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HAM TH] PHUONG LIEN, PHAM THITO LOAN, NGUYEN THI XUAN PHUONG IW HA, VO TH] THU TRANG, LUONG THI MINH PHUONG, TRAN LAN HUONG BUSINESS ENGLISH VOCABULARY MUST - KNOW TOPICS ‘ Naa PM.0061331 | NHA XUAT BAN XAY DUNG be Scanned with CamScanner Unit 1 MARKETING PART I. CHECK THE MEANING 1. Advertising (n) /‘advotaizm/: telling the public about the product or services on television, radio, print and the Internet to promote or sell-a product or service (viée quang cdo). E.g. Effective advertising campaigns can generate and increase sales of products and services. : Other word forms: “ + Advertise (v) /‘zdvatarz/: quang c4o + Advertisement (n) /ad'vs:tisment/: bai/td/phim... quang cdo 2. Attract (v) /o'treekt/: make somebody interested (thu hit). E.g. I suppose we should use direct mail effectively to maintain current customers and at the same time to attract new ones. Other word forms: + Attraction (n) /o'traekf(o)n/: su thu hut, + Attractive (n) /a’treektrv/; 06 site thu hut, hdp dan, 16i cuén 3. Branding (n) /‘brendin/:, the way:a company creates an identity for itself or its products and services using: names, designs; and images (xdy dung thuong hiéu). E.g. Targeting at wealthy customers, we would like:to have a website designed to fit our branding as a high-end retailer. ». Scanned with CamScanner Other word forms: + Brand (n) /breend/: thuong hiéu. + Branded (n) /‘brandid/: hang higu, mang nhan hiéu cia mét céng ty (ching to 1a t6t, dam bao cht lugng). 4, Commercial (n) /ko'm3;fal/: an advertisement on television or radio (quang cdo trén Tivi hoac dai). Eg. The commercial of Channel fragrance ‘on TV is a real piece of art, and it inspires all fashion-conscious women. Other word forms: + Commercial (adj) /ka'ms:fol/: thuéc vé thuong mai. + Commerce (n) /‘komao(:)s/: thuong mai. 5. Competitor (n) /kem'petito/: a person or business that compete with others (déi tha canh tranh). E.g. We can produce cheaper furniture than our international competitors thanks to the cheap available materials. Other word forms: + Competitive (adj) /kom'petitiv/: (c6 tinh) canh tranh. + Competition (n) /-kompr 'tifan/: sy canh tranh. \ + Competitiveness (n) /kem ‘petitivnas/: tinh canh tranh. + Compete (v) /kom'pi:t/: canh tranh. " 6. Customer retention (n) /‘kastamo’ ri'tenfon/: the act of companies trying to keep the existing customers (sy gift khach) E.g. Improving» customers: retention: continuously“is an | important factor of a sustainable business: ist 7, Differentiation (1) /‘drfarénji‘eifon/: companiés make their 4 products clearly’ different «from \other ‘products :by” showing, ‘the ; unique value of'a product to:consumers (sy phn biét))-' sis 6 Scanned with CamScanner E.g. Product differentiation contributes to . competitive advantage of a company against its competitors. Other word forms: + Differentiate (v) /,difo'renfiett/: phan biét, cho thay cai gi khac voi cai gi. + Different (adj) /‘difront/: khac nhau. + Differ (v) (from somebody/something) / dife'(r)/: khac, khong gidng voi ai/cdi gi. 8. Distribution channel (n) /,distr1'bju:fan'feenl/: the path that products follow from a company to its end users, these often include distributors, wholesalers, retailers and the Internet (kénh phan phéi). E.g. We have separate distribution channels for. our organic produce as it cannot be preserved for.a long time. 9. Endorsement (n) /in‘do:smont/:;.a) form of. bread, or advertising campaign that involves a famous person promoting a product or service (quang cdo bing cach mdi ngudi ni ig Jam guong mat dai dién cho cdc san phim cia céng ty ho&c mot chién dich quang cdo). ; ‘ E.g. Celebrity endorsement is a ype of, communication in which a famous person speaks in favor of a brand or a product. Other word form: + Endorse (v) /in‘do:s/: quang cdo, tan thanh. 10. Loss leader (n) /Ins'li:do/: a, pricing strategy in which a company sells a.product at a price that is not profitable to attract customers .who will then buy other, higher-priced goods (hang ban 16 dé kéo khach, hang cau khach). Scanned with CamScanner Eg. BigC supermarkets commonly use cheap bread as a loss leader to get people into their stores. 4 11. Manipulate (v) /mo'nipjoleit/: handle or control people in a skillful and often unfair way (l6i kéo, thao ting, diéu khiéy | (bang manh khde)). oi Eg. Your business cannot survive fora long term if you iricth or manipulate your customers into buying your stuff. 1 Other word forms: + Manipulation (n) /ma,nipju' lerfan/: su 16i kéo, su thao tng su diéu khién (bing mnh khée). i + Manipulative (adj) /ma'nipjolotiv/: quy quyét, khéo léo trong, digu khién ai 46. 7 12. Market coverage (n) /'ma‘kit ‘kavortdy/: the number of, sellers in a particular market that sell the company’s ‘product (mite bao/chie phi thj truong). c ‘ Eg. We'can greatly expand our general ‘ied eoverage Bae wey vil sell abroad. 13. Marketing mix (n) /‘ma:kitiy miks/: the combina different elements (the 4Ps, i.e. product, price, place, promotion)! to target at customers (6 hop marketing). Eg. Companies need to get the marketing mix ‘right on their new products if they want to have a successful launch’ pe! 14, Penetration’ (n) /,penr'trerfan/: the successful selling of| a product or service in a particular market, measured by the-sales volume of an’ existing’ product or | service © compared to the total target market without changing the products i in any ways ' (tham nhép thi trudng). F 08 8 Scanned with CamScanner E.g. Bundling, advertising, lower prices, or volume discounts are some common market penetration strategies. Other word form: + Penetrate (v) /‘penitreit/: tham nhap. 15. Persuade (v) /pa'sweid/: try to make people do something by giving good reasons for doing it (thuyét phuc). £.g. If you want to keep the customers, you should persuade customers to buy the products without pushing them. Other word forms: + Persuasion (n) /po' swergen/: suf thuyét phuc. + Persuasive (adj) /po’ eet cé. site thuyét phuc, day thuyét phuc. ct 16. Positioning (n) /po'zifenm/: the’ way ‘that. companies differentiate their ‘products ‘or services from competitors’ and then determine which Lan Batt of a market to’ ml (ink vi san pham). Eg. Positioning helps establish the ee of the-products on the market. Other word form: + Position (v) /po'zifen/: dinh vi. 17. Pricing ° strategy’ (n) ‘/'praisiy)’ “’streetidgi/?