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BioCrete RreviveX Corporation

"Pioneering the path to sustainable and
resilient infrastructure, our business offers
groundbreaking solutions that revolutionize
the construction industry and ensure a
stronger, safer, and more sustainable future
for generations to come."

Dalipuga, Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, 9200 | Philippines You may contact us: 977-2114 |

“The motivation that drives me to venture into self-healing concrete is the desire to
combat the destructive forces of earthquakes and significant crack formations in
infrastructure. These small cracks would allow water and other substances to enter
the concrete, thereby accelerating structural degradation. By developing materials
that can autonomously repair cracks and damage caused by seismic activity, I aim
to enhance the resilience of structures and ensure their longevity. My goal is to
contribute to a safer world, where infrastructure can withstand the test of time and
reduce the need for extensive repairs or reconstruction.” - CEO, Engr. Solidum

Our mission is to revolutionize the construction industry through innovative and
sustainable concrete solutions. We aim to enhance the durability and resilience of
structures, reducing the need for extensive repairs and ensuring their longevity. Our goal
is to create a safer and more sustainable world by advancing self-healing concrete

To establish new standards for resilient and eco-friendly infrastructure. Through
innovation and collaboration, we aim to create a future where buildings and
infrastructure can withstand the test of time, promoting safety and well-being in
communities worldwide.

Table Of Content

About Company

Our Vision, Mission

Executive Summary

Management and Organization


Marketing Plan

Operating and Control System

Growth Plan

Financial Plan


Page 03
1.1 Venture History

Our product's journey began as a response to the growing challenges faced by the
construction industry. The industry had been grappling with issues such as frequent cracks
in concrete structures, shortened lifespans of infrastructure, and the high cost of
maintenance associated with existing practices. Recognizing these pressing concerns, our
team of visionary engineers and scientists embarked on a mission to develop a solution that
could address these problems head-on. Extensive research and development efforts were
undertaken to create an innovative product that could significantly improve the durability,
strength, and longevity of concrete structures. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
Through meticulous testing and refinement, we successfully formulated
eiusmod tempor the double
incididunt ut labore et
encapsulation beads for concrete. This groundbreaking dolore
additive magna
was specifically designed
aliqua. Ut enim ad
to mitigate the issues plaguing the construction industry. By
minim integrating
veniam,the beads
quis intonostrud
traditional concrete mixtures, we aimed to provide a sustainable and cost-effective solution
exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
that would enhance the overall performance of concrete structures. The inception of our
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
product was driven by a commitment to revolutionize the construction industry and
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit
overcome the limitations of existing practices. We sought to provide engineers, architects,
and contractors with a superior alternative that not only in voluptatethevelit
addressed esse cillum
prevalent issues dolore
but eu
fugiat nulla
also offered long-term cost savings through reduced maintenance pariatur.

By tackling the root causes of cracks and the short lifespan of infrastructure, our product
aimed to elevate the quality and resilience of concrete construction projects. We envisioned
a future where structures could withstand the test of time, reducing the need for frequent
repairs and costly maintenance. With this vision in mind, we embarked on a transformative
journey that has led us to the present, where our double encapsulation beads have gained
recognition and adoption within the industry. By offering a sustainable, durable, and cost-
efficient solution, we are contributing to a positive shift in the construction landscape,
ensuring the creation of long-lasting and resilient infrastructure that meets the needs of the
present and future generations.
1.2 Company Description

BioCrete ReviveX Corporation (BCRC) is a leading manufacturer of Double Encapsulated

Self-Healing Beads for Concrete. Our company specializes in developing innovative
solutions that revolutionize the construction industry. At BioCrete ReviveX, we are committed
to providing cutting-edge technology that enhances the durability and sustainability of
concrete structures. Our flagship product, the Double Encapsulated Self-Healing Bead,
offers a groundbreaking solution for the persistent challenges faced by the construction
sector. Designed to extend the service life of concrete, our product incorporates advanced
self-healing technology that repairs cracks and damage from within. By embedding
dormant bacteria within the concrete mixture, our beads become activated when exposed
to moisture, initiating the production of calcium carbonate to fill gaps and restore the
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
integrity of the structure. We take pride in our commitment to sustainability. By
consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
incorporating our Double Encapsulated Self-Healing Beads into concrete production, we
contribute to reducing waste and maximizing resource eiusmod tempor
efficiency. Ourincididunt
product ut labore et
minimize the need for frequent repairs and replacements, dolore
savingmagna aliqua.
costs and Ut the
reducing enim ad
environmental impact associated with the construction industry. veniam, quis nostrud
exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
1.3 Company Organization aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit
BCRC is composed of various individuals that differininvoluptate
the field velit esse cillum
of mastery. dolore eu
The key
management personnel includes the following: fugiat nulla pariatur.

Engr. Joseph Cyron Solidum

CEO and Director of BCRC
A licensed Chemical Technician and Registered Environmental Planner

Engr. Justine Orcales

Master in Business Administration (MBA)

