS signs in a feral ferret (one found living free): •  Swollen joints
suspect rabies, and take precautions when handling. •  Bony enlargements
•  Fractures

THE RODENT Diagnosis

• Complete history and physical examination
Up to 40% of all gerbils will experience seizures after
• Radiography
2 months of age. This disorder is inherited and is the
result of an enzyme deficiency in the brain. Seizures
• Culture and sensitivity if abscess is present
are usually short-lived and leave no permanent damage.
• Biopsy if tumor is present
Some of these gerbils will have seizures when handled or
stressed. Many gerbils will outgrow these seizures.
Seizures • Treatment will depend on the cause of lameness
Clinical Signs
• Development of seizures in a young gerbil, many Encephalitozoonosis
when being handled Encephalitozoonosis is a disease of the CNS and is the
result of infection by the microsporidian parasite Ence-
Diagnosis phalitozoon cuniculi. This disease is widespread in rab-
• Physical examination and history bits and may result in granuloma formation in the
kidney and brain.
Clinical Signs
• No treatment is required
•  Incontinence
•  Polyuria or polydipsia
Information for Clients • Sudden deafness or strange behavior
• This defect is inherited. Neurological signs in the central nervous system
• Many pets will outgrow this. • Vestibular disease (most common sign)
• Avoid using gerbils with seizure disorders for • Seizures
breeding. • Torticollis
• Ataxia
• Paralysis
THE RABBIT • Sudden death
Neurological signs are common in pet rabbits. Causes
may be primary disease of the nervous system or second- Diagnosis
ary to some systemic problem. A complete physical and • Physical examination and clinical signs
neurological examination should be performed to diag- • Radiography
nose the cause of the disorder. • CBC
264 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

Treatment • Reluctant to move

• Albendazole or fenbendazole orally • Behavioral changes (pain related)
• Corticosteroids: use is controversial because they •  Paralysis
may reduce clinical symptoms but immunosuppress •  Urination problems
the patient
• Oxytetracycline every 12 hours Diagnosis
• Physical examination, history of trauma
Information for Clients • Radiography
• Treatment will depend on differentiating between E. • CBC, serum chemistry (calcium abnormalities)
cuniculi and Pasteurella as the cause of clinical
symptoms. Treatment
• The prognosis is poor for rabbits that are unable • Antiinflammatory medications (nonsteroidal antiin-
to eat. flammatory drugs [NSAIDs])
• Euthanasia may be the best option for animals with • Treatment of fractures or spinal subluxations or disk
severe clinical signs. disease is unrewarding in rabbits

Spinal Disease TECH ALERT

Spinal disease in rabbits may occur for a variety of rea- Always support the rear quarters of the rabbit when lift-
sons. Congenital defects, nutritional deficiencies, degen- ing or handling. Struggling by the rabbit may cause frac-
erative disk disease, and trauma are among the most tures to the vertebral column.
common causes. Spinal deformities may result in failure
to groom, abnormal gaits, uneaten cecotrophs, and peri-
anal dermatitis. Information for Clients
• Rabbits need adequate room to move around to pre-
Clinical Signs vent the development of spinal deformities.
• Abnormal gait • Make sure that children learn to pick up and carry a
• Inability to groom perineal region rabbit correctly to prevent injury to the animal’s back.

1. When handled, it is not uncommon for some gerbils c. Encephalitozoon cuniculi
to exhibit: d. Sarcocystis neurona
a. Vomiting 3. Rabbits with Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection
b. Urinating might present with: (Select all that apply.)
c. Going limp a. Vomiting
d. Onset of seizures b. Head-tilt
2. The formation of granulomas in the kidney and brain c. Paralysis
of the rabbit is frequently a result of infection with: d. Lameness
a. Pasteurella multocida
b. Staphylococcus aureus Answers found on page 546.
Diseases of the Reproductive System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be able to: • Discuss with owners the need to spay or neuter any
• Describe the common reproductive disorders of these pets not being used for breeding.

The Ferret 265 The Rodent 267
Estrogen Toxicosis 265 Mammary Gland Tumors in Rats and Mice 267
Medical 266 The Rabbit 267
Prognosis Based on Original Packed Cell Uterine Disease 267
Volume 266 Pyometra and Endometritis 268
Tumors of the Reproductive Tract 266 Pseudopregnancy 268
Prostatic Disease 266 Mastitis 269
Surgical 266 Reproductive Problems in the Male Rabbit 269

Dysuria Laparotomy Serosanguinous

• Swollen vulva with a discharge (Fig. 22.1)

THE FERRET •  Petechial hemorrhages
Estrogen Toxicosis • Dorsally symmetrical alopecia
Estrogen toxicosis is perhaps the most well-known dis-
ease affecting the reproductive tract in ferrets. Because Diagnosis
ferrets experience induced ovulation, estrous ferrets • Clinical signs and history of unspayed female ferret
may maintain increased estrogen levels for long periods • Complete blood cell count (CBC): nonregenerative
if not bred. Today this disease has almost been elimi- anemia, nucleated red blood cells, neutropenia,
nated because of ovariohysterectomies performed before thrombocytopenia
the female ferret reaches maturity. • Bone marrow aspirate: confirmation of blood results

Clinical Signs Treatment

• Anorexia • Breed or mechanically stimulate the female to ovulate.
• Lethargy • Ovariohysterectomy is the treatment of choice; these
• Weakness animals are poor surgical candidates because of throm-
• Pale mucous membranes bocytopenia. They may need transfusion before surgery

266 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

Clinical Signs
• Lethargy
• Depression
• Anorexia
• Persistent estrus (female)
• Dorsal alopecia (in male ferrets because of hyperes-
trogen levels from Sertoli cell tumors)

• Clinical signs and history
• Ultrasonography

Fig. 22.1 Enlarged vulva in a ferret with estrogen toxicosis. • Surgical removal; spay or castrate
(From Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW. Ferrets, Rabbits, and
Rodents. 3rd ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2012, by permission.)
Information for Clients
• Spay or castrate all pet ferrets not used for breeding.
• Gonadotropin-releasing hormone therapy
Prostatic Disease
• Deslorelin implants Prostatic disease does occur in ferrets but usually in
• Epogen association with adrenal disease. It may result in urinary
• Anabolic steroids obstruction, which may lead to serious electrolyte
Prognosis based on original packed cell volume disturbances.
• Packed cell volume (PCV) greater than 25%:
Clinical Signs
• PCV 15% to 25%: fair • Dysuria
• Signs of adrenal dysfunction
• PCV less than 15%: poor

Information for Clients Diagnosis

• Do not purchase an unspayed female ferret as a pet. If • Radiography showing distended bladder, enlarged
breeding ferrets, do not let a jill stay in estrous for prostate
longer than 2 to 4 weeks. • Ultrasonography may differentiate cysts or abscesses
• Limit light cycles to no more than 10 hours a day. from prostatomegaly
• Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration
Advise clients of all young ferrets to have them spayed if • Resolve urinary obstruction: catheter placement
they are intact. Most ferrets are spayed before entering • Remove affected adrenal gland, if present
the pet trade. Ferrets will remain in heat until bred
• Diazepam for smooth muscle relaxation
because they are induced ovulators.
• Leuprolide (Lupron) to shrink prostatic tissue
Tumors of the Reproductive Tract • Remove the diseased adrenal gland, and drain pros-
Tumors of the female reproductive tract are common in tatic abscesses or cysts
unspayed female ferrets. Leiomyomas are the most com-
mon ovarian tumor recognized. In male ferrets, Sertoli Information for Clients
cell tumors, seminomas, and interstitial cell tumors have • Failure to pass urine can lead to serious electrolyte
been reported. disturbances. Contact your veterinary clinic if you
CHAPTER 22 Diseases of the Reproductive System 267

notice lack of urine production or excessive straining Treatment

to urinate in your male ferret. • Surgical removal
• The adrenal disease must be treated together with the
prostatic disease (see Chapter 16). Information for Clients
• Most mammary tumors of mice are malignant, and
THE RODENT surgery is not an option.
• Mammary tumors in rats may recur in uninvolved
Problems of the reproductive system in rodents include
glands or at the site of surgically removed tumors.
mammary gland tumors, pyometra, cannibalism, and cys-
tic ovaries, although most of these are not common in pets.
Mammary Gland Tumors in Rats and Mice The reproductive system of the rabbit is similar to those
Mammary gland fibroadenomas are common in rats. of other small mammals. Rabbits are induced ovula-
These tumors can develop in both male and female rats tors; that is, they ovulate only after being bred and
and can become large. Adenocarcinomas are also seen do not show signs of regular estrous cycles. Litter sizes
but represent only a small percentage of mammary vary with breeds; smaller breeds generally have smaller
tumors in rats. Most mammary tumors in mice are litters. Gestation is 30 to 32 days; thus multiple litters
malignant and not amenable to surgery. per year are possible. Female rabbits (does) make nests
Clinical Signs of hay or bedding and hair pulled from their abdomens.
Most kitting is done in the early morning. The young
• Enlarged mammary glands (may be located anywhere
rabbits are born blind and helpless. They will be nursed
from the neck of the rat to the inguinal area) (Fig. 22.2)
one to two times daily by the doe, which may leave the
Diagnosis nest for the entire day. Rabbit milk is concentrated,
containing about 14% to 15% protein, 10% to 12%
• Clinical signs, history, and physical examination
fat, and 2% carbohydrates. Young rabbits should be
• Biopsy
weaned by about 25 days of age. The male rabbit has
two testicles that are located externally on each side
of the penis in hairless scrotal sacs. These testicles
can be drawn back into the inguinal canals during
times of illness or stress, as the inguinal rings in the rab-
bit remain open throughout life.
Uterine Disease
Uterine adenocarcinomas are the most common tumor
of the reproductive tract in the female rabbit. These
tumors may occur even in animals not used for breed-
ing. The incidence of disease increases with the age of
the rabbit. The Dutch type of rabbit is reported to be
more susceptible to the disease. These tumors often
involve multiple sites within the uterus and may be eas-
ily palpated in the later stages of the disease (Fig. 22.3).
Metastasis is fairly common.

Clinical Signs
• History of reproductive problems in the 6 to
Fig. 22.2 Mammary fibroadenoma in the inguinal region of a
female rat. (From Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW. Ferrets,
12 months before detection of the mass:
Rabbits, and Rodents. 3rd ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2012,
• Decreased litter size
by permission.) • Stillborn litters
268 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

Clinical Signs
• Vaginal discharge
• Inability to rebreed
• Anorexia
• Lethargy
• Weakness
• Enlarged abdomen

• Physical examination and a history of recent kindling
• CBC and serum chemistries:
• CBC: may be normal or show a slight leukocytosis
Fig. 22.3 Tumor in the uterus of a female rabbit. (From Quesen- • Serum chemistries: may show signs of renal failure
berry KE, Carpenter JW. Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents. 2nd ed. • Radiology or ultrasonography: enlarged, doughy
St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2004, by permission.) uterus
• Culture and sensitivity of vaginal discharge
• Anemia
• Hematuria or serosanguinous vaginal discharge Treatment
•  Cystic mammary glands • Ovariohysterectomy with a laparotomy recom-
• Depression mended
• Anorexia • Intravenous fluids to correct dehydration and sup-
• Dyspnea if pulmonary metastasis occurs late in port the cardiovascular system
disease • Antibiotics (parenteral) based on culture and
•  Ascites sensitivity

Diagnosis Information for Clients

• Physical examination and history • Avoid this problem by having your pet rabbit spayed
• Radiography or ultrasonography: abnormal uterus at an early age.

Treatment Pseudopregnancy
• If early in the disease, ovariohysterectomy may be Pseudopregnancy (false pregnancy) is seen in pet rabbits
performed even when they are not used for breeding. The condition
• If metastasis has occurred, no treatment is effective usually lasts about 2 to 3 weeks and may include nesting
behavior. Mammary development may occur early in
Information for Clients the pseudopregnancy. The condition may lead to pyo-
• Prevention of uterine disease involves having the rab- metra, and ovariohysterectomy is recommended for
bit spayed (ovariohysterectomy) if it will not be used rabbits with this problem.
for breeding (between 6 and 12 months of age).
• The female rabbit should be examined a minimum of Clinical Signs
twice yearly to allow for early detection of the disease. • Nest building, fur pulling
This becomes more important as the rabbit ages past • Mammary development
4 years. • Doe may become territorial

Pyometra and Endometritis Diagnosis

Postpartum bacterial infections of the uterus are seen in • Clinical signs and physical examination
breeding rabbits. Microorganisms cultured from these
pyometras include Pasteurella multocida and Staphylo- Treatment
coccus aureus. • Ovariohysterectomy
CHAPTER 22 Diseases of the Reproductive System 269

Information for Clients • Culture and sensitivity of the mammary gland

• If you have more than one rabbit, they may be stim- (contents)
ulating pseudopregnancy by mounting each other. • Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. are the
You may need to house them separately to prevent most common causes
this condition.
• This condition is usually self-limiting. If it is recur- Treatment
rent, have the doe spayed. • Removal of all nursing kits; hand-feeding
• Antibiotics based on culture results
Mastitis • Fluid therapy
Mastitis can be seen in the lactating doe or during pseu- • Application of hot packs to promote drainage
dopregnancy. Trauma to the glands from young nursing • Analgesia if pain is present
or from other does, poor sanitation, and heavy lactation
all predispose the rabbit to infection. Information for Clients
• Treatment of mastitis in the rabbit will require a lot of
Clinical Signs
• Fever nursing care. Hot packing the glands, feeding the kits,
• Anorexia and cleaning the environment to prevent spread of
• Lethargy the disease are all important.
• Do not attempt to foster the kits by using another
• Depression
• Increased thirst doe; this may spread the infection to the new doe.
• Hot, swollen, painful mammary glands
Reproductive Problems in the Male Rabbit
• Septicemia
• Death Reproductive problems in the male rabbit are not a com-
mon occurrence. They may include cryptorchidism,
Diagnosis orchitis, epididymitis, and testicular neoplasms. Because
• Physical examination and history of nursing male rabbits can become aggressive, they should be
• Clinical signs housed separately to prevent scrotal or testicular injuries
when fighting.

1. Domestic ferrets are ________ ovulators. 5. What anatomical difference is the reason castration
a. Induced of the male rabbit is done differently from that of
b. Seasonal the male dog and cat?
2. Which of the following clinical signs would not a. Open inguinal rings
likely indicate estrogen toxicosis in the domestic ferret? b. Lack of external scrotum
a. Anemia c. Presence of accessory testicles internally
b. Swollen vulva 6. Which of the following antibiotics would be the bet-
c. Bilateral alopecia ter treatment for mastitis in the rabbit?
d. Swollen lymph nodes a. Gentomycin
3. Mammary tumors in mice are usually benign and b. Streptomycin
should be removed surgically. c. Amoxicillin
a. True d. Amikacin
b. False 7. Oral antibiotics should be avoided in rabbits because
4. What is the most common tumor of the reproductive of their effect on gastrointestinal flora.
tract in the female rabbit? a. True
a. Mastocytoma b. False
b. Lymphoma
c. Adenocarcinoma Answers found on page 547.
d. Sarcoma
Diseases of the Respiratory System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Become aware of the need for preoxygenation for
able to: patients with respiratory compromise.
• Explain to clients the need for vaccination of all • Provide emergency treatment for rabbits presenting
ferrets against canine distemper. with signs of heatstroke.

The Ferret 270 Chronic Respiratory Disease 272
Canine Distemper Viral Disease 270 Bacterial Pneumonia 273
Human Influenza Virus 272 Hamsters 273
The Rodent 272 Bacterial Pneumonia 273
Mice 272 The Rabbit 273
Sendai Virus and Mycoplasma pulmonis 272 Pasteurellosis (Snuffles) 273
Rats 272 Heatstroke 274

Cilio-stasis Torticollis Trephination

Clinical Signs
THE FERRET • Rash on the chin
There are only a few causes of respiratory disease in the • Swollen, crusty skin around the lips and chin
ferret. Canine distemper virus and human flu virus may • Anorexia
produce respiratory disease. Most pet ferrets today are • Depression
routinely vaccinated against canine distemper, so this • Fever
disease is not commonly seen. • Photophobia
• Mucopurulent ocular and nasal discharge
• Hyperkeratosis of foot pads
Canine Distemper Viral Disease • Vomiting and diarrhea (usually uncommon)
Canine distemper viral disease is transmitted via aerosol • Coughing
exposure and should be suspected in any unvaccinated • Neurological signs (incoordination, torticollis,
ferret with clinical signs (Fig. 23.1). nystagmus)

CHAPTER 23 Diseases of the Respiratory System 271


Fig. 23.1 Young ferret with canine distemper viral disease. (A) Encrusted eyes. (B) Crusting around lips and chin.
C, Hyperkeratosis of the footpads. ((A) Courtesy S. White. In: Miller WH, Griffin CE, Campbell KL. Muller
and Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology. 7th ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby; 2013. (B) and (C) From Quesenberry
KE, Carpenter JW. Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents. 3rd ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2012, by permission.)

Diagnosis Information for Clients

• Physical examination and history of exposure in an • Canine distemper viral disease is a preventable dis-
unvaccinated animal ease. Have all pet ferrets vaccinated annually against
• Complete blood cell count (CBC) (leukopenia) canine distemper virus.
• Serum titer (for canine distemper virus) will be pos- • The virus is relatively unstable in the environment, so
itive in an unvaccinated animal cleaning and disinfecting may destroy it.
• Fluorescent antibody test on conjunctival scrapings • The mortality rate for ferrets infected with this
or blood smears will be positive in first few days of disease is nearly 100%. Euthanasia is recommended
disease for those animals that exhibit clinical signs of disease.

Treatment TECH ALERT

• No treatment of value currently exists. Supportive
Use only vaccines designated as safe for ferrets. Do not
therapy is an option, but euthanasia is recommended use feline distemper vaccines.
as the only humane option
272 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

Human Influenza Virus pulmonis. Sendai viral infection is an acute respiratory

Ferrets are susceptible to human influenza virus. The infection with a high mortality rate in neonates and wean-
virus is transmitted via aerosols and causes an upper lings. Adult mice generally recover. Mycoplasma infection
respiratory disease in ferrets. It can be transmitted generally results in pneumonia, suppurative rhinitis, and
between ferrets and humans. sometimes otitis media. Antibiotic therapy will help elim-
inate the symptoms but not the disease.
Clinical Signs
• Fever, followed by decreased temperature after Mice
48 hours Sendai Virus and Mycoplasma pulmonis
• Sneezing Rodents kept under sanitary conditions and fed a bal-
• Watering of the eyes anced diet have few problems with disease. However,
• Mucoid or mucopurulent nasal discharge when pneumonia does develop, Sendai virus and Myco-
• Lethargy plasma are often the cause.
• Anorexia
Clinical Signs
Diagnosis • “Chattering”
• Physical examination and history of exposure • Labored breathing
• Increased serum antibody titer to virus • Pneumonia
• Virus isolation from nasal secretions • Purulent nasal secretions
•  Pulmonary abscesses
• The disease is self-limiting; its course in adult animals Diagnosis
is about 7 to 14 days • Clinical signs and history
• Maintain hydration and nutrition with force-feeding • Culture and sensitivity if specimen can be obtained
if necessary without stress to patient
• Administer cough suppressant or antihistamine to • Radiography
relieve nasal congestion and coughing (if present)
• Human antiviral drugs such as amantadine or zana- Treatment
mivir have been used with some success in experi- • Antibiotics
mental trials. Administer antibiotics for secondary • Enrofloxacin
infections • Doxycycline

Information for Clients Rats

• Prevent the spread of flu from humans to ferrets by not Chronic respiratory disease is the most common multi-
allowing your ferret to be handled by infected persons. factorial respiratory disease of rats. The major compo-
• Vaccination against flu is not usually recommended nent of the disease is Mycoplasma pulmonis. Other
for ferrets because strains are relatively benign and respiratory pathogens in the rat include Streptococcus
change yearly. pneumoniae and Corynebacterium kutscheri, whereas
many of the mouse pathogens play a minor or synergis-
tic part in the disease process in rats.
Rodents are frequently seen in veterinary practice for Chronic Respiratory Disease
respiratory problems. Care should be taken when han- Clinical Signs
dling and collecting laboratory samples if the animal is • Highly variable signs
dyspneic. The most common causes of respiratory dis- • Snuffling
eases in mice are the Sendai virus and Mycoplasma • Nasal discharge
CHAPTER 23 Diseases of the Respiratory System 273

• Polypnea nature. Bacterial pneumonias caused by Streptococcus

• Weight loss may be transmitted from children to hamsters during
• Ruffled coat handling.
• Head tilt
• Red tears Bacterial Pneumonia
• Signs that may become chronic Clinical Signs
• Otitis media • Dyspnea
• Cilio-stasis with increased airway secretions • Nasal discharge  purulence
• Lung abscess •  Sticky eyelids

Diagnosis Diagnosis
• Clinical signs and history • Clinical signs and history
• Culture and sensitivity if possible • Gram staining of nasal secretions: gram-positive for
• Radiography diplococci
• Culture and sensitivity
Treatment • Radiography
• Antibiotic therapy
• Enrofloxacin Treatment
• Doxycycline • Antibiotics based on culture and sensitivity results
• Alteration of environment
• Reduction of ammonia levels in the cage Information for Clients
• Bronchodilators • Increased levels of ammonia in cages will damage the
• Short-term use of corticosteroids respiratory system of these rodents and predispose
them to invasion by viral or bacterial agents, resulting
Bacterial Pneumonia in pneumonias.
• These diseases, especially the viral or chronic bacte-
Clinical Signs
• Dyspnea rial ones, may be impossible to cure. Treatment
• Snuffling may only alleviate clinical symptoms.
• Children with streptococcal infections should avoid
• Abdominal breathing
• Sudden death handling hamsters.
•  Purulent respiratory exudate
Diagnosis When handling animals with dyspnea, it often helps to
• Clinical signs and history place them into an oxygen-enriched environment before
• Gram staining or cytology (numerous diplococci on obtaining laboratory samples.
gram staining)
• Culture and sensitivity (usual cause is S. pneumoniae)
• Aggressive use of antibiotics (β-lactamase resistant) The anatomy of the respiratory system of the rabbit is
• Cloxacillin similar to that of the cat.
• Oxacillin
• Dicloxacillin Pasteurellosis (Snuffles)
Snuffles is the most frequently diagnosed respiratory
Hamsters disease of rabbits, but it may, in fact, be overdiagnosed.
Respiratory disease is also common in hamsters. The Several serotypes of organism Pasteurella multocida are
causative agents may be either viral or bacterial in responsible for this disease, and these serotypes vary in
274 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

virulence. Transmission of the disease is by aerosol from • Trimethoprim sulfa

infected rabbits, by direct contact, or by fomites. A gen- • Gentamicin nasal solutions
ital form that also exists can be transmitted to kits. Vir- • Surgical trephination to drain excessive pus, if needed
ulence may be increased when the immune system is • Maintenance of adequate hydration
compromised by stress, inadequate diet, or poor envi- • Nebulization
ronment. It is believed that many pet rabbits are already • Mucolytic agents (N-acetylcysteine)
infected with the organism at the time they are pur-
chased, and that the disease becomes active at a later Information for Clients
date. The clinical signs of this disease vary with the • Avoid stress to rabbits by not overcrowding them,
degree of immunosuppression of the rabbit. Pasteurello- provide proper nutrition and water at all times,
sis is a difficult disease to cure. and avoid purchasing young rabbits with
snotty noses.
Clinical Signs • This disease is difficult to cure. Antibiotic therapy
• Rhinitis (snuffles) (Fig. 23.2) may result in remission of clinical signs, but they
• Increased upper respiratory sounds may reappear when the rabbit’s immune system
• Purulent nasal discharge becomes stressed.
• Sneezing or snorting • Isolate all rabbits showing signs of upper airway
• Anorexia disease.
• Lack of grooming • Currently, no vaccine against this disease is available.
•  Otitis media
•  Pneumonia Heatstroke
Depending on where your practice is located, you may
Diagnosis see several cases of rabbit heatstroke per week. Heat-
• Physical examination and history stroke may occur even in climates where the tempera-
• Culture and sensitivity of nasal passage (may require ture reaches no greater than 80°F. Rabbits are unable
sedation to obtain a representative swab) to sweat and do not pant. They depend on the skin of
• Radiography their ears for heat exchange. If placed in conditions
where they are unable to thermoregulate, heat stroke will
Treatment develop (often, well-meaning owners take their bunnies
• Systemic antibiotic therapy to the park to play).
• Enrofloxacin
• Tetracyclines Clinical Signs
• Anorexia
• Increased respiratory rate
• Pulmonary edema
• Cyanotic mucous membranes
• Collapse
• Death

• Physical examination and history of heat exposure
• Increased rectal temperature (>104°F)

• Reduce body temperature by:
• Bathing the rabbit in tepid water
Fig. 23.2 Snuffles (Pasteurella multocida) in the rabbit. (From
Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW. Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents. • Wetting the ears
2nd ed. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2004, by permission.) • Using a fan
CHAPTER 23 Diseases of the Respiratory System 275

• Vasodilators; acetylpromazine • Rabbits housed outside during the summer months

• Intravenous cooled fluids must have a source of cooling water spray, fan, and
Information for Clients • Heatstroke in the rabbit is an emergency. Take imme-
• If you take your rabbit outside in the heat, make sure diate measures to cool the rabbit, and seek veterinary
that the rabbit has a shady, cool place to rest frequently. attention.

1. Yearly flu vaccinations for ferrets are recommended. 4. Children with strep infections should avoid handling
a. True ferrets and rodents.
b. False a. True
2. Treatment of Mycoplasma pneumonias will often b. False
cure the problem by removing the organism from 5. Only feline distemper vaccines should be used when
the rodent’s system. vaccinating ferrets.
a. True a. True
b. False b. False
3. Snuffles is a disease caused by:
a. Staphylococcus aureus
Answers found on page 547.
b. Clostridium botulinum
c. Pasteurella multocida
d. Streptococcus pyogenes
Diseases of the Urinary System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Explain the need for emergency evaluation of urinary
able to: obstruction in the affected pet.
• Recognize signs of urinary disease in these species • Demonstrate knowledge of normal and abnormal
and be able to explain how a proper diet can prevent urine in the rabbit.

Ferrets 276 Supportive Care 278
Acute Renal Failure 276 Urethral Obstruction or Trauma in Mice 278
Chronic Renal Failure 277 The Rabbit 278
Cystitis or Urolithiasis 277 Red Urine 278
The Rodent 278 “Sludgy Urine” 279
Chronic Progressive Nephrosis 278 Urolithiasis 279

Calculolytic Hematuria Oliguria
Debride Hypercalciuria Urolithiasis
Diuresis Nephrosis

Clinical Signs
THE FERRET • Polyuria or polydipsia
Older ferrets may exhibit signs of renal failure, as do other • Depression
animals. Urinary calculi, once common, are now rarely • Lack of appetite
seen because of improved diets. Most urinary problems • Weight loss
may be related to one or more of the endocrine abnormal- • Hind-limb weakness
ities and may be treated as those of dogs or cats. • Dehydration
Urinary disease in aging ferrets is similar to the disease in • Pale mucous membranes
cats and dogs. Renal failure may be classified as either acute • Painful abdomen
(may be reversible) or chronic (usually not reversible).

Acute Renal Failure Diagnosis

Signs of acute renal failure in ferrets may develop sec- • Physical examination
ondary to lower urinary tract disease or obstruction. • Complete blood cell count (CBC)

CHAPTER 24 Diseases of the Urinary System 277

• Serum chemistries: blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and Treatment

creatinine level increases are seen but are not consid- • Rehydration
ered an accurate measure of renal failure; hyperpho- • Improved nutrition (diet should contain no less than
sphatemia, hyperkalemia, and hypocalcemia are 30% meat-based protein)
considered signs of renal failure • Phosphorous-binding agents
• Urinalysis: active urine sediment
• Radiography: enlarged kidneys Information for Clients
• Chronic renal failure is a progressive disease. Treat-
Treatment ment may improve the quality of life for the animal
• Removal or correction of the underlying cause but will not reverse the lesions in the kidney resulting
• Correction of fluid balance: rehydration with lactated from the disease.
Ringer’s solution or normal saline if hyperkalemic;
fluid rates Cystitis or Urolithiasis
• Diuretics if the ferret is oliguric: furosemide Cystitis, with or without the formation of bladder stones,
• Adequate nutrition: Hill’s Feline k/d or other high- may develop in the ferret. Signs may range from mild
quality meat protein diet straining and pain during urination to complete
• Phosphorous binders when needed obstruction.
• Antibiotics if indicated
Clinical Signs
Information for Clients • Early clinical signs include the following:
• With rapid diagnosis and treatment, acute renal fail- • Straining to urinate
ure damage often can be reversed. Call your veteri- • Polyuria
narian immediately if you suspect urinary problems •  Hematuria
in your pet. • If stones form, affected animals will exhibit the fol-
• A proper diet can reduce the incidence of lower uri- lowing clinical signs:
nary tract infection and acute renal failure. • Straining to urinate
• Extreme pain due to obstruction
Chronic Renal Failure • Dribbling urine
Chronic renal failure is a problem in aged ferrets. The
result of the disease process is a slow, progressive loss Diagnosis
of renal function, the cause of which is often unclear. • Physical examination; stones often can be palpated
Clinical Signs • Radiography: most stones are struvite and visible on
• Depression radiographs
• Urinalysis: increased crystals, blood, increased
• Lethargy
• Weight loss protein
• Urine culture and sensitivity
• Pale mucous membranes
• Oral ulcers or halitosis
• Diarrhea or vomiting Treatment
• If obstruction is present, remove it either by catheter-
Diagnosis ization or via cystotomy
• Physical examination; small kidneys • In the absence of obstruction, use a calculolytic diet
• CBC; anemia such as s/d
• Serum chemistries: increased renal enzymes, hyper- • Antibiotics based on urine culture and sensitivity
kalemia, hypocalcemia
• Urinalysis: increased protein, blood cells, low specific Information for Clients
gravity • Urinary obstruction is an emergent, life-threatening
• Radiology: small kidneys condition. Have your pet seen by a veterinarian
278 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

immediately if the animal is straining to urinate and TABLE 24.1 Urinalysis Reference Values
not producing any urine. for Gerbils, Hamsters, Mice, and Rats
• A proper diet may reduce the development of bladder
stones. Valuea Gerbil Hamster Mouse Rat
Urine A few 5.1–8.4 0.5–2.5 13–23
volume drops
THE RODENT (mL/24 h) (about 4)
Specific NA 1.060 1.034 1.022–
Staphylococcus aureus of the preputial glands in mice gravity 1.050
may cause urinary obstruction. Occasionally trauma to Average pH NA 8.5 5.01 5–7
the penis is seen in mice that are aggressively fighting Protein NA NA Males <30
or as a result of aggressive breeding. In rats, chronic pro- (mg/dL) proteinuric
gressive nephrosis is the best-known age-related disease a
Average reference values. Note that the ranges should be
of the renal system. This disease may be more severe in considered as guides; values are likely to vary among groups of
male rats than in female rats. Little information is avail- animals according to such variables as strain, age, sex, fasting,
able on urinary problems in hamsters and gerbils. and methodology.
NA, not available
From Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW. Ferrets, Rabbits, and
Chronic Progressive Nephrosis Rodents. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2004, by permission.
Chronic progressive nephrosis is primarily a disease of
older rats.
Information for Clients
Clinical Signs • Proper diet and husbandry may prevent or slow the
• Enlarged, pitted kidneys progression of the urinary problems in captive mice
• Proteinuria >10 mg/day and progressively increasing and rats.
with age
• Clinical signs and history Urinary disease and renal failure are common in the rab-
• Urinalysis (Table 24.1) bit. Rabbits are extremely sensitive to disturbances of
• Radiography or ultrasonography of the kidneys acid-base balance, pain, stress, dehydration, and
anorexia. The rabbit kidney excretes large amounts of
Treatment calcium, which forms calcium carbonate in the urine,
causing turbid, alkaline urine. In rabbits experiencing
Supportive care
• A low-protein diet, which may slow progression of pain or stress, blood flow to the kidney, and hence glo-
merular filtration, is decreased. The rabbit kidney
the disease
• Anabolic steroids appears to be the main organ of regulation of calcium
homeostasis, and as such, the secretion of calcium by
the kidney matches that of calcium intake. Diets high
Urethral Obstruction or Trauma in Mice
in calcium may predispose the rabbit to hypercalciuria
Clinical Signs
• Failure to pass urine and the development of bladder stones.
• Traumatic injury to the penis
Red Urine
Diagnosis Rabbits may excrete a porphyrin-related compound in
• Physical examination and history their urine that will make the urine red. It is often mis-
• Culture and sensitivity: to detect S. aureus taken by the client for hematuria. This unusual urine
color may be the result of pigments found in the normal
Treatment diet of the rabbit and does not present a problem. Por-
• Cleaning and debriding wounds phyrin products will fluoresce under a Wood lamp,
• Antibiotics based on culture and sensitivity whereas hemoglobin will not.
CHAPTER 24 Diseases of the Urinary System 279

Clinical Signs Information for Clients

• Dark brown, dark red, red-orange urine • Make sure your rabbit has a clean litter box for
Diagnosis • Rabbits should have free access to clean water at
• Physical examination and history all times.
• Complete urinalysis will be normal • Increase moist, leafy greens in the diet if sludging has
• Check urine with a Wood light: porphyrin will been a problem.
Treatment The formation of bladder stones may or may not be
• No treatment is available associated with sludgy urine in the rabbit. As with other
animals, any condition that increases the urinary con-
Information for Clients centration of stone-producing minerals and promotes
• It is normal for rabbit urine to be colored red. Have crystal formation may lead to the formation of uroliths.
your rabbit examined if any other signs of disease are Normal rabbit urine contains many crystals. Almost
present. 100% of the uric acid handled by the kidney is excreted
in urine in the rabbit, as opposed to 40% in the dog; thus
“Sludgy Urine” a supply of raw materials is available for the formation of
It is normal for rabbit urine to be turbid; however, stones. Restricted water intake, retention of urine, and
when the calcium carbonate deposits begin to build infection may all cause urolithiasis.
up in the bladder, urine may actually become sludgy
(thick, pasty). Clinical Signs
Urination may become difficult and painful, and the • Straining to urinate or unable to pass urine
rabbit may strain to urinate. The sludge irritates the • Hematuria
bladder, the urethra, and the perineum, and secondary • Depression
infections may occur. • Lethargy
• Hunched stance
Clinical Signs
• Grinding of teeth
• Straining to urinate
• Anorexia and weight loss
• Depression
• Hunched stance
• Pain Diagnosis
• Physical examination and history
Diagnosis • Complete urinalysis—obtained by cystocentesis
• Physical examination and history • Increased crystalluria
• Radiology or ultrasonography shows a distended • Proteinuria
• Hematuria
bladder containing sludge
• Complete urinalysis •  Bacteria
• Complete CBC and serum chemistries:
Treatment • Especially to evaluate renal function
• Empty the rabbit’s bladder under anesthesia, and • Culture and sensitivity of urine, if bacteria
flush until clean present
• Decrease dietary calcium and increase diuresis (may • Radiography (Fig. 24.1)
include intravenous fluids)
• Improve any housing conditions that may result in Treatment
retention of urine by the rabbit (such as dirty litter) • Cystotomy if stones are large
• Administer antiinflammatory medications if urine • Bladder flushing through a catheter to remove fine
retention is related to spinal pain particulate matter
• Provide antibiotics for secondary infections • Nephrectomy if stone is in renal pelvis
280 SECTION 2 Ferrets, Rodents, and Rabbits

Fig. 24.1 Cystic calculi in the bladder of a rabbit. (A) Preoperative right lateral radiographic view. (B) Cystotomy
was unsuccessful because the calculus (arrows) moved into the distal urethra, probably at the time of anesthe-
sia induction. (From Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW. Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO:
Saunders; 2004, by permission.)

• Fluids to aid in flushing the bladder by increasing Information for Clients

urination • A properly balanced diet of grass hay and vegetables
• Urohydropropulsion of stones that are nonobstruc- may limit the formation of cystic calculi.
tive may be attempted under anesthesia • Avoid letting your rabbit become overweight, and
• Change in diet: decreased levels of calcium- make sure it always has access to fresh water.
containing foods • If you notice your rabbit straining to pass urine or no
• Weight reduction or exercise increase urine is in the box, have your pet seen immediately by
• Antibiotics, according to culture and sensitivity results a veterinarian.

1. Recommended diets for ferrets should contain no a. Ammonium chloride
less than ________ high-quality meat protein. b. Triple-phosphate crystals
a. 60% c. Calcium carbonate
b. 30% d. Sodium carbonate
c. 10% 5. As with other animals, chronic renal failure will
d. 50% result in ________ packed cell volume (PCV).
2. What is the most common type of bladder stone in a. Increased
the ferret? b. Decreased
a. Urate stone 6. Rabbit urine that is red and fluoresces under ultravi-
b. Oxylate stone olet light contains this pigment and is probably
c. Struvite stone normal.
d. Mixed stone a. Melanin
3. Chronic progressive nephrosis is more severe in b. Hemoglobin
________ rats. c. Porphyrin
a. Male d. Myoglobin
b. Female
4. Unlike in most other mammals, rabbit urine contains Answers found on page 547.
high amounts of ________, which makes urine turbid.

Overview of the Bird as a Patient

When you have completed this chapter, you will be able to: • Become interested in these patients, and begin to feel
• Discuss the suitability of certain species of birds as comfortable handling them.
pets when asked by clients. • Appreciate how the unique anatomy of the avian
• Advise clients on housing and diet for pet birds. patient contributes to the development of disease.

Husbandry 282 Handling and Restraint 283
Housing 282 Anatomy of the Avian Patient 283
Nutrition 282 Advice to Clients Wishing to Purchase a Bird 283
Exercise 282

Husbandry Passerine Psittacine

More than 9000 different species of birds exist, and husbandry requirements, handling, and diseases of
many of them make excellent pets for people who live these pets.
in urban environments. Of these species, the most com- It has been estimated that approximately 90% of all
mon groups kept as pets include psittacines (hook- medical problems in birds are the result of poor hus-
beaked parrots) and passerines (canaries and finches). bandry. It is the responsibility of the veterinary staff
As birds have become more popular, the number of to provide guidance to clients who wish to acquire a
birds treated in veterinary clinics has increased. For this pet bird and to provide support to those clients who
reason, technicians must become familiar with the already own one.

282 SECTION 3 Birds

unnecessary. Owners should bring the bird to the clinic

HUSBANDRY in its own cage, whenever possible; the cage may provide
Most pet bird owners know little about the housing and important clues to the environment in which the
nutritional requirements of their new bird. Pet stores pet lives.
often do little in the way of counseling or educating
new owners, and many birds are acquired as “impulse” Nutrition
purchases, with no thought of how that animal will be Since the late 1980s, research in the area of avian nutri-
maintained during its adult life span (which can be quite tion has provided marked improvement in the diets of
long in some species). It is important that technicians caged birds. Previously, seed mixtures were the only
who work in practices that treat avian patients have a diets available to bird owners. Today, a varied diet of
working knowledge of these requirements. seeds, pellets, and table food is highly recommended
by most avian veterinarians. This diversified diet should
Housing consist of vegetables, breads, cheese, cooked eggs, fruit,
Pet birds live in confined environments (usually a cage). and even a small amount of meat together with seeds,
The size of cage should be determined by the size of the peanuts, and or pellets. A well-balanced diet is just as
bird, not by the cost of the cage. A bird should be able to important for a bird as it is for its owner! A diversified
spread its wings without touching the cage walls, and its diet not only provides the necessary vitamin and energy
tail should not drag the floor or hit the sides of the cage. requirements for the bird, but will also provide psycho-
Because birds are social creatures, the cage should be logical stimulation through touch, feel, and color and
placed in an area where interaction with the owner is keep the bird interested.
possible; however, certain rooms should be avoided— Birds produce little saliva and therefore require an
especially the kitchen. The cage should be in an area adequate water intake to digest their foodstuff. Fresh
away from air conditioning and heating vents and out water should always be available to the bird. Water con-
of direct sunlight. Birds are quite hardy and will readily tainers must be cleaned several times daily because birds
adapt to the usual temperatures in homes. are prone to placing food and other things in their water.
Cages may be constructed of metal, Plexiglas, or a Birds that receive a well-balanced diet probably need
suitable wire mesh. Cage materials include everything no other supplements such as vitamins and calcium.
from bamboo to decorative wood and Plexiglas. The Laying hens or birds not eating well may need the addi-
material used in the cage must be suitable for the size tion of supplements during these periods of stress.
and strength of the bird, or else the cage will be Whenever supplements are used, they should be placed
destroyed by the natural tendency of the animal to chew. in the soft food and not in the water.
The construction and design must be simple and pro-
vide a safe environment for the bird, whether they are Exercise
outside the cage or inside. All birds need exercise. However, because the home is an
Perches should be of sufficient size and should not be inherently dangerous place for birds, that exercise must
covered with sandpaper because this can lead to foot be supervised at all times. Birds should never be left
trauma and infection. Newspaper is the best substrate unattended when out of the cage. Large parrots can be
for the bottom of the cage (unprinted newspaper can quite destructive, and smaller birds may be injured by
be purchased from many sources). Wood shavings, cat ceiling fans, by other pets, or by flying into windows
litter, or other particulate substrates may hide excreta or mirrors. Many owners set up play areas for their par-
and hold excess moisture, making it difficult for the cli- rots, and some even have harnesses that allow them to
ent to see changes that may be caused by disease or die- take their birds outside without the danger of losing
tary changes. them. Owners may request a wing trim to keep their
Cages should be cleaned and bedding changed at least birds from flying, but this will not prevent flight; it serves
daily. Other items such as mite protectors and grit are only to provide less lift. Many birds are lost each year
CHAPTER 25 Overview of the Bird as a Patient 283

when owners take them outside, only to have them take

off on wind currents and disappear.
Handling and Restraint Veterinary technicians are often asked what species of
The goal of handling and restraint of the avian patient is bird will make the best pet. It is important, therefore,
to prevent trauma to the patient and to the veterinarian for the technician to be familiar with some of the most
examining the patient. Therefore it is important to con- common species kept as pets (Box 25.1) and their per-
trol the head of the bird. Before trying to remove any sonalities. In general, species with a reputation for being
bird from the cage, remove all perches, food and water good talkers (parakeets, Amazon parrots, African grey
bowls, and toys to prevent injury during the capture pro- parrots, cockatoos, and macaws) also have a reputation
cess. If possible, dim the lights in the examination room for being noisy. The larger the bird, the larger and stron-
to slow down the bird’s reactions. For small birds, the ger is the beak and the more likely that their bite would
technician may use a paper towel or washcloth placed be severe. Larger birds usually cost more to purchase and
over the bird. Gently surround the head with the thumb will be more costly to maintain. It may also be difficult to
and first finger while wrapping the cloth around the find boarding or someone to care for them when the
body of the bird with the opposite hand. Cradle the bird owner is away. A client who wishes to purchase a bird
in the palm of your hand for support. For the larger par- as a pet should consider all of these issues before decid-
rots, use a bath towel or a beach towel. Large birds may ing on a species.
require two persons for restraint; one to support and
control the head and one to support and control the
body and wings. Larger parrots can severely injure
someone with their beak, so head control is very
Several good texts on restraining and handling avian BOX 25.1 Psittacines and Passerines
patients are available; we advise the technician to refer to Commonly Kept as Pets
these texts for more information. Remember, practice Psittacines (birds with a hooked beak and two toes
makes perfect (or at least improves your technique)! pointing forward and two pointing backward)
Amazon parrots
Budgerigars and parakeets
Although humans have kept birds as pets for a long time,
birds are not considered a “domesticated” animal as are
dogs and cats. The unique structure and temperament of Eclectus parrots
the bird makes it a challenging patient. Even if hand- Lorikeets
raised, all birds retain their wild genes and will react Lovebirds
to stress as their wild relatives have for thousands African grey parrots
of years. Monk parakeets
To understand the development of disease in the Pionus
bird, the technician should become familiar with the Senegal parrots
unique anatomy of the bird (Figs. 25.1 and 25.2). A Ring-necked parakeets
detailed description of the anatomical structures of the Passerines (birds with three forward-facing toes)
avian patient is beyond the scope of this text; however,
brief overviews are presented throughout Section 3 with
the discussions of each body system.
284 SECTION 3 Birds


Rt. thyroid and

parathyroid glands L. thyroid and
parathyroid glands
Syrinx L. common carotid a.
L. subclavian a.
Rt. brachiocephalic L. pectoral trunk


L. costosternal m.
Rt. lobe of liver L. lobe of liver

Supraduodenal loop
Pancreas of the ileum
Extension of duodenal loop
into caudal left quadrant



Fig. 25.1 Anatomy of the bird. (A) Superficial ventrolateral view.
CHAPTER 25 Overview of the Bird as a Patient 285


Rt. internal carotid a.
L. internal carotid a.
L. jugular v.

Rt. jugular v.

Rt. thyroid and parathyroid glands L. thyroid and parathyroid glands

Pericardium (reflected)
Costosternal m.
Heart s

L. lobe of liver (reflected)



Rt. lobe of liver Kidney–cranial division

Kidney–middle division
Pancreas Supraduodenal loop of ileum
Kidney–caudal division
J ej
u n a l lo o p s



Fig. 25.1—cont’d (B) Deep ventrolateral view. [(A) From Harrison GJ, Harrison LR. Clinical Avian Medicine and
Surgery. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 1986, by permission.]
286 SECTION 3 Birds

Alula (first digit)

Major metacarpal
Second digit
Upper mandible


Lower mandible Ulna

Cervical vertebrae

Scapula Humerus

Thoracic vertebrae
Uncinate process


Sternum Coccygeal

Complete rib Femur





Fig. 25.2 Skeleton of a hawk. (From Colville T, Bassert JM. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary
Technicians. 2nd ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby; 2008.)
Diseases of the Cardiovascular System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Practice listening to heart sounds in avian patients
able to: and recognize any abnormal sounds.
• Auscultate the hearts of all avian patients even • Relate clinical pathology changes to heart disease in
though it will be difficult to count the heart rate. the bird.

Anatomy of the Heart 287 Internal Hemorrhage 288
Heart Disease (General) 287 Pericarditis and Myocarditis 288
Hemorrhage 288 Arteritis 288
External Hemorrhage 288 Anemia 289
Blood Feather Injury 288 Acute Death Related to Stress 289

Ascites Morbidity Pericarditis
Auscultation Myocarditis Syncope
Cautery Necropsy Thrombosis

diseases in pet birds have not been well documented for

ANATOMY OF THE HEART several reasons. The heart rate of the normal bird will
The structures of the heart and vasculature of the bird vary by species (600–750 beats per minute [beats/min]
are similar to those of the dog and cat. The bird heart in parakeets to 120–780 beats/min in parrots); thus it
is larger than the mammalian heart compared with body is often difficult to auscultate murmurs or other defects,
mass, and the heart is designed for rapid depolarization, and electrocardiography in the avian patient is
which is important with a rapid heart rate. The aortic cumbersome.
arch is derived from the right arch, not from the left
as in mammals, and the circulatory system contains
two important portal systems: (1) the hepatoportal sys- HEART DISEASE (GENERAL)
tem and (2) the renal portal system. The avian heart is
designed for high performance. However, heart disease Clinical Signs
in pet birds is rarely recognized. Abnormalities in • Listlessness
chickens and turkeys have been linked to nutritional • Ascites
deficiencies, infectious diseases, hypertension, toxicities, • Exercise intolerance
and primary congestive heart failure, but cases of these • Cough

288 SECTION 3 Birds

• Dyspnea Clinical Signs

• Murmur or rhythm disturbance found on auscultation • Bleeding (external)
• Syncope • Neurological dysfunction (if brain is involved)
• Acute death
• Complete history and physical examination Diagnosis
• Auscultation of the heart • History of trauma to site of bleeding
• Radiography • History of head trauma
• Electrocardiography • Complete blood cell count (CBC) and total protein
• Echocardiography (TP) may indicate chronic blood loss from disease
• Ruling out any bacterial or viral causes of systemic processes
Treatment External Hemorrhage
• Drugs used for other animals may be adapted for use • Pressure to site will often be enough to stop the hem-
in pet birds orrhage. Owners can use a pressure bandage or dig-
• Digoxin (inotropic agents) ital pressure. If bleeding is severe, electrocautery,
• Diuretics (to reduce fluid retention or to decrease chemical cautery, or ligation may be used once the
preload and afterload on the heart) bird arrives at the clinic
• Bronchodilators Blood Feather Injury
• Beta-blockers • Blood feathers are immature feathers that contain a
• +/– Pimobendan large blood vessel that will bleed if broken or cut.
• Diet changes to prevent vitamin E, selenium, and Once injured, blood feathers will continue to bleed
amino acid deficiencies unless pulled from the feather follicle. The feather
must be grasped close to the skin and pulled out to
Information for Clients stop the bleeding
• Primary cardiac disease is rare in pet birds. Internal Hemorrhage
• In large, expensive birds, a baseline electrocardio- • Supportive measures including fluid therapy should
gram acquired at the time of purchase may be useful be used to control internal hemorrhage. Most cases
in diagnosing future problems. of this type of hemorrhage will be found on
These birds should be placed in an incubator for warmth
and have limited stress until stabilized. Take care in
handling them. Pericarditis and myocarditis are seen infrequently in pet
birds. The cause of both diseases is usually bacterial sep-
ticemia. Occasionally urate deposits will be found in the
HEMORRHAGE pericardial membrane in birds with visceral gout (see
In most cases, hemorrhage in birds is related to trauma. Chapter 36).
Head trauma may result in bleeding into the sinus cav-
ities, and into the brain. Fractured bones, bites from
other animals, and bruising of the skin may also cause
significant blood loss, especially in small birds. Frac- Arteritis has been reported in birds, usually as a result of
tured beaks, broken nails, and injured blood feathers thrombosis from a resulting infection such as bumble
are the most common causes of bleeding in pet birds. foot. It is, however, not a common disease.
CHAPTER 26 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 289

related to excessive epinephrine release, and in some

ANEMIA cases heart failure, aortic rupture, or both. The increased
Most anemia cases in pet birds are the result of chronic blood pressure seen in birds (300–400 mm Hg) may
disease or parasitism. Parasites are most commonly seen contribute to the morbidity.
in birds imported from other countries (not common at
this time) or birds living in contact with wild birds and
feral animals. It is not a common finding in pet birds. TECH ALERT
Avoid prolonged effort when trying to capture and
ACUTE DEATH RELATED TO STRESS restrain small birds. If it is difficult to catch the bird,
darken the examination room, let the bird rest, and then
Acute death related to capture stress or fright is seen in try again.
birds, especially in budgies and smaller birds. This is

1. The release of the hormone ________ in the avian b. Two portal systems affect blood flow through the
patient has been attributed to death resulting from liver and the kidney.
handling a stressed bird. c. The avian heart is larger with respect to body
a. Epinephrine weight.
b. Insulin d. The heart rates for most birds exceed those of
c. Parathyroid mammals.
d. Oxytocin 4. When a bird appears stressed with restraint, techni-
2. Which of the following substances are important die- cians should ________.
tary components for good cardiac health in birds? a. Cover the head with a towel
a. Vitamins B and D b. Release restraint of the head
b. Vitamin E and selenium c. Put the bird back into the cage
c. Vitamin A and sodium d. Continue restraint to finish the task
d. Vitamins K and D 5. Birds have a ________ systemic blood pressure than
3. List the differences between the avian and mamma- mammals.
lian cardiovascular systems. a. Lower
a. The aortic arch in avian anatomy is derived from b. Higher
the right arch, and not from the left as in
mammals. Answers found on page 547.
Diseases of the Digestive System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Explain why gram staining of the cloaca and choanal
able to: areas of the bird is an important screening test that
• Explain the basic anatomy of the avian digestive should be part of a routine avian physical
system to clients. examination.
• Recognize how similar gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms
may be related to multiple, unrelated causes.

Anatomy of the Digestive Tract 290 Enteritis 294
Regurgitation (Courtship Behavior) 291 Cloacal Prolapse 294
Crop Stasis and Crop Burns 291 Cloacal Papillomas 295
Crop Stasis 291 Hepatitis 295
Crop Burns 291 Supportive Care 296
Severe Burn 292 Diet Therapy 296
Mild Burn 292 Internal Parasites 296
Beak Deformities 292
Proventricular Dilation Disease (Macaw Wasting
Disease) 293

Atony Debridement Prolapse
Autogenous Lavage Regurgitation
Choanal Melena Tenesmus
Cloaca Polymerase chain reaction

into the proventriculus (the glandular stomach), to the

ANATOMY OF THE DIGESTIVE TRACT ventriculus (the gizzard or grinding stomach), and then
The digestive systems of birds are different from those of into the small intestine. After traveling through the small
mammals. Birds have no teeth for cutting and grinding intestine, the large intestine, and the colon, feces pass
food. The esophagus, found on the right side of the into the cloaca. Because the renal and reproductive tracts
neck in birds, contains a dilated portion called the crop also empty into the cloaca, feces are excreted mixed with
used for food storage, allowing the bird to eat fast and urine and urates. Disturbances of the digestive system
travel at the same time. From the crop, the food passes are among the most common problems in captive birds.

CHAPTER 27 Diseases of the Digestive System 291

Regurgitation (Courtship Behavior) Clinical Signs

Clinical Signs • Failure of the crop to empty in an appropriate
• Bird seen regurgitating food onto shiny surfaces in time frame
the cage or onto the owner • Regurgitation of food
• Usually a healthy-appearing male bird • History of ingestion of foreign body
• No other signs of disease; normal appetite, normal feces
• No vomiting or regurgitation seen at other times Diagnosis
• Palpation of crop to rule out the presence of foreign
Diagnosis bodies
• Gram staining or culture and sensitivity for infectious
• Gram staining of crop to rule out bacterial or fungal
•  Radiology to rule out foreign objects
• History of other breeding behavior
Treatment • Stop feeding the bird until crop motility returns to
• Removal of the surface from the cage normal
• Frequent changes in toys and cage furniture • Evacuate crop contents using a feeding tube and
• Avoidance of activities that stimulate behavior syringe
• Extending the daily period of darkness to reduce • Lavage the crop by using warm saline and gentle mas-
mating behavior sage to break down any impactions
• Hormone therapy, which however, has many adverse • Replace hand-feeding diet with warm fluids to pre-
effects vent dehydration until crop motility returns
• Administer antibiotics based on culture and sensitiv-
Information for Clients ity results
• Unless the bird is losing weight, this is harmless • Foreign objects often may be removed using alligator
behavior. forceps
• The removal of shiny objects such as mirrors from • As crop motility returns, slowly increase the consis-
the cage may cure most birds. tency of the hand-feeding diet
• Decrease the light period by covering the cage or • Make sure the environment is temperature controlled
placing it in a dark room. (about 85°F–90°F for most baby birds)
• For crops that are overstretched or pendulous, a
“crop bra” may be fashioned to provide support.
Crop Stasis and Crop Burns
Crop stasis and crop burns are primarily problems in Information for Clients
hand-fed baby birds. Failure of the crop to move the • Seek instructions from the breeder or the pet store on
food into the lower digestive tract may result in malnu- how to hand-feed baby birds.
trition and death. • Make sure the environmental temperatures of the
food and cage are appropriate for the bird.
Crop Stasis • Do not reheat used food. Throw away any unused
The primary causes of crop stasis are as follows: food after each feeding.
• Foreign objects (such as bedding or large pieces • Do not feed new food over old food in the crop. Make
of food) sure that the crop is empty before feeding.
• Infection
• Atony from overstretching Crop Burns
• Dehydrated food particles Crop burns occur in birds when owners feed diets that
• Low environmental temperatures are heated to extreme temperatures. This primarily is a
• Feeding food that separates in the crop result of using a microwave for heating the food. Micro-
• Overfeeding in older birds waves produce high heat areas in the middle of the food,
292 SECTION 3 Birds

Information for Clients

• Before feeding, always check the temperature of the
hand-feeding mixture by using a thermometer.
• Make sure that the food is well mixed to eliminate
extremely hot areas.
• Young birds may reject food that is cooler than 98°F
to 100°F.

Beak Deformities
Malformed beaks (Fig. 27.2) are the result of trauma,
malnutrition, improper hand-feeding techniques, mite
infestation, bacterial or viral disease, or liver dysfunc-
tion. Whatever the cause, a malformed beak may result
Fig. 27.1 Crop burn with necrosis in a young hand-fed bird. in an inability to eat properly and digestive problems.
(From Donnelly, TM; Mayer J. Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Birds Beak deformation in young hand-fed birds once thought
and Exotic Pets. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2013.) to be related to hand-feeding from a single side of the
beak is more likely related to poor nutritional balance
leaving cooler areas at the surface and sides of the con- in hand-feeding diets. In older birds, trauma to the ger-
tainer. If the food is not well mixed after heating, the minal tissue of the beak will cause permanent beak
very hot food may be placed into the crop, causing a deformities similar to those seen with damage to the
severe burn. The damaged tissue will become necrotic cuticle of the fingernail or the coronary band of the hoof.
and slough, often leaving a fistula in the crop (Fig. 27.1). Mite infestation with Knemidokoptes may also result in
damage to the beak, resulting in deformities that are seen
Clinical Signs primarily in parakeets.
• Discolored areas in the skin over the crop
• Leakage of food or fluid from the crop onto skin Clinical Signs
• Pain on palpation of the crop • Observation of uneven wearing of the beak
• Reluctance to eat • Malocclusion of the beak

• Good examination of crop and surrounding tissue
• Demonstration of a fistula opening in the crop

Severe burn
• Perform surgical debridement of the damaged area,
with repair of fistulous opening
Mild burn
• Withhold food for several feedings
• Replace food with a balanced electrolyte solution
• Treat with antibiotics, if needed

• After heating hand-fed food, especially if using a
microwave, make sure that the food is well mixed;
Fig. 27.2 Lateral deviation of the maxilla in a macaw. (From
and use a thermometer to ensure that the tempera- Altman RB, Clubb SL, Dorrestein GM, Quesenberry KE. Avian
ture is not greater than 105°F (normal temperatures Medicine And Surgery. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 1997, by
should be between 98°F and 100°F) permission.)
CHAPTER 27 Diseases of the Digestive System 293

• Overgrowth of the beak (upper, lower, or both) Bird-egg transmission does occur, and carrier birds
• History of trauma or signs of trauma: bite wounds, exist. The virus appears to be somewhat unstable in
bruising of beak soft tissues, or disruption of the the environment, and thus, bird-to-bird contact is prob-
horny surface ably the most successful means for spread of the disease.

Diagnosis Clinical Signs

• Complete physical examination • Weight loss
• Clinical chemistries, complete blood cell count • Regurgitation
(CBC) to rule out nutritional disorders • Depression
• Gram staining with culture and sensitivity—choanal slit • Swollen abdomen, diarrhea
• Passage of undigested seeds in feces—most
Treatment important sign
• Treatment will depend on the cause of the • Neurological signs: ataxia, abnormal head move-
malformation ments, seizures, motor problems
• Deformities that have become permanent may be
partially corrected by corrective grinding using a Diagnosis
Dremel (Dremel; Racine, WI) • History and clinical signs
• Early correction of malnutrition or calcium deficien- • Radiography: dilated proventriculus or dysfunction
cies may result in some improvement • Increased creatine phosphokinase concentration may
• Fractures or damage to the horny beak can be be suggestive
repaired with medical acrylics. Splinting has been • Increase in barium transit time as seen on
successful in some cases radiographs
• Proventricular or crop biopsy for typical
Information for Clients histopathologic signs
• Malformation of the beak is usually manageable, but • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test: (uses whole
permanent return to normal shape and function is blood and cloacal swab)
not possible.
• Birds with malformed beaks will need frequent cor- Treatment
rective grinding. • No cure exists for PDD
• Birds adapt well to eating with malformed beaks. • Cyclosporine may be of some use in this disease
• Diets may need to be adapted to maintain adequate • Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzymatic antiinflam-
nutrition. matory drugs may decrease the symptoms. Watch
for adverse effects (e.g., gastric bleeding, ulcers)
Proventricular Dilation Disease (Macaw • Affected birds should be isolated from nonaffected
Wasting Disease) ones
Proventricular dilation disease (PDD) was first reported
in the late 1970s in macaws. Initially, it was thought to Information for Clients
affect only macaws, but we now know that it affects • Proventricular dilation disease currently has no
more than 50 species of parrots, Canadian geese, tou- cure. Any bird diagnosed with this disease should
cans, spoonbills, and weavers. Histologically, the disease be placed in strict isolation to prevent contact with
is characterized by inflammation of both central and other birds.
peripheral nervous tissues, with migration of lympho- • With proper diet and prevention of stress-related dis-
cytes and plasma cells into the nerve ganglia located eases, many birds can survive for long periods; however,
in the proventriculus and other parts of the digestive sys- many birds will die within months of diagnosis.
tem. The disease affects adult birds more than juvenile • Offspring and mates of infected birds should be con-
birds (3:1), and both sexes are equally affected. The sidered at high risk for development of the disease.
cause of this disease has recently been identified as a • PCR and histology are currently the only means to
Borna virus. Transmission involves bird-to-bird contact, obtain a positive diagnosis.
feces, feather dust, and contaminated environments. • A vaccine may be available.
294 SECTION 3 Birds

• Gram staining (cloacal and choanal); culture and sen-
sitivity, if required
• Ruling out other systemic diseases with serum chem-
istries, antibody-antigen titers, tests for toxins such
as lead
• Ruling out mycotic infections
• History of diet change, excessive external tempera-
tures, and so forth
• Treatment will depend on the cause; if diet change is
the only reason, decrease the amount of wet food
(fruits, greens) being fed
Fig. 27.3 Normal psittacine stool. (From McCurnin DM, Bassert • Antibiotics administered should be based on gram
JM. Clinical Textbook for Veterinary Technicians. 6th ed. St.
Louis, MO: Saunders; 2010, by permission.) staining and culture and sensitivity tests
• Yogurt or probiotics should be fed to normalize intes-
tinal bacteria
• Subcutaneous balanced electrolyte solutions should
Enteritis be given if needed
Enteritis is common in pet birds (Fig. 27.3). It may be a • Intestinal protectants such as kaolin and pectin may
primary disease condition or secondary to other gener- be of some use
alized diseases.
As in other animals, a diet change may result in loose TECH ALERT
stool. The intake of increased fluids from either the diet
Fecal swabs and samples should be obtained directly
(fruits, melons, or greens) or drinking water, as well as a from the patient, not from the floor of the cage, to avoid
change of seed, may result in loose stools. Fright or stress inaccurate results.
may cause diarrhea. One of the most common causes of
diarrhea in the pet bird is a bacterial infection, which is
usually caused by gram-negative organisms commonly Information for Clients
found in the environment (e.g., Esherichia coli, Pasture- • It is important to check the cage floor daily for drop-
lla, and Salmonella). pings. Any change in number, color, or consistency
Viral infections may also produce diarrhea in birds. may indicate a problem.
Fatty liver disease, bacterial overgrowth from antibiotic • All cases of diarrhea that do not self-correct within
treatment, pancreatitis, endocrine or metabolic disease, 24 hours should be seen by a veterinarian.
and mycotic infections may also result in alterations of • Diet changes should be made slowly.
the fecal material. It is important to isolate the cause • Environmental temperatures should be increased to
because treatment should be specific for the disease pro- at least 85°F for fluffed birds.
ducing the diarrhea.
Cloacal Prolapse
If diarrhea or tenesmus persists, it may lead to cloacal
Clinical Signs prolapse (Fig. 27.4). Efforts by female birds to pass
• Anorexia retained eggs may also cause the cloaca to prolapse.
• Diarrhea Eversion of the cloaca to the outside of the bird prevents
• Soiling of feathers around the vent urine and feces from being passed; allows the tissue to
• Polyuria or polydipsia (Pu/Pd) become contaminated, dry, and necrotic; and may
• Tenesmus (straining) become a life-threatening condition for the bird. Cloacal
• Fluffing prolapse should be handled as an emergency condition.
CHAPTER 27 Diseases of the Digestive System 295

frequently in macaws, cockatoos, and some Amazon

parrots. They can appear as protruding red masses from
the vent (appear similar to a prolapse) or may be visu-
alized only on internal examination of the cloaca. Birds
with papillomas should not be used for breeding, and a
breeding soundness examination should include ruling
out the presence of papillomas.

Clinical Signs
• Tenesmus
• Soiled vent feathers
• Hemorrhage in the vent area
Fig. 27.4 Cloacal prolapse in a cockatoo. (From Hnilica KA. Small
• Pasting of the vent area with feces, foul odor, and
Animal Dermatology: A Color Atlas and Therapeutic Guide. 4th scalding of the area
ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011, by permission.) • Some birds will not yet show signs when seen for
Clinical Signs
• Tenesmus and diarrhea Diagnosis
• Appearance of a pink to red blob of tissue from the • Visualization of masses in the cloaca (normal lining is
cloaca smooth)
• Application of 5% acetic acid will turn abnormal
Diagnosis tissue white
• Physical examination • Biopsy
• History
Treatment • Most birds respond to cryosurgery, but rapid
• Gently clean the exposed tissue regrowth may occur
• Reduce the swelling, and lubricate the exposed tissue • Autogenous vaccines may be prepared from removed
(cortisone and antibiotic ointments, dimethyl sulfox- tissue
ide, saturated sugar solution)
• Replace healthy tissue into the cloaca manually, and Information for Clients
place a purse-string suture around the vent to prevent • When buying a bird for breeding, always have a clo-
recurrence acal examination performed.
• Sutures are usually removed in 5 to 7 days • Do not use infected birds for breeding because these
• Treat the diarrhea or cause for straining papillomas may be transferred to the mate.
• If tissue is necrotic when presented, surgical repair • Regrowth may occur rapidly after treatment.
may be necessary

Information for Clients Hepatitis

• If you suspect a cloacal prolapse, have your bird trea- Most systemic avian diseases involve the hepatobiliary
ted immediately. system. Clinical signs of liver disease may include inap-
• Cloacal prolapse may recur if the bird strains for any petence and inactivity, weight loss, weakness, diarrhea,
reason (egg laying, diarrhea, or constipation, among Pu/Pd, poor feathering, ascites, coagulopathy, green
other symptoms). urates, and melena. Because of the large functional
reserve of the liver, at least 80% of the liver tissue must
Cloacal Papillomas be damaged for clinical signs to occur; therefore, liver
Papillomas are neoplasms derived from nonglandular disease is often a difficult diagnosis. Birds with liver dis-
epithelium. Cloacal papillomas tend to occur most ease do not experience development of jaundice; thus,
296 SECTION 3 Birds

this feature of mammalian liver disease is not helpful. Treatment

Serum chemistries, radiography, and ultrasonography • Lactulose is given orally to reduce ammonia levels
are the best means of determining liver dysfunction in • Colchicine may aid in limiting fibrosis of the liver
the avian patient. Liver biopsy may be used to confirm • Eliminate the underlying cause of the disease, if
the actual cause of the dysfunction. Some of the more possible
frequent causes of hepatic disease are bacterial infec- Supportive care
tions, chlamydial infection, viral infections, hepatic lipi- • Oxygen therapy
dosis, and toxins. Neoplasia may be seen in older birds, • Fluids
especially Amazon parrots. • Removal of ascetic fluids to aid in breathing
• Intravenous dextrose
Clinical Signs • Colloid administration
• Weight loss
• Anorexia TECH ALERT
• Weakness Birds with hepatitis should be handled gently and should
• Pu/Pd not be stressed!
• Ascites
• Coagulopathy
• Melena or green urates Diet therapy
• Hand-feeding with a protein-restricted diet
• Vitamin therapy, especially A, D, E, K, and B
Diagnosis complex
• Bacterial cultures (usually from the liver biopsy Information for Clients
sample) • Birds with hepatitis are extremely ill, and many will
• Serum chemistries: die despite excellent treatment.
• Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is found in • Hospitalization and treatment may be a lengthy
high concentrations in hepatocytes but is also process.
found in other tissues of the bird. Although not • The prognosis will depend on the initial cause of the
liver specific, most clinicians look at AST levels hepatic disease.
when assessing liver function. Alanine amino-
transferase (ALT) is not useful in avian species. Internal Parasites
• Creatine kinase levels should be obtained to rule Internal parasites are not a major problem for captive
out muscle damage as the cause of increased birds raised and maintained in indoor environments.
AST levels. However, when birds are kept in enclosures with access
• Bile acid level >120 micromolecules per liter (μmol/ to the ground or to wild birds, internal parasites may
L); plasma levels of bile acids rely on the integrity of become a problem. Following is a partial list of internal
the enterohepatic circulation and the hepatobiliary parasites seen in captive birds (the technician is referred
system; disease of these pathways may interfere with to a parasitology text for details of life cycles and
the uptake of bile acids from the circulation transmission):
• Radiography: to identify hepatomegaly and ascites, if • Ascaridia (Fig. 27.5)
present; not all birds with liver disease will show signs • Capillaria
of an enlarged liver • Cestodes (Fig. 27.6)
• Ultrasonography: may be useful in larger birds for • Cryptosporidium
localization of hepatic lesions such as granulomas • Eimeria (Fig. 27.7)
or neoplasms • Giardia (Fig. 27.8)
• Liver biopsy: not without potential risk but can con- • Isospora
firm the diagnosis • Sarcocystis falcatula
• Chlamydia or viral serology • Sternostoma tracheacolum (air sac mite, tracheal mite)
CHAPTER 27 Diseases of the Digestive System 297

Fig. 27.8 Giardia trophozoite. (From Bassert J, McCurnin DM.

Mccurnin’s Clinical Textbook for Veterinary Technicians. 7th
Fig. 27.5 Ascaridia species in a specimen from a macaw. (From ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2010.)
Altman RB, Clubb SL, Dorrestein GM, Quesenberry KE. Avian
Medicine and Surgery. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 1997, by
Clinical signs (will depend on parasite)
• Weight loss, depression
• Diarrhea, melena
• Bowel obstruction (Ascaridia)
• Debility
• Respiratory (Cryptosporidium, Sternostoma,
• Nervous system involvement (Baylisascaris)
• Feather picking (Giardia)

• Fecal flotation
Fig. 27.6 Cestode egg from a Lady Gouldian finch. (From Altman • Direct smear, when it is necessary to identify the
RB, Clubb SL, Dorrestein GM, Quesenberry KE. Avian Medicine organism
and Surgery. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 1997, by permission.) • Clinical signs

• Ivermectin
• Metronidazole, Praziquantel (coccidia)
• Praziquantel (tapeworms and flukes)
• Cleaning up the environment
• Removal of the bird from the source of infection

Information for clients

• Prevention of exposure to wild birds will decrease the
chance of exposure to internal parasites.
• If your birds will be housed outside, use elevated, cov-
Fig. 27.7 Eimeria species in a specimen from a blue-footed
Amazon. (From Altman RB, Clubb SL, Dorrestein GM, Quesen-
ered cages to prevent fecal contamination.
berry KE. Avian Medicine and Surgery. Philadelphia, PA: Saun-
• Periodic fecal examinations should be performed on
ders; 1997, by permission.) all birds housed outside.
298 SECTION 3 Birds

1. Which of the following lists the proper order for b. Bread
treating crop stasis in a baby bird? c. Meat
a. Flush the crop using tap water, and then refeed the d. Potato
bird using the normal feeding material. 5. Which of the following clinical chemistry tests is not
b. Flush the crop using warm saline, and then refeed useful for diagnosis of liver disease in the avian
the bird using the normal feeding material. patient?
c. Flush the crop using warm saline, and then a. ALT
refill the crop with a balanced electrolyte b. AST
solution. c. Bile acids
d. Flush the crop using tap water, and then refill the d. γ-Glutamyl transferase (GGT)
crop with an antibiotic solution. 6. The intestinal tract of birds contains predominately
2. On finding papillomas in the cloaca of a blue and ________bacteria.
gold macaw, the veterinarian should tell the a. Gram-positive
owners that: b. Gram-negative
a. This disease is not treatable, and they should sell c. Acid-fast
the bird. 7. Cloacal polyps should be treated before using the bird
b. This disease will eventually be fatal to the bird. for breeding.
c. This disease is contagious to humans. a. True
d. This disease is treatable, but the animal should not b. False
be used for breeding. 8. This organ is the glandular stomach of the bird.
3. Describe how to determine the difference between a. Crop
“courtship regurgitation” and vomiting from a dis- b. Proventriculus
ease process. c. Ventriculus
4. Which of the following foods would most likely cause
loose stools if added to a bird’s diet? Answers found on page 547.
a. Watermelon
Diseases of the Endocrine System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Relate symptoms of diabetes in the bird to pancreatic
able to: islet cell dysfunction seen in other species.
• Discuss how iodine-poor diets affect some species of • Recognize the presence of unique hormones and
avian patients. their function in the avian patient.

Anatomy of the Avian Endocrine System 299 Hypothyroidism 300
Diseases of the Thyroid Gland 299 Disease of the Pancreas: Diabetes Mellitus 300
Hyperthyroidism 300 Diseases of the Adrenal Glands 301

Endocrine Polypeptide Voracious
Oviposition Postprandial

posterior pituitary gland (the neurohypophysis) releases

ANATOMY OF THE AVIAN ENDOCRINE arginine vasotocin (AVT) and mesotocin (MT).
SYSTEM Both AVT and MT are produced in the hypothalamus
The endocrine glands and hormones in birds are similar and stored in the posterior pituitary gland. The effect of
to those found in mammals (Box 28.1). The glands release AVT is similar to antidiuretic hormone in mammals. It
hormones into the circulation. These hormones activate a acts to control water resorption and oviductal contraction
target organ to produce changes within the body. As in during oviposition. AVT also decreases glomerular filtra-
mammals, a hypothalamohypophysial axis is composed tion, which causes increased water retention. The role of
of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. Releasing MT currently is unknown.
hormones are produced in the hypothalamus and are car-
ried by the portal circulation to the anterior pituitary
gland, where they stimulate the release of the appropriate
stimulating hormone into the general circulation. Stimu- The thyroid glands are located just cranial to the tho-
lating hormones released from the anterior pituitary racic inlet and lateral to the trachea. They are innervated
gland (the adenohypophysis) include follicle-stimulating by both the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems.
hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), thyroid- As in mammals, the glands are composed of follicles that
stimulating hormone (TSH), prolactin, growth hormone produce both triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyro-
(GH), and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). The nine (T4). The thyroid glands of birds do not contain

300 SECTION 3 Birds

• Improvement in diet can be achieved by addition of

BOX 28.1 Endocrine Organs of the Avian
Species vegetables that contain iodine or through formulated
pelleted diets that contain iodine
Parathyroid TECH ALERT
Ultimobranchial gland
Thymus Dyspneic birds may need supplemental oxygen before
Adrenal they are handled. Be careful to avoid causing stress in
Pituitary these birds.
Testes or ovaries
Information for Clients
The following organs produce some hormones in • All birds should be on a well-balanced diet that con-
addition to performing their other functions: tains iodine. Avoid seeds as the primary diet because
Liver many are grown in iodine-deficient soil.
Small intestine • Vegetables and fruits that contain iodine include dark
Kidneys leafy greens.
Uterus • It will not be easy to retrain your bird to eat properly.
Start by adding a small amount of one food to a famil-
iar food cup daily for up to 1 week. Leave this cup in
C-cells for the production of calcitonin. In birds, calci- the cage all day, but remove the normal diet 15 to
tonin is produced by C-cells found in the ultimobran- 20 minutes after placing it in the cage. Do not offer
chial bodies that are just caudal to the parathyroid seeds during this period. As the bird begins to eat this
glands. The function of calcitonin is unknown and does new item, you can add others slowly using the same
not appear to reduce the serum levels of calcium as it method. Do not give up; it may take a while to suc-
does in mammals. Iodine is concentrated in the gland, cessfully implement a better diet.
• Most formulated pelleted diets contain iodine and
but thyroid hormones contain a greater percentage of
iodine compared with those of mammals. The most other vitamins that are easy to use.
• A well-balanced diet will increase the life span of your
common disease associated with the thyroid gland is
related to iodine deficiency, resulting in formation of pet bird.
goiter. This disease is more commonly associated with
parakeets, budgies, canaries, pigeons, and cockatiels Hypothyroidism
than the larger parrots. Primary hypothyroidism is not a common disease in
pet birds.
• Dyspnea
• Characteristic squeaking noise on inspiration MELLITUS
• Regurgitation or repeated swallowing attempts when The endocrine portion of the pancreas contains three
eating types of Islet cells: (1) α-cells (secrete glucagon), β-cells
(secrete insulin), and δ-cells (secrete somatostatin). As
Diagnosis in mammals, insulin reduces blood glucose levels, gluca-
• History of a diet low in iodine (all-seed diet) gon increases blood glucose levels, and somatostatin reg-
• The enlarged thyroid usually not palpable ulates the release of both hormones. A fourth hormone,
avian pancreatic polypeptide, is also produced by the
Treatment pancreas, although its function is unknown.
• Increase the level of iodine in the diet by oral Spontaneous occurring diabetes mellitus has been
administration of a dilute Lugol iodine solution via reported in several species of birds, including budger-
the water igars, toucans, Amazon parrots, African greys, and
CHAPTER 28 Diseases of the Endocrine System 301

cockatiels. Some controversy has existed about the Treatment

roles of insulin and glucagon in the development of • Supportive care should be implemented: fluids, hand-
diabetes in birds. Because the avian pancreas feeding, correction of electrolyte disorders
contains more glucagon-secreting cells and the gluca- • A serial blood glucose curve should be performed
gon–insulin ratios in birds are 5 to 10 times greater • Insulin therapy should be instituted; twice-daily
than in mammals, it was thought that glucagon injections usually are required
was the most important hormone in blood glucose • Addition of a high-fiber diet to decrease postprandial
regulation, but newer research has shown that hyperglycemia should be considered
insulin does play an important role in carbohydrate
homeostasis. Lack of insulin results in impaired glucose Information for Clients
tolerance, and lack of glucagon leads to hypoglycemia. • Treatment of the bird will be lifelong and may be
Clinical Signs difficult.
• Blood glucose levels will need to be reevaluated peri-
• Polyuria or polydipsia
• Weight loss in the presence of a voracious appetite odically to ensure adequate insulin levels.
• Signs of hypoglycemia because of insulin overdose
• Depression, lethargy
include weakness, ataxia, disorientation, lethargy, and
seizures. You should keep Karo syrup on hand to treat
Diagnosis hypoglycemic crises. It can be rubbed onto the roof of
• Persistent glycosuria: it is often difficult to obtain a the mouth (take care not to be bitten) or given directly
pure urine sample from a bird; successful urine sam- by crop tube if the bird is not experiencing a seizure.
ples can be obtained by using waxed paper on the
bottom of the cage and carefully collecting only the
liquid portion of the fecal sample using a syringe
or eyedropper No cases of naturally occurring hypoadrenocorticism or
• Serum glucose levels are persistently increased to hyperadrenocorticism have been reported in pet birds.
>600 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL)
• Serum glucagon levels should be obtained

1. Blood glucose levels in the range of ________ should 4. The most common thyroid problem seen in pet birds
suggest diabetes mellitus in the bird. is related to:
a. 250 mg/dL a. Hygiene problems
b. 600 mg/dL b. An iodine-deficient diet
c. 300 mg/dL c. Exposure to ultraviolet light
d. 150 mg/dL d. Oversupplementation of the diet
2. Goiter is a common problem in parakeets because of: 5. Lack of the hormone glucagon in the avian patient
a. A seed diet low in iodine may result in:
b. Lack of leafy green vegetables in the diet a. Hyperglycemia
c. An excess of calcium and vitamin D in the diet b. Hyperproteinemia
d. An inherited trait c. Hypoglycemia
3. Compared with mammalian thyroid glands, which d. Hypercalcemia
type of cell is missing from the avian thyroid gland?
Answers found on page 547.
a. Follicular cells
b. Parathyroid cells
c. C-cells
Diseases of the Eye and Ear

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Appreciate how eye color may be used to determine
able to: the age of a bird.
• Locate the ear canal in the avian patient. • Treat hospitalized avian patients with eye problems.
• Examine the structures of the avian eye.

The Eye 302 Cataracts 304
Abnormal Palpebral Fissures 303 The Ear 304
Periocular Swelling 303 Otitis Externa 304
Conjunctivitis and Keratoconjunctivitis 303

Blepharospasm Ossicle Pruritus
Dimorphic Otoscope Purulent
Hyperemia Periorbital Tapetum
Keratoconjunctivitis Photophobia

irises, whereas the irises of adults are more grayish.

THE EYE Young Amazons will have brown irises that become
The structures of the eye in the bird are similar to those red-orange as they age, and macaws have brown irises
in mammals. Upper and lower eyelids and a nictitating that become gray between 1 and 3 years of age, and then
membrane are present. Modified feathers called filo- turn yellow in older birds. Direct pupillary light reflexes
plumes are present at the margins of the lids and func- are demonstrable, but consensual reflexes are absent in
tion like eyelashes, for protection and tactile stimulation. avian species. The vitreous body is large and transparent.
The leading edge of the nictitans is pigmented. The The fundus is usually gray or red. The optic disk is elon-
Harderian gland, the major source of tear production, gated and barely visible because of the presence of the
is located at the base of the nictitating membrane. pecten. The pecten is a vascular structure believed to
The cornea resembles that of the mammalian animal. be involved in the nutritional support of the retina, in
The iris of most birds is brown, although other colors the acid-base balance of the inner eye, and it may agitate
may be seen. The iris of cockatoos is sexually dimorphic, the vitreous during eye movement. No tapetum is pre-
with female birds having red irises and male birds hav- sent in the avian retina. Color vision is well developed
ing brown ones. Young African grey parrots have brown in pet birds.

CHAPTER 29 Diseases of the Eye and Ear 303

sinuses, or less commonly, the conjunctiva. Trauma to

periocular tissue may also cause swelling. Bacterial, viral,
and parasitical infections may cause periorbital swelling
as well.

Clinical Signs
• Eyelids or periocular tissue will appear swollen and
red or scaly
• Palpebral fissure may be reduced, and the nictitans
may be prolapsed
• Feather loss around the eye may be present
• Facial swelling may be present with evidence of
•  Scabbing of tissues is seen

• Complete ocular examination
Fig. 29.1 Abnormal palpebral fissure in a cockatiel. (From Alt- • Skin scraping to rule out Knemidokoptes infection
man RB, Clubb SL, Dorrestein GM, Quesenberry KE. Avian • Skin biopsy if necessary
Medicine and Surgery. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 1997, by
• Good dietary history
• Gram staining or culture and sensitivity of the infra-
orbital sinuses to rule out bacterial infection

Abnormal Palpebral Fissures Treatment

Cryptophthalmos, the abnormal fusion of skin over the • Therapy should be aimed at the causative agent
globe and orbit, is seen in cockatiels (Fig. 29.1). This • Maintain adequate corneal lubrication with the use of
fusion reduces the palpebral fissure in both length ophthalmic ointments
and width. • Repair eyelid lacerations if present
• Vitamin A therapy may help some birds
Diagnosis • Flush the sinuses; some may have to be trephined to
• Physical examination will show abnormal tissue cov- remove debris
ering the cornea
Information for Clients
Treatment • Therapy may involve multiple treatments daily. If it is
• Surgical removal of the excess tissue has not been difficult to handle the bird, it should be admitted to
successful in curing this condition the hospital.
• Topical application of cortisone-containing eye oint- • The periorbital swelling is usually secondary to
ments may help after surgery another disease process that may not respond well
to treatment.
Information for Clients
• Avoid purchasing a bird with this condition. Conjunctivitis and Keratoconjunctivitis
• Although treatment may help temporarily, complete Conjunctivitis caused by trauma, bacterial infections,
cure is unlikely. Do not use a bird with this problem viral infections, and vitamin A deficiencies are seen in
for breeding. birds. Cultures of the conjunctiva of normal psittacines
indicated no bacteria in one-half of the birds, and
Periocular Swelling the remainder had mostly gram-positive isolates.
Periocular swelling occurs frequently in the bird. It may Organisms capable of causing conjunctivitis include
result from disorders of the eyelids, the infraorbital Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas,
304 SECTION 3 Birds

Bordetella, Mycobacterium, and Streptococcus spp. Con- mammals, cataracts mature over time with the lens
junctivitis in cockatiels is believed to be caused by Myco- gradually becoming opaque.
plasma and adenovirus infection has been reported.
Conjunctivitis may accompany any respiratory infection Clinical Signs
as well. Keratoconjunctivitis is usually the result of • Lens opacity identified visually
trauma, infectious agents, or general anesthesia (lack • Owner may report vision loss
of protection and lubrication during the process). •  History of ocular trauma or disease

Clinical Signs
• Hyperemia
• Physical examination with complete ocular
• Blepharospasms
• Photophobia examination
• Ocular discharge
• Swelling Treatment
• Surgical removal of the lens if other intraocular dis-
Diagnosis ease is absent
• Thorough history and physical examination • Treatment of any related ocular disease if present
• Culture and sensitivity of the conjunctiva and cornea
• Complete ocular examination under magnification Information for Clients
• Corneal staining • Handle vision-impaired birds carefully because they
• Cytology of the conjunctiva may be more likely to be startled and bite.
• Viral serology or cultures to rule out systemic causes • Consult an ophthalmic specialist to determine
whether surgery is an option.
Treatment • Prevent trauma to the bird’s eyes, and aggressively
• Broad-spectrum topical ophthalmic antibiotics treat any inflammatory disease of the eyes to decrease
• Oral or systemic antibiotics if respiratory disease or the formation of cataracts.
systemic disease is involved
• Corticosteroids if conjunctivitis is nonsuppurative
and if no corneal ulceration is present
Information for Clients As in mammals, the ear of the bird consists of outer,
• Birds with conjunctivitis should be isolated from middle, and inner parts. The pinna is absent, and the
other birds in the household to prevent the spread middle ear has only one ossicle. The cochlear duct of
of disease. the inner ear is not coiled as in mammals. The external
• Birds will need four to six treatments daily with top- ear is hidden by feathers and a loose flap of skin. The
ical ophthalmic ointments. If it is difficult to treat external canal is examined using an otoscope.
the bird at home, it will have to be admitted to a
• You may need to prevent further trauma to the Otitis Externa
bird’s eyes and to limit light until the photophobia Otitis externa has been diagnosed in pet birds. It is usu-
decreases. ally related to a bacterial infection.

Cataracts Clinical Signs

Cataracts are frequently noted in long-living psittacines. • Pruritus
Cataracts may also be seen in response to trauma, nutri- • Serous or purulent discharge with or without soft-
tional deficiencies, and other ocular disorders. As in tissue swelling
CHAPTER 29 Diseases of the Eye and Ear 305

Diagnosis Information for Clients

• Examination of the external ear canal • If the bird cannot be treated at home, it should be
• Swab of discharge for cytology and culture and sen- admitted to a hospital.
sitivity testing • Untreated otitis externa may progress to otitis
media or otitis interna with signs of head tilt, loss
Treatment of balance, and inability to fly. Report the deve-
• Topical antibiotics applied into the ear canal after lopment of these signs to your veterinarian
cleaning (three to four times daily) immediately.

1. “Eyelashes” in the bird are actually: 5. What structure is missing from the avian ear but is
a. Hairs found in mammals?
b. Feathers a. Pinna
2. The color of a female cockatoo’s eye is: b. External ear canal
a. Brown c. Ossicles
b. Black d. Cochlear duct
c. Red 6. This vitamin is important for normal visual health in
d. Yellow avian patients.
a. Vitamin B
3. The _______ is a vascular structure involved in b. Vitamin A
nutritional support of the retina. It may be seen by c. Vitamin K
using the ophthalmoscope. d. Vitamin E
a. Optic disc 7. Surgical correction of abnormal palpebral fissures in
b. Pecten the cockatiel is always successful.
c. Vitreous body a. True
4. Bacterial isolates from most normal birds will con- b. False
tain mostly _______ bacteria. 8. Birds have excellent color vision.
a. Gram-negative a. True
b. Gram-positive b. False
c. Both gram-positive and gram-negative Answers found on page 547.
Hematological and Immunological

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Attempt to draw blood from avian patients.
able to: • Discuss diagnostic hematology with avian clients.
• Begin a study of avian blood cells.

Review of Avian Hematology 306 Splenomegaly 307
Anemia 306 Radiography 307
Hemochromatosis (Iron Storage Disease) 307 Immune-Mediated Conditions 308

Abdominocentesis Hepatomegaly Splenomegaly
Ascites Phlebotomy Transudate
Cardiomegaly Pneumonitis

Evaluating blood smears for the avian patient takes

REVIEW OF AVIAN HEMATOLOGY some practice because the cells are slightly different
Hematology is an important part of the diagnostic from those of the mammal. They are more fragile and
workup in the ill bird. With a little practice and a min- tend to be easily damaged during preparation of the
imum amount of equipment, a technician can perform a blood smear. The use of glass coverslips for the prepara-
complete blood cell count (CBC) as for the mammalian tion of the smear will decrease the amount of cell dam-
patient. Blood collection is practical even from small age. (The technician should refer to a hematology text
birds. Up to 1% of the bird’s body weight can be col- for the exact description of each cell type found in the
lected safely unless the bird is anemic or hypovolemic avian sample.)
(Box 30.1). The preferred collection site for samples is
the jugular vein (accessed from the right side of the
neck), but the basilic vein (wing vein) and the medial Anemia
metatarsal veins also may be used. Hematoma formation Causes of anemia in birds include blood loss caused by
from venipuncture of the basilic or metatarsal veins may trauma, toxicosis resulting in coagulopathy, parasites,
become a serious problem in small birds if not addressed and organic disease. Chronic diseases such as chlamydio-
promptly. A toenail clip is the least desirable method for sis, mycobacteriosis, nephritis, aspergillosis, and others
blood collection because it is painful for the bird, and the may also result in a decrease in blood cell production
site is usually contaminated with feces and other debris. and anemia. Most anemias in birds are nonregenerative.

CHAPTER 30 Hematological and Immunological Diseases 307

Clinical Signs
BOX 30.1 Calculations of Blood That Can
• Weakness
Be Collected for Hematology Testing
• Lethargy
• Average total volume of blood in the avian patient ¼ • Ascites
6%–13% of body weight (can use 8% as a general • Coughing
value for calculation) • Dyspnea
• Body weight (in kg)  0.08  1000 mL/kg ¼ total blood
•  Hepatomegaly
volume (in mL)
• Sudden death in toucans
• Total blood volume (in mL)  0.10 ¼ total amount that
can be obtained for testing
• Most testing will require less than the calculated Diagnosis
amount. • Physical examination
• Susceptible species
• Greatly increased packed cell volume (polycythemia)
Clinical Signs • Abdominocentesis yields a yellow transudate or
• Weakness modified transudate
• Lethargy • Liver biopsy: definitive for diagnosis
• Clinical signs of systemic disease related to the spe- Radiography
cific organ system involved • Enlarged liver
• Ascites
Diagnosis •  Cardiomegaly and splenomegaly
• Good history and complete physical examination
• Complete blood cell count (CBC); serum chemistries Treatment
• Should include a reticulocyte count (normally • Aspiration of ascetic fluid to relieve dyspnea
<10% of total red blood cell count) • Phlebotomies to decrease circulating blood volume
• Bone marrow aspirate if other tests are inconclusive • Recommended weekly withdrawal of 1% of circulat-
ing blood volume
Treatment • Low-iron pelleted diet or soft foods low in iron (egg
• Involves treating the underlying cause of the anemia whites, potatoes, corn, wheat, apples, bananas, pears,
• Blood transfusions may be performed in critical berries, melons, among others)
• Iron dextran and B vitamins if needed Information for Clients
• Hemochromatosis is an inherited metabolic defect
Information for Clients and is incurable.
• Anemia is almost always caused by systemic disease • This disease carries a poor prognosis even with exten-
in the avian patient. sive therapy.
• Diagnosis of the underlying disease may be time- • Treatment will be required for the life of the bird.
consuming, expensive, and difficult. • Do not use birds with hemochromatosis for breeding.
• Make sure the anemic bird is being fed a well-
balanced diet and vitamin supplement, and protect Splenomegaly
it from stress and injury. In the bird, the spleen functions in the phagocytosis of
aged erythrocytes, lymphocytosis, and antibody produc-
Hemochromatosis (Iron Storage Disease) tion. Primary disease of the spleen is uncommon; how-
Although not actually a disease of the heme system, ever, the spleen can become involved in many systemic
hemochromatosis does involve blood. The disease disorders. Splenic enlargement is associated with various
results from an excessive amount of iron stored in conditions such as viral infections (most commonly her-
various tissues of the body, especially the liver. It is an pesvirus or polyomavirus), bacterial infections (chlamy-
inherited metabolic defect common in toucans and diosis, gram-positive and gram-negative infections), and
mynahs but rarely is seen in psittacines. disseminated mycotic infections.
308 SECTION 3 Birds

Clinical Signs • Respiratory: acute onset of severe dyspnea (emer-

• With or without clinical signs; signs usually charac- gency situation)
teristic for specific disease state
• No adequate way to diagnose immune-mediated
• Physical examination for existing disease
• Radiography conditions exists
• Skin biopsy may be of value for dermatitis cases
• Necropsy finding
• Frequent occurrence of symptoms
• Treat the existing systemic disease Treatment
• Steroids or nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
Information for Clients • Oxygen therapy when needed
• Splenic enlargement is common with many systemic
diseases. TECH ALERT
Immune-Mediated Conditions Avoid topical products that are not water soluble for use
on the skin of birds. Sprays that contain oral irritants or
Immune-mediated conditions are suspected in birds but antiitch substances may irritate the skin and actually
have not been proven to exist. It is believed that some birds increase picking.
that feather-pick and are pruritic have an autoimmune
dermatitis because they have lesions consistent with that
form of disease. A severe pneumonitis reported in blue Information for Clients
and gold macaws is also believed to be immune-mediated, • Autoimmune or allergic diseases in birds are sus-
the allergens being powder down or feather fragments pected but have not been proven.
from other birds, endotoxins, or fungal organisms. • Treatment is aimed at decreasing the allergic reaction
Immune mediation may play a role in the development within the animal and making the animal more
of proventricular dilation syndrome in psittacines as well. comfortable.
• Acute development of severe difficulty breathing is
Clinical Signs serious, and veterinary care should be obtained
• Dermatitis: pruritus, feather picking immediately.

