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Gabriel M. Jole Prof. Juan Paolo S.

BSE-ENGLISH 1B September 1,

You Through Other’s Eyes

With the use of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), make a short post

“I am _________________(your name). Who do you think I am based

on what you see me do or hear me say?

Wait until 5 to 10 persons/netizens make a comment about yourself and reflect:

 Which among those comments/aspects are true to you?

 What aspects are sometimes true or circumstantial?
 What aspects do you think are not really part of your personality?

Try to explain your answers by writing your answers below.

Do a research and list ten things to boost your self-esteem
or improve your self-concept. Cite your sources. Analyze which of those
tips are more likely to backfire and make someone conceited or
narcissistic and revise them to make the statements both helpful to the
individual as well as society in general.

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