~ the“ way companies set their products’ price to appeal'to specific ‘yes of customers (chién luge dinh gid). Eg. Effective pricing strategy helps you maximize profits on sales of your products or services. Scanned with CamScanner 18, Promotion (n) /pro'mavfon/: the ways in which companies inform and persuade customers about the benefits of their products (xtic tién, thic day ban hang). Eg. Advertising plays an important role in the promotion of | the product such as raising customers’ awareness of the product, / persuading the customers to. buy the products or improving the brand image of the product. Other word forms: + Promotional (adj) /pra'maufen(.)l /: thuge vé xtic tién. + Promote (v) / pra'mout /: xtc tién. 19. Public relations (PR) (n) /‘pabhik m'lerfonz/: activities to manage public opinion and the reputation of a company and its products or services (quan hé cong ching). E.g. Therapeutic food companies often sponsor major sporting, events as a:large part of their public relations strategies. 20. Satisfy (v) /‘seetisfar/: make somebody pleased and happy: (1am hai long, thoa man). E.g. The job of marketing is to satisfy customers* requirements. Other word forms: + Satisfaction (n) /, Sets’ feekfon/: su thoa man. vt, Satisfactory : (adj) \/,seetrs ‘feektori/;,thoa .dang; »lam: cho théa man. wi.oidD) 2's + Satisfied (adj) :/'seetisfard/; cam. thay «hai, long,” cam -thdy thda man. HSA OB 10 Scanned with CamScanner PART I. PRACTICE Exercise 1. Match the words and. phrases with their meanings. 1 | Marketing mix | A | An advertisement on television or radio A pricing strategy in which a company sells a product at a price 2 | Loss leader B | that is not profitable to attract customers who will then buy other higher-priced goods The way companies set their products’ 3 | Pricing strategy | C | price to appeal to specific types of customers The combination of different elements | 4 | Public relations. | D | (the 4Ps, i.e. product, price, place, promotion) to target at customers Activities to manage public opinion and 5 | Commercial E_| the reputation of a company and its goods Exercise 2, Match the words and phrases on the left with the words and phrases on the right to make collocations. 1 | Expand A | An advertisement 2 | Attract B | Customers’ needs 3. | Place C | Market coverage ahs 4. | Launch D | Anadvertising campaign 3 5 | Satisfy E_ | New customers i Scanned with CamScanner Exercise 3. Fill in each gap with one suitable word, [Differentiate | Compete Public relations | Satisfy Loss leaders | Marketing mix | Penetrate Advertisement "| Advertising Penetration | Promotional | Position 1. Companies almost always plan their activities long before the launch of the new product onto the market. | 2..As a soft drink enterprise, we should analyze the | of well-known brands such as Pepsi to come up with ours tomake it work. sz gnioint |g / -3. Companies often highlight the distinguishing features of their “ products through ’ the marketing mix to i 1 onoitstor ofldut | 24 products on the market!" | 4, We can our tea to our competitors by» adding herbals to it. 5. sold at low prices often lead to more, customers to the stores and stimulate sales of other high-price yi? Be & elie $i if ¢ j product. , al i Ee ont 6: Advertising aggressively did ees for Heinz’ 'S markey into Europe in 2014. 7. Cigarette : ‘js banned in our “country due to its catastrophic effecton health.” ll | a 8. We should ite a / excellent press releases and talk to the media, Alain? expert’ to write 12 Scanned with CamScanner 9. Support after selling the products should be offered at the same time to our customers’ need for the long term. 10. To penetrate well into Vietnam market, they should be able to on prices. Exercise 4. Choose the best words to complete the sentences. 1. A free trial is a technique in which a potential customer tries a new product. A. Promotion B. Promotional C. Promote D. Promoted 2. My company has : itself at the high end of the grocery market, selling to health-conscious rich people. A. Positioned B. Launched"! C. Satisfied “~° "D/Penetrated 3. Marketers can products by making them customized to an individual. , A. Different °°? * B. Difference C. Differ ee D. Differentiate 4.1f you ‘don’t’ do the math correctly,~~ your may lead to money loss rather than more customers’ for your business due to the increasing’ deal hunters.” A. Loss leaders: ; B, Brands ees C. Attraction D. Competition 13 Scanned with CamScanner 5. A sound pricing strategy must take into account’ a widy range of factors such as production costs, competitor offerings and strategies. off A. Attract B. Satisfied C. Positioning D. Distributes 6. Next year, we are going to try to a new market for our new smart phone models. ' A. Penetrate B. Penetration ; 4 C. Penetrating D. Penetrated | 7,We now use the Internet as a direct distribution instead of using catalogs. , i A.Endorsement B. Satisfaction. C. Competitor “-D. Channel 8. Our laptops are currently sold in only a few stores, but wep hope to achieve 65% market within they - ~ . S | next two years. 5 : ines A. Cover - B. Coverage , C. Covering D. Covered 9.The product. was. launched last year in. England, in a magazine with a memorable slogan. A. Advertised B. Advertising C. Advertisement . D. Advert, 4 " 4 i 10. A conference was held in Hanoi to find solutions. to offering more tourism products to foreign’ visitors. 14 Scanned with CamScanner A. Attract B. Attracting C. Attractive D. Attraction 11. Customer is useful in that it helps the business to know more about their own product or service and improve it accordingly. A. Satisfactory B. Satisfied C. Satisfying D. Satisfaction 12. We must place a lot of advertisements in different media in with other soft drink companies. A. Competitor B. Competition C. Competitive D. Compete 13. Because a lot of the employees are leaving, the company should do something to improve the of staff. : A. Retention B. Positioning C. Differentiation ; D. Manipulation 14. Several companies pay a premium price for primetime TV" but sometimes get low viewership as viewers can fast-forward through the ads. A. Persuasion ‘\o. Bs Competitors C: Commercials * { °D. Branding 15. Ifa celebrity has a:scandal; the image of the product that he or she (will be also.damaged. A. Endorses \e B..Competes C. Manipulate D. Persuade 15 Scanned with CamScanner Unit 2 HUMAN RESOURCES fl PART I. CHECK THE MEANING 1, Annual leave (n) /‘znjuel li:v /: the allowed time off worl an employee gets a year (nghi phép nam). = Eg. In some developed countries, employees tend to refuse taking annual leave as they have a lot of tight deadlines to meet. . 