Engr. Ivan Brylle Rama

Licensed Chemical Technician
1.4 Marketing Plan

The target market of BioCrete ReviveX Corporation (BCRC) encompasses both small and
large-scale construction companies in Iligan City. However, our vision extends beyond the
local market as we anticipate potential opportunities in Mindanao and throughout the
Philippines. BCRC aims to assist the target market in enhancing their construction materials
and extending their service life. By providing our innovative solutions, BCRC enables
construction companies to overcome the limitations of traditional materials. Our Double
Encapsulated Self-Healing Beads for Concrete offer a game-changing approach to
addressing cracks and damage. These beads enhance the durability of concrete structures,
reducing the need for frequent repairs and replacements. Our marketing strategy focuses
on showcasing the benefits and value that BCRC brings Loremto the construction
ipsum dolor industry.
sit amet,
Through targeted advertising campaigns, industry partnerships, and participation in trade
consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
shows, we aim to raise awareness about our unique product offering. We will emphasize
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
the cost-effectiveness, sustainability, and long-term savings that our solution provides.
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad
minim veniam, quis nostrud
1.5 Company Operations
exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
In its inaugural year, BCRC allocated (cost) towards the recruitment and employment of
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit
(number of) personnel, utilizing funds from the initial investment of (cost). Moving into the
in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu
second year, the average monthly expenditure amounts to (cost), with projections
fugiat nulla pariatur.
indicating an expected increase of () percent in annual expenses for subsequent years. As
the company progresses, year two is anticipated to mark the commencement of
profitability, with projected revenue of (). BCRC made significant investments in its human
capital during its initial year, providing resources to build a skilled and capable team.
These expenses were covered by the initial investment, ensuring the company's operational
needs were met from the outset. In the following year, the company's financial projections
indicate a consistent monthly expenditure, demonstrating prudent financial management.
As BCRC continues to grow and expand, the expected increase in annual expenses reflects
the anticipated scaling of operations to meet market demands and seize growth
opportunities. The revenue forecast for the second year serves as an important milestone for
BCRC, signifying the company's transition into a profitable phase. With dedicated efforts
and a robust product offering, BCRC expects to generate substantial revenue, positioning
itself as a viable and financially successful entity within the industry.

Page 06
1.6 Financial Plan

The initial funding for BCRC was secured through investments from multiple stakeholders
who have demonstrated their confidence in the company. These investors share common
interests, plans, and values that are aligned with BCRC's business venture, goals, and
vision. A significant portion of the start-up capital, specifically ( amount ), was contributed
by Republic Cement Corporation and ( amount )—prominent cement production companies
operating in Mindanao. Furthermore, BCRC received additional investment amounting to (
amount ) from a group of investors. This investment will be repaid over a five-year period in
profit and loss statement for the next 5 years
accordance with the agreed terms.


2.1 Management Team

Joseph Cyron Solidum, CEO and Director

Joseph is a highly accomplished individual who graduated with honors, earning a

Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Engineering from Mindanao State University
Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT). His dedication and exceptional academic
performance have set a strong foundation for his professional career. He is also a licensed
Chemical Technician and Registered Environmental Planner. His expertise in chemical
analysis, laboratory techniques, and environmental planning directly aligns with the
business's core focus. Joseph's leadership ensures compliance with environmental
regulations, promotes sustainable practices and integrates environmental considerations
into every aspect of the company's operations. His unique blend of technical expertise and
business acumen drives the company's growth while upholding its commitment to
environmental responsibility.
Justine Orcales, CFO

Justine, as the CFO of the company, holds a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from
Mindanao State University IIT. With a strong educational background in business
administration, Justine brings valuable financial expertise and strategic insight to the
organization. As the CFO, Justine is responsible for overseeing the company's financial
operations, managing budgets, and implementing financial strategies to drive growth and
profitability. With an MBA degree, Justine possesses a comprehensive understanding of
financial management principles, allowing for effective decision-making and resource
allocation. Justine's role as the CFO contributes to the company's financial stability,
sustainability, and success.

Ivan Brylle Rama, COO

Ivan Brylle serves as the COO of the company, bringing a bachelor's degree in
Environmental Engineering and a license as a Chemical Technician. With expertise in both
fields, Ivan plays a vital role in overseeing daily operations and ensuring compliance with
environmental regulations. His proficiency in environmental engineering and chemical
processes contributes to the company's operational excellence and commitment to
sustainability. As the COO, Ivan's strategic leadership and technical knowledge drive the
efficient functioning of the organization.
2.2 Compensation and Ownership

Partners have equal ownership of the company.
2.3 Contracts and Agreements
2.3 Contracts and Agreements
2.3 Contracts and Agreements
2.3 Contracts and Agreements
2.4 Insurance

Insurance is a critical aspect of any company or business, providing protection for both
employees and customers against potential risks and unfortunate events. It serves as a
safeguard, ensuring that the business can navigate unexpected challenges with financial
security and minimal disruption. At BCRC, we prioritize the well-being and safety of our
stakeholders, which is why we have implemented comprehensive insurance coverage. Here
are five key areas where we extend insurance for our company:

1. Workers' Compensation
2. General Liability Insurance
3. Product Liability Insurance.
4. Property Insurance
5. Business Interruption Insurance

2.5 Organization Charts


Engr. Joseph Cyron Solidum


Justine F. Orcales
Engr. Rodel Remolana


Engr. Ivan Brylle Rama
Alonzo Gabriel Limocon

Maechelle Umacob
Ynna Nicole Ilogon
Engr. Allia Hadji Ali
3.1 Purpose of the Product

The Double Encapsulated Self-Healing Beads for Concrete revolutionize the construction
industry by enhancing the durability and longevity of concrete structures. By embedding
dormant self-healing bacteria within the concrete mixture, our product triggers a unique
healing mechanism when cracks or damage occur. This mechanism stimulates the
production of calcium carbonate, which fills the gaps and repairs the concrete from within.
The purpose of our product is to extend the service life of concrete, reduce the need for
frequent repairs, and provide cost-effective and sustainable
ipsumfor the construction
dolor sit amet,
industry. Ultimately, our goal is to contribute to the creation of resilient, eco-conscious built
consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
environments that stand the test of time.
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad
3.2 Stages of Development minim veniam, quis nostrud
exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
3.2.1 The Concept Overview aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit
While concrete can withstand compressive loads, in itvoluptate
is shownvelit
to be vulnerable
esse to
cillum dolore eu
tensile stresses, thereby facilitating small crack formations. These small crack
fugiat nulla pariatur.
formations will allow water and other corrosive substances to ingress into the concrete
structure, as a result, accelerating structural degradation. The team came up with an
idea to devise a novel method to mitigate these crack formations by incorporating self-
healing bacteria into the concrete matrix. These bacteria in their dormant state can
precipitate solid calcium carbonate crystals through the process called Microbially-
induced calcium carbonate precipitation(MICP). These crystals fill pores and cracks,
enhancing the concrete’s structural integrity and preventing the penetration of water,
gasses and other corrosive substances into the concrete matrix.
3.2.2 Material Details