1. Assuming your avian patient weighs 378 g, how 3. Which of the following methods is the least desirable
much blood can you safely remove for laboratory for collection of blood in the avian patient?
testing? a. Jugular venipuncture
a. 38 mL b. Toenail clip
b. 3.8 mL c. Basilic vein puncture
c. 0.38 mL d. Medial metatarsal venipuncture
2. What is the recommended site for blood collection 4. Most anemias in birds are:
from the avian patient? a. Regenerative
a. Medial metatarsal vein b. Nonregenerative
b. Jugular vein
c. Basilic vein Answers found on page 547.
d. Heart
Diseases of the Integumentary System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss with clients proper husbandry to maintain
able to: good health of skin and feathers.
• Distinguish normal feathering from abnormal

Anatomy and Physiology of Avian Skin 309 Poxvirus Infection 311
Diseases of Feathers 310 Nonspecific 312
Feather Mutilation 310 Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease 312
Feather Cysts 311 External Parasites 312
Skin Abnormalities 311 Fungal Infections 313
Bumblefoot (Pododermatitis) 311 Tumors of Skin 313
Viral Skin Conditions 311

Ablation Plantar

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY do not). This gland may become obstructed and cause
a swelling above the tail head in some birds.
The most obvious difference in avian skin is the pres-
Avian skin is much thinner and more easily damaged ence of feathers. Several different types of feathers exist,
than that of mammals. The layers of skin (epidermis, and each has a specific purpose. The feathers are aligned
dermis, and subcuticular) are the same as in other ani- in tracts with bare skin in between each tract. Feathers
mals. The horny beak is composed of hard keratinized are molted by extrusion of the old feather from its base
epithelium and the underlying dermis that is continuous and replacement with new feather growth from the der-
with the periosteum of the mandible and premaxilla. mis. The newly developing feather is known as a blood
The beak contains sensory receptors that provide for feather because it contains large vessels that will retreat
food discrimination and tactile sensation. Claws are also as the feather ages. Normally, except the face in some
extensions of the hard keratinized epithelium. Some spe- species, no area of the bird’s body is not covered by
cies of birds have the uropygial gland located at the base feathers. Feathers serve many functions: They give the
of the tail. This gland produces an oily substance for body its shape; allow for flight; provide balance during
waterproofing of the feathers (African grey parrots landing and takeoff; offer thermal insulation; and in
and budgies have this gland, whereas Amazon parrots some species, provide for sexual recognition. Feathers

310 SECTION 3 Birds

also provide the beautiful colors that bird owners appre- viral), parasites, or other disease conditions. Behavioral
ciate. Any topical medications that would interfere with causes include stress, boredom, sleep deprivation, and
the normal fluffing of the plumage for insulation may sexual frustration. Feather picking should be suspected
cause problems in birds. For this reason, oil-based top- in birds that have normal head feathers with varying
ical medications should be avoided in the treatment of degrees of body feather loss or damage. African grey par-
skin problems. rots appear to be involved in feather mutilation more
frequently compared with Amazon or Macaw parrots.
Clinical Signs
Feather Mutilation
• Loss or damage to body feathers with normal head
Feather picking, plucking, and chewing are common
and neck
problems seen in the veterinary clinic (Fig. 31.1). They • Change in plumage
are also some of the most frustrating and difficult prob- • History of recent wing clip, change in environment,
lems to treat. It is believed that some of these behaviors
change in diet
may develop from boredom and excessive grooming • Signs of systemic disease
behavior that gets out of hand (similar to cage walking
and other captive behavior problems seen in mammals).
In some species—the passerines—feather plucking may
• History of poor diet, low humidity, or poor environ-
be related to aggression, with male birds plucking the
feathers of female birds or other subservient male birds. mental conditions
• Complete blood cell count (CBC) and biochemical
In psittacines, feather mutilations appear to be more
complex. Causes may be medical or behavioral. Medical profile
• Bacterial or fungal skin cultures and sensitivities
causes can be related to poor diet, infection (bacterial or
• Skin scrape to rule out mites
• Biopsy

• Occupational therapy: find something to occupy the
bird’s attention
• Change the environment; increase humidity,
improve diet, more companionship
• Decrease emotional and physical stress
• Provide drug therapy with anxiolytics, tranquilizers,
or opioids:
• Clomipramine (Anafranil)
• Haloperidol (Haldol)
• Fluoxetine (Prozac)
• Naltrexone (Trexan)
• Apply restraint collars to prevent further trauma
(may increase stress to bird)
• Add chewable toys to the cage as substitutes for

Information for Clients

• Feather mutilation is a problem that will not be easily
solved; it will require creativity on the part of
Fig. 31.1 Rainbow lory with severe feather picking. (From
Hnilica KA. Small Animal Dermatology: A Color Atlas and Thera-
the owner.
peutic Guide. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011, with • Do not expect a cure even with extensive therapy.
permission.) • Therapy for this condition will be lifelong.
CHAPTER 31 Diseases of the Integumentary System 311

Feather Cysts
Feather cysts are common in canaries and are thought to
be a genetic problem. The cysts present as smooth
masses on the body or wing. They may be quite large,
be covered partially with skin, and have filamentous-
appearing content.

Clinical Signs
• Smooth, dry, often crusted mass on the skin of the
body or wing
• Multiple cysts

• Appearance and characteristic species Fig. 31.2 Bumblefoot lesion in an obese parakeet maintained on
• Needle biopsy (use care because tumors may bleed improper perches. (From Hnilica KA. Small Animal Dermatology:
A Color Atlas and Therapeutic Guide. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO:
Saunders; 2011, with permission.)

• Apply wet bandages to protect tissue after debride-
• Surgical removal of the feather from the cyst or sur-
ment of necrotic tissue
gical removal of the entire feather follicle or tract • Apply antibiotic ointment as wound dressing
• Radiosurgical ablation of the cyst lining
• Provide systemic antibiotic therapy
Information for Clients
Information for Clients
• Removal of feather cysts may be a long-term manage-
• Perches should be wrapped in a safe, padded material
ment problem for the bird.
• Avoid using these birds for breeding. that can be changed or washed frequently.
• To prevent the disease, make sure that the perches
in the cage are of varying diameters and materials
SKIN ABNORMALITIES to prevent constant trauma to the same area of
Bumblefoot (Pododermatitis) the foot.
• Do not cover perches with sandpaper!
Bumblefoot (pododermatitis) is a common problem in
captive, heavy-bodied birds, particularly cockatiels, bud-
gies, and Amazon parrots (Fig. 31.2). Development of VIRAL SKIN CONDITIONS
the infection is secondary to trauma to the plantar sur-
faces of the feet. Poxvirus Infection
Poxvirus infections are common in many species of pet
Clinical Signs birds. Most lesions are found on the head around the
• Abnormal appearance of the plantar surface of eyes and beak. Lesions include crusts or plaques that
the foot may be white or honey colored. The infection is com-
•  Swelling mon in canaries, lovebirds, and blue-fronted Amazon
• Central lesion of necrosis parrots.

Diagnosis Clinical Signs

• Physical examination Presence of large, crusty lesions around the eyes and
• Environmental history or heavy bird beak in recently imported birds
• Culture and sensitivity of lesion
Treatment • History and species
• Correct inadequate husbandry • Biopsy if possible
312 SECTION 3 Birds

Treatment Diagnosis
Nonspecific • Clinical signs
• Effective nursing care • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based diagnostic
• Improved nutrition test using whole blood
• Hand-feeding if necessary
• Gentle cleaning of lesions and application of broad- Treatment
spectrum antibiotic ointment • No cure currently exists for PBFD. These birds may
• Systemic antibiotics to prevent secondary infection live for years with good supportive care

Information for Clients

Information for Clients
• Birds with this condition are infectious to other birds
• Avoid purchasing a bird with crusty lesions around
in the household.
the eye or beak. • All new birds susceptible to PBFD should be tested
• Buy domestically raised birds if possible.
before purchase.
• Birds may be infected at bird shows, in breeding facil-
Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease ities, and when boarding. Avoid exposing your bird
Psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) is an infec- to other birds.
tious viral disease documented in more than 42 species • Proper cleaning of surfaces, air ducts, and the facility
of parrots. Initially believed to be a disease affecting only is necessary to decrease viral numbers.
cockatoos, eclectus parrots, and African grey birds, it is • Vaccination is not currently available.
now known that many bird species are susceptible to this
disease. Most birds that acquire the chronic form of External Parasites
PBFD experience development of signs of the disease
The most commonly seen external parasite in captive
between 6 months and 3 years of age. Initial signs are
birds, especially budgies, is Knemidokoptes pilae (the
subtle but progress with time. Lack of powder down,
scaly face mite) (Fig. 31.3). The mites burrow under
progressive loss of feathers on the entire body, delayed
the skin in featherless areas of the legs and the cere.
molts, and dysplastic feather formation may be early
Lesions have a sandy, honeycomb appearance and
signs. Beak and nail lesions are also seen. Beak lesions
may progress to cover the entire beak and eye area.
often make it painful for the bird to eat. Secondary infec-
The mites may damage the beak if the disease is left
tions are common in the beak and nails.
This virus can also affect the brain, liver, and the
immune system of the bird, and secondary infections
are often the cause of death. The cause of this disease
is a nonenveloped single-stranded deoxyribonucleic
(DNA) Circovirus that is naturally occurring in wild
Australian parrots. The exact route of transmission is
unknown; however, the virus remains infective in the
environment for long periods. The virus is shed in the
feces and feather-down dust. The incubation period
may be as short as 3 weeks in young nestlings to years
in older birds. Most infections will eventually be fatal,
but birds may live for extended periods after the onset
of symptoms.

Clinical Signs
Fig. 31.3 Beak damage in a parakeet from infestation with
• Feather loss, dysplastic feathers, prolonged molt
Knemidokoptes mites. (From Hnilica KA. Small Animal Dermatol-
• Beak lesions ogy: A Color Atlas and Therapeutic Guide. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO:
• Absence of feather dust on the beak Saunders; 2011, with permission.)
CHAPTER 31 Diseases of the Integumentary System 313

Clinical Signs Information for Clients

• Sandy, scaly lesions on cere or feet, or both; may be • Trichophyton gallinae infection is a zoonotic disease;
seen on cloaca it can be transmitted to humans.
• Abnormal beak growth • Improve the general health and hygiene of the
infected bird.
• General appearance of lesions
• Scraping positive for mites or eggs Tumors of Skin
Although not common, tumors of skin do occur in pet
Treatment birds. The specific cause for most of the tumors is not
• Ivermectin given orally or transdermally until lesions known, and most may occur anywhere in the skin. Types
are gone or scrapings are negative of tumors reported include papillomas, carcinomas,
lipomas, adenomas, basal and squamous cell carcino-
Information for Clients mas, and lymphosarcomas. (The technician should refer
• Mites may be transmitted by direct contact or by to the literature for detailed descriptions of each tumor.)
fomites in the cage.
• Remove all wood perches and toys from the cage and Clinical Signs
dispose of them. • Physical examination to find a mass in the skin
• Clean all cage surfaces using an effective disinfectant,
and allow cage to dry in the sun if possible.
• Treat all birds that have contact with the infected bird. Diagnosis
• This disease is easily cured with proper care. • Cytology
• Biopsy
Fungal Infections
Dermatophyte infections are uncommon in pet birds, Treatment
but they have been reported, Trichophyton being the • Surgical removal
most common organism found. • Cryosurgery
• Radiation therapy
Clinical Signs
• Chemotherapy; doxorubicin, cisplatin, chlorambucil,
• Feather loss
and combination therapy have been used in pet birds
• Dry, thickened, scaly skin lesions
• Lesions may be weeping
Information for Clients
Diagnosis • Prognosis will depend on the type of tumor.
• Cytology (wet mounts or Gram staining) • Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are new in
• Culture avian medicine, and techniques are extrapolated
• Biopsy from treatments for other species.
• Surgical removal is the treatment of choice whenever
Treatment possible.
• Antifungal creams or sprays • Treatment may be prolonged and expensive.

1. Some species of birds have a gland that produces oil a. The anal gland
to waterproof the feathers. It can become blocked, b. The uropygial gland
producing a swelling just above the tail. What is c. The meibomian gland
the name of this gland?
314 SECTION 3 Birds

2. Which of the following products should be avoided 5. In what species of bird are feather cysts common?
in treating skin lesions in birds? a. Parakeet
a. Otomax ointment b. Canary
b. Gentocin spray c. Cockatiel
c. Silvadene cream d. Amazon parrot
3. Which of the following findings from physical exam- 6. What is the most common external parasite seen in
ination should cause technicians to suspect feather captive birds?
picking? a. Ctenocephalides canis
a. Feathers are occasionally missing from random b. Sarcoptes scabiei
feather tracts. c. Knemidokoptes pilae
b. Feathers are missing from multiple tracts from all d. Psoroptes communis
parts of the body. 7. Bumblefoot in birds is often related to trauma from
c. Feathers are missing from tracts on the body _______: (Select all that apply.)
only. a. Improper perch materials
d. Feathers are missing from tracts on the head only. b. Improper diet
4. What class of drug is being used more frequently c. Improper perch size
today to treat feather-picking in birds? d. Improper cage size
a. Antibiotics e. Improper exercise
b. Antihistamines
Answers found on page 547.
c. Anxiolytics
d. Antiparasitics
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss with clients how diet and husbandry affect
able to: the bird’s musculoskeletal system.
• Recognize causes of common skeletal problems seen
in the avian patient.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Avian Infected Joints 320
Musculoskeletal System 315 Metabolic 320
Trauma 315 Neoplasia 320
Lameness 320 Constrictive Injuries 320

Gout Luxation Pneumatic
Intraarticular Necrosis

Traumatic injuries include damage of both soft tissue
AVIAN MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM (Fig. 32.2) and bony tissue. Soft-tissue injuries frequently
Disorders of the musculoskeletal system are common in involve bite wounds, caused by other birds or by mamma-
pet birds. Trauma is a frequent cause of these disorders, lian pets in the household. Cat bites can be extremely
although many systemic diseases also involve this sys- problematic because they are commonly associated with
tem. Malnutrition, metabolic diseases, parasites, and Pasteurella multocida infections and a guarded prognosis.
neoplasia may all affect the musculoskeletal system. Injuries from falls during flight are also common. Heavy-
The skeletal anatomy of avian species is well devel- bodied birds with extensive wing trims often land hard on
oped for flight (Fig. 32.1). Bones are lightweight, the sternum, splitting the skin and damaging the under-
air-filled structures (pneumatic bones), and other lying muscles. Traumatic wing or leg injuries may occur
structures are fused for increased rigidity. The keel while flying, landing, or playing in the cage. Ceiling fans
bone is adapted for support of the large pectoral mus- are particularly dangerous for flying birds. Self-mutilation
cles, and flight muscles have an increased anaerobic occurs in several species of birds, most commonly cock-
metabolic ability. However, the same structures that atoos (sternum), lovebirds, conures, Quaker parakeets
are useful in flight also predispose the avian animal (flank and axilla), and Amazon parrots (feet). The cause
to traumatic injuries. of this problem is not well understood.

316 SECTION 3 Birds

Major metacarpal Patagium
Digit two Minor metacarpal Radius
Digit four
Digit three Humerus

A Elbow


Greater trochanter of femur

Greater trochanter Femur

of femur

Ischium Knee
Caudal vertebrae Caudal vertebrae

Tibiotarsus Pubis



First digit

Second digit
Fourth digit

Fourth digit Third digit

Third digit

B First digit

Second digit
Fig. 32.1 Avian structures. (A) Wing bones identified in a red-tailed hawk. (B) Anatomy of the leg bones and pelvic girdle of a great
horned owl, lateral and ventral views). (From Colville T, Bassert JM. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians.
2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2008, with permission.)

Hens that are excessively laying eggs may deplete cal- • Lameness or wing droop
cium levels within their blood and begin to break down • History of interaction with other pets, usually a dog
bone to supply the eggs. Lameness caused by stress frac- or cat
tures in the legs may be seen in these birds.
Clinical Signs • Physical examination (may need to wet feathers to
• Bleeding, bruising at site of injury find lesion)
• Swelling • Radiography
• Feather loss or feathers pasted with blood • History
CHAPTER 32 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 317


(flexes hip and
extends knee)

Quadriceps femoris
(extends the knee)

(flexes the thigh)

Adductor longus
(adducts and
extends thigh)

(extends thigh and
flexes knee)
(flexes knee and
extends foot)

Tibialis anterior
(flexes tarsometatarsus

Flexor hallucis
(flexes the hallux)

Extensor hallucis
(extends the hallux)
Flexor digitorum longus
(flexes the digits)


Fig. 32.2 (A) and (B) Leg muscles and their function, lateral and medial views.
318 SECTION 3 Birds

Iliotibialis (gluteus maximus)

(flexes hip, extends knee
and lower leg)
Pygostyle Sartorius
(flexes hip and
extends knee)

Caudofemoralis (piriformis)
(flexes thigh, moves tail laterally)

(extends thigh)

(extends thigh and
flexes knee)
(flexes knee and Tibialis anterior
extends foot) (flexes tarsometatarsus
Flexor perforans et perforatus II forward)
(flexes digit two)
Peroneus longus
(flexes the digits)
Flexor perforans et perforatus III
(flexes digit three)

Extensor digitorum longus

(extends the digits)

Flexor digitorum longus

(flexes the digits) Tarsometatarsus

Fig. 32.2—cont’d
CHAPTER 32 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 319

(flexes shoulder,
rotates wing outward)
Patagialis longus
Extensor carpi radialis (flexes elbow,
(flexes elbow, extends wrist) extends wrist)

Interosseus ventralis
(flexes digit two)
Extensor of the first
and second digit
Ulnaris lateralis
(flexes and adducts Latissimus dorsi
the outer wing) (adducts and flexes
wing, moving it
Triceps brachii, long head backward)
(flexes shoulder and
extends elbow)

Patagialis longus Extensor carpi radialis

(flexes elbow, (flexes elbow and extends wing)
extends wrist) Pronator longus et brevis
Pectoralis major Biceps brachii Interosseus ventralis
(flexes elbow) (pronates the outer wing) (flexes digit two)
(depresses wing)

Flexor carpi ulnaris

(flexes the outer wing)
Extensor carpi obliquus
(extends and rotates the
wing inward)
Extensor carpi
(extends wrist and
outer wing)
Triceps brachii
(flexes shoulder,
extends elbow)

Expansor secondariorum
(expands secondary flight feathers)

Fig. 32.2—cont’d C, Wing muscles and their function, dorsal and ventral views. (From Colville T, Bassert JM.
Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2008, with
320 SECTION 3 Birds

Treatment Infected joints

• Supportive care (fluids, warmth, oxygen) • Perform joint lavage after culture and sensitivity
• Clean wounds with lavage • Surgical removal of necrotic tissues is a treatment
• Antibiotic therapy (culture of wound may be necessary) option
• Protective dressings • Intraarticular injection of antibiotics may provide
• Use of collar, if necessary, to prevent further damage benefit
• Calcium supplements • If the lesions are related to gout, treat with allopuri-
nol, colchicines, and special diet
Information for Clients Metabolic
• Birds should be protected from their environment at • Correct any imbalances found on serum chemistries
all times. Mirrors, ceiling fans, windows, doors, and (usually involving calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin
other pets all present a danger to free birds. D levels)
• Small external wounds may hide larger, more serious • Support and protect bones until the disease is
internal problems. Have all injured birds examined corrected
by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Neoplasia
• Treatment may not be possible, especially in the case
of renal neoplasia in budgerigars
Lameness • Surgical removal, where possible, may be effective in
Lameness in pet birds may have many causes. Fractures some cases
or luxations, joint infections, metabolic diseases, trauma,
neoplasia, and nutritional problems may all cause lame- Information for Clients
ness. Fractures or luxations are frequently the result of • Trauma is a frequent cause of fractures and luxations
trauma. The onset of the lameness is usually acute. Sep- in pet birds. As much as is possible, trauma-proof the
tic joints will appear swollen and painful with or without bird’s environment and supervise all play time.
bone involvement. Lameness as a result of metabolic dis- • Have your veterinarian examine the bird for all lame-
ease or neoplasia may have a slower onset or appear to ness, swellings, or acute signs of pain.
be acute.
Constrictive Injuries
Clinical Signs Constrictive injuries are frequently seen in finches,
• Lameness canaries, and budgies, but they may also occur in larger
• Swollen joint(s) species. Leg bands, nesting materials, and toys are usu-
• Pain on palpation ally involved. Plastic or metal leg bands, often applied
• Other signs of systemic disease when the bird is very young, may become too tight as
• Reluctance to perch or shifting leg perching the animal matures, or swelling of the leg from another
cause may result in tightening of the band. As the band
Diagnosis tightens on the leg, poor circulation causes increased
• Physical examination swelling of the leg and further tightening of the band.
• Radiography If the pressure is not released, necrosis of the leg and foot
• Complete blood cell count (CBC); serum chemistries may occur, resulting in loss of the foot. These bands
• Culture and sensitivity of joint aspirate should be removed by the veterinarian at the time of
• Cytology of aspirate (mass) purchase to prevent these injuries. Fibrous nesting mate-
rials commonly sold for finches and canaries may
Treatment become wrapped around the foot, causing excessive
Fractures or luxations swelling and eventually necrosis. These fibers are often
• Replace luxations, and apply a splint difficult to see because of the swelling—so use a magni-
• Fractures can be repaired using a splint or internal or fying head loop and a bright light to examine the bird.
external fixation technique. Analgesia can be pro- The material should be removed gently from the leg
vided with meloxicam PO every 12 hours. by teasing using a blunt probe or a 22-gauge needle.
CHAPTER 32 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 321

Toys composed of fibers (ropes, material) or small • Apply bandage loosely with an antibiotic wound
chains also may become wrapped around the foot, caus- dressing
ing constrictive lesions. Most of these lesions will heal • Administer systemic antibiotics for severe wounds.
with proper treatment if the constrictions are removed Analgesia can be provided with meloxicam PO every
before necrosis of the tissue occurs. 12 hours.
• If necrotic tissue does not bleed, amputation may be
Clinical Signs required. Wait a few days to 1 week before deciding to
• Presence of band, and fiber on physical examination amputate because some return of circulation may
• Lameness occur during healing
• Swelling and discoloration of the tissue on the leg
or foot Information for Clients
• No other signs of systemic disease • Have all bands removed at the time of purchase. This
should be done by a veterinarian to avoid fracture of
Diagnosis the limb.
• Examination of injured leg under magnification • Avoid fibrous nesting materials, and examine nesting
birds frequently for constrictive lesions.
Treatment • Open bands found on many larger psittacines can
• Carefully remove the band or fibrous material (tissue become caught on toys or cage bars. They should
may be friable) be removed and kept with the bird’s record for iden-
• Gently clean the wound tification as a captive-bred bird.

1. In which species of pet birds are constrictive injuries a. Cortical bone
from leg bands or nesting materials frequently seen? b. Pneumatic bone
a. Finches and canaries c. Spongy bone
b. Macaws and cockatoos 4. This bone is the “breast bone” in the bird.
c. Amazon and African grey parrots a. The sternum
2. Which of the following conditions will develop if b. The manubrium
constrictive bands are not removed from the bird’s c. The keel
leg? 5. Excessive egg laying may result in wing droop or
a. Infection of the area proximal to the band lameness caused by ________.
b. Necrosis of the area distal to the band a. Depletion of calcium
c. Hypertrophy of the area under the band b. Depletion of albumen
d. Nothing will happen c. Depletion of sodium
3. What type of bone results in a lighter skeleton
Answers found on page 548.
designed for flight?
Diseases of the Nervous System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Assist the veterinarian in diagnosis, and discuss the
able to: given prognosis with the client.
• Recognize a neurological disturbance in an avian

Anatomy of the Avian Nervous System 322 Systemic Bacterial or Viral Disease 323
Seizures 322 Brain Tumor 323
Hypocalcemia and Hypoglycemia 323 Paresis of One Limb 323
Heavy Metal Toxicity 323 Ataxia and Head Tilt 323

Chelate Nystagmus Paroxysmal
Idiopathic Paresis Postictal

of a 4-year-old human child. Birds have highly devel-

ANATOMY OF THE AVIAN NERVOUS oped color vision, good hearing, and the ability to vocal-
SYSTEM ize. Vocalization may be inherited, learned, or invented.
The nervous system of the bird is arranged in a similar Anyone who has owned one of the talented breeds of
manner to that of mammals, but with some major dif- talkers can vouch for their vocal ability! Vocalization
ferences. The neocortex, developed on the surface of is used by the bird to attract other birds, to gain the
the cerebral cortex of mammals, is not superficial in attention of the owner, for song, and for amusement.
birds; cortical cells are found deep within the cortex. Neurological disease is common in pet birds; how-
Also, birds have the ability to repopulate neurons and ever, diagnosis is more difficult than in mammals
reestablish tracts within the central nervous system. because most of the tests used in mammals are not appli-
The cranial nerves are similar to those in mammals. cable to avian species. As in other animals, the age of the
Birds are intelligent and can outperform mammals in animal may provide a list of ruled-out diseases (e.g., epi-
many problem-solving experiments. Alex, an African lepsy in younger birds, neoplasia in older ones).
grey parrot that belonged to Dr. Irene Pepperberg
(Department of Psychology, Brandeis University, Wal- Seizures
tham MA), was used to study the cognitive and learning Seizures are defined as paroxysmal, uncontrolled, elec-
abilities of birds as related to great apes and other ani- trical discharges from the brain. They may be mild to
mals. Alex showed avian intelligence levels close to that severe, generalized or partial, frequent or infrequent.

CHAPTER 33 Diseases of the Nervous System 323

Seizures may progress, as in mammalian patients, with a • Treatment will involve medications related to the
variable postictal period. During the seizure, birds may specific cause of the seizure. If no specific cause is
fall off their perch, lose consciousness, become rigid, or found, phenobarbital or diazepam (Valium) may be
have excessive motor activity. used to control the seizures. Phenobarbital may need
to be given twice daily.
Clinical Signs
• Abnormal motor activity Paresis of One Limb
• Loss of consciousness and disorientation Paresis of a leg or wing is common in pet birds. Paresis of
• Falling off perch one limb usually involves an injury to the brachial or
• Tremors of wings or legs sacral plexus or neoplasia.

Diagnosis Clinical Signs

• Aimed at determining whether a seizure has occurred • Weakness or paralysis of the wing or leg in the
and the reason for the seizure absence of fractures
• Complete physical examination • Muscle atrophy; inability to grasp
• Complete blood cell count (CBC) and serum chem- • Acute onset
istries, including heavy metal levels in blood •  Signs of systemic disease
• Calcium levels, especially in African grey parrots
• Gram staining culture and sensitivity (cloacal and Diagnosis
choanal) • Complete physical examination
• Fecal examination • CBC, serum chemistries
• Environmental history (to rule out toxins) • Heavy metal screening
• Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance • Radiography to rule out fracture, tumor (budgies
imaging (MRI) to rule out brain lesions with renal tumor)
• Nutritional history
Treatment • Gram staining; culture and sensitivity (cloacal and
• Treatment is designed to treat abnormalities found choanal)
on diagnostic testing Treatment
Hypocalcemia and hypoglycemia • Treatment is based on laboratory test results
• Replacement involves using oral or injectable calcium
and oral or injectable dextrose solutions Information for Clients
Heavy metal toxicity • Birds demonstrating paresis of one or more limbs
• Use chelating agents to remove the heavy metals (cal- should be examined by a veterinarian.
cium disodium ethylene-diaminetetraacetate • Remove any toys or perches from the cage if the bird
[CaEDTA]) might be injured interacting with them.
Systemic bacterial or viral disease
• Treat specifically on the basis of laboratory results Ataxia and Head Tilt
Brain tumor Head ataxia and head tremors are the result of cerebellar
• No treatment currently is available disease, whereas head tilt is usually related to the vestib-
ular system. Most diseases that involve the cerebellum
Information for Clients are diagnosed at necropsy. It is important to differentiate
• Lack of any laboratory finding for the cause of sei- between cerebellar signs and those of vestibular disease
zures indicates “idiopathic” epilepsy, that is, the cause when examining the animal.
of the seizures is unknown.
• Exposure to heavy metals may occur from chewing Clinical Signs
paint, toys, and cage materials that contain zinc or • Head tilt, circling, ataxia, nystagmus
lead. Jewelry may also contain heavy metals that • Inability to perch
may leach out after being swallowed. • Signs of other systemic disease or abnormalities
324 SECTION 3 Birds

Diagnosis • Chelation, if heavy metal toxicity exists

• Complete physical examination • Corticosteroids to reduce swelling
• CBC, serum chemistries • Treatment of specific systemic disease
• Heavy metal screen
• Gram staining; culture and sensitivity (choanal and
Information for Clients
cloacal) • Diagnosis and treatment of neurological disease in
• Nutritional history
• Radiology the avian patient may be extremely difficult.
• A cure may not be possible.
• CT or MRI, if needed
• Birds with neurological symptoms may be unable to
Treatment perch or to obtain food without assistance. These
• Supportive care birds may require 24-hour care.
• Shallow feed pans and water pans, or tube feed • Use care in handling a bird having a seizure; you may
• Antibiotic treatment (systemic) be injured.

1. Unlike mammals, avian species are able to repopulate 5. Paint, jewelry, cage materials, and building materials
the neurons within the central nervous system. often contain heavy metals that when ingested may
a. True cause seizures in pet birds.
b. False a. True
2. Avian species have the ability to see color. b. False
a. True 6. Changes in voice of a bird might be caused by: (Select
b. False all possible answers.)
3. Head tilt seen in avian patients is usually related to a. Aspergillus granulomas
disease in the: b. Mycobacterium granulomas
a. Cerebral cortex c. Candida lesions
b. Vestibular apparatus d. Parrot fever
c. Cerebellum 7. Splenomegally seen on necropsy may be a sign of
d. Peripheral nervous system bacterial infection
4. Seizures in African grey parrots may be related to: a. Megabacteria
a. Hypophosphatemia b. Chlamydia
b. Hypocalcemia c. Aspergillus
c. Hyponatremia
d. Hypokalemia Answers found on page 548.
Pansystemic Diseases

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Know which diseases are considered “reportable” to
able to: health officials.
• Differentiate among viral, bacterial, and fungal • Explain zoonotic diseases to clients of affected
diseases of birds. pet birds.
• Know when protective measures should be taken if
handling infected materials or during necropsy.

Viral Diseases 325 Fungal Diseases 327
Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease 326 Aspergillosis 327
Avian Polyomavirus 326 Candidiasis 328
Budgerigars 326 Bacterial Diseases 329
Nonbudgerigars 326 Mycobacteriosis 329
Pacheco Disease (Herpes Virus) 326 Megabacteriosis (Avian Gastric Yeast) 330
Exotic Newcastle Disease 327 Chlamydiosis (Psittacosis, Parrot Fever) 330

Basophilic Emaciation Saprophyte
Cachexia Leukocytosis Subclinical

Pansystemic diseases are usually viral, bacterial, or fun- household, limiting the number of species housed
gal diseases that involve multiple body systems. These together, prepurchase examinations of all new birds,
diseases are devastating to the bird and to the owner, obtaining new birds from reputable breeders (avoid
resulting in losses of pet birds and valuable breeding imported birds and previously owned birds), and com-
stock. Unlike with mammalian pets, few vaccines are mon sense. Viral diseases may be subclinical in some
available to protect avian species from these diseases. birds but may cause disease in other species. Some birds
may be carriers and yet show no clinical signs of disease.
Because disease may be unapparent, all new birds should
VIRAL DISEASES be quarantined for a minimum of 60 to 90 days
Viral diseases of pet birds are common. Many of these (this means in a separate room or facility, worked on last
viruses have a complex biology and are difficult to pre- for cleaning and feeding, and so on). A prepurchase
vent and treat. Prevention of viral diseases involves examination including a complete blood cell count
quarantine and testing of all new additions to the (CBC), serum chemistries, fecal tests, and Gram staining

326 SECTION 3 Birds

may identify birds with early signs of disease. Viral Treatment

testing is available for some diseases that are species • Serology testing of all birds in the aviary or collection
specific. • Removal of all seropositive birds
• Complete disinfection of the aviary; leaving aviary
Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease unused for 3 to 6 months
See Chapter 31 for a detailed discussion of psittacine • Vaccination: two doses given 2 to 3 weeks apart for
beak and feather disease. protective antibody levels; vaccinations to begin at
6 weeks of age or older in high-risk situations
Avian Polyomavirus
Avian polyomavirus disease (APVD) is a recognized Information for Clients
cause of high nestling mortality in budgerigar aviaries. • Keep budgies and lovebirds separate from other par-
Affected birds are stunted and have dysplastic feathers, rots in the aviary.
abdominal distension, hepatomegaly, and discolored • Quarantine all new birds for a minimum of 60 days.
skin. The disease may persist within the aviary from • Avoid species that are especially susceptible to APVD.
breeding season to breeding season. The disease also • Buy new birds from reputable dealers, and have them
occurs in nonbudgerigar parrots. Macaws, conures, elec- tested before introducing them into your aviary
tus parrots, and ring-necked parakeets are most suscep- or home.
tible, but Amazons, cockatoos, and lories may also be • Consider vaccination for breeding stock or birds in
infected. Most small birds die suddenly as nestlings or high-risk situations.
young fledglings (2–14 weeks of age). APVD is endemic • Viral diseases do not respond to antibiotic therapy.
in many lovebird collections.
APVD is caused by a nonenveloped, double-stranded Pacheco Disease (Herpes Virus)
DNA virus capable of infecting numerous species of In the past, Pacheco disease was seen predominately in
birds. The virus is shed in droppings and in feather aviaries or in quarantine stations that housed imported
and skin dander. The virus is capable of replicating in psittacines. Infection of birds in pet shops and of indi-
many tissues. vidual pet birds have also been reported, especially in
birds that have been exposed to newly added conures
Clinical Signs (Patagonian, nanday, and mitred). The cause of the
infection is an enveloped, double-stranded DNA herpes
virus. The virus is shed in feces and in respiratory secre-
• Stunted growth
tions of the infected bird. The incubation period is
• Dysplastic feathers
between 5 and 14 days. Affected birds may exhibit latent
• High nestling mortality in aviary
infections and shed virus when stressed. A vaccine is
• Abdominal distension, hepatomegaly
available but it has not been well accepted in the United
• “French molt”
States because of the severity of its adverse effects (sud-
den death, vaccine granulomas). Other control measures
• Sudden death with no signs of disease
that help prevent infection include effective manage-
• Weakness, pallor, subcutaneous hemorrhages
ment practices, testing of all new birds, and keeping a
• Anorexia
closed aviary.
• Dehydration
• Crop stasis Clinical Signs
• Sudden death with no previous signs of illness
Diagnosis • Lethargy
• History • Depression
• Necropsy findings (necropsy must be performed on • Sulfur-colored urates
all dead birds) • Bloody diarrhea
• Histology of infected tissues (pathognomonic) • Regurgitation
• Serology testing • Central nervous system disorders
CHAPTER 34 Pansystemic Diseases 327

Diagnosis • Weight loss

• History of addition of a new bird, stress, or exposure • Respiratory signs: may be intermittent
to conures •  Neurological signs
• Clinical appearance • Death may occur in as little as 1 to 2 days
• Necropsy of dead birds in the collection
• Isolation of the virus from feces Diagnosis
• Clinical signs, history of exposure to imported birds
Treatment • Viral isolation (cloacal swabs)
• Acyclovir may limit the spread and the mortality rate • CBC (may be normal)
of the disease • Serum chemistries
• Necropsy of dead birds
Information for Clients
• Purchase only captive-raised birds. Avoid mixing Treatment
conures with other psittacine parrots in your • No treatment is available. Because this is a reportable
collection. disease, all infected birds are destroyed. All birds in
• Pacheco disease is usually diagnosed at necropsy, contact with the infected bird are destroyed
thus it is important to have dead birds examined
by your veterinarian. Information for Clients
• Limit access to your aviary, keep sufficient distance • Avoid “low-cost” birds and birds offered in large
between cages, and use effective sanitation proce- numbers for less than market value. Infected birds
dures to prevent the spread of infections. are typically found at swap meets or flea market sales.
• Consider vaccination of birds in breeding facilities or • Quarantine all newly acquired birds for a minimum
where other birds have died of Pacheco disease. of 60 days. Have necropsy performed on all birds that
die during quarantine.
Exotic Newcastle Disease • Exotic Newcastle disease is a reportable disease. The
Because of good quarantine procedures and the limiting US Department of Agriculture must be informed if
of importation of all bird species, current outbreaks of this disease is found.
exotic Newcastle disease are usually related to smuggled
birds. The disease can be spread to poultry; previous out-
breaks have been devastating for the poultry industry.
Mexican and Central American parrots and fighting The two most frequently seen fungal diseases are asper-
cocks are commonly implicated in outbreaks. gillosis and candidiasis. Fungal infection is almost
The disease is caused by an enveloped, single- always an opportunistic disease, developing in cases of
stranded ribonucleic acid (RNA) virus (five strains of immunosuppressed birds or overwhelming exposure.
varying virulence and species specificity). Infected birds
shed large amounts of virus in feces and in respiratory Aspergillosis
secretions. Recovered birds may continue to shed viral Aspergillus spp. are ubiquitous soil saprophytes that
particles for up to 1 year. The disease has been eradicated enter the bird through the respiratory system. After
in the United States because of quarantine procedures; inhalation of spores, phagocytotic cells transfer the
however, in states where smuggling of birds is common organisms to other tissues of the body or clear the infec-
(e.g., southwestern states), the possibility of an outbreak tion completely. Environmental factors play an impor-
of infection is always a concern. This is a reportable tant role in infection. Damp litter, dirty nesting boxes,
disease. improper storage of seeds, poor ventilation, and dusty
environments all contribute to the risk for disease.
Clinical Signs Aspergillosis can be acute or chronic, with the chronic
• Depression form being most frequent in pet birds. Fungal coloniza-
• Anorexia tion of the respiratory tract or other tissues in the body
• Diarrhea results in the formation of granulomas. Treatment is
328 SECTION 3 Birds

often difficult, and the disease has a poor prognosis, • To prevent infection, reduce stress, maintain good
depending on the location of the lesion. nutrition, house birds in a well-ventilated area,
store seeds and peanuts properly, and change
Clinical Signs bedding daily.
• Anorexia
• Polyuria or polydipsia (in acute form) Candidiasis
• Dyspnea Candidiasis is a frequently seen fungal problem involv-
• Cyanosis ing the gastrointestinal tract of pet birds. Like Aspergillus
• Change of voice, reluctance to talk spp., Candida spp. are opportunistic organisms. Can-
• Weight loss dida albicans is a normal inhabitant of the avian diges-
•  Diarrhea tive tract, but in immunosuppressed birds, it may
•  Biliverdinuria colonize deeper tissues as well. Antibiotic therapy, cor-
•  Central nervous system signs ticosteroids, and stress of another disease may all predis-
pose the bird to fungal infection. Infection usually
Diagnosis involves the gastrointestinal tract. Lesions have been
• Environmental history reported in the small intestine, crop (especially in young,
• Clinical signs hand-fed baby birds), mouth, esophagus, proventricu-
• CBC (usually a severe leukocytosis: white blood cell lus, and the ventriculus, in addition to the skin, respira-
count [WBC] of 20,000–100,000/μL) tory tract, cloaca, and beak.
• Serum chemistries
• Endoscopy (tracheal, air sacs) Clinical Signs
• Radiography (later in the disease) • Anorexia
• Identification of organisms from lesions (cytology • Regurgitation
and culture) • Delayed crop emptying
• Vomiting, weight loss
Treatment • Diarrhea
• Surgical removal of isolated lesions when possible • Oral plaques (white and cottonlike)
• Antifungal medications (amphotericin B, flucytosine, • Sinusitis or dyspnea
ketoconazole, and itraconazole have been used);
requires long-term (months) treatment Diagnosis
• Supportive care; birds are usually immunosup-
• History of immunosuppressive state
pressed; treatment includes: • Visualization of Turkish towel–like lesions orally
• Fluids
• Identification of large numbers of yeast on Gram
• Antibiotics
• Tube feeding staining of feces
• Demonstration of pseudohyphae in lesions (with
• Supplemental heat
Information for Clients
• Development of this disease is strongly related to Treatment
• Oral nystatin
poor hygiene.
• Check the living environment before purchasing • Oral flucytosine
• Ketoconazole or fluconazole orally in acidic juice
a bird.
• Have all newly purchased birds examined by your • Topical treatment after debridement of cutaneous or
veterinarian. oral lesions
• Change of voice in your bird should be reported
immediately to your veterinarian. Information for Clients
• Aspergillosis often has a poor prognosis, and treat- • Reducing stress on birds, good nutrition, and good
ment may be expensive and prolonged. hygiene will reduce the chance of infection.
CHAPTER 34 Pansystemic Diseases 329

• Clean feeding equipment and disinfect after every use • Diarrhea

when hand-feeding baby birds. • Polyuria
• If prolonged antibiotic therapy has been prescribed • Cachexia
for your pet, be on the lookout for fungal lesions. •  Abdominal distension
• Treatment and supportive care are effective in curing •  Dyspnea
the infection. • Signs of specific organ involvement

BACTERIAL DISEASES • Finding acid-fast organisms in feces or cytology
Birds are primarily “gram-positive” animals, unlike smears
mammals, which are “gram-negative.” It is important • Radiography; granulomas seen in organs, air sacs
for the technician (and the veterinarian) to be familiar • CBC and serum chemistries (very high WBC)
with the normal flora of the avian species when deter- • DNA–RNA probe testing
mining treatment for bacterial infections. It is also
important for the commercial laboratory performing Treatment
the culture and sensitivity to know what is normal • Treatment is not recommended because this disease
and abnormal for that species. Although a complete may be contagious to humans, especially to children
description of bacterial infections is beyond the scope and immunosuppressed patients
of this text, several organisms that frequently cause pan- • Drugs used to treat human patients are often success-
systemic symptoms are discussed. ful in birds as well:
• Rifabutin
Mycobacteriosis • Azithromycin
Mycobacterium spp. are found in many animal species; • Ethambutol
Mycobacterium bovis is found in cattle, and M. tubercu- • Treatment is long term, often up to 1 year or more
losis and M. leprae are found in humans. The organism • Euthanasia should be considered
is a rod-shaped gram-positive, acid-fast staining bacte-
rium that tends to form branching structures resembling TECH ALERT
filaments. Although M. avium has not frequently been This is potentially a zoonotic disease. When assisting in a
reported to infect humans, the other members of this necropsy of a bird, always wear a mask, gloves, and pro-
family are zoonotic, so care should be taken when han- tective eyewear. You never know when you may find a
dling these patients. tubercular lesion!
M. avium infections have been reported in Amazon
parrots, gray-cheeked parakeets, and other species.
The organism is very stable in the environment and dif- Information for Clients
ficult to eradicate once an area is infected. Transmission • M. avium infection is a zoonotic disease. Children and
is via aerosol exposure of dried feces and urine. Infection immunosuppressed individuals may become infected.
in birds results in a chronic wasting disease. • Euthanasia should be considered after a positive diag-
nosis is made.
TECH ALERT • Birds in contact with infected birds should be
removed from the contaminated area, quarantined
This is a potentially zoonotic disease! Human infections
have been reported in patients with acquired immunode-
for up to 2 years, and tested at regular intervals for
ficiency syndrome (AIDS) or other immunosuppressive acid-fast bacteria.
• This organism may remain viable in the environment
for years.
• Treatment, if desired, involves long-term administra-
Clinical Signs tion of medication. Birds undergoing treatment must
• Weight loss be isolated from others, and care should be used
• Depression when handling them.
330 SECTION 3 Birds

Megabacteriosis (Avian Gastric Yeast) TECH ALERT

Megabacteria are large, gram-positive, rod-shaped Psittacosis is a zoonotic disease that produces serious
organisms found in the proventriculus or feces of several flulike symptoms in infected humans. Some infected
avian species. These “ bacteria” are actually yeast, and individuals may require hospitalization. Death has been
the disease has been renamed avian gastric yeast disease. reported in infected individuals.
These yeasts have been associated with proventricular
disease, poor digestion, anemia, and chronic emaciation.
The organisms appear to be resistant to most common Clinical Signs
antibiotics. • May depend on the strain of bacteria
• Diarrhea
Clinical Signs • Anorexia
• Chronic emaciation over a 12- to 18-month period • Depression
• Diarrhea; passing undigested seeds • Biliverdinuria (lime-green feces)
• Anemia • Dyspnea
• Cold feet caused by low blood pressure • Conjunctivitis, sinusitis, sneezing

Diagnosis Diagnosis
• Finding organisms in feces • Clinical signs
• Culture (facultative anaerobes) • Positive test result (little agreement currently exists
• Radiology (proventricular dilation) on testing modalities)
• History of chronic emaciation • Cytology of infected tissues—intracytoplasmic, baso-
philic inclusions
Treatment • Serology: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
• Acidification of the drinking water (ELISA), complement fixation (CF), latex agglutina-
• Nutritional support tion, titers
• Oral nystatin or amphotericin B; some species may be • DNA-PCR testing
sensitive to antibiotics • Culture (egg inoculation)
• Oral Lactobacillus may help • CBC (severe leukocytosis seen in active infections)
• Serum chemistries: aspartate aminotransferase
Information for Clients (AST), lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase levels
• Megabacteriosis may be found in both normal and may be increased
abnormal birds. Treatment may be unnecessary • Radiology may show splenomegaly
unless clinical signs are seen.
Chlamydiosis (Psittacosis, Parrot Fever) • Tetracycline, doxycycline (orally or intramuscularly)
Chlamydia psittaci organisms are intracellular bacteria given long term
that cause psittacosis or parrot fever. Many strains of • Enrofloxacin (may not eliminate the organism)
the bacteria exist, and clinical signs depend on the viru- • Supportive care
lence of the strain involved. The disease affects all avian
species, but Amazons and macaws appear to be more Information for Clients
susceptible than other species. A carrier state exists, • Psittacosis is a zoonotic disease. It can produce seri-
and cockatiels are frequently implicated. Stress may ous atypical pneumonia in humans. State depart-
increase shedding of the organism in feces. The organ- ments of agriculture may need to be notified of
ism is stable in the environment in dried feces and oral infection.
secretions. Treatment of infected birds may result in • All newly acquired birds should be quarantined and
remission of clinical symptoms and shedding of organ- tested for Chlamydia, especially cockatiels and Ama-
isms, but it may not cure the infection. zon parrots.
CHAPTER 34 Pansystemic Diseases 331

• Treatment may eliminate shedding of the organism • Good hygiene and well-ventilated areas may help
but not result in a complete cure. The bird may prevent the spread of the disease. Wear a mask when
remain a carrier for life. cleaning cages.
• Because of stress, newly acquired birds may exhibit
shedding of the organism and clinical signs of disease.
Have all sick and new birds checked immediately by TECH ALERT
your veterinarian. In most states, this is a reportable disease.
• Treatment is recommended for all suspected cases.

1. Candida infection might be seen in birds given: 4. All new birds should be quarantined for a minimum
a. High levels of dietary carbohydrates of ________ before being placed into the collection.
b. High levels of dietary seeds a. 14 days
c. High levels of antibiotics b. 190 days
d. High levels of vitamin D c. 60 days
2. Birds have predominantly ________ intestinal flora. d. 90 days
a. Gram-positive 5. Prevention of what viral disease is important for the
b. Gram-negative poultry industry and is the main reason for quaran-
3. Which of the following diseases has zoonotic tine of all imported birds?
potential? a. Pacheco disease
a. Psittacine beak and feather disease b. Chlamydia
b. Proventricular dilatation disease c. Exotic Newcastle disease
c. Newcastle disease d. Avian polyomavirus disease
d. Psittacosis
Answers found on page 548.
Diseases of the Respiratory System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Recognize that a dyspnic avian patient requires
able to: oxygen therapy and special handling.
• Understand how the uniquely designed respiratory
system of the avian patient predisposes it to disease.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Avian Respiratory Periorbital Swelling 333
System 332 Air Sacculitis and Pneumonia 333
Rhinitis 333

Concretions Infraorbital Syrinx
Emphysema Nebulization

Birds do not have a diaphragm, so they must be able

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE to expand their chest wall to breathe (be careful not to
AVIAN RESPIRATORY SYSTEM impede chest movements during restraint procedures).
The respiratory system of birds is uniquely designed for Birds have a series of air sacs that are connected to
flight. The nostrils are found in the cere, the area around the lungs. The air sacs are thin-walled structures that
the most dorsal surface of the upper beak. The cere of extend throughout body cavities and into the pneumatic
male budgies is usually blue, whereas in females it is wing and leg bones. Most birds have two cervical, two
pink. Discoloration of the cere may indicate gonadal anterior thoracic, two posterior thoracic, two abdomi-
tumors in budgerigars. The nasal cavity is divided by a nal, and one interclavicular air sacs. The air sacs make
septum. An infraorbital sinus is located ventromedial possible the continuous flow of oxygen to the lungs.
to the orbit of the eye—this is the site of swellings With each breath, the bird replaces 50% of the air in
involved in sinusitis. The glottis (the opening to the tra- the lungs with fresh air—fresh air enters the lungs on
chea) is located on the dorsum of the tongue and is not both expiration and inspiration. This highly efficient
covered by an epiglottis. The trachea bifurcates immedi- system allows for oxygen transport throughout the body
ately after the thoracic inlet, and the bifurcation is the even at high altitudes during flight.
location of the syrinx, the voice box of birds. The lungs Respiratory problems are frequently seen in pet birds.
are paired and are firmly attached to the dorsal The design of the respiratory system predisposes birds to
body wall. these problems. Bacterial, viral, and mycotic causes of

CHAPTER 35 Diseases of the Respiratory System 333

respiratory symptoms are addressed in Chapter 34. This • An air filter system or a humidifier, or both, will
chapter deals with diseases that are specific to structures provide a cleaner environment for your bird.
in the respiratory system: the nasal cavity, sinuses, • Regular bathing will help maintain hydration of nasal
trachea, syrinx, lungs, and air sacs. tissues.

Rhinitis Periorbital Swelling

Nasal discharge seen in birds may vary from clear to Periorbital swellings are commonly caused by disease of
opaque, yellow mucus. It is usually the result of infection the infraorbital sinuses. Bacterial, fungal, or viral infec-
or irritation to the nasal cavity. Birds on a poor diet or tions and trauma are frequently implicated in these
those housed in dry environments may experience swellings.
development of nasal plugs, that is, concretions of dust
and debris that block the openings to the nares. Clinical Signs
• Unilateral or bilateral swelling ventral to the eye
Clinical Signs •  Signs of respiratory disease
• Nasal discharge •  Bruising of the soft tissue of the eye
•  Sneezing or cough
•  Signs of systemic disease Diagnosis
•  Nasal plugs • Clinical signs
• Complete physical examination and history of
• Clinical signs problem
• Radiography
• Complete physical examination
• Fine-needle aspiration of contents of swelling, if
• Gram staining of nasal area and choanal slit
•  Culture and sensitivity possible
•  Biopsy of sinus epithelium
• Cytology of nasal flush or exudates
• Chlamydia or viral testing
• Complete blood cell count (CBC) and serum
chemistries Treatment
• Viral serology or Chlamydia testing if indicated
• Treat swelling as an abscess: lance and drain, flush the
Treatment pocket
• Based on diagnostic test results • Antibiotic therapy (topical, systemic, or both)
• Gently clean nares; remove nasal plugs by moistening • Improve diet: supplement vitamin A
• Sinus trephination may be required in severe cases:
first with wet cotton swabs; then gently tease them
loose using a small curet or blunt probe daily flushing
• Topical antibiotic therapy (ophthalmic solutions may
Information for Clients
be used in the nostrils; avoid those that contain steroids)
• Exposure to steam in the shower will help loosen • Any periorbital swelling should be examined by a
secretions veterinarian.
• Systemic antibiotics if indicated • Bacterial cultures may be required to isolate the
• Improved environment and diet specific cause of the infection.
• Clients may have to handle the bird several times
Information for Clients daily for treatment. If this cannot be done, the bird
• Avoid keeping birds in dusty, smoke-filled should be placed in a hospital.
• Good nutrition (especially vitamin A) is important Air Sacculitis and Pneumonia
for normal nasal epithelium. Lack of vitamin A Birds with air sacculitis or pneumonia will present with
may thicken the nasal lining and predispose the bird dyspnea. Care should be taken when handling dyspneic
to disease. birds because any added stress may result in death.
334 SECTION 3 Birds

Dyspneic patients should be placed in an oxygen- • Physical examination and history

enriched environment for several hours before physical • Radiography
examination or diagnostic testing. Birds may be anesthe- • Gram staining (choanal and cloacal)
tized and an air sac tube placed if upper respiratory dis- •  Culture and sensitivity
ease is present. Nebulization is the best method for • CBC and serum chemistries
delivery of antibiotics to the lower respiratory tract of • Chlamydial and viral serology, if indicated
the avian patient. Air sacculitis may also develop with
exposure to environmental toxins, especially from burn- Treatment
ing nonstick Teflon pans. A high mortality rate is asso- • Nebulization
ciated with this toxicity. Other fumes from paint, • Systemic antibiotic therapy if indicated
perfumes, smoke, and other household chemicals are • Removal from toxic environment (no treatment for
concentrated in the air sacs and may also result in seri- Teflon toxicity)
ous air sacculitis and pneumonia. • Placement of air sac breathing tube until inflamma-
tory process can be corrected
Clinical Signs • Surgical removal of granulomas seen on radiographs
• Dyspnea
•  Nasal discharge, cough, sneezing Information for Clients
•  Subcutaneous emphysema • The design of the bird’s respiratory tract predisposes
• Tail bobbing, open-mouth breathing it to irritation by all airborne irritants. Avoid using
• Abnormal voice or breathing noise aerosols in the area where the bird lives.
• Never leave a Teflon pan on the stove unattended.
Diagnosis • If your bird is having trouble breathing (dyspnea),
• Clinical signs veterinary care should be sought immediately.

1. What is the usual color of the cere of the female 5. Owners of pet birds should avoid overheating
parakeet? ________ cooking utensils in the area where the bird
a. Blue is caged.
b. Pink a. Plastic coated
c. Brown b. Stainless steel
2. Discoloration of the cere of the budgerigar may indi- c. Copper bottomed
cate disease of the ________ system. d. Teflon-coated
a. Respiratory 6. If presented with a dyspneic patient, the technician
b. Integumentary should:
c. Reproductive a. Place the bird in an oxygenated environment
d. Cardiovascular before evaluation
3. Periorbital swelling is usually seen when the b. Obtain radiographs immediately to discover the
________ is infected. cause of dyspnea
a. Syrinx c. Obtain a CBC and clinical chemistry sample
b. Air sac d. Not handle the patient; wait for the veterinarian
c. Infraorbital sinus 7. Nebulization is the best way to treat ________ respi-
d. Nostril ratory disease.
4. Which of the following vitamins is important for a. Upper airway
healthy nasal epithelium? b. Lower airway
a. Vitamin B
b. Vitamin D Answers found on page 548.
c. Vitamin A
d. Vitamin E
Diseases of the Urogenital System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Explain to clients the methods used for sexing avian
able to: patients.
• Diagram the reproductive system of female and
male birds.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Avian Urogenital Prolapse of the Oviduct 337
System 335 Excessive Egg Laying 337
Renal Disease 336 Egg Yolk Peritonitis 338
Visceral and Articular Gout 336 Ovarian Neoplasia 338
Diseases of the Reproductive System 336 Testicular Neoplasia 339
Egg Binding and Dystocia 336 Sexing 339

Creatinine Osteoporosis Photoperiod
Dystocia Parenteral Prolapse
Infundibulum Phallus Urate

The reproductive system of the bird is quite different

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE from that of mammals. The female system is composed
AVIAN UROGENITAL SYSTEM of two ovaries (although the right one is usually inactive
The urinary system of the bird is composed of two kidneys in adult birds), the oviduct, and the cloaca. The oviduct
located along the dorsal body wall, two ureters, and the clo- is divided into segments: the infundibulum, the
aca. There are two types of nephrons in birds: (1) the cor- magnum, the isthmus, and the shell gland. The male
tical, which is reptilian in form, and (2) the medullary, reproductive system consists of two testicles located
which is mammalian in form. The cortical form produces internally, the ductus deferens, the seminal glomus,
urates, and the medullary form produces urine. The renal and the ejaculatory duct that opens into the cloaca. A
portal system allows blood to be shunted from the caudal phallus may be present in some species but is absent
abdominal structures directly to the kidney, bypassing in psittacines. In both female and male birds, the cloaca
the rest of the body. As a result of the renal portal system, is divided into the coprodeum, the urodeum, and the
any medications injected in the caudal portion of the proctodeum. The coprodeum, the most cranial portion,
bird will be eliminated by the kidney before distribution is a continuation of the rectum or large intestine. The
to the body. The ureters empty into the cloaca. urodeum contains the openings from the ureters and

336 SECTION 3 Birds

genital ducts. The proctodeum contains the bursa of Treatment

Fabricius, or the cloacal bursa, the site of B-lymphocyte • Supportive care: fluids
production. The vent is the opening of the cloaca to the • Antibiotics if indicated
external surface of the bird. It is located under the tail. • Control of hyperuricemia with allopurinol
Seasonal changes in the photoperiod affect the repro- • Introduction of a low-protein diet
ductive system of the bird. Breeding and laying of eggs
increase during periods of increased light in the spring. Information for Clients
After breeding, shortening periods of light seen in the • Renal disease is often difficult to diagnose until late in
autumn stimulate molting. By housing birds under arti- the disease, making treatment difficult.
ficial light, some owners influence the breeding periods, • In most cases, renal disease is the result of other bac-
sometimes to the detriment of the pet bird. terial, viral, or neoplastic disease in the bird.
• Good nutrition and disease-preventative measures
may help avoid renal disease.
Visceral and Articular Gout
Renal disease, usually as a consequence of another sys- This syndrome is common in psittacines. Uric acid
temic disease, is seen in pet birds. Signs of renal disease deposits may be deposited around joints, the pericardial
are similar to those in mammals, but lameness may be sac, and in other viscera. Treatment is usually unsuccessful.
the only sign of renal enlargement seen in some birds.
It is important to recognize the early signs of renal dis- DISEASES OF THE REPRODUCTIVE
ease, but this is often difficult because the symptoms are
nonspecific, and obtaining a urine sample is not easy. SYSTEM
Diseases of the reproductive system are common in pet
Clinical Signs birds. Egg binding and dystocia, prolapse of the oviduct,
• Lethargy, anorexia excessive egg laying, ectopic eggs, and egg yolk peritoni-
• Weakness tis are diseases that affect the female bird, whereas neo-
• Regurgitation or vomiting plasia, papillomas, and infertility are seen in male birds.
• Dehydration
• Abdominal distension or swelling Egg Binding and Dystocia
• Lameness The failure of an egg to pass through the oviduct at a
• Inability to fly normal rate is termed egg binding, whereas dystocia is
• Constipation related to mechanical obstruction of the cloaca related
to the presence of the egg (egg is stuck in cloaca). Many
factors predispose birds to egg binding and dystocia:
obesity, excessive egg laying (oviduct fatigue), inade-
• Complete physical examination and history
quate nutrition, inadequate exercise, genetic predisposi-
• Complete blood cell count (CBC), serum chemistries
tion, and other stressors.
(plasma uric acid concentration increased; blood urea
nitrogen and creatinine have little value in evaluating Clinical Signs
avian kidney function) • Depression
• Urinalysis: must be sure to collect just urine when • Abdominal straining
obtaining sample (replace cage lining with waxed • Spending excessive time on the floor of the cage
paper or tile, and collect only the clear liquid portion • History of excessive egg laying
of the sample) •  Lameness
• Cytology and dipstick evaluation
• Radiology may indicate enlarged kidneys, minerali- Diagnosis
zation, or other abnormalities • Clinical signs and history of egg laying
• Ultrasonography  dye studies • Physical examination (use care; birds are usually
• Endoscopy and renal biopsy unstable)
CHAPTER 36 Diseases of the Urogenital System 337

Information for Clients

• To decrease the incidence of egg binding, keep your
bird on a good plain of nutrition, give her plenty of
exercise, and limit the photoperiod to about
8 hours daily.
• Discuss with your veterinarian what is excessive lay-
ing for your species of bird, and have the bird exam-
ined if the number of eggs exceeds that level.
• Never hold your egg-bound bird over boiling water to
try to steam the egg loose. It will only increase the
Fig. 36.1 Radiograph of a macaw that was egg bound. (From
Altman RB, Clubb SL, Dorrestein GM, Quesenberry KE. Avian
stress and may, in fact, harm the bird. Do not use
Medicine and Surgery. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 1997, by grease or oil on the bird to facilitate egg removal.
permission.) • Consider spaying a female bird that continually has
egg binding.

Prolapse of the Oviduct

Prolapse of the oviduct is usually seen in conjunction
with egg binding and dystocia.

Clinical Signs
• Presence of red, moist tissue protruding from
the vent
•  Egg present in the vent
• Straining

• Physical examination and history
Fig. 36.2 Egg-bound budgerigar. (From Altman RB, Clubb SL,
Dorrestein GM, Quesenberry KE. Avian Medicine and Surgery. Treatment
Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 1997, by permission.) • Gently clean the prolapsed tissue; remove any egg
• Lubricate the tissue using a water-soluble product
• Radiography or ultrasonography (Figs. 36.1 and 36.2) containing an antiinflammatory (ophthalmic oint-
• CBC and serum chemistries ments work well)
• Repair any lesions or tears
Treatment • Replace tissues with or without purse-string suture
• Stabilization of the patient (heated environment, if needed
oxygen, quiet)
• Supportive care (fluids) Information for Clients
• Parenteral calcium supplementation • Most birds will return to breeding function after
• Manual delivery of the egg with careful digital treatment of a prolapse.
pressure • Have your bird seen immediately by your veterinar-
• Ovocentesis and collapse of the egg internally with ian if a prolapse is suspected.
digital removal
• Drug therapy Excessive Egg Laying
• Oxytocin if no physical obstruction to egg passage Excessive egg laying is frequently seen in cockatiels, bud-
• Prostaglandins gerigars, and lovebirds. The hen will lay a larger-than-
• Surgical removal of eggs in larger birds normal clutch or will have closely repeated laying
338 SECTION 3 Birds

periods. Excessive laying depletes the body of calcium Egg Yolk Peritonitis
and other nutritional elements that eventually may pre- Egg yolk peritonitis occurs when egg yolk material is
dispose the hen to egg binding, osteoporosis, malnutri- found free in the abdominal cavity. It results from inter-
tion, or all of these. nal laying (ectopic egg does not reach the oviduct), ovi-
duct disease, or both.
Clinical Signs
• Hen that has laid excessive amounts of eggs during a
Clinical Signs
specific laying period
• Gradual weight loss
• Lameness with or without fractures of long bones
• Depression
• Development of other nutrition-related problems
• Abdominal distension or ascites
Diagnosis • History of egg laying
• History and physical examination
• Radiology may indicate stress fractures or cortical Diagnosis
thinning of long bones • Clinical signs and physical examination
• CBC and serum chemistries
Treatment • Leukocytosis
• Perform environmental manipulation (decrease pho- • Cytology of abdominal tap reveals yolk material
toperiods, improve diet, change cage)
• Do not remove the eggs from the nest; remove the Treatment
entire nest or any toys that sexually stimulate the bird • Supportive care
• Provide drug therapy: • Abdominocentesis
• Oral testosterone • Broad-spectrum antibiotics
• Leuprolide acetate to prevent egg laying in • Surgical exploration and removal of yolk material
cockatiels • Salpingohysterectomy
• Human chorionic gonadotropin
• Oral calcium supplementation if needed Information for Clients
• Hormonal implants may be available • Have your bird seen immediately by your veterinar-
ian if you notice any of the above symptoms in your
Information for Clients laying hen.
• Prevention of excessive egg laying is important in
susceptible species. Ovarian Neoplasia
• Limit daylight hours to 8 to 10 hours daily; cover the
Ovarian neoplasia, most commonly seen in the budger-
bird or move to a dark room to shorten exposure igar, carries a poor prognosis.
to light.
• Do not remove eggs from the nest; it may result in
Clinical Signs
“double-clutching,” or the laying of more eggs. (Birds
• Abdominal enlargement
have a genetic knowledge of the number of eggs in
• Discoloration of the cere
the normal clutch. If eggs are removed, they never
reach that magic number and will continue to lay
more eggs.)
• Changing the cage, toys, and location may help • Physical examination
some birds. • Radiography or ultrasonography
• The addition of egg shells or oral calcium supple- • Exploratory laparotomy
ment to the diet will help maintain calcium levels
in bones. Treatment
• Birds that do not respond to medical therapy may • Provide supportive care
need to be spayed. • Therapy is usually unsuccessful
CHAPTER 36 Diseases of the Urogenital System 339

Testicular Neoplasia red, but it is not so easy with other species. It is therefore
necessary to determine the sex either by surgical sexing
Clinical signs of testicular neoplasia may be similar to
or with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) testing. Surgical
ovarian neoplasia in the female, although most testicular
sexing involves anesthesia and the use of an endoscope
neoplasms are unilateral. Treatment, if the disease is
to observe the ovaries or testicles within the body cavity.
detected early, involves orchiectomy.
This entails some risk for the patient.
Sexing DNA sexing using blood or feather epithelium is
much easier and safer. Several companies offer this ser-
Psittacines are not dimorphic—it is difficult to deter-
vice. (The technician is referred to the Internet for
mine the sex simply by looking at the bird. Eclectus par-
information on these companies.)
rots are exceptions; the male is green and the female is

1. One should never inject medications in the rear por- a. Dystocia
tion of the bird because of the existence of the: b. Egg binding
a. Hepatoportal system c. Constipation
b. Caudal air sac system 6. Prolapse of the oviduct should not be considered an
c. Renal portal system emergency and can wait up to 3 days for repair.
d. Medullary reflux system a. True
2. The cortical portion of the kidney in birds is respon- b. False
sible for the production of: 7. Excessive egg laying will deplete the body of
a. Liquid urine ________ and predispose the bird to muscle weak-
b. Solid urates ness and stress fractures.
c. Both urates and urine a. Potassium
3. What three organ systems empty into the cloaca of b. Protein
the bird? (You may have to look back to discussions c. Sodium
of other systems to determine this answer.) d. Calcium
a. Renal, digestive, reproductive 8. An “off-color” brown cere in a parakeet may indicate:
b. Digestive, reproductive, cardiovascular a. Gonadal tumor
c. Renal, respiratory, digestive b. Kidney dysfunction
d. Reproductive, respiratory, renal c. Vitamin A deficiency
4. Which of the following serum chemistries is the most 9. White, granular accumulations within body tissues
accurate measurement of renal function? and joints would be termed ________.
a. Creatine a. Granulomatous neoplasia
b. Blood urea nitrogen b. Visceral gout
c. Uric acid c. Calcium granuloma
5. Mechanical obstruction of the cloaca secondary to
the presence of an egg is known as: Answers found on page 548.
SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

Overview of Reptiles as Pets

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss with clients the possibility of zoonotic
able to: diseases when handling reptiles.
• Describe how differences in anatomy and physiology • Explain the importance of the preferred optimal
of reptiles make them interesting pets but challenging temperature zone (POTZ) to clients of reptiles.

Obtaining a New Reptile 341 Anatomy 343
General Environmental Requirements 341 Housing 344
Diet 341 Nutrition 345
Water 342 Turtles 345
Reptile Zoonoses 342 Anatomy 345
Snakes 342 Husbandry 348
Anatomy 342 Box Turtles 348
Housing 343 Tortoises 348
Iguanas 343 Aquatic Turtles 348

Arboreal Intromittant organ Sacculated
Ectotherm Pleurodont Scutes

Like birds, reptiles hold a special place in the hearts of different species of reptiles exist, and a discussion of
many pet owners. They are different from dogs and all of them is beyond the scope of this book. The
cats, they require little space, and they are quiet. technician is referred to several good texts on reptile
Many reptiles make very good pets if properly main- medicine for detailed information. In this section,
tained; however, as with birds, many owners purchase we will cover the general husbandry requirements
reptiles without knowledge of their needs. This results and specific diseases for the most common reptiles kept
in the needless death of many of these pets. Many as pets.

CHAPTER 37 Overview of Reptiles as Pets 341

For many years, pet stores have been the prime This generally means that the entire environment
source of information concerning captive reptiles. Vet- must be at this temperature, not just the floor of the cage
erinarians have played a smaller role in this area (either or the house. Heat lamps, heat tape, and hot rocks have
from lack of a desire to have these animals as patients or all been used to maintain these temperatures.
lack of knowledge). Today, the availability of massive Reptiles come from a variety of climates. Some
amounts of information on the Internet has created require increased humidity, and some desert conditions;
the owner who requires better medical care for their some reptiles are carnivores, whereas others may be her-
valuable pets than generally provided by the pet store. bivores. Most will require exposure to full-spectrum
It is time for veterinarians who are interested in these light or sunlight.
species to step forward and provide improved care. Most reptiles are kept indoors in cages. The cages are
generally made of wood, wire, glass, or Plexiglas. What-
ever the cage is constructed from, it should be easy to
OBTAINING A NEW REPTILE clean and disinfect, and it should be strong enough to
Potential owners should consider many factors when contain the animal. A locking mechanism will prevent
deciding to purchase a reptile as a pet, including the the accidental escape of the animal. The cage should
following: have adequate “cage furniture” to allow for basking or
• The type of reptile to purchase hiding. It should have a source for clean water for drink-
• Housing considerations ing or bathing. That is, the cage should replicate the nat-
• Eventual size of the animal ural environment of the animal. Owners should avoid
• Temperament of the animal sand, wood shavings, or kitty litter as a substrate for
• What the animal will be used for the cage because they may be swallowed by the pet
• Family constraints (children, other pets) and are difficult to clean. Newspaper or indoor–outdoor
Most reptiles are purchased from pet stores or private carpet provides for easy cleaning in most cages. Some
breeders. All new reptiles should be quarantined for a reptiles require nonporous materials that will allow for
minimum of 60 to 90 days to prevent introduction of burrowing. The cage should be designed to provide tem-
disease into the collection. During this period, the ani- perature gradients that will provide both cooler and
mal should be given a complete physical examination, warmer areas for the pet. It should also have an artificial
including diagnostic laboratory testing to rule out dis- full-spectrum light source. Many reptiles kept as pets
ease, parasites, or nutritional problems. The quarantined will eventually grow to large sizes and will need even
animal should be housed in a separate area of the house; larger habitats, so the eventual size of the animal should
be fed, cleaned, and handled last; and have no exposure be kept in mind when choosing a cage.
to animals already in the collection until it is proven free
of disease. New animals should be housed separately
because many reptiles are carnivores and may eat cage
mates when stressed. Many beginning owners will not be familiar with the
dietary requirements or feeding habits of their pets. It
GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL is important that they receive correct information con-
cerning diet, methods of feeding, and number of feed-
REQUIREMENTS ings. The following comments are general; however,
Each species of reptile has what is known as the “pre- exact dietary requirements will be discussed with each
ferred optimal temperature range” in which they thrive. species.
It is important, therefore, for the owner to know what In general, all snakes are carnivores. They will eat
species is being kept and what that temperature range pinky mice, adult rodents, chickens, ducks, and rabbits
is. The preferred optimal temperature ranges for some (depending on the size of the snake). Some lizards are
frequently kept reptiles are as follows: also carnivores and require insects or small rodents
• Snakes: 80° to 85°F (day); 65° to 80°F (night) for food, whereas others are herbivores and have little
• Lizards: 80° to 90°F (day); 65° to 80°F (night) requirement for protein (meat). Many reptiles will not
• Turtles: 80° to 85°F (day); 65° to 80°F (night) feed unless the prey is presented alive; others prefer
342 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

killed prey. Adult snakes generally eat one to three times intestinal diseases in people and can be fatal. Many cases
per month, whereas iguanas and other lizards eat daily. of salmonellosis can be traced to turtles and other rep-
It is important for the owner to know the requirements tiles. Every reptile should be considered positive for
for the species being kept as a pet. Handling snakes after Salmonella until proved otherwise by laboratory test-
feeding can result in regurgitation of the entire meal and, ing. Other enteric bacteria isolated from reptiles include
eventually, loss of condition. All food sources should be Clostridium, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Escherichia coli,
fresh and clean. If frozen, they should be allowed to thaw Pasteurella, Pseudomonas, and others. Protozoa, Crypto-
in the refrigerator rather than in the microwave. Pow- sporidia, and pentastomes are also passed from reptiles
dered vitamins may be hidden in or dusted on the food to humans.
if desired. Although not truly a zoonotic problem, venomous rep-
tiles represent a threat to humans. The majority of owners
should NEVER keep venomous reptiles as pets. Venom-
WATER ous reptiles present a danger to both the owner and
Reptiles require water for drinking and bathing (soaking). those living in the surrounding environment. Even
The water bowl should be large enough to allow the ani- highly trained persons have been seriously injured han-
mal to submerge its entire body. The sides of the con- dling venomous reptiles.
tainer should be low enough to provide easy entry.
Water containers must be cleaned daily because many
reptiles will defecate when soaking. The bowls should
be disinfected weekly. (Dilute Chlorox solutions or chlor- Snake species kept as pets include boas, pythons, corn
hexadine solution can be used to disinfect bowls.) Misting snakes, rat snakes, king snakes, and garter snakes.
systems may help increase the humidity in the habitat for
those species from rainforest environments. Anatomy
The anatomy of the snake is unique because everything
is linear in design (Fig. 37.1). Snakes have a three-
REPTILE ZOONOSES chambered heart whose position is somewhat variable
Zoonoses are diseases that may be transferred from pets in that it is movable within the rib cage to allow for pas-
to humans, and vice versa. Owners and veterinary staff sage of large food items. One would think that three
should be aware of some pathogens when handling rep- chambers would mean that oxygenated and unoxyge-
tiles. Adults who are immunosuppressed (because of nated blood would mix together; however, there is, in
chemotherapy for cancer or AIDS) or young children fact, separation within the heart that effectively does
are at greatest risk for infection. Humans come into con- what the atrioventricular septum does in mammals.
tact with the infectious organisms when handling the Heart rate varies with respect to the body temperature
pet, while cleaning the cage, or from airborne dust from of the snake—slowing when cold and increasing when
feces and cage bedding. Caught wild animals frequently warm. The technician can locate the heart by palpation
have parasites that are infectious to humans as well. For on the ventral side of the snake about one-third of the
these reasons, certain precautions should be taken when distance from head to tail. Snakes have both renal and
keeping reptiles as pets. Avoid housing the animals in hepatic portal circulatory systems. They have an abdom-
the kitchen or other areas where food is handled. Always inal vein that runs along the ventral midline. Snakes
wash your hands after handling the pet, and never let have two lungs, but the left one is usually smaller than
children kiss the pet. Wear protective clothing when the right one. The trachea opens on the midline of the
cleaning the cage, and properly dispose of all cage bed- tongue as in the bird. The digestive system is linear from
ding and uneaten prey. Do not allow reptiles to soak in the oral cavity to the cloaca. Six rows of teeth are gener-
bathtubs or sinks used by humans, do not ignore bite ally present and are replaced throughout the life of the
wounds from your pet, and have your pet examined fre- reptile. Paired kidneys are located in the dorsal caudal
quently to screen for potentially harmful organisms. abdomen. They are lobulated and elongated, and the
The most recognized zoonosis of reptiles is salmonel- ureters empty into the cloaca. Like birds, snakes pass
losis. The gram-negative bacterium causes severe urates with their feces. All male snakes have two
CHAPTER 37 Overview of Reptiles as Pets 343

Left lung
Thyroid gland

Right lung

Esophagus Trachea


Gallbladder Stomach
Large intestine
Vas deferens Pancreas
Right Right testis
Ureters intestine
kidney Right adrenal
gland Right
air sac Fig. 37.2 Color variations in green iguanas. (From Mader DR.
Rectum Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders;
Left testis 2006, by permission.)
Left kidney
Left adrenal
gland concentrates on the green iguana as an example of the
“typical” lizard. When necessary, the gecko is also dis-
Anal scale (divided) cussed in this text.
Fig. 37.1 Gross anatomy of the snake, ventral view. (From Col- The green iguana, an arboreal herbivore, has been a
ville T, Bassert JM. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veteri-
popular pet for many years. Its size, color, and general
nary Technicians. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2008, by
permission.) “prehistoric” appearance appeal to reptile lovers
throughout the world (Fig. 37.2). Green iguanas have
been known to live up to 12 to 13 years in captivity,
intromittent organs (hemipenes), which lie in invagi- whereas other species may live well into their thirties.
nated pouches on the ventral surface at the base of the If an owner wants to maximize the life span of his or
tail. The depth of these pouches is used in sexing snakes; her pet, it is imperative that he or she maintain the
the deeper pouches are found in male snakes, the more pet in optimum condition at all times.
shallow ones in female snakes. Female snakes are either Excessive handling of lizards should be avoided. Male
oviparous (egg-laying) or viviparous (live birth), iguanas may become aggressive during breeding season,
depending on the species. Ovaries are located internally, and all iguanas may exhibit defensive aggression when
and both are active. threatened. (Beware of the tail lash!) Iguanas are best
restrained by light-touch methods. Smaller iguanas
Housing may be wrapped in a towel (burrito fashion) before
Snakes are ectotherms; they assume the temperature of examination. Larger species may require two people
the environment. Snakes must be housed in tempera- for restraint—one to restrain the body and one to
tures that are within their preferred optimal temperature restrain the tail. Do not grasp the tail for restraint.
zone (POTZ), or eating, digestion, basking, breeding,
and many other physiological activities will be adversely Anatomy
affected. The anatomy of the lizard is similar to that of the
snake in many ways (Fig. 37.3). The cardiovascular
system is similar; a three-chambered heart and a renal
IGUANAS portal system are the same, but lizards have a large
One of the most popular species of lizard kept as a pet is ventral abdominal vein that lies along the inner sur-
the green iguana (Iguana iguana). Many other species of face of the abdominal wall on the midline. This differ-
lizards are seen in the pet trade, but this section ence is important when considering surgical
344 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

Parathyroids tongue. The colon in herbivorous species may be sac-

culated to facilitate hindgut fermentation. Lizards
have a cloaca divided into three areas: (1) the copro-
deum (for feces), (2) the urodeum (for urine), and (3)
the proctodeum (final chamber before elimination).
Lizards excrete nitrogenous wastes as uric acid, urea,
or ammonia. Their kidneys lack the ability to concen-
trate urine (no loop of Henle). Most species have a
small, thin-walled bladder. Male lizards have paired
Ventricle Lungs hemipenes as in snakes. Female lizards have paired
ovaries and oviducts. Sexing can be performed by
Liver Esophagus observing the hemipenes bulging at the base of the tail,
or by observing enlarged femoral pores in the male liz-
ard (Fig. 37.4). Male iguanas tend to have larger dorsal
Pancreas Spleen spines and larger dewlaps as well.
The lizard ear is both auditory and vestibular in func-
Small Left ovary tion, and the tympanic membrane can be visualized in
the shallow depression on each side of the head. The eyes
Right ovary Left oviduct usually have eyelids, except in some geckos and skinks.
Colon Iguanas have a well-developed parietal eye found on the
dorsal midline of the head. This degenerate eye contains
Kidney a lens and retina, and connects to the pineal gland,
bladder Ureter which plays a role in reproduction, thermoregulation,
Cloaca Rectum
and basking (light sensitive) but is not visual.
Iguanas have nasal salt glands that excrete sodium
when the plasma osmotic pressure is increased. The fine
white powder (sodium chloride) may be seen on the
head and around the nares. Some species have vocal
cords and can produce loud vocalizations (geckos). Liz-
ards will typically inflate their lungs to appear larger and
more frightening when threatened. Iguanas and many
other lizards are capable of tail autotomy (loss of the
tail). This is an escape mechanism but is an important
consideration when handling them because the tail
may also fracture off when accidentally grabbed or
twisted during physical examination. The lost tail may
be replaced eventually, but the new tail will usually be
smaller and of a different color. (This usually makes
Fig. 37.3 Anatomy of the green iguana (Iguana iguana),
ventral view. (From Mader DR. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. owners unhappy as you might well imagine.)
2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006, by permission.) Lizards undergo regular shedding periods with the
skin coming off in pieces instead of one piece as in
approaches to the abdomen in the lizard. The teeth of the snake. Iguanas have large claws that require frequent
the lizard are pleurodont (they attach to the sides of trimming to prevent human injury.
the mandible without sockets). They are regularly
shed and replaced. The tongue is mobile and aids in Housing
bringing scent into the olfactory organ. In iguanas, Iguanas are arboreal lizards that typically retreat high into
the tip of the tongue is darker than the rest of the the trees to bask in the sun as daylight increases. Cages
CHAPTER 37 Overview of Reptiles as Pets 345

Fig. 37.4 Femoral pores of the green iguana. (A) Male iguana. (B) Female iguana. (From Mader DR. Reptile
Medicine and Surgery. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 1996, by permission.)

should mimic the natural habitat and should contain a

tree or place for them to bask that is close to the heat
source. It is also important to have cooler areas in the cage Is it a turtle, a tortoise, or a terrapin? That depends on
for the iguana. These jungle species also require increased which area of the world you are located. Each of these
humidity in the environment, and cages may need mist- animals has a slightly different name, depending on
ing frequently to provide 50% to 70% humidity levels. the country of origin. However, for the purpose of this
Green iguanas grow to extremely large sizes. This section, the term turtle refers to both aquatic and terres-
should be kept in mind when deciding to purchase the trial chelonians, and terrapin refers to freshwater or
cute little baby animal in the pet store. Adults are strong marine chelonians.
and active and will require strong, secure caging that Turtles are commonly seen in exotic veterinary prac-
is easy to clean. The cage should contain climbing tice, but many veterinarians know little about the hus-
branches, an ultraviolet light source, a heat and humid- bandry of these animals. (References given in the
ity source, and an adequate substrate on the floor. An Bibliography will provide the technician with a more
ideal substrate would be one that is easy to clean, comprehensive view of chelonians.)
inexpensive, and pleasing to look at. It should also be
digestible in the event that the lizard decides to eat it. Anatomy
Indoor-outdoor carpet, flat newspaper, or alfalfa pellets Chelonians are vertebrates, but because they “carry their
make good choices for floors of iguana cages. houses on their backs” they are significantly different
Hide boxes should be provided. Many lizards are ter- from other vertebrates (Fig. 37.5). The shell of the turtle
ritorial and are stressed when housed with another liz- consists of two separate pieces: the upper carapace and
ard. Most lizards do best if housed alone. the lower plastron (Fig. 37.6). These structures are com-
posed of bones derived from the ribs, vertebrae, ster-
Nutrition num, clavicles, and dermal tissue of the skin. The
Green iguanas are herbivores and feed mostly on leaves bony shell is covered by scutes, composed of layers of
and vines in the wild. In captivity they should be fed a keratin. These scutes are capable of regeneration. During
variety of chopped, mixed vegetables and fruits. If pro- growth periods, new scutes are produced, and many old
teins are fed in the diet, they should be plant-based pro- ones are shed. The scutes are named for the underlying
teins, not animal-based proteins (and they are not body parts.
recommended as part of the diet by many experts). The weight of the shell adds significantly to the body
Geckos are carnivores and must be fed animal-based weight of the turtle and should be taken into account
proteins (e.g. pinky mice) when calculating drug doses. It is suggested that because
346 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles






Liver Kidney



Ascending Small
colon intestine
A Vent

Liver Colon

Stomach Coprodeum

Spleen Urodeum
Thyroid Ventricle Small
intestine Proctodeum
B Vent Tail
Fig. 37.5 Gross anatomy of the turtle. (A) Ventral view. The plastron has been removed. (B) Midsagittal view.
(From Mader DR. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006, by permission.)
CHAPTER 37 Overview of Reptiles as Pets 347

Gular Nuchal
1 Marginals
Marginals 2
1 4
2 Pleurals
Axillary 5
Pectoral Bridge 2 Vertebrals
Abdominal 3
4 8
Femoral 4 9
5 10
Anal 12 11

Plastron Carapace
Fig. 37.6 Nomenclature of plastron and carapace scutes. (From Mader DR. Reptile Medicine and Surgery.
2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006, by permission.)

bone is metabolically active, the dose should be calcu- substances from the lungs, and pneumonias are often
lated on the total body weight, not compensating for life-threatening for these animals. Aquatic turtles are able
the weight of the shell. to breathe underwater during periods of low activity via a
Turtles have a typical reptilian, three-chambered cloacal bursal vascular complex that allows for oxygen
heart and a renal portal system. The rest of the cardio- absorption. When active, these turtles must return to
vascular system is similar to those of other vertebrates. the surface to obtain adequate oxygen. Turtles are able
Chelonians lack teeth, and instead have a sharp, to sustain long periods of apnea, which makes gas induc-
scissors-like beak for biting off pieces of food, which tion of anesthesia often difficult (Fig. 37.7).
are then swallowed whole. The gastrointestinal system The urinary system of the turtle is composed of two
is arranged as in other animals. kidneys (which are metanephric) and a bilobed bladder
In herbivorous species, the large intestine is the site of that empties into the cloaca. The kidneys are not capa-
fermentation. The digestive tract terminates at the clo- ble of concentrating urine because they have no loop of
aca. Transit time in the gastrointestinal tract is affected Henle. Waste materials are converted to insoluble
by fiber content of the food, temperature, and frequency products such as uric acid and urate salts and are
of feeding, and may reach up to 1 month on high-fiber passed from the body in a semisolid state. The cloaca,
diets. These animals have a pancreas and a gall bladder bladder, and distal colon can all resorb urinary water
that aid in producing digestive enzymes. when necessary.
The respiratory system of turtles is similar in arrange- Male turtles have two testicles located anterior to the
ment to those of mammals. Turtles breathe in and out kidneys. They have a single, large, dark-colored penis
through the nostrils. The trachea is short and bifurcates that lies on the floor of the proctodeum and may often
high on the neck into two main stem bronchi. This allows be seen extended when engorged. The penis is not used
the turtle to breathe when the neck is withdrawn into the for urine excretion.
shell. Turtles have no diaphragm, and respiration involves The female gonads are also located internally. Turtles
many structures. Turtles do not rely on negative pressures lay eggs, and the reproductive tract is similar to those of
in the thorax for lung expansion. Because of the structure birds. Fertilization occurs internally before the shell is
of the respiratory system, it is difficult to remove laid down in the oviduct. Unlike most avian species,
348 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

Box Turtles
Box turtles are one of the most popular reptilian pets.
They have long natural life spans (up to 40 years), but
many die because of improper care.
Box turtles may be housed outdoors in warmer
months but require a perimeter that is sealed against
digging and a fence that is higher than 12 inches to pre-
vent climbing. The area should have grass, shrubs, or a
wooden shelter for escape from the sun, when needed.
Indoors, turtles may be kept in large aquariums, ply-
wood containers, or other large-animal water troughs.
These should be filled with humid substrate such as
wood chips, peat moss, and sand and soil mixtures. A
shallow water pan big enough to fit the turtle should
be placed in the container.
Box turtles are omnivorous and will eat beetles,
grasshoppers, worms, snails, spiders, pillbugs, small
mammals, birds, fish, lizards, snakes, and many other
sources of protein. They also enjoy fruits and vegetables
such as mushrooms, tomatoes, and greens. Turtles, in
Fig. 37.7 The trachea of the turtle bifurcates at the thoracic inlet general, have a need for vitamin A, so the diet should
and has complete cartilagenous rings. (From Mader DR. Reptile
contain rich yellow or orange vegetables and dark, leafy
Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006,
by permission.) greens.

sexual dimorphism exists in turtles. Male turtles typi- Tortoises

cally have a longer and thicker tail compared with Tortoises are land dwellers and should be kept outdoors,
female turtles. Differences in eye color may exist; male when possible. They need sunlight for synthesis of vita-
turtles have a concave plastron, whereas female turtles min D, and they love to graze and bask in the sunlight.
have a flat one. They will consume all vegetation enclosed in their pen,
so avoid spraying chemicals on it. They are also prone to
Husbandry eat nonfood items such as plastic, wire, nails, and other
Turtles are heliotherms, which means they bask in sun- trash, so the pen must be kept clean. Water should be
light to control body temperature. The POTZ for most available at all times.
of these species is between 75°F and 100°F. Turtles
should be provided basking areas and full-spectrum Aquatic Turtles
ultraviolet light in captivity. They should have constant Turtles kept in aquatic environments often are the most
access to water for soaking. difficult to maintain. Water quality is important to the
Turtles are susceptible to many predators, especially turtle’s health. Proper depth and temperature must be
dogs, coyotes, raccoons, and opossum. They are good maintained, and an adequate filtration system should
diggers and climbers, and outdoor enclosures must be be available for cleaning. Each area should have a dry
properly constructed to prevent escape. haul-out area that can be used for basking. Most of these
Most turtles hibernate during the winter months; this turtles require a diet with adequate calcium. Chopped
is called brumation. Captive turtles in subtropical cli- whole fish, skinned pinky mice, and guppies are a few
mates may skip brumation, but those in colder climates favorite foods of turtles. Avoid goldfish because they
need to hibernate. (The technician is referred once again have a high incidence of mycobacteriosis, and ham-
to the Bibliography for details of this process.) burger because it is deficient in calcium.
CHAPTER 37 Overview of Reptiles as Pets 349

1. What does the abbreviation POTZ stand for? 6. The diet of aquatic turtles should contain:
2. With respect to dietary requirements, all snakes a. Vegetables and chopped whole animals such as
are: mice, worms, or guppies
a. Herbivorous b. Only leafy green vegetables such as spinach and
b. Carnivorous lettuce
c. Omnivorous c. Hamburger and leafy green vegetables with
3. All reptiles should be considered positive for worms or insects
________ until proven otherwise. d. Feeder goldfish and leafy, green vegetables
a. Pseudomonas 7. The upper shell of the turtle is called the ________.
b. Shigella a. Plastron
c. Mycobacterium b. Osteoplast
d. Salmonella c. Carapace
4. What is the optimal temperature range for most d. Carastron
turtles? 8. Adult snakes should eat ________times per month.
a. 75° to 100°F a. 4 to 6
b. 60° to 80°F b. 1 to 3
c. 50° to 75°F c. 3 to 4
d. 45° to 75°F d. 8 to 10
5. Most chelonians kept as pets will become less active 9. The fine white powder seen around the nares in
during: iguanas is ________.
a. October to April a. Calcium
b. June to September b. Potassium
c. December to June c. Sodium
d. January to July
Answers found on page 548.
Diseases of the Cardiovascular System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be
able to:
• Recognize and explain the need for a complete
cardiovascular assessment as a component of the
examination of any sick reptile.

Snakes 350 Congenital Cardiovascular Disease 351
Nutritional Cardiovascular Disease 350 Turtles 351
Infectious Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 351

Cardiomyopathy Endocarditis Myocarditis

hemoglobin in these cells is similar to that in mamma-

SNAKES lian cells; however, the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin
Clinical cardiac disease in reptiles may be primary or tends to decrease with the age of the animal. It is impor-
secondary to metabolic or nutritional problems. This tant for the veterinarian and the technician to under-
type of disease has been poorly reported in the past, pos- stand the anatomy and physiology of the
sibly because no one has looked for it. cardiovascular system and how it relates to the develop-
Although the anatomy of the heart (two atria and one ment of disease to diagnose cardiovascular diseases in
ventricle) suggests a singular circulatory system, the func- the snake.
tion of the heart actually provides a dual system similar to
those in other animals. Heart rate depends on a number of Nutritional Diseases That Affect the Heart
variables: body temperature, body size, metabolic rate, Dietary deficiencies may affect the function of the car-
respiratory rate, and sensory stimulation. The heart func- diovascular system. Hypocalcemia, vitamin E deficiency,
tions most effectively within the preferred optimal temper- and excessive amounts of vitamin D3 and calcium may
ature zone (POTZ). Heart rate tends to increase during all affect the cardiovascular system.
active respiration and decrease during apnea. Monitoring
of the cardiac activity is possible in snakes using electrocar- Clinical Signs
diographic equipment already in the hospital. • May be nonspecific for cardiac disease
Another difference in the cardiovascular system is • Muscle tremors (hypocalcemia)
the presence of nucleated red blood cells. The • Peripheral edema

CHAPTER 38 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 351

• Ascites • Weight loss

• Cyanosis • Signs of the specific systemic infection
• Petechial hemorrhages
• Weight loss Diagnosis
• Peracute death • Blood culture collected from cardiocentesis
• Complete blood cell count
Diagnosis • Ultrasonography or angiography
• Dietary history
• Physical examination Treatment
• Biopsy of skeletal muscle • Systemic antibiotics specific to cultured organism
• Radiography may show calcification of vessels • Supportive care
(excess vitamin D and calcium)
• Necropsy Information for Clients
• Have your pet examined immediately if you suspect
• Vitamin E and selenium products to correct
• Laboratory workups may be expensive but are neces-
sary to diagnose these conditions.
• Correct dietary imbalances

Information for Clients

Congenital Cardiovascular Disease
• A proper diet and correct environmental tempera- Several congenital cardiac anomalies have been reported
in snakes. Congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy,
tures are important for maintaining good cardiovas-
although uncommon, do occur. The use of cardiac drugs
cular health.
in reptiles has not been well studied, and veterinarians
Infectious Diseases of the Cardiovascular should be careful in extrapolating doses from those
for mammalian species.
Septic endocarditis has been reported in animals with gram-
negative systemic disease. Salmonella, Corynebacterium,
Chlamydia, and Mycobacterium have all been reported to
cause either endocarditis or myocarditis in the snake. Whereas cardiac disease has been documented in most
reptiles, it is not seen as a common problem in pet turtles
Clinical Signs except as a result of other diseases such as renal gout.
• Peripheral edema The technician should refer to more detailed descrip-
• Ascites tions of cardiac function in reptile texts.