2. Apply (v) /2'plai/: to make an official request, mainl ‘in writing, for a job, a position in university, etc. (yéu ce p dung, xin (viéc). Eg. I've just applied for the vacant post advertised on. ther, local newspaper. Other word forms: + Applicant (n)/ "zeplikent/: i img vien/ ngudi yéu cau, + Application (n) /,zepli'kerfn/: don xin/ Idi yéu chu. + Applicable (adj) /2'plikebl/: co thé 4p dung'dugc/thich op. 3. Appraise (v) /o'preiz/:ito!examine somebody/ ‘something to evaluate their qualities (danh gia). Eg. It’s the company’s policy to appraise their workers’ performance every.three.months. 16 Scanned with CamScanner Other word forms: TRUGNG DAI BC HI =N + Appraiser (n) /a'preiza(r)/: ngudi danh gid, + Appraise (n) /a,prer'zi:/: ngudi duge danhigia + Appraisal (n) /a'prerzl/: sy danh gid. 4. Benefit (v) /'benifit/: to be of use to somebody or bring advantages to somebody (lam Igi/ hudng Igi). E.g. The company staff can benefit from its non-contributory pension plan. Other word forms: 5 + Beneficiary (n) / benr'fifari/: ngudi thy huong. + Benefit (n) /'benifit/: loi ich/ phitc Igi., « + Beneficial (adj) /,benr'fif1/: c6 loi. 5. Career development (n) /ko'rier dr'velepmont /: a process in which a person sets up his/her professional goals and.makes a plan to achieve the desired goals (phat trién su nghiép). E.g.. Some. responsible , companies offer their employees assistance for their career development. : 6. Consult (v) /ken'salt/: to get advice or information from somebody/ something/ to discuss with somebody before making decision (hdi ¥ kién/ tham khao). : E.g. The company management usually have to consult the trade union before making some employees redundant:: Other word forms: \ » +\Consultant (n) /ken'saltent/: ngudi tu vaio + Consultancy (n) /ken’saltensi/: su tu van, van phong tu van 7 Scanned with CamScanner “+ Consultation (n) /,kons!'terfii/: su tham khao/ ban bac. iy 3.) Curriculum vitae (C.V,) (0) /ko,rikjalom ‘vi:tar /: a written, | “record. of a candidate's basic information required for. job application (so yéu ly lich). Eg. A curriculum vitae should be accompanied by a cover letter briefing on the strong points of the applicant. i 8. Disciplinary procedure (v) /‘diseplinari. pro'si:d3a(r)/: a process of dealing with staff misconduct (quy trinh xtr ly ky luat), E.g. You can find detailed regulations ‘on disciplinary procedures in the staff handbook. + 4 9, Employ (v) /1m'plov/: to give somebody a job and pay them for it/ to use something (thué (ai)/ sir dung (cdi gi)).! 1 E.g We are: required to ae 20extra: staff a the Christmas rush: sto aozieg & Hho Other word forms: + Employer (n) /im'plora(r)/: ngudi thue/ sit dung lao dong + Employee (n) /im' ploti:/ nhén vién. . + Employment (n) /im'plonmant/: viée lam. + Employable (adj) Am'plotabl/: 06 thé thué duge. + Self-employed (adj) /,self.m‘ploid/; tu lam chi. + Unemployed (adj) /,anum ‘ploid/: that nghiép. + Unemployment (n) /,an im'plommant/: tinh trang that nghiép 10. Employment ‘‘contract’‘(n)::/im'plorment ‘‘kontreekt/:- a written document’ detailing . the: ;agreement) .on.;:terms~ and 18 Scanned with CamScanner conditions of work between employers and employees (hop ding lao d6ng). E.g. Legal regulations on employment contracts vary among different countries. | 11. Job description (n) /dgpb di'skripfn /:a concise summary of the nature and requirements of a specific job (ban m6 ta céng viéc). E.g. When companies want to recruit new employees, they usually have to analyze the position and design a detailed job description. ‘ 12. Negotiate (v) /ni'goufiert/: to discuss with somebody ‘to reach an agreement (thuong lwong/ dam phan), E.g. In some companies, employees can negotiate their. pay rise with their direct supervisors: Other word forms: \: i sis + Negotiator (n) /nr' goufiette(r)/: ngudi dam phan: + Negotiation (n) /nt,goufi'erfn/:‘cudc dam phan: + Negotiable (adj) /nr'goufiebl/: c6 thé thong lung duoc: 13. Pension scheme (n) /‘penjn ski:m/: a financial plan for employees or employers to set aside a certain amotint’of money for their retirement (ché dé luong hin). E.g. Some people decide to work fora company just because it offers a generous pension scheme, tu $ 14, Performance-related. pay. (n) /p'fo:mons, 1'leitid vail the. financial .reward an’ employee. received, based.on how well they do the job (long tra theo higu qua céng vigc): 19 Scanned with CamScanner Eg. Performance-related pay policy is sometimes an effec way of motivating employees to work harder. Ahi 15. Person: specification: (n) /‘p3:sn,spesifi'keyfn /: a list required skills, educational requirements, training experience i personal qualifications of a job applicant, (yéu cau d6i Voi img vién). 3 Eg. The Personnel Department is responsible for cesigninal effective person specification in order to attract high quali candidates, ‘Asta 16, Profit-sharing bonus (n) /‘profit ‘fearm ‘bounes/: an extra amount of money, an employee receives in, the, success ‘of the company (thudng Igi nhuan). E.g. Everyone in the company expects to get the profit-shar. bonus as they have tried their best to meet all their sales targets. 17. Recruit (v) /r1'kru:t/: to persuade somebody. to:ibe a member of an organization (tuyén dung/tuyén m§),0 0 Eg. Nowadays, it,is getting harder for established, companie: to recruit well-qualified: graduates as. they are setting up thei own businesses. - Other. word forms: ,.,.. ; 1 + Recruit (n) /r1'kru:t/: thinh vién mdi. \\ + Recruiter (n) /rr'kru:ta(7)/: nha tuyén dung. \s\o9, + Recruitment (n) /r1'kru:tmont/: sw tuyén dung.’ receives (ché d6 dai ng6). 9 °'r 20 Scanned with CamScanner E.g. Nowadays, employees seem to pay more attention to the non-financial part in their. remuneration package when considering the job offer. 19. Select (v) /st'lekt/: to choose somebody/ something with careful consideration (tuyén chon). Eg. It is difficult to select the best candidate as all of them are equally qualified to some extent. Other word forms: + Selection (n) /st'lekfin/: su tuyen chon. + Selective (adj) /st'lektrv/: kén chon/ cd tuyén.chon, 20. Trade union (n) /treid .