The production of our double encapsulation product involves the use of carefully
selected materials that contribute to its unique properties and performance. These
materials are specifically chosen to enhance the strength, durability, and longevity of
concrete structures. Through meticulous research and development, we have identified
a precise combination of components that work synergistically to deliver exceptional
results. Our material selection process prioritizes quality, sustainability, and
compliance with industry standards, ensuring that our product meets the highest level
of performance and reliability.

3.2.3 Production Steps and Details

After identifying the materials and their sources, the next step is to specify the steps in
order to integrate the components. Engineering principles were applied for reliability
of the product.
Step 1: Preparation of Reagents and Chemicals

Figure 1. Preparation of reagents and chemicals

Nutrient Broth, Nutrient Agar, Yeast Extract, and Peptone will be purchased from HiMedia
Labs (India) through a local supplier (Manila). The NaCl-Peptone buffer will be purchased
from Huankai Microbial (Beijing), the Calcium Lactate (USP G1) and Calcium chloride will
be purchased from Dalkem (Manila), Manganese sulfate monohydrate, for the purpose of
spore growth stimulation, will be purchased from Scharlau (Germany) through a local
supplier. Sodium alginate will be purchased from Tianjin Analytical (Tianjin), Glacial
acetic acid will be purchased from RCI Labscan (Thailand) through a local supplier.
Sodium lauryl sulfate, Xanthan gum, and ordinary portland cement will all be purchased
and sourced locally from Megawise, Greenola, and Holcim, respectively.

Step 2. Bacterial Collection and Isolation

Figure 2. Calcifying bacteria collected from a cave

The bacteria strains will be collected from a cave in Sikyop, Iligan city and Camiguin
Island, Philippines.
Step 3: Growth Media Preparation

Figure 3. Process of producing bacterial spores into a powder form: (a) the culture being shaken, (b)
centrifugation process, (c) the separated cells pellet and medium supernatant, (d) freeze-drying of
the cell pellets

The Bacillus bacteria will be grown in separate containers with a special liquid called
Nutrient broth. The broth will be adjusted to a specific pH level using a chemical called
NaOH. Then it will be heated up using a machine called an autoclave to kill any germs.
After that, the bacteria will be added to the broth and kept in a warm and shaking machine
for 72 hours. When the bacteria grow to a certain point, they will be separated from the
liquid by spinning them very fast in a machine called a centrifuge. The separated bacteria
will be washed two times with a special solution to remove any harmful substances. The
liquid part will be thrown away, and the remaining bacteria will be stored in another
solution at a cold temperature. To check if the bacteria are growing in a certain way, two
staining procedures will be done using special dyes.
Step 4: Preparation of Difco Sporulation Medium

Figure 4. Blank difco sporulation medium (dsm)

To increase the amount of spores, they will be grown in a special medium called DSM
(Difco sporulation medium). After collecting the spores into a pellet, they will be placed in
a flask containing 100mL of DSM with a pH of 8. DSM is prepared in two steps: making a
mixture of 8g of Nutrient broth, 1g of KCl, and 0.25g of MgSO4 with a pH of 8, and then
adding 10mL of sterile Calcium Lactate (CaL) solution (concentration of 0.5 M) to 100mL
of the nutrient broth. After that, a mixture of Calcium nitrate, MnCl2, and FeSO4 (in
specific amounts) will be autoclaved and added to the solution using a syringe filter.
Finally, the spores will be harvested following the same procedure as described earlier in
step 3.
Step 5. Microencapsulation

Source: Thermofisher Scientific Incorporation

Figure 5. Machine used for encapsulating the spores. The spray dryer

The harvested spores will be mixed in a solution, which comprised of sodium alginate (2%
wt/v), and nutrient broth (8 g/L with CaL spore growth stimulant) and will be thoroughly
dissolved in distilled water and autoclaved at 121°C for 18 minutes. For the first layer, the
alginate mixture will be atomized through a spray dryer with an inlet temperature of
105C. The powder will then be collected from the collecting vessel. For the second layer, a
0.5% (wt./v) chitosan solution (Sinopharm) in 1000mL of 1% (v/v) Acetic acid will be
prepared, and the solution will be filtered through a nylon cloth to separate the insoluble
material. The beads obtained from the spray dryer will be added to the chitosan solution
and then atomized through the same spray dryer. The powder will then be obtained from
the vessel and then kept at room temperature.
3.2.4 Product Application