1. In reptiles housed below the POTZ, one would expect 3. Red blood cells of older reptiles are less functional
the heart rate to be: than those of younger animals because:
a. Increased from normal a. Their red blood cells are not able to carry as much
b. Decreased from normal oxygen
c. Normal b. The lungs are not able to oxygenate the cells
2. The reptile heart has ______ atria and ______ventri- properly
cle(s). c. The red blood cells do not give up their oxygen at
a. Two; two the tissues easily
b. One; two
Answers found on page 548.
c. Two; one
Diseases of the Digestive System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Relate to patients how inadequate husbandry can
able to: result in gastrointestinal disease in reptile patients.
• Demonstrate knowledge of diseases related to the • Understand that reptiles will require extended
digestive system in reptiles. periods of antibiotic treatment before positive results
• Implement treatment plans to correct deficits related will be seen.
to gastrointestinal diseases.

Snakes 352 Constipation 357
Infectious Stomatitis (Mouth Rot) 352 Cloacal Prolapse 357
Topical 353 Intestinal Parasites 358
Supportive Care 353 Turtles 358
Vomiting and Regurgitation 353 Diarrhea (Symptom, Not Disease) 358
Diarrhea 354 Anorexia (Symptom) 359
Supportive Care 354 Internal Parasites 359
Intestinal Parasites 354 Hepatic Lipidosis 360
Failure to Feed 355 Oral or Rostral Trauma 360
Iguanas 356 Hypovitaminosis A 361
Infectious Stomatitis (Mouth Rot) 356 Gastrointestinal Tract Obstruction 361
Vomiting and Regurgitation 356 Gastritis and Enteritis 362
Diarrhea 357 Supportive Care 362

Aminoglycoside Flatulence Rostral
Blepharoedema Herpetologist Petechia

SNAKES Infectious Stomatitis (Mouth Rot)

Infectious stomatitis, commonly called “mouth rot,” is a
Snakes are frequently seen in the clinic for digestive
frequently seen problem in captive snakes (Fig. 39.1).

CHAPTER 39 Diseases of the Digestive System 353

• Surgical debridement of severe cases or those with

bony involvement
• Antibiotic cream: silver sulfadiazine (Silvadene) 1%,
gentamicin ophthalmic
• Dilute povidone-iodine (Betadine) or chlorhexidine
Supportive care
• May include tube feeding if animal is unable to eat

Information for Clients

• Prevention of infectious stomatitis is easier than
treating it.
Fig. 39.1 Infectious stomatitis is a problem in all reptiles but is • Treatment of infectious stomatitis may require long-
most commonly seen in snakes. (From Mader DR. Reptile Med- term therapy.
icine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006, by • Viral or fungal stomatitis will not respond to antibi-
otic therapy. It is important that an accurate diagno-
sis be made before treatment is started.
This is not a primary disease but is usually secondary to • Infections in the oral cavity may quickly spread to the
stress, trauma, or husbandry problems such as over- lungs if left untreated.
crowding, low environmental temperatures, and poor
nutrition. Suppression of the immune system in snakes
Vomiting and Regurgitation
kept in inappropriate conditions allows for opportunis- Vomiting is defined as the forceful expulsion of food
tic pathogens to infect the oral tissues. from the stomach or anterior intestine, whereas regurgi-
tation involves bringing up food immediately after eat-
Clinical Signs ing. It is often difficult to distinguish these conditions in
• Swollen, red oral tissue the reptile patient. Regurgitation is frequently the result
• Petechia may be present of handling just after eating and represents no threat to
• Changes in color of gum tissue the animal unless it is frequent or aspiration pneumonia
• Mucus, thick ropy exudates; excessive salivation develops. Vomiting, in contrast, is frequently related to
• Anorexia gastrointestinal (GI) disease and should be investigated.
• Dysphagia
• Respiratory signs if glottis is involved Clinical Signs
• Vomited or regurgitated food found in the cage
Diagnosis • Weight loss
• Physical examination and history •  Diarrhea
• Culture and sensitivity of oral mucosa • Signs of systemic disease
• Complete blood cell count (CBC) and serum
chemistries Diagnosis
• Radiology of the oral cavity • Physical examination and environmental history
• Biopsy of gingiva • CBC and serum chemistries
• Radiography  contrast
Treatment • Culture and sensitivity
• Correction of environmental and nutritional • Fecal flotation
• Gentle cleansing of the oral mucosa Treatment
• Systemic antibiotics (injectable aminoglycosides are • Depends on the problems identified
recommended) • Correction of husbandry and diet deficiencies
354 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

• Avoidance of handling snakes that have been fed Treatment

recently • Depends on severity and cause
• Systemic antibiotics for bacterial infections • Antiparasitics
• Antiparasitics for GI parasites • Antibiotics, if needed
• Surgical removal of any foreign objects or neoplasia • Agents to slow the bowel
• Correction of fluid and electrolyte imbalances Supportive care
• Metoclopramide for vomiting • Fluid and electrolyte replacement
• Warmth
Information for Clients
Information for Clients
• Avoid handling snakes after feeding.
• Any change in diet may cause diarrhea. Avoid foods
• Make sure that all snakes are kept in ideal environ-
with high water content or abrupt dietary changes.
mental conditions. • Keep your snake at the preferred optimal tempera-
• If vomiting or regurgitation occurs, have your snake
ture zone (POTZ) and the cage environment clean
examined immediately by your veterinarian.
• Never feed spoiled or contaminated food. Make sure to prevent bacterial contamination.
• Have frequent stool tests performed to remove
all food has been warmed to body temperature before
feeding. • Wear protective gloves when cleaning the cage of an
animal with diarrhea. Wash hands thoroughly after
Diarrhea handling.
Diarrhea may be a result of many disease states and is
usually not a primary disease entity. As in the avian TECH ALERT
patient, it must first be determined whether diarrhea Salmonellosis can be a frequent cause of diarrhea in rep-
actually exists. Vomitus, urine, or respiratory secretions tiles and is transmissible to humans. Always wear gloves
often appear similar to loose feces and are often not when handling reptiles with diarrhea.
observed by the owner until cage cleaning. Loose stools
must also be evaluated by what is normal for that species
because some snakes (boas and pythons) have firm Intestinal Parasites
stools, whereas indigo snakes and cobras have soft Almost every snake will harbor some type of internal par-
stools. Normal stool of the snake will contain feces, whit- asite at the time of purchase. These parasites typically
ish urates, and some urine as in birds. have complex life cycles, which the technician should
review. Captive snakes are, by nature of their habitats,
Clinical Signs exposed to a greater parasite load compared with snakes
• Loose stools found in the cage in the wild, and this creates a greater problem. These ani-
• Weight loss mals have higher stress levels that result in immunosup-
• Acute or chronic loose stools pression, again predisposing them to parasitical
•  Vomiting infestation. Some of the most frequently found intestinal
•  Blood, fat in feces parasites of snakes are listed in Box 39.1. As shown in Box
39.1, parasitical infestation in snakes may involve multi-
ple organisms. Parasitized animals are unthrifty (failing
Diagnosis to grow or develop normally), have shorter life spans,
• Physical examination and history and may act as a reservoir for human infestation.
• Fecal examinations (floats and direct smears)
• Fecal culture and sensitivity (cloacal flush or swab) Clinical Signs
• Radiology • Weight loss
• CBC and serum chemistries • Failure to thrive
• Endoscopy • Anorexia
• Exploratory surgery with biopsies • Dehydration
CHAPTER 39 Diseases of the Digestive System 355

• Eliminate any indirect host

• Cleaning the cage on a regular basis
• Ivermectin (effective in snakes; do not use in turtles!)
Protozoa • Feeding only parasite-free prey to prevent infection
• Entamoeba invadens
• Coccidia spp. Information for Clients
• Cryptosporidium spp.
• Have all snakes examined for parasites at least yearly.
• Giardia spp.
• Hexamita spp.
• Keep cages clean. Do not allow fecal matter to
• Trichomonas spp. accumulate.
• Feed parasite-free prey, when possible.
Trematodes • If using an oral wormer, you can administer it to the
• Renifer spp. prey before feeding the snake (stuff the prey with oral
• Dasymetra spp. paste or liquid wormer).
• Ochetosoma spp. • Several of these parasites are infectious to humans.
• Stomatrema spp.
Wash your hands, and wear protective gloves when
• Pneumatophilus
• Renal flukes
cleaning the cages.

Cestodes Failure to Feed

• Crepidobothrium One of the most common problems reported to the vet-
• Ophiotaenia erinarian is failure to feed. Most of the time, this is a prob-
• Bothridium lem created not by the snake but, rather, by the owner.
• Spirometra The new reptile owner may not know the proper diet
• Dilepididae
for the snake, the proper feeding interval, the proper feed-
• Mesocestoididae
ing technique, or the correct amount to feed the snake.
Nematodes The environmental temperature or the temperature of
• Ascarids the food, or both, may be too low to initiate the feeding
• Strongyloides spp. response. Snakes, like other animals, are not all alike;
• Rhabdias spp. some prefer live prey, and others prefer dead prey. Some
• Diaphanocephalus spp. like to be hand-fed, and others like to be fed using tongs.
• Kalicephalus spp. Owners must get to know their snake’s preferences before
• Macdonaldius spp. determining whether a problem exists.
• Oxyurids
Feeding live prey is not recommended because often
• Capillaria spp.
the prey may injure the snake. Live prey should be
• Pentastomids
stunned before being fed; prekilled prey is available fro-
zen or fresh from specialty pet stores.
•  Diarrhea Snakes should not be handled for several days after
• Blood in feces feeding. Meal size varies with the species; smaller snakes
•  Vomiting or regurgitation require smaller prey. The timing of feedings also varies
•  Anemia with individual snakes; certain species will eat at any
time, whereas others eat only in daylight or darkness.
Diagnosis Some eat often (usually small snakes), whereas larger
• Fecal flotation, cloacal flush, and direct smear animals may eat once every 2 to 3 weeks. Several species
• Finding adult parasites in feces may fast for months without harm.

Treatment Clinical Signs

• Depends on the parasite’s life cycle • Lack of feeding response when prey is provided
• Antiparasitic drug therapy (to eliminate parasites • Weight loss
with a direct life cycle) • Signs of shedding (either before or after shedding)
356 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

• Physical examination and history
• CBC and serum chemistries to rule out disease
• Fecal examination to rule out parasites

• Adjust environmental temperature and photoperiod
• Try alternative prey (e.g., live or dead, rodents, birds)
• Consult a herpetologist for information concerning
feeding a specific type of snake
• Provide vitamin supplementation
• Try force-feeding

Information for Clients

• Snakes can undergo prolonged periods without feed-
Fig. 39.2 A green iguana with stomatitis and pneumonia. The
ing. In the absence of any signs of disease, it may be oral cavity is congested, and the pharynx is full of excessive
normal for them not to feed. white foam. (From Mader DR. Reptile Medicine and Surgery.
• Consult experts if you do not know what is normal 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006, by permission.)
for a particular species.
• Make sure your snake is kept at the POTZ. Diagnosis
• Have your snake examined by your veterinarian if
• Physical examination and thorough history
you suspect a medical problem. • CBC and serum chemistries
• Radiography to rule out bony involvement
• Bacterial cultures and sensitivity: oral cavity
Like snakes, iguanas are also prone to diseases of the Treatment
digestive system. Most diseases of the oral cavity and • Will depend on the cause
upper GI tract are caused by stress and improper hus- • Correction of husbandry and dietary causes
bandry, low environmental temperatures, dehydration, • Systemic antibiotics based on culture and sensitivity
and poor diets. testing (gram-negative spectrum usually best)
• Flushing the mucous membranes twice daily
Infectious Stomatitis (Mouth Rot) with dilute solutions of chlorhexadine or iodine
Iguanas, like snakes, are susceptible to mouth rot (Fig. 39.2). (1:10 dilution)
The condition is usually the result of stress depressing the • Surgical debridement of infected or necrotic tissue
immune system, trauma, and opportunistic bacteria. Bacte-
ria such as Pseudomonas, Aeromonas, and Klebsiella are TECH ALERT
commonly identified from patients with infectious stoma- Reptiles do everything slowly—they get ill slowly, and
titis. Lack of necessary vitamins and minerals may also pre- they recover slowly. Make sure that owners maintain
dispose the iguana to infectious stomatitis. treatments for the necessary periods required to cure
the problem.
Clinical Signs
• Swollen, sore gingival membranes
• Bleeding of oral tissues Vomiting and Regurgitation
• Excessive mucus production (excessive salivation) Lizards have a better developed cardiac sphincter com-
• Reluctance to eat pared with that of snakes, so vomiting or regurgitation is
•  Regurgitation rare in lizards. If vomiting or regurgitation occurs, the
•  Pneumonia animal is usually in poor condition and may be near
CHAPTER 39 Diseases of the Digestive System 357

may be the result of improper husbandry, parasites, GI

foreign bodies, or dehydration. Iguanas that eat every
day should defecate every day.

Clinical Signs
• Lack of feces in the cage
• Distended abdomen
• Decreased appetite
•  Straining to defecate
•  Hard, small feces

Fig. 39.3 Feces from reptiles contain uric acid salts, which • Physical examination and history
are white. (From Mader DR. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. • Radiology to rule out foreign bodies
2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006.)
• Fecal flotation
death. GI foreign bodies, systemic infections, and
enlarged kidneys that are pressing on the colon are Treatment
among the few causes of vomiting in lizards. • Increase the ambient temperature
• Feed foods with increased water content: fruits, wet
Diarrhea greens, and so forth
Low environmental temperatures, systemic infections, • Bathe or soak frequently to rehydrate; give oral or IV
parasites, and an acute dietary change may all cause fluids
diarrhea in the lizard (Fig. 39.3). • Administer small amounts of feline laxative or
mineral oil
Clinical Signs • Treat any parasitical problems with ivermectin
• Loose stools
•  Foul-smelling feces Information for Clients
• Weight loss • Both diarrhea and constipation can be prevented by
•  Dehydration proper housing and feeding of your pet iguana.
• Iguanas frequently chew up flooring materials (bed-
ding) in the cage. Make sure the substrate in your
• Good dietary history
cage is digestible.
• Fecal flotation
• If “home remedies” do not produce a normal stool
• Direct smear to rule out amoebas, protozoa
within 1 to 2 days, have your pet seen by a
• Culture and sensitivity, especially for Salmonella spp.
• Improved husbandry and dietary conditions Cloacal Prolapse
• Antibiotics based on culture and sensitivity results The colon, urinary bladder (if present), penis, uterus,
• Rehydration of the patient, if needed (intravenous and oviducts may all prolapse through the cloaca
[IV] or oral balanced electrolyte solutions) (Fig. 39.4). Prolapse is usually the result of excessive
• Antiparasitic drugs, if needed straining from some secondary cause. Proper treatment
• Feeding small amounts of a probiotic or plain, nonfat depends on accurately determining which organ is pro-
yogurt containing live bacterial cultures lapsed. The bladder may be identified as thin walled and
translucent and can be aspirated. The penis or hemipe-
Constipation nis will be a solid mass with no lumen, whereas the colon
The problem in iguanas often is the opposite of diar- will have an identifiable lumen. The shell gland will have
rhea—constipation or lack of stool production. This also a lumen but no feces inside the lumen.
358 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

• Veterinary assistance should be sought immediately

if a prolapse is observed.

Intestinal Parasites
Several types of internal parasites live in the intestinal
tract of iguanas. Protozoa, nematodes, and cestodes
are typically identified in iguanas in captivity.

Clinical Signs
• Anorexia
• Lethargy
• Mucus in the feces
• Weight loss or failure to gain with a good appetite
• Worms visible in feces
Fig. 39.4 Penile prolapse in a green iguana. (From Mader DR.
• Frequent loose, smelly stools
Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders;
2006, by permission.) •  Regurgitation
•  Bloating
Clinical Signs
• Presence of tissue protruding from the vent Diagnosis
• History of egg laying or straining • Fecal flotation
• Other signs of systemic disease • Direct smear
• Rule out other systemic diseases
• Physical examination and history Treatment
• CBC and serum chemistries to rule out systemic • Ivermectin
disease • Deworming medication (pyrantel pamoate [Stron-
• Fecal examination to rule out parasites gid], fenbendazole [Panacur])
• Radiography • Metronidazole for protozoans
• Cleaning and disinfecting the iguana’s enclosure and
Treatment removing stools on a regular basis to prevent
• Will depend on the diagnostic results reinfection
• Gentle cleaning of the prolapsed tissue with normal
• Manual replacement of the tissue TURTLES
• Debridement of any necrotic tissue, if possible Diarrhea (Symptom, Not Disease)
• Purse-string suture, if possible, to retain the tissue It is important for the clinician to determine whether
until swelling decreases diarrhea is actually present. Each species has a character-
• Systemic antibiotics istic form of feces, some softer than others, and the vet-
• Correction of the cause of straining erinarian or technician must have an idea of what is
• Rehydration of the patient “normal.” Most diarrheas should be classified as either
• Raising the ambient temperature acute or chronic. Chronic diarrheas are more severe
• Treatment for intestinal parasites, if present and may lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.
• Some cases will require surgical correction
through a celiotomy incision Clinical Signs
• Feces of a different consistency than normal
Information for Clients •  Fat (steatorrhea)
• Prompt replacement of the prolapsed tissue has a •  Flatulence
favorable prognosis, whereas allowing the tissue to •  Blood in feces
become dirty and necrotic has a poor prognosis. • Dehydration
CHAPTER 39 Diseases of the Digestive System 359

Diagnosis Diagnosis
• Complete physical examination and environmental • Complete history and physical examination
and dietary histories • CBC, serum chemistry analysis
• CBC may show sepsis, anemia, heterophilia; serum • Radiography to rule out foreign bodies or tumors
chemistries • Endoscopy or ultrasonography
• Fecal flotation and smear
• Fecal culture and sensitivity Treatment
• Gastric and cloacal wash • Correct the underlying disease process
• Radiography • Correct husbandry and dietary problems
• Force-feed a high-calorie diet
• Correct specific underlying problems Information for Clients
• Improve husbandry • Proper husbandry and diet are necessary for all reptiles.
• Parasiticides may be effective. (Do not use ivermectin • Owners must be willing to make changes for the
in turtles!) health of the animal.
• Rehydrate the patient either orally or parentally
• Oral pectin, aluminum hydroxide, or bismuth sub- Internal Parasites
sulfate solutions to coat the bowel may be used Turtles may be infested with a variety of internal para-
sites. The following are some of the species that may
affect turtles:
TECH ALERT • Protozoa (Entamoeba spp., Coccidia)
Diarrhea is a symptom of more severe diseases. Avoid • Trematodes (flukes in freshwater turtles)
treating empirically without obtaining a diagnosis. • Tapeworms (Oochoristica spp.)
• Nematodes (Oxyuridae spp., Serpinema spp., Chapi-
niella spp., Spiroxis spp., Sulcascaris spp.)
Information for Clients
• Diarrhea is a symptom of a more severe disease. Have
Clinical Signs
your pet examined by a veterinarian before beginning
• Poor growth rate, weight loss
empirical treatment at home.
•  Diarrhea
• Proper diet and husbandry practices should be main-
• Problems of the reproductive system
tained to prevent diarrhea.
• Being unthrifty
• Have all new additions checked for intestinal para-
• Increased susceptibility to disease
sites and cultured for Salmonella infection before
adding them to the collection. Diagnosis
• Complete physical examination and history
Anorexia (Symptom) • Cloacal wash with fecal flotation or direct smear
Lack of appetite is a symptom of many disease processes, (let stand 10 minutes before reading)
poor husbandry conditions, or behavioral problems. • Fixed samples of feces
Most frequently, anorexia is related to poor husbandry
conditions and not to disease. In winter, turtles that Treatment
hibernate will stop eating, and turtles kept at tempera- • Treatment is based on the life cycle of the parasite.
tures that are too low may do the same. Incorrect or Eliminate intermediate hosts, if present; interrupt
improper presentation of food or improper food types the life cycle, and eliminate the adults
may result in anorexia. It is important to rule out disease • Parasiticides may be effective (Do not use ivermectin
in an anorexic patient. in turtles!)
• Fenbendazole (may be given per cloaca or orally)
Clinical Signs • Albendazole
• Animal stops eating • Mebendazole
•  Other signs of systemic disease • Metronidazole (calculate dose carefully)
360 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

• Piperazine • Endoscopy: visualize the liver, biopsy

• Pyrantel pamoate • Magnetic resonance imaging (expensive)
• Injectable wormers
• Freeze all prey animals for at least 30 days before Treatment
thawing and feeding • Fluid and nutritional support are mandatory; avoid
• Prevention is easier than correcting a problem fluids that contain lactate in severe cases
• Placement of an esophagostomy tube for long-term
Information for Clients feeding may be necessary (Fig. 39.5)
• Most caught wild chelonians will have intestinal par- • Addition of carnitine, choline, methionine, and thy-
asites. These parasites may also be found in other tis- roxine may be added to feeding solutions
sues, where they may be difficult to remove with • Intramuscular nandrolone may be used to promote
medication. appetite and reduce catabolism
• Complete avoidance of parasitical infestation is
impossible, but with proper husbandry, laboratory Information for Clients
testing, and treatment, the parasitical load can be • Proper feeding of turtles will prevent fat buildup in
decreased significantly.
• All new additions to the collection should be quaran- the liver, as will maintenance of normal environmen-
tal conditions.
tined for a minimum of 30 days to allow time for the • Stress and prolonged periods of anorexia may predis-
diagnosis and treatment of parasitical infestation.
pose to clinical signs of hepatic lipidosis.
• Treatment of hepatic lipidosis may be prolonged and
Hepatic Lipidosis
require a lot of work.
Hepatic lipidosis is a recognized disease in many reptiles.
Chelonians store fat in fat bodies located in the caudoven-
tral coelom. Fat is transported from the intestines to the
Oral or Rostral Trauma
fat bodies for storage and then moved to the liver when it Rostral trauma with secondary bacterial infection is one
is needed, especially during hibernation. Many factors of the most common presenting complaints in all cap-
may contribute to a buildup of fat within the liver: tive reptiles, and turtles are no exception. Constant rub-
high-fat diet, decrease in activity, egg laying, prehiberna- bing of the face against the sides of the container is the
tion, and improper environmental temperatures. As fat most common cause. Thermal trauma from biting into
stores build up in the liver, clinical signs become evident. electric cords or from ingestion of overheated food may
also occur. Damage to the beak or overgrowth may
Clinical Signs
• Gradual reduction in appetite
• Gradual weight loss
• Hibernation problems
• Change in fecal character and color
• Decreased activity
• Decreased fertility
• Green urine or urates

• Complete physical examination and history
• CBC: increase in hematocrit usually indicates
• Serum chemistries: most liver function tests used in
mammals are not definitive in turtles Fig. 39.5 Esophagostomy tube in a leopard tortoise. (From
• Radiography or ultrasonography: may or may not be Mader DR. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis,
of value because of the shell MO: Saunders; 2006. Courtesy S.J. Hernandez-Divers.)
CHAPTER 39 Diseases of the Digestive System 361

result in anorexia. Tongue trauma may result from • Blepharedema of the nasolacrimal ducts
foreign material such as hair or string wrapping around •  Oral infections
the tongue causing swelling and necrosis. •  Overgrowth of the beak

Clinical Signs Diagnosis

•  Swelling and inflammation at the tip of the beak or • Complete physical examination
in the oral cavity • Dietary history
•  Foreign objects wrapped around the beak • Clinical signs
• Anorexia
•  Abnormal growth of the beak
• Correction of improper diet
• Vitamin A supplementation by injection
• Complete physical examination and environmental
•  Corrective beak trimming to improve food
• Culture and sensitivity of any lesions prehension
• Radiology if fracture is suspected
Information for Clients
Treatment • Make sure that the diet being fed has adequate vita-
• Cleaning and debridement of damaged tissues, as min A levels for the particular species being housed.
needed • Vitamin supplements can be dusted onto or placed
• Antibiotics if infection is present (based on culture into foods before feeding. Avoid oversupplementa-
results) tion because toxicities may develop.
• Correction of any dietary defects
• Force-feeding, if necessary Gastrointestinal Tract Obstruction
• Careful removal of any foreign materials Obstruction of the GI tract may develop in turtles
housed on sand substrates. Sand impaction has been
Information for Clients reported in tortoises. Many chelonians are prone to
• It is important to examine your animal daily for signs swallow woody substances and rocks.
of trauma. Catching a problem early prevents it from
becoming critical. Clinical Signs
• Viral diseases such as herpes virus, bacterial infec-
• Anorexia
tions, and fungal infections may damage oral tissues • Lethargy
and result in secondary infections. These should be • Dehydration
ruled out before treatment for trauma. • Weight loss
• Make sure that the turtle enclosure is constructed in
• Absence of feces in the cage
such a way to decrease the possibility of trauma
because all animals tend to rub on cage walls.
Hypovitaminosis A • Complete physical and environmental history
Turtles, especially aquatic chelonians, are susceptible to • Radiography
hypovitaminosis A. Lack of vitamin A in the diet may • CBC: anemia, leukocytosis; increased hepatic and
cause damage to mucosal surfaces. Lesions are com- muscular enzymes on serum chemistries may be seen
monly seen in the oral cavity or in the respiratory system
(the nostrils). Treatment
• Enema to remove sand
Clinical Signs • Replacing sand substrate in cage with gravel or
• Lethargy digestible material
• Anorexia • Surgical removal of nondigestible foreign bodies
362 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

Information for Clients Diagnosis

• Proper housing of tortoises prevents the development • Complete physical examination; dietary and environ-
of GI tract obstruction. mental histories
Gastritis and Enteritis • Culture and sensitivity, viral isolation, or enzyme-
Bacterial, viral, and fungal gastritis or enteritis may be linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
seen in turtles. Gram-negative organisms such as Salmo- • Radiology
nella are often found in these animals. Herpesvirus • Fecal flotation or smear
infection has been on the increase in chelonians in
recent years. Mycobacterium spp. have also been impli- Treatment
cated in cases of enteritis nonresponsive to antibiotics. Supportive care
• Correction of dehydration
Clinical Signs • Intestinal protectants
• Depend on the agent responsible • Antibiotics based on culture results
• In general: • Force-feeding of easily absorbed nutrients and
• Anorexia adequate fiber
• Lethargy
• Dehydration Information for Clients
•  Oral lesions • Proper quarantine, parasite evaluation, diet, and
•  Signs of disease in the respiratory system or ner- environment prevent many of the problems in cap-
vous system (herpes viral infection) tive turtles and tortoises.

1. Ivermectin can be used to treat parasites in all spe- 5. Lack of ________ in the diet of turtles may affect
cies except the: the mucosal membranes.
a. Boa a. Vitamin B
b. Green iguana b. Vitamin C
c. Turtle c. Vitamin K
d. Gecko d. Vitamin A
2. Infectious stomatitis in reptiles is usually a result of: 6. Hepatic lipidosis may occur in turtles that are
a. Trauma ________.
b. Suppression of the immune system a. Too thin
c. Viral infection b. Anorexic
d. Fungal infection c. Polyphagic
3. Many diseases of reptiles are the result of: 7. Chelonians store fat in ________.
a. Trauma a. The liver
b. Bacterial infection b. Fat bodies
c. Poor husbandry c. The thorax
d. Viral infection d. The abdomen
4. Which of the following bacteria should be tested for 8. Snakes should not be handled for ________ after
in all reptiles before handling them as pets? feeding.
a. Chlamydia a. 2 days
b. Salmonella b. 1 week
c. Streptococcus c. 2 weeks
d. Escherichia coli d. 5 days
CHAPTER 39 Diseases of the Digestive System 363

9. Young snakes will eat ________ frequently than 10. Technicians should always wear gloves when clean-
older animals. ing any reptile cage.
a. More a. True
b. Less b. False

Answers found on page 548.

Diseases of the Endocrine System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Briefly discuss endocrine diseases seen in these
able to: species with clients.

Snakes 364 Turtles 365
Iguanas 364 Hyperglycemia 365
Hypothyroidism 364 Supportive Care 365

Glycosuria Involute

such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts,

SNAKES and kale are a few of the more common species thought
Snakes have a single thyroid gland or a pair that lies just to bind iodine. Lack of iodine may result in hypothy-
anterior to the heart. Thyroid function is involved in roidism. Many references claim that endocrine disease
shedding and growth. Unlike in most mammals, the thy- in reptiles is poorly documented and do not mention
mus does not involute in the adult animal. Parathyroid hypothyroidism as being a problem.
tissue is embedded in the thymus and thyroid tissue and
plays a role in calcium metabolism. The adrenal glands Clinical Signs
are associated with the gonads. The function of the • Sluggishness, lethargy
endocrine system in snakes is poorly understood. Dis- • Being overweight
eases of the endocrine system that affect other systems • Slow growth
are discussed in Chapters 42 and 43.
IGUANAS • Complete blood cell count (CBC) and serum
Hypothyroidism chemistries
• Thyroid hormone assay
The thyroid gland is the only gland in the body that uses
iodine. Some authors believe that iodine-deficient diets
may result in hypertrophy of the thyroid gland and lead Treatment
to disease. Foods commonly included in the diet of the • Removal or reduction of fed amounts of the vegeta-
green iguana are thought to contain substances that bind bles listed earlier
iodine, preventing the body from using it. Vegetables • Vitamin supplements that contain iodine

CHAPTER 40 Diseases of the Endocrine System 365

• Radiology or ultrasonography
TURTLES • Urinalysis (glycosuria may be present)
Primary endocrine disease is uncommon in turtles; how- •  Ketosis
ever, endocrine changes may be seen as part of a disease • Pancreatic biopsy (not often performed)
complex such as nutritional hyperparathyroidism. • Necropsy
Hyperglycemia is a common finding in chelonians.

Hyperglycemia Treatment
• The cause of the hyperglycemia should be deter-
Diabetes mellitus is an uncommon condition in reptiles.
The presence of hyperglycemia may often be related to mined before treatment
• Eliminate stress, improve environmental conditions.
environmental conditions, stress, or other factors. Sea-
• Treat any underlying metabolic disease process.
sonal changes may also affect blood glucose levels. Ani-
• If the case is determined to be true diabetes mellitus:
mals with signs of hyperglycemia should be examined
• Provide insulin therapy.
carefully to rule out these factors before making a diag-
nosis of diabetes. This condition will require more Supportive care
• Maintain hydration
research before a complete diagnosis and treatment reg-
• Liver-supporting drugs
imen can be suggested.
• Force-feeding
Clinical Signs
• Anorexia TECH ALERT
• Weight loss
Do not assume that all reptilian patients with hyper-
• Lethargy glycemia have diabetes. Rule out all other causes before
• Depression (often severe) treating with insulin.
• Muscle weakness
•  Polyuria or polydipsia
Information for Clients
Diagnosis • Many environmental factors may contribute to signs
• Complete physical examination and environmental of hyperglycemia in reptiles.
history • Because chronically affected animals are often in
• CBC serious condition when diagnosed, necropsy may
• Serum chemistries: increased blood glucose levels be needed to determine the cause of the problem.
(reference range: 60–100 mg/dL)

1. The upper portion of the shell is called the ________, 4. Which of the following hormones is necessary for
and the lower portion is known as the ________. normal shedding and growth?
2. Reptiles with hyperglycemia will always have diabe- a. Thyroid hormone
tes and require treatment. b. Insulin
a. True c. Cortisol
b. False d. Parathyroid hormone
3. Which of the following vegetables should be fed in 5. One of the most frequent causes of endocrine distur-
limited amounts to iguanas? bance in the reptile is:
a. Carrots a. Poor husbandry
b. Broccoli b. Tumors
c. Leafy green lettuce c. Congenital defects
d. Tomatoes d. Lack of vitamin D
Answers found on page 548.
Diseases of the Special Senses

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Describe the special senses of reptiles and how
able to: diseases of these senses affect the animal patient.

Snakes 366 Iguanas 368
Retained Spectacles 366 Ocular and Periocular Trauma 368
Corneal Lesions 367
Cataracts 367

Cataract Palpebral

to maintain moisture. The secretions drain into the

SNAKES lacrimal duct, which drains into the oral cavity.
The ear has both auditory and vestibular functions in the The retina is relatively avascular but contains the
snake. In many reptiles, the ear is located in a shallow conus papillaris, a large vascular body that protrudes
depression on the side of the head and is covered by a into the vitreus. Examination of the eye in reptiles is
thin piece of tissue that is shed during ecdysis. Snakes challenging.
lack external ears and have no tympanic membrane or Specialized infrared sensors called heat pits are found
middle ear cavity. Although it has been the general belief in Booidea and pit vipers. The location of these sensors
that snakes have little hearing capability, they are able to depends on the species. These sensors allow the snake to
hear sounds in the low-frequency range of 150 to 600 navigate and find food in darkness and to sense small
hertz (Hz). temperature variations.
The eye of the snake is different from that of mam-
mals. The iris contains striated muscle and does not Retained Spectacles
respond to common mydriatics. The pupil is round Spectacles cover the entire surface of the cornea in the
and relatively immobile in diurnal species and slitlike snake. These spectacles undergo changes during the
in nocturnal species. No consensual pupillary light shedding cycle, becoming cloudy before the shedding
reflex exists in the snake. Descemet’s membrane is and clearing after shedding is complete. Retention of
absent from the cornea. Fusion of the lids to form the spectacles is a common condition seen in pet snakes
a protective spectacle over the surface of the cornea and, in many cases, is a result of low humidity in the
allows tears to flow between the spectacle and the cornea environment (Fig. 41.1).

CHAPTER 41 Diseases of the Special Senses 367

• Do not attempt to remove the spectacles. Have the

veterinarian remove them after they have been
• Avoid handling snakes with retained spectacles
because they may be more likely to strike because
of poor visual capability.

Corneal Lesions
Corneal lesions are usually the result of attempts to
remove retained spectacles or of ocular trauma.

Clinical Signs
• Cloudy cornea

Fig. 41.1 Retained spectacle in a snake. (From Mader DR. Rep- Diagnosis
tile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders;
2006, by permission. Courtesy S. Barten.)
• Positive staining results (as in mammals)

• Antibiotic ointments (without steroids)
Clinical Signs • Third eyelid flap or cyanoacrylate adhesive for deep
• History of recent shedding ulcers
• Blue-white cap over cornea of one or both eyes
• Behavioral problems related to impaired vision; ner- Cataracts
vousness, striking when handled Both juvenile and senile cataracts have been reported in
reptiles (Fig. 41.2).
• Physical examination Clinical Signs
• White color, opaqueness of lens in papillary opening
Treatment • Behavior indicative of blindness; striking, failure to
• Removal of the retained spectacle without injuring feed, nervousness
the cornea may be done as follows:
• Place snake in a warm container lined with damp
paper, or soak the animal in warm water to
loosen the spectacle; in some cases, wet cotton
balls have been used over the spectacles to soak
• Apply ointment to soften and loosen the spectacle
• When the spectacle is loose, gently lift it from the
cornea; if it cannot be lifted easily, continue to
soak it until it comes loose, or you may damage
the cornea
• Prevent the problem by educating the owner about
maintaining proper humidity required by the species

Information for Clients

• Avoid retained spectacles by keeping the snake at its
Fig. 41.2 Dense cataract. (From Mader DR. Reptile Medicine
preferred optimal temperature zone (POTZ) and and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006, by
proper humidity. permission.)
368 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

• Physical and ophthalmology examination

• No treatment for cataracts is available
• These animals must be hand-fed and handled

Information for Clients

• Snakes with visual impairment may be more prone to
strike when handled.
• These animals must be hand-fed.

Most problems that involve the eye in the green iguana Fig. 41.3 Periorbital swelling in a green iguana after struggling
violently against vigorous restraint. (From Mader DR. Reptile
are the result of infection or trauma. Restraining a
Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006,
struggling iguana by holding the back of its head can by permission.)
result in bilateral periorbital swelling from engorge-
ment of the venous sinuses in the area (Fig. 41.3). This
swelling should disappear with time. Eyelids may be
torn in fights with cage mates or by sharp projections • Complete blood cell count (CBC) and serum chem-
in the cage. Blepharospasm may be caused by foreign istries to rule out systemic disease
material such as sand and bedding materials in the eyes. • Culture and sensitivity if bacterial cause suspected
External parasites may be found around the eyes in
some lizards. Keratitis is usually caused by a bacterial Treatment
infection, and ulceration of the cornea may occur • Depends on outcome of diagnostic procedures
because of trauma. • If foreign body is suspected:
• Flushing of the conjunctival tissue with eye wash
Ocular and Periocular Trauma solution
Clinical Signs • Antibiotic ophthalmic ointment
• Periorbital swelling after handling • If ulceration of the cornea is present:
• Tissue damage to palpebrae after trauma • Flushing to remove any foreign material
• Blepharospasm • Antibiotic ophthalmic ointment
• If trauma to palpebrae has occurred:
Diagnosis • Cleaning of the palpebrae with eye wash solution
• Physical examination and history • Surgical repair of lacerations, if possible
• Complete ophthalmic examination • Antibiotic ophthalmic ointment

1. The most common cause of retained spectacles in the 2. Care should be taken when handling snakes with
snake is: visual impairment as they may be more prone to
a. Inadequate diet strike.
b. Low environmental humidity a. True
c. Improper cage materials b. False
d. Lack of vitamin B
CHAPTER 41 Diseases of the Special Senses 369

3. The large, vascular bundle that protrudes into the b. Using a hemostat
vitreus from the reptilian retina is known as the: c. Pulling loose while using thumb forceps
a. Macula densa 5. Improper restraint of the green iguana may result in
b. Conus papillaris _________.
c. Vitreous bundle a. Bruising of the skin
d. Pectin vascularis b. Periorbital swelling
4. Retained spectacles should be removed by c. Hemorrhage in the mouth
Answers found on page 548.
a. Soaking until softened
Diseases of the Integumentary System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Explain to clients how improper environment affects
able to: the skin of the pet.
• Recognize common causes for skin disease in reptiles.

Snakes 370 Neoplasia 374
Dysecdysis (Difficult or Incomplete Shedding) 371 Iguanas 375
Abscesses 371 Failure to Shed 375
Discolorations 372 Abrasions, Abscesses, and Other Sores 376
Parasites 372 Color Changes 376
Trauma 373 Ascariasis (Ticks and Mites) 377
Prey Trauma 373 Turtles 377
Cage Trauma 373 Shell Fractures 377
Thermal Trauma 374 Myiasis 378
Hyperthyroidism 374 Thermal Burns 379

Caseous Dysecdysis Inspissated
Contusion Ecdysis Spectacles

osteoderms. Normal reptilian skin heals more slowly

SNAKES compared with mammalian skin, with lesions often tak-
As in other animals, the skin of the reptile is the largest ing up to 6 weeks to heal, and the speed of healing may
organ of the body and is important for the protection of be related to environmental temperatures. (Healing is
internal structures, to prevent drying, and to prevent faster at higher temperatures.)
invasion by bacterial, fungal, and viral organisms. Nor- Reptiles shed their skin periodically in a process
mal reptilian skin consists of two layers, the epidermis known as ecdysis. The frequency of shedding is related
and dermis. The epidermis is covered completely by ker- to the species, age, state of nutrition, reproductive status,
atin, forming scales and joints. The dorsal skin of some parasitical load, ambient temperature, and humidity. In
reptiles may be ornamental or defensive in structure (as snakes, the process normally replicates existing skin and
in horned lizards). The ventral surface skin is thin in replaces the entire epidermis, with the old skin usually
some species and thick in others. The dermis consists shed in one piece. The process takes about 2 weeks.
of connective tissue and may contain small bones called The animal may not feed and be cranky, so owners

CHAPTER 42 Diseases of the Integumentary System 371

should limit handling them during this time. During • Placing a rough object in the cage (carpet, brick,
ecdysis, the skin is much more permeable, and topical rough wood) will help the snake when shedding.
medications may be more readily absorbed. • Avoid using any topical medications during the
shedding period.
Dysecdysis (Difficult or Incomplete Shedding)
Difficulty shedding or failure to completely shed is a Abscesses
common problem in snakes kept in excessively dry envi- Abscesses are one of the more common dermatological
ronments (Fig. 42.1). Areas of old scar tissue, suture problems seen in captive reptiles (Fig. 42.2). Bite
lines, or areas heavily parasitized may also fail to shed wounds, cage trauma, prey bites, and attacks from cage
completely. mates may all result in infection with gram-negative
bacteria. Reptiles, like birds, form caseous abscesses;
Clinical Signs they contain inspissated or dry pus that must be
• Dry, flaky skin removed surgically. Culture and sensitivity are necessary
• Skin firmly attached at some points, loose at others for proper treatment.
• Retained spectacles
Clinical Signs
Diagnosis • Firm, swollen mass on the surface of the animal;
• Physical examination commonly on the head or trunk
• History of recent shedding
Treatment • Physical examination and history of trauma or
• Soak the snake in a warm-water bath until skin loosens fighting
• Gently remove the loosened skin • Complete blood cell count (CBC)
• Improve environmental humidity to prevent • Needle aspirate
recurrence • Culture and sensitivity
• Radiology or ultrasonography
Information for Clients
• Snakes preparing to shed will often appear dull in Treatment
color and be irritable. • Surgical curettage of the abscess
• Keep environmental humidity within the proper • Flushing of the capsule until healing is well
limits for the species. under way

Fig. 42.1 Dysecdysis, or abnormal shedding, has many causes. Fig. 42.2 Aural abscess in a turtle. (From Mader DR. Reptile
(From Mader DR. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006,
Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006, by permission.) by permission.)
372 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

• Topical antibiotics: silver sulfadiazine (Silvadene)

ointment or other antibiotic ointment
Information for Clients
• Avoid housing different species together.
• Feed only killed or recently killed prey; avoid feeding
live prey.
• Some animals will ram their nose against glass or wire
in an attempt to escape. This may cause a rostral

Discolorations frequently occur in animals with infec-
tions, trauma, or metabolic disease. The most common
discolorations are brownish, greenish, reddish, or yel-
lowish discolorations of the scales.
Clinical Signs
• Discoloration of scales in a previous healthy-
appearing animal
• Clinical signs of other diseases

• Physical examination and history
• CBC, serum chemistry
• Culture and sensitivity of discolored areas Fig. 42.3 A hard-shelled tick under the scale of a ball python.
(From Mader DR. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed.
Treatment St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006, by permission.)
• Depends on diagnostic workup results

Information for Clients

• If you treat the problem, the discoloration may disap-
pear with the next shedding. Diagnosis
• Observation of the parasite on the surface of
Parasites the skin
The most common dermal parasites seen in snakes are
ticks (Ixodes, Argasidae, Amblyomma) (Fig. 42.3) and Treatment
mites (Ophionyssus natricis; the snake mite). Numerous • Ticks: Manually remove all ticks
species inhabit reptiles, but the treatment is the same for • Treat the area topically with antibacterial
all infestations. ointment
•  Systemic antibiotics
Clinical Signs • Mites: SQ ivermectin 0.2 mg/kg once. Repeat in two
• Scales that are lifted from the surface (ticks) weeks if necessary.
• Small red or brown dots moving under scales or bet- • Frontline spray (any mite spray licensed for reptiles
ween scales, especially around the eyes and cloaca or birds)
(mites) • Thoroughly clean and disinfect the cage and cage fur-
• Rubbing or twisting of bodies or remaining in water niture; remove any wood where mites might hide.
for extended periods Option to spray cage. Wait until cage is dry before
• Anemia (both ticks and mites) returning the pet
CHAPTER 42 Diseases of the Integumentary System 373

Information for Clients

• Prevent infestation with parasites by housing the rep-
tile in a clean environment.
• Treat all new additions to the collection before add-
ing them to the cage.
• Examine your reptile frequently for external
• Never add caught wild snakes to your collection.

Types of trauma commonly seen in reptile patients
include cage trauma (usually to the nose and facial area),
prey trauma (from the prey attacking the snake), and
thermal trauma (caused by burns from hot rocks or
heating lamps). As a result of the snake’s environment,
almost all wounds become infected and will require
treatment. Bacteria such as Aeromonas, Corynebacteria,
Mycobacterium, Pseudomonas, and Salmonella have
been associated with both abscesses and superficial
lesions in snakes.

Prey Trauma
Trauma from prey occurs when a live animal is fed to the B
snake and ends up attacking the snake instead
Fig. 42.4 (A) Multiple rat bite wounds in a boa constrictor. (B)
(Fig. 42.4). Wounds may be superficial, but snakes Close-up of some of the wounds on the same snake. (From
may be critically injured or even killed by larger prey Mader DR. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis,
with a desire to survive. This type of trauma can be pre- MO: Saunders; 2006, by permission.)
vented by feeding killed or stunned prey and carefully
monitoring the feeding process until the end. • Serious wounds are an emergency and should be seen
by your veterinarian immediately.
Clinical Signs • Most of these lesions will heal well in time and with
• Fresh wounds anywhere on the body immediately proper treatment.
after feeding
Cage Trauma
Diagnosis Cage trauma is usually the result of the active snake
• History and physical examination attempting to escape confinement by butting against
• Culture and sensitivity if infected or hitting the cage with its nose, which results in abra-
sions that may become infected. These infections often
Treatment spread to the oral cavity if left untreated.
• Wet-to-dry bandages of all wounds
• Surgical repair, if necessary, to close the wounds Clinical Signs
• New-Skin (Prestige Brands; Irving, NY) to protect • Abrasions or abscesses in the rostral area
healing tissue • Swelling and inflammation of oral and nasal tissues
• Antibiotics (systemic), if needed
Information for Clients • Observation of traumatic behavior
• Never leave live rodents in a reptile cage overnight, or • Physical examination
preferably feed only killed or stunned prey. • Culture and sensitivity if infected
374 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

• Clean the wounds
• Apply Silvadene cream or other antibiotic agents
• Prevent further trauma by:
• Keeping the pet in a larger enclosure with smooth,
high sides
• Avoiding the use of wire cages
• Do not tap on the glass of the cage

Information for Clients

• Keep your pet in the largest enclosure possible.
• Discourage others from tapping on the glass.
• The sides of the enclosure should be smooth. A
• Give the snake lots of places to hide.

Thermal Trauma
Thermal trauma is usually the result of improper use of
hot rocks or heat lamps and is frequently seen in captive
snakes and lizards (Fig. 42.5). Large areas of necrotizing
dermatitis are found on the ventral surface where the
animal has contacted the heat source. These wounds
typically become infected with multiple gram-negative

Clinical Signs B
• Large areas of erythema and necrotizing dermatitis
Fig. 42.5 (A) A thermal burn in a ball python after 4 weeks of
on the ventral surface healing and just before shedding. (B) The same ball python
15 minutes later after shedding was completed. (From Mader
Diagnosis DR. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saun-
• History and physical examination ders; 2006, by permission.)
• Culture and sensitivity if infected
Clinical Signs
Treatment • Excessive number of ecdysis cycles (up to one every
• Removal of animal from the heat source 2 weeks)
• Silvadene cream application to lesions twice daily
• Systemic antibiotics, depending on culture and Diagnosis
sensitivity • Clinical signs
• Thyroid tests are often ambiguous
Information for Clients
• Hot rocks are not recommended as a cage heat Treatment
source. A safer method of heating the enclosure • Tapazole daily may reduce the frequency of shedding
would be a floor warmer or a heat lamp placed out-
side the cage. Neoplasia
Neoplasms of all body systems have been reported in
Hyperthyroidism Squamata (snakes). Tumors most often associated with
Hyperthyroidism has been associated with frequent the integumentary system include fibrosarcomas, mela-
ecdysis cycles in snakes, especially corn snakes. nomas, squamous cell carcinomas, sarcomas, and
CHAPTER 42 Diseases of the Integumentary System 375

histiocytomas. It is important for the veterinarian to dif-

ferentiate a tumor from other masses found in the epi-
dermis (most commonly abscesses and granulomas or
parasitical swellings).

Clinical Signs
• Lump or mass palpated or observed on the surface of
the animal

• Physical examination and history
• Fine-needle aspiration or biopsy
• Impression smears
Fig. 42.6 Sex differences in femoral pores. (From Mader DR.
Treatment Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders;
2006, by permission.)
• Surgical excision
• Cryosurgery
• Photodynamic therapy (has been used in some cases)

Information for Clients

• Report any lump or bump on your snake to your
• A diagnosis can be made only with histopathologic
• Surgical excision is the common treatment for
tumors of the integumentary system.
• The rate of metastasis of these tumors is unknown.
Further treatment may be required at a later date.

Fig. 42.7 An example of dysecdysis in a reptile patient. (From
Lizards have a fairly thick skin covered by scales. They Mader DR. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis,
shed their skin periodically just like snakes, except they MO: Saunders; 2006, by permission. Courtesy D. Mader.)
usually shed the skin in pieces. Rapidly growing lizards
may shed as often as every few weeks. Iguanas have fem-
oral pores on the ventral aspect of the thigh; male lizards environmental humidity levels that are too low
have large pores, whereas female lizards have smaller (<60%–70%). Iguanas entering a shedding period will
ones (Fig. 42.6). Dewlaps and spines are also present in usually become dull in color.
the iguana. These secondary sex characteristics are useful
for attracting mates and for appearing ferocious when Clinical Signs
attacked. Iguanas have large, sharp claws that must be • Retained pieces of skin on the iguana
trimmed frequently to prevent injury to humans. Iguanas •  Necrosis of the digits or tail where bands of dried
have tail autotomy (they can shed the tail when needed.) tissue remain
Never grasp an iguana by the tail while restraining it.
Failure to Shed • Physical examination and history of recent
Dysecdysis, or difficulty shedding, may occur in iguanas shedding
(Fig. 42.7). Most shedding problems may be related to • History of poor environment or dietary conditions
376 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

Treatment hot rocks may also be a problem in iguanas. These ther-

• Soak the iguana in warm water to facilitate the mal burns may also become infected, leading to systemic
removal of skin tags disease.
• Mist the iguana daily to prevent dehydration
• Lubricants such as K-Y jelly or mineral oil may be Clinical Signs
used to aid in shedding • Presence of a penetrating or superficial wound
•  Swollen or painful on palpation
Information for Clients •  Local joint involvement
• Decrease the incidence of dysecdysis by maintaining • Presence of a bite wound
proper humidity levels in the iguana’s environment.
• Daily misting will help maintain skin hydration. Diagnosis
• Provide a bathing pool for soaking in the cage. • Physical examination and history
• Do not attempt to remove retained skin before soak- • Palpation and exploration of the wound
ing and loosening; you may tear the underlying • Culture and sensitivity if infected
• Failure to remove dead skin may result in constric- Treatment
tion of digits and limbs, followed by tissue death • Clean the wound: chlorhexidine or dilute povidone-
and dry gangrene. iodine (Betadine) solution
• Surgical curettage and repair, if necessary
Abrasions, Abscesses, and Other Sores • Systemic antibiotics based on culture and sensitivity
Abrasions and sores are frequently seen on the rostral • Correction of caging problems
portion of the head and on the plantar area of the feet
in lizards kept in wire cages (Fig. 42.8). Abscesses result- Information for Clients
ing from open wounds may develop as a consequence of • Animals housed exclusively on rough wire cage
a contaminated environment and the normal bacterial floorings are prone to develop sores on their feet,
flora of the reptile. Reptilian abscesses are caseous in and these sores can easily become infected.
nature as in the bird and must be curetted surgically • Bacterial infections are common as a result of reptile
before treatment. Thermal burns from heat lamps and wounds. Have all wounds treated promptly to avoid
• Keep heat lamps out of the reptile’s reach in the cage.
Avoid using hot rocks.

Color Changes
Color changes are seen frequently in iguanas (see
Fig. 37.2). Some changes are normal and may be associ-
ated with breeding season. Male iguanas become more
brightly colored during breeding season, with some tak-
ing on a bright orange color. This coloration may last for
a few months. Female iguanas may develop an orange
color also, but it is not usually as pronounced as that
in male iguanas. Stress may also produce a color change.
Iguanas may become almost white, bright yellow, green,
or very dark in color, depending on the stress level and
the individual animal. When exposed to sunlight, their
color may darken and dark spots may appear on their
Fig. 42.8 Caseous abscess in the green iguana. (From Mader
backs. When they feel too hot, they lighten their color
DR. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saun- (less heat absorption). Some color changes, however,
ders; 2006, by permission.) are related to diseases.
CHAPTER 42 Diseases of the Integumentary System 377

Infectious black spots on the skin are related to fungal Treatment

diseases in the iguana. These spots will be of a different • Ivermectin (do not use in turtles)
texture than that of normal scales and are dry and crusty. • Manual removal of ticks
Dry gangrene may also produce black areas on the skin. • Topical products to eradicate fleas or ticks, and mites
A correct diagnosis is necessary before beginning (pyrethroids are best) applied to a towel and wiped
treatment. onto the iguana; powders may be dusted on the ani-
mal and then wiped or washed off
Clinical Signs • Olive oil or mineral oil: cover the animal’s body
• Color of the skin changes lightly to suffocate mites
•  Other signs of systemic disease (animal color usu- • Submerge the animal in water—and repeat until
ally brownish) mite-free
• Treatment of the environment to prevent
Diagnosis reinfestation:
• Complete history (including breeding history) • Discard any substrate materials and cage accesso-
• Physical examination ries that are replaceable. Scrub the habitat and
• CBC and serum chemistries other accessories with a solution of ½ cup bleach
• Fecal examination to 1 gallon of water. Soak bowls and perches in this
• Scraping and fungal culture solution for 8 hours. Bake wooden toys and plat-
•  Skin biopsy forms at 200°F for 2 to 3 hours to kill any mites or
eggs. Treat the enclosure with a pyrethroid pesti-
Treatment cide spray; then wait for 15 to 20 minutes before
• No treatment necessary if color change is normal wiping it out. Air out the cage well before placing
• Positive fungal culture: antifungal creams applied to the animal back into the area
• Systemic illness: treatment for specific problem Information for Clients
• Dry gangrene may require surgical amputation • Never use pesticides on your iguana without the
approval of your veterinarian. Avoid over-the-
Information for Clients counter products used for dogs and cats.
• Know your iguana! Note color changes in your ani- • You must treat both the animal and the cage at the
mal under varying conditions. same time to avoid reinfestation.
• Any acute color changes that do not appear to be nor- • New additions to your collection should be treated
mal for your pet should be reported to your veterinar- for mites and ticks before placing the new animals
ian. It may be a sign of illness. with other members of your collection.
• When treating lizards with topical preparations, avoid
Ascariasis (Ticks and Mites) the eyes because iguanas have no protective eye cap.
External parasites seen in iguanas include ticks and
mites. This is usually a problem when animals are kept
in unsanitary conditions.
Beak lesions, shell fractures, and skin problems are com-
Clinical Signs mon in turtles. Many of these problems may be related
• Excessive scratching to improper housing and diet, and some to trauma
• Shedding problems caused by predators.
• Abnormal-looking scales
• Visible parasites walking on the surface of the animal Shell Fractures
Shell fractures are common in turtles, usually as a result
Diagnosis of trauma. Predators such as dogs and coyotes cause
• Visual observation of parasites on skin many of these injuries, as do automobiles (Fig. 42.9),
• Clinical signs lawnmowers, and other moving vehicles. Shells have a
378 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

• Flush fresh wounds with large amounts of sterile
saline for fresh wounds
• Administer topical and parenteral antibiotics if
wounds are more than a few hours old
• Apply honey or sugar bandages or wet-to-dry ban-
dages daily until a healthy granulation bed forms
• Primary shell repair may be attempted using acrylics
such as Superglue or dental acrylics used for hoof repair
(use carefully because they generate heat when curing)
• Metal bridges may be formed using wire and ortho-
pedic screws or strips of metal adhered using
Fig. 42.9 A Blanding’s turtle with a fracture of the carapace as a epoxy glue
result of being struck by an automobile. (From Mader DR. Reptile • Cable-tie method of shell repair uses nylon cable ties
Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006, to secure the shell fragments
by permission.)
Healing of the turtle shell may take up to several years.
These wounds will need to be managed properly until
complete healing is accomplished.

Information for Clients

• Avoid injury to turtles by keeping them in a protec-
tive environment.
• Teach children how to handle turtles. Remind any-
one who wishes to handle your turtles that turtles
often urinate when handled. If warned, they will be
less likely to drop the turtle when surprised!
Fig. 42.10 A wild-caught three-toed box turtle with a healed frac-
ture of the carapace. (From Mader DR. Reptile Medicine and Sur-
gery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006, by permission.) Turtles are commonly presented for “fly strike.” Sarco-
phaga flies are commonly implicated in the infestation.
remarkable ability to heal, and scars of old injuries are
visible in many wild turtles (Fig. 42.10). Whenever the Clinical Signs
shell is damaged, additional damage to the underlying • Crusty black discharge at the shell-skin margins
soft tissues should be investigated. • Swollen lesion with a visible air hole

Clinical Signs Diagnosis

• Damage to the shell seen on examination • Complete physical examination
•  Signs of systemic trauma, pulmonary contusions, • Presence of cystic lesions containing air holes
or both
Diagnosis • Carefully remove maggots from the cysts under gen-
• History of trauma eral anesthesia
• Complete physical examination • Flush wounds until clean
• Radiography • Administer topical and systemic antibiotics, as
• Neurological examination if area involves spinal area necessary
CHAPTER 42 Diseases of the Integumentary System 379

Information for Clients Diagnosis

• Fly control helps prevent myiasis. • Visual confirmation of a burn lesion
• Maggots must be removed whole to avoid • History of exposure to an external heat source
• Cold-water compresses for first-degree burns
Thermal Burns • Topical burn dressing applied after a gentle cleansing
Turtles are heliotherms and love to bask in the warm
(silver sulfadiazine)
sunlight. However, many owners do not allow their tur- • Therapy for shock in severe burn cases
tles outdoors and, instead, seek to provide warmth with • Intravenous (IV) fluids
the use of hot rocks or heating lamps. These devices may • IV antibiotics
reach temperatures that can burn the flesh of any animal • Daily cleansing and debridement of unhealthy tissues
resting on them.
Information for Clients
Clinical Signs • Treatment for second-degree and third-degree burns
• Depends on the duration of exposure and the tem- may be prolonged and expensive.
perature of the heat source • Avoid thermal burns by not using hot rocks in
• Burn lesions varying from first degree to third the cage.
degree • Reptiles have great ability to heal. The prognosis for
• Edema of the tissue, blistering, oozing from lesions less severe burns is favorable.

1. The term dysecdysis means: 5. The most common cause of shell damage in turtles is:
a. A type of dystocia a. Fungal disease
b. A difficult shed b. Bacterial infection
c. Inflammation of the hemipenis c. Predator trauma
d. A lack of tear duct formation d. Poor husbandry
2. The most effective treatment for dysecdysis in the 6. Turtles often ________when handled.
snake is to: a. Defecate
a. Use oil to loosen the skin b. Bite
b. Increase the humidity by soaking c. Urinate
c. Rub the snake with a terry towel 7. Hot rocks are useful for maintaining the environ-
d. Wait until the next shedding mental temperature in snake cages.
3. Dry, scaly black spots on the skin of the iguana may a. True
be caused by: b. False
a. Bacteria
Answers found on page 549.
b. Viruses
c. Fungi
d. Parasites
4. When sexing iguanas, one can see that the males have
________femoral pores compared with females.
a. Larger
b. Smaller
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss with clients how to correct the diet and
able to: environment of reptiles affected by MBD.
• Recognize metabolic bone disease (MBD) and its

Snakes 380 Tail Autotomy 382
Metabolic Bone Disease (Nutritional Secondary Fractures of the Extremities 383
Hyperparathyroidism) 380 Turtles 383
Neoplasia 381 Metabolic Bone Disease (Nutritional Secondary
Iguanas 381 Hyperparathyroidism) 383
Metabolic Bone Disease 381 Supportive Care 383

Coaptation Metabolic Pliable
Malocclusion Metastasis

Clinical Signs
SNAKES • Deformities of bony structures (e.g., head, spine, ribs)
Metabolic Bone Disease (Nutritional • “Rubber jaw”: softening of bones of the mandible and
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism) maxilla
The most common disease of the musculoskeletal sys-
tem of snakes is metabolic bone disease (MBD), which
• Dietary history and physical examination
is the result of poor diet and husbandry practices. This
• Radiography: lack of bone density, stress fractures
disease is the result of a dietary deficiency of calcium,
• Ca/P serum levels
vitamin D, or both; a negative calcium to phosphorus
(Ca/P) ratio; or lack of exposure to ultraviolet light.
MBD is usually a disease of young, rapidly growing rep-
• Improved diet
tiles. Lack of circulating calcium stimulates resorption of
• Calcium supplementation; calcium glubionate orally
bone to correct the imbalance, and, over time, bones
become soft and easily fractured. Diets that lack or by injection
• Parenteral vitamin D
calcium-containing bone are a common cause of
• Calcitonin when patient is normocalcemic (calcium
MBD (all-meat diets, dog-food diets); for this reason,
the disease is rare in mice-eating snakes. levels between 8 and 11 mg/dL)

CHAPTER 43 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 381

• Cage rest and careful handling to prevent further phosphorus levels), iguanas are quite susceptible
fractures to MBD.
• Tube feeding, if necessary
Clinical Signs
Information for Clients • Lack of ability to lift the trunk off the ground when
• Because the carnivorous diet of the snake usually pro- attempting to walk (Fig. 43.1)
vides the proper level of calcium and phosphorus, • Swelling around the long bones of the legs
snakes rarely acquire MBD. (“Popeye” legs)
• The prognosis for MBD depends on the owner’s abil- • Pliable mandible or maxilla
ity to treat the reptile on a long-term basis. • Lameness or reluctance to move
• Weight loss
Neoplasia •  Paralysis
Osteosarcomas of the mandible and spinal area have
been reported in snakes. As with tumors of the integu- Diagnosis
mentary system, the veterinarian must rule out other • Complete blood cell count (CBC), serum chemistries
causes of lumps and bumps before treatment. • Calcium levels less than 8.5 mg/dL
• Increased phosphorus levels
Clinical Signs • Ca/P ratio reversed from normal
• Firm swelling over a bony surface
•  Loss of condition

• Other causes of lumps and bumps (abscesses, granu-
lomas) ruled out
• Radiology
• Biopsy

• Surgical excision
•  Radiation therapy

Information for Clients A

• The prognosis for this type of tumor is poor. Metas-
tasis may occur.

Metabolic Bone Disease
MBD is primarily a disease of long-term deficiency of
calcium, vitamin D, or both; a lack of exposure to sun-
light, and an improper Ca/P ratio. The disease is com-
monly seen in young, fast-growing reptiles. Over time,
a diet low in calcium or a lack of vitamin D and sunlight
will cause increased bone resorption and a weakening of B
all the bones within the body. Affected animals experi-
Fig. 43.1 Evidence of metabolic bone disease in the iguana
ence development of pathological fractures, and healing in the top image (A), compared with a healthy iguana in the
bone is replaced by fibrous tissue. As a result of their her- bottom image (B). (From Mader DR. Reptile Medicine and
bivorous dietary requirements (low calcium and high Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006, by permission.)
382 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

• History fracture plane through the body and part of the neural
• Lack of exposure to sunlight arch of each vertebra in the caudal portion of the tail,
• Lack of calcium supplementation in an all- allowing the tail to come loose when needed. As the
herbivorous diet iguana ages, these planes tend to ossify, resulting in a
• Insufficient vitamin D3 supplementation more stable tail. Tails that come loose may be replaced
• Physical examination in young iguanas, but the resulting tails are usually smal-
• Radiography ler and of a different color from that of the original tail.
• Transverse fractures of long bones may be present
• Decreased bone density Clinical Signs
• Tail breaking off as a result of trauma (Fig. 43.2)
• Correct all dietary and environmental deficiencies Diagnosis
• Correct all medical problems: fractures, dehydration, • Fractured tail separated from the animal
among others
• Tube-feed, if the animal is not eating (Emeraid II; Treatment
Lafeber, Cornell, IL) • Stop the bleeding; use styptic powder
• Administer oral calcium • Disinfect the stump, and apply antibiotic ointment
• Administer vitamin D3 injection (at least two doses) • Suturing of the stump will usually delay or prevent
• Give calcitonin injections as calcium levels return to regeneration
normal • If the lesion occurs in the proximal tail or the tissue is
severely damaged, amputation may be necessary
• Exposure to sunlight is extremely important for green Information for Clients
iguanas • Never grab your iguana by the tail for restraint
• Supplement low-calcium diets with calcium • If your iguana’s tail is injured, have it examined by
• Make sure vitamin supplements contain vitamin D3 your veterinarian. Tail infections may become a seri-
ous problem.
Handle iguanas with MBD with care because their bones TECH ALERT
are easily fractured and spinal injuries may occur. Never grab an iguana’s tail for restraint.

Information for Clients

• All iguanas need sunlight. Glass filters out necessary
wavelengths, so the iguana needs either full-spectrum
lighting or exposure to outside sunlight.
• Make sure that the vitamin supplement you are giv-
ing contains the proper balance for your reptile. Ask
your veterinarian to review the product with you.
• Do not allow affected animals to climb or be handled
until the imbalances can be corrected.
• Make sure to provide foods that contain a Ca/P ratio
of about 1:1 to 2:1.

Tail Autotomy
Many lizards, including the green iguana, are capable of Fig. 43.2 Iguanas have the ability to regenerate their tails after
losing their tails. This provides a means of escape when traumatic amputation. (From Mader DR. Reptile Medicine and
grabbed by a predator. The iguana’s tail has a vertical Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006, by permission.)
CHAPTER 43 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 383

Fractures of the Extremities

Fractures, other than those related to MBD, do occur in
iguanas, usually as a result of trauma. Healing in reptiles Diseases of the musculoskeletal system in turtles usually
is slow, and healing of fractures may require up to involve trauma or nutritional problems. The most fre-
2 years. Internal or external coaptation may be used. quently seen disease is MBD, or nutritional secondary
External coaptation methods frequently used include hyperparathyroidism.
splints, slings, Kirschner apparatus, and bandages. Inter-
nal coaptation using intramuscular (IM) pins may be
Metabolic Bone Disease (Nutritional
required in severe long-bone fractures.
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism)
Clinical Signs MBD, or “rubber jaw,” is a result of a diet deficient in
• Lameness or disuse of limb calcium or vitamin D, a Ca/P imbalanced diet, or inad-
• Swelling equate exposure to ultraviolet light (sunlight). The dis-
• Pain on palpation ease is seen in all reptiles and amphibians but is most
• Signs of trauma (bruising, torn skin, hemorrhage) common in aquatic turtles and lizards.

Diagnosis Clinical Signs

• History of trauma, physical examination • Neuromuscular twitching
• Radiography • Soft bones, soft shells, deformed shells
• CBC and serum chemistries to rule out MBD • Thickening or swelling of long bones, pathological
Treatment • Weakness
• Stabilization of the fracture site (method will depend •  Cloacal prolapse
on the size of the animal and the location of the
fracture): Diagnosis
• Ball bandage for fracture of the digits • Complete physical examination and environmental
• Spica splint for fractures of the femur or humerus history
• Tubular splint for distal femoral or humeral • CBC, serum chemistries: low calcium levels
fractures • Radiography indicates decreased bone density,
• Body splint (taping the leg to the body as a fractures
• IM pins (Kirschner wires [K-wires] or needles Treatment
may be used as IM pins) • Correct the underlying dietary and husbandry
• K-wires or needles with dental acrylic may be used problems
to construct a Kirschner apparatus • Use calcium orally and vitamin D to correct
• Bone plates used in large lizards deficits
• Splints and casts may need to be changed frequently • Calcitonin can be used if blood calcium levels are
in young, growing animals corrected first
• Systemic antibiotics if infection is suspected Supportive care
• Treatment for any dehydration
Information for Clients • Calorie supplementation
• Care must be taken that the external device does • Prevention of further fractures
not become entangled in cage furniture or basking
limbs. Information for Clients
• Splints and casts should be kept dry and clean. • Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism can be
• Splints and casts may need to be replaced frequently avoided by feeding diets with a proper Ca/P balance
during the healing process. and ensuring turtles receive adequate exposure to
• It may take up to 2 years for proper healing to occur. sunlight.
384 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

• The prognosis for this disease depends on the severity • If malocclusion of the beak occurs, constant trim-
of the lesions. Many turtles will heal and do well, but ming may be necessary.
younger, more severely affected animals may never • Female animals with this disease may have trouble
recover completely. passing eggs because of spinal deformities.

1. Metabolic bone disease (MBD) is a frequent problem c. Tail
in green iguanas. It is related to imbalances of: d. Dorsal spines
a. Vitamin D and potassium 4. Reptiles with metabolic bone disease may present
b. Calcium and sodium with:
c. Phosphorus and potassium a. Multiple limb fractures
d. Calcium and phosphorus b. Inability to eat
2. Another name for metabolic bone disease is: c. “Popeye-shaped” limbs
a. Hyperthyroidism d. All of the above
b. Hyperadrenalcortism 5. To prevent metabolic bone disease, owners must:
c. Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism a. Feed a properly balanced diet
d. Calcemic tetany b. Give antibiotics in the food
3. The ________ should never be used as the sole c. Increase exercise
means for restraint of the iguana. d. Change the cage substrate
a. Caudal body
b. Dewlap Answers found on page 549.
Diseases of the Nervous System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Recognize neurological disease in reptiles.
able to: • Relate possible causes to clinical signs.

Snakes 385 Turtles 387
Nervous System Trauma 385 Thiamine Deficiency (Nutritional) 387
Supportive Care 386 Toxic Chemicals and Drugs 387
Spinal Osteopathy 386 Chlorhexidine 387
Toxic Neuropathies 386 Ivermectin 387
Inclusion Body Disease of Heavy Metal Toxicity 387
Boids 386 Middle Ear Infections 387

Boid Eustachian Panniculus
Enophthalmos Flaccid

Nervous System Trauma

Head trauma or spinal cord trauma may result in neu-
The anatomy of the nervous system in the snake and rological dysfunction in the snake.
other reptiles is similar to that in mammals, with some
differences. The reptile is the first vertebrate to have Clinical Signs
developed a cerebral cortex with two hemispheres, • Related to the site of trauma
the spinal cord extends to the tip of the tail, and there • Head: seizures
is no cauda equina. The locomotor centers within • Spine: lack of panniculus reaction caudal to lesion,
the spinal cord give it functional autonomy from the paralysis or paresis
brain. It is often difficult to assess the neurological
function of the snake; however, a history of movement Diagnosis
difficulties (lack of ability to strike prey, head tilt, • Neurological examination, physical
tremors) should alert one to the possibility of neurolog- examination
ical disease. • Radiography

386 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

Treatment Clinical Signs

Supportive care • Nonspecific (depends on the toxin):
• Corticosteroids to decrease inflammation • Head tilt
• Spinal support if the spinal column is • Seizures
fractured • Paralysis
• Vestibular signs
Spinal Osteopathy
The exact cause of spinal osteopathy is unknown; how- Diagnosis
ever, it is believed to be related to exposure to a virus that • History of exposure
affects mice fed as prey or to a virus of snakes spread by • Lead: blood lead levels
mice. Some think it may be caused by a slowly develop-
ing neoplasm or by septicemia. Many suppositions can Treatment
be found in the literature. • Supportive: fluids, force-feeding, if necessary
• Removal of animal from source of toxin
Clinical Signs
• Multifocal swellings along the dorsum of the spine Information for Clients
that are painful on palpation • Use caution when exposing reptiles to any topical
• Progressive remodeling of the vertebra with ankylosis insecticides or oral antiparasitic agents.
of the spine • Have your pet examined immediately if any signs of
• Finally, inability of the snake to move, constrict, or toxicity develop after use of any insecticide.
• Injury to the spinal cord
Inclusion Body Disease of Boids
Diagnosis Inclusion body disease of boids is caused by a retrovirus
• Physical examination and history and affects both boas and pythons. Because boas may be
• Radiography carriers of the disease, it is recommended that they not
•  Blood cultures to rule out septicemia be housed with pythons.

Treatment Clinical Signs

• If cultures are positive, long-term antibiotic treat- • Multisystemic disease, including gastrointestinal,
ment and surgical debridement of lytic bone respiratory, and neurological signs
• Acute death preceded by flaccid paralysis
Information for Clients • Chronic regurgitation
• The prognosis for the patient with spinal osteopathy is • Inability to strike prey, constrict, or apprehend food
guarded, especially if spinal cord damage has occurred. •  Pneumonia
• Loss of righting reflex and motor coordination
Toxic Neuropathies • Disorientation  blindness
The following substances have been shown to produce
neurotoxicity in reptiles: Diagnosis
• Insecticides
• Histology or electron microscopy of tissue (necropsy)
• Metronidazole
• Aminoglycosides
• Lead Treatment
• Nicotine • No treatment for inclusion body disease is available
• Wood shavings with a high resin content (cedar
shavings) Information for Clients
Reptiles, including snakes, are highly sensitive to • Avoid housing pythons and boas together.
many insecticides used to treat parasites. Care should • This disease is almost always fatal in pythons,
be taken when exposing snakes and other species to whereas boas may exhibit a mild form of the disease
these chemicals. and become carriers.
CHAPTER 44 Diseases of the Nervous System 387

Clinical Signs
TURTLES • Neuromuscular weakness
Neurological disorders are not frequently seen in captive •  Death from paralysis of the respiratory muscles
turtles. When these disorders do appear, trauma, toxic-
ity, or nutritional causes should be suspected. Hypothia- Diagnosis
minosis has been reported in chelonians fed vegetables • History of exposure
high in phytothiaminases. Hypocalcemia and hypogly-
cemia may also be the cause of neurological symptoms Treatment
in turtles.
• Supportive Care
Thiamine Deficiency (Nutritional) • Ventilatory support for several days
• Maintenance of hydration and caloric needs
Clinical Signs
• Enophthalmos (thiamine deficiency in turtles)
• Muscle twitching TECH ALERT
•  Blindness, incoordination Avoid the use of ivermectin in all chelonians.
• Difficulty eating

Diagnosis Heavy Metal Toxicity

• Complete physical examination and dietary history Turtles may ingest lead-based paint chips or lead-
containing foreign bodies, which results in lead
Treatment toxicity.
• Correction of diet
• Subcutaneous supplementation with thiamine (B1) Clinical Signs
• Generalized central nervous system dysfunction
Toxic Chemicals and Drugs
Chelonians are extremely sensitive to chlorhexidine Diagnosis
solutions (stock 2% solutions). • History of ingestion of lead-containing substances
• Radiology
Clinical Signs • Increased lead levels
• Acute flaccid paralysis
• Diminished withdrawal reflexes Treatment
• Possible loss of righting reflex • Gastric lavage or enemas to remove lead-containing
Diagnosis • Treatment with calcium ethylenediamine tetraacetic
• History of exposure acid (EDTA) intramuscularly twice daily

• No treatment is available Middle Ear Infections
Aural abscesses or abscessation of the middle ear is a
TECH ALERT common problem in chelonians, especially box turtles.
Always dilute chlorhexidine solution before using on The occurrence of abscesses is commonly linked to poor
turtles. husbandry practices.

Clinical Signs
Ivermectin • Unilateral or bilateral swelling of the tympanum
Ivermectin is extremely toxic to all chelonians and (Fig. 44.1)
should never be used in this species. • Discomfort when opening the mouth
388 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

• Complete physical examination and history
• Digital pressure on the tympanum resulting in
expression of caseous material within the tympanic
• Culture and sensitivity of material from the abscess

• Surgically debride the tympanic cavity under general
anesthesia using a small ear loop or curette
• Flush the eustachian tube with sterile saline
• Pack the wound daily with topical antibiotic oint-
ment, and allow to heal by second intention
• Correct any underlying hypovitaminosis A problems

Information for Clients

Fig. 44.1 Aural abscesses may be unilateral or bilateral, as seen
in this young red-eared slider. (From Mader DR. Reptile Medicine • Avoid aural abscesses with effective sanitation,
and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006, by permis- proper diet, and good husbandry.
sion. Courtesy D. Mader.) • Recurrence does occur with failure to correct the
underlying causes.

1. Lack of this reflex is often useful in localizing the site c. Chlorhexidine
of a spinal cord injury. d. Roccal-D
a. Scratch reflex 5. Never use this antiparasitic agent in turtles.
b. Panniculus reflex a. Strongid T
c. Withdrawal reflex b. Pyrethrins
d. Righting reflex c. Ivermectin
2. Aural abscesses in turtles often present with this sign. d. Permethrins
a. Circling and head pressing 6. Lack of this substance may result in neurological
b. Anorexia and regurgitation signs in the turtle.
c. Swelling on the side of the head a. Thiamine
d. Inability to swim or float b. Alanine
3. This species of snake often is a carrier of a retrovirus c. Taurine
that may be fatal to other snakes. 7. A swelling on the side of the turtle’s head will usually
a. Boa be related to ________.
b. Python a. Bite wounds
c. Corn snake b. Aural abscesses
d. Anaconda c. Parasites
4. Avoid the use of this disinfectant with chelonians.
Answers found on page 549.
a. Betadine
b. Hydrogen peroxide
Diseases of the Reproductive System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Demonstrate a basic knowledge of husbandry
able to: practices that affect reproduction in reptiles.
• Recognize problems of the reproductive system that
are clinically significant in reptiles.

Snakes 389 Prolapse of the Oviduct, Cloaca, and
Dystocia 390 Hemipenis 391
Prolapse of the Oviduct and Cloaca (Colon) 390 Turtles 392
Iguanas 391 Egg Binding 392
Dystocia 391 Penile Prolapse 393

Ovariohysterectomy Ovariosalpingectomy

forced to grow rapidly may reach sexual maturity faster

SNAKES compared with snakes that are fed poor diets and have
Diseases of the reproductive system in the snake include slower growth rates. When raised under optimal condi-
dystocias, prolapsed of the oviduct and cloaca, and pro- tions, many snakes will mature between 2 and 3 years
lapse of the penis. Some species of snakes such as of age.
pythons, king snakes, milk snakes, rat snakes, and corn The majority of reptiles have a distinct breeding sea-
snakes are oviparous (lay eggs), and others, including son, usually triggered by environmental stimuli such as
boas, vipers, and garter snakes, are viviparous (live bear- light, temperature, rainfall, and the amount of food pre-
ing). The testes of the male snake are found internally in sent. Many will begin breeding in the spring as temper-
the dorsomedial portion of the coelomic cavity. atures warm; however, tropical snakes (boas and
Snakes do not have an epididymis. The hemipenes pythons) tend to breed during the cooler periods of
are located in pouches lateral on each side of the cloaca. the year. The female must be in good health with energy
The location of the ovaries is similar to that of the testes. reserves to breed; if not, breeding may not occur. A great
The oviducts have both an albumin-secreting function deal of maternal energy is used for egg production or live
and a shell-secreting function, and a true uterus does births. Snakes that bear live young usually produce one
not exist. The oviducts empty into the cloaca. clutch per year, whereas egg-laying snakes may produce
The onset of sexual maturity in snakes is affected by a clutch several times. Female snakes may suspend feed-
size, care, and diet more so than age. Snakes fed well and ing while giving birth and lose weight. Snakes provide no

390 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

maternal care for their offspring except in choosing the • Dystocia, although not a true emergency, should be
site in which to deposit them. Neonates usually need no corrected as soon as it is recognized.
assistance in hatching and are ready to live on their own • Snakes with retained eggs may repeat the dystocia on
immediately after birth. future breeding.
Methods used for sexing a snake include probing the • Components of a good breeding program include
pouches that contain the hemipenes (the deeper pouches two snakes of opposite sexes, adult snakes in good
are found in the male), by everting the hemipenes, or by health, optimal environmental conditions, and a
observing the spurs found just lateral to the vent (larger good diet. Absence of one or more of these compo-
in male snakes). Ultrosonography or endoscopy is used nents may affect the snake’s ability to reproduce.
to determine the presence of ovaries in the female snake.
Prolapse of the Oviduct and Cloaca (Colon)
Dystocia Prolapse occurs with prolonged straining to pass eggs or
Dystocia is the most common reproductive system fetuses, but it may also be caused by excessive straining
problem seen in captive snakes. Dystocias may be divided for any reason (Fig. 45.1). With a shell gland or oviduct pro-
into two groups: (1) obstructive and (2) nonobstructive. lapse, the shell gland or oviduct will have a lumen, but no
Obstructive dystocias result from an inability to pass feces will be present (as opposed to a prolapse of the colon
one or more eggs or fetuses through the oviduct and the with feces), and longitudinal striations appear on the sur-
cloaca. This may result from extra-large or malpositioned face of the shell duct that are not present on the colon.
eggs or fetuses, maternal abnormalities, or other masses
obstructing the path. Nonobstructive causes may result Clinical Signs
from poor physical condition of the female snake, poor • Mass of reddish, moist, or dry tissue protruding from
husbandry, improper nesting site, malnutrition, improper the vent
temperatures, and other environmental conditions. • Straining
• Lack of fecal or urinary elimination
Clinical Signs
• Visual presence of a mass in the cloaca or caudal Diagnosis
abdomen • Physical examination and history of egg laying or
•  Prolonged straining or prolapse of the cloaca straining
• Often no clinical signs are obvious
Diagnosis • The prolapsed tissue should be cleaned gently
• Physical examination and history • Lubrication and manual reduction should be done; a
• Ultrosonography or radiography purse-string suture of the vent may be required to

• Physical manipulation to remove the retained egg
or fetus
• Hormonal stimulation; use of oxytocin or arginine
• Percutaneous ovocentesis—aspirate the contents of
the egg through the ventrum of the snake to decrease
the size of the egg
• Surgery to remove retained eggs or fetuses
• Supportive treatment with fluids and warmth

Information for Clients

Fig. 45.1 Prolapse of the hemipenis in a California king snake.
• Snakes must be kept at optimal conditions to facili- (From Mader DR. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St.
tate reproduction. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006, by permission.)
CHAPTER 45 Diseases of the Reproductive System 391

temporarily maintain the reduction until swelling

• If manual reduction is not possible, surgical amputa-
tion of necrotic material and repair of the oviduct
should be performed; ovariohysterectomy may be
required to prevent further occurrences

Information for Clients

• Prolapses should be reduced as soon as possible to
prevent further damage to the tissues involved.
• If the animal is not used for breeding, ovariohyster-
ectomy should be considered.

IGUANAS Fig. 45.2 Exteriorized gravid uterus in a green iguana. (From

Mader DR. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis,
Iguanas are oviparous; they lay eggs. Dystocias are MO: Saunders; 2006, by permission.)
common in iguanas and are often the result of inade-
quate nesting sites. Eggs require anywhere from 90 to
130 days of incubation time before hatching, and the
young are hatched totally independent of the parents. Treatment
Male iguanas typically have large femoral pores, two • Manual removal of the eggs if retained in the cloaca
hemipenes, and a larger dew lap compared with that • Hormone therapy: oxytocin, arginine vasotocin
of female iguanas. Female iguanas tend to be smaller • Surgical removal:
and have small femoral pores (see Fig. 42.6). Both • Removal of up to 30 eggs has been reported in
ovaries of the female iguana are active. Large lizards green iguanas
usually mature between 3 and 4 years of age, but repro- • Ovariosalpingectomy recommended if the animal
duction is a costly process for the female iguana; if the is not to be used for breeding at a later date
female is not in good physical condition before breed-
ing, it can be detrimental to her overall health. In gen- Information for Clients
eral, animals in poor physical condition will not breed • Female iguanas lay eggs without the presence of a
or reproduce. male iguana.
• You should contact your veterinarian immediately
Dystocia if signs of depression develop in a gravid female
Dystocia in the iguana is commonly a result of lack of iguana.
proper nesting sites (Fig. 45.2). Dystocia lasting for more • Removal of the uterus and ovaries will prevent the
than several days may be fatal to most lizards. It is pos- recurrence of the dystocia in animals not specifically
sible for lizards to lay eggs without the presence of a male used for breeding.
lizard, although these eggs will be infertile.
Prolapse of the Oviduct, Cloaca,
Clinical Signs and Hemipenis
• Anorexia Prolapse of the oviduct or the hemipenis is seen in
• Depression, unresponsive (healthy gravid lizard will iguanas (Figs. 45.3 and 45.4). Treatment depends on
be alert and active) the severity of the prolapse and the tissue involved.
• Distended abdomen
Clinical Signs
Diagnosis • Tissue protruding from the vent (tissue may be
• Physical examination and history red and congested or black and necrotic, dry
• Radiography: gravid uterus or moist)
392 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

Information for Clients

• Prompt treatment of any prolapse is required to
decrease tissue damage.

Egg binding and penile prolapse are the most frequently
seen reproductive system problems of turtles.

Egg Binding
Many stresses in chelonians result in failure to lay
eggs. Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism,
dehydration, hypovitaminosis A, hypocalcemia, and
failure to find an adequate nesting area are some of
the problems that may cause this type of reproductive
Fig. 45.3 Prolapse of the hemipenis in a green iguana. (From failure.
Mader DR. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis,
MO: Saunders; 2006, by permission.) Clinical Signs
• Owner reports that the turtle laid several eggs and
then quit or was laying eggs intermittently (normally
eggs are laid all at one time)
•  Signs of systemic disease

• History of egg passage
• Complete physical examination and environmental
• Palpation of egg in cloaca
• Radiography

• Increase hydration (fluids and soaking of animal)
• Manual removal of egg
• Ovocentesis of the egg, with careful shell removal
Fig. 45.4 Prolapse of the cloaca in an iguana. (From Mader DR.
• Providing proper nesting materials
Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders;
2006, by permission.) • Correction of deficiency of vitamin A and calcium, if
• Oxytocin effective in chelonians
Diagnosis • Correct preferred optimal temperature zone
• Physical examination and history (POTZ)
• Surgery if not corrected by the above therapy
• Gently clean externalized tissue Information for Clients
• Invert and replace it back through the cloaca • Provide proper nesting materials for breeding
• Apply a purse-string suture to hold the tissue until turtles.
swelling decreases (if needed) • Make sure that the animals are kept at proper POTZ
• Surgical replacement should be attempted if the tis- and that the diet is adequate.
sue cannot be reduced and inverted into the proper • Seek veterinary assistance if a female turtle stops lay-
position ing eggs abruptly.
CHAPTER 45 Diseases of the Reproductive System 393

Penile Prolapse • Oviduct—female animal; lumen with no fecal

Male chelonians have a single, large, fleshy penis that material
varies in color from pink to deep purple. The penis • History and physical examination
may become engorged and evert when the turtle is
excited. Penile prolapse is common in chelonians. Treatment
Trauma, straining, breeding, infection or inflammation, • Sedation often is necessary
nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, and the • Clean and lubricate the tissue, and gently replace it
presence of gastrointestinal foreign bodies may all con- into the cloaca
tribute to this condition. • A purse-string suture vent may prevent recurrence of
Clinical Signs • Amputation may be necessary if the tissue is
• Presence of a large, fleshy mass protruding from the necrotic
cloaca • Correct any underling nutrition and husbandry
•  Straining problems
• Oviduct prolapse may be treated in a similar manner
• In any cloacal prolapse, the organ prolapsed should Information for Clients
be identified: • Prolapse of any organ should be considered an
• Intestinal tract—muscular with a lumen; fecal emergency.
material present • Owners should wrap the cloacal area with a clean,
• Bladder—thin walled; fluid filled damp towel or cloth and bring the animal to the clinic
• Penis—male animal; muscular solid tissue mass immediately. The sooner the prolapse is reduced, the
with a central groove better will be the outcome.

1. A reptile that is viviparous produces: 5. Most well-maintained snakes will mature in around:
a. Eggs a. 6 to 12 months
b. Live young b. 2 to 3 years
c. Both live young and eggs c. 6 to 8 years
2. Waiting a few days for the swelling to decrease with d. 4 to 6 months
an oviduct prolapse will make treatment safer for the 6. Iguana eggs take _________ days to hatch.
patient. a. 30 to 40
a. True b. 80 to 100
b. False c. 90 to 130
3. Snakes may be sexed by identifying that: d. 100 to 160
a. Males are heavier than female snakes 7. Owners noticing tissues protruding out of the cloaca
b. Females have a deep hemipenis pouch of their reptile should _________.
c. Females have a shallow hemipenis pouch a. Cover the tissue with a clean, wet towel and come
d. Males have a large external penis to the clinic
4. Obstructive dystocia may result from: b. Apply lubricant to the tissue, and replace it using
a. Poor diet a finger
b. Malposition of an egg c. Soak the tissue in warm water, and wait for the
c. Malnutrition swelling to decrease
d. Systemic disease
Answers found on page 549.
Diseases of the Respiratory System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Explain to clients why these conditions need to be
able to: treated aggressively and for long periods.
• Recognize the clinical signs of respiratory disease in • Realize that oxygen therapy may not be the best
reptiles. treatment for dyspnea in reptiles.

Snakes 394 Turtles 396
Pneumonia 394 Mycoplasmosis in Tortoises 396
Iguanas 395 Supportive Care 396
Pneumonia 395 Pneumonia and Lower Respiratory
General Treatment 395 Disease 398
Bacterial Pneumonia 395 Bacterial 398
Viral Pneumonia 396 Fungal 398
Fungal Pneumonia 396 Viral 398
Parasitic Pneumonia 396

Cyanotic Nebulization

SNAKES unlike mammals, may function by using anaerobic

metabolism, which allows them to compensate for pro-
Pneumonia gressive respiratory disease until it is well advanced. Res-
Pneumonia is a common presenting sign in the sick rep- piration is usually controlled, not by blood carbon
tile patient. Although pneumonia is primarily a disease dioxide levels and pH but by the temperature and the
of the respiratory system, its cause may be multifactorial. partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) in tissues. As the tem-
A number of infectious agents may cause pneumonia, perature increases, so does the oxygen demand, which
and if linked to poor husbandry, inadequate diet, and the patient meets by increasing tidal volume, not respi-
poor sanitation, a serious and often life-threatening dis- ratory rate. Environments rich in oxygen (oxygen cages)
ease may result. The respiratory system of the reptile is may, therefore, suppress ventilation in the sick animal.
unlike that of the mammal. The glottis of snakes is sit- Together, the poor ability of the reptile lung to move
uated rostrally in the oral cavity, allowing for respiration inflammatory exudates out of the lung, the suppressed
while eating large meals. Most snakes have only one tidal volumes resulting from pulmonary infiltrates and
functional lung, the left one being absent. Reptiles, exudates, and the ability of the reptile to shift to

CHAPTER 46 Diseases of the Respiratory System 395

anaerobic metabolism may make early diagnosis of dis- portions function similar to the air sacs of birds, being
ease quite difficult. poorly vascularized and not used for respiratory func-
tions. Both inspiration and expiration are active pro-
Clinical Signs cesses in the lizard, and no diaphragm exists to
• Dyspnea (open-mouth breathing) facilitate respiration. As in snakes, lizards have the abil-
• Extension of the neck to facilitate breathing ity to function with anaerobic metabolism and may be
• Increased respiratory rate able to conceal disease until it is advanced.
•  Nasal discharge
• Abnormal respiratory sounds Pneumonia
• Cyanotic mucous membranes Pneumonia is common in reptiles. It may be the result of
• Depression, lethargy bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic infections.
• Reluctance to feed
Clinical Signs
Diagnosis • Dyspnea (open-mouth breathing)
• Physical examination and history •  Nasal discharge
• Radiography • Increased respiratory sounds on auscultation
• Transtracheal wash (catheter inserted via the glottis) • Anorexia
• Culture and sensitivity; wet mount for parasites •  Cyanotic mucous membranes
• Complete blood cell count (CBC) and serum • Depression
chemistries • Lethargy

Treatment Diagnosis
• Will depend on the diagnostic laboratory results • CBC and serum chemistries
• Antibiotic therapy • Radiography (lateral view is most important)
• Usually begins with a combination therapy of an • Transtracheal wash (done by passing a catheter
aminoglycoside and a β-lactam antibiotic while through the glottis and injecting sterile saline into
waiting for culture results the lung, and then retrieving the fluid for culture
• Nebulization using antibiotics: 10 to 30 minutes and sensitivity)
three to four times daily • Culture and sensitivity testing of tracheal wash
• Increase environmental temperatures to top of the • Wet mount and cytology of the fluid
preferred optimal temperature zone (POTZ)
• Maintenance of hydration (1%–2% body weight Treatment
subcutaneously daily) General treatment
• Force-feeding, if not too stressful • Force-feeding, if not too stressful
• Often difficult to know when to stop treating the • Fluid therapy to correct dehydration
patient; antibiotics should be used for a minimum • Vitamin supplementation
of 3 weeks or until the hemogram and patient appear • Supplemental oxygen therapy to be avoided because
to be improving (e.g., eating, breathing better, etc.) it may decrease the respiratory rate
Bacterial pneumonia
• Many gram-negative bacteria have been demon-
IGUANAS strated to cause pneumonia in reptiles. Disease may
The respiratory system of lizards is different from that of be primary or secondary to bacterial disease in the
mammals. The position of the glottis is variable in liz- oral cavity or elsewhere in the body.
ards, being more rostral in carnivorous lizards and at • Systemic antibiotic use should be based on culture
the base of the tongue in others. The tracheal rings and sensitivity results. Currently recommended anti-
are incomplete, and the trachea bifurcates near the base biotics include the following (given for up to 28 days):
of the heart. Lizard lungs are equal in size, and gas • Amikacin
exchange occurs in the cranial portions. The caudal • Ceftiofur
396 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

• Cefotaxime Spine
• Enrofloxacin Right lung
• Piperacillin Carapace
• Ticarcillin
Viral pneumonia
• Viral pneumonia is not seen as commonly in iguanas process
as in snakes and turtles. If found, treatment is
Fungal pneumonia
• Fungal pneumonia may occur when antibiotics are
overused or environmental conditions are
• Surgical excision of any fungal granuloma is recom-
Scapula Plastron
mended, when possible
• Provide nebulization with amphotericin B and oral Fig. 46.1 Radiograph of a turtle. (From Brown M., Brown L.
ketoconazole Lavin’s Radiography for Veterinary Technicians, 5th ed. St. Louis,
• Correct husbandry problems MO: Elsevier; 2014.)