‘ju:nion/:. an “organization representing all workers in a company or an industry (cong doan/ nghiép doan). E.g. The trade’ union of air traffic controllers has called ‘for a strike against ‘their poor working ‘conditions. and? high work PYESSUre. boy co 0h y tone mi HEE PART. PRACTICE 3 omaha Exercise 1. Match the words’ cai phrases with ‘their meanings. _ | 2 —_ _|—| Detailed requirements on qualities, 1 ene oymene soso Avi Skills, knowledge and experience of contract ot ke an applicant An organization that looks after the 2 | Annual leave B | interests of people working i ina ngteeRkeT: 'o) 1°") certain company or industry 21 Scanned with CamScanner fe Pi i A written agreement on work Disciplinary C._| conditions and terms between the: procedure company and the staff A process of dealing with workers ecification | D 4 4 | Person specific who cause problems or break rules — The paid period each year that an 5 | Trade union E | employee is allowed to be away from work Exercise 2. Match the words and phrases on the left wit the words and phrases on the right to make collocations. 1, | Discuss A| A curriculum vitae 2. | Write 3. . B | New employees 3. | Enclose C | A pension scheme 4 | Contribute to D | An appraisal report 5 | Take on E | Aremuneration package’ . Exercise 3. Fill in each gap with one suitable word. Negotiate Consultation Unemployment: |'Applicable Pension: Disciplinary fe oleh : ERD at esate Sélective isal- scheme procedure seo HONG Employment | Trade union | Negotiable Recruitment jasierole a Se “would normally be used, when staff does not follow company. rules_or have inappropriate behaviors at work. ° : | 2 Today, many, “companies prefer to hire "professigt agencies to look for new employees. 22 Scanned with CamScanner 3. The amended law on labour isnot_ to those who work less than twenty hours a week. 4. The main purpose of is to put the wrongs right and then look forward, so questions should be carefully formulated to avoid upsetting the appraisee during the interview. 5. The newly built industrial zone has brought a lot of opportunities for local people. 6.Some terms in the employment contract are ___ SS, Which means employers and the potential employees can discuss for their mutual benefits. ‘ 7. We can be more this time as we have received hundreds of applications for the advertised post. 8. When the rate of is high, ‘there will be more people in the job market. f ) 9. Some companies offer the service for” their workers to share their personal problems.and-release their stress. t 10. colin can bring benefits” for both companies'andemployees because they can prepare for the future retirement. — ____ @ ynqro: Exercise’ 4. Choose the ‘best’ words to complete the sentences. 1, Among all the , she seems to have the tiost suitable qualifications and experience for the job." 23 Scanned with CamScanner B. Applicable D. Applied A. Applications C. Applicants 2.The management and trade union * \ hay about the possible pay rise for’ a employees for over four hours. A. Recruited B. Negotiated C. Appraised D. Employed 3. There are ‘many available sources _ such as advertising on trade press local newspaper, word of mouth, independent agencies and th company intranet. a A. Recruit he B. Recruiter ? . C. Recruiting, D. Recruitment 4, Today many young people, are, using. their,.,ow qualifications, skills and- knowledge... to jp becom company. _A.Self-employed 5 an B. Employed + C. Employable. vor) oevnoce DoUnemployed 5. A copy of the company’s to, the. contract and, employees are recommended, i carefully. ; : A. Employment contract B. job description C. Person specification... 4 D: Disciplinary procedure 24 Scanned with CamScanner 6. Responsible companies. find. it essential to, encourage their staff to care for their to make practical plans for the future. A. Benefits package B. Career development, C. Annual leave D. Appraisal report 7. If companies want to introduce, a(n) scheme, they should implement careful training on interviewing techniques and managing the scheme effectively. A. Pension f ct B. Benefit :1)!.111¢ C. Interviewer D.-Appraisal 8. Some high-tech enterprises are offering, their workers a. wide variety of c in return for their contribution to the organizations. _, ‘ > ry A. Remuneration packages,» . By Trade union. C. Life insurance 1645 DD, Employes assistance 9) is regularly reviewed on a merit basis, based on how well each employee carries out his job. A. Pension.scheme ; making payment on their mobiles; ‘thus, m 14. -and-mortar stores serve customers in a building as opposed to an online business. 4 A. Sand B. Brick C. Click ¢ D. Cement 15. Some customers’ just’ like _ p ES ‘without buying anything. A. Picking j B, Looking C. Seeing D, Browsing 46 Scanned with CamScanner Unit 5 INNOVATION PART I. CHECK THE MEANING 1, Artifact (n) /‘a:trfekt/: a man-made object (= artefact) (46 tao tac). E.g. Both raw flint and. finished. artifacts, were carefully analysed to identify the times which they belonged to. 2. Brainstorming (n) ,/‘breimsto:mm/:, a, practice. of group- thinking about something to generate good ideas to solve certain problem (sy thdo luan tim y tu6ng).... E.g. Brainstorming is always.a-good,practice.of finding ideas to solve the problems. Other word form:», 4); 49 Holes + Brainstorm.(v) /‘bremsto:m/: (of:a group ofipeople) to think about something at thé same:time to: find solutions or-ideas to a matter (tu duy tap thé). Eg. Before» doing “anything, let's brainstorm’ to | gather ideas first. 3. Brainwave (n):/'bremwerv/:°a ‘sudden good/: bright. idea (sang kién). a7 Scanned with CamScanner E.g. Great inventors often come up with a sudden brainwave when experimenting things. 4, Brand (n) /breend/: a product or service that is named and is easily recognized by its name, design, and packaging, which creates distinct expectations among consumers (nhan hang, tén hang héa/dich vy). Eg. Oppo is a well-known brand of smartphone. d Other word forms: + Brand (v) /brand/: déng nhan (hang héa); dong dau (bing: sat nung dé). % + Branding (n) /"braendiy/: x4y dung thuong hiéu. 5, Breakthrough (n) /"brerk@ru/: an important discovery, development or event which helps solve a problem or changes the way people do something (su d6t pha). |’ el Eg. Telephone was a breakthrough in communication that shortens the distance between people.’ ° ‘ Other word form: + Breakthough (adj) /‘brerk@ru/: cé tinh dét pha. 6. Creativity (n) / kri:er'trvoti/: the ability or power to produc original thoughts or ideas based on reasoning and iene (tin sang tao). ij q81 yub wi) xoital £.g. Creativity has resulted in innovations to'technology. Other word forms: + Creative (adj) /kri'ertv/:.c6 tinh sang tao. + Create (v)/kri'eit/: sang tao (tao ra cai chua ting c6:bao gid).) 