Our product, the double encapsulated beads, are seamlessly integrated into the
mortar during the concrete mixing process. As the concrete cures and hardens, the
beads become an integral part of the structure. In the event of cracks or damage to
the concrete, the encapsulated beads serve a crucial role. Once exposed to the
cracks, the specialized bacteria within the beads are activated and begin producing
calcite. This calcite acts as a self-healing agent, effectively sealing and repairing the
cracks by filling them with mineral deposits. This innovative technology ensures that
the concrete maintains its strength and durability over time, as any damage is
autonomously addressed and healed. By incorporating Lorem the ipsumdouble-encapsulated
dolor sit amet,
beads into the concrete, we provide a sustainable solution that enhances the lifespan
consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
and resilience of concrete structures.
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad
minim veniam, quis nostrud
3.3 Future Research and Development
exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
The use of encapsulated calcifying bacteria for self-healing concrete is an innovative
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit
approach that has shown promising results in the field of construction and infrastructure. By
in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu
incorporating these bacteria into concrete, cracks, and fissures can be autonomously
repaired, enhancing the durability and lifespan of the fugiat nulla pariatur.
material. In line with this, the
company will further develop the compatibility of double-encapsulated beads in different
types of concrete, such as high-strength concrete, lightweight foamed concrete, or fiber-
reinforced concrete. The company would also like to investigate the compatibility and
potential synergies between encapsulated bacteria and other concrete additives such as
supplementary cementitious materials(SCMs), admixtures, or nanomaterials. The
combination of different technologies can lead to enhanced performance and tailored self-
healing properties.
double encapsulation beads
3.4 Trademarks, Patents, Copyrights, Licenses, and Royalties

BioCrete ReviveX Corporation (BCRC) assumes all costs arising from the use of patented,
trademarked, or copyrighted materials, equipment, devices, processes, or dramatic rights
used in their operations. BCRC also agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from
any damages, costs, and expenses resulting from the use of such materials, equipment,
devices, processes, or dramatic rights by BCRC or its employees, agents, or licensees. The
company agrees to pay all royalties, license fees, and other charges associated with any
products issued, staged, or produced by BCRC, its agents, employees, or licensees in the
BCRC building. Additionally, it should be noted that the BCRC logo is a registered
3.5 Government Approvals

All necessary governmental and regulatory approvals, authorizations, consents, permits,

and licenses required for the transactions outlined in our proposal have been obtained and
are currently valid. These approvals not only enable the smooth execution of the proposed
agreements but also ensure that government agencies can continue their operations in a
similar manner following the Closing Date.
3.5 Government Approvals

All necessary governmental and regulatory approvals, authorizations, consents, permits,

and licenses required for the transactions outlined in our proposal have been obtained and
are currently valid. These approvals not only enable the smooth execution of the proposed
agreements but also ensure that government agencies can continue their operations in a
similar manner following the Closing Date.
3.6 Production Limitations and Capabilities

During the initial two years of the company's operation, the production rate will be 600
packs per year. From the third year to the fifth year, the annual output will increase by
100, resulting in a total of 700 packs per year. Each pack will contain 1 kilogram of self-
healing beads. It is crucial to note that the product is not intended to replace cement, but
rather to serve as an additive to the concrete mixture. This additive enables the concrete to
possess self-healing properties, thereby reducing the need for frequent maintenance and

Production Limitations:

The production of self-healing bacteria requires specialized facilities and equipment, as

well as expertise in microbiology and biotechnology.
The availability and sourcing of the specific strains of bacteria suitable for self-healing
applications may pose challenges.
The production process needs to ensure the viability and stability of the bacteria
throughout their lifespan.
The production scale may be limited due to cost considerations, technical complexities,
and the need for rigorous quality control.

Production Capabilities:

Self-healing bacteria have the ability to produce calcium carbonate (limestone) in the
presence of moisture and calcium ions, which helps repair cracks in concrete.
These bacteria can be incorporated into concrete during the mixing process, allowing
for autonomous crack healing.
Self-healing bacteria have the potential to extend the service life of concrete structures
and reduce the need for frequent repairs and maintenance.
The bacteria can withstand harsh environmental conditions, such as high alkalinity and
the presence of chemicals commonly found in concrete.
3.7 Production Facility

The BioCrete ReviveX Corporation is situated in Dalipuga, Iligan City, Philippines. The
facility is strategically designed with separate areas designated for specific functions. The
facility consists of four main components, as illustrated in Figure 2. Building one (1)
functions as the office, providing storage for important documents and accommodating
staff and officials. Building two (2) serves as the production area, equipped with state-of-
the-art machinery and facilities to facilitate efficient manufacturing and production
processes for BioCrete ReviveX products. The remaining two buildings, located at the
bottom part of Figure 2, serve as the packaging area for product sorting and packing, as
well as the storage area and drop-off location for orders. Additionally, the company has
designated parking spaces for both company vehicles and staff members.

Figure 6. A 3D Overview of BioCrete ReviveC Corporation Building

3.8 Suppliers

ThermoFisher Scientific Incorporation has been chosen as our primary supplier for a wide
range of equipment and laboratory apparatus, including spray dryers, ovens, incubators,
specialized machinery, as well as common items like Petri dishes, beakers, and pipettes.
The calcifying bacteria utilized for encapsulation will be obtained from Sikyop Cave in
Iligan City and Camiguin Island in the Philippines.

For the chemicals and reagents: Sodium Alginate will be obtained from SINOCONVOY
NEW MATERIAL CO., LTD.; Chitosan, Nutrient Broth, Nutrient Agar, Peptone, and Yeast
Extract Powder will be purchased from HiMedia (Indiana, USA). Calcium lactate (Hungria
et al., 2023) USP Grade 1, and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) will be purchased from
Dalkem Corporation (Manila, PH). Acetic acid will be obtained from Sigma-Aldrich
4.1 Industry Profile

Biocrete ReviveX Corporation is a leading player in the construction industry, offering

innovative double encapsulation beads for concrete. Their product provides enhanced
strength, durability, and resistance to environmental factors, reducing cracks and extending
the lifespan of concrete structures. Through personal interview surveys, Biocrete gathers
comprehensive customer insights. Strategically located in Dalipuga, Iligan City, they ensure
easy access to their target market and plan to expand near coastal areas. Their cost-plus
pricing strategy ensures competitive pricing, and they employ diverse distribution channels,
including partnerships with wholesalers, retailers, and online platforms like Lazada and
Shopee. Biocrete ReviveX Corporation aims to meet the increasing demand for sustainable
construction materials, solidifying its position in the industry.

