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1. Ultimately: Cuối cùng, sau cùng (/ˈʌl.tə.mət.

Example: Ultimately, he'll have to decide.
2. Stuff: Thứ, điều (Things that someone says or does, when you are referring to
them in a general way without saying exactly what they are)
Example: Normally, you only hear negative stuff about the future.
3. Be about to do something (Phrase): Diễn tả việc gì đó sắp xảy ra (To be going to
do something very soon).
Example: I was about to leave when Mark arrived.
4. In/For the foreseeable future: Trong tương lai gần, trong khoảng thời gian mà bạn
có thể dự đoán điều gì sẽ xảy ra, dựa trên hoàn cảnh hiện tại (As far into the future
as you can imagine or plan for)
Example: I'll be living here for the foreseeable future.
5. On a daily basis: Hàng ngày
Example: I use my mobile phone on a daily basis.
6. Once in a blue moon: Không thường xuyên (Not very often)
Example: Once in a blue moon, there's an issue I can't resolve.
7. Calculation (n): Sự tính toán
Example: I’m happy to do simple calculations.
8. Complex formulas (N.Phrase): Những công thức phức tạp (Trong toán học)
Example: My brain can’t cope with some complex formulas!

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