48 Scanned with CamScanner + Creation (n) /kri'erfn/: sy sing tao, su tao thanh. 7. Component (n) /kom'peunent/: a separate part of something (usually of a machine) to make a’ complete’ one! (bd. phan, chi tiét). E.g. The new machine includes complicated components that need to be assembled by qualified workers only. 8. Constraint (n) /kon'stremt/: a limit*to the design process (su han ché, su giéi han). Eg. There are major financial constraints on all production schemes of the company this year. 9. Copyright (n) /‘kopirait/: the legal protection to intellectual property, usually granted by the. state, authority, and, limited in time (ban quyén). 4 i E.g. There is a fact that copyrights expire, seventy, years after the death of the author. Other word forms: + Copyright (adj) -/"kopiratt/: - -duge bao) vé)iban quyén; cd ban quyén: 3 anniiceree + Copyright (v) /‘kopirart/:'gitt ban ots (tac gia). 10. Criterion: (n): /krar'trorion/:' a’ desired: specification of a product or system (tiéu chuan). E.g. Being market leader is an important’ criterion ofthe iPhones. , Other. word form: + Criteria (Ns): 86 nhiéu ctia criterion: cdc tiéu chuan: 49 Scanned with CamScanner 11. Engineering (n) /,endgr'nrenny/: the activity of applying scientific knowledge to the design, building and control of machines, roads, bridges, electrical equipment, etc. (ky thuat). Eg. The twin towers are a triumph of modern engineering with innovative design. 12. Found (v) /faund/: to start something (a business, «a organization, or an institution), especially by investing money in (thanh Iép). ) Eg. Harvard University was founded in 1636 by a clergyman called John Harvard. 3% Other word forms: 4 + Founder (n): /‘faondo(r)/: nguéi thanh lap, ngudi sng (mét té chitc, céng ty, hoc vién, v.v.). : + Founder member (n) /‘faunda(r) ‘memba(r) / = founding member /‘faundm 'membo(r)/ = charter member / tfa: ‘membo(r)/: thanh vién sang lap. , 13. Innovation (n) /,mo'verfi/: ‘the transformation of ideas and inventions into commercially viable new products: and services (sy déi moi, su cach tan, su cai so their competitiveness and market share. Other word forms: + Innovate (v) /‘maveit/: cai tién, 48i mdi, (=innovatory). 50 Scanned with CamScanner + Innovator (n) /‘inaveita(r)/: nha cai cach. 14. Invention (n) /in'venfn/: the creation of a new product or process or system that has never existed before (sy phat minh; su sang ché). E.g. Smartphones are proving themselves a great invention of modern time. Other word forms: + Invent (v) /n'vent/: sang ché. + Inventive (adj) /in'ventiv/: 6c sang tao, cé tinh sang ché. + Inventor (n) /in'venta(r)/: a person who has invented something or whose job is inventing things (nha phat minh). Eg. Thanks to great inventors, mankind now can enjoy a comfortable life than ever before. : 15. Licence (n) /’ lasns/: an official/ legal document giving the right to the holder to do or make something, eg. a aie licence (gidy phép). E.g. The CD-ROM, which was gee to be popular several years ago, came with a single-user licence. Other word form: . + Licence/ License (v) /'latsns/: cdp niigp. cap dang: ky, cap quyén. lam, gi.....-.) 16. Patent \(n)\*/‘petnt/ or /‘pertnt/:» an official document granting legal right for a person to be the only. one to-make; use, or sell a product or an inyention (bang sang ché). Scanned with CamScanner Eg. The new washing powder will be immediately protected by patent. Other word forms: + Patent (adj) /‘pertnt/ = /‘petnt/: doc quyén,. cd bing sang ché; (infml) tai tinh, khéo Iéo, tinh xéo. + Patent (v) /‘peitnt/ = /‘paetnt/: ly bang sang ché, duge cép bing sang ché; phat minh. 17. Pioneer (n) /,pato'nta(r)/: a person who is the first or one of the first to develop a new product or a new way to do something (ngudi tién phong). Eg. Henry Ford is said to be a pioneer of techniques of mass production in car industry. : ; Other word forms: + Pioneer (v) /,pata'nta(r)/: tién Phong (rong a vue ‘as mo, khai pha. aH + Pioneering (adj) / paro'‘niorin/ + N (phrase: £6 tinh mo dudng, tién phong, khai pha: ro 18, Process (n) /‘prauses/: a way of doing or making things, © especially those that are used in industry (qua trinh,’svr tién’trién, quy trinh). } I evi Eg. As disputes and negotiations have slowed down’ thé? nil sii inn ip iii il lis een process, we should carefully consider cases to prevent.these, .»| “Other word form: + Process (v) / ‘ prauses/: xtrly/ ché bién (nguyen liga thd), !97 9 52 Scanned with CamScanner 19. Prototype (n) /'prautotaip/: the orgininal design of a product or thing from which other forms are copied or developed (ban mau). E.g. Researchers have developed a working prototype for a direct, compact voice translation machine. 20. Trademark (n) /'trerdma:k/ (viét tit: TM): a registered and legally protected name, symbol or design that a company uses for its products and that cannot be used by anyone else (nhn hiéu dang ky; ban quyén thuong hiéu; dac diém phan biét). E.g. The Swoosh logo is the registered trademark of American athletic shoe and clothing manufacturer, Nike. Other word forms: act viace + Trademark (v) /‘trerdma;k/; dang ky nhan higu. + Registered trademark (n) / sTedgisted “trerdma:k/; nhan hiéu thuong mai-da dugc dang ki bao h6 quyén thuong hiéu- cor PART II. PRACTICE ovni nA) 3 is Exercise. J,, Match, the, words and, phrases with,..their meanings. The process of creatively applying science, mathematical methods, and ——- Te} Rrototype fh empirical evidence to the innovation in production ‘An official document that gives the jj): holder the right to do or make 2. | Licence, B i on something 3 Scanned with CamScanner ‘A document which gives the holder the exclusive right to make, use, or sell an c 3” | Patent invention and prevents others from counterfeiting it : D An earlier version of an invention to er 4 | Pione become a final product A way of doing or making things, especially those that are used in industry 5 | Engineering E Exercise 2. Match the words and phrases on the left with the words and phrases on the right to make collocations. ft Apply for A | A prototype 2 | Hold B | Breakthrough 3 | License C | A patent 4 | Develop D | Copyright 5 | Make E | An invention Exercise 3. Fill in each gap with one suitable word. Components | Brand Creativity Trademark Licence Breakthroughs | Patent Innovation Pioneers Trademark Entrepreneur | Copyright 1. You should your invention to prevent being \counterfeited by someone else. 2. means taking an invention and developing ql two make it a commercially viable product. wid Scanned with CamScanner 3. The main are assembled in our factory in New Zealand. 