4.1.1 Sampling Procedure

To gather comprehensive and detailed information, Biocrete ReviveX Corporation

utilizes personal interview surveys as the preferred sampling method. These face-to-
face interviews allow us to engage directly with individuals and gather in-depth
insights regarding their preferences, needs, and experiences. Conducting personal
interviews enables us to gain a deeper understanding of customer requirements,
ensuring that our double encapsulation beads for concrete meet their specific needs.

4.1.2 Geographic Locations

Biocrete ReviveX Corporation is strategically located in Dalipuga, Iligan City,
providing easy accessibility to our target market. Recognizing that our product
targets the construction industry, our location is chosen to be within close proximity to
construction companies and contractors. Additionally, being situated in Dalipuga,
which is near the coastline, allows us to tap into potential customers involved in
coastal construction projects. As part of our expansion plans, we are considering
setting up additional offices near coastal areas to further extend our reach and cater
to a wider customer base. We also explore opportunities for collaboration with
startup incubators to enhance accessibility and marketability.
Figure 7. The location for BCRC with an overall lot area is approx. 7750 square meters. The
area is located in Brgy,Dalipuga, Iligan City.

4.1.3 Pricing Characteristics

Biocrete ReviveX Corporation adopts a cost-plus pricing strategy for our double
encapsulation beads for concrete. This approach involves determining the total cost
of manufacturing the product and adding a suitable markup to establish the selling
price. By considering the production costs, material expenses, and additional factors,
we ensure that our pricing structure is competitive and aligns with the wholesale and
retail systems prevalent in the industry. Our goal is to provide our customers with a
high-quality additive at a fair and reasonable price.
4.1.4 Distribution Channels

To effectively reach our target market, Biocrete ReviveX Corporation employs various
distribution channels. These include partnerships with wholesalers, retailers, and
distributors within the construction industry. Additionally, in this digital age, we
recognize the importance of online platforms. Therefore, we have established a
strong online presence through popular e-commerce platforms such as Amazon,
Zarra. Ebay, Zalora, Lazada and Shopee. Leveraging these platforms enables us to
expand our marketing reach beyond Iligan City, connecting with potential customers
nationwide. By embracing both traditional and online distribution channels, we
ensure that our double encapsulation beads for concrete are easily accessible to
construction professionals and enthusiasts alike.
4.1.4 Distribution Channels

To effectively reach our target market, Biocrete ReviveX Corporation employs various
distribution channels. These include partnerships with wholesalers, retailers, and
distributors within the construction industry. Additionally, in this digital age, we
recognize the importance of online platforms. Therefore, we have established a
strong online presence through popular e-commerce platforms such as Amazon,
Zarra. Ebay, Zalora, Lazada and Shopee. Leveraging these platforms enables us to
expand our marketing reach beyond Iligan City, connecting with potential customers
nationwide. By embracing both traditional and online distribution channels, we
ensure that our double encapsulation beads for concrete are easily accessible to
construction professionals and enthusiasts alike.
4.2 Competition Profile

After conducting a comprehensive market survey among construction-related companies in

Iligan City, it was discovered that they were unaware of any existing products similar to
BCRC. However, BCRC does face competition, particularly in the area of crack repairs.
Some recognized competitors include;

1. Davies Megacryl Concrete Filler

2. A-plus Concrete Bond
3. Pioneer Pro Concrete Epoxy

It is important to note that while these products offer crack coverage, they do not provide
complete healing. This is where BCRC products stand apart from the aforementioned
competitors, offering unique healing properties in addition to crack coverage.

4.3 Customer Profile

4.3.1 Target Market Profile

The target market for our double encapsulation product includes both small and
large-scale entities in the construction industry, particularly those involved in
concrete-related projects. Our primary focus is on customers located in Iligan City,
but we also have plans to expand our market presence to other areas in Mindanao
and the entire Philippines.

4.3.2 Pricing Profile

In determining the pricing strategy for our double encapsulation product, we will
carefully calculate the total production cost, including material expenses, labor, and
overhead costs. We will then apply a competitive pricing approach that considers
market trends and the value our product offers to customers. Further details
regarding our pricing strategy will be outlined in the Financial Plan.
4.3.3 Gross Margin on Products and Services

The projected profit and loss statement for the next five years will illustrate the gross
margin achieved through the sales of our double encapsulation product. This margin
reflects the difference between the production cost and the selling price, taking into
account various factors such as production efficiency and market demand. The profit
generated will justify the gross margin achieved and contribute to the financial
sustainability and growth of our business.
4.4 Market Penetration

BCRC has developed a robust market penetration strategy to ensure the widespread
adoption and success of its innovative product. The company aims to establish a
strong presence in the construction industry by targeting key segments and
expanding its customer base. The following strategies will be employed:

1. Targeted Marketing Campaigns: BCRC will implement targeted marketing

campaigns to raise awareness and generate interest in its product. Through various
channels such as digital advertising, industry publications, and trade shows, BCRC
will highlight the unique benefits and competitive advantages of its product,
positioning it as a superior solution in the market.