Parasitic pneumonia
• Lung worms, pentastomids, trematodes, and some Clinical Signs
migrating nematodes may cause respiratory • Nasal discharge (rhinitis)
infection • Conjunctivitis
• Antiparasitic medication is given • Ocular discharge
• Palpebral edema
Information for Clients • Chronic symptoms may appear cyclically
• Proper husbandry aids in the prevention of respira-
tory disease in the iguana. Diagnosis
• Treatment, when necessary, is prolonged and • Complete physical examination and environmental
expensive. history
• Have your animal examined by your veterinarian at • Direct culture of Mycoplasma
any sign of respiratory distress. • Polymerase chain reaction testing for Mycoplasma
• Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) posi-
tive for Mycoplasma antibodies in plasma
Respiratory disease is all too common in turtles. The • Several different protocols reported in the literature
anatomy of the respiratory tract predisposes the turtle • Antibiotic therapy; enrofloxacin or clarithromycin,
to pneumonias and upper respiratory diseases. Chelo-
which appear to work well
nians have paired lungs with air exchange at the falveoli. • Topical antibiotic-cortisone products applied directly
The faveoli open into open air spaces within the lung.
into the nares or used in nasal flushes every 48 to
The lung contains internal ridging and septae that divide
72 hours
it similarly to those of a sponge, making it hard to
Supportive care
remove accumulated exudates (Figs. 46.1 and 46.2). • Maintain hydration
• Keep turtle in the POTZ
Mycoplasmosis in Tortoises • Provide nutritional support
Mycoplasmosis has been documented in both captive
chelonians and in wild desert tortoises. The bacterium Information for Clients
Mycoplasma agassizii has been the proven agent in this • After resolution of the acute infection, turtles may
disease. The disease may be spread by direct contact. become chronically infected. These animals may have
CHAPTER 46 Diseases of the Respiratory System 397

Fig. 46.2 Radiographs of a slider with right lung pneumonia and hyperinflation of the left lung. (From Farrow CS.
Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging: Birds, Exotic Pets and Wildlife. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier; 2009.)
398 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

increased susceptibility to secondary infections and Treatment

may have recurrent bouts of symptoms. • Therapy depends on the organism causing the disease
• Consider any animal that has been infected to be a • All patients must be maintained at the upper limit of
source of infection for other chelonians; they should the POTZ
be isolated from noninfective turtles. • Fluids should be administered to maintain hydration
• Supplemental feeding should be given
• Correct all deficiencies in husbandry and nutrition
Pneumonia and Lower Respiratory Disease
Pneumonia is not uncommon in reptiles of all types. • Most will be gram-negative bacteria
The anatomy of the respiratory system, the high bifur- • Antibiotics based on culture and sensitivity results
cation of the trachea, and the long, narrow bronchi do • Aminoglycosides and β-lactams
not allow for easy removal of accumulated debris. • Enrofloxacin or clarithromycin if mycoplasma is
Many of these animals have a history of recent trans-
portation through the retail pet trade, parasitism, mal- • Nebulization two to four times daily
nutrition, being kept at suboptimal temperatures in
unsanitary conditions, or all of these conditions. The • Antifungal drugs used in nebulization or orally at doses
animal with lower respiratory disease is often in critical
extrapolated from other species (use with caution)
condition by the time the owner notices signs of illness.
Treatment must be aggressive if it is to be successful. • Supportive care

Clinical Signs TECH ALERT

• Dyspnea (open-mouth breathing), neck extended
One of the driving forces for respiration in the reptile is
• Anorexia
PO2. Increased oxygen levels may inhibit respiration.
• Lethargy
Avoid giving these animals supplemental oxygen unless
• Mucous membranes may be cyanotic it can be delivered at levels of 30%–40% and can be
•  Nasal discharge (if an upper respiratory compo- humidified.
nent is present)
• Abnormal lung sounds
• Asymmetric swimming may be seen in aquatic Information for Clients
turtles • These animals are critically ill and many do not
Diagnosis • Treatment may be prolonged and costly.
• Complete physical examination and history • Treatment is doomed to failure if husbandry condi-
• Radiography tions are not improved.
• Endoscopy (need special techniques in turtles) • These animals must be quarantined from others in
• Tracheal wash with culture and sensitivity the collection.
• CBC • Repeated clinical and laboratory examinations will be
• Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance needed to determine when treatment may be
imaging (MRI) discontinued.

1. All dyspneic reptiles should be placed in an oxygen- 2. Disease of the diaphragm is a common problem in
enriched environment immediately upon reptiles.
hospitalization. a. True
a. True b. False
b. False
CHAPTER 46 Diseases of the Respiratory System 399

3. When treating respiratory diseases in reptiles, treat- c. Calcium deficiencies

ment should be continued for at least: d. Bacterial infections
a. 7 days 5. When culturing reptiles for respiratory infection,
b. 21 days you should ask your laboratory to concentrate on
c. 36 days antibiotics that are effective against what type of
d. 10 days bacteria?
4. Older reptiles should not be allowed to develop: a. Gram-positive
(Select all that apply.) b. Gram-negative
a. Dehydration
Answers found on page 549.
b. Vitamin A or D deficiencies
Diseases of the Urinary System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Describe why visceral gout is frequently seen as a
able to: cause of death in reptiles.
• Discuss the differences between mammalian and
reptilian renal systems.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Reptilian Renal Cystic Calculi 402
System 400 Turtles 402
Snakes 401 Urinary Calculi 402
Gout 401 Supportive Care 403
Iguanas 402 Gout 403

Allantoin Urodeum Tophi

Uric acid is excreted from the proximal tubule along

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY with varying amounts of protein.
OF THE REPTILIAN RENAL SYSTEM Reptilian urine is clear to straw-colored with a spe-
The urinary system of reptiles comprises two kidneys cific gravity between 1.003 and 1.014. The urine pH
and, in some species, a bladder. In general, the reptilian depends on diet as in mammals. Usually only few cells
kidneys are elongated and lobulated. The arterial supply are present, and no bilirubin, proteins, ketones, or glu-
for the kidney is via the renal artery and venous drainage cose exist, but bacteria are common (contamination
via the portal veins. Each reptilian kidney contains fewer from the cloaca). Crystals of urates are common.
nephrons than those of the mammalian kidney, but the
glomeruli are well developed and occur at right angles to TECH ALERT
the long axis of the kidney. The nephron is composed of Previous thought: Because of the renal portal system,
the glomerulus, a proximal tubule, a short distal tubule, medications injected into the caudal half of the reptile will
and a collecting duct. The ureters open into the urodeum pass through the kidney and be eliminated from the body
of the cloaca. The primary job of the kidney is control of without being distributed to the rest of the body. Recent
the extracellular fluid volume and composition. The information indicated this may not be the case for all rep-
tiles and birds. However, avoid injecting medications or
bladder (where one exists), the cloaca, and the nasal salt
fluids into the rear half of the reptile.
glands also help regulate fluid volume and composition.

CHAPTER 47 Diseases of the Urinary System 401

tissues. Risk factors for the formation of gout

SNAKES include dehydration, renal disease, excessive protein
Gout intake, and misuse of nephrotoxic antibiotics
The most frequently seen disorder of the renal system (aminoglycosides).
in snakes is gout, a disease routinely associated with
dietary imbalances. Snakes require animal protein in Clinical Signs
their diet, and their system is adapted to handle that • Firm, white swellings around joints or in soft tissues
form of protein. In some reptiles, the end product of (often oral membranes)
protein breakdown is uric acid, whereas in others, it
is allantoin or urea. The uric acid is cleared from the Diagnosis
blood through the renal tubules. When uric acid levels • Physical examination and history
increase in blood, uric acid crystals begin to precipitate • Demonstration of monosodium urate crystals in
out in body fluids such as synovial fluid and other body tophi lesions (Figs. 47.1 and 47.2)
tissues. Deposits in tissues such as cartilage, tendons,
and soft tissues are called tophi. In reptiles, tophi Treatment
can be found in the pericardial sac, kidneys, liver, • Correct deficiencies in diet and husbandry practices
spleen, lungs, subcutaneous tissues, and other soft • Provide access to clean water at all times

Fig. 47.1 Urates in tissue. (A) Lungs. (B) Pericardial sac. (C) Kidneys. (D) Liver, spleen, and subcutaneous tis-
sues. (From Mader DR. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006, by permission.)
402 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

• Anorexia
• Dehydration
• Constipation
• Hind-limb paresis or paralysis

• Physical examination (palpation); history of stress
and water deprivation
• Radiography (calcium urate stones are
radiodense, whereas ammonium urate stones are
less dense)

• Correction of dehydration with fluid therapy
• Cystotomy

Information for Clients

• The formation of cystic calculi has been linked to
improper nutrition and limited access to water. Make
sure that your iguana has free access to clean water at
all times.

Fig. 47.2 Gout tophi in the oral cavity of a python. (From Mader
DR. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: TURTLES
Saunders; 2006, by permission.)
Urinary Calculi
• Use human medications used to treat gout (doses Urinary calculi are seen in chelonians. Causes
extrapolated from humans): include hypovitaminosis A and D, excessive calcium
• Allopurinol and dietary protein, excessive feeding of oxalates
• Probenecid (spinach), and bacterial infections. Dehydration may
• Colchicine predispose the animal to the formation of stones in
the bladder.
Information for Clients
• The overall prognosis for animals with severe gout Clinical Signs
is poor. • Many urinary calculi are diagnosed during routine
• Patients with moderate gout can be managed on examination and present with no signs of urinary
medications, but the condition may quickly become distress
painful if the medication is stopped. •  Anorexia
•  Signs of constipation
•  Egg binding
•  Dysuria
Cystic Calculi •  Hind-limb paresis
Iguanas have a bladder, and cystic calculi may form from
urate salts. Diagnosis
• Palpation of the bladder through the inguinal fossa
Clinical Signs • Radiology (Fig. 47.3)
• Lethargy • Complete presurgical workup: complete blood cell
• Depression count (CBC), serum chemistries, urinalysis
CHAPTER 47 Diseases of the Urinary System 403

All reptiles need protein. Carnivores best utilize animal
protein, whereas herbivorous reptiles require plant pro-
teins. Although each can utilize both types of proteins,
overingestion of improper types of protein may have
adverse health effects on the animal. Proteins are broken
down into uric acid in some reptiles and to allantoin
(which then is broken down into urea and allantoic acid)
in others. Salts of uric acid are removed from blood by
excretion via the renal tubules. These salts are relatively
insoluble in water, and when dehydration occurs, they
readily precipitate into joints and other tissues through-
out the body. Two types of gout are recognized: (1) pri-
mary (overproduction of uric acid) and (2) secondary
(disruption of normal balance between production
and excretion from disease).

Clinical Signs
• Swollen, painful joints
•  Urate deposits in tendons, soft tissue, around joints
•  Signs of systemic problems such as renal disease,
•  History of drug therapy that may affect the kidneys

Fig. 47.3 Bladder stones. (From Mader DR. Reptile Medicine Diagnosis
and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2006, by • Complete physical examination and history
permission.) • Radiography
• Identification of monosodium urate crystals in the
joint or tissue
• Surgical removal of larger stones; smaller stones may Treatment
be removed by endoscopy • Allopurinol treatment to reduce serum uric acid
Supportive care levels
• Correction of dehydration • Surgical removal of tophi from the joint
• Supplemental feeding if anorexic • Correction of the diet and environmental
• Antibiotics given before surgery because bladders are temperatures
not sterile in these animals • Correction of dehydration and maintenance of good
Information for Clients
• Chelonians with bladder stones often show no clini- Information for Clients
cal symptoms. • Proper diet and temperatures are mandatory to
• Removal of all small stones is necessary because small prevent the formation of crystals in joints and soft
stones will become large ones. Large stones may be tissue.
life-threatening to the animal. • All animals must have continuous access to
• Proper diet and husbandry may be able to prevent the fresh water.
formation of bladder stones. Keep all animals well • The overall prognosis for gout is poor, but many ani-
hydrated. Provide adequate water sources for soaking mals are comfortable when maintained on long-term
and drinking. allopurinol treatment.
404 SECTION 4 Snakes, Iguanas, and Turtles

1. Firm, white swellings around the joints and in the c. Turtle
soft tissues of reptiles may be a collection of: d. Python
a. Calcium soap 3. To avoid renal gout in reptiles, limit the use of this
b. Fat class of antibiotics.
c. Urates a. Penicillins
d. Protein b. Cephalosporins
2. Which of the following have a bladder? (Select all that c. Aminoglycosides
apply.) d. Quinolones
a. Green iguana
Answers found on page 549.
b. Red-tailed boa
SECTION 5 Horses

Diseases of the Cardiovascular System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Explain to clients the value of diagnostic testing in
able to: cases of heart disease in their pets.
• Auscultate the heart in an equine patient and • Explain how small lesions may progress to large
appreciate normal versus abnormal sounds. problems in the equine patient.

The Equine Companion 405 Ruptured Chordae Tendineae 408
Anatomy and Physiology of the Equine Vascular Disease 409
Cardiovascular System 406 Thrombophlebitis 410
Heart Sounds 406 Parasites 410
Electrocardiography 407 Vascular Rupture 410
Valvular Disease 407 Cardiac Arrhythmias 410
Degenerative Valvular Disease 407 Atrial Arrhythmias 410
Bacterial Endocarditis 407

Auscultate Fibrillation Thromboembolus
Bradycardia Holter monitor Thrombophlebitis
Endocarditis Tachycardia

a working farm animal to a companion animal, loved

THE EQUINE COMPANION and pampered by owners of all ages.
Is there anything more beautiful than a horse galloping Horses today are living longer, healthier, more useful
free across a field of green grass? Not in my book! lives than ever before. As our companions get older, the
Humans have enjoyed a relationship with horses for need for better health care is important, and veterinar-
thousands of years. The horse of today has moved from ians are being called on to provide this advanced care.

406 SECTION 5 Horses

As a technician, you may be lucky enough to work with and ventricles divide the heart into four chambers.
these magnificent animals. The right atrioventricular (AV) valve is known as the tri-
cuspid valve, and the left AV valve is called the mitral
TECH ALERT valve. The valves are attached to the muscular walls of
If you are not a “horse person,” spend time watching the ventricles with chordae tendineae, literally the
horses, learn about their interactions, and listen to “strings of the heart.” The left and right sides of the heart
suggestions about safety. Respect the fact that they are separated by the AV septum. The auto-rhythmic
are “fight-or-flight” animals that are large enough to do cells of the sinoatrial (SA) node set the rate for contrac-
serious damage to anyone handling or working around tions, which can be augmented by input from the central
them. Remember to put safety first when handling nervous system (CNS). From the SA node, electrical
any horse. impulses travel across the atria, down the septum to
the AV node, where they are slowed. From there, the
impulses pass through the AV Bundle (Bundle of His)
TECH ALERT and out over the ventricles on the Purkinge fibers.
The resulting depolarization of the cardiac muscle cells
Knowing how to speak “horse language” will aid the
causes contraction of the entire heart muscle. The heart
technician when dealing with equine clients. Learn
rate of the resting horse is slower than that of the dog or
equine-specific terms.
Poll: the area of the skull at the top of the head between
the cat, and normal rates are usually between 25 and
the ears 40 bpm (beats per minute). Larger chambers found in
Withers: the tallest dorsal vertebral processes of the the equine heart require a longer time to fill, hence
spine located above the thoracic vertebrae the slower heart rate. As in small animals, cardiac output
Stifle: the knee of the rear leg depends on the heart rate and the stroke volume (the
Hock: the tarsus of the rear leg; projects caudally from volume of blood pumped out of the heart during each
the body like our heel bone contraction). Any defect that reduces either can affect
Hindcannon bone: the third metatarsus; weight bearing the circulating volume of blood to other organ systems.
Forecannon bone: the third metacarpal; weight bearing
Pasterns: Proximal phalanx (long pastern), middle pha- Heart Sounds
lanx (short pastern), distal phalanx (coffin bone)
Heart sounds are generated when the valves close, caus-
Carpus: structure similar to our wrist. Often called the
“knee” of the front leg
ing turbulence in the blood flow around the valve. The
Splint bones: Metacarpals 2 and 4 front leg, Metatarsals first heart sound (S1) is the result of closure of the right
2 and 4 rear leg and left AV valves. The second heart sound (S2) occurs
Fetlock joint: Joint between the third metatarsal and as a result of closure of the pulmonic and aortic valves. If
proximal phalanx; joint between the metacarpal and these valves fail to close in synchronous fashion, the
proximal phalanx third and fourth heart sounds may be heard.
Sesamoid bones: located at fetlock joint; one medial, one
Navicular bone: the distal sesamoid; located within
the hoof All owners should purchase a stethoscope and learn how
to listen to their horse’s heart.


Cardiovascular disease is common in the horse and has When auscultating the equine heart, the technician may
been estimated to be the third most common cause of have to reach behind the shoulder blade along the left
poor performance. The equine heart is designed exactly side of the chest to better hear the cardiac sounds. In
many horses, it may be possible to hear the third and
like those of other mammals. There are two atria (left
fourth heart sounds.
and right) and two ventricles. Valves between the atria
CHAPTER 48 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 407

Fig. 48.1 An electrocardiogram.

Electrocardiography • Echocardiography with Doppler study

The electrical activity of the heart can be measured at • Exercise testing
the body wall using any electrocardiography (ECG). Sev- • If endocarditis:
eral examples of equine ECG are in the following • Anemia
sections. The rhythmicity of the heart may be deter- • Decreased blood protein
mined by ECG, and it can be used to indicate cardiac • Leukocytosis
enlargements as well. The most common arrhythmia • Positive blood cultures
seen in fit horses is second-degree AV block • Holter monitoring
(Fig. 48.1). Atrial fibrillation is also a common finding
in older horses, being related to the large size of the Treatment
heart’s atrial chambers. • Will depend on severity of symptoms and location of
the lesion

VALVULAR DISEASE Degenerative Valvular Disease

Valvular disease is common in foals (congenital) and in Degenerative valvular disease in the horse usually results
mature horses (degenerative or infectious). Diseased in valvular insufficiency, or a leaky valve. With every
valves may either impede normal flow (stenosis) or contraction (systole), blood is pumped forward out of
allow backflow (insufficiency), which increases the the ventricles, but much of the chamber volume is also
workload of the heart and decreases cardiac output. pumped backward into the atria. This increases the vol-
Common causes of valvular disease in the horse include ume in the chambers for the next contraction (preload).
endocarditis and ruptured chordae tendineae. As the chambers become overstretched, they must work
harder until they begin to fail (Fig. 48.2).
• Manage the development of CHF and cardiac
Clinical signs
• Murmur on auscultation arrhythmias:
• Furosemide (a diuretic): orally
• Increasing exercise intolerance
• Digoxin: one to two times daily orally
•  Fever (with endocarditis)
• Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibi-
•  Weight loss
•  Intermittent lameness tors: two times daily (avoid use in pregnant mares)
•  Arrhythmias
• Development of congestive heart failure (CHF) Bacterial Endocarditis
• Sudden death (ruptured chordae) Endocarditis is an inflammatory disease of the lining tis-
sue of the heart. The most common location for lesions
Diagnosis is on the left AV valve or on the left side endocardium.
• Clinical findings on physical examination Jet lesions from mitral insufficiency or ventricular septal
• ECG defects typically damage the endothelial lining of the
408 SECTION 5 Horses

Fig. 48.2 (A) Mitral valve insufficiency caused by thickening of the valve, which prevents proper closure. The
body of the valve is very irregular and thick, and changes are most evident in the close-up view (see inset at
lower left). (B) Chronic suppurative valvulitis caused by chronic endocarditis has led to scarring, thickening,
and distortion of the mitral valve. (From Reed SM. Equine Internal Medicine. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders;
2010, by permission.)

heart. Circulating bacteria begin to colonize the dam- Ruptured Chordae Tendineae
aged area, attracting inflammatory cells, and cellular Clinical symptoms of ruptured chordates depend on the
debris begins to build up at the site. As the inflammatory number ruptured. Tearing of the chordate will result in a
process continues, cardiac output decreases, creating a flapping of the valve leaflet and produce a valvular insuf-
shocklike syndrome. Emboli often break loose and ficiency. The greater the number of chordates torn, the
migrate to other organs producing organ failure or worse is the leakage of the valve. Eventually, the horse
compromise. may develop CHF (Fig. 48.3).
• Intravenous (IV) antibiotic therapy based on culture
and sensitivity results for 4 to 8 weeks Clinical signs
• Potassium penicillin every 6 hours • Increasing exercise intolerance
• Gentamicin once daily • Lethargy
• Extremely guarded prognosis in most cases • Auscultation of a murmur
• Possible sudden death
Information for clients
• Repeat cardiac examinations will be required to mon- Diagnosis
itor the progress of disease and the efficacy of • Complete physical examination
treatment. • Serum chemistries
• Owners of horses diagnosed with valvular disease • ECG
should inquire as to the safety of riding or driving • Echocardiography
these animals. Sudden death is certainly a possibility
in many of these animals. Treatment
• The prognosis for these disorders is related to the • Supportive
severity of the lesion and the area affected. • As the valvular insufficiency worsens, treatment for
• Mitral valve regurgitation: generally favorable in CHF may be needed.
mature horses
• Aortic valve regurgitation: generally favorable Information for clients
• Tricuspid regurgitation: generally favorable • These horses should not be ridden, because their
• Endocarditis: generally poor heart function may worsen suddenly.
CHAPTER 48 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 409

Fig. 48.3 Acute (A) and chronic (B) rupture of the mitral valve chordae tendineae (arrow). (From Reed SM.
Equine Internal Medicine. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2010, by permission.)

Clinical signs
• Thrombophlebitis: heat, pain, swelling at site over
vein, fever
• Parasitic thromboemboli: recurrent signs of colic
• Vascular rupture: sudden death

• Complete physical examination
• Complete blood cell count (CBC): neutrophilic
• Echocardiography: abnormal
Fig. 48.4 Cranial mesenteric artery damaged by Strongylus vul- • Culture and sensitivity of infected site
garis migration. (From Reed SM. Equine Internal Medicine. 3rd • History of poor deworming practices (colics)
ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2010, by permission.) • Necropsy (vascular rupture)


• Broad-spectrum antibiotics
Vascular disorders seen in the horse include thrombo- • Nonsteroidal antiinflammatories
phlebitis from catheter placement or IV injections, par- • Surgically remove the obstruction; may include vas-
asitic thromboemboli in the mesenteric arteries, and cular grafting
vascular rupture (Fig. 48.4). • There is no general treatment for parasitic thrombi
410 SECTION 5 Horses

Thrombophlebitis occur, and it is always unexpected. Usually, no predic-

Thrombophlebitis is an inflammation of the lining of a tive signs or symptoms exist, although aneurisms may
vein with the formation of clots. This condition is often often be detected on ultrasonography.
seen in the jugular vein from improper catheter mainte- No treatment currently is available. Sudden death is
nance or from other vascular trauma. It is estimated that the only common sign.
6% to 22% of all IV catheters placed in the jugular vein
will cause some degree of thrombophlebitis. The prob- Information for clients
lem can be minimized by proper selection of catheter • All horses should be dewormed. The frequency of
materials, aseptic placement of all catheters, proper deworming should be discussed with your veterinar-
maintenance, and early removal of unnecessary cathe- ian. This treatment should begin early in the horse’s
ters. Early recognition of the problem and catheter life and be maintained in the adult animal. Pasture
removal will improve the prognosis. maintenance is important also for control of intesti-
• High doses of broad-spectrum antibiotics or antibi- nal parasites.
otics based on culture and sensitivity results • Care should be taken to maintain asepsis when
• Hot compresses over the site of inflammation administering IV injections to the horse. Avoid
• Surgical resection of the vein if medical treatment is repeated injections in the same area of the vein.
unsuccessful • Horses diagnosed with cardiac disease should be con-
sidered unfit and unsafe to ride or drive because of
Parasites the possibility of sudden death.
Migration of immature strongyles through the anterior
mesenteric artery may cause inflammation in the lining TECH ALERT
of the vessel. Chronic irritation will eventually result in a Technicians should pay close attention to the health of
decrease in blood flow through the vessel and therefore a the vessel, length of time the catheter is to remain in
decrease in blood flow to a portion of the gastrointestinal place, and the environment in which the patient will be
tract. The result may be frequent bouts of colic. kept. All catheters should be placed aseptically.
Institute an effective deworming plan that includes
the use of ivermectin or other wormers. However, dam-
age to the vessels cannot be reversed. It is important that CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS
horse owners understand the importance of frequent
treatment with equine antiparasitics. Whether a Abnormal cardiac rhythms are commonly found in
rotational-product program or a one-product program healthy horses. Tachycardia maybe the result of fear,
is chosen, horses should be wormed multiple times dur- anxiety, pain, or exercise, although bradycardia may
ing the year (at least every 8–12 weeks). occur at rest. A second-degree AV block can be com-
monly demonstrated in fit horses at rest. Although many
TECH ALERT arrhythmias produce no clinical symptoms, three types
may result in clinical signs of cardiac disease.
The timing of deworming treatments is changing.
Owners may ask about deworming schedules, and you
need to keep up to date on recent recommendations.
Atrial Arrhythmias
Fecal egg counts are now recommended instead of The size of the equine heart predisposes the horse to
deworming every 2–3 months. Check with your veteri- atrial arrhythmias, which are fairly common in the
narian before recommending schedules to owners. horse. Atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter, and atrial fibril-
lation are the most likely causes of clinical disease. All
three causes may be treated similarly to atrial fibrillation.
Vascular Rupture
In 2012 spectators at a prestigious equine competition Clinical signs
watched in horror as one of the top horses finished a • Auscultation of a rapid, abnormal heart rhythm
jumping round, collapsed, and died from an aortic rup- • History of poor or declining performance
ture. Although this problem is not common, it does • Exercise intolerance
CHAPTER 48 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 411

Fig. 48.5 (A) Conversion of atrial fibrillation to atrial tachycardia. (B) Conversion to normal sinus rhythm. (From
Reed SM. Equine Internal Medicine. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2010, by permission.)

•  Pulmonary hemorrhage • Digoxin: given concurrently if resting heart rate is

•  Respiratory distress more than 90 to 100 bpm or conversion cannot be
• CHF achieved with quinidine alone
• Ataxia, collapse, or both • Electrocardioversion (usually limited to large veteri-
nary centers)
Diagnosis • Consider resting the horse for 1 to 2 weeks after con-
• Complete physical examination version, although racing horses may return to train-
• CBC and serum chemistries: usually normal, but can ing within 48 hours of conversion.
indicate hypokalemia when the arrhythmia is electro- • Rule out other concurrent cardiac disease as the cause
lyte induced of arrhythmia.
• Radiography: usually normal
• ECG Information for clients
• Echocardiography: usually normal unless underlying • Approximately 25% of all horses will have a recur-
cardiac disease is present rence of abnormal rhythm within the first year after
conversion and will need to be retreated. Eventually
Treatment these animals may become resistant to conversion.
• Provide drug therapy for conversion to normal • ECG monitoring will be required during treatment to
rhythm using drug therapy (Fig. 48.5): monitor for signs of drug toxicity.
• Quinidine sulfate: orally every 2 hours until con- • With conversion, most horses will return to their
version or until toxicity develops original level of performance.

1. The first step in diagnosing cardiac disease in the b. Perform thoracic radiography and ECG
horse is to: c. Obtain a CBC and serum chemistries with
a. Perform a complete physical examination, and electrolytes
auscultate the heart d. Perform an echocardiographic study
412 SECTION 5 Horses

2. What arrhythmia is demonstrated by ECG in a 6. Some degree of thrombophlebitis occurs when any
healthy, resting performance horse? indwelling catheter is placed into a vessel.
a. Second-degree atrioventricular block a. True
b. Atrial tachycardia b. False
c. Ventricular tachycardia 7. An enlarged atrium may predispose the horse to
d. Atrial fibrillation this arrhythmia.
3. When placing indwelling catheters in the equine a. Atrial tachycardia
patient, the technician must pay close attention to: b. Ventricular fibrillation
a. Aseptic preparation of the insertion site c. Ventricular tachycardia
b. The health of the vessel chosen d. Atrial fibrillation
c. The time the catheter will be in place 8. Heart disease accounts for 50% of all horses with
d. The environment of the patient poor performance.
e. All of the above a. True
4. Owners of horses diagnosed with moderate to b. False
severe cardiac disease should: 9. The migration of Strongylus spp. parasites causes
a. Check with the veterinarian before riding or thromboemboli in:
driving these horses a. The caudal vena cava
b. Ride these animals for a limited time daily b. The aorta
c. Use these animals for driving only c. The mesenteric artery
d. Have these animals euthanized d. The jugular vein
5. Which of the following would most accurately diag- 10. Which of the following heart rates would be correct
nose a cardiac defect? for a healthy horse at rest?
a. Radiography a. 25 to 40 beats per minute (bpm)
b. Electrocardiography b. 30 to 60 beats per minute (bpm)
c. Echocardiography
d. Computed tomography Answers found on page 549.
Diseases of the Digestive System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Advise clients of management practices that may
able to: predispose horses to gastrointestinal (GI) problems.
• Recognize the signs of colic in the equine • Recognize the zoonotic potential of many equine
patient. diarrheas.

Anatomy of the Normal Digestive Gastrointestinal Parasitism 419
System 413 Large Strongyles 419
Dental Considerations 415 Small Strongyles 419
Choke 416 Threadworms 420
Gastric Ulcers 417 Roundworms 420
Colic 417 Pinworms 420
Impaction Colic 418 Tapeworms 420
Gas or Spasmodic Colic 418 Bots 420
Displacement or Entrapment Colic 418 Diarrhea 421
Infectious or Inflammatory Colic 418 Salmonellosis 421
Necrotic Colic 418 Clostridial Infections 422
Gastric Ulcers 418 Ehrlichiosis (Potomac Horse Fever) 422

Buccal Laminitis Occlusal
Embryonated Lavage Perineum

ANATOMY OF THE NORMAL DIGESTIVE The horse’s teeth are those of an animal adapted for
SYSTEM grazing. Equine teeth have enamel ridges that traverse
the chewing surfaces and are constantly erupting
The digestive tract of the horse is that of an animal that throughout the horse’s life. As some of the enamel ridges
was designed for grazing—that is, constant walking and are worn away, they are replaced by the ever-growing
eating. The lips of the horse, designed for prehension of tooth. This constant tooth eruption, and the fact that
grass, are amazingly sensitive and can sift out powdered the horse’s upper jaw is wider than its lower jaw, may
medication when it is mixed in with their feed. lead to dental problems as the horse goes through life.

414 SECTION 5 Horses

The horse’s esophagus is a long, muscular tube that The small intestine is where most of the digestion and
courses from the animal’s mouth to the stomach. The absorption of the concentrate portion of the feed occurs.
esophagus is mainly made up of two layers of smooth mus- Foodstuffs are broken down by chemical digestion
cle: (1) an inner circular layer and (2) a longitudinal outer mainly in the duodenum, which is the portion closest
layer. These two layers of smooth muscle, and the way they to the stomach. The resultant materials are absorbed
work in concert, enable the horse to swallow its food. as they pass through the jejunum and the ileum.
The stomach of the horse is relatively small in com- The fibrous portion of the diet empties from the ileum
parison with its body size. The stomach of the average into the cecum. The cecum is a large, comma-shaped
1100-pound horse has the same capacity of a 250- organ that occupies much of the right side of the horse’s
pound hog—roughly 2 to 4 gallons. The stomach has abdominal cavity. The main function of the cecum is fiber
two regions: (1) a nonglandular portion, which takes digestion. Here, microorganisms break down the fiber
up roughly the proximal half and (2) the distal half, portion of the diet into glucose and volatile fatty acids
which is glandular. The small size of the stomach (VFAs). The glucose is used by the gut microorganisms,
and its constant secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and the VFAs are used by the horse for energy.
have an effect on the horse’s feeding schedule, which After digestion by the cecum, the remaining material
owners need to be aware of. The main function of goes into the large colon (Fig. 49.1). The large colon has
the stomach is mixing of the feed with digestive juices four portions: the right and left ventral and dorsal
and the start of protein digestion. The stomach also colons. The contents then travel into the transverse
absorbs small amounts of water, alcohols, and water- and then the descending colons. The main function of
soluble medications. the colon is to absorb water from the feedstuff.

Beginning of small colon

Left dorsal colon

flexure Left ventral colon

Diaphragmatic flexure

Sternal flexure

Right dorsal colon


Right ventral colon

Body of cecum
Fig. 49.1 Colon and cecum of the horse. (From Colville T, Bassert JM. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Vet-
erinary Technicians. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2008, by permission.)
CHAPTER 49 Diseases of the Digestive System 415

Many of the digestive system diseases that are seen in • Sharp hooks that protrude downward from the first
horses may be attributed to their somewhat peculiar or last tooth of the upper arcade
digestive anatomy. • Sharp ramps that protrude upward from the first or
last tooth of the lower arcade
• Step mouth that results from a lack of wear of one
TOOTH WEAR tooth, allowing it to grow excessively long
Because of the modification of diet and feeding patterns • Retained wolf teeth that may cause pain to the tongue
by domestication, demands on young performance when it is displaced because of bit pressure
horses, and the lack of selection for dental soundness,
most horses need regular dental evaluation and work. Clinical Signs
Regular dental work improves the horse’s comfort, • Bit avoidance
increases the efficiency of feed utilization, and possibly • Quidding (dropping small, chewed bits of hay)
increases the animal’s performance. • Poor performance
As stated earlier, the horse’s teeth are constantly • Undigested feed in feces
erupting throughout its life, and its upper jaw is wider • Weight loss
than the lower jaw. This may lead to an uneven wear pat- • Prolonged eating time
tern of the occlusal surfaces of teeth (Fig. 49.2).
Common dental abnormalities that need attention Treatment
include the following: • If the veterinarian identifies any of the problems
• Sharp enamel points on the lingual and buccal described earlier on a dental examination, he or she
surfaces should take steps to correct them


8 9 12
3 6 22
23 16 13
4 7
24 14
2 5 15
32 31 30

29 28


Fig. 49.2 Mandible and maxilla of a mare. Note that the upper maxilla is wider than the lower mandible. (From
Clayton HM, Flood PF, Rosenstein DS. Clinical Anatomy of the Horse. 1st ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2005, by
416 SECTION 5 Horses

• Hooks, ramps, sharp points, and wave mouths can be may become obstructed because of a number of causes,
corrected by floating the horse’s teeth. Basically, a including the following:
rasp is passed over the tooth to remove unwanted • Feed (often pelleted feeds) expansion when it hits the
sharp portions. Floats may be either hand floats or esophagus
power floats. Power floats are becoming more com- • Drugs that decrease smooth muscle motility
monly used because they are easier on the user • Xylazine (Rompun)
• Detomidine (Dormosedan)
Information for Clients • Trauma, inflammation
• Yearly dental examinations should be performed on • Scar tissue
every horse. Older horses may need twice-yearly • Neoplasia
floating to maintain dental health.
• Weight loss and loss of condition may be a sign of Clinical Signs
dental problems. • Difficulty swallowing
• Excessive salivation
• Swelling of the throat
TECH ALERT • Discharge of food from the nostrils
Use of a proper mouth gag is important to get a complete
• Neck extension
examination of the dental arcade. Avoid placing fingers
between the horse’s teeth when a mouth gag is not Differential Diagnoses
being used. Use of the horse’s tongue as a mouth gag • The following conditions should also be considered if
may damage the tongue and therefore should be a horse is showing clinical signs of choke:
avoided. • Dysphagia because of nerve deficits (rabies
should always be included in the differential
CHOKE • Cleft palate
• Dental problems
Choke refers to a condition in which a partial or total
• Oral foreign body
obstruction of the esophagus occurs, usually caused by
feed impaction (Fig. 49.3). Horses that choke often have Diagnosis
a history of bolting their feed. Choke may also occur if a
• Definitive diagnosis may be obtained by palpation of
horse is fed too quickly after sedation. The esophagus
the esophagus and passage (or lack thereof) of the
nasogastric (NG) tube
• The veterinarian may also elect to use radiography
for visual identification of the obstruction

• Ensure that the horse is relaxed, especially its
smooth muscles (IV Rompun, IV Dormosedan, lido-
caine through tube)
• Lavage with gallons of warm water through the
NG tube
• Perform esophageal massage
• Provide intravenous (IV) fluid therapy
• Severe cases may need general anesthesia
• Antibiotics should be given to combat secondary
Fig. 49.3 Arrow shows impaction of ingesta in the cervical
aspiration pneumonia
esophagus in a horse with “choke.” (From Auer JA, Stick JA. • Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Equine Surgery. 4th ed. St. Louis: Saunders; 2012.) should be used to reduce esophageal inflammation
CHAPTER 49 Diseases of the Digestive System 417

Information for Clients right dorsal colon. If possible, the use of NSAIDs should
• Do not allow access to feed or hay for 4 hours after be limited to 5 to 7 days. Oral NSAIDs should also be
sedation. administered with a meal.
• If feeding dry feeds that will expand, make sure that
the animal consumes the feed slowly, or soak Clinical Signs
them first. • Chronic, low-grade colic (see later)
• When feeding apples, carrots, or other bulky items, • Anemia, if gastric ulcers are severe and chronic
cut them into smaller pieces to avoid the horse swal- • Loss of condition and decreased endurance
lowing them whole. • Some horses show discomfort when being saddled

TECH ALERT Diagnosis

• Gastric ulcers are diagnosed by an endoscopic exam-
The signs of choke may range from mild to severe. Get a
ination of the stomach
thorough history, and palpate the entire length of the
• Treatment of gastric ulcers includes medication and
management changes
GASTRIC ULCERS • Omeprazole has been found to be the most effective
Gastric ulcers have become a much more frequently rec- pharmaceutical agent for the treatment of gastric
ognized disease in recent years. It is estimated that ulcers
greater than 80% of show and race horses have some • Management changes that may help the problem are
degree of mucosal ulceration. letting the horse out to graze for as many hours as
The prevalence of gastric ulcers in horses is mainly possible during the day; feeding small, frequent
attributed to management techniques. Most heavily meals; and increasing the amount of forage and
worked horses are kept in stalls for 22 or more hours decreasing the amount of concentrate consumed
each day. They are fed high-concentrate meals rather
than being allowed to graze freely all day. Information for Clients
Horses that have an empty stomach for longer than • Performance horses, young horses in training, and
6 hours at a time are more prone to develop ulcers com- stalled horses are most at risk for development of
pared with those that have constant access to grass ulcers. Make sure your training program gives the
or hay. animal plenty of relaxation time, more forage in
Feeding concentrate meals predisposes a horse to the diet, and lots of grazing. If you suspect a problem,
ulcers by two major pathways: have an endoscopic examination performed. Ulcers
• Lack of saliva production may have healed before they cause problems.
• Constant secretion of HCl acid in the stomach
Saliva contains bicarbonate and acts as a natural
buffer to the stomach acids. A horse can salivate only
when it has something in its mouth. A grazing horse
is salivating nearly constantly, whereas one fed meals Colic is a term that is used to describe a variety of con-
salivates only at mealtime. A grazing horse also has a ditions, not a single disease entity. Colic may be defined
constant physical buffer that protects the stomach from loosely as a type of abdominal pain, and in many cases, it
the acid environment. Concentrate feeds also contribute may be a man-made problem. As in gastric ulcers, man-
to the problem because concentrates produce one- agement situations are often the cause of this syndrome.
fourth the amount of saliva compared with an equal The management situation of many modern horses
amount of forages. includes being fed two meals per day, feeding more con-
NSAIDs such as flunixin meglumine and phenylbu- centrate than is needed, and confinement to a stall, all of
tazone have been shown to cause ulcers in the stomach which can have adverse effects on the horse’s digestive
and other portions of the digestive tract, especially in the system and lead to colic. In addition, bad management
418 SECTION 5 Horses

practices such as feeding moldy feed, providing inade- Necrotic Colic

quate water, and feeding directly on the ground, among Nectrotic Colic occurs because of lack of blood supply to
other practices, may lead to colic. Because the cause of an area of the intestine. That portion of the intestine then
colic and the location of the gut affected may not be dies, and feed does not pass through. Pain may result both
known, it is important that diagnosis and treatment from damage to the tissue and the buildup of ingesta
be performed quickly to prevent further injury to proximal to the necrotic area. In the past, the major cause
the horse. of colic was migration of strongyle larvae (see later),
Gut sounds in horses with colic may be absent or which cause damage to the lining of the intestinal vessels
hyperactive. The absence of gut sounds in both flank resulting in blood clots that may break off and occlude the
areas should signal to the technician that colic is likely blood supply to the intestine. In recent decades, this type
a problem. Gas colic often causes hyperactive gut of colic has become more uncommon because of the
sounds. development of more effective deworming practices.

Impaction Colic Gastric Ulcers

The anatomy of a horse’s gut predisposes it to impac- See earlier text for a detailed description of gastric ulcers.
tions, especially in or at the following areas:
• Ileocecal junction Clinical Signs
• Pelvic flexure Clinical signs of colic are any signs of abdominal pain,
• Diaphragmatic flexure including (but not limited to) the following:
• Impaction colic can be caused by a variety of factors, • Pawing
including: • Rolling
• Sand, which will often accumulate in the cecum • Lying down more than normal
• Enteroliths (stones) • Sweating
• Feed, especially in horses that do not have ade- • Kicking at abdomen
quate access to water • Looking at sides
• Dietary indiscretion, when a horse ingests objects • Tachycardia
such as baling twine, rubber, wood, and so forth
Gas or Spasmodic Colic • Clinical signs, in addition to the following:
Colic is often caused by grain overload when bacteria • Gray to brick-red mucous membranes, poor cap-
ferment the concentrate and produce gas. These condi- illary refill time (CRT)
tions are typically extremely painful but often resolve • Increased body temperature (often up to 106°F)
spontaneously as the gas works its way out of the • Increased packed cell volume
digestive tract. In addition, the pain appears to be inter-
mittent in nature—the horse may appear normal and TECH ALERT
suddenly may throw itself on the ground and roll Heart rate over 60 bpm strongly suggests that the horse
in pain. is experiencing severe pain and may be a candidate for
Displacement or Entrapment Colic
Colic occurs when a portion of (GI) tract moves out
of normal positioning and may become trapped by Treatment
another structure. Inguinal hernias and nephrosplenic • Prevent the horse from rolling, which may cause dis-
entrapments are two examples of this type of colic. placement and torsion. Some say that walking a horse
will stimulate GI tract motility and help relieve impac-
Infectious or Inflammatory Colic tions or gas; others claim that it tires the animal
Colic occurs as a result of the pain of inflammation of • Pain relief:
structures in the abdominal cavity. Peritonitis and ante- • Buscopan (Hyoscine Butylbromide) 0.3 mg/kg
rior enteritis are two examples. intravenously (IV) once
CHAPTER 49 Diseases of the Digestive System 419

• Flunixin meglumine (higher doses may mask the

worsening of pain over 24 hours. Use lower doses,
when needed) Flunixin meglumine (Banamine) has a long duration of
• Xylazine (although this will impair gut motility) effect in the horse and may mask serious symptoms
• of intestinal disease. Avoid using it as a first-line treat-
Administer the following via an NG tube:
ment in horses with colic.
• Water
• Electrolytes
• Mineral oil—helps relieve impaction (Note: If a
horse may be headed to surgery, mineral oil
should not be given through the NG tube.) Horses live in contaminated environments; pastures,
• Psyllium—especially in sand colic stalls, and turnouts may all become contaminated with
• Dipyrone—injectable for fever and pain parasite eggs over time. It would not be unusual for any
• IV fluids to maintain hydration and relieve horse to harbor some intestinal parasites. Many different
impaction parasites may infest the equine GI tract. These parasites
• Horses that do not respond to NG treatment and live in different locations of the tract and have different
pain medication should have further workup includ- physiological or pathological effects. However, some
ing the following: generalities do occur.
• Rectal palpation
• Abdominal tap with culture and sensitivity of
Large Strongyles
the fluid
• Three species of large strongyles affect horses:
• Complete blood cell count and differential of
• Strongylus vulgaris
abdominal fluid, when present
• Strongylus edentatus
• Surgery in severe cases
• Strongylus equinus
• Regarded by many experts to be the most pathogen-
ical of all intestinal equine parasites
TECH ALERT • Life cycle:
Clients have often treated the colic horse before the • Adults attach themselves to cecum and colon and
veterinarian arrives. Make sure when taking a history lay eggs
that you ask about treatments given: drug, dose, and • Eggs hatch, and larvae crawl in grass
time given. • The horse ingests and swallows larvae
• Larvae migrate through vessels and gut wall
Information for Clients • Prepatent period (from ingestion to egg laying) is
• Fortunately, many cases of colic can be prevented by 6 to 12 months, depending on species
following these management practices: • Pathophysiology:
• Increase the forage portion of the diet, and • Disease is caused by the migration of worms,
decrease the concentrate portion. causing inflammation in blood vessels and leading
• Let the horse graze as much as possible. to formation of clots; clots may occlude the ves-
• Feed many small meals throughout the day. sels, resulting in lack of blood supply to the area
• Allow access to fresh, clean water at all times. and causing local tissue death
• Encourage water intake by horses that do not drink • Liver disease and peritonitis also possible
much, especially during cool weather: • Effective dewormers: pyrantel, ivermectin, moxidec-
• Soak the hay tin, and fenbendazole.
• Provide electrolytes
• Make warm mashes out of feed Small Strongyles
• Follow a proper deworming schedule • Also known as cyathostomes
• With today’s surgical techniques, surgery for colic is • More than 50 species of small strongyles affect horses
more likely to be successful than in the past. • Life cycle:
420 SECTION 5 Horses

• Adults in colon lay eggs • Foals ingest embryonated eggs

• Eggs hatch; infective larvae are consumed by horse • Liver and lung migration
• Larvae invade the wall of the cecum and • Pathophysiology:
large colon • Intestinal blockage
• Larvae form cysts in the walls of the gut for 1 to • Worms actually use the nutrients instead of the
2 months horse
• Larvae emerge and mature into adults • May cause intussusception
• Pathophysiology: • Effective dewormers: pyrantel, ivermectin, moxidec-
• Direct damage to the gut wall, impairing digestion tin, and fenbendazole.
and absorption
• Effective dewormers: pyrantel, ivermectin, moxidec- Pinworms
tin, and fenbendazole. • Oxyuris equi
• Life cycle:
Threadworms • Adults live in large and small colon
• Strongyloides westeri • Female parasites migrate to the anus, rupture, and
• Life cycle: spew eggs into the environment
• Adults lay eggs in the small intestine • Infective eggs are ingested; larvae hatch and migrate
• Larvae are ingested by the horse • Pathophysiology is mostly from irritation of the per-
• Larvae migrate ineum; the horse itches and rubs its tail head
• Problems mainly in foals • Effective dewormers: pyrantel, ivermectin, moxidec-
• Ingestion of larvae in mare’s milk tin, and fenbendazole.
• Implicated in foal heat diarrhea
• Some immunity by 12 to 16 weeks of age; infections Tapeworms
minimal • Anoplocephala perfoliata, Anoplocephala magna
• Effective dewormers: pyrantel, ivermectin, moxidec- • Life cycle involves a mite in which the larvae must
tin, and fenbendazole. develop.
• The horse ingests the mite
Roundworms • Larvae are released from the mite and attach
• Parascaris equorum (Fig. 49.4). themselves to the cecum and small intestine
• Most common in foals, clinically irrelevant in horses • Adults release proglottids into the environment;
older than 2 years of age. proglottid releases the eggs, which are consumed
• Life cycle: by mites
• Adults live in small intestine and lay eggs • Previously, little clinical disease attributed to tape-
worms; with newer, more effective dewormers, com-
peting parasite populations are removed and
tapeworms are able to flourish
• Effective dewormer: praziquantel.

• Gastrophilus spp.
• Life cycle:
• Adult fly lays eggs on the horse
• The horse licks the eggs and ingests larvae
• Larvae migrate through the oral cavity and tongue
• Bots are located in the stomach
• Pathophysiology:
Fig. 49.4 Parascaris equorum—the largest of the equine nema-
• Usually does not cause too many problems
todes. (From Hendrix CM, Robinson E. Diagnostic Parasitology
for Veterinary Technicians. 4th ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; • May cause ulceration, perforation, peritonitis
2012, by permission.) • Effective dewormer: ivermectin, after the first hard frost.
CHAPTER 49 Diseases of the Digestive System 421

Clinical Signs Salmonellosis

• Diarrhea Salmonellosis may affect horses of all ages, but it mostly
• Rough hair coat affects the young. It is usually seen in horses that are
• Weight loss crowded, stressed, or both. The causative agent is Salmo-
• Anemia nella spp. The organism is present in most horses, but it
• Colic usually causes disease only when the animal is immuno-
compromised such as in times of stress. Illness is caused
Diagnosis by a toxin that the bacteria release.
• Fecal flotation and egg counts
Clinical Signs
Treatment and Prevention • Profuse, foul-smelling, often bloody diarrhea
• Regular deworming (once or twice per year) to pre- • May become septic, with the following symptoms:
vent large stronglyes • Inappetence, depression
• Any additional treatments should target only those • Fever
horses with high fecal egg counts • Abdominal pain
• Most common dewormers: pyrantel pamoate or • Increased heart and respiratory rates
tartrate, ivermectin, moxidectin, fenbendazole, • Injected sclera
and praziquantel • Dehydration
• Pasture and manure management
• Not forcing horses to eat near fecal piles Diagnosis
• Composting manure • A diagnosis is made on the basis of the results of a
• Breaking up and spreading manure, which fecal culture
exposes eggs to ultraviolet radiation and drying
• Disposing of manure Treatment
• Correction of fluid loss—IV fluids with electrolytes,
TECH ALERT then oral fluids through NG tube
• Antiserum
All horses will be found to have some eggs on fecal
flotation. The goal of deworming is to decrease the
worm load of horses with high fecal egg counts and to
• Diarrhea control—bismuth salicylate (Pepto)
decrease pasture contamination. •  Antibiotics
• Probiotics


In general, diarrhea is defined as an increase in the fre- Salmonella is contagious to everyone who interacts
quency of defecation and the volume of feces, and it is with the horse infected by the organism. Wear pro-
tective clothing, a mask, and gloves when handling
often accompanied by soft feces. The presence of soft
these animals, and make sure that all bedding is dis-
feces does not necessarily mean that the animal has diar-
posed of as a biohazard. These horses must be quar-
rhea. Soft feces may be normal for that animal. What you antined in the hospital to prevent transmission to
should look for is a change in the normal consistency of other patients.
feces, together with an increase in frequency and volume.
Diarrhea can be a serious problem in a horse, especially
in young foals. Severe, prolonged diarrhea may lead to Information for Clients
dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. • Because the causative organism is present in the gut
Disease entities that are all common causes of diar- of most horses, little can be done to prevent the dis-
rhea are discussed in the following sections. ease other than taking steps to minimize stress.
422 SECTION 5 Horses

• This is a zoonotic disease and may be transmitted to Clinical signs

humans through contact with feces and other bodily • Fever, depression
fluids. Use protective clothing when handling and • Mild abdominal pain
cleaning these animals. • Slowed gut movements
• Diarrhea
Clostridial Infections • Some horses experience toxic signs
Clostridial infection is similar to salmonellosis but much • Laminitis is a common sequel
more severe. Animals often die before the onset of diar-
rhea. This disease is most often seen in foals. The disease Diagnosis
is caused by Clostridium perfringens type A. These bac- • Based on clinical signs and serum antibody levels
teria release a toxin that erodes the gut wall.
Clinical Signs • Oxytetracycline
• Profound depression and inappetence • Maintenance of hydration, possibly by IV fluid
• Severe pain therapy
• Injected sclera • Banamine may help prevent laminitis
• Shock, with the following symptoms:
• Pale mucous membranes Information for Clients
• Rapid heart rate • Prevention is by vaccination. However, the vaccine
• Weak, thready pulse
has only one strain of the causative organism, so it
• Fever
may be of limited utility. Also, protection is short
• Profuse, bloody diarrhea, although horses die before
lived (3–6 months).
diarrhea is seen

Diagnosis TECH ALERT

• Fecal culture Overuse of antibiotics has many negative side effects.
Diarrhea is often the result of inappropriate or prolonged
Treatment antibiotic use and may affect any horse that has been
• IV fluid therapy receiving antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics severely
• Pain control decrease the number of favorable gut microflora, thus
• Banamine allowing unfavorable organisms to flourish. The unfavor-
• Ketoprofen able organisms then cause diarrhea. It is for this reason
that injectable antibiotics are preferred, whenever possi-
• Xylazine
ble, in the horse. In addition, maintaining the normal gut
• Penicillin
microflora is necessary for proper digestion of feed-
stuffs. Diarrhea may result if the feedstuffs are not prop-
Ehrlichiosis (Potomac Horse Fever) erly digested.
Ehrlichiosis is more commonly found in horses living
near large waterways and is also more commonly seen
in the summer months. The disease is caused by Neor- Treatment
ickettsia (Ehrlichia) risticii. The exact method of trans- • Treatment is accomplished by stopping antibiotic
mission remains unknown. What is known is that it therapy and administering probiotics
involves a fluke (larval stage of snail), and it also appears
to involve insects that feed on the secretions of snails and Information for Clients
flukes. This disease causes inflammation of the colon, • Ehrlichiosis may be prevented by removing horses
impaired water absorption, and diarrhea. from areas where flukes and snails live.
CHAPTER 49 Diseases of the Digestive System 423

1. Which of the following parasites has historically been 5. It is recommended that all horses have their teeth
considered the most pathogenical of all equine intes- examined and floated:
tinal parasites? a. Every 6 months
a. Strongylus spp. b. At least yearly
b. Strongyloides spp. c. Every 2 years
c. Parascaris spp. d. When clinical signs develop
d. Oxyuris spp. 6. Long-term use of NSAIDs may result in:
2. One of the most common causes of explosive diar- a. Esophageal smooth muscle dysfunction
rhea in stressed, hospitalized horses is: b. Gastric ulceration
a. Escherichia coli c. Chronic diarrhea
b. Salmonella d. Malabsorption of nutrients
c. Pseudomonas 7. In which of the following are you most likely to find
d. Ehrlichia roundworms?
3. One possible consequence of feeding horses soon a. A nursing foal
after sedation or anesthesia is: b. A yearling colt
a. Choke c. A 3-year-old horse
b. Diarrhea d. An adult horse
c. Constipation 8. Which of the following parasites may result in dam-
d. Aspiration age to the tail of the horse?
4. Which of the following might predispose a horse to a. Strongylus vulgarus
gastric ulcers? b. Oxyuris spp.
a. Chronic administration of NSAIDs c. Parascaris spp.
b. Intense training d. Gastrophilus spp.
c. High-concentrate diets
d. All of the above Answers found on page 549.
Diseases of the Endocrine System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss signs and symptoms with clients.
able to: • Explain treatment and husbandry practices for
• Recognize common endocrine disorders in the equine patients with endocrine disorders.
equine patient.

Equine Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction Adults 426
(PPID) 425 Equine Metabolic Dysfunction (Insulin
Hypothyroidism 425 Dysregulation) 426
Foals 426

Adrenocorticotropic Hypertrichosis

The endocrine system is a complex system of glands pro- are released into the bloodstream and are transported
ducing hormones that affect all of the body’s functions. to their target organs elsewhere in the body. The target
A discussion of the entire system is beyond the scope of organ then produces its specific hormone, which affects
this book, but the three organs involved most commonly specific functions of the body. Thyroid-stimulating hor-
in the horse will be discussed here. mone (TSH) is produced in the anterior portion of the
The endocrine system comprises the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and it signals the thyroid gland to
the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland, the adrenal increase production of the two thyroid hormones, triio-
glands, the pancreas, and also the ovaries and the testes. dothyronine (T3) and thyroxin (T4). These two hor-
The kidneys and the heart also play a part in the endo- mones affect almost all of the body’s normal
crine system of humans and other animals. Hormone functions. The middle region of the pituitary gland,
levels circulating within the body are under the control the pars intermedia, is more active in the horse than
of the hypothalamus, which produces releasing hor- in the dog or cat and is typically involved in endocrine
mones, and the pituitary gland, which produces stimu- dysfunction seen in horses. Adenomas in this region
lating hormones in response to the hormones released result in production of excess amounts of endogenous
by the hypothalamus. Equine endocrine disease adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which accounts
involves, most commonly, the pituitary gland, the thy- for the clinical signs seen in affected horses. The pan-
roid gland, and the pancreas. The pituitary gland is creas is both an endocrine organ and an exocrine organ.
responsible for producing stimulating hormones that The islets of Langerhans (the endocrine portion) are

CHAPTER 50 Diseases of the Endocrine System 425

composed of α-cells that secrete glucagon, β-cells that Clinical Signs

secret insulin, and δ-cells that produce somatostatin. • Weight loss and muscle wasting
Blood glucose and amino acid levels determine the • Thick, long-hair coat that does not shed normally
amount of insulin and glucagon secreted by the islet • Lethargy
cells. Insulin is necessary for absorption of glucose into • Sweating
body cells, which also depends on the function of insulin • Excessive urination and water consumption
receptors at the cell membrane. Abnormalities in any of • Recurrent laminitis
these hormonal pathways may result in the clinical signs • Recurrent infections
seen with endocrine disease in the horse. Fortunately,
few problems are routinely seen in this system. Diagnosis
• Clinical signs are suggestive of the disease
EQUINE PITUITARY PARS INTERMEDIA • Response to a dexamethasone suppression test
• Insulin levels
Equine Cushing syndrome is one of the more common • TRH response: ACTH levels
endocrine diseases that affect horses. This disease is more
commonly found in older horses, that is, those in their Treatment
late teens to early twenties. The disease is a result of • Good management (optimal nutrition, hoof care,
hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the pars intermedia of body clipping)
the pituitary gland (it gets bigger). The body experiences • Pergolide, bromocriptine (dopamine receptor agonists)
a decrease in dopamine production and an increase • Prascend Tablets; Boeringer—pergolide licensed for
in ACTH secretion. ACTH causes increased cortisol use in horses
concentrations. Cortisol causes a number of changes in • Cyproheptadine—less expensive, but does not work
the body, including decreased immune response, loss of as well
muscle mass caused by catabolism, and increased blood
glucose concentrations. The first signs of this disease in Information for Clients
the older horse may be the presence of a long, shaggy coat • Because of the heavy hair growth, or lack of shedding,
that is not shed normally in the spring (Fig. 50.1). the horse requires special care during the warm
months. Body clipping the horse is best. If the horse
cannot be clipped, it should be kept under a fan dur-
ing the warm months.
• The horse’s diet needs careful monitoring so that it is
less likely to develop laminitis.

Hypothyroidism is one of the most diagnosed condi-
tions in horses and, some would argue, one of the most
overdiagnosed. (True hypothyroidism is actually rare in
horses.) Hypothyroidism may affect horses of any age,
breed, or sex and is one of two types:
• Primary hypothyroidism refers to inadequate activity
of the thyroid gland.
Fig. 50.1 Hypertrichosis and potbelly caused by endocrine
imbalance of pituitary and pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID).
• Secondary hypothyroidism refers to a disorder of the
((From Scott DW, Miller WH. Equine Dermatology. 2nd ed. St. anterior pituitary gland, which does not produce
Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011, by permission.)) enough TSH.
426 SECTION 5 Horses

Clinical Signs Quarter horse breeds. Insulin resistance is seen in horses

Foals with pars intermedia dysfunction, granulose cell tumors,
• Weakness, incoordination and hyperlipidemia. The development of the clinical
• Signs of dysmaturity: signs of insulin resistance is poorly understood. Insulin
• Poor suckling response is a vasoregulating protein and may result in vasocon-
• Fine-hair coat striction in the hoof. This, along with changes in gluco-
• Joint and tendon laxity corticoid levels frequently results in laminitis.
• Poor righting reflexes Some experts believe that this dysfunction may be the
• Low body temperature result of the inability of the horse to properly metabolize
• Poor muscle development, umbilical hernias carbohydrates. Many horses improve when placed on
• Incomplete ossification of bones low-carbohydrate rations. Other endocrine dysfunctions
Adults must be ruled out when diagnosing EMS, PPID and
• Exercise intolerance hypothyroidism among them. All or some of these prob-
• Lethargy lems may contribute to symptoms of equine metabolic
• Low heart rate dysfunction.
• Obesity and laminitis
Clinical Signs
Diagnosis • Seen most commonly in horses 5 to 16 years of age
• A diagnosis is made by two methods • Signs of pars intermedia dysfunction
• Blood work: • Increased fat in neck (cresty neck) and over
• Measuring circulating thyroid hormone levels: not tail head
reliable • Increased appetite
• Alternative (thyrotropin-releasing hormone response • Laminitis made worse by increased carbohydrate
test): expensive and rarely used in the diet (spring and fall grasses)
• Response to thyroid hormone supplementation
Treatment • Fasting insulin levels >20 μU/mL suggestive of
• Thyroid hormone supplementation disease
• Weaning horses off supplements rather than stop- • Positive response to low-carbohydrate diet
ping them abruptly • Positive diagnosis of pars intermedia dysfunction


• Pergolide for PPID
(INSULIN DYSREGULATION) • High-fiber, low-carbohydrate diet
Insulin resistance dysregulation may be defined as a • Muzzle to limit grass intake in pastured horses
decreased response to endogenous insulin levels associ-
ated with increased blood glucose concentrations. Resis- Information for Clients
tance to insulin results from changes in the sensitivity of • Pituitary tumors in horses are not surgically accessi-
the insulin receptors at the cellular level. Because a num- ble, so a cure is not possible.
ber of these receptors must be activated to achieve the • Every horse will respond differently to pergolide, and
desired effect, with an increase in the number of non- doses may require adjustment as the disease pro-
functional receptors, higher insulin levels will be gresses. Decreased appetite has been reported in
required to activate the remaining functional receptors. some horses.
There is believed to be a genetic predisposition for this • Laminitis, when it occurs, may necessitate special
disease, and it is more prevalent in ponies, Saddlebreds, shoeing and may be the limiting factor to survival
Tennessee Walking Horses, Paso Fino, Morgan, and time of the patient.
CHAPTER 50 Diseases of the Endocrine System 427

1. Which gland in the endocrine system is involved in c. The thyroid
PPID? d. The pituitary gland
a. Thyroid gland 4. Horses with recurring laminitis may have:
b. Pancreas a. Cushing syndrome
c. Pituitary gland b. Insulin resistance
d. Hypothalamus c. Thyroid dysfunction
2. “Cushing syndrome” is most commonly seen in d. All of the above
horses that are: 5. Diets low in ________ are recommended for insulin-
a. Younger than 1 year of age resistant horses.
b. Between 5 and 10 years of age a. Lipids
c. Older than 10 years of age b. Proteins
3. Signs of dysmaturity in foals may be linked to dys- c. Carbohydrates
function of: d. Fiber
a. The pancreas
b. The ovary Answers found on page 549.
Diseases of the Eye

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss treatment difficulties and alternatives with
able to: clients.
• Diagram the structure of the eye.
• Assist the veterinarian with a complete eye

Anatomy of the Equine Eye 428 Conjunctivitis 430
Trauma 429 Corneal Ulcers 430
Entropion 429 Moon Blindness (Periodic Ophthalmia,
Sarcoid 429 Recurrent Uveitis) 430
Squamous Cell Carcinoma 430 Cataracts 431

Avascular Opacity Stroma
Consensual Photophobia Tapetum

chamber provides nutrition for the cornea. The caudal

ANATOMY OF THE EQUINE EYE border of the chamber is the uvea, which is responsible
The equine eye is large and beautiful and, for many for the production of the aqueous humor, gives the iris
horse-loving people, is the window to the soul of the its color, and is the location of the pupil. The lining tissue
horse. The structure of the eye is the same as for other of the uvea is highly pigmented and vascular. It serves to
mammals. The three distinct layers to the globe are: (1) decrease scatter as light passes into the back of the eye
the fibrous layer, the cornea and sclera; (2) the vascular through the pupil and lens. The tapetum is located in
layer, the choroid or uvea; and (3) the nervous layer, the choroid layer. This highly colored, reflective
the retina. Less of the globe is protected by the bony orbit, area reflects light back onto the retina, which results in
so damage to the cornea is common in horses. The cornea maximizing the use of available light.
is clear and is composed of the epithelial surface cells, The pupil in the eye of the horse is elliptical, not
stroma, and Descemet’s membrane. The cornea is avas- round. The dorsal and ventral margins contain pigmen-
cular but is well supplied with sensory nerve fibers. The ted prominences known as the corpra nigra. Pupillary
cornea is the anterior boundary of the anterior chamber light response in the horse is both consensual and direct.
of the globe. Fluid that circulates through the anterior The fundus of the retina is partially vascularized with 30

CHAPTER 51 Diseases of the Eye 429

• Complete eye examination
• Corneal staining to rule out ulcer or laceration

Medial Treatment
canthus Lateral • Atropine ophthalmic ointment
canthus • Antibiotic ophthalmic ointment
• Surgical repair
• Banamine to reduce inflammation

Fig. 51.1 Equine eye structures. (From Christenson DE. Veteri-

nary Medical Terminology. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders;
2009, by permission.) Entropion is a condition that involves the rolling
inward of the horse’s eyelids and subsequent corneal
to 60 retinal vessels radiating from the optic disk. The irritation. Entropion is either unilateral or bilateral.
optic disk is located in the nontapetal area of the fundus Entropion may be congenital or secondary to other
and is oval and salmon-pink in color. The lens, that sep- conditions.
arates the anterior chamber from the posterior vitreous,
acts to focus light on the retina (Fig. 51.1). Clinical Signs
In general, any ocular disease is considered an emer- • Excessive tear production
gency. Some of these conditions may progress from a • Blepharospasm
seemingly minor problem in the morning to a sight- • Photophobia
threatening emergency that afternoon. As a rule, if a • Inversion of the eyelid
horse has an eye problem, a veterinarian should be con- • Corneal ulcers
tacted as soon as possible. Signs of ocular disease include
cloudy eyes, blepharospasm, photophobia, and dis-
charge. If these signs are observed, the first action that
• Visual examination of the eye
should be taken is to bring the horse inside, out of the
• A corneal stain to rule out corneal ulcers
sunlight. A veterinarian should then be called.

TRAUMA • Eye ointments
• Manual eversion with tissue glue
One thing horse owners the world over are sure about is • Surgery
that horses can always find a way to injure their eye.
Puncture wounds, torn eyelids, and lacerated corneas
are all common traumas seen in equine practice. Blunt TECH ALERT
trauma to the eye may also occur in trailers, during Advise clients to discard old eye medications after
restraint, or in the pasture from other horses. treatment has been completed. Old medications may
become contaminated, and their use may result in dam-
age to the eye.
Clinical Signs
• Blepharospasm
• Epiphora
• Bleeding
• Swollen eye See Chapter 53 for detailed information about equine
• Pain sarcoid.
430 SECTION 5 Horses


See Chapter 53 for detailed information about squamous
cell carcinoma in horses.

Conjunctivitis, or inflammation of the conjunctiva, is
associated with a wide variety of disease processes. It
is more commonly seen in the summer, during dry,
dusty conditions, and when flies are present.

Clinical Signs
• Ocular discharge
• Pruritus
• Red, swollen conjunctiva
• May be associated with upper respiratory
infections Fig. 51.2 Ulceration of the cornea from trauma. Note the swol-
• Parasites; May be more prevalent in young horses; len conjunctiva and corneal stain (arrow). (From Gilger BC.
Thelasia, Habronema, Onchocerca spp. Equine Ophthalmology. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders;
2011, by permission.)

• Stain the eye to rule out corneal ulcers • Antibacterial ointment, antifungal ointment, or both
• Treat the underlying cause without steroids
• Clean the discharge, and keep flies away from • More aggressive treatment options should be consid-
the eyes ered in any ulcer that does not readily heal with initial
• Apply eye ointment or drops treatment.

Topical treatment of the equine eye is difficult. It is often
Corneal ulcers are one of the most common causes of necessary to place a catheter subconjunctivally to facili-
ocular disease in horses. Major causes of corneal ulcers tate multiple daily treatments.
include trauma and scratching of the cornea; bacteria;
and fungi.
Information for Clients
Clinical Signs • Never put anything that contains steroids into an ani-
• Photophobia mal’s eye without first consulting a veterinarian
• Blepharospasm because steroids may cause a corneal ulcer to worsen.
• Cloudy cornea or blue eye (Fig. 51.2)
• New blood vessels in cornea
• Stain the cornea with fluorescein stain Moon blindness got its name because it tends to come
• It is also advisable to look for a foreign body and go. The exact cause of the disease remains undeter-
mined. Many animals with recurrent uveitis also have a
Treatment high antibody titer to leptospirosis. This condition is
• Atropine—relaxes ciliary muscles, controls pain immune mediated and appears to be more prevalent
CHAPTER 51 Diseases of the Eye 431

in Appaloosa and Warmblood breeds. Although these • Atropine

breeds seem predisposed to the disease, all horses are • Flunixin meglumine (Banamine)
susceptible. Leptospirosis, especially Leptospira interro- • Cyclosporine sclera implants (usually done at
gans, serovar Pomona infection may predispose the university veterinary medical center)
horse to uveitis. T cells collect in the eye in response
to an outer membrane protein on the bacteria, and this TECH ALERT
results in clinical symptoms. Live Leptospira organisms
can often be found in the aqueous and vitreous fluids of Quick treatment of this disease helps prevent perma-
nent damage in many cases. Consider this a “must
the inflamed eye. This immune response becomes
see vet today” type of condition.
chronic and will eventually result in blindness and fur-
ther damage to the eye.
Information for Clients
Clinical Signs • This condition should be seen immediately by a vet-
• Cloudy eye (cornea appears blue or white and opa- erinarian. Early treatment will limit damage to
que) (Fig. 51.3) the eye.
• Blepharospasm • This condition is lifelong for the horse and will even-
• Excessive tears tually result in blindness.
• There is a leptospirosis vaccine for horses. It should
Diagnosis not be given to horses with the disease. It is not part of
• Visualization of protein flare in fluid of anterior the recommended core vaccines.
• Affected eye appearing smaller than the unaffected
• Can measure antibody titers against leptospirosis
A cataract is an opacity that causes the lens to lose its
• Corneal stain to rule out ulcers
ability to allow the passage of light. Cataracts may be
congenital or acquired, and some evidence suggests that
Treatment a hereditary component may exist.
• Topical corticosteroids
• Long-acting steroids, which can be injected under the
conjunctiva Clinical Signs
• Visual deficits
• Cloudy appearance to lens

• Visual examination

• Surgery (prognosis is good for foals)
• Atropine (dilates pupil, lets more light in, may focus
light on clear part of lens)

Fig. 51.3 Horse with signs of active equine recurrent uveitis. Many blind horses can be ridden safely if the owners
(From Holtgrew-Bohling K. Large Animal Clinical Procedures do not overstep the ability and comfort level of the
for Veterinary Technicians. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; animal.
2012, by permission.)
432 SECTION 5 Horses

1. What step should be taken when a horse with an eye 4. _______ stain should be used to rule out a corneal
problem is seen in the pasture? ulcer before treatment.
a. Put antibiotic ointment in the eye a. Dif-quik
b. Bring the horse out of the light, and then call b. Fluorescein
the vet c. Rose Bengal
c. Put steroid ointment in the eye 5. Long-term use of ophthalmic atropine might result
d. Call the vet, and leave the horse in the pasture in some horses developing _______.
2. The most common cause of eye problems in a. Colic
horses is: b. Dry eye
a. Corneal ulcers c. Corneal damage
b. Retinal degeneration 6. Horses exposed to wildlife and wet conditions may
c. Entropion develop what bacterial infection that could result in
d. Periodic ophthalmia equine recurrent uveitis?
3. Used eye medications should be: a. Salmonella
a. Refrigerated for future use b. E. coli
b. Disposed of when treatment has ended c. Leptospira
c. Kept in case the problem recurs d. Staphylococcus
d. Given to friends for their horses
Answers found on page 549.
Hematologic Diseases

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Explain to clients the need for the Coggins test for all
able to: horses on a yearly basis.

Equine Infectious Anemia 433 Red Maple Toxicosis 434

Methemoglobininemia Petechiae Toxicosis

Blood disorders are a serious, although rare, problem in Diagnosis

horses. As an animal’s blood cells become weakened or • Draw a blood sample, and perform the Coggins test.
destroyed, they start losing their ability to carry oxygen
and nutrients to tissues. Such an instance, if allowed to Treatment
progress unchecked, is incompatible with life. • No treatment exists for EIA.


Equine infectious anemia (EIA) is a disease that affects All horses should be tested yearly for EIA. Horses
horses throughout the world. No age, breed, or sex predi- housed in clinics should have a negative Coggins test
lection is associated with this disease. The causative organ- before hospital admission, whenever possible.
ism is a lentivirus that is spread via blood transmission.
Biting flies are the most common method of trans-
mission, although sharing needles and surgical instru- Information for Clients
ments among horses may also spread the disease. • Prevention of EIA consists of typical biosecurity mea-
sures—not sharing needles or instruments between
Clinical Signs horses, fly control, and so forth.
• Fever • If a horse tests positive, it must be reported to
• Depression the State Veterinarian. The horse will then be
• Anemia retested.
• Clotting disorders • A horse that tests positive must be euthanized or
• Chronic carriers show little sign of the disease; these branded and quarantined for the rest of its life.
horses typically will have recurrent bouts of clinical • As a responsible horse owner, you should have your
disease horses tested yearly.

434 SECTION 5 Horses

RED MAPLE TOXICOSIS • Clinical signs, together with examination of a
Red maple toxicosis is caused by a toxin that accumu- blood smear
lates in wilted or dried red maple (Acer rubrum) leaves.
When ingested, the toxin causes oxidation damage to Treatment
the red blood cells (RBCs). At first, the toxin causes met- • The condition is treated with supportive care and
hemoglobinemia, and the erythrocytes are not able to
blood transfusions. The animal should be kept in a
carry oxygen efficiently. This is followed by Heinz body
calm, quiet environment, and supplemental oxygen
formation, that is damage to the red cell membrane will
should be given, if necessary
occur with the formation of Heinz bodies leading to the
rupture of the erythrocyte.
Information for Clients
Clinical Signs • Every effort should be made to prevent the ingestion
• Jaundice of wilted red maple leaves by cleaning up the leaves
• Brown urine while they are still fresh on the ground or by not
• Weakness, depression pasturing horses near red maple trees.
• Petechiae

1. How is a case of equine infectious anemia (EIA) 2. If an animal tests positive for EIA, what is the next
diagnosed? step for the animal?
a. Coombs test a. Quarantine
b. Coggins test b. Retesting by the State Veterinarian
c. Card agglutination test c. Euthanasia
d. EIA cannot be diagnosed accurately d. Antibiotic therapy
Answers found on page 550.
Diseases of the Integumentary System

When you have com • Advise clients on preventive measures required to
pleted this chapter, you will be able to: limit the spread of skin diseases.
• Recognize differences among the common skin
problems in the equine patient.

Insect Hypersensitivity 435 Sweet Itch 439
Fly Bite Dermatitis 436 Sarcoids 440
Lice (Pediculosis) 436 Proud Flesh 441
Mites 437 Warts (Papillomatosis) 441
Ticks 437 Wounds 442
Onchocerciasis 437 Snake Bite 442
Rain Scald, Rain Rot 437 Fire Ant Bites 442
Ringworm 438 Melanoma 442
Scratches (Pastern Dermatitis) 439

Autogenous Urticaria Wheals

Reporting of skin diseases in horses is quite common. It

is not unusual for the owner to notice various lesions as
the horse is being groomed and prepared for work. Fol- Insect hypersensitivity is a systemic, allergic reaction to
lowing are important questions in the history of a horse the bite of an insect. The condition is usually seen during
presented for skin problems: the summer months and is first noticed in animals
• How old is the horse? 4 years of age or younger. The most common insects
• What season of the year is it? to cause the condition are those of the genus Culicoides,
• Is the horse in a stable or on a pasture? also known as biting gnats (Fig. 53.1).
• Is the horse maintained in a herd, or singly?
• Are other horses showing signs of skin disease?
• Where is the horse located? Clinical Signs
Answers to these questions can help narrow down the • Intense pruritus
list of potential diseases that may be affecting the animal. • Alopecia, excoriation, erythema, scaling

436 SECTION 5 Horses


Lesions are seen as a result of the bite of the fly. Fly bite
dermatitis is usually seen during the warmer months of
the year.

Clinical Signs
• Wheals
• Pustules
• Nodules

• Feed-through fly control
• Fly sprays
• Appropriate care of any wounds that may appear

Lice are one of the most common ectoparasites that
affect horses. Lice are host specific, and two species affect
horses. Sucking lice (Haematopinus asini) are more
Fig. 53.1 Insect-bite hypersensitivity. Severe self-induced hypo-
trichosis of the tail. (From Scott DW, Miller WH Jr. Equine damaging to the animal and live off its blood. Biting
Dermatology. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011, by or chewing lice (Damalinia equi) live off the dead cells
permission.) and other debris in the horse’s skin. Lice infestation is
usually seen in the winter months. The reasons may
be that the horse’s hair is longer and grooming may
• Urticaria (hives) not be as thorough, and horses may congregate for
• Lesions most common along mane, ventral body warmth. Transmission of lice is through direct horse-
to-horse contact, or they may be carried on inanimate
Diagnosis objects.
• Clinical signs
• Presence of the insects in the environment Clinical Signs
• Intense pruritus, especially around the mane and tail
(Fig. 53.2).
Treatment • Presence of adults or eggs (nits) in the hair
• Insect control, fly sprays
• Steroid therapy Diagnosis
• Antihistamines do not appear to be effective • Visualization of adults and eggs in the hair coat
• If lesions are severe, animal will need antibiotic
therapy as well Treatment
• Topical shampoos (pyrethrins and organophos-
Information for Clients phates, although organophosphates should be
• The occurrence and severity of insect hypersensi- avoided, if possible, for safety reasons)
tivity may be prevented with good management. • Treatment of the environment
Insect control, fly sprays, and fans may keep the gnats • Clipping
off the horses. • Treatment of all horses on the premises
• If the animals are kept in a small paddock, manure • Ivermectin: more effect against sucking lice than
removal may reduce the number of gnats present. against biting lice
CHAPTER 53 Diseases of the Integumentary System 437

• Tail
• Distal limbs
• Some severe systemic hypersensitivity
• Lameness; Tick paralysis

• Presence of ticks on the horse

• Removal of ticks
• Pyrethrin dips
Fig. 53.2 Lice infestation: alopecia and scaling of the mane. Information for Clients
(From Scott DW, Miller WH Jr. Equine Dermatology. 2nd ed.
St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011, by permission.)
• In areas where Lyme disease is prevalent, lameness in
the horse may indicate infection, and testing for
Lyme disease should be done.
Many different species of mites are normal inhabitants ONCHOCERCIASIS
of the horse’s skin, and some are free-living in the envi- Onchocerciasis is caused by a nematode parasite, the
ronment. Disease caused by mites is most often seen adults of which live in the ligamentum nuchae. The lar-
when an animal becomes immunocompromised. vae migrate through skin and cause dermatitis. Small
insects are implicated in the spread of the disease, which
Clinical Signs
is usually nonseasonal in occurrence.
• Intense itching
• Distribution of lesions depends on species of mite Clinical Signs
• Pruritic lesions, especially in area of the ventral
Diagnosis abdomen
• Microscopical examination of skin scrapings • “Bull’s-eye” lesions, especially on the face (Fig. 53.3)
• Uveitis is often seen concurrently
• Lime sulfur dips Diagnosis
• Pyrethrin dips • Histopathology can be performed, but a more com-
• Ivermectin mon method of diagnosis is by observing response
to treatment
TICKS Treatment
Four predominant types of blood-sucking ticks affect • Administer oral ivermectin; repeat monthly as
horses, mainly in the warmer months of the year: Oto- needed
bius megnini, the spinous ear tick; Dermacentor spp.; • Death of microfilariae can cause intense itching, and
Ixodes spp. (deer tick); and Amblyomma spp. steroids may be prescribed

Clinical Signs
• Bite sensitivity, found most often in the following RAIN SCALD, RAIN ROT
areas: Rain rot is one of the more common skin diseases of
• Ears horses. When the disease occurs on the palmar and
• Face plantar aspects of the pasterns, it may be referred to
• Neck as “dew poisoning,” “mud scratches,” or “scurf.” This
• Groin disease has both fungal and bacterial components. The
438 SECTION 5 Horses

• Treatment usually consists of bathing with one of
the following:
• Iodine-based (any disinfectant or soap) shampoos
• ChlorhexiDerm washes
• Dilute bleach solution
• Antifungal powder
• Ketoconazole or chlorhexidine pads

Information for Clients

• Rain rot can be prevented by daily grooming.
• If a horse does experience development of rain rot,
make sure that brushes, blankets, and so on are thor-
oughly disinfected in an iodine-based solution (any dis-
infectant or soap) before using them on another horse.

In many areas of the United States, rain rot is a common
problem among long-haired horses (winter hair) outside
in the wet spring weather. Clipping the coat or using a
Fig. 53.3 Alopecic crusted plaques on the forehead with oncho- good shedding blade allows the coat to dry faster.
cerciasis. (From Scott DW, Miller WH Jr. Equine Dermatology.
2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011, by permission.)
causative bacterium is Dermatophilus congolensis, and The fungal infection ringworm is one of the most
this condition may also be referred to as dermatophilosis. common dermatoses in stabled horses (Fig. 53.4). Two
This condition is usually seen during moist conditions, genera of fungi cause ringworm, Trichophyton and
and in a large portion of the United States, it is most Microsporum. Usually, affected animals have some sort
common in the winter months.
The causative organisms become trapped in the hair
and reproduce in a moist environment. The condition
may be transferred by direct contact or through inani-
mate objects.

Clinical Signs
• Matting of hair, followed by alopecia and crusting
• “Paintbrush” lesions—hair epilates in clumps that
resemble a paintbrush
• Lesions most often found along the back of the leg,
the rump, and the back of the horse
• Mud scratches most often on white legs
• Often nonpruritic, but may be painful

• The clinical signs and history are highly suggestive,
Fig. 53.4 Dermatophilosis often develops in horses in wet envi-
and definitive diagnosis of the condition is made ronments. (From Sellon DC, Long MT. Equine Infectious Dis-
by observing an impression smear of the lesions eases. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2007, by permission.)
CHAPTER 53 Diseases of the Integumentary System 439

Information for Clients

• Make sure that brushes, blankets, and so on are
thoroughly disinfected before using them on
another horse.


Scratches, also called “mud fever” or “greasy heel,” is
seen in horses kept in wet, unhygienic conditions. It is
more common in breeds with heavy feathering on the
legs. The condition is more frequent in the spring when
pastures are wet and muddy.

Clinical Signs
Fig. 53.5 Dermatophytosis caused by Trypanosoma equinum.
• Swelling of the pastern skin on the rear of the leg
Annular areas of alopecia on the face and at the base of
the ears. (From Scott DW, Miller WH Jr. Equine Dermatology. • Hair loss
2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2011, by permission.) • Scab formation
• Painful skin; in severe condition, the skin may
of compromise to the skin or the immune system. The
fungi may be transmitted via direct contact or inanimate Diagnosis
objects. • Location of the lesions
Clinical Signs
• Multifocal lesions of alopecia scaling, crusting
• Clip the feathering on legs to open the area to air
• Lesion may start as classic round areas of hair loss,
• Wash the area with an antiseptic shampoo or dry well
but is just as often seen over a larger area (Fig. 53.5) • Remove the scabs
• May or may not be pruritic
• Apply antifungal or antiseptic pads to raw area
• Keep the horse in a clean, dry stall until the
• History and clinical signs are suggestive lesions heal
• Definitive diagnosis is made by fungal culture
Treatment The horse’s skin may be very painful to the touch, so be
• Disease is often self-limiting, so benign neglect prepared for the horse to react.
often works
• Disinfection of blankets, brushes, and so on
Information for Clients
• Topical antifungals
• Miconazole • Keep feathering short during wet conditions.
• Iodine • Stall horses on clean, dry bedding.
• Dry the pastern area well after bathing.
• ChlorhexiDerm washes
• Griseofulvin for those animals that do not respond to
topical treatments SWEET ITCH
TECH ALERT Sweet itch is a warm weather skin disease caused by
hypersensitivity to the bites of midges (small “no-
Ringworm is contagious to humans that come in contact
with the animal or contaminated tack or blankets.
see-um” flies). Lesions are seen along the topline of
the horse, around the mane and tail, and on the face
440 SECTION 5 Horses

and ears. These flies are usually are more active around
dawn and sunset.

Clinical Signs
• Pruritus
• Scaly lesions along the topline or at the base of the tail

• Position of scaly, itchy lesions
• History of exposure to the outside during the evening
and morning hours

• Corticosteroids or
• Oral antihistamines
• Stalling horse during times when flies are most active;
use of a fan to keep flies away

Information for Clients

• Fly sheets and masks to prevent flies from biting
the horse.
Fig. 53.7 Nodular, subcutaneous sarcoid of the eyelid. (Courtesy
• Frequent applications of fly spray or wipes.
Dr. Melissa Hines. In: Sellon DC, Long MT. Equine Infectious
• Use of fans in stalls to keep flies away. Diseases. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2007.)
• Stalling horse during times when flies are most active.

SARCOIDS believed that a papovavirus may be responsible for

these tumors. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) testing
Sarcoids are the most common skin tumor of horses
suggests that these tumors are caused by bovine papillo-
(Fig. 53.6). They are slow growing and locally invasive,
maviruses type 1 and 2. The tumors tend to occur at
but nonmetastatic. The onset of the tumors is mainly
sites of previous trauma but may spread to other areas
seen in younger horses (<10 years of age). It is currently
of the body or to other horses. Sarcoids occur as single
tumors or multiple nodules (Fig. 53.7). The best treat-
ment for sarcoids is benign neglect. The tumors have
been found to get worse after biopsies have been
performed. If they must be removed, cryosurgery with
surgical debulking of the tumor has been shown to
reduce recurrence rates.

• Biopsy

• Sarcoids are most often treated by surgical excision,
injection of chemotherapeutic agents into the tumor,
Fig. 53.6 Fibroblastic sarcoid on the ear of a horse. (From Sellon or cryotherapy
DC, Long MT. Equine Infectious Diseases. St. Louis, MO: Saun- • XxTerra (Larson Laboratories, Ft. Collins, CO): a
ders; 2007, by permission.) caustic substance with extract of the bloodroot plant
CHAPTER 53 Diseases of the Integumentary System 441


Proud flesh is the red, protruding flesh that is found on Warts are common in a variety of animal species
the distal limbs after an injury. Essentially, proud flesh is (Fig. 53.8). They most often affect horses younger than
granulation tissue growing out of control, or “exuberant 3 years of age. Warts are caused by a papillomavirus and
granulation tissue.” Proud flesh is red, cauliflower-like are transmitted by direct contact.
growth over a wound that bleeds easily
Clinical Signs
Treatment • Papillomatosis lesions are typical wartlike growths,
• Apply powdered meat tenderizer to lesion usually multifocal, and found most commonly
• Enzyme sprays around the muzzle and lips of horses
• Surgical removal
• Avoid the use of caustic substances that delay healing Treatment
• Warts are usually self-limiting, so benign neglect is a
Information for Clients common course of action
• Measures to prevent proud flesh formation: • In severe cases, autogenous vaccines may be used
• Wrap wounded leg • In addition, immunostimulants may be used, espe-
• Chlorhexidine diacetate (Nolvasan) or steroid cially when warts appear in older horses
• Separation of affected animals may prevent spread to
• Enzyme sprays the rest of the herd
• Avoid the use of caustic substances that will delay
Information for Clients
healing • Avoid using the same tack, feed buckets, and water
• Furacin ointment may cause an increase in devel-
buckets for other horses.
opment of proud flesh.
• When the proud flesh is cut off, it will bleed pro- TECH ALERT
fusely. However, the horse will show few signs of
Avoid spreading warts by not using the same bridles and
being aware of the procedure. Although rich in blood
bits, feed buckets, and water buckets for multiple
vessels, scar tissue is devoid of sensory nerve endings,
horses. Wear gloves when treating the lesions.
so the animal does not feel any pain.

Fig. 53.8 Warts on the muzzle (A) and lips (B) of a young horse. (Courtesy Dr. Melissa Hines. In: Sellon DC, Long
MT. Equine Infectious Diseases. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2007.)
442 SECTION 5 Horses

WOUNDS Clinical Signs

• Localized swelling on the nose or face; may be
Wounds to the skin may be from any external source of extreme
trauma, and the specific treatment for the wound may • Necrosis of the tissue associated with the swelling
depend on the source. General steps taken in the treat- • Usually will not be able to find puncture marks due to
ment of wounds include stopping blood loss, clipping swelling
the hair from the area, and thorough cleansing. The • Many painful papules on the legs and body; horse
wound may then be evaluated to determine whether may be manic because of the pain
sutures or staples are necessary. Puncture wounds
should be flushed thoroughly and allowed to heal from Diagnosis
the inside outward. Any puncture wound close to a joint • Complete blood cell count (CBC), serum chemistries
needs careful evaluation by a veterinarian to determine • Seeing the animal bitten
whether the joint capsule has been compromised. Most
wounds will benefit from antibiotic therapy. Whenever a Treatment
horse has a wound, tetanus prophylaxis needs to be • Hydrotherapy to reduce swelling
considered. • NSAIDS
•  Antibiotics
TECH ALERT • Surgical debridement if tissue is necrotic

If an injured horse is current on tetanus vaccination, give

a tetanus toxoid booster. Avoid using tetanus antitoxin in MELANOMA
vaccinated horses because severe anaphylactic reac-
Melanomas are tumors of pigment-producing cells
tions have been reported.
called melanocytes. The cause is currently unknown.
Melanomas are common in gray or black horses. It
has been estimated that up to 80% of gray horses will
form melanomas during their lifetime. Many of these
SNAKE BITE tumors will become malignant and will metastasize.
Rattlesnakes, copperheads, and water moccasins are the Clinical Signs
most common snakes causing bites in horses. The
• Any black nodule in a gray or black horse; usually
venom from snakes is hemotoxic and proteolytic, and
occur under the tail or on the face, but can be found
bites result in profound local swelling with tissue and
anywhere on the body.
blood cell destruction. Most bites occur in the summer
months and are usually on the nose, head, or neck. Diagnosis
Swelling on the head may compromise respiration. As
• Visual examination of growth on pigmented skin
with other species, treatment of the horse is symptom-
• Biopsy
atic; hydrotherapy is used to decrease swelling, with or
• Treatment
without nonsteroidal antiinflammatories (NSAIDS).
• Cimetidine
Antivenom, although available, is of limited use.
• Surgical removal
• Intralesional chemotherapy
• Injectable canine melanoma vaccine (Oncept;
Palo Alto, CA)
Fire ants, found mostly in the southern United States, • Gene therapy
produce painful bites that develop into papules on the • Horse-specific vaccine (must be made by specialist)
legs, nose, or ventrum. Horses may roll into anthills
and be bitten by hundreds of ants. If many ant bites have Information for Clients
occurred, antibiotics and NSAIDS may be necessary to • Do not ignore even small black nodules on a gray or
decrease pain and combat infection of the bites. black horse. Have them examined by a veterinarian as
soon as they are noticed.
CHAPTER 53 Diseases of the Integumentary System 443

1. Which of the following conditions has both a bacte- c. Dilute Clorox solution
rial and a fungal component? d. All of the above
a. Ringworm 4. Why do most snake bites occur on the head of the
b. Rain rot horse?
c. Rhodococcus pneumonia 5. How might a technician prepare an autogenous wart
d. Recurrent uveitis vaccine? (Select all that apply.)
2. The most common tumor of the skin is ________. a. Grind up a few warts in a sterile liquid medium,
a. Squamous cell carcinoma and inject subcutaneously into the horse
b. Equine sarcoid b. Scrape the warts with a scalpel blade until
c. Cutaneous adenoma they bleed
d. Melanoma c. Surgically remove the wart with wide excision
3. Which of the following could be used for treatment of d. All of the above
rain rot?
a. Iodine shampoo Answers found on page 550.
b. Ketoconazole shampoo
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Explain the value of proper nutrition and
able to: maintenance of the horse to clients.
• Assist the veterinarian in the diagnosis of • Appreciate how conformation affects
musculoskeletal diseases. musculoskeletal diseases seen in horses.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Musculoskeletal Splints 450
System 444 Fracture of Splint Bones 451
Anatomy of the Equine Limb 445 Suspensory Ligament Desmitis 451
Subsolar Bruising (“Corns”) 446 Bowed Tendon 451
Hoof Abscesses 447 Infectious Tenosynovitis 451
Navicular Syndrome 447 Laminitis 452
Thrush 448 Sweeney 452
Sidebone (Calcification of Lateral Cartilages) 448 Bog Spavin 453
Pastern Chip Fractures 449 Bone (Jack) Spavin 453
Proximal Sesamoid Fractures 449 Upward Dixation of the Patella 453
Sesmoiditis 450 Rhabdomyolysis 454
Bucked Shins 450 Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism 454

Contralateral Spavin Tenosynovitis

The lumbar, sacral, and pelvic bones are just like

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE those of the canine, only larger. The femur and
MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM humerus are shaped as in other mammals, but from
The skeleton of the horse is somewhat similar to that the elbow and stifle the bones are different. Horsemen
of dogs and cats but with some major differences. The through the ages have had special names for the bones
vertebral column is longer than that of the dog, even of the lower legs. The technician should learn both the
though the horse still has only seven cervical vertebrae. anatomical and common names for these bones. The
There are 16 thoracic vertebra and 16 ribs. carpus, in the front legs, is called the knee. It comprises

CHAPTER 54 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 445

a series of bones stacked on top of one another, as in

other animals, plus the ulna and the radius. The “knee”
in the rear leg is known as the stifle. That joint is made Most veterinary technicians are familiar with the bones
up of the femur, patella, fibula, and tibia. Distal to the of dogs and cats but have not been exposed to “horse”
carpus, the horse stands on the third metacarpal bone terminology. When listening to clients or when discuss-
in the front leg and the third metatarsal bone in the rear ing disease problems with owners, the technician needs
leg. These bones are commonly known as the cannon to be fluent in the terminology of “equine” anatomy.
bones. Medial and lateral to the cannon bone are the Because most differences in terminology occur in the
splint bones, remnants of the second and fourth meta- limb, and most musculoskeletal problems also occur
carpal and metatarsals. In the rear leg, the hock is like there, the limb anatomy of the horse is important to
the heel of the human foot. That joint is made up of the technician. The horse front leg consists of the scap-
the tibia, the fibula, and the tarsal bones. Below the ula, humerus, radius and ulna, knee (the carpus), can-
hock is the rear cannon bone. Distal to the cannon non bone (the third metacarpal bone), long pastern
bones are the pastern bones: the fetlock joint comprises (the proximal phalanx), short pastern (the middle pha-
the third metacarpal or metatarsal bone plus the long lanx), and coffin bone (the distal phalanx). The rear leg
pastern bone or the third proximal phalanx. The long consists of the femur, stifle, tarsus (the hock), tibia and
pastern bone articulates with the short pastern bone, fibula, cannon bone (the third metatarsal bone), long
the third middle phalanx, which articulates with the pastern (the proximal phalanx), short pastern (the mid-
coffin bone, the third distal phalanx, within the hoof dle phalanx), and coffin bone (the distal phalanx)
(Fig. 54.1). (Figs. 54.2 and 54.3).


Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Coccy-

Skull geal



Ulna Patella Fibula
Radius Olecranon
Tibia Calcaneus
Carpus Splint bone
Splint bone
Metatarsus Proximal
Proximal phalanx Proximal sesamoid
Middle phalanx Proximal
sesamoid Distal Middle phalanx
Distal phalanx phalanx
Fig. 54.1 Equine skeleton. (From Colville T, Bassert JM. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Tech-
nicians. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002, by permission).
446 SECTION 5 Horses

Coaxal tuber

Hip bone (as coxae)




Proximal phalanx
Middle phalanx
Fig. 54.2 Skeleton of the front leg of the horse. (From Dyce KM, Fig. 54.3 Skeleton of the rear leg of the horse. (From Dyce KM,
Sack WO, Wensing CJG. Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy. 4th Sack WO, Wensing CJG. Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy. 4th
ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2010, by permission.) ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2010, by permission.)

Disorders of the musculoskeletal system are of great for much of the lameness problems seen in pleasure
importance to the equine industry. The main purpose of horses.
a horse is to work, and if it has problems related to the Sole bruises are usually caused by trauma to the sole
skeletal system it will not be able to do much work. One with subsequent hemorrhage between the sensitive and
of the first things that must be understood is the differ- insensitive soles. Some factors that make an animal more
ence between a blemish and unsoundness. A blemish is likely to have bruising include the following:
an alteration in the appearance that does not affect • Exercise on hard ground
the horse’s serviceability. Unsoundness, in contrast, does • Thin, flat soles
affect the horse’s ability to do its job. In most cases • Coffin bone rotation
unsoundness occurs in the horse’s front limbs, distal
to the knee. Clinical Signs
• Horses may or may not show acute onset of lameness
• The lameness is usually chronic and low grade
SUBSOLAR BRUISING (“CORNS”) • Bruises are often bilateral
The hoof is the shock absorber of the equine limb. Its • Sole pain is evident with hoof testers
construction allows a 1200-pound animal to move over
a variety of surfaces without damage to the internal bony Diagnosis
structures (Fig. 54.4). Problems with the hoof account • Visualization of bruise
CHAPTER 54 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 447

Clinical Signs
• Acute, severe lameness (3–5 out of 5)
•  Heat in foot and over coronary band
•  Palmar digital pulses
•  Fetlock and pastern swelling
• Localized pain with hoof testers

Frog Diagnosis
• Visualization of draining tract
• Radiography of the hoof to visualize how deep the
tract extends

• Localize pain and pare out abscess
• Epsom salt soaks
•  Drawing agent (Ichthammol)
• Antibiotics usually not indicated, unless the horse has
been kept in dirty, unsanitary conditions
• Be aware of tetanus prophylaxis! A tetanus
Sole booster should be given any time a puncture wound
Fig. 54.4 The sole of the hoof. (From Clayton HM, Flood PF, occurs
Rosenstein DS. Clinical Anatomy of the Horse. 1st ed. St. Louis,
MO: Mosby; 2005, by permission.)
Navicular syndrome is most common in large-bodied
Treatment horses, especially of Quarter horse, Thoroughbred,
• Ensure proper shoeing or trimming to support the and Warmblood breeds. Onset is most often seen in
foot and protect the sole 6- to 8-year-old horses. The condition may occur when
• Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to excessive stress and strain on flexor tendons puts pres-
control pain sure on the navicular bursa or excessive concussion on
the coffin joint leads to inflammation of the navicular
Information for Clients bursa. This leads to inflammation and erosion of the
navicular bone. Heavily muscled horses with small feet;
• The condition may be prevented by maintaining
horses with short, upright pasterns; and horses with
proper foot conformation so that the sole is concave
improperly trimmed hooves (long toe, low heel) are
and non–weight-bearing.
more likely to acquire the condition. New treatments
for navicular syndrome have become available on the
market in the last several years. These new drugs, the
HOOF ABSCESSES bisphosphates, affect bone remodeling by inhibiting
Hoof abscesses are the most common cause of acute, osteoclasts and preventing bone resorption. They will
severe lameness in horses. Horses with a history of for- not cure old, existing navicular lesions but may prevent
eign body penetration into the hoof capsule and those further degradation of the bone.
with chronic laminitis are more likely to experience
development of hoof abscesses. The condition occurs Clinical Signs
when bacteria gain access to hoof structures and form • Chronic, low-grade lameness, often bilateral
abscesses. Pain occurs because abscesses cannot expand • Lameness may be intermittent
due to the hoof’s rigid structure. Pain is relieved when • Pointing
abscesses rupture. • Pain over frog with hoof testers
448 SECTION 5 Horses

Navicular bone

Fig. 54.5 The navicular bone (distal sesamoid). (From Floyd AE,
Mansmann RA. Equine Podiatry. 1st ed. St. Louis, MO: Saun-
ders; 2007, by permission.) Fig. 54.6 Thrush affecting the frog. (From Floyd AE, Mansmann
RA. Equine Podiatry. 1st ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2007, by
Diagnosis permission.)
• Palmar digital nerve blocks
• Radiography (Fig. 54.5) The most common bacterium isolated from horses with
• Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to rule out tendon/ thrush is Fusarium necrophorum. A horse is more likely
ligament lesions to contract thrush if it is kept in wet, dirty conditions, espe-
cially if the feet are not properly maintained (Fig. 54.6).
• Tildren (given by intravenous [IV] infusion over Clinical Signs
90 min) (CEVA) • Foul-smelling black discharge from frog sulci
• Osphos (given intramuscular [IM] in three separate • Horse is usually not lame, unless the infection is severe
sites) (Dechra) • Deep erosion of frog sulci
• NSAIDs (Use caution! Some will cause gastric
ulceration) Diagnosis
• Correct hoof imbalance • Visual signs and smell
• Support heels
• Isoxsuprine Treatment
• Suspensory ligament desmotomy • Clean feet; remove necrotic tissue
• Palmer digital neurectomy • Apply topical astringents such as Koppertox, iodine,
and others
Information for Clients • Apply topical antibiotic pastes in the sulci
• Although no reliable way to prevent occurrence of
the condition exists, the likelihood of its occurrence Information for Clients
may be reduced by maintaining proper hoof balance. • Thrush is easily prevented by keeping the horse’s
• Treatment with bisphosphates can cause a mild colic living conditions clean and sanitary. Daily cleaning
in the horse that usually resolves with hand walking of the feet will also reduce the occurrence.
or administration of an NSAID for pain.
• These drugs should not be used in young horses or SIDEBONE (CALCIFICATION OF LATERAL
pregnant mares. CARTILAGES)
Sidebone is usually found in the front feet of older
THRUSH horses. Draft breeds are overrepresented in the popula-
Thrush is a bacterial infection of the sulci of frogs and is tion of affected horses. Sidebones usually start as
usually found in horses that are kept in wet conditions. unsoundness and then regress to a blemish. The inciting
CHAPTER 54 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 449

cause for a horse to experience development of side-

bones is direct trauma to the foot.
Chip fractures of the pastern generally involve the long
Clinical Signs pastern bone. Repetitive stress and overflexing of the
• Lameness in the initial stages hock may cause these fractures. Horses that have long,
• Evidence of trauma weak pasterns are more likely to experience these
• Occasionally, a bulge just distal to the coronary band fractures.
may be seen
Clinical Signs
Diagnosis • Slight lameness, if any
• Radiography of the affected foot (Fig. 54.7) • Swelling around dorsal aspect of fetlock joint
• Slight pain on fetlock flexion
• NSAIDs Diagnosis
• Rest (sometimes for as long as 6 months) • Radiography
• Immobilize foot with bar shoe
• Most often accomplished by arthroscopic chip


Sesamoid bones are part of the suspensory apparatus.
Wear and tear occurs at the abaxial surfaces, where
suspensory ligaments pass over the bone. Sesamoid bone
fractures are most commonly seen in athletic horses.
Stress and strain on the fetlock joint, often from repeated
overextension of the joint, puts force on the suspensory
ligaments, which, in turn, pull on the sesamoid bones,
causing them to fracture. Performance horses with long,
weak pasterns are more likely to experience fracture of
their proximal sesamoids compared with other horses.

Clinical Signs
• The condition is more common in the forelimbs
• A variable degree of lameness exists
• Pain is evident on flexion of the fetlock and palpation
of the sesamoid bones

• Radiography
• Ultrasonography of the suspensory apparatus

• Surgery
• Removal of fragment
Fig. 54.7 Sidebone: ossification of the collateral cartilages.
(From Floyd AE, Mansmann RA. Equine Podiatry. 1st ed. St • Casting with rest for up to 1 year
Louis, MO: Saunders; 2007, by permission.) • Internal fixation
450 SECTION 5 Horses

• Prognosis more favorable if the fracture is diagnosed • Hard, warm, painful swelling on dorsal aspect of
early cannon

SESMOIDITIS • Clinical signs
Sesmoiditis is an osteitis of the proximal sesamoid • Radiography
bones, and it is most often encountered in racehorses.
These horses often present with a history of gait restric- Treatment
tion during training. Extreme stress and strain and • Rest (30 days)
repetitive loading lead to tearing of suspensory ligament • NSAIDs
attachments. This, in turn, leads to inflammation of the • For milder cases, decrease high-speed training
proximal sesamoid bones. Horses with long, weak pas-
terns are more likely to be affected by sesamoiditis. Information for Clients
• Bucked shins can be prevented by modifying the
Clinical Signs training regimen (when increasing speed, decrease
• The condition is more common in the forelimbs distance). This will allow bones to adapt to the
• A variable degree of lameness exists increased stress. Also, changing the training surface
• Pain is evident on flexion of the fetlock and palpation may help. Incidence of the condition is less on turf.
of the sesamoid bones

• Radiography SPLINTS
• Ultrasonography of the suspensory apparatus Splints occur when osteitis and periostitis of splint
bones exist. This condition is most commonly seen
Treatment on the medial surfaces of the front limbs in younger
• Prognosis guarded at best horses at the start of their performance careers. Splints
• NSAIDs are caused by excessive concussion and stress or by
• Isoxsuprine direct trauma to the metacarpus or the metatarsus.
• Rest Periosteal tearing and subsequent inflammation and
calcification occur. Horses are predisposed to develop-
ment of this condition in the presence of mineral and
BUCKED SHINS vitamin imbalances (calcium, phosphorus, vitamins
The term bucked shins refers to the condition in which A and D) in the diet, or if the horses have faulty
new bone has been produced on the dorsomedial aspect conformation such as bench knees, offset knees, or
of cannon bones. Bucked shins are one of the most buck knees.
common types of lameness of 2-year-old Thorough-
breds. The condition is often found in animals with a Clinical Signs
history of a sudden onset of hard training or of trauma. • Swelling usually on medial aspect of cannon
It occurs when the periosteum tears and subsequent • Variable degree of lameness
new bone is deposited. Stress fractures of the dorsal
cortex are also likely. Training a young horse without Diagnosis
adequate conditioning increases the likelihood of this • Clinical signs
condition. • Radiography

Clinical Signs Treatment

• Usually bilateral • Rest
• Most common in forelimbs • Correction of diet
• Variable degree of lameness • Application of pressure bandages
CHAPTER 54 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 451


Splint bone fractures often occur in young horses when A bowed tendon is a result of an injury to the deep flexor
they are boisterous and sustain injury. Splint bone frac- tendons, superficial flexor tendons, or both, and of their
tures are most often a result of direct trauma to bone, sheaths. Bowed tendons are more commonly found in
and fractures of the lateral splint bone are more com- the forelimbs and are classified as high, middle, or
mon than those of the medial bone. low. Bowed tendons are most often seen in horses used
for high-intensity work. Bows are caused by severe strain
Clinical Signs to the tendons, and the tendons may actually rupture.
• Mild (2–3 out of 5) lameness Bowed appearance is caused by fibrinous attachments.
• Swelling over splint bones The following factors predispose a horse to development
• Pain on palpation of fracture site of the condition:
• Long, weak pasterns
Diagnosis • Forced training procedures on unconditioned legs
• Radiography • Improper trimming or shoeing (long toe, low heel)
• Heavy muscles and small legs.
• Benign neglect and rest (most fractures heal in 3– Clinical Signs
6 months) • Bowed appearance to palmar or plantar aspect of
• Amputation of bone (no more than distal two-thirds) the leg
• Internal fixation (screw) • Heat and pain on palpation
• Pressure bandages • Mild-to-moderate (2–4 out of 5) lameness

Suspensory ligament desmitis refers to inflammation of • Ultrasonographic evaluation
any branch of the suspensory (interosseus) ligament.
The condition is caused by stress and strain throughout Treatment
the ligament. Long, low pasterns place additional strain • Rest (at least 6 weeks)
on the ligaments and predispose the horse to this • Poultices
condition. •  Steroid injections
• Surgery
Clinical Signs • Tendon splitting
• Mild (1–2 out of 5) lameness • Superior check ligament desmotomy
• Lameness is more pronounced on soft surfaces • Prognosis unfavorable for return to previous level of
• Pain on palpation of affected area performance

Diagnosis Information for Clients

• Radiography to rule out pathology of the bony • A bowed tendon may be prevented if the horse is con-
column ditioned properly before being put into hard work.
• Ultrasonography of the affected tendon • Proper trimming of the foot to ensure that the
hoof-pastern axis is correct may also help prevent
Treatment occurrence.
• Rest, then slowly return to work (6–10 months)
• If concurrent with splint fracture, remove fractured
• NSAIDs Infectious tenosynovitis caused by a cut or penetrating
• Cold hosing, pressure bandage injury to the palmar or plantar aspect of the cannon area.
452 SECTION 5 Horses

This injury then introduces bacteria into the tendon and

tendon sheath.

Clinical Signs
• Lameness (3–5 out of 5)
• Pain, heat, swelling of affected area
• Distention of tendon sheath

• Ultrasonographic examination of the affected area
• Examination of synovial fluid from the tendon sheath
• Complete blood cell counts (CBC)

• Broad-spectrum antibiotics Fig. 54.8 Typical stance of a horse with laminitis. (From Reed
• Irrigation of the tendon sheath SM, Bayly WM, Sellon DC. Equine Internal Medicine. 3rd ed.
St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2010, by permission.)

• Correction of underlying or predisposing factors
LAMINITIS • Phenylbutazone or pain control
Laminitis may be described as avascular necrosis of the • Flunixin meglumine (Banamine) initially to bind
sensitive laminae. Laminitis is usually secondary to other endotoxins
conditions such as, but not limited to, the following: • Cold-water hosing initially
• Equine metabolic syndrome • Shoeing with proper padding
• Grazing lush pastures • Elevation of heels
• Grain overload • Deep bedding
• Metritis or retained placenta • Isoxsuprine
• Excessive weight bearing by contralateral limb • Acepromazine for vasodilation
• Overuse of steroid medications • Nitroglycerin around coronary bands
Laminitis occurs when an insult causes blood to
bypass dermal laminae via shunts. One theory is that Information for Clients
this may be caused by endotoxins. Extreme vasocon- • To prevent their horses from getting laminitis, may
striction follows, and the lack of blood supply causes use management techniques such as the following:
sensitive laminae to die. Sensitive laminae separate • Securing grain in locked bin
from insensitive laminae, and the coffin bone rotates • Limiting springtime grazing
away from hoof wall because of pull of the deep digital • Ensuring that the mare expels all fetal membranes.
flexor tendon.

Clinical Signs SWEENEY

• Bounding pulses in the palmar digital arteries Technically, sweeney is not a musculoskeletal condition;
• Feet may feel warm rather, it is a neurological problem. The problem arises
• “Saw-horse” stance (Fig. 54.8) from damage to the suprascapular nerve. Horses that
• Pain over toe with hoof testers exhibit signs of sweeney usually have a history of trauma
to the shoulder region, such as might be caused by an ill-
Diagnosis fitting draft collar or a kick from another horse. This
• Lateral foot radiography, which may show rotation of trauma causes inflammation of and damage to the
the coffin bone suprascapular nerve.
CHAPTER 54 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 453

Clinical Signs The condition is caused by stress on the hock as a

• Atrophy of the muscles in the shoulder region result of trauma and concussion. This leads to arthritic
• Gait abnormalities; in chronic cases, the gait abnor- changes in the hock. Animals with faulty conformation
malities are caused by mechanical restriction, rather such as sickle hocks and cow hocks are more likely to be
than pain affected.

Diagnosis Clinical Signs

• Clinical signs • Chronic, mild-to-moderate lameness (1–3 out of 5)
• Positive flexion test
• Steroid injections Diagnosis
• NSAIDs • Injecting the hock with local anesthesia
• Surgery • Radiography
• Note: Improvement, if it happens, will be gradual
• Intraarticular injections
Bog spavin is soft swelling of the hock that is generally • If the condition progresses to the point of joint
considered a blemish, rather than unsoundness. This fusion, the horse may become serviceably sound
condition is often seen in young horses. It is defined and pain-free
as a distension of the sheath of the tarsocrural (tibiotar-
sal, or hock) joint. The underlying causes are trauma, UPWARD FIXATION OF THE PATELLA
strain to the joint, or both.
Upward fixation of the patella is a condition in which
Clinical Signs the patella “locks,” keeping the stifle in extension; it is
• Swelling of the dorsolateral and dorsomedial aspects more common in unconditioned horses. As the leg
of the hock flexes, the patella normally moves over the femoral
trochlea. At extension, the medial patellar ligament
Diagnosis “hooks over” the medial ridge of the femoral trochlea.
• Clinical signs Normally, the patella disengages when the leg is flexed.
• Radiography to rule out other causes When upward fixation of the patella occurs, the medial
patellar ligament does not disengage from the trochlea,
Treatment and the leg stays in extension. Animals that are post-
• Rest legged or exhibit poor muscle tone appear to be more
• Steroid injections likely to experience this condition compared with
• Withdraw fluid animals.
• Correction of diet imbalances
Clinical Signs
• This condition is easy to recognize when a horse takes
a step but cannot flex the stifle
Bone spavin is defined as osteoarthritis of the medial
hock. Bone spavins are among the most common cause Diagnosis
of hind limb lameness in performance horses. This is a • Based on the typical gait of a horse affected by this
progressive disease that may result in fusion of the joint. condition
This condition is more common in older (>10 years of • When palpated, the patella is easily moved medially
age) horses. and proximally
454 SECTION 5 Horses

Treatment • It is unwise to force the horse to move if it is severely

• Exercise—for strengthening of quadriceps muscles; “tied up”
performing work up and down hills is often effective
• Surgery—medial patellar ligament desmotomy if the TECH ALERT
exercise regimen yields no results Certain breeds of horses (Draft horses, Quarter horses)
may have signs of “tying up” caused by muscular dis-
eases related to genetic defects in metabolism. These
RHABDOMYOLYSIS diseases must be ruled out by performing a muscle
Rhabdomyolysis, also known as “azoturia,” “tying up,”
and “Monday morning sickness,” is a muscular prob-
lem seen in working horses. Animals affected by the NUTRITIONAL SECONDARY
disease often have a history of being hardworking ani- HYPERPARATHYROIDISM
mals that had not worked for a few days but still
received a full grain ration. The disease becomes appar- Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism is a problem
ent when the animal returns to work. The exact cause with the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio in the feed. Horses
and physiology of the condition is unknown. Indeed, that exhibit signs of this condition have a history of graz-
several causes of rhabdomyolysis may exist. Some the- ing certain types of plants that are high in calcium-
ories include sodium deficiency, potassium deficiency, binding substances such as oxalates. The condition
or both; muscle glycogen storage problems; vitamin E may also occur from an owner feeding a diet that is high
deficiency or selenium deficiency; and thiamine defi- in phosphorous and low in calcium. The lack of available
ciency. An animal is more likely to exhibit signs of calcium causes the parathyroid glands to release greater
the disease if the training or conditioning schedule than normal amounts of parathyroid hormone. This
has been inconsistent. may be either an actual lack of calcium or a perceived lack
of calcium because of a high phosphorus level.
Parathyroid hormone causes calcium to be absorbed
Clinical Signs from the bones. As stated earlier, a horse that has a dietary
• Reluctance to move calcium and phosphorous imbalance is more likely to
• Stiffness, sore muscles on palpation exhibit signs of the disease. The proper calcium-to-
• Tremors phosphorus ratio in the diet should be at least 1.5:1, pref-
• Colic symptoms erably 2:1.
• Red urine (from muscle breakdown)
Clinical Signs
• Intermittent shifting leg lameness, inability to rise if
• Clinical signs severe
• Facial bones may enlarge
• Blood work (creatine phosphokinase and aspartate
• Spontaneous bone fractures
aminotransferase, electrolytes)
• Urinalysis (myoglobinuria and electrolyte Diagnosis
excretion) • Fractional excretion of calcium in the urine

Treatment Treatment
• Tranquilization • Correct the mineral imbalance in the diet, and supple-
• NSAIDs ment calcium. Often, a calcium-to- phosphorous ratio
• Muscle relaxers as high as 5:1 is used in the initial treatment of the
• Vitamin B condition
CHAPTER 54 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 455

1. Where do most lameness conditions in horses c. Limiting grain feeding
originate? d. Proper conditioning
a. In the hind limb, above the hock 5. A horse found standing in his stall will not move. He
b. In the front limb, above the knee exhibits pain when touched. Which of the following
c. In the front limb, below the knee might be the cause of his problem?
d. In the hind limb, below the hock a. Rhabdomyolysis
2. Splints and bucked shins are common conditions in b. Fractured splint bone
young racehorses. Which of the following is a cause c. Bowed tendon
or predisposing factor for these conditions? d. Navicular disease
a. Faulty conformation 6. Which of the following should be restricted in a horse
b. Inadequate mineral balance in the diet experiencing laminitis?
c. Concussion a. Water
d. All of the above b. Grain
3. What is the most likely cause of acute, non– c. Hay
weight-bearing lameness in a horse? d. Pasture
a. Hoof abscess 7. The best way to prevent thrush is to _______. (Select
b. Fractured sesamoid bone all that apply.)
c. Fractured coffin bone a. Keep the horse in a dry area
d. Canker b. Clean the feet daily
4. Which of the following is most important in prevent- c. Have the horse shod
ing musculoskeletal problems in performance d. Soak the feet
a. Weight restriction Answers found on page 550.
b. Proper breeding
Diseases of the Nervous System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss the importance of vaccines in the
able to: prevention of neurological diseases in the equine
• Recognize common causes for neurological diseases patient.
in the horse.

Rabies 456 Equine Herpes Viral Myeloencephalopathy
Sleeping Sickness 457 (EVH-1) 459
West Nile Encephalitis 457 Tetanus 460
Narcolepsy 458 Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis 460
Wobbler Syndrome 458 Headshaking 461
Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis 458


Diseases of the nervous system have a large effect on the mandated the vaccination of horses; the vaccine is avail-
equine industry. Neurological diseases may progress able only through licensed veterinarians. Even if not dic-
from fairly minor (alteration in gait and performance) tated by state laws, it is advisable to have yearly rabies
to very serious (inability to rise and death). The effects vaccination given to horses. Any animal that is showing
of these diseases may be brought about by trauma to neurological signs, especially one with a known history
nerves, inflammation around nerves, or alterations in of having been bitten by another animal, should be sus-
neurotransmitters. In most instances, no specific treat- pected of having rabies.
ment for a disease of the nervous system exists, and The infectious agent is a Lyssavirus. An infected ani-
effective nursing care is all that is possible. Fortunately, mal, usually a raccoon, skunk, fox, or bat, bites the vic-
many neurological diseases can be prevented by tim and passes the virus in the saliva. The virus migrates
vaccination. through the body and the nervous system and localizes
in the central nervous system (CNS). The virus may
affect the cerebrum, brainstem, or spinal cord.
Rabies is a zoonotic disease with the greatest public Clinical Signs
health implications. Most states have laws mandating • If the virus settles in the brain, extreme behavioral
the vaccination of dogs and cats, and some states have changes, often aggressive, are seen

CHAPTER 55 Diseases of the Nervous System 457

• If the brainstem is affected, behavioral changes that the virus in the bird’s blood. The mosquito then passes
involve the animal becoming more subdued and quiet the virus to a horse (or a human). Horses are dead-end
are seen hosts (i.e. the disease is not passed between horses or
• If the spinal cord is affected, the animal exhibits from a horse to a human). However, the diseases are
ataxia, which progresses to paralysis considered zoonotic.
• Signs are rapidly progressive, and the animal usually
dies within 5 to 10 days of the onset of signs Clinical Signs
• Weakness
Diagnosis • Ataxia
• Brain tissue examination • Inability to rise
• Undulating fever
Treatment • Head pressing
• No treatment exists for rabies • Blindness, wandering

TECH ALERT • History
Wear gloves when examining any horse exhibiting • Clinical signs
neurological signs. • Antibody titers suggestive of exposure
• Definitive diagnosis made by virus isolation from
Information for Clients brain tissue and cerebrospinal fluid
• If a vaccinated animal has been bitten by a rabid ani-
mal, the animal should be revaccinated and observed
• No specific treatment exists for sleeping sickness;
for 45 days.
• An unvaccinated animal that has been bitten by a only effective supportive care is given. The disease
is fatal in most cases
suspected rabid animal should be euthanized. If the
owner is unwilling to perform euthanasia, the animal Information for Clients
needs to be watched closely for 6 months and han-
• Sleeping sickness can be prevented by maintaining a
dled with extreme caution.
• Euthanize any horse that has been exposed to rabies regular vaccination schedule.
• In the southern parts of the country, where mosqui-
and shows signs of neurological disease.
• A yearly rabies vaccination will prevent the disease. toes survive throughout the year, biannual vaccina-
tion is recommended.
• Controlling mosquito populations may also aid in the
prevention of the disease.
SLEEPING SICKNESS • Although the disease cannot be transmitted from
The tern sleeping sickness refers to three different dis- horse to human, mosquitos carrying the diseases
eases that occur in the United States: (1) eastern equine can also infect humans.
encephalomyelitis, (2) western equine encephalomyeli-
tis, and (3) Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis. Ven-
ezuelan equine encephalomyelitis has only rarely been
seen, and only in the southernmost states along the Mex- West Nile virus infection with encephalitis is similar to
ican border. Of the three disease entities, western equine the sleeping sicknesses in that the virus is found in the
encephalomyelitis is the least fatal. This disease is seen wild bird population and is spread by mosquitoes. The
more commonly in the hot, humid parts of the country. major difference is that more than 90% of animals
It is seen primarily in horses that have a history of not affected by western and eastern and equine encephalo-
being vaccinated properly. The causative agent is a toga- myelitis die, whereas the mortality rate for animals
virus, which occurs in wild bird populations. The disease infected with West Nile virus is approximately 30% to
is transmitted by a mosquito that bites a bird and ingests 40%. No specific treatment exists for West Nile virus,
458 SECTION 5 Horses

but effective vaccines are available. Again, in the appear to be more affected than female horses. The most
warmer, moister parts of the country, horses should common presenting complaints are a history of poor
be vaccinated twice yearly. performance, weakness, and stumbling. Abnormal
growth, articulation of the cervical vertebrae, or a com-
bination of both results in narrowing of the vertebral
NARCOLEPSY canal. The narrow vertebral canal causes pressure on
Narcolepsy is a disease characterized by inappropriate the spinal cord. The condition may be congenital, a
sleep activity, often taking the appearance of “fainting.” result of rapid growth or mineral imbalances, or both.
The condition is usually seen in horses younger than
1 year of age. Owners report a history of the horse collaps- Clinical Signs
ing. The collapse may be initiated by stimulation of herd • Ataxia and weakness
mates. Suffolk and Shetland ponies appear more likely to • Stumbling, toe dragging
suffer from narcolepsy compared with other breeds. The • Hind limbs usually more affected
disease is caused by a biochemical imbalance in the sleep– • Signs: usually bilateral
wake centers of the brain. Serotonin, dopamine, and nor- • Progression: variable
epinephrine all are involved in this condition.
Clinical Signs • Clinical signs
• Signs can range from mild muscle weakness to full- • History
blown sleep • Radiography with myelogram
• Horse’s knees may buckle, and the horse may become • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
• The frequency of episodes is variable, and the horse Treatment
appears clinically normal between episodes • Decrease pain and inflammation: nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Diagnosis • Dietary management
• A presumptive diagnosis is based on clinical signs • Adjust feed for a slow growth rate
and history • Correct mineral imbalances
• Physostigmine may be used to elicit an attack • Vitamin E and selenium supplementation
• Atropine may reverse the signs in an attack • Surgery
• Euthanasia if the horse is a danger to itself or handlers
Treatment • Surgical stabilization, if possible
• Treatment is usually unrewarding. Selective seroto-
nin reuptake inhibitors and antidepressants have TECH ALERT
been tried with limited success Use caution when handling these horses. Bending the
horse’s neck, backing, or turning may result in the horse
Information for Clients falling on the handler. These horses should not be ridden.
• These horses should be ridden carefully because they
may suddenly fall, producing serious injury to the rider.
Information for Clients
• Feeding young animals for moderate growth rates
WOBBLER SYNDROME while ensuring proper mineral balance may help pre-
In Wobbler syndrome, the spinal cord is compressed by vent the disease when the condition is not congenital.
a narrowing of the vertebral canal, resulting in neurolog-
ical deficits. The condition is usually seen in young, EQUINE PROTOZOAL
fast-growing horses. On average, owners notice onset
of clinical signs in horses as early as 18 months of age.
The condition is more common in Thoroughbreds Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) has become
and Quarter horses than in other breeds. Male horses a fairly common disease, with some estimates claiming
CHAPTER 55 Diseases of the Nervous System 459

exposure of up to 50% of all horses. However, EPM is Information for Clients

also one of the most misdiagnosed diseases of horses! • Pastured horses should be fed off the ground in areas
In some locations, any horse that appears lame is rich in opossum populations, although any grazing
thought to have EPM. Because treatment is fairly horse could become infected.
expensive and some horses go without a correct diag- • Vaccine is no longer available.
nosis, it is important that diagnostic work be done to • Management techniques such as keeping feed and
ensure a correct diagnosis. Horses are dead-end hosts water sources protected to prevent the disease being
to the parasite; thus the disease is not passed from passed to other animals.
one individual to another. The onset of the disease is
often seen in 1- to 5-year-old horses. Often, a stressful
event is present in the animal’s history. Ponies appear EQUINE HERPES VIRAL
to be resistant to the disease. Thoroughbreds and Stan- MYELOENCEPHALOPATHY (EVH-1)
dardbreds are overrepresented in the population of
Herpes viruses are ubiquitous to the equine population.
EPM victims. The causative agent is the protozoal par-
The two most common serotypes causing problems in
asite, Sarcocystis neurona. In North America, the defin-
the horse are EVH-1 and EVH-4. Viral infection with
itive host of this parasite is the opossum. The horse
EVH-1 virus can result in damage to the blood vessels
ingests cysts in the water or feed that has been contam-
within the central nervous system leading to neurological
inated, most often with opossum feces. Organisms
signs of myeloencephalopathy. Recent outbreaks have
divide in nerve tissue, causing damage. Migration of
shown an increasing rate of morbidity and mortality
organisms may cause inflammation, necrosis of tissue,
for EHV-1 infections. Before the development of neuro-
or both. Clinical signs of the disease depend on the
logical symptoms, horses usually demonstrate a respira-
number of migrating parasites and the amount of neu-
tory component consisting of fever, nasal discharge,
rological tissue affected. Signs may be acute or insidious
and pulmonary disease. Pregnant mares may abort. Both
and often include asymmetry of gait, sore back, exces-
forms of herpes are passed by direct contact, and disease
sive bucking, and failure to maintain gaits.
tends to occur in outbreaks associated with groupings
of horses.
Clinical Signs
• Ataxia Clinical Signs (EVH-1)
• Gait abnormalities • Undulating fevers
• Muscular atrophy • Mucopurlent nasal discharge
• Head tilt • Malaise
• Progression of signs over time, culminating in the •  Loss of appetite
animal’s inability to rise • Pulmonary disease (cough, increased respiratory
effort, increased lung sounds)
• Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid for antigens from the Diagnosis
organism • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
• Serum immunofluorescent antibody tests: proven to • Viral isolation
be more accurate in diagnosis • Neurologic involvement
• All other possibilities ruled out with complete blood
cell count (CBC), serum chemistries Treatment
• Complete physical and lameness examination • Supportive care
• NSAIDs to reduce fever
• Ponazuril (Marquis) Information for Clients
• Sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine (Daraprim) • Vaccination can prevent herpes infections or limit
• Long-term medication (1 month or longer) is the clinical signs. All horses should be vaccinated
required against equine herpes yearly.
460 SECTION 5 Horses

TETANUS Treatment
• Effective supportive care; prevention of the disease is
Of all domestic animals, horses are the most susceptible easier than treatment
to tetanus, which is a result of the release of a bacterial
toxin. Horses that are affected often have a history of a Information for Clients
lack of routine vaccination. They usually have a history • Regular yearly vaccination schedule with tetanus tox-
of puncture wounds, stiffness, or both. The disease oid is recommended.
occurs when Clostridium tetani, an anaerobic type of • With a history of regular vaccination, a wound that
bacteria that is present in the environment, releases a occurs within 6 months of vaccination should cause
toxin. This toxin prevents release of γ-aminobutyric acid minimal concern for the horse’s health. A booster
(GABA). GABA normally inhibits nerve impulse prop- vaccine may be given as a precaution.
agation. In the absence of any inhibition on nerve • If the wound occurs within 6 months to a year
impulse conduction, nerves continuously are firing, after vaccination, then a booster vaccine should
causing constant muscle contraction (Fig. 55.1). be given.
• If the last vaccine is overdue, then a booster vaccine
Clinical Signs and tetanus antitoxin should be administered. These
• Muscle stiffness and spasms two injections should be given at opposite ends of the
• Increased sensitivity to noise and touch horse—that is, one injection in the neck and the other
• Overall stiffness of body in the semitendinosus muscle. This protocol can also
• Eventually this progresses to rigid paralysis and death be followed if the horse’s vaccination status is
caused by asphyxiation unknown.
• Death usually occurs within 10 days • Two injections are given so that tetanus toxoid stim-
ulates antibody production, and tetanus antitoxin
Diagnosis consists of antibodies that will bind the toxin. (Tox-
• Wound history oid provides active immunity, and antitoxin provides
• Clinical signs passive immunity.)


Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis is a genetic disease,
found only in the descendants of one Quarterhorse sire
named Impressive. The condition is usually seen in
young, well-muscled horses. This is an inherited condi-
tion that causes an abnormality of sodium channels,
resulting in constant depolarization of muscle cells.
Clinical Signs
• An episode is often brought on by stressful situations
such as a halter class in the show ring
• Muscle tremors, sweating, rapid breathing, and
weakness are observed during an episode
• Animals remain conscious during episodes

• Clinical signs and history
• Blood tests: may show hyperkalemia
Fig. 55.1 Extensor rigidity in a foal with tetanus. (Courtesy Dr.
John Barnes. In: Sellon DC, Long MT. Equine Infectious Dis-
• Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) testing to support
eases. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2007.) diagnosis
CHAPTER 55 Diseases of the Nervous System 461

Treatment than 60 other possible diagnoses are found in the

• Hand walking literature!
• Intravenous fluids (no potassium)
• Decreased potassium in diet Clinical Signs
• Diuretics • Head shaking with no apparent external stimuli
• Acetazolamide • Rubbing nose against the ground or other stationary
• Hydrochlorothiazide objects
• Facial twitching
• Bizarre behavioral patterns
Information for Clients
• All descendants of Impressive should undergo DNA
testing to prevent the disease; positive animals should • Complete physical examination including ophthal-
not be used for breeding.
• Check with your breeding association to determine mological, dental, and otoscopic examinations
• Blindfolding the horse or placing the animal in dark-
whether offspring with one positive parent can be
ness may improve symptoms
registered. Regulations are currently changing. • Seasonality of the shaking

HEADSHAKING • Cyproheptadine orally
This frequently seen disorder is characterized by per- • NSAIDs or corticosteroids
sistent or intermittent spontaneous movements of • Acupuncture
the head unrelated to external stimulation. Often, the • Nerve blocks: infraorbital nerve or the posterior
horse will also sneeze, snort, or rub the nose against ethmoidal nerve
a stationary object during the episode. Some animals • Face masks to block sunlight
are so badly affected that they become unsafe to ride
or handle. Thoroughbreds and geldings appear to be Information for Clients
overrepresented. Affected horses are typically between • The exact cause of this disorder may not be found.
7 and 9 years of age, and the disorder appears to be sea- • Severe head shaking makes the horse unsafe to ride or
sonal, with more cases seen in early spring and sum- to handle.
mer. The exact cause of the disorder is unknown, but • Fly masks with a drawstring closure over the nostrils
trigeminal neuralgia and photophobia have been found may help by placing pressure on the upper lip and
to be the two most common causes. However, more restricting air passage into the nostrils.

1. Which of the following conditions that affect d. Eastern, western, and Venezuelan equine
horses can also affect humans? (Select all that encephalomyelitis
apply.) e. West Nile encephalitis
a. Rabies f. Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM)
b. Equine infectious anemia
c. Moon blindness Answers found on page 550.
Diseases of the Reproductive System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss the needed changes in management of
able to: breeding mares.
• Recognize reproductive disorders as they occur in • Explain prescribed therapies to client.
clients’ mares.

Bacterial Abortions 462 Uterine Prolapse 466
Viral Abortions 463 Rectal Tears 466
Contagious Equine Metritis 463 Rupture of the Prepubic Tendon 466
Dystocias 464 Cryptorchidism 467
Endometritis 464 Penile Tumors 467
Retained Placenta 464 Penile Paralysis 467
Ovarian Cell Tumors 465 Fescue Toxicosis 467
Rupture of the Uterine Artery 465

Caslick operation Endotoxin Placentitis
Dysmature Metritis Toxicoxis

Of all our domestic animals, it appears that successful

reproduction is most difficult in the mare. Even with all
the advances in reproductive technologies (artificial A wide variety of bacteria cause abortions, most often as
insemination, embryo transfer, hormonal manipula- a result of placentitis. Bacterial abortions are more com-
tion), the mare’s reproductive efficiency remains about monly seen in older mares. The most common bacteria
60% to 75%. This is partially attributable to the mare’s isolated are Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Klebsiella
estrous cycle. The mare has a 21-day estrous cycle and spp., and Actinobacillus spp.
is in estrus for 5 to 7 days. Unlike most animals, the
mare ovulates 24 to 48 hours before the end of estrus, Clinical Signs
making timing of insemination more difficult. Because • Abortion
of the low reproductive efficiency, reproductive • Discharge
disorders may have a significant effect on a breeder’s • Mare returns to estrus
operation. • Premature milk letdown

CHAPTER 56 Diseases of the Reproductive System 463

• Bacterial culture and sensitivity

• After a bacterial abortion, the mare’s uterus should
be flushed, with antibiotics placed in the final liter
of flush
• Systemic antibiotics may also be administered

The most common cause of equine viral abortion
is equine herpes virus type 1 (EHV-1). Abortions
usually occur in the last trimester, and more than one
mare on the farm is affected. This condition closely
resembles abortions caused by bacterial and fungal

• Virus isolation from aborted fetus and placenta

Wear gloves when handling any aborted fetal material
and the placenta. Fig. 56.1 Purulent discharge from a mare with contagious
equine metritis (A), caudal vagina, and uterus postmortem (B)
(Courtesy Maryland Department of Agriculture. In: Sellon DC,
Information for Clients Long MT. Equine Infectious Diseases. St. Louis, MO: Saunders;
• Pregnant mares should be vaccinated with a killed 2007.)

herpes vaccine at 5, 7, and 9 months of gestation to

• Discharge usually stops within 2 weeks, and mares
prevent viral abortions.
become inapparent carriers (Fig. 56.1)

CONTAGIOUS EQUINE METRITIS • Bacterial culture and sensitivity: the urethral fossa
Equine metritis is a highly contagious disease that and diverticulum in the stallion and the clitoral fossa
was first described in England and Ireland. The disease in the mare are often the most rewarding sites from
has since been eradicated from the United States. which to collect a sample
Presenting history is often limited to the animal being
infertile. The causative organism is a gram-negative Treatment
bacterium, Taylorella equigenitalis. The organism is
• Antibiotics may not be effective
usually passed from the stallion to the mare during
• The main goal in treatment is to clear the organism
from the uterus and clitoral fossa in the mare and
from the sheath, urethral fossa, and urethral divertic-
Clinical Signs ulum in the stallion; treatment involves washing the
• A copious mucopurulent discharge from the vulva is affected areas at least once daily for 1 week with
seen 10 to 14 days after breeding chlorhexidine scrub
464 SECTION 5 Horses

maiden mares. Underlying causes of endometritis

DYSTOCIAS include the following:
Dystocia is defined as difficulty during parturition. • Repeated breeding
In mares, the second stage of labor (defined as the • At each breeding, semen elicits a mild inflamma-
time from when the amniotic sac ruptures to the tory response. A result of this inflammation is a
time the foal is delivered) should last no more than small amount of fibrosis.
20 minutes! Dystocias appear to occur more in • After repeated mating, these small pathological
maiden mares. changes start to combine into a larger problem.
Of the many possible reasons for difficult parturition • Chronic infections
in mares, the three most common are as follows: • Infections of the uterus may occur when the mare’s
• Mare–foal size mismatch physical barriers to infection are compromised.
• Malpresentation of foal • Streptococcus zooepidemicus, E. coli, Pseudomonas
• Twins spp., Klebsiella spp., Staphylococcus spp., yeast,
A dystocia is said to occur if the amniotic fluid rushes and fungi are common disease-causing organisms.
out and 20 minutes later the foal is still not delivered. It • Mares with poor vulvar conformation are more
becomes serious if the mare is straining, with no pro- likely to contract uterine infections.
gress in foal delivery. • Sexually transmitted diseases: the inflammatory
response to venereal diseases may cause fibrosis of
Treatment the uterine mucosa.
• Degeneration is caused by aging.
• Correct the position of the foal in the birth canal
• If the fetus cannot be repositioned because of the
Clinical Signs
straining of the mare, the mare may be anesthetized
• Failure to conceive
to increase muscle relaxation
•  Vulvar discharge
• If it is determined on vaginal examination that the
• Fluid accumulation in the uterus
foal is dead, a fetotomy may be performed
• A cesarean section may be performed as a last resort,
preferably at a surgical referral center
• Culture and sensitivity
• The procedure may be performed on the farm if
• Ultrasonography
referral is not an option; at this point, the main goal
• Uterine biopsy
is to save the foal because most mares will not survive
an on-farm cesarean section Treatment
• Uterine lavage with antibiotics
• Oxytocin
The placenta separates from the maternal blood supply
early in the foaling process. Most equine foaling occurs Information for Clients
within 30 minutes of the start of contractions. Any mare • Breed mares as few times as possible during a cycle.
taking longer to deliver a foal may need immediate assis-
tance to avoid the loss of the mare, the foal, or both.
This necessitates skill in determining as accurately as
possible the timing of ovulation.
• Surgically correct the problems in the conformation
of the vulva (Caslick operation).
Endometritis is one of the most common diseases of
the reproductive system in mares. Endometritis is cate-
gorized into four classes. A higher class number indi- All of the placenta should be passed within 3 to 6 hours
cates a smaller likelihood of the mare becoming (Fig. 56.2). Owners are often instructed to call the veter-
pregnant. The condition is more often seen in older inarian if the placenta has not passed within 3 hours.
mares, both those that have had many offspring and After assessing the situation, the veterinarian may give
CHAPTER 56 Diseases of the Reproductive System 465

• Flunixin meglumine (Banamine) to bind endotoxins

• Systemic antibiotics, if needed


Ovarian cell tumors are generally benign, steroid-
producing growths. These tumors may be primarily of
the granulosa cells, mixed, or predominantly thecal cells.
Causes of clinical syndrome include the following:
• Tumor arises on the ovary.
• If a greater number of granulosa cells are involved,
excess estrogen with little progesterone is produced.
Fig. 56.2 Normal placenta passed after parturition. (From • If a greater number of thecal cells are involved, excess
Samper JC. Equine Breeding Management and Artificial testosterone is produced. This is because thecal cells
Insemination. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2009, by convert progesterone to testosterone, which is con-
permission.) verted to estrogen in granulosa cells.

Clinical Signs
• Persistent estrus (granulosa cell involvement)
instructions to wait a while longer. Mares with a retained • Anestrus
placenta often have a history of dystocia. After a pro- • Aggressive behavior (thecal cell involvement)
longed or difficult labor, the placenta may rip, and parts • Mares exhibiting pain when ridden or handled
may stay in the uterus.
Clinical Signs • Ultrosonography
• Placental membranes seen protruding from the vulva • Rectal palpation: the affected ovary noticeably larger
after 3 hours than the unaffected one
• Vaginal discharge if a small remnant of placenta
remains in the uterus for days Treatment
•  Signs of laminitis after 48 hours • Removal of the affected ovary
• Systemic signs of illness
Diagnosis Use caution when handling these mares, especially
• Palpation of the uterus and placenta through when they are in season. They can be extremely volatile,
the vulva and some have even fallen on handlers when pressure is
• Visualization of placental remnants put over the affected ovary.

• Oxytocin to assist uterine contraction and expulsion RUPTURE OF THE UTERINE ARTERY
of contents It is not uncommon for a mare to experience tearing of
• Uterine lavage the uterine artery. Such an occurrence, although rare,
• Gentle traction such as by hanging a half-full milk jug may be fatal. This condition is usually seen in older
(containing water) from the protruding tissue mares. Straining during parturition, pressure from the
• If the placenta is hanging after a few hours, a knot foal, or both may cause an arterial tear. If blood slowly
tied so that the mare does not step on the placenta, diffuses through the broad ligament, a hematoma may
to prevent it acting as a wick for environmental form, which causes clot formation and stops the bleed-
bacteria ing; otherwise, the mare may bleed out.
466 SECTION 5 Horses

Clinical Signs from I to IV, with grade IV being the most serious.
• The mare found dead in her stall A rectal tear is most likely to be seen in a mare that
• Pale mucous membranes has just foaled or one that has just been rectally palpated.
• Colic signs At foaling, the foal’s foot may go through the uterus
• Weakness or the vagina. Most often, tears are caused by rectal
Diagnosis Any time a mare is palpated, a risk for a rectal
• Palpation of the broad ligament, feeling for a tear or tear exists, and the owner should be aware of this.
hematoma formation With a severe tear, peritonitis may develop quickly
and the mare may die if the condition is not treated
Treatment properly.
• The mare must be kept in a quiet state; otherwise,
treatment will be unrewarding. It may be best to
Clinical Signs
move her into a dark stall, and chemical sedation • Blood on the sleeve after palpation
may also be used • Signs of colic
• Septicemia
Uterine prolapse is a condition that is rarely seen in • Immediate referral to a hospital facility, if available
mares that have had difficult deliveries. Often, the owner • Antibiotic therapy
will report that the mare is still straining after the foal is • Flunixin meglumine
born, and tissue can be seen protruding from the vulva. •  Intravenous fluids
Prolapses of other organs such as the bladder, vagina, or • Surgical correction
rectum have a similar appearance. The identity of the • Wet, soft feeds
protruding tissue needs to be ascertained to correct
the problem. Information for Clients
• Rectal palpation requires adequate restraint to pre-
Diagnosis vent damage. It should never be attempted by
• Visual confirmation and palpation untrained personnel.

• Keep the uterus moist. Hypertonic saline will keep RUPTURE OF THE PREPUBIC TENDON
the uterine mucosa moist and will also pull fluid
out from tissues and perhaps shrink the prolapsed Rupture of the prepubic tendon usually occurs in late
organ so that it is easier to push it back in. In the past, pregnancy probably because of the increase in weight
sugar was spread on the organ to get it to shrink of the fetus placing stress on weak abdominal muscles.
• Administer sedation, anesthesia, or both to reduce It occurs more frequently in older mares or in mares that
straining are in poor shape. These mares may require assistance
• Replace the uterus (this is easier said than done) during delivery because they may be unable to contract
• Oxytocin will promote contraction and uterine invo- the abdominal muscles firmly enough to move the fetus
lution; do not give oxytocin until the uterus is through the birth canal.
securely back in place
• Administer systemic antibiotics Clinical Signs
• Physical examination of the pregnant mare shows
RECTAL TEARS tipped pelvis and a sawhorse stance (Fig. 56.3)
• The udder is swollen and congested
Rectal tears are a potentially serious condition that may • The mare is reluctant to move
lead to the death of the mare. Rectal tears are graded • A drop in the abdominal margin is apparent
CHAPTER 56 Diseases of the Reproductive System 467

testicle in place. Although such an animal would not

likely be able to produce viable sperm, it would still
exhibit undesirable stallion-like behaviors.

Penile tumors are usually squamous cell carcinoma or
sarcoid tumors (see Chapter 53 for a more detailed

Fig. 56.3 Mare with a ruptured prepubic tendon. (From Brinsko Penile paralysis is a condition in which the penis
SP, Blanchard TL, Varner DD, et al. Manual of Equine Reproduc-
tion. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2011, by permission.)
drops and does not retract. Affected animals often have
a history of sedation with acepromazine. The condition
may be caused by administration of acepromazine,
Diagnosis damage to the third and fourth sacral nerves, and
• Mare in late pregnancy certain neurological diseases such as rabies, EHV-1,
• Rectal palpation revealing the abdominal floor falling and trauma.
away from the brim of the pelvis
Clinical Signs
Treatment • The penis drops and does not retract
• Support wraps for the abdomen may be used to • The stallion does not achieve erection
enable the mare to carry the fetus to delivery • A portion of penis distal to sheath becomes edema-
tous and swollen
Information for Clients
• Keep breeding mares in good condition; make sure Treatment
that they get plenty of exercise and good nutrition. • Treatment of underlying causes
• Avoid breeding older mares that are multiparous. • Hydrotherapy
• Have palpation and ultrasonography performed on • Furosemide
bred mares to make sure they are not carrying twins. • Amputation of the penis
• Avoid rebreeding mares with a ruptured prepubic
tendon. Information for Clients
• Although penile paralysis is a rare condition, owners
CRYPTORCHIDISM should avoid giving acepromazine to stallions and
Cryptorchidism is a condition in which one or both tes-
tes have not descended into the scrotum. Usually the tes-
tes descend by 6 months of age, but sometimes it is as
long as 2 years before they drop. Often, the first time Fescue toxicosis is a problem that occurs in mares graz-
an owner is aware of the condition is when the animal ing endophyte-infested tall fescue pastures. Tall fescue is
is presented for evaluation before castration. A strong a cold and insect-tolerant, tough, nutritious grass.
genetic link exists in the occurrence of the condition, Endophyte-free varieties do exist, but they lack some
so animals with cryptorchidism should not be used for of the vigor of the entophyte-infested varieties. If
breeding. infested and endophyte-free varieties are planted in
The condition is treated by performing abdominal adjacent pastures, the endophyte-infested grass will
surgery to remove the retained testicle. It is unethical grow more than the endophyte-free grass and take over
to remove the descended testicle while leaving the retained the pasture.
468 SECTION 5 Horses

The endophyte produces ergovaline, which has unde- Diagnosis

sirable effects. Some of the effects may be traced back to • Clinical signs
vasoconstriction and prolactin inhibition caused by the • Presence of the endophyte in the pasture; a forage
ergovaline. sample is brought to the county extension office
and then sent to the proper laboratory
Clinical Signs
• Prolonged gestation (sometimes as long as 13 months) Treatment
• Dysmature foals • Removal of mares from pasture 60 to 90 days before
• Thickened placentas foaling
• Agalactia • Assistance at foaling
• Weak foals because of lack of energy from milk • Keeping colostrum on hand
• Immunocompromised foals because of lack of • Tube-feeding of foal
colostrum • Domperidone

1. To prevent the effects of fescue toxicosis, which of the 4. Mares ovulate 24 to 48 hours ________ of estrus.
following are possible options for the management of a. before the end
broodmares grazing endophyte-infested tall fescue b. before the beginning
pastures? (Select all that apply.) c. after the end
a. Muzzle the mares. 5. Granulosa cells in the ovary of the mare produce:
b. Remove the mares from the pasture 30 to 90 days a. Testosterone
before foaling. b. Progesterone
c. Administer domperidone. c. Estrogen
d. Supplement selenium. 6. All mares used for breeding should be vaccinated
e. Increase protein in the concentrate portion of against this disease.
the diet. a. Equine encephalitis
2. Within what period of time (from the beginning of b. Herpes virus infection
parturition) should foals be delivered? c. West Nile virus infection
a. 60 minutes d. Equine flu
b. 45 minutes 7. Multiparous mares may be more prone to problems
c. 90 minutes of the reproductive system.
d. 20 minutes a. True
3. Which of the following may cause penile prolapse? b. False
a. Xylazine
b. Dormosedan Answers found on page 550.
c. Acepromazine
d. Diazepam
Diseases That Affect the Neonate

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Use basic knowledge of these disorders to aid in the
able to: development of treatment regimes.
• Explain neonatal problems to clients.

Perinatal Asphyxia Syndrome 469 Neonatal Isoerythrolysis 470
Failure of Passive Transfer 470 Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome 471

Colostrum Lysis
Isoerythrolysis Multiparous

favorable to excellent. The prognosis worsens with late

PERINATAL ASPHYXIA SYNDROME recognition or inadequate treatment.
Perinatal asphyxia syndrome (PAS), more commonly
known as “dummy foal syndrome,” is seen in foals Clinical Signs
deprived of oxygen during dystocia or when premature • Development of CNS signs in a newborn foal;
separation of the placenta occurs during normal birth. seizures
The syndrome is also seen in foals that have no prenatal • Absence of the suckling reflex
problems, and these foals are believed to undergo some • Depression
sort of hypoxia in utero. These “dummy foals” appear
normal at birth but show signs of central nervous system Diagnosis
(CNS) abnormalities within a few hours after birth • CNS signs that develop soon after birth
(Fig. 57.1). The syndrome affects the cardiovascular sys- • Clinical symptoms related to other organ systems in
tem, the renal system, the gastrointestinal (GI) system, the foal
and the CNS. • Complete blood count (CBC), serum chemistries
Treatment involves support for all systems involved; • Cardiovascular abnormalities or decreased perfusion
control of seizures, correction of electrolyte imbalances,
maintenance of tissue perfusion, caloric intake and Treatment
maintenance of the GI tract, and maintenance of renal • Supportive care of all systems involved
perfusion. These foals require 24-hour intensive care. • Antiseizure medication (diazepam, phenobarbital,
If PAS is recognized early, the prognosis for foals is gabapentin)

470 SECTION 5 Horses

Fig. 57.1 Foal exhibiting typical “dummy” behavior and having

difficulty searching for the mare’s udder. (Courtesy Dr. Tom Sea-
horn, Lexington, KY. In: Brinsko SP, Blanchard TL, Varner DD,
et al. Manual of Equine Reproduction. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO:
Mosby; 2011.) Fig. 57.2 Tranfusion of hyperimmune plasma to a 28-day-
old foal. (From Brinsko SP, Blanchard TL, Varner DD, et al. Man-
ual of Equine Reproduction. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2011,
• Enteral feeding if GI function is abnormal by permission.)
• Heat lamps, padding to prevent decubital ulcers, fre-
• The foal appears maladjusted (may be seen hours
quent turning
• Intravenous (IV) fluids to maintain organ perfusion; after birth)
correct electrolyte abnormalities
• If a foal is suspected of having failure of passive trans-
fer, the diagnosis can be confirmed by performing a
Foals with PAS require intense treatment 24 hours a day. simple immunoglobulin G (IgG) test
They do best when placed in intensive care units of larger
equine clinics. Treatment
• If the results of the foal’s IgG test are low, the animal
may be given colostrum from a nurse mare, as long as
FAILURE OF PASSIVE TRANSFER it receives the colostrum within 18 (preferably 12)
Failure of passive transfer is a condition in which a foal hours after birth. After 18 hours or if no colostrum
does not receive adequate amounts of immunoglobulins is available, plasma transfusions can be given
from the mare’s colostrum. This condition may occur (Fig. 57.2)
any time the foal does not receive enough colostrum,
for example, when a mare rejects the foal, a mare has Information for Clients
not produced milk, or a foal cannot stand on its own. • Colostrum can be frozen for future use in breeding
Colostrum (first milk) contains antibodies against any operations where failure of passive transfer causes a
antigens to which the mare has been exposed. The foal’s problem.
intestine will not absorb the antibodies more than
18 hours after parturition, so it is important that the foal
receive colostrum as soon as possible.
Neonatal isoerythrolysis is a condition in which the
Clinical Signs mare’s antibodies attack the foal’s red blood cells
• The mare may have a distended udder (RBCs). The condition is usually seen in foals from mul-
• The foal appears septicemic (usually seen a few days tiparous mares, and it is most often seen in Thorough-
after birth) breds. The disease occurs after a mare is mated to a
CHAPTER 57 Diseases That Affect the Neonate 471

stallion with a different blood type. If the resultant foal

carries the sire’s blood type, and if the mare’s and foal’s
blood mix (as can happen at parturition), the mare SYNDROME
will produce antibodies against the foal’s erythrocytes. Combined immunodeficiency syndrome (CID) occurs
If the breeding is repeated the next year, antibodies in only in Arabian and Arabian cross foals. This is a hered-
the colostrum will attack the foal’s erythrocytes, itary condition that causes a foal not to produce T- or B-
causing lysis. lymphocytes. It is estimated that 25% of the Arabian
population carries the gene for this disease. This lack
Clinical Signs of lymphocytes leads to a lack of immunoglobulin pro-
• A foal that is affected with this condition becomes duction and illness.
listless and weak because of the diminished
oxygen-carrying capacity of its blood Clinical Signs
• Mucous membranes and sclera take on a yellowish • Clinical signs usually present at about 3 to 5 months
tint as the foal becomes icteric because of the lysis of age because this is when the protective effect of
of its erythrocytes antibodies from colostrum is declining
• Signs may be any signs of illness
Treatment • CID should always be suspected in a sick Arabian or
• Affected foals are treated with blood transfusions Arabian cross foal
from a cross-matched mare or gelding. One should
also be sure to check for failure of passive transfer Treatment
in these foals • No treatment for this condition is available. Bone mar-
row transplants have been attempted with little success
Information for Clients
• If neonatal isoerythrolysis is suspected, the foal Information for Clients
should be muzzled for 48 hours to prevent ingestion • CID can be prevented by performing DNA testing of
of nursing colostrum from the mare (can use stored the mare and the stallion. If both (or even one) of the
or frozen colostrums, if necessary). parents carries the gene, then the animals should not
• It is advised that breeding not be repeated. be used for breeding.

1. Which white blood cell line is affected in the foal with a. A blood type the same as the mare
CID? b. A blood type the same as the stallion
a. Neutrophils c. Any blood type
b. Lymphocytes 4. Lack of oxygen during foal development may result
c. Basophils in _______.
d. Monocytes a. Prenatal isoerythrolysis
2. The foal’s intestine cannot absorb antibodies after b. Hypoimmunization
_______ hours postpartum. c. Dummy foal syndrome
a. 12 5. Foals cannot be given stored colostrum at birth.
b. 8 a. True
c. 18 b. False
d. 10
3. Neonatal isoerythrolysis occurs in foals with Answers found on page 550.
Diseases of the Respiratory System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Understand that other systems in the body may also
able to: be affected by some of the organisms that cause
• Recognize symptoms and causes related to equine respiratory disease in the equine patient.
respiratory diseases.
• Discuss environmental conditions that promote the
spread of respiratory disease.

Epiglottic Entrapment 472 Guttural Pouch Empyema 475
Epistaxis 473 Guttural Pouch Mycosis 475
Left Laryngeal Hemiplegia 473 Recurrent Airway Obstruction (Heaves) 475
Soft Palate Dislocation 473 Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage 476
Primary Sinusitis 473 Foal Pneumonia 476
Secondary Sinusitis 474 Equine Influenza 477
Strangles 474 Equine Viral Rhinopneumonitis 477

Empyema Hemiplegia
Epistaxis Nidus

Respiratory diseases of horses are a problem for owners

because of the effect of these diseases on animal perfor-
mance. A slight respiratory problem may cause a small Epiglottic entrapment is a relatively common condition
impairment in the performance of the animal, but that that occurs more often in Standardbreds and Thorough-
small degree of impairment may make the difference breds than in other breeds. The exact cause of the con-
between finishing a race in the money or going home dition is unknown. It is possible that a congenital
with empty pockets. For diseases that cause coughing formation defect exists in the tissue of the pharynx.
and nasal discharge as noticed by the owner, resting The condition is apparent when the epiglottis is
the animal has been promoted as one part of the treat- trapped by soft tissue in the pharynx. This leads to a less
ment. However, while the animal is being rested, train- efficient breathing system, with subsequent effects on
ing time and performance time are being lost. performance.

CHAPTER 58 Diseases of the Respiratory System 473

Clinical Signs recurrent laryngeal nerve, leading to a loss of nervous

• Coughing control of laryngeal muscles and partial airway
• Respiratory noise obstruction.
• Poor performance
Clinical Signs
Diagnosis • Inspiratory noise during exercise
• Poor performance
• Endoscopy
• Noise becoming progressively worse
Treatment Diagnosis
• Epiglottic entrapment may be treated surgically if the • Endoscopic examination (sometimes with the horse
horse’s performance is adversely affected on a treadmill)
• If the disease has no effect on performance, then
benign neglect (ignoring the disease) is the treatment Treatment
of choice for many cases • Surgical correction


Epistaxis is defined as bleeding from one or both nos- Soft palate dislocation is an intermittent condition seen
trils. Epistaxis is usually secondary to some other condi- mostly during peak exercise. The condition is most com-
tion. Nosebleeds affect all horses equally, and they are mon in racehorses. Problems may occur when the soft
often seen in racehorses. Among the many different palate gets displaced dorsally. This narrows the airway
causes of epistaxis are the following: and leads to partial obstruction. The exact cause of soft
• Trauma such as from nasogastric intubation or blunt
palate dislocation is unknown, although a problem with
trauma the vagus nerve is suspected.
• Infections or abscesses
• Exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage Clinical Signs
• Tumors • Gurgling noise
• Poor performance
Diagnosis • Dyspnea during exercise
• Clinical signs
• Thorough physical examination Diagnosis
• Endoscopy to visualize the underlying cause • Endoscopy with the horse exercising on a treadmill
• Complete blood cell count (CBC) to rule out infec- • Ruling out other diseases, plus clinical signs and
tious causes history

Treatment Treatment
• Treat the underlying cause • Alter the horse’s tack. Tongue ties and “figure-of-
eight” nose bands are often used with varying degrees
• If the tack changes, do not alleviate the condition;
Left laryngeal hemiplegia affects the left side of the then surgery is performed
larynx, making it unable to retract properly during
increased respiratory effort. The condition is more
commonly seen in Thoroughbreds and draft horses.
The most common (or owner-noticed) onset of clinical Sinusitis is defined as infection and inflammation of the
signs is at 2 to 3 years of age. The heritable basis to the sinuses. The ones most affected are the maxillary and
condition is the result of demyelination of the left frontal sinuses. Primary sinusitis is most often seen in
474 SECTION 5 Horses

younger horses. Other upper respiratory infections are Treatment

often present when a horse is affected by primary • Removal of the tooth and lavage of the socket or
abscess pocket
The infection may be caused by any number of bac- • Drainage of the sinus
teria or fungi. Inhalation of these pathogens is a com-
mon mode of infection of the sinuses.
Clinical Signs Strangles is a highly contagious disease caused by the
• Chronic, persistent mucopurulent nasal discharge bacterium Streptococcus equi (Figs. 58.1 and 58.2).
• Often unilateral The disease is transmitted by aerosol inhalation. Horses
• If the condition is severe enough, the animal may be may carry the organism in the respiratory tract, espe-
dyspneic cially in the guttural pouches, and act as a nidus for
• Occasionally, systemic illness infection of other horses. All horses with a purulent
nasal discharge and high fever should be isolated and
Diagnosis have the nasal cavity cultured for S. equi. Horses that
• For the disease to be treated properly, the condition have had strangles tend to develop a strong immunity
must be differentiated from secondary sinusitis, against the organism. Some infected horses will develop
such as that caused by an infected tooth root complications. “Bastard strangles” is the term used for
• Percussion of sinuses, listening for fluid line abscesses that develop in internal organs throughout
• Radiography of the skull the body. Bastard strangles carries a poor prognosis
• Bacterial and fungal culture and sensitivity obtained and may be fatal.
from sinuses Clinical Signs
• Fever >103°F
Treatment • Thick, creamy, yellow nasal discharge
• Lavage and drainage of sinuses; antibiotics or anti- • Swollen retropharyngeal lymph nodes
fungals should be mixed in the lavage fluid (depend- • Inappetence
ing on culture and sensitivity results)
• Systemic antibiotic therapy is usually unrewarding Diagnosis
• Clinical signs
• Results from a bacterial culture and sensitivity
The most common underlying cause of secondary
sinusitis is infection of the roots of upper teeth. Second-
ary sinusitis is most common in mature, rather
than young, horses. Anything that affects and causes
infection of tooth roots, such as fractures, abscesses,
tumors, and so forth, may lead to secondary sinusitis.

Clinical Signs
• Unilateral, mucopurulent nasal discharge
• Malodorous breath
• If severe enough, distortion of facial contours

Fig. 58.1 Purulent nasal discharge in a horse with strangles.
• Radiography (From Sellon DC, Long MT. Equine Infectious Disease. St. Louis,
• Endoscopy MO: Saunders; 2007, by permission.)
CHAPTER 58 Diseases of the Respiratory System 475


Guttural pouch empyema, the accumulation of pus in
the guttural pouches, is a disease that is secondary to
a previous respiratory infection. Its exact pathogenesis
is unknown.

Clinical Signs
• Poor performance
• Nasal discharge, which is seen in greater amounts
when the horse lowers its head

Fig. 58.2 Oral mucosa in a horse with purpura hemorrhagica
secondary to S. equi infection. (From Sellon DC, Long MT.
• Endoscopic examination of the guttural pouches
Equine Infectious Disease. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2007, by
permission.) Treatment
• Local and systemic antibiotic therapy
Treatment • Surgery to remove chondroids (hardened bits of pus)
• Lance the abscesses, let them drain, and flush them
with chlorhexidine solution
• Penicillin may be given to horses that have a fever but GUTTURAL POUCH MYCOSIS
are not showing signs of abscesses Guttural pouch mycosis is a condition in which fungal
• Isolation of affected horses may help prevent a farm-
plaques are located in the guttural pouches. These pla-
wide outbreak ques are often associated with underlying vessels and
• Vaccination of unaffected horses may also prevent a
may occasionally compromise the function of the ves-
farmwide outbreak sels. Guttural pouch mycosis is more common in the
northern hemisphere than in the southern hemisphere.
TECH ALERT Many fungal species have been found in the condition.
The disease may be spread from horse to horse through Aspergillus is a common isolate from affected horses.
tack, water or feed buckets, and your clothing. When
handling an infected horse, wear protective clothing Clinical Signs
and gloves, and treat the affected horses last. Isolate • Epistaxis
them in the clinic, if possible. Stalls must be sanitized • Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
and left unused after housing an infected horse.
• Nasal discharge

Information for Clients Diagnosis

• Disease outbreaks can be prevented in two ways: • Endoscopic examination
• Biosecurity: Wash your hands and clothes after
working with a horse that has strangles; work with Treatment
these horses as the last job of the day; and wash • Systemic antifungal therapy
areas with chlorhexidine solution. • Local and systemic antibiotic therapy
• Vaccination: An intranasal vaccine is available.
• Even if the horse is vaccinated, it may still contract the RECURRENT AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION
disease. However, the disease will most likely be of
lesser severity.
• At-risk horses should be vaccinated four times yearly. Recurrent Airway Obstruction is an allergic condition
• Young horses taken to horse shows are most at risk most commonly seen in older horses that are kept
for infection. in dry, dusty environments. The allergic reactions,
476 SECTION 5 Horses

similar to asthma in humans, may cause loss of elasti-

city of alveoli and inflammation and constriction of
Exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH) is a
Clinical Signs common occurrence in hardworking racehorses. Thor-
• Respiratory effort, especially on expiration oughbreds are most commonly affected. The exact cause
• Presence of heave line is unknown, but one theory is that high cardiac output
• Crackles and wheezing and vascular blood pressure lead to rupture of capillaries
• Cough in the lungs. Blood from the burst capillaries is then
• Clinical signs often resolving or becoming less severe expelled through the nostrils. There is also evidence that
when the animal’s environment is changed movement of the shoulder under conditions of extreme
exertion may result in blunt trauma to the lungs also
Diagnosis increasing bleeding.
• Clinical signs
• CBC Clinical Signs
• Bronchoalveolar lavage • Unilateral or bilateral epistaxis
• Decreased performance
Treatment • Increased swallowing
• Changing the horse’s environment • Respiratory distress
• Soaking the hay, and feeding from ground-level
feeders Diagnosis
• Antihistamines (however, they are not always • Endoscopic examination of lungs after a race
effective in horses)
• Steroid injections or inhalers Treatment
• Bronchodilators such as clenbuterol (Ventipulmin) • No reliable treatments or preventive measures are
available, although many horses are given furosemide
TECH ALERT before racing in the hope of preventing EIPH
• Nasal strips have been shown to be effective in
Make owners aware that some of the drugs used for
decreasing EIPH
treating respiratory problems in horses are not allowed
• Diet enriched with omega-3 fatty acids
in competition.
• Bronchoalveolar lavage
• Rest
Information for Clients
• Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may be pre-
vented or alleviated by careful management of the
horse’s environment, ensuring proper ventilation Foal pneumonia affects foals approximately 1 to
and air flow. 3 months of age but is not limited to that age range.
• Feeding pelleted feeds and placing hay in ground The disease is caused by the bacterium Rhodococcus
feeders will decrease the amount of dust inhaled equi. The organism is found in the soil of almost every
while feeding. horse farm. It grows readily in soils contaminated with
• Hay may also be moistened to decrease dust. manure. This hardy bacterium, once it is in the environ-
• Horses should be able to lower their head ment, can persist for months or even years. Foals are
when trailering to allow for clearing of the respiratory thought to be exposed to the bacteria during the first
tract. few days of life. The organism has a specific affinity
• Stall bedding should be dust free; avoid any cleaning for macrophages and may become distributed through-
procedures that produce excessive dust in the barn out the foal’s body. The survival rate for foals with
(leaf blowers for sweeping) R. equi is between 60% to 90% with aggressive treatment.
CHAPTER 58 Diseases of the Respiratory System 477

Clinical Signs Diagnosis

• Dyspnea • Clinical signs
• Cough • Ruling out other causes
• Inappetence
• Fever Treatment
• Diarrhea • Rest the horse
• Administer antibiotics to cover secondary bacterial
Diagnosis invaders
• Clinical signs
• Thoracic radiography Information for Clients
• Transtracheal wash • Prevention is by regular vaccination.
• An intramuscular or intranasal vaccine is available.
Treatment • Vaccine protection is short-lived.
• A combination of erythromycin and rifampin is • At-risk horses should be vaccinated four times
effective in treating foal pneumonia yearly.
• Azithromycin or clarithromycin may also be used in
place of erythromycin, which has many adverse
effects when used in foals
Equine viral rhinopneumonitis is the most common
Information for Clients viral respiratory disease in horses. Reproductive and
• Ensuring that the foal has adequate amounts of colos- neurological forms of the disease also exist. Viral rhi-
trum and giving plasma transfusions to foals born on nopneumonitis usually affects horses 2 years of age or
a farm where Rhodococcus has been present the pre- younger, although older animals may also be affected.
vious year may help prevent the disease. The disease is caused by the equine herpes virus
• Vaccinations may prevent the disease. (EHV-1 and EHV-4).
• Avoid spreading manure on pastures unless it has
been composted. Clinical Signs
• Keep manure picked up daily from stalls and pasture • Nasal discharge
turnouts. • Clinical signs not as severe as with flu
• R. equi can infect humans, especially immunosup- • Mid- to late-term abortions (EHV-1)
pressed individuals.
• Clinical signs
Equine influenza is one of the most debilitating respira- Treatment
tory viral diseases of horses. It usually affects younger • Rest
animals, especially those that are subjected to high levels • Supportive care
of stress. High animal densities and movement also
increase the risk for contracting the disease. The disease Information for Clients
is caused by a myxovirus. • Regular vaccination helps prevent viral rhino-
pneumonitis. Protection from the vaccine is short-
Clinical Signs lived, so twice-yearly vaccination is recommended.
• Fever • At-risk horses should be vaccinated four times
• Cough yearly.
• Lethargy • Pregnant mares should be vaccinated with a killed
• Inappetence virus to prevent abortions at 5, 7, and 9 months of
• Nasal discharge gestation.
478 SECTION 5 Horses

1. The most common viral respiratory disease seen in c. An influenza virus
horses is ________. d. A rhinovirus
a. Rotaviral sinusitis 5. Pulmonary hypertension can be reduced by use of:
b. Equine influenza a. Furosemide
c. Equine viral rhinopneumonitis b. Penicillin
d. Equine encephalitis c. Mannitol
2. Strangles is caused by: d. Cortisone
a. Streptococcus equi 6. Equine strangles may be transferred to uninfected
b. Staphylococcus aureus horses by humans.
c. Streptococcus pneumoniae a. True
d. Staphylococcus epidermis b. False
3. Another name for recurrent airway obstruction 7. When hauling a horse in a trailer, make sure the
is ________. horse can lower its head.
a. Bronchitis a. True
b. Sinusitis b. False
c. Heaves 8. What type of bacteria is S. equi?
d. Atopy a. Gram-positive
4. Equine rhinopneumonitis is caused by: b. Gram-negative
a. A herpes virus
b. A rotavirus Answers found on page 550.
Diseases of the Urinary System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Understand that urinary tract disease in the horse is
able to: uncommon.
• Recognize the signs of urinary tract disease in
the horse.

Cystitis 479 Urinary Bladder Rupture 480
Urinary Bladder Prolapse 480 Incontinence 480
Pyelonephritis 480 Urolithiasis (Stone) 481

Cystitis Myeloencephalitis
Incontinence Postpartum

Primary urinary tract problems are rare in horses common in mares, especially those in late gestation
because of the pH of the equine urine, the sterility of and early after birth.
the system, and the fact that voiding of urine serves to Cystitis may be caused by anything that can lead to
wash out any infectious organisms that may be ascend- urine stasis in the bladder, such as the following:
ing the tract. Urinary tract problems, therefore, are more • Nerve damage
often secondary to other problems. If a horse does have a • Obstructions (although rare)
urinary tract problem, the following are pertinent ques- • Neoplasia
tions to ask the owner:
• What is the color of the urine?
Clinical Signs
• Is there any history of illness?
• Frequent passage of small amounts of urine
• Is the amount of urine produced normal?
• Urine scald
• What is the animal’s water intake?
•  Pain
• Is urine flow normal?
• Hyperthermia, tachycardia
• Is there a possibility of exposure to toxins?

CYSTITIS • Urinalysis
Cystitis is defined as inflammation of the urinary blad- • Bacterial culture and sensitivity
der. Primary cystitis is rare in horses. Cystitis is more • Ultrasonography of the bladder

480 SECTION 5 Horses


• Treatment of underlying causes
• Indwelling catheters Urinary bladder rupture is usually a secondary condi-
• Antibiotic therapy tion, which is more common in foals than in adults. A
history of trauma or urethral obstruction may exist. This
may also be found in postpartum mares. Rupture may be
URINARY BLADDER PROLAPSE caused by direct trauma to bladder or intense straining,
or the bladder may fill so full of urine that it bursts. Male
Urinary bladder prolapse is an unusual condition that
foals may be predisposed to bladder rupture because of
is most often seen in postpartum mares. Relaxation of
the narrowness of the urethra and the internal pressures
the pelvic muscles, dilation of sphincter muscles, and
that develop during foaling.
strain during parturition all work together to prolapse
the bladder. Clinical Signs
• Decreased, or total, lack of urine output
Clinical Signs
• Depression
• Bladder, poking out through the vagina
• Foals: standing with the back in ventral flexion, back
• If the bladder ruptures, intestines may stick through
• Colic signs and front feet not close together

• Abdominocentesis (belly tap); if the bladder is rup-
• Cleaning and replacing the bladder
•  Surgery to keep bladder in place tured, urine will be seen in the peritoneal fluid
• The peritoneal fluid will also contain more creatinine
• Antibiotic therapy
•  Indwelling catheter than does the serum

• Small defects may heal on their own
PYELONEPHRITIS • Surgery to repair the defect
Pyelonephritis is a bacterial infection of the kidney and • Intravenous (IV) fluids with no potassium
is seen most often in adults. This is usually an ascending
infection from lower in the urinary tract. Pyelonephritis
is usually a secondary condition to urine pooling or sta-
sis because urine flow typically washes bacteria down Incontinence refers to the inability to control urination.
and out of the tract. Bacteria are usually the same as Often, more than one horse in the herd is affected, and a
those of the predisposing cystitis. history of grazing sorghum, Sudan grass, or both may exist.
Causes for incontinence include the following:
Clinical Signs • Neurological disease, with loss of control of bladder,
• Same as those for cystitis, together with possible signs urethral sphincters, or both
of systemic disease • Equine herpes virus
• Cauda equine neuritis
Diagnosis • Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis
• Blood work • Trauma
• Urinalysis • Neoplasia
• Ultrasonography of kidneys
Clinical Signs
Treatment • Passage of small amounts of urine, any time
• Pyelonephritis is treated much in the same way as • Dribbling of urine
cystitis, although the course of treatment for pyelone- • Absence of urine
phritis is of much longer duration • May show other signs of neurological disease
CHAPTER 59 Diseases of the Urinary System 481

• Rectal palpation and ultrasonography

• Underlying cause may be difficult to treat; symptom-
atic treatment may be the only option
• Manual bladder expression
• Treatment of urine scald
• Phenoxybenzamine
• Bethanechol

UROLITHIASIS (STONE) Fig. 59.1 Large bladder stone in the urinary bladder of a horse.
(From Sellon DC, Long MT. Equine Infectious Disease. St. Louis,
Uroliths may form in the bladder, kidney, ureters, or MO: Saunders; 2007, by permission.)
urethra, and they rarely cause obstruction. If obstruction
is caused, it is most likely in a male horse. A urolith
forms when a change occurs in the urine pH. A nidus Diagnosis
forms, and the stone accumulates around it, similar to • Ultrasonography or radiography if the animal is
the way that an oyster forms a pearl (Fig. 59.1). small enough

Clinical Signs Treatment

• Small amounts or no urine • The stone needs to be removed. This can be accom-
• Blood in urine plished by manual evacuation in mares, passage of a
• Straining urinary catheter, or surgical intervention. IV fluids
• Colic signs should also be administered

1. Urinary tract infections in the horse are usually the c. Has a distended abdomen
result of: d. All of the above
a. Hematogenous bacterial spread 3. Urinary bladder prolapse is most commonly seen in
b. Ascending bacterial infections the:
c. Viral infections a. Stallion
d. Trauma b. Prepartum mare
2. A ruptured bladder should be suspected in a male c. Postpartum mare
foal that: d. Gelding
a. Fails to produce urine
b. Has an altered stance while straining Answers found on page 550.
SECTION 6 Sheep and Goats

Sheep and Goat Husbandry

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Appreciate how goats and sheep live and exist.
able to:

Herbivore Ruminant

Although including a section on sheep and goats in a quite well to no more than high-quality pasture and a
book devoted to companion animals may seem odd, mineral mix. Whereas sheep prefer to graze on grasses
the fact is that more and more people are keeping a small and succulent broad-leafed plants, goats have a more
number of these animals as pets. Because they look on varied diet, browsing on twigs, shrubs, brushy weeds,
them as pets, owners expect the greatest level of care and some grass. When in times of increased production,
for these animals. such as growth, breeding, or lactating, a grain supple-
Sheep and goats are flock-dwelling or herd-dwelling ment may be given to the animals to meet energy
ruminant herbivores. Goats and sheep need the proxim- requirements. One must take care, however, not to give
ity of others of their species, although sheep are more too much grain to male sheep and goats because this
connected to the group compared with goats. may predispose them to urinary calculi. Also, sheep
Both sheep and goats may be grouped into one of are susceptible to copper toxicity and need a lower level
three major types: (1) Those that are bred specifically of this mineral in their diets. And, goats cannot survive
for meat, (2) those that are bred for fiber (mohair, cash- by eating tin cans and paper!—they need high-quality
mere, wool), and (3) those that are bred to produce milk. feed just as other domestic animals do.
More people in the world drink goat’s milk than Although most sheep and goats live quite well out on
cow’s milk. the range, in some situations it would be advantageous
Sheep and goats have some similarities with regard to to confine them. Most of these animals are quite hardy,
their eating. Both are ruminants; that is, they graze, or and as long as they have some shelter from wind and
browse in the case of goats, and then lie down to chew rain, their housing needs are modest. Greater attention
their cud. The food is regurgitated from the rumen, and needs to be paid to the type of fencing that is used. Goats
the animal rechews it until the particle size is small are extremely clever at escaping from confinement, so
enough for digestion. Both goats and sheep will respond fences need to be secure and strong. Goats can climb

CHAPTER 60 Sheep and Goat Husbandry 483

or wriggle through many fences. Electric fences work domestic dogs may wreak havoc on a group of sheep
well for containment, but if the power goes out, goats or goats. Electric fences work well to keep the stock in
will walk through the fence. Some goats like to stick their and also deter predators. Another option is to use guard
heads through wire fences; then their horns get caught in animals. Several breeds of dogs are specifically designed
the wire and they cannot escape. Goats have been to be guardians of livestock. In recent years, donkeys and
severely injured by marauding dogs when they have even llamas are gaining popularity as guardians.
had their head caught through a fence. Confining the animals close to the house at night also
One major concern for sheep and goat producers is helps prevent predation by coyotes, although not by
protection from predators. Coyotes and free-running domestic dogs, which typically attack during the day.

1. Diets high in grain may predispose male goats to: 3. Which of the following would present the greatest
a. Rickets danger to goats kept as pets?
b. Urinary calculi a. Poor-quality diets
c. Diarrhea b. Lack of exercise
d. Gas colic c. Viral diseases
2. Diets for sheep should contain limited amounts of d. Predators
this element.
a. Iron Answers found on page 550.
b. Selenium
c. Copper
d. Phosphorus
Diseases of the Digestive System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss the value of proper diet and feeding practices
able to: with owners of small ruminants.
• Recognize the causes of digestive system diseases in
the small ruminant.

Bloat 484 Salmonellosis 487
Rumen Acidosis 485 Clostridium Perfringens 487
Diarrhea 486 Coccidiosis 488
Enterotoxic Escherichia coli 486 Nematodes 488
Rotavirus 486 Pregnancy Toxemia or Fatty Liver Syndrome 488
Cryptosporidiosis 486 Copper Toxicosis 489

Coccidiostat Eructate Transfaunation
Enterotoxigenic Syndrome

Sheep and goats are ruminants; that is, they have four forage, they still need a reasonably good-quality diet.
chambers to their “stomach”: (1) the rumen, (2) reticu- Fortunately, digestive system diseases in ruminants are
lum, (3) omasum, and (4) abomasum (Fig. 61.1). The uncommon.
abomasum is the portion of the tract that is most similar
in function to the monogastric stomach. As an animal TECH ALERT
grazes, it swallows the forage material, which goes into Goats and sheep have no upper incisors!
the rumen. After the animal is done grazing, it finds a
spot and lies down in sternal recumbency. The animal
then regurgitates what it has eaten and proceeds to chew BLOAT
it. Sheep and goats typically chew approximately 40
times; then they swallow the bolus again. They repeat Bloat is the accumulation of free gas or froth in the
the procedure, and when the particle size is small rumen. Bloat is less common in small ruminants than
enough, the animal swallows it and the chewed food in cattle, and it occurs less frequently in goats than in
proceeds into the reticulum. sheep. Bloat may be caused by ingestion of diets such
Although the ruminant digestive system is fairly as high-legume diets or cereal grains that promote the
adaptable and a ruminant can eat a lower quality of formation of froth in the rumen. Some other diets such

CHAPTER 61 Diseases of the Digestive System 485

Esophagus • Avoid diets that are high in concentrate and low in

Dorsal sac • Limit availability of bloat-inducing feedstuffs.
of rumen • When introducing animals to a new, lush pasture,
do so slowly so that the animals can adjust.
Reticulum Ventral sac Rumen acidosis is caused by the rapid fermentation of
of rumen highly digestible carbohydrates. The problem occurs
Omasum more often with finely ground grains because the bacte-
Fig. 61.1 Digestive system of the small ruminant as seen from ria can more rapidly ferment the carbohydrate. The con-
the left side. (From Colville T, Bassert JM. Clinical Anatomy and dition is more commonly seen in animals that have been
Physiology for Veterinary Technicians. 2nd ed. St Louis, MO: fed a primarily forage-based diet and then have received
Mosby; 2008, by permission.) a large amount of concentrate feed. As the carbohydrates
are digested, the pH declines. The decline in pH causes
the normal resident microfauna and microflora of the
as those high in grain promote the formation of free gas. rumen to die. Water is drawn into the rumen, and the
Sometimes, an animal will have an accumulation of free animal becomes dehydrated and may die. The acid
gas in the rumen because of a failure to eructate. buildup causes damage to the rumen epithelium. This
allows the leakage of bacteria into the system, and the
Clinical Signs animal may become septic.
• Abdominal distension, especially apparent in the left
paralumbar fossa Clinical Signs
• Signs of abdominal pain • Vary with the amount and type of feed
• Anxiety • Signs first appear from 12 to 36 hours after ingestion
• Respiratory distress of feed
• Signs include shock, anorexia, weakness, depression
Diagnosis • Severe dehydration
• Observation of obvious abdominal distension • Signs of sepsis
• In the case of free gas bloat, a “ping” can be heard in • Diarrhea
the left paralumbar fossa
• If an orogastric tube is passed, free gas can be heard Diagnosis
(and smelled) escaping through the tube. Frothy • Examination of rumen fluid shows the following:
bloat will result in froth being seen on the tube. • pH < 5.5
• Protozoa reduced in number
Treatment • Large, gram-positive rods
• Bloat is an emergency situation and requires imme-
diate attention Treatment
• Passage of orogastric tube • Treatment to reverse hypovolemia and shock,
• Diocctyl sodium succinate (DSS), mineral oil, vegeta- remove offending feedstuffs, and correct the acidosis
ble oil for frothy bloat and sepsis
• Trocarization of the rumen • Intravenous (IV) fluids containing sodium
• Rumenotomy bicarbonate
• Flunixin meglumine
Information for Clients • Rumenotomy to remove feedstuffs
• Bloat can be prevented by implementing sensible • Transfaunation of rumen microflora
feeding practices: • Thiamine subcutaneously (SQ)
486 SECTION 6 Sheep and Goats

Information for Clients Diagnosis

• Rumen acidosis may be avoided by following sound • Fecal culture and serotyping for K99 and F41 antigens
feeding practices: • Histopathology from necropsy confirms
• If increasing the concentrate portion of the diet, do
so slowly so that the gut microflora can adjust to it. Treatment
• Buffering agents may also be added to the diet • Fluid therapy: PO (orally), IV, SQ
when feeding high-concentrate diets. • Antibiotics (amoxicillin, ampicillin, neomycin, tri-
methoprim plus sulfa [TMS]) may be beneficial but
may also kill off beneficial gut flora
DIARRHEA • Flunixin meglumine

Diarrhea involves loose to runny stools and is defined TECH ALERT

as an increase in the volume and frequency of defeca-
tion. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalances are the Use caution when handling the feces of any animal exhi-
biting signs of diarrhea.
concerning sequelae to diarrhea, especially in very
young kids and lambs. Animals of certain ages are more
prone to specific infectious causes of diarrhea
(Fig. 61.2). ROTAVIRUS
Lambs and kids are infected by group B rotaviruses, in
ENTEROTOXIGENIC ESCHERICHIA COLI contrast to other species that are infected by group A.
These viruses infect the cells at the tip of the intestinal
Enterotoxigenic E. coli causes diarrhea mainly in neona- villi, causing a malabsorptive diarrhea. The virus usually
tal lambs and, to a lesser extent, in kids. This type of bac- infects animals 2 to 14 days of age. Older animals are
teria has two main methods by which it causes disease. occasionally infected.
The first is by attachment and colonization of the intes-
tinal villi. As these villi are destroyed, the intestine loses Clinical Signs
its absorptive capabilities. The second method is by pro- • Diarrhea
duction of an enterotoxin, which interferes with normal • Depression
gut function. E. coli causes disease in young animals • Dehydration
younger than 10 days, with 1 to 4 days of age being
the most common age of onset. Diagnosis
• Electron microscopy of fecal and colon samples
Clinical Signs
• Usually presents as an outbreak, rather than in a sin- Treatment
• Supportive care
gle animal
• Diarrhea
• Dehydration Cryptosporidiosis
• Recumbency This condition is caused by a protozoal organism,
• Many animals die before development of diarrhea Cryptosporidium parvum. These organisms can

Escherichia coli
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Days of Age
Fig. 61.2 Ages at which infectious agents cause diarrhea in lambs and kids. (From Pugh DG. Sheep and Goat
Medicine. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 2002, by permission.)
CHAPTER 61 Diseases of the Digestive System 487

sporulate in the gut and immediately infect nearby villi. Treatment

This may result in severe, sustained disease. Oocysts are • Supportive care
immediately infectious when shed in the feces, which •  Antibiotic therapy
enables extremely rapid spread. This organism typically
affects lambs and kids 5 to 10 days of age.
Information for Clients
• Salmonellosis is a potential zoonotic disease, and
Clinical Signs
proper sanitary precautions should be observed after
• Animals often show no systemic signs of illness; they
handling an affected animal.
can be bright, alert, and continue to feed
• Liquid, yellow feces
• Diarrhea may be mild and self-limiting or severe; Clostridium Perfringens
relapses are not uncommon Types A, B, C, and D Clostridium perfringens all cause
diarrhea, but type D is most often the causative agent.
Diagnosis This condition is also known as enterotoxemia and
• Staining of air-dried fecal samples and microscopical overeating disease. In type C infection, a β-toxin causes
examination shows the parasites in feces. It is possi- hemorrhagic enteritis mainly in animals younger than
ble, but difficult, to find the organisms on fecal 3 weeks of age. Type D infection results in illness caused
flotation by an ε-toxin. The disease is often associated with
feeding changes, and it is most commonly seen in the
Treatment fastest-growing animals.
• No consistently reliable treatment for cryptosporidi-
osis is available. Isolation of affected animals and Clinical Signs
thorough cleaning of the premises may prevent • Three forms—acute, peracute, and chronic (more
widespread infection of the herd common in goats)
• Sudden death
• Profuse, bloody diarrhea
Information for Clients
• Neurological signs (more common in sheep)
• This is a zoonotic disease, and affected animals need
to be handled with great care.
• Clinical signs
Salmonellosis • Can culture from intestinal tissue at necropsy
Bacteria of the genus Salmonella may affect lambs and
kids of any age. These bacteria produce an enterotoxin
and also cause inflammation and necrosis of the mucosa Treatment
of both the large and small intestine. • Aggressive supportive care
• Type D antitoxin
• Treatment is rarely successful
Clinical Signs
• Sudden death, most often in animals younger than
1 week of age Information for Clients
• Diarrhea • A vaccine is available.
• Fever • Vaccinate at 4 to 6 weeks of age, then in 4 weeks.
• Depression • Yearly vaccinations are recommended, preferably a
• Shock few weeks before parturition.
• Bloody feces • Goats may need vaccinations two or three times
a year.
Diagnosis • Reducing energy value of diet and avoiding changes
• Fecal culture in diet may help prevent infection.
488 SECTION 6 Sheep and Goats

COCCIDIOSIS Clinical Signs

• Anemia
Coccidiosis is a problem caused by protozoa of Eimeria • Ventral edema
spp. Clinical disease often manifests during times of • Poor growth
stress such as weaning, shipping, and dietary changes, • Weight loss
among others. Oocysts must sporulate outside the host • Diarrhea
to become infective, and both sporulated and nonsporu-
lated oocysts may survive in the environment for Diagnosis
months, if not years. Lambs and kids from 1 to 4 months • Examination of a slide from fecal flotation will show
of age are most susceptible. the presence of eggs but will not determine the load
or clinical significance
Clinical Signs • Fecal egg counts, determining eggs per gram of feces,
• Diarrhea—usually not bloody, but may contain gives a more reliable estimate of the parasite load
mucus and blood
• Anorexia, weakness, dehydration, rough hair coat Treatment
may be seen • Treatment of parasitized animals may be done with
one or more of a wide variety of anthelmintics. When
Diagnosis deworming a herd or flock, dosage should be based
• Coccidia may be seen on fecal flotation or direct on the weight of the animal to avoid underdosing
smear. It is not unusual to see a few coccidia in the and subsequent parasite resistance
feces of a clinically normal animal, so care must be
used when interpreting the results Information for Clients
• Effective sanitation and waste management may
Treatment decrease the likelihood of parasitism.
• Sulfa drugs are effective in treating an animal with • Avoid overgrazing a pasture, and practicing rota-
coccidiosis tional grazing will help prevent parasitism.
• If an animal in the herd is affected, the rest of the ani- • If the pasture is relatively small, manure removal will
mals should be given coccidiostats to prevent disease help reduce the parasite load.
Information for Clients SYNDROME
• Incidence of the disease can be lessened with thor-
ough sanitary measures and judicious use of cocci- Fatty liver syndrome may occur when an animal is in a
diostats. If possible, minimize exposure to stressful negative energy balance. The body then starts to break
situations. down its fat stores, and the products are transported
to the liver. The breakdown of fats leads to free fatty
acids (FFAs) in the liver. These FFAs are not broken
NEMATODE INFESTATION down; instead, they are converted to ketone bodies or
The most common nematode parasites of sheep and lipoproteins. The lipoproteins accumulate in the liver
goats are those of the Haemonchus, Ostertagia, Trichos- together with ketone bodies. This disease is often
trongylus, Cooperia, Nematodirus, Oesophagostomum, seen in the last month of gestation and with multiple
and Bunostomum species. The parasites may affect births.
the abomasums or the intestines of the animals, and
clinical disease is often seen during and after times of Clinical Signs
stress and with overgrazing of the pasture. Larvae can • Anorexia
overwinter (survive inhospitable conditions), but hot, • Depression
dry weather conditions reduce larval survivability. • Behavioral alterations
CHAPTER 61 Diseases of the Digestive System 489

• Recumbency Clinical Signs

• Ketone smell to breath • Anorexia
• Dystocia • Depression
• Diarrhea
Diagnosis • Weakness
• Clinical signs and the presence of multiple fetuses • Death, with evidence of hemolysis and icterus
• Ketoacidosis, hypocalcemia, hypokalemia
• Proteinuria and ketonuria Diagnosis
• Increased copper concentrations in serum
Treatment • Anemia
• Early cases treated with oral or IV glucose • Hyperbilirubinemia
• Balanced electrolyte solution • Increased liver enzymes
• Sodium bicarbonate • Azotemia
• Rumen transfaunation • Isosthenuria
• Increasing energy level
Information for Clients • Supportive care for renal failure and anemia
• Fatty liver syndrome can be prevented through • Ammonia tetrathiomolybdate
• D-penicillamine
proper nutrition and ensuring an adequate energy
• The rest of the flock should be treated with ammo-
intake, especially during the last month of gestation.
nium molybdate and sodium thiosulfate

COPPER TOXICOSIS Information for Clients

• Avoid giving high-copper diets.
Copper toxicosis is more common in sheep than in • Consider other sources of copper in the environment.
goats, and it often occurs when sheep are fed a diet that
is formulated for goats. When the copper-to- TECH ALERT
molybdenum or copper-to-sulfate ratio is greater than
10:1, copper will accumulate in the sheep’s liver. Disease Never feed sheep food formulated for use in goats.
Make sure owners are advised of this when deciding
is seen when the copper is released from the liver, often
to raise sheep.
during times of stress.