4, When Dyson approached manufacturers to see if they would produce his invention under , they simply wanted to cheat him. 5. The firm will market their new computer software under its own 6. Nokia is keen to encourage since they want to reignthe world of smartphones. 7. The 20" century had seen a large number of in the search for vaccines that saved lives of millions of people all over the world. 8. Counterfeiting goods are easily to be seen in China and some countries around them like Vietnam. 9.The Michelin, . brothers — were : in manufacturing pneumatic tyres for cars. is 10. The which writers have over their work is “often ignored by those who want to profiteer from them. Exercise 4.,.Choose :the best words to, complete the sentences. 1. Companies must encourage 4if they. want to remain their competitiveness and market share. A. Innovation. B. Invention: C. Conservation D. Protection 55, Scanned with CamScanner 2, For the best chance of success, don’t forget to make a/an and stage a smart demonstration. AvInnovation B. Invention C. Presentation D. Prototype 3. He has to keep his a secret until he got the patent for it. A, Intervention B. Invention C. Innovation D. Explanation 4, The whole company are hopeful that the new model will in sales as it satisfies customer demand. make a A. Breakthrough B. Breakup C. Broke down D. Breakdown 5, Whenever photocopying from a book, think of the writers’ A. Patent B. Invention C. Copyright D. Licence 6. Colour photography named George Eastman the early A. Explorer B. Beginner C. Pioneer D. Inventor 7. The researchers the new glue completely by chance. A. Come across B. Find out C. Found out D. Figured out 56 Scanned with CamScanner 8. The R&D needs to some ideas for) a new product fast. A. Bring out 1 B. Come up with C. Come out D. bring up 9. Dyson wanted to give the manufacturers'a ’ so they could produce his invention! A. Patent B. Licence C. Invention J D. Breakthrough 10. The prototype machine was made from parts of other A. Applicants B. Appliances C. Application D. Participants 11. When is Adele her new CD album? A. Come out B. Coming out C. Coming up with D. Bringing out 12. The Walkman was “by Sony’s chairman who wanted to be’ able to play golf and listen to music at the same time. A. Invented i B. Innovated C. Established D. Separated ~ 13. One outstanding. feature of the new machine is that it can help waste during the production process. A. Cut out B. Cut down C. Reduce D. Reuse a7 Scanned with CamScanner 14. They are going to have a session this Week, They need to discuss items of the project. A. Brainstorming B. Presenting C. Talking 15. As patents need to be researcher did almost go bankrupt. D. Teaching regularly, the A. Reduced B. Modified C. Renewed D. Registered Scanned with CamScanner Unit 6 FINANCE - BANKI PART I. CHECK THE MEANING 1. Automated teller machine (n) /9:ta'mertid —‘tela(r) mo 'fi:n/: ATM is a machine ‘that dispenses cash or performs other banking services when an account holder inserts a bank card (may ATM). Eg. Can you tell me where the nearest ATM is? I need to withdraw some money. fe pe) 2. Balance (n) /‘bzlons/: a figure showing how much money there is in a bank account (sé du). “ ; Eg. After we have known the amount of money that we will need, we.can spend the balance. I mean, we can spend. the amount left. to hii a 3. Certificate of Deposit (n) /so'tifiket ev di‘pozit/i. a document that you.are, given for lending your money to a bank or financial institution for fixed period of time. (chtmg chi tién gui/ s6,tiét kigm). E.g. .Current market rates:can affect interest on variable-rate certificates of deposit. so Scanned with CamScanner 4, Clearing system (n) /‘kliorm ‘sistem /: set of arrangements, in which debts between banks are settled by adding up all the transactions in a given period and paying only the net amounts needed to balance inter — bank accounts (hé théng thanh toan ba trir). Eg. A clearing bank must join the national cheque clearin, system, and it must ensure that a payee receives the full value oj a cheque or standing order. 4 ss j 5. Credit card (n) /‘kredit ka:d/: a card that allows u users t tin dung). Eg. If your bank has below 600 points Jor credit scores, it is potentially risky to invest in your bank.” ? out of at any time with cheques and cash card (tai ‘Khoa Nc cuin'62\ (a) HeogaM to ob e in his current account, ' fog bo at moi 8. Check / Cheque (n) /fek/: a printed form that yt ‘writ on and sign as a way of paying for: sométhing ‘instead of using money (séc). \ 6n Scanned with CamScanner Eg. I don't have any cash on me, so could I pay with a/by cheque? 9, Debit card (n) /‘debit ka:d/: debit card ‘draws money directly from your checking account when you make purchases (thé ghi no). E.g. I paid with my debit card for that car. 10. Deficit (n) /‘defisit/: a situation in which money spent is more than money received (tham.hut). E.g. Unfortunately, the budget deficit has ;rocketed to: $30 billion. : 11. Deposit account (n) /d1'pozit 2,kaunt/: a bank account that pays the customers interest, in which they usually leave money for a long time (tai khoan tién giri). ; E.g. The deposit account is most\often kept by people who have to have a reserve of cash quickly available for bysiness purposes. Other word forms: 5 + Deposit (v) / di'pozit/: giri tidn. | + Depositor (n) /dr' pozitar/: ngudi gti é 12. Financial intermediary, (n) /far'nanfal into’ mi:diori /: is an institution that. specializes in. bringing lenders and, borrowers together (m6i.gidi tai chinh). Eg. A bank is a financial ‘intermediary which helps us to avoid the need of barter: 61 Scanned with CamScanner 13. Interest rate (n) /‘intrast rert/: the cost that customers have to pay when borrowing money or the money they receive when they keep their money in an account (ty 16 1ai swat). Eg. You can choose either a fixed or. floating interest rate for the loan. 14. Loan (n) /lovn/: an amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back with interest (khoan vay). Eg. Ineed to get a $60,000 loan for my start-up. Other word form: + Loan (v) something to somebody: cho vay. 15. Overdraft (n) /‘ouvadra:ft/: a deficit'in a bank account caused by drawing more ‘money. than the account holds (théu chi). ih E.g. Thewcar is so. expensive that.I have to arrange. an overdraft to pay for it. 16. Recurring deposit account (n) /r1,k3:rm di'pozit okaunt/: in recurring deposit account, a fixed amount is deposited every month for a specified period and the total amount is repaid with interest at the end of the period (tai khodti tién giri diah ky). E.g. Most banks in Vietnam, ‘both ‘private Sas well as nationalised ones, offer recurring deposit account'to customers: 17. Saving account (n)/'serviy akavnt/: an account ina bank that earns interest (tai khoan tiét kiém); E.g. Banks pay interest for the money kept insaving account. ; 69 Scanned with CamScanner 18. Surplus (n) /'ss:plos/: the amount of money one person has left when the amount of money received is greater than the amount of money spent (sé thang dw). E.g. I believe that it’s a successful company as its bank account is usuaaly in surplus. Other word form: + Surplus (n/adj) /'s3:plas/: thira, du thira. 