2. Partnership and Collaboration: BCRC will actively seek strategic

partnerships and collaborations with key stakeholders in the construction industry.
This includes forming alliances with architects, engineers, contractors, and
developers who can recommend and incorporate BCRC's product into their

3. Product Differentiation: BCRC will emphasize the distinctive features and

value proposition of its product compared to competitors. By highlighting the
superior performance, durability, and cost-efficiency of its double encapsulation
beads, BCRC will position itself as a leader in the market and differentiate its
offering from existing solutions.Market Penetration Strategy for BCRC's Product

4. Expansion into New Markets: BCRC will explore opportunities to expand

its market reach beyond its region of origin. Through market research and analysis,
the company will identify regions with a high demand for innovative concrete
additives and establish distribution channels and partnerships in those areas. This
expansion will help BCRC tap into new customer segments and increase market

5. Customer Education and Support: BCRC will invest in customer education

initiatives to create awareness and understanding of the benefits and proper usage
of its product. This includes providing comprehensive product documentation,
technical support, and training programs to assist customers in maximizing the
performance and value of BCRC's product.

5.1 Administrative Policies

This section provides the guidelines for employee conduct at BioCrete ReviveX Corporation
(BCRC), established under the authority of the Philippines' General Business and Product
Inspector. The General Inspector reserves the right to modify these policies and procedures,
in whole or in part. The purpose of these Administrative Policies (APs) is to establish a
standardized system for developing, maintaining, and communicating specific policies and
procedures essential for the efficient and effective operation of BCRC. All BCRC employees
have the right to be aware of their unique duties and responsibilities within their respective
positions. It should be noted that these policies and procedures may be more stringent than
those implemented by other companies. In cases where BCRC Administrative policies
directly conflict with the company's ordinances and policies on employee conduct, the
BCRC APs will take precedence. In the absence of specific BCRC policies, employees will
be subject to the company's ordinances and policies as if they were included herein.
Importantly, these administrative policies should not be construed as a contract of
employment and do not establish any contractual obligations for BioCrete ReviveX
Corporation (BCRC). They neither create nor diminish any rights provided by state or
federal law. These APs do not guarantee any specific terms or conditions of employment,
nor do they guarantee employment continuity.

5.1.1 Professional Standards of Conduct

I. Introduction

We uphold high professional standards of conduct. Our employees are expected

to maintain professionalism in all aspects of their work, including their interactions
with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. This includes demonstrating integrity,
honesty, and ethical behavior, as well as adhering to applicable laws,
regulations, and company policies.
II. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish the fundamental principles that guide the
conduct of employees at BioCrete ReviveX Corporation (BCRC). These principles
form the foundation for our organization and align with the mission of BCRC. It is
important to note that this policy does not encompass every specific action or
behavior expected from employees, but rather provides a framework that underlies
all decisions and actions taken by BCRC employees.

III. Policy

These policies serve as guidelines to promote professionalism, ethical behavior,

and positive work culture at BioCrete ReviveX Corporation. They provide a
framework for employees to uphold the core values and mission of the

Integrity and Ethics: Employees must maintain the highest standards of

integrity, honesty, and ethical conduct.

Respect and Diversity: BCRC promotes a work environment that respects and
values diversity, treating all individuals with dignity and respect.

Professionalism and Accountability: Employees are expected to uphold

professionalism, meet deadlines, and be accountable for their responsibilities.

Collaboration and Teamwork: Collaboration and teamwork are encouraged to

foster a supportive and productive work environment.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Employees must comply with all
applicable laws, regulations, and policies governing their work activities.
5.1.2 Non-partisan and Non-discriminatory

I. Introduction

We are committed to fostering a non-partisan and non-discriminatory work

environment. BCRC values diversity and inclusion and ensures that all individuals
are treated with respect and fairness, regardless of their political affiliations,
personal beliefs, race, gender, age, religion, or any other characteristic protected
by law. We promote equal opportunities and strive to create a workplace that is
free from discrimination and bias.

II. Purpose

This policy ensures that all employees are treated equally and without bias,
regardless of their political affiliations or personal characteristics. We believe in
fostering a fair and inclusive work environment that encourages collaboration and
celebrates diversity.

III. Policy

BCRC strictly prohibits any form of discrimination, including but not limited to race,
gender, religion, age, national origin, or sexual orientation, in all aspects of

Employees are expected to refrain from engaging in partisan political activities

or expressing personal political views while on company premises or during
working hours.

BCRC ensures equal employment opportunities for all individuals based on

their qualifications, skills, and abilities, without any bias or preference towards
a particular political party or ideology.
Harassment or mistreatment of employees based on their political beliefs or
affiliations will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary action.

All decisions related to recruitment, hiring, promotion, training, and

termination are based solely on merit and job-related criteria, free from any
political considerations.

BCRC encourages an inclusive and respectful workplace where diverse

perspectives and opinions are valued, fostering an environment that promotes
open dialogue and understanding among employees, regardless of their
political differences.

5.1.3 Work Schedule and Availability

I. Introduction

BioCrete ReviveX Corporation recognizes the importance of work-life balance and

promotes a flexible work culture. We understand that each employee may have
different personal commitments and obligations. While we strive to accommodate
individual needs, we also emphasize the importance of fulfilling work
responsibilities and meeting project deadlines. It is expected that employees
maintain a reasonable level of availability and communicate effectively regarding
their work schedules, ensuring coordination and collaboration within the team.
II. Purpose

The Offices of the General Manager are expected to demonstrate a high level of
responsibility and caution in the utilization of public resources. While the
company recognizes the importance of flexibility in work schedules to achieve its
mission, it also emphasizes the timely completion of tasks within the framework of
a regular work week. Consequently, there is a need to carefully balance
operational demands with a strong sense of accountability for the efficient use of
public resources.

II. Policy

Employees are required to adhere to designated work schedules and

promptly report any absences or schedule changes to their supervisors to
ensure effective operational management and maintain a productive work

The standard work week aligns with the regular office operating hours,
which are from Monday to Friday, starting at 8:00 A.M. and concluding
at 4:00 P.M.

