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What is Java? History and Features of Java JDK, JRE, and JVM (Java Virtual
Machine), JVM Memory Management Internal details of JVM Unicode
1 System, Operators, Keywords Data types in Java, Primitive data types,
Non-primitive data types, Memory allocation of primitive and non-
primitive data types, etc,.

Variable declaration & initialization, Naming convention, Types of

variables such as local variables, instance variables, and static variables
,Scope and memory allocation of variables.
Control Statements like if-else, switch, For loop, while loop, for each,
Number Systems.

Class, Object, and Types of classes

Naming convention of Java, Classes, Objects, and Features ,Object

declaration and initialization, Life cycle of an object ,Anonymous object
3 in Java ,Encapsulation in Java ,How to achieve Encapsulation ,Data hiding

Methods in Java,Use of method in Java ,Method declaration, method

signature .

Methods in Java

Types of methods in Java ,Calling of method ,Java main method ,Return

type in Java , Call by value and Call by Object, Command Line Arguments.
4 What is Constructor in Java?

Types of constructors: Default and Parameterized constructors ,Java

constructor overloading, Constructor chaining in java ,Copy constructor
in Java.
Java Array
5 Array Syntax and Examples, Types of array: single dimensional array,
multidimensional array, Passing array to a method & Matrix Operations.

Static Keyword

What is Static keyword?, Static variable, Static method, Static block,

Instance block, Static Nested Class in Java ,Difference between static
variable and instance variable, static method and instance method, static
block, and instance block.
Wrapper Classes in Java

Example and Need of wrapper class, Custom Wrapper Class, Type

Conversion, Autoboxing and Unboxing


7 Inheritance in Java , Is-A Relationship, Aggregation and Composition

(HAS-A), Types of inheritance: Single level, Multilevel, Hierarchical,
Multiple, and Hybrid inheritance.

Packages in Java

8 How to declare package in a company project, Package naming

conventions, Sub packages Types of packages such as user-defined
packages, built-in packages ,Access Modifiers and its Types

Final Keyword

Final variable Final method, Final class.

Super Keyword
9 Super keyword, Calling of super class instance variable, Super class
constructor, Super class method,.

This keyword

Calling of current class constructor, and method.


Types of polymorphism: Compile-time polymorphism and Run-time

polymorphism, Method overloading & Method overriding, Rules of
method overloading and method overriding. Garbage Collection

Abstract class, Abstract method, Interface in Java, Nested interface, rules,

and example programs.

Exception Handling in Java

Try-catch block, Multiple Catch Block, Nested try block, Finally block,
11 Throw Keyword Throws Keyword, Throw vs Throws, Final vs Finally vs
Finalize, Exception Handling with Method Overriding Java Custom

String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder

12 Immutable String, String Comparison, String concatenation, Substring,

StringBuffer class, String Builder class.

Java Thread

Java multithreading, Multithreading life cycle of a thread creating,

Thread scheduler, Sleeping a thread, Start a thread twice, Calling run()
13 method, Joining a thread, Naming a thread, Thread priority, Daemon
thread, Thread pool, Thread group, Shutdown hook, Synchronization,
Deadlock, Inter-thread Communication, Interrupting Thread.

Collections Framework

List, Set, SortedSet, Queue, Deque, Map, Iterator, ListIterator, and

14 Enumeration. ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet,
ArrayDeque, PriorityDeque, EnumSet, AbstractCollection, AbstractList,
AbstractQueue, AbstractSet, and AbstractSequentialList.

Map, Map Entry, SortedMap, and NavigableMap,HashMap,

15 LinkedHashMap, TreeMap, IdentityHashMap, WeakHashMap, and

JDBC Drivers,Steps to connect to Database, Connectivity with Oracle,

Connectivity with MySQL

16 Connectivity with Access without DSN, Driver Manager

Types of JDBC statements: Statement, Prepared statement, Callable


Database Metadata, Resultset Metadata, ResultSet, types of ResultSet.

Java Swing

Swing (JFC)
Introduction Diff B/W AWT and SWING, Components hierarchy,
17 Individual Swings components JLabel, JButton, JTextField, JTextArea.
JTable, Java JList, Java JCheckBox,Java JRadioButton, Java JComboBox
Java JMenuBar, JMenu and JMenuItem, Java JPopupMenu
Java JCheckBoxMenuItem, Java JDialog,Java JScrollPane.

Java I/O Streams & Types of Streams

Byte Stream,Character Stream, Java InputStream Class, OutputStream
Class, FileInputStream Class, FileOutputStream Class,
ByteArrayInputStream Class, ByteArrayOutputStream
ClassObjectInputStream Class, ObjectOutputStream Class
Important features of Java SE 8
Lambda Expressions, Method References ,Functional Interfaces Stream
,Base64 Encode Decode ,Default Methods
forEach method, Collectors, StringJoiner, Optional class ,Method
Parameter Reflection ,Java JDBC Improvements .

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