19. Transaction (n) /tren'zekfn/:, the actin of buying ‘or selling something (su giao dich). E.g. With current account, there are no limits for the number of transactions or the amount of transactions in a day. Other word form: + Transact (v) /treen'zaekt/: giao dich. 20. Withdraw |(v) ‘/w1d'dro/: remove or take’away (money) from the bank or an account ora ‘particular place/ position (rat tién). ; ; : Eg. Withdrawing. money from credit card is charged with a very high fee. Other word form:' + Withdrawal (n) /wid'droial/: su rit tidn khéi tai khoan, tién duge rit tir tai khoan. 01 Scanned with CamScanner \0*PART'IL. PRACTICE 1 | i Exercise 1. Match the words and phrases with their definitions. : ‘A bank account that you can take money | 1 Deposit A__| from at any time and earn little or no 1 account interest > Current B An amount of money that a customer is ? account allowed to owe to the bank An occasion when money is exchanged 3. | Interest rate |.C . to buy or sell'something ‘A bank account that pays you interest and | 4. | Overdraft D z you usually leave money for a long time’ | The'money that a bank charges you when 5.,.| Transaction .| E. | you borrow, money or, pays you when you deposit money 108 Exercise 2. Match the words and phrases on the left with the words and phrases on the right to make collocations. i 1 | Take out A} Asurplus_, 2. | Make B | An overdraft 3 | Handle C | A loan: 4 | Apply for D | A deposit 5 | Run EB A transaction Scanned with CamScanner Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: . Commercial Clearing banks Interest rate | Interest Deposits and . P Savings Withdraw | Balance loans ‘Middleman Debit card Deposit ‘Account 1, A financial intermediary is an institution that acts as the between investors and firms raising funds. often referred to as financial institutions. L 2. While h offer’services to individuals, they are primarily concerned with receiving deposits and lending to businesses: ob wey 9 ‘ 3. Commercial banking may-refer to.a-bank or a division of a bank that mostly deals with “~~ % from corporations or large businesses; as opposed to normal individual members of the public. 44:9. iB 5 4. If you want to freely access your money but still want to eam some interest at the same.,.time, you. should. open: a : account, eee 5. At. the end a of ‘the year, banks often _ increase the _ to attract more deposit from customers: ~~ = - 6. Your vos “is linked with your current account, and the money will be taken directly from your account when you use it. 6s Scanned with CamScanner 7. John’s credit card limit is increased to $5,000 because he always pays it back in time. 8. You can money from the ATMs or directly from the bank counters. 9. With account, the longer you keep the money in, the more interest you get. 10. If you don’t want to owe the bank too much money, pay close attention to your credit card and try to pay it back in time. Exercise 4: Choose the best words to complete the sentences. 1. If you have money that you don’t need to spend soon and is the most suitable for you. want to save, It even gives you high interest. A. Checking account By; Recurring deposit account C. Certificate of deposit D. Current account 2. To withdraw money from the ATM, you have to insert your bank card and enter your personal A. Information B. Identification number C. Identification information D. Details : 3. You can write a/an or use your debit card to access the money in your current account. A. Note B. Form C. Cheque D. Account "6 Scanned with CamScanner 4. Some banks give you a(n) limit on your checking account, but you will have to pay interest A. Overdraft B. Transaction C. Money D. Credit card 5. Sarah wants to of $2,000 but there jsn’t any bank near her place. A. Get in a queue B. Make a deposit C. Write a cheque D. Transact 6. A is an ‘amount of‘money that you can borrow from the bank, and pay it back with interest. A. Loan » € € B. Creditscore C. Deposit D. Borrowing 7. If you have low, income, it will be difficult for you to apply fora I : ) A. Credit card a B. Credit score C. Debit card : nad? D. Deposit 8. It’s a good manner to when going to the bank, You shouldn’t interupt people who come first. A. Make a deposit “'B. Withdraw C. Get in a queue : D. Transact 9. Paying off your debt not only makes you independent from the credit card but also i increase your credit : ‘A. Score ihied ns 2 2"B Cheque C. Details D. Interest 10. Yesterday the ‘bank was so busy that the customers had to get in a long —_—__—_ 67 Scanned with CamScanner A. Overdraft B. Balance C. Queue D. Distance 11. Evan wrote a for $5,000 to pay his supplier. A. Cheque B. Overdraft C. Score D. Balance 12. A bank is any account - savings, checking or other - at a financial institution that enables) an account holder to deposit or withdraw money A. Savings account B. Deposit account C. Current account D. Checking account 13.A allows you ‘to 'transfer money electronically from one bank account to another A. Debit card B. Loan C. Interest D. Cheque 14. Up to £200 canbe day from the cash dispensers if you use this credit card A. Withdrawn B. Drew C. Paid D. Borrowed 15. is. opened by. those who want to. save certain amount of money regularly for a certain period of time and earn a higher interest rate A. Deposit account B. Current account C. Checking account D. Recurring deposit account 68 Scanned with CamScanner Unit.7 IMPORT - EXPORT PART I. CHECK THE MEANING 1. Acknowledgement (n) /ak'nolidgmont/: a letter or email to inform that something has been received (su thong bio, gidy bao cho biét da nhan). ‘ - E.g. My brother applied for four jobs but he has had only one acknowledgment so far. Other word form: + Acknowledge (v) /ok'nolid3/: théng bao} xac nhan: 2. Bill of. Lading (B/L): a document that'shows the details.of the products that are being transported by a, company, (van don/ hoa don van chuyén). . ( E.g. The buyer must : present the bill of lading in order that the goods can be released. 