Flexibility in work schedule may be granted based on operational needs

and with prior approval from supervisors, while still ensuring that work
responsibilities are accomplished within a regular work week.

Requests for time off, vacation, or other scheduling adjustments should be

submitted in advance, following the company's established procedures
and policies.

In cases of unexpected circumstances or emergencies that may impact

work schedules or availability, employees are required to promptly
communicate and seek appropriate approvals or guidance from their
5.2 Planning Chart
New Offering to the Market

Over the next five years, Biocrete ReviveX Corporation is committed to launching our
groundbreaking product, double encapsulation beads, as a superior additive for traditional
concrete in the market. Our aim is to provide a cost-efficient solution that significantly
reduces the maintenance requirements of traditional concrete structures. With a focus on
capitalizing on the distinct advantages and growing market demand for this innovative
technology, our growth plan revolves around establishing Biocrete ReviveX Corporation as
a leading provider in the industry.

Capital Requirements

Biocrete ReviveX Corporation recognizes the importance of securing capital for its business
endeavors. The company plans to allocate funds towards research and development (R&D)
activities, aiming to invest 2 million in enhancing its product line and developing innovative
concrete encapsulation technologies. Additionally, approximately 3 million will be
allocated for acquiring advanced production equipment to optimize manufacturing
processes and ensure high-quality output. The company also acknowledges the need for
suitable facilities and infrastructure, although specific capital requirements will vary
depending on location and specific needs. By making these strategic investments, Biocrete
ReviveX Corporation aims to become a leading provider of innovative concrete additives in
the construction industry.

Personnel Requirements

When hiring new employees, Biocrete ReviveX Corporation prioritizes selecting capable
and competent individuals for the job. Various documents are required during the hiring
process to ensure the necessary information is obtained from applicants. These documents
include the applicant's PSA Birth Certificate, SSS E1 form, NBI Clearance, Pag-Ibig
membership, PhilHealth registration, tax forms, and academic credentials such as diplomas
and transcripts of records. By adhering to these requirements, the company ensures a
thorough and efficient hiring process to assemble a skilled workforce.

Pricing Scheme

Year 1 and Year 2: 600 packs; each pack is 1 kg , hence yearly = 219 kg

Overall Monthly Cost = 625,000 (raw materials) + 378,000 (labor, O&M,

indirect expense) = PHP 1,003,000. 00

Manufacturing cost per pack = PHP1671.667.00

Unit price (500% Cost-Plus) = PHP10,003.00

Profit per pack = PHP 8331.33

Year 3 toYear 5: 700 packs; each pack is 1 kg , hence yearly = 255.5 kg beads

Overall Monthly Cost = PHP 2,650, 000.00

Manufacturing cost per pack = PHP 3785.71.00

Unit price (400% Cost-Plus) = PHP 7571.42.00

Profit per pack = PHP 3785.71.00


Cash Requirements

The total capital costs is 13, 025, 000 pesos which will be the amount the investors will
partake in for the start up of the company. The operation and maintenance costs amounted
to 1,800,000 pesos for years 1 and 2 while 2,800,000 for years 3 to 5, respectively, will
be invested equally by the CEO, CFO, COO themselves.

Return of Investment

[Background Music: Upbeat and Energetic]
[Scene opens with a construction site and a bustling team of workers]

Narrator: Introducing BioCrete ReviveX Corp, revolutionizing the construction industry

with our groundbreaking innovation!
[Cut to a close-up shot of BioCrete ReviveX Corp's double encapsulation beads]
Narrator: Are you tired of traditional concrete mixes that lack durability and
longevity? Say goodbye to ordinary concrete and welcome the future of construction!
[Quick shots showcasing the versatility and strength of BioCrete ReviveX Corp's
Narrator: With BioCrete ReviveX Corp's double encapsulation beads, experience the
power of innovation fused with nature's strength.
[Images of nature, forests, and sustainable materials blend with construction shots]

[Time-lapse footage of a construction project from start to finish]

Narrator: Boosting durability, increasing load-bearing capacity, and resisting
cracking – BioCrete ReviveX Corp's double encapsulation beads have revolutionized
the construction industry.[Upbeat music builds]
Narrator: Join the future of construction with BioCrete ReviveX Corp's double
encapsulation beads. Experience the transformational power of innovative concrete
[Company logo and contact information appear on screen]
[Closing shot of a completed, stunning building]
Narrator: BioCrete ReviveX Corp. The future of construction starts here.
[Music fades out]

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That, we the undersigned, all of the legal and residents of the Republic of
the Philippines has agreed to form a general partnership under the terms and
conditions hereinafter set forth and subject to the provisions of existing laws of the
Republic of the Philippines.


Article I: That the name of the partnership shall be BioCrete ReviveX Corporation

Article II: That the principal office of the partnership shall be located at Dalipuga
Building, Iligan City, Lanao del Norte.

Article III: That the names, citizenship and residence of the partners of said
partnership are
as follows:


Joseph Cyron Solidum Filipino Bagong Silang, Dalipuga Iligan City

Justine Orcales Filipino Sultan Naga Dimaporo

Ivan Brylle Rama Filipino Kapatagan Lanao del Norte

Page 02


Maechelle Umacob Filipino Palao, Iligan City

Allia Hadji Ali Filipino Palao, Iligan City

Ynna Ilogon Filipino Zamboanga del Sur

Rodel Remolana Filipino Tibanga, Iligan City

Alonzo Limocon Filipino Dalipuga, Iligan City

Article IV: That the term for which said partnership is to exist is fifty (50) years from the
recording of the said partnership by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Article V: That the purpose for which said partnership is formed are as follows:
Primary purpose is to generate income through commercializing the double
encapsulated bead technology.
Secondary purpose is to drive sustainability in the concrete production industry.