1. Which of the following treatments may be effective 3. “Overeating disease” is caused by which of the fol-
for bloat? lowing conditions?
a. Trocarization a. Salmonella infection
b. Passage of an orogastric tube b. Clostridium infection
c. Administration of mineral or vegetable oil c. E. coli infection
d. All of the above d. Pasturella infection
2. A late-term pregnant doe exhibiting neurological 4. Diarrhea in lambs or kids 2 to 14 days of age may be
signs and having sweet-smelling breath might be suf- related to:
fering from: a. Rotavirus
a. Pregnancy toxemia b. Salmonella
b. Diabetes mellitus c. Clostridium
c. Pancreatitis d. E. coli
d. Copper toxicosis
490 SECTION 6 Sheep and Goats

5. The “ping” heard when percussing a bloat is best a. Salmonella

heard in: b. Clostridium
a. The right paralumbar fossa c. Coccidia
b. The left paralumbar fossa d. Cryptosporidium
c. The right sternal border
d. The left sternal border
Answers found on page 550.
6. Which of the following organisms are zoonotic?
(Select all that apply.)
Diseases of the Endocrine System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Recognize three of the most common endocrine
able to: dysfunctions seen in small ruminants.
• Recognize the importance of a diet with the proper
calcium-to-phosphorus balance.

Goiter 491 Inappropriate Lactation Syndrome 492
Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism 491

Lactation Pseudopregnancy

As in other species, the endocrine system of sheep and Diagnosis

goats exerts some level of control over many metabolic • Clinical signs
processes. Fortunately, relatively few endocrine disor- • May also be a low concentration of iodine with increa-
ders are encountered in sheep and goats. sed triglycerides, cholesterol, and phospholipids

GOITER • Supplement iodine in the diet
Goiter is the enlargement of the thyroid gland. The most
common causes of goiter are iodine deficiency and graz- NUTRITIONAL SECONDARY
ing of certain plants that cause an increase in thyroid
size. The physiological cause appears to be a low concen-
tration of circulating thyroid hormones, which leads to Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism is a prob-
an increased thyroid-stimulating hormone output from lem with the calcium-to-phosphorus (Ca/P) ratio in
the anterior pituitary gland, resulting in an enlarged thy- the feed. Animals that exhibit signs of this condition
roid gland. Goiter may also be a congenital problem. may have a history of grazing certain types of plants that
are high in calcium-binding substances such as oxalates.
Clinical Signs The condition may also be caused by a diet that is high in
• Poor wool and hair quality phosphorous and low in calcium. The lack of available
• Dry skin calcium causes the parathyroid gland to release greater
• Tendon laxity than normal amounts of parathyroid hormone. This
• Poor reproductive function may be either an absolute lack of calcium or a perceived

492 SECTION 6 Sheep and Goats

lack of calcium caused by a high phosphorus level. Para- Information for Clients
thyroid hormone causes calcium to be absorbed from • The condition can be prevented by maintaining a
the bones. proper Ca/P ratio in the diet.
• Providing trace-mineralized salt and dicalcium phos-
Clinical Signs
phate may be beneficial for the animals.
• Intermittent shifting leg lameness, inability to rise if
• Loose teeth
• Enlarged bones in the skull Occasionally, sheep and goats will appear to have a full
udder with no history of being bred. The condition is
Diagnosis more common in pet does. The udder is enlarged and
• Fractional excretion of calcium in urine nonpainful, although it may be so large that it interferes
• Radiographic evaluation with locomotion and may lead to secondary musculo-
• Dietary analysis skeletal disease. Pseudopregnancy may be a cause of
inappropriate lactation. If this is the case, prostaglandin
Treatment F2-α may be used. If the condition occurs in a pet goat
• Correct the mineral imbalance in the diet that will not be bred, a mastectomy may be performed.
• Supplement calcium; often Ca/P ratios as great as 5:1 Inappropriate lactation may also be a sign of a more seri-
are used in the initial treatment of the condition ous reproductive system problem.

1. Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism involves b. Mammary neoplasia
a dietary imbalance in: c. Pseudopregnancy
a. Potassium and sodium 3. Goiter may be seen in animals whose diet is low in:
b. Calcium and phosphorus a. Calcium
c. Potassium and selenium b. Sodium
d. Sodium and phosphorus c. Selenium
2. Nonbred pet does with enlarged udders may be suf- d. Iodine
fering from:
a. Mastitis Answers found on page 550.
Diseases of the Eye

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss common causes of eye problems in small
able to: ruminants.

Entropion 493 Cataracts 494
Infectious Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) 494

Blepharospasm Lacrimation Photophobia
Epiphora Neonatal Retrobulbar

As in other species, eye problems in sheep and goats Clinical Signs

should be considered an emergency. Eye conditions • An inward deviation of the lower eyelid, upper eyelid,
deteriorate rapidly, and quick attention can make a dif- or both
ference in the animal being able to use its eyes again. If • Blepharospasm
an eye problem is noticed, the first thing that the owner • Photophobia
should do is move the animal indoors, out of the sun- • Lacrimation
light; then veterinary care should be sought
immediately. Treatment
• Topical ocular antibiotic ointments and manual ever-
sion of lid
ENTROPION • Placement of sutures or staples to hold the lid in an
Entropion is a condition in which the eyelid rolls inward everted position
and cause eyelashes to rub on the cornea, which results • Surgical correction
in an ulcer. Entropion is reported to be the most com-
mon ocular abnormality in neonatal lambs. Entropion Information for Clients
may be congenital or secondary to trauma, dehydration, • Because a hereditary basis for congenital entropion
loss of the retrobulbar fat pad, and painful conditions exists, affected animals should not be used for
that cause the contraction of the retrobulbar muscles. breeding.

494 SECTION 6 Sheep and Goats


Many different organisms cause conjunctivitis; fortu- Cataracts are the most common lens abnormality in
nately, most respond to a commonly available medica- sheep and goats. Most cataracts are congenital. Cataracts
tion. These organisms include Mycoplasma, are defined as any opacity in the lens except that which
Chlamydia psittaci, Listeria monocytogenes, and Bran- occurs during normal aging.
hamella ovis. The condition may occur with or without Cataracts may be categorized by appearance, loca-
ulceration of the cornea. tion, and size:
• Incipient cataracts cover less than 5% of the lens.
Clinical Signs • Early immature cataracts cover 6% to 50% of
• Reddened conjunctiva the lens.
• Blepharospasm • Late immature cataracts cover 51% to 99% of
• Photophobia the lens.
• Epiphora • Mature cataracts cover the entire lens.
• Hypermature cataracts are characterized by wrin-
Treatment kling of the lens capsule and formation of dense pla-
• Tetracycline ophthalmic ointment may be applied ques on the lens capsule.
• Ensure that no ulcer is present if steroids are to be used • Congenital, nonprogressive cataracts do not
• Third eyelid flaps may be used if severe ulceration of interfere with vision and should be of no concern
the cornea has occurred to owners.

1. Which of the following is the most common eye dis- a. Treat the eye
order in sheep and goats? b. Call the veterinarian
a. Cataracts c. Move the animal out of the sunlight
b. Corneal ulcers d. Collect laboratory samples
c. Entropion 4. Inflamed eyes should be treated with an ophthalmic
2. The recommended treatment for pink eye in sheep ointment containing antibiotic and a steroid.
and goats is: a. True
a. Tetracycline ophthalmic ointment b. False
b. Gentamicin ophthalmic ointment c. First look for presence of a corneal ulcer before
c. Triple antibiotic ophthalmic ointment treating with steroids.
d. Any ophthalmic ointment with steroid
3. The first thing the owner should do when discovering Answers found on page 550.
an eye problem in an animal is to:
Hematologic and Lymphatic Diseases

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Describe the benefits of vaccination to prevent these
able to: diseases.
• Discuss the common bacterial causes of hematologic
and lymphatic diseases with clients.

Caseous Lymphadenitis 495 Vaccination Recommendations 497
Malignant Edema 496 Goats 497
Blackleg 496 Sheep 497
Red Water Disease 497

Antimortem Caseous Emphysema
Aseptic Edema Gangrenous

Several conditions may affect the hematologic and lym- Clinical Signs
phatic systems. These conditions include those that lead • Swelling of superficial lymph nodes (Fig. 64.1)
to anemia, swollen lymph nodes, and multisystemic dis- • In sheep, these abscesses form layers and have the
eases. These conditions are often difficult to diagnose appearance of an onion; in goats, the abscess material
and treat, especially if they are affecting more than is thick and creamy
one body system. • If abscesses form in the viscera, chronic weight loss
may occur
• Overall signs of poor production
Caseous lymphadenitis is not uncommon in sheep Diagnosis
and goat herds. Certain breeds and management prac- • Serological testing and culture of the organism from
tices predispose a herd to this disease. Caseous lymph- the necrotic, abscessed area
adenitis is caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium
pseudotuberculosis. The infection usually spreads Treatment
through breaks in skin such as when shearing, tail dock- • If caseous lymphadenitis is suspected, abscesses
ing, and running through dip tanks. The organism may should not be allowed to rupture and drain in prox-
survive for long periods in damp, dark areas such as soil imity to the flock or herd
and manure. • Affected animals should be isolated for treatment

496 SECTION 6 Sheep and Goats

B Clinical Signs
• Local and regional pain
• Edematous swelling in the area of the original wound
• Fever
• Shock
• Death
C Wattle
F Diagnosis
• Malignant edema is difficult to diagnose antemor-
tem. A neutrophilic leukocytosis is present, with a left
shift, metabolic acidosis, azotemia, and change in
liver and muscle enzymes; these changes are not diag-
nostic of the disease because they occur with other
conditions as well
Fig. 64.1 Locations of the most common palpable lymph nodes • Lesions typically involve the head and neck area in
that can become enlarged in caseous lymphadenitis. The parotid young rams. The rams will be febrile and may die
(A), retropharyngeal (B), mandibular (C), prescapular (D), prefe-
moral (E), and popliteal (F) nodes are shown; the arrow points
within 72 hours
to the superficial inguinal lymph node (G). The most common
location for wattles is also shown. However, wattles also may Treatment
be found in other areas of the cervical region. (Modified from • Supportive care such as intravenous fluids, antiin-
Williams CSF. Routine sheep and goat procedures, Vet Clin flammatories, and nutritional support are used to
North Am Food Anim Pract. 1990;6:753. In: Pugh DG. Sheep
and Goat Medicine. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2002.)
treat the disease. No specific treatment exists

Information for Clients

• Antimicrobial therapy is often unrewarding
• When the abscess is open, it should be drained and • Aseptic techniques and hygiene during invasive
flushed with either iodine or chlorhexidine solution procedures such as injecting, dehorning, castration,
and so forth are important in preventing malignant
Information for Clients
• Affected animals should be removed from the flock
or herd. BLACKLEG
• The environment should be kept free from sharp
objects that may compromise the skin barrier. Blackleg is most often caused by C. chauvoei,
• Vaccination may reduce the incidence of the disease although mixed infections can and do occur. As in
but may not eradicate it. other clostridial diseases, infection occurs when a
wound becomes contaminated. Disease is caused by a
TECH ALERT toxin that causes local tissue necrosis and systemic
toxemia. This organism may also cause gangrenous
Pus in abscesses in goats and sheep may be thicker and
mastitis in ewes.
more caseous and may not drain well via the syringe and
Clinical Signs
• Local and regional pain
• Cutaneous emphysema
MALIGNANT EDEMA • Edematous swelling in the area of the original
Clostridium septicum is the most common cause of wound
malignant edema, although mixed infections do occur. • Fever
Usually, a history of a wound is present, and the organ- • Shock
ism then contaminates the wound. • Death
CHAPTER 64 Hematologic and Lymphatic Diseases 497

Diagnosis • Depression
• Blackleg is difficult to diagnose antemortem. A neu- • Icterus
trophilic leukocytosis exists, with a left shift, meta-
bolic acidosis, azotemia, and change in liver and Diagnosis
muscle enzymes; these changes are not diagnostic • Laboratory findings suggestive of this condition include
of the disease because they occur with other condi- anemia, hemoglobinemia, and hemoglobinuria
tions as well • A mature neutrophilia with a left shift may be evident
• The disease progresses rapidly, and animals may be
found dead with few signs Treatment
• Penicillin
• Flukicides
• Wound management
• Supportive care
• Penicillin
• Antiinflammatories
• Supportive care

Information for Clients

• Aseptic techniques and hygiene during invasive pro-
cedures such as injecting, dehorning, castration, and Goats
so forth, are important in preventing the disease. • C. perfringens, types C and D
• C. tetani
• Chlamydia and Campylobacter for breeding does
Red water disease is caused by C. hemolyticum. This Sheep
organism will colonize the livers of affected animals • C. perfringens types C and D
and produce a β-toxin, leading to intravascular hemoly- • C. novi
sis. The condition is often seen secondary to liver disease • C. sordelli
caused by migrating liver flukes. • C. chauvoei
• C. septicum
Clinical Signs • C. tetani
• Red urine and feces • Chlamydia and Campylobacter for breeding ewes
• Weakness • Leptospirosis and rabies in endemic areas

1. Which of the following is an effective way to treat or c. Wound culture
control caseous lymphadenitis in a goat herd? d. Complete blood cell count
a. Daily prophylactic antibiotics 3. Because pus in ruminants may be thicker or caseous
b. Keeping wounds clean and disinfected in nature, the best way to drain the abscess would be
c. Culling affected animals ________.
d. Caseous lymphadenitis cannot be controlled a. Surgical opening with curettage
2. The best way to diagnose a wound infection is with b. Draining with a syringe and needle
________. c. Waiting for the abscess to rupture spontaneously
a. Response to treatment
b. Serology Answers found on page 551.
Diseases of the Integumentary System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Advise clients on proper husbandry for goats
able to: and sheep.
• Recognize the most common skin diseases in goats
and sheep.

Contagious Ecthyma (Sore Mouth, ORF) 498 Lice (Pediculosis) 499
Dermatophilosis 499 Mange Mites 500
Ringworm 499

Dermatophilosis Papule Pruritus

Skin problems are not uncommon in sheep and goats. • Lesions may spread to the oral cavity, eyelids, feet,
These conditions may lead to loss of production through and udder
decreased growth, damage to the fiber, and weight loss. His- • Lesions typically resolve in 2 weeks
tory, clinical signs, and a thorough physical examination
are critical in determining the cause of the skin problems. Diagnosis
• Skin biopsy
MOUTH, ORF) • Treatment of individual animals is generally not
Contagious ecthyma is caused by a parapoxvirus and needed unless the lesions are severe; if so, supportive
shows a preference for attacking epithelial tissue. The care is needed
virus is present throughout the world and remains active
in the environment for months, if not years. Transmis- TECH ALERT
sion is through direct contact or contamination of skin This is a zoonotic disease. Wear gloves, and maintain
abrasions, and morbidity is greatest in animals that are good hygiene when handling infected animals.
grazing coarse pasture plants.

Clinical Signs Information for Clients

• Papules, vesicles, pustules • Contagious ecthyma is a highly zoonotic disease, and
• Thick crusts, especially around the mouth (Fig. 65.1) hygiene is important when handling affected animals.

CHAPTER 65 Diseases of the Integumentary System 499

Clinical Signs
• Erythema, alopecia, crusting
• Lesions may be typical circular lesions, especially on
the face
• Mild-to-moderate pruritus

• Fungal culture of skin and hair or wool

• Topical treatment with iodine compounds, chlorhex-
idine, or antifungals may help limit spread through-
out the flock or herd

Fig. 65.1 Malignant contagious ecthyma. Note the lesions TECH ALERT
around the mouth and on the face. (From Pugh DG. Sheep
and Goat Medicine. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2012, Ringworm is a zoonotic disease. Wear protective cloth-
by permission.) ing when handling infected animals.

DERMATOPHILOSIS Information for Clients

• Ringworm is a zoonotic disease, and care must be
Dermatophilosis is usually seen during wet or moist
conditions; it is caused by the bacterium Dermatophilus taken when handling affected animals.
congolensis. The causative organisms become trapped in
hair or wool and reproduce in the moist environment.
The condition may be transmitted by direct contact or Infestation with lice is most common in winter months,
transfer from inanimate objects. especially when animals are crowded in their living
quarters. The many species of lice that affect sheep
Clinical Signs and goats are grouped into two main categories: (1)
• Matting of hair, followed by alopecia and crusting sucking lice and (2) biting lice. Sucking lice live on blood
• Lesions are most often found along the face, muzzle, and body fluid, whereas biting lice live on dead skin cells,
and ears and in extremely wet or humid environments; hair, and debris. Lice are transmitted through direct
lesions on the dorsum are not uncommon contact and may be carried on inanimate objects.

Diagnosis Clinical Signs

• Clinical signs and history that are highly suggestive • Intense pruritus
• Definitive diagnosis by observing an impression • Alopecia
smear of the lesions
Treatment • Presence of lice and eggs in hair or wool
• Systemic penicillin or oxytetracycline
• Topical treatment with copper sulfate, zinc sulfate,
• A number of different topical solutions are effective
potassium aluminum sulfate
against lice infestations. Ivermectin injections are
effective against sucking lice but have limited efficacy
RINGWORM against biting lice
Ringworm is a common skin condition of all domestic TECH ALERT
animals. Four species of fungi have been cultured from
Most goats have lice, but they are not contagious to han-
ringworm lesions in sheep and goats. The condition is
dlers. Lice are species specific.
transmitted via direct contact or inanimate objects.
500 SECTION 6 Sheep and Goats

scraping or by examination of exudates from nodules

MANGE MITES caused by demodectic mange. Treatment consists of
Mange is more of a problem for goats than for sheep. ivermectin injection or topical treatments such as lime sul-
A variety of mites affect these animals, but all are treated fur or permethrin.
in the same basic manner. Diagnosis is made by skin

1. Lice found on goats will infect the handler. b. Skin scrape
a. True c. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
b. False d. Gram staining
2. Contagious ecthyma is caused by a: 4. Ringworm in goats can be easily cured by oral
a. Parapoxvirus medication.
b. Parvovirus a. True
c. Paramyxovirus b. False
d. Papovavirus
3. The diagnosis of mange in goats is made by: Answers found on page 551.
a. Culture
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss treatments and correction of husbandry
able to: problems with clients who have lame goats
• Recognize the common musculoskeletal problems in and sheep.
goats and sheep.

Infectious Footrot 501 Cardiac Form 503
Laminitis 502 Skeletal Muscle Form 503
Septic Arthritis 502 Rickets and Osteomalacia 503
Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis 503 Ergot Toxicosis 504
Nutritional Muscular Dystrophy (White Muscle
Disease) 503

Costochondral Endophyte Malodorous
Cull Interdigital Septic

Lameness issues in sheep and goats are noticed mainly INFECTIOUS FOOTROT
when the animals cannot move around to graze and
feed efficiently. Some animals, however, are used as Infectious footrot is a contagious disease caused by the
pack animals, and their soundness is important to their bacterium Dichelobacter nodosus. Animals that have
use. Most lameness problems in sheep and goats arise had a previous infection with Fusobacterium necro-
in the feet, with overgrown feet being the most com- phorum, those kept in small pastures, and those kept
mon problem. Like other hooved animals, sheep and in wet conditions with long grass are predisposed to
goats need regular hoof trimming (Fig. 66.1). Animals the disease.
that are fed high-quality, high-protein diets and those
that are not on hard ground with the opportunity to Clinical Signs
wear down their hooves are more likely to have hooves • Both claws in multiple feet affected
that become overgrown (Fig. 66.2). • Lameness, usually in more than one individual

502 SECTION 6 Sheep and Goats

A Treatment
• Proper hoof trimming
B • Topical antibiotics and antiseptics
• Zinc sulfate, copper sulfate foot baths

Technicians should learn to properly “sit” up a sheep or
D goat for foot trimming to avoid injury.

Information for Clients

• Proper maintenance of feet is important in these

Fig. 66.1 The bottom of the sheep’s or goat’s foot. The toe (A) is
cleaned out, and the outer hoof wall (B) is cut to remove all over-
growths, bring the wall down to the sole, and make the outer Laminitis is not uncommon in sheep and goats. Animals
wall parallel with the coronary band. The inner hoof wall (C) is
that have laminitis often have a history of grazing lush
then cut, with more inside wall than outside wall being removed.
The heel (D) should not be cut unless it is badly overgrown. pastures or consuming high-concentrate feeds. Systemic
(From Pugh DG. Sheep and Goat Medicine. Philadelphia, PA: illnesses such as pneumonia, mastitis, and metritis pre-
Saunders; 2002, by permission.) dispose an animal to laminitis.

Clinical Signs
• Lameness
• Warm feet
• Animals prefer to remain recumbent

• Clinical signs
• Radiography of the feet

• Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
• Treatment of the primary underlying cause

Information for Clients

Fig. 66.2 The claw on the left is overgrown and in need of trim- • Many instances of laminitis can be prevented by
ming. The claw on the right has been trimmed back so that the wall
and toe are even with the sole. (From Pugh DG. Sheep and Goat
effective management.
Medicine. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 2012, by permission.) • Slowly increasing the feed or turnout time on lush
pastures decreases the likelihood of an animal
• Horn tissue separates from underlying structures becoming affected.
• Malodorous exudates
• Interdigital dermatitis more common in goats
• Anorexia and weight loss
Septic arthritis occurs most commonly in neonates but
Diagnosis may also occur in adults if there is a penetrating wound
• History near a joint. A variety of bacteria has been implicated in
• Clinical signs this condition.
CHAPTER 66 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 503

Clinical Signs Information for Clients

• Lameness • Routine serological testing and culling of positive ani-
• Warm swelling of joints mals may eradicate the disease from a herd. If a cap-
• Anorexia rine arthritis encephalitis–positive doe has kids, the
• Fever kid should be removed from the dam immediately
and raised as a bottle baby
• Culture and cytology of synovial fluid NUTRITIONAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY
• Abnormal appearance to synovial fluid (WHITE MUSCLE DISEASE)
• Radiography to monitor progression of condition
Nutritional muscular dystrophy is caused by lack of sele-
Treatment nium in the diet. Selenium acts as an antioxidant, protect-
• Joint lavage ing cell membranes from damage by free radicals. A lack
• Antibiotics of selenium leads to cell membrane damage. These areas
of damage are seen as white areas in the muscle.
Information for Clients
• Septic arthritis in neonates can be prevented by Clinical Signs
ensuring adequate quality and quantity of Cardiac form
• Dyspnea
• Dipping of the umbilicus of the neonate is also essen- • Recumbency
• Tachycardia
tial to prevent the condition.
Skeletal muscle form
• Stiff gait
CAPRINE ARTHRITIS ENCEPHALITIS • Muscle tremors when standing
• Hunched appearance
Caprine arthritis encephalitis is a multisystemic disease
• Dysphagia
caused by a retrovirus. Transmission is most common
from doe to kid through nursing. Venereal transmission
and transmission by contaminated instruments and
• Increased serum levels of creatine kinase and aspar-
equipment are also possible, although insects have not
been shown to have a role in the transmission of the tate aminotransferase
• Whole-blood selenium concentrations, from more
than one animal
Clinical Signs
• Chronic progressive arthritis
• Injection of vitamin E or selenium
• Seen in goats older than 6 months of age
• Avoidance of exposure to stress and exertion
• Carpal swelling
• Lameness and debilitation as disease progresses
Information for Clients
• Many areas of the United States are selenium defi-
cient. Supplementation of selenium helps prevent
• Serological testing, the most common being agar gel
white muscle disease, but care must be taken not to
immunodiffusion test oversupplement to avoid selenium toxicity.
• No specific treatment exists. Affected animals may be RICKETS AND OSTEOMALACIA
a source of infection to others, and their condition • This disease (rickets in young animals and osteoma-
worsens over time. Supportive care keeps the animals lacia in adults) is a result of improper mineralization
comfortable temporarily, but most affected animals of bone caused by lack of vitamin D, or less fre-
eventually are culled from the herd quently, lack of calcium or phosphorus in the diet.
504 SECTION 6 Sheep and Goats


• Affected animals are usually younger than 1 year
Ergot toxicosis results when animals ingest an alkaloid
of age
• Stiff gait produced by the fungus Claviceps purpurea. This fungus
• Shifting leg lameness commonly affects cereal grains and grasses. The condi-
• Recumbency tion may also be caused by grazing endophyte-infested
• Enlargement of costochondral junction fescue pastures.

Diagnosis Clinical Signs

• Increased alkaline phosphatase • Swelling of distal limbs
• Hypocalcemia • Coolness of distal limbs
• Hypophosphatemia • Hair loss
• Radiographic evidence of wide growth plates and thin • Discoloration of skin of distal limbs, tail, ears
cortices • Affected skin may slough off
• Lameness, especially of hind limbs in goats
• Vitamin D3 injections
• Calcium and phosphorus supplementation
• Finding the toxic compounds in the feed
Information for Clients
• Rickets and osteomalacia can be prevented by allow- Treatment
ing the animals access to sunlight and ensuring the • Removal of affected animals from the source of
proper mineral content of the diet. the toxin

1. What is the most common foot abnormality found in c. Iron and vitamin D
sheep and goats? d. Calcium and phosphorus
a. Hairy heel warts 4. Footrot can be treated by: (Select all that apply.)
b. Laminitis a. Copper and zinc sulfate baths
c. Hoof abscess b. Proper foot trimming
d. Overgrowth of the hoof wall c. Antibiotics
2. White muscle disease is caused by lack of: d. All of the above
a. Calcium 5. This type of pasture should be avoided.
b. Molybdenum a. Rye grass
c. Selenium b. Bermuda grass
d. Manganese c. Fescue
3. Which two chemicals must be properly balanced in d. Blue grass
ruminant diets?
a. Potassium and sodium Answers found on page 551.
b. Copper and nickel
Diseases of the Nervous System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Explain the need for clients to purchase good-quality
able to: diets for each species.
• Recognize neurological diseases in goats and sheep.
• Explain to clients the need for routine vaccination
programs for their herds.

Scrapie 505 Meningeal Worm 507
Rabies 506 Tetanus 507
Listeriosis 506 Polioencephalomalacia 507

Antemortem Encephalopathy Strabismus
Asphyxiation Signalment Vestibular
Dysphagia Spongiform

Neurological diseases are not common in sheep and that enters the cells in the brain and alters protein struc-
goats, but they can be devastating to the animal and tures, causing the cell to eventually die. The disease is
its owner. Many neurological conditions carry a poor similar to “mad cow disease” and other degenerative
to grave prognosis. When determining the cause of a encephalopathies.
condition, signalment, history, and mental status are
all important factors. A thorough neurological examina- Clinical Signs
tion is then performed to localize the lesion and have a • Seen most commonly in Suffolk sheep
better idea about what condition is affecting the animal. • Mild apprehension, fixed gaze, aggressiveness
• Exercise intolerance and ataxia
• Intense pruritus
SCRAPIE • Recumbency
Scrapie is a reportable disease in the United States. It is a • Blindness, seizures, death
member of the group of diseases known as transmissible
spongiform encephalopathies. It is a progressive, degener- Diagnosis
ative disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) seen • It is difficult to make an antemortem diagnosis
mainly in sheep but occasionally in goats. The exact cause because no specific lesions or laboratory test results
of scrapie is believed to be a prion, a small piece of protein are specific to the disease

506 SECTION 6 Sheep and Goats

Treatment is unwilling to perform euthanasia, the animal needs

• No effective treatment exists to be watched closely for 6 months and handled with
extreme caution.
• Euthanize any animal that has been exposed to rabies
RABIES and shows neurological disease.
• A yearly rabies vaccination will prevent the disease.
Rabies is a zoonotic disease that has serious public health
implications. Most states have laws mandating the vac- TECH ALERT
cination of dogs and cats, and some states mandate the
Treat any animal showing neurological signs as if it has
vaccination of horses. No laws exist regarding the vacci-
rabies. Wear gloves and protective eyeware when exam-
nation of sheep and goats. Currently, no rabies vaccines ining the oral cavity.
have been approved for goats; if goats are vaccinated,
they are usually vaccinated with a product approved
for sheep. The vaccine is available only through licensed
veterinarians. If any animal is showing neurological
signs and has a history of having been bitten by another Listeriosis is caused by the bacterium Listeria monocy-
animal, rabies should be suspected. togenes. The bacterium is shed in body fluids in sick
The infectious agent is a Lyssavirus. An infected ani- and unaffected animals. The bacterium lives for long
mal, usually a raccoon, skunk, fox, or bat, bites the vic- periods in the environment. Listeriosis has been associ-
tim and passes the virus through saliva. The virus ated with the feeding of silage and grazing in wet, boggy
migrates through the body and the nervous system pastures.
and localizes in the CNS. The virus may affect the cere-
brum, the brainstem, or the spinal cord. Clinical Signs
• Loss of ability to eat
Clinical Signs • Signs of vestibular disease
• If the virus settles in the brain, extreme behavior • Depression
changes, often aggressive, are seen • Dysphagia
• If the brainstem is affected, behavior changes, with • Recumbency
the animal becoming more subdued and quiet,
are seen Diagnosis
• If the spinal cord is affected, the animal exhibits • No specific diagnostic test exists for antemortem
ataxia that progresses to paralysis cases
• Signs are rapidly progressive, and the animal usually • A thorough neurological examination is necessary to
dies within 5 to 10 days of the onset of signs rule out other neurological diseases

Diagnosis Treatment
• Examination of brain tissue • Intensive antibiotic therapy; penicillin, oxytetracy-
cline, and florfenicol are the most commonly used
Treatment antibiotics
• No treatment currently exists for rabies • Therapy should be for a minimum of 14 days
• Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are
Information for Clients also indicated
• If a vaccinated animal is bitten by a rabid animal, the
animal should be revaccinated and observed for Information for Clients
45 days. • L. monocytogenes can affect people too; therefore cau-
• If an unvaccinated animal is bitten by a suspected tion should be exercised if the disease is suspected in a
rabid animal, it should be euthanized. If the owner flock or herd.
CHAPTER 67 Diseases of the Nervous System 507

• Overall stiffness of the body

MENINGEAL WORM • Eventual progression to rigid paralysis and death
The meningeal worm Parelaphostrongylus tenuis is a because of asphyxiation
parasite of the white-tailed deer but affects sheep and • Death usually occurs within 10 days
goats as well. The oocysts are passed in the feces of
the deer, and are then ingested by snails and slugs. Small Diagnosis
ruminants become affected when they accidentally • Wound history
ingest these intermediate hosts while grazing. The larvae • Clinical signs
migrate along the peripheral nerves to the spinal canal,
where they cause inflammation and destruction, leading Treatment
to clinical signs of neurological deficits. • No treatment exists for tetanus. Good supportive care
needs to be provided. Tetanus is easier to prevent
Clinical Signs than to treat
• Animals usually display acute onset of signs
• They usually remain bright and alert but show pro- Information for Clients
gressive hind-limb ataxia which culminates in inabil- • Tetanus can be prevented by yearly vaccination.
ity to rise

• Clinical signs
Polioencephalomalacia is caused by lack of thiamine.
• History
Normally, the rumen microbes produce enough thia-
mine to meet the animal’s needs. Sudden diet changes,
Treatment ingestion of bracken fern, and prolonged anorexia
• High doses of ivermectin for 5 days may all lead to lack of thiamine. Thiamine is a necessary
• Flunixin meglumine cofactor for glucose metabolism. A lack of thiamine
leads to lack of glucose. Glucose is needed for energy,
Information for Clients which allows the brain to maintain a proper osmotic
• In areas where meningeal worms have been known to gradient. Cellular swelling thus results from thiamine
be a problem, a routine prophylactic deworming pro- deficiency.
gram should be instituted.
Clinical Signs
• Central blindness
TETANUS • Strabismus
All domestic animals are susceptible to tetanus. The • Depression
causative organism is normally found in the environ- • Incoordination
ment and in the gastrointestinal tract. Sheep and goats • Head pressing
most often are affected when the bacteria contaminate • Coma and death
an open wound. The bacterium Clostridium tetani
releases a toxin. The toxin prevents release of γ- Diagnosis
aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA normally inhibits • Clinical signs
nerve impulse propagation, but without inhibition on • Response to treatment
nerve impulse conduction, the nerves are always firing,
causing constant muscle contraction. Treatment
• Thiamine injections: intravenously first, then intra-
Clinical Signs muscular or subcutaneous injections every 6 hours
• Muscle stiffness and spasms for the first day, and then every 6 to 12 hours for
• Increased sensitivity to noise and touch at least 2 days
508 SECTION 6 Sheep and Goats

1. Which of the following is the treatment for c. Escherichia coli
polioencephalomalacia? d. Staphylococcus
a. Niacin injection 3. No law mandates rabies vaccine for pet goats.
b. Ascorbic acid injection a. True
c. Thiamine injection b. False
d. Vitamin K injection 4. Would you recommend that owners remove the kid
2. The presence of this bacterium in food may result in or lamb from a female with mastitis and bottle-feed
food poisoning in humans. In goats and sheep, it is them?
associated with feeding of silage and grazing on a. Yes
wet, boggy pasture. b. No
a. Clostridia
b. Listeria Answers found on page 551.
Diseases of the Reproductive System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Recognize the zoonotic potential of many
able to: organisms that cause abortion or dystocia in these
• Identify obstetrical problems in pregnant goats animals.
and sheep.

Dystocia 509 Chlamydiosis 510
Vaginal and Uterine Prolapses 509 Brucellosis 510
Campylobacter (Vibriosis) 510 Mastitis 511

Gangrenous Malpresentation

Sheep and goats are seasonally polyestrous. Most are ringwomb, a condition in which the cervix fails to dilate.
short-day breeders, although some breeds have estrous If the veterinarian’s hands are small enough, and copi-
cycles year-round. Normal gestation length is approxi- ous amounts of lubricants are used, many dystocias
mately 153 days. The doe has an estrous cycle length may be corrected manually. Otherwise, a cesarean sec-
of 21 days, and she stays in estrus for an average of tion must be performed.
36 hours. The ewe has an estrous cycle length of 18 days,
and she stays in estrus for an average of 30 hours. TECH ALERT
Be sure to check the dam for a second or third fetus
DYSTOCIA because multiple fetuses are not uncommon in these
Dystocia, or difficult parturition, is a major cause of
losses in a small ruminant operation. If a female animal
starts contraction and no progress is made within
30 minutes, a veterinarian should be called. If the dam
is clinically normal, the vet may elect to wait 30 minutes Vaginal prolapses are not uncommon in sheep. Uterine
before any intervention. Female animals should be prolapse in goats and sheep, and vaginal prolapse in
examined 30 minutes after parturition to determine goats fortunately are quite rare. Nutritional factors have
whether any more fetuses are present in the uterus. Dys- been implicated in vaginal prolapse, whereas many uter-
tocias are most commonly caused by fetal malpresenta- ine prolapses are caused by hypocalcemia. The tissue
tion, dam-to-fetus size mismatch, and occasionally that is prolapsed should be scrubbed and replaced.

510 SECTION 6 Sheep and Goats

Raising the hindquarters of the doe or ewe facilitates the Clinical Signs
process as does an epidural. Hyperosmotic solutions • Abortion, usually in the last month of gestation
may be applied to shrink the mass of tissue. After the tis- • Anorexia and fever in female animals shortly before
sue is replaced, sutures are applied to retain the tissue.
Specific devices are designed to help retain a prolapsed
vagina. Diagnosis
• History of abortion
Campylobacter (Vibriosis) • Clinical signs
Vibriosis, the condition caused by Campylobacter, is one • Examining an impression smear of the placenta, fetal
of the most significant causes of spontaneous abortion in
tissues, or uterine discharge
sheep in the United States. Two species of Campylobac-
ter are known to cause abortion. Infection occurs when Treatment
the pregnant sheep ingests the organism that has been in • Administration of tetracycline during the last 4 to
the digestive tract of another individual.
6 weeks of gestation helps prevent abortion
Clinical Signs
Information for Clients
• Late-term abortions
• A vaccine is available.
• Stillbirths
• Chlamydia is zoonotic, so care must be taken when
• Weak lambs
handling affected animals.
• Isolation of the organism from fetal abomasum, pla-
centa, or dam’s vaginal discharge
Brucellosis causes abortion in goats and, occasionally,
Treatment sheep and epididymitis in rams. The organism is
• Penicillin, streptomycin, or tetracycline ingested and then becomes localized in tissues. The
• During an outbreak, tetracycline or oxytetracycline organism may be passed in semen.
given in late gestation to prevent abortion
Clinical Signs
• Abortion, commonly during the last trimester
TECH ALERT • Signs of systemic disease—fever, weight loss, depres-
Use caution when handling aborted fetuses and sion, and so forth
placentas. • Infected ewes are rarely ill

Information for Clients
• Bacterial isolation from aborted fetus
• A vaccine that aids in the prevention of abortions is
• Serological tests detect carrier animals
• Zoonotic potential from this disease exists, so care
should be taken when handling aborted fetuses. • No treatment currently is available
• Affected animals should be culled
CHLAMYDIOSIS Information for Clients
Chlamydia psittaci infection is a common cause of • New animals should be tested for brucellosis before
abortion in sheep and goats. Pigeons and sparrows being added to the breeding flock.
appear to be reservoirs for the disease. Transmission is • A vaccine is available but has questionable efficacy.
through uterine fluids. Once infected, female animals • The disease has zoonotic potential, so milk products
acquire immunity, which may last as long as 3 years. should be pasteurized before consumption.
CHAPTER 68 Diseases of the Reproductive System 511

• Gangrenous areas of udder

MASTITIS • Thick, discolored milk
Mastitis, or inflammation of the udder, may be infec- • Signs of septicemia
tious or noninfectious. Mastitis has a great effect on
the herd in terms of both loss of milk for human con- Diagnosis
sumption and loss of milk available to kids or lambs.
• Culture and sensitivity for causative agent
Microorganisms that are known to be causative agents
of mastitis include Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp.,
Mycoplasma spp., and Pseudomonas spp. Mastitis is a Treatment
disease entity that may just affect the udder, or it may • Based on results from culture and sensitivity
be toxic and affect the whole system. • Intramammary infusions
• Systemic antibiotics
Clinical Signs • Intravenous fluids for severe toxic mastitis
• Swollen, red, warm udder • Udder amputation

1. How is vaginal prolapse treated? c. Chlamydia
a. Amputation of the tissue d. All of the above
b. Culling of the animal 3. Would you recommend that owners remove the kid
c. Estrogen injections or lamb from a female with mastitis and bottle-feed
d. Replacement of tissue and use of a restraining the animal?
device a. Yes
2. Which of the following organisms that cause repro- b. No
ductive diseases has zoonotic potential?
Answers found on page 551.
a. Brucella
b. Campylobacter
Diseases of the Respiratory System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Discuss with clients the importance of isolating
able to: animals showing signs of respiratory disease to
• Recognize the relationship between respiratory prevent the spread of disease in the herd.
disease and decreased herd production.

Oestrus Ovis Infestation 512 Parainfluenza Type 3 513
Sinusitis 512 Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia 513
Pasteurellosis 513 Ovine Progressive Pneumonia 514

Emaciation Morbidity
Malaise Tachypnea

Respiratory diseases can have a significant effect on a • Shaking of the head

flock or herd through decreased milk production, slower • Rubbing of the nose
growth, and the economics involved in treating the dis- • Nasal discharge
eases. Respiratory disease may not be noticed by many
owners until it has progressed to a fairly serious condi- Diagnosis
tion because many owners do not examine individual • Endoscopy, visualizing the larvae
animals on a daily basis.
• Ivermectin to kill larvae
Oestrus ovis infestation is a condition caused by a fly that
deposits larvae around a sheep’s or goat’s nostrils. The
larvae then migrate into the nasal cavity and sinuses; Sinusitis is a rare condition in sheep and goats,
then they fall out and pupate on the ground. usually secondary to some other condition. Frontal
sinus infections are usually found in animals that have
Clinical Signs a history of recent dehorning, whereas tooth problems
• Secondary bacterial infections are the most common cause of maxillary sinus
• Sinusitis infections.

CHAPTER 69 Diseases of the Respiratory System 513


• Discharge
• Facial asymmetry Most infections with parainfluenza type 3 are
• Foul odor inapparent because most sheep are seropositive. Out-
• Occasional signs of systemic disease breaks of disease, with high levels of morbidity, have
been reported.
• Clinical signs Clinical Signs
• Cough
Treatment • Serous nasal discharge
• Lavage of the affected sinus • Ocular discharge
• Systemic antibiotics, if needed • Most common in lambs younger than 1 year of age

Information for Clients Diagnosis

• Keeping the head bandaged after dehorning may pre- • Isolation of the virus from a nasal swab
vent sinusitis.
• Antibiotics to control secondary bacterial
Pasteurella haemolytica is one of the most important
bacterial diseases of sheep and goats. This bacterium CONTAGIOUS CAPRINE
causes severe, life-threatening pneumonia. The bacte- PLEUROPNEUMONIA
rium is a normal inhabitant of the upper respiratory
tract, but it may cause deleterious effects during times Caprine pleuropneumonia is caused by Mycoplasma
of stress and when the animal is immunocompromised. capricola subspecies capri pneumoniae. The disease is
contagious in housed goats, with the morbidity rate
Clinical Signs approaching 100% and the mortality rate ranging from
• Nasal discharge 60% to 100%.
• Fever
• Anorexia Clinical Signs
• Weight loss • Cough
• Sudden death • Fever
• Listlessness
Diagnosis • Anorexia
• Clinical signs • Death in 2 days
• History
• Isolation of the organism from tissues, usually at Diagnosis
necropsy • No effective way to diagnose this condition exists

Treatment Treatment
• Oxytetracycline • Tylosin
• Sulfonamides in drinking water • Enrofloxacin
• Tetracycline
Information for Clients
• The chances of pneumonia can be reduced by mini- Information for Clients
mizing stress to the herd or flock. • Vaccination may prevent caprine pleuropneumonia.
• Vaccination with a cattle respiratory complex vaccine • Tetracycline may minimize disease spread in an
may decrease the likelihood of disease. outbreak.
514 SECTION 6 Sheep and Goats

• Tachypnea
The causative agent of ovine progressive pneumonia
(OPP) is a lentivirus. OPP is one of the most important Diagnosis
diseases affecting sheep in North America. The virus • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for
persists in monocytes and macrophages. Ingestion of viral nucleic acid particles
milk from affected animals appears to be the most com-
mon method of transmission.
Clinical Signs • Supportive care
• Signs often appear shortly after stressful episodes
• Slowly progressive malaise Information for Clients
• Progressive emaciation • Maintaining a closed flock, testing, and culling may
• Dyspnea all help maintain a disease-free flock.

1. Which parasite deposits larvae around an animal’s 3. A large herd of goats was kept housed in a barn all
nostrils? winter to be protected from heavy snowfall. Approx-
a. Trichostrongylus imately 99% of them came down with signs of pleu-
b. Dictyocaulus ropneumonia. What bacterium is most likely
c. Oestrus ovis responsible for this outbreak?
d. Haemonchus contortus a. Mycoplasma
2. Frontal sinus infections are usually secondary to: b. Streptococcus
a. Tooth root abscess c. Bordetella
b. Recent dehorning d. Haemophilus
c. Oestrus ovis infection
d. None of the above Answers found on page 551.
Diseases of the Urinary System

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Recognize common urinary problems in sheep
able to: and goats.

Urolithiasis (Stones) 515 Ulcerative Posthitis (Pizzle Rot) 516
Ruptured Bladder 516

Stranguria Urolithiasis Wether

Fortunately, urinary tract problems are rare in pro- an animal with urethral calculi is presented in the
perly maintained sheep and goats. The main concerns clinic.
are plants that are known to be nephrotoxic and uro-
lithiasis. Ordinarily animals will not graze plants Clinical Signs
that are toxic, unless they have nothing else to graze. • Hematuria
Ensuring plentiful, wholesome forage should ensure • Stranguria
that animals do not become exposed to plant toxicities. • Signs of abdominal pain
If plant toxicity does occur, the animal should be • Crystals may be seen on preputial hairs
removed from the offending plant and supportive care • Distended bladder
Other predisposing conditions include castration at Diagnosis
an early age and the normal anatomy of the urethra. • Clinical signs
The urethral process at the end of the goat’s penis is a • Urinalysis
narrow area that is prone to obstruction. • Radiography may show stones

UROLITHIASIS (STONES) • Amputation of urethral process (if obstruction is
Urolithiasis is seen mainly in wethers, rams, and bucks located there)
that are on high-concentrate diets. It is most common • Penile catheterization and retrograde flushing
in feedlot and pet animals. The most common site of • Cystotomy
obstruction is the urethral process and the sigmoid flex- • Urethrostomy
ure. A thorough dietary history is very important when • Vitamin C or other urinary acidifiers

516 SECTION 6 Sheep and Goats

Information for Clients • Proper management may decrease the incidence of

• Male sheep and goats should receive most of their urinary problems.
energy from forages.
• They should have access to clean, palatable water at
all times.
• A proper calcium and phosphorous balance needs to Ulcerative posthitis–balanoposthitis occurs more
be maintained in the diet. frequently in males kept on high-protein diets. Reaction
• Ammonium chloride may be added to the diet to of normal preputial bacteria with increased levels of
reduce the incidence of some types of stones. urea in urine results in swelling, necrosis, and ulceration
of the prepuce. Signs of the disease may be seen as
early as 2 weeks after beginning a high-protein diet.
RUPTURED BLADDER Castration before puberty may result in decreased ability
Ruptured bladder may occur as a sequel to any urinary to extend the penis during urination, allowing urine to
obstruction. Improper castration of males with elastra- pool in the prepuce and predisposing the animal to
tor bands may result in urinary obstruction and rup- pizzle rot.
tured bladder. After rupture, animals may appear
perfectly normal for longer periods than observed in Clinical Signs
other species, and they may even eat well. • Straining to urinate
• Swelling of the prepuce
Clinical Signs • Thick, malodorous urine
• Mild colic • Ulceration of preputial mucosa
• Depression
• Anorexia Diagnosis
• Abdominal distention • Examination of the prepuce
• No urine production, dehydration
Diagnosis • Reducing protein content of the diet
• Serum chemistries will show azotemia, hyperpho- • Debridement of any necrotic tissue
sphatemia, hyperkalemia, and hyponatremia • Application of topical antibiotics, astringents, or anti-
• Abdominal fluid seen on ultrasonography septics to preputial mucosal surfaces
• Elevated creatinine levels in abdominal fluid (>2 • If scar tissue is obstructing urine flow, surgical remo-
times normal levels) deling of scar tissue to reestablish flow
• Clip all hair or wool from the area, and burn it or dis-
Treatment pose of it as a biohazard material
• Intravenous (IV) normal saline
• Slow evacuation of fluid from the abdominal cavity Information for Clients
• Surgical repair of the damaged bladder • Maintain the proper protein level in the diet (less
than 12% is recommended).
Information for Clients • Ensure that animals have clean, fresh water at
• Carefully observe any animal that has been treated all times.
for urinary obstruction. • Remove affected animals from the herd to prevent
• Make sure to observe the animal for normal urination. spread of infection.
CHAPTER 70 Diseases of the Urinary System 517

1. What is the most common predisposing factor for c. Propylene glycol
urolithiasis in a buck, ram, or wether? d. Magnesium
a. Too much concentrate in the diet 3. Diets for small ruminants should contain no more
b. Too much hay in the diet than _______ protein.
c. Not having access to a mineral salt block a. 8%
d. Stress b. 16%
2. What substance is commonly added to the diet of c. 20%
sheep and goats to prevent urinary stone formation? d. 12%
a. Selenium
b. Aluminum chloride Answers found on page 551.
SECTION 7 Farm Animals


When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Have knowledge of handling backyard chicken
able to: patients.
• Be familiar with the husbandry of backyard chickens. • Recognize common problems seen with backyard
• Be aware of zoonotic diseases related to chickens. chickens.

Anatomy 519 Avian Pox 522
Housing 519 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 523
Feeding 519 Trauma 523
Diseases (General) 519 Infectious Tenosynovitis 523
Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 519 Bacterial Septicemia in Joints 524
Heart Failure 519 Bumblefoot (plantar pododermatitis) 524
Endocarditis 520 Diseases of the Nervous System 524
Pericarditis 520 Avian Influenza 524
Diseases of the Digestive System 520 Newcastle Disease 525
Crop Impaction/Sour Crop 520 Marek’s Disease 525
Diarrhea 520 Avian Encephalomyelitis 525
Salmonellosis (Pullorum disease) 521 Botulism 526
Necrotic Enteritis (Enterotoxemia) 521 Diseases of the Reproductive System 526
Parasites 521 Egg Binding 526
Coccidiosis 522 Soft Shelled or Shell-Less Eggs 526
Diseases of the Eye 522 Diseases of the Urogenital System 527
Conjunctivitis 522 Renal Failure 527
Marek’s Disease 522

Chicks Enterotoxemia Rooster
Comb Hen Waddles

CHAPTER 71 Chickens 519

Chickens have left the barnyard and headed for the

backyard as their popularity has increased in the last
few years. Chickens have become popular for several Diseases of chickens commonly involve bacterial infec-
reasons: tions, viral infections, or trauma. Chickens who are not
• People love fresh eggs! housed continually may become infected by wild birds
• Chickens have personality. living in the area. Signs of disease in chickens may not
• They eat garden and yard pests. distinguish the cause of the disease.
• They fertilize the yard.
• They do not need walking, grooming, or a litter box.
Although backyard and commercial poultry can have
similar disease problems, the pet chicken presents a The avian heart is similar to the mammalian heart: it has
unique patient for the veterinary clinic. Often signs of two atria and two ventricles. The right atrium is separated
disease are nonspecific, usually presenting with respira- from the right ventricle by a muscular flap that is an exten-
tory problems, diarrhea, or lameness. A good clinical sion of the right ventricular wall. The other valves are sim-
examination and laboratory diagnostics are often neces- ilar to those in dogs and cats. The right ventricular wall is
sary to differentiate diseases. much thinner than that of the left ventricle. There are atrial
and ventricular septa separating the right from the left
MEDICATION ALERT Chickens are still considered as heart. Congenital septal defects are commonly seen.
livestock and food animals. Any medications given must
conform to USDA and FDA regulations for food animals. Heart Failure
This problem is seen mostly in commercial chickens
raised for meat. They are rapidly growing, large-body
ANATOMY chickens, which contributes to the development of heart
The anatomy of the chicken is the same as for the parrot
(see Section 3). Clinical signs
• Enlarged left, right, or both ventricles
HOUSING • Dyspnea, coughing, wheezing
• Reduced exercise tolerance, weakness
Chicken coops come in all sizes and shapes. They are • +/– Ascites
typically totally enclosed with wire with a nesting area • Edema
and resting perches. Most chicken owners will let their • Sudden death
chickens roam free during the day but house them at
night for safety. Diagnosis
• Clinical signs
• Echocardiology
Any feed store will sell hen scratch or chicken food. Baby
chicks should be fed starter feed until they reach about Treatment
10 weeks of age. They should then be switched to grower • Supportive care
feed up to 18 weeks of age and then layer food for adult • Diuretics to decrease fluid accumulation
hens. Hen scratch does not contain enough protein for • Fish oil can sometimes help slow disease progression
laying hens and should not be used as a primary feed. • Information for poultry clients
Each adult hen needs approximately ¼ pound of feed • Most chickens are diagnosed by clinical signs in
per day. Feed and fresh water should be available at boiler chickens and many die suddenly without
all times. clinical signs
520 SECTION 7 Farm Animals

Endocarditis Almost every disease in chickens results in disruption

Endocarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart) of the gastrointestinal system. This section will only
occurs in chickens from bacterial and viral causes. Bac- include those most commonly seen in pet chickens.
teria commonly found include Staphylococcus, Strepto-
coccus, Escherichia coli, and Erysipelothrix. Viral Crop Impaction/Sour Crop
causes include avian influenza, adenovirus, parvovirus, The crop, an outpouching of the avian esophagus, is used
and Newcastle’s disease. to hold feed before digestion. Here the feed is moisturized
and made ready to pass into the proventriculus. Because
Clinical signs they are ground-feeders, it is not unusual for chickens to
• Signs of heart failure ingest foreign objects, grass stems, and other nondigesti-
• Ascites ble materials that often block normal crop emptying. As
• Congested peripheral vasculature food remains in the crop for extended periods, it spoils.

Diagnosis Clinical signs

• Necropsy of affected birds • Crop fails to empty regularly
• Culture and sensitivity at necropsy • Crop has a doughlike feel when palpated
• Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or viral isolation (if • Aspirated crop contents have a bad smell
virus is suspected)
Treatment • Physical examination
• Supportive care
• This is usually a flock problem, and diagnosis is made Treatment
at necropsy. • Removal of foreign materials via flushing or manual
Pericarditis • Flushing the crop with warm water to ensure that it is
Pericarditis also occurs in chickens. The causes are sim- clean
ilar to endocarditis and myocarditis in general. • Limiting oral intake to water and electrolytes for
24 hours
Clinical signs
• Same as heart failure TECH ALERT
• Increased fluid or fiberous material within the peri- When flushing the crop, make sure to turn the bird
cardial sac (may also be seen with visceral gout) upside down to decrease the chance of aspiration of
the flushing material.
• Same as for heart failure or endocarditis (necropsy)
Treatment Diarrhea in the chicken can be caused by numerous con-
• Antibiotics based on culture and sensitivity ditions. Bacterial, viral, and parasitic are the most com-
• Supportive care mon causes. Some diarrheas are the result of unhygienic
foods and housing conditions.
The digestive system of the chicken is the same as for Avian pasturellosis (fowl cholera) is seen in birds of all
other birds. It consists of a crop for holding and moist- types.
ening food, an esophagus, a proventriculus where chem-
ical digestion occurs, a gizzard for grinding ingesta, a Clinical signs
small intestine, paired caeca, and a large intestine that • Sudden death of birds
empties through a cloacal opening into the vent.
CHAPTER 71 Chickens 521

• Anorexia Clinical signs

• Oro-nasal mucoid discharge • Anorexia
• Green-yellow feces • Dark, blood-stained feces with a fetid odor
• Swelling of comb and wattles • Emaciation
• Joint swelling
Diagnosis • Clinical signs in birds from overcrowded flocks with
• Fecal culture or culture from dead birds poor sanitation
• Necropsy of any dead birds
• Sulfonamides are the treatment of choice, but disease Treatment
may recur after treatment is stopped • Antibiotics: Bacitracin, tetracycline, penicillin, neo-
• Rodent control and prevention of wild bird contam- mycin, streptomycin
ination in the chicken flock
Information for clients
Salmonellosis (Pullorum disease) • As with all food animals, when using medications,
Outbreaks of human salmonella infections occur spo- drug withdrawal times must be observed.
radically from chicken meat and/or eggs from infected • Avoid overcrowding in chicken housing, and practice
chickens. Salmonellosis is a zoonotic disease. good sanitation and management.
• Because of salmonella risk, avoid kissing your
Clinical signs chickens. People have been infected by this method.
• High mortality rate in young chickens
• Chalk-white feces; pasted vent Parasites
• Depression Intestinal parasites are common in backyard chickens but
• Anorexia rarely cause any problems. Infection occurs via bird-to-
• Weakness bird transmission through fecal ingestion or ingestion
• Gasping of other intermediate hosts such as earthworms, insects,
and snails. Commonly involved parasites include round-
Diagnosis worms (Ascaridia galli), Cecal worms (Heterakis gallinar-
• Serology ium), gapeworms (Syngamus trachea), Capillaria spp.,
• Necropsy with cultures and several types of tapeworms.

TECH ALERT Clinical signs

CONDITION IS REPORTABLE TO STATE AND FED- • Poor growth and feed conversion
Salmonella can be transmitted from chicken to egg • Decreased egg production
transovarially, and washing eggs will only decontaminate • Death
the shell. All chicken and eggs should be cooked properly
and handled with care.
• Egg counts and microscopic examination of feces
Treatment (consult a parasitology text for identification of eggs)
• Eradication of affected birds
• Some states require testing of all flocks for exhibit to Treatment
fairs or shows • Depends on the types of parasites identified by fecal
examination and egg counts
Necrotic Enteritis (Enterotoxemia) • Praziquantel
This disease affects mostly birds between 2 and 12 weeks • Fendbendazole
of age. The cause is a clostridial bacteria. • Ivermectin
522 SECTION 7 Farm Animals

Information for clients Clinical signs

• Sanitation and good flock management is necessary • Red, swollen eyes
to control parasites. • Very light sensitive
• Periodic egg counts from the entire flock will aid in
minimizing parasite loads. Diagnosis
• Avoid overcrowding. • Physical examination
• Good insect control is very important. • Culture and sensitivity of conjunctival scrapings
• Virus isolation
Coccidiosis Treatment
This disease is caused by a protozoal parasite usually • Depends on the cause of the disease
in the Eimeria family. Oocysts are shed in the droppings • Antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral ophthalmic oint-
and within 7 days become infective. Ingestion of ments or solutions
the sporulated oocysts results in disruption of the intes- • Correct dietary deficiencies
tinal lining in the small intestine, often producing • Provide good ventilation for coops
Information for clients
Clinical signs • Good sanitation and ventilation in housing is
• Weight loss; poor growth important.
• Increase in number of sick birds; high mortality rate • A proper diagnosis is critical in determining the
• Severe diarrhea course of treatment for the chicken.
• Decreased egg production
Marek’s Disease
This disease is caused by a herpes virus and typically
Diagnosis affects chickens between 12 and 25 weeks of age. It is
• Microscopic examination of feces transmitted from bird to bird within feather dander,
chicken house dust, feces, and saliva. Infected birds carry
the virus in the blood for life and can be a source of
infection for other birds.
• Anticoccidial medications
• Amprolium Clinical signs
• Sulfonamides • Tumors in the eye
• Diclazuril/toltrazuril • Irregularly shaped pupils and blindness
• Visceral, cutaneous, and neurological signs may be
Diseases of the eye are not commonly seen in backyard
• Flock symptoms
poultry but do occur. Causes involve viral infections
• History
(Marek’s Disease, Avian pox); bacterial infections; fun-
• Necropsy
gal infections; vitamin deficiencies (E, A), and trauma.
Excessive ammonia buildup in chicken coops can also
result in eye irritation.
• None. Cull affected birds

Conjunctivitis Avian Pox

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the tissue lining the Avian pox is caused by a large DNA virus. The disease
eyelids and extending onto the sclera. There are many occurs in two forms: cutaneous and wet. The cutaneous
causes of conjunctivitis. form affects nonfeathered areas of the skin causing
CHAPTER 71 Chickens 523

crusty, yellow scabs. Eyelids that are infected may • Collapse of the chicken
swell shut. • Rapid, open-mouth breathing

Clinical signs Diagnosis

• Formation of wartlike, yellow scabbed lesions on • Complete physical examination
nonfeathered areas of the skin • Radiographs for fractures
• Eyelids may be swollen if affected
Diagnosis • Clean and flush any wounds, and suture if necessary
• Clinical signs • Fractures may be splinted or surgically corrected
Treatment Stressed, injured chickens are similar to stressed cats.
• Lesions usually resolve in about 2 weeks Handle them gently, and always use a towel wrap when
• Where pox is prevalent or mosquitos are a problem, moving them. It may be necessary to pluck feathers from
chickens should be vaccinated against pox the area to be treated. Always grab the feather close to
the skin and pull directly out to avoid tearing the skin.
Information for clients
• This disease is spread by mosquitoes and through
Information for clients
contaminated scabs.
• The virus can survive in the environment for long • Assure your chicken housing is secure from
periods. predators.
• Flocks in areas of concern should be vaccinated. • Remove overaggressive roosters or hens from
• Control of mosquitoes will limit the spread of the the flock.
• Have any injured chicken seen by a veterinarian as
• After infection, the chicken will develop both soon as possible.
humoral and cell-mediated immunity.
Infectious Tenosynovitis
DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL The cause of this disease in chickens is a reovirus that
localizes in the joints.
Chickens, like all other birds, have strong but hollow, Clinical signs
air-filled bones. Many serious diseases affect the muscu- • Lameness
loskeletal system, but trauma heads the list in pet birds. • Swelling of the tendon sheath(s) above the hock
• +/– Tendon rupture
Trauma • Birds are reluctant to move
Trauma can often be the result of predators getting into
the chicken yard and causing injury; dogs, cats, wild ani- Diagnosis
mals, and snakes frequently attack chickens. It may be • Physical signs
necessary to use warm water to wet the feathers to see • PCR for viral identification
traumatic injury to the skin. Broken bones occur as do
foot injuries. Fighting among roosters and chickens Treatment
can yield lacerations and fractures to the skull and/ • There is no satisfactory treatment for this disease.
or wings. In hens, tetracycline therapy may be helpful

Clinical signs Information for clients

• Lameness or failure to use a wing • This disease is transmitted via fecal-oral transmis-
• Bleeding or bruising sion. Keep coops and chicken yards clean.
524 SECTION 7 Farm Animals

• Severely infected birds may never recover and will Treatment

need to be removed from the flock. • Pain management
• Soak the foot in chlorhexidine solution
• Flush and drain abscesses
BACTERIAL SEPTICEMIA IN JOINTS • Topical and oral antibiotics
Bacterial infections do occur in the joints of chickens. • Wrap foot to keep clean. Remove wrap in 48 hours,
Acutely chickens may have symptoms of bacterial infec- and reassess the wound. It may need soaking and
tion such as fever, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and reluc- rewrapping until healing occurs
tance to move. The arthritic form usually follows an
acute illness. Staph septicemia can result from lesions Information for clients
occurring anywhere on the chicken. • Keep perches splinter free.
• Good litter sanitation is important.
Clinical signs • Treat early to avoid complications.
• Lameness, reluctance to move
• Pain in joint; swelling
• History of previous disease Many diseases affecting the respiratory system may also
• Wounds on foot or skin affect the nervous system in the chicken.
• Culture of affected joints
Avian Influenza
Treatment Avian influenza viruses occur naturally among water-
• Antibiotic therapy based on sensitivity testing fowl of all types. The virus is shed in feces, saliva, nasal
secretions, and through fomites. Infection of backyard
Information for clients chickens can occur when they have access to waterfowl
• Staphylococcal bacteria are ubiquitous in the envi- or feces from infected birds. Transmission can occur
ronment and on the skin of chickens. through fecal contamination of chicken yards during
• It is important to reduce all potential sources of the migration of waterfowl.
injury in the environment: The agent of avian influenza occurs in two serotypes,
• Cage wires, wood splinters H5N1 and H7N9 HPAI. The first serotype produces a
• Fighting among the flock milder form of the disease, and the second produces a
• Litter management more pathogenic form. Clinical signs depend on the
• Sanitation in the coop strain of virus contracted, with mortality rates ranging
from low to near 100%.
Bumblefoot (plantar pododermatitis)
This is an infection resulting from injury, usually punc- Clinical signs (Mild form)
ture wounds, to the bottom of the foot. Infection caused
• Decreased egg production
by Staphylococcal organisms can result in permanent
• Respiratory disease; coughing, sneezing
joint damage if not managed early in the disease.
• Decreased appetite
Clinical signs • Diarrhea
• Lameness
• Swelling of the foot; abscess formation Clinical signs (Pathogenic form)
• Facial swelling, discolored comb and wattles
Diagnosis • Lack of coordination
• Location of the lesions • Severe dehydration
• Radiographs may show bone involvement • Red and white spots on non-feathered areas
• Culture of the lesions • Increased soft-shelled or shell-less eggs
CHAPTER 71 Chickens 525

• Identification of viral strain by PCR
• Clinical signs ***Because of the danger of commercial flock infec-
tions, this disease must be reported to state and federal
Treatment officials
• Culling of all affected birds
Information for clients
TECH ALERT • Any disease producing respiratory and neurological
***This disease must be reported to state and federal signs should be reported to your veterinarian
officials immediately.
• There is some zoonotic potential for this disease
(causes conjunctivitis in humans).
Information for clients
• Avian influenza is a zoonotic disease, and human Marek’s Disease
infections do occur from contact with infected birds. This herpes virus is tumor producing, and clinical signs
• Backyard chickens can become infected from feces of depend on the location of the tumor. Transmission of
wild birds that fly over uncovered chicken yards. the virus is through bird-to-bird contact, insects, and
• Contact your veterinarian or the state veterinarian if infected dust and dander. The disease is seen most fre-
you notice a high mortality rate and respiratory and/ quently in young birds, and recovered birds can remain
or neurological signs in chickens. infective for life.

Newcastle Disease Clinical signs (Neurological form)

The highly contagious and lethal form of Newcastle dis- • Progressive paralysis of a leg or wing. One leg point-
ease is known as viscertropic velogenic Newcastle dis- ing forward, and one pointing back
ease (VVND). Outbreaks have occurred in the United • Weight loss and starvation resulting from impaired
States resulting in the culling of millions of commercial movement
birds, but currently the disease is not present here. The • Respiratory signs
disease affects birds of all ages. Infection can occur via • Diarrhea
the airborne route, clothing of human handlers, dirty • A less virulent strain of herpes virus is used to vacci-
equipment, and wild birds. Mortality ranges from 10% nate commercial flocks
to 80%. Clinical signs depend on the form of Newcastle
disease: mild, moderate, or highly pathogenic.
• Necropsy
• History and clinical symptoms
Clinical signs
• Respiratory signs; nasal discharge Treatment
• Paralysis; trembling • None
• Twisting of the neck
• Facial swelling Avian Encephalomyelitis
• Anorexia
This is an RNA viral disease that affects chicks between 1
• Decreased egg production
and 6 weeks of age. The virus can be transmitted from
hen through the egg to the hatchling. Contact with
infected birds and fecal contamination can also result
• Viral isolation from oropharyngeal swabs, necropsy
in transmission to other members of the flock.
• PCR Clinical signs
• Serology (detection of antibodies) • Depressed chicks
• Progressive incoordination, tremors
Treatment • Paralysis, chicks lie with both legs out to the side
• Culling of all infected birds • Death
526 SECTION 7 Farm Animals

Diagnosis shell is deposited. The egg is then passed into the cloaca
• Necropsy; typical lesions in the spinal cord and brain and “laid.” Most chickens will lay an egg per day, but this
• Viral isolation is somewhat dependent on the breed. The average clutch
• Avian encephalomyelitis antibodies in the brain and size is 12 eggs, which the chicken will sit on and incubate
spinal tissue for about 21 days. Clutch size is somewhat dependent on
breed and the environment of the hen. If sperm are pre-
Treatment sent, then the eggs are fertilized and chicks will be pro-
• None; cull infected birds duced. If the eggs are not fertilized, then the hen will pass
the nonfertilized eggs.
All fowl, humans, and other animals are susceptible to Egg Binding
botulism. Botulism occurs when spoiled food containing Egg binding occurs when an egg becomes stuck within
a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium the reproductive tract, often in the vent. Lack of calcium,
botulinum is consumed. oddly formed eggs or soft-shelled eggs, infection in the
oviducts, obesity of the hen, and lack of nesting sites are
Clinical signs usually implicated.
• Flaccid paralysis
• Death from respiratory paralysis Clinical signs
• Depressed
Diagnosis • Watery feces or no feces being passed
• Serology from dead birds • Straining
• PCR identification for gene that produces neurotoxin • Unsettled
• Palpation of the egg in the oviduct or vent
• Many birds can recover without treatment depending Diagnosis
on dose of toxin • Palpation of the egg on physical examination
• Antibiotics may be of some use • Radiography

Information for clients Treatment

• Remove all dead bird carcasses from the chicken • Egg in vent: calcium supplementation
coop. • Lubricate egg
• Avoid feeding fresh foods that can easily spoil before • Manually extract egg; may need to evacuate egg con-
being eaten. tents and collapse the shell before removal
• Control flies and maggots. • Egg in oviduct: calcium supplementation
• Oxytocin
DISEASES OF THE REPRODUCTIVE • Surgical removal in many cases
SYSTEM Information for clients
The main components of the reproductive system • Proper layer diets are required for hens that produce
include the testes in the male and the ovaries in the eggs. Calcium supplementation using oyster shell
female. In males, as in all birds, the testes are located may be needed.
within the abdomen. The left testicle is usually larger • Egg binding is an emergency. Hens may die within 24
and can increase in size significantly during breeding to 48 hours if not treated.
season. In the female, the ovaries are located near the
kidneys, and the left ovary is usually larger than the Soft Shelled or Shell-Less Eggs
right. When copulating, the males deposit sperm into Hens often lay soft-shelled or eggs without a shell.
the female cloaca. Ovulation in the female releases an Young hens may start out laying with a few shell prob-
egg into the oviduct. Muscular activity moves the egg lems. The major cause of this problem in laying hens is
down the duct where the albumen and the hard exterior lack of calcium in the diet. Other causes include
CHAPTER 71 Chickens 527

obesity, older hens, environmental heat and stress, consists of 75% uric acid and 10% to 15% ammonia,
increased transit time in the oviduct, and infection in small amounts of urea, creatinine, and amino acids.
the oviduct. Urine, a white paste, is eliminated as part of the feces.

Clinical signs Renal Failure

• Eggs that have soft, rubbery shells or no shell Renal failure is common in laying hens. Renal failure is a
complex disease. Some of the causes include water dep-
Diagnosis rivation, improper Ca:P ratios in the diet, viral diseases,
• Examination of the egg and toxins.

Treatment Clinical signs

• Correct the underlying causes • Dehydration
• Depression
Information for clients • Muscle atrophy
• Hens will occasionally lay soft-shelled or eggs with • Enlarged kidney on palpation or on radiographs
no shell.
• To successfully form a shell, hens need calcium in the Diagnosis
diet. Oyster shell can be added as a supplement for • Clinical signs
laying hens. • Necropsy

DISEASES OF THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM • Correct the problems resulting in renal failure
The avian urinary system, just like that of mammals, Renal failure can lead to visceral gout. Uric acid
consist of two kidneys located dorsally along the spine builds up within the blood and tissues and is precipitated
and two ureters that empty into the urodeum and then as white, chalk-like calcium sodium urate crystals on the
into the cloaca. In chickens, the composition of urine surface of organs and/or within the pericardial sac.

1. For chickens to produce eggs, there must be a rooster 4. Which of the following diseases is NOT a reportable
in the coop. disease of chickens?
a. True a. Avian pox
b. False b. Salmonellosis
2. The most common reason chickens are seen at the c. Newcastle disease
veterinary practice is d. Avian influenza
a. Diarrhea 5. Owners should practice good hygiene when handling
b. Trauma chickens and eggs to avoid which disease:
c. Skin lesions a. Salmonellosis
d. Egg binding b. Botulism
3. This viral disease can produce tumors in almost any c. Pox
body system in the chicken and is often the cause of d. Coccidiosis
progressive lameness of the leg.
Answers found on page 551.
a. Avian pox
b. Botulism
c. Marek’s disease
d. Newcastle disease
Pot Bellied Pigs and Other Pet Pigs

When you have completed this chapter, you will be • Understand common problems seen in pet pigs.
able to: • Discuss problems and treatments with pet pig
• Have a better understanding of the husbandry owners.
necessary for pet pigs. • Understand the need for early spay and neutering of
• Understand how pigs should be handled in the clinic pet pigs.

Pigs as Pets 529 Hematologic and Lymphhatic Diseases 534
Housing 529 Anemia 534
Feeding 529 Lymphadenopathy 535
Sexual Aggression 529 Thrombocytopenia Purpura 535
Behavior 530 Diseases of the Integumentary System 535
The Pig As a Patient 530 Dry Skin and Hyperkeratosis 535
Diseases of the cardiovascular system 530 Sarcoptic and Demodectic Mange 536
Congenital Heart Defects 530 Dermatophytosis (Ringworm) 536
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 531 Malignant Tumors of the Skin 536
Mulberry Heart Disease (Vitamin E/Selenium Erysipelas 537
Deficiency) 531 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System 537
Bacterial and Viral Heart Disease 531 Overgrowth or Cracked Hoofs 538
Diseases of the Digestive System 531 Fractures 538
Dental Anatomy 531 Diseases of the Nervous System 538
Colibacillosis 532 Meningitis 538
Constipation 532 Psuedorabies (Porcine Herpes Virus) 539
Rectal Prolapse 532 Salt Poisoning 539
Salmonellosis 533 Diseases of the Reproductive System 540
Intestinal Parasites 533 Reproductive Problems in the Female Pig 540
Diseases of the Eye 533 Intact Female Pigs 540
Conjunctivitis (“Cherry Eye”) 533 Reproductive Problems in the Male Pig 540
Mycoplasma (Pink Eye) 534 Trauma 541
Developmental Eye Problems 534 Diseases of the Respiratory System 541
“Blue Eye” 534 Swine Flu 541
Diseases of the Ear 534 Pleuropneumonia 541
Middle Ear Infection 534 Diseases of the Urinary System 542

CHAPTER 72 Pot Bellied Pigs and Other Pet Pigs 529

Cystitis and Urolithiasis 542 Psycogenic Water Consumption 542

Urinary Obstruction 542 Chronic Kidney Disease 543

Azotemia Gilt Psycogenic
Barrow Nystagmus Squamous cell carcinoma
Boar Melanoma

with owners and do not receive adequate exercise. The

PIGS AS PETS outdoor areas should be securely fenced, have concrete
Pigs have been kept as pets for years in many cultures; floors, and have enough space for a “dung area,” a sleep-
however, it was not until the early 1980s that pigs gained ing area, and a play area. Large dog pens have been used
popularity in the United States. Vietnamese Pot-bellied to house pigs. A fresh water supply and shaded area
pigs were first imported in the mid-1980s and were should be provided. A plunge pool will allow the pig to
marketed as pet pigs. They are cute, black, short-legged cool off if the outdoor temperature is high. Some owners
pigs with a low hanging belly. They make good pets when have even used children’s play houses for their pigs! Pigs
raised properly, but many owners do not appreciate the can be territorial so, if you own more than one pig, the
demanding requirements of pig ownership, and many of pen may need to be divided into separate areas. Pigs sleep
these animals end up in shelters and rescues. Some issues on their sides with their legs extended so housing should
that make pig owning difficult include the following: be able to grow with the pig.
• Pigs are very smart and can become easily bored
leading to destructive behaviors. Feeding
• They have an unrelenting quest for food; they will Obesity is the number one problem seen in pet pigs. This
beg, demand and even get aggressive in the search problem is usually related to owners who feed the pig
for food. high-calorie junk food or provide unlimited, unrest-
• They root and destroy landscaping. ricted access to food. Pigs will eat anything at any time,
• They have a temper, and their squealing can rival the so diet regulation is extremely important for the health
sound of a jet engine. of the pig. If weight management is not maintained, obe-
• They can be very territorial and can display domi- sity can lead to joint problems and other health issues
nance aggression to people and other pets. later in life. Pigs should be fed diets high in fiber and
• They live a long time—up to 18 years of age. low in calories. Special diets for pet pigs can be found
• Pigs require lots of exercise, maintenance, and good at pet and farm stores. General amounts of ½ cup of
quality specialized pig feed. maintenance feed/25 pounds of pig fed twice daily are
• Many cities have regulations against housing pigs, and recommended. Fresh vegetables can make up 25% of
many veterinary clinics will not see them as patients. the total diet, but owners should avoid human snack
If, after considering all these issues, one decides to own a pet food, dog/cat chows, and fatty foods when feeding their
pig, then as an owner you owe it to the pet to learn all you pigs. Grasses and plant materials are allowed when pigs
can about the husbandry and diseases related to these pets. are grazing outside. Rooting is a natural behavior, and it
REMEMBER: NOT ALL LOCATIONS WILL cannot be trained out of the pig. Neighbors may resent
ALLOW THE KEEPING OF PET PIGS. BE SURE TO roaming pigs rooting in gardens and yards and destroy-
Sexual Aggression
Housing Pigs can become obnoxious when they are sexually
Pigs need lots of exercise and should be kept in a secure intact. They should be spayed or neutered before
outdoor area away from expensive landscaping plants 5 months of age. Overly fat pigs make this surgery more
and children’s play areas. Most pigs, however, live indoors difficult and expensive. Unless you live in a metropolitan
530 SECTION 7 Farm Animals

area, it may be difficult to find a veterinary clinic that TECH ALERT

will accept pigs. Spaying and neutering has the same
effect in preventing disease in pigs as in dogs and cats. These pigs are pets first and pigs later. Owners will
appreciate gentle handling of their pig.
Pigs are very smart and manipulative. They can quickly Some of the diseases listed in this chapter may not be
learn tricks, especially if related to obtaining food. Pigs common in all areas. Technicians are advised to consult
can even learn to open the refrigerator to obtain their with large animal practitioners or exotic clinics in their
own food! They observe, think, and plan for behaviors area to determine which of the following pertain to pigs
that will benefit the pig. They will beg until the owners in your locations.
give up and do what the pig wants. When stressed or
angry, they will squeal loudly. For these reasons, pigs
that are not properly disciplined and trained often end
up in shelters or rescues. SYSTEM
The pig heart is similar to that of the human. Pigs are
Swine Diseases frequently used for research on human heart diseases,
The majority of information on swine disease is and pig heart valves have been used for valve replacement
mostly related to commercial swine and not pet pigs. in human hearts. Diseases of the heart are similar to those
Much of the information regarding pet pigs is from seen in humans, but diagnosis and treatment are more
the Mini Pig Info website (https://www.minipiginfo. difficult.
com/) with input from Iowa State University and
the Merck Veterinary Manual. Congenital Heart Defects
Congenital heart defects are seen. The more inbred the
THE PIG AS A PATIENT pig line, the more likely heart defects will occur. Popular
“mini-pigs” are more prone to these defects because of
Pigs can be difficult patients for the veterinary team.
inbreeding to reduce the size. Defects reported include
They are heavy and difficult to move around. When
atrial and ventricular septal defects, and patent ovale
angry or stressed, they are very loud. Technicians should
calmly approach the animal and gain some trust before
proceeding with any medical treatments. Restraint usu-
ally requires two people, one for restraint and one to Clinical signs
examine and treat the patient. A sling can be used to lift • Most defects will produce a heart murmur, which
the animal for weighing or examination. Procedures may be difficult to auscultate in the pig
commonly used for large dogs will work for most pigs. • Failure to thrive
Owners and veterinarians must check local regula- • Heart failure/sudden death
tions for vaccinating pet pigs. The following vaccines
are recommended for pet pigs depending on where Diagnosis
the pig lives: • Ultrasound
• Rabies; no licensed vaccine but should have one if the • Clinical signs
pig might bite someone
• Erysipelas Treatment
• Tetanus • Supportive care
• Leptospirosis • Reduce stress
• Rhinitis
• Pneumonia and/or Mycoplasma Information for clients
Normal physical parameters for pet pigs are as follows: • Mini-pigs may be cute, but inbreeding can predispose
• Body temperature 99° to 101°F these pigs to heart defects.
• Heart rate 70 to 110 bpm • Reduce environmental stress in these animals.
CHAPTER 72 Pot Bellied Pigs and Other Pet Pigs 531

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy • Review and correct feed levels and storage to provide
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the result of an autoso- needed elements
mal dominant genetic mutation found in highly inbred
lines of pigs. The condition results in abnormal cardiac Information for clients
muscle fibers and decreased contractility of the heart • A proper diagnosis is required to address the
muscle. The heart walls become thickened, chamber vol- problem.
umes decrease, and outflow obstruction occurs. • Always feed a commercial diet with adequate vitamin
E and selenium levels. Avoid high-fat diets.
Clinical signs
• Sudden death Bacterial and Viral Heart Disease
• Heart failure Bacteria and viruses can cause symptoms of heart dis-
• Common familial history ease. Erysipelas and Streptococcus suis can both cause
endocarditis, myocarditis, and pericarditis, which can
Diagnosis lead to heart failure. A few of the viral respiratory infec-
• Ultrasonography tions in pigs can predispose bacterial invasion into other
• Clinical signs organ systems such as the heart.
• Necropsy
Clinical signs
Treatment • +/– Heart murmur
• Supportive care • Previous signs of respiratory or other disease
• Treatment for heart failure (no drug or dose informa- • Weakness, failure to thrive
tion for swine)
Information for clients • Isolation of organism from infected tissues/blood
• Avoid purchasing mini-pigs or teacup pigs as pets. • Cardiac ultrasound
• There are no current swine medications for heart failure.
Any use is considered “off-label,” and you may be asked Treatment
to sign a medication release form by your veterinarian. • Depends on the culture and sensitivity of organisms
• Supportive care +/– antibiotics
Mulberry Heart Disease (Vitamin E/Selenium
Deficiency) Information for clients
This is a nutritional myopathy related to diets deficient • Any signs of illness in pet pigs should be reported to
in vitamin E and selenium. Growing pigs on high-fat your veterinarian.
diets are more prone to this disease. • Diagnostic workup may be difficult and expensive.

Clinical signs
• Sudden death in growing pigs (usually postweaning)
Dental Anatomy
Diagnosis Adult pigs have a dental formula 3/3, 1/1, 4/4, 3/3 ¼ 44
• Necropsy lesions: include fluid around the heart and teeth. Adult teeth erupt between 18 months and 3 years
lungs, hemorrhagic and/or pale areas of the cardiac of age. During this time, the pig may be really cranky and
muscle, pale muscles require teething toys. Pig teeth need cleaning, and
• Selenium and vitamin E levels can be measured owners can use a toothbrush and children’s toothpaste
daily. Baby pigs are born with very sharp canine teeth
Treatment that need to be clipped soon after birth to prevent dam-
• Decrease environmental stress age to the sow and other piglets. Adult canine teeth con-
• Provide increased vitamin E and selenium in feed or tinually grow and need to be trimmed. The frequency of
by injection trimming will depend on how fast the teeth grow.
532 SECTION 7 Farm Animals

Gastrointestinal upsets and gastric foreign bodies are • Passing little, hard fecal balls
common in pet pigs. Pigs are omnivorous and curious • Groaning when straining
and are prone to ingesting many different types of
objects. Signs of gastrointestinal problems in the pig Diagnosis
are similar to those in dogs and cats. Vomiting and signs • Lack of stool for longer than 2 days
of colic can vary from mild to severe. A decrease in appe- • Clinical signs
tite, and stool production with straining may also be • Palpation of fecal material in the rectum
Colibacillosis • Increase water consumption
Infection with Escherichia coli is common in young pigs • Increase dietary fiber; pumpkin can be added
that fail to receive colostrum from the sow in the first to diet
24 hours of life. Older pigs usually develop a resistance • Metamucil or docusate sodium can be given orally
to this disease. • Mineral oil enemas

Clinical signs Information for clients

• Diarrhea • The best way to avoid constipation is to make sure
• Dehydration your pig has a proper diet, plenty of exercise, and lots
• Acidosis of green grass.
• Death
Rectal Prolapse
Diagnosis Rectal prolapse can occur when the pig experiences
• Bacterial culture and sensitivity increased abdominal pressure for any reason. Causes
• Clinical signs and history of prolapse include constipation, diarrhea, coughing,
• Histology trauma, and inappropriate tail docking. Sows may
• Immunology prolapse both rectum and vaginal tissue during
• Antibiotics based on culture and sensitivity
• Fluid replacement Clinical signs
• Red mucosal tissue appearing outside the anal
Information for clients sphincter
• Certain breeds are resistant to this disease. Investigate • Blood in stool or overt hemorrhage
before purchase. • Signs of straining
• Good sanitation and proper housing is necessary to • Sow during parturition
avoid problems.
• Purchase pigs from reputable breeders. Visit the facil- Diagnosis
ity if possible. • Clinical signs

Constipation Treatment
Becaue of the indiscriminate dining habits of pigs, it is • Clean and gently replace prolapsed tissues if possible
not unusual to see bouts of constipation in pet pigs. If • Purse-string suture to hold tissue in the rectum
any signs of abdominal discomfort or straining occur, Prolapse rings may be inserted into the rectal open-
have the pig seen by a veterinarian. ing and retained using a rubber band around the
exposed tissue. Necrosis of the tissue occurs in a few
Clinical signs days and the prolapsed tissue falls off. (This method
• Humped back may produce rectal incontinence and may not be
• Straining to defecate advisable in pet pigs.)
CHAPTER 72 Pot Bellied Pigs and Other Pet Pigs 533

Information for clients • Tricuris suis

• Avoid rectal prolapse by having any straining pig • Oesophagostomum dentatum
immediately seen by your veterinarian. • Isospora suis
• If prolapse is noted, place the pig in a clean area and • Eimera spp.
keep the tissue moist until seen by a veterinarian. • Coccidia

Salmonellosis Clinical signs

This disease is seen primarily in weanling pigs but can be • Diarrhea
seen in pigs of any age. The organisms most commonly • Weight loss
involved are Salmonella choleraesuis and Salmonella • Unthriftiness, failure to grow
typhisuis. The organisms can be transmitted by carrier
pigs, rodents, or through contaminated feed or environ-
• Eggs or oocysts found on fecal floatation
ment. These organisms infect the mucosal lining of the
small and large intestine producing a necrotizing, non- Treatment
suppurative inflammation. The disease can become sys- • Dewormers licensed for use in pigs such as:
temic and lead to generalized septicemia. • Ivomec
• Levamisole
Clinical signs • Fenbendazole
• Fever
• Liquid feces often yellow with pieces of necrotic
• +/– Dehydration Because of the anatomy of the pig eye and the fact that
most pet pigs are grossly overweight, eye problems are
Diagnosis not uncommon. Pigs genetically have poor vision and a
• Culture and sensitivity testing; need specialized media spine that does not allow them to look up. Folds of skin
often obscure the eyes, and fat pads can add to this
Treatment problem. Normally eyes should be cleaned with warm
• Vaccines are available for prevention water when needed.
• Antibiotics
• Intestinal protectants Conjunctivitis (“Cherry Eye”)
Chlamydia suis, a gram-negative, obligate microorgan-
TECH ALERT ism, lives in epithelial tissues and can cause many
Salmonella organisms can be transmitted to humans. problems in pigs, one of them being conjunctivitis.
Wear protective gear when handling pigs suspected of Clinical signs and treatment are similar to those in small
salmonellosis. animals.

Clinical signs
Information for clients • Conjunctival hyperemia and edema (red, swollen eyes)
• You must clean and disinfect the entire environment • Serous ocular discharge
to prevent reinfection.
• This disease may be transmitted to humans. Diagnosis
• Clinical signs
Intestinal Parasites • Complete eye examination to rule out other problems
As with all other pets, intestinal parasites do occur in pet • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) identification of
pigs and can result in unthriftiness, weight loss, and diar- organism (check with your laboratory)
rhea. Common intestinal parasites of pigs include the
following: Treatment
• Ascaris suum • Any eye medication used in small animals based on
• Strongyloides ransomi laboratory results (tetracycline is recommended)
534 SECTION 7 Farm Animals

Mycoplasma (Pink Eye) Treatment

The microorganism Mycoplasma hyorhinitis is responsi- • None
ble for “pink eye” in pigs.

Clinical signs
• Conjunctivitis with edema Pigs do get ear mites, but they seldom cause a problem.
Most pig breeders do not recommend using liquid ear
Diagnosis cleaners unless they are used to remove superficial
• Clinical signs wax on a clean cloth. Pig ear wax is brown, thick, and
• PCR identification of organism chunky and may have an odor. This is normal and
should not be cleaned out because it is protective to
Treatment the inner structures of the ear.
• Ophthalmic antibiotic based on identification of the
organism Middle Ear Infection
Middle ear infection occurs when bacteria enter the
Developmental Eye Problems eustachian tube located in the pharynx and migrates into
Several developmental eye problems occur in pigs. the middle ear. This condition may follow any systemic
Microphthalmia (small eyes), entropion, and ectropion infection with Streptococcal spp.
are among these.
Clinical signs
Clinical signs • Pain associated with the ear
• Eyes smaller than normally found in the breed • Head tilt; pig lying with affected ear on ground
• Chronic eye irritation, lacrimation • Ataxia; circling
• Eye examination reveals lids that either turn in or out
• Clinical signs
• Culture and sensitivity
• Complete eye examination
• Rule out other causes of eye irritation Treatment
• Based on culture results. Any gram-positive systemic
• Surgical correction of entropion or ectropion can
be done Information for clients
• No treatment for microphthalmia • Have any suspected ear problem seen by your veteri-
narian. Early treatment significantly improves results.
“Blue Eye” • Obesity in pet pigs has been reported to affect the ear
This disease is caused by viral infection with the porcine flaps and may lead to deafness.
rublavirus. Pigs infected with this virus exhibit neurolog-
ical disease and may have corneal opacity and blindness. HEMATOLOGIC AND LYMPHHATIC
Clinical signs DISEASES
• Neurological signs of encephalitis Several problems associated with the heme/lymph sys-
• Corneal opacity/blindness tem are reported in the swine literature. However, none
• Fever of these are common in pet pigs. The conditions listed in
• Conjunctivitis the following sections are considered “symptoms” more
• Anorexia than actual diseases.

Diagnosis Anemia
• Viral isolation, possible enzyme-Linked immunosor- Anemia is seen primarily in young pigs. Mineral and vita-
bant assay (ELISA) test min deficiencies are commonly implicated. Minerals
CHAPTER 72 Pot Bellied Pigs and Other Pet Pigs 535

imbalances such as iron, copper, and selenium can result resulting in hemorrhage, excessive bruising, and perhaps
in anemia as can lack of all the B vitamins. Iron deficiency sudden death. Production of the antibodies is a result of
is the most common cause of anemia in young pigs. the specific boar/sow breeding.

Clinical signs Clinical signs

• Pale pigs, unthrifty • Petechial hemorrhages on the skin
• Weight loss • Bruising
• Rapid breathing • +/– Sudden deaths within the litter
• Decreased resistance to infections
• Sudden death Diagnosis
• Clinical signs
Diagnosis • Problems with previous litters
• Microcytic, hypochromic red cells
• History of limited mineral/vitamin access Treatment
• Necropsy lesions • Remove piglets from sow, and foster on other sows
• Avoid using this boar/sow combination for future
Treatment breeding
• Iron injections
• Improved diet (good quality commercial pig diet) DISEASES OF THE INTEGUMENTARY
Information for clients SYSTEM
• Milk is low in iron. Piglets and young pigs quickly Pig skin is similar to the skin of other mammals
outgrow iron stores and can become iron deficient including humans. Skin thickness in most breeds is
in a short period. 1 to 2 mm but can be up to 4 mm in some boars.
• Feed a good commercial diet that has correct levels of There is a large amount of subcuticular fat. The seba-
all vitamins and minerals. ceous glands are small, but there are large sweat
glands. Most pigs have sparse hair and dry skin.
Lymphadenopathy Where present, bristles or long hairs usually are
Any systemic disease can result in lymphadenopathy in grouped in threes. Hoofs and claws resemble those
pigs. Although lymphosarcoma has also been reported of the cow. Boars have large sebaceous and sweat
to cause enlarged nodes especially in the intestines, it glands around the preputial diverticulum.
is uncommon in pet pigs.
Dry Skin and Hyperkeratosis
Clinical signs Most pigs normally have dry skin, so the presence of
• Enlarged lymph nodes; usually palpable in the a few flakes is to be expected. If there is excessive
neck area amount of flaking, the pet should be examined by a
• Signs of systemic disease veterinarian.
Hyperkeratosis, also called “pig rust” is seen com-
Diagnosis monly in light-colored pigs. It usually occurs along
• Based on clinical signs the neck and back. It is an abnormal accumulation of
• Lymph node biopsy oil, dust, skin, and hair. Scrubbing will not remove it.