3. Cargo (n) /"ka:gau/: the goods carried ty a ship, plane, or other large vehicle (16 hang / hang chuyén cho/ hang 6a). E.g. The ship ‘was carrying a ‘cargo of rice. 4. Certificate of Origin: an official d jument that states where ‘al product Was’ produced,’ and by which company ‘(chimg nhan xuat xit hang héa). . 69 Scanned with CamScanner Eg. In order to prove the origin of imported goods, importers must present a certificate of origin issued by the relevant authority in the exporting country. 5. C.LF: (Cost — Insurance — Freight): the seller pays costs, freight and insurance against the buyer's risk of loss or damage in transit to destination (tién hang — bao hiém — cuéc phi). Eg. Importers usually choose to buy CIF when they are new in international trade or they have small cargo. 6. Commodity (n). /ko'mnd.o,ti/:,a substance or product that can be traded, bought, or sold (hang héa). Eg. Vietnam’s most valuable, commodities include .crude:oil and coal. 7. Consignment (n) /ken'sammont/: an amount of goods ‘that is sent somewhere (sy giti hang). | (v) mfod E.g. The most recent consignment of clothiwas in good condition. Other word forms: ne + Consign (v) /kon’ saun/: giti di (hang hoa) dé ban. + Consignee (n) /konsar'ni:/: ngudi nhan hang gti ban, nui nhan hang ky gui. + Consignor (n): ngudi giri hang ban, ngudi ky gui hang ban, 8. Customs duty (n) /‘kastomz 'dgu:ti/: a tax imposed , on imported goods (thué hai quan, thué nhap khau). Eg. Several exporters are exempt from customs, duly and VAL on imports of machinery and equipment. BON SriGrl tix 1aux nee 70 Scanned with CamScanner 9. Deregulation (n) /di:regja'leifon /: the process of removing government controls or rules from a business of other activity (sit bai bo quy dinh). E.g. Customers enjoy the freedom to shop.around for suppliers thanks to the deregulation of the market. Other word forms: \ + Deregulatory (adj) /di:regju’ leitari /: (thudc) bai bé quy dinh. + Deregulate (v) /di:'regjolert /: bai bo quy dinh: 10. Embargo (n) /im'ba:'“gau/: (n) an‘ official’ order to ‘stop trading with a particular country “or in’ particular goods ‘(su cAm van). ; Eg. Recently, they put an embargo 'on car import. Other word form: + Embargo (v) /1m'ba: gav/: Am van! 11. Fair trade / feo ‘treid/: a way of buying and selling products that makes certain that the people who produce’ the goods receive a fair price (thuong mai céng barig). Eg. The charity says’ that fair trade brings'a better standard of living for poor farmers in developing countries. + Free trade'/ fri: 'treid/: international: buying’ andselling of goods without limits on’ the quantity of goods’ that one country cansell:to another, and without taxes.on the goods bought from a foreign country (thuong mai ty do). 12.Freight (n) /frert/: goods that are carried from one place to another, by ship, aircraft, train) or truck, :or the: system: of vA Scanned with CamScanner _ transporting, these. goods (vigc chuyén cho, hang hoa (bang phuong tién tau thiy, may bay, duéng sat, ...)- E.g. Will the goods be sent by air or sea freight? Other word form: + Freight (v) /freit /: thué (tau) chuyén cho. 13. F.0.B /fob/; (Free On Board): used for stating that the seller pays for transportation of the goods to the port of shipment, plus loading costs. The buyer pays the cost of marine. freight transport, insurance, unloading, and transportation . from . the arrival port to the final destination (giao, lén tau / giao; tai man tau). Eg. At the FOB point the risk of loss passes, from the seller. to the buyer. 1 1 14. Globalize (v) /'gloubelaiz/:, to (make a, company. or system) spread or operate internationally (toan cdu héa), Eg. As the economy develops, it will continue to globalize. . Other word forms: + Globalization (n) / gleubelar'zerfan/; su.toan cau hoa: . + Global (adj) /, gleubal/; 6 tinh toan cau. 15. Irrevocable (adj). A'revakabal/ impossible ; :to.. change (khéng thé huy bé, khéng thé thay ddi duoc, khong huy ngang). E.g. It is an irrevocable decision ‘from the judge,'so-you cannot change it. pur fuOo hy 16. Liberalize (v) /‘lberelarz/: ‘remove ‘or’ loosen ‘restrictions on something (ty do héa (mau dich)). 72 Scanned with CamScanner E.g. They have signed several agreements to liberalize trade. Other word forms: + Liberalization (n) /,lrberalar'zerfon/: su mo rong ty do + Liberal (adj) / luborol/: (thudc vé) tu do 17. Merchandise (n) /'ms:tfondaiz/: goods that re bought and sold (hang hoa). E.g. Shoppers complained about poor quality merchandise and high prices. is Other word form: + Merchant (n) /‘ms:tfont/: thuong gia / nha buén. 18. Open-borders (n): a situation in sutich goods and re can enter and leave a country easily (bién giéi mé ngo / tu do bién gidi). Eg. The president acknowledged the da a an_open holder between the two countries. =| 19. Shipment (n) /'Sipment/: . aioe +The act of sending goods somewhere (su-chuyén cho hang/ aiti hing). sete let uo Eg. We are required to pay for the goods before'shipment. ~+--Goods thet is being sent- somewhere (hing héa/ chuyén hag). “ Eg. It ‘takes Dae ‘days ‘for ¢ a shipment ‘to clear airport customs. 13 Scanned with CamScanner 20. Subsidize (v) /'sabsidarz/: to give money to a person or an organization to help pay part or all of the cost of something that they do or make (tro cdp). Eg. The housing project for the poor in the rural areas was subsidized by the government. Other word forms: + Subsidization (n) /,sabsidar'zerfan/: su tro cap. + Subsidizer (n) /‘sabsidaizar/: ngudi try cAp. + Subsidy (n) /‘sabstdi/: tién tro cp. PART II. PRACTICE Exercise 1. Match the words and phrases with their meanings. An amount of goods that is sent - C A ; roe somewhere 2 | Consignment |B | Goods that are bought and sold The goods carried by a ship, plane, or. ; 3 | Merchandise | C : other large vehicle 4 | Commodity D | Goods that are being sent somewhere A substance or product that can be 5 | Shipment Bi traded, bought, or sold Exercise 2. Match the words and phrases on the left with the words and phrases on the right to make collocations. Scanned with CamScanner 1 | Accelerate A | Letter of Credit 74

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