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Article VI: That the capital of this partnership shall be Twenty Million Pesos Only (Php
₱20,000,000.00) Philippine Currency. That no transfer of interest which will reduce the
ownership of Filipino citizens to less than the required percentage capital shall be allowed
to be recorded in the proper books of the partnership;

Article VII: That the profits and losses shall be divided pro-rata among the partners;

Article VIII: That the partners manifest their willingness to change their partnership name
in the event another person, firm or entity has acquired a prior right to use the said firm
name or one deceptively or confusingly similar to it.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this 30th day of June, 2023 at
Dalipuga, Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, Philippines.

Joseph Cyron Solidum

Justine Orcales

Ivan Brylle Rama

Maechelle Umacob

Allia Hadji Ali

Ynna Nicole Ilogon

Rodel Remolana

Alonzo Limocon

Signed the presece of:

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BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in Dalipuga, Iligan City, Lanao del
Norte, Philippines, this ______day of____________________ 2023, personally came
and appeared the following persons with their Community Tax Certificate as follows:
Name CTC No. Date/Place Issued:

NAME CTC No. Date/Place Issued

Joseph Cyron Solidum - 06.22.23/Iligan City

Justine Orcales - 06.22.23/Iligan City

Ivan Brylle Rama - 06.22.23/Iligan City

Maechelle Umacob - 06.22.23/Iligan City

Allia Hadji Ali - 06.22.23/Iligan City

Ynna Ilogon - 06.22.23/Iligan City

Rodel Remolana - 06.22.23/Iligan City

Alonzo Limocon - 06.22.23/Iligan City

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Known to me and to me known to be the same person who executed the foregoing Articles
of Partnership, and they acknowledge to me that the same is their voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date first above written

Doc no. _________________________________

Page no. _________________________ Book no. ________
Series of _________________

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Bibliography for BioCrete ReviveX Corporation

Solidum, J. C. (2023). "BioCrete ReviveX: Transforming Concrete through Double

Encapsulation." Journal of Chemical Engineering & Technology, 46(7), 1285-1293. In this
paper, Engr. Joseph Cyron Solidum, CEO and Director of BioCrete ReviveX Corporation
(BCRC), explores the company's innovative approach to concrete manufacturing using double
encapsulated beads.

Orcales, J. (2022). "Strategic Financial Management in Innovative Industrial Ventures: A Case

Study of BioCrete ReviveX Corporation." MBA Thesis, Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City.
Engr. Justine Orcales, CFO of BCRC, examines the company's financial strategies in her
Master's thesis, highlighting the financial dynamics of innovative companies in the
manufacturing sector.

Rama, I. B. (2022). "BioCrete ReviveX Corporation: A Journey Towards Sustainable Concrete

Production." Environmental Planning & Management, 29(4), 350-360. As the COO of BCRC,
Engr. Ivan Brylle Rama offers a unique perspective on the company's pursuit of sustainable
concrete production methods in this journal article.

Page 02

BioCrete ReviveX Corporation. (2023). "Double Encapsulation: A Breakthrough in

Concrete Technology." BCRC White Paper. This comprehensive report provides a detailed
overview of BCRC's proprietary double encapsulation technology, its benefits, and its
potential applications.

Solidum, J. C., Orcales, J., & Rama, I. B. (2023). "Innovative Concrete Solutions: The
BioCrete ReviveX Corporation Journey." Presented at the 4th International Conference on
Green Concrete, Tokyo, Japan. In this conference paper, the key personnel from BCRC
present their company's journey, achievements, and future plans, demonstrating their
commitment to innovation in concrete technology.

Official BioCrete ReviveX Corporation Website. (2023). About Us. Retrieved on June 22,
2023, from This is the official company website,
containing valuable information about BCRC's mission, vision, key personnel, location, and
main products.

LinkedIn. (2023). BioCrete ReviveX Corporation. Retrieved on June 22, 2023, from The company's LinkedIn page
offers a snapshot of its corporate structure, key personnel, and recent updates.

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Zone Libra, Suarez Iligan City
Email Address:


Age : 22
Birthdate : August 14, 2000
Birthplace : Iligan City
Gender : Male
Weight : 52 kg
Height : 157 cm
Civil Status: Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Hobbies : Piano, Guitar, Watching movies, Island hopping
Motto : "Make your passion your paycheck" - Anonymous
Future Plan: In order to thrive in my chosen profession and actively
pursue my goals and dreams.

College: Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering

Joseph Cyron Solidum
Mindanao State University Iligan Institute of Technology
Andres Bonifacio Ave., Tibanga, Iligan City

Senior High: St. Michael's College

74 Quezon Avenue, Iligan City 9200, Lanao Del Norte

Junior High: St. Catherine Academy

Zone Libra, Suarez, Iligan City, Lanao Del Norte

Page 02

Pandanan, Sultan Naga Dimaporo, Lanao del Norte
Email Address:


Age : 22
Birthdate : August 19, 2000
Birthplace : Sultan Naga Dimaporo
Gender : Female
Weight : 46
Height : 156 cm
Civil Status: Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Hobbies : Filming
Motto : If theres a way, theres a will (ay mali!)
Future Plan: To become a governor


College: Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering

Joseph Cyron Solidum
Mindanao State University Iligan Institute of Technology

Senior High: Lala National High School

Maranding, Lanao del Norte

Junior High: Andres Bersales Sr. National High School

Pandanan Sultan Naga Dimaporo

Page 02


Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte
Email Address:


Age :
Birthdate :
Birthplace :
Gender :
Weight :
Height :
Civil Status:
Religion :
Hobbies :
Motto :
Future Plan:


Joseph Cyron Solidum
Senior High:

Junior High:

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