Treatment Clinical signs

• Based on diagnosis • Dry skin: flaking similar to dandruff
• Hyperkeratosis: oily, dirty accumulation on back
Thrombocytopenia Purpura of pig
This problem seen in young pigs is the result of anti-
bodies produced by the sow and passed to the piglets Diagnosis
in colostrum. The antibodies destroy piglet platelets • Clinical signs
536 SECTION 7 Farm Animals

Treatment Dermatophytosis (Ringworm)

• Dry skin: Increase environmental humidity Ringworm in pigs is spread by fomites and direct contact
• Provide a bathing pool with other infected animals or humans. Several species
• Wipe skin with a wet towel of dermatophyte have been identified: Microsporum
• Use moisturizers like Avon Skin So Soft on skin manum, M. canis, and M. gypseum, and Trichophyton
• Hyperkeratosis: Bathing may help Z verrucosum and T. mentagrophytes. This disease is con-
sidered zoonotic, and owners should be advised to seek
Information for clients medical attention if they develop lesions.
• The humidity in homes is low, especially during win-
ter. You may see dry skin more frequently in pigs Clinical signs
housed indoors. • Round, crusty lesions on skin
• A bathing pool will help your pig stay cool and keep • +/– Hair loss
his or her skin well hydrated.
• Check your pig diet to make sure it contains enough Diagnosis
zinc and other ingredients needed for healthy skin. • Skin scrape
• Fungal culture
Sarcoptic and Demodectic Mange
Mange, especially sarcoptic mange, is a common prob- Treatment
lem in pigs. There are “carrier pigs.” These are pigs that • Antifungal shampoos or topical
show no outward symptoms of mange until stressed. • Oral antifungal medication (not usually used)
They then break with the disease.
Demodectic mange, caused by the mite Demodex Information for clients
phylloides, is uncommon but has been reported. • Ringworm is contagious to humans. Use precaution
when dealing with infected animals.
Clinical signs • Realize the environment of the pig may contain infec-
• Dry, scaly skin tive spores and will need to be completely cleaned.
• Hair loss • Seek medical advice if you notice lesions on
• +/– Pruritus your skin.
• Small, red pustules on skin
• Crusty, bad smelling ears TECH ALERT
Ringworm is a zoonotic disease. Take care in handling
Diagnosis the infected animal to prevent transfer of infection to
• Skin scraping and identification of mites other patients and humans.

• Ivermectin or doramectin Malignant Tumors of the Skin
The literature reports melanomas and squamous cell
Information for clients carcinomas as the two most common tumors of pet pigs.
• Sarcoptic mange can be infectious to humans. Care These tumors are not common but do occur. Melanoma
should be taken when handling any pig suspected appears to be hereditary in pigs and is dependent on the
of scabies. amount of melanin in the skin. It frequently metastasizes
• See your health professional if any small, red papules to other organ systems. More common is squamous cell
appear on your skin. carcinoma. Chronic irritation of the tissue, UV radia-
tion, and viruses have been implicated in the cause.
Clinical Signs (Depends on the location of the tumor)
Scabies is a zoonotic disease. Wear protective clothing
• Anorexia
when handling infected pigs, and maintain good hygiene
• Weight loss
by washing hands frequently.
• Lethargy
CHAPTER 72 Pot Bellied Pigs and Other Pet Pigs 537

• +/– Dysphagia (many squamous cell carcinomas Treatment

occur in the oral cavity) • Sensitive to penicillin
• Mass in the oral cavity or on the skin
Information for clients
Diagnosis • All pigs should be vaccinated against this disease
• Radiography to rule out metastasis semiannually.
• Biopsy • Any signs of illness in your pig should be seen by the
veterinarian immediately.
Treatment • Maintain good sanitation, and prevent your pig from
• Complete removal of mass if possible socializing with unvaccinated pigs.
• There is no systemic treatment licensed for metastatic
Information for clients SYSTEM
• Biopsy and radiographs are necessary to assess the The most common cause of lameness in the pet
general degree of cancer. pig is arthritis. Arthritis often occurs secondary to
• Early recognition and removal of masses can improve joint infection, trauma, or hoof problems. Obesity
clinical outcomes. is the number-one reason many pet pigs develop
• Once metastasis has occurred, the prognosis is poor. arthritis.

Erysipelas Clinical signs

This disease is caused by numerous substrains of the • Reluctance to move
gram-positive aerobic bacillus, Erysipelas rhusiopathiae. • Lameness
This bacteria is spread by wild mammals, poultry, wild • +/– Joint swelling
birds, and other pets. It can remain infectious in the soil • Pain; may appear hunched when standing
for at least 35 days and is also passed from pig to pig • +/– Muscle tremors
through fecal and oronasal routes. Carrier pigs do exist
and serve as a reservoir for infection. The disease can Diagnosis
present in two forms: acute and chronic. Pigs exhibiting • Physical examination
acute symptoms can survive and become chronically • Radiography
infected. • Complete blood count and serum chemistries

Clinical signs Treatment

• Acute • Pain medication
• Anorexia, excessive thirst • Weight reduction
• High fever (104°–108°F) • Physical therapy; mild exercise
• Sudden death • Nutritional supplements such as chondroitin sulfates
• Skin lesions and glucosamine
• Reluctant to stand • Proper hoof care
• Chronic • Antibiotics if lameness is a result of infection in the
• May develop vegetative endocarditis and chronic joints
Information for clients
Diagnosis • Proper hoof care is very important for pet pigs. Have
• Clinical signs hoofs cleaned regularly and trimmed as needed
• Isolation of the bacteria (PCR) (Fig. 72.1).
• ELISA or complement fixation (certain laboratories) • Obesity in pet pigs is the number-one cause of arthri-
• Response to treatment with penicillin tis. Feed your pig the proper amount of commercial
538 SECTION 7 Farm Animals

Clinical signs
• Acute signs of lameness or reluctance to use limb
• Pain
• Angle deformities
• +/– Visible bone
• Bruising, bleeding, swelling at the site
• Signs of other organ involvement; shock

• History of trauma
• Radiology
• Complete blood count and serum chemistries

Fig. 72.1 Hoof problems from improper trimming. From Fubini • +/– Splint in young pigs
S, Duchane N. Farm Animal Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Else- • Surgical repair of fracture much like in other animals
vier; 2017.
Information for clients
• To prevent traumatic accidents, never leave your pig
feed, and limit the feeding of high-fat, nonnutritional unsupervised.
junk foods. • Have any signs of acute lameness seen by your veter-
• Arthritis can affect pigs of all ages.
inarian as soon as possible.
• Pigs with traumatic injuries may also have other
organ damage that may need treatment.
Proper hoof care is important for pet pigs. Owners DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM
should accustom pigs to having their feet handled
and trimmed at an early age. It may be difficult to Many swine diseases have a central nervous system com-
trim adult pigs that have not had their feet handled ponent. Nervous system diseases in pigs include those
previously. The pig foot consists of four metacarpal of genetic or congenital origin, toxicities, trauma, and
bones; metacarpals two and five, which do not bear infectious causes. Signs of disease are similar, making
weight, and metacarpal three and four, which are diagnosis often difficult.
weight bearing. All four metacarpal bones end in
sharp nails that need to be trimmed. In addition, Meningitis
the bottom of the hoof needs to be kept even with Meningitis is an inflammation of the tissues covering the
the heels so weight is evenly distributed. If this is brain. The most common cause of meningitis in pet pigs
not done, lameness can result. is Streptococcus suis. Infection with S. suis may also
result in arthritis, valvular endocarditis, pneumonia,
and vaginitis. Signs vary with the organ system involved.
Fractures Haemophilus parasuis is a gram-negative rod that is a
Fracture of bones can occur traumatically in pet pigs. normal resident of the pig’s oral cavity. In times of stress,
Pigs do not do stairs well and they have poor eye- the organism may be activated and produce a vasculitis
sight, so it is not uncommon for pigs to fall down of the leptomeninges and brain (Glasser’s disease).
stairs and sustain a fracture. Fractures can result
from jumping off furniture; falling off raised surfaces Clinical Signs (CNS)
such as decks; dog attacks; and kicks by other ani- • Shivering
mals. Pet pigs may even be hit by motor vehicles! • Nystagmus
Repair is usually surgical because of the weight of • Fever
the pig (Fig. 72.2) • Discomfort, pain
CHAPTER 72 Pot Bellied Pigs and Other Pet Pigs 539

Fig. 72.2 A 9-year-old pot-bellied pig with a tibial and fibular fracture. From Fubini S, Duchane N. Farm Animal
Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2017.

• Seizures • Vomiting +/– diarrhea

• Death • Trembling
• Nystagmus
Diagnosis • Ataxia
• Complete blood count • Seizures
• Serum chemistries • Acute death
• Culture and sensitivity
• PCR Diagnosis
• Clinical signs
Treatment • Serum antibody testing (ELISA)
• Antibiotic therapy
• There is no specific treatment
PSUEDORABIES (PORCINE HERPES VIRUS) • Vaccination (if required)
This is an acute, highly fatal disease of young pigs. The
disease agent is a DNA herpes virus that is also found in
dogs, cats, sheep, and many types of wildlife. Feral pigs
are an important reservoir of infection in many southern Pigs have a poor system to regulate salt within the body.
states. Infection is spread via the oronasal route and Overhydration or dehydration can result in electrolyte
through urine and feces. Carrier animals do occur. imbalances that can become toxic. Overconsumption
of water after periods of water restriction (such as ship-
Clinical signs ping) along with diets containing appropriate levels
• Fever of salt can result in lowered sodium levels and central
• Anorexia nervous system (CNS) symptoms. Water deprivation
• Respiratory signs or high-salt diets (chips, table food) can result in
540 SECTION 7 Farm Animals

elevated sodium levels and central nervous system signs • Listlessness

as well. • Lack of appetite
• +/– Vaginal discharge
Clinical signs
• Wandering Diagnosis
• Blindness • Physical examination
• Head pressing • Radiographs/ultrasound
• Spasms/paddling
Diagnosis • Surgical removal can be complicated by the size and
• History of excessive salt consumption or water age of the pig. For this reason, pigs should be spayed
restriction when young
• Clinical signs • Antibiotics (pyometra)
• Elevated blood sodium levels
Intact Female Pigs
Treatment Some owners choose to breed their pet pig. The normal
• Intravenous (IV) fluids to rehydrate the patient gestation time for pigs is 114 to 116 days. Dystocia does
• Limit water access to small, frequent amounts after occur in pet pigs and is related to obesity, a small birth
long periods of water deprivation canal, or extra-large piglets.
• Restrict access to high-salt feeds or treats
Clinical signs
Information for clients • Gestation times >116 days
• Make sure your pig has access to clean water at • Straining with no pig delivery
all times. • Vaginal discharge
• Feed a balanced commercial diet as the major com- • Increased respiratory rate
ponent of your pig’s diet. • Weakness, inability to get up


• Palpation of the birth canal
SYSTEM • Radiology; ultrasound
Pigs that are not neutered or spayed have reproductive
problems similar to those seen in other pets. Treatment
It is strongly recommended that all pet pigs be spayed • Manual intervention
or castrated between 3 and 6 months of age. Intact • Oxytocin if canal not blocked
pigs become aggressive, obnoxious, and sometimes
dangerous. Reproductive Problems in the Male Pig
Early castration in the male pig is recommended to pre-
Reproductive Problems in the Female Pig vent behaviors associated with noncastrated older pigs.
Female pigs that are not spayed can develop ovarian The inguinal canal in most pigs will close at birth, but
cysts, uterine tumors, and pyometra. It is estimated that occasionally the canal will remain open and herniation
as many as 90% of unspayed pigs develop some type of may occur. Improper castration techniques may also
uterine tumor, either malignant or benign, as they age. result in inguinal hernias.
Pigs may show few physical signs of reproductive
disease. Clinical signs
• A swelling located in the inguinal canal
Clinical signs
• May have no clinical signs other than unthriftiness Diagnosis
• Enlargement of the abdomen • Physical examination
• Fever (with pyometria) • Radiology
CHAPTER 72 Pot Bellied Pigs and Other Pet Pigs 541

Treatment • Radiology
• Surgical closure of the inguinal ring; replace herni- • ELISA testing is available for some organisms
ated contents
Testicular Tumors • Antibiotic therapy based on culture and sensitivity
Clinical signs
• Abnormal, firm swelling of one or both testicles
Swine Flu
Diagnosis Swine flu is an acute, highly contagious respiratory
• Physical examination disease seen in pigs. The viral agent is an orthomyxo-
• Biopsy virus influenza A virus with several serovars. Out-
breaks usually occur during fall and winter months
Treatment and are common at shows and fairs. Carrier pigs
• Surgical removal of the testicles do exist. Recent outbreaks of human disease have
been traced back to exposure to pigs at animal shows
or state/county fairs.
The penis and sheath of the obese pig can frequently be
traumatized. Injuries may include stepping on the Clinical signs
sheath or penis, falling, biting by other boars, or in non- • Anorexia
castrated males, mounting behavior. Prolapse of the • Coughing
penis has also been seen in pet pigs. Clinical signs, diag- • Acute onset of high fever
nosis, and treatment are similar to that in other animals • Dyspnea
and depend on the cause. • Mucoid nasal/ocular discharge

• Viral isolation/ antibody identification
Diseases of the respiratory system are among the most • PCR
common problems seen in clinical practice.
Bacteria are most commonly associated with pig
pneumonias. Mycoplasma spp., Bordetella bronchisep-
• No effective treatment
tica, and Haemophilus parasuis are the most common
• Antibiotics to treat secondary infections
organisms isolated. Symptoms can range from a mild
• Vaccine available
cough to serious pneumonia. Many of these bacterial
organisms live as normal inhabitants of the pig’s respi-
ratory tract and only become a problem when the animal TECH ALERT
is stressed.
Human cases of swine flu have occurred. Take care in
handling these pigs to prevent transfer of the disease
Clinical signs to you or other patients. Likewise, human swine flu
• Cough can be contagious to pigs. Avoid handling pigs if you
• Sneezing have evidence of flu symptoms.
• Nasal discharge
• +/– Fever
• +/– Respiratory distress Pleuropneumonia
This disease is characterized by acute onset of severe
Diagnosis respiratory signs. Actinobacillus pleuropheumoniae, a
• Physical examination gram-negative coccobacillus, is responsible. The organ-
• Complete blood count/serum chemistries ism is transmitted via nose-to-nose contact, and carrier
• Culture and sensitivity pigs exist.
542 SECTION 7 Farm Animals

Clinical signs Urinary Obstruction

• Severe respiratory distress If the urinary system is obstructed, flow must be
• High fever reestablished as quickly as possible. Kidney failure
• Blood-tinged nasal/oral froth and death can be a result of urine backup within the
• Anorexia system.

Diagnosis Clinical signs

• Physical examination • Anorexia
• Radiographs • Lethargy
• Culture and sensitivity • Dysuria
• ELISA test available • Dribbling urine
• +/- Straining to urinate
• Antibiotic therapy based on culture and sensitivity Diagnosis
• Radiography/abdominal ultrasound
• Complete blood count/serum chemistries
The pig urinary system is exactly the same as that of the Treatment
dog and cat except for the end of the penis, which has a • Remove obstruction
twisted end. Urinary problems in the pig are similar to • Tube cystotomy
those in other species. • Lithotripsy
• Pubic urethrostomy
Cystitis and Urolithiasis • Bladder marsupialization
Cystitis with or without formation of stones occurs in
pet pigs. Most cases of cystitis are bacterial, and the TECH ALERT
formation of stones depends on concentration of min- As in other species, urinary obstruction in pet pigs is an
erals in the urine, length of time urine sits in the blad- emergency situation. Advise owners to have the pig
der, and water intake. Untreated, cystitis can lead to seen immediately if they suspect obstruction.

Clinical signs Psycogenic Water Consumption

• Straining to urinate Some pigs will develop a behavioral problem of excess
• Frequent urinations water consumption. This condition is seen in young
• “Pumping” (abdominal contracting) pigs, and most will outgrow the behavior. Water
limitation should be done carefully as to avoid salt
Diagnosis poisoning.
• Urinalysis
• Complete blood count/serum chemistries Clinical signs
• Urine culture/sensitivity • Polyuria/polydipsia
• Radiography/ultrasound
Treatment • Physical examination
• Cystocentesis if bladder is distended • Complete blood count/serum chemistries to rule out
• Antibiotics based on culture/sensitivity other causes
• Increase water intake • Urinalysis (specific gravity will be low)
• Alter diet • Water restriction studies to rule out other cause of
• Increase number of urinations/day polyuria/polydipsia
CHAPTER 72 Pot Bellied Pigs and Other Pet Pigs 543

Treatment Diagnosis
• Condition often related to boredom. Give pig more • Complete blood count/serum chemistries
to do • Urinalysis
• Carefully limit water consumption • Radiographs/ultrasound of kidneys
• Blood pressure monitoring
Chronic Kidney Disease
As with other species, older pigs do develop chronic Treatment
renal failure. Nutritional hyperparathyroidism has been • Rehydrate pig
implicated in some cases of renal failure. • Antibiotics may be of some use

Clinical signs Information for clients

• Lethargy • Chronic renal failure is a progressive disease and will
• Anorexia eventually be fatal to the pig.
• Dehydration • Fluid therapy and proper diet may slow disease
• Azotemia progression.
• Low body temperatures • Chronic renal failure is seen frequently in older
• Ammonia smell to breath pet pigs.

1. What are some pros and cons to pig ownership that 4. What types of diets are suggested for pet pigs?
you might discuss with someone who wanted a 5. At what age should owners begin to trim their pig’s
pet pig? hooves?
2. Review your microbiology, and decide which of 6. Mrs. Robert’s pet pig Petuna is scratching against
the following media are required to culture Salmo- the furniture, has red irritated skin, and is losing hair.
nella spp. Which of the following suggestions would you
a. Blood agar tell her?
b. Sabrods agar a. Come to the clinic for some flea spray
c. Brilliant green agar b. Come to the clinic for a moisturizing shampoo
d. Nutrient agar c. Come to the clinic and have a skin scraping
3. Which of these vaccinations is off-label in the pig? d. Come to the clinic for Capstar
a. Rhinitis
b. Tetanus Answers found on page 551.
c. Erysipelas
d. Rabies

CHAPTER 1 10. d. Postpartum

11. b. Parathyroid gland
1. b. Patent ductus arteriosus
2. c. Atrial fibrillation
3. d. Persistent right aortic arch CHAPTER 4
4. a. 60–180 beats/min 1. a. Collies; b. Golden Retrievers; d. Beagles
5. b. Taurine 2. b. Roll inward toward the cornea
6. d. All of the above 3. b. Chalazion
ANSWER: All of the above should be done immediately 4. a. True
to prevent any further development of the arrhythmia. 5. b. Between 12 and 22 mm Hg
(Do not assume the machine has made a mistake). 6. d. Several hours
7. c. Plasma cells and lymphocytes
8. b. Cataract
CHAPTER 2 9. b. Cyclosporine ophthalmic
1. a. True 10. c. Feline viral rhinotracheitis
2. b. Less than 1 mm
3. c. Papilloma CHAPTER 5
4. a. Vomiting; b. Seizures; c. Dehydration; d. Anorexia;
1. b. Absolute reticulocyte count
e. Fever; f. Diarrhea 2. c. Rhipicephalus sanguineus
5. c. Gastric ulceration 3. b. von Willebrand disease
6. a. Ventricular arrhythmia
4. b. False
7. c. Lidocaine
5. Prednisone, Cytoxan, l-asparaginase, Vincristine,
8. d. A fecal examination
9. b. Lymphosarcomas
6. b. False
10. b. Large-bowel disease
7. Vaccinated cats will test positive for the disease in
11. b. 62%
the future.
12. a. Stress 8. a. Body surface area
13. b. Diabetes mellitus 9. b. Mycoplasma hemofelis
14. d. Pancreas
10. c. Red
15. c. Portosystemic shunt

CHAPTER 3 1. c. Low on the left rear leg
1. a. Negative 2. b. Histiocytoma
2. b. Hypothyroidism; hyperthyroidism 3. b. False
3. a. Radioactive iodine therapy 4. c. Rhipicephalus sanguineus
4. e. A1c levels 5. b. diphenhydramine
5. b. β 6. a. True
6. b. Addison disease 7. c. Sebaceous cysts
7. Hypothyroidism and hyperadrenal cortical disease 8. d. 50%
8. c. Both types 9. b. Yellow; red
9. c. Poor 10. a. True


CHAPTER 7 13. a. Faster

14. d. 6 months
1. a. Robert Jones bandage
15. a. Wet
2. c. Anterior cruciate ligament
16. Because many areas of the country do not have
3. c. 2 years
Lyme disease and many house dogs will never be
4. b. False
exposed to ticks.
5. b. Scapulohumeral joint
17. True
6. c. Osteosarcoma
18. Retest the cat every 6 months, and isolate the cat
7. a. Most patellar luxations seen early in life are
from all other cats.
medial luxations.
8. c. No relationship exists between excessive growth
and the development of hip dysplasia. CHAPTER 10
9. a. True
10. d. Hip dysplasia cannot develop in puppies born to 1. a. True
female dogs without hip dysplasia. 2. b. False
11. No. Fast growth in this breed may predispose the 3. b. Castration
dog to hip dysplasia. 4. a. 62 and 65 days
12. To avoid musculoskeletal injuries, limit the pet’s 5. a. True
weight and make sure the pet has daily exercise. 6. d. 4
7. b. Castrate the animal at an early age.
8. a. True
CHAPTER 8 9. a. True
1. c. The severity of the spinal cord injury is related to 10. c. Culture and sensitivity of prostatic fluid
the weight of the animal.
2. d. 75% CHAPTER 11
3. a. Poor
4. c. Dobermans 1. b. Radiography; d. Computed tomography or mag-
5. c. Rabies netic resonance imaging
6. c. Embolic ischemic myelopathy 2. b. Bordetella
7. d. Antibiotics 3. c. 2 years
8. d. Atlantoaxial subluxation 4. b. Vomiting
9. b. 7–10 5. b. False
10. e. Radiography 6. a. True
7. b. Low nucleated cell count; c. Low total protein
8. c. Seventh intercostal
CHAPTER 9 9. b. Cryptococcus
1. b. A limited number of cats will have antibodies 10. a. Fungal
against feline coronavirus. 11. a. Toxins released by Bordetella bronchiseptica
2. c. Fighting and bite wounds bacteria
3. b. False
4. c. Cat
5. d. Several years
6. b. Poor 1. c. No
7. b. Enrofloxacin (Baytril) 2. e. All of the above
8. b. White blood cells 3. a. Small concretions of minerals and large amounts
9. a. Longer than 48 hours of matrix
10. a. Vomiting 4. b. Calcium oxalate; c. Magnesium ammonium
11. b. Fall phosphate
12. c. Schiff-Sherrington syndrome 5. a. Cystine

6. a. Amikacin 5. a. Prolonged anorexia

7. b. Potassium 6. b. Volatile fatty acids
8. d. All of the above 7. a. Grass hay; d. Clean water; e. Fresh vegetables and
9. a. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) fruits
10. c. The smooth muscle surrounding the entire urethra 8. c. Intestinal motility
11. d. Struvite 9. a. Pain
12. b. Oxalate 10. b. False
13. c. Normal saline
CHAPTER 13 1. c. Adrenal disease
1. Carbohydrates and fiber 2. b. Hyperadrenocorticism
2. Canine distemper and rabies 3. b. Sucrose
3. a. Rubber products 4. a. Blocked lacrimal ducts; b. Epiphora
4. a. Strict carnivores
5. a. Weight
6. a. Proper nutrition; c. Clean, fresh water; d. Ade-
quate ventilation in housing; e. Yearly dental 1. c. Progressive loss of vision
checkups; g. Exercise 2. b. Porphyrin
7. d. Onset of seizure 3. c. Treponema spp.
8. b. Porphyrin 4. b. Skin tumors
9. b. Small
10. c. 8%
11. b. Volatile fatty acids
12. d. 6–8 1. b. Lymphoma
13. d. The microflora in the rabbit gastrointestinal tract 2. c. Lymphoma
is sensitive to oral antibiotics. 3. d. All of the above
14. a. Induced 4. a. Fibroadenoma of the mammary gland
15. b. Trimmed 5. b. Lymphoblasts

1. b. False 1. e. None of the above
2. c. Thickening of the walls of the heart 2. c. Radfordia spp.
3. a. Heart 3. a. Gently remove impacted materials
4. b. Improve cardiac performance 4. a. Constant trauma to the area
5. a. Left apex 5. a. True
6. b. False 6. a. Rubber mat on the exam table
7. a. True
8. c. 2
9. a. Lack of adequate collateral circulation
1. c. 8%
1. a. Helicobacter spp.
2. a. True 1. d. Onset of seizures
3. b. Wet tail 2. c. Encephalitozoon cuniculi
4. c. Incisors 3. b. Head-tilt; c. Paralysis

CHAPTER 22 3. Describe how to determine the difference between

“courtship regurgitation” and vomiting from a dis-
1. a. Induced
ease process.
2. d. Swollen lymph nodes
4. a. Watermelon
3. b. False
5. a. ALT
4. c. Adenocarcinoma
6. a. Gram-positive
5. a. Open inguinal rings
7. b. False
6. c. Amoxicillin
8. b. Proventriculus
7. a. True

1. b. False 1. b. 600 mg/dL
2. b. False 2. a. A seed diet low in iodine
3. c. Pasteurella multocida 3. c. C-cells
4. a. True 4. b. An iodine-deficient diet
5. b. False 5. c. Hypoglycemia

1. b. 30% 1. b. Feathers
2. c. Struvite stone 2. c. Red
3. a. Male 3. b. Pecten
4. c. Calcium carbonate 4. b. Gram-positive
5. b. Decrease 5. a. Pinna
6. c. Porphyrin 6. b. Vitamin A
7. b. False
CHAPTER 25 8. a. True

1. No review questions
CHAPTER 26 1. b. 3.8 mL
1. a. Epinephrine 2. b. Jugular vein
2. b. Vitamin E and selenium 3. b. Toenail clip
3. a. The aortic arch in avian anatomy is derived 4. b. Nonregenerative
from the right arch and not from the left as in
4. c. Put the bird back into the cage.
5. b. Higher 1. b. The uropygial gland
2. a. Otomax ointment
3. c. Feathers are missing from tracts on the
CHAPTER 27 body only.
1. c. Flush the crop using warm saline, and then refill 4. c. Anxiolytics
the crop with a balanced electrolyte solution. 5. b. Canary
2. d. This disease is treatable, but the animal should not 6. c. Knemidokoptes pilae
be used for breeding. 7. a. Improper perch materials; c. Improper perch size

1. a. Finches and canaries 1. Preferred optimal temperature zone
2. b. Necrosis of the area distal to the band 2. b. Carnivorous
3. b. Pneumatic bone 3. d. Salmonella
4. c. The keel 4. a. 75°F–100°F
5. a. Depletion of calcium 5. a. October to April
6. a. Chopped whole animals such as mice, worms, or
guppies and vegetables
CHAPTER 33 7. c. Carapace
1. a. True 8. c. 3–4
2. a. True 9. c. Sodium
3. b. Vestibular apparatus
4. b. Hypocalcemia
5. a. True
6. a. Aspergillus granulomas 1. b. Decreased from normal
7. b. Chlamydia 2. c. Two; one
3. a. Their red cells are not able to carry as much
1. c. High levels of antibiotics
2. a. Gram-positive
3. d. Psittacosis 1. c. Turtle
4. c. Exotic Newcastle disease 2. b. Suppression of the immune system
3. c. Poor husbandry
4. b. Salmonella
CHAPTER 35 5. d. Vitamin A
1. b. Pink 6. b. Anorexic
2. c. Reproductive 7. b. Fat bodies
3. c. Infraorbital sinus 8. c. 2 weeks
4. c. Vitamin A 9. a. More
5. d. Teflon-coated 10. a. True
6. a. Place the bird in an oxygenated environment
before evaluation
7. b. Lower airway
1. Carapace (upper); Panstron (lower)
2. b. False
CHAPTER 36 3. b. Broccoli
1. c. Renal portal system 4. a. Thyroid hormone
2. b. Solid urates 5. a. Poor husbandry
3. a. Renal, digestive, reproductive
4. c. Uric acid
5. a. Dystocia
6. b. False 1. b. Low environmental humidity
7. d. Calcium 2. a. True
8. a. Gonadal tumor 3. b. Conus papillaris
9. b. Visceral gout 4. a. Soaking until Softened
5. b. Periorbital swelling

1. b. A difficult shed 1. c. Urates
2. b. Increase the humidity by soaking 2. a. Green iguana; c. Turtle
3. c. Fungi 3. c. Aminoglycosides
4. a. Larger
5. c. Predator trauma CHAPTER 48
6. c. Urinate
7. b. False 1. a. Perform a complete physical examination, and
auscultate the heart.
2. a. Second-degree atrioventricular block
CHAPTER 43 3. e. All of the above
4. a. Check with the veterinarian prior to riding or
1. d. Calcium and phosphorus
driving these horses.
2. c. Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism
5. c. Echocardiography
3. c. Tail
6. a. True
4. d. All of the above
7. d. Atrial fibrillation
5. a. Feed a properly balanced diet
8. b. False
9. c. The mesenteric artery
CHAPTER 44 10. a. 25–40 beats per minute (beats/min)

1. b. The panniculus reflex

2. c. Swelling on the side of the head
3. a. Boa 1. a. Strongylus spp.
4. c. Chlorhexidine 2. b. Salmonella
5. c. Ivermectin 3. a. Choke
6. a. Thiamine 4. d. All of the above
7. b. Aural abscesses 5. b. At least yearly
6. b. Gastric ulceration
7. a. Nursing foal
CHAPTER 45 8. b. Oxyuris spp.
1. b. Live young
2. b. False CHAPTER 50
3. c. Females have a shallow hemipenis pouch
1. c. The pituitary gland
4. b. Malposition of an egg
2. c. Over 10 years of age
5. b. 2–3 years
3. c. The thyroid
6. c. 90–130
4. d. All of the above
7. a. Cover the tissue with a clean, wet towel and come
5. c. Carbohydrates
to the clinic.

CHAPTER 46 1. b. Bring the horse out of the light, and then call the vet.
1. b. False 2. a. Corneal ulcers
2. b. False 3. b. Disposed of when treatment has ended
3. b. 21 days 4. b. Fluorescein
4. a. Dehydration, vitamin A or D deficiencies, bacterial 5. a. Colic
infections, or calcium deficiencies 6. c. Leptospirosis
5. b. Gram-negative

CHAPTER 52 4. c. Dummy foal syndrome

5. b. False
1. b. With Coggins test
2. b. Retesting by State Veterinarian
CHAPTER 53 1. c. Equine viral rhinopneumonitis
2. a. Streptococcus equi
1. b. Rain rot 3. c. Heaves
2. b. Equine sarcoid 4. a. A herpes virus
3. d. All of the above 5. a. Furosemide
4. Horses use their sensitive nose to investigate any 6. a. True
strange object, even a snack. 7. a. True
5. a. Grind up a few warts in a sterile liquid medium, 8. a. Gram-positive
and inject subcutaneously into the horse; b. Scrape
the warts with a scalpel blade until they bleed
1. b. Ascending bacterial infections
CHAPTER 54 2. d. All of the above
1. c. In the front limb, below the knee 3. c. Postpartum mare
2. d. All of the above
3. a. Hoof abscess CHAPTER 60
4. d. Proper conditioning
5. a. Rhabdomyolysis 1. b. Urinary calculi
6. b. Grain 2. c. Copper
7. a. Keep the horse in a dry area; b. Clean the feet daily 3. d. Predators

1. d. All of the above
1. a. Rabies; d. Eastern, western, and Venezuelan equine
2. a. Pregnancy toxemia
encephalomyelitis; e. West Nile encephalitis
3. b. Clostridium infection
4. a. Rotavirus
CHAPTER 56 5. b. The left paralumbar fossa
6. a. Salmonella; b. Clostridium; d. Cryptosporidium
1. b. Remove the mares from the pasture 30 to 90 days
before foaling.
2. d. 20 minutes CHAPTER 62
3. c. Acepromazine
4. a. before the end 1. b. Calcium and phosphorus
5. c. Estrogen 2. c. Pseudopregnancy
6. b. Herpes virus infection 3. d. Iodine
7. a. True
CHAPTER 57 1. a. Cataracts
1. b. Lymphocytes 2. a. Tetracycline ophthalmic ointment
2. c. 18 3. c. Move the animal out of the sunlight.
3. b. A blood type the same as the stallion 4. b. False

1. c. Culling affected animals 1. b. False
2. c. Wound culture 2. b. Trauma
3. a. Surgical opening with curettage 3. c. Marek’s disease
4. a. Avian pox
5. a. Salmonellosis
1. b. False CHAPTER 72
2. a. Parapoxvirus
1. See text for answers.
3. b. Skin scrape
2. c. Brilliant green
4. b. False
3. d. Rabies
4. a. and b. Commercial pig chow and fresh fruits and
CHAPTER 66 5. b. Start early when they are piglets.
1. d. Overgrowth of hoof wall 6. c. Visit the veterinary clinic for a skin scraping.
2. c. Selenium
3. d. Calcium and phosphorus ANSWERS TO CLINICAL CASES
4. d. All of the above
5. c. Fescue Chapter 1
1. Boxer dogs can carry the gene for familial ventricular
arrhythmia and show no outward signs of disease
CHAPTER 67 until they die suddenly. This gene predisposes them
1. c. Thiamine injection to fatal arrhythmias that can occur at any time during
2. b. Listeria the life of the dog. This is a conduction disease and
3. a. True not a disease of the heart muscle.
4. a. Yes 2. Since the disease is genetic, if you were to obtain a dog
from the same breeding line, you may get a dog with
the problem. It pays to research gene lines and ask
CHAPTER 68 questions when buying a Boxer dog.
3. Holter heart monitoring over a 24-hour period may
1. d. Replacement of tissue and use of a restraining show signs of the disease. Nothing can prevent this
device from occurring. Investigate any seizure-like occur-
2. d. All of the above rence, any surgical arrhythmias, or fainting that
occurs in Boxer dogs.

CHAPTER 69 **ANSWER: a complete cardiac workup may have pro-

vided indications of disease and allowed for preventive
1. c. Oestrus ovis treatment.
2. b. Recent dehorning
3. a. Mycoplasma Chapter 2
Three causes of icterus in the cat are a. Hepatic lipidosis;
CHAPTER 70 b. Red cell destruction; c. Bile duct obstruction.
Laboratory tests include ALT, AST, ALP, direct/indirect
1. a. Too much concentrate in the diet bilirubin, PVC, RBC, and a hand differential. Further
2. b. Aluminum chloride testing might include ultrasonography and liver
3. d. 12% biopsy.
Abdominocentesis: Removal of fluid Asphyxiation: A condition in which the Carcinoma: A malignant epithelial tumor
from the abdominal cavity. airway is blocked or closed and air cannot that is invasive and will metastasize.
Ablation: Removal of a growth or harmful enter the lungs. Cardiomegaly: Enlargement of the heart.
substance. Ataxia: Impaired ability to coordinate Cardiomyopathy: A disease of the heart
Adrenocorticotropic: Describes hor- movement. muscle; any disease that affects the struc-
mones or drugs that stimulate the adrenal Atony: Lacking normal tone. ture or function of the heart; enlargement
cortex to produce corticosteroids. Atrophy: A wasting or decrease in size of a of the heart muscle.
Aglactia: The inability of the mother to body part, tissue, or organ resulting from Caseous: Cheeselike.
secrete enough milk to support the young. disuse, disease, or injury. Caslick operation: Surgical closure of the
Allantoin: A diureide of glyoxylic acid. Auscultate: The act of listening to sounds upper portion of the vulva.
Alopecia: Partial or complete lack of hair, made by internal body organs, usually Cataract: An abnormal, progressive dis-
often caused by endocrine disease. with a stethoscope. ease of the lens of the eye that inhibits
Amelanotic: Pertaining to nonpigmented Auscultation: The act of listening to sight characterized by loss of
tissues caused by lack of melanin. sounds in the body (especially the heart). transparency.
Aminoglycoside: An antibiotic belonging Autogenous: Produced in or with tissue Cautery: To cause coagulation of tissue by
to a group in which amino sugars are from the body of the animal to whom it use of chemicals or heat.
linked as glycosides (e.g., streptomycin). will be given; originating from within Cecotroph: Soft fecal pellets ingested by
Anaphylaxis: An exaggerated, life- the organism (e.g., a vaccine or toxin). rabbits directly from the anus during the
threatening reaction of the immune system Avascular: Not associated with or supplied night and early morning; “night feces”;
to a previously seen antigen. by blood vessels. fecal material produced in the cecum of
Anasarca: An accumulation of watery fluid Azotemic: A toxic condition caused by the rabbit.
in connective tissue and cavities. failure of the kidneys to remove urea from Celiotomy: Incision into the abdominal
Androgen: A male hormone responsible the blood. cavity.
for the development of male sexual char- Baroreceptors: A pressure-sensitive recep- Chelate: Any coordination compound
acteristics (e.g., testosterone and tor nerve ending found in the atria of the composed of a central metal atom and an
androsterone). heart, in the aortic arch, and in the carotid organic molecule containing multiple
Anemia: A decrease in hemoglobin levels sinuses. bonds in a ring structure.
within the blood to values less than Barrow: A male castrated hog. Chemosis: Swelling of the tissue that lines
normal. Basophilic: Can be stained with basic dyes. the eyelids and the surface of the eye.
Antemortem: Preceding death. Benign: Noncancerous. Choanal: A funnel-shaped channel con-
Antibody: An immunoglobulin produced Blepharitis: Chronic inflammation of the necting the sinuses of the bird to the oral
by lymphocytes in response to the pres- eyelid. cavity.
ence of bacteria, a virus, or any other anti- Blepharoedema: Swelling of the eyelids. Cholinergic: Pertaining to nerve fibers that
genic substance. Blepharospasm: A condition in which liberate acetylcholine at the myoneural
Antigen: A substance, usually a protein, there is sustained, forced, involuntary junction.
that stimulates the production of an anti- closing of the eyelids. Chondrodystrophic: An abnormal condi-
body specific to that protein. Boar: An intact male hog. tion in which cartilage is converted to
Antitussive: Medications used to suppress Boid: A python or boa. bone, especially in the epiphyses of long
a cough. Borborygmus: An audible abdominal bones. Affected dogs have short missha-
Arboreal: A species that lives in trees. sound produced by hyperactive intestinal pen legs with long backs.
Arteriosclerosis: Thickening, decrease of peristaltic activity. Chromodacryorrhea: Red tears.
elasticity, and the presence of calcium Bradycardia: Slower than normal heart Ciliostasis: Failure of the cilia that line
deposits within the arterial walls. rate. the upper respiratory tract to move
Arthrodesis: Fusion of a joint to limit Buccal: Side of the tooth closest to the cheek. normally leaving the deeper structure
movement. Cachexia: General ill health and malnutri- unprotected.
Arthroplasty: Surgical replacement or tion, usually associated with chronic Cloaca: The end of the primitive hindgut
reconstruction of a damaged joint to disease. before separation of the bladder, reproduc-
restore mobility. Calculolytic: Able to dissolve urinary tive tract, and gastrointestinal system; pas-
Ascites: Abnormal accumulation of intra- calculi. sage for feces, urine, and reproductive
peritoneal fluid high in protein and Cancellous: A lacelike arrangement of tract in avian and reptilian species.
electrolytes. bony trabeculae found at the ends of long Coaptation: To join and bring together in
Aseptic: Free of pathogenic microorganisms. bones. proper alignment (e.g., broken bones).


Coccidiostat: An antiprotozoal agent that Dermatophilosis: A bacterial skin disease Emphysema: An abnormal condition of
acts on Coccidia parasites. of poorly cared for farm animals mainly the pulmonary system resulting in overin-
Colostrum: A form of milk produced by seen in mild, wet winters; sometimes flation of the alveolar tissues.
the mammary glands during late preg- called “mud fever.” Empyema: An accumulation of pus in a
nancy; contains immunoglobulins. Dermatophyte: Fungal organism that body cavity, usually the pleural cavity.
Comb: A fleshy crest on the head of a fowl. causes skin disease. Encephalopathy: A disorder or disease of
Concretion: A solid mass formed from par- Desmotomy: Incision or division of a liga- the brain.
ticles that come together. ment; the cutting or division of the ligament. Endemic: Indigenous to a specific area.
Congenital: Present at birth. Diaphysis: The shaft of long bones. Endocarditis: Inflammation of the lining
Conjunctivitis: Inflammation of the outer- Diastolic: Blood pressure at the exact of the heart—the endocardium.
most layer of the eye and the inner surface moment of maximum cardiac relaxation. Endochondral: Pertaining to something
of the eyelids. Dimorphic: Organism that exists in two within cartilage.
Consensual: Of or relating to a reflexive different forms. Endocrine: Pertaining to a process by
response of one body structure after stim- Discospondylitis: Infection of the spinal which cells secrete hormone into blood
ulation of another. vertebrae and intervertebral disks. or lymph that affects another tissue in
Contralateral: The side opposite the Diuresis: Increased production and excre- the body.
affected side. tion of urine. Endometritis: Inflammation in the lining
Contusion: A bruise. Dyschezia: Abnormal passage of feces tissue of the uterus.
Coprophagia: Consumption of fecal through the rectum. Endophyte: A bacterium or fungus that
matter. Dyscrasia: Pertaining to an abnormal con- lives within a plant for at least part of its
Costochondral: The hyaline joints dition of blood or bone marrow. life without causing apparent disease.
between the ribs and the costal cartilage. Dysecdysis: Abnormal shedding of skin in Endotoxin: A toxic substance bound to a
Creatinine: A substance formed from the reptiles. bacterial wall that is released when the
metabolism of creatine found in muscle Dysmature: Relating to or characteristic of bacterium ruptures or disintegrates.
tissue, blood, and urine. faulty embryonic development. Enophthalmos: A posterior displacement
Crepitus: Sound resembling a crackling Dysphagia: Difficulty swallowing. of the eye within the socket.
noise. Dystocia: Difficult birthing caused by Enterotoxogenic: Bacteria producing an
Cruciate ligaments: Intraarticular liga- obstruction of the birthing canal. enterotoxin.
ments found within the knee joint. Dysuria: Painful urination. Entropion: Inversion, most commonly of
Cryptorchid: A condition in which one or Ecdysis: Shedding of skin in reptiles. the eyelid.
both testicles are not descended into the Echogenicity: The property of a tissue that Enucleation: Removal of the eyeball.
scrotum of a male animal. allows it to reflect ultrasound waves. Epiphora: An overflow of tears onto the
Cull: To select from a group based on spe- Ectoparasite: A parasite that lives on the face.
cific criteria. surface of a host’s skin. Epiphysis: The enlarged proximal and dis-
Curettage: The process of scraping to Ectotherm: An animal that maintains its tal ends of long bones.
remove material from the wall of a space, body temperature by absorbing heat from Epistaxis: To bleed from the nose.
usually an abscess or cyst. its environment. Eructate: The release of gas from the diges-
Cyanosis: A condition in which the Ectropion: Eversion, most commonly of tive tract through the mouth.
mucous membranes take on a bluish color the eyelid exposing the lining of the eyelid Erythema: An abnormal increase in the
because of inadequate oxygen in blood. and the surface of the eye. number of red blood cells; usually used
Cyclophotocoagulation: Photocoagula- Edema: A condition of abnormally large to denote redness of skin; tissue redness
tion by directing a laser through the pupil fluid volume in the tissues. caused by congestion of the capillaries.
to destroy individual ciliary processes. Effusion: Escape of fluid into a body cavity. Eustachian: The tube that links the naso-
Cystitis: Inflammation of the bladder. Electromyogram: A record of the intrinsic pharynx to the middle ear.
Cystocentesis: The process of removing electrical activity within a skeletal muscle. Eversion: Turning inside out.
urine directly from the bladder with a Electroretinogram: A test in which elec- Excoriation: A lesion to the surface of the
syringe and needle. trodes placed on the cornea measure elec- body usually resulting from scratching or
Cystotomy: Incision of the urinary blad- trical responses to light to detect abnormal abrasion.
der, often to remove a bladder stone. retinal function. Exudate: Material (fluid or other) dis-
Debride: To remove dirt, foreign objects, Emaciation: Excessive leanness associated charged from a blood vessel or damaged
or damaged tissue from a wound to with malnutrition or chronic disease; low cellular membranes.
promote healing; the first stage of wound body condition score. Fasciculation: A localized, uncontrollable
treatment. Embolism: A blood clot that forms within twitching of a single muscle group ener-
Debridement: The process of removing the vessel and breaks loose to travel to vated by a single motor neuron.
dirt, foreign objects, and damaged tissue other tissues, where it becomes lodged. Fibrillation: Rapid chaotic beating of the
from a wound. Embryonated: An egg containing an heart muscle in which the affected heart
Decussate: To cross in the form of an X. embryo (immature form). may stop pumping blood.

Fistula: An abnormal passage from an inter- Hemoptysis: Coughing up blood from the Immunocompetence: The ability of an
nal body organ to the outside of the body. respiratory tract. immune system to mobilize and deploy
Fistulated: Having an abnormal passage Hen: Any female fowl. its antibodies and other responses to stim-
between an internal organ and the surface Hepatomegaly: Enlargement of the liver. ulation by antigens.
of the body or between two internal Herbivore: Animal that feeds only on grass Incipient: Beginning to exist or appear.
organs. or plants. Incontinence: Inability to control the
Flaccid: Weakness or paralysis and reduced Herbivorous: Feeding on plants. bladder or urination.
muscle tone without obvious cause. Herniation: A protrusion of a body organ Infraorbital: Pertaining to the area of tissue
Flaccid paralysis: An abnormal condition or part through an abnormal opening in a beneath the socket of the eye.
of weakening or loss of muscle tone. muscle, membrane, or other tissue. Infundibulum: A funnel-shaped structure.
Flatulence: Expulsion through the rectum Herpetologist: An individual who special- Insidious: Gradual and harmful.
of a mixture of gases that are the bypro- izes in the study of reptiles, amphibians, Inspissated: Being thickened, dried, or
ducts of the digestive process of animals. crocodilians, and turtles. made less fluid by evaporation.
Fomite: Nonliving materials that may Holosystolic: Occurring throughout the Interdigital: The area between two digits.
transmit micro-organisms. entire period of systole; usually used to Intraarticular: Within a joint.
Galactostasis: Stopping of milk produc- describe heart murmurs. Intromittant organ: General term for an
tion in the mother. Holter monitor: A cardiac monitor that external male organ that delivers sperm
Gangrenous: Necrosis or death of soft records a continuous heart rhythm during during copulation.
tissue caused by obstructive circulation a specific period such as during exercise Intussusception: A medical condition in
usually followed by decomposition and or normal activity. which part of the intestine telescopes into
putrefaction. Homeostasis: A relative constancy in the another part.
Gastroenteritis: Inflammation of the internal environment of the body. Involute: To roll inward on itself.
stomach and the intestines. Humoral: Aspect of immunity that is Isoerythrolysis: A condition in which red
Gilt: A young female swine. mediated by secreted antibodies. blood cells are destroyed by isoantibodies
Gingivitis: Inflammation of the free gum Husbandry: The science, skill, or art of (antibodies produced against the animals
margins close to the teeth. animal keeping. own red blood cells).
Glaucoma: An eye disease in which Hyaline: Pertaining to substances that are Keratitis: Inflammation of the cornea of
increased intraocular pressure results in clear or glasslike. the eye.
damage to the optic nerve. Hypercalciuria: The presence of unusually Keratoconjunctivitis: Inflammation of the
Gluconeogenesis: The formation of gly- large amounts of calcium in urine. cornea and conjunctiva.
cogen from fatty acids and proteins. Hyperechoic: Increased reflection of ultra- Kindling: Giving birth.
Glycosuria: Sugar in urine. sound waves. Lacrimal: Paired glands of the eye that
Gonadotropin: A hormonal substance that Hyperemia: Excessive amount of blood in secrete the aqueous layer of tear film.
stimulates the function of the testes or the tissues; skin usually is red and warm. Lacrimation: Secretion and discharge of
ovaries. Hyperkeratosis: Overgrowth of the corni- tears.
Gout: A disease associated with the deposi- fied epithelial layer of the skin. Lactation: The production of milk by the
tion of uric acid or metabolites within Hyperplasia: Proliferation of cells that mammary glands.
tissue or joints. results in the gross enlargement of an Laminitis: Inflammation of the lamina
Granuloma: A chronic inflammatory organ. within the hoof.
lesion characterized by an abnormal accu- Hypertrichosis: Abnormal amount of hair. Laparotomy: Any surgical incision into
mulation of macrophages. Hypertrophic: Pertains to an increase in the peritoneal cavity.
Gynecomastia: Enlargement of breasts size, function, or structure. Lavage: Irrigation or washing out of an
caused by hormonal imbalance or hor- Hypertrophy: Increase in the size of an organ.
mone therapy. organ caused by enlargement of its com- Leukocytosis: Abnormal increase in the
Halitosis: Offensive breath usually from ponent cells. number of circulating white blood cells.
poor hygiene or dental disease. Hypervolemia: An increase in the amount Lipolysis: The breakdown of fats.
Hematochezia: Passage of red blood of intravascular fluid, specifically the vol- Luxation: Dislocation (usually of a joint).
through the rectum usually from the colon ume of blood within the vasculature. Lysis: The breaking down of a cell.
or the rectum. Hyphema: Hemorrhage into the anterior Macule: A small, flat blemish that is level
Hematuria: The abnormal presence of chamber of the eye usually from trauma. with the surface of the skin.
blood in urine. Hypovolemia: A decrease in the amount of Malaise: The general feeling of illness
Hemilaminectomy: Removal of a verte- intravascular fluids. often resulting in lethargy.
bral lamina on one side only. Icterus: Pertaining to jaundice (a yellow Malignancy: Disease in which abnormal
Hemiplegia: Total paralysis of the limbs color related to increased levels of biliru- cells divide without control and invade
and trunk on the same side of the body. bin in the blood or tissue). other tissue.
Hemopoietic: Related to the process of for- Idiopathic: Without a known cause. Malocclusion: An undesirable relative
mation and development of various types Ileus: An obstruction of the intestine; lack positioning of the upper and lower teeth
of blood cells. of motility in the bowel. when the jaw is closed.

Malodorus: Having a bad odor. Nephrosis: Inflammation of the kidney. Papule: A circumscribed, solid elevation of
Malpresentation: Abnormal presentation Neuromuscular junction: Area of contact skin with no visible fluid.
of the fetus during the birthing process. between the myelinated nerve and the Parenteral: Pertaining to treatment other
Melena: Abnormal tarry, black stool usually skeletal muscle cell. than through the digestive system.
caused by the presence of digested blood. Neuronophagia: Destruction of nerve Paresis: Motor weakness or partial
Mesenchymal: Tissue derived from the cells by phagocytes. paralysis.
mesoderm. Nidus: The point of origin of a morbid Paroxysmal: A marked, usually episodic
Mesothelioma: A rare malignant tumor of process. increase in symptoms.
the mesothelium of the pleura or peritoneum, Nodulectomy: Removal of a small, node- Passerine: Perching song birds such as
usually the result of asbestos exposure. like structure. jays, finches, canaries, blackbirds; make
Metabolic: Relating to or typical of Nystagmus: Involuntary, rhythmic move- up more than one-half of all bird species.
metabolism. ment of the eyes. PCR: Polymerase chain reaction; used
Metastasis: The spread of cancer from the Obstipation: A condition of extreme con- to identify specific parts of deoxyribo-
original tumor to other parts of the body. stipation caused by obstruction of the nucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid
Metastatic: Describing tumor cells that intestinal tract. (RNA).
spread throughout the body. Obtundation: The use of an agent that Pedunculated: Pertaining to a structure
Methemoglobinemia: A blood disorder in soothes or reduces irritation by blocking with a stalk.
which an abnormal amount of methemo- the sensibility at some level of the central Pericarditis: Inflammation of the pericar-
globin, a form of hemoglobin, is produced. nervous system. dial tissue surrounding the heart.
Metritis: Inflammation of the wall of the Occlusal: Refers to the masticating (chew- Perineal: Area adjacent to the distal portion
uterus. ing) surface of the tooth. of the gastrointestinal and urogenital
Mitacide: Chemical that will kill mites. Olfactory: Pertaining to the sense of smell. systems.
Morbidity: The presence of illness; the rate Oliguria: Decreased ability for urine pro- Perineum: Portion of the body in the pelvis
that illness occurs within a population. duction and excretion. occupied by the urogenital passages and
Mucopurulent: A combination of mucus Omnivorous: Feeding on plants and ani- the rectum.
and pus. mal matter. Periodontal: Pertaining to the area around
Multiparous: Having given birth two or Oncology: A branch of medicine con- the tooth (gums).
more times. cerned with the study of cancers. Periorbital: Surrounding the socket of the
Myeloencephalitis: Inflammation of the Oocysts: A stage in the development of a eye.
spinal cord and the brain. sporozoan in which a zygote develops en- Peritonitis: Inflammation of the lining tis-
Myelogram: A radiograph taken after the closed within a cyst wall after fertilization. sue of the abdomen.
injection of a radiopaque substance into Opacity: The degree to which light is not Perivasculitis: Inflammation of the tissue
the subarachnoid space to demonstrate allowed to travel through a structure. surrounding large blood vessels.
any distortion of the spinal cord, spinal Oropharynx: Cavity of the mouth and part Petechia/Petechiae: A small red or purple
nerves, or the subarachnoid space. of the pharynx. spot on the skin caused by the release into
Myelosuppression: Bone marrow sup- Ossicle: A small bone. the skin of a very small quantity of blood
pression; suppression of cells that carry Osteopathy: Related to disease of bone. from a capillary.
oxygen and provide immunity. Osteoporosis: A condition involving an Phallus: Penis.
Myiasis: Infestation by larvae of flies usu- abnormal loss of bone density. Phlebotomy: Incision of a vein for letting
ally through a wound or ulcer. Osteotomy: Sawing or cutting of bone. of blood (usually by use of a needle).
Myocarditis: Inflammation of the heart Otoscope: Instrument used to examine the Photoperiod: Light cycle.
muscle. ear canal. Photophobia: Abnormal intolerance to
Myopathy: An abnormal condition of skel- Ovariohysterectomy: Surgical removal of visual light; discomfort in bright light.
etal muscle characterized by weakness, the ovaries and the uterus. Photopigments: A light-absorbing chemi-
wasting, and histologic changes. Ovariosalpingectomy: Surgical removal cal that converts light into biochemical
Myositis: Inflammation of muscle tissue. of an ovary and the corresponding oviduct. energy; the rods and cones in the retina
Nasopharynx: Cavity of the nose and part Oviposition: The act of laying or deposit- of the eye.
of the pharynx. ing eggs. Pica: Craving to eat nonfood substances
Nebulization: A method of delivery of a Palpebral: Pertaining to the eyelids. such as clay or dirt.
drug by spraying it into the respiratory Panleukopenia: Decrease in all white Placentitis: Inflammation of the placenta.
passages of the patient; to reduce a liquid blood cells. Plantar: Pertaining to the sole of the foot.
to a fine spray for medical use. Panniculus: A sheet or layer of tissue; Pleurodont: Describes teeth that are not
Necropsy: Term used for autopsy of a spe- refers to the reflex movement of this layer rooted in the jawbone but are fused to its
cies other than human. when stimulated. inner side.
Necrosis: Localized tissue death in Panosteitis: Inflammation of the entire Pliable: Flexible and easily bent or molded.
response to injury or disease. bone. Pneumatic: Pertaining to air or gas.
Neonatal: Pertaining to the first 4 weeks Pansystemic: Involvement of all body Pneumonitis: Inflammation of the lung.
after birth. systems. Pododermatitis: Inflammation of the feet.

Poikilocytosis: Abnormal variation in the Scutes: A bony external plate or scale, as Tapetum: The reflective part of the choroid
shape of erythrocytes in blood. on the shell of a turtle or skin of a layer that reflects visible light in the eye of
Polypeptide: A chain of amino acids crocodilian. many mammals.
linked by peptide bonds. Sebaceous: Pertaining to sebum-secreted Taurine: A derivative of the amino acid
Polyphagia: Excessive uncontrolled eating. from glands in the dermis. cysteine used in the synthesis of bile salts.
Postictal: After a seizure. Sebum: Oily substance that prevents hair Tenesmus: Persistent, ineffectual spasms
Postpartum: After giving birth. and skin from drying out. of the bowel or bladder; straining to
Postprandial: After a meal. Septic: Related to causing sepsis. defecate.
Precordial thrill: A vibration of the chest Serosanguinous: Thin and red; composed Tenosynovitis: Inflammation of the fluid-
wall located over the heart. of blood and serum. filled sheath that surrounds the tendon.
Prolapse: Sliding of an organ from its nor- Signalment: The part of the medical his- Thoracocentesis: Removal of fluid from
mal position. tory dealing with the animal’s age, sex, the chest cavity.
Pruritus: The symptom of itching that and breed. Thoracostomy: An incision made into the
causes the desire or reflex to scratch. Spavin: A swelling; bone spavin—bony chest wall for the purpose of draining
Pseudopregnancy: False pregnancy. growth; bog spavin—soft tissue swelling. fluid.
Psittacine: Hookbill birds with characteris- Spectacle: The clear scale that covers the Thrombocytopenia: A decrease in the
tics of parrots; roughly 372 species in 86 eye globe of the reptile. number of thrombocytes.
genera make up this order. Spherocyte: Abnormally round red blood Thromboembolus: A blood clot within
Purulent: Producing or containing pus. cell containing more than normal amounts the blood vessel that may obstruct blood
Psycogenic: Disease of a psychological of hemoglobin. flow in the vessel.
origin rather than a physical one. Splenomegaly: Enlargement of the spleen. Thrombophlebitis: Vein inflammation
Pyoderma: A purulent skin infection. Spondylosis: A condition of the spine caused by a blood clot.
Pyogranulomatous: An inflammatory characterized by fixation or stiffening of Thrombosis: An abnormal vascular condi-
process in which polymorphonuclear cells a vertebral joint. tion in which a thrombus (clot) develops
infiltrate into a more chronic area of Spongiform: Resembling a sponge in within a blood vessel.
inflammation characterized by mononu- appearance. Thrombus: A clot that develops because of
clear cells, macrophages, lymphocytes, Squamous epithelium: A sheet of flat- an abnormal condition of the blood vessel.
and possibly plasma cells. tened, scalelike cells. Tophi: A deposit of monosodium urate
Regurgitate: Bring up partially digested Stertorous: Pertaining to a respiratory crystals in tissues.
food from the stomach to the mouth. effort that is strenuous; a snoring sound. Torticollis: An abnormal condition in
Remission: A partial or complete disap- Stomatitis: An inflammatory condition of which the head is inclined or pulled to
pearance of clinical and subjective charac- the mouth. one side because of contraction of muscles
teristics of a chronic or malignant disease. Strabismus: A disorder in which the two in the neck.
Retrobulbar: Behind the eyeball. eyes do not line up in the same direction. Toxicosis: Pathologic condition caused by
Retroperitoneal: Pertaining to organs Stranguria: Frequent, difficult, and painful the action of a poison or toxin.
closely attached to the abdominal wall passage of urine. Transudate: A fluid passed through a
and partially covered by the peritoneum. Stratum: A uniform sheet or layer. membrane or out of a tissue.
Rostral: A beak or beak-shaped part of an Stroma: A connective, supportive frame- Transfaunation: Replacing rumen micro-
organism situated toward the nasal area. work of a biologic tissue. organisms with contents taken from
Rooster: An adult male fowl. Subclinical: Pertaining to disease so mild another animal.
Ruminant: Any cud-chewing hoofed that it produces no symptoms. Trephination: Surgical excision of a circu-
mammal with an even number of toes Syncope: A brief lapse in consciousness; lar piece of bone or other tissue using a
and a stomach with multiple chambers. fainting. cylindrical saw.
Sacculated: Divided into a series of saclike Syndrome: The association of several clini- Urate: Any salt of uric acid.
dilations or pouches. cally recognizable features or signs obser- Urethrostomy: A surgical procedure used
Saprophyte: An organism that lives on ved by someone other than the patient. to create a permanent opening into the ure-
dead organic matter. Syrinx: The vocal organ of the bird. thra usually to remove obstructions.
Sarcoma: A malignant neoplasm of the Systemic: Pertaining to the entire body. Urodeum: The portion of the cloaca into
soft tissues arising from fibrous, fatty, Systolic: Pertaining to or resulting from which urine flows.
muscular, vascular, or neural tissue. contraction of the heart. Urolithiasis: Formation of stony masses in
Sarcomere: Contractile unit of skeletal Tachycardia: A heart rate faster than the urinary tract; stones in the urinary tract.
muscle. normal. Urticaria: Skin rash usually a result of aller-
Sclerosis: The hardening and thickening of Tachypnea: Rapid breathing. gic reaction, marked by itching and swell-
body tissue as a result of unwarranted Tachyzoites: A fast multiplication stage of ing (hives).
growth or deposition of minerals, espe- zoites in the life cycle of Toxoplasma gon- Uveitis: Inflammation of the uveal tissues
cially calcium. dii or Neospora caninum; found in tissues. of the eye.

Vestibular: Pertaining to the internal struc- Voracious: Insatiable appetite. Wheals: Itchy swelling on the skin that is
tures of the ear that control balance and the Waddles: Tissue that hangs under the man- raised and red; caused by an insect sting
sense of spatial orientation. dible of fowl; it moves side to side when or exposure to an allergen.
Visceral: Pertaining to internal organs in the bird walks. Zoonotic: Diseases that are transferable
the abdominal cavity. Wether: A castrated male sheep. from animals to humans.
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Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures, t indicate tables, and b indicate boxes.

A Adrenal glands (Continued) Anesthesia cautions, 147b

Abortions hypoadrenocorticism (Addison Annulus fibrosus, 144–145
in horses disease), 67–68, 67f, 68b Anoplocephala magna, 420
handling aborted fetal material/ location of, 66f Anoplocephala perfoliata, 420
placenta, 463b of ferrets, 241–242, 266 Anorexia, 359
viral, 463 Adrenocortical tumors, 242f Anterior chamber (eyes), 74
in sheep/goats, 510 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), 299 Anterior cruciate ligament injury, 127
Abscesses stimulation test, 67–68 Anterior uveitis, 84–85, 85b
aural, 371f, 387, 388f Adulticide, 191 Antibodies (immunoglobulins)
bite wounds (to animals), 254 for canine heartworm disease, 18 horses, 470
caseous Aeromonas species, 356, 373 immunoglobulin transfer (neonatal
iguanas, 376f Agalactia, 176 foals), 470
reptiles, 371 Aggressive supportive therapy, for feline neonatal isoerythrolysis, 470–471
in dogs/cats, prostatic abscessation, panleukopenia, 158 splenomegaly, 307
178 Air sacculitis, 333–334 Anticholinergic medications, 216b
in ferrets, 252 Alex (African gray parrot), 322 Antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin), 59,
in horses, hoofs, 447 Alimentary lymphoma, 94 203
in rabbits, 254–255 Allergic skin disease (atopic dermatitis), Antifungals, 398
tear duct, 254 102–103 Antivenom availability, 442
Accessory structures, of digestive system, Alopecia Aortic stenosis, 10–11
22 in dogs/cats Appetite, 359. See also Diet/dietary
Accommodation (vision), 74–75 demodectic mange, 106–107f, 107, management
Acepromazine, 467 107b APVD. See Avian polyomavirus
Acer rubrum (red maple) toxicosis, 434 fungal infections, 111, 111f Aquatic turtles. See under
Acne, 114 in ferrets Turtles/tortoises
Acoustic reflex testing, 152 adrenal gland disease, 241 Argasid species (soft ticks), 105–106,
ACTH. See Adrenocorticotropic hormone adrenocortical tumors, 242f 372
Actinobacillus species, 462 Amblyomma species, 105, 372, 437 Arginine vasotocin (AVT), 299
Acute death, stress-related, in birds, 289 Ameloblasts, 23 Arteriosclerosis, 229
Acute moist dermatitis (hot spots), γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), 507 Arteritis, in birds, 288
112–113 Aminoglycoside, 353 Arthritis, septic, in sheep/goats,
Acute renal failure Ammonium urates, 210 502–503
in dogs/cats, 211–214 Amputations, bone cancer, 138 Articular gout, 336
in ferrets, 276–277 Anal furunculosis, 55 Ascariasis, skin, 377
Addison disease (hypoadrenocorticism), Anal gland abscesses, 252 Ascaridia species, 297f
67–68, 67f, 68b Anal sacs/gland infections/impactions, Ascaris suum, in pigs, 533
Adenocarcinomas, 119–120 115–116, 115f Aspergillosis, 198–199, 199f, 327–328
intestinal, 41 Analgesics, 204 Aspergillus fumigatus, 198
mammary, 253, 267 Anemias Aspergillus species, 150, 327–328, 475
Adenomas, 119–120 in birds, 289, 306–307 Aspirin, in cats, 8b
perianal gland, 55–56 in dogs/cats, 88 Asthma, feline, 189–190
Adrenal glands caused by hemorrhage, 88 Ataxia, in bird, 323–324
of birds, 301 immune-mediated hemolytic, 90–91, Atlantoaxial subluxation (instability),
of dogs/cats, 66–69 90b 147–149, 148f
Cushing myopathy, 68f iron deficiency, 88–89 Atopic dermatitis (allergic skin disease),
hormones produced by, 66 tick-related, 105 102–103
hyperadrenocorticism (canine toxin-induced (Heinz body), 89–90 Atria, 2–3
Cushing syndrome), 68–69, 69b in pigs, 534–535 Atrial arrhythmias, 410–411, 411f


Atrial fibrillation (AF) Bacterial infections (Continued) Birds (Continued)

in canine dilated cardiomyopathy, 4 splenomegaly, 307 crop burns, 291, 292f
in dogs/cats, 15 systemic, in birds, 323 crop stasis, 291
in horses, 410–411 thrush, 448 enteritis, 294
Atrial flutter, 410 zoonotic, 329b, 330 hepatitis, 295–296, 296b
Atrial premature contractions, 15, 16f Bacterial pneumonia internal parasites, 296–297, 297f
Atrial septal defects, 10, 12f in hamster, 273, 273b normal stool (psittacines), 294f
Atrial tachycardia, 16f in rats, 273 obtaining fecal samples, 294b
Atrioventricular (AV) bundle, 2–3 Bacteriuria, 204 proventricular dilation disease
Atrioventricular (AV) septum, 2–3 Banamine (flunixin meglumine), 419b (macaw wasting disease), 293
Atrioventricular (AV) valve, 406 Baroreceptors, 229 regurgitation (courtship behavior),
Atrophic myositis, 137 “Bastard strangles”, 474 291
Aural abscesses, 371f, 387, 388f Beak disorders/deformities, 292–293 ears of
Auscultation, heart, 406b horny, 309 anatomy of, 304–305
Autotomy, tail, 344, 375 lateral deviation of maxilla (macaw), 292f otitis externa, 304–305
iguanas, 382, 382b, 382f mite infestations, 292 endocrine system of, 299–301
Avascular necrosis (Legg-Calve-Perthes Benign neoplasms, in dogs, 27, 27f adrenal gland, 301
disease), 133 Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 177, anatomy of, 299, 300b
Avian. See birds 217 diabetes mellitus, 300–301
Avian encephalomyelitis, 525–526 Bile duct, inflammation of, 48 hypothyroidism, 300
Avian influenza, 524–525 Biopsies pancreas, 300–301
Avian pasteurellosis (fowl cholera), liver, 295–296 thyroid gland, 299–300
520 muscle, 454 eyes/eyelids of
Avian polyomavirus (APVD), 326 Biosecurity measures abnormal palpebral fissure, 303, 303f
Avian pox, 522–523 equine infectious anemia, 433 anatomy of, 302–304
AVT. See Arginine vasotocin strangles, 475 cataracts, 304
Azidothymidine (AZT), 161b Birds conjunctivitis and
Azotemia, 211, 213 advice to clients wishing to purchase, keratoconjunctivitis, 303–304
Azoturia (rhabdomyolysis), 454 283, 283b periocular swelling, 303
Alex (African gray parrot), 322 periorbital swelling, 333
B anatomy of, 283, 284–286f feathers of
Babesia canis, 89, 89f bacterial infections in, 329–331 blood injury, 288
Babesia gibsoni, 89 chlamydiosis (psittacosis/parrot cysts, 311
Bacterial infections. See also under specific fever), 330–331 diseases, 310–311
animal species; specific infection; megabacteriosis, 330 filoplumes, 302
specific pathogen mycobacteriosis, 329 mutilation, 310, 310f
abortions, 462–463 normal flora, 329 fungal infections in, 327–329
bacterial (canine) cystitis, 205–206 pansystemic diseases, 329–331 aspergillosis, 327–328
bacteriuria, 204 beak deformities in, 292–293 candidiasis, 328–329
chlamydiosis (psittacosis/parrot fever), lateral deviation of maxilla (macaw), handling and restraint in
330–331 292f avoiding stress, 288–289b
discospondylitis (vertebral mite infestations, 292 dyspneic birds, 300b
osteomyelitis), 150–151 cardiovascular system of, 287–289 hematologic diseases of, 306–308
endocarditis, 407 acute death, stress-related, 289 anemia, 306–307
infectious tenosynovitis, 451–452 anemia, 289 hemochromatosis, 307
listeriosis, 506 arteritis, 288 review of hematology, 306–308, 307b
megabacteriosis, 330 heart anatomy, 287 husbandry in, 282–283
mycobacteriosis, 329 heart disease (general), 287–288 exercise, 282–283
myositis, 137 hemorrhage, 288 handling, 283
normal flora, 329 myocarditis, 288 housing, 282
pansystemic diseases, 329–331 pericarditis, 288 nutrition, 282
pneumonia, 395–396 cognitive and learning abilities in, 322 restraint, 283
pyelonephritis, 480 digestive system of, 290–298 immunological diseases of, 306–308
respiratory, 398 anatomy of, 290–297 immune-mediated conditions, 308,
septic arthritis, 502 cloacal papillomas, 295 308b
skin, 112, 252 cloacal prolapse, 294–295, 295f splenomegaly, 307–308

Birds (Continued) Bite wounds (to animals), 254 Bowed tendons, 451
integumentary system of, 309–314 Bites (to animals) Boxer right ventricular cardiomyopathy,
abnormalities in, 311 ferrets, 252 5–6, 6b
anatomy and physiology of, 309–310 snake bites to horses, 442 Boxer ulcers (indolent ulcers), 81
bumblefoot (pododermatitis), 311, Bites (to humans), rodents, 223b BPH. See Benign prostatic hyperplasia
311f Biting gnats, 435 Brachiocephalic breeds, bradycardia during
external parasites, 312–313, 312f Blackleg, 496–497 intubation with, 17b
fungal infections, 313 Bladder, 203. See also Urinary (renal) Bradycardia, sinus, 17, 17b
poxvirus infection, 311–312 system Brain disorders, dogs/cats, 141–144
psittacine beak and feather disease, dogs/cats anatomy of, 141
312 hypercontractile, 216 idiopathic epilepsy, 143–144
tumors, 313 ruptures, 210 idiopathic vestibular disease,
viral conditions, 311–313 horses 142–143
musculoskeletal system of, 315–321 prolapse, 480 neoplasia, 143
anatomy and physiology of, 315–321, rupture, 480 rating scale for evaluation of, 142t
316f urolithiasis, 481, 481f status epilepticus, 144
constrictive injuries, 320–321 lizards, 343–344 trauma, 141–142
lameness, 320 sheep/goats, rupture, 516 Brain tumor, in birds, 323
trauma, 315–320, 317–319f turtles/tortoises, 347 Breathing process. See also Respiratory
nasal discharge, 333 Bladder stones. See Urolithiasis system
neoplasia in (bladder stones) supplemental oxygen for reptiles, 398b
liver, 295–296 Blastomyces dermatitidis, 195 Breed/species predilections
ovarian, 338 Blastomycosis, 195–196, 196b birds, mycobacteriosis, 329
nervous system of, 322–324 endemic areas in United States, 195f dogs/cats
anatomy of, 322–324 pyogranulomatous inflammation, 196f acute moist dermatitis (hot spots),
ataxia and head tilt, 323–324 Bleeding from eyes, 245b 112–113
paresis of one limb, 323 Bleeding from nose (epistaxis), 185, 473 cervical spondylomyelopathy, 149
seizures, 322–323 Blepharitis chylothorax, 193
overview of, 281–286 in dogs/cats, 78 collapsing trachea, 188–189
reproductive system of, 335–336 in rabbits, 246 deafness, 152
common diseases, 336–339 Blindness/vision loss, after seizures, 143 entropion and ectropion, 78–79
egg binding and dystocia, 336–337, Bloat, 484–485 facial nerve paralysis, 155
337f Blood, 88 hypertrophy of nictitans gland
egg yolk peritonitis, 338 Blood-borne parasites, 89, 89–90f (cherry eye), 79–80
excessive egg laying, 337–338 Blood collection, 306 idiopathic epilepsy, 143–144
ovarian neoplasia, 338 Blood diseases. See Hematologic diseases keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eyes),
prolapse of oviduct, 337 Blood feather, 309–310 82–83, 83b
sexing psittacines, 339 injury, 288 laryngeal paralysis, 153
testicular neoplasia, 339 “Blue eye”, 534 megaesophagus, 153–154
respiratory system of, 332–334 Bog spavin, 453 progressive retinal atrophy, 85
air sacculitis and pneumonia, Bone (jack) spavin, 453 skin tumors, 116–120
333–334 Bones. See also Musculoskeletal system skinfold pyoderma, 114
anatomy and physiology of, dogs/cats horses
332–334 anatomy of, 123 combined immunodeficiency
handling and restraint, cautions for, common fractures, 125f syndrome, 471
332 long bone fractures, 124–127 headshaking, 461
rhinitis, 333 osteochondrosis dissecans, 133 hyperkalemic periodic paralysis,
urinary system of, 336 panosteitis (endosteosis, eosinophilic 460–461
visceral and articular gout, 336 panosteitis), 133–135, 136f narcolepsy, 458
urogenital system of, 335–339 tumors, 137–138 navicular syndrome, 447–448
viral infections in oral trauma and, 26 tying up (rhabdomyolysis), 454b
avian polyomavirus (APVD), 326 Bordetella bronchiseptica, 186f, 188b Wobbler syndrome, 458
exotic Newcastle disease (END), 327 Bordetella species, 303–304 Brucella canis, 150, 175, 177
Pacheco disease (herpesvirus), Borreliosis (Lyme disease), 169–170, 170b Brucellosis, in sheep/goats, 510
326–327 Bots, in horses, 420–421 Brumation, 348
pansystemic, 325–327 Botulism, in chickens, 526 Bucked shins, 450

Bumblefoot (pododermatitis), 236, 288, Canine urolithiasis (bladder stones) Castration. See also Spaying/neutering
311, 311f, 524 (Continued) sheep/goats
Bundle of His, 2–3, 406 stone analysis, 211 improper, 516
Burns struvite (magnesium ammonium before puberty, 516
electrical and chemical, 26 phosphate), 210 urinary tract problems, 515
thermal, turtles, 379 urates, 210 Cataracts
Bursa of Fabricius, 335–336 Cannon bones, 444–445 in birds, 304
bucked shins, 450 in dogs/cats, 74–75, 83–84
C Caprine arthritis encephalitis, 503
Caprine pleuropneumonia, contagious, 513
in ferrets, 243–244
in horses, 431, 431b
Calcification of lateral cartilages (sidebone),
448–449, 449f Caprines. See Sheep/goats in rodent, 245, 245b
Calcitonin, 299–300 Carapace, 345 in sheep/goats, 494
Calcium-to-phosphorus (Ca/P) ratio, Carcinomas, 116 in snakes, 367–368, 367f
problem with, 491–492 basal cell, 117 Catheters
Calicivirus, 75, 191–193 squamous cell, 27 in dogs/cats, indwelling, 204b, 206f
Campylobacter species Cardiac arrhythmias, 14–15, 16f, 410–411 length of placement of, 410b
in ferrets, 233 horses, 410–411 Cats. See Dogs/cats
in sheep/goats, 510, 510b Cardiac sphincter, 23 Cecotrophs, 224
Canal of Schlemm, 74 Cardiomyopathy Cecum, 42
Cancellous bone, 123 of dogs/cats, 3–8 Celiotomy, for iguanas, 358
Cancer, 117. See also Neoplasia; specific type hypertrophic, 531 Central nervous system (CNS)
of cancer of rabbits, 229 of dogs/cats, 140–156
benign/malignant (definitions), 116 of snakes, 351 of ferrets, 262
bone, 137–138 Cardiovascular system. See also under of horse, 406
carcinoma. (see Carcinomas) specific species or by specific disease/ of rabbits
fibrosarcomas, in mice, 253 disorder/infection encephalitozoonosis, 263–264
lymphomas/lymphosarcoma. of birds, 287–289 neurologic signs, 263
(see Lymphomas/lymphosarcoma) of chickens, 519–520 spinal disease, 264, 264b
sarcomas, 116 of dogs/cats, 1–20 Cere, 332
Candida albicans, 328 of ferrets, 226–228 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 150
Candida species, 328 of hamsters, 228 Cervical spinal cord diseases, 147
Candidiasis, 328–329 of horses, 405–412 Cervical spondylomyelopathy
Canine. See Dogs/cats of lizards, 343–344 (Wobbler syndrome), 149
Canine (bacterial) cystitis, 205–206 of pigs, 530–531 Cervical tumors, 180
Canine breed predilections, for congestive of rabbits, 229 Cestodes, 297f, 355b
heart disease, 8t of reptiles, 350–351 Hymenolepis, 238
Canine conjunctivitis, 75 of rodents, 228–229 Cheek pouch impactions (hamsters), 253
Canine dilated cardiomyopathy, 4–5 of snakes, 350–351 Chelonians. See Turtles/tortoises
Canine distemper, 164–165 of turtles/tortoises, 347, 351 Chemical burns, oral trauma and, 26
in ferrets, 233, 270–271, 271b, 271f Cartilage Chemosis, 75
Canine granulocytic ehrlichiosis, 169 damage from fluoroquinolone use, 166b Chemotherapy, 119b
Canine heartworm disease, 18–19, 18–19b dogs/cats Cherry eye (hypertrophy of nictitans
compared to feline, 190t endochondral ossification failure, 135f gland), 79–80, 533
Canine hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 5 ischemic myelopathy due to Cheyletiella parasitovorax, 257
Canine influenza, 187–188, 188b fibrocartilaginous embolism, 151 Chickens, 518–527, 519b
Canine lymphoma, 95–96 osteochondrosis dissecans, 133 anatomy of, 519
Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis, 168, 168b horses bumblefoot (plantar pododermatitis) in,
Canine parvovirus, 158b, 165–167, 165f ossification/calcification of, 449f 524
handling/management of animals with, sidebone (calcification of lateral cardiovascular system of, 519–520
167b cartilages), 448–449 endocarditis, 520
isolation for, 166b Caseous abscesses heart failure, 519
use of fluoroquinolones, 166b iguanas, 376f pericarditis, 520
use of subcutaneous fluids, 166b reptiles, 371 digestive system of, 520–522
vaccine problems for, 166b Caseous lymphadenitis, in sheep/goats, coccidiosis, 522
Canine urolithiasis (bladder stones), 210 495–496, 496b crop impaction, 520
calcium oxalate, 210 Cast/casting, 125, 125b diarrhea, 520

Chickens (Continued) Claws, 102, 375 Congestive heart disease (Continued)

necrotic enteritis (enterotoxemia), 521 Cloaca canine breed predilections for, 8t
parasites, 521–522 birds causes of, 9
salmonellosis (pullorum disease), 521 anatomy and physiology of, 335 patent ductus arteriosus, 9–10, 10f
diseases of, 519 papillomas, 295 persistent right aortic arch, 13
eyes of, 522–523 prolapse, 294–295, 295f pulmonic and aortic stenosis, 10–11
avian pox, 522–523 iguanas, penile prolapse, 358f stenotic valves, 10–11
conjunctivitis, 522 lizards, anatomy and physiology of, subaortic stenosis, 11
feeding of, 519 343–344 tetralogy of Fallot, 11–13, 12b, 15f
housing for, 519 snakes, prolapse, 390–391 Congestive heart failure (CHF), 4
Marek’s disease in, 522, 525 Closed fractures, 124 snakes, 351
musculoskeletal system of, 523–524 Clostridia species, 137 Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
infectious tenosynovitis, 523–524 in horses, 422 in birds, 303–304
trauma, 523 Clostridium perfringens, 487 in chickens, 522
nervous system of, 524–526 Clostridium piliforme, 235 in dogs/cats, 75–76, 76f
avian encephalomyelitis, 525–526 Clostridium tetani, 460, 507 in ferrets, 244
avian influenza, 524–525 Clotting disorders, thrombophlebitis, 410 in horses, 430
botulism, 526 CNS. See Central nervous system keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eyes),
Newcastle disease, 525 Coat color, 102 82–83, 83b
reproductive system of, 526–527 Coccidia species, 238, 359 in rabbits, 246
egg binding, 526 Coccidioides immitis, 196 in rodent, 245, 245b
soft shelled or shell-less eggs, 526–527 Coccidiomycosis, 196–197, 197f in sheep/goats, 494
urogenital system of, 527 Coccidiosis Constipation
renal failure, 527 in chickens, 522 in canine, 44–45
Chlamydia psittaci, 75, 330, 510 in sheep/goats, 488 in iguanas, 357
Chlamydia species, 246, 303–304 Coffin bone, 444–445, 452 in pigs, 532
Chlamydiosis Colibacillosis, 532 Constrictive injuries, in birds, 320–321
psittacosis/parrot fever, 330–331 Colic, 417–419, 419b Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia, 513
sheep/goats, 510 displacement or entrapment, 418 Contagious ecthyma (sore mouth, orf), 498,
Chlorhexidine, 387 gas (spasmodic), 418 498b, 499f
Choke, 416–417, 416f, 417b impaction, 418 Contagious equine metritis, 463, 463f
Cholangiohepatitis, 48 infectious or inflammatory, 418 Coonhound paralysis
Chordate tendineae, ruptured, 408, 409f necrotic, 418 (polyradiculoneuritis), 154–155
CHP. See Coonhound paralysis use of Banamine, 419b COPD. See Chronic obstructive pulmonary
Chromodacryorrhea, in rodent, 245, 245b Colitis, 31 disease
Chronic kidney disease, in pigs, 543 Collapsing trachea, 188–189 Coprophagia, 224
Chronic mitral valve insufficiency, 13–14 Colon, 42. See also Cloaca Cornea
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease of herbivorous lizards, 343–344 in birds, 302
(heaves), 475–476 of horses, 414, 414f in dogs/cats, 74, 77, 81
Chronic periodontal disease, chronic mitral Color vision chronic superficial keratitis (pannus),
valve insufficiency in, 13 of birds, 302 82
Chronic progressive nephrosis, in rodent, of dogs/cats, 75, 85 effects of entropion/ectropion on, 78
278, 278t Colostrum, 470 keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eyes),
Chronic renal failure Combined immunodeficiency syndrome 82–83, 83b
in dogs/cats, 214–215 (CID), 471 problems of facial folds to, 114
in ferrets, 277 Comminuted fractures, 124, 125f ulcerative keratitis (corneal ulcers),
Chronic respiratory disease, in rats, 272 Compact bone, 123 81–82
Chronic superficial keratitis (pannus), 82 Congenital conditions in horses, 428
Chylothorax, 193 dogs, patellar luxations, 128 ulcers, 430, 430b, 430f
Chyme, 23 snakes, cardiovascular, 351 in snakes, 366
CID. See Combined immunodeficiency valvular disease, 407 lesions of, 367
syndrome Congenital heart defects, in pigs, 530 retained spectacles, 366–367
Circulatory failure, 4 Congenital malformations, 3 Corpora nigra, 428–429
Circulatory system. See Cardiovascular Congestive heart disease, 8–13 Cortex (kidneys), 203
system atrial and ventricular septal defects, Cortical nephrons, 335
Claviceps purpurea, 504 10, 12f Corynebacterium kutscheri, 272

Corynebacterium species, 150, 373 Degus (trumpet tail rats), 243 Diet/dietary management (Continued)
Coughing, 189 Dehorning, in sheep/goats, 512 in dogs/cats
Craniocaudal hip luxation, 135 Dehydration, 486 feline cystitis, 204
Craniocerebral trauma, 142t Demodectic mange urolith prevention, 206
Craniodorsal hip luxation, 135 in dogs/cats, 106–108, 106–107f, 107b feeding live versus prekilled prey, 355
Crop in pigs, 536 in ferrets, 220
burns, 291–292, 292f Dental anatomy, 531–532 in gerbils, 222
impaction, in chickens, 520, 520b Dental disease. See Teeth/dental disease in hamsters, 222
stasis, 291 Dermacentor andersoni, 154 in horses, 414
Cruciate ligament injuries Dermacentor species, 437 gastric ulcers, 417
extraarticular stabilization technique, Dermacentor variabilis, 105 ulcer prevention, 417
128 Dermatomycoses, superficial, 111–112 Wobbler syndrome, 458
intraarticular stabilization technique, 128 Dermatophilosis in nutritional muscular dystrophy, 503
Cryptococcosis, 198 in horses, 437–438, 438–439f in rabbits, intermittent diarrhea, 238
canine, 198 in sheep/goats, 499 in rats and mice, 221–222
feline, 198 Dermatophilus congolensis, 437–438 in reptiles, 341–342
Cryptococcus neoformans, 198, 198f Dermatophytosis, in rabbits, 256, 256b in rodent, 222
Cryptophthalmos, 303 Dermis, 101f, 102 in turtles, 348
Cryptorchid, dogs, 179 Descemet membrane, 74 Dietary deficiencies, 357
Cryptorchidism, 467 Dexamethasone suppression test, 69, 69b calcium, 454
Ctenocephalides species, 252 Diabetes mellitus (DM). See also insulin hypovitaminosis A, 361
Culicoides, 435 entries; Insulin therapy iodine, 364
Cushing disease (hyperadrenocorticism), in birds, 300–301 nutritional hyperparathyroidism, 454
243 in degus (trumpet tail rats), 243 rhabdomyolysis, 454
Cushing myopathy, in dogs/cats, 68f in dogs/cats, 62–64 of snakes, 350
Cushing syndrome in reptiles, 365 splint formation, 450
canine, 68–69, 69b in turtles/tortoises, 365 taurine, 244
equine, 425, 425f use of phenylpropanolamine, 216b Dietary-induced intestinal disease, 38–39
Cuterebra (warbles) Diarrhea Dietary intolerance, 38–40
in dogs/cats, 108–109, 109f in birds, 294 Diethylcarbamazine (DEC), in dogs, 19b
in rabbits, 257 in chickens, 520 Digestive system. See also Cloaca; Large
Cyathostomes, 419–420 in dogs/cats bowel diseases; Oral cavity; Small
Cystic calculi, 280f acute, 35 intestine; Stomach; Teeth/dental
in iguanas, 402 bacterial, 38, 38b disease; specific species or by specific
Cystitis, 203–206 parasitical, 35–37, 36–37f disease/disorder/infection
canine (bacterial), 205–206 sensitivity, 38–40 of birds, 290–298
feline (idiopathic/interstitial) cystitis, viral, 37–38 of chickens, 520–522
203–205 in ferrets, 233 of dogs/cats, 21–57
in ferrets, 277–278 handling feces of animals with, 486b of ferrets, 231–234
in horses, 479–480 in horses, 421–422 of iguanas, 356–358
in pigs, 542 clostridial infections, 422 of pigs, 531–533
Cystocentesis, 209b ehrlichiosis (Potomac horse fever), 422 of rabbits, 235–240
Cysts overuse of antibiotics for, 422b of reptiles, 352–363
of feather, 311 salmonellosis, 421–422, 421b of rodents, 234–235
sebaceous, 117 in iguanas, 357 of sheep/goats, 484–490
Cytauxzoon felis, 89 in sheep/goats, 486, 486f of snakes, 352–356
Cytauxzoon piroplasms, 90f Clostridium perfringens, 487 of turtles/tortoises, 358–362
cryptosporidiosis, 486–487 Dilated cardiomyopathy
D enterotoxigenic E. coli, 486, 486b canine, 4–5
Damalinia equi, 436 rotavirus, 486–487 feline, 6–7, 6–7b
DCM. See Dilated cardiomyopathy salmonellosis, 487 Dirofilaria immitis, 18, 190t, 228
Deafness. See Ears/hearing in turtles/tortoises, 358–359 Discospondylitis (vertebral osteomyelitis),
Deep pyodermas, 114–115 Dichelobacter nodosus, 501 150–151
Deer ticks (Ixodes species), 437 Diet/dietary management Displacement colic, 418
Degenerative myelopathy, 149–150 in birds, 282 Disseminated mycotic infections, in
Degenerative valvular disease, 407 beak deformities, 292 splenomegaly, 307

Distemper, canine, 164–165 Dogs/cats (Continued) Dogs/cats (Continued)

in ferrets, 233, 270–271, 271b, 271f sinus arrhythmia, 17 surgical correction of position of, 76
Distichiasis, 81 sinus bradycardia, 17, 17b ulcerative keratitis (corneal ulcers),
DM. See Diabetes mellitus stenotic valves, 10–11 81–82
Dogs/cats. See also canine and feline entries subaortic stenosis, 11 vascular layer of eye, 74–75
adrenal glands of, 66–69 tetralogy of Fallot, 11–13, 12b, 15f fractures in
Cushing myopathy, 68f thromboembolism, 7–8 common types, 125f
hormones produced by, 66 ventricular arrhythmias, 15–17 fixation methods, 123f, 125–126
hyperadrenocorticism (canine ventricular fibrillation, 17 fungal infections in
Cushing syndrome), 68–69, 69b ventricular premature complexes, 6, 6b dermatomycoses, 111–112
hypoadrenocorticism (Addison ventricular tachycardia, 15–17, 17f species common to dogs/cats,
disease), 67–68, 67f, 68b chronic renal failure in, 214–215 111–112, 111f
location of, 66f digestive system of, 21–57 transmission to humans, 111
bacterial infections in, myositis, 137 accessory structures, 22 hearing impairment/deafness, 152
bladder of anatomy of, 23 hematologic diseases in, 87–98
hypercontractile, 216 canine, 22f erythrocytes (red blood cells), 88–91
ruptures, 210 esophageal diseases, 28–29, 29b leukocytes (white blood cells), 91–93
blindness/vision loss after seizures, 143 large bowel diseases, 42–45 lymphoma, 94–97
brain of, 141–144 liver disease, 45–46, 50b thrombocytes (platelets), 91
anatomy of, 141 pancreatic dysfunction, 52–54 integumentary system of, 99–121
idiopathic epilepsy, 143–144 rectoanal disease, 54–56 acute moist dermatitis (hot spots),
idiopathic vestibular disease, 142–143 small intestine diseases, 35–42, 38b 112–113
neoplasia, 143 stomach diseases, 29–35 anal sacs/gland infections and
rating scale for evaluation of trauma tooth and oral diseases, 23–28, 24f impactions, 115–116, 115f
to, 142t endocrine system of, 58–72 anatomy of, 100–102, 100b
status epilepticus, 144 anatomy of, 59, 59f bacterial infections (pyodermas),
trauma, 141–142 esophageal diseases in, 28–29, 29b 112–115
canine uroliths, 210 esophageal obstruction, 29 functions of, 100, 101f
cardiovascular system of, 1–20 esophagitis, 28–29 papillomas (warts), 117
acquired valvular diseases, 13–14 gastroesophageal reflux, 28–29 skinfold pyoderma, 114
anatomy and physiology of, 2–4, 3f eye/eyelids in, 73–86 structures in animal skin, 102
atrial and supraventricular accommodation, 74–75 joints/joint injuries in
tachycardia, 16f anatomy of, 74–75, 74f anatomy of, 124
atrial and ventricular septal defects, 10, anterior uveitis, 84–85, 85b femoral head ostectomy, 132f
12f blepharitis, 78 hip dysplasias, 129–133
atrial fibrillation, 15 cataracts, 74–75, 83–84 Legg-Calve-Perthes (LCP) disease, 133
atrial premature contractions, 15, 16f categories of diseases of, 74 luxations, 128–129, 135–137, 137b
Boxer right ventricular chronic superficial keratitis (pannus), large bowel diseases in, 42–45
cardiomyopathy, 5–6, 6b 82 constipation, 44–45
canine breed predilections for, 8t color, 74, 85 inflammatory bowel disease, 42–43
canine dilated cardiomyopathy, 4–5 conjunctivitis, 75–76, 76f intussusception, 43
canine hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, cornea, 74, 77–78, 81 megacolon, 43–44, 43f, 44b
5 dilation of puncta/flushing of leukemia, feline leukemia virus (FeLV),
cardiac arrhythmias, 14–15, 16f nasolacrimal duct, 77f 89, 94
cardiomyopathy, 3–8 entropion and ectropion, 78–79 liver disease in, 45–46, 50b
congestive heart disease, 8–13 epiphora, 76–77 cholangiohepatitis, 48
electrocardiography in, 2–3, 2f function of, 74 drug or toxin-induced, 45–46
feline dilated cardiomyopathy, 6–7, glaucoma, 74, 80–81, 80–81b feline hepatic lipidosis, 48–50
6–7b hypertrophy of nictitans gland infectious canine hepatitis, 46–47
feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, (cherry eye), 79–80 leptospirosis, 47–48, 47f
7, 7b, 9f intraocular pressure, 74, 80 portosystemic shunts, 51–52
heart failure, 3–4, 4b keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eyes), treatment of, 49–50
heartworm disease, 18–20 82–83, 83b mange mites, 106
patent ductus arteriosus, 9–10, 10f nictitating membrane (third eyelid), 79 demodectic mange, 106–108,
persistent right aortic arch, 13 progressive retinal atrophy, 85 106–107f, 107b
pulmonic and aortic stenosis, 10–11 retina, 75 sarcoptic mange (scabies), 108, 108f

Dogs/cats (Continued) Dogs/cats (Continued) Dogs/cats (Continued)

musculoskeletal system of, 122–139 systemic control of, 104, 104b pseudopregnancy, 173–174, 174b
anatomy of, 123–124 ticks, 105–106 pyometra, 174–175, 174f
casts and splints, 125b types of, 103–111 vaginitis, 173
causes of disruption to, 123 parathyroid glands of, 69–71 respiratory system of, 182–201
cruciate ligament injuries, stabilization hypocalcemia (hypoparathyroidism), anatomy of, 183–184
techniques, 128 71 feline viral infections, 191
neuromuscular junction, 124f pancreatitis (acute), 71 fungal diseases, 195, 195f
osteochondrosis dissecans, 133 parathyroid-related disease, 71 lower respiratory tract, 184f, 186–200
panosteitis (endosteosis, eosinophilic primary hyperparathyroidism, 70–71, pleural effusion, 193–195
panosteitis), 133–135, 136f 70b upper respiratory tract, 183f,
myopathies, 137 puerperal tetany (eclampsia), 71 184–186
acquired, 137 renal failure (chronic/acute), 71 vaccine recommendations, 184,
immune-mediated, 137 patellar luxations in, 128–129 184b
inflammatory, 137 bone reconstruction, 129 rickettsioses in, 167–169
neoplasia in combined medial and lateral, or from canine granulocytic ehrlichiosis, 169
benign/malignant (definitions), 116 trauma, 129 canine monocytic ehrlichiosis, 168,
bone, 137–138 correction techniques, 129 168b
chemotherapy, 119b lateral (large and giant canine breeds), Rocky Mountain spotted fever,
skin, 116–120 129 167–168, 167b
tonsils, 185 lateral (toy and miniature canine small intestine diseases in, 35–42, 38b
nervous system of, 140–156 breeds), 128–129 acute diarrhea, 35
anatomy and physiology of, 141 medial (toy, miniature, large breed bacterial diarrhea, 38, 38b
neurons, 141 canines), 128 chronic enteropathies, 40, 40b
ovaries, 180 soft tissue techniques, 129 dietary intolerance or sensitivity
pancreas/pancreatic dysfunction in, peripheral nerve disorders (neuropathic diarrhea, 38–40
52–54, 62–66 syndrome) in, 151–155 intestinal lymphangiectasia, 40–41
anatomy of, 63f coonhound paralysis intestinal neoplasia, 41–42
diabetes mellitus, 62–64 (polyradiculoneuritis), 154–155 parasitical diarrhea, 35–37, 36–37f
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, 54 deafness, 152 viral diarrhea, 37–38
insulin shock (insulin overdose), facial nerve paralysis, 155 spinal column/spinal cord of
64–65 laryngeal paralysis, 153 anatomy of, 144, 145f
insulinoma, 65–66 megaesophagus, 153–154, 154b, anesthesia cautions, 147b
pancreatitis, 53, 53b 154f atlantoaxial subluxation (instability),
pansystemic diseases in, 157–171 metabolic neuropathy, 152–153 147–149, 148f
canine distemper, 164–165 tick paralysis, 154 cervical spondylomyelopathy
canine parvovirus, 158b, 165–167, 165f prostatic diseases of, 177 (Wobbler syndrome), 149
common, 158b benign prostatic hyperplasia, 177 degenerative myelopathy, 149–150
feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), priapism and paraphimosis, 179 diagnosis of injury to, 147b
161–162 prostatic abscessation, 178 discospondylitis (vertebral
feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), prostatic neoplasia, 178 osteomyelitis), 150–151
159–160 prostatitis, 177–178, 177f dysfunction of, 144–151
feline leukemia virus (FeLV), 160–161, rectoanal disease in, 54–56 intervertebral disk disease, 145–146,
161b perianal fistulas, 55 145f
feline panleukopenia (feline perianal gland adenomas, 55–56 ischemic myelopathy, 151
distemper), 158, 158b perineal hernias, 54–55, 55b ruptured annulus and extruded
Lyme disease (borreliosis), 169–170, reproductive system of, 172–181 nucleus, 145f
170b anatomy of, 173f surgical complications, 149b
rabies, 163–164 dystocia, 175–176 trauma, 146–147
rickettsioses, 167–169 eclampsia, 174 stomach diseases in, 29–35
toxoplasmosis, 162–163, 162f, 163b female, 173–177 acute gastritis, 30
parasitic infections in inappropriate maternal behavior, gastric dilation with volvulus, 32–34,
Cuterebra (warbles), 108–109, 109f 176 33f
ear mites, 103, 103f lactation disorders, 176–177 gastric neoplasia, 34–35
ectoparasites, 103–111 male, 177–179 gastric ulceration, 31–32, 32f
fleas, 103–105, 104f overview of, 172 immune-mediated inflammatory
myiasis (maggots), 109–110 pregnancy disorders, 175 bowel disease, 31

Dogs/cats (Continued) Dystocia (Continued) Electrodiagnostic testing, 152

thyroid gland of, 59–62 in horses, 464, 464b, 469 Electrolyte disturbances, 266
alopecia related to Cushing and in iguanas, 391, 391f Electroretinography (ERG), 83–84
hypothyroid diseases, 60b in sheep/goats, 509, 509b Embolisms
canine anatomy, 60f in snakes, 390 fibrocartilaginous, ischemic myelopathy
hyperthyroid disease, 61–62 Dysuria, 203–204 due to, 151
hyperthyroidism in dogs, 62 lumbosacral spinal cord, 151
hypothyroid disease, 59–61 Emergencies, status epilepticus, 144
palpation of older cats, 61b E Empyema, 193
side effects of antithyroid drug Ear mites horses, guttural pouch, 475
therapy, 62b in dogs/cats, 103, 103f Enamel, 23
stability of thyroid hormones, 60b in ferrets, 252 Encephalitis
tooth and oral diseases in, 23–28, 24f in rabbits, 256, 256f caprine arthritis, 503
gingivitis, 24–25 Ear ticks, Otobius megnini, 105 horses
lip-fold dermatitis, 25 Ears/hearing Eastern equine encephalomyelitis
oral neoplasms, 27–28 acoustic reflex testing, 152 (EEE), 457
oral trauma, 25–26 in birds, 304–305 equine protozoal myeloencephalitis
periodontal disease, 24, 24f in dogs/cats, 152 (EPM), 458–459
salivary mucocele, 26–27 in horses, 440f Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis
toxins, AZT and PMEA, 161b in lizards, 344 (VEE), 457
transmissible venereal tumor, 179 in snakes, 366 West Nile encephalitis, 457–458
urate uroliths, 210 Eastern equine encephalomyelitis (EEE), Western equine encephalomyelitis
urinary system of, 202–218 457 (WEE), 457
anatomy of, 203, 203–204f Eclampsia, 174 Encephalitozoon cuniculi, 263
cystitis, 203–206 Ectopic eggs, 338 END. See Exotic Newcastle disease
feline polymyopathy with renal Ectotherms, 343 Endocarditis
disease, 137 Ectropion, in dogs/cats, 78–79 bacterial, 407–408
hypercontractile bladder, 216 EEE. See Eastern equine encephalomyelitis chickens, 520
renal failure, 211–215 Effusion horses, 408f
urinary incontinence, 215–217, 216t guidelines for characterizing, 194t septic, 351
urinary tract infections, 205, 210 pleural, 193–195, 193b, 194f Endochondral ossification, 123
urine/urination, 203 Egg binding. See also Dystocia Endocrine system. See also under specific
inappropriate, 204 birds, 336–337, 337f species or by specific disease/
irritative voiding, 203–204 chickens, 526 disorder/infection
staining to, 209 turtles, 392 of birds, 299–301
uterus, 180 Egg laying of dogs/cats, 58–72
vaccinations, core vaccines for ectopic eggs, 337–338 of ferrets, 241–243
respiratory tract diseases, 184b egg yolk peritonitis, 338 of hamsters, 243
Drug-induced liver disease, 45–46 excessive, 316, 337–338 of horses, 424–427
Dry eyes (keratoconjunctivitis sicca), Egg yolk peritonitis, 338 of iguanas, 364
82–83, 83b Ehrlichia canis, 92 of reptiles, 364–365
Dry skin, pigs, 535–536 Ehrlichia equi, 169 of rodent, 243
Dummy foal syndrome (perinatal asphyxia Ehrlichia ewingii, 169 of sheep/goats, 491–492
syndrome), 469, 470f Ehrlichiosis, 92, 93f of snakes, 364
Duodenum, 23 canine of turtles, 365
Dutch type, of rabbits, 267 granulocytic, 169 Endometritis
Dysecdysis, in snakes, 371, 371f monocytic, 168, 168b in horses, 464
Dysphagia, 231, 416 in horses, 422 in rabbits, 268
Dysplasias, hip. See Hip dysplasias in humans, 168b Endophytes, 467
Dyspnea EIA. See Equine infectious anemia Endosteosis, 133–135
in birds, 333–334 Eimeria species, 297f Endotoxins, 452
in cats, 189b EIPH. See Exercise-induced pulmonary Entamoeba species, 359
radiography on, 19b hemorrhage Enteritis, 31
Dystocia. See also Egg binding Electrical burns, oral trauma and, 26 in birds, 294
in birds, 336–337, 337f Electrocardiography (ECG) in ferrets, 233
in dogs/cats, 175–176 in dogs/cats, 2–3, 2–3f proliferative, 233f
in female pigs, 540 in horses, 407, 407f Enteropathies, chronic, 40, 40b

Enterotoxemia (overeating disease), Esophageal diseases (Continued) False pregnancy (pseudopregnancy)

487 esophageal obstruction, 29 in dogs/cats, 173–174, 174b
Enterotoxigenic E. coli, 486, 486b esophagitis, 28–29 in rabbits, 268
Entrapment colic, 418 gastroesophageal reflux, 28–29 in sheep/goats, 492
Entropion in horses, choke, 416 Fasciculation, 242
in dogs/cats, 78–79 megaesophagus, 153–154, 154b, 154f Fatty liver, 49f
in horses, 429, 429b Esophageal obstruction, 29 Feathers, of birds
in sheep/goats, 493 Esophagitis, 28–29 blood, 309–310
Eosinophilic myositis, 137 Esophagus injury, 288
Eosinophilic panosteitis, 133–135 in dogs/cats, 23 cysts in, 311
Epidermis, 100, 101f in horses, 414 diseases in, 310–311
Epiglottic entrapment, 472–473 Estrogen toxicosis, in ferrets, 265–266, filoplumes, 302
Epiglottis, 183–184 266b, 266f mutilation in, 310, 310f
Epilepsy Estrous cycle Fecal flotation examination, in horses, 421b
idiopathic, 143–144 in ferrets, 265 Fecal samples, birds, 294b
status epilepticus, 144 in rabbits, 267 FECV. See Feline enteric coronavirus
Epiphora (excessive tear production), Euthanasia Feeding. See Diet/dietary management
76–77, 246 in birds with mycobacteriosis, 329 Feline. See Dogs/cats
Epiphyseal bone, 123 in horses with equine infectious anemia, Feline acquired immunodeficiency
Epistaxis (nosebleeds), 185, 473 433 syndrome, 96–97
Epizootic catarrhal enteritis, 233 in unvaccinated animal, 506 Feline asthma, 189–190
EPM. See Equine protozoal Exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage Feline Bordetella infection, 188
myeloencephalitis (EIPH), 476 Feline calicivirus (FCV), 191–193
Equine Cushing syndrome, 425, 425f Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, 54 lingual ulcers, 192f
Equine herpes viral myeloencephalopathy, Exotic Newcastle disease (END), 327 Feline conjunctivitis, 75
459 External parasites Feline dilated cardiomyopathy, 6–7, 6–7b
Equine herpes virus type 1 (EHV-1), in birds, 312–313, 312f Feline enteric coronavirus (FECV), 159
463 in dogs/cats Feline heartworm disease, 19–20, 19b,
Equine infectious anemia (EIA), 433, Cuterebra (warbles), 108–109, 109f 190–191
433b fleas, 103–105, 104f compared to canine, 190t
Equine influenza, 477 myiasis (maggots), 109–110 Feline herpes virus (FHV), 75, 191–192
Equine metabolic dysfunction (insulin skin, 103–111 Feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 7, 7b,
dysfunction), 426 systemic control of, 104, 104b 9f
Equine pituitary pars intermedia ticks, 105–106 Feline (idiopathic/interstitial) cystitis,
dysfunction (PPID), 425, 425f types of, 103–111 203–205
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis Extremities, fracture of, in iguanas, 383 Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV),
(EPM), 458–459 Eyes/eyelids. See also Vision; specific species 96–97, 161–162
Equine viral rhinopneumonitis, 477 or by specific disease/disorder/ transmission of, 161
Equines. See Horses infection Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), 159–160
Ergot toxicosis, in sheep/goats, 504 of birds, 302–304 wet and dry forms, 159
Erysipelas, 531 of chickens, 522–523 Feline leukemia virus (FeLV), 89, 94,
Erysipelas rhusiopathiae, 537 of dogs/cats, 73–86 160–161, 161b
Erythema (redness), 107 of ferrets, 244–245 active, 160–161
Erythrocyte (red blood cells) disorders, of horses, 428–432 public health significance of, 161b
88 of lizards, 344 Feline lower urinary tract disease, 203–204
anemias, 88 of pigs, 533–534 Feline lymphoma, 94
caused by hemorrhage, 88 of rabbits, 246–247 Feline panleukopenia (feline distemper),
immune-mediated hemolytic, 90–91, of rodent, 245–246 158, 158b
90b of sheep/goats, 493–494 Feline polymyopathy, 137
iron deficiency, 88–89 of snakes, 366 Feline urethral plugs, 209, 209b
toxin-induced (Heinz body), 89–90 cystocentesis, 209b
blood-borne parasites, 89, 89–90f use of anesthetic drugs in azotemic cats,
hemolysis, 89 F 209b
Escherichia coli, 150, 174, 177, 205, 294, Facial folds, 114 Feline urolithiasis (bladder stones),
303–304, 462 Facial nerve paralysis, 155 206–209
Esophageal diseases Failure of passive transfer (neonatal foals), struvite, 208
in dogs/cats, 28–29, 29b 470 Feline urological syndrome, 203–204

Feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR), 191–192 Ferrets (Continued) Footrot, infectious, 501–502, 502b
Femoral head, Legg-Calve-Perthes (LCP) restraining, 221f Forage-based diets, 485. See also Horses;
disease, 133, 134f trichobezoars, 232f Sheep/goats
Femoral head ostectomy (FHO), 132, urinary system of, 276–278 Foreign bodies
132f wasting disease in, 233–234 birds, in crop, 291
Femoral pores, 343–344, 345f, 375f Fescue toxicosis, 467–468 ferrets, gastrointestinal, 232
Ferrets Fetal deaths, in dogs/cats, 175 horses, hoof sole, 447
anatomy of, 220 Fetuses, aborted, 510b Fractures
behavior of, 220 FHV. See Feline herpes virus in birds, 320
bite wounds/punctures in, 252 Fibroblastic sarcoid (horse), 440f in dogs/cats
cardiovascular system of, 226–228 Fibrocartilaginous embolism, 151 common types, 125f
cardiomyopathy, 226–227 Fibrosarcomas fixation methods, 123f, 125–126
electrocardiography recording, 227f cats (vaccine-induced), 118, 118b long bone, 123f, 124–127
heartworm, 228, 228b, 228f not vaccine-induced, 117–118 in ferrets, 259
valvular heart disease, 227–228 Fibrosarcomas, in mice, 253 in horses
dental formula for, 232f Fibrous layer, of globe (eyes), 74 pastern chip, 449
digestive system of, 231–234 Filoplumes, 302 proximal sesamoid, 449–450
dental disease, 231–232 Fire ant bites, 442 splint bone, 451
foreign bodies, 232 horses, 442 in iguanas, of extremities, 383
ear mites in, 252 Fishhooks, oral trauma and, 26 in pigs, 538, 539f
endocrine system of, 241–243 Fissured fractures, 125f in rabbits, 259
adrenal disease, 241–242 Fistulas, fly warbles, 108–109 in rodents, 259
hair loss with adrenocortical tumors, Fixation methods (bone fractures), 123f, Free gas (rumen), 484–485
242f 125–126 Frog (of hoof), 448
pancreatic islet cell tumors bone plates, 126, 127f thrush, 448, 448f
(insulinomas), 242–243 casts, 125, 125b FSH. See Follicle-stimulating hormone
enteritis and diarrhea of, 233 intramedullary pinning, 125, 126f Fulcrum (joint’s), 124
eyes of, 244–245 splinting, 125, 125b Fundus, retinal, 428–429
hematologic and immunological diseases types of, 125–126 Fungal diseases
in, 248–249 Fleas in iguanas, 377
housing and environment of, 220 dogs/cats, 103–105, 104f in respiratory system, 195, 195f
rubber products, 232b in ferrets, 252 Fungal infections, 327–329 See also specific
ineffective dog medications for, 243b treatment for, 104 pathogen, infection, or under specific
integumentary system of, 251–252 dips, 104 animal species
bacterial infections, 252 shampoos, 104 alopecia, 111, 111f
neoplasia, 252 sprays and powders, 104 aspergillosis, 327–328
parasites, 252 systemics, 104 in birds, 313
musculoskeletal system of, 259 Flies/fly bite dermatitis candidiasis, 328–329
bone fractures in, 259 fly larvae (maggots), 109–110 dermatophytosis, 256, 256b
neoplasia in horses, 436 discospondylitis (vertebral
hair loss with adrenocortical tumors, Flora, birds, 329 osteomyelitis), 150–151
242f Flukes (trematodes), snakes, 355b ergot toxicosis, 504
insulinoma in ferrets, 243 Flunixin meglumine (Banamine), 419b guttural pouch mycosis, 475
nervous system of, 262–263 Foals pneumonia, 396
nutrition of, 220 diseases of neonatal, 469–471 rain scald/rain rot, 437–438, 438b
overview of, 219–225 combined immunodeficiency ringworm, 438–439, 439b
as patient, 220–221 syndrome (CID), 471 skin, 111–112, 438–439f
reproductive system of, 265–267, 266b, dummy behavior, 470f species common to dogs/cats, 111–112,
266f failure of passive transfer, 470b 111f
estrogen toxicosis, 265–266, 266b, neonatal isoerythrolysis, 470–471 thrush, 448
266f perinatal asphyxia syndrome (PAS), Fur. See Hair/fur
prostatic diseases, 266–267 469–470 Fur mites
tumors, 266 pneumonia, 476–477 mice, 253
respiratory system of, 270–272 Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), in rabbits, 257
canine distemper viral disease, 299 Furunculosis, perianal, 55
270–271, 271b, 271f Food, 22 Fusobacterium necrophorum, 501
human influenza virus, 272 Footpads, hyperkeratosis of, 271f FVR. See Feline viral rhinotracheitis

Hamsters (Continued)
G Glomeruli, 203
Glottis respiratory system of, 273
Gags (equine dentistry), 416b
in birds, 332 urinalysis reference values for, 278t
Gait abnormalities/lameness
in dogs/cats, 183–184 Handling and restraint
in birds, 320
lizards, 395 of birds, 283
in horses, 453, 458–459
Gluconeogenesis, 242 avoiding stress, 288–289b
in rabbits, 263
Glucose, in polioencephalomalacia, 507 cautions for, 332
in sheep/goats, 501
Glycosuria, 365 dyspneic birds, 300b
Galactostasis (milk stasis), 176
Goats. See Sheep/goats of ferrets, 221f
Gangrene, iguanas, 377
Goiter, in sheep/goats, 491 of hamster, 223f
Gas (spasmodic) colic, 418
Gout of iguanas, 343
Gastric dilation, with volvulus, 32–34,
in birds, 336 of rabbits, 224
in snakes, 401–402, 401f Harderian gland, 222
Gastric ulceration
in turtles, 403 HCM. See Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
in dogs/cats, 31–32, 32f
visceral and articular, 336 Head tilt, in bird, 323–324
in horses, 417
Gout tophi, in oral cavity, in snakes, 402f Head trauma
Granulation tissue (proud flesh), 441 in birds, 288
acute, 30
Grazing animals. See Horses; Sheep/goats rating scale for evaluation of
chronic, 31
Green iguana. See Iguanas craniocerebral trauma, 142t
turtles/tortoises, 362
Greenstick fractures, 125f snake, 385
Gastroesophageal reflux, 28–29
Growth hormone (GH), 299 Head tremors, 323
Gastrointestinal system. See Digestive
Gunshot wounds, oral trauma and, 26 Headshaking, 461
Gut sounds (horses), 418 Hearing. See Ears/hearing
Gastrointestinal tract, 22
Guttural pouch (horses) Heart. See also cardio/cardiac entries
obstruction, 361–362
empyema, 475 in birds, 287
Gastrophilus spp., 420
mycosis, 475 electrical activity, 407
Gastrostomy tube, 49f
electrical conduction of, 3f
Geckos, 344
diet, 345 H listening to, 4b
nutritional diseases affecting, snakes, 350
Geldings. See Horses Haemophilus parasuis, 538
Hair/fur Heart auscultation, 406b
Genitourinary system.
Heart disease (general), in birds, 287–288
See Reproductive system; growth of, 102
rabbits, fur plucking, 257 Heart failure
Urinary (renal) system
in chickens, 519
Gerbils, 222. See also Rodents structure of, 102
tactile, 102 in dogs/cats, 3–4, 4b
handling techniques in, 222
thinning/loss of. (see Alopecia) Heart sounds, 406
periocular dermatitis in, 245
Hairballs, rabbits, 235–236 Heartworm disease, 18–20
seizure, 263
Halitosis, 231 canine, 18–19, 18–19b
urinalysis reference values for, 278t
Hamsters, 222. See also Rodents canine versus feline, 190t
Gestation period
cardiovascular system of, 228 feline, 19–20, 19b, 190–191
in dogs/cats, 175
digestive system of, 234 ferrets, 228, 228b, 228f
in rabbits, 267
Heat pits, 366
GH. See Growth hormone enteropathy (wet tail, proliferative
Heatstroke, in rabbits, 274–275
Giardia trophozoite, 297f ileitis), 235
overgrowth of incisors, 234 Heaves (chronic obstructive pulmonary
Gingival hyperplasia, 24
endocrine system of, 243 disease), 475–476
Gingivitis, 24–25
diabetes mellitus (degus), 243 Heavy metal toxicity, in birds, 323
in ferrets, 231
Heinz body anemias, 89–90, 434
Glands. See Endocrine system hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing
disease), 243 Helicobacter mustelae, 233
Glands of Zeis, 77
handling and restraint of, 223f Heliotherms, 348
Glaucoma, 74
integumentary system of, 252–253 Hematocrit (HCT), 88
contraindicated medications with
fur mites, 253 Hematologic diseases. See also under
anticholinergics, 216b
impacted cheek pouches in, 253, specific species or by specific disease/
phenylpropanolamine, 216b
253b disorder/infection
in dogs/cats, 80–81, 80b
tumors, 253 in bird, 306–308
description and normal intraocular
keratoconjunctivitis in, 246 in dogs/cats, 87–98
pressure (IOP), 80
lymphoma in, 249 blood-borne parasites, 89
treatments for, 81b
oral cavity examinations of, 234b erythrocytes (red blood cells), 88–91
in rabbits, 246–247

Hematologic diseases (Continued) Hoofs (Continued) Horses (Continued)

leukocytes (white blood cells), 91–93 problems of, 446 failure of passive transfer, 470
lymphoma, 94–97 sole of, 447f neonatal isoerythrolysis, 470–471
thrombocytes (platelets), 91 structure of, 102 perinatal asphyxia syndrome (PAS),
in ferrets, 248–249 subsolar bruising (corns), 446–447 469–470, 470b, 470f
in horses, neonatal isoerythrolysis, thrush, 448, 448f endocrine system of, 424–427
470–471 overgrowth or cracked, 538 anatomy and physiology of, 424–425
in pigs, 534–535 in sheep/goats equine metabolic dysfunction (insulin
in rodents, 249 overgrown, 501, 502f dysfunction), 426
in sheep/goats, 495–497 trimming, 501, 502f equine pituitary pars intermedia
blackleg, 496–497 Hooks, oral trauma and, 26 dysfunction (PPID), 425, 425f
red water disease, 497 Hormones. See also Endocrine system hypothyroidism, 425–426
Hematology, avian, 306–308, 307b in birds equine terminology, 445
Hematuria, 203–204, 211 releasing, 299 eyes/eyelids of, 428–432
Hemipenis. See Penis/hemipenes stimulating, 299 anatomy of, 428–429, 429f
Hemiplegia, left laryngeal, 473 production, 59 cataracts, 431, 431b
Hemochromatosis, in birds, 307 Horner syndrome, 151 conjunctivitis, 430
Hemoglobin, 88 Horses. See also equine entries corneal ulcers, 430, 430b, 430f
Hemolysis, 89 bacterial infections in entropion, 429, 429b
Hemolytic anemia, 89 abortions, 462–463 moon blindness (periodic ophthalmia,
Hemorrhage endocarditis, 407–408 recurrent uveitis), 430–431, 431b,
anemias caused by, 88 infectious tenosynovitis, 451–452 431f
in birds, 288 pyelonephritis, 480 photophobia, 461
blood feather injury, 288 thrush, 448 sarcoid, 429
external, 288 blemishes versus unsoundness, 446 squamous cell carcinoma, 430
internal, 288 cardiovascular system of, 405–412 subcutaneous sarcoid, 440f
Hemorrhagic calicivirus, 193 anatomy and physiology of, 406–407 trauma in, 429
Hemorrhagic effusions, 194t atrial arrhythmias, 410–411, 411f fibroblastic sarcoid (ears), 440f
Hepatic lipidosis, 48–50 cardiac arrhythmias, 410–411 fungal infections in
Hepatitis, 295–296, 296b degenerative valvular disease, 407 dermatophilosis, 438f
infectious, 46–47 electrocardiography, 407 dermatophytosis, 439f
Herbivore, 222, 482 heart auscultation, 406b rain scald/rain rot, 437–438, 438b
Herniated disks, 145 mitral valve insufficiency, 408f ringworm, 438–439, 439b
Herpesvirus ruptured chordae tendineae, 408 gastrointestinal parasitism in, 419–421
birds, Pacheco disease, 326–327 thrombophlebitis, 410 bots, 420–421
feline, 191–192 valvular disease, 407–408 fecal flotation examination, 421b
Herpetologist, 356 vascular disease, 409–410 large strongyles, 419
Hibernation, 348 vascular ruptures, 410 pinworms, 420
High-rise syndrome, 25–26 as companions, 405–406 roundworms, 420, 420f
Hip dysplasias, 129–133 dental considerations in, 415–416, 415f small strongyles, 419–420
acetabular, 129 examining teeth, 416b tapeworms, 420
examples of, 130–131f uneven tooth wear, 415–416 threadworms, 420
factors contributing to, 129 diarrhea in, 421–422 hematologic diseases in, 433–434
femoral, 130–133 clostridial infections, 422 epistaxis, 473
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals ehrlichiosis (Potomac horse fever), 422 equine infectious anemia (EIA), 433,
(OFA), grades of dysplasia, 130 overuse of antibiotics for, 422b 433b
Hip luxations, 135–137 salmonellosis, 421–422, 421b red maple toxicosis, 434
Hip replacement surgery, 132f digestive system of, 413–423 horse language, 406b
Histiocytomas, 116 anatomy of, 413–415, 414f husbandry issues, 441b
Histoplasma capsulatum, 197 Banamine use, 419b impaction, 418
Histoplasmosis, 197, 198f choke, 416–417, 416f, 417b integumentary system of, 435–443
Hock soreness, horses, 453 colic, 417–419 fire ant bites, 442
Hoofs gastric ulcers, 417 proud flesh, 441
in horses overuse of antibiotics and, 422b ringworm, 438–439
abscesses, 447 diseases of neonates scratches (pastern dermatitis), 439,
laminitis, 452, 452f combined immunodeficiency 439b
navicular syndrome, 447–448 syndrome (CID), 471 snake bites, 442

Horses (Continued) Horses (Continued) Hymenolepis (cestodes), 238

sweet itch, 439–440 insect hypersensitivity/allergy, Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing disease),
ticks, 437 435–436, 436f 243
warts (papillomatosis), 441, 441f, 441b lice (pediculosis), 436, 437f Hypercoagulability, 7
wounds, 442 mites, 437 Hypercontractile bladder, 216
joints/joint injuries in onchocerciasis (nematodes), 437, 438f Hyperemia, 75, 81
hocks, 453 red maple toxicosis, 434 Hyperesthesia, 137
knee/stifle, 444–445 reproductive system of, 462–468 Hyperglycemia, 65b
stress/strain on, 449 contagious equine metritis, 463, 463f in turtles, 365, 365b
sweeney (shoulder), 452–453 cryptorchidism, 467 Hyperimmune plasma transfusion, 470f
upward fixation of patella, 453–454 dystocias, 464, 464b Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, 460–461
musculoskeletal system of, 444–455 endometritis, 464 Hyperkeratosis, pigs, 535–536
anatomy and physiology of, 444–445, fescue toxicosis, 467–468 Hyperparathyroidism, 454
445f, 448f handling aborted fetal material/ Hypertension, 216b
bog spavin, 453 placenta, 463b Hyperthyroid disease, in dogs/cats, 61–62
bone (jack) spavin, 453 length of delivery, 464 Hyperthyroidism, in dogs, 62
bowed tendons, 451 normal passed placenta, 465f Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
bucked shins, 450 ovarian tumors, 465 canine, 5
hoof abscesses, 447 penile paralysis, 467 feline, 7, 7b, 9f
laminitis, 452, 452f penile tumors, 467 in pigs, 531
limb anatomy, 445–446, 446f rectal tears, 466 Hypertrophy of nictitans gland (cherry
navicular syndrome, 447–448 retained placentas, 464–465 eye), 79–80, 533
nutritional secondary rupture of prepubic tendon, 466–467, Hypoadrenocorticism (Addison disease), in
hyperparathyroidism, 454 467f dogs/cats, 67–68, 67f, 68b
pastern chip fractures, 449 rupture of uterine artery, 465–466 Hypocalcemia
proximal sesamoid fractures, uterine prolapse, 466 in birds, 323
449–450 viral abortions, 463 in dogs/cats, 71
rhabdomyolysis, 454 respiratory system of, 472–478 in sheep/goats, 509–510
sesamoiditis, 450 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Hypodermis (subcuticular layer), 101f, 102
sidebone (calcification of lateral (heaves), 475–476 Hypoglycemia, in birds, 323
cartilages), 448–449, 449f of epiglottic entrapment, 472–473 Hypokalemia, 137
sole of hoof, 447f equine influenza, 477 Hypomotility, GI, 30
splint bone fractures, 451 equine viral rhinopneumonitis, 477 Hypothalamus
splint formation on splint bone, 450 exercise-induced pulmonary in birds, 299
suspensory ligament desmitis, 451 hemorrhage (EIPH), 476 in horses, 424–425
thrush, 448f foal pneumonia, 476–477 Hypothyroidism
neoplasia, sarcoids, 440 guttural pouch empyema, 475 in birds, 300
nervous system of, 456–461 left laryngeal hemiplegia, 473 in dogs/cats, 59–61
cautions for handling, 458b primary sinusitis, 473–474 in horses, 425–426
equine herpes viral purpura hemorrhagica, 475f in iguanas, 364
myeloencephalopathy, 459 secondary sinusitis, 474 Hypovitaminosis A, 361
equine protozoal myeloencephalitis soft palate dislocation, 473
(EPM), 458–459 strangles, 474–475, 474–475f, 475b I
headshaking, 461 safety issues, 406b Idiopathic epilepsy, 143–144
hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, urinary system of, 479–481 Idiopathic hepatic lipidosis, 48–49
460–461 cystitis, 479–480 Idiopathic/interstitial (feline) cystitis,
narcolepsy, 458 incontinence, 480–481 203–205
rabies, 456–457 pyelonephritis, 480 Idiopathic vestibular disease, 142–143
sleeping sickness diseases, 457 urinary bladder prolapse, 480 Iguanas, 343–345
sweeney, 452–453 urinary bladder rupture, 480 anatomy of, 343–344, 344f
tetanus, 460, 460f urolithiasis, 481, 481f color variations of, 343f
West Nile encephalitis, 457–458 wearing gloves for handling animals digestive system of, 356–358
Wobbler syndrome, 458 with, 457b cloacal prolapse, 357–358, 358f
parasitic infections in Hot spots (acute moist dermatitis), 112–113 constipation, 357
cardiovascular system, 409–410 Human influenza virus, in ferrets, 272 diarrhea, 357
deworming plan, 410, 410b Husbandry. See under specific animal infectious stomatitis, 356, 356f
fly bite dermatitis, 436 species vomiting and regurgitation, 356–357

Iguanas (Continued) Immunological diseases (Continued) Integumentary system (Continued)

endocrine system of, 364 in ferrets, 248–249 beak. (see Beak disorders/deformities)
hypothyroidism, 364 in rodents, 249 of birds, 309–314
environment and housing requirements Impactions claws. (see Claws)
of, 344–345 in dogs/cats, anal sacs, 115, 115f of dogs/cats, 99–121
eyes of in hamsters, cheek pouch, 253 feathers. (see Feathers)
blepharospasm, 368 in horses of ferrets, 251–252
ocular and periocular trauma, 368, colic, 418 hair. (see Hair/fur)
368f esophageal, 416f of hamsters, 253
femoral pores of, 343–344, 345f, 375f in rabbits, cecal, 238–239 hoofs. (see Hoofs)
fungal infections in, pneumonia, 396 Impetigo, 113–114 of horses, 435–443
handling/restraint of, 343 Impulse conduction, abnormal, 14 of pigs, 535–537
herbivore diet of, 345 Impulse formation, abnormal, 14 of rabbits, 253–257
integumentary system of, 375–377 Inappropriate lactation syndrome, in of reptiles, 344, 370–379
abrasions, 376 sheep/goats, 492 of rodent, 252–253
abscesses, 376, 376f Inappropriate maternal behavior, 176 of sheep/goats, 498–500
color changes, 376–377 Inclusion body of disease of boids, 386 Intelligence, of Alex, 322
failure to shed, 375–376, 375f Incontinence Intercalated discs, 4
male aggression, 343 neurogenic, 216 Internal parasites, 238
musculoskeletal system of, 381–383 paradoxic, 216 Interneurons, 144
fracture of the extremities, 383 urinary, 215–217 Interstitial cell tumors, in ferrets, 266
metabolic bone disease, 381–382, 381f, horses, 480–481 Intervertebral disk disease
382b Indolent ulcers (Boxer ulcers), 81 in dogs/cats, 145–146, 145f
tail autotomy, 382, 382b, 382f Indwelling catheters, 204b, 206f in ferrets, 262–263
nutrition of, 345 Infected joints, in birds, 320 seizures with, 263
parasitic infections in Infectious canine hepatitis, 46–47 Intestinal diseases. See also Digestive
gastrointestinal, 358 Infectious canine tracheobronchitis (kennel system; Large bowel diseases; Small
parasitic pneumonia, 396 cough), 186–187 intestine
reproductive system of, 391–392 Infectious colic, 418 dietary-induced, 38–39
dystocia, 391 Infectious footrot, 501–502, 502b home-prepared diets for, 39t
gravid uterus, 391f Infectious tenosynovitis, 451–452, 523–524 Intestinal lymphangiectasia, 40–41
hemipenes, 343–344 Inflammation of gums. See Periodontal Intestinal neoplasia, 41–42
penile prolapse, 358f disease Intramedullary pins, 125, 126f
prolapse of the oviduct, cloaca, and Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Intraocular pressure (IOP).
hemipenis, 391–392, 392f in dogs/cats, 42–43 See also Glaucoma
respiratory system of, 395–396 immune-mediated, 31 in dogs/cats, 74, 80
pneumonia, 395–396 in ferrets, 233 normal, 80
urinary system of, 402 Inflammatory colic, 418 Intravenous (IV) fluid replacement, in cats,
cystic calculi, 402 Inflammatory myopathies, 137 6b
Ileus, 232 Infraorbital sinus infections, 333 Intussusception, 43
Immunoglobulins. See Antibodies Injuries. See Trauma/injuries Iodine, 299–300
(immunoglobulins) Insect hypersensitivity/allergy, 435–436, dietary, 364
Immunologic conditions. See also under 436f Iris
specific species or by specific disease/ Insecticides, on reptiles, 386 color, 302
disorder/infection Insulin, 424–425 in horses, 428
immune-mediated conditions, 308, 308b Insulin resistance dysregulation, 426 Iron deficiency anemias, 88–89
immune-mediated hemolytic anemias, Insulin shock (insulin overdose), in dogs/ Iron storage disease, in birds, 307
90–91, 90b cats, 64–65 Irritative voiding, 203–204
immune-mediated inflammatory bowel Insulin therapy. See also Diabetes mellitus Ischemic myelopathy, 151
disease, 31 for diabetes mellitus, 64, 64b Islet cell tumors, 242–243
immune-mediated myopathies, 137 treating reptiles with, 365 Islets of Langerhans, 424–425
immune-mediated thrombocytopenia Insulinoma Isolation
(IMTP), 91 in dogs/cats, 65–66 of feline leukemia virus, 160
immunosuppressed animals, mite in ferrets, 242–243 horses, strangles, 475b
infestations, 437 Integumentary system. See also under Ivermectin, 103b
Immunological diseases specific species or by specific disease/ toxicity, susceptibility of, 18b
in bird, 306–308 disorder/infection Ixodes species, 105–106, 372, 437

Liver disease (Continued)

J Large bowel diseases, in dogs/cats, 42–45
constipation, 44–45 in rabbits, hepatic lipidosis, 239–240
Jack (bone) spavin, 453
inflammatory bowel disease, 42–43 in turtles/tortoises, hepatic lipidosis, 360,
Jaundice, 295–296
intussusception, 43 360f
Joints/joint injuries
megacolon, 43–44, 43f, 44b Lizards (in general)
in birds, infected, 320
Large/giant breed dogs cardiovascular system of, 343–344
in chickens, bacterial septicemia, 524
lateral luxations, 129 ears/hearing in, 344
in dogs/cats
osteochondrosis dissecans, 133 environmental temperature
anatomy of, 124
patellar luxations, 129 requirements of, 341
femoral head ostectomy, 132f
Large strongyles, 419 eyes/eyelids of, 344
hip dysplasias, 129–133
Laryngeal paralysis, 153 iguanas. (see Iguanas)
hip luxations, 135–137
Laryngitis respiratory system of, 395–396
Legg-Calve-Perthes (LCP) disease, 133
in dogs/cats, 186 skin, shedding periods, 344
luxations, 137b
voice change/loss, 186 Long bone fractures. See Fractures
patellar luxations, 128–129
Larynx, 473 Loop of Henle, 343–344, 347
in horses
Lawsonia intracellularis, 233, 235 Lower respiratory tract diseases
hocks, 453
LCP. See Legg-Calve-Perthes (LCP) disease in dogs/cats, 186–200
infectious tenosynovitis, 451–452
Left laryngeal hemiplegia, 473 in turtles/tortoises, 398
knee/stifle, 444–445
Leg bands, 320–321 Lung tumors, 199
stress/strain on, 449
Legg-Calve-Perthes (LCP) disease, 133, Lungs. See Respiratory system
sweeney, 452–453
134f Luteinizing hormone (LH), 299
upward fixation of patella, 453–454
atlantoaxial subluxation with, 147 Luxations
Juvenile (puppy) vaginitis, 173
Leiomyomas, in ferrets, 266 in birds, 320
Lens abnormalities, in dogs/cats, lenticular goal of treatment, 137b
K sclerosis, 83 hip, 135–137
Kennel cough (infectious canine Lentivirus, 514 craniocaudal, 135
tracheobronchitis), 186–187 Leptospirosis, 47–48, 47f craniodorsal, 135
Keratitis. See under Cornea Leukemia, feline leukemia virus (FeLV), 89, ventral, 135
Keratoconjunctivitis 94 patellar. (see Patellar luxations)
in birds, 303–304 Leukocyte disorders, 91–93 Lyme disease (borreliosis), 169–170
in hamsters, 246 ehrlichiosis, 92, 93f antibiotics for, 170b
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eyes), von Willebrand disease (vWD), 93 Lymphadenopathy, in pigs, 535
82–83, 83b Lice (pediculosis) Lymphangiectasia, intestinal, 40–41
Ketotic diabetes, 63–64 in dogs/cats, 110–111, 110f Lymphatic diseases
Kidneys, 203, 203f. See also Urinary (renal) in horses, 436, 437f in pigs, 534–535
system in sheep/goats, 499, 499b in sheep/goats, 495–497
chronic progressive nephrosis in, 278 Ligaments/ligament injuries caseous lymphadenitis, 495–496, 496b
horses, 424–425 dogs/cats malignant edema, 496
pyelonephritis, 480 cranial cruciate ligament rupture, 127f palpable lymph nodes, 496f
lizards, 343–344 cruciate ligament injury, 127–128 Lymphomas/lymphosarcoma
nephrotoxic injuries, 211–213 horses, suspensory ligaments, 449 in dogs/cats, 41, 94–97
Kids, 486 Lip-fold dermatitis, 25 alimentary, 94
Klebsiella species, 174, 177, 356, 462 Lipidosis, hepatic, feline, 48–50 canine, 95–96
Knemidokoptes pilae, 312, 312f Lipolysis, 239 feline, 94
Knemidokoptes species, 292 Lipoma, 116–117 FeLV-associated, 160
Listeria monocytogenes, 506 gastric, 34
L Listeriosis, in sheep/goats, 506 mediastinal, 94
Lacrimal duct Liver disease multicentric, 94–95, 94–95b
in dogs/cats, blockages of, 76 in birds, hepatitis, 295–296, 296b in ferrets, 248–249, 249f
in snakes, 366 in dogs/cats, 45–46, 50b in hamster, 249
Lactation cholangiohepatitis, 48 Lyssavirus, 506
in dogs/cats, 176–177 drug or toxin-induced, 45–46
in rabbits, 269 feline hepatic lipidosis, 48–50
infectious canine hepatitis, 46–47
Lameness. See Gait abnormalities/lameness Macaw wasting disease (proventricular
Laminitis leptospirosis, 47–48, 47f dilation disease), 293
in horses, 452, 452f portosystemic shunts, 51–52 “Machinery murmur”, 7
in sheep/goats, 502 treatment of, 49–50 Mad cow disease, 505

Maggots (myiasis), 109–110 Melanomas, 119 MT. See Mesotocin

Malignant edema, in sheep/goats, 496 malignant, 27 Mucocele, salivary, 26–27
Malignant lymphosarcoma. Melarsomine dihydrochloride, for canine Mulberry heart disease (vitamin
See Lymphomas/lymphosarcoma heartworm disease, 18 E/selenium deficiency), 531
Malignant melanomas, 27 Meningeal worm, in sheep/goats, 507 Multicentric lymphoma, 94–95,
Malignant neoplasia. See Cancer Meningitis, in pigs, 538–539 94–95b
Mammary glands/udders Mesotocin (MT), 299 Multiple fetuses, in sheep/goats,
of dogs/cats Metabolic bone disease (MBD) 509b
lactation disorders, 176 in iguanas, 381–382, 381f Muscle fibers, 123, 137
mastitis, 176 in snakes, 380–381 Musculoskeletal system. See also Bones;
tumors, 180–181, 181b in turtles, 383–384 Cartilage; Ligaments/ligament
of rats and mice, tumors, 267, 267f Metabolic defect, 307 injuries; specific species or by specific
Mandibulectomies, 28 Metabolic neuropathy, 152–153 disease/disorder/infection
Mange mites, 106 Metabolites, 23 of birds, 315–321
demodectic mange, 106–108, 106–107f, Metastatic tumors. See Cancer of chickens, 523–524
107b Methemoglobinemia, 434 of dogs/cats, 122–139
sarcoptic mange (scabies), 108, 108f Mice. See Rats and mice; Rodents of ferrets, 259
in sheep/goats, 500 Micelles, 23 of horses, 444–455, 445–446f, 448f
Marek’s disease, 522, 525 Microsporum canis, 111–112, 111f of iguanas, 381–383
Mares. See Horses Microsporum gypseum, 111 of rabbits, 259
Mast cell tumors, 118–119 Microsporum species, 438–439 of reptiles, 380–384
Masticatory muscle myositis, 137 Microvilli, 23 of rodents, 259
Mastitis Middle ear infections of sheep/goats, 501–504
in dogs/cats, 176 in pigs, 534 of snakes, 380–381
in rabbits, 269 in turtles, 387–388, 388f of turtles, 383–384
in sheep/goats, 511 Milk stasis (galactostasis), 176 Mutilation, of feather, 310, 310f
Maternal behavior (inappropriate), 176 Mites Mycobacteriosis, 329
Maxillectomies, 28 beak deformities, 292 Mycobacterium avium, 329
Mediastinal lymphoma, 94 ear mites, in rabbits, 256, 256f Mycobacterium species, 150, 303–304, 362,
Medications fur mites 373
administration of in rabbits, 257 Mycoplasma agassizii, 396
to birds, 335 in rodents, 252–253 Mycoplasma capricola subspecies capri
to eye, 76f in horses, 437 pneumoniae, 513
antibiotics, 143b in iguanas, 377 Mycoplasma pulmonis, in mice, 272
antivenom availability, 442 immunosuppressed animals with, 437 Mycoplasma species, 75, 303–304
cautions for using mange, 106 in pigs, 534
adulticides in cats, 191 demodectic mange, 106–108, Mycotic infections. See Fungal infections
antifungals for reptiles, 398 106–107f, 107b Myelopathy
Banamine (flunixin meglumine), sarcoptic mange (scabies), 108, 108f degenerative, 149–150
419b scaly face, in birds, 312 ischemic, 151
phenothiazine tranquilizers, 174b Mitral valve, 2–3, 406 Myiasis (maggots), 109–110, 378–379
for dogs, ineffective in ferrets, 243b mitral valve insufficiency (MVI), Myobia musculi, 253
phenobarbital, 144b 408f Myocardial cell, 4
phenylpropanolamine, 216b rupture of chordate tendineae, 409f Myocardial dysfunction, 4
respiratory, in competing horses, Monday morning sickness Myocarditis
476b (rhabdomyolysis), 454 in birds, 288
side effects, anticholinergics, 216b Moon blindness, in horses, 430–431, 431b, in snakes, 351
steroids, 143b 431f Myocoptes musculinus, 253
tetanus antitoxin vaccinated horses, Moraxella species, 174 Myopathies, 137
442b Mortality acquired, 137
as toxins, AZT and PMEA, 161b in bone cancer, 137 in dogs/cats, 137
Medulla (kidneys), 203 in ferrets, for canine distemper viral immune-mediated, 137
Medullary nephrons, 335 disease, 271 inflammatory, 137
Megabacteriosis, 330 in Sendai viral infection, 272 types of, 137
Megacolon, 43–44, 43f in sheep/goats, 513 Myxomatous mitral valve disease
Megaesophagus, 153–154, 154b, 154f Motility, gastric, 29 (MMVD), 13
Meibomian glands, 77, 82–83 Mouth gags, 416b Myxovirus, 477

N Nephrotoxic injuries, 211–213

Nervous system. See also Central nervous
Oblique fractures, 125f
Narcolepsy, 458
system (CNS); Peripheral nerve esophageal, 29
Nasolacrimal duct, dilation of puncta/
disorders (neuropathic syndrome); urethral, 278
flushing of, 77f
specific species or by specific disease/ urinary, 542, 542b
Navicular bone (horses), 448f
disorder/infection Obstructive dystocia, 390
Navicular syndrome, 447–448
of birds, 322–324 Obstructive feline cystitis, 203–204
Necrotic colic, 418
of chickens, 524–526 OCD. See Osteochondrosis dissecans
Necrotic enteritis (enterotoxemia), in
of dogs/cats, 140–156 Ocular problems. See eyes/eyelids
chickens, 521
of ferrets, 262–263 Odontoblasts, 23
Neglect, signs of
of pigs, 538–539 Oestrus ovis infestation, in sheep/goats,
lice, 110
of rabbits, 263–264 512
myiasis, 110
of rodent, 263 Ohio State University, study on irritative
of sheep/goats, 505–508 voiding in cats, 203–204
in horses, 437, 438f
of snakes, 385–386 Omnivorous, 222
in sheep/goats, 488
of turtles, 387–388 Onchocerciasis (nematodes), 437, 438f
in snakes, 355b
Neuroendocrine system, 3. Oochoristica species, 359
in turtles, 359
See also Endocrine system Open fractures, 124
Neonatal isoerythrolysis (sheep/goats),
Neuromuscular junction, 124f Ophionyssus natricis, 372
Neurons, 141 Optic disk, 428–429
Neonates (horses). See Foals; Horses
Neuropathic syndrome. See Peripheral Oral cavity
Neoplasia. See also Cancer; specific animal
nerve disorders (neuropathic contagious ecthyma, 498, 498b, 499f
species; specific neoplasia, e.g.
syndrome) of dogs/cats, 23–28, 24f
Neurotoxins, 105 gingivitis, 24–25
benign/malignant (definitions), 116
Neutering. See Spaying/neutering lip-fold dermatitis, 25
in birds, 320
Newcastle disease neoplasms, 27–28
brain, 143
in chickens, 525 periodontal disease, 24, 24f
chemotherapy, 119b
exotic, 327 salivary mucocele, 26–27
female genital tract, 180
Nictitating membrane (third eyelid), 79 trauma, 25–26
in ferrets
Nidus, 474 of ferrets, 232b
hair loss with adrenocortical tumors,
“Night feces”, 224 of horses, use of mouth gags, 416b
Nodulectomy, 242 of iguanas, 356
insulinoma in ferrets, 243
Nonketotic diabetes, 63–64 infectious stomatitis, 356
gastric, 34–35
Nonobstructive dystocia, 390 inflammation of gums (see Periodontal
genital system, 179–181
Nonobstructive feline cystitis, 203–204 disease)
gonadal, 332
Nonulcerative feline cystitis, 203–204 lingual ulcers (feline calicivirus), 192f
in hamster, 249
Normal flora, 329 lips. (see Lip-fold dermatitis)
intestinal, 41–42
Nose of rodents, examination, 234b
intrathoracic, 193
functions of, 183–184 teeth. (see Teeth/dental disease)
liver, 295–296
nosebleeds (epistaxis), 185, 473 of turtles/tortoises, 347
lungs, 199
Nuclear sclerosis (cataracts), 74–75 hypovitaminosis A, 361
mammary glands, 180–181, 181b
Nucleation (eye), 81 Oral hygiene, 25
musculoskeletal system, 137–138
Nucleus pulposus, 144–145 Oral trauma, 360–361
nasal, 185
Nutrition. See Diet/dietary management; Orf, 498, 498b, 499f
oral, 27–28
Dietary deficiencies Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
ovarian, 465b
Nutritional muscular dystrophy, in sheep/ (OFA), grades of dysplasias, 130
penile/preputial/scrotal tumors, 179
goats, 503 Osteoarthritis, 453
prostatic diseases, 178
Nutritional secondary Osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD), 133
pulmonary, 199–200
hyperparathyroidism, in sheep/ Osteomalacia, in sheep/goats, 503–504
reproductive system, 338–339
goats, 491–492 Otitis externa, in birds, 304–305
skin, 116–120, 252
Otobius megnini, 105, 437
snakes, 381
O Otodectes cynotis, 252
testicular, 179
Obesity Ovarian neoplasia, 338
Nephrocalcin, 210
in parakeet, 311f birds, 338
Nephron loops, 203
in pet pigs, 529 Ovarian tumors, 465
in rabbits, 236–237, 260 horses, 465, 465b
birds, 335
in rodents, 222 Overeating disease (enterotoxemia), 487
dogs/cats, 204f

Oviducts Pansystemic diseases (Continued) Parasitic infections (Continued)

fatigue, 336 feline leukemia virus (FeLV), 160–161, skin, 252, 372–373, 372f
prolapse, 336 161b small strongyles, 419–420
birds, 337 feline panleukopenia (feline systemic control of, 104, 104b
snakes, 390–391 distemper), 158, 158b tapeworms, 420
Ovine progressive pneumonia, 514 Lyme disease (borreliosis), 169–170, threadworms, 420
Oviparous species 170b ticks, 105–106, 257
iguanas, 391 rabies, 163–164 types, 103–111
snakes, 389 rickettsioses, 167–169 Parathyroid glands, in dogs/cats, 69–71
Ovulation, of rabbits, 224 toxoplasmosis, 162–163, 162f, 163b hypocalcemia (hypoparathyroidism), 71
Oxytocin, 59 Papillomas. See Warts (papillomatosis) pancreatitis (acute), 71
Oxyuridae species, 359 Parainfluenza type 3, in sheep/goats, 513 parathyroid-related disease, 71
Oxyuris equi, 420 Paralysis primary hyperparathyroidism, 70–71,
coonhound (polyradiculoneuritis), 70b
P 154–155 puerperal tetany (eclampsia), 71
Pacheco disease (herpes virus), 326–327 facial nerve, 155 renal failure (chronic/acute), 71
Packed cell volume (PVC), 88 horses Parelaphostrongylus tenuis, 507
Pain, in horses, 418b hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, Paresis, of one limb, 323
Palpebral fissure, abnormal, 303, 303f 460–461 Parrot fever, 330–331
Pancreas/pancreatic dysfunction. penile, 467 Pars intermedia, 424–425
See also Diabetes mellitus (DM); laryngeal, 153 Parturition. See Reproductive system
insulin entries tick, 105, 154 PAS. See Perinatal asphyxia syndrome
in birds, 300–301 Paraphimosis, 179 Passalurus ambiguus (pinworms), 238, 238b
in dogs/cats, 52–54, 62–66 Parascaris equorum, 420, 420f Passerines, 283b
anatomy of, 63f Parasitic infections. See also specific Pastern bones, long/short, 444–445
diabetes mellitus, 62–64 pathogen, infection, or under specific Pastern chip fractures, 449
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, 54 animal species Pastern dermatitis (scratches), 439, 439b
insulin shock (insulin overdose), anemia related to, 289 Pasteurella haemolytica, 513
64–65 blood-borne, 89, 89–90f Pasteurella multocida, 246, 268, 273–274
insulinoma, 65–66 bots, 420–421 Pasteurella species, 150, 174, 294
pancreatitis, 53, 53b cardiovascular system, 409–410 Pasteurellosis
in ferrets, pancreatic islet cell tumors in chickens, 521–522 avian, 520
(insulinomas), 242 Cuterebra (warbles), 108–109, 109f, 257, in rabbits, 273–274, 274f
in horses, 424–425 257b in sheep/goats, 513
Pancreatic acinar atrophy, 54 deworming plan, 410, 410b Patellar luxations
Pancreatic insufficiency, exocrine, 54 diarrhea, 35–37, 36–37f in dogs/cats, 128–129
Pancreatic juices, 23 digestive system, 296–297, 297f bone reconstruction, 129
Pancreatitis, 53, 53b ear mites, 103, 103f combined medial and lateral, or from
acute, 71 ectoparasites, 103–111 trauma, 129
Pannus, 82 fecal flotation examination, 421b correction techniques, 129
Panosteitis (endosteosis, eosinophilic in ferrets, 252 lateral (large and giant canine breeds),
panosteitis), 133–135, 136f fleas, 103–105, 104f, 252, 257 129
Pansystemic diseases fly bite dermatitis, 436 lateral (toy and miniature canine
in birds, 325–331 in horses, cardiovascular system, 409f breeds), 128–129
bacterial, 329–331 insect hypersensitivity/allergy, 435–436, medial (toy, miniature, large breed
description, 325 436f canines), 128
fungal, 327–329 intestinal, 355b, 358–360 soft tissue techniques, 129
viral, 325–327 large strongyles, 419 in horses, 453–454
in dogs/cats, 157–171 lice (pediculosis), 436, 437f Patent ductus arteriosus, 9–10, 10f
canine distemper, 164–165 mites, 437 Paw pads, 102
canine parvovirus, 158b, 165–167, myiasis (maggots), 109–110 PBD. See Proliferative bowel disease
165f onchocerciasis (nematodes), 437, 438f PBFD. See Psittacine beak and feather
common, 158b parasite load, 354 disease
feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), pinworms, 420 Pediculosis (lice)
161–162 pneumonia, 396 in dogs/cats, 110–111, 110f
feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), in rabbits, 256–257 in horses, 436, 437f
159–160 roundworms, 420, 420f in sheep/goats, 499, 499b

Pelvic osteotomy, 132 Pigs, 529–530 Pinworms

Penis/hemipenes behavior of, 530 in horses, 420
in dogs/cats, priapism and paraphimosis, cardiovascular system of, 530–531 in rabbits, 238, 238b
178 congenital heart defects, 530 Pituitary gland
in horses hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 531 in birds, 299
paralysis, 467 mulberry heart disease (vitamin E/ in horses, 424–425
tumors, 467 selenium deficiency), 531 Placenta
in lizards, 343–344 digestive system of, 531–533 handling aborted fetuses and, 510b
prolapses, 358f colibacillosis, 532 horses, retained, 464–465
in snakes, 390f constipation, 532 normal passed (horses), 465f
in turtles, prolapse, 393 dental anatomy, 531–532 Plastron, 345
Pepperberg, Dr. Irene, 322 intestinal parasites, 533 Platelets (thrombocytes), 91
Perianal fistulas, 55 rectal prolapse, 532–533 immune-mediated thrombocytopenia
Perianal gland adenomas, 55–56 salmonellosis, 533, 533b (IMTP), 91
Pericarditis eyes of, 533–534 Pleural effusion, 193–195, 193b, 194f
in birds, 288 “blue eye”, 534 Pleuropneumonia, 541–542
in chickens, 520 conjunctivitis, 533 Pneumonia
Perinatal asphyxia syndrome (PAS), middle ear infection, 534 birds, 333–334
469–470 mycoplasma (pink eye), 534 iguanas, 356, 395–396
Perineal hernias, 55b problems, developmental, 534 bacterial, 395–396
Periocular dermatitis, in gerbils, 245 feeding of, 529 fungal, 396
Periocular swelling, in birds, 303 hematologic and lymphatic diseases, general treatment, 395
Periodic ophthalmia, in horses, 430–431, 534–535 parasitic, 396
431b, 431f anemia, 534–535 viral, 396
Periodontal disease, 24, 24f, 231 lymphadenopathy, 535 ovine progressive, 514
Periodontal ligament, 23 thrombocytopenia purpura, 535 turtles/tortoises, 398
Periodontitis, 24 hematologic and lymphatic diseases in PNS. See Peripheral nerve disorders
Periorbital swelling, birds, 333 anemia, 534–535 Pocket pets. See Rodents (in general)
Peripheral nerve disorders (neuropathic lymphadenopathy, 535 Polioencephalomalacia, in sheep/goats, 507
syndrome) thrombocytopenia purpura, 535 Pollakiuria, 203–204
in dogs/cats, 151–155 housing of, 529 Polymyositis, 137
coonhound paralysis integumentary system of, 535–537 Polyneuropathy, 152–153
(polyradiculoneuritis), 154–155 dermatophytosis (ringworm), 536, Polyradiculoneuritis (coonhound
deafness, 152 536b paralysis), 154–155
facial nerve paralysis, 155 dry skin and hyperkeratosis, 535–536 Porcine herpes virus, 539
laryngeal paralysis, 153 erysipelas, 537 Porphyrin, 245
megaesophagus, 153–154, 154b, 154f malignant tumors of skin, 536–537 Portosystemic shunts, 51–52, 51b
metabolic neuropathy, 152–153 sarcoptic and demodectic mange, 536, Posterior cruciate ligament injury, 127
tick paralysis, 154 536b Postpartum bacterial infections, of uterus,
in sheep/goats, meningeal worm, 507 musculoskeletal system of, 537–538, in rabbits, 268
Peripheral nerves, meningeal worms in, 538f Postpartum mares, 480
507 nervous system of, 538–539 Postrenal urinary obstruction, in cats, 17b
Peritonitis meningitis, 538–539 Potomac horse fever, in horses, 422
egg yolk, 338 overgrowth or cracked hoofs, 538, 539f Poxvirus infection, in birds, 311–312
in horses, 466 as patient, 530, 530b Precordial thrill, 9
Persistent right aortic arch, 13 pseudorabies (porcine herpes virus), Pregnancy. See also Reproductive system
Petechia, 353 539 in dogs/cats
Pharynx (horses), 472 reproductive system of, 540–541 breech presentation, 175
Phenobarbital, 144b in female pigs, 540 pseudopregnancy, 173–174, 174b
Phenothiazine tranquilizers, 174b in male pigs, 540–541 in rabbits, pseudopregnancy, 268–269
Phenylpropanolamine, 216b respiratory system of, 541–542 in sheep/goats
Photoperiods salt poisoning, 539–540 pseudopregnancy, 492
in birds, artificially increasing, 336 sexual aggression in, 529–530 vaginal and uterine prolapses, 509–510
in ferrets, 251 urinary system of, 542–543 Prey, virus of, 386
Photophobia, 461 Pimobendan, for canine dilated Priapism, 179
“Pig rust”, 535 cardiomyopathy, 5 Primary hyperparathyroidism, in dogs/cats,
Pigmented tears, in rodent, 245, 245b Pink eye. See Conjunctivitis 70–71, 70b

Primary hypothyroidism, 425 Psychogenic water consumption, in pigs, Rabbits (Continued)

Prion, 505 542–543 mucoid enteropathy, 239
Progesterone levels, 176 Puerperal tetany (eclampsia), in dogs/cats, obesity, 236–237
Progressive retinal atrophy, 85 71 pinworm, 238b
Prolactin, 299 Pulex irritans, 252 soft stools (intermittent diarrhea),
Prolapse Pulmonary artery, 3b 238
bladder, horses, 480 Pulmonary neoplasia, 199–200 trichobezoars, 235–236
cloaca metastatic, 199–200 ear mites in, 256, 256f
birds, 294–295, 295f primary, 199 eye diseases of, 246–247
iguanas, 357–358, 358f Pulmonic stenosis, 10–11 fur mites in, 257
snakes, 390–391, 390f Pump, 2–3 housing of, 223–224
oviducts, 336 Pupillary light reflexes integumentary system of, 253–257
birds, 337 in birds, 302 abscesses, 254–255
snakes, 390–391 in horses, 428–429 dermatophytosis, 256, 256b
penis/hemipenis Puppy (juvenile) vaginitis, 173 myxomatosis, 255
iguanas, 358f Purpura hemorrhagica, 475f parasites, 256–257
turtles, 393 Pyelonephritis, 480 Shope fibroma virus, 255
rectal, pigs, 532–533 Pyloric sphincter, 23 Treponema cuniculi infection, 255
uterine Pyodermas, 112–115 ulcerative pododermatitis (sore
horses, 466 acne, 114 hocks), 254, 254f
sheep/goats, 509–510 acute moist dermatitis (hot spots), medicating average, 224
vaginal, sheep/goats, 509–510 112–113 musculoskeletal system of, 259
Proliferative bowel disease (PBD), 233 deep, 114–115 bone fractures, 259
Proliferative ileitis (wet tail), 235 impetigo, 113–114 cautions for handling, 259, 260b
Prostatic diseases skinfold, 114 rear-limb weakness, 261f
in dogs/cats, 177, 217 superficial, 112, 113f spondylosis of lumbar spine, 260
benign prostatic hyperplasia, 177, Pyometra trauma, 259–260, 260f
217 in dogs/cats, 174–175, 174f nervous system of, 263–264
priapism and paraphimosis, 179 in rabbits, 268 lameness/gait abnormalities, 263
prostatic abscessation, 178 Pyothorax, 195 nutrition of, 224
prostatic neoplasia, 178 obesity in, 260
prostatitis, 177–178, 177f
in ferrets, 266–267
Q overview of, 219–225
reproductive system of, 267–269
Proteus species, 150, 174, 177 birds, 325–327 endometritis, 268
Protozoal infections for Chlamydia, 330 male, 269
coccidiosis, 488 horses, with equine infectious anemia, mastitis, 269
cryptosporidiosis, 486–487 433 pseudopregnancy, 268–269
equine protozoal myeloencephalitis reptiles, 341 pyometra, 268
(EPM), 458–459 uterine disease, 267–268, 268f
snakes, 355b respiratory system of, 273–275
Proud flesh, 441 R restraining of, 224
Proventricular dilation disease (macaw Rabbits, 223–224. See also Rodents (in sexual average of, 224
wasting disease), 293 general) syphilis, 255
Proximal sesamoid fractures, 449–450 breeds, 223 urinary system of, 278–280, 280f
Pseudomonas species, 177, 246, 303–304, cardiovascular system of, 229 Rabies
356, 373 cardiomyopathy, 229 adjuvant rabies vaccines containing
Pseudopregnancy central nervous system of aluminum, 118b
in dogs/cats, 173–174, 174b encephalitozoonosis, 263–264 differential diagnosis of, 416
in rabbits, 268–269 neurologic signs, 263 in dogs/cats, 163–164
in sheep/goats, 492 spinal disease, 264, 264b in horses, 456–457
Pseudorabies, 539 common pet breeds, 223b in sheep/goats, 506, 506b
Psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD), coprophagia, 224 vaccine site for cats, 118
312 digestive system of, 235–240 voice change with, 186b
Psittacines (hook-beaked parrots), 283b cecal impaction, 238–239 Radfordia affinis, 253
normal stool, 294f dental disease, 237–238, 237f Radioactive iodine-131, 61
Psittacosis, 330–331, 330b hepatic lipidosis, 239–240 Radiography, on dyspneic cats, 19b
Psoroptes cuniculi, 256 intestinal stasis, 235–236 Rain scald/rain rot, 437–438, 438b

Rats and mice, 221–222. See also Rodents Reproductive system (Continued) Respiratory system (Continued)
(in general) of ferrets, 265–267, 266b, 266f of iguanas, 395–396
digestive system of, sialodacryoadenitis of horses, 462–468 of lizards, 395–396
(rats), 234–235 of iguanas, 343–344, 391–392 of mice, 272
endocrine system of, diabetes mellitus of pigs, 540–541 of pigs, 541–542
(degus), 243 of rabbits, 267–269, 268f of rabbits, 273–275
fur mites, 253 of reptiles, 389–393 of rats, 272–273
handling techniques of, 221–222 of rodent, 267, 267f of reptiles, 398
mammary gland tumors in, 267, 267f of sheep/goats, 509–511 of rodent, 272–273
overgrowth of incisors of, 234 of snakes, 389–391 of sheep/goats, 512–514
respiratory system of, 272–273 of turtles/tortoises, 347–348, 392–393 Restraint. See Handling and restraint
skin tumors, 253 Reptiles (in general), 340–349 Retained spectacles, snake, 366–367, 367f
urinalysis reference values for, 278t cardiovascular system of, 350–351 Retina
RBCs. See Erythrocyte (red blood cells) caseous abscesses in, 371 in birds, 302
disorders diabetes mellitus in, 365 in dogs/cats
Rear-limb weakness, 261f diet of, 341–342 differences in, 75
Rectal prolapse, in pigs, 532–533 digestive system of, 352–363 electroretinography (ERG) of, 83–84
Rectal tears, 466 endocrine system of, 364–365 progressive retinal atrophy, 85
Rectoanal disease, 54–56 environmental requirements of, 341 See in snakes, 366
perianal fistulas, 55 also under specific reptile species Retinal atrophy, in ferrets, 244
perianal gland adenomas, 55–56 cages/cage furniture, 341 Rhabdomyolysis (tying up), 454, 454b
perineal hernias, 54–55, 55b husbandry, 348 Rhinitis
Rectum, 42 preferred optimal temperature zone in birds, 333
Recurrent uveitis, in horses, 430–431, 431b, (POTZ), 341 in dogs/cats, 185
431f iguanas (see Iguanas) Rhinotracheitis, 191
Red blood cells. See Erythrocyte (red blood integumentary system of, 344, 370–379 feline herpesvirus, 191–192
cells) disorders musculoskeletal system of, 380–384 Rhipicephalus sanguineus, 92, 105, 105f
Red maple toxicosis (horses), 434 quarantining and setting up for new, 341 Rhodococcus equi, 476
Red urine, in rabbits, 278–279 reproductive system of, 389–393 Rickets, in sheep/goats, 503–504
Red water disease, 497 respiratory system of, 394–399 Rickettsioses, in dogs/cats, 167–169
Reflex arc, 144 pneumonia and lower respiratory canine granulocytic ehrlichiosis, 169
Regurgitation diseases, 398 canine monocytic ehrlichiosis, 168, 168b
in birds (courtship behavior), 291 supplemental oxygen cautions, 398b Lyme disease (borreliosis), 169–170,
in iguanas, 356–357 shedding. (see Shedding) 170b
in snakes, 353–354 snakes. (see Snakes) Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 167–168,
Releasing hormones, 299 special senses 167b
Renal failure. See also Urinary (renal) iguanas, 368 Right atrioventricular valve. See Tricuspid
system snakes, 366–368 valve
in chickens, 527 tail autotomy Right ventricular cardiomyopathy, boxer,
in dogs/cats, 71, 211–215 iguanas, 382, 382b, 382f 5–6, 6b
acute, 211–214 lizards, 344, 375 Ringwomb, 509
chronic, 214–215 tortoises. (see Turtles/tortoises) Ringworm (dermatophytosis)
in ferrets turtles. (see Turtles/tortoises) in horses, 438–439, 439b
acute, 276–277 urinary system of, 400–404 in rabbits, 256
chronic, 277 anatomy and physiology of, 400, 400b in sheep/goats, 499, 499b
Renal system. See Urinary (renal) system uric acid salts in feces, 357f Robert Jones bandage, 124
Reportable diseases water for drinking/soaking, 342 Rocky Mountain spotted fever, in dogs/cat,
birds, 331b zoonotic diseases of, 342 167–168, 167b
exotic Newcastle disease, 327 Respiratory medications, for competing “Rodent etiquette”, 221
equine infectious anemia, 433 horses, 476b Rodents (in general), 221–223.
scrapie, 505 Respiratory membrane, 184 See also Ferrets; Rabbits
Reproductive system. See also under specific Respiratory system anatomy and physiology of, 222–223
species or by specific disease/ of birds, 332–334 avoiding bites, 223b
disorder/infection of dogs/cats, 182–201, 183–184f cardiovascular system of, 228–229
of birds, 335–336 of ferrets, 270–272, 271b, 271f diet/dietary management in, 222
of chickens, 526–527 of hamsters, 273 endocrine system of, 243
of dogs/cats, 172–181 of horses, 472–478 eye diseases of, 245–246

Rodents (in general) (Continued) Salt glands (iguanas), 344 Sheep/goats (Continued)
hamsters. (see Hamsters) Salt poisoning, in pigs, 539–540 coccidiosis, 488
hematologic and immunological diseases Sarcoids, 429, 440, 440f cryptosporidiosis, 486–487
in, 249 Sarcomas, 116. See also Fibrosarcomas enterotoxigenic E. coli diarrhea, 486,
husbandry in, 222 Sarcoptes scabiei canis, 108 486b
integumentary system of, 252–253 Sarcoptic mange nematode infestation, 488
fur mites, 253 in dogs/cats, 108, 108f rotavirus diarrhea, 486–487
impacted cheek pouches in, 253 in pigs, 536, 536b rumen acidosis, 485–486
tumors, 253 Scabies (sarcoptic mange), 108, 108f salmonellosis diarrhea, 487
mice. (see Rats and mice) Scaly face mite, 312 teeth, 484b
musculoskeletal system of, 259 Sclerosis, nuclear (cataracts), 74–75 endocrine system of, 491–492
fractures in, 259 Scrapie, in sheep/goats, 505–506 goiter, 491
nervous system of, 263 Scratches (pastern dermatitis), 439, 439b inappropriate lactation syndrome, 492
seizure, 263 Scutes, 345 nutritional secondary
nutrition of, 222 SDMA. See Symmetrical dimethylarginine hyperparathyroidism, 491–492
obesity in, 222 Sebaceous cysts, 117 eye of, 493–494
oral cavity examination of, 234b Sebaceous glands, 222–223 cataracts, 494
overgrowth of incisors of, 234 Secondary hypothyroidism, 425 entropion, 493
overview of, 219–225 Seizures, in birds, 322–323 infectious conjunctivitis (pink eye),
proper handling of, 223 Selenium, 503 494
rats. (see Rats and mice) deficiency, in pigs, 531 hematologic diseases of, 495–497
reproductive system of, 267, 267f Self-mutilation, of birds, 315 blackleg, 496–497
respiratory system of, 272–273 Seminomas, in ferrets, 266 red water disease, 497
urinary system of, 278, 278t Sendai virus, in mice, 272 housing/fencing of, 482–483
Rostral trauma, 360–361 Senile nuclear (lenticular) sclerosis, 83 husbandry in, 482–483
Rotavirus, 233 Sensitivity diarrhea, 38–40 integumentary system of, 498–500
Roundworms, in horses, 420, 420f Septic arthritis, in sheep/goats, 502–503 contagious ecthyma (sore mouth, orf),
“Rubber jaw”, 380 Septic endocarditis, 351 498, 498b, 499f
Rumen Septic joints, in birds, 320 dermatophilosis, 499
acidosis, 485–486 Serpinema species, 359 lice (pediculosis), 499, 499b
bloat, 484–485 Sertoli cell tumors, in ferrets, 266 mange mites, 500
Ruminants, 482. See also Sheep/goats Serum chemistry panel, 67 ringworm, 499, 499b
Runny eyes, in rabbits, 246 Sesamoid bones lymphatic diseases of, 495–497
Ruptures fractures of, 449–450 caseous lymphadenitis, 495–496, 496b
dogs/cats, annulus and extruded nucleus, sesamoiditis, 450 malignant edema, 496
145f Sesamoiditis, 450 palpable lymph nodes, 496f
horses Sexing musculoskeletal system of, 501–504
bladder, 480 birds, 339 caprine arthritis encephalitis, 503
chordae tendineae, 408 iguanas, 343–344, 345f ergot toxicosis, 504
prepubic tendon, 466–467, 467f snakes, 390 infectious footrot, 501–502, 502b
uterine artery, 465–466 Sexual aggression, in pigs, 529–530 laminitis, 502
sheep/goats, bladder, 516 Sexual maturity nutritional muscular dystrophy
of iguanas, 391 (white muscle disease), 503
S of rabbits, 224 rickets and osteomalacia, 503–504
“Saddle thrombi”, 7 of snakes, 389 septic arthritis, 502–503
Salivary glands Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) nervous system of, 505–508
mucocele, 26–27 brucellosis, 510 listeriosis, 506
sialodacryoadenitis (rats), 234–235 contagious equine metritis (Taylorella meningeal worm, 507
Salmonella choleraesuis, 533 equigenitalis), 463 polioencephalomalacia, 507
Salmonella species, 233, 294, 354b, 362, 373, transmissible venereal tumor, 179 rabies, 506, 506b
462, 487 Shedding, snakes, dysecdysis, 371, 371f scrapie, 505–506
Salmonella typhisuis, 533 Sheep/goats tetanus, 507
Salmonellosis digestive system of, 484–490 as pets, 482
in chickens, 521, 521b age of infectious agents causing predator protection, 483
in horses, 421–422, 421b diarrhea, 486f reproductive system of, 509–511
in pigs, 533, 533b anatomy of, 485f brucellosis, 510
in sheep/goats, 487 Clostridium perfringens, 487 chlamydiosis, 510

Sheep/goats (Continued) Snakes (Continued) Snakes (Continued)

dystocia, 509, 509b cardiovascular system of, 350–351 gout, 401–402, 401f
mastitis, 511 congenital diseases, 351 gout tophi in oral cavity, 402f
vaginal and uterine prolapses, 509–510 infectious diseases, 351 venomous, 342
respiratory system of, 512–514 nutritional diseases affecting heart, Snuffles, in rabbits, 273–274, 274f
contagious caprine pleuropneumonia, 350–351 Soft palate dislocation, 473
513 common pet species, 342–343 Soft shelled eggs, 526–527
Oestrus ovis infestation, 512 diet, meal size, 355 Sore mouth, in sheep/goats, 498, 498b,
ovine progressive pneumonia, 514 digestive system of, 352–356 499f
parainfluenza type 3, 513 diarrhea, 354 Sour crop, in chickens, 520
pasteurellosis, 513 failure to feed, 355–356 Spasmodic colic, 418
sinusitis, 512–513 infectious stomatitis (mouth rot), Spaying/neutering. See also Castration
urinary system of, 515–517 352–353, 353f in birds, 337
ruptured bladder, 516 normal stool, 354 in ferrets, 266b
ulcerative posthitis (pizzle pot), 516 vomiting and regurgitation, 353–354 in rabbits, 268
urolithiasis (stones), 515–516 ears of, 366 Special senses
Shell-less eggs, 526–527 endocrine system of, 364 iguanas, 368
Shells, of turtles/tortoises, 345 eyes of, 366 snakes, 366–368
fractures, 377–378, 378f, 378b cataracts, 367–368, 367f Species predilections. See Breed/species
Shope fibroma virus, 255 corneal lesions, 367 predilections
Shoulder (horses), 452 retained spectacles, 366–367, 367f Spinal column/spinal cord
Sialodacryoadenitis, in rats, 234–235 heat pits of, 366 of dogs/cats
Sidebone (calcification of lateral cartilages), housing of anatomy of, 144, 145f
448–449, 449f humidity and, 366 anesthesia cautions, 147b
Simple (comminuted) fractures, 124 preferred optimal temperature zone atlantoaxial subluxation (instability),
Sinoatrial (SA) node, 406 (POTZ), 341, 343, 367 147–149, 148f
Sinus arrhythmia, 17 requirements, 343 cervical spondylomyelopathy
Sinus bradycardia, 17, 17b integumentary system of, 370–375 (Wobbler syndrome), 149
Sinus infections, 333 abscesses, 371–372, 371f degenerative myelopathy, 149–150
Sinus tachycardia, 15 discolorations, 372 diagnosis of injury to, 147b
Sinusitis dysecdysis (difficult or incomplete discospondylitis (vertebral
in dogs/cats, 185 shedding), 371, 371f osteomyelitis), 150–151
in horses hyperthyroidism and, 374 dysfunction of, 144–151
primary, 473–474 neoplasia, 374–375 intervertebral disk disease, 145–146,
secondary, 474 parasites, 372–373, 372f 145f
in sheep/goats, 512–513 trauma, 373–374, 373–374f ischemic myelopathy, 151
Skeletal system. See Musculoskeletal system musculoskeletal system of, 380–381 ruptured annulus and extruded
Skin. See Integumentary system metabolic bone disease, 380–381 nucleus, 145f
Skinfold pyoderma, 114 neoplasia, 381 surgical complications, 149b
Sleeping sickness diseases, 457 nervous system of, 385–386 trauma, 146–147
Sludgy urine, in rabbits, 279 anatomy of, 385 of horses, Wobbler syndrome, 458
Small intestine inclusion body disease of boids, 386 of rabbits, 264, 264b
of dogs/cats, 35–42, 38b spinal osteopathy, 386 spondylosis of lumbar spine, 260
acute diarrhea, 35 toxic neuropathies, 386 trauma, 259–260, 260f
bacterial diarrhea, 38, 38b trauma, 385–386 of snakes, 385
chronic enteropathies, 40, 40b neurotoxicity in, 386 trauma, 385–386
dietary intolerance or sensitivity parasitic infections in Spinal osteopathy, 386
diarrhea, 38–40 intestinal, 354–355 Spiroxis species, 359
intestinal lymphangiectasia, 40–41 parasitic load, 354 Splenomegaly, in birds, 307–308
intestinal neoplasia, 41–42 reproductive system of, 389–391 Splint bones, 444–445
parasitical diarrhea, 35–37, 36–37f dystocia, 390 fractures, 451
viral diarrhea, 37–38 hemipenis, prolapse of, 390f Splint formation, on splint bones, 450
of horses, 414 oviduct and cloaca, prolapses of, Splints/splinting
Small strongyles, 419–420 390–391 fractures, 125, 125b
Snake bites, to horses, 442 respiratory system of, 394–395 spinal cord trauma, 148
Snakes special senses of, 366–368 Spondylosis of lumbar spine, 260
anatomy of, 342–343, 343f urinary system of, 401–402 Spongy bone, 123

Squamous cell carcinoma Strongyles, 410 Teeth/dental disease (Continued)

in dogs/cats, 27, 120 large, 419 in lizards, 343–344
in horses, 430 small, 419–420 in rabbits, 237–238
Stable fractures, 124 Strongyloides ransomi, in pigs, 533 abscesses of tooth root, 254–255
Staff/employees. See also Zoonotic diseases Strongyloides westeri, 420 overgrown incisors, 234f
avoiding rodent bites, 223b Strongylus edentatus, 419 in sheep/goats, 484b
handling feces of animals with diarrhea, Strongylus equinus, 419 sinusitis, 512
486b Strongylus vulgaris, 409f, 419 Tendons, bowed, 451
handling mares with ovarian tumors, 465b Struvite (magnesium ammonium Testicular neoplasia, 269, 339
handling reptiles, 342 phosphate) uroliths, 210 Testicular tumors, 179
wearing gloves, 457b calcium oxalate, 210 Tetanus
handling aborted fetal material/ urates, 210 in horses, 460f
placenta, 463b Subaortic stenosis, 11 puncture wounds, 447
Stallions. See Horses Subcuticular layer (hypodermis), 101f, 102 prophylaxis, 442
Staphylococcus aureus, 246, 268 Subsolar bruising (corns), 446–447 in sheep/goats, 507
of preputial glands, in mice, 278 Sulcascaris species, 359 Tetanus antitoxin vaccinated horses, 442b
Staphylococcus intermedius, 114–115 Superficial dermatomycoses, 111–112 Tetraiodothyronine (T4), 299–300
Staphylococcus species, 137, 150, 174, 177 Superficial pyoderma, 112, 113f Tetralogy of Fallot, 11–13, 12b
Status epilepticus, 144 Suprascapular nerve, 452 circulation in patient with, 15f
STDs. See Sexually transmitted diseases Supraventricular arrhythmia Thermal burns, turtles, 379
Stenosis in dogs/cats, 14–15 Thiacetarsamide, for canine heartworm
pulmonic and aortic, 10–11 in horses, 410–411 disease, 18
subaortic, 11 Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), 15, 16f Thiamine
Stifle joint Suspensory ligament desmitis, 451 deficiency, 387
cruciate ligament injuries, 127 Sweeney, 452–453 in polioencephalomalacia, 507
upward fixation of patella, 453 Sweet itch, 439–440 Thoracocentesis, 194f
Stimulating hormones, 299 Swine flu, 541, 541b Threadworms, in horses, 420
Stomach. See also Digestive system Symmetrical dimethylarginine (SDMA), Thrombocytes (platelets), 91
of dogs/cats, 29–35 215b immune-mediated thrombocytopenia
acute gastritis, 30 Syphilis, rabbit, 246, 255 (IMTP), 91
gastric dilation with volvulus, 32–34, Systemic bacterial disease, in birds, 323 Thrombocytopenia purpura, in pigs, 535
33f Systole, 2–3 Thromboembolism, 7–8
gastric neoplasia, 34–35 Systolic murmur of mitral regurgitation, Thrombophlebitis, 410
gastric ulceration, 31–32, 32f 227 Thrombosis, 228
immune-mediated inflammatory arteritis resulting from, 288
bowel disease, 31 T Thrush, 448, 448f
of horses, 414 Tachycardia, 410 Thyroid gland
gastric ulcers, 417 Tail autotomy, 344, 375 of birds, 299–300
of snakes, stomatitis, 352–353, 353f iguanas, 382, 382b, 382f of dogs/cats, 59–62
of turtles/tortoises, gastritis, 362 Tapetum alopecia related to Cushing and
Stomatitis in birds, 302 hypothyroid diseases, 60b
in dogs/cats, 192 in horses, 428 canine anatomy, 60f
in iguanas, 356, 356f Tapeworms hyperthyroid disease, 61–62
in snakes, 352–353, 353f in horses, 420 hyperthyroidism in dogs, 62
Straining to urinate, 209 in turtles/tortoises, 359 hypothyroid disease, 59–61
Strangles, 474–475, 474–475f, 475b Taurine deficiency, 4, 6 palpation of older cats, 61b
Stratum layers of skin, 100–102 Taylorella equigenitalis, 463 side effects of antithyroid drug
Streptococcus equi, 474, 475f Tear ducts, 254 therapy, 62b
Streptococcus pneumoniae, 272 Tears/tear production stability of thyroid hormones, 60b
Streptococcus species, 174, 177, 303–304 excessive (epiphora), 76–77 of snakes, 364
impetigo, 113 pigmented, 245 Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), 299,
Streptococcus suis, 531 Teeth/dental disease. See also Oral cavity 424–425
Stress in dogs/cats, 23–28, 24f Thyroxin, 424–425
in birds tooth root abscesses, 185 Tick-borne diseases
acute death, 289 in ferrets, 231–232 canine granulocytic ehrlichiosis, 169
enteritis, 294 in horses, 413 canine monocytic ehrlichiosis, 168, 168b
in horses, formation of splints, 450 uneven wear, 415–416, 415f ehrlichiosis, 92, 93f

Tick-borne diseases (Continued) Transmissible venereal tumor (TVT), Turtles/tortoises

Lyme disease (borreliosis), 169–170, 179 anatomy and physiology of, 345–348,
170b Transverse fractures, 125f 346–347f
Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 167–168, Trauma/injuries, 127. See also Ruptures bifurcation of trachea, 348f
167b in birds, 315–320, 317–319f aural abscesses in, 371f, 387, 388f
Tick paralysis, 105, 154 beak, 292 cardiovascular system of, 347
Ticks (Ixodes and Argasid species), cataracts, 304 digestive system of, 347, 358–362
105–106, 105b, 437 conjunctival, 303–304 diarrhea (as symptom), 358–359, 359b
iguanas, 377 crop, 291–292 endocrine system of, 365
snakes, 372f hemorrhage related to, 288 environmental and housing
Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), 7–8 periocular, 303 requirements of, 348
Togavirus, 457 bone. (see Fractures) aquatic turtles, 348
Tongue in chickens, 523, 523b box turtles, 348
of horses, 416b in dogs/cats integumentary system of, 377–379
lingual ulcers (feline calicivirus), 192f brain, 141–142 musculoskeletal system of, 383–384
oral trauma and, 25–26 cruciate ligament injury, 127–128 metabolic bone disease, 383–384
Tonometry, 84. See also Intraocular long bone fractures, 124–127, 125f nervous system of, 387–388
pressure (IOP) rating scale for evaluation of middle ear infections, 387–388, 388f
Tonsillitis, 185–186 craniocerebral trauma, 142t thiamine deficiency, 387
Topical products, in birds, 308b spinal cord, 146–147 toxic chemicals and drugs, 387, 387b
Tortoises. See Turtles/tortoises in horses, 429 reproductive system of, 347–348
Total hip replacement surgery, 132, 132f skin wounds, 442 egg binding, 392
Toxemias, enterotoxemia (overeating in iguanas, 376 penile prolapse, 393
disease), 488–489 abrasions, abscesses, and other sores, respiratory system of, 347, 396–398,
Toxic neuropathies, 386 376, 376f 396–397f
Toxicity eyes, 368 bacterial infections, 398
heavy metal, 387 joint. (see Joints/joint injuries) mycoplasmosis, 396–398
ivermectin, 387, 387b ligaments. (see Ligaments/ligament pneumonia and lower respiratory
treatment of, 18 injuries) disease, 398
Toxin-induced anemias (Heinz body), oral, 25–26 urinary system of, 347, 402–403
89–90 in pigs, 541 gout, 403
Toxin-induced liver disease, 45–46 in snakes, 373–374 urinary calculi, 402–403, 403f
Toxins cage, 373 Tying up (rhabdomyolysis), 454, 454b
acetaminophen, 89–90 nervous system, 385–386 Tympanometry, 152
birds, burned Teflon pans, 333–334 prey, 373, 373f Tyzzer disease, 235
horses thermal, 374, 374f
Acer rubrum (red maple) toxicosis, spinal, in rabbits, 259–260, 260f U
434 temperature requirements, 341 Udders. See Mammary glands/udders
fescue toxicosis, 467–468 urethral, in mice, 278 Ulcerative feline cystitis, 203–204
as medications, AZT and PMEA, 161b Treatment considerations, 356b Ulcerative keratitis (corneal ulcers), 81–82
sheep/goats, copper, 489, 489b Trematodes (flukes) Ulcerative posthitis, sheep/goats, 516
Toxoplasma gondii, 162 in dogs/cats, 238 Ulcers/ulceration/erosions
distribution in United States, 162f in snakes, 355b in dogs/cats
Toxoplasmosis, 137, 162–163 in turtles/tortoises, 359 gastric ulcers, 31–32, 32f
antemortem diagnosis of, 163b Treponema cuniculi, 246 indolent ulcers (Boxer ulcers), 81
transmission routes, 162 Trichobezoars (rabbits), 235–236, 236f lingual ulcers (feline calicivirus), 192f
Toy/miniature breed dogs, patellar Trichophyton mentagrophytes, 111 stomatitis, 192
luxations, 128 Trichophyton species, 438–439 ulcerative feline cystitis, 203–204
Trachea, 184 Tricuspid valve, 2–3, 406 ulcerative keratitis (corneal ulcers),
collapsing, 188–189 insufficiency, 14 81–82
Transfaunation, of rumen microflora, Trigeminal neuralgia, 461 in horses, gastric ulcers, 417
485 Triiodothyronine (T3), 299–300, 424–425 in rabbits, ulcerative pododermatitis
Transfusions Trumpet tail rats (degus), 243 (sore hocks), 254, 254f
blood, 471 Trypanosoma equinum, 439f Unstable fractures, 124
hyperimmune plasma (foals), 470f TSH. See Thyroid-stimulating hormone Unthrifty animals, 354
Transmissible spongiform Tubercular lesions, 329b Upper respiratory tract diseases, 184–186
encephalopathies, 505 Tumors. See Cancer; Neoplasia Uremia, 214

Ureters, 203, 335 Urolithiasis (bladder stones) (Continued) Venomous reptiles, 342
Urethra, 203 mineral composition of, 211, 212t Ventral hip luxation, 135
Urethral obstruction or trauma, in mice, obstructive, 208–209, 208f Ventral marking gland, 222–223
278 in pigs, 542 Ventricular fibrillation, 17
Urethral plugs, feline, 209, 209b in rabbits, 279–280, 280f Ventricular premature complexes (VPCs),
cystocentesis, 209b in sheep/goats, 515–516 6, 6b
use of anesthetic drugs in azotemic cats, stone analysis for, 211 Ventricular septal defects, 10, 12f
209b Uterus Ventricular tachycardia, 15–17, 17f
Urethral sphincter hypotonus, 216 artery tears (horses), 466 Vessels, 3, 3b
Urinalysis, 205 of dogs/cats Vibriosis, in sheep/goats, 510, 510b
reference values, for gerbils, hamsters, pyometra, 174–175, 174f Villi, 23
mice, and rats, 278t tumors of, 180 Viral infections. See also specific pathogen,
sample collection, indwelling catheters, of rabbits, 267–268, 268f infection, or under specific animal
204b postpartum bacterial infections of, 268 species
Urinary calculi, in turtles, 402–403, 403f tumor of, 268f abortions, 463
Urinary obstruction in sheep/goats, prolapse, 509–510 avian polyomavirus (APVD), 326
in ferrets, 266 Uvea, in horses, 428 in birds, 311–313, 323
in pigs, 542, 542b Uveitis, anterior, 84–85 external parasites, 312–313, 312f
Urinary (renal) system poxvirus infection, 311–312
of birds, 336 V psittacine beak and feather disease, 312
of dogs/cats, 202–218 Vaccinations tumors, 313
of ferrets, 276–278 in birds, Pacheco disease, 326 contagious ecthyma, 498, 498b, 499f
of horses, 479–481 in contagious caprine pleuropneumonia, of equine viral rhinopneumonitis, 477
of iguanas, 402 513 exotic Newcastle disease (END), 327
kidneys. (see Kidneys) core vaccines for respiratory tract feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR), 191
of pigs, 542–543 diseases, 184b Pacheco disease (herpesvirus), 326–327
prostate. (see Prostatic diseases) in dogs/cats pansystemic, 325–327
of rabbits, 278–280, 280f canine distemper, 270 pneumonia, 396
renal failure. (see Renal failure) canine parvovirus, 158b respiratory, 191, 477
of reptiles, 400–404 feline fibrosarcomas, 118, 118b in splenomegaly, 307
of rodent, 278, 278t guidelines for cats, 118 Virulent systemic calicivirus infection,
of sheep/goats, 515–517 in ferrets, 271b feline, 193
of snakes, 401–402 in horses Visceral gout, 336
of turtles/tortoises, 347, 402–403 strangles of, 477 Vision, of dogs/cats
Urine cortisol:creatinine ratios, 69 tetanus, 442b, 460 accommodation, 74–75
Urine/urination tetanus prophylaxis, 442, 447 cataracts affecting, 83–84
in dogs/cats, 203 West Nile virus, 457–458 color, 74, 85
inappropriate, 204 Vaccine-Associated Sarcoma Task Force, Vision loss, 74
irritative voiding, 203–204 118 cataracts, 74–75, 83–84
straining to, 209 Vagina chronic superficial keratitis (pannus), 82
in ferrets, lack of, 266 in dogs/cats glaucoma, 74
in horses, brown urine, 434 juvenile (puppy) vaginitis, 173 Viviparous species, snakes, 389
in lizards, 343–344 vaginitis, 173 Vocal folds, 183–184
in rabbits in rabbits, lesions of, 255 Vocalization
red, 278–279 in sheep/goats, prolapses, 509–510 in birds, 322
sludgy, 279 Vaginitis, 173 in lizards, 344
types of crystals in, 207f Valvular heart diseases Voice change
Urogenital system. See also Reproductive in dogs/cats, 3 handling of all animals with, 186b
system; Urinary (renal) system acquired, 13–14 laryngitis, 186
of birds, 335–339 in ferrets, 227–228 Volvulus, gastric dilation with, 32–34, 33f
of chickens, 527 in horses, 407–408 Vomiting
Urolithiasis (bladder stones) degenerative, 407 of iguanas, 356–357
canine, 210 Vascular disease, 409–410 of snakes, 353–354
feline, 206–209 Vascular ring anomalies, 13 von Willebrand disease (vWD), 93
struvite, 208 Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone), 59 Vulva
in ferrets, 277–278 Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis enlarged, 266f
in horses, 481, 481f (VEE), 457 neoplasia, 180

Zoonotic diseases (Continued)

W West Nile encephalitis, 457–458
Western equine encephalomyelitis, 457 contagious ecthyma, 498b
Walking dandruff (rabbits), 257
Wet tail (proliferative ileitis), 235 dermatophytosis, 256b
Warbles (Cuterebra)
White muscle disease, in sheep/goats, 503 Ehrlichia canis in humans, 168b
in dogs/cats, 108–109, 109f
Wing bones, anatomy of, 316f mycobacteriosis, 329b, 330
in rabbits, 257
Wobbler syndrome, 458 psittacosis, 330–331b
Warts (papillomatosis)
Wood’s light, 111 of reptiles, 342
in birds, cloacal, 295
“Wool block” (rabbits), 235–236 venomous, 342
in dogs, 27, 27f
Rocky Mountain spotted fever,
in dogs/cats, 117
in horses, 441, 441f, 441b Z 167b
Salmonella, 354b
Water, for aquatic turtles, 348 Zoonotic diseases. See also Reportable
toxoplasmosis, 162–163, 162f, 163b
WBCs (leukocytes). See Leukocyte diseases
brucellosis, 151